Citizen Suburban Citizen (CST) 10-9-2024

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Secretary of State
Alexi Giannoulias

New state laws taking effect Jan. 1

Minimum wage hike, pets in public housing among new changes

Giannoulias Encourages FDA to Review Harmful Chemicals in Food Supply

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Continued from page 1

SPRINGFIELD – Minimum wage workers in Illinois will see a boost in their hourly pay to $12 per hour starting Jan. 1, while tenants in affordable housing units will be allowed to keep pets.

Those are just some of the more than 300 new laws that take effect in the new year.

The minimum wage increase is actually the result of a 2019 law that phases in a state minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2025. This year, it will increase by one dollar to $12 an hour.

introduces new postmarket review process

tenants to keep pets is the result of Senate Bill 154, by Sen. Linda Holmes, D-Aurora, and Rep. Stephanie Kifowit, D-Oswego. It provides that tenants of multifamily housing units that are acquired, built or renovated with money from the Illinois Affordable Housing Trust Fund may keep up to two cats or one dog weighing less than 50 pounds. It applies to residents of housing units that are designated as affordable housing for low- and very-lowincome families. The bill passed both chambers in its final form on May 30 and Gov. JB Pritzker signed it into law Aug. 6.

Ahead of a public meeting to discuss food safety, Illinois Secretary of State Alexi Giannoulias is advocating that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) develop a post-market assessment program to test harmful chemicals in our food supply.

The “generally recognized as safe” (GRAS) designation currently allows food manufacturers – not the FDA – to decide if chemical additives are safe for consumption. This legal loophole has allowed food dyes, preservatives and other chemicals to be placed on store shelves with little to no oversight from the FDA, the federal agency tasked with ensuring food is safe. Many of these GRAS ingredients have been linked to serious health problems, including hyperactivity, nervous system damage, reproductive issues, hormonal damage and increased risk of cancer.

Other new laws include:

“Allowing the company that produces the ultra-processed food to decide if a chemical is safe, without having to inform the FDA, makes no sense and it adds up to a dangerous game for American families to play,” Giannoulias said. “Developing a rigorous review program that puts our health first and addresses the impact of chemicals in our food will go a long way to holding food manufacturers accountable and restoring trust and confidence in the FDA.”

sessed for safety, even if they were approved decades ago and new science has since demonstrated potential harms. Instead, the product is brought straight to market for human consumption without a systematic health and safety review. According to a 2022 Environmental Working Group analysis, “since 2000, food and chemical companies have petitioned the FDA only 10 times to approve a new substance. By contrast, for 756 of 766 new food chemicals added to the food supply since then, or 98.7 percent, these companies have exploited a loophole for substances that are ‘generally recognized as safe,’ or GRAS.”

The law allowing public housing

Darrell Garth

Vehicle taxes: SB58 raises the private vehicle tax, which is a sales tax paid on the purchase of vehicles, by $75 for each model year where the purchase price is less than $15,000 and by $100 for vehicles priced above that amount. However, the registration fee for trailers weighing less than 3,000 pounds will drop to $36 instead of $118.

The Secretary of State oversees Illinois’ organ donation registry, which is one of the largest in the nation. Studies have shown that organ damage and failure is a consequence of the health risks associated with chemical additives, particularly in children. Keeping donors’ organs healthy for individuals suffering from life-threatening diseases or injuries who need transplants is critical.

Many food chemicals have never been meaningfully reas-

During the past year, the FDA has undergone a major reorganization of its Human Foods Program and established the Office of Food Chemical Safety, Dietary Supplements and Innovation. Additional steps have been taken including the development of an enhanced systematic process for the post-market assessment of chemicals in foods, slated for a discussion at a public meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 25th. European and other nations have outlawed many GRAS chemicals and mandate that corporations formulate their products with safer alternatives. In the U.S., California recently passed a law that outlaws several harmful chemicals in the food supply that goes into effect in 2027.

Last year, Secretary Giannoulias, with the help of State Senator Willie Preston (16th District—Chicago) and State Representative Anne Stava-Murray (81st District —Downers Grove), introduced The Illinois Food Safety Act (SB 2637) which seeks to ban the sale of foods in Illinois containing chemical additives that have been linked to health issues.

President / Publisher


Janice Garth

Janice Garth


College admissions: HB226, establishing the Higher Education Fair Admissions Act, prohibits public colleges and universities from requiring applicants to submit SAT, ACT or other standardized test scores as part of the admissions process, although prospective students may choose to submit them if they wish.

Franciscan WorkingWell donates $3,000 to Franciscan Health Foundation food insecurity program

CST Weekly,published weekly on Wednesdays and distributed in the Township of Bloom, (publishing 52 issuesannually). W ritten permission isrequired to reproduce contents inwholeor part from the Generalmanager or the publisher CST Weekly does not assume the responsibilityfor nor are weable to return unsolicited marterials. Deadline for advertising is everyMonday at noon. For information on subscriptions oradvertising call us at (773)783-1251. Our office is locatedat 8741S. Greenwood Ave., Ste# 107, Chicago, Illinois 60619.

CST Weekly, published weekly on Wednesdays and distributed in the Township of Bloom, (publishing 52 issues annually). W ritten permission is required to reproduce contents in whole or part from the General manager or the publisher CST Weekly does not assume the responsibility for nor are we able to return unsolicited marterials. Deadline for advertising is every Monday at noon. For information on subscriptions or advertising call us at (773) 783-1251. Our office is located at 8741 S. Greenwood Ave., Ste# 107, Chicago, Illinois 60619.

CST Weekly,published weekly on Wednesdays and distributed in the Township of Bloom, (publishing 52 issuesannually). W ritten permission isrequired to reproduce contents inwholeor part from the Generalmanager or the publisher CST Weekly does not assume the responsibilityfor nor are weable to return unsolicited marterials. Deadline for advertising is everyMonday at noon. For information on subscriptions oradvertising call us at (773)783-1251. Our office is locatedat 8741S. Greenwood Ave., Ste# 107, Chicago, Illinois 60619.



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Drug prices: SB1682 requires pharmacies to post a notice informing consumers that they may request current pharmacy retail prices at the point of sale.


raised by sponsorships for recent healthcare symposium

FOID card changes: HB562 enacts several changes to the Firearm Owner Identification card law. Among other things, it provides for a streamlined renewal process for FOID cards and Concealed Carry Licenses for people who voluntarily submit fingerprint records. It also allows the Illinois State Police to issue a combined FOID card and Concealed Carry License to qualified applicants, and it establishes a new Violent Crime Intelligence Task Force to take enforcement action against people with revoked FOID cards.

Franciscan WorkingWell recently donated the sponsorship proceeds from a day-long employer solutions symposium to the Franciscan Health Foundation of Northern Indiana’s Food Insecurity Program.

Franciscan WorkingWell hosted a day-long symposium at Avalon Manor on Sept. 12 aimed at helping employers find healthcare solutions. More than 130 attendees representing 75 companies attended the event.

The event was free for attendees thanks to the generosity of platinum sponsor Apex Benefits, gold sponsors BD+A Health Informatics and Brown & Brown Insurance and breakfast and lunch sponsors Generate Sales and Marketing and NIPSCO. WorkingWell donated the $3,050 surplus from the sponsorships to the Foundation’s Food Insecurity Program.

to the appropriate school support personnel.

“I would like to thank this year’s symposium sponsorships as all proceeds went towards the Foundation’s Food Insecurity Program Fund,” said Tim Ross, director of employer solutions for Franciscan Alliance. “We are thrilled they generated over $3,000, which will significantly aid in our mission to feed hungry children and families in our community.”

those in need with drive-through events. Phase II was the development of the Fresh Start Markets in Hammond and Crown Point, which allow those in need to shop free of charge. In addition to supplying food, the markets work to identify the underlying causes and health implications of food insecurity with education, nutrition and recipes.

Phase III was the Food Rx Program, which allows low-income individuals and their families -- identified through the programs at the Fresh Start Markets, screenings and referrals -- to receive additional, specific foods to meet their individual health needs.

Official flags: HB605 requires state agencies and institutions to purchase Illinois and American flags that are made in the United States.

United States. In June, President Joe Biden also signed a bill designating Juneteenth as a federal holiday.


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Student mental health: HB576 and SB1577 allow students in Illinois up to five excused absences to attend to their mental or behavioral health without providing a medical note. Those students will be given an opportunity to make up any work they missed during the first absence and, after using a second mental health day, may be referred

Franciscan’s Food Insecurity Program originated in 2021 in Lake County, when the Franciscan Health Foundation of Northern Indiana partnered with the Food Bank of Northwest Indiana to create a three-phase Food Insecurity Program to address food insecurity across the Region.

its public health authorities from regulating or shutting down lemonade stands or similar operations that are operated by children under the age of 16. Known as “Hayli’s Law,” it was inspired by 12-year-old Hayli Martinez, whose lemonade stand in Kankakee was shut down by local officials.

Phase 1 was the Mobile Markets, which provide food to

Hair styles: SB817 prohibits discrimination in schools against individuals on the grounds of wearing natural or ethnic hairstyles, which include dreadlocks, braids, twists and afros.

Lemonade stands: SB119 prohib-

“Tim approached me about directing this year’s symposium sponsorships to the Foundation’s Food Insecurity Program Fund, which was a very nice surprise,” said Rick Peltier, executive director of the Franciscan Health Foundation of Northern Indiana. “The proceeds will help us feed more hungry children and families, which is important for the sustainability of our program and the assistance we can provide. Our Food Insecurity Program is 100% dependent on philanthropic gifts, so every donation allows us to stay in the battle against hunger. Every charitable contribution provides nutritional food for a hungry child.”

Juneteenth: HB3922 recognizes June 19, or “Juneteenth,” as an official state holiday that commemorates the end of slavery in the

Contributions to the Franciscan Health Foundation of Northern Indiana’s food insecurity program can be made online. More information is available by calling the Foundation at (219) 661-3401.

Capitol News Illinois is a nonprofit, nonpartisan news service covering state government and distributed to more than 400 newspapers statewide. It is funded primarily by the Illinois Press Foundation and the Robert R. McCormick Foundation.

Gov. JB Pritzker is shown here earlier this year in a Capitol News Illinois file photo. The governor signed more than 300 bills that become law on Jan. 1. (Capitol News Illinois file photo)

USPS UNVEILS KWANZAA STAMP to Celebrate African American Heritage

PITTSBURGH, PRNewswire -- The United States Postal Service today unveiled a new stamp design honoring Kwanzaa, a Pan-African American holiday observed annually from Dec. 26 to Jan. 1.

The ceremony, in partnership with the Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH), took place at the Heinz History Center in Pittsburgh.

“The Postal Service’s goal is to create stamps that resonate with people from all walks of life,” said Roderick Sallay, USPS director of legislative policy and strategy development. “The issuance of this Kwanzaa stamp is a powerful symbol of the enduring principles of the holiday. It recognizes Kwanzaa’s ability to inspire and unite people through its emphasis on community, self-determination and collective responsibility. By placing these values on a stamp, we affirm their universal relevance and their potential to enrich our daily lives.”

Joining Sallay for the ceremony were master of ceremonies Jourdan Hicks, a community correspondent and community educator; William M. Dulaney, ASALH president; Ekua Holmes, the stamp artist; Sala Udin, a community organizer; Anyah Nancy, vocalist; and the Balafon West African Dance Ensemble.

the Pan-African holiday’s seven founding principles — unity (umoja), self-determination (kujichagulia), collective work and responsibility (ujima), cooperative economics (ujamaa), purpose (nia), creativity (kuumba) and faith (imani).

Kwanzaa is a festive time for rejoicing in the prospect of health, prosperity and good luck in the coming year. It is also a time for contemplation and recollection of past hardships, faced by both individuals and communities, and the ways in which history can inform and affect future happiness.

“The Association for the Study of African American Life and History commends the United States Postal Service for its recognition of the extreme cultural significance of Kwanzaa and its seven foundational principles,” said Dulaney. “By its issuance of a holiday stamp that honors Pan-African family and culture, the USPS affirms its belief that diversity is America’s strength, and thereby invites all Americans to celebrate with us in late December.”

Each year, millions of African Americans gather with friends and family throughout the week of Kwanzaa to honor

With origins in ancient and modern first-harvest festivities occurring across the African continent, Kwanzaa incorporates and reimagines many communal traditions as a contemporary celebration and reaffirmation of African American culture

The Postal Service’s 10th Kwanzaa stamp since 1997 was inspired by a live performance by dancers from OrigiNation Cultural Arts Center, witnessed by artist Ekua Holmes, during a Kwanzaa event in Roxbury, MA. The stamp depicts three young performers — a male drummer and behind and to either side of him, two female dancers. He wears a dark blue, green, and orange kufi; a white shirt, and pants with a geometric black and white mud cloth-like pattern. His djembe — blue with a white drumhead — hangs from his neck by a red strap. The two dancers wear orange dresses and gold jewelry. One has a red hair band and all three figures have silhouetted black skin and hair. The floor beneath their feet is diamond patterned in shades of green, while the background features triangles in shades of red. Each dancer extends a knee and a bit of orange skirt beyond the image frame, into the white margin of the stamp.

The composition highlights the colors of the Pan-African flag — black, red, and green and West African designs on the

floor, background and the drummer’s pants.

Ethel Kessler, an art director for USPS, designed the stamp with original artwork by Holmes.

The Kwanzaa stamp is being issued as a Forever stamp in panes of 20. These Forever stamps will always be equal in value to the current First-Class Mail 1-ounce price. News of the Kwanzaa stamps are being shared with the hashtag #KwanzaaStamps.

Postal Products

Customers may purchase stamps and other philatelic products through the Postal Store at, by calling 844-737-7826, by mail through USA Philatelic or at Post Office locations nationwide. For officially licensed stamp products, shop the USPS Officially Licensed Collection on Amazon. Additional information on stamps, First Day of Issue Ceremonies and stamp inspired products can be found at

Please Note: The United States Postal Service is an independent federal establishment, mandated to be self-financing and to serve every American community through the affordable, reliable and secure delivery of mail and packages to 167 million addresses six and often seven days a week. Overseen by a bipartisan Board of Governors, the Postal Service is implementing a 10-year transformation plan, Delivering for America, to modernize the postal network, restore long-term financial sustainability, dramatically improve service across all mail and shipping categories, and maintain the organization as one of America’s most valued and trusted brands.

The Postal Service generally receives no tax dollars for operating expenses and relies on the sale of postage, products and services to fund its operations.

For USPS media resources, including broadcast-quality video and audio and photo stills, visit the USPS Newsroom. Follow us on X, formerly known as Twitter; Instagram; Pinterest; Threads and LinkedIn. Subscribe to the USPS YouTube Channel and like us on Facebook. For more information about the Postal Service, visit and

Inclusive Talent Strategies Essential for Business Success

ATLANTA, PRNewswire -- In partnership with Spelman College, Tapestry Networks brought together corporate leaders, faculty, and students for a knowledge exchange on Reimagining the Future of Talent. Held on Spelman’s Atlanta campus during National HBCU Week, the dialogue focused on how companies are adapting their talent strategies to shifts in workforce demographics, changing expectations from younger workers, and seismic developments in technology. Corporate executives and board members joined from over 40 organizations, including Accenture, AIG, Boston Scientific, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Cigna, The Coca-Cola Company, Google, Novartis, Salesforce, Warner Brothers, Kohl’s, Honeywell, Celsius, LHH, Arthur M Blank Family Foundation, and Leading academic administrators, faculty, and students engaged in the conversation, coming from Spelman College, Morehouse College, Morehouse School of Medicine, Georgetown University, and Brown University.

unique contributions everyone brings and allow people to be their authentic selves.” Faculty leaders of Spelman initiatives such as Spelpreneur, the Center for Black Entrepreneurship, Spelman Health Careers, and Computer and Information Sciences all contributed to the conversation.

“Corporations are seeking talent that challenges their thinking”, said Dr. Marsha H. Ershaghi, Managing Director, Tapestry Networks. “Companies are doubling down on talent. They realize that if they don’t make strategic investments in inclusive talent pathways, they will be left behind.” Participants said that curiosity and making a contribution were at the core of the career paths most attractive to today’s students.

Healthcare, as a sector facing an acute talent crisis, was profiled as a case study. “Who and how we educate

matters. Improved health outcomes are evident when patient-provider relationships reflect similarities in race, ethnicity, and gender,” said Dr. Valerie Montgomery Rice, President and Dean of Morehouse School of Medicine. Dr. Elizabeth Cameron, Senior Advisor to the Brown Pandemic Center at the Brown University School of Public Health discussed the need for public private partnerships to create learning pathways across the healthcare ecosystem. Gabrielle Evans, Spelman alumna and Health Equity Scholar at the Brown University School of Public Health illustrated her personal journey, and the corporate leaders were impressed by the students’ career foresight.

Spelman President Dr. Helene Gayle reflected on the uniqueness of the knowledge exchange. “The global trends indicate we’re going to have a more diverse workforce and that the workers of the future expect and want diversity in their work environment. I think we will have the most productive workplaces when we value the

Participants agreed on the need for change. “The workplace experiences of Black Americans are different,” said one; “Oftentimes people of color, particularly African Americans, experience racial or ethnic discrimination, bias in hiring, or performance evaluations that don’t tap into what they contribute. And therefore, oftentimes there’s less opportunity for advancement. We can’t have that. We have to examine why that exists and think about the systemic things we can do to make a difference.”

Tapestry Networks brings world-class leaders together to tackle complex challenges and promote positive change through the power of connected thinking. Learn more at:

Spelman College, a global leader in the education of women of African descent, is dedicated to academic excellence in the liberal arts and sciences and the intellectual, creative, ethical and leadership development of its students. For 18 years, Spelman has been number 1 in the US News and World Report ranking of historically Black colleges and universities. Its 2,100 students come from 43 US states and 11 countries. Learn more at https://www.

Reimagining the future of talent participants. PRNEWSFOTO/TAPESTRY NETWORKS.
PRNewsfoto/U.S. Postal Service


SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico, PRNewswire -- The magic of the festive season comes alive at The St. Regis Bahia Beach Resort, Puerto Rico’s best address this Festive Season, where The House of Celebration will highlight St. Regis’ most beloved rituals, including champagne sabrage, afternoon tea, and Bloody Mary cocktails, while also delighting guests with a range of celebratory offerings and exquisite experiences during the holidays, from Thanksgiving through to the New Year.

Through the resort’s curated programming, guests will have the opportunity to experience and live the warmth and friendliness of Puerto Rican hospitality and enjoy a host of unforgettable experiences, from exquisite culinary activations to energizing wellness classes and children’s programming.

Culinary Activations

One of the most anticipated culinary events will be the transformation of the Estate Lawn into a festive gourmand paradise. Under a grand tent, visitors will indulge in Spanish, French, and American delicacies. Some of the highlights include:

Wine, Tapas & Paella: Savor Spanish flavors with live paella, Mediterranean tapas, jamón ibérico, and wines from Rioja & Ribera del Duero.

Burger Pop-Up & Ocean Lab Craft Beer: Indulge in gourmet burgers with house-made patties and an assortment of local craft beers.

A La Brasa Grill with Ron del Barrilito Cocktails: Experience prime beef tomahawks and grilled vegetables paired with Ron del Barrilito cocktails.

Champagne Soirée Under The Stars: Enjoy a sophisticated picnic box with premium cheeses, charcuterie, and an assortment of sweet treats.

Turtle’s Nest Beach Bar will also feature exquisite local flavors, seafood, and Mexican favorites, that will diversify dining options with the following:

Piñones Inspired Local Bites & Coconut Rum Bar: Relish Puerto Rican fritters and cocktails made with local rum.

Ceviche & Crudo Bar: Delight in fresh ceviches and crudos prepared by the Peruvian Executive Chef, Diego Ortega. Tacos & Tequila: Enjoy trompo-style meats and vibrant Mexican flavors.

Fresh Catch: Savor simply prepared, locally caught seafood.

Kenroku-En Sushi Pop-Up will also allow guests to experience Japanese elegance with the resort’s Kenroku-En Sushi Pop-Up on the Casa Grande exterior terrace. This temporary venue will evoke the serenity of a Japanese garden and offer a unique dining experience.

Family Focused Celebrations

The Beachfront New Year’s Eve Celebration on the Estate Lawn will offer visitors a grand feast featuring a Raw Bar, live chef stations, and gourmet dishes inspired by local favorites. The family-friendly event includes a PJ Fun Night Slumber Party with movies for kids.

Additional children’s activities and family traditions at The St. Regis Bahia Beach include:

Visits to the Petting Zoo & Dog Shelter: Connect with the

resort’s sustainability practices and support Soul of Bahia Foundation, an amazing dog rescue project.

Gingerbread Workshop: Create a community gingerbread village reminiscent of the hotel and its surroundings. Young Doughmaster’s Pizza Workshop: Learn to make pizza with our chefs in a fun, hands-on workshop (parents required).

Enchanting New Year’s Eve Dinner

Paros Restaurant is set to host an elegant New Year’s Eve celebration with a creative black-tie-optional dress code. The evening will feature a meticulously curated prix fixe menu, highlighting the finest in gourmet cuisine. For an enhanced culinary experience, a bespoke wine pairing option will also be available.

Guests will enjoy an intimate dining experience followed by exclusive access to the Estate Lawn celebration, where festivities continue under the stars.

For a complete schedule and more information on holiday offerings, please visit the website or call +1 787-8098000.

Combining timeless glamour with a vanguard spirit, St. Regis Hotels & Resorts is committed to delivering exquisite experiences at more than 50 luxury hotels and resorts in the best addresses around the world. Beginning with the debut of The St. Regis hotel in New York by John Jacob Astor IV at the dawn of the twentieth century, the brand has remained committed to an uncompromising level of bespoke and anticipatory service for all of its guests, delivered flawlessly by the signature St. Regis Butler Service. For more information and new openings, visit or follow Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. St. Regis is proud to participate in Marriott Bonvoy®, the global travel program from Marriott International. The program offers members an extraordinary portfolio of global brands, exclusive experiences on Marriott Bonvoy Moments and unparalleled benefits including complimentary nights and Elite status recognition. To enroll for free or for more information about the program, visit


NEW YORK, PRNewswire -- The St. Regis New York celebrates its 120th year this fall with the debut of an extensive redesign and renovation, marking a new chapter of glamour and sophistication. With revamped public spaces including the lobby, King Cole Bar, and two new dining locations, The St. Regis New York unveils a striking new era at Manhattan’s best address. The renovation reflects the hotel’s enduring legacy reborn for today’s global traveler with a modern aesthetic led by renowned design firm Champalimaud Design.

John Jacob Astor IV’s vision for The St. Regis New York was to create a hotel which rivaled the finest hotels in Europe, where his close friends and family could feel as though they were guests in a private home. The hotel quickly became the center of Manhattan social life, and the headquarters for the original “Caroline’s 400” – the elite social group designated by Astor’s mother and society doyenne, Caroline Astor. Throughout its rich 120-year history, The St. Regis New York has invariably attracted the most glamorous, creative and intriguing personalities of each era from Salvador Dali to Marilyn Monroe, and served as the birthplace for cultural moments from the invention of the Bloody Mary cocktail to iconic jazz performances on the hotel’s rooftop as well as the backdrop for iconic scenes in film and television.

Led by Champalimaud Design, The St. Regis New York’s redesigned public spaces embrace the design legacy of the hotel as well as its original Beaux-Arts architecture, while transforming it into a lavish urban heaven that would feel like home for the Astor family in the 21st century. This fresh and exciting approach brings together heritage design elements, including Waterford crystal chandeliers and original crown moldings, reinvented by the introduction of modern furnishings, layered textures and a rich color palette.

Guests step off Fifth Avenue into the world of St. Regis through the original gilded rotating doors to discover the iconic lobby, now infused with fresh touches and updated furnishings. During the process of the renovation, the reception area’s original exterior facing windows were discovered and restored, incorporating a stained-glass window based on the room’s original 1905 Tiffany window design. The original cages that housed the front desk have also been restored and reimagined into the walls behind the reception desk area. The new color scheme adds lightness with a cloud-dappled ceiling, a simplified floor pattern in keeping with the original architecture, and neutral walls accented with pops of red area rugs inspired by Caroline Astor’s favorite flower, the American Beauty Rose. Now expanded with an open floor plan, the lobby extends into a welcome area, housing the concierge team, which features deep aquamarine walls and custom hand painted wallcoverings featuring peacocks, a nod to one of the original 1920s murals featured at the hotel created in collaboration with de Gournay. The space’s original Tiffany & Co. Chandelier hangs above modern furnishings, epitomizing the juxtaposition of old and new within the revitalized public spaces.

Move through these welcoming areas and follow the din of conversation floating from the fully reimagined lobby restaurant and lounge, The Drawing Room. The restaurant is swathed in a palette of pink and rose, turquoise, emerald, gold, and accents of black, interpreting colors of the King Cole Bar mural, now a visual centerpiece past glass doors and a new entry staircase. The space is touched with embroidery and fringe details inspired by Caroline Astor’s embellished dresses and jewelry, while mirrored walls mimic those of the original Iridium Room. Seating is relaxed and

embraces a lounge aesthetic with sumptuous velvet couches and plush armchairs to encourage guests to linger. Off the main dining room, an extended lounge features additional seating tailored toward groups gathering for a more relaxed dining experience. Guests will also discover the original Astor Library’s private collection of books, which John Jacob Astor IV had commissioned by Scribner and Sons for the hotel. The incredible collection is now on display in the public spaces for the first time ever, encased in new dark wood bookcases reminiscent of their former home on the hotel’s 2nd Floor.

Beyond The Drawing Room, guests are invited to rediscover the renowned King Cole Bar, Manhattan’s most storied meeting place. While the iconic Maxfield Parish King Cole mural continues to command the space, providing a watchful eye over spirited imbibers, the bar is refreshed with dark wood paneling and a deep green ceiling further softened with scalloped banquettes and lavender tasseled chairs. Accents of bronze and onyx finishings add an additional level of sophistication to the New York institution.

The renovation will also introduce a new dining venue, La Maisonette, serving breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea. The bright and airy space creates the feeling of an outdoor pavilion, inspired by the hotel’s original breakfast room from the 1910s and French design. Creamy white walls and a recessed skylight brighten the space alongside a palette of soft pinks, burgundy, emerald and turquoise. The space will serve breakfast daily for hotel guests and visitors as well as transform into an afternoon tea salon, a time-honored ritual of The St. Regis New York started by Caroline Astor.

For reservations or additional information, please visit

Bebe x Ciara’s Fall 2024 Capsule Collaboration Launches

NEW YORK, PRNewswire -- bebe, the go-to destination for chic, edgy and bold fashion and Ciara, the Grammy Award-winning singer, songwriter, entrepreneur and philanthropist announce the much-anticipated release of their one-of-a-kind capsule collection, today. Ciara, who serves as the Creative Director and face of the Fall 2024 campaign, has lent her fashion expertise to the design process, seamlessly blending her oft-imitated, tomboy-chic style with bebe’s sophisticated and unapologetically seductive product offering.

Bebe, founded by Manny Mashouf in San Francisco in 1976, initially gained recognition for its contemporary and eye-catching fashions that catered to a youthful and fashion forward audience. Over the years, bebe’s designs have consistently offered striking colors, intricate detailing, and a glamorous flair; impressingly evolving into a multi-category lifestyle range of clothing and accessories that feature distinct silhouettes, flirty dresses, day to night separates and that prominent bebe logo. Building a fiercely loyal customer base, bebe grew into the ultimate destination for on-trend and body-confident styles that empower women to feel their best, day and night. The bebe brand is owned by Bluestar Alliance, a New York-based brand management company that develops brands by providing growth across design, marketing, e-commerce, licensing and global distribution.

The collaboration between bebe and Ciara delivers a powerful partnership between a legacy fashion brand and an iconic entertainer - with a capsule collection that champions individual authenticity, dynamic self-expression, and cele brating an unshakable confidence. To ignite a new energy for the brand, bebe looked to Ciara as the ultimate inspiration – a multihyphenate, with artistic and cultural influence, who could bring a fresh and energizing edge to the widely recog nized style and glamour of the bebe brand.

With a shared appreciation for making a statement, Ciara was closely involved in the design process; sharing inspiration from her favorite pieces and standout looks throughout her life journey, identifying silhouettes, color palettes, intricate details, new fabrics and materials across

all key categories in dresses, tailoring, footwear, eyewear and accessories. Ciara was passionate about creating a powerful wardrobe, with an impressive breadth of options and a touch of her signature tom-boy edge, to enhance the drama and styling options for the bebe customer for the fall season.

Ciara shared, “I’m thrilled to have partnered with bebe on this one-ofa-kind special collection, especially being a longtime fan of the brand. Having creative direction control and merging my personal style with this iconic fashion brand has been an incredible journey. This collection is all about empowering confidence, and embracing bold, new looks. I can’t wait for everyone to

experience it.”

The collection includes Ciara’s favorite color palette including black, metallics, naturals, and rich greens, deep blues and luxe jewel tones and created sets, suits and separates to add exceptional versatility to the entire collection for this season. The first drop of the collection is today, and the second will be in early October with additional and disctinct style offerings for the holiday season.

The bebe x Ciara collection features a mix of dresses, denim, sportswear, accessories (hats, handbags, footwear, eyewear) and all about bringing consumers statement-making looks, day and night, and to carry them throughout the season. The collection embodies fierce self-expression and a

NBA MVP & Champion Jaylen Brown Launches His Own Performance Brand “741”

BOSTON, PRNewswire -- NBA MVP and Boston Celtics champion Jaylen Brown has officially launched his debut performance brand, 741, marking a bold new chapter in his career. In a remarkable move, Brown has turned down over $50 million in endorsement deals from major sneaker companies to pursue full ownership and creative control of his own brand. 741 is now available for pre-order at, with products set to go live for sale on Oct. 22, both online and at select retailers.

The name 741 carries a deep personal significance for Brown, rooted in his connection to numbers and their spiritual meanings. Throughout his life, the numbers 7, 4, and 1 have appeared frequently, each representing spiritual awakening, hard work, and new beginnings, respectively. Together, these numbers align with Brown’s decision to step out on faith and pursue his own path, defying industry norms to create something truly reflective of his values. Brown explains, “741 is more than just a sneaker brand—it’s a statement about independence, creativity, and ownership.”

With the launch of 741, Jaylen Brown has established a groundbreaking company that aims to achieve

four unprecedented goals in the sneaker and apparel industry. First, 741 is dedicated to creating technologically advanced, performance-driven products with no compromises in design or functionality. Second, it introduces a new economic model for endorsed athletes, giving them more ownership and control over their brands. Third, 741 ensures accessibility for all households, offering high-performance products at an affordable price. Finally, the company is committed to providing career opportunities to aspiring professionals from underserved communities, opening doors in all areas of performance and fashion retail.

The creation of 741 stems from Brown’s desire to create a solution for the traditional athlete endorsement model. By launching 741, Brown has created a brand where he is self-funding, designing, and producing from the ground up. He describes the decision to turn down $50 million in offers as a necessary step toward building something lasting, stating, “The understanding of ownership and value is what’s important for the next generation of athletes. It’s time to think different and be different… create new ideas.”

Jaylen Brown also plans to revolutionize athlete en-

dorsement deals by signing athletes directly to 741. These partnerships will offer athletes more control over their sneaker designs, tailoring products to their specific needs and style. Brown is committed to providing better financial terms and more creative freedom than traditional sneaker deals, empowering athletes to shape their brands and retain more of the profits. His goal is to shift the energy around how athletes engage with sneaker companies, focusing on true ownership and partnership.

“I’ve poured everything into designing 741, and it’s been just as challenging and rewarding as anything I’ve done on the court,” says Brown. “I want 741 to be a brand that gives back and makes sure kids of all walks of life can have shoes they love, without the crazy price tags.”

Aligned with Jaylen Brown’s mission to address the wealth gap, 741 is dedicated to creating pathways for aspiring professionals from underrepresented communities. By offering exposure and career opportunities across various sectors—such as design, engineering, product development, sales, marketing, finance, and operations— Brown is positioning 741 as more than just a performance and apparel company.

With the launch of 741, Jaylen Brown is not only redefining the boundaries of athlete-owned brands but also creating a lasting impact on the sneaker industry.

For more information on 741 and to place pre-orders, visit


Crysalis Biosciences Inc. Invests $239.5

Sustainable Aviation Fuel Facility in Sauget

SAUGET – Crysalis Biosciences Inc. and the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) announced a Reimagining Energy and Vehicles in Illinois (REV Illinois) agreement for Crysalis’ $239.5 million investment to develop a first-of-its-kind sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) plant. The investment, which creates at least 35 new jobs in Sauget, will transform the fuel and chemical industry while reducing the carbon footprint in Illinois by manufacturing SAF, an alternative jet fuel made with a smaller carbon footprint.

“Investments like this bring us closer to a cleaner, more sustainable future for Illinois,” said Lt. Governor Juliana Stratton. “Crysalis Biosciences’ commitment to creating sustainable aviation fuel is an exciting step forward, and it shows how innovation can drive both economic growth and environmental progress in our state.”

As a pioneering biorefiner, Crysalis works to meet the growing demand for SAF and aims to accelerate the world’s transition to zero-carbon products. Crysalis chose to locate its state-of-the-art biorefinery in Sauget due to the area’s numerous strategic geographic advantages.

“Crysalis Biosciences is very appreciative of the support of the Governor and the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for the development of our first of a kind biorefinery,” said Crysalis CEO Sanket Gandhi. “Crysalis’ biorefinery is bringing innovative zero-carbon chemistry and technology developed in the lab to the market.”

In an effort to advance zero-carbon futures, Crysalis has restarted a shuttered 57-acre Metro East ethanol plant and plans to transform it into a plant that produc-

es 5,000 to 10,000 barrels a day of low carbon intensity SAF and SAF feedstock, featuring a carbon intensity score 90% lower than that of traditional fossil-derived jet fuel. The company’s diligence and preparation to meet stringent environmental standards positioned them to secure one of the first environmental authorizations to commence operations under new Illinois Environmental Protection Agency standards.

“Illinois continues to lead the clean energy revolution by welcoming Crysalis Biosciences to manufacture sustainable aviation fuel in Sauget,” said DCEO Director Kristin Richards. “REV Illinois is changing the way we do business in Illinois – incentivizing sustainable innovations that will significantly reduce our carbon footprint.”

With its commitment to investing $239.5 million and adding at least 35 jobs, Crysalis will receive Reimagining Energy and Vehicles (REV) incentives from DCEO – the first agreement secured for a sustainable aviation fuel manufacturing project. REV provides competitive incentives for EV, solar, renewable and energy storage manufacturers to move or expand in Illinois. A link to the executed REV agreement can be found here.

“The Metro East community will greatly benefit from Crysalis’ new sustainable aviation fuel facility in Sauget,” said Senator Christopher Belt (D - East St. Louis). “From creating new jobs to lowering carbon emissions, this innovative facility is just what the State is looking to invest in with its REV program.”

“There’s no time to waste when fighting climate change, and Crysalis Biosciences is helping Illinois on its journey toward a zero-carbon future,” said Representative Katie Stuart (D - Collinsville). “As part of our world-class manufacturing workforce, Crysalis’ sustain-

able aviation fuel technology will have a lasting impact.” Crysalis’ investment builds upon major REV agreements this year, including electric vehicle (EV) manufacturer Rivian investing $1.5 billion in Central Illinois to produce its highly anticipated R2 model, EV manufacturer Ymer Technology opening its U.S. headquarters in Buffalo Grove, EV battery material supplier Bedrock Materials locating its research and development headquarters in Chicago, and EV component manufacturer Wieland Rolled Products North America modernizing its East Alton facility – one of six across Illinois. These investments follow a banner year for economic development in the EV and clean energy sector, including Gotion’s EV battery gigafactory in Manteno – which represents the largest manufacturing investment in decades and the largest EV battery investment to date, as well as REV agreements with Manner Polymers in Mt. Vernon, who is building a first-of-its kind solar-powered PVC compounding plant using clean energy generated on-site; Prysmian Group in Du Quoin, whose $64 million expansion will manufacture cables for the renewable energy and EV sectors; and Microlink Devices, which manufactures state-of-the-art solar cells and solar shields in Niles.

Crysalis Biosciences is a biorefining company dedicated to renewing and revitalizing U.S. chemical manufacturing infrastructure with innovative biochemical production technologies. Crysalis’ cutting-edge technology and strategic industry alignment will provide a path for many companies to reduce their environmental impact while fostering economic growth and returns to their stakeholders. For more information see the company’s website:

Giannoulias Releases Results of Statewide Auto Theft Units

Grant Money Helped Combat Carjackings &

Statewide auto theft and carjacking prevention task force funding has led to thousands of investigations, hundreds of arrests and millions of dollars in recovered vehicles, announced Secretary of State Alexi Giannoulias, who oversees the grant program.

In fiscal year 2024, the Illinois Statewide Auto Theft Task Force (ISATT) conducted 1,854 investigations and recovered 1,346 vehicles worth approximately $30 million. ISATT assisted area agencies with another 414 vehicle recoveries at an estimated worth of nearly $9 million and produced 545 auto theft-related criminal charges, 385 of which were felonies. ISATT also conducted 240 audits of businesses in the auto industry, including scrap processors and body shops, resulting in 2,247 violations and 106 referrals to Secretary of State Police for further investigation.

Meanwhile, the Chicago Major Auto Thefts Investigations Unit (CMATI) conducted 1,130 investigations, resulting in 440 arrests and the recovery of 1,391 vehicles worth approximately $28 million during the past fiscal year. The Expressway Safety Enforcement Group (ESEG) used air operations 127 times and assisted other agencies in their efforts 110 times.

“For many of us, our vehicle serves

as a lifeline. We depend on it for work, running errands, shuttling our kids to activities and visiting loved ones,” said Giannoulias, whose office administers the grants. “To have it stolen can have serious consequences for families and upend their lives. These task forces play a critical role by ensuring local, state and federal law enforcement officers work together to address these crimes.”

“The Illinois State Police Expressway Safety Enforcement Group utilizes patrol, investigations, license plate readers, air operations, and other assets to increase stolen vehicle recoveries and apprehend suspects committing hijackings,” said Illinois State Police Director Brendan F. Kelly. “This funding allows ISP to continue committing resources necessary to pursue violent offenders and reduce violence.”

“This funding will strengthen our community by equipping the city’s auto theft task force with the tools and resources they need to investigate and address the rising number of carjackings in Chicago,” said State Senator Lakesia Collins (5th District—Chicago).

“Car theft can seriously impact the livelihood of residents and their travel needs, costing thousands in damages to not only the victim but also to our communities. With this funding we

will continue to invest in proactive measures to address carjackings in the Chicago area and ensure our task forces involved are equipped with what they need to help.”

“These grants will help us continue our efforts to prevent these terrible crimes from occurring and provide our law enforcement the funding they need,” said State Representative Yolonda Morris (9th District—Chicago).

“As someone who has recently experienced the heartbreak of auto theft, I understand all too well the fear and frustration that comes with it. No one should have to live in fear that their vehicle will be stolen or that they will face such a violation of their personal space. We must work together to create a safer community for all.”

The Illinois Vehicle Hijacking and Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention and Insurance Verification Council, which Giannoulias’ office oversees, distributed the grants. ISATT received $3.4 million, CMATI received $1.4 million and ESEG received $675,000.

Law enforcement agencies can use the funding for salaries and benefits for personnel assigned to vehicle theft prevention units, vehicles, computers, vehicle tracking devices, GPS data, evidence kits, body cameras and drones for aerial vehicle searches.

Get Your House

Do You Have A Plan In Place To Protect Your Family Assets

One of the central components of getting your house in order is to put in place protection for your family’s greatest asset. What is that? If you are the principal wage earner, it is you.

Yes, if by sickness or accident a family loses a principal wage earner, the family can be not only emotionally devastated, but also financially. Time may ease the emotional devastation. However, with certainty, adequate insurance will prevent financial devastation. It may surprise you to know that a higher percentage of Black families (56%) purchase life insurance than white families (50%). However, Black families do not buy life insurance that provides adequate protection to cover the lose of a wage earner.

A word to the wise. Now is the time to buy life insurance to protect your family. Prayerfully, the life insurance you buy today to protect your family against the loss of your wages will stay in place for you to enrich in your retirement years. Yes, insurance is for the living, not to just bury the dead.

A rule of thumb to decide the amount of life insurance needed to protect your family is five to ten times the annual household income.

I am willing to bet that 80% of y’all spend more monthly on your cable and phones bills which only produce receipts and not on your life insurance premiums that will protect your family and help you in retirement. If so, decide now to get your house in order.

QUIZ: -What is the difference between permanent and whole life insurance?

Answers to last week’s quiz: At death, the easiest ways to transfer the ownership of your real estate is to contact the Cook County Clerk’s Office for information on the “TODI.”

To get more detailed answers to last week’s QUIZ question or for general questions that you may have, please call me: 773-819-1700.

Disclaimer: The illustrations presented in this column are not, nor are they intended to be, legal, financial, or any other licensed professional advice, you should contact the licensed professional of your choice for advice on your individual situation.

Bren Sheriff

Gov. Pritzker Celebrates Ribbon Cutting at Illinois Beach State Park

ZION -- Governor JB Pritzker and local and state officials gathered to celebrate the completion of the Illinois Beach State Park Shoreline Stabilization Project in Lake County. The $73 million investment provided for the preservation of several miles of natural shoreline in three areas of the park.

“Illinois Beach State Park is one of the many natural beauties that make our state special, with dunes and swales, sprawling marshes, forests of oak and vast arrays of animal life and vegetation — and of course the last remaining natural shoreline in Illinois. And I am so proud and grateful that we could come together to protect it,” said Governor JB Pritzker. “Thanks to all those who tirelessly worked to execute this project –Illinoisans will continue to visit the lakefront here for generations to come, and we’ll keep this habitat and the local economy flourishing.”

Illinois Beach State Park required immediate intervention to restore the natural lakefront, which was eroding at more than 100 feet per year and putting rare habitat at risk. The new offshore stone breakwater structures shelter the Lake Michigan shoreline from wave energy and preserve the surrounding ecosystems. The breakwaters assist in retaining the newly placed sand, slowing down the littoral process, and enhancing public access to the beach.

“Illinois Beach State Park is a natural treasure, and this project ensures its beauty and ecosystem are preserved for future generations,” said Lt. Governor Juliana Stratton. “Protecting our environment is not just about today but about creating a legacy of stewardship that will benefit our communities for years to come.”

“Prior to this project, we faced a very real possibility that the shoreline and the landscape beyond it that make Illinois Beach such a special place would vanish forever. By working together, we were able to preserve precious natural shoreline and irreplaceable habitat,” said Illinois Department of Natural Resources Director Natalie Phelps Finnie. “In addition to the ecological benefits, this restoration is already attracting more visitors and special events to Illinois Beach State Park, to the Illinois Beach Hotel, and to the surrounding communities, driving more tourism dollars into this region.”

Remarkably, the park remained open to the public throughout construction of the breakwaters, necessitating careful coordination with the Illinois Department of Natural Resources to ensure safety and accessibility as 35,000 truckloads of sand were hauled within the park. The General Contractor Michels Construction collaborated with landscape architecture firm, Living Habitats, to install various habitat features at the park, including 10 tern nests, limestone ledges, 36 vegetated ecoblocks, 15 pieces of driftwood habitat salvaged from the area, five rock spurs, custom 3D-printed ecoblocks, and 4,000 tons of cobblestone.

Illinois Beach State Park Shoreline Stabilization Project marks the first project in the Midwest to achieve WEDG (Waterfront Edge Design Guidelines) Verification, a national rating system that recognizes resilient, ecological, and accessible waterfront projects. External specialists in engineering, architecture, and landscape architecture determined that the project exceeded the requirements for WEDG Verification, earning the gold standard under guidelines outlined in WEDG’s Version 3.0.

The project was also selected for the 2024 Best Restored Beach award through the American Shore and Beach Preservation Association (ASBPA). The national recognition acknowledged the project for protecting the critical infrastructure of the park while maintaining its character and recreational user experience.

“As a lifelong resident of Waukegan, I know the significance Illinois Beach State Park has on the surrounding area and its residents. As Representative of the 60 House District, I hear members of the community talk about their time spent here and the positive impact it has on their family’s lives,” said State Representative Rita Mayfield, D – Waukegan. “Not only is this park a beautiful place of nature and serenity, it’s also a tremendous economic driver for the surrounding areas of Lake County. I am proud of the State’s investment in this shoreline revitalization work so that it can be enjoyed for years to come.”

“The beachfront here at Illinois Beach State Park has always been a great place to visit for kids of all ages,” said John Hucker, Mayor of the Village of Beach Park. “It is great to see the improvements completed so future generations can enjoy the beach and all that park has to offer.”

Governor Pritzker’s bipartisan Rebuild Illinois capital plan provides essential funding to support the revitalization and improvement of Illinois roadways, state facilities, universities, bridges, and railways over a six-year period. The initiative seeks to address critical infrastructure and economic opportunity.


Grammy-winning producer Jermaine Dupri announces new student internship

ATLANTA, GA – Jermaine Dupri, a Grammy Award winner, Atlanta native, and founder of So So Def Recordings, announced an exciting new internship for Emory students during the keynote session of the inaugural Ideas Festival on Sept. 20.

The internship will provide two undergraduate students with an opportunity to work with Dupri and So So Def Recordings during the spring 2025 semester.

“I’ve always been a person that gives younger individuals and people who want to be in this business a chance,” says Jermaine Dupri. “I’m looking for superstars that are not on the stage and I hope that I can find them in this So So Def/Emory intern partnership.”

Undergraduate students in Emory College of Arts and Sciences, Oxford College, Goizueta Business School, and the Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing are eligible to apply for the internship beginning later this fall. The selected students will earn academic credit as they partner with Dupri and a faculty mentor throughout the internship.

“Experiential learning opportunities outside the classroom are critical for Emory students to extend their knowledge,” says Branden Grimmett, vice provost for career and professional development and associate dean in Emory College of Arts and Sciences, who is working with Bridgette Gunnels, associate dean and director of Oxford College’s Center for Pathways and Purpose, to develop and administer the internship. “I am thrilled Jermaine Dupri is partnering with Emory to provide a unique and transformative learning experience for our students to explore the music industry.”

tion, giving students a unique opportunity to engage with experts in a hands-on, impactful way.”

During the festival’s keynote session Friday evening, Dupri talked with Matt Whyte, host of the Sing for Science podcast, and Joycelyn Wilson, assistant professor of hip-hop studies and digital humanities in the School of Literature, Media and Communication at Georgia Tech. The trio discussed the forces that helped shape Atlanta’s unique identity as a thriving epicenter for hip-hop and R&B, transforming the city into a global culture phenomenon.

Having run through Sunday, Sept. 22, Ideas Festival Emory featured over 40 speakers covering many themes including science, history, literature, entrepreneurship, music and cinematography, and photography. Whyte returned for the festival’s closing session on Sunday, hosting a conversation between Grammy-nominated genre-defying duo SOFI TUKKER and Maria Ortiz, the food scientist behind the popular Instagram account All You Knead is Bread. Additionally, live music and entertainment, photography exhibits, and food and drink vendors were set up on and around the Oxford College quad.

Jermaine Dupri, a member of the Songwriters Hall of Fame, is one of the most successful producers in the music industry. He has established a prolific career as a hip-hop artist, award-winning producer, songwriter, author, DJ, and Chairman and Founder of So So Def, which he created in 1993.


Amazon Prime’s Thursday Night Football is gearing up for another electrifying season with pedal steel guitar virtuoso, producer, and composer Robert Randolph once again setting the musical stage. Following the success of last year’s inaugural broadcast season, where Randolph’s track “Ain’t Nothing Wrong With That” was the soundtrack for the pregame video, Amazon Prime has now licensed a remix of Randolph’s song “Take the Party” from his album Lickety Split. This new remix will serve as the theme song during the entire 16-week regular season, playing at both the start of the broadcast and in the moments leading up to kickoff, as well as during the halftime spotlight.

Randolph’s collaboration with Amazon Prime for a second year solidifies his uniquely funky blend of Sacred Steel, rock, and soul as the pulse behind one of football’s biggest weekly events. His dynamic energy, captured in “Take the Party,” promises to bring the same spirit to sports fans watching from home as it did during last year’s season.

Beyond his role with the NFL, Randolph has remained at the forefront of the music industry. He has earned 13 Emmy Awards for his work on music scores for sports broadcasts across a variety of TV networks. He has spent the past few years touring with iconic acts such as Zac Brown Band, Slash, Ziggy Marley, Trombone Shorty, and Mavis Staples, while also making a memorable appearance at Eric Clapton’s Crossroads Festival last year. His versatility as an artist continues to shine, with features on the Elvis movie soundtrack as well as on Beyoncé’s latest singles, “16 Carriages” and “Ya Ya,” further cementing his position as a sought-after collaborator across genres.

In addition to his ongoing success, Randolph is preparing for the release of his highly anticipated new album on Sun Records, produced by Shooter Jennings (known for his work with artists like Brandi Carlile and Tanya Tucker). Recorded at both Sunset Sound Studios in Los Angeles and Zac Brown’s Southern Ground Studios in Nashville, this forthcoming solo record finds Randolph stepping outside of his work with the 6-time Grammy-nominated Robert Randolph & The Family Band. The album promises to showcase Randolph stepping into his own as a solo artist, bringing a fresh perspective to his already storied career. More details about the new album will be revealed soon. In the meantime, fans can look forward to hearing Randolph every Thursday night during the NFL season, keeping the party going on and off the field.

Visit for tour dates and more information.

Hosted by Emory’s Center for Public Scholarship and Engagement on the Oxford College campus this past weekend, the Ideas Festival connects students and the broader community with impactful and innovative speakers and scholars, including scientists, musicians, writers, filmmakers, and creators. Ken Carter, Charles Howard Candler Professor of Psychology and the center’s founding director, says the festival is designed to spark important conversations and experiences for students and attendees.

“We are committed to creating meaningful connections between innovators, creators, and students,” says Carter. “This internship is a perfect example of the kind of knowledge sharing that bridges the gap between ideas and applica-

Rather than impacting only one lane, Jermaine Dupri has changed the course of R&B, hip-hop, and pop throughout an illustrious career earmarked by some of the most recognizable hits of all-time. The GRAMMY® Award-winning iconic songwriter, producer, rapper, artist, entrepreneur, and philanthropist has powered game-changing and chart-breaking smashes such as Mariah Carey’s 6x-platinum “We Belong Together,” Usher’s 3x-platinum “Nice & Slow,” Xscape’s platinum “Just Kickin’ It,” his own “Money Ain’t A Thang” [feat. JAY-Z], and countless others. “We Belong Together” not only toppled the Billboard Hot 100 for the year, but it also emerged as “the song of the decade” and “fifteenth most popular song of all-time,” according to Billboard. It took home “Best R&B Song” and “Best Female R&B Vocal Performance” at the 2006 GRAMMY® Awards. Additionally, Usher’s “Confessions Part II” recently topped Rolling Stone’s 100 Greatest R&B Songs of the 21st Century coming in at number 1.

Established in 1952 by Sam Phillips, Sun Records is renowned for discovering music legends including Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, and Jerry Lee Lewis. The label moved to Nashville in 1969 where it continued cultivating acclaimed artists Jeannie C. Riley, The Dixie Cups, Linda Martell, and many others. As a member of the newly-formed Sun Label Group under Primary Wave, Sun Records continues to foster musical innovation while honoring its rich history of shaping American music culture. For more information, visit

The Purple Agency

Lou Mastro

Recognized for Her Distinguished Service to Healthcare in Illinois

IHA Presents First Annual Ruth Colby Excellence in Leadership Award

NAPERVILLE – In recognition of Mary Lou Mastro’s distinguished service to the Illinois Health and Hospital Association (IHA) and the Illinois hospital community, IHA President and CEO, A.J. Wilhelmi presented Mastro the inaugural Ruth Colby Excellence in Leadership Award during IHA’s 2024 Leadership Summit in Oak Brook last week.

Mastro served as System CEO for Edward Elmhurst Health (EEH), during which time she served on the IHA Board and IHA’s Executive Committee. She was instrumental in the merger with NorthShore University Health System, now Endeavor Health, and rounded out her career as CEO of Endeavor Health’s South Region.

Before serving as System CEO of EEH, Mastro was President and CEO of Elmhurst Hospital. During that time, she led record volume growth and financial stability. Earlier in her career, she was CEO of Linden Oaks Hospital, a behavioral health hospital. Mastro has been a passionate voice for greater awareness of mental illness – and enhanced access to behavioral healthcare services.

“No one is more deserving to receive the inaugural Ruth Colby Excellence in Leadership Award than Mary Lou Mas -


tro. For over 40 years working in hospitals and health systems, Lou made it her mission to transform the healthcare experience by making it safe, seamless and personal,” said Wilhelmi. “I had the pleasure of working with Lou during her time on the IHA Board of Trustees. She provided valuable guidance and unwavering support – and she was a fierce and compassionate advocate for the Illinois hospital community. I cannot think of a more worthy recipient of the first annual IHA Ruth Colby Excellence in Leadership Award.”

Ruth Colby, late Silver Cross Hospital President and CEO, was a visionary and respected healthcare leader who made significant contributions to the hospital community with conviction and compassion. Ruth took pride in mentoring women leaders in healthcare throughout her career. Her dedication to healthcare also extended to her service with IHA, where she most recently served as Chair-Elect of the Board of Trustees.

In honor of Ruth Colby’s tremendous legacy within the Illinois hospital community, IHA established the Ruth Colby Excellence in Leadership Award. This award recognizes women hospital leaders for

distinguished contributions to healthcare leadership in Illinois, exemplary leadership in healthcare delivery and hospital administration, a passion for improving community health, and a commitment to mentoring and developing aspiring female leaders in healthcare.

IHA’s 2024 Leadership Summit, which was held on Sept. 26-27, unites healthcare leaders, visionaries and thought leaders to address today’s historic convergence of challenges and opportunities.

The Illinois Health and Hospital Association, with offices in Chicago, Naperville, Springfield, and Washington, D.C., advocates for Illinois’ more than 200 hospitals and nearly 40 health systems as they serve their patients and communities. IHA members provide a broad range of services—not just within their walls, but across the continuum of healthcare and in their communities. Reflecting the diversity of the state, IHA members consist of nonprofit, investor-owned and public hospitals in the following categories: community, safety net, rural, critical access, specialty, and teaching hospitals, including academic medical centers. For more information, see Like IHA on Facebook. Follow IHA on X (formally known as Twitter).

Your vote. Your power. Our future. Know when, where, and how to vote.

Your vote matters. It can make a di erence in the fight for things you care about. Like protecting Social Security and getting support for millions of family caregivers.

In the upcoming election, voters 50 and over can put these issues front and center. We’re the largest—and most influential—voting bloc in the country. We have the power to make candidates focus on what is important to us and on the challenges we are facing.

AARP Illinois is standing with you by providing the reliable election information you need to make your voice heard in November. Find out how to register, details on mail-in voting and polling places, plus all the key voting deadlines for Illinois at


Crab and Shrimp Sushi Burrito

Prep time: 20 minutes

Cook time: 10 minutes

Servings: 4

1 bag Success Jasmine Rice

1/2 cup unseasoned rice vinegar

2 tablespoons granulated sugar

2 teaspoons kosher salt

2 tablespoons mayonnaise

2 tablespoons Sriracha sauce

1/4 teaspoon sesame oil

1 tablespoon black sesame seeds

4 sushi nori sheets

1/2 carrot, ribboned, divided 1/2 cucumber, ribboned, divided 6 crab sticks, shredded, divided

6 large shrimp, cooked, deveined, tails removed and butterflied, divided

Rinse rice bag under cold water to remove starch. Prepare rice according to package directions.

In small saucepan over medium-low heat, heat rice vinegar, sugar and salt until sugar and salt have dissolved, about 1 minute. Set aside. In small bowl, mix mayonnaise, Sriracha sauce and sesame oil. Set aside.

Transfer cooked rice onto large baking sheet. Drizzle half the vinegar mixture over rice, turning until all rice is fully coated. Taste and add more vinegar mixture, if desired. Spread rice into thin layer and cool to room temperature. Sprinkle sesame seeds on top.

Lay down one sushi nori sheet. Spread layer of rice on it. Place half the carrots and cucumbers on rice. Place crab and shrimp on top. Place another sushi nori sheet just under first one and roll. Repeat with remaining sushi nori sheets, rice, carrots, cucumbers, crab and shrimp. Wrap both burritos in plastic wrap. Let rest 10 minutes. Slice burritos in half and serve with spicy mayo

Bring the Taste of Takeout Home

(Family Features) Some nights, especially when schedules are jam packed, the allure of grabbing takeout or swinging through a drive-thru between activities may sound more appealing than spending time in the kitchen. You can skip the to-go boxes, however, with these tasty Asian-inspired dishes that come together almost as fast as delivery while allowing you to get creative at mealtime.

Packed with fresh shrimp and crispy veggies, this Crab and Shrimp Sushi Burrito fuses some favorite takeout dishes together to satisfy cravings in half an hour.

Using Success Boil-in-Bag Jasmine Rice, which cooks up soft and fluffy, provides a flavorful and aromatic base. This combination of seafood, homemade sauces and flavorful veggies makes for an unforgettable taste experience comparable to your favorite quick-serve restaurant.

Or let your kitchen appliances help create a satisfying, soothing take on a Thai classic. A quick and easy bowl of deliciousness that’s sure to comfort the whole family, this Thai Red Curry Chicken and Rice Soup features chicken, lime juice, Thai red curry and coconut milk mixed with basmati rice.

Ready in just 10 minutes, Success Boil-in-Bag Basmati Rice is quick, easy and mess-free, and it’s guaranteed to always cook right – just place the bag in chicken broth to experience the long-grain rice’s subtle, nutty flavor and unique texture. Plus, Success Rice is free from artificial additives and unprocessed ingredients, so you can feel good about serving it with a variety of dishes.

Find more recipe inspiration to tackle takeout cravings and more at

Thai Red Curry Chicken and Rice Soup



In pressure cooker on saute setting over high heat, bring broth and rice bags to boil. Boil, uncovered, 10 minutes. Remove bags with fork and set aside.

Add coconut milk, curry paste, soy sauce and brown sugar to pressure cooker. Turn off saute setting. Add chicken. Cover and lock to seal. Set to pressure cook setting over high heat about 10 minutes, or until chicken is tender. Carefully, manually or naturally, release pressure according to manufacturer’s instructions before removing lid.

Set pressure cooker to saute setting over medium heat. Remove chicken and shred with two forks; add to soup along with lime juice and green onions. Remove rice from bags and stir into soup. Simmer until rice is heated through.

Hear Powerful Stories Of Individuals Living With Familial Hypercholesterolemia In ABC’s “Family Heartbeats Unmasked”

The new initiative aims to increase visibility and promote early detection of FH in communities of color on FH Awareness Day and during National Cholesterol Education Month

WASHINGTON, PRNewswire -- The Association of Black Cardiologists (ABC) is proud to introduce its timely new campaign, “Family Heartbeats Unmasked - Sharing Stories. Empowering Communities. Saving Generations.” This effort is dedicated to raising awareness about Familial Hypercholesterolemia (FH), a genetic condition that significantly increases the risk of early heart disease and is often underdiagnosed, especially in Black Americans and other minority populations.

“We are excited to share these moving stories and essential resources with our community,” said Dr. Keith C. Ferdinand, Chief Science Officer of ABC. “Our goal is to educate and promote equitable care for individuals affected by FH, particularly in underserved populations.”

well.” These stories underscore the importance of knowing your family health history and the life-changing impact of early detection for current and future generations.

“Family Heartbeats Unmasked” highlights important stories on FH Awareness Day and during September’s National Cholesterol Education Month. It also emphasizes the crucial significance of early diagnosis and treatment of FH, even in early childhood.

The campaign features powerful testimonials from individuals living with FH, like one of the ABC Patient Ambassadors who shares, “I wish I had known that it was familial at that time. That would really have helped me to understand a treatment plan and that it also is important to understand how it may impact my children as

FH affects approximately 1 in 250 people globally. Children with an affected parent have a 50% chance of inheriting FH, yet only about 30% of those born with the condition are diagnosed early. Up to 90% of individuals with FH remain undiagnosed, with Black Americans facing significant disparities in both timely identification and appropriate care.

Through powerful patient stories, physician-led PSAs, and educational content, this initiative seeks to close the gaps in care and ensure that every individual, regardless of race/ethnicity, sex/gender, socioeconomic status, geography, or ability/disability, receives the care they need.

The ABC is committed to equipping patients and healthcare professionals with the knowledge and tools necessary to improve outcomes for those living with FH.

“It’s especially important to recognize FH in children, as early detection through pediatric screening can be life-saving,” said Dr. Ferdinand. “By bringing attention to FH and its impact on our communities, we hope to empower families with the tools they need to protect their heart health from the start.”

The ABC encourages everyone to visit the campaign’s website at to watch the videos, access resources, and learn more about how to get involved.

Founded in 1974, the Association of Black Cardiologists, Inc. (ABC) is a nonprofit with a global membership exceeding 2,000 individuals, including health professionals, community health advocates, and corporate and institutional members. The ABC remains dedicated to its mission of promoting heart health and wellness in minority communities and eliminating disparities in cardiovascular care for all people, with a particular focus on Black Americans. Through advocacy, education, and research, ABC works to ensure that every person has the opportunity to achieve optimal heart health. Today, ABC’s public and private partnerships continue to make strides in improving cardiovascular outcomes in communities across the nation. Connect with us at and join our efforts on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.


The U.S. Huggies brand will join as the launch partner for Group Black’s first of its kind platform, She’s Good, [For Real] sponsoring the maternal health educational hub

NEW YORK, PRNewswire -- Group Black, a MBE certified media company, proudly announces the launch of the “It Takes A Village” Program in partnership with Huggies®, a leading brand in baby care. Through this collaboration, Huggies will be the launch partner for Group Black’s platform, She’s Good [For Real], a first-of-its-kind digital platform designed to empower Black women to better advocate for their health and the health of their families. As the launch partner, Huggies will sponsor the Maternal Health Hub on the platform, a resource providing editorial content geared toward mothers, both new and experienced. The platform will be hosted on Healthline, the leading source of actionable health education in the US.

Studies show Black children are 1.7 times more likely to develop atopic dermatitis than white children (National Eczema Association). The ‘It Takes a Village’ campaign highlights the unique nuances Black mothers experience when caring for their babies’ skin. Through storytelling content with real mothers and custom editorials vetted by medical professionals, the campaign is aimed to highlight the importance of community support for new and expecting Black parents.

Featuring New York City dermatologist and founder of, Dr. Dina Strachan, the campaign aims to create intimate and relatable conversations that address common parenting concerns, like the skin health of their babies, and will also tackle the conversation around mental health for Black mothers.

“We are thrilled to partner with Huggies as our Launch Partner for She’s Good, [For Real],” said Ashley Banks, EVP of Commercial at Group Black. “This partnership aligned directly with our mission to be a critical educational resource for Black and other diverse women, and we are proud to bring this important content to life.”

You can now watch the content live on, hosted by

Group Black is a MBE certified media company dedicated to connecting brands with diverse audiences. Committed to fostering an inclusive media ecosystem, Group Black amplifies diverse storytelling and deepens the investment pipeline for diverse-owned businesses. Informed by marketing and creative expertise, Group Black crafts contextually relevant strategies that resonate with a multicultural generation. Group Black is where culture calls home.

Association of Black Cardiologists





NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on July 25, 2024, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 10:30 AM on October 29, 2024, at The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker, 1st Floor Suite 35R, Chicago, IL, 60606, sell at a public sale to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 112 BLACKHAWK DRIVE, PARK FOREST, IL 60466 Property Index No. 31-36-306029-0000 The real estate is improved with a single family residence. The judgment amount was $71,718.37. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. You will need a photo identification issued by a government agency (driver's license, passport, etc.) in order to gain entry into our building and the foreclosure sale room in Cook County and the same identification for sales held at other county venues where The Judicial Sales Corporation conducts foreclosure sales. For information, contact MOMKUS LLP Plaintiff's Attorneys, 1001 Warrenville Road, Suite 500, Lisle, IL, 60532 (630) 434-0400. Please refer to file number 1804.190830. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 606064650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at for a 7 day status report of pending sales. MOMKUS LLP 1001 Warrenville Road, Suite 500 Lisle IL, 60532 630-434-0400 E-Mail: / Attorney File No. 1804.190830 Attorney Code. 41568 Case Number: 2024 CH 00233 TJSC#: 442169 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff's attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. Case # 2024 CH 00233 I3252798


IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL DEPARTMENT - SIXTH DISTRICT CITY OF CHICAGO HEIGHTS, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION Plaintiff,v.- JASON T. MARTINEZ, THORN CREEK BASIN SANITARY DISTRICT, UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NONRECORD CLAIMANTS Defendants 20226008013 1938 CONCORD DRIVE CHICAGO HEIGHTS, IL 60411 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on September 6, 2024, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 10:30 A.M. on November 6, 2024, at The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker, 1st Floor Suite 35R, Chicago, IL, 60606, sell at a public sale to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: LOT 27 IN BLOCK 6 IN BEACON HILLS SUBDIVISION OF PART OF SECTION 19, 20, 29 AND 30 TOWNSHIP 35 NORTH, RANGE 14, EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED JANUARY 4, 1960 AS DOCUMENT 17748392, IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. Commonly known as 1938 CONCORD DRIVE, CHICAGO HEIGHTS, IL 60411 Property Index No. 32-30-111-0270000 The real estate is improved with a single family residence. The judgment amount was $18,864.61. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1).IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. You will need a photo identification issued by a government agency (driver's license, passport, etc.) in order to gain entry into our building and the foreclosure sale room in Cook County and the same identification for sales held at other county venues where The Judicial Sales Corporation conducts foreclosure sales. For information, contact Jacqueline J. Agee, THE LAW OFFICES OF DENNIS G. GIANOPOLUS, P.C. Plaintiff's Attorneys, 18511 Torrence Avenue, Lansing, IL, 60438 (708) 889-9626. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at for a 7 day status report of pending sales. Jacqueline J. Agee THE LAW OFFICES OF DENNIS G. GIANOPOLUS, P.C. 18511 Torrence Avenue Lansing IL, 60438 708-889-9626 E-Mail: Attorney Code. 34464 Case Number: 20226008013 TJSC#: 44-2645 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection

Plaintiff's attorney is deemed to be a debt

collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I3253164












Tips to Stay Connected

During Natural Disasters

(StatePoint) No matter where you live or what time of the year it is, individuals, families, businesses and others nationwide should be prepared for unpredictable weather and natural disasters – from hurricanes to tornadoes to wildfires. With some researchers forecasting a potentially record-breaking hurricane season and above normal risks for wildfires for some portions of the country this year, it’s important to be ready.

Effective communication is vital during disasters for receiving updates, talking with loved ones and reaching first responders. One of the most important things you can do ahead of time is learn how you can stay con- nected. Here are some tips from TMobile experts on ways you can

prepare and get the information you need to stay in the know when it matters most.

• Keep phones and devices fully charged, and store back-up chargers and batteries. There’s nothing quite like losing power when your phone has a low battery, so keep devices full of juice. And make sure you have back-up chargers, portable chargers, and/or batteries so you can keep your devices on if your power goes out. You’ll also want to have a charger handy if you’re traveling. If you get stranded or stuck while driving, you’ll want a way to stay connected with loved ones or emergency services.

• Add important numbers in your contacts. Most of us have friends, family and coworkers programmed in our phones. But in an emergency, you may need to contact local police, fire departments or power companies. Program these numbers now so you don’t spend precious time looking them up during an emergency.

• Text instead of calling and keep calls short. Sometimes during a severe weather event or natural disaster, too many calls and texts at the same time can cause telecommunications networks to become congested. If you have trouble making calls, try texting instead. Text messages are more likely to get through than phone calls because they take up fewer network resources.

• If you don’t have mobile service, try Wi-Fi calling. If your power and Wi-Fi connection are still on but your mobile service is down, you may be able to call someone via Wi-Fi. For Apple phones, go to Settings > Phone > Wi-Fi Calling and for Android phones, go to Settings > More Connection Settings > Wi-Fi Calling.

• Stay safe and calm. Network engineers prepare for weather conditions throughout the year so they can restore service if needed as soon as possible. But hazardous conditions may cause delays. Downed trees, power outages and other obstacles can hinder restoration efforts. Engineers will make repairs as soon as it’s safe to do so.

For more information from T-Mobile on communications and disaster preparedness, check out

A few simple steps can help ensure that even during natural disasters and unexpected events, you’re able to connect with first responders and the people you love.

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