CHIARA SANGERMANI Interior | Landscape | Environmental Design Design Portfolio
Politecnico di Milano & Tsinghua University | Master’s Degree | 2019-20 | Thesis Poject | G. Piccinno, Y. Guan
GESTURES OF VOID + Academic research + Concept ideation + Project development
Representative views.
The research explores the possibility to transform sleeping spaces into living places by using void as a design method. In order to do this, the significance of the theme of void was explored from a conceptual point of view by analysing its development both in Western and Eastern cultures. The research takes into consideration both the modern and contemporary architectural scenarios, as well as other fields of knowledge such as ancient Greek and Chinese philosophies, sociological studies and the arts. Starting from this, the research focused on the possible applications of void in the field of spatial design. Void, indeed, is defined as a shelter-space that can host different scenarios and adapt to the needs of people experiencing it. As a result of the analysis, four gestures were defined to express the different potentialities of void as a tool for designing spaces.
The project develops in the context of Autodromo Nazionale Monza, near the the city of Monza - Italy, on the idea of restoring the old visual perspective telescopes of the park, which had been destroyed by the construction of new elements inside the Autodromo, and new imaginary axes to connect some interesting areas that are left unexploited. Starting from these axes, the project extends in the Northern part of the park, connecting, both visually and physically, the different areas. The project includes different elements, which are based on the application of the gestures identified as a design strategy. The systemic intervention develops as a linear connection between two areas, crossing the old Sopraelevata circuit.
Masterplan of the space.
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Representative views.
The entrance to the main plaza is defined by a series of five gates that express the application of void. The design of the shape is inspired by the classical Greek architectural elements and recalls an ancient principle of Chinese philosophy expressed by Taoism. According to this principle, the solid represents the shape of an object, but it is only thanks to the void that the object has its function. The example of the arch perfectly fits the theory: the solid defines its shape and aesthetical features but the real meaning of the arch stands in its void space. Moreover, the arch is a metaphorical representation of imaginary connections to other worlds. It provides new perspectives and visions in the landscape by enhancing specific point of view according to the position where it is located and it is observed from. Each gate is 5 metres high and it is supported by a stainless steel grid that, again, supports the other elements. The front sides, 4 metres long, are covered with three layers of metal meshes. The juxtaposition of the three meshes, provided with different densities, create a perspective-changing effect of solid-void.
Politecnico di Milano | Master’s Degree | 2018-19 | Landscape and Interior-Spatial Design 2 | F. Bolelli, A. Biamonti, R. Colombo
FIGHT OR FLY + Concept Ideation + Visual Comunication + Model Making
Masterplan of the space.
I N F L ATA B L E S run! fight! jump!
The course deals with the idea of creating a urban masterplan for Piazzale Lotto in Milan, Italy, taking inspiration from a human emotion or sensation. In this case, adrenaline is an hormone released by the body in response to a dangerous situation that triggers a physiological response of the body. The concept for the project is the adrenaline rush, a physical mechanism of human body that appears in specific situations, such as in case of fear, competitive games, height and fight. In these situations senses are amplified or inhibited, the muscle performance improves and focus increases.
In terms of shape the project is developed as a reticulum of neurons-like spaces in which the activity actually happens and a net ispired by dendrites with the function of connecting all the spaces together. Two overlapped layers were created: the lower level is composed by the inflatable structures in which the activities which purpose is to create into the users different kinds of adrenaline rushes happen; the upper level is made by a big net which covers all the square and contributes in creating a new way of living the urban space, from a different point of view. Four types of experiences were created to make users feel different sensations: each action makes people feel a different kind of adrenaline. Each one happen in a different transparent inflatable structure, which is contained in big transparent shapes and red metal beams that characterize the entire landscape.
Representative views.
Politecnico di Milano | Master’s Degree | 2018-19 | Workshop Climate Performance | C. Morbi, M. Jatsch (from Martha Schwarz Partners)
BARE LAND + Concept Ideation + Visual Comunication + Model Making
The workshop took place at Politecnico di Milano in a collaboration with the international studio of landscape architecture Martha Schwarz Partners, with visiting professor Markus Jatsch. The aim of this two-weeks course was to study, understand and work on one particular environmental issue. The theme chosen for the project regards tar sands, also called oil sands, which is a huge problem for the Earth, but still very unknown. In fact, tar sands excavation is one of the main pollution sources for the planet. Starting from this point, and analyzing how the whole process is done, the project was aimed at involving people in this delicate topic. The installation takes place in the centre of Milan, Italy, in one of the most attended pedestrian areas of the city, right in front of Sforzesco Castle.
Representative view of the installation.
Representative collage.
It is a big expanse of natural sand, which gets black and dirty as people walk on it. In fact, thanks to a system made like a sponge that is hidden under the sand, the black fluid slowly comes up when it gets pushed by people walking. The black fluid, which is the symbol of petroleum that comes up from the ground during tar sands excavation, is a particular kind of paint called AirLite. As it comes up in the sand and gets dry, it produces a dualistic effect: on the one hand, it represents oil that is being extracted; on the other hand, it has a powerful effect on the environment by cleaning the air from pollution. As the days pass, more and more people will walk on the installation and, thanks to their feet, spread this paint also around the installation. In this sense, people will produce more and more pollution in the city but also cleaning the air at the same time. At the end of the installation, which is supposed to last for a maximum of two months, the sand will be removed and a frame of black footprints will remind of the void that tar sands create on the Earth. The dismissed black sand will be recycled to create urban furniture that will resettle the original space, both providing memory of the tar sands but also becoming a sort of black lung for the whole city.
Photos of the maquette showing the process.
Politecnico di Milano | Master’s Degree | 2018-19 | Landscape and Interior-Spatial Design 1 | G. Piccinno, C. Morbi, O. Pogliani, M. Barsottini
(UN) TOUCHED + Concept Ideation + Technical Supervision + Model Making
Representative images showing the development of the concept from the idea of the train and the night effect on the structures.
This course was aimed at designing a regeneration project for Scalo Farini, and old abandoned area in the middle of Milan, Italy. As for a main concept, the idea of the hand is the symbol of connection and bonding between the city and the Scalo Farini. Therefore, the concept of the project turned to be focused on the idea of untouching, which is represented as a soft intervention on the site, as well as by analogical or digital interaction of the user with the space. As a development of the untouched concept, both the paths and the structures were designed to be multifunctional areas in which people can enjoy different activities. On the one hand, the overlapped paths are linear connections that lead the users from outside to the warehouse, in the centre of Scalo Farini. While walking along the three paths, it is possible to enjoy the different activities that are provided. All functions on the paths were divided by taking reference to the hand shape, which means they are connected according to the palm lines meanings. On the other hand, the structures, which are located in the middle of the area, become the spaces for new experiences and relationships.
Representative images of the paths.
Rendering of one of the structures.
Politecnico di Milano | Bachelor’s Degree | 2016-17 | Interior Design Studio | F. Bolelli, A. Biamonti, A. Anzani
TOUCH IN LAB + Concept Ideation + Visual Communication + Video Making
Sketch of the structure on the rooftop.
During the course the theme of regeneration of abandoned spaces was studied, also by analysing different case studies and personal exercises. The aim of the final project regards this contents, as the aim was the regeneration of Torre Galfa in Milan, Italy. The tower is divided in different parts belonging to the human body, starting from the shape and proportion of a man with raised arms, and then divided into the groups assigning each team a different part of the body to be the theme to develop in the project. By doing so, to the last two floors of the tower, which has a total of 30 floors and an accessible rooftop, was given the theme of the hands. Starting from the first briefing, a special concept to enhance at its best this delicate part of the body. In this way, the hands become the tool for making, dancing, loving, fighting. In the space many different rooms are alternated and become, thanks to specific functions, the main characters of the actions performed by different users.
Selected frames of the video.
Politecnico di Milano | Bachelor’s Degree | 2017-18 | Workshop Placemaking in Practice | D. E. Fern (from Middlesex University)
ESSEN(S)E + Concept Ideation + Visual Communication + Model Making
First sketches.
The workshop, held by the visitor professor David Fern from Middlesex University, was aimed at designing a sensorial pop-up store in the city centre of Milan, Italy. Therefore, it was decided to enhance the sense of smell, creating a space dedicated to the fragrances. The concept, indeed, comes from the idea of creating an unconventional florist’s shop in Loggia dei Mercanti, near Piazza Duomo. The space is devoted to the selling of flowers but, on the contrary of the traditional shops, there are no flowers exhibited. The structure, composed by white, fluid and fragment-shaped plates, seem to be floating in the space, whereas the shape was designed starting from a flower seen from the top. Enterting the space, the user is buried in the first area in which many small glass bulbs are hanging from the ceiling. By getting closer, it is possible to smell the fragrance in order to choose the flower to buy or to make a bunch of flowers. The selling area is located in the second area of the space, which is hidden to the user thanks to a part of the structure itself coming out of the wall.
Elevation of the space with context (original drawings by courtesy of Alice Zingales).
Representative view of the space.
Politecnico di Milano | Bachelor’s Degree | 2018-19 | Thesis Project | A. Manfredi
& GO + Concept Ideation + Visual Communication + Technical Supervision + Model Making
Rendering of the space.
Plan, sections and elevation.
Starting from the analysis of the area around Via Paolo Sarpi in Milan, Italy, led during the semester, the thesis project ended up in a three-service hybrid space composed by a take-away for both food and hot drinks, supplied by the shops and groceries along the street; public bathrooms, equipped with shower and all comforts; a service of automatic lockers that have many types of usage, from the storage of luggage to the delivery of post packages or the refrigeration of the shopping. The concept comes from the idea of speed up the user and it is reproduced into the space using fluid shape and horizontal lines. These are used along the walls thanks to a drywall structure which was specially designed for the project. The colours mostly used are white, black and yellow: this choice comes from a research of many case studies and the inspiration from the world of motors. For the development of the concept and the division of the spaces also the pit lane and two artistic schools were analysed, bolidism and streamline.
Plan of the services. 22
Pick&Go, a service of take-away for food and hot drinks, is all managed by using an app and let the user book a box, choosing between many made-up with products coming from the shops of the street and collect it at the chosen time without losing time, simply going to the take-away window. The user, indeed, can pick his box just showing the code he received on the phone, since all the booking phase and payment is managed through the app. The space of Pick&Go is specially studied to guarantee to the employee the best and fastest service and comfort. Therefore, the space is divided into three areas: the first one overlooks Via Paolo Sarpi, and it is used a delivery area; the area behind is dedicated to the composition of the boxes and preparation of hot drinks; the thirs area is the warehouse. The second service, instead, consists of four “public-private” bathrooms, called Wash&Go, equipped with shower, washbasin, wc and all comforts. In fact, the idea is to give the user a full service that can make him feel as if he was at home. Into each bathroom, as well bookable using the app, the user can find, beyond the typical welcome kit, also some extra kits that can be usable, for a fee, in case of need. The interior spaces were designed to be in continuity with the outer corridor: the black stripes run along the walls and become the different parts of the furniture, in some cases also hosting some hidden drawers for extra accessories. Moreover, a warehouse is provided to keep all the extra kits and the equipment for the cleaning service. The third service, which is called Leave&Go, is composed by a series of lockers, made of many different typologies that were specially studied for the users. The long wall was designed to host lockers of different types but also dimensions. In particular, the types include refrigerated lockers for the storage of food and shopping, and neutral lockers used both for the storage of luggage or other objects and for the delivery of packages. Booking and usage are both managed by the app which, through a specific central software, is able to manage the whole service and the single locker itself. The space was studied to be melted with the surrounding: the wall of lockers is as well all black in order not to stop the chromatic continuity of the shape of the wall in the long corridor.
Renderings of the different spaces. 23
Politecnico di Milano | Master’s Degree | 2018-19 | Workshop 10 Complements x 10 Rooms with Assaredo | G. Piccinno, F. Zurlo
BEAT IN LOOM + Concept Ideation + Visual Communication + Model Making
Representative views of the space.
The workshop was the result of a cooperation between Politecnico di Milano and AssArredo, in order to design a stand for a real company in occasion of the event of Milan Design Week 2019. The client chosen is Opificio Serico, a textile company of Turin, Italy, which has a very long and precious handicraft tradition in its field but also an innovative approach to design custom-made and matchable collections. In order to enhance these two qualities the concept was focused in showing the process from the very first wire, to the fabric and to the final product. By doing so, the space was organized to have a complete view of the entire processing: coming from the outside of the 3x3 meters stand many colorful reels are hanged to the wall and guide the users inside the space. There, they can find a sound bar which spreads all over a specific-designed sound, combining together the typical noise of the textile factory with modern digital sounds. All around the walls, many fabrics are hanged in a sort of mix&match showing. In the last corner, those fabrics transform into hexagonal panels which are the very final product of the company. Moreover, since all the personalization aspects of the product are importart for the company, a very simple wireframe element is located in the middle of the room. Thanks to small magnets that are hidden into the fabric pieces, the user is able to experiment by himself the mix&match of all the differet textiles, simply by attatching them to the metallic element and composing a personalized object.
Politecnico di Milano | Bachelor’s Degree | 2017-18 | Metaproject Studio | F. Scullica, E. Elgani, M. De Allegri, A. Zanetta
iWAY HOTEL + Concept Ideation + Visual Communication + Technical Supervision
Plan with context.
The project develops on both levels of Spazio MIL, in Sesto San Giovanni, near Milan, Italy. The company which was studied for the concept phase was Lonely Planet, an Australian publishing house very wellknown all over the world thank to its guidebooks whereas the target user selected is the back-packer. The concept, indeed, comes from the idea of traveling and exploring, in order to create a custom-made space, which can be both dynamic and experiential. The new space presents a hotel area with 20 themed rooms, each one inspired to a different Italian region, a typical restaurant, as well with regional inspiration, a co-working area, a co-living area and a reception. Moreover, the offices of the company Lonely Planet, a service of consultancy and a school for touristic guides are provided. In this way, a new hybrid space between hospitality and work is created. The hotel area is located into a huge space which is the cornerstone of the whole building. The rooms are created with white parallelepipeds that are dislocated into the space in an irregular way: whereas from the outside they look very similar to each other, inside they are all different colored according to the Italian region themes. They all have a standardized structure with three different heights and can host up to 5 guests. They are all equipped with bathroom and windows which are hidden from the ouside.
Representative views of the space.
Politecnico di Milano | Bachelor’s Degree | 2015-16 | Visual Elements Studio | G. Piccinno
UWAY + Concept Ideation + Visual Communication + Model Making
Photos of the maquette.
During the course, many different case studies, dealing with the perception of space, were studied and analysed. The aim of the studio was to design a public installation, either temporary or not, based on the themes of visual perception. The project, designed for the seafront of Riccione, Italy, consists of a U-shaped path, bordered with two lines of colorful poles. Into this space, a multifunctional area is created in order to let the citizens to escape from the chaos of the city and relax. From the exterior, above all during the night, it is possible to enjoy the lighting of the installation, which seems to be floating. The path is created by 34 poles made of orange glass fiber, containing led light and covered at the edges by black aluminium bands. They are made in two different heights, taller in the outer line and shorter in the inner line. The path made of poles isolates from the city to re-create an area in which everything is dealing with the relaxing and sensorial experience. In fact, beyond the sight, even touch, thanks to the heat produced by the poles, and hearing are satisfied. Indeed, the poles are inside equipped with thin and light membrane which, due to the wind passing through some holes at the edges, produce a soft and gentle sound.
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