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Happy Anniversary to FAMU

Class of 1980


By Cheryl Smith,


A Father’s Love As another Father’s Day is commemorated, for me it is just another day that I think about the man in my life who has had the single most impact on who I am. To say that he was an integral part of my life is a gross understatement and over-simplification. Fatherhood is not something that should be undertaken without introspection, serious reflection and sole searching.

Please wear your mask and wash your hands!

Reflecting on FATHERS

By Royce West Texas State Senator

As I reflect on the joy that I feel as a father and a proud grandfather; I can’t help but express my feelings about another father whose children are commemorating their first Father’s Day without him. Just a little over a week ago, millions around the world watched the celebration of life services for George Floyd. It was an emotional ceremony as many speakers referenced the violent death of Mr. Floyd at the hands, or should I say knee, of a Minneapolis police officer. This loss is especially tragic and alarming because of the

brutal nature of the act. Mr. Floyd’s inhumane and savage death was similar to so many others we have heard about over the past four centuries; but this time it was recorded and the world, including our children and grandchildren witnessed him taking his last

June 1 kicked off the 2020 Men’s Health Month, an annual awareness period solely dedicated to education and activities on the health and wellness of men and boys. Communities around the nation are recognizing Men’s Health Month and Men’s Health Week, a special awareness period recognized by Congress. The global activities associated

with this month-long celebration this year are more important than ever, and now include encouraging men to fight the spread of COVID -19 by seeking early treatment for symptoms, practicing safe distancing, and being a role model for their children. This year, Men’s Health Week will be celebrated June 15-21 ending on Father’s Day. The week is

Sen. Royce West

breath, begging for mercy as he called out to his mother. And just like during the civil rights protests of the 1960s when television cameras focused on protesters falling under the assaults of police officers, attack dogs and water hoses; viewers watched in horror as Derek Chauvin murdered Mr. Floyd and fellow officers did nothing to end the madness. I know the pain of losing a loved one and I am so grateful for the loving relationship my father and I shared and the wonderful memories we created before he peacefully transitioned. Mr. Floyd’s children’s last vision see FATHERS, page 2

Men’s Health Month Awareness

Alrighty, someone is saying, “It doesn’t take all that to become a father!” That assertion is accurate and guess what? While you don’t have to be a man to father a child; we all have to take responsibility for the numerous “fatherless” children brought into this world annually. Which brings me to my truth. I applaud the men who, not only father children, but also become daddies who play an important role in guiding young boys and girls. To those men who would like to be fathers, I say, show your sons see MY TRUTH, page 11

celebrated as International Men’s Health Week around the globe and Friday, June 19, 2020 is Wear Blue Day. During this time, health care professionals, private corporations, faith-based and community organizations, and government agencies plan activities that focus on the health and well-being of boys, men, and their families.

Big question for see-no-evil backup cops: Why did you not step in? by a seemingly callous White cop. Floyd died on Memorial Day, May I WAS JUST 25 after then-Minneapolis police ofTHINKING ficer Derek Chauvin pressed his knee By Norma Adams-Wade

There practically is nothing left of the George Floyd murder case that has not been exposed, explored and condemned – an unarmed and restrained Black Man mercilessly killed

to Floyd’s neck for eight minutes, 46 seconds. During that time, Floyd laid handcuffed on the ground – two other officers also holding him down, a fourth standing guard. Floyd continuously pleaded: “I can’t breathe!” see THINKING, page 6

Photo credit: LinkedIn

Terrance Hopkins, pres, Dallas Black Police Assoc.

VOL.8 NO. 36

June 17, 2020

Coronavirus in Spotlight FOCUSED By Helen Giddings

The emergence of the devastating Covid-19 crisis has forced every nation and people everywhere to recognize our interconnectedness. This Coronavirus pandemic has shifted the way we live, communicate and do business. It has cost many people their livelihoods and, as of May 28, 2020, infected almost 6 million people globally. Still growing, the heart-breaking number of deaths is more than 350,000, to date. Indeed, all of us are left with an indelible mark and forced to actively adjust financially, psychologically, and emotionally. The impact would have been greater but for the dedication, courage and resilience of so many. We all recognize Covid-19 is brutal and is challenging us in ways we never could have imagined in our lifetime. Although every ethnicity and demographic has been catastrophically affected by this disease, the elderly and people of color lead as the greatest impacted. In addition, no population in the racial identity spectrum has been hit harder than African Americans, who make up 13.4 percent of the US citizenry. According to recent national reports, African Americans are dying at three times the rate of whites. While these numbers are greatly disturbing, they are, unfortunately, not entirely see HELEN GIDDINGS, page 13

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