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Your Walk

see MY TRUTH page 12

I WAS JUST THINKING... By Norma Adams-Wade Sounds a bit downcast – depending on your perspective. This Biblical statement takes a deep look at life and concludes that all the hustle and bustle is pointless. Agree or disagree, the point provokes discussion. I was just thinking...one of the first casualties of COVID-19 was our dependence on

May 20, 2020


By Cheryl Smith, Publisher

This is a special time. Well, it was supposed to be, for the class of 2020. COVID-19, however; has changed everything and there are some very unhappy and disappointed people. Just imagine, all your young life you have heard about this wonderful time. I can remember being told, “your senior year is going to be the best year of your life.” I was also told that I was going to look back on that time and cherish the memories of prom, graduation, parties and saying goodbye to teachers, coaches and friends; some i’d probably never see again. Which brings me to my truth. I’ve heard a similar spiel about other key times in my life: Going away to college; pledging Delta Sigma Theta Sorority; obtaining the first, then the second college degree; purchasing my first car, then house; and, so on.

VOL.8 NO. 32

President Barack Obama

Dr. Michael J. Sorrell

Thanks to Paul Quinn College President Dr. Michael J. Sorrell’s visionary leadership, HBCU graduates had a special virtual commencement Saturday with President Barack Obama as the speaker, bringing a profound

message. The millions who tuned in heard President Obama tell the Class of 2020 that they should: “Ground yourself in actual communities; you can’t do it alone; build bridges.” He told the graduates that they are all role models and “the

Friends and former media colleagues react to death of beloved sports journalist Roger B. Brown By Dorothy J. Gentry Sports Editor As news hit Monday afternoon that legendary DFW sports journalist Roger B. Brown passed away days after his 61st birthday, many of his friends and former media colleagues took to social media to express their feelings about the beloved “Roger B.” “Damn. My world just got rocked 30 minutes ago when Alicia Young, the sister of sports journalist, Roger B.

Brown, called to tell me that he died today,” Roland S. Martin wrote in an Instagram post. Martin and Roger B. worked together at both KKDA Soul 73 AM and the Fort Worth StarTelegram. Martin’s Instagram post continued: “Roger suffered a stroke last week. He was in rehab today, was showing improvement, went to his room and never woke up. Roger B. Brown wasn’t just a colleague of mine at the Fort Worth

Star-Telegram and KKDA-AM, he was also my Alpha Phi Alpha brother. We were close friends. We hung out at the house, had many long, wild conversations, and we were ALWAYS there for each other. Roger B and I played phone tag on Thursday and Friday, which was his 61st birthday. I’ve listened to that voicemail twice. Damn, my friend, my frat, my colleague is gone. I’m gonna miss that Mississippi boy. RIP, Roger B.”

Roger B. In a second Instagram post minutes later, Martin wrote: “Prayers for his sister, Alicia Young, and all his fans in the D/FW area and all across the country. He was a dedicated sports journalist and a proud Alpha Phi see Roger Brown page 9

folks we’ve been waiting for to come along.” To view the celebration, log on to essence studios. com. To support our HBCUs, donate to UNCF and Thurgood Marshall College Fund: https:// hbcugrad2020.funraise. org


City of DeSoto, in partnership with IN-N-OUT Burger and the Veterans Administration, hosted a successful drive-thru Veterans Appreciation Day. Mayor Curtistene McCowan attended event where about 150 veterans and family members were served.

COVID-19 exposes our human vanity routines that make us look better than our natural selves. These practices give new meaning to enhanced beauty vs “natural beauty.” There’s an old joke about a newly-married couple. The new husband is shocked when the new wife begins to remove all her attached beauty boosters – fake hair, eyelashes, face cream, powder, eye liner, eye shadow, lipstick, pads in various places, and

Roland Martin discusses his receding hairline enhancements to hold in unwanted extra pounds. The

new husband discovered that the woman who stood before him was not the image of the woman he thought he married. The underlying message is: who are we really? For centuries different cultures have perpetuated torture practices that make no sense – foot binding in China, corsets that hindered breathing in the 1700s, giant disks that stretched lips in some African regions, and even

stiletto heels in America. On recent television talk and variety shows, newscasts, and nighttime entertainment programs, hosts reluctantly have been forced to show their true selves. Forced to shelterin-place at home, hosts lost access to hair and makeup crews – shattering illusions of beauty. There used to be a saying: “Only her hairdresser knows.” see Thinking page 5

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