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BY PETER HANCOCK Capitol News Illinois phancock@capitolnewsillinois.com
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SPRINGFIELD – Minimum wage workers in Illinois will see a boost in their hourly pay to $12 per hour starting Jan. 1, while tenants in affordable housing units will be allowed to keep pets.
Those are just some of the more than 300 new laws that take effect in the new year.
The minimum wage increase is actually the result of a 2019 law that phases in a state minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2025. This year, it will increase by one dollar to $12 an hour.
CHICAGO –With global tensions and an intensely partisan presidential campaign fueling division among Americans, Illinois is launching the Help Stop Hate program to combat the severe increase in hate crime throughout the state.
tenants to keep pets is the result of Senate Bill 154, by Sen. Linda Holmes, D-Aurora, and Rep. Stephanie Kifowit, D-Oswego. It provides that tenants of multifamily housing units that are acquired, built or renovated with money from the Illinois Affordable Housing Trust Fund may keep up to two cats or one dog weighing less than 50 pounds. It applies to residents of housing units that are designated as affordable housing for low- and very-lowincome families. The bill passed both chambers in its final form on May 30 and Gov. JB Pritzker signed it into law Aug. 6. Other new laws include:
“We are here today to officially launch Help Stop Hate, a new resource that will help protect and empower victims and witnesses to incidents of hate through a free, confidential and multilingual service,” Gov. JB Pritzker said at a Chicago news conference Wednesday.
According to the Council on American-Islamic Relations’ Chicago branch, there has been a 196% increase in anti-Muslim hate crimes in Chicago since the Hamas attack on Israel on Oct. 7, 2023. The Anti-Defamation League reports a 379% increase in antisemitic incidents since 2019 in Illinois.
own communities, acquire help dealing with trauma or connect with resources that can provide additional safety measures. The victim can also report the crime to state or local police, who will investigate further.
The program will be funded by a $1.3 million grant over three years from the U.S. Department of Justice and through the IDHR’s general funding. This assures Help Stop Hate will be a long-term resource, officials said.
According to Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul, the multifaceted approach will also support data collection on hate-motivated crimes, which are severely underreported. Officials said data is inconsistent because some victims are reluctant to report hate crimes for various reasons. Often, victims see hate crime as a part of daily life; they fear their concerns will be dismissed by law enforcement; or, as Stratton said, they don’t trust the systems currently in place.
Jim Bennett, IDHR director, said a statewide study on hate crimes will be conducted in 2025.
The law allowing public housing
Darrell Garth
Vehicle taxes: SB58 raises the private vehicle tax, which is a sales tax paid on the purchase of vehicles, by $75 for each model year where the purchase price is less than $15,000 and by $100 for vehicles priced above that amount. However, the registration fee for trailers weighing less than 3,000 pounds will drop to $36 instead of $118.
“As governor of this great state, as a person, and as someone who has stood up against hate throughout my life, I am horrified by this trend. Horrified,” Pritzker said.
This program was announced as hate crime incidents are at a record high since the FBI began collecting the data in 1991. As a recent example, an Orthodox Jewish man was shot Saturday while entering a synagogue in West Rogers Park this weekend. Although the crime is still being investigated, the governor said he fears antisemitism is at play. On Oct. 14, 2023, a 6-year-old Palestinian-American boy, Wadea Al-Fayoume, was stabbed to death by his landlord in a suspected hate crime.
One bill in the General Assembly would also seek to require law enforcement to undergo mandatory training on “crimes motivated by bias.” But that measure, House Bill 5368, was re-referred to the House Rules Committee in April, a procedural step that can often indicate a bill is a long way from passage.
According to the Movement Advancement Project, only 12 states mandate law enforcement to undergo training on identifying and fighting hate crimes, including crimes concerning sexual orientation or gender identity.
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“Please understand that at this moment, there are people gleefully working to empower our ugliest traits – bigotry, exclusion, vitriol, suspicion – all in the name of pure, unfettered hate,” Lt. Gov. Juliana Stratton said.
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College admissions: HB226, establishing the Higher Education Fair Admissions Act, prohibits public colleges and universities from requiring applicants to submit SAT, ACT or other standardized test scores as part of the admissions process, although prospective students may choose to submit them if they wish.
The Illinois Department of Human Rights and the state’s Commission on Discrimination and Hate Crimes oversee the program. It allows people who have experienced hate crimes to go to IlStopHate.org or call 877-458-HATE and talk about the incident. They will be directed to a specialized resource based on the nature of the crime.
“At this moment in our history, when some are condoning hateful violence and rhetoric, I encourage Illinoisans to stand up against it, show up for your communities,” Pritzker said.
Amalia Huot-Marchand is a graduate student in journalism with Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism, Media, Integrated Marketing Communications, and a Fellow in its Medill Illinois News Bureau working in partnership with Capitol News Illinois.
CST Weekly,published weekly on Wednesdays and distributed in the Township of Bloom, (publishing 52 issuesannually). W ritten permission isrequired to reproduce contents inwholeor part from the Generalmanager or the publisher CST Weekly does not assume the responsibilityfor nor are weable to return unsolicited marterials. Deadline for advertising is everyMonday at noon. For information on subscriptions oradvertising call us at (773)783-1251. Our office is locatedat 8741S. Greenwood Ave., Ste# 107, Chicago, Illinois 60619.
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Drug prices: SB1682 requires pharmacies to post a notice informing consumers that they may request current pharmacy retail prices at the point of sale.
They can, for example, speak to professionals from their
FOID card changes: HB562 enacts several changes to the Firearm Owner Identification card law. Among other things, it provides for a streamlined renewal process for FOID cards and Concealed Carry Licenses for people who voluntarily submit fingerprint records. It also allows the Illinois State Police to issue a combined FOID card and Concealed Carry License to qualified applicants, and it establishes a new Violent Crime Intelligence Task Force to take enforcement action against people with revoked FOID cards.
Chicago – Attorney General Kwame Raoul, as part of a coalition of 24 attorneys general, filed an amicus brief in United States v. Idaho to protect access to emergency abortion care in Idaho. The brief urges the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit to uphold a lower court’s preliminary injunction blocking Idaho’s restrictive abortion ban.
Capitol News Illinois is a nonprofit, nonpartisan news service that distributes state government coverage to hundreds of news outlets statewide. It is funded primarily by the Illinois Press Foundation and the Robert R. McCormick Foundation.
under EMTALA, and so Idaho’s ban cannot be enforced.
“No pregnant patient experiencing an emergency health condition should be denied care or be forced to travel long distances for life-saving treatment,” Raoul said. “Emergency abortion care saves lives and prevents further bodily harm, and a patient’s access to a potentially-lifesaving abortion should not depend upon the state in which they reside. I will continue to stand up for the rights of patients to access all forms of reproductive health care not only here in Illinois but across the country.”
to the appropriate school support personnel.
Official flags: HB605 requires state agencies and institutions to purchase Illinois and American flags that are made in the United States.
United States. In June, President Joe Biden also signed a bill designating Juneteenth as a federal holiday.
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Student mental health: HB576 and SB1577 allow students in Illinois up to five excused absences to attend to their mental or behavioral health without providing a medical note. Those students will be given an opportunity to make up any work they missed during the first absence and, after using a second mental health day, may be referred
The federal Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) generally requires hospitals that operate an emergency department and participate in Medicare – virtually every hospital in the country – to treat all patients who have an emergency medical condition before discharging or transferring them. Attorney General Raoul and the coalition maintain that several government agencies and courts have long determined that emergency abortion care and other pregnancy related emergencies are covered
Hair styles: SB817 prohibits discrimination in schools against individuals on the grounds of wearing natural or ethnic hairstyles, which include dreadlocks, braids, twists and afros.
Lemonade stands: SB119 prohib-
its public health authorities from regulating or shutting down lemonade stands or similar operations that are operated by children under the age of 16. Known as “Hayli’s Law,” it was inspired by 12-year-old Hayli Martinez, whose lemonade stand in Kankakee was shut down by local officials.
The attorneys general argue that allowing Idaho to override EMTALA’s protections for emergency abortion care could lead to pregnant patients dying or suffering irreversible injuries. The brief also notes that this action by Idaho could cause health care providers to leave the state, leading to worsened patient care and pregnant patients seeking care in other states, which can overwhelm their health care systems. In fact, within a few months of Idaho’s abortion ban going into effect, nearly one in four obstetricians left the state or retired. This past March, a multistate coalition of attorneys general filed an amicus brief with the United States Supreme Court in this case, urging the court to maintain the district court’s preliminary injunction. The court ultimately sent the case back to the Ninth Circuit with the district court’s injunction intact.
Juneteenth: HB3922 recognizes June 19, or “Juneteenth,” as an official state holiday that commemorates the end of slavery in the
Capitol News Illinois is a nonprofit, nonpartisan news service covering state government and distributed to more than 400 newspapers statewide. It is funded primarily by the Illinois Press Foundation and the Robert R. McCormick Foundation.
Joining Raoul in filing the amicus brief are the attorneys general of Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington and Wisconsin.
OAKLAND, Calif., PRNewswire -- A selection of The Dr. Huey P. Newton Foundation Inc. collection, the largest Black Panther Party archive and one of the most researched collections at Stanford University Libraries, will be digitized and made accessible to people around the globe. Thanks to a generous $150,000 grant from the Mellon Foundation to the Dr. Huey P. Newton Foundation, a selection of the collection will be digitized by Stanford University Libraries in this pilot project and made available online through SearchWorks, the Libraries’s catalog, and in the community research room at the Black Panther Party Museum, recently established in downtown Oakland, CA. Stanford University Libraries has housed the Dr. Huey P. Newton Foundation Collection since Huey’s widow Fredrika entrusted it to them in 1996.
As one of the most frequently consulted and critically important archival collections housed at Stanford University Libraries, the Dr. Huey P. Newton Foundation Inc. collection includes Dr. Newton’s private papers, letters, writings, videos, and photos as well as the Party’s political campaign ephemera, documents on how they ran their Survival Programs, and drafts of the Ten Point Program, among many others. The collection also includes a series of FBI surveillance documents obtained by the Dr. Huey P. Newton Foundation via the Freedom of Information Act.
“In the very early days of the Dr. Huey P. Newton Foundation, we identified multiple pathways toward our goal of making the accurate history and legacy of the Black Panther Party as widely available as possible,” said Fredri -
ka Newton, co-founder of the Foundation. “An essential part of this was taking the voluminous amount of archives Huey left and placing them where they can be accessed, studied and utilized by as many people as possible. We are grateful for the care and partnership that Stanford University has provided to us and to this significant collection.”
The Dr. Huey P. Newton Foundation and Stanford University Libraries’s archivists are working together to identify and prioritize the works to be digitized during this initial pilot, with the hopes of possibly digitizing the entire collection, and ensuring the preservation of these critical historical documents for future generations. This digitization project aligns with Stanford University Libraries’s ongoing commitment to making its archival resources more accessible and to supporting research that advances our understanding of social justice and civil rights.
Roberto Trujillo, Associate University Librarian for Special Collections at Stanford states, “It is critically important to broaden discoverability and access for a continued critical reception of the Black Panther Party history.”
In an environment where the teaching and discussion of racial history is being discouraged if not forbidden in classrooms across America, Stanford University Libraries are seeing an even larger interest in The Dr. Huey P. Newton Foundation Inc. collection. Students and scholars across the country continue to use it for research, making it one of the most heavily consulted collections at Stanford.
The Dr. Huey P. Newton Foundation is dedicated to preserving and promoting the true legacy and ideals of the Black Panther Party. Since 1995, the Foundation has commissioned public art and created education tools to inspire and inform real social, economic and political change. The Foundation is the number one source for historical preservation and archival collections for people seeking the truth about the Black Panther Party. The Dr. Huey P. Newton Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization, was co-founded by Fredrika Newton and is based in Oakland, CA, the birthplace of the Black Panther Party. Follow on Instagram @hueypnewtonfoundation
-- Uncle Funky’s Daughter, a leading natural hair care brand, has partnered with Texas Southern University (TSU) to empower female entrepreneurs through the MPoWR Her Grant. This initiative, supported by a $50,000 endowment from The Rhoten Morris Family Foundation, will be awarded annually to an African-American female student at TSU’s Entrepreneurial Hub, providing critical financial support for their startup ventures.
This initiative is especially significant in light of the current entrepreneurial landscape. According to J.P. Morgan, African-American women are the fastest-growing demographic of entrepreneurs in the United States, increasing by a staggering 50% between 2014 and 2019, compared to the 24% increase among women-owned businesses overall. However, despite their growing presence, African-American female founders receive less than 0.35% of total venture capital funding in the U.S.,
forcing many to rely on personal savings and credit to fund their ventures.
A recent 2023 report from the Federal Reserve Bank revealed that 65% of Black women business owners rely on personal funds to start and grow their businesses, compared to just 55% of their white counterparts. The MPoWR Her Grant seeks to address this inequity by providing critical financial support to early-stage African-American female entrepreneurs, alleviating some of the financial barriers that often hinder business growth.
Renee Rhoten Morris, Uncle Funky’s Daughter’s Chief Curl Officer and founder of the Rhoten Morris Family Foundation, expressed the importance of the partnership, “We must create channels that change the playing field. HBCUs play an essential role in cultivating female African-American talent, and we’re proud to be part of TSU’s Entrepreneurial Hub, which will
nurture the next generation of innovators. This grant underscores our dedication to empowering future female leaders, fostering education, and creating pathways for building generational wealth.”
TSU, a historically Black university with a strong tradition of leadership and social change, will benefit from the partnership as it enhances its academic environment and attracts talented, entrepreneurial students. This collaboration, ahead of TSU’s 100th anniversary, reflects the university’s ongoing efforts to foster innovation and community empowerment.
Together, Uncle Funky’s Daughter and Texas Southern University are charting a course toward a brighter future—one in which education, entrepreneurship, and community empowerment go hand in hand.
For more information about the MPoWR Her Grant and the partnership between Uncle Funky’s Daughter and TSU, visit https://ktvz. com/cnn-regional/2024/10/08/texas-southern-university-triumphs-with-homecoming-2024-a-celebration-of-legacy-community-and-unstoppable-partnerships/.
MISSION, Kan., PRNewswire -- (Family Features) If your family suffers from the winter doldrums, a dose of sunshine may be just what they need. Give everyone something special to look forward to this year by planning a vacation that appeals to kids, parents and grandparents alike.
Leaving the country for breathtaking views and relaxation at the world’s beautiful beaches may provide the boost of vitamin D you need, but it also requires a little extra preparation compared to the average road trip. Ensure your memory-making excursion goes off without a hitch by doing the legwork in advance to avoid unnecessary stress.
Plan your winter getaway with these tips for an elevated experience.
As you prepare for your next adventure, planning ahead is essential to ensure a seamless experience, especially when traveling internationally and for long-haul trips. Whether you’re seeking a dreamy beachfront destination or a European vacation, collaborating with a travel advisor as your first step in the planning process can significantly enhance your trip since they provide expert help and ideas tailored to your preferences. One of the key advantages is that their services typically come at no cost to you, allowing you to relax while the experts handle everything from finding the best deals to managing essential travel requirements, such as country entry guidelines and passport regulations.
Once you’ve settled on a location, it’s time to go over the lodging options with your travel advisor. Whether you’re looking forward to digging your toes into the sand or craving a little adventure, it’s always best to identify what matters most for your trip. Researching resorts that offer a true “all-inclusive experience” can help ease stress and keep the focus on family fun. Consider stays at Sunscape Resorts & Spas, which offer features like a kid’s check-in experience, welcome treats, connecting rooms and more, all designed to “Press Play” on Unlimited-Fun. This way, your family’s needs and wants are covered – with best-in-class service, all access restaurants, unlimited drinks and a supervised Explorer’s Club for Kids while teens have their own space at the Core Zone Teens Club.
One way to maximize your resort stay is to sign up for hotel loyalty programs, like World of Hyatt’s
loyalty program, to earn rewards and benefits that can go toward free nights, exclusive member rates, upgrades and more. Plus, travel advisors who book directly can input your loyalty information to help ensure you get the most out of your getaway.
Travel advisors commonly visit locations and resorts, so they know the destinations inside and out. Ask your advisor if he or she has traveled to your desired vacation spot and consider the expert advice offered, from must-have meals to recommended attractions and excursions.
Consider Travel Packages
One way to make memories that last a lifetime is to explore any special family packages that are available at the time of booking. For example, Sunscape Resorts & Spas is offering exhilarating getaways perfect for the kid in everyone with the Press Play on Fun package available through Dec. 20 for travel through Aug. 16, 2025.
It includes a delightful welcome amenity and exclusive gift, breakfast in bed, a reserved spot by the pool or beach and a family photo on the beach to capture all those smiles. The resorts take family fun to the next level in vibrant, colorful beachfront locations in Mexico, Curaçao and the Dominican Republic.
Make a Beach Trip Checklist
If you’ve ever traveled so much as an hour or two away from home, you know how important a checklist is to avoid leaving behind any must-haves. A trip to the beach calls for an entirely new set of essentials.
If you plan to spend time at the beach (or pool, for that matter), consider adding these items to your suitcase:
Bug spray
Hat and sunglasses
Beach- or pool-friendly shoes
Books or magazines
Beach bag
Reusable water bottle or tumbler
Waterproof phone case
Cash for tips
To start your winter vacation planning, visit hyattinclusivecollection.com/en/resorts-hotels/sunscape.
LAS VEGAS, PRNewswire -- Fontainebleau Las Vegas, the Strip’s newest luxury resort and casino and the gateway to Race Week 2024, is making history in November with the debut of the exclusive Aston Martin British Bloodline experience. A curated collection of current and rare vintage performance cars, the Aston Martin British Bloodline experience celebrates the intensity and unmistakable style of the British ultra-luxury brand amidst the backdrop of the Formula 1 Heineken Silver Las Vegas Grand Prix.
Through November 24, more than 20 iconic Aston Martin models will be showcased throughout curated spaces of the resort, bringing fans closer than they have ever been to the bespoke craftsmanship and cutting-edge technology that defines one of the world’s most prestigious automotive marques.
“As the excitement builds toward Race Week, we are thrilled to offer our guests an intimate look at the history and evolution of Aston Martin, a brand that symbolizes both excellence and sophistication,” says Fontainebleau Las Vegas President, Maurice Wooden. “As a resort, we pride ourselves on bringing top-tier experiences to our guests, creating once-in-a-lifetime memories. Fontainebleau Las Vegas is extremely proud to be the exclusive partner of Aston Martin, and we are honored to bring this iconic, luxury brand for the ultimate Race Week experience.”
Throughout Fontainebleau Las Vegas, guests can admire an array of Aston Martin’s finest cars. Featured vehicle displays include the brand’s full line-up of next generation sportscars including return of an icon, Vanquish, the brand’s V12 flagship, the recently launched Vantage sportscar, the world’s first Super Tourer, DB12, and the Supercar of SUV’s DBX707 with a striking new interior design.
Joining the current lineup of Aston Martin vehicles is the marque’s AMR24 Formula 1® challenger, whilst the 60th anniversary of Aston Martin’s long-running association with the James Bond film franchise will be celebrated through display of a DB5 stunt car, used in action scenes of the 007 movie ‘No Time To Die.’
Celebrating the rich 111-year heritage of the British marque, Fontainebleau Las Vegas will feature a vintage collection of rare Aston Martin vehicles, powered by Hagerty, an automotive enthusiast brand and specialty vehicle insurer. Each car represents a significant piece of automotive history and reflects the timeless appeal of Aston Martin. Highlights include the elegant 1952 DB2 and the 1957 DB2/4 MKIII, as well as the 1960 DB4 and the 1963 DB4 SS Convertible. The exhibit also features the rare 1963 DB4GT, the striking 1968 DBS and a 1970 DB6 MKII. Rounding out the collection is a 1965 DB5, the iconic model introduced to James Bond in ‘Goldfinger’ 60 years ago.
“This array of Aston Martin masterpieces, exclusively displayed at Fontainebleau Las Vegas, marks an incredible occasion to showcase our exciting past, present and future amidst the backdrop of the Las Vegas Grand Prix and F1’s high-performance credentials,” said Global Chief Brand and Commercial Officer of Aston Martin, Marco Mattiacci. “It’s an opportunity to connect with our community of owners and bring our brand to enthusiasts from across North America during a landmark moment in the F1 calendar.”
“Known for its perfect balance of form and function, Aston Martin has captivated enthusiasts since day one, earning its place as a symbol of greatness,” said McKeel Hagerty, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of Hagerty. “Hagerty is pleased to offer fans an opportunity to learn more about the visionary artists and engineers who built Aston Martin, one masterpiece at a time.”
The Aston Martin British Bloodline experience comes as Fontainebleau Las Vegas gears up for Race Week 2024. As an official partner of the Formula 1 Heineken Silver Las Vegas Grand Prix, the resort will transform into a high-energy destination for sports, entertainment, and exclusive experiences. More information about Fontainebleau Las Vegas dining, events, entertainment, rooms and suites can be found at https://www.fontainebleaulasvegas.com/experiences/lv-grand-prix-2024/.
OLYMPIA, Wash., PRNewswire -- Ayéya, a beauty and lifestyle brand dedicated to preserving African traditions and empowering local women through ethically sourced body care and home products, is thrilled to announce its official launch. Beginning today, Ayéya is debuting a range of bath soaps, laundry and dish tablets, and home cleaning supplies at Whole Foods Market nationwide. On a mission to provide economic independence to women in Africa and mitigate climate change globally, Ayéya is redefining what it means to create impact through conscious consumerism.
Created with intention to honor the rich cultural heritage of West Africa, Ayéya is committed to creating meaningful employment for African women and supporting community development through their sustainably sourced products made with authentic, functional and high-quality ingredients, and recyclable packaging. With every purchase, Ayéya supports fair wages and sustainable employment for over 300,000 people in Ghana and Togo.
The brand’s debut at Whole Foods Market, as well as direct-to-consumer, launches Ayéya into the $11 billion natural and organic skincare space with a portfolio of purpose-driven, transparently sourced, artisan made products, including:
Naked Soaps and Bath Bombs, exclusive to Whole Foods Market
Home Cleaning Laundry Tablets, Dish Tablets, Multi-Function Spray and All Purpose/Multi-Surface Cleaner Tablets, first to market at Whole Foods Market
Ina by Ayéya Bar Soaps, Bath Bombs, and Bath Salts, exclusive to Sprouts Farmers Market
Traditional African Black Soaps
Foaming Hand Soaps
Whipped Body Butter
2-in-1 Face and Body Moisturizer
Shampoo & Conditioner Bars
Baby & Children Body Care Products
Ayéya was founded by Olowo-n’djo Tchala, who sought to catalyze positive change in West Africa by creating not just skincare and haircare products, but also a socially conscious enterprise that uplifts communities. With over 20 years of experience working directly with African communities, Ayéya stands as a beacon of empowerment and cultural respect.
“Our brand is about more than just beautiful
products,” said Olo Tchala, founder of Ayéya. “It’s about creating a virtuous cycle where business success is intertwined with social impact. We believe in the strength of women and the potential of local communities to thrive through meaningful economic opportunities.”
Ayéya works directly to support West African women and youth by providing them with sustainable wages, clean water and employment to break the cycle of economic injustice and gender equality through The Ayeya Family of Impact Organizations. This organization is dedicated to improving market access for women and youth in Ghana and Togo, addressing challenges such as economic opportunity and clean water access. By supporting African communities through sustainable wages and employment, Ayéya is breaking the cycles of economic injustice and gender inequality, while delivering products that shoppers can feel good about purchasing and using. Additionally, Ayeya operates on climate forward brand practices by using sustainable ingredient choices, local processing, climate impact reduction and less packaging and plastics.
Available now on shelves is a line of unwrapped soaps and complementary bath bomb bars featured exclusively at Whole Foods Market in support of their “mood” campaign, with SKUs ranging from “Empower” and “Nurture” to “Uplift”, “Love” and “Cheer.” Additional products including their Home Cleaning Line, Traditional African Black Soaps, and exclusive line with Sprouts will launch this November, with additional items continuing to roll out in 2025. All products are also available online and on Amazon for nationwide shipping.
For more information on Ayéya, please visit https://ayeya.com/.
Ayeya is a socially conscious beauty and lifestyle brand dedicated to celebrating the rich traditions and generational wisdom of African women through ethically sourced body and home care products. Our mission is to empower local communities in West Africa by providing sustainable economic opportunities and promoting cultural heritage. By partnering with fair-trade suppliers and investing in community development, Ayeya impacts the lives of over 350,000 individuals, fostering independence and environmental stewardship. Join us in honoring heritage while making a difference with every purchase.
SAN FRANCISCO, PRNewswire -- This holiday season, Old Navy invites everyone to come play with style with the launch of its latest campaign, “Love is in the House,” starring Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony (EGOT) award winner Jennifer Hudson. As the go-to destination for fashion, fun, and togetherness, Old Navy tapped Jennifer Hudson to help celebrate the holiday spirit with a campaign that invites you to bring your unique style, dressed-up dogs, and chosen family to the Old Navy house, where everyone is welcome.
The ‘Love Is In The House’ campaign presents Jennifer Hudson as the season’s hostess inside an Old Navy house - a magical holiday home packed with style and wonder. Sparkling in Old Navy’s High-Rise Rockstar Jeans in Black Shine, Long Sleeve Sweetheart Velvet Top, and a Black Faux-Fur Jacket, Hudson hosts a whimsical house party featuring festive and surprising characters as guests, including dancer and influencer, Lexee Smith; dancer and choreographer, Raphael “The Sandman” Thomas; nine-yearold dancer, Brody Hudson Schaffer, a.k.a. Boss Baby Brody; and Old Navy’s very own, Magic the Dog. From a conga line of shimmering denim cha-chaing through the house foyer, to fair isle-wearing guests blatantly ignoring the “no skiing in the house” rule, and an indoor winter wonderland filled with snow, holiday wonder is around every corner.
The Old Navy holiday campaign will air across Cinema, Social platforms, Primetime networks, and streaming services like Bravo, HGTV, Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, Disney +, and during 34 NFL games, including Thanksgiving and Cyber Monday game days.
Old Navy’s “Love Is In The House” campaign brings the ultimate holiday style, all under one roof. From embellished and metallic denim to festive warm sweaters, puffer coats and fleece zip ups, this collection has it all. The iconic Jingle Jammies, perfect for a coordinated photo shoot or styled with denim and accessories for a “glammie” dinner look, make Old Navy the season’s go-to destination for family fashion. Offering both holiday glam and comfort at a great value, Old Navy has something special for everyone.
“It was a dream come true to work with Jennifer Hudson and see her sparkle in our new Shine denim, said Zac Posen, Executive Vice President, Creative Director of Gap Inc. and Chief Creative Officer of Old Navy. “When we learned that Jennifer Hudson was launching her first-ever holiday album, we thought, now is the time to collaborate with an EGOT winner to spread joy in our “Love is in the House” holiday campaign.”
“The holidays are my absolute favorite time of year and there is no one who knows how to celebrate the season like my friends at Old Navy! We had so much fun creating this holiday party together – from the decorations to all the amazing outfits, you can’t help but feel transported to a magical winter wonderland. Love was in the house, and we were feeling fabulous!” says Jennifer Hudson.
The campaign includes Jennifer Hudson’s rendition of “Winter Wonderland” from her newly released, first-ever holiday album, “The Gift of Love”. The holiday album four city tour will begin at The Kings Theatre in Brooklyn on November 24th, followed by The Chicago Theatre in Chicago on December 13th, Walt Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles on December 18th, and completing at the Fontainebleau Las Vegas on December 21st and 22nd. “The Gift of Love” album will be sold at select Old Navy stores on the four city tour.
Learn more at https://www.jenniferhudson.world/#/
ROCKFORD -- Governor JB Pritzker joined ComEd, Region 1 Planning Council, Rockford leadership, and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to announce that DOE has granted ComEd $50 million in federal funding to enhance the city of Rockford’s power grid. This Grid Resilience and Innovation Partnership (GRIP) program investment, the largest in Illinois history, supports DOE’s ongoing clean energy initiative in states across the nation.
“In Illinois, we’ve made it clear that we are committed to a clean energy future, and one that is rooted in equity” said Lt. Governor Juliana Stratton. “This investment not only expands access to renewable resources and strengthens our grid, it’s the Climate and Equitable Jobs Act (CEJA) in action.”
The $50 million in federal funds will be matched by ComEd, alongside other investments from community partner Region 1 Planning Council and various innovation partners and vendors. By 2029, the investment in the Rockford grid will total about $116 million. The funds will enhance ComEd’s clean energy investments, further expand access to carbon energy resources, improve grid resilience against extreme weather, and offer clean jobs training for members of the Rockford community and surrounding areas.
“The City of Rockford is honored
to be part of this impactful project to enable electrification and decarbonization,” said Thomas P. McNamara, Mayor of Rockford. “In addition to improving power quality needs in our area and supporting the expansion and development of new businesses within the city, we look forward to continued collaboration with ComEd to maximize the project’s benefits with expanded community education and local workforce development for our residents.”
Following Governor Pritzker’s landmark Climate and Equitable Jobs Act (CEJA) in 2021, the state has worked to secure private and federal investments to strengthen Illinois’ clean energy initiatives. With an ultimate goal of putting Illinois on a path to 100 percent clean energy by 2050, partners like the DOE, ComEd, and Region 1 Planning Council, have become instrumental in developing clean energy technologies and equitable workforce development in the clean energy industry.
Rockford joins as one of only 57 smart grid projects nationwide, and over the next twelve months, ComEd and other partners will identify areas and communities that would most benefit from clean energy and grid investments. Soon, the Rockford community will also see increased workforce development and small business resource programs to support the ongoing clean energy transition and secure the workforce of the future.
Last week I shared an insightful look into the reason reverse mortgages have been problematic in our Black communities. This week and in weeks to come I will share the details of real-life cases of families battling for their elder’s homes that had reverse mortgages. I will point out the “red flags” that should have been noticed; thus, avoiding problems later.
Bren Sheriff
Fifteen years ago, Mr. A, a widower, was convinced by a contractor to get a reverse mortgage of $65,000; $45,000 for quoted repairs on his home and an additional $25,000 for his personal use. Fifteen years later, the error in Mr. A’s understanding became known when his health failed, and he was placed in a nursing home. It was only then that his children learned that their father had a reverse mortgage.
Mr. A had no long-term care insurance nor money in the bank to pay for his nursing home care of $15,000 a month. The State of Illinois placed a lien on his home to pay for his nursing home care.
To compound the family’s problem, the reverse mortgage company sent notice of foreclosure to Mr. A. Reverse mortgages have a clause that requires the borrower to maintain their mortgaged home as his principal residence. Mr. A’s placement in the nursing home violated this clause.
The news of foreclosure was particularly devasting to the son and granddaughter of Mr. A as they faced eviction.
Continued next week, Bye for now, Bren.
What type of life insurance policies build cash value using Indexed stock funds? Answers to last week’s quiz: No, a public notary only attests to the identity of the singer. To get more detailed answers to last week’s QUIZ question or for general questions that you may have, please call me: 773-819-1700
Disclaimer: The illustrations presented in this column are not, nor are they intended to be, legal, financial, or any other licensed professional advice, you should contact the licensed professional of your choice for advice on your individual situation
WASHINGTON, DC -- The National Association of Real Estate Brokers (NAREB) released a comprehensive study of appraisal bias today, finding some narrowing of contract price undervaluation gaps and reduction of disparities in appraisals in Black neighborhoods compared to White communities. Notably, significant progress was made in specific cities, offering hope for environments where Black intergenerational wealth can thrive.
The study identifies two types of appraisal bias: the gap between median appraisal values of homes in Black communities Dr. Courtney Johnson Rose relative to similar-quality homes in White neighborhoods and “contract price undervaluation,” which is the share of appraised homes that fail to meet or exceed the price set by sellers in sales contracts.
“HUD recognizes that appraisal bias is a significant barrier to fair housing and economic opportunity, particularly for communities of color who are most affected by undervaluation and discriminatory practices,” said HUD Acting Secretary Adrianne Todman. “It not only limits the wealth-building potential for families but also perpetuates a cycle of inequity in our housing market. I commend NAREB for their leadership in releasing this important report and advancing collective efforts to ensure that every homeowner has an equal opportunity to realize the full value of their property.”
Sandra Thompson, Director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), said, “Today’s report showing that appraisal disparities between Black and White neighborhoods have narrowed proves that shining a light on these longstanding concerns can drive real change benefiting thousands of aspiring and current homeowners. However, we recognize that persistent and unacceptable inequities remain. Our work to ensure fairness throughout the housing finance system and enable underserved communities to build generational wealth continues.”
Dr. Courtney Johnson Rose, NAREB President, asserted
that while the study, entitled “Home Appraisals in Black and White: Disparities in the Estimated Valuation of Homes by Neighborhood Racial Composition” shows that appraisal bias continues to exist, there has been improvement following the establishment of the White House’s Federal Interagency Task Force on Property Appraisal and Valuation Equity (PAVE) in 2021. The release of the PAVE Action Plan on March 23, 2022, outlined policy measures actively working to lessen the occurrence and impact of appraisal bias.
Dr. Rose also credited FHFA Director Thompson and former HUD Secretary Marcia L. Fudge for facilitating the public release of Uniform Appraisal Dataset Aggregate Statistics, which provides aggregate data on home appraisals. Some major housing industry stakeholders had opposed its release. The data empowers housing experts to monitor appraisal practices, similar to the impact of the public release of Home Mortgage Disclosure Act data in 1991, a cornerstone in fighting housing and lending discrimination.
Dr. Rose noted that home equity comprises 65 percent of the median net worth for Black households, making it a leading component of Black wealth. As a result, appraisal bias, housing discrimination, and the Black-White homeownership gap have been significant factors in restricting Black wealth over the decades.
Compiled by James H. Carr and Michela Zonta, the study determined that the most significant decline in contract price undervaluation in Black communities was in neighborhoods with the largest shares of Black borrowers (at or higher than the national average). Those communities experienced a fall in contract price undervaluation from 14.8 percent to 10.3 percent.
In reviewing data from the 20 metropolitan areas with the largest Black populations, the study found that in Houston, the Black median appraised home undervaluation gap narrowed by 31 percentage points, falling from 41% in 2021 to 10% in 2023. The undervaluation gap plunged 14%
in the Washington, DC, metropolitan area, from 35% in 2021 to 21% in 2023. The median appraised home undervaluation gap has also narrowed in the Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Detroit, Philadelphia, Richmond, and Virginia Beach metropolitan areas.
However, there were other locations where the gap increased. In Los Angeles, the Black appraised undervaluation gap grew 17 percentage points, from 31% in 2021 to 48% in 2023. The gap also rose by four percentage points in Baltimore and Miami. It increased by up to three points in the Charlotte, Cleveland, Memphis, New York, St. Louis, and Tampa metropolitan areas while remaining the same in Orlando.
The research also found that:
Ø When the volume of home purchases by Blacks in Black neighborhoods (i.e., neighborhoods where Blacks are buying rather than simply residing) is considered, in both 2021 and 2023, homes in Black neighborhoods with large shares of loan originations to Black borrowers had a median home appraised undervaluation gap of 47% compared to White neighborhoods with no Black borrowers.
Ø After controlling for housing quality and neighborhood location, amenities, and socioeconomic characteristics, homes in Black neighborhoods in 2023 had a median appraised home value of $299,572 compared to $430,915 in White neighborhoods, a 30% undervaluation gap.
Ø Between 2021 and 2023, the median appraised home undervaluation gap fell from 38% to 23% in gentrifying Black neighborhoods with no Black loan originations compared to White neighborhoods with no Black loan originations.
Ø Nationally, the adjusted median appraised home valuations gap increased between 2013 and 2022. From 2022 to 2023, however, the gap decreased. The median appraised home valuation gap between Black and White neighborhoods varied significantly based on the share of Black and White borrowers in Black census tracts.
(Black PR Wire) LOS ANGELES, CA – It’s beginning to look a lot more like Christmas as Lifetime announces the greenlight of the new original movie, A Very Merry Beauty Salon, executive produced and starring Tia Mowry. RonReaco Lee, Donna Biscoe, Cocoa Brown and Ashli Auguillard are also set to star in A Very Merry Beauty Salon. The movie follows the lively women of an Atlanta beauty salon owned by Sienna (Mowry) who must prepare for the annual Tinsel Ball, but is Sienna also prepared for love when Lawrence (Lee) arrives to town? This marks a reunion for Mowry and Lee who previously starred together in the iconic sitcom Sister, Sister. This marks the final installment of Mowry’s three-picture deal with the network.
In A Very Merry Beauty Salon, Sienna, the owner of the bustling Divine Beauty Salon is preparing for Atlanta’s Tinsel Ball, where she will be honored for her charitable work in the community. The annual event takes a glamourous turn with the arrival of Lawrence, a charismatic CEO whose family’s wine brand is now co-sponsoring the Ball. Sparks fly between them, but Sienna’s mother Georgia (Donna Biscoe) who is the head of the Ball’s committee, worries his involvement may ruin the event’s traditions. As
Sienna and Lawrence are unexpectedly paired as dance partners, romance blooms, setting the stage for a steamy romance that challenges Sienna’s thoughts on love and family and makes this year’s Tinsel Ball the most memorable yet.
Cocoa Brown and Ashli Auguillard star as Miss Kimmy and Ella, hairdressers at the salon.
A Very Merry Beauty Salon is produced for Lifetime by FOX Entertainment Studios’ (FES) Mar Vista Entertainment in association with GroupM Motion Entertainment. Adam Shepard, Larry Grimaldi, Hannah Pillemer and Fernando Szew executive produce for FES. Richard Foster and Chet Fenster executive produce for GroupM Motion Entertainment. Tia Mowry, Adam Griffin and Mychael Chinn also executive produce. Bobby Yan directs from a script by Tara Knight.
A Very Merry Beauty Salon joins the slate of the previous announced movies including FES’ The Holiday Junkie starring Jennifer Love Hewitt, as well as Christmas in the Spotlight starring Jessica Lord, Laith Wallschleger, Jennie Mai and Haley Kalil. Lifetime’s full slate will be announced in the coming weeks.
Mowry is represented by UTA, Vault Entertainment, True Public Relations and Felker Toczek Suddleson McGinnis Ryan.
LOS ANGELES, PRNewswire -- SOUL VISION, a new music and wellness initiative celebrating the healing power of Soul music and the global impact of writer/producer Frank Fitzpatrick launched on Oct.23, with SOUL VISION, Pt. 1 – NEO.
“Many people have a hard time making the connection between music and health, despite all the scientific literature, case studies, and books on the subject,” says Fitzpatrick, one of the world’s foremost authorities on science-backed music for health and human potential. “The mission of SOUL VISION is to create a positive impact through the healing power of music while providing a resonant backdrop for timely and critical work at the forefront of health and wellness.”
In his four decades in the music and wellness industries, Motown-born Grammy-nominated, and multi-platinum producer Frank Fitzpatrick has emerged a visionary at the intersection of music and health. Having served as Apple’s first Music & Health Specialist and faculty for Singularity University’s Exponential Medicine, Frank has written and spoken extensively about the subject as a best-selling author, journalist, TED speaker, and philanthropic entrepreneur.
“Through all of my work – be it in health, media, or technology,” continues Fitzpatrick “my purpose remains the same: to help people find calm in the midst of chaos and thrive in the face of challenge. Redefining the future of music as
medicine is at the heart of it”.
The debut NEO release, from Amplified Media and Virgin Music Group, features previously unavailable tracks spotlighting Fitzpatrick’s collaborations with Neo-Soul legends like Jill Scott, Van Hunt, and Les Nubians.
The full SOUL VISION album –- releasing November 20th -- is a stunning 16-track collection that showcases his additional collaborations with iconic Soul and socially conscious hip-hop artists, including Anthony Hamilton, Ziggy Marley, K’naan, Brownstone, Nneka, Talib Kweli, KRSOne, and Jazz of Dru Hill.
SOUL VISION aims to create positive change while supporting at-risk youth in the face a global mental health pandemic. Proceeds from the project will benefit EarthTones, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering young people with the healing and transformative power of music.
SOUL VISION will be available for streaming and purchase on all music platforms (Spotify, Apple, Amazon, etc).
To learn more about SOUL VISION, visit SoulVision.Community. More about Frank Fitzpatrick is at FrankFitzpatrick.com. For details about EarthTones visit EarthTones.org.
State collaboration repurposes Choate campus to yield additional forensic capacity and improved staffing ratios, ensuring system-wide facility safety
SPRINGFIELD — The Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) announced the expansion of beds for mental health services in the civil units at Choate Mental Health and Developmental Center, in Anna, Illinois. IDHS launched the expansion at Choate on November 1. There are currently beds for 50 patients at the State-Operated Psychiatric Hospital on the Choate campus, up to 25 additional beds will be added over the course of the next several months.
This is a critical next step for the three-year transformation initiative, announced by Governor Pritzker and IDHS in March 2023, which aims to repurpose portions of the Choate campus and to reshape the way the State approaches care for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD).
“As the state continues to support the needs of residents at Choate Mental Health and Development Center, we are placing safety, respect, and community at the forefront,” said Governor JB Pritzker. “This new expansion, part of our ongoing transformation plan, ensures individualized care options for patients with serious mental health needs. I want to thank IDHS for their commitment and leadership as we focus on improving services for Illinoisans.”
The decision to expand beds for mental health services is informed by recommendations from Southern Illinois University (SIU) School of Medicine and was made in close collaboration with IDHS’s Division of Mental Health and Division of Developmental Disabilities.
The 229-acre Choate campus currently includes a State-Operated Developmental Center, a State-Operated Psychiatric Hospital, an IDHS local public benefits office, and two case processing centers. During the three-year timeframe, portions of the Choate campus will be repurposed to meet patient capacity and other State needs.
This much needed additional civil capacity expansion will benefit the entire state as it will accept former forensic patients who are ready to move to a less restrictive environment as they work towards their goal of returning to the community.
The shift in expanding capacity for step-down and other civil patients will increase the capacity to provide forensic placements and in-patient restoration services more quickly.
Additionally, in coordination
with their families and guardians, and with support from the SIU School of Medicine, current residents with I/DD at Choate Developmental Center continue to have the opportunity to transition into community-based settings, private Intermediate Care Facilities, or other State centers where they will receive comprehensive, personalized care.
“I want to thank Governor Pritzker for his focus on serving our patients in a community setting when possible, and ensuring we stay focused on supporting Choate residents, past and present,” said IDHS Secretary Designate Dulce M. Quintero.
Safe, gradual, carefully planned resident transitions take place in close coordination with individuals themselves, and their families and/ or guardians. The well-being and dignity of individuals guides each step of the process. To date, 56 individuals have transferred to other living arrangements of their choice.
One of IDHS’s highest priorities is ensuring that sufficient staff is available to meet the needs of residents at its State-operated facilities. IDHS has devoted significant resources to ensure residents and patients at Choate are well served.
Staffing ratios have improved over the past year, as the number of staff at Choate has remained consistent even as the number of residents in the developmental center has decreased as they transition to the community and living arrangements of their and their guardians’ choice.
Ongoing State Support for Three-Year Transformation Initiative
In March 2023, Governor Pritzker and IDHS announced a transformation initiative to reshape the way the State approaches care for individuals with I/DD. The comprehensive plan included:
Repurposing the Choate Mental Health and Developmental Center over three years in partnership with SIU School of Medicine
Implementing new safety enhancements at Choate and across all State-Operated Developmental Centers, including appointing a Chief Resident Safety Officer and now an Agency Safety Officer
Expanding support for families and individuals to pursue opportunities for community-based living while continuing to invest
in community provider capacity
The transformation at Choate is designed to continue to adopt nationwide, research-informed best practices, and advance the State’s commitment to equity and the civil rights of people with disabilities. It also reflects the State’s duty to ensure residents with disabilities have a full opportunity to live in the least restrictive environment.
This transformation is anchored by a partnership with Southern Illinois University. Led by Dr. Kari M. Wolf, CEO of the Behavioral Health Workforce Center, partners from SIU School of Medicine continue to help shape the transformation, leading crucial operational components. This includes recommendations to repurpose the Choate campus for other service delivery, supporting initiatives that focus on staff training, and objectively assessing the safety, patient care, and workforce needs of Choate.
Leaders from SIU Carbondale and the Springfield-based School of Medicine provide ongoing expertise on the
broader transformation.
The IDHS Division of Developmental Disabilities operates seven State-operated developmental centers across Illinois. These centers provide residential support for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and a variety of treatment programs/services, including educational, vocational, recreational, physical, and behavioral healthcare needs.
The Division operates three Home and Community-Based Services Medicaid Waivers serving over 24,000 individuals via adult community integrated living arrangements, child group homes, and child and adult home-based programs in addition to day programming and other ancillary services.
The IDHS Division of Mental Health operates seven State-run psychiatric hospital facilities across Illinois, including a smaller facility on the campus of Choate. These hospitals provide civil and forensic psychiatric hospitalization for individuals experiencing severe mental illness.
Md., PRNewswire
-- The HealthWell Foundation®, an independent non-profit charitable organization that provides financial assistance for underinsured Americans, announced today that it has launched a new fund to assist governmentally-insured people living with schizophrenia. Through the fund, HealthWell will provide up to $4,000 in medication copayment or insurance premium assistance to eligible people with household incomes up to 500 percent of the federal poverty level.
Schizophrenia is a spectrum of serious neuro-psychiatric brain diseases in which people interpret reality abnormally. It may result in some combination of hallucinations, delusions and extremely disordered thinking and behavior that impairs daily life. Schizophrenia and related psychosis disorders affect at least 1 in 100 people in the United States – or about 2 million adults. People with schizophrenia typically require lifelong treatment.
“Stigma and lack of effective treatment options can play a detrimental role in the prop-
er diagnosis and treatment for people living with schizophrenia,” said Suzanne M. Miller, PhD., Professor, Cancer Prevention & Control, Fox Chase Cancer Center/Temple University Health System, and HealthWell Foundation Board Vice Chair and Secretary.
“Often times, diagnosis requires a multitude of tests because symptoms can vary from person to person. Providing financial resources that enable people to access and remain on prescribed treatments is a huge step forward in ensuring management of their disease. We are excited to launch the new fund and strengthen our commitment to assisting patients with mental health conditions.”
“Access to proper and sustained treatment is crucial to managing this complex brain disease, including helping to prevent relapses and allowing people to live the meaningful
lives they deserve,” said Gordon Lavigne, Chief Executive Officer of the Schizophrenia & Psychosis Action Alliance. “People with schizophrenia who are on Medicare can be particularly challenged by the costs of managing their disease, as they may need multiple medications, and the copays alone can add up quickly. The HealthWell Foundation provides an invaluable service by recognizing the obstacles our community faces and offering financial support to ease their recovery journey.”
To determine eligibility for assistance, visit HealthWell’s Schizophrenia – Medicare Access Fund page. Note that all new fund openings and fund re-openings occur at 11:00 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time (8:00 a.m. Pacific) Monday through Friday. To learn more about HealthWell programs and our robust portfolio of disease funds, visit HealthWellFoundation.org.
HARTFORD, Conn., PRNewswire -- Aetna, a CVS Health company (NYSE: CVS), now offers SimplePay Health, an alternative health plan designed to further meet the diverse needs of our clients and members. This plan, for self-insured clients, works to further reduce costs, improve health outcomes and simplify the health care experience through a differentiated approach to health care coverage.
With an innovative payment model and resources for choosing high-quality providers, SimplePay Health cuts through the complexity of health care coverage and empowers members with the tools they need to make the health care decisions that are right for them.
SimplePay Health has been able to demonstrate a 60 percent increase in use of top-quality providers and 12 percent total cost of care savings for employers and members.*
to discharge for a hospital or facility visit, or all services in a specialty visit such as labs or EKG.
Members can search for providers using the intuitive app, which empowers members to choose the lowest cost, best outcome providers. Providers are ranked on quality and efficiency.
Instead of bills and Explanation of Benefits (EOBs), members just receive one simple monthly statement that summarizes all of their medical and pharmacy claims for the prior 30 days. Very similar to a credit card statement, but with zero percent interest and no payment is due at time of service.
“SimplePay Health showcases Aetna’s growing portfolio of offerings that are flexible based on the unique needs of our members. From choosing a provider to remitting payment, we are working to create a seamless, high-quality health care delivery experience tailored to each member,” said Steve Schaper, Senior Vice President, Commercial and Specialty Markets, Aetna. “We are committed to optimizing the member journey across the board and we are proud to offer SimplePay Health as an option to our clients and members.”
How it works
This unique approach to health care gives members price certainty, before a visit or treatment. Members pay a copay for every covered medical and pharmacy service up to their out-of-pocket maximum.
The copay covers the end-to-end service, essentially a bundled payment, everything from admission
“At Aetna, we are committed to a simpler endto-end member experience and access to affordable, quality, innovative health care. SimplePay Health puts that all together for our plan sponsors and their
members,” said Amie Benedict, President, Diversified Commercial Solutions, Aetna. “SimplePay Health provides clear insight into cost before accessing care and provider quality information so members can make the right choice for them, while getting easy payment options and more.”
Key components of SimplePay Health No deductibles/no co-insurance (co-pay only plan).
Details on exact cost for all covered services. Zero percent due out-of-pocket at time of provider visit or prescription pick-up.
A unique, yet simple payment process.
Members receive one simple monthly statement that summarizes all of their medical and pharmacy claims for the prior 30 days.
Members are able to pay their balance off with a 0% interest rate line of credit benefit that is automati-
cally embedded in their medical plan.
* SimplePay Health Book of Business, 2024 Aetna, a CVS Health business, serves an estimated 36 million people with information and resources to help them make better informed decisions about their health care. Aetna offers a broad range of traditional, voluntary and consumer-directed health insurance products and related services, including medical, pharmacy, dental and behavioral health plans, and medical management capabilities, Medicaid health care management services, workers’ compensation administrative services and health information technology products and services. Aetna’s customers include employer groups, individuals, college students, part-time and hourly workers, health plans, health care providers, governmental units, government-sponsored plans, labor groups and expatriates. For more information, visit Aetna. com (e.g., clinical diagnoses, eligibility criteria, participation in a disease state management program).
CVS Health® is the leading health solutions company, delivering care like no one else can. We reach more people and improve the health of communities across America through our local presence, digital channels and over 300,000 dedicated colleagues — including more than 40,000 physicians, pharmacists, nurses and nurse practitioners. Wherever and whenever people need us, we help them with their health — whether that’s managing chronic diseases, staying compliant with their medications or accessing affordable health and wellness services in the most convenient ways. We help people navigate the health care system — and their personal health care — by improving access, lowering costs and being a trusted partner for every meaningful moment of health. And we do it all with heart, each and every day. Follow @CVSHealth on social media.
BANK, successor in interest to First Midwest Bank, as trustee under a trust agreement dated January 24, 2022 and known as trust number 9742; SHEIKH INVESTMENTS LLC, an Illinois limited liability company; CITY OF CHICAGO HEIGHTS; HADEEL HAMDAN; SHARKS EXPRESS OF KENWOOD INC., an Illinois corporation; UNKNOWN OWNERS and NON-RECORD CLAIMAINTS, Defendants. Case No. 2023 CH 08755 Cal. 57 92 W Joe Orr Rd Chicago Heights, IL 60411 NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above-entitled cause on June 26, 2024, the Cook County Sheriff's Office will on November 26, 2024 at the hour of 1:00 p.m. in their office at Richard J. Daley Center, 50 W. Washington, Outside Room LL-06, Chicago, Illinois 60602, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, as set forth below, the following described mortgaged real estate: PIN: 32-17-302-0190000 Commonly Known As: 92 W Joe Orr Rd, Chicago Heights, IL 60411 The property is improved with a commercial building. The property will not be open for inspection. Sale terms: 25% down by certified funds, balance, by certified funds, within 24 hours. The subject property is subject to real estate taxes or special assessments and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality of title or recourse to Plaintiff. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser shall receive a Certificate of Sale which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the mortgaged real estate after confirmation of the sale. For information, contact Jonathan Koyn, Attorney for Plaintiff, (708) 960-0487. CERTIFICATE OF SER-
VICE The undersigned, an attorney, certifies that Notice of Sale was served by publication according to the attached Certificates of Publication in the Chicago Daily Law Bulletin and the Reporter Newspaper on the dates set forth in the Certificates. Jonathan Koyn /s/ Jonathan R. Koyn Attorney at Law 1034 Sterling Avenue Flossmoor, IL 60422 (708) 9600487 jon@koynlaw.com I3254450
AMERICAS, AS TRUSTEE FOR RESIDENTIAL ACCREDIT LOANS, INC., MORTGAGE ASSET-BACKED PASSTHROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2007-QS10 Plaintiff, -v.- ALECIA SMITHPINKDON, PERCY PINKDON Defendants 18 CH 04464 1650 LYNWOOD CT FLOSSMOOR, IL 60422 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on August 29, 2024, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 10:30 AM on December 2, 2024, at The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker, 1st Floor Suite 35R, Chicago, IL, 60606, sell at a public sale to the highest bidder, as
set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 1650 LYNWOOD CT, FLOSSMOOR, IL 60422 Property Index No. 32-07-408-013-0000
The real estate is improved with a single family residence. The judgment amount was $487,651.29. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. You will need a photo identification issued by a government agency (driver's license, passport, etc.) in order to gain entry into our building and the foreclosure sale room in Cook County and the same identification for sales held at other county venues where The Judicial Sales Corporation conducts foreclosure sales For information, contact Alexander Potestivo, POTESTIVO & ASSOCIATES, P.C. Plaintiff's Attorneys, 223 WEST JACKSON BLVD, STE 610, Chicago, IL, 60606 (312) 263-0003. Please refer to file number 110887-1. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7 day status report of pending sales. POTESTIVO & ASSOCIATES, P.C. 223 WEST JACKSON BLVD, STE 610 Chicago IL, 60606 312263-0003 E-Mail: ilpleadings@potestivolaw.com Attorney File No. 110887-1 Attorney Code. 43932 Case Number: 18 CH 04464 TJSC#: 44-2423 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff's attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. Case # 18 CH 04464 I3254671
GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on October 18, 2024, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 10:30 AM on December 9, 2024, at The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker, 1st Floor Suite 35R, Chicago, IL, 60606, sell at a public sale to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 191 KATHLEEN LANE, CHICAGO HEIGHTS, IL 60411 Property Index No. 32-08-335-015-0000
The real estate is improved with a multilevel single family residence. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance, in certified funds/or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. You will need a photo identification issued by a government agency (driver's license, passport, etc.) in order to gain entry into our building and the foreclosure sale room in Cook County and the same identification for sales held at other county venues where The Judicial Sales Corporation conducts foreclosure sales.
MCCALLA RAYMER LEIBERT PIERCE, LLC Plaintiff's Attorneys, One North Dearborn Street, Suite 1200, Chicago, IL, 60602. Tel No. (312) 346-9088. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at www.tjsc.com for a 7 day status report of pending sales. MCCALLA RAYMER LEIBERT PIERCE, LLC One North Dearborn Street, Suite 1200 Chicago IL, 60602 312-346-9088 E-Mail: pleadings@mccalla.com Attorney File No. 2417440IL Attorney Code. 61256 Case Number: 24 CH 01164 TJSC#: 44-2899
NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff's attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. Case # 24 CH 01164 I3254839
PayPal, Inc. has an opening in Chicago, IL for Software Engineer 2: Work with Product Managers and other business partners to identify opportunities for improvement. Telecommuting permitted from within a com-mutable distance. To apply, send resume specifying Req # L23-140195 to pay-paljobs@paypal.com. EOE, incl disability/vets. 111324
"PRIVATE FOUNDATION ANNUAL NOTICE. The annual report of the BENJAMIN F. & ERNESTINE BRUTON FOUNDATION is available at the address noted below, for inspection during normal business hours by any citizen who so requests within 180 days after the publication of this notice of its availability BENJAMIN F & ERNESTINE BRUTON 15754 Chime Rock Tr. Woodbridge VA 22193 Kimberly Walker Pres, 703-850-8066."
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to “An Act in relation to the use of an Assumed Busienss Name in the conduct of transaction of Business in the State,” as amended, that a certification was registered by the undersigned with the County Clerk of Cook County. Registration Number: G24000575 on October 21, 2024. Under the Assumed Business Name of KINDRA LYNETTE LEE with the business located at: 11719 S. THROOP, CHICAGO, IL 60643. The true and real full name (s) and residence address of the owner(s) /partner (s) is :Owner/Partner FullnameComplete Address KINDRA L. LEE 11719 S. THROOP CHICAGO, IL 60643, USA. 111324
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to "An Act in relation to the use of an Assumed Business Name in the conduct of transaction of Business in the State," as amended, that a certification was registered by the undersigned with the County Clerk of Cook County. Registration Number: G24000611 on October 30, 2024. Under the Assumed Business Name of HOUSE OF STYLES with the business located at: 4750 W. MADISON ST, CHICAGO, IL 60644. The true and real full name (s) and residence address of the owner (s) /partner (s) is: Owner/Partner Full name Complete Address SHIRLEY ANN WILLIAMS , 515 48TH AVE., BELLWOOD, IL 60104, USA 112024