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FREE | VOL 59 | ISSUE 51 w Week of March 13, 2024 P2 P8 C WEEKLY CHATHAM P2 P5 Tonya Weatherly, Principal of Ruggles Elementary S.T.E.A.M. School, is one of the subjects of Artist Kristen Williams’ Unsung Heroes Art Exhibit. PHOTO PROVIDED BY GREATER CHATHAM INITIATIVE. Rev. Joseph B. Gordon, Pastor of CME Carter Temple, is one of the subjects of Artist Kristen Williams’ Unsung Heroes Art Exhibit. PHOTO PROVIDED BY GREATER CHATHAM INITIATIVE.
Williams is
exhibition is on
at Mahalia’s, which is located at 735 E. 79th St. Rucker Roots Elevates Natural Hair Care Availability in Select Walmart Stores Chicago Public Schools Celebrates School Social Worker Week BUSINESS P4 United Airlines Names Rosalind Brewer to Board of Directors
using her talents as an artist to highlight community leaders and memorialize them with portraits for an art exhibit.
Unsung Heroes


WASHINGTON, D.C. — Congresswoman Robin Kelly (IL-02) issued a letter to U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Director Chiquita Brooks-LaSure to call upon the agency to approve Illinois’s application for a Section 115 Demonstration Waiver. The letter was signed by every Democratic member of Illinois’s House delegation.

The waiver would enable Illinois to utilize the Medicaid program to address a broad spectrum of public health challenges, including preventing gun violence and maternal mortality, which Congresswoman Kelly has championed during her 11 years in Congress.

Additionally, the waiver would expand access to food is medicine interventions, such as medically tailored meals, produce prescriptions, and assistance accessing benefits and nutritious food options for at-risk populations to help prevent, manage, and treat diet-related diseases. The waiver would also provide resources to address homelessness, opioid addiction, chronic disease, and other wraparound support needs.

“Throughout Illinois, an estimated 400,000 of our constituents would benefit from the package of authorities and services that are proposed in the State of Illinois’ Section 1115 Demonstration Waiver. Through our collective efforts, Illinois has made significant progress in addressing the confluence of social determinants of health that fuel racial and ethnic health disparities that contribute to rising health care costs. To propel these efforts forward and unlock transformative, community driven solutions by incorporating stakeholders outside of the traditional health care system, CMS can help Medicaid beneficiaries across Illinois by approving the 1115 Demonstration Waiver,” the lawmakers wrote.


CHICAGO — City Colleges of Chicago announced it will join the Urban Institute’s launch of a new college community of practice, featuring a cohort of eight grantee colleges and universities and one citywide college system, to improve data collection on college students who are parents as part of the Data-to-Action Campaign for Parenting Students.

City Colleges of Chicago will work to collect data on parenting and single-mother students in its college data systems and use the data to support students and their educational goals.

The nine grantees are:

• Bakersfield College – Bakersfield, CA

• California Polytechnic University – San Luis Obispo, CA

• California State University – Channel Islands, CA

• City Colleges of Chicago – Chicago, IL

• Klamath Community College – Klamath Falls, OR

• Lane Community College – Eugene, OR

• Rogue Community College – Grants Pass, OR

• Southwestern Oregon Community College – Coos Bay, OR

• Treasure Valley Community College – Ontario, OR

The Urban team will work with City Colleges of Chicago to help inform, guide, and steward the implementation of parenting status data collection and strategies to use these data to support students.

The grantees are in states that have passed legislation allowing them to collect all college students’ parenting status at the student-record level, with the goal of improving higher education outcomes.

City Colleges of Chicago will receive $50,000 annually for two years through Urban, with funding from ECMC Foundation, the Ford Family Foundation, and Lumina Foundation.

Grantees will also receive peer learning opportunities, technical assistance, and coaching via the college community of practice. Lessons from this cohort will inform practices for other colleges, universities, and systems outside the community of practice, as well as state and federal policymakers, in terms of how to count, understand, and support parenting students–especially those who are single mothers.

A related brief by Urban researchers examines the current state of data collection on postsecondary students with children. The work relates closely to Urban’s earlier Student-Parent Families at the Center project as well as the cross-organizational Student-Parent Action through Research Knowledge (SPARK) Collaborative.

Unsung Heroes Are The Subject Of Art Exhibit

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Williams has participated with Greater Chatham Initiative’s Artists on the 9ine for two years. Williams said her experience as a featured artist with Artists on the 9ine has been really good. She expected it to be just a place to paint, but she’s also found community and a place to collaborate with other artists.

“It’s been a lot more than just a place to paint and it’s been a really good experience, just working with the Greater Chatham Initiative. I feel like they’re doing a lot of really great things in Chatham and trying to make the corridor between 79th and State and 79th and Cottage (Grove) better and make Chatham what it once was, which is a community of people who care and are hard workers,” Williams said.

Neighborhood Housing Services.

Williams said once she was able to sit down and speak with the people, she was going to create portraits of, she found out why they were highly recommended.

“They all are very passionate in their mission and their goal is to serve the community through their passion. All of them are deeply committed to serving the community through what they love,” she said.

It took Williams a year to create the portraits. Each one of the eight portraits are different sizes. At first, she wanted all of them to be very large. After the first couple of portraits, she decided not to make them too large.

Williams said some of the people saw their portraits before the unveiling, which took place in late February. During the unveiling, Williams said there were “oohs and aahs” when people saw the portraits. She said the event was very high energy, with flashes from cameras.

Williams was able to create the exhibition because of the Ignite Fund award, a program administered by 3Arts and supported by The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts. She had the vision and the idea to paint people in the community, but she didn’t know where to start. The Greater Chatham Initiative helped her identify people and take her idea to the next level.

Williams created the portraits of Joseph Caldwell, Owner of Tailor Rite Cleaners; Spencer Leak, Sr., Owner of Leak and Sons Funeral Home; Tonya Weatherly, Principal at Ruggles Elementary S.T.E.A.M. School; the Rev. Joseph B. Gordon, Pastor at CME Carter Temple; Josephine Wade, Owner of Josephine’s Cooking Restaurant; Stephanie Hart, Owner of Hart Corporation; Mitchell Smith, Branch Manager at the Whitney M. Young, Jr. Chicago Public Library Branch; and Tiffany Smith, Associate Director of

“When you’re painting a person that’s alive, you’re subject to scrutiny and criticism. Everyone seemed to be excited and super happy about how I painted them,” she said.

The paintings will be on display in the windows of Mahalia’s. Nedra Sims Fears, Executive Director of Greater Chatham Initiative, said the portraits will be turned into banners and will serve as decoration in the neighborhood.

“Here is an opportunity to celebrate and recognize those who are among us and do the work day in and day out,” she said, adding that she would like to see the exhibit and the people depicted go other places. “We believe that being able to see the portraits and hear the stories really provides great context.”

For more information about Greater Chatham Initiative, visit

Chicago Public Schools Celebrates School Social Worker Week

CHICAGO — Chicago Public Schools (CPS) is uplifting more than 600 school social workers and nearly 50 school social worker interns across the District who work and advocate with students, families, and teachers to ensure that every student has the support they need and deserve to succeed every day. The United States formally established National Social Work Month in 1984 and school social workers are recognized during the first full week of March.

“Our social workers deliver vital support to our students that set up students for success,” said CPS CEO Pedro Martinez. “We are grateful to take this moment to celebrate all our social workers for their dedication to our students, their families, and our schools.”

School social workers help ensure students get the services and support to develop vital life skills. Social workers help students emotionally show up ready to succeed. They may help students process trauma or grief, work to remove barriers to students’ education, or advocate with parents and others to ensure students with disabilities have the support they are entitled to under the law and need to succeed, among many other supports.

“School social work has been a fantastic way for me to serve the students of McKay,” said Aisha Kinslow, a social worker for 11 years at McKay Elementary on the city’s Southwest side. “I’ve been able to connect with not only our scholars but also the community as a whole. The role of a social worker is critical because we serve as a connector to different resources that benefit our student and family communities.”

Although school social workers are housed under the Dis-

trict’s Office of Diverse Learner Supports and Services (ODLSS), school social workers provide services for all students. Thanks to a recent grant, ODLSS launched a lending library with more than 3,000 unique pieces that school social workers can request to be delivered to their school to use to support students.

There are more than 600 school social workers and nearly 50 school social worker interns supporting every school in the District. The number of social workers has increased by more than 60 percent over the past six years. The District provides social workers with ongoing support, including mentoring, checkins, and surveys as well as professional development.

CPS received a $15 million grant this school year from the U.S. Department of Education; ODLSS plans to use part of that funding to boost school social worker retention further.

The District’s school social worker Internship is a paid, year-long competitive internship. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis and can be submitted via this form. Many school social workers are recruited from the internship program. Interns receive mentoring and support beginning day one and are trained by a tenured school social worker. The District recruits social workers from universities across Chicago, and throughout the nation. Social worker openings are listed on the CPS Job Board.

“As a former school principal, I know the transformational impact that school social workers can have on our students, families, and our schools,” said Chief of ODLSS Joshua Long. “We want to thank all of our incredible school social workers doing tireless work every day in our schools.”

NEWS Chatham Southeast | Week ofMarch 13, 2024 2 C briefly CHATHAM C
Tiffany Smith, Associate Director at Neighborhood Housing Services, is one of the subjects of Artist Kristen Williams’ Unsung Heroes Art Exhibit. PHOTO PROVIDED BY GREATER CHATHAM INITIATIVE. Stephanie Hart, Owner of the Hart Corporation (Brown Sugar Bakery), is one of the subjects of Artist Kristen Williams’ Unsung Heroes Art Exhibit. PHOTO PROVIDED BY GREATER CHATHAM INITIATIVE.


CHICAGO - Mayor Brandon Johnson joined City Colleges of Chicago, the University of Chicago, and the University of Chicago Medical Center to announce the expansion of healthcare programs and facilities on the South Side of Chicago that will increase access to affordable higher education, clinical experiences and employment opportunities for South Side residents in growing healthcare fields.

“This health care pipeline expansion builds on a successful and strong relationship between City Colleges, the University of Chicago, and UChicago Medicine that is already placing our students into upwardly mobile careers,” said Mayor Brandon Johnson. “I applaud the partnership and the investment on our great South Side that this project represents.”

With this announcement, City Colleges will bring a full nursing pathway to Kennedy-King College in Englewood,

which will include an associate degree in nursing and a licensed practical nursing program operated by Malcolm X College at Kennedy-King College, and a basic nursing assistant program and general education courses operated by Kennedy-King College. In addition, an expanded partnership between University of Chicago, UChicago Medicine and City Colleges/Malcolm X College will see the construction of two new facilities in Washington Park – the UChicago Medicine Clinical Labs, owned and operated by UChicago Medicine, and the Malcolm X College Learning Center, owned and operated by City Colleges and including the first clinical lab tech program in Chicago. In all, the two new Washington Park facilities are expected to bring about 600 jobs to the neighborhood.

10 Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) degree earners by 2026, and 100 associate degree earners in nursing by 2028. This expansion will return a full nursing pathway to Kennedy-King College.

City Colleges will partner with surrounding Chicago Public Schools high schools to create a pipeline to healthcare educational pathways, work-based learning, and careers.

Honoring Women’s Contributions To Alzheimer’s During Women’s History Month

March is Women’s History Month, a time to celebrate the contributions and achievements of women throughout history. It’s also a moment to acknowledge the unique impact of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias on women, both as individuals living with the condition and as caregivers.

“We are thrilled to expand access to City Colleges’ quality, affordable healthcare education and provide connections to in-demand healthcare careers for residents of the South Side,” said Chancellor Juan Salgado, City Colleges of Chicago. “Working with our partners at UChicago and UChicago Medicine, together we will create new economic opportunities and support healthy communities.”

UChicago Medicine plans to build a new facility that consolidates its existing clinical labs, modernizes their operations, and maximizes lab test efficiency to ensure best-in-class care. The facility would bring 550 jobs — including approximately 200 new positions — to Washington Park, provide clinical rotations for students, and help the hospital add critical lab capacity to meet the expanded diagnostic needs of a new cancer pavilion, expected to open in 2027. The new facility builds on investments UChicago has made over the past decade to reactivate several vacant spaces along East Garfield Boulevard, bring fresh vibrancy to the Washington Park neighborhood, and promote growth at a critical transit point.

The Malcolm X College Learning Center in Washington Park will establish the first clinical lab technician program in the City of Chicago, with the opportunity to expand Malcolm X programming for other high-demand allied health professions. When fully operating, the Learning Center is expected to serve up to 800 students per year. The Center will include classrooms, dry labs, office space, and ground-floor retail space.

The Washington Park facilities will be built on two adjacent plots of land on the north side of Garfield Blvd. between the Green Line track and land just east of Calumet Ave. The UChicago Medicine Clinical Labs will be built on land owned by the University of Chicago, and the Malcolm X Learning Center will be built on land currently owned by the CTA. Both facilities are expected to break ground in 2025 and open during the 2026-27 academic year.

The connected projects would provide an on-ramp and clear pathway to careers in the health sciences for South Side residents, accelerating their ability to secure in-demand positions that pay well.

The new nursing programs at Kennedy-King College are expected to create a path for roughly 50 Basic Nursing Assistant (BNA) students by Fall 2024, 50 future associate degree earners in nursing by 2026,

The Washington Park project builds upon a formal Memorandum of Understanding established between the University of Chicago and City Colleges of Chicago in 2021 that aims to strengthen STEM education and career opportunities and create a more diverse field of professionals entering the sciences. For instance, UChicago and City Colleges have collaborated on a teaching fellowship that provides recent Ph.D. graduates in data science, mathematics, statistics, computer science, and other STEM fields with mentorship and teaching instruction as preparation for dual teaching appointments at the University and City Colleges. A molecular engineering course at UChicago’s Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering (PME) taught exclusively for City Colleges students, for instance, was designed to open pathways for students to transfer into four-year STEM degree programs.

Annually, UChicago Medicine hires about 120 Malcolm X graduates, hosts roughly 65 Malcolm X students through internships, practicums, and apprenticeships, and engages with 100+ Malcolm X students through career development events. The project will help meet the significant and growing demand from local employers who have contended with a shortage of qualified candidates for clinical lab technician roles in recent years. UChicago Medicine often struggles to hire qualified candidates for its clinical lab tech positions, with positions remaining vacant longer than other healthcare roles. The scarcity of qualified candidates is even greater for South Side safety net hospitals.

Each year, there are approximately 500 job openings for medical laboratory positions in Chicago. Earning an associate degree in a clinical lab tech program qualifies graduates for positions ranging in pay from $42,000 to $80,000.

In addition, in 2023, there were 3,373 job openings for Registered Nurses in Cook County, with annual median salaries of $83,000.

UChicago and City Colleges looked to quality-of-life plans Washington Park residents have contributed to over the past 15 years to guide initial project concepts. In those plans residents prioritized workforce development opportunities, revitalization of the Garfield corridor, utilization of Green Line stations for new development and welcomed partnerships with nearby employers and higher education institutions, especially those leading to stable, well-paid careers for residents. In the coming months, additional information will be shared, including a more detailed site plan, initial renderings, and early thinking on the ground floor retail space. The next community meeting focused on the Washington Park facilities will be held in April.

Research indicates that Alzheimer’s disproportionately affects women, with nearly two-thirds of Americans living with the disease being female. This gender disparity extends beyond prevalence rates; women are also more likely to serve as primary caregivers for loved ones with Alzheimer’s. They often face complex challenges, balancing caregiving responsibilities with other aspects of their lives, including work, family, and personal well-being.

Several factors contribute to the increased risk of Alzheimer’s in women, including hormonal changes associated with menopause, genetic predispositions, and differences in brain structure and function. Additionally, societal factors such as caregiving roles, socioeconomic status, and access to healthcare may further impact women’s vulnerability to the disease.

Women caregivers may experience higher levels of depression and impaired health than their male counterparts. Evidence suggests these differences arise because female caregivers tend to spend more time caregiving, to take on more caregiving tasks, and to care for someone with greater cognitive, functional and/or behavior problems.

During Women’s History Month, it’s essential to recognize the resilience, strength, and contributions of women affected by Alzheimer’s. By raising awareness, supporting research initiatives, and advocating for better resources and support services, we can empower women to navigate the challenges of Alzheimer’s with dignity and compassion. Together, let’s work towards a future where all individuals, regardless of gender, have access to quality care, support, and treatments for Alzheimer’s and other dementias.

Illinois Women Conquer ALZ (IWCA) seeks to engage and empower more women in the fight against Alzheimer’s disease by raising awareness and taking action through fundraising events, education and advocacy initiatives.

Recognizing that Alzheimer’s disproportionately impacts women, IWCA was founded in 2017 by the Alzheimer’s Association Illinois Chapter to raise awareness and connect with more women. All activities align with and support the mission and strategic plan of the Alzheimer’s Association Illinois Chapter. https://

As we commemorate Women’s History Month and Alzheimer’s Awareness in March, let us not only celebrate the achievements of women but also commit ourselves to the fight against Alzheimer’s disease. Together, we can honor the past, empower the present, and shape a better future for generations to come.

About the Alzheimer’s Association®

The Alzheimer’s Association is available with information and support for families as they navigate the disease and related research. For more information, visit or call the 24/7 Helpline at 800.272.3900.

Alzheimer’s Association Illinois Chapter Media Contact: Lionell Martin,, 773.593.4211

NEWS Chatham Southeast | Week ofMarch 13, 2024 3 C CHATHAM C CHATHAM-SOUTHEAST Chatham, Avalon Park, Park Manor,GreaterGrand Crossing, Burnside,Chesterfield, West Chersterfield, South Shore,and Calumet Heitghts. SOUTH END Washington Heights,Roseland,Rosemoor, Englewood,West Englewood, Auburn-Gresham, Morgan Park, Maple Park, Mt. Vernon, Fernwood, Bellevue, Beverly, Pullman, West Pullman, West Pullman,Riverdale, Jeffrey Manor and Hegewisch. SOUTH SUBURBAN Serves communities in Harvey, Markham, Phoenix, Robbins, Dixmoor, Calumet Park, Blue Island,SouthHolland,and Dolton. Shopping- their favorite pastime! HYDE PARK Lake Meadows, Oakland, Prairie Shores,Douglas, Grand Boulevard, Kenwood, Woodland,South Shore and Hyde Park. CHICAGO WEEKEND Chicago Westside Communities, Austin and Garfield Park SUBURBAN TIMES WEEKLY BloomTownship, Chicago Heights, Flossmoor,FordHeights, Glenwood, Homewood, Lansing ,Lynwood, Olympia Fileds, Park Forest,Sauk Village,South Chicago and Steger Citizen Newspaper Group Inc., (CNGII), Publisher of the ChathamSoutheast,South End, ChicagoWeekend,South Suburban and Hyde Park Citizen and Citizen Suburban Times Weekly. Our weekly publications are published on Wednesday’s (publishing 52 issues annually). Written permission is required to reproduce contents in whole or in part from the publisher. Citizen Newspaper Group, Inc. does not assume the responsibility for nor are we able to return unsolicited materials, therefore they become property of the newspaper and can or will be discarded or used at the newspapers disgratation. Deadlines for advertising is every Friday at noon. Deadlines for press releases are Thursdays at 10 am prior to the next week’s edition. Please send press release information to: For more information on subscriptions or advertising, call us at (773) 7831251 or fax (872) 208-8793. Our offices are located at 8741 South Greenwood Suite# 107, Chicago, Illinois 60619. ELIZABETH “LIZZIE G” ELIE LICENSED REALTOR

This Women’s History Month JPMorgan Chase’s Renée Horne Talks Career, Finances and Achieving Success



What has been key to your success throughout your career?I think being curious and a bit adventurous has been a big part of my success. I’ve always had a passion for learning and a willingness to take on new assignments across functional domains and industries—including in finance, product, digital, marketing and communications. The combination of the functional rotations and continuous education beyond graduate school made me more versatile and able to take on complex challenges. I believe this is a significant part of what prepared me for joining JPMorgan Chase in 2021. And while self-initiative has always been at the core, I benefited greatly from the support of mentors and sponsors along the way. You need both to be successful and grow.


Renée Horne

Looking back, what is one think you wish you knew when you were first starting out in your career?

One thing I wish I knew in the early phases of my career was to place equal, if not greater, focus on

proactively building relationships. It’s easy to become fixated on meeting business goals and objectives. If I could do things over, I would have been more intentional about nurturing relationships more deeply at the onset. After all, relationships are what matters most. Knowing that, I would also have given myself permission to have more laughs and more fun.

3What are some tips for women to take charge of their career and finances?

Taking charge of your career means you should unapologetically embrace the vision you have for yourself and your professional future. This includes being intentional about your own life plan, networking and seeking out trusted advisors and mentors who can help you grow. Always ask for feedback; I view feedback as a gift.

As women, we are challenged with overcoming societal norms of what is expected of us. Sometimes, gender roles work differently from the norm and you may find yourself as the breadwinner of the family or the primary source of income. Be ok with that. Manage it well and protect your assets by saving for an emergency, having a will, investing in an estate plan, etc. As women, we have to think about and engage in these aspects and not defer to someone else to do it for us.

Taking charge of your career also means taking

charge of your finances. Seek knowledge and support to effectively manage your income through budgeting, saving and investing—for short and long-term. There was a lot I did not know about managing finances until I entered the workforce. My first manager sat me down and explained to me the importance of investing into a 401K retirement savings account and the significance of the company match. This was the beginning of my journey to taking charge of my finances.


How has your local community shaped you and what are your recommendations to others for achieving success?My community has been a lifelong collective network including my alma mater of Mizzou athletics, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and other non-profit associations which I have had the pleasure to serve. This collective community has been a key component of shaping my experiences, honing my leadership skills and building a lifelong network of friendships and support.

And through it all, my mother has been my biggest influence and cheerleader. She instilled in me her values and ambitions to want to do more to reach my full God-given potential, while reminding me to give back to my roots and community.

For more information about JPMorgan Chase’s Women on the Move, visit https:

// women-on-the-move

United Airlines Names Rosalind Brewer to Board of Directors

CHICAGO, PRNewswire -- United Airlines Holdings, Inc. (UAL) announced that Rosalind (Roz) Brewer is joining its Board of Directors. Brewer is an influential leader with CEO experience, repeatedly recognized by Fortune and Forbes among their “Most Powerful Women in Business.”

“Roz’s strategic acumen and visionary leadership make her the right addition to our already strong Board of Directors as we plan for the long-term success of United Airlines,” said United CEO Scott Kirby. “Her vast leadership experience characterized by innovation and digital transformation have made a lasting impact on some of the world’s leading companies and will be an asset to United.”

“Roz has led some of the most dynamic and wellregarded companies in the world, and I am eager for her to help United excel in our plan to grow United to become the best airline in aviation history,” said Ted Philip, Chairman of the Board of Directors.

“I am honored to join the Board of Directors at United Airlines, an iconic company known for its commitment to excellence and innovation in the aviation industry,” said Brewer. “I look forward to collaborating with the board and leadership team as we continue to deliver unparalleled travel experiences

for our customers and chart the course for our bright future.”

Brewer most recently served as President and CEO of Walgreens Boots Alliance, Inc., a global leader in retail pharmacy and healthcare, where she shaped the company’s strategic direction and navigated the complexities of the healthcare landscape during the COVID-19 pandemic. While at Walgreens, Brewer implemented transformative initiatives focused on driving innovation, improving customer engagement, and expanding access to essential healthcare services.

As Chief Operating Officer of Starbucks Corporation, she played a pivotal role in driving operational excellence and enhancing customer experiences. Prior to Starbucks, Brewer was President and CEO of Sam’s Club, a division of Walmart Inc.


Brewer earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry from Spelman College, and her ongoing

commitment to supporting her alma mater as chair emerita underscores her belief in the transformative power of education and her dedication to empowering future generations of leaders. She continues to be actively involved in various philanthropic endeavors, supporting causes related to education, healthcare, and economic empowerment.

This page is sponsored by C 4 BUSINESS Chatham Southeast | Week ofMarch 13, 2024
At United, Good Leads The Way. With U.S. hubs in Chicago, Denver, Houston, Los Angeles, New York/Newark, San Francisco and Washington, D.C., United operates the most comprehensive global route network among North American carriers, and is now the largest airline in the world as measured by available seat miles. For more about how to join the United team, please visit and more information about the company is at United Airlines Holdings, Inc., the parent company of United Airlines, Inc., is traded on the Nasdaq under the symbol “UAL.” Airlines
Women’s History Month is a time to come together to celebrate and recognize the achievements and contributions of women throughout the years. For this Women’s History Month, we spoke with Renée Horne, Chief Marketing & Experience Officer, Chase Auto, based in Dallas-Fort Worth, to discuss her career journey, share tips on taking charge of your finances and other recommendations to achieving success.

Rucker Roots Elevates Natural Hair Care Availability in Select Walmart Stores


-- Rucker Roots, a leader in natural and effective hair care solutions, is thrilled to announce its debut in select Walmart stores across the United States. This launch marks a significant milestone for Rucker Roots, introducing its beloved product line to Walmart customers and highlighting a shared commitment to offering superior hair care options. This initiative is set to bring the brand’s acclaimed products to a broader audience, featuring the same trusted formulations that customers have come to love.

Ellen and Ione Rucker, the dynamic sisters behind Rucker Roots, are excited about this new venture. “Launching our line within Walmart’s beauty aisles is a dream come true,” says Ellen Rucker. “It’s an incredible opportunity to reach more individuals seeking high-quality, natural hair care products and to further our mission of promoting natural beauty through the efficacy of root-derived ingredients.”

Showcasing Popular Products With New Availability:

Smoothing Sulfate-Free Shampoo (8 oz) - $13.99: Cleanses gently while maintaining hair’s natural moisture balance, infused with natural root extracts for a healthy shine.

Leave-In Heat Protectant (4 oz)$12.99: Offers robust protection against heat damage, providing essential mois -

ture and nutrients to keep hair looking and feeling healthy.

Define and Stretch Curl Custard (8 oz) - $13.99: Delivers long-lasting curl definition and moisture, ensuring curls remain vibrant and frizz-free.

Detangling Conditioner (8 oz) - $13.99: Simplifies the detangling process, strengthens hair, minimizes breakage, and ensures smooth, manageable locks.

“This launch signifies our budding partnership with Walmart and our mutual belief in the importance of natural ingredients for transformative hair care,” Ione Rucker remarked. “We’re thrilled for customers to discover our products, making it easier than ever to integrate natural hair care into their routines.”

Dedicated to crafting natural and effective hair care solutions, Rucker Roots is committed to accessibility and innovation. The brand’s range, designed to meet diverse hair care needs, celebrates the beauty of natural hair with products rich in root-derived ingredients, now available at select Walmart stores.

Rucker Roots will celebrate its debut at Walmart with promotional events at select locations. Customers are invited to explore the new selection and experience the benefits of incorporating Rucker Roots into their hair care regimen. For more information about Rucker Roots and its product offerings, please visit

CurlDaze Launches New GroDAZE Collection

Exclusively at Wal-Mart

LOS ANGELES, PRNewswire -- It’s a significant leap forward in haircare innovation. CurlDaze, one of the most dynamic Black-owned and women-driven beauty brands, that has gone viral on Tik-Tok, proudly unveils the GroDAZE Collection, a unique range tailored for curly, coily, and wavy hair enthusiasts. Rooted in the rich traditions of Fenugreek and further energized by potent ingredients such as castor oil and caffeine, this exclusive Wal-Mart collection redefines scalp and hair health.

Nurtured from the wellspring of ancient beauty traditions, Fenugreek has long been celebrated in southern Asia and the Mediterranean for its exceptional hair benefits. Now, CurlDaze seamlessly integrates this leafy green herb, brimming with protein, plant compounds, and nicotinic acid, to address hair loss and invigorate hair growth. Beyond its growth-promoting attributes, Fenugreek seeds are acclaimed for their moisture-locking properties, breathing life, luster, and sheen into every strand.

Paired with the enriching essences of castor oil and caffeine, this collection promises transformative results. Originating from the Ethiopian region, castor oil, laden with essential fatty acids, stimulates hair follicles, thickens the hair, and battles breakage. Simultaneously, caffeine’s invigorating properties act as the cherry on top, ensuring your hair is not only beautiful but vibrantly healthy.

Robyn Atwater, the genius behind the brand that went viral on Tik Tok, CurlDaze, shares, “GroDAZE isn’t just a collection; it’s the embodiment of countless days of research, understanding, and passion. As we blend the time-honored wisdom of Fenugreek with contemporary haircare science, we’re presenting something truly groundbreaking for our community.”

The GroDAZE Collection: A Closer Look

GroDAZE Hair & Scalp Oil Booster ($9.99, 2 fl. oz.): Main Features: Stimulating Caffeine with nourishing Fenugreek Seed & Castor Oil for hair growth and scalp soothing. How to Use: Apply oil onto the scalp directly and massage. For beards, apply for daily moisture. Benefits: Combat hair loss, promote longer, stronger, thicker hair.

GroDAZE Hold It Creme ($9.99, 4 fl. oz.): Main Features: A unique CREAMY formula for thinning, hard-to-grow edges, nourishes and restores. How to Use: Apply the desired amount onto clean edges. Use fingertips to smooth in place. Benefits: Non-flaky, long-lasting edge control to combat hair loss and promote health.

GroDAZE Daily Shine & Repair Spray ($9.99, 4 fl. oz.):

Main Features: Super shine boosting and reparative spray for frizz control and brilliance. How to Use: Spray directly onto dry or wet hair and smooth oil from root to tip. Benefits: Nutrient-rich shine spray to promote longer, stronger, thicker hair.

Exclusively at Wal-Mart, this groundbreaking collection will be gracing the aisles of Wal-Mart stores, ensuring that wherever you are, is accessible to you.

Emerging from the spirited heart of Los Angeles, CURLDAZE was birthed from Robyn Atwater’s dedication and personal quest for the ultimate haircare solution. As CURLDAZE went viral on Tik Tok and grew, it soon became more than just a brand; it evolved into a community, a movement. With features in esteemed platforms like Forbes, Essence Magazine, HER Agenda, Black Hair Magazine, BET, The Real, and Groupon Style Blog, Robyn, fondly known as “CURLDAZE,” continues her mission to inspire souls and help individuals cherish and flaunt their curls.

FASHION Chatham Southeast | Week ofMarch 13, 2024 5 C
CurlDaze Rucker Roots

Unfortunately, we are living in unprecedented times and making proper choices at the polls as to who will lead and speak for us is highly important.

In 2022 Roe v. Wade was overturned and although the Voters Rights Act was established in 1965, yet, 59 years later we still face challenges trying to be part of the process. It's just not an ordinary time in our history and we all can agree that the power of our Constitutional Rights remains under an attack.

As voters we must continue to fight for a fair Democracy where we all are a part of the process as we continue to watch our country under siege. We have all seen the influx of migrants entering our borders, mass shootings in the workplace, schools, houses of worship, grocery stores and even within direct family households.

To add to the catastrophic devastation plaguing our society we watch our communities suffer from staple business closures, property tax increases, unaffordable healthcare options, employment declines and homelessness with increase in crime. As voters, now is the time to re-educate ourselves about the candidates and the process and stop complaining without action. “We need change, and we need it now… period”.

We must stand committed to shaping our democracy through accountability and remaining informed. Here at the Citizen, we are committed to keeping our audience informed about the issues affecting their everyday lives and about those candidates seeking to hold political office. Whether it’s a position in City, State, County or Country government we want voters to be knowledgeable before casting a vote.

Here’s the best opportunity for us to send a message to the candidates, letting them know that we will no longer stand for good sound bites, we want results.

Therefore, it is our unapologetic decision to endorse these candidates for office in the following races because we feel that their experiences and track records prove that they are up for the job and are willing to put in the work.

These are our the Citizen Newspaper Group’s following endorsements:


Illinois Supreme Court Justice

Joy V. Cunningham- has been on the Illinois Supreme Court since 2022, when she was appointed to fill the seat of a judge who retired. Before that, she was an Appellate Court Judge. Cunningham also had a career as a registered nurse. She worked as a nurse in the Intensive Care Unit before becoming a lawyer. She said being a nurse taught her a lot of basic human skills that are very useful, including patience, how to listen, how to talk to people at their lowest and how to problem solve. She has been evaluated as Highly Qualified by the Chicago Bar Association, the Cook County Bar Association, the Women’s Bar Association, and the Illinois State Bar Association.

Cook County Board of Review

U.S. President, U.S. Representative, Illinois State Senator, Illinois State Representative, Cook County Clerk of the Circuit Court, Cook County State’s Attorney, Cook County Board of Review Commissioner, Illinois Supreme Court Judge, Illinois Appellate Court Judge, Circuit Court Judge and Sub-circuit Judge.

Larry Rogers Jr.- Rogers is seeking retention of his seat. He has served as the longest serving Commissioner at the Cook County Board of Review since 2004. Rogers has been an attorney for 30 years. His law firm, Power Rogers LLP, does personal litigation work. It was Rogers’ work as a lawyer advocating for people that led him to politics. Rogers is the Commissioner for the 3rd District where he serves 1.7 million people. Rogers believes that property owners should not have to pay more than their fair share of property taxes. As part of his commitment to property owners, he continues to bring the property tax appeal process to residents through faith-based programs saving thousands for property owners. Owning property in the state is a battle within itself leaving property owners paying more than their share of taxes. Just this year alone owners have experienced tax increases that doubled and some have tripled leaving those property owners stressing about how do they continue to maintain what they have worked for as part of the American dream. Therefore, Roger’s office has come to the rescue lending the needed support of appeal. His records prove he has put in the work necessary to earn a nod for continuation.

Clerk of the Circuit Court Of Cook County

Iris Martinez- Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County- Since becoming Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County in 2020, Iris Martinez has kept the records. She and her team have put in the work digitalizing thousands of court records. She has Opened a call center, an expungement center and a domestic violence survivors center that believe that the Court services and resources needed to be brought directly to the community. These initiatives are made possible through her commitment to work with communitybased partners. She fought to protect the records of underage victims. Martinez has saved county taxpayers money by reaching the Shakman Compliance in the County Clerks office, bringing in a new era

of ethics and accountability to the office. She believes in restorative justice and having a clear record that coupled with good access to education, scholarships and trades it is impossible for excriminals or to wrongfully accused to productive citizens. Re-elect Martinez for Clerk of the Courts in Cook County so that she can finish the process she started.

Joseph Williams- Candidate for U.S Representative 6th District- A father, A fighter, A founder and an organizer. In 2017 Williams founded Mr. Dad's Father's Club, a transformative movement. His unwavering goal for the non-profit is to empower fathers and positive males to actively engage in their children's lives through mentorship and literacy. Joseph is a Councilman for the 7th District Police Department. He earned a BS in Criminal Justice with a concentration in Criminology from Chicago State University. Joseph believes that his outreach efforts coupled with his ability to listen, organize, and his willingness to be held accountable shows the characteristics of a candidate that will put in the work for the people in the 6th district. He believes that listening to the people in the district will be paramount. He is ready to put boots on the ground, moving swiftly to identify his team that will be tasked with the duties of being the district's extended ears and eyes in his absence making sure the promises made during his campaign are kept. Although he is a first timer in the arena but his is no stranger to working cohesively with others. We think he has the potential needed to take the district into the next century. He encourages voters to get out and vote in the March 19th Primary.

ENDORSEMENTS Chatham Southeast | Week of March 13, 2024 6 C
Citizen Newspaper Group's
Primary Endorsements
Commissioner Larry Rogers Jr. Cook County Board of Review Judge Joy V. Cunningham Illinois Supreme Court Justice Iris Martinez Clerk of the Circuit Court Of Cook County Joseph WilliamsU.S Representative 6th District

Election Day

March 19, 2024

Tested, Proven & Producing

CHATHAM Chatham Southeast | Week ofMarch 13, 2024 | 7

Cook County States Attorney

Clayton Harris III - is a lifelong Democrat running to bring safety and justice to Cook County as our next State's Attorney. An experienced prosecutor and government leader who has managed offices at the city and state levels, Clayton has what it takes to hold violent offenders accountable and push forward on reform. He was a prosecutor in Criminal Appeals, Traffic, and Special Prosecutions: Narcotics under former State’s Attorney Richard Devine Clayton fought to hold violent offenders accountable and to stand up for the needs



Justice Cynthia Y. Cobbs was appointed by the Supreme Court of Illinois as a justice on the Illinois Appellate Court in January 2015. Prior to her appointment to the appellate court, Justice Cobbs was appointed as a circuit court judge in September 2011. Having been evaluated

of victims. Also, Clayton also has significant management experience, having served as Chief of Staff of the Illinois Department of Transportation, Deputy Chief of Staff, and ultimately Chief of Staff, to the Governor’s Office,where he managed the state and 60 , 000 state employees during a critical time when former Governor Rod Blagojevich went to prison.

Clayton earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Aerospace Technology from Middle Tennessee State University and his Juris Doctor from Howard University School of Law.

Clayton earned his Master’s degree in Public Policy from the University of Chicago’s Harris School of Public Policy, where he has been a lecturer for the past 14 years. Clayton resides on the Southside with his wife and their two sons. It is our belief that Harris' credential's alone speaks volumes about the type of work ethics needed to combat crime and hold offenders accountable.

Cast a vote for a stiffer criminal process in Cook County and a confirmed commitment to Cook County Restoratives Justice process

and found qualified by the Chicago BarAssociation and the Alliance of Bar Associations, she was slated by the Cook County Democratic Party and won election to the circuit court seat in 2014. Early in her legal career, Justice Cobbs served as senior judicial law clerk to Supreme Court (Chief) Justice Charles E. Freeman, the first African American judge to serve on the state's Supreme Court. Justice Cobbs thus became the first African American to serve as a senior judicial law clerk on the state's highest court. Cobbs has proven that she is on the side of justice. She deserves to continue serving Illinoisans on the Appellate Court

Representative. There are 109,000 people in the District, which encompasses nine municipalities: Matteson, Country Club Hills, Hazel Crest, Oak Forest, Tinley Park, Frankfort, Mokena, Olympia Fields and Richton Park. She was sworn-in as a State Representative in 2019 and prior to that, she was the Mayor of Olympia Fields for seven years, and a trustee of Olympia Fields for 10 years. Meyers-Martin is the Chairwoman of the Consumer Protection Committee. Meyers-Martin is also the liaison to the African American Mayors in the State of Illinois. In addition Martin is working on legislation to provide mandates and guidelines for online banking. Protecting our lives and finances must continue. Vote for Meyers- Martin on March 19th.

Davis has been representing the 7th Congressional District since 1997. Prior to that, he was a Cook County Commissioner. From 1979 to 1990, he was also the 29th Ward Alderman. Davis has been responsible for bringing millions



Illinois State Representative Kam Buckner has been representing the 26th District since 2019. Buckner is the ViceChairperson of the Appropriations-


back to the community. He has secured billions for: the U.S. Department of Housing, U.S Department of Veterans Affairs, the Homeland Security as well as billions for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Davis record shows that he has shown up on the House floor at voting time with a record of 16000+ votes cast for legislation that directly benefited the community. The state of our communities’ affairs in the district shows signs that new leadership might be on the rise. However, seniority coupled with experience is paramount for continued growth. Now that we are seeing the needle of progress move, we must cast a vote this election season that supports continued growth.

General Service Committee, Adoption & Child Welfare Committee, Financial Institutions & Licensing Committee as well as the Family Preservation Subcommittee. Recently Rep. Buckner has worked on House Bill 1210, The Homicide Victims and Families Rights Act, which would allow the surviving family members of cold case victims to file an application to request a new investigation if new evidence and leads become available. The person reviewing the application could not have worked on the case in the past, the process must be completed within six months. Candidates that works for families deserves a vote.




Since 2011 Thaddeus has served as Illinois State Representative of the 29th Legislative District. He has stood committed to ensuring that funds for education came back to the 29th District. He has fought to sponsor or write legislation that ensures safety for those in and around the district. Jones champions the fight for women's reproductive rights, given the women of Illinois better access to healthcare. In 2021 Jones sponsored a bill that later became law bringing cameras to Illinois expressways. The Tamara Clayton Expressway Camera Act became law because of the fight. He has brought capital and resources to his district such as: a $3.1 million Capital bond refinancing project for South Suburban College, $2.1 million Capital bond refinancing project for Thornton Township, $2 million for STEM programs, $7.1 million to TCA Health, $500,000 to Chicago Homeless Coalition, $2.1 million for IDOT road improvements and millions more for the park district, road improvement to transportation enhancements. Any representative that can fight to improve life for their constituents and secure funds to continue moving forward deserves another term in office. Thaddeus earned the right to retain his seat and to continue his unmatched experience of making the district great for those who live, work, worship and shop in the district.

Illinois State Senator Kimberly Lightford has been representing the 4th District since 1998. She established legislation that created the Commission on Equity and Inclusion Act, which expanded access to state contracts for minorities, women, persons with disabilities, and veterans. In 2023, she sponsored legislation that guarantees paid leave for all Illinois workers employed by businesses of any size. Upon returning to Springfield for the 2024 session Lifghtford will be working on SB 1723 the Cannabis Regulation Tax Act, SB 2158 Housing Banishment for Sex Offenders and SB 376 The protection of children and families and the integrity of medical opinion in medically based child protection investigations to name a few things that will become law soon. The Senator is working for the people of Illinois, and we believe she deserves another term.


7th Emmanuel Chris Welch

and the Business and

Subcommittee, Income Tax

Minority Impact Subcommittee and Wage Policy and Study Subcommittee. He also is a member of the Appropriations-Human Services Committee, Ethics and Elections Committee, Executive Committee, Health Care Availability and Access Committee, Revenue and Finance and Workforce Development Subcommittee. In 2023, Evans was elected Vice President of the National Conference of State Legislatures.


8th LaShawn Ford

25th Curtis Tarver

28th Bob Rita

30th Will Davis

31st Mary Flowers

34th Nick Smith

78th Camille Lily


13th Robert Peters

16th Willie Preston

40th Patrick Joyce


1st Appl- Carl Anthony Walker

ENDORSEMENTS Chatham Southeast | Week ofMarch 13, 2024 8 C
Representative Marcus Evans has been representing the 33rd District since 2012. Which includes the South Side of Chicago and South Suburban Cook County.
Commerce Committee
Illinois State
Evans is the Chairman of the Labor and
DANNY K. DAVIS 7TH DISTRICT U.S. REPRESENTATIVE DEBBIE MEYERS- MARTIN STATE REP. 38TH DISTRICT Debbie Meyers-Martin represent the 38th District in the Illinois Legislature as a State ON THE MOVE Chatham Southeast | Week ofMarch 13, 2024 9 C CHATHAM C ON THE MOVE C C LOCAL LEADERS CAME TOGETHER AT DAWSON TECH FOR HEALTH IS WEALTH AND WELLNESS EVENT RECENTLY Photos by L.M. Warbington S E R V I C E S P R O V I D E D D U R I N G T H E E V E N T : * Cooking & Fitness Demos * Health Screenings * Financial Literacy * Mental Health Resources * Cancer Care * Education * Self-Care

Sales Corporation, One South Wacker, 1st Floor Suite 35R, Chicago, IL, 60606, sell at a public sale to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 7342 S BENNETT AVE, CHICAGO, IL 60649 Property Index No. 2025-128-030-0000; 20-25-128-031-0000 The real estate is improved with a single family residence.

The judgment amount was $273,733.34. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours.

The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. You will need a photo identification issued by a government agency (driver's license, passport, etc.) in order to gain entry into

Chatham Southeast | Week ofMarch 13, 2024 11 C classified CHATHAM C subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. You will need a photo identification issued by a government agency (driver's license, passport, etc.) in order to gain entry into our building and the foreclosure sale room in Cook County and the same identification for sales held at other county venues where The Judicial Sales Corporation conducts foreclosure sales. MCCALLA RAYMER LEIBERT PIERCE, LLC Plaintiff's Attorneys, One North Dearborn Street, Suite 1200, Chicago, IL, 60602. Tel No. (312) 3469088. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at for a 7 day status report of pending sales. MCCALLA RAYMER LEIBERT PIERCE, LLC One North Dearborn Street, Suite 1200 Chicago IL, 60602 312-346-9088 E-Mail: Attorney File No. 22-13717IL_872260 Attorney Code. 61256 Case Number: 23 CH 01346 TJSC#: 44-499 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff's attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. Case # 23 CH 01346 I3239691 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON FKA THE BANK OF NEW YORK AS TRUSTEE FOR THE CERTIFICATEHOLDERS OF CWABS INC., ASSET-BACKED CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2007-BC1 Plaintiff, -v.- MUSU I. GBAYEE Defendants 23 CH 01908 7342 S BENNETT AVE CHICAGO, IL 60649 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on January 10, 2024, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 10:30 AM on April 11, 2024, at The Judicial
our building and the foreclosure sale room in Cook County and the same identification for sales held at other county venues where The Judicial Sales Corporation conducts foreclosure sales. For information, contact HEAVNER, BEYERS & MIHLAR, LLC Plaintiff's Attorneys, 601 E. William St., DECATUR, IL, 62523 (217) 422-1719. Please refer to file number 1673031. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at for a 7 day status report of pending sales. HEAVNER, BEYERS & MIHLAR, LLC 601 E. William St. DECATUR IL, 62523 217-422-1719 Fax #: 217-422-1754 E-Mail: Attorney File No. 1673031 Attorney Code. 40387 Case Number: 23 CH 01908 TJSC#: 44-138 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff's attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. Case # 23 CH 01908 I3239883 LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given, pursuant to "An Act in relation to the use of an Assumed Business Name in the conduct or transaction of Business in the State," as amended, that a certification was registered by the undersigned with the County Clerk of Cook County. Registration Number: Y24011480 on FEBRUARY 21, 2024 Under the Assumed Business Name of DH DESIGNS with the business located at: 16405 OXFORD DR, MARKHAM, ILLINOIS 60428. The true and real full name(s) and residence address of the owner(s)/partner(s) is: Owner/Partner Full Name HEATHER MOORE Complete Address 16405 OXFORD DR., MARKHAM, ILLINOIS 60428. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to “An Act in relation to the use of an Assumed Business Name in the conduct or transaction of Business in the State,” as amended, that a certification was registered by the undersigned with the County Clerk of Cook County. Registration Number: Y24011536 on February 28, 2024 Under the Assumed Business Name of CROUSE ACCOUNTING with the business located at:7601 S KOSTNER AVE SUITE 203, CHICAGO, IL 60652. The true and real full name(s) and residence address of the owner(s)/partner(s) is:Owner/Partner Full Name GEORGE R CROUSE, JRComplete Address 801 E 87TH PL UNIT 3E CHICAGO, IL 60619, USA CHATHAM & SOUTH END ONLY PAGE 2 CLASSIFIED REAL ESTATE CREDIT REPAIR SERVICES Do Your Credit Need A Fresh Start? Do You Want To Buy A Home or Car But Your Credit Score Is Preventing it? Its Time To ImproveYour Credit Score? Call Credit Restoration ServiceToday! (346) 978-2281 Mon. through Fri From 9:00a.m. - 5:00 p.m. ELIZABETH “LIZZIE G” ELIE LICENSED REALTOR 773.543.1783 2447 N. Ashland Chicago, IL 60614 @SoldbyLizzieG
12 | Chatham Southeast | Week ofMarch 13, 2024 CHATHAM

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