Texas Metro News

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VOL.8 NO. 45

August 19, 2020


By Cheryl Smith


Remembering DICK GREGORY 1932-2017 “God Bless”


Please wear your mask and wash your hands!

TLBC announces George Floyd Act

for VP slot MOCCA is more than Biden chooses Senator Harris woman and the first Asian From Staff Reports Makeup and Toyota is American U.S. senator. After an unsuccessful presThe presumptive Democratic more than a Car nominee’s much-anticipated idential bid, Sen. Harris re-

Toyota Avalon

I absolutely love good corporate citizens. Too often businesses, large and small, benefit from communities but don’t do anything to enhance the lives of those who will spend their last dollar purchasing their products and services. Which brings me to my truth! When I was approached about participating in Toyota’s Entrepreneurial EnTOURage, I was excited. I am aware of Toyota’s efforts in the areas of diversity and inclusion so

Sen. Kamala Harris

mained at the top of many lists as a potential running mate for whomever was victorious in a very crowded field. The former San Francisco District Attorney and California Attorney General was optimistic after the announcement and so were others. see KAMALA, page 10

Entrepreneurs Need More Outreach, Funding, Tech Support to survive COVID & Beyond By J. CUNNINGHAM

Small business owners recovering their economic health from the onslaught of COVID-19 need solutions specifically targeted to them - like more access to capital, technical assistance and better outreach to show them how to get help. That’s according to small business advocate Regina Smith, Exec-

utive Director of the Harlem Business Alliance and a co-founder of the Black Business Empowerment Commission (BBEC) which works to advocate and support Blackowned businesses.” Smith who spoke at a virtual panel on reviving small businesses said “We absolutely have to do better,” to an audience of policymakers and entrepreneurs during the virtual panel ‘American

Resilience: The Future of Small Business,’July 31 hosted by The Hill. “Black businesses in New York City are doing horribly and I would imagine it’s the same across the nation.” Smith, who is also the executive director of the Harlem Business Alliance, said she’s been fielding calls seven days a week from ensee ENTREPRENEURS, page 9

Special to the Texas Metro News

Last week the Texas Legislative Black Caucus (TLBC) announced details for the George Floyd Act, a piece of comprehensive legislation they will file when the Texas Legislature meets again in January 2021. The law will honor the life and memory of George Floyd, a native Houstonian who died in May when a police officer knelt on his neck for eight minutes and 46 seconds. Floyd’s death sparked a nationwide rallying cry for police accountability, launching months of protests as part of a movement that has focused communities across the country on the need for swift improvements in law enforcement practices and policies. see FLOYD ACT, page 7

Breonna Taylor case spotlights Attorney General Daniel Cameron torney General assigned in May publican Trump supporter, and to the Taylor case as a special the commonwealth state’s first I WAS JUST prosecutor. He came aboard af- Republican AG in more than 70 THINKING ter the previous county attorney years. The son of a college proBy Norma Adams-Wade

see MY TRUTH, page 2

decision was announced last week to mixed reviews. Former vice president Joe Biden heeded the wishes of many as he announced the selection of Sen. Kamala Harris as his running mate. In 2017 the Howard University graduate and Oakland CA native became the second Black

Who is Daniel Cameron and what does he have to do with the Breonna Taylor case? Cameron is the Kentucky At-

Tom Wine recused himself from the controversial case because of a conflict of interest. Cameron, 34, could be viewed as a political figure at the center of a firestorm. He is Kentucky’s first Black attorney general, a Re-

fessor mother and coffeeshop owner father graduated from the University of Louisville where he played football and the Brandeis School of Law where he was Stusee THINKING, page 5

Daniel Cameron

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