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4.3.6. Repair Shops, Resting Places and other Facilities

4.3.6. Repair Shops, Resting Places and other Facilities Repair Shops

A database has been created of shops offering sale, repair and rentals of cycles, as part of the surveys done for the Pune Cycle Plan. The map in Figure 57 shows the location of shops around the city, based on the surveys done from September to December 2016.


One of the oldest cycle shop at Nagar Road is being run by the third generation in the family. Till around 15-20 years before, there were about 100 cycles, being rented daily, most customers being workers. But the numbers have been dwindling since then, and now the shop has around only 10-15 cycles left for rentals. As such, the owner relies on other sources of income to meet his needs. About 168 cycle shops were surveyed and interviewed around the city, of which, 2 are only retail shops, and 79 shops are only repair shops. About 31 shops provide repair & retail services, and 6 shops provide repair & rental services. The remaining shops provide all the three services, Repair, Rental and Retail.

Although the survey was conducted recently, the data needs to be updated frequently as new shops keep opening up in the city, while some shops shut down.

Resting Places/ Cycle Zones/ Spots

It is recommended that all along the cycle network, small and large resting places/ zones should be created for cyclists. These may range from one bench and a rain shade to more elaborate stands and rain shelters with drinking water dispensers/ ATMs and air pumps. Such spots could also help encourage non-cyclists to take a recreational ride, and help generate interest in cycling and understanding the benefits to individuals and to the city.

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