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BY PETER HANCOCK Capitol News Illinois phancock@capitolnewsillinois.comSPRINGFIELD – Minimum wage workers in Illinois will see a boost in their hourly pay to $12 per hour starting Jan. 1, while tenants in affordable housing units will be allowed to keep pets.
Those are just some of the more than 300 new laws that take effect in the new year.
The minimum wage increase is actually the result of a 2019 law that phases in a state minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2025. This year, it will increase by one dollar to $12 an hour.
tenants to keep pets is the result of Senate Bill 154, by Sen. Linda Holmes, D-Aurora, and Rep. Stephanie Kifowit, D-Oswego. It provides that tenants of multifamily housing units that are acquired, built or renovated with money from the Illinois Affordable Housing Trust Fund may keep up to two cats or one dog weighing less than 50 pounds. It applies to residents of housing units that are designated as affordable housing for low- and very-lowincome families. The bill passed both chambers in its final form on May 30 and Gov. JB Pritzker signed it into law Aug. 6.
BY HANNAH MEISEL CAPITOL NEWS ILLINOIS HMEISEL@CAPITOLNEWSILLINOIS.COMSPRINGFIELD – In delivering his annual State of the State and budget address on Wednesday, Gov. JB Pritzker cast his administration as both progressive and pragmatic – a balance he’s worked to strike as his national profile has grown.
Some elements of the governor’s proposed spending plan, like using $10 million in state funds to eliminate $1 billion worth of Illinoisans’ medical debt, are hardline progressive ideas. Others, including a goal to achieve “universal preschool” by 2027, fit in with a more traditional liberal platform.
But Pritzker has also defined his success in traditional economic terms, putting particular stock into how New York City-based credit ratings agencies view Illinois’ finances, while also positioning Illinois as a hub for emerging technologies like electric vehicles and quantum computing.
Read more: Pritzker proposes over $2B in spending growth, backed by tax increases for corporations, sportsbooks
Other new laws include:
As Illinois faces an influx of migrants from the southern U.S. border Pritzker has leaned into a leadership style that prioritizes progressive ideals while projecting an image of fiscal responsibility.
“We didn’t ask for this manufactured crisis,” Pritzker said Wednesday in making good on his promise to propose another $182 million toward the state’s migrant response. “But we must deal with it all the same.”
in an existing home visit program “for our most vulnerable families” with babies in their first year.
His budget also includes $12 million to create a child tax credit for families with children under three with incomes below a certain threshold. Though that proposal received applause during the speech, the funding is far below the $300 million advocates have been pushing for in their own proposal for a child tax credit.
Among the successes Pritzker pointed to on Wednesday, perhaps the most salient is his claim that Illinois’ new “Smart Start” early childhood program – proposed last year in the governor’s second inaugural address – had exceeded its first-year goals.
The program aimed to create 5,000 new preschool seats last year, but ended up creating 5,823, Pritzker said – a 15 percent overperformance.
“As a result, right now we have over 82,000 publicly-funded preschool classroom seats – the highest number in our state’s history,” Pritzker said. “Staying on the Smart Start plan, we will achieve universal preschool by 2027.”
Echoing his 2022 election-year call for a temporary pause on the state’s 1 percent tax on groceries, Pritzker on Wednesday proposed nixing the grocery tax altogether.
The law allowing public housing
Vehicle taxes: SB58 raises the private vehicle tax, which is a sales tax paid on the purchase of vehicles, by $75 for each model year where the purchase price is less than $15,000 and by $100 for vehicles priced above that amount. However, the registration fee for trailers weighing less than 3,000 pounds will drop to $36 instead of $118.
Read more: Pritzker commits another $182 million to migrant response, details to come next week
Both approaches were on display during his hourlong speech Wednesday as he blasted Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, who has so far sent about 35,000 migrants to Chicago since his administration began bussing asylum-seekers in 2022. He also blasted former President Donald Trump while again criticizing President Joe Biden for not providing a more coordinated migrant response.
“It’s one more regressive tax we just don’t need,” he said. “If it reduces inflation for families from 4 percent to 3 percent, even if it only puts a few hundred bucks back in families’ pockets, it’s the right thing to do.”
But local governments, which receive that grocery tax money, were sharply critical of the plan.
Fiscal focus
Even while proposing a series of progressive expenditures, the governor also sought to cast himself as a pragmatist when it comes to state finances. The state has seen strong revenue performances in the past few years as the nation’s post-pandemic economic recovery has surpassed expectations and avoided a recession.
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College admissions: HB226, establishing the Higher Education Fair Admissions Act, prohibits public colleges and universities from requiring applicants to submit SAT, ACT or other standardized test scores as part of the admissions process, although prospective students may choose to submit them if they wish.
“Children, pregnant women, and the elderly have been sent here in the dead of night, left far from our designated welcome centers, in freezing temperatures, wearing flip flops and T-shirts,” Pritzker said. “Think about that the next time a politician from Texas wants to lecture you about being a good Christian.”
The governor was met with big applause from Democrats in laying out his proposed “Healthcare Consumer Access and Protection Act,” which would, in part, ban “prior authorization” requirements for mental health treatment.
Pritzker characterized the practice of prior authorization as a way for insurance companies to deny the care that doctors have prescribed.
But in November, the governor’s own economic forecasting office predicted a nearly $900 million deficit in the fiscal year that begins July 1.
Read more: Pritzker to mull tightening fiscal landscape in budget address this week | ANALYSIS: Pritzker urges ‘careful’ approach as current-year surplus could be followed by deficit
“Our FY25 budget proposal makes some hard choices,” Pritzker said Wednesday. “I wish we had big surpluses to work with this year to take on every one of the very real challenges we face.”
The governor stressed that the state treated federal COVID-era stimulus money as “one-time revenue” instead of windfalls that were built into yearover-year spending. As a result “we are not facing the budgetary challenges that other big states are this year,” he said. Pritzker noted that California is facing a deficit in the tens of billions of dollars.
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Drug prices: SB1682 requires pharmacies to post a notice informing consumers that they may request current pharmacy retail prices at the point of sale.
FOID card changes: HB562 enacts several changes to the Firearm Owner Identification card law. Among other things, it provides for a streamlined renewal process for FOID cards and Concealed Carry Licenses for people who voluntarily submit fingerprint records. It also allows the Illinois State Police to issue a combined FOID card and Concealed Carry License to qualified applicants, and it establishes a new Violent Crime Intelligence Task Force to take enforcement action against people with revoked FOID cards.
Additionally, the governor’s plan would ban the sale of limited duration health coverage plans in Illinois – the sort of plans, Pritzker said, that often don’t comport to the most basic coverage requirements in the Affordable Care Act, like pre-existing conditions. Twelve other states have banned what the governor called “junk insurance.”
“Now I know how hard the insurance industry will fight me on this. But let me be perfectly clear: I am willing to spend serious political capital and put my shoulder to the wheel to get this done,” he said, after telling the story of a state employee whose insurance denied coverage for open heart surgery.
Read more: Pritzker to call for health insurance reforms in State of the State address
Pritzker is also proposing spending $10 million in state funds to buy Illinoisans’ past-due medical debt that’s been sent to collections. Partnering with national nonprofit RIP Medical Debt, which buys debt for pennies on the dollar on the same market that collections agencies purchase the rights to the debts, the governor said Illinois could “relieve nearly $1 billion in medical debt for the first cohort of 340,000 Illinoisans.”
The governor spent time noting two key places he said Illinois fails its Black citizens: maternal mortality and disproportionate rates of homelessness.
Illinois’ once-paltry “rainy day” fund now has $2 billion socked away, the governor noted, and the state has paid off high-interest debt during his five years in office.
To mitigate Illinois’ previously projected deficit, Pritzker is proposing to more than double the tax rate paid by sportsbooks on profits – a change that would bring in an estimated $200 million annually. He also proposed extending an existing cap on operating losses that businesses can claim on taxes, which could help generate more than $500 million, the governor’s office claims.
Another revenue generator proposed by the governor: raising $101 million by capping a sales tax credit retailers are allowed to claim. But business groups on Wednesday signaled they’d put up a fight.
In his first few months in office in 2019, Pritzker used his fresh political capital to muscle a $15 minimum wage ramp through the legislature – a longfought-for progressive policy goal – followed closely by a trip to New York City to meet with executives at the influential big three credit ratings agencies.
When Pritzker took office, Illinois’ credit ratings were hovering around “junk” status after a two-year budget impasse under his predecessor, Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner. And though Illinois suffered a final credit downgrade in the early months of COVID, the state has since received nine upgrades.
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Read more: Pritzker signs bill aimed at ending homelessness
Student mental health: HB576 and SB1577 allow students in Illinois up to five excused absences to attend to their mental or behavioral health without providing a medical note. Those students will be given an opportunity to make up any work they missed during the first absence and, after using a second mental health day, may be referred
to the appropriate school support personnel.
To combat Black maternal mortality rates, Pritzker proposed helping more community-based reproductive health centers to open, citing Illinois’ first freestanding nonprofit birthing center in Berwyn as a model.
“Black women in our state are three times more likely to die from pregnancy-related causes than white women,” he said.
Official flags: HB605 requires state agencies and institutions to purchase Illinois and American flags that are made in the United States.
Pritzker proposed spending an additional $50 million on the state’s “Home Illinois” program launched in 2021, in part to “attack the root causes of housing insecurity for Black Illinoisans.” He cited a statistic that Black people make up 61 percent of Illinois’ homeless population despite only being 14 percent of the state’s general population.
its public health authorities from regulating or shutting down lemonade stands or similar operations that are operated by children under the age of 16. Known as “Hayli’s Law,” it was inspired by 12-year-old Hayli Martinez, whose lemonade stand in Kankakee was shut down by local officials.
Additionally, the governor proposed a $1 million pilot program for free diapers for low-income families as well as a $5 million increased investment
Hair styles: SB817 prohibits discrimination in schools against individuals on the grounds of wearing natural or ethnic hairstyles, which include dreadlocks, braids, twists and afros.
Lemonade stands: SB119 prohib-
Read more: State gets 9th recent credit upgrade as administration faces scrutiny for pandemic unemployment handling
The governor on Wednesday held those upgrades in high regard.
United States. In June, President Joe Biden also signed a bill designating Juneteenth as a federal holiday.
“My one line in the sand is that I will only sign a budget that is responsibly balanced and that does not diminish or derail the improving credit standing we have achieved for the last five years,” he said.
Even after those nine upgrades, Illinois’ credit ratings are still among the lowest in the nation due to decades of downgrades that preceded the budget impasse. Credit rating agencies consistently cite Illinois’ long-term unfunded pension liabilities as one driving factor.
Juneteenth: HB3922 recognizes June 19, or “Juneteenth,” as an official state holiday that commemorates the end of slavery in the
To that end, on Wednesday Pritzker proposed changing a pension payment “ramp” put in place in the mid-1990s. Under the so-called “Edgar ramp,” named after former GOP Gov. Jim Edgar, Illinois has been on a path to fund its
Capitol News Illinois is a nonprofit, nonpartisan news service covering state government and distributed to more than 400 newspapers statewide. It is funded primarily by the Illinois Press Foundation and the Robert R. McCormick Foundation.
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DENTON, Texas, PRNewswire -- Several months in the making, Sally Beauty, the industry-leading destination for salon-quality hair color and care, has partnered with The Black Hair Experience, an organization dedicated to celebrating and uplifting Black hair and culture, to unveil the first-ever Rooted in Success experiential event series.
Kicking off this February with activations during Black History Month and Women’s History Month, Rooted in Success facilitates engagement between students from Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), entrepreneurs, Black and female-founded beauty brands, and consumers. The collaboration underscores Sally Beauty’s unwavering commitment to building a dynamic ecosystem that fosters connections within the textured hair community. The retailer currently carries an expansive assortment of over 100 textured hair brands, over 50 of which are Black-owned or founded, including well-loved national brands like SheaMoisture, Kaleidoscope, Mielle Organics, TPH by Taraji, and more. The retailer is also home to 6 Black-founded emerging brands from Sally Beauty’s small business focused Cultivate Accelerator Program.
celebrate this partnership through local events and continued support year-round.”
Guests can expect to hear an entrepreneurial-focused panel with brand founders and leaders from top beauty brands led by curl expert and content creator Bianca Renee (YouTube and Instagram). Rooted in Success events will also feature networking opportunities, professional headshots, interactive brand demos, and a breadth of complimentary products from prominent brands like SheaMoisture, Kaleidoscope, Mielle Organics, TPH by Taraji, Made for Locs, PuffCuff, bondbar, and more.
“We cannot have a conversation about Black beauty, hair, and culture without acknowledging the impact of Sally Beauty. We’re so excited to collaborate and bring those nostalgic moments we all share when it comes to ‘getting our hair right’ to life with Instagram-worthy photo moments. Our partnership merges creativity, education, business, and entrepreneurship, and we can’t wait for everyone to see what we have in store,” said Alisha Brooks, CEO of The Black Hair Experience.
Learn more about Rooted in Success event details and Sally Beauty’s extensive textured hair offering at SallyBeauty.com/events.
In the past several months, the collaboration with The Black Hair Experience has blossomed, giving rise to ‘Rooted in Success.’ This initiative is dedicated to amplifying the voices of textured hair innovators and leaders in the beauty industry. This partnership seamlessly complements the retailer’s mission to engage and inspire the next generation of consumers. Together, Sally Beauty and The Black Hair Experience have curated unique consumer activations to inspire confidence, offer essential resources, encourage networking, and build connections, all designed to empower the entrepreneurial spirit of HBCU students. In addition to the Rooted in Success activations in Atlanta, GA., and Washington, D.C., Sally Beauty is launching a discount for HBCU students nationwide to increase affordable access to the products and brands they know and love. This Spring, active HBCU-enrolled students in the U.S. will receive 10% off in-store and online at Sally Beauty.
“We believe beauty is a powerful form of self-expression, and we see it as our role to facilitate access beyond quality products by providing opportunities for influential industry leaders to engage, inspire, and connect with consumers and young entrepreneurs,” said John Goss, President of Sally Beauty. “At Rooted in Success, we are showcasing founder-led stories from both emerging and established Black beauty leaders, and we are excited to
Sally Beauty Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: SBH), as the leader in professional hair color, sells and distributes professional beauty supplies globally through its Sally Beauty Supply and Beauty Systems Group businesses. Sally Beauty Supply stores offer up to 7,000 products for hair color, hair care, nails, and skin care through proprietary brands such as Ion®, Bondbar®, Strawberry Leopard®, Generic Value Products®, Inspired by Nature® and Silk Elements® as well as professional lines such as Wella®, Clairol®, OPI®, L’Oreal®, Wahl® and Babyliss Pro®. Beauty Systems Group stores, branded as CosmoProf® or Armstrong McCall® stores, along with its outside sales consultants, sell up to 8,000 professionally branded products including Paul Mitchell®, Wella®, Matrix®, Schwarzkopf®, Kenra®, Goldwell®, Joico®, Amika® and Moroccannoil®, intended for use in salons and for resale by salons to retail consumers. For more information about Sally Beauty Holdings, Inc., please visit https:// www.sallybeautyholdings.com/.
The Black Hair Experience (TBHE) is an experiential space that celebrates the beauty and nostalgia of Black hair, beauty, and culture in a unique and authentic way. Since its opening in 2020, TBHE has produced over 30 events across 8 cities and welcomed more than 100,000 visitors. What makes our work impactful is that we are the audience we are creating for, which allows us to connect with our visitors on a deeper level.
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five state pension systems 90 percent by 2045.
But Pritzker believes it’s more fiscally prudent to aim for 100 percent funding in the systems by 2048. The administration also suggested redirecting money currently paying down old debt to pensions once the debts are retired in the next decade.
Less than two hours after his speech, one bond house signaled its approval.
“Importantly, the pension proposals are long-term in nature with the biggest changes coming in 2030 and later,” said a statement from Eric Kim, head of state government ratings at Fitch Ratings, noting the plan “could help reduce risks associated with the state’s pension obligations and improve credit quality.”
Pritzker, who used his inherited wealth to build venture capital businesses before running for governor, has also styled himself as an executive who welcomes businesses and fosters new and emerging technologies.
After signing a major renewable energy law in 2021, Pritzker set his sights on making Illinois a hub for electric vehicle manufacturing. Once every few months he makes public announcements with tech industry leaders in one of his pet project areas that’s earmarked for about $500 million in funding from the state’s infrastructure budget: quantum computing.
On Wednesday, the governor also nodded to a data center tax credit he signed during his first year in office with Republican support.
“Thanks to our bipartisan tax credit legislation, Illinois is now the world’s fourth largest data center market,” he said, also noting the state set records for film and TV production revenue, as well as hotel industry revenue in fiscal year 2023.
Though Republicans and the business community have deemed Illinois overregulated and stifling to industry, Pritzker has been pushing to change that narrative.
“In fact, on average, a new business moved to Illinois or expanded here every single day last year,” he said Wednesday.
Migrants and a national lens
The governor rose to Democratic political prominence during the early months of COVID-19 as a foil to Trump’s response to the pandemic. But with a president of the same party occupying the White House, Pritzker has walked a fine line criticizing Joe Biden’s response to a different national issue: an influx of migrants from the southern border.
Pritzker, a leading Biden surrogate who fought to bring this summer’s Democratic National Convention to Chicago, has repeatedly called on the White House to be more involved in coordinating migrants and make the asylum and work permitting application process easier and less costly.
He’s also taken on an adversarial role to Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson, the progressive elected to the office last year, showing public frustration with Johnson’s disorganized response to the thousands of migrants bused in from Texas.
In November, Pritzker made state funding available for a 2,000-bed shelter in the city – something that has yet to come to fruition.
And last week, Pritzker – alongside Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle – bypassed the mayor in announcing a joint $250 million funding plan aimed at keeping shelters open through the end of 2024.
The governor, who’d been discussed by national media as a potential presidential candidate in 2024 – and is still mentioned as an option for 2028 – broadened the scope of his speech Wednesday to national politics when talking about the state’s migrant response.
Pritzker called out congressional Republicans who suddenly walked away from negotiations on federal immigration reform earlier this month, accusing the GOP of backing out “because Donald Trump told them to, and they’re afraid of him.”
He further criticized Republicans who “find it hard to put country over party” and predicted GOP members would be “looking for a microphone” after his speech “so they can start yelling about sanctuary cities and immigrants taking our tax dollars.”
And he urged the press to ask those same GOP members whether they supported the federal immigration bill before Trump tanked its chances.
“We don’t have any clear idea how long Governor Abbott intends to hold the nation hostage, but his political stunt will eventually come to an end,” Pritzker said, mentioning a $5 million set-aside in his budget proposal to plan for shelter conversions when the flow of migrants finally does slow.
The governor ended the migrant-focused portion of his speech with a challenge to legislative leaders who’ll spend the next few months crafting a budget.
“I won’t pretend any of this is easy, but it would be irresponsible to do anything but come here, lay out the scope of the challenge, tell you what I think we need to do, and then work with you to make it happen,” he said.
Andrew Adams contributed.
Capitol News Illinois is a nonprofit, nonpartisan news service covering state government. It is distributed to hundreds of print and broadcast outlets statewide. It is funded primarily by the Illinois Press Foundation and the Robert R. McCormick Foundation, along with major contributions from the Illinois Broadcasters Foundation and Southern Illinois Editorial Association.
CHICAGO, PRNewswire -- Wake up and smell the pancakes! From the brand whose pancakes pack the same punch as their iconic waffles, comes this humble ab-ode to flapjacks. Eggo® is celebrating its other favorite breakfast staple with the ultimate Eggo experience in honor of National Pancake Day on Feb. 28.
You can now book the first-ever Eggo House of Pancakes, a literal “pancake house” complete with a stick-of-butter-shaped chimney and breakfast-inspired decor, available for rent exclusively on HomeToGo. It’s here just in time for spring break to rescue families and fans from the chaos that comes with planning a vacation for the whole crew.
Located in the Pancake Capital of the South – Gatlinburg, Tenn. – fans will soon be able to book a unique stay at the Eggo House of Pancakes and enjoy this short-stack-shaped home-away-from-home in the heart of the Smoky Mountains. Flapjack-loving fans and families visiting this unique vacation destination will be transported into a pancake paradise from the moment they step inside. Breathe in the scent of sweet syrup-infused mountain air. Get cozy in the fluffy pancake beds and bean bag chairs. Toast up Eggo Mini Pancake s’mores at the fire pit overlooking the Smokies. Pour it on thick at the maple syrup fountain. Dive into game night in the basement gameroom, complete with an Eggo pancake-fied pool table and more.
Expertly crafted and irresistibly fluffy, Eggo pancakes are a convenient, ready-in-30-seconds breakfast classic that come in a variety of flavors and sizes: Buttermilk, Blueberry, Chocolatey Chip, Minis & Chocolatey Chip Minis. All you need is a microwave…and butter and syrup.
“Eggo and waffles are an iconic combination, so much so that fans might forget about our pancakes. That’s why
specializing in making incredible homes easily accessible to everyone. According to HomeToGo data, Gatlinburg not only tops the charts as the most-searched destination in Tennessee, but also ranks as one of the top ten most searched destinations in the entire U.S., making it the perfect pancake haven for this mouthwatering collaboration.
The best part? Parents can actually relax because vacationing here is easy, from start to finish. First, HomeToGo’s seamless booking process ensures your pancake-filled vacation begins effortlessly. Then, Eggo’s array of products ensure you don’t have to worry about breakfast once you’re there.
That’s right. We’ve packed the freezer full of Eggo pancakes for chaos-free mornings throughout your stay.
we’re flipping our focus with this unexpected experience that celebrates Eggo pancakes as a breakfast go-to that’s equally good at making parents’ lives easier and making breakfast delicious,” said Joe Beauprez, Senior Director of Marketing for Frozen Foods at Kellanova. “Plus, we know that planning a family vacation can be chaotic, so we’re helping parents check one more thing off their to-do list for spring break season with this deliciously fun house.”
The Eggo House of Pancakes will be exclusively listed on HomeToGo.com, a vacation rental marketplace
“At HomeToGo, we’re on a mission to make vacation planning as delightful as the trips themselves. And, we love pancakes. That’s why we are thrilled to partner with Eggo to bring their House of Pancakes to fans of unique vacation rentals,” said Danielle Finch, Director of Customer Experience at HomeToGo. “We look forward to inspiring adventure-seeking families to embark on unforgettable journeys, all while showcasing the simplicity of booking their dream stays using HomeToGo. We believe booking a vacation rental should be as easy as a pancake breakfast with Eggo: without any chaos and full of fun.”
Families and fans can request to book one of four different three-night stays at the Eggo House of Pancakes beginning on National Pancake Day, Feb. 28, at the chaos-solving cost of $0 a night, by visiting www.hometogo.com/EggoHouseofPancakes. And yes, you can bring the whole crew, as the House accommodates up to 8 guests.
Bookings will be available through March 31. Booking will open on Mondays at 12 PM EST on a rolling basis through Monday, March 18.* Guests are responsible for their own travel to and from the Eggo House of Pancakes. See below for exact booking dates and openings.
*The four 3-night stays are not a contest. The stays will be available for booking as follows:
Wednesday, Feb. 28: March 7-10 open for booking
Monday, March 4: March 14-17 open for booking
Monday, March 11: March 21-24 open for booking
Monday, March 18: March 28-31 open for booking
NEW YORK, Feb. 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/
-- Coach today unveiled “Find Your Courage,” a campaign featuring virtual human, model and digital creator imma and Coach Family Lil Nas X, Camila Mendes, Youngji Lee, Kōki, and Wu Jinyan. Set in a virtual universe, the campaign introduces the Coach Spring collection within a story about finding the courage to discover what it means to be real in your own way.
The newest exploration of “The Courage to Be Real,” Coach’s purpose is grounded in inspiring people to express the many sides of who they are, “Find Your Courage” takes place between physical and virtual worlds, blurring the lines along the way. The campaign is inspired by the way today’s younger generations are redefining what it means to be “real” through the lens of many concepts of self— and the courage it takes to navigate and embrace the complex layers of identity.
Unveiled recently with the first chapter starring Lil Nas X, the campaign follows imma as she goes on a journey to find her courage, visiting each ambassador in their own unique virtual world. With each visit, imma learns each individual’s “superpower”—a lesson that will help her discover what makes her real in her own way. Lil Nas X shows her the courage to change the game by writing your own rules instead of following someone else’s rulebook. In future chapters to be released in March, April and May, Wu Jinyan shows imma the courage to take risks, where she learns to overcome uncertainty by taking a bold leap forward. With Youngji Lee, she discovers the courage to break the mold by subverting expectations with humor. In the final chapters, she meets with Camila Mendes, where she learns to keep evolving and love every version of herself, followed by Kōki, where she finds the courage to explore new possibilities—in a luminous world that connects all prior chapters of the film and opens more doors to new paths.
for creative expression. It also introduces pieces from the Coach Spring 2024 collection, inspired by Creative Director Stuart Vevers’ vision of youthful interpretations of Coach’s American design language, including new quilted explorations of its Tabby shoulder bag. The campaign also features tailored silhouettes and ready-to-wear essentials in heritage leather and denim, romantic sheer slip dresses, and playful charms inspired by the attitude of today’s generation.
“Envisioning Spring, I was inspired to explore the archetypes of American style and the codes that define Coach’s legacy through the point-ofview of today’s generation,” said Vevers. “’Find Your Courage’ expresses the feeling I wanted for the collection, where our heritage is the foundation for exciting new possibilities for self-expression.”
“’Find Your Courage’ is meant to inspire our consumers to seek out all possibilities for who they can be, despite the tensions and expectations in life they might feel,” said Coach Global Chief Marketing Officer and North America President Sandeep Seth. “For us, imma is the perfect ambassador to tell this story because she is challenging the notion of what we consider ‘real’ today. Her journey in our campaign takes us into a new world that pushes the boundaries of self-expression and inspires us along the way.”
Coach will additionally bring “Find Your Courage” to life with new collaborations with gaming platforms where users can dress their avatars in the Coach Spring collection as well as a new multi-sensory iteration of The Coach Tabby Shop, inspired by this season’s Quilted Tabby shoulder bag.
ORLANDO, Fla., PRNewswire -- BLAQ Luxury Hair, the Black-owned and woman founded plant powered all natural hair care line born from the need to create a solution to the adverse effects of PCOS - a hormone imbalance, is thrilled to announce the launch of their highly anticipated Papaya Paradise Collection today. This exciting expansion brings forth seven innovative products that are set to transform the hair care experience for all those with thick, curly, Type 4 hair.
Drawing inspiration from founder Cherice Williams’ Jamaican heritage, this new collection incorporates natural ingredients like papaya seed oil and murumuru butter; chosen for their ability to deeply nourish and moisturize hair strands. Although tailored for those with Type 4 hair, it’s important to note that these products are versatile and suitable for all hair types coil and curl types, delivering exceptional results in achieving defined and nourished strands.
Directed by Vallée Duhamel and photographed by Charlie Engman, “Find Your Courage” is inspired by A.I. and created using CGI, underscoring the campaign’s message of embracing new frontiers
Coach is a global fashion house founded in New York in 1941. Inspired by the vision of Creative Director Stuart Vevers and the inclusive and courageous spirit of its hometown, the brand makes beautiful things, crafted to last—for you to be yourself in.
Coach is a Tapestry, Inc. brand. Tapestry is publicly listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker TPR.
“BLAQ beauty has always been about embracing natural products to endorse happier, healthier scalps,” said Founder, Cherice Williams “We are so excited to introduce the Papaya Paradise Collection that features a range of products for those with densely packed hair. This new collection celebrates their curls and coils and is a nod towards my own roots and Jamaican heritage.”
The brand that has been steadily disrupting the category for textured hair offers a diverse range of over 15 high-quality haircare products. The Papaya Paradise Collection represents the latest milestone in their commitment to providing top-tier solutions for hair health and beauty. The seven new products in this collection cater to a comprehensive haircare routine, including shampoo ($12.99), conditioner ($12.99), leave-in conditioner ($12.99), curl milk ($12.99), curling custard ($12.99), butter creme twister ($12.99), and edge glaze ($6.99).
BLAQ Luxury’s products are available for purchase online at www.blaqluxuryhair.com, on Amazon, and in local Beauty Supply Stores across the United States, Caribbean and the United Kingdom. Store locator on the website can be found here https://blaqluxuryhair. com/pages/beauty-supply-store-list.
For more information about BLAQ Luxury Hair and their Papaya Paradise Collection, please visit https:// blaqluxuryhair.com/search?q=papaya
BLAQ Luxury Hair Products is the next generation of Black-owned beauty across the online and retail markets. One hundred percent Black-owned and Jamaican-founded, the brand’s collection of quality products can be found online and in select beauty supply stores nationwide. BLAQ Luxury Hair Products incorporate indigenous oils and other ingredients grown in Founder and CEO, Cherice Williams’ native home of Jamaica. Since its launch in 2019, the brand has grown to include 20+ products supporting both men and women in enhancing their natural crowns’ health, shine, and growth.
CHICAGO – State Senator Mike Simmons reconvened his People’s Legislative Council for Single Moms, bringing together moms and caregivers to hear from them how a permanent child tax credit in Illinois would benefit their daily lives.
“A child tax credit in Illinois would make a major difference in the livelihoods of 7th District families,” said Simmons (D-Chicago). “Hearing firsthand from local mothers on how this would help provide them economic relief and financial security makes it even more pressing to enact a permanent state-level child tax credit.”
With the cost of living on the rise across the country, children are often the most affected. Mothers on the People’s Legislative Council for Single Moms shared that they used funds from the Federal American Rescue Plan in 2021 to cover childcare, diapers, clothes for their children, therapy costs, and to counter the rising costs of food, rent and other basic needs.
As a fierce supporter and legislative leader of creating a child tax credit since taking office in February 2021, Simmons has been to the White House twice in the last year to advocate for a permanent child tax credit in Illinois, promoting the beneficial impact it would have on families across the state and the state’s economy. Because of his own experience growing up in a single parent household where his mom struggled to make ends meet while raising him and his sister, this was one of the first bills he filed as a state senator. Simmons has since worked tenaciously to garner support to finally get it done.
“Households all across Illinois are making painful choices to pay for necessities like food and rent, while scrimping on other basic needs like keeping the lights on and paying for prescriptions,” said Simmons. “No Illinois family should ever have to make choices like these, and no child in Illinois should have to see their parents struggle like that.”
Simmons’ legislation, Senate Bill 1444, would create a $700 state-level child tax credit for eligible low- and middle-income families beginning in the tax year 2025. If enacted, Illinois would become the 15th state to enact a state-level child tax credit.
Senate Bill 1444 awaits discussion in the spring legislative session.
If your business accepted Visa and/or Mastercard between 2004 - 2019, you’re now eligible to claim your share of a $5.5 billion Settlement. Claim your share now.
Merchants (business owners) who accepted Visa and/or Mastercard at any time from January 1, 2004, to January 25, 2019, are eligible to claim their share of a $5.5 billion Settlement.
Visa and Mastercard and their issuing banks (the “Defendants”) are alleged to have violated the law because they wrongfully inflated Interchange Fees. Defendants say they have done nothing wrong. They claim their business practices are legal.
After years of appeals, the Settlement is now final, and Claim Forms are now being accepted. If you do not file a claim, you will not receive a Settlement Payment.
Claim Forms are now being mailed to more than 15 million merchants. Even if you do not receive a Claim Form in the mail, you may still be eligible, and you should visit www.PaymentCardSettlement.com to get more information about the Settlement. The deadline to file a claim is May 31, 2024. You can file your claim online at the website. Or, if you prefer, you can get a paper Claim Form at the website or by calling 1-800-625-6440. Assistance with preparing your claim is available at no cost to you from the Class Administrator and Class Counsel.
Submitting your claim online can take less than five minutes.
STEP ONE: Scan the QR code to go to www.PaymentCardSettlement.com
STEP TWO: Provide the information requested about your business.
STEP THREE: Submit your claim! Your claim process is now complete.
visit www.PaymentCardSettlement.com
ATLANTA, PRNewswire -- BronzeLens Women SuperStars Honors launches the festival’s Fifteenth Anniversary by celebrating the accomplishments of women of color who work in the entertainment industry in front of and behind the lens on March 2. Award-winning film, screen, and stage actress Anika Noni Rose is the 2024 Legendary SuperStar.
Rose most recently headlined Showtime series, Let The Right One In, and Netflix’s most-watched limited series to date, Maid. Rose starred as ‘Lorell Robinson’ in Dreamgirls and voiced ‘Princess Tiana’ in Disney’s The Princess and The Frog as the first ‘African American Disney ‘Princess.’ The film received three Oscar nominations and Rose became the youngest inductee to ever be honored as a Disney Legend. Among her other film credits are For Colored Girls; Half of A Yellow Sun; Everything, Everything; and Assassination Nation. Additional television credits include Them, Little Fires Everywhere, The Quad, Power, The Good Wife, The Simpsons, the miniseries Roots, and The No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency for HBO.
Leading actress KJ Smith (Andi Barnes on Tyler Perry’s BET Networks Sistas, Palomar in
Power Book III: Raising Kanan on STARZ, Issa Rae’s Giants, The Available Wife, Netflix’s Fatal Affair, Tyler Perry’s A Madea Family Funeral) is the 2024 Emerging BronzeLens Women SuperStar.
Dr. Holly Carter is the Behind the Lens SuperStar. Carter is President and CEO of Relevé Entertainment, a premier management, development, and production company for faith-inspired family content, artists, and brands. A Mother’s Intuition, Kingdom Business, Song and Story: Amazing Grace, The Clark Sisters: First Ladies of Gospel, Revival, and Fix My Choir, are part of her vast array of production credits which she has served as producer and executive producer.
Producer, Director, Animator, Writer, and 2018 BronzeLens Women SuperStar Ayoka Chenzira will moderate a panel ‘In Conversation’ with all the 2024 honorees. Actor Timon Kyle Durrett is the host for the 2024 BronzeLens Women SuperStar Honors and Atlanta’s historic Rialto Center for the Arts is the event venue location. For more information regarding the BronzeLens Film Festival, visit www.bronzelens.com.
DALLAS, PRNewswire -- Acclaimed “Lowcountry Cuisine King” and television personality Chef Carlos Brown brings a taste of the Gullah Geechee culture of the Carolinas and Georgia to kitchens across the country with the launch of his brandnew line of signature sauces, marinades, and dressings this February. Inspired by the rich culinary traditions of his ancestors, Chef Brown’s “Gullah Gourmet” collection infuses bold, authentic flavors with a modern twist, promising to tantalize taste buds and transport diners to the sundrenched shores of the coastal South.
“This ain’t your mama’s steak sauce,” declares Chef Brown with his signature infectious grin.
“These flavors that simmered in my mama’s kitchen, the ones that woke you up on a Sunday morning and chased away the chill on a Lowcountry winter night. We’re talking about generations of love, laughter, and good old-fashioned soul poured into every bottle. And best of all, it’s so versatile, it brings flavor to everything you mix it with!”
nature condiments, each crafted with fresh, high-quality ingredients and bursting with unique flavor profiles. The sauce collection includes:
Gourmet Steak Sauce: Bold and savory blend of tomatoes, spices, and vinegar, perfect for enhancing grilled steak, burgers, or roasted vegetables.
The new signature line, Gullah Gourmet by Chef Carlos Brown, boasts a range of rich, sig-
Gourmet Wing Sauce: Tangy, spicy, and often sweet concoction ideal for coating and baking chicken wings, drumsticks, or tofu bites.
Gourmet Strawberry Vinaigrette: Sweet and slightly tart dressing with fresh strawberries, ideal for topping leafy greens, grilled chicken, and quinoa salad.
Gourmet Basil Citrus Vinaigrette: Herbaceous and refreshing with citrus zest and chopped basil, great for summer salads, seafood, or grilled vegetables.
Gourmet Onion Citrus: Savory and bright with caramelized onions and citrus juice, excellent for drizzling on roasted chicken, salmon, or grilled shrimp.
“These sauces are more than just condiments,” emphasizes Chef Brown. “They’re a gateway to a whole new way of experiencing southern cuisine. They’re about sharing stories, connecting with
loved ones, and celebrating the vibrant heritage of the Gullah Geechee people.”
Chef Brown’s gourmet collection is available online at chefcarlosbrown.com and soon at select retailers across the United States. To celebrate the launch, Chef Brown will be hosting a series of live cooking demonstrations and guest cooking at multiple events across the U.S. offering fans a chance to learn his culinary secrets and experience the magic of Gullah cooking firsthand.
Considered “a leading influencer in the culinary arts,” Chef Carlos Brown is a Southern Chef, CEO of C3 Culinary Group, and Founder of Gullah Gourmet. Growing up in the South, his innovative approach featuring “Gullah” cuisine (a uniquely blended heritage of African, French, European, and Native Indigenous American influences found on the Carolinas and Georgia coast), has touched everything from the red carpet to the NFL football field to the Smithsonian African-American Museum in Washington, D.C., where his Shrimp and Grits recipe is recognized. Now Chef Carlos is excited to bring his unique flavors to the dining table with Gullah Gourmet, his signature line of dressings, marinades, and sauces.
For more information on Chef Carlos Brown and his new signature collection, visit chefcarlosbrown.com or follow him on social media at @ ChefCarlosBrown.
Medinah Temple, the home of Bally’s Casino. Originally from the Bermuda Islands and California, Simmons made Chicago her home in 2007. With seven years of culinary experience in the gaming industry, she eagerly embraced the opportunity at Bally’s, drawn in by the swift response to her application on Indeed.com.
For Simmons, the allure of the gaming industry goes beyond her passion for cooking; it’s a family affair. Many of her family members also find fulfillment within the gaming sector, adding a familial connection to her professional journey.
The Culinary Canvas at Medinah Bistro
In her role as a Sous Chef, Simmons wears multiple hats – not just as a cook but as an unofficial counselor, striving to enhance patrons' dining experiences. Medinah Bistro and the other main restaurant, Kitchen 888, inspired by Chinatown’s Moon Palace, operate daily until 1 am. The 24-hour Medinah Café complements its offerings with convenient to-go items like sandwiches, coffee, and pastries.
She says, “My favorite thing to make on the menu at Bally’s is the fried chicken.” Simmons sheds light on the rigorous training regime at Bally’s, emphasizing menu comprehension and recipe mastery. The culinary team prides itself on maintaining consistency while fostering creativity in its dishes, providing patrons with a memorable and evolving dining experience.
Community Engagement
Simmons commutes daily from Auburn Gresham, bringing her culinary talents to downtown Chicago. Bally’s stand out for her is the workplace and the casino's commitment to community engagement. Actively participating in volunteering initiatives, Bally’s collaborates with homeless shelters, ensuring they give back to the surrounding communities.
“I think it’s important for companies to give back to their communities because it gives them a chance to be personable. In my experience, we worked with the homeless shelters feeding people over the holidays. I have done multiple things in the past to give back, including helping with an animal shelter,” said Simmons.
In Simmons' eyes, the vibrant and friendly atmosphere sets Bally apart from her previous workplaces. The casino isn’t just a place of business; it's a community that values each member, fostering a positive and enjoyable work environment.
As Bally’s continues to establish itself as a cornerstone in Chicago's gaming landscape, the stories of individuals like Jasmine Simmons highlight not only the professional growth opportunities within the casino but also its dedication to community, creating a workplace that goes beyond the ordinary.
Enter Jasmine Simmons, a culinary enthusiast eager to contribute her expertise to the Medinah Bistro, one of three restaurants housed within the
What makes Bally’s different? Simmons says, “It’s a friendly and fun place to work.
” Curated by: APS and Associates
Rev. Dr. Haynes, national civil rights leader and successor to Rev. Jesse Jackson, addressed a diverse coalition of Section 14 Survivors, descendants, supporters, and community members at The Church of St. Paul in the Desert during prayer vigil in honor of Black History Month.
On Sunday, February 18, Rev. Dr. Frederick Douglass Haynes III of Friendship-West Baptist Church and the Rainbow PUSH Coalition, one of America’s leading civil rights organizations, joined the Palm Springs Section 14 Survivors and descendants, local clergy members, and supporters as an honored guest at The Church of St. Paul in the Desert in Palm Springs.
The gathering of more than 100 people brought together Palm Springs residents from across faiths, backgrounds, sexual orientations, and ages in unity to honor Black History Month – including the history of the Black community of Palm Springs. Participants at the event prayed for justice and healing for the Survivors of Section 14 and their descendants, and clarity for city leaders.
“What is occurring right now in Palm Springs is a beautiful show of unity across faiths, backgrounds, races, sexual orientations, age, and beyond. This city has an opportunity to be a leader, and to show the rest of the country how much good can come from standing together and doing the right thing for each other. It’s as simple as that,” said Rev. Dr. Frederick Douglass Haynes III, President & CEO of the Rainbow PUSH Coalition.
“The survivors of Palm Springs Section 14 have “The survivors of Palm Springs Section 14 have waited too long for justice. Today, we lift our hearts and hands in prayer for the leaders of this beautiful city to seek a
path forward that honors the past and allows justice to be realized here.”
Rev. Dr. Haynes, renowned national civil rights leader, prophetic pastor, and advocate for racial justice, was recently appointed by Rev. Jesse Jackson to succeed him as the President of the international human and civil rights organization, the Rainbow PUSH Coalition. The Rainbow PUSH Coalition was founded by Rev. Jesse Jackson in the 1970s, and for the first time in more than 50 years, has a new leader in Rev. Dr. Haynes.
“Black history is American history – and that means speaking candidly about the past, even if it creates discomfort,” said Areva Martin, Esq., lead counsel for the Section 14 Survivors. “The sixties and fifties weren’t that long ago, but for my clients, the destruction of their homes, possessions, and community sixty years ago has deeply impacted their lives to the present day. With strong allies across the region and state – now, with Rev. Dr. Haynes, a national civil rights leader joining us – we are building a powerful coalition of supporters and allies, and our movement is being recognized by leadership here in Palm Springs and beyond. We are grateful for the support we have received, and for the prayers of everyone across this city and region. Hopefully by this time next year, we will honor Black History Month in Palm Springs with a celebration of justice achieved.”
The prayer vigil took place at The Church of St. Paul in the Desert, where a diverse group of clergy joined Reverend Jessie Thompson and Reverend Dan Kline to continue lifting up prayers for healing and justice.
“We are truly grateful to Rev. Dr. Haynes, Rev. Kline, Rev. Thompson, and community organizations like
Brothers of the Desert and the Stonewall Democrats for standing beside us on our mission to make our families whole again,” said Pearl Devers, Founder and President of the Palm Springs Section 14 Survivors. “For those of us who remember the destruction of our neighborhood, it wasn’t some land far away or some time long ago. We are living Black history, and we are committed to keeping the memories of our families alive as we continue to pursue justice for what happened to us just down the street.”
“Black history and LGBTQ history isn’t in the past, it’s being created now and we all have a responsibility to improve our communities so that the choices of the past are not repeated,” said David Weiner, Chair of the Stonewall Democrats of the Desert. “Today’s gathering in prayer, leading with hope and unity, is a powerful reminder that only light can overcome darkness, and no matter who you are, who you love or where you are from, every human deserves to be treated with dignity and if harmed, deserves restitution. It’s time for the city to make it right.”
“As we all commemorate Black History Month, it is a time to reflect on how far we’ve progressed and how much more we have left to do,” said Tim Vincent, President of the Brothers of the Desert. “As Black men and members of the LGBTQ community, we are all too familiar with the fight to be treated with decency, respect, and to push for justice when harmed. Palm Springs is a progressive, welcoming community, and the Palm Springs Section 14 Survivors share that love for the city. But the survivors of Palm Springs Section 14 have waited too long for justice, and it is up to all of us to support their cause.”
Learn more at Section14Survivors.com or KnowBeforeYouGoPalmSprings.com
The film “One Night in Miami” depicts Cassius Clay, before he became Muhammad Ali, Malcolm X, Jim Brown and Sam Cooke and the night their lives converge after Clay’s Miami fight with Sonny Liston. The hotel depicted in the movie, and also the stage play, is the Hampton House.
During its heyday, the Hampton House was the place where notable Black figures would stay when they were in Miami. The likes of Muhammad Ali, Malcolm X, The Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. and others spent time there.
Now, the Historic Hampton House Museum and Cultural Center is open for tours. It operates as a museum to tell the rich history of people and groups who have stayed there. It has once again become a staple to the community. The goal is to preserve that history in a fairly young city like Miami.
In 1976, the hotel closed and in 2000, it was on the verge of being torn down. The elements of South Florida, hurricanes and hot humid weather took a toll on the space. At some point, there was a full-grown tree coming out of the pool at one time. It was in really bad shape. It took 15 years to renovate the Green Book era hotel.
People fought really hard to save the building and bring it back to its former glory. The process took a long time and a group emerged with the goal of saving the Hampton House. One of those people were Dr. Enid Pinkney, who the team at Hampton House recognize as singlehandedly saving the building from being torn down. Pickney is now in her 70s and is very
active. Luis Penelas, a lawyer, and Audrey Edmonson, also played a role in saving the building.
On May 8, 2015, Hampton House opened as the Historic Hampton House Museum and Cultural Center. People can see the rooms where Ali and King stayed. They can also see the pool, where there is a large sculpture of Louis Armstrong. Pictures line the walls of the rooms and take visitors back in time. Tour guides provide little-known tidbits about the people who stayed there.
In December 2023, the Historic Hampton House was the site of art exhibitions for Art Basel, titled Gimme Shelter. It featured the work of 25 artists including Terry Adkins, Howardena Pindell, Carrie Mae Weems, and Nick Cave. The work of Brazilian Artist Eduardo Kobra was on display in an exhibition
titled, Bridge Over Walls.” KOBRA’s exhibition includes pieces that depict Colin Kaepernick, Tupac, Marvin Gaye, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Jimi Hendrix and Muhammad Ali. More than 1,000 people visited the cultural center during the week to see the art and visit the space.
Edwin Sheppard, Brand Manager at the Historic Hampton House, called the historic site and cultural center “The Jewel of Miami.”
“It means a lot to the community because back in the 50’s and 60’s, there were 15 Green Book places in Miami, and the Hampton House is the only building that is still standing, everything else has been torn down,” he said.
Sheppard said it is important for places like the Hampton House to exist and to be preserved because that history needs to be there for children who live in Miami and who visit Miami to tell that story. He said people’s eyes light up when they find out The Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. and Muhammad Ali stayed there.
“They light up to know these greats, that we see documentaries and films about, were here in South Florida,” he said.
Sheppard added that a lot of people pass the cultural center, but might not be aware of the gem that sits in that community. Events where the cultural center is open to the public bring people in the space and give the staff an opportunity to share the history of the space.
There are plans for a permanent exhibition with a virtual experience, with visitors travelling from Detroit to Florida using the Green Book to navigate safely.
The Historic Hampton House Museum and Cultural Center is located at 4240 NW 27th Avenue. For more information, visit historichamptonhouse.org or call 305-638-5800.
(StatePoint) Financial planning was once thought of as a male-dominated industry, but that’s quickly changing. The number of women getting their CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ certification is growing year over year — and for good reason: The benefits of entering this field as a woman are numerous. Below are a few to consider.
• It’s lucrative. Financial planners are in high demand and are well-compensated for their expertise. A financial advisor can pull in a generous salary right out of the gate, and earning the right credentials can boost compensation significantly. The median income for those with CFP® certification and less than 5 years of experience is $100,000 — and that median figure grows to $206,000 with 10 or more years of experience. In general, financial advisors with CFP® certification earn 12% more than those without.
• Being a CFP® professional
offers good work-life balance. With the potential to work remotely and create one’s own schedule, financial planning is a career path well-suited to those looking for flexibility and a desirable work-life balance.
• Financial planning can be personally fulfilling. Providing competent, ethical financial advice that helps others achieve their life goals — from sending their children to college to securing a comfortable retirement — can be extremely gratifying. Research also finds that female CFP® professionals have a unique dedication to provid-
PHOTO SOURCE: (c) monkeybusinessimages / iStock via Getty
#1: It’s too expensive
Many people believe life insurance is a monthly payment comparable to a car or house payment. In reality, the average cost of life insurance (depending on individual situations) is $14 a month, according to Erie Insurance. Giving up one restaurant meal a month can help set your family up for financial stability for years. To roughly calculate how much life insurance would cost to cover your family’s needs, check out Erie Insurance’s Life Insurance Coverage Calculator.
#2: Stay-at-home and single parents don’t need it
If you’re a stay-at-home or single parent, life insurance might seem like an unnecessary expense. Yet, if you or your spouse are gone, someone will need to provide childcare and cover other expenses for your children. Life insurance could take away the burden of figuring out how to afford childcare as you or someone else adjusts and assimilates to a huge life change.
#3: It is only beneficial after you die
Although life insurance is typically used for after-death support, some policies allow you to tap into your benefits for certain reasons while you are alive. For example, with some ter-
minal or chronic illnesses, your policy may pay out a certain amount to support medical expenses. With some policies, you can also use your life insurance to support long-term care. To learn more about pre-death life insurance benefits, contact your insurance agent.
#4: My employer already covers me, so I’m set
Even though many employers offer life insurance plans, those plans tend to be limited in their coverage and options. Also, most employer-sponsored coverage disappears after you leave that job. Adding an additional policy allows you to have more security in the event you were to pass away. To calculate how much life insurance you need to sufficiently cover your loved ones, visit https://www.erieinsurance.com/lifecalc.
#5: I’m too young to worry about life insurance
When you are young, the last thing you want to do is think about death and dying. However, life insurance premiums tend to be cheaper the younger you are. Plus, having life insurance while paying off debts – especially if you have a cosigner – gives extra security to your cosigner in the unfortunate event you were to pass away.
Life insurance is designed to support your loved ones should something happen to you. Show them you really care about their long-term welfare. Talk to your agent today about adding a policy that fits your needs.
ing holistic financial planning. Working as a financial planner provides opportunities to uplift and empower other women, as well as members of groups historically given fewer opportunities to accumulate wealth.
• Women who aspire to become CFP® professionals will find support in many places. CFP Board, for example, has implemented initiatives to recruit women and advance their careers.
Some firms subsidize the cost of CFP® certification and give
employees time away from work to study for the CFP® exam. Additionally, women’s networks and business councils can help build leadership skills and professional confidence, and many firms are even paying their employees’ membership fees.
CFP Board also administers scholarships for individuals underrepresented in the field, along with a mentoring program.
To learn more and get started today on your path to becoming a CFP® professional, visit getCFPcertified.org.
With demand for personal financial advisors expected to grow significantly in the coming years, and the industry making way for more women professionals, it’s worth exploring this rewarding career path.