Ban would take effect for manufacturers in 2027, retailers in 2028
The Illinois Senate passed a bill Thursday that would ban four food additives that are found in common products including candy, soda and baked goods.
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BY PETER HANCOCK Capitol News Illinois phancock@capitolnewsillinois.comSPRINGFIELD – Minimum wage workers in Illinois will see a boost in their hourly pay to $12 per hour starting Jan. 1, while tenants in affordable housing units will be allowed to keep pets.
Ban would take effect for manufacturers in 2027, retailers in 2028
Those are just some of the more than 300 new laws that take effect in the new year.
The minimum wage increase is actually the result of a 2019 law that phases in a state minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2025. This year, it will increase by one dollar to $12 an hour.
tenants to keep pets is the result of Senate Bill 154, by Sen. Linda Holmes, D-Aurora, and Rep. Stephanie Kifowit, D-Oswego. It provides that tenants of multifamily housing units that are acquired, built or renovated with money from the Illinois Affordable Housing Trust Fund may keep up to two cats or one dog weighing less than 50 pounds. It applies to residents of housing units that are designated as affordable housing for low- and very-lowincome families. The bill passed both chambers in its final form on May 30 and Gov. JB Pritzker signed it into law Aug. 6.
BY COLE LONGCOR CAPITOL NEWS ILLINOIS CLONGCOR@CAPITOLNEWSILLINOIS.COMThe Illinois Senate passed a bill Thursday that would ban four food additives that are found in common products including candy, soda and baked goods.
Senate Bill 2637, known as the Illinois Food Safety Act, passed on a 37-15 bipartisan vote and will head to the House for consideration. The banned chemicals would include brominated vegetable oil, red dye No. 3, propylparaben and potassium bromate.
Those additives are used in a wide variety of food products. Brominated vegetable oil is a stabilizer used to keep citrus flavoring in sodas from separating from the solution and floating to the top. Propylparaben and potassium bromate are used in baked goods as a preservative. Red dye 3 is a common food dye used in candy and other products.
Other new laws include:
The law allowing public housing
“This legislation does not seek to ban any product or take away any of our favorite foods,” bill sponsor Sen. Willie Preston, D-Chicago, said at a news conference Wednesday. “This measure sets a precedent for consumer health and safety to encourage food manufacturers to update their recipes to use safer alternatives.”
Vehicle taxes: SB58 raises the private vehicle tax, which is a sales tax paid on the purchase of vehicles, by $75 for each model year where the purchase price is less than $15,000 and by $100 for vehicles priced above that amount. However, the registration fee for trailers weighing less than 3,000 pounds will drop to $36 instead of $118.
College admissions: HB226, establishing the Higher Education Fair Admissions Act, prohibits public colleges and universities from requiring applicants to submit SAT, ACT or other standardized test scores as part of the admissions process, although prospective students may choose to submit them if they wish.
Last year the U.S. Food and Drug Administration proposed to revoke the authorization of brominated vegetable oil after a study found that the chemical affects the thyroid, creating negative health impacts. According to a study from the Center for Science in the Public Interest, a nonprofit advocacy organization, red dye 3 may cause cancer in animals. The International Agency for Research on Cancer, a part of the World Health Organization, found potassium bromate to be possibly carcinogenic.
The bill had bipartisan support in the Senate with both Sen. Seth Lewis, R-Bartlett, and Sen. Steve McClure, R-Springfield, voting for it.
“(Red dye 3) was banned by the FDA for use in makeup over 30 years ago. So, the FDA doesn’t allow you to put it on your face for makeup. But yet kids are eating this in candy,” McClure said in the Senate Thursday. “That to me is outrageous. So, for that reason I am voting for this bill.”
Preston previously said he was considering adding titanium dioxide to the ban, but that plan was scrapped during negotiations. He said if additional research becomes available “we’ll explore that option at that time.” In 2021 the European Food Safety Authority said it was concerned that titanium dioxide could alter people’s DNA.
Drug prices: SB1682 requires pharmacies to post a notice informing consumers that they may request current pharmacy retail prices at the point of sale.
FOID card changes: HB562 enacts several changes to the Firearm Owner Identification card law. Among other things, it provides for a streamlined renewal process for FOID cards and Concealed Carry Licenses for people who voluntarily submit fingerprint records. It also allows the Illinois State Police to issue a combined FOID card and Concealed Carry License to qualified applicants, and it establishes a new Violent Crime Intelligence Task Force to take enforcement action against people with revoked FOID cards.
Whether it was buying coats for a mother who couldn’t afford them for her three children or donating blood for a young boy in the community who was diagnosed with leukemia, Kristin was always looking to help others, said her mother Pam Oliver.
When Kristin was diagnosed with a rare cancer of the heart, cardiac sarcoma at the age of 29, Oliver said that she assured her daughter during her fight against that disease that “your life is going to make a difference.”
Industry groups such as the Illinois Manufacturers’ Association have pushed back against the bill throughout the legislative process. In January, the IMA issued a statement in opposition of “this well-intentioned legislation,” claiming it would undermine the FDA and negatively impact Illinois’ economy as it would “create a confusing and costly patchwork of regulations.”
The National Confectioners Association issued a similar statement, saying the bill would “increase food costs, undermine consumer confidence, and create confusion around food safety.” The group also argued food regulation should “rely on the scientific rigor of the FDA.”
California passed a similar bill last year that will take effect in 2027 and the New York Senate is currently debating a similar bill. The food additives are already regulated or banned in parts of the European Union.
The Illinois bill was amended from an earlier version to grant retailers additional time to comply. The additives would be banned from manufacturing beginning January 1, 2027, with the sale, delivery, distribution, and holding of products containing the additives being banned beginning in 2028.
“We have given an extension to retailers, an extension for an extra year, for them to get in compliance,” Preston said. “We don’t intend to fine people out of business at all.”
Violators are subject to fines up to $5,000 for their first offense and up to $10,000 for each subsequent offense.
Both Lewis and McClure, while voting for the bill, said they would like to see future legislation clarify how fines accrue and what constitutes a single violation of the law.
Sen. Rachel Ventura, D-Joliet, said that as Illinois faces issues of food insecurity and food deserts, this bill is needed to ensure people’s safety.
“So, we know that lots of families who live in poor areas tend to go to convenience stores for their grocery stores,” she said at a news conference Wednesday. “We need those foods to be safe to consume, especially if they’re eating them on a daily basis, or multiple times a day.”
Capitol News Illinois is a nonprofit, nonpartisan news service covering state government. It is distributed to hundreds of newspapers, radio and TV stations statewide. It is funded primarily by the Illinois Press Foundation and the Robert R. McCormick Foundation, along with major contributions from the Illinois Broadcasters Foundation and Southern Illinois Editorial Association.
Kristin’s experience with cancer opened Oliver’s her eyes to the fact that blood donations are needed not only during major disasters, but are also essential for surgeries, cancer treatments, chronic illnesses and traumatic injuries. Someone needs blood every two seconds, according to Versiti Blood Centers.
“There’s a need, and a lot of people don’t understand that,” Oliver said. “It’s always needed. You just never know when your need might come. There is a demand, and not just when there is a shortage.”
Kristin died two years after her diagnosis in June 2020 at the age of 31.
On April 27, Pam and her husband Kelvin Oliver, will continue to honor the promise to Kristin that her life would make a difference by holding a blood drive that they established in Kristin’s honor in 2021.
Student mental health: HB576 and SB1577 allow students in Illinois up to five excused absences to attend to their mental or behavioral health without providing a medical note. Those students will be given an opportunity to make up any work they missed during the first absence and, after using a second mental health day, may be referred
to the appropriate school support personnel.
“This is something Kristin would do,” Pam Oliver said. “She can still save someone’s life. She is our little light that continues to shine on in our hearts.”
Official flags: HB605 requires state agencies and institutions to purchase Illinois and American flags that are made in the United States.
Pam Oliver said she learned a lot about blood supplies during Kristin’s journey with cancer. Under high-intensity chemotherapy, Kristin’s bone marrow cells were damaged and she needed regular blood transfusions.
Hair styles: SB817 prohibits discrimination in schools against individuals on the grounds of wearing natural or ethnic hairstyles, which include dreadlocks, braids, twists and afros.
Recent high profile cases such as Kate Middleton’s cancer diagnosis are examples of cancer cases growing more common among adults younger than 50 in the United States and around the world. By 2030, one recent study estimated, the number of these early-onset cancer diagnoses could increase by roughly 30 percent worldwide—and the number of people who die from their conditions could rise by about 20 percent.
Lemonade stands: SB119 prohib-
its public health authorities from regulating or shutting down lemonade stands or similar operations that are operated by children under the age of 16. Known as “Hayli’s Law,” it was inspired by 12-year-old Hayli Martinez, whose lemonade stand in Kankakee was shut down by local officials.
Oliver also learned how important blood donations from people of color can be for her community. While “blood is blood” in a pinch, Oliver said she found out patients experience the best outcomes when they receive donations from people of similar ethnic backgrounds. All of that led to the idea for blood drive.
United States. In June, President Joe Biden also signed a bill designating Juneteenth as a federal holiday.
“We need a diverse supply,” Oliver said. “We just want to help our community and encourage people of color to be part of the process on a regular basis.”
Juneteenth: HB3922 recognizes June 19, or “Juneteenth,” as an official state holiday that commemorates the end of slavery in the
In addition to collecting blood donations, the family is also asking people to bring a grocery store gift card or monetary donation to help The Center for Food Equity in Medicine address food insecurity for those living with chronic conditions such as cancer. Kristin is a posthumous member of the organization’s board of directors. The Center, which is based in Flossmoor, provides food for people facing health challenges in the Chicago area.
Capitol News Illinois is a nonprofit, nonpartisan news service covering state government and distributed to more than 400 newspapers statewide. It is funded primarily by the Illinois Press Foundation and the Robert R. McCormick Foundation.
The blood drive will take place from 10:30 a.m. to 2:45 p.m., Saturday, April 27 at Sgt. Means Park, 20712 Western Ave., in Olympia Fields. Donors are encouraged to schedule appointments in advance by calling 1-800-7TO-GIVE.
ENGLEWOOD CLIFFS, N.J., PRNewswire -- Baby Dove builds on its continued commitment to help close the Black maternal care gap with the launch of its Expecting Care campaign. Focused on an impactful portrait series featuring five Black Birth Equity Fund recipients, the Expecting Care release is designed to increase awareness of the importance of lifesaving doula care and the right for Black moms to receive superior care at every step of their pregnancy and birthing journey.
Research shows that across the US, racial disparities in maternal health prevent Black moms from receiving the care they deserve. The Black Maternal Care Gap has created a world where Black women are 3-5x more likely to die of pregnancy related causes than white women – with 60% of these deaths being preventable1. However, a recent study found that expecting moms are 2x less likely to experience birth complications and are more likely to experience overall positive health outcomes when supported by a doula2.
First launched in August 2021, Baby Dove’s Black Birth Equity Project has now provided over $650,000 in grants to help over 500 Black moms access doula support during their pregnancy and postpartum journeys. The aim of the program is to help close the gap in care and improve health outcomes for Black expectant mothers.
Through the lens of Solana Cain, a photojournalist with a concentration in bringing attention to Black maternal health, Baby Dove’s new Expecting Care portrait series features five Black Birth Equity Fund grant recipients to celebrate the power of Black motherhood. The campaign captures Ronique, Jazzmine, Kendra, Matilda and Jasmine in different stages of pregnancy and early motherhood, each with a unique experience and journey to share.
“After receiving a grant from Baby Dove in 2023, I was able to hire a doula who acted as my personal advocate leading up to my due date and in the delivery room,” says Jazzmine Hall, a Black Birth Equity Fund Recipient featured in the Expecting Care campaign. “It made me so much more confident in my journey, and I was able to enjoy my pregnancy more knowing I had someone who would be there to help me through the labor process. I’m so happy that Baby Dove is helping to bridge the equity gap and thrilled to be included alongside other Black expectant moms to advocate for the importance of doula care.”
The campaign will live across Baby Dove’s social and digital platforms, in addition to out-of-home placements and photography within the baby care aisle at Walmart locations nationwide, to further increase awareness of the Black maternal care gap.
“The goal of Baby Dove’s Black Birth Equity Fund has always been to improve the birthing journey for Black moms and their babies,” says Greg Ross, Chief Operating Officer of North America Personal Care at Unilever.
Black Birth Equity Project
In 2021, Baby Dove set out on a mission to close the Black maternal health gap by working towards systemic change to improve the birthing journey for Black moms and their babies. In partnership with Black Mamas Matter Alliance, Baby Dove expanded access to doulas through the Black Birth Equity Fund, which provides Black expectant mothers in the U.S. with immediate financial support so they can access doula services. Applications for direct, one-time grants of up to $1,300 are available at BabyDove.com.
and ¼ moisturizing cream. Dove’s heritage is based on moisturization, and it is proof not promises that enabled Dove to grow from a Beauty Bar into one of the world’s most beloved beauty brands.
Women have always been our inspiration and since the beginning, we have been wholly committed to providing superior care to all women and to championing real beauty in our advertising. Dove believes that beauty is for everyone. That beauty should be a source of confidence and not anxiety. Dove’s mission is to inspire women everywhere to develop a positive relationship with the way they look and realize their personal potential for beauty.
For more than 65 years, Dove has been committed to broadening the narrow definition of beauty in the work they do. With the ‘Dove Real Beauty Pledge,’ Dove vows to: Portray women with honesty, diversity and respect. We feature women of different ages, sizes, ethnicities, hair color, type, and style.
Expanding its efforts, in 2023 Baby Dove partnered with Sista Midwife Productions, a birth advocacy, training and consulting agency, to launch the Black Doula Directory. A national resource offering expectant moms and birthing individuals access to Black doulas nationwide, the Black Doula Directory also includes doula members from around the world, including Canada, Australia, England, and Germany. To-date, there are over 1,400 Black doulas featured on the directory, with continued efforts to increase participation.
For more information on Baby Dove’s Black Birth Equity Project and the brand’s commitment to closing the Black maternal care gap, visit www.BabyDove.com.
Dove started its life in 1957 in the US, with the launch of the Beauty Bar, with its patented blend of mild cleansers
Portray women as they are in real life, with zero digital distortion and all images approved by the women they feature.
Help young people build body confidence and self-esteem through the Dove Self-Esteem Project, the biggest provider of self-esteem education in the world.
1 Petersen EE, Davis NL, Goodman D, et al. Racial/ Ethnic Disparities in Pregnancy-Related Deaths — United States, 2007–2016. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2019;68:762–765. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15585/mmwr. mm6835a3external icon
2 Gruber, K. J., Cupito, S. H., & Dobson, C. F. (2013). Impact of doulas on healthy birth outcomes. The Journal of Perinatal Education. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ pmc/articles/PMC3647727/.
for excellent outcomes
ST. PAUL, Minn., PRNewswire -- The Mother Baby Center, a partnership between Allina Health and Children’s Minnesota, is proud to announce The Mother Baby Center in St. Paul has been recognized for its success in supporting Black maternal health by U.S. News & World Report for Black Maternal Health Week 2024.
The Mother Baby Center, a partnership between Allina Health and Children’s Minnesota, is proud to announce The Mother Baby Center in St. Paul has been recognized for its success in supporting Black maternal health by U.S. News & World Report for Black Maternal Health Week 2024.
The Mother Baby Center, a partnership between Allina Health and Children’s Minnesota, is proud to announce The Mother Baby Center in St. Paul has been recognized for its success in supporting Black maternal health by U.S. News & World Report for Black Maternal Health Week 2024.
en’s Health Services at Allina Health. “We are dedicated to ensuring that every expectant parent receives the highest quality care, regardless of race or background. This recognition motivates us to continue striving for excellence in maternal health and reinforces our commitment to delivering care that is inclusive, supportive and equitable for all.”
U.S. News’ analysis of all High-Performing Maternity Care Hospitals in the U.S. identified just 26 hospitals nationwide achieving excellent outcomes for cesarean section and unexpected newborn complications among Black patients.
U.S. News identified hospitals that: Rated High Performing in U.S. News’ Best Hospitals for Maternity Care.
Served at least 20 Black patients per year.
Had newborn complication rates of less than 2.62%.
Founded by Black Mamas Matter Alliance (BMMA), Black Maternal Health Week is held every April as part of National Minority Health Month; this year is the seventh annual observation of Black Maternal Health Week.
Learn more about The Mother Baby Center at https://www.themotherbabycenter.org.
Allina Health is dedicated to the prevention and treatment of illness and enhancing the greater health of individuals, families and communities throughout Minnesota and western Wisconsin. A nonprofit health care system, Allina Health cares for patients from beginning to end-of-life through its 90+ clinics, 12 hospital campuses, 14 retail pharmacies, and many specialty care centers and specialty medical services, home care, and emergency medical transportation services. Learn more at allinahealth.org and join us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
“This recognition is a testament to the dedication and tireless efforts of our teams at The Mother Baby Center,” said William Wagner, MD, interim vice president, Wom-
Had c-section rates of less than 23.9% (among hospitals providing a higher level of care) or 23.6% (among hospitals not providing a higher level of care) among Black patients.
Children’s Minnesota is one of the largest pediatric health systems in the United States and the only health system in Minnesota to provide care exclusively to children, from before birth through young adulthood. An independent and not-for-profit system since 1924, Children’s Minnesota is one system serving kids throughout the Upper Midwest at two free-standing hospitals, nine primary care clinics, multiple specialty clinics and seven rehabilitation sites. As The Kids Experts® in our region, Children’s Minnesota is regularly ranked by U.S. News & World Report as a top children’s hospital.
DENVER, PRNewswire -- Under Canvas, the leader in upscale, outdoor hospitality, announced Under Canvas Yosemite – the company’s first-ever California camp – will open on May 22, 2025. The 80-acre camp is set in a serene, mountainside forest surrounded by mature, Yosemite-native trees, just 10 minutes from the west entrance of Yosemite National Park. Additionally, a YARTS (Yosemite Area Regional Transportation System) stop is directly across from the camp’s entrance, offering car-free access into the national park.
“Under Canvas’ expansion into California has been our goal since the brand’s inception in 2012,” said Matt Gaghen, chief executive officer of Under Canvas. “We look forward to bringing the Under Can-
vas experience to Yosemite, home to many outdoor enthusiasts and a sought-after destination for adventure travelers around the globe. Our spectacularly beautiful property will offer exceptional access to one of the most iconic national parks in the country, inviting guests to discover the beauty of the park and immersion in nature in an entirely new way.”
Each of the safari-inspired tents will be furnished with plush king-size beds, luxe linens, a private deck, an ensuite bathroom and more. The camp’s lobby tent will feature communal lounge spaces, dining areas and open game areas, all just steps away from an expansive, onsite yoga deck. The dining program will showcase al fresco and indoor
dining, serving freshly made, seasonal dishes and a selection of curated California wines and craft beers. Under Canvas Yosemite will also offer complimentary onsite programming for guests, including acoustic live music, daily yoga, kids’ activities, nightly s’mores and more, and Under Canvas’ Adventure Concierge can assist guests in booking in-park and local
experiences including rafting, rock climbing, fly fishing, stargazing, photography classes and more.
A cornerstone of the Under Canvas experience is the brand’s Mindful Approach ethos. Under Canvas camps are designed to minimize disturbance, maximize open spaces, and flow with the natural topography of the land. The brand’s commitment to minimizing
light pollution and protecting the night sky are setting the standard in the industry, as Under Canvas offers the first-ever DarkSky-certified lodging properties in the world.
Reservations at Under Canvas Yosemite for stays May 22-October 27, 2025 are available now at www. undercanvas.com. Starting rates: $319.
ROHNERT PARK, Calif., PRNewswire -- Hotel Centro Sonoma Wine Country, Tapestry Collection by Hilton is open and is now bookable through all Hilton and Hilton Honors channels. Suitable for fun-loving celebrations, playful meetings, romantic weddings, retreats, and outdoor recreation, Hotel Centro Sonoma provides an ideal space to gather in California’s wine country. Perfectly positioned in the heart of California’s wine country, the four-story, 135-room hotel is well-positioned to offer families, couples, and group travelers alike a welcome escape with easy access to over 400 wineries, farmers’s markets, restaurants, live entertainment, and notable attractions like Armstrong Redwoods State Natural Reserve, Charles Schultz Museum, Sonoma State University, Green Music Center, and Luther Burbank Center. Hotel Centro Sonoma Wine Country is part of the Tapestry Collection by Hilton, a portfolio of over 120 original hotels that offer guests unique style and vibrant personality, encouraging them to connect to their destination and enjoy authentic, off-the-beaten-path experiences. The hotel is managed by Azul Hospitality Group, a San Diego-based hospitality management platform that provides an innovative approach to maximizing performance.
“The opening of Hotel Centro Sonoma Wine Country marks an exciting addition to our region, offering guests a unique and vibrant experience in the heart of California’s wine country,” says Sheree Herrera, General Manager. “We’re eager to showcase the charm of Sonoma County to our guests and help to create unforgettable memories full of flavor and bliss.”
Not only known for its plethora of amazing wines and legendary vineyards, Sonoma County exudes natural beauty and serenity from its mountains, rivers, forests, farmland, and 55 miles of Pacific Ocean coastline. Visitors of all ages
have a multitude of fun activities to choose from as well, including nearby hot air balloon rides, skydiving, fishing and whale watching, kayaking and canoeing, horseback riding, surfing and scuba diving, and more. Culture and entertainment seekers will revel in the selection of local attractions such as Sears Point Driving Experience, Graton Resort & Casino, Pacific Coast Air Museum, Arts Guild of Sonoma, Jack London State Historic Park, and more. Guests can take advantage of the proximity to alluring local communities such as Healdsburg and Windsor, both nestled against the picturesque Russian River and known for their laid-back atmosphere and world-class wine and dining options. For business and leisure travelers that require easy access to nearby cities, scenic Santa Rosa is just under 10 miles, and eclectic San Francisco is an approximate 48-mile drive.
Influenced by California’s natural, agrarian landscape, with interiors by local design firm Cadiz Collaboration, Hotel Centro Sonoma Wine Country breathes new life into the classic hotel experience with thoughtful design, patterns, and textures that parallel regional aerial mapping with richly detailed millwork and functional form throughout the textiles and furnishings. The property’s fresh color palette features relaxing neutral tones with gold and navy accents, reflecting the pollination of bees, which is so important to the region, and the beautiful blue sky and waters of the surrounding Bay Area. The natural and soothing aesthetic is also showcased in the outdoor areas at the pool and terrace, where guests can enjoy curvilinear furnishings and striking wood accent pieces as they take refreshing swims in the comfortably heated water and relax by the gracious fire pit in the evenings.
Embracing the unique elements of Sonoma Wine Country and the coastal influences of California, the hotel’s
signature restaurant, Overland Tap & Kitchen, pours attention to detail into every elegantly simple dish and cocktail. Overland Tap & Kitchen caters to all appetites with its locally inspired cuisine, specialty cocktails, and craft beers from Sonoma County brewers. The menu features familiar comfort foods, including Sopressata Flatbread and Kale Salad, to indulgent classics like Mac & Cheese with cave-aged cheddar. It pays homage to the abundance of regional landscape using fresh, bright ingredients and specialty cocktails, such as the Sundown Rye or Trailhead Mule, setting the stage for memorable moments shared over a meal.
The property also offers a marketplace with freshly prepared grab-and-go options available at any hour. Multi-function meeting and event spaces and a stylish fitness center, including Peloton bikes, round out the many offerings of the hotel’s public spaces.
The hotel’s 135 contemporary guest rooms feature sumptuous bedding, abundant lighting, vinyl wide plank floors, custom artwork, and 55” smart TVs. The guest baths include walk-in showers, Bluetooth-enabled mirrors, and luxurious bath products for an immersive, spa-like experience. The calming quarters provide the perfect environment to relax and recharge.
Hotel Centro Sonoma Wine Country recently joined Tapestry Collection by Hilton and expanded its offerings with Hilton’s award-winning Hilton Honors loyalty program. Guests can celebrate the grand opening of the hotel by earning 1,000 complimentary bonus points per night booked by logging into their Hilton Honors account to redeem this exclusive introductory offer. The property is located at 5870 Labath Avenue in Rohnert Park, California.
For more information, please visit: https://hotelcentrosonoma.com/
MINNEAPOLIS, PRNewswire -- Target Corporation (NYSE: TGT) announced its limited-time pickleball collection in partnership with tennis and lifestyle brand Prince. Pickleball is the fastest-growing sport in the country1, and now Target is adding to the pickleball fun with the Prince for Target collection of nearly 80 apparel, accessories and sporting goods items starting at $9.99 with most items under $50. Whether new to the sport or acing every match, the collection has something for everyone — from on-trend outfits including skirts and retro-inspired track suits to matching sporting goods like paddles, pickleballs and duffels. The collection will be available in most Target stores and on Target.com, while supplies last.
“Our exclusive collections are part of the joy of shopping at Target, offering consumers new, on-trend products at a great value that they can’t find anywhere else,” said Jill Sando, executive vice president and chief merchandising officer of apparel & accessories, home and hardlines, Target. “Partnering with Prince is the perfect way to help pickleball enthusiasts everywhere enjoy the sport that is sweeping the nation, with quality pickleball apparel and sporting goods at prices only Target can offer.”
The Prince for Target collection
Target worked closely with the Prince design team to create the Prince for Target collection, drawing on both brands’ expertise in apparel, sporting goods and industry-leading design. Featuring bright colors and patterns and men’s and women’s apparel that matches the pickleball paddles and other accessories, the collection celebrates the joy of playing pickleball while leaning into the fashion-forward athleisure movement.
Must-have items from the collection include:
Retro-inspired track suits and sets to mix and match
Pleated skirts and dresses
Pickleball paddles with colorful artwork that matches the apparel
Pickleball shopping made easy
Consumers can shop the Prince for Target collection in most Target stores and on Target.com while supplies last. For extra
shopping convenience, they can either use the retailer’s fast and free fulfillment services, including Drive Up and Order Pickup, to receive their items in as soon as two hours with no minimum purchase and no membership fee required, or have items delivered to their doorstep through same-day delivery. Target Circle Card holders can save 5%2 if they pay with the Target Circle Card, which was recently reintroduced as part of the new Target Circle program.
NOVATO, Calif., PRNewswire -- Zenni Optical, the world’s leading online eyewear retailer, has unveiled Blokz+ Tints, a revolutionary lens designed to combat the harmful effects of blue light exposure from digital screens. These innovative lenses set a new standard with dual-action blue light defense, integrating core blue light filtration with an additional blue anti-reflective coating for unmatched protection. Offering 26 times more blue light filtration than standard lenses, Blokz+ Tints provide unparalleled protection for digital screen users. What’s more, they now come in an array of vibrant tints, ensuring you can stay protected from the screen without sacrificing fashion.
Blokz+ Tints lenses are perfect for content creators, students, gamers, streamers, working professionals, and anyone who spends long hours in front of screens. With seven new vibrant tints to choose from, in addition to yellow, you can express your style while enjoying unique benefits like enhanced contrast, relief from dry eyes, and reduced eye strain. Blokz+ Tints lenses offer both style and protection, all in one lens.
Blue light is a portion of the visible light spectrum that has a relatively short wavelength and high energy. It is emitted by the sun, as well as by artificial light sources such as LED lights, fluorescent lights, and digital screens like those on smartphones, computers, and tablets.
Excessive exposure to artificial blue light, particularly from digital screens, can have negative consequences for sleep, eye health, and overall well-being. Taking steps to reduce blue light exposure, such as using blue light filtering glasses, can help mitigate these risks.
Zenni’s new Blokz+ Tints provide advanced protection against the harmful effects of blue light compared to standard lenses. Specifically designed to target blue light up to 455 nm, where the majority of harmful blue light emitted by digital devices peaks, Blokz+ Tints block up to 92% of blue light energy in the HEV 2 range (400-455 nm). In contrast, clear Blokz lenses typically block blue light up to 420 nm, providing less comprehensive protection by only targeting the lower ranges.
“We understand that individuals spend extended periods in front of screens, which is why we engineered these lenses with their needs in mind. Blokz+ Tints lenses are our solution for safeguarding against the harmful effects of blue light emitted by digital screens,” shared David Ting, General Manager and Chief Technology Officer at Zenni Optical. “At Zenni, we pride ourselves on innovation, and our Blokz+ Tints go above and beyond. They block more blue light than the leading competitor, ensuring our customers have the best protection possible. But what sets us apart even further is our commitment to personalization. While others offer only standard yellow lenses, we provide a spectrum of vibrant colors, allowing our customers to express their style while safeguarding their eyes.”
A 2020 research study published in Cell Death & Disease journal looked at the impact of various light wavelengths on pig retina cells. They discovered that wavelengths ranging from 425 to 445 nanometers were the most toxic, resulting in the lowest cell viability. Therefore, it’s evident that these specific wavelengths of light are the most hazardous to retinal cells. With its ability to block blue light up to 455 nanometers, Blokz+ Tints could potentially provide protection to retinal cells from this most hazardous band of blue light.
Additional benefits of Blokz+ Tints include:
Elevated Eye Comfort: By filtering HEV blue light, these lenses may help minimize eye fatigue and strain during extended screen time.
Enhanced Sleep Quality: Blokz+ Tints lenses may help you fall asleep more easily and enjoy better sleep quality by blocking out HEV blue light that may disrupt sleep patterns.
UV Protection: Safeguard your eyes from potential sun damage with 100% protection against both UVA and UVB rays.
Streamlined Style: Go beyond the ordinary with Blokz+ Tints’ diverse range of stylish tints in Amber, Gray, Blue, Green, Orange, Purple, Rose, and Yellow.
Blokz+ Tints are offered in non-prescription, single vision, and progressive lens options, exclusively on Zenni.com. They are designed to fit in any frame offered on Zenni, starting at $6.95. For more information about Blokz+ Tints, visit zenni.com/blokz-plus-tinted-lenses.
Zenni Optical Prince for TargetState Senator Christopher Belt advanced a measure out of the Senate Executive Committee Wednesday that aims to identify and correct inequities some individuals face when seeking loans, mortgages or other financial services.
“Access to fair lending services, reasonable banking and other financial assistance is fundamental to economic development and stability,” said Belt (D-Swansea). “However, there are many communities across the state that face systemic barriers and disparities that hinder their ability to fully participate in the economy such as running a successful business or owning a home.”
Senate Bill 3235 builds off of previous legislation that incentivizes state-regulated financial institutions to meet the financial service needs of areas where there is a lack of access to affordable banking, credit for small businesses, reasonable interest rates, mortgages and other lending services.
The measure would mandate the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation to conduct studies to identify areas in Illinois that show significant disparities in relation to race, ethnicity, gender and other protected characteristics in the area of financial services. Additionally, the bill would identify policies and procedures that may have discriminatory effects on underserved communities.
“By shining a light on these inequalities and their underlying causes, we can take action to promote fairness and equity in the financial sector,” said Belt. “This continues to show our ongoing efforts to address these disparities head on and ensures every resident has a chance at financial success.”
Senate Bill 3235 now waits to be heard among the full Senate.
Congressman Bill Foster (D-IL) recently introduced a resolution in the U.S. House of Representatives to promote science diplomacy. The resolution calls for greater international cooperation, while seeking new ways to advance scientific research and innovation.
“With Russia’s aggressive actions causing global concern, fostering international collaboration in scientific endeavors that supports academic freedom can be a powerful soft power tool,” said Foster. “The exchange of knowledge and ideas across borders not only promotes peace, but also serves as a powerful instrument to address urgent global challenges. As a physicist, I spent more than two decades working with colleagues from around the globe at Fermilab in Illinois where international collaboration transcended national boundaries and allowed us to better understand each other and the world around us. I’m proud to introduce this resolution to promote greater science diplomacy and international cooperation.”
Before running for office, Congressman Foster worked for over 20 years as a high-energy particle physicist at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Batavia, Illinois, managing several multimillion-dollar projects for accelerator construction and research. Foster represents both Fermilab and Argonne National Laboratory as part of the 11th Congressional District.
Chicago, Ill. -- Shot Bar, the revolutionary med spa known for its cutting-edge treatments and inclusive atmosphere, is thrilled to announce the grand opening of its new location at 2444 N. Clark. This move marks an exciting chapter for Shot Bar as it expands its footprint to better serve its growing clientele.
With a sprawling 2,600 square feet, the new Shot Bar location boasts an array of design highlights that are sure to captivate beauty enthusiasts. From its Instagram-worthy style to its inviting lounge area, every aspect of the space has been meticulously crafted to create a unique vibe that makes guests never want to leave.
“This space opening means my dream is becoming a reality! I had a detailed vision for Shot Bar when I was creating it and it’s actually happening!!! I lost my dad a few months back and he would be so proud of the steps I have taken to expand and grow! I just want to keep making him proud because he helped me so much during its infancy,” said Lindsey Sikora Subrinsky, MSN, APRN, FNP-BC, Owner/Operator of Shot Bar.
Shot Bar’s commitment to offering the latest in clinically-proven treatments remains unwavering. To celebrate the opening, Shot Bar is offering a range of promotions during its opening week, including discounts on popular treatments such as Tox, Filler, Glo2Facial, Sofwave, Weight Loss Injections, Tixel, PRX Derm Perfexion, Sentient Sculpt, and Cervello Laser Hair Removal.
“We’ve outgrown our current space and are excited to move into a larger location where we can continue to provide top-notch service to our clients,” said Lindsey. “The new space will allow us to expand our offerings and accommodate our rapidly growing clientele.”
Located just six minutes from the current location in Lincoln Park, the new Shot Bar location occupies a historic single-family home built in 1886. With two full floors of space, Shot Bar will continue to offer its full
range of services, including rejuvenating treatments and cosmetic services like nail and lash extensions.
Grand opening giveaways on 4/28 at 2 pm include two Sofwave full face and neck skin lifting treatments (valued at $3500 each), two Glo2Facials (valued at $185 each), and gift bags.
Event link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ shot-bar-medspas-grand-opening-celebration-tickets-870591832607?aff=oddtdtcreator
After a decade of experience in the medical field, Lindsey Sikora Subrinsky set out to create Shot Bar, a med spa that offers the latest in cutting-edge treatments in a nonclinical, unpretentious, and inclusive environment. Teaming up with Sarah Halverson, a creative director with 17 years of advertising experience, Shot Bar has become a disruptive force in the med spa industry, offering everything from rejuvenating treatments to eyelash extensions. For more information about Shot Bar and its services, visit https://shotbar.net/.
Lindsey gained extensive medical experience in internal medicine, critical care, hospital medicine, long-term acute care, and in the outpatient setting. Prior to Lindsey working as a nurse practitioner, she was a registered nurse including Level 1 trauma, emergency room, and intensive care. Lindsey also worked in Nairobi, Kenya 2013 to 2014 where she offered healthcare and assisted local doctors to establish medical clinics in various communities.
Shot Bar MedSpa is a long-time dream of Lindsey’s. She is inspired by modern medical aesthetic treatments and adamantly believes that her career in medicine will help set apart Shot Bar from other medical spas in Chicago. Lindsey is choosing to offer a very select menu of services. These services have been extensively researched and published. Lindsey believes Shot Bar MedSpa should only provide evidence-based medical treatments. This means that results have been proven effective by medical professionals.
Esteemed Actor to play Oswald Jebediah Coleman in the first-ofits-kind horror feature
LOS ANGELES, PRNewswire -- “Oswald Down the Rabbit Hole” announces that celebrated actor Ernie Hudson will be starring in the highly anticipated horror film, which will be a motion picture capturing a sinister take on a nostalgic fan-favorite cartoon character encompassing the pure horror genre.
Hudson will be playing Oswald Jebediah Coleman, a brilliant animator who is cast away to a bone-chilling magical prison. After over 100 years of being trapped there, Oswald’s come-to-life cartoon rabbit is menacing, gruesome and out for blood.
Hudson is an acclaimed actor known for his exemplary roles as Winston Zeddemore in the “Ghostbusters” franchise, Sergeant Albrecht in “The Crow” and Warden Leo Glynn on HBO’s “Oz.”
“I am excited to work with everyone on this production,” Hudson said. “It’s an incredibly creative and smart project.”
The film follows the main character, Art, portrayed by Topher Hall, who appeared as Blake in Hulu’s “Single Drunk Female.” Art is the grandson of Hudson’s character, Oswald. When Art and his brother, Evan, portrayed by Yasha Rayzberg, who studied for two years at The Ruskin School of Acting and worked with Sam Henry Kass, writer on “Seinfeld” and “Arliss,” go on a journey to track down his family lineage, it quickly turns into a bloodcurdling night-
mare. They are transported to a place lost in time, shrouded by dark Hollywood magic.
The budget for the film is $4.5 million and it is set to begin filming this spring. You can view the spine-chilling teaser trailer here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ccFFrRrWF4&feature=youtu.be.
“I had a very specific vision for Oswald’s character and knew I wanted Ernie for this role from the start, as I’ve always admired iconic cinematic legacy,”
Lilton Stewart III, Creator, Director, and Producer of the film, said. “Ernie is going to bring Oswald’s unique and vengeful spirit to life in the best way possible.”
“The opportunity to work with Ernie is a dream come true,” Lucinda Bruce, Producer and Founder of Lady of the Light Productions, said. “I couldn’t think of anyone more perfect to portray Oswald in the film and am thrilled for the audience to see what we are working on.”
To learn more about Oswald Down the Rabbit Hole, please visit https://www.oswaldsrabbit. com/.
ERNIE HUDSON is one of the most sought-after actors of our time with an impressive list of credits and awards whose body of work has diverse range. He is a beloved star in film, television, and stage, long considered to be one of Hollywood’s iconic working actors who continually delivers. He is known for his iconic roles such as “Sergeant Albrecht” in THE CROW, and “Warden Leo Glynn” on HBO’s OZ and “Winston Zeddemore” in the GHOSTBUSTERS franchise. GHOSTBUSTERS: FROZEN EMPIRE opened last month as #1 at the box office in the U.S. On TV, Ernie can most recently be seen as the Lead in the reboot of QUANTUM LEAP on NBC. He co-starred in the award-winning series, GRACE & FRANKIE opposite Lily Tomlin and Jane Fonda. Ernie also stars as well as Executive Produces on THE FAMILY BUSINESS on BET + and now can be seen on NETFLIX as well. Recently seen in the feature films, CHAMPIONS opposite Woody Harrelson and PRISONER’S DAUGHTER opposite Brian Cox.
NEW YORK, PRNewswire -- PEOPLE is celebrating its 50th anniversary, marking a half-century of captivating storytelling, celebrity features, and cultural snapshots that have defined generations. Since its inception in 1974, PEOPLE has been a beacon of pop culture, offering readers an intimate look into the lives of icons and everyday heroes alike. The 50th anniversary issue is a celebration of the people who have helped shape the culture and who will do so for years to come. The cover stars–with a combined 14 primetime Emmys, 16 Golden Globes, five Oscars, four Tonys and 14 Grammys–have achieved that and more. The crew also includes three Sexiest Men Alive, two EGOTs, multiple humanitarian award winners, a World Champion and a G.O.A.T. The 50th anniversary issue includes a full digital issue, and an exclusive motion cover that can be found here.
advice she would give to her younger self, Oprah Winfrey says, “The most important thing is to remain centered, so whether you’re on the cover of PEOPLE or not, your identity isn’t tied to what the rest of the world says it is.”
When speaking about his relationship with PEOPLE over the years, Michael J. Fox stated, “PEOPLE has been this chronicler of my life, and I appreciate it. Remember that I was pretty funny and I cared, and all the other stuff just fell in. I just wanted to have a giggle—and I giggled a lot.” Drew Barrymore has covered the magazine 15 times throughout her career: “I have been a lifelong lover of this magazine. At every interval that’s been symbolic in my life, there is a PEOPLE cover to show for it.” When discussing
While it’s impossible to get the most popular stars in America together for one photo shoot, we turned to celebrity photographer Art Streiber. Art shot our cover stars separately — measuring every chair and place setting precisely — and worked with set designer Anthony Altomare and retoucher Angie Marie Hayes to create the work of art that became our cover. For more on how it came together, read about the making of our 50th Anniversary cover.
From groundbreaking exclusives to heartfelt human-interest stories, PEOPLE has consistently provided readers with a unique blend of entertainment, inspiration, and insight. Its iconic covers have been seen worldwide and featured everyone from Hollywood A-listers to influential leaders, showcasing the diversity and dynamism of the human experience. Tina Turner, in 1981, revealed in PEOPLE how she had survived an abusive marriage, fleeing husband Ike with only 36 cents to her name and a Mobil credit card. In 1998, Michael J. Fox disclosed his Parkinsons’ diagnosis in a PEOPLE cover story—and he’s since changed the course of research for the disease. When tragedy struck on 9/11, PEOPLE pulled together an issue in less than 24 hours; it
was the first U.S. magazine on newsstands after the attack and, with 4 million copies sold, is still the best-selling issue in the magazine’s history.
To celebrate the 50th, PEOPLE is working with Fotografiska NY on a photo exhibition to commemorate the anniversary. PEOPLE: Celebrating 50 Years will open on May 9, 2024, featuring original covers and photographs from the magazine. The unique archive includes images and ephemera that celebrate the world’s most beloved celebrities and capture cultural moments that captivated the nation. PEOPLE’s success has been deeply connected to the power of the photographic image, with the very first prospectus for the magazine stating, “the succession of dramatic images should make turning the pages irresistible.” Some of the greatest photographers of their generation have worked with the magazine, including Martin Schoeller, Harry Benson, Gordon Parks, Co Rentmeester (and daughter Coliena Rentmeester), Ruven Afanador, Cass Bird, Elinor Carucci and Art Streiber who also created the cover for this week’s special issue.
PEOPLE’s audience is the largest of any magazine brand in the world. Reaching 90% of zip codes, PEOPLE has defined entertainment news for 50 years, connecting our audience to the pulse of American culture. When looking towards the future, Wendy Naugle, PEOPLE Editor in Chief says, “Someday, there will be another editor sitting in this chair, planning a 75th or 100th anniversary of PEOPLE that will live on the page or a screen or in 3D or some new spatial plane yet to be invented. What tips would I give them? Matthew McConaughey’s advice to his younger self sums it up: ‘I’d let him figure it out…Take feeder roads off the highway. Get confused, get frustrated, feel lost, and overcome it.’ And I’d add: Make it fun. Make it fabulous.”
ENGLEWOOD CLIFFS, N.J., PRNewswire -- Baby Dove builds on its continued commitment to help close the Black maternal care gap with the launch of its Expecting Care campaign. Focused on an impactful portrait series featuring five Black Birth Equity Fund recipients, the Expecting Care release is designed to increase awareness of the importance of lifesaving doula care and the right for Black moms to receive superior care at every step of their pregnancy and birthing journey.
Research shows that across the US, racial disparities in maternal health prevent Black moms from receiving the care they deserve. The Black Maternal Care Gap has created a world where Black women are 3-5x more likely to die of pregnancy related causes than white women – with 60% of these deaths being preventable1. However, a recent study found that expecting moms are 2x less likely to experience birth complications and are more likely to experience overall positive health outcomes when supported by a doula2.
First launched in August 2021, Baby Dove’s Black Birth Equity Project has now provided over $650,000 in grants to help over 500 Black moms access doula support during their pregnancy and postpartum journeys. The aim of the program is to help close the gap in care and improve health outcomes for Black expectant mothers.
Through the lens of Solana Cain, a photojournalist with a concentration in bringing attention to Black maternal health, Baby Dove’s new Expecting Care portrait series features five Black Birth Equity Fund grant recipients to celebrate the power of Black motherhood. The campaign captures Ronique, Jazzmine, Kendra, Matilda and Jasmine in different stages of pregnancy and early motherhood, each with a unique experience and journey to share.
“After receiving a grant from Baby Dove in 2023, I was able to hire a doula who acted as my personal advocate leading up to my due date and in the delivery room,” says Jazzmine Hall, a Black Birth Equity Fund Recipient featured in the Expecting Care campaign. “It made me so much more confident in my journey, and I was able to enjoy my pregnancy more knowing I had someone who would be there to help me through the labor process. I’m so happy that Baby Dove is helping to bridge the equity gap and thrilled to be included alongside other Black expectant moms to advocate for the importance of doula care.”
The campaign will live across Baby Dove’s social and digital platforms, in addition to out-of-home placements and photography within the baby care aisle at Walmart locations nationwide, to further increase awareness of the Black maternal care gap.
“The goal of Baby Dove’s Black Birth Equity Fund has always been to improve the birthing journey for Black moms and their babies,” says Greg Ross, Chief Operating Officer of North America Personal Care at Unilever.
Black Birth Equity Project
In 2021, Baby Dove set out on a mission to close the Black maternal health gap by working towards systemic change to improve the birthing journey for Black moms and their babies. In partnership with Black Mamas Matter Alliance, Baby Dove expanded access to doulas through the Black Birth Equity Fund, which provides Black expectant mothers in the U.S. with immediate financial support so they can access doula services. Applications for direct, one-time grants of up to $1,300 are available at BabyDove.com.
and ¼ moisturizing cream. Dove’s heritage is based on moisturization, and it is proof not promises that enabled Dove to grow from a Beauty Bar into one of the world’s most beloved beauty brands.
Women have always been our inspiration and since the beginning, we have been wholly committed to providing superior care to all women and to championing real beauty in our advertising. Dove believes that beauty is for everyone. That beauty should be a source of confidence and not anxiety. Dove’s mission is to inspire women everywhere to develop a positive relationship with the way they look and realize their personal potential for beauty.
For more than 65 years, Dove has been committed to broadening the narrow definition of beauty in the work they do. With the ‘Dove Real Beauty Pledge,’ Dove vows to: Portray women with honesty, diversity and respect. We feature women of different ages, sizes, ethnicities, hair color, type, and style.
Expanding its efforts, in 2023 Baby Dove partnered with Sista Midwife Productions, a birth advocacy, training and consulting agency, to launch the Black Doula Directory. A national resource offering expectant moms and birthing individuals access to Black doulas nationwide, the Black Doula Directory also includes doula members from around the world, including Canada, Australia, England, and Germany. To-date, there are over 1,400 Black doulas featured on the directory, with continued efforts to increase participation.
For more information on Baby Dove’s Black Birth Equity Project and the brand’s commitment to closing the Black maternal care gap, visit www.BabyDove.com.
Dove started its life in 1957 in the US, with the launch of the Beauty Bar, with its patented blend of mild cleansers
Portray women as they are in real life, with zero digital distortion and all images approved by the women they feature.
Help young people build body confidence and self-esteem through the Dove Self-Esteem Project, the biggest provider of self-esteem education in the world.
1 Petersen EE, Davis NL, Goodman D, et al. Racial/ Ethnic Disparities in Pregnancy-Related Deaths — United States, 2007–2016. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2019;68:762–765. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15585/mmwr. mm6835a3external icon
2 Gruber, K. J., Cupito, S. H., & Dobson, C. F. (2013). Impact of doulas on healthy birth outcomes. The Journal of Perinatal Education. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ pmc/articles/PMC3647727/.
recognized for excellent outcomes for Black
ST. PAUL, Minn., PRNewswire -- The Mother Baby Center, a partnership between Allina Health and Children’s Minnesota, is proud to announce The Mother Baby Center in St. Paul has been recognized for its success in supporting Black maternal health by U.S. News & World Report for Black Maternal Health Week 2024.
The Mother Baby Center, a partnership between Allina Health and Children’s Minnesota, is proud to announce The Mother Baby Center in St. Paul has been recognized for its success in supporting Black maternal health by U.S. News & World Report for Black Maternal Health Week 2024.
The Mother Baby Center, a partnership between Allina Health and Children’s Minnesota, is proud to announce The Mother Baby Center in St. Paul has been recognized for its success in supporting Black maternal health by U.S. News & World Report for Black Maternal Health Week 2024.
en’s Health Services at Allina Health. “We are dedicated to ensuring that every expectant parent receives the highest quality care, regardless of race or background. This recognition motivates us to continue striving for excellence in maternal health and reinforces our commitment to delivering care that is inclusive, supportive and equitable for all.”
U.S. News’ analysis of all High-Performing Maternity Care Hospitals in the U.S. identified just 26 hospitals nationwide achieving excellent outcomes for cesarean section and unexpected newborn complications among Black patients.
U.S. News identified hospitals that: Rated High Performing in U.S. News’ Best Hospitals for Maternity Care. Served at least 20 Black patients per year.
Had newborn complication rates of less than 2.62%.
Founded by Black Mamas Matter Alliance (BMMA), Black Maternal Health Week is held every April as part of National Minority Health Month; this year is the seventh annual observation of Black Maternal Health Week.
Learn more about The Mother Baby Center at https://www.themotherbabycenter.org.
Allina Health is dedicated to the prevention and treatment of illness and enhancing the greater health of individuals, families and communities throughout Minnesota and western Wisconsin. A nonprofit health care system, Allina Health cares for patients from beginning to end-of-life through its 90+ clinics, 12 hospital campuses, 14 retail pharmacies, and many specialty care centers and specialty medical services, home care, and emergency medical transportation services. Learn more at allinahealth.org and join us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
“This recognition is a testament to the dedication and tireless efforts of our teams at The Mother Baby Center,” said William Wagner, MD, interim vice president, Wom-
Had c-section rates of less than 23.9% (among hospitals providing a higher level of care) or 23.6% (among hospitals not providing a higher level of care) among Black patients.
Children’s Minnesota is one of the largest pediatric health systems in the United States and the only health system in Minnesota to provide care exclusively to children, from before birth through young adulthood. An independent and not-for-profit system since 1924, Children’s Minnesota is one system serving kids throughout the Upper Midwest at two free-standing hospitals, nine primary care clinics, multiple specialty clinics and seven rehabilitation sites. As The Kids Experts® in our region, Children’s Minnesota is regularly ranked by U.S. News & World Report as a top children’s hospital.
Simplify dinnertime with convenient recipes and digital tools
(Family Features) While meals savored with loved ones are intended to produce smiles and shared moments, the process of grocery shopping, planning and cooking has become a chore for many families. Take the first step toward bringing back the joy and magic of making your favorite foods with tools that do the work for you.
For example, the all-in-one Albertsons Meal Plans and Recipes tool allows you to focus on what you want to eat rather than what you need to buy as it empowers everyday home cooks to plan, shop and prepare personalized recipes based on dietary preferences, allergies or family likes and dislikes. The app features a library of 9,000 exclusive recipes created by professional chefs (with new recipes added each month) and includes tasty dishes such as Sheet Pan Cajun Shrimp Fajitas with Bell Pepper, Onion and Spicy Ranch; Cheese Tortellini and Cauliflower with Creamy Spinach Marinara; and Garlic-Parmesan Chicken Tenders with Green Beans and Honey Mustard Dip.
The free digital tool also includes an artificial intelligence-powered “Scan Your Own Recipe” feature that allows you to snap a photo with your phone of grandma’s handwritten, not-so-secret recipe and transforms it into a digital version saved in the app. Recipes are instantly turned into shoppable ingredients and added to your cart for quick, convenient
checkout. Now, you can turn all of your recipes into a digital library for quick and easy access in one place. No more flipping through cookbooks or recipe cards searching for your favorites.
Designed to provide culinary inspiration throughout the week while saving time and money, the app also features a budget tracker and hands-free cooking mode with a stepby-step timer.
“The Albertsons Meal Plans tool is the ultimate life hack,” said Jill Pavlovich, senior vice president of digital customer experience for Albertsons Cos. “This all-in-one app makes it simple for anyone to plan, shop and prepare inspiring recipes from anywhere – whether it is an old family favorite, a best-seller from a favorite food blogger or one of our 9,000 delicious recipes. Best of all, it’s completely free to use on our grocery app and website.”
The tool is available on the store apps and websites across the Albertsons Cos. banner of stores including Albertsons, Safeway, Vons, Jewel-Osco, Shaw’s, Acme, Tom Thumb, Randalls, United Supermarkets, Pavilions, Star Market, Haggen, Carrs, Kings Food Markets and Balducci’s Food Lovers Market.
Find more information and a seemingly endless collection of recipes at Albertsons. com.
Recipe courtesy of Albertsons
Total time: 30 minutes
Servings: 4
2 green bell peppers
2 yellow bell peppers
1 lime
1 medium red onion
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
1 1/2 pounds raw, peeled shrimp, fresh or frozen
5 teaspoons Cajun seasoning, divided
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup ranch dressing
12 small flour tortillas
Preheat oven to 450 F.
Wash and dry green bell peppers, yellow bell peppers and lime.
Trim, seed and slice bell peppers lengthwise into thin strips; transfer to large baking sheet.
Peel, halve and slice onion lengthwise into thin pieces; add to baking sheet with bell peppers.
Drizzle veggies with oil, toss to combine and spread in even layer. Bake until veggies have softened slightly, about 5 minutes.
If using frozen shrimp, place them in colander and run under cold water to thaw slightly. Place shrimp on clean towel or paper towels and pat dry.
Remove baking sheet from oven. Arrange shrimp over veggies then sprinkle with 4 teaspoons Cajun seasoning and salt; toss to combine and spread in even layer.
Bake until veggies are tender and shrimp are cooked through, 5-7 minutes.
Remove from oven.
Cut lime into wedges.
In small bowl, stir ranch dressing and remaining Cajun seasoning.
Warm tortillas in skillet, oven or microwave, if desired.
Divide tortillas between plates and fill with shrimp and veggies; drizzle with spicy ranch and serve with squeeze of lime.
Recipe courtesy of Albertsons
Total time: 20 minutes
Servings: 4
2 bags (10 ounces each) cauliflower florets
18 ounces cheese tortellini, fresh or frozen
1/2 tablespoon salt
1 jar (24 ounces) marinara sauce
8 fluid ounces heavy whipping cream
1/2 teaspoon basil, dried
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
2 packages (5 ounces each) baby spinach
Fill large pot halfway with hot water, cover and bring to boil. Uncover then add cauliflower, tortellini and salt; stir for a few seconds. Cook, stirring occasionally, until just tender, about 5 minutes, or cook according to package instructions.
In separate large pot over medium heat, stir marinara sauce, cream, basil and black pepper to combine and bring sauce to simmer. Once simmering, reduce heat to medium-low and cook until slightly thickened, 3-4 minutes.
Wash and dry spinach.
When sauce has thickened, add spinach to pot in handfuls, waiting for spinach to wilt slightly before adding next handful. Remove from heat and cover to keep warm.
When cauliflower and tortellini are done, drain and add to pot with creamy marinara sauce; stir to combine.
To serve, divide pasta between plates or bowls.
History Museum gives visitors a comprehensive look into what it means to be Black in Kentucky, and the United States.
Thought-provoking exhibits cover wide-ranging topics on cultural identity such as civil rights, music, representation in the media and much more, and will leave an impression on you long after your visit. The museum also regularly hosts live performances, community events, lectures and other educational programming.
Owensboro Museum of Fine Art
Since 1977, Owensboro Museum of Fine Art has connected people to the culture of artistic expression. More than 4,000 individual pieces representing diverse time periods, genres and mediums are on display in this free admission museum. In one afternoon you can view both paintings from the 1500s and ceramic pieces created by Pablo
Picasso. The museum houses a Regional Art Market offering works for sale by artists and craftsmen from Kentucky and surrounding states, and hosts annual events like the Bronze Buffalo Festival and Art by the Stars Gala, KALEIDOSCOPE KAVE, a computerized digital gallery, and the Young at Art Gallery, offering hands-on children’s activities.
Kentucky Science Center
Wandering around downtown Louisville? Walk on down to the Kentucky Science Center. There you’ll find three floors dedicated to fun and interactive STEM exhibits for kids and kids-at-heart, aged 2 through 99.
American Cave Museum
Not so much a museum as an immersive experience, the American Cave Museum is nestled beneath the charming town of Horse Cave. Delve into the captivating world of caves through interactive exhibits, fascinating displays, and an unforgettable elevator ride down into the belly of Hidden River Cave. Take in spectacular cave formations such as dripstone chandeliers, stalagmites and flowstone formations sculpted over millions of years. Learn about the importance of karst geology and the vital role that cave ecosystems play in groundwater systems.
Behringer-Crawford Museum
The unique arts, heritage and culture of Northern Kentucky are on display at the Behringer-Crawford Museum in scenic Devou Park in Covington. With its wide array of
exhibits, there is something to pique everyone’s interest, such as centuries-old fossils and artifacts from the area’s Indigenous communities,
as well as a replica of the Roebling Bridge, which connects Covington to Cincinnati. Families can explore NaturePlay@BCM, a free and contained handicapped-accessible green space. The area includes kidsized log cabins and caves, a wooden replica of a flatboat, a cruise line swing, walkways imbedded with animal tracks, and gardens planted with native plants and shrubs.
Kentucky Gateway Museum
At the Kentucky Gateway Museum, you can peruse in-depth dinosaur and history exhibits, immerse yourself in a world of 1/12 scale miniatures dioramas that feature hundreds of homes, room boxes, vignettes and individual works of art, and even learn how bourbon became the Spirit of Kentucky. The museum is home to the Old Pogue
Distillery Experience, offering tastings of select bourbons from the area’s storied distillery.
The Historic RailPark and Train Museum
Are you a certified train enthusiast?
You’ll love the Historic RailPark and Train Museum in Bowling Green. Its fun, interactive displays allow you to learn from real cooks, pullman porters and conductors who worked on the historic L&N rail line. After wandering the museum, be sure to check out the RailPark’s five restored railcars.
Visit kentuckytourism.com to learn more and get inspired.
With more than 60 museums statewide, there is no shortage of fun, interesting and engaging ways to explore the Bluegrass State.
He’s 6’1”, but he still looks up to me.
Adopt a teen. You can’t imagine the reward.