After the U.S. Supreme Court last week upheld a federal law that bars those under domestic violence-related restraining orders from owning guns, victim advocates say Illinois lawmakers should pass a measure to ensure firearms are actually confiscated in those situations.
New state laws taking effect Jan. 1
Advocates say SCOTUS ruling paves way for law ensuring abusers have guns confiscated
wage workers in Illinois will see a boost in their hourly pay to $12 per hour starting Jan. 1, while tenants in affordable housing units will be allowed to keep pets.
Those are just some of the more than 300 new laws that take effect in the new year.
Urge passage of ‘Karina’s Bill’ when lawmakers return in the fall
The minimum wage increase is actually the result of a 2019 law that phases in a state minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2025. This year, it will increase by one dollar to $12 an hour.
tenants to keep pets is the result of Senate Bill 154, by Sen. Linda Holmes, D-Aurora, and Rep. Stephanie Kifowit, D-Oswego. It provides that tenants of multifamily housing units that are acquired, built or renovated with money from the Illinois Affordable Housing Trust Fund may keep up to two cats or one dog weighing less than 50 pounds. It applies to residents of housing units that are designated as affordable housing for low- and very-lowincome families. The bill passed both chambers in its final form on May 30 and Gov. JB Pritzker signed it into law Aug. 6. Other new laws include:
After the U.S. Supreme Court last week upheld a federal law that bars those under domestic violence-related restraining orders from owning guns, victim advocates say Illinois lawmakers should pass a measure to ensure firearms are actually confiscated in those situations.
The legislation has been stalled for more than a year, despite efforts this spring and fall to resurrect it after the high-profile murder of Chicago resident Karina Gonzalez. She and her 15-year-old daughter Daniela were allegedly shot to death by her estranged husband less than two weeks after a judge issued an order of protection against him. Jose Alvarez remains in Cook County Jail and is next due in court on Tuesday.
Read more: Advocates push for guns to be taken from domestic abusers when order of protection served | Advocates renew push to tighten firearm laws aimed at protecting domestic violence victims
The law allowing public housing
Vehicle taxes: SB58 raises the private vehicle tax, which is a sales tax paid on the purchase of vehicles, by $75 for each model year where the purchase price is less than $15,000 and by $100 for vehicles priced above that amount. However, the registration fee for trailers weighing less than 3,000 pounds will drop to $36 instead of $118.
But after Friday’s high court ruling, advocates say there is nothing else standing in the way of lawmakers taking up the bill, which last summer was rebranded “Karina’s Bill” after Gonzalez’s murder. The bill would clarify existing state law and require law enforcement to take guns from those subject to certain domestic violence orders of protection.
Amanda Pyron, executive director of Chicago-based domestic violence advocacy organization The Network, said it “hit a lot of us really hard” that Friday’s Supreme Court decision was published on the one-year anniversary of Gonzalez’s order of protection against her husband.
Global Interns Begin Transformative Summer Internship Program in Ireland
rendered or confiscated within four days of a victim being granted a domestic violence order of protection against their abuser – a change from an earlier version of the bill that stipulated a 48-hour timeline. It would also explicitly allow a judge to issue a search warrant for those weapons when law enforcement goes to serve the order of protection.
Although advocates had been waiting for Friday’s Supreme Court decision, they say lawmakers could have taken up Karina’s Bill this spring during the General Assembly’s regular legislative session.
But the pending high court case wasn’t the only barrier; law enforcement groups like the Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police have expressed concerns about smaller, more rural police departments’ abilities to follow the law’s directive to confiscate weapons within four days of an order of protection being issued.
Even Gov. JB Pritzker, while generally supportive of the bill, pointed out last month that law enforcement officers could be going into volatile situations when serving a search warrant for firearms.
Darrell Garth President / Publisher
Darrell President / Publisher
Darrell Garth President / Publisher
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Janice Garth Sales Manager/General Manager
Janice Garth Sales Manager/ General Manager
College admissions: HB226, establishing the Higher Education Fair Admissions Act, prohibits public colleges and universities from requiring applicants to submit SAT, ACT or other standardized test scores as part of the admissions process, although prospective students may choose to submit them if they wish.
“I think it says a lot about our state that it took this long and we hope it will say something different about our state if we get it passed in (the General Assembly’s fall) veto session,” Pyron said of lawmaker inaction on Karina’s bill during a call with reporters on Monday.
CST Weekly,published weekly on Wednesdays and distributed in the Township of Bloom, (publishing 52 issuesannually). W ritten
CST Weekly published weekly on Wednesdays and distributed in the Township of Bloom, (publishing 52 issues annually). W ritten permission is required to reproduce contents in whole or part from the General manager or the publisher CST Weekly does not assume the responsibility for nor are we able to return unsolicited marter als. Deadline for advertising is every Monday at noon. For information on subscriptions o advertising call us at (773) 783-1251. Our office is located at 8741 S. Greenwood Ave., Ste# 107, Chicago, Illinois 60619.
CST Weekly,published weekly on Wednesdays and distributed in the Township of Bloom, (publishing 52 issuesannually). W ritten permission isrequired to reproduce contents inwholeor part from the Generalmanager or the publisher CST Weekly does not assume the responsibilityfor nor are weable to return unsolicited marter als. Deadline for advertising is everyMonday at noon. For information on subscriptions oradvertising call us at (773)783-1251. Our office is locatedat 8741S. Greenwood Ave., Ste# 107, Chicago, Illinois 60619.
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State Rep. Maura Hirschauer, D-Batavia, a chief sponsor of Karina’s Bill, said in a statement Friday that while the high court’s ruling is “a great relief for survivors of gender-based violence,” the decision “merely preserve(s) the status quo.”
Drug prices: SB1682 requires pharmacies to post a notice informing consumers that they may request current pharmacy retail prices at the point of sale.
“Here in Illinois, we should move forward by enacting Karina’s Bill, which will provide clear guidance for getting guns out of the hands of abusers, and ensure those weapons are removed sooner – all within a framework that justices have now overwhelmingly endorsed,” she said.
FOID card changes: HB562 enacts several changes to the Firearm Owner Identification card law. Among other things, it provides for a streamlined renewal process for FOID cards and Concealed Carry Licenses for people who voluntarily submit fingerprint records. It also allows the Illinois State Police to issue a combined FOID card and Concealed Carry License to qualified applicants, and it establishes a new Violent Crime Intelligence Task Force to take enforcement action against people with revoked FOID cards.
Hirschauer pushed an earlier, broader version of the bill through the Illinois House in May 2023, but it failed to advance in the Senate. Gonzalez and her daughter were killed two months later.
Under existing state law, when petitioning a court for a domestic violence order of protection, a victim can ask for 18 specific “remedies,” including the confiscation of the alleged abuser’s firearms. But state law is less than clear on how firearms should be surrendered – or forcibly taken by law enforcement if need be.
Karina’s Bill would clarify that firearms must be sur-
to the appropriate school support personnel.
Classifieds call us at (773) 783-1251
Classifieds call us at (773) 783-1251
us at (773) 783-1251
“In the instance where you’ve got to go confiscate the firearm, literally you have to bring sometimes four officers to one situation in order to remove the weapon,” he said. “And if somebody doesn’t want to give it to you, it becomes quite complicated and maybe dangerous.”
The latest version of the legislation would allow federally licensed gun dealers to store any guns seized or surrendered by someone under a domestic violence order of protection with the firearm remedy – a change made after smaller police departments said they wouldn’t be able to store all of those guns themselves.
Pyron and other advocates said the bill has been tweaked and is ready for lawmakers to take it up again when they return to Springfield in November. She also warned that the General Assembly’s consideration of Karina’s Bill is made even more urgent by a recent “upward trend” in domestic violence-related gun homicides in Illinois.
According to The Network’s analysis of statistics compiled by the Gun Violence Archive, Illinois saw a near-doubling of domestic violence shooting deaths from 2020 to 2023. Four years ago, 37 such victims died of gunshot wounds, compared with 70 last year. Pyron said that as of April 30, 34 people had died in domestic violence-related shootings in 2024 – a 55 percent increase from the previous year.
The number of domestic violence victims injured, but not killed, in shootings is also increasing, she said. The Network’s latest annual report containing 2023 data has not yet been published.
Capitol News Illinois is a nonprofit, nonpartisan news service covering state government. It is distributed to hundreds of newspapers, radio and TV stations statewide. It is funded primarily by the Illinois Press Foundation and the Robert R. McCormick Foundation, along with major contributions from the Illinois Broadcasters Foundation and Southern Illinois Editorial Association.
-- The Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE) and the African American Irish Diaspora Network (AAIDN) are pleased to announce the 2024 Douglass-O’Connell Global Interns have arrived in Dublin, Ireland, for their eight-week international internship program combining academic study and real-world work experience.
The Frederick Douglass-Daniel O’Connell Global Internship Program is a collaboration of Ireland’s Department of Foreign Affairs, the African American Irish Diaspora Network (AAIDN), and the Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE) designed to honor two iconic leaders in the global movement for freedom, equality, social justice, and economic mobility by preparing students from diverse backgrounds for future and career success.
The fifteen 2024 Douglass-O’Connell Global Interns were selected from a highly competitive pool of exceptional students, and each receive full funding for their internship placement, academic program, housing, and airfare, as well as a living stipend.
The program is named in celebration of Frederick Douglass’ transformative visit to Ireland in 1845 during which he met and was profoundly influenced by the famous Irish reformer Daniel O’Connell who expanded Frederick’s worldview and commitment to advancing social justice for all.
During their eight weeks in Ireland, the 2024 Douglass-O’Connell Global Interns will intern with a host company that aligns with their skills and career goals, attend lectures on Irish history and culture, and participate in extracurricular and networking activities in Dublin, Cork, and Belfast.
Upon arrival in Ireland, the interns spent the weekend building a foundation in the legacies of Frederick Douglass and Daniel O’Connell. They visited Glasnevin Cemetery, the resting place of Daniel O’Connell; attended a lecture and dinner with Dr. Phil Mullen, the head of Black Studies at Trinity College Dublin; enjoyed a lecture on Irish history and culture from program historian, Prof. Christine Ki-
nealy; and took the Frederick Douglass Walk in Dublin. This week, the 2024 Frederick Douglass – Daniel O’Connell Global Interns will begin internships at the following host companies: Arizona State University, Khadidiatou Dieng, Sociology, Irish Network Against Racism Barnard College, Sofia Rojas, Political Science, The Innocence Project Barnard College, Victoria Wilson, Economics, VOICE of Irish Concern for the Environment Benedict College, Heaven Day, Psychology, Common Purpose Bentley University, Juan Pablo Briones Lopez, Economics, Complyfirst Duke University, Rhiannon Camarillo, Public Policy Analysis, Mercy Law Resource Centre Hampton University, Heaven Hymes, History, Foróige Howard University, Tianni Carson, Health Service Administration, Elkstone Partners Morehouse College, Ke’Aun Dent, Marketing, GORM Media Paul Quinn College, Stephen Carter, History, Marsh’s Library/St. Patrick’s Cathedral Saint Edward’s University, Alison Franks, International
Studies, Smashing Times: International Centre for Arts and Human Rights Spelman College, Finley Warren, Political Science, AkiDwA
Stanford University, Cesy Acosta, Political Science, All Together in Dignity University of California-Irvine, Annia Pallares zur Nieden, Journalism, Storyful Washington State University, Braydon Morgan, Advertising, Skippio
The interns will contribute to the important work of their host companies as they work alongside Irish colleagues, developing the problem solving, intercultural communication, and self-leadership skills most valued by employers in today’s globally interconnected workplace.
“Global internships are one of the most impactful study abroad experiences available,” said James P. Pelllow, Ed.D., President and CEO of CIEE. “We are pleased to partner with AAIDN and Ireland’s Department of Foreign Affairs to provide this opportunity for students from diverse backgrounds to prepare for career success by expanding their horizons, growing their professional network, and developing critical skills through real-world work experience.”
For more about the Frederick Douglass-Daniel O’Connell Global Internship in Ireland, visit CIEE builds bridges between different people, different countries, and different cultures. For more than 75 years we have helped young people participate in high-quality international exchange and study abroad programs that bring the world together. We change lives, our alumni change the world. Learn more at
The African American Irish Diaspora Network was launched in 2020 to foster relationships between African Americans and Ireland and the Irish Diaspora through shared heritage and culture. AAIDN is bringing the African American and Irish communities together via that heritage as well as other affinities including entrepreneurship and innovation, education, arts, and culture. AAIDN’s mission is actively supported by Ireland’s Department of Foreign Affairs as well as the government of Northern Ireland. Learn more at
Capitol News Illinois is a nonprofit, nonpartisan news service covering state government and distributed to more than 400 newspapers statewide. It is funded primarily by the Illinois Press Foundation and the Robert R. McCormick Foundation. 2
Student mental health: HB576 and SB1577 allow students in Illinois up to five excused absences to attend to their mental or behavioral health without providing a medical note. Those students will be given an opportunity to make up any work they missed during the first absence and, after using a second mental health day, may be referred
Official flags: HB605 requires state agencies and institutions to purchase Illinois and American flags that are made in the United States.
The Illinois State Dental Society Foundation hosted its seventh annual Mission of Mercy (MOM) on June 28th and 29th in Peoria. They provided free dental care to 1306 patients. The patients came from more than 55 counties and three states. More than 80 veterans received priority care on the first day as part of the veteran-first initiative, a gesture of gratitude for their service.
Hair styles: SB817 prohibits discrimination in schools against individuals on the grounds of wearing natural or ethnic hairstyles, which include dreadlocks, braids, twists and afros.
its public health authorities from regulating or shutting down lemonade stands or similar operations that are operated by children under the age of 16. Known as “Hayli’s Law,” it was inspired by 12-year-old Hayli Martinez, whose lemonade stand in Kankakee was shut down by local officials.
United States. In June, President Joe Biden also signed a bill designating Juneteenth as a federal holiday.
The ISDSF Provided Much Needed Service To Veteran
This event brought together over 1,000 volunteers – including dentists, hygienists, dental assistants and dental students from across the state. The critical dental services are valued at over $1.6 million at no cost to patients and was available to anyone in need of dental care. For more information on this annual event or other programs offered by the Foundation (ISDS), please contact: Illinois State Dental Society Foundation 3100 Montvale Drive Springfield IL 62704 Phone: 217/525-1406 Fax: 217/525-8872
Lemonade stands: SB119 prohib-
Juneteenth: HB3922 recognizes June 19, or “Juneteenth,” as an official state holiday that commemorates the end of slavery in the
GREENSBORO, N.C., PRNewswire -- Following a nation-wide search that saw more than 50 submissions from artists coast-to-coast, Wyndham Rewards®, in collaboration with the City of Greensboro and First Tee – Central Carolina, today announced artist Vincent Ballentine has been selected to design and install a commemorative mural honoring civil rights pioneers, The Greensboro Six, at historic Gillespie Golf Course in Greensboro, N.C. Wyndham Rewards introduced Vincent to the community at a press conference at Gillespie and shared an early rendering of his concept for the mural, honoring The Greensboro Six’s impact while celebrating Gillespie’s continued significance to the community through the work of First Tee. Ballentine’s vision and work will formally be unveiled during a special celebration at Gillespie on August 5, ahead of the PGA TOUR’s 85th Annual Wyndham Championship.
“This mural is a special reminder of our tremendous history in Greensboro, and the impact The Greensboro Six had on the sport of golf and beyond. Vincent’s design captures our vision of bringing the community together through the power of golf and will serve as an everyday reminder of our storied past—and because of that—our beautiful future,” said Ryan Wilson, CEO,
First Tee – Central Carolina
Illustrating History, Inspiring Generations
Brooklyn-based Vincent Ballentine is a multi-disciplined visual artist with a degree in film and education from the University of the Arts in Philadelphia and continued study in film at Cleveland Institute of Art. His work ranges from digital illustration and animation, to large-scale murals and street art and has been commissioned by the likes of NCAA, MTV and BET, among others.
With a heartfelt passion for storytelling through art and a desire to inspire generational connectivity and inclusivity, Ballentine was chosen from a pool of more than 50 accomplished artists nationwide to tell the story of The Greensboro Six. His interpretation of history details the Civil Rights heroes as they walk through the doors of the Gate City, a nickname for the city of Greensboro, and ushers in a new day for golf and the world we live in today. The image is complemented with nods to the continued significance Gillespie plays in the community today, particularly through the work of the First Tee. The Legacy of The Greensboro Six In 1955, one week after Rosa Parks was arrested
for refusing to give up her seat on a Montgomery bus, six Black men led by Dr. George Simkins started a local movement of their own by defiantly playing a round at the whites-only Gillespie Golf Course. They were later arrested, convicted of trespassing and spent 15 days in jail. Seven years and numerous court cases later, their actions led to Gillespie desegregating and later, seeing The Greater Greensboro Open (now the Wyndham Championship) become the first PGA TOUR event in the South to welcome a Black player (Charlie Sifford). Today, Gillespie is home to First Tee - Central Carolina, a national youth development program using the game of golf to create life-changing opportunities for local youth on and off the course. It also has the distinction of being the first course in North Carolina to offer PGA HOPE (Helping Our Patriots Everywhere), a national program leveraging golf to enhance the wellbeing of active-duty military and veterans and is one of the only courses in the Triad catering to players with spinal injuries and disabilities through adaptive equipment and free programs.
To learn more about the Greensboro Six Mural Project at Gillespie Golf Course, visit
The 2024 Frederick Douglass - Daniel O’Connell Global Interns. Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE)
CHICAGO, ILL. -- With the opening of Expat, (the group behind Bambola, Beatnik, Casa Beatnik Hotel, Mama Delia, Porto and more) debuts its first all-day concept, located on the corner of Randolph Street and Ogden Avenue in Chicago’s Fulton Market District. A neighborhood hangout that transforms from a cozy breakfast and lunch spot by day to a spirited bar and restaurant by night, Expat is your home for breakfast rituals, American favorites, comfort food, well-traveled cocktails and exciting natural wines.
Bonhomme Group Partner & Executive Chef Marcos Campos and Culinary Directors Shannah Primiano and Erwin Mallet have filled both of Expat’s menus — Breakfast & Lunch; Dinner — with craveable food fit for any hour of the day.
Set in an intimate room, the Fulton Market restaurant channels the style, music & mystique of 1950’s hotspots Havana, Ibiza and Marrakech. These alluring locales captured the imagination of travelers who sought a blend of cultural richness, artistic inspiration, and a break from convention. At Expat the design reflects the singular delights one would crave from back home after spending time away.
“We want to be a space that provides the atmosphere of an exotic destination while preserving the warmth and flavors of home,” says Daniel Alonso, Bonhomme Hospitality Group’s Founder and Creative Director. “We want Expat to be more than just a great old-world cafebar; it’s a haven for local residents and neighbors to count on for a great start to their morning, plug in and do a little work, indulge their cravings, lounge with a cocktail, and enjoy some vinyl DJ sets.”
See below for highlights from the bar, breakfast & lunch, and dinner menus, as well as design info, restaurant details and more.
Expat is a true “American Bar” in the style and manner of famous global watering holes that served cocktails to expatriates and global travelers. Created by Bonhomme Group Partner & Director of Beverage Programs Brian Sturgulewski, beverage offerings reflect American sensibilities and appetites yet display the influence of global flavors and cultures. The Menu is divided into three sections: “All Day (And Night) Cafeì” (Coffee & Tea Offerings, Coffee Cocktails); “Old Chums” (Stiff Drinks, Straight From The Freezer); “Fellow Travelers” (Legendary Libations From Famous Expat Bars Around The World). Some of Brian’s favorites from the inaugural menu are the SUFFERING BASTARD from The Long Bar at Shepheard’s Hotel in Cairo, Egypt, made with Bourbon, London Dry Gin, Ginger, Lime, Bitters, Fresh Mint; PAPA DOBLE from El Floridita in Havana, Cuba made with White Rum, Maraschino, Grapefruit, Lime (Blended); and PORN STAR MARTINI from LAB in London, England made with Vodka, Passionfruit, Vanilla, Sidecar of Champagne. Expat’s bar team also keeps a rotating list of
Exodus Adventure Travels Announces Special Summer Offer
NEW YORK, PRNewswire -- Exodus Adventure Travels, the leading adventure travel company, announced a special summer offer featuring $500 off international guided trips with departures through October 31.
This offer allows active adults from the United States and Canada to experience the thrill of adventure travel including hiking, biking, culture and wildlife trips. It is valid for the first 250 people who reserve guided trips priced $2,000 and over. Terms and conditions can be found at
To empower travelers to make the most of their experiences, this $500 off special allows individuals to enhance and personalize their adventures, and use savings to cover items such as flight upgrades or hotel accommodations to extend their trips.
Boston Celtics’ NBA Champion Jrue Holiday Joins Zenni Optical as Latest Brand Ambassador
affordable natural wines that embrace authentic winemaking styles, unique varietals and emerging winemakers we fancy.
For Breakfast & Lunch, guests can indulge in American cafe favorites like WEST COAST BREAKFAST BURRITO scrambled eggs, bacon, cheddar cheese, golden raisin hot sauce; FRENCH TOAST strawberry compote, house made nutella, candied hazelnuts; BLUEBERRY & BANANA PANCAKES
organic fruit, maple syrup; BLT pizza crust, bacon, lettuce, tomato, ricotta mayo, sundried tomato pesto; PASTRIES baked fresh every morning by our Pastry Chefs Maria and Brenda; TOAST choice of smashed avocado, mushroom or cream cheese; and a wonderful assortment of sandwiches and wraps.
For Dinner, guests can enjoy comfort foods like HOUSE SMOKED PASTRAMI caraway rye, sauerkraut, russian dressing, gruyeÌre, FISH TACOS crispy cod fish, avocado sour cream, cabbage slaw, PASTA AL LIMONE lemon & garlic cream, italian olives, chili oil, spiced breadcrumbs, and WOOD-FIRED PIZZAS.
To bring Expat’s stunning vision to life, Maison Bonhomme collaborated closely with a global dream team starring Luca Lanzetta Group, Popham Design, Molteni&Co, Viabizzuno, and Antoniolupi. Design elements include handmade cement and zellige tiles by Popham Design; a monumental Tisoffio Light by Viabizzuno; bar counters created with polished marble from Italy; cocktail tables by Rodolfo Dordoni; sofas by Yabu Pushelberg; handmade “Beni” rugs by Soufiane Zarib; rotating collection of lithographs and photography; and bathroom vanities and taps by Antoniolupi.
Expat is located next to Coquette & Bambola in the Fulton Market District of Chicago’s West Loop at 165 North Ogden Avenue, Chicago, IL 60607. The restaurant is open Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 1 a.m. and on Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Expat is first come, first served. For more information, please visit and follow along on Instagram @ expatchicago.
Active Travel: Adults are using active travel experiences to feel a sense of comradery, exploration and accomplishment. Many of the top tours this season are in Europe, including Italy’s Amalfi Coast, hiking the Dolomites, cycling tips to Croatia’s Dalmatian Coast and scenic walks and wine in France’s Loire Valley. Tours to countries including Vietnam, Costa Rica, Morocco, and Peru are also popular for active travel, followed by Japan and Namibia.
Expert-Led Travel: In conjunction with the Royal Canadian Geographical Society (RCGS), Exodus Adventure Travels launched a series of expert-led tours such as the Classic Kenya 4WD Safari Trip this August to explore Kenya’s best safari sites with an expert safari guide and hosted by award-winning Canadian filmmaker and World Elephant Day co-founder, Patricia Sims.
Cool-cations: To beat the summer heat, Exodus Adventure Travels also has the “Cool Summer Collection,” with destinations that are ideal to visit in summer with historically milder temperatures. In this collection, travelers can discover the Best of Norway, Sweden & Finland in just 11 days, visiting spectacular waterside cities and islands in the Finnish archipelago. Travelers can also head out on a cycling trip in Northern France from Normandy to Brittany, with a refreshing coastal breeze.
For reservations and information about this special summer travel offer, passengers can visit, email or call (844) 421-0109.
For 50 years Exodus Adventure Travels has been the leader in active adventures. Exodus Travels is a winner of the National Geographic Traveler Reader Awards and is a recipient of the Conde Nast Traveler Readers’ Choice Award, Wanderlust Magazine’s Best Tour Leader of the Year, USA Today’s Readers’ Choice Award, and the British Travel Awards. The company provides unforgettable journeys and expert insights through 400 small group guided active adventures to Europe and 90 countries. Committed to providing travelers with unique, authentic, and responsible experiences, Exodus’ offers expert travel guides and carefully crafted itineraries to ensure deeper connections to people and place.
With an unwavering commitment to sustainable travel, Exodus Adventure Travels is a certified B Corporation (B Corp), further demonstrating its commitment to improve life through travel, dedicated to creating incredible, responsibly run adventures, and understands the importance of regenerative travel. Exodus Adventure Travels is part of Travelopia, the world’s largest collection of experiential travel brands. Travelopia’s 26 award-winning travel brands lead the way in creating unique experiences for guests around the world. To learn more about Exodus Adventure Travels and the company’s award-winning adventures visit, or follow the company on social @ExodusTravels.
NOVATO, Calif., PRNewswire -- Zenni Optical, the world’s leading online eyewear retailer and Official Eyewear Partner of the Boston Celtics, announced its newest global partnership with Jrue Holiday, the star guard, 2x NBA champion, 2x All-Star, and Olympian. Holiday recently secured his latest title with the Boston Celtics, following their triumphant victory in the 2024 NBA Finals on Monday, just weeks before he heads to compete again in the 2024 Paris Olympics.
Celebrating Holiday’s outstanding performance and the team’s victory in the 2024 NBA Finals, Holiday shared his enthusiasm about the partnership: “Working with Zenni just makes sense. I met the Zenni team leading up to the playoffs and we clicked. I love their mission of ‘Eyewear for Everyone’ and their existing partnership with the Celtics was a natural connection. Plus, the glasses complement my fit and look great on me and my whole family.”
with the Boston Celtics is a testament to his dedication, integrity, and passion—qualities we value at Zenni,” said Veronica Alcaro, VP of Brand at Zenni Optical. “His leadership on and off the court, along with his commitment to community through The Jrue & Lauren Holiday Social Impact Fund, resonates deeply with our brand. We couldn’t be prouder of his achievements and will be cheering him on in Paris this summer.”
Jrue’s new collection with Zenni will launch exclusively on later this year. Zenni pioneered the online eyewear industry in 2003 with a mission to make eyewear affordable and accessible to everyone. Based in the San Francisco Bay Area, Zenni offers adults and children the freedom to express their personality through a large collection of high-quality prescription, non-prescription and protective eyewear curated with a sense of fashion and dynamic style. With complete prescription pairs starting at just $6.95, the company has brought massive price disruption to the traditional retail model. With over 51 million frames sold worldwide, Zenni is proud to be the Official Eyewear of the San Francisco 49ers, Boston Celtics, Chicago Bulls, Ghost Gaming, TSM and more. Zenni has worked with designers and tastemakers on curations and collections, including Chase Stokes, Sam Cassell, Keke Palmer, Iris Apfel and George and Claire Kittl Jrue Holiday is the latest Zenni Ambassador. PRNewsfoto/Zenni Optical
This move adds star Celtics player Jrue Holiday to the Zenni partnership roster, alongside Celtics assistant coach, Sam Cassell, who recently launched the highly successful “Sam Cassell x Zenni Collection.”
“We are thrilled to welcome NBA Champion Jrue Holiday to the Zenni family. Jrue’s recent victory
H&M Americas and Buy From A Black Woman Celebrate Fourth Year of Partnership and the Return of the Inspire Tour
NEW YORK, PRNewswire -- After three years of continued impactful collaboration, H&M Americas and Buy From A Black Woman (BFABW) are celebrating the fourth year of their partnership to advance the non-profit’s mission of empowering, educating and inspiring Black women business owners and the people who support them. Presented by H&M, the BFABW Inspire Tour is an annual multi-city pop-up shopping event that features products from Black women-owned businesses in H&M stores across the country – rallying communities to shop from local vendors and providing important networking opportunities for business owners. The 2024 Inspire Tour will touch down in 6 cities this July activating around the theme ‘Black Women Are Still Here’ – emphasizing an ongoing need for support.
er of Buy From A Black Woman. “Which is why it’s disappointing to see what’s happening with programs being defunded and cut. Buy From A Black Woman and H&M are still working together to ensure that Black Women Business Owners are seen, heard and supported. Because Black Women are still here.”
“When you support a Black Woman Business Owner, you support a whole community. Since our partnership with H&M began in 2021, we have transformed communities and created more opportunities for Black Women’s Businesses through initiatives like the Buy From A Black Woman Inspire Tour,” says Nikki Porcher, Found -
The tour will kick off in New Orleans, with a 2-day event and culminate in Toronto – marking the Inspire Tour’s official international debut. Additional stops on the tour will include Chicago, Tulsa, OK, Washington D.C., and Macon, GA.
In addition to the Inspire Tour, H&M Americas will reinforce its ongoing support of Buy From A Black Woman through a variety of activities that underscore a shared mission of addressing the unique obstacles that Black women face in their
entrepreneurial journey. Throughout 2024, H&M Americas will continue to power the BFABW Black Woman Accelerator Program, a grant program for business owners ready to be certified as minority-owned businesses, as well as the annual Buy From A Black Woman Holiday Market, which will take place this December. With the 2024 Inspire Tour and since first partnering in 2021, together H&M Americas and Buy From A Black Woman have:
Spotlighted over 65 Black women-owned businesses in H&M stores across both the Inspire Tour and Holiday Market, which has directly impacted the business owners’ bottom line – from increased brand credibility and visibility to important networking opportunities.
Activated 42 pop-up events and rallied local communities in 14 cities to amplify Black women-owned businesses across both the Inspire Tour and Holiday Market.
Supported 30 Black women-owned businesses in the process to become certified minority-owned businesses through the Black Woman Accelerator Program.
Bonhomme Hospitality
Basic Steps for Sizzling Steak 5
( A sizzling steak is a surefire sound of summer, and the flavors achieved from one that’s perfectly grilled are hard to match. Before you fire up your grill, consider these five basics for cooking a chef-worthy steak:
Prepare Your Cut
Taste preferences (and prices) may differ among sirloins, ribeyes, T-bones and more, but the way you prepare steaks likely won’t change much from cut to cut. You’ll want to trim the thickness down to 1/2-1 inch for proper cooking, and setting the meat out ahead of time allows it to warm to room temperature before hitting the grill. Placing a refrigerator-cool slab on hot grates works against you in two ways: first, the cold meat instantly chills your previously warm grill, and second, the inner portion of the steak will take longer to grill.
Add Some Salt
Feel free to add any spices that you prefer, but remember a good steak typically doesn’t require fancy seasoning – a pinch of salt works just fine. Add your salt anywhere between 30 minutes to a few hours before grilling time to help retain moisture and improve flavor.
Aim for High Heat
Grilling a steak correctly actually isn’t just about maintaining a sweltering flame. A two-zone fire is usually the way to go – one side of the grill should be hot (using direct heat) with the other side not quite as warm (indirect heat).
This allows you to create a sear over direct heat before finishing cooking through –without burning – over indirect heat.
Sear and Slide
Speaking of searing: Cooking your steak over direct heat 1-2 minutes on each side is normally about right for creating a proper sear. At this point, depending on the thickness of your steak, you’ll want to check for doneness. If it’s not quite to the temperature you’re looking to achieve, simply slide it over to the indirect heat for a finishing touch.
Keep in mind these general guidelines for doneness: 120-125 F is rare, 130-135 F is medium-rare, 140-145 F is medium, 150-155 F is medium-well and 160-175 F is well done.
Let Rest
Finally, as hungry as you may be at this point, resting steaks is an important last step before diving in. Giving your steaks 5-10 minutes (foil or no foil) allows flavors to redistribute and moisture to be retained in the meat.
Find more cooking tips and recipes at Photo courtesy of Getty Images
NEW YORK, PRNewswire
-- Entrepreneur, Grammy Award-winning songwriter, and former long-time star of The Real Housewives of Atlanta Kandi Burruss is expanding her already hugely successful retail businesses that offer high-quality cosmetics, intimacy items and other distinctive items from across her product brands by launching an Amazon storefront dedicated to all Kandi offerings, including Bedroom Kandy, Kandi Koated, bath and body products, and products for him. The products, which have gained popularity through Kandi’s in-home party experience, will continue to be distributed by a network of empowered, commission-earning consultants, with the new collaboration with Amazon representing a wider connection to customers. The Amazon Kandi storefront has officially launched to shop at amazon. com/kandi Prime members enjoy fast, free shipping on every order.
“Truth be told, I am buying stuff on Amazon every day,” confesses Burruss.
“And, I know I am not alone in that. Amazon is fast, reliable and convenient. I am absolutely thrilled that their extensive reach will enable our products to be available to even more customers who will truly benefit from all they offer. This exposure will also create even more opportunities for our wonderful sales reps, and, in success, attract more individuals who are looking for empowerment and independence to join our enriching and rewarding family.”
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SUPERCHARGED® CEO Kwanza Jones’ Premier Sponsorship Helps
To Catalyze Success at The Apollo Spring Benefit With Over $3 Million Raised
NEW YORK, PRNewswire -- With the acclaimed artist and SUPERCHARGED CEO, Kwanza Jones at the helm as the Premier Sponsor, The Apollo Theater's 90th anniversary for their annual Winter/Spring Benefit Concert achieved a remarkable milestone, raising over $3 million. Hers and her partner, José E. Feliciano's contribution through the Kwanza Jones & José E. Feliciano Initiative played a crucial role in this achievement, highlighting her ongoing commitment to The Apollo's cultural and educational initiatives.
Speaking about her continued support, Jones said, "For me, culture is a conversation. Supporting the Apollo Theater during its 90th anniversary is a way of saying 'thank you' to a space and place that created, and continues to create, opportunities for a diversity of voices to be heard, and conversations to continue. And, in the hearing and sharing, there can be learning and growth."
This year's event held a special place in her heart, as her father, who passed away at the age of 97, was a lifelong supporter of The Apollo. "My father instilled in me a sense of civic responsibility," Jones reflected. "The Apollo was an organization he supported as he was good friends with Percy Sutton and Charles Rangel."
In the 90s, she performed at The Apollo's Amateur Night and won, a milestone in her career. Jones described her Amateur Night performance as transformative: "Performing at The Apollo was about empowering myself to be comfortable with the unknown. To step onto a stage, and beyond facing the audience, to face myself, my fears, my insecurities. Regardless of the outcome, the lesson was in the learning."
Her ties to The Apollo have deepened over the years, culminating in her current role on The Apollo's Board of Directors. During the 2024 Winter/Spring Benefit, Jones, alongside renowned rapper Fat Joe, presented the Legacy Award to iconic Babyface. This moment marked a full-circle journey for Jones, from visiting The Apollo with her father to winning Amateur Night, joining the board, and now honoring a music legend.
Kwanza Jones' grand vision extends beyond the stage.
Burruss’ Amazon Kandi storefront will feature a wide range of her signature products, including, but not limited to, Kandi Koated, her extensive collection of luxury cosmetics celebrating diversity and inclusivity across all identities and skin tones, a line that Burruss designed for those, in her words, “seeking to express their authentic selves—individuals who know their worth and want to look and feel confident on their own terms.” Kandi will also feature products from Bedroom Kandi, a renowned brand providing high-quality, luxurious intimate products and adult education to empower individuals and couples to explore and celebrate life’s pleasures. With a commitment to education, Bedroom Kandi aims to break down taboos surrounding intimacy while promoting pleasure and sexual wellness.
Burruss is well-known in the entertainment industry — she starred in 14 seasons of Bravo’s cultural juggernaut The Real Housewives of Atlanta and is music royalty thanks
nearly three-decade career as a Grammy-winning singer, songwriter, and producer — Burruss is also a formidable force in business. She is a mogul who has displayed a keen instinct for launching profitable endeavors that embody her core values of family and female empowerment. Currently, Burruss’ portfolio includes multimedia agency Kandi Koated Entertainment, adult toy and lifestyle brand Bedroom Kandi, cosmetics brand Kandi Koated Beauty, restaurants Old Lady Gang & Blaze Steak & Seafood, luxury women’s apparel boutiques TAGS. Burruss, a social media influencer with 10.7 million Instagram followers, also appeared on the second season of Celebrity Big Brother on CBS. She is currently producing the Broadway production of The Wiz.
Founded in 2011, Bedroom Kandi’s mission is to destigmatize intimacy and self-love, and promote sexual wellness and education while empowering entrepreneurs to achieve success in their independent businesses. The Home Party division was launched in 2012 with the mission to empower those looking to turn their passion into a paycheck through The Business of Pleasure™. More than 2,500 representatives are currently affiliated with the program, which was named XBiz Home Party Company of the Year four times.
With a goal of boosting a billion lives through culture, community, and capital, she remains dedicated to making a significant impact. The Apollo's Spring Benefit aligns perfectly with this mission, as proceeds support vital performing arts, education, and community initiatives.
Kwanza Jones, Babyface, and Fat Joe At The Apollo 2024 Spring Benefit. SUPERCHARGED
The Apollo Theater remains a cornerstone of cultural and artistic excellence, and with supporters like Kwanza Jones, its legacy continues to flourish.
Kwanza Jones is on a mission to boost a billion lives through culture, community, and capital. She is a sought-after speaker, accomplished artist, impact investor, and philanthropist. With a multifaceted background spanning music, media, production, law and business, Jones is an energetic and visionary leader. She is CEO and founder of SUPERCHARGED® by Kwanza Jones, a motivational media company. Jones has served on numerous boards including the Apollo Theater, Bennett College, Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer, and Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center. Through her Jones•Feliciano Initiative, she has committed over $165 million to education, entrepreneurship, equity, and empowerment organizations. To learn more, visit and connect with her on Instagram | LinkedIn | Facebook | X | Kwanza Jones Boost Friends™ Community.