My Local Village, Stockton Heath - Issue 7

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A hint of summer ■ AT last, the sun is starting to poke through the clouds, enticing us with promises of a real summer. Hopefully, it will be the start of a few months’ of glorious weather, giving us the incentive to get out and about and reexplore our surroundings. Clubs and societies will be planning lots of social events for you and your family to get involved in. Discover what’s going on in Stockton Heath in our Local News section on page 04 and find out what local children’s group, Forest Tops, are up to on page 16. It’s also a good time of year to get any household jobs completed - so you can concentrate on enjoying the great outdoors. This month, we have some great ideas on how to revamp your bathroom on page 07. And if DIY is not your forte and you need a helping hand from the experts, check out our My Local Tradesman section on page 18 which has details of local contractors in your area. With a bit of luck, the rain will stay away and we can spend lots of time in the garden. Imogen Sawyer from Lane End

Nursery has some green-fingered tips on how to create a garden which is ablaze with colour on pages 08-09. As the weather hots up, us ladies tend to splash out on a new wardrobe, not forgetting some slinky new underwear and those all-important bikinis and cozzies. Check out our feature on local lingerie and swimwear boutique, La Bonita, on page 13, for inspiration. At the end of the month, we have a bank holiday to look forward to - how will you spend yours? We have some great ideas on how to make the most of the sunshine, as well as details of local events on page 17. But if you’re taking the car, make sure your motor is well prepared read our summer motoring tips for more details on page 15. And afterwards, while you’re relaxing in your sun lounger, why not have a go at our summerthemed quiz for the chance to win a £20 Argos gift card? Happy summer!

Local news 04 Editor’s choice 05 Bathrooms 07 Gardening 08-09 La Bonita 13 Summer motoring 15 Forest Tots 16 May Day 17 My Local Tradesman 18 Competitions 19 Editor Michelle Rushton Art Editor Anne Hankinson Ad Creation Lorraine Darnell Advertising Sales Manager Viv Morgan Sales Executives Rebecca Stanley Tanya Leyshon Gemma Hopper Catherine Eades Feature Writers Emma Thompson Charlene Ugbode Photography Alan Smith Published by Trinity Mirror Cheshire Ltd Printed by Delmar Press

If you would like to advertise in our My Local Village Stockton Heath guide, please contact Rebecca Stanley on 07714 429 635, Tanya Leyshon on 01928 736 214, Gemma Hopper on 01928 736 210.


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Local news Got a story? Contact My Local Village, Charlene Ugbode, at or telephone her on 0151 330 5016

■ If you have a musician in the making then come along to Rhythm Time. Rhythm Time is a brand new class that introduces young children to instruments. There are classes for tots, from 0 to 15 months old, toddlers, from 15 months to 3 years-of-age and a preschool children aged 3 years and above. Rhythm Time takes place every Monday at St Mary


Magdalene’s Hall, from 9.40am until 10.20am. To get more information telephone Jane on 01270 529 224.

laser teeth whitening. To book an appointment give the clinic a call on 01925 261 673 and see what they can do for you.

■ PREPARE to bare that body beautiful look in time for summer, with Stockton Heath’s newest beauty clinic - Uber Beauty. This private clinic specialises in a fantastic range of beauty treatments including everything from Indian head massage to

■ THE Loch Fynn Restaurant is celebrating the seafood season with a host of fish themed events for the whole family to enjoy. The festival will take place from May 19 until May 23, so contact the restaurant on 01925 214 250 for further details.

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■ IT'S BEEN a blooming lovely spring so far, so what better time to hold the St Monica Church plant fair? This will be the 10th annual plant fair held by the church and all proceeds will be donated to the church’s mission. So if you’re thinking about some outdoor DIY to tidy up your garden, come along to see what spring time shrubs will be on offer. There will be a variety of plants to bring you green fingered gardeners a step closer to nature. The fair will take place on May 10, from 10am until 1pm. ■ IF THE spring time sunshine has got you craving some outdoor family fun then roll up your sleeves and get stuck into some outdoor events at Black Bear Park. The park is running a family themed event that will give you and your little ones the chance to learn more about the wildlife in and around the park. There will be some wonderful events such as community walks, volunteer projects, workshops and health walks, and what better time to enjoy the great outdoors than the beautiful month of May? The next event on the Black Bear calendar is scheduled to take place on Thursday, May 29, from 1.30pm until 3pm. To get more information contact the Black Bear Ranger Cabin off Loushers Lane on 01925 232 184. ■ WHAT'S missing from our village? Perhaps an art, music, dance or drama class? Well whether you want to start teaching a language class or something a little more out of the ordinary, contact the Sandy Lane Centre to start your very own session. You can rent a room and spread your skills to the rest of the community. To find out how you can run a class telephone 01925 638 836.

WIN £25!

Editor’s Choice ■ DO you love where you live? Perhaps you feel it could be improved somewhat. Or do you feel that someone in your community deserves a big pat on the back? Whatever you have to say, we would love to hear your views on life in Stockton Heath. This gives you the ideal opportunity to flag up all that is good about Stockton Heath - or get things off your chest as the case may be. And what’s more - we will pay £25 to the writer of the best letter! So there’s no excuse for not putting pen to paper. Plus, we also want to hear about your local events and gossip for our local news section. It’s the perfect noticeboard for publicising

parish and council news. We also want to hear from local schools, organisations, businesses and community groups. We welcome your opinions, whatever you have to say, so don’t be shy and get in touch with us via letter, email or fax. Write to us at: Michelle Rushton, Editor’s Choice My Local Village Stockton Heath Trinity Mirror Cheshire Commercial Editorial Unit PO Box 48, Old Hall Street Liverpool, L69 3EB Alternatively, you can email michelle.rushton@ or fax 0151 330 4924 We look forward to hearing from you!


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Clayton Furniture



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We can fit or supply “The choice is yours”. All our tradesmen are fully qualified and experienced within their trade and work to an excellent standard Guaranteed. Specialists in Bathroom and Kitchen installations all aspects of joinery with complete project management right down to the finest detail

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A contemporary design from MFI

Make a splash ■ WHETHER you prefer to bathe in relaxation or dash in and out of the shower, one thing’s for sure we all want the wow factor in our bathrooms. With the increasing amount of bathroom technology, you can now take a bath while watching your favourite soap, on TV that is! With waterproof TVs becoming quite popular the range available is growing too. Available in a selection of sizes, and colours whether it’s black, white, silver or even a ‘mirror vision’ surround, you can find one to blend with your bathroom theme perfectly. To satisfy the ever increasing demand Aquavision has introduced new waterproof HD Ready LCD televisions in five sizes, all with integrated Freeview digital. Waterproof radios and MP3 speakers are also available giving you the chance to relax with your favourite tunes or catching up on the morning’s news. It’s not just about the technology you have though, you can create a fantastic bathroom with quality fixtures and fittings in a whole range of choices, one

trend this season brings a little colour back into the bathroom setting. With the main style still firmly a white suite, bathroom cabinets and even some suites are arriving in vibrant bold colours that are sure to make a splash in the bathroom scene. But even though bold is beautiful, be careful, trends change and if you’re not planning to change your suite for a while afterwards then white is the best option with bold accessories to match, whether it’s your bath mats and towels, or even a funky spring radiator to add dimension to the room. In the last few years we’ve seen many bathrooms focusing on the range of baths available, from free-standing claw foot, spa baths, deep ovals, space-saving shower baths, this seasons focus is on wash basins. It may seem like a simple part of the suite, but the market now has a huge variety of wash basins available including natural style stone basins, sleek flat wash areas, glass bowls and ceramic in a range of shapes – round,

square, oval, long, deep or shallow – there’s plenty to choose from! There are now sinks available with taps that are eco friendly and have a special ‘ECO-Click’ water saving device built in which offers resistance to the flow, with a reportedly impressive 72 per cent reduction in water used compared to the normal flow. Similar water saving devices are also now used on many wc systems giving you a dual option, so you’re in control and can use less water when you flush. One think is for certain with the UK’s bathrooms, we’re a nation of shower lovers, with research showing almost 80 per cent of men and around 60 per cent of women prefer to have a shower than a bath. The popularity of wet rooms is a growing trend, giving you a sleek style with the whole area being tiled and water tight. Most people are now opting for more complex shower systems too, with body jets, steam showers, large rainfall showerheads, digital temperature settings and much more, meaning that you can have a truly relaxing shower with convenience too. So indulge yourself in a luxurious bathroom and it’ll soon become your favourite room to escape to.

Oval basin frm BC Design


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Shades of summer Imogen Sawyer at Lane End Nursery sheds light on how to ensure your garden is ablaze with colour - all summer long...

Primrose Hill Nurseries



■ IN May the risk of frost is finally over and it’s time to plant up baskets, pots and borders with bedding plants to give colour all summer long. If last year’s pots and baskets are looking a little sad and decrepit, there are some lovely new designs, shapes and colours for this year. If you want a modern look, try one of the new black glazed pots. Plant it with bold bright colours such as shocking pink verbena and trailing geraniums for maximum effect. These two plants mixed together are simple, easy to grow and fairly drought proof if you are not good at remembering to water! For the ‘cottage garden’ look,

All your planting needs for

Summer Colour! ✔BEDDING PLANTS ✔BASKET & PATIO PLANTS ✔ READY MADE HANGING BASKETS & PLANTERS We also refill your hanging basket & planters,

plus lots more Warrington Road, High Legh, Knutsford 5 mins from Warrington off A50 adjacent to junction 20 M6

01925 752635 OPEN MON-SAT 8.30am-5pm SUN 11.30am-5pm

choose terracotta pots and wicker baskets. These look lovely filled with herbs or even vegetables. Try a hanging basket filled with strawberries or the trailing tomato ‘tumbler’ mixed with basil, oregano and parsley. If you want to be incredibly organised, make a list of your pots and baskets and their sizes before you go plant shopping. Decide whether they are going to be in sun or shade and whether you are going to go for pastels, hot colours or just a glorious mix. Shady pots and baskets need a little more care if they are to flower freely all summer. Try begonias, impatiens (busy lizzie) and fuchsias for flowers and

UPCOMING COURSES/EVENTS • Baskets & Pots Herb Course 7th June: 2-4pm • Herbs, Bulbs,Sat Spring Bedding Cultivation and usage of both culinary • Perennials & Shrubs and medicinal herbs. £15.00 • Fruit & Ornamental Trees Lymm Open Gardens Sun 29th June: • In Garden all year roundTickets aid ofCourses St Rocco’s Hospice. see website for fullordetails from the Nursery Lymm Festival Box - £5 £1.50 • Office Get ready forAdult Mothers DayChild - Saturday 1st March Plant yourTea ownParty pot or buy oneSept ready Afternoon Sun 21st 1-4pm made. Children All proceeds to welcome St Rocco’s - Donations • EasterBaskets Pots - &Sat 15th/16th Winter Pots Sat 27 &April Sun 28 Sept: Plant own Easter pot orshow buy one Plantour a pretty pot - we’ll you ready made. Children how, just pay for the welcome ingredients Garden canphone be arranged to website help with For fullvisits details or see our Garden visitsthose can beproblem arrangedareas. to help with those problem Please for an appointment. Please for call an appointment. Old Cherry Lane Lymm, Cheshire WA13 0TA Tel: 01925 752618 E-mail:

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If you want more of a pastel mix of colours here is a recipe for a 14” hanging basket - in the centre of the compost – put one white tailing geranium, one pale pink trailing geranium, two pale pink trailing fuchsias – arranged in a square 4” across. Arrange six other trailing plants around the four central

ones –one trailing petunia – white, pink or lavender, one silver Helichrysum, one diascia (pink), one bacopa (white), one verbenda (lavender) and one nemesia (blue lagoon). Water in well and let the plants settle in for a few days before hanging up and enjoying!

Hanging Basket

add trailing nepeta, gold and silver helichrysum for foliage interest. Pots in the sun are much easier to plant as the vast majority of basket and patio plants are happiest in sun. Geraniums thrive in hot, dry spots and some varieties have wonderful leaf colour as well as flowers (see picture left). Enjoy them all summer then take them inside in autumn to enjoy as a houseplant all winter. Arctotis (venidios pictured bottom right) are also suitable for pots in the sun. Their silver foliage shows off their wonderful large daisy flowers to perfection and with names like ‘Flame’ and ‘Red Devil,’ you can guess that they are not shy little plants. As with all bedding plants, just keep taking off the old flower heads. This stops the plant producing seed heads and so it will flower again and again all summer. Always check how vigorous the trailing plants are that you buy. Trailing petunias (pictured top right) are beautiful and free flowering but one plant can cover nine square feet by the end of summer. As a result, they will swamp many more delicate varieties such as convolvulus, diascia or lotus which are ideal for smaller pots.

Trailing petunias



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L i n g e r e


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Buy the Bra get the Thong FREE.. on selected styles, while stocks last

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Lovely lingerie ■ FOR just over a year, La Bonita lingerie and swimwear boutique, has been styling the nation, and recently celebrated its first birthday with a visit from Miss Warrington. Based on Knutsford Road, Grappenhall, La Bonita owner, Linda Atkinson has been providing customers with a first class service, and will soon be releasing a loyalty club card for all you faithful customers. With a range of exclusive lines, including collections from international supermodel Caprice, with whom Linda meets a few times every year, you will definitely find what you’re looking for at this fantastic shop. Whether you’re in search of something sexy, sophisticated or simply stylish, La Bonita, which means "the beautiful one," will have something to suit your shape and style. With the success that this wonderful boutique has seen, owner Linda has been keen to

put more hard work into supporting local charities, including Breast Cancer Care and the Warrington-based branch for multiple sclerosis. More recently, La Bonita has signed up to a 12 month contract so that staff and family members working for the NHS can receive a gold card entitling them to fabulous discounts at the shop. And that is not all as Linda has been supporting more locals such as small time model, Nicola Bayling and photographer, Nick Giles, both based in the Warrington area, by hiring them to showcase the boutique's collections. With summer just around the corner, now is the perfect time to start preparing for that beach body, and La Bonita has a stunning collection of swimwear for every shape, with styles to suit all pockets. The variety of brands just keep on coming as this stylish shop continues to grow, and for those

of you looking for that special gift for a loved one, why not use the gift wrap service available? You can have your gift wrapped to perfection. There is also a Young Exclusive Women Only (YEWO) range now available for those of you who prefer something a little more daring. Linda says: “People have commented on the huge variety of brands that we sell, saying that it is like walking into a sweet shop. And you certainly will be spoilt for choice.” La Bonita also has a fantastic online service with customers shopping from the UK, Poland, Sweden, Singapore and the USA, so visit to view the fantastic collection. So whether you’re looking for some night time lingerie for a romantic occasion or a gorgeous bikini to show off on the beach, La Bonita has it all. Telephone 01925 212 937 or visit the shop to find out more.


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Don’t cast off - care in the sun ■ THE school holidays mean that lots of families will take advantage of the hot weather by spending days at the seaside or in the country. During the summer, RAC patrols attend many breakdowns caused by the hot weather, including overheating engines as well as battery and tyre related problems. Many problems could be easily avoided by carrying out a few simple checks:-

Before starting on a journey:• Check your vehicle is regularly serviced. • Ensure oil and water levels are topped up correctly. • Do not fill the fuel tank to the brim on especially hot days. As with most liquids fuel will expand. This could lead to fuel leaking out of the filler neck of the fuel tank or breather. • Check your battery, topping it up with distilled water if necessary. Connections should be tight and free from corrosion • Tyre condition should be checked for pressure and legal tread depth. The greater the depth, the more efficient the tyre. • If you plan to tow a caravan, ensure it's safe to tow. Pay particular attention to the state of brakes and tyres. • Never overload your vehicle or caravan beyond their designed carrying capacity. Consult your owner's manual. If you are in any doubt, you can get your vehicle weighed at a local weighbridge.

And when you are on your journey: • Don't become dehydrated. Ensure that you take plenty of fluids and something to eat. • If a pet is travelling with you, make sure you incorporate regular breaks as they can become sick and distressed during long journeys. In hot weather, do not leave your pet in the car. • Always remember to leave plenty of room between you and the car in front. When your car is loaded, its braking

distance will be increased. • Try to make your journey more enjoyable. • View it as part of the holiday rather than just the means of getting there and back, and use the opportunity to stop off and see places of interest en route. • Remember that on long motorway journeys it is advisable to pull into motorway service areas for regular breaks.


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Woodland wonder ■ IF you would like your children to learn all about forest life, whilst having lots of fun, exercise and fresh air, then bring them along to Forest Tots. Run by Helen Smith and Shila Burnell, Forest Tots is a fabulous way for two to five-year-olds to discover what goes on in the woodlands. Helen explained: "Forest Tots was originally started up seven years ago by the Forestry Commission at Delamere Forest. I took my two daughters there for two years and we all thought it was the best pre-school activity around." The families attending Forest Tots were bitterly disappointed when the Forestry Commission decided to close the group down last year. Despite being a full time mum to two pre-school children, Helen started up Forest Tots again in September 2007 with mum and Blue Bear playbarn owner, Shila, who organises the financial and


membership side. They found there was still great demand for Forest Tots and by Christmas, had filled all 40 places at Delamere Forest and started searching for new sites. Norton Priory in Sandymoor, Runcorn, was perfect and had very enthusiastic staff and wonderful facilities. Helen explained: "It is like a secret woodland garden hidden in Runcorn and is very close to Warrington." "We are trying to attract children, from 18 months to five years, to come and learn about the woodland habitat through fun play sessions,” "After singing a welcome to the forest, the children collect forest treasure and use it to make crafts and pictures. We go bug hunting, pond dipping, tree planting and much more." So if you and your little ones fancy getting closer to nature, take them along to Forest Tots. Sessions are held term time

every Tuesday at Norton Priory from 10am to 11am and at Delamere Forest on Wednesdays from 9.30am to 10.30am and 11am to 12noon and cost £4. To book a place, telephone Helen on 07784 090575 or Shila on 0734901700 or email

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Family fun Charlene Ugbode has some great ideas for the bank holiday weekend ■ WITH the spring bank holiday just around the corner, it’s time to start planning your three-day weekend with fantastic fun for the whole family. With our extra exciting family guide, you’ll be able to find lots of fascinating places to take your family, and even if you’re on a budget, we have something for you. The spring time weather forecast is looking good and a little bit of sunshine puts everyone in a good mood, so get your kids down to Black Bear park where they can enjoy countless hours scouring the nature trails

and discovering an abundance of wildlife creatures. Alternatively, Walton Gardens is not too far away, and with an on-site zoo, a crazy golf course and a fantastic nine-hole golf course, there is lots of fun to be had. It’s also a sure fire way to ensure your kids use up all of that extra energy and get a sound night's sleep. Stockton Heath has a variety of eateries including chic cafes, modern restaurants and traditional pubs, so why bother cooking over the weekend when you can eat out and avoid cleaning dirty dishes? You’ll find a variety of places to suit all budgets and tastes, including fine Mediterranean restaurants, British pubs serving home-made grub and a selection of eateries selling speciality sea food dishes.

Now is the time of year when people tend to get in touch with their sporty side, so why not take a trip to one of your local leisure centres? The tennis club will get you well and truly prepared for Wimbledon, so try your hand at a few lessons. Avoid indoor DIY jobs this bank holiday and get in the garden to make the most of the sunshine. This is a great way for kids to get involved with small gardening jobs, so whilst you mow the lawn they can plant some pots! You can buy plastic trowels for small children and they can make the most out of getting muddy without being told off. So, to make the most out of your three-day weekend this month, get outside and enjoy the great outdoors, and make sure you keep your fingers crossed for the sunshine. Psst! Don’t forget to check out our local news page to find out what else is happening in the village.


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My Local Tradesman ■ THE sunlight has started to slowly seep back into our homes casting a spotlight on those problem areas that need a little attention. It’s time to clear out the clutter and spruce up our homes and gardens to enjoy during the summer months. Whether you need to embark on a little light decoration and general maintenance work, or more dramatic projects, such as extending your property, a loft conversion, or landscaping your garden, you will find everything you could possibly need on your doorstep. For home DIY projects, local shops will stock all the tools and equipment you

need from paints and brushes to tiles and grouting. But for those larger projects – it’s time to bring in the experts. Local businesses can lend a hand when it comes to plastering, guttering, electrical, insulation, flooring, double glazing and much more. Contractors in your area will ensure that your home improvements are carried out safely. And if you are a local firm and wish to advertise your services in this section, telephone My Local Village sales executives Tanya Leyshon on 01928 736214 and Gemma Hopper on 01925 736210.

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at Delamere Forest and Norton Priory Educational play session for 2 to 5 year olds led by Forest rangers! Forest Treasure Collecting - Bug Hunting - Pond Dipping - Singing - Craft making Learn about the woodland habitat at Forest Tots Every Tuesday and Wednesday mornings 9.30-10.30am and 11.00-12.00pm £4 per session (payable termly) To book you place, please call 07834 901700 or Email

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Competition time! Go undercover La Bonita is offering one lucky reader the chance to win ÂŁ25 worth of vouchers to spend in the boutique. All you need to do is answer the following question:

Question What does La Bonita mean in English?

The heat is on AT the My Local Village HQ, we are all getting very excited about the prospect of some sunshine. To get you in the mood for summer try our hot quiz with a chance to win a ÂŁ20 Argos giftcard... 1) Who wrote "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?" in his work, Sonnet 18? a) William Wordsworth b) John Milton c) Henry Vaughn d) William Shakespeare

2) In which summer did the Battle of Britain commence? a) June 1952 b) August 1931 c) July 1940 d) June 1967 3) Which Pretty Woman stars reunited in the summer film The Runaway Bride? a) Tom Cruise & Renee Zellweger b) Julia Roberts & Richard Gere c) Matthew McConaughey & Sandra Bullock d) Catherine Zeta Jones & Jim Carey

4) The hours of the day when you are most at risk from the sun's rays are: a) 10am to 4pm b) 8am to 1pm c) 7am to 12pm d) None of the above 5) In the summer of love, 1967, which singer made her debut as an actress in the film "To Sir with Love"? a) Janis Joplin b) Lulu c) Stevie Nicks d) Cher

Send your answers on a postcard to: Charlene Ugbode, My Local Village Stockton Heath, Trinity Mirror Cheshire, Commercial Editorial Unit, PO Box 48, Old Hall Street, Liverpool, L69 3EB or email them to 19

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