Week of November 15, 2017 Vol 48 • No 46 |
Merit, a nationally accredited community music school, and CYC, a non-profit dedicated to supporting children and families in underserved communities, has expanded their partnership with the launch in October of a new choir program at CYC’s Sidney Epstein Youth Center, 3415 W. 13th Street in Chicago’s North Lawndale community.
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2 / CITIZEN / Chicago Weekend / Week of NOVEMBER 15, 2017
1Women’s Caucus 1 Intends
briefly EDUCATION Upcoming Court Reporting Open House at SSC’s Oak Forest Center
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To Be Taken Seriously
South Suburban College (SSC) is hosting a Court Reporting Open House on Thursday, November 30, at 7:00 p.m. in the Oak Forest Center in Room 5190. The Open House will showcase this profession which offers a wide-open job market and excellent income potential. To RSVP or for more information call (708) 596-2000, ext. 3217 or email LCooke@ssc.edu The Oak Forest Center is located at 16333 S. Kilbourn, Oak Forest, Illinois.
Merit, a nationally accredited community music school, and CYC, a non-profit dedicated to supporting children and families in underserved communities, has expanded their partnership with the launch in October of a new choir program at CYC’s Sidney Epstein Youth Center, 3415 W. 13th Street in Chicago’s North Lawndale community.
FDA clears common blood cell count test that offers faster results for patients and providers The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today cleared a complete blood cell count (CBC) test that, based on its categorization, can be run in more health care settings, including physicians’ offices, clinics or other types of health care facilities, by a wider range of personnel (e.g. support staff). This broadened test access will allow for faster availability of results. The XW-100 Automated Hematology Analyzer is intended for use in patients 2 years of age and older who require a whole blood cell count and white blood cell differential. Test results can be used with other clinical and laboratory findings to provide early alerts of patients with serious conditions such as severe anemia (low red blood cell or hemoglobin count) and agranulocytosis (low white blood cell count), who require additional testing.
LAW & POLITICS 40 Groups Combine to Query Candidates on Behalf of Illinois Women Determined to provide women with a full picture of where candidates for Illinois governor stand on the issues women say are important to them, nearly 40 Chicago- area women’s organizations have banded together to host a gubernatorial forum. The forum, which will be held on Saturday, December 9 at 2 p.m., takes place after the official filing deadline for the March 2018 primaries. The Chicago Women Take Action Alliance will host candidates from all parties in which there is a primary contest. The forum, to be held at Chicago Temple, 77 W. Washington, is expected to draw a diverse audience. With a previous mayoral forum held by the Alliance in 2015 having drawn more than 600 people, the December 9 event is expected to draw upwards of 800 people. The event is free, but tickets are required. Tickets are available on Eventbrite.
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Female Senator’s of Illinois held a press conference to announce the formation of a bi-partisan Women’s Caucus. Their first order of business will be to make sure the newly formed task force on sexual harassment is real and working to create policy that is proactive and effective.
to make sure that we stay focused as we talk about sexual harassment,” said Sen. Karen McConnaughay, The female senators in Illinois gathered to R- St. Charles. hold a press conference on Nov. 9 to announce the She went on to discuss the role that women formation of their bi-partisan Women’s Caucus. The play as care givers, decision makers, and in many caucus will work to make sure that women have a homes, as the head of the house and the importance voice in the senate and that the new task force on of including the female voice in conversations about sexual harassment is real. policy. “We look forward to creating a real policy agenda “The kinds of policies that we make here looking at issues that impact women primarily,” said are critical to women all across our state,” said Sen. Heather Steans, D-Chicago. McConnaughay. The female senators spoke on the informal The diverse group of women in the senate are meetings they have been having at restaurants confident in their ability to work together no matter and in each other’s apartments for years and their where they stand on the political spectrum. effectiveness. “We’ve got lots of issues of intersectionality to deal “We started a lot of bi-partisan conversations a with and all that stuff will come up, but one thing we long time ago around the budget. We found that we know is that when we sit down together we are able to worked very well together and we want to formalize talk about them and move the ball and the conversation this process of women working together across the forward,” said Sen. Toi Hutchinson, D-Chicago Heights. aisle in the senate,” said Sen. Steans. As a caucus their first order of business will be After many years of private meetings, the women to address the topic of sexual harassment that has decided to come together publicly in the wake of consumed the conversation over the last couple weeks. sexual harassment accusations at the Capital. “We want to make sure the task forces are real and Both the House and Senate voted to create their that there is real input about legislation that is passed own task forces on sexual harassment to address about us and for us that cannot be done without us,” the issue and make it said Sen. Hutchinson known that they are This topic is Connect with the Citizen at serious about making particularly important to www.thechicagocitizen.com changes. Sen. Hutchinson because “Obviously we’ve got Follow us on she spoke out about her a task force coming up own experiences of sexual Twitter @CitizenNewsNow and I think our group is harassment when she was Like us on Facebook at going to work very hard getting her start in politics. dgarth@thechicagocitizen By. Katherine Newman
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partner with organizations such as Chicago Youth Centers that CHICAGO – Last spring, 16 children ages five to nine from are committed to helping young people of all backgrounds realize their full personal potential,” said Charles Grode, President and Chicago’s South Shore community were given the chance to take Executive Director, Merit School of Music. free violin lessons through a pilot program between Merit School Grode added, “Chicago Youth Centers brings more than of Music and Chicago Youth Centers (CYC). 60 years of success in working deeply and effectively throughout Due to that pilot’s success, Merit, a nationally accredited Chicago’s neighborhoods, and I am thrilled to see all that we are community music school, and CYC, a non-profit dedicated to accomplishing together. I am also deeply thankful to Merit Life supporting children and families in underserved communities, Trustee and past Chairman, Ray Rusnak, for bringing our two has expanded their partnership with the launch in October of a organizations together.” new choir program at CYC’s Sidney Epstein Youth Center, 3415 In generous support of Merit’s mission, all tuition for classes, W. 13th Street in Chicago’s North Lawndale community. private lessons and instrument rental for Merit’s students at both CYC’s North Lawndale center and CYC’s Rebecca K. Crown Chicago Youth Center locations is funded by The Epstein Music Youth Center, 7601 S. Phillips Ave. in South Shore, mark the two Education Fund via the Dan J. Epstein Family Foundation. newest locations in the Merit Music in Communities program, Students enrolled in Merit’s classes at both CYC locations which delivers high caliber music instruction to more than 2,000 will be encouraged to continue their studies as Merit’s students at nearly 30 public and private schools and community programming grows to include intermediate and advanced centers throughout Chicago and Northwest Indiana. classes. The program’s most motivated students will also have In South Shore, Merit’s “freshman class” of violin students opportunities to participate in Instrumental & Vocal Music began their second session of group lessons earlier this month. classes and private lessons at Merit, and to audition for Merit’s Additionally, ten CYC students will travel once a week for private highest level of instruction, the Alice S. Pfaelzer Tuition-free lessons at Merit’s West Loop home, the Joy Faith Knapp Center. Conservatory. Merit’s new choir program at CYC’s North Lawndale For more information about violin lessons at the Rebecca K. location launched on October 16 with classes for two age groups: Crown Youth Center in South Shore, call (773) 731-0444 or visit six to eight years and nine to 12 years. In addition to children chicagoyouthcenters.org/south-shore-rebecca-k-crown. from North Lawndale, CYC is also providing transportation for For more information about the choir program at the students from its Bridgeport location on Monday afternoons to Sidney Epstein Youth Center in North Lawndale, call (773) 762join the choir program. “Chicago Youth Centers is proud to partner with Merit 6255 or visit chicagoyouthcenters.org/north-lawndale-sidneySchool of Music to bring high quality music education to epstein. students who may not otherwise have this opportunity,” said Kevin Cherep, President and Chief Executive Officer of Chicago Youth Centers. “Music is a critical component of CYC’s programming, which helps children build key social emotionalskills like patience, resilience, confidence and creativity. They are learning about music, but also developing the skills that will empower them to thrive in the 21st century.” “Merit School of Music exists We encourage minority and women-owned business participation to transform the lives of Chicago-area youth through the removal of barriers to Register at fpdcc.com/finance-administration or an excellent music education. To deepen contact us at fpd.purchasing@cookcountyil.gov the impact of this mission, it’s critical to
GOVERNMENTAL Affairs Janice Garth
Duckworth Slams Equifax CEO for Failing to Safeguard Veterans’ Personal Information
U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) recently delivered powerful remarks sharply criticizing Equifax executives in a Senate Commerce Committee hearing for putting our nation’s Veterans at significant financial risk and doing too little to protect them in the wake of the company’s recent massive data breach. Speaking to Equifax CEO Paulino do Rego Barros, Jr., Duckworth outlined the ways in which Veterans are specifically put at greater risk of fraud and abuse as a result of Equifax’s security failures than many other Americans as she sought a commitment from the company to proactively do more to protect those Veterans. “Our Veterans risked their lives to defend and protect the rights of their fellow Americans—including the ability of those running Equifax to make money off of those same Veterans’ private financial information,” said Senator Duckworth. “It’s simply inexcusable that Equifax, after putting those who’ve defended this country at great personal risk, refuse to undo some of the damage they’ve done by helping protect our Veterans.” During the hearing, Senator Duckworth asked Equifax to commit to protecting Veterans and service members’ personal information and to work with the VA, with Veterans Service Organizations and with individual Veterans to provide support and services including unlimited, free credit freezes and lifetime credit monitoring.
State of Illinois Migrates to Updated Open Data Management System
The State of Illinois recently announced the move to a new open data management platform bringing a more functional and straightforward system that will deliver significant cost savings to Illinois, resulting in $1.2 million in savings over five years. “The new open data portal is a key component to the overall digital transformation of the state,” said Kirk Lonbom, Acting Secretary at the Illinois Department of Innovation & Technology (DoIT). “Open data provides for more government transparency, but perhaps more importantly, puts data into the hands of innovative citizens and the research community to help generate improvements in government and even find ways to address critical social and economic issues.” Open data supports Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner’s commitment to require transparency within state and local government and is detailed in Executive Order 15-10. Data access became a requirement in Illinois after the Illinois General Assembly unanimously passed Public Act 98-0627, a bill introduced to increase accountability and savings in government by establishing a new State Open Operating Standard.
Cook County’s No Cash Bid Program Returns Tax Delinquent Properties to Productive Use
Nineteen municipalities across Cook County have participated in Cook County’s No Cash Bid Program for the 2017 program year. Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle recently announced that the taxing districts participating in the 2017 Scavenger Sale will be collecting their Certificates of Purchase. The No Cash Bid (NCB) program is one of the county’s economic development tools designed to help municipalities and other taxing bodies acquire tax delinquent property for reuse as private development and for tax exempt municipal use. By assisting the municipalities in the process of acquiring Certificates of Purchase, Cook County government is able to help revive areas with new business ventures; enhanced housing stock; increased infrastructure and improved services. These projects potentially generate new property and sales tax from parcels that were once drains on municipal and county resources. “The No Cash Bid program is one of the best tools that Cook County has to partner with local municipalities to encourage economic development and address foreclosures and blight in our communities,” Cook County Commissioner Deborah Sims, 5th District said. “We’ve worked hard over the past several years to make participating in the program even easier and I’m grateful to see that our efforts are paying off.”
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Are you the next Small Business Person of the Year? WASHINGTON – The U.S. Small Business Administration is now accepting nominations for its 2018 National Small Business Week Awards, including the annual Small Business Person of the Year. Since 1963, National Small Business Week has recognized the outstanding achievements of America’s small businesses for their contributions to their local communities, and to our nation’s economy. The dedicated website www.sba.gov/nsbw/ awards provides forms, criteria and guidelines for submitting a nomination. SBA Awards given in celebration of National Small Business Week, April 29 – May 5, 2018, include the following: Small Business Person of the Year One from each of the 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Guam. Small Business Exporter of the Year Phoenix Awards for Disaster Recovery Phoenix Award for Small Business Disaster Recovery Phoenix Award for Outstanding Contributions to Disaster Recovery, Public Official Phoenix Award for Outstanding Contributions
to Disaster Recovery, Volunteer Federal Procurement Awards Small Business Prime Contractor of the Year Small Business Subcontractor of the Year Dwight D. Eisenhower Awards for Excellence (for large prime contractors who use small businesses as suppliers and contractors) 8(a) Graduate of the Year Jody C. Raskind Lender of the Year Small Business Investment Company of the Year Awards to SBA Resource Partners Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Excellence and Innovation Center Award Women’s Business Center of Excellence Award Veterans Business Outreach Center Excellence in Service Award All nominations must be submitted no later than 3 p.m. EST, Jan. 9, 2018. All nomination packages must be hand delivered or mailed to the nearest SBA Office. Email submissions of SBA Awards forms will not be accepted as they contain personally identifiable information (PII). For contact information and other District Office information visit online at http://www.sba. gov/districtoffices.
Nearly 40% of data professionals spend half of their time prepping data rather than analyzing it TMMData, creator of flexible data integration and preparation platform Foundation, partnered with the Digital Analytics Association to survey its community about data priorities and challenges. The survey revealed that data access, quality and integration present persistent, interrelated roadblocks to efficient and confident analysis across industries. Most notably, nearly 40% of data professionals (37.5%) spend more than 20 hours per week accessing, blending and preparing data rather than performing actual analysis. More than 800 Digital Analytics Association (DAA) community members participated in the online survey, which was conducted between June 8 and July 14 of this year.* The DAA is composed of data professionals at every level, from C-suite leadership to in-thetrenches analysts. While the vast majority of members are employed by large corporations, consultants, government/non-profit workers and academics are also among DAA’s members. With a 3.3% margin of error at the 95% confidence level, TMMData and the DAA have analyzed the survey responses and are sharing the following key findings with the industry: Disjointed, inaccessible data is a major productivity inhibitor for analysts, diverting skilled resources from contributing to valuable business intelligence. • Nearly two in five data (38.7%) professionals are spending more than half of their work week on tasks unrelated to actual analysis: 43.8% of managers reported that 51% or more of their team’s work week is spent collecting, integrating and preparing data rather than analyzing it, while 31.3% of analysts said they spend 21 or more hours a week on data housekeeping. • Many data professionals struggle with data access. 43% of respondents named access as one of their top two analytics challenges. Nearly three in five respondents (56.9%) said it takes days or weeks to access all the data they need, and nearly 10% (9.8%) say they can rarely or never access a complete range of data sources. Only PRNewsfoto/TMMData) a third of data professionals (33.4%) are immediately able to access all their data, or can get it in less than a day. existential threat to the industry. • As a result, a majority of analysts find it necessary to learn programming • The industry is split in terms of confidence in data accuracy, with a little languages specifically to help them access or prepare data for analysis. more than half saying they are always or reasonably confident in the data Outside of mandates from their employers, a full 70% of analysts reported their teams work with regularly (51.7%), and slightly less than half reporting taking it upon themselves to learn to code for this reason, and more than a that they question the accuracy of that data (48.3%). In fact, second only quarter of those analysts have spent 80 or more hours learning to program. to data access, 26.7% of respondents identified inaccurate data as one of Data professionals lack confidence in data accuracy, which poses an their top two analytics challenges. Data professionals tasked with analyzing
organizational information meaningfully and actionably can’t adequately perform their core job function without accurate data, incenting the industry to invest in data quality. • A lack of formalized data governance programs could be to blame for some of the uncertainty surrounding data quality; less than a quarter of respondents said their organization has a governance program in place (22.7%). Nearly one in five (18.2%) reported that each department is responsible for its own data governance, rather than having a comprehensive organizational governance program ensuring consistency across business units. The industry recognizes its areas of inefficiency and is poised to make important investments that will free data professionals up to perform nextgeneration analysis. • The survey findings indicate a consensus among industry professionals on the importance of solving data access, integration and governance problems. In addition to the statistics already discussed, data integration was the most frequently cited investment priority for the upcoming year (as reported by more than 40% of management and 37.8% of staff). •Nearly a third (32%) of respondents’ organizations are planning or researching a formalized data governance program, and nearly 20% (19.4%) are in the early stages of rolling out their governance programs, primarily with the goal of ensuring that everyone is working with consistent data. Making analytics professionals more effective and valuable is at the core of the DAA’s mission, so it’s important for us to track the issues that create barriers in their daily work,” said Marilee Yorchak, DAA executive director. “By collecting and sharing our findings on the impact of siloed, disjointed data with our members and the analytics industry at large, we believe we’re both validating and elevating concerns that data professionals have had for years, and are more prepared than ever to tackle.” “In the decade that we’ve been providing data integration software to the industry, the roadblocks to efficient analysis have worn down to a small degree – but even as more nimble and sophisticated BI tools and analysis platforms evolve, clients are still coming to us with basic data access and preparation challenges,” said Bob Selfridge, TMMData CEO and founder. “The industry as a whole still seems to be struggling to give analysts the quality data, quick access and self-service tools that will make it possible for them to focus on analysis rather than housekeeping.” TMMData is a member of the DAA. For more information on each organization, please visit their respective websites.
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Harold Washington Celebrating the life and legacy of the 41st. Mayor of Chicago
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remebering Harold Washington
6 / CITIZEN / Chicago Weekend / Week of NOVEMBER 15, 2017
Former Press Secretary Remembers His Time with Mayor Washington agenda and get elected to Mayor of Chicago,” said Miller. fter three decades, former press Mayor Washington was one of very few black secretary to Mayor Harold politicians at the time, this gave him a remarkable Washington, Alton Miller, still amount of support from black communities. He also remembers the 1,000 days he spent was able to gain the support of hispanic communities and working in city hall. Even more, liberal voters in Chicago, according to Miller. he remembers his relationship After being elected the first black Mayor of Chicago, with the Mayor as his speech writer and how he felt Mayor Washington cast a wide net in order to find people immediately following his death. to work in his administration and Miller is a good example “I think most of us who were involved in the of that. He was working as a ballet director when he was administration were naively, candidly and openly recruited to apply for a position in the Mayor’s office. aware that we were participating in a wonderful During his time in office, Mayor Washington struggled adventure,” said Miller. with the iconic 21-29 split in city council. Miller always knew, as his speech writer, that he “There’s 50 alderman. Twenty-nine of them were had a responsibility to show the city the real Mayor organized in opposition of the Mayor and they could pass Washington because an imaginary figure would have anything they wanted with 29 votes, as they reminded us never been accepted. ceaselessly,” said Miller. “I was more in his head as a speech writer Mayor Washington relied on the power of his veto than I was as the spokesperson and making to keep the political agenda moving fin the direction he announcements,” said Miller. wanted. Miller describes the process as this, city council A speech would pass writer is a force something bogus, for intellectual the Mayor would consistency, logic veto, then principal and persuasions, members from both according to sides would meet and Miller. His goal reach a compromise. was to always be “Everything true to the agenda that needed to get and passions done could get done, of the Mayor it just took an extra while creating step,” said Miller. speeches that were Miller was with interesting to the Mayor Washington public and the in his office when he media. died. “We had “When he died differences of you knew instantly opinion within the that chapter of administration Chicago’s history was Alton Miller, former press secretary to Mayor Harold Washington, in his office at of how he should Columbia College where he teaches public relations. over.” be presented,” said “He had taught Miller. us to handle crisis with sober, sensible, politically feasible The duo struggled with people claiming Mayor responses so now as he lay there on the floor, that was just Washington was not mayoral enough, that he should the last crisis that we were going to have to handle together,” be more remote and less accessible. said Miller. Miller remembers that Mayor Washington The weeks following his death were what Miller called always wanted to walk through a crowd on his way to “bloody politics.” While he sat at the hospital waiting for the the stage and not enter from the back. He refused to Mayor to be pronounced dead, everyone else was at city hall wear a bullet proof vest during these walks which put struggling to decide who would carry the flame that Mayor his security team on high alert. Washington ignited. Mayor Washington had run for Mayor once “The truth was that there was no replacement for before his historic win in 1983. He had to be seriously Harold Washington,” said Miller. convinced to run again after his first loss. His After his death Miller spent two years writing Harold supporters assured him that he was the choice of the Washington: The Mayor, The Man which was published in movement. 1989. “If he had been a white Mayor with his agenda, He is now a Public Relations professor at Columbia he probably couldn’t have gotten elected. College and has not returned to municipal government “The fact that he had a black base and he added since is resignation 48 hours after Mayor Washington’s to that black base allowed him to have a progressive death.
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By: Katherine Newman
Called to the Challenge can be visited on the ninth floor of the Harold Washington Library Center, shown in this photograph. This building is considered one of Mayor Washington’s greatest accomplishments and was named in his memory. (Photo wikipedia)
Library Exhibit Honors Life and Legacy of Harold Washington By Katherine Newman
The Chicago Public Library (CPL) honors the accomplishments and legacy of the late Mayor Harold Washington in Called to the Challenge, a permanent exhibit on the 9th floor of the Harold Washington Library Center. “Chicago Public Library is proud to feature a variety of exhibits at Harold Washington Library Center and in our neighborhood branches that celebrate Chicago and make the most of the Library’s archival and special collections,” said Brain Bannon, Commissioner of CPL. “Mayor Harold Washington played an important role in Chicago’s history – and in CPL’s history, as plans for a central library were started under his tenure -- and Chicagoans can use our exhibit to learn about his impact and legacy.” Upon entering the exhibit, blue walls, similar to the color of the suit Mayor Washington was often photographed in, stand out as they wrap around the room. The walls are covered in photos, campaign
posters, original letters and documents—all framed and arranged to tell a story about Chicago’s first African American mayor. Washington’s powerful voice echoes throughout the exhibit as original recordings of his speeches play on a loop. You can hear the old microphone crackle if you listen close enough. Near the main entrance of the exhibit, a computer is set up to offer an interactive multi-media experience. From this screen, you can listen to several original recordings of Mayor Washington’s speeches and view video clips of special events like Mayor Washington taking his first and second oath of office. On one side of the L shaped room, a timeline, beginning in 1922 with the Washington family tree and ending with his death in 1987, is also displayed at the exhibit. The other side of the exhibit focuses on three major accomplishments the mayor made including: renovating the Regal Theatre, expanding O’hare Airport and constructing the Harold Washington Library Center.
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This part of the exhibit gives visitors a sense of the mayor’s attention to detail and his priority for keeping his constituents happy with the work that he did as mayor. Through the display of original artist renderings, photos and documents that provide insight into his process of building support and troubleshooting community concerns, on these three big projects, visitors can learn more information about how Mayor Washington wanted to make Chicago a better place for all residents in the city. Unfortunately, Mayor Washington did not get to see the new central library project through to completion because of his unexpected death in 1987. The building opened to the public on Oct. 7, 1991 and was named the Harold Washington Library Center (HWLC) in honor of the impact he made on Chicago during his time as mayor. Called to the Challenge was installed in 2014. For more information visit chipublib.org. Christopher Shuttlesworth contributed to this story.
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remebering Harold Washington
Chicago’s Big Three and the Rebirth of Englewood Square By Katherine Newman
Englewood Square recently celebrated one year since it’s redevelopment with a painting called, The Art of Enterprise, created by Samuel Akainyah, a local artist originally from Ghana. The painting depicts the three men who helped set the stage for black success in Chicago and the importance of entrepreneurship in black communities. Jean Baptiste Point DuSable, a black tradesman and the founder of Chicago, the late Mayor Harold Washington, Chicago’s first black mayor, and President Barak Obama are who Akainyah calls Chicago’s big three and the subjects of his latest work of art. The concept for The Art of Enterprise is a brain-child of Akainyah and Leon Walker, Samuel Akainyah presenting The Art of Enterprise at the anniversary celebration of managing partner of DL3 Realty and the Englewood Square. Photo Credit: Win-Wyn Communications. developer of Englewood Square. According to Walker, the painting is a 1979 to study at the Art Institute. history lesson and shows how DuSable set During this time he met Mayor Washington who discussed the standard for black entrepreneurs in Chicago and how Barak with him his plans to create a Sister City Coalition. Mayor Obama was able to become the first black president of the U.S. Washington asked Akainyah to be the representative of Ghana on the shoulders of Mayor Washington and the coalitions he in this coalition and to connect him with more students from built. different communities. “It’s very important to make note that those three icons Not even a week later, on Nov. 25, 1987, Mayor Washington were history makers in a positive direction,” said Akainyah. died. Akainyah came to Chicago from the Republic of Ghana in
“When he passed away it was a big crush to me,” said Akainyah Flash forward thirty years and Akainyah has decided to make his way back into the creative art scene after a tenyear hiatus. Akainyah saw Walker on the news and the work he had been doing in Englewood and wanted to get involved. “I made an attempt to contact him because I was coming back to work and one of the first things I wanted to do was something in honor and memory of the people I lost,” said Akainyah. Walker was already planning an event for the anniversary of the Englewood Square shopping center which has attracted Whole Foods, Chipotle, Starbucks, Villa Sports and Oak Street Health to move into the neighborhood. Walker commissioned the painting and saw it as another opportunity to give back to the community of Englewood. “We need to see how important business and entrepreneurship are to the roots of our community and to supporting any political movement that we want to go with in the future” said Walker. Proceeds from the sales of lithographs and posters of The Art of Enterprise are going to support Teamwork Englewood’s Quality of Life Business Plan Competition. The competition is for local entrepreneurs and small business owners to launch or expand their business plans. For more information on Englewood Square visit www. englewoodsquare.com.
Former Deputy Press Secretary Wishes Mayor Washington’s Coalition had Survived By: Katherine Newman In 1983 Laura Washington, a recent graduate of Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism, was covering Harold Washington’s revolutionary mayoral campaign. Soon after being elected, Mayor Washington appointed Laura Washington to deputy press secretary. Three decades later Laura Washington is a respected journalist locally and nationally. She currently works as a political analyst for ABC 7 and has been writing a column for the Chicago Sun-Times since 2001. CITIZEN: Describe the relationship you had with Mayor Washington professionally and personally. WASHINGTON: As a reporter, I covered his campaign. At that time, I worked for The Chicago Reporter. As a candidate, Washington campaigned using the reporting and data we gathered that documented the racial and income inequities, and promised to address them. I was proud that our reporting had that impact. After covering his administration for a couple of years, I was recruited to be his deputy press secretary. I hoped it would be an extraordinary opportunity to help make history and change Chicago. It was. CITIZEN: What kind of work did you do as Deputy Press Secretary? WASHINGTON: I acted as a spokesperson for the mayor, answering questions from the media, overseeing the day to day operations of the press office, including his speeches and briefings, research, the mayor’s appearances and events. CITIZEN: In your opinion, what were Mayor Washington’s goals and where did he find his motivation? WASHINGTON: He wanted to bring fairness and equity to the city, particularly to Chicagoans who had been shut out of opportunities, who had no voice in City Hall. Washington inspired and empowered the voiceless, by working strategically
and aggressively to bring them to the tables of power. He fiercely survive his death. His reform agenda was lost in the infighting believed that Chicago was far richer and stronger when all its and distrust that ensued after his death. citizens participated. He insisted on equity and access to the I wish he had taken better care of his health—he owed that corridors of power for all. Harold Washington to the city, and himself. That’s a crucial lesson all inspired through his boundless energy, keen people of color should acknowledge. political mind and love of the people. My CITIZEN: If Mayor Washington were here favorite campaign pledge, which he used often: today what do you think he would have to say “No one, but no one in this city, no matter where about the current state of affairs in Chicago? they live, or how they live, is free from the fairness WASHINGTON: He would have been of our administration. We’ll find you—and be fair outraged by the conditions of our communities to you, wherever you are.” of color, that he fought so hard for. Economically CITIZEN: How have your political views and socially, many Chicago neighborhoods are been influenced or changed because of your time more challenged than during the Washington as Deputy Press Secretary? era. He would be disappointed that his WASHINGTON: I learned a valuable multiracial coalition fell apart, and has never journalistic lesson. As reporters, we tend to be been revived. cynical and distrustful of government officials. CITIZEN: Since Mayor Washington’s We think we have the answers and that much of death in 1987 how have you seen his legacy government is corrupt, that decisions are highly continue to influence the city? Former Deputy Press Secretary politicized. I learned, from the inside, that WASHINGTON: His policies opened Laura Washington remembers governing, and decision making is much more government to people of color and women as Mayor Harold Washington for complex than it appears on the outside. There are never before. City neighborhoods are receiving his fairness. Photo provided by no simple, easy answers in policy making. The equitable resources in many areas, from street Laura Washington. vast majority of government officials want to help construction, city services, arts and recreation. people, and do the right thing. Community organizing and government reform CITIZEN: Looking back, what are you the most proud are hallmarks of his campaign and administration, and those of and what would you do differently in regards to Mayor causes still thrive today. Washington’s time in office? CITIZEN: In your opinion as a political analyst, how has the WASHINGTON: As the mayor’s spokesperson, I was always political climate in Chicago changed since electing its first black upfront and open with the media and the public. I never lied or mayor in 1983? misrepresented the facts or realities we faced in City Hall. We WASHINGTON: City government is vastly more diverse in made mistakes—every administration does—but we tried to take terms of racial, ethnic and gender, but politically, the city is still ownership and responsibility. deeply divided. I wish Harold Washington had more time for his reform To read Laura Washington’s column visit www.chicago. agenda. I regret that the historic coalition he forged did not suntimes.com/author/laura-washington.
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Jonathan Jackson Organize Urges Long-Term Solutions for Puerto Rico CHICAGO - More than six weeks after Hurricane Maria ravaged Puerto Rico, entire communities are still without regular access to water, power and other basics – a consequence of the short-term solutions the United States has slapped on the island’s 3.4 million Americans, asserts RainbowPUSH Coalition National Spokesman Jonathan Jackson. Numerous Puerto Rican communities, Jackson said, are still struggling in ways that would be unacceptable to Americans on the mainland. And the misery largely is due to the federal government’s colonialist approach to the islanders, and its refusal to develop Jonathan Jackson long-term solutions to assist fellow Americans. “You can’t make long-term plans by applying short-term solutions,” Mr. Jackson said. His comments follow his participation on a forum this past Saturday that also featured prominent Puerto Rican leaders Felipe Luciano, a renown poet, community activist, media personality and politician, Vilma Colom, president of the Northern Illinois Chapter of Puerto Rican Women and member of the Puerto Rican Parade Committee in Chicago. Mr. Jackson’s father, the Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, Sr., the founder and president of the RainbowPUSH Coalition, was
also on the panel. The gathering was part of the RainbowPUSH Coalition’s weekly forum held just days after Rev. Jackson enlisted corporations, such as FedEx, and prominent political, community and religious to visit Puerto Rico and transport needed supplies to the its citizens. Journalist Darryl W. Dennard, host of Chicago Speaks on iHeartRadio Chicago, moderated. One example of this short-term approach, Jonathan Jackson explained, is a century-old shipping law popularly known as the “Jones Act.” Officially titled the Merchant Marine Act of 1920, it is protectionist legislation meant to assist
the domestic maritime industry. Under its provisions, the only vessels that may transport goods shipped within the United States are those owned, operated and built by Americans. In the wake of Hurricane Maria, which raked Puerto Rico Sept. 20, the Trump administration suspended the Jones Act for 10 days, allowing broader access to all cargo vessels transporting relief supplies. But the waiver expired Oct. 8, and the Trump administration has refused to renew it. Such short-sightedness, undergirded by centuries of colonialism and racism, explains why the island will remain mired in misery for far too long, Mr. Jackson said. Mr. Jackson, who also is an entrepreneur and lectures at college business schools, said that wealthy Americans use Puerto Rico as a tax haven. Well-off mainland residents can live on the island for half of the year – and then qualify for tax breaks. It is past time to stop using the island people to benefit those from the mainland. “We must come together – as Americans – and develop long-term solutions to the issues facing our brethren in the Caribbean,” Mr. Jackson urged. Mr. Jonathan Jackson is an international social justice leader, who serves as the national spokesperson for the RainbowPUSH Coalition. He is also a noted businessman and professor of business at Chicago State University. For additional information on Mr. Jackson, visit www.thejacksonfile.com
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CITIZEN / Chicago Weekend / Week of NOVEMBER 15, 2017 / 11
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Southwestern Christian College awarded the Ford Ultimate Homecoming Takeover Prize Culminating eight weeks of a nationwide competition where students, alumni and supporters of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) cast votes for their favorite school, Southwestern Christian College, located in Terrell, Texas has been named grand prize winner of the first Ford HBCU Drive2Greatness program. In addition to yearlong bragging rights, the college will receive Ford’s Ultimate Homecoming Takeover experience, valued at $150,000, on its campus in 2018. To help celebrate this historic victory, actors Jasmine Guy and Kadeem Hardison of “A Different World” visited the campus recently to take part in a communitywide celebration. Three runner-up schools will receive funding to support programming geared toward science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics initiatives. First place and $50,000 will be awarded to Concordia College Alabama in Selma, Alabama. Second-place winner Stillman College in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, will receive $25,000. Located in Houston, Texas Southern University will be awarded $15,000 as the third-place winner. “Congratulations to Southwestern Christian College on its historic victory in the inaugural Ford HBCU Drive2Greatness contest!” said Jennifer Edwards, Ford multicultural communications manager. “With broad participation across our HBCU campuses, the Drive2Greatness campaign represents more than a contest, serving as an important forum to spotlight Ford’s legacy commitment and support of
this vital higher education community.” The 2017 Ford HBCU Drive2Greatness national program kicked off Labor Day weekend at the Tom Joyner Family Reunion in Orlando, Florida, where Florida A&M University was awarded $10,000 to support its STEAM initiatives. The program encouraged students, alumni and supporters to earn points for their favorite school through online voting, including via social media platforms using a Forddedicated hashtag for each school. The program was also supported through a partnership with national morning show hosts Tom Joyner and Rickey Smiley – two longtime Historically Black Colleges and Universities advocates who are committed to helping African American students go further in their studies and careers. “The Drive2Greatness program is just one more way Ford continues in its efforts to partner with local communities to go further as a company when it comes to our commitment to higher education, Historically Black Colleges and Universities and the growth of African American students,” said Edwards. To illustrate what awaits the grand prize winner, Ford showcased a preview of the Ultimate Homecoming Takeover with a weeklong series of activities that included a fashion show, DJ battle, empowerment expo, a lunch and learning mentoring session, student and alumni ride-and-drives, a tailgate party and other activities on the campuses of Morehouse College and Spelman College in Atlanta last month.
Mark 11:24 - Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive [them], and ye shall have [them].
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You can also mail your information to: The Chicago Citizen Newspaper Inc., 8741 S. Greenwood Ave., Chicago,Illinois 60619, Attn: Church News
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from Rev. Dr. Derrick B. Wells,
Senior Minister of Christ Universal Temple
The grace and mercy of God are always sufficient in every need and we truly have so much for which to be thankful. This, of course, is not a new concept. Yet, considering how we sometimes encounter difficulties that seem to be too much to bear, it does help to be reminded of this truth from time to time. Reflecting on the idea of God as merciful, filled with grace, and that this grace is provided to each of us, might also remind us that everything God made is good, it works, and is intended for our good. As we think this through a bit further, we might also begin to rethink the notion of law as this hard and unrelenting aspect of God. For if the law was established for our benefit, the law is therefore a product of grace and mercy. Since the law was established for our benefit by the Beneficent, the law is then intended to be a product of grace and mercy. Did I mention that I am not necessarily talking about the Mosaic Law but rather the mental and spiritual laws that are always at work in our lives? I am referring to the laws by which we are consciously or unconsciously shaping our life, experiences, attitudes, and opinions. These laws of mind are objective and exact in the same ways that the laws of gravity are objective and exact. The challenge, better yet the opportunity, is for us to begin to approach these mental and spiritual laws with the level of mindfulness and intention that gives us the opportunity to consciously and intentionally design the type of experiences we want to have. God is so merciful that each of us has inherited a system through which to intentionally and consistently approach life. The Omniscience of God within each of us, naturally presumes that we will use what have to create what we want, and we will call it good. We are always using what we have, when we use it rightly, we consistently experience the mercy and grace of God, just without the drama and trauma. Address: 11901 S Ashland Ave, Chicago, IL 60643 Phone: (773) 568-2282 www.cutemple.org
ANTIQUES CHICAGO POP CULTURE SHOW/SALE Sat. Nov. 25th 94, Sun Nov 26th 93 $10 Pheasant Run Mega Center ST. CHARLES, IL Rte 64 Toys, Comics, Cosplay, Gaming, Sports, Music, Memorabilia 2 BIG HALLS 7155269769 zurkopromotions.com __________________________________ AUCTION 2 Day Gun Auction Saturday & Sunday November 25/26 9AM 2601 Lake Land Blvd. Mattoon, IL 900 Firearms; Ammo; Scopes; Reloading; Knives; Military. www.bauerauction.com __________________________________
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HELP WANTED LANDMARK SERVICES COOPERATIVE, Cottage Grove, Wisconsin seeking qual ified Chief Executive Officer. Cooperative business providing agrono my, animal nutrition, grain and energy and retail products and services. With 21 locations and total sales well over $450 million. Successful agricultural busi ness management, financial experience preferred. Job link: https://tinyurl.com/ydf5em3v Contact: David.Lemmon@chsinc.com 320219 0270 __________________________________
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to "An Act in relation to the use of an Assumed Business Name in the conduct or trans action of Business in the State", as amended, that a certification was regis tered by the undersigned with the County Clerk of Cook County. Registration Number: D17152482 on October 20,2017 Under the Assumed Business Name of SJT CLINICAL MAS SAGE THERAPY with the business located at: 9415 S WESTERN AVE SUITE 114, CHICAGO, IL 60643. The true and real full name and residence address of the owner is: SHIRLEY TIGER 12110 S LASALLE CHICAGO,IL 60628, USA __________________________________
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