South Suburban Citizen 8-28-2024

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Think Big America recently hosted a panel discussion with leaders from the Fairness Project, Reproductive Freedom for All and Planned Parenthood Action Fund to talk about reproductive rights and ballot initiatives regarding abortion. The panel was moderated by Sarah Garza Resnick, Executive Director of Personal PAC.

Sarah Garza Resnick, Executive Director of Personal PAC, along with Mini Timmaraju, President and CEO of Reproductive Freedom for All; Kelly Hall, Executive Director of the Fairness Project; Illinois Governor JB Pritzker, Founder of Think Big America; Alexis McGill Johnson, President and CEO of Planned Parenthood Action Fund during the Freedom for All panel discussion. PHOTO BY TIA CAROL JONES.


ROMEOVILLE, Ill. – Rounding off a successful legislative session this Spring, state Rep. Natalie Manley, D-Joliet, has passed a catalog of new bills into law that focus on strengthening health and public safety concerns for Illinoisans statewide.

“I’m proud to receive the governor’s support on several measures that will improve how we manage several health items across the state, including making sure insured patients receive timely care by keeping insurance companies accountable, upskilling our care facility staff, and penalizing the remote delivery of e-cigarettes for minors,” said Manley. “As well as recategorizing how we manage hazardous waste for smart, safe disposal, we’re truly on a healthy path to ensuring all our health and public safety standards are on track to prioritize our future generations.”

Governor JB Pritzker signed the following Manley-backed bills on August 9.

Senate Bill 2641 requires insurance companies to prove that hospitals in their network have enough specialists, including emergency room doctors, anesthesiologists, radiologists, and pathologists, to ensure covered patients receive timely care.

Senate Bill 860 modifies the Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Administrative Act to ensure that care facility staff who help administer medication are well-trained and that safety standards are maintained at the highest level.

Senate Bill 3098 criminalizes the shipping or delivery of e-cigarettes or “vapes” that were remotely purchased under the age of 21, subject to a $200 fine for one offense within two years.

Senate Bill 839 updates how hazardous paint and paint-related waste are classified as “universal waste,” holding companies to higher safety standards, including management requirements and mandating employee training or shipping standards for hazardous paint.

“While there is plenty more work to be done, these initiatives fill crucial gaps in our laws that will have positive transportation for many Illinois communities,” said Manley.

Aetna® donates $100,000 to Safer Foundation


DOWNERS GROVE, Ill. – Aetna Better Health of Illinois®, a CVS Health® company (NYSE: CVS), announced that Aetna® provided Safer Foundation with a community investment of $100,000 to help place unhoused families in Chicago into homes.

To date, the community investment from Aetna has enabled Safer Foundation to place 13 families — 22 people total — into homes in Cook County.

Offering reentry support to previously incarcerated individuals, Safer Foundation helps connect justice-involved individuals with stabilizing support, employment, education and advocacy. The $100,000 investment from Aetna, helps further that support with housing stability.

The housing units are helping people who are reentering society by reconnecting them with their families and giving them some peace of mind. Partnering with organizations like Safer Foundation, which have a proven track record of serving the most vulnerable individuals, helps Aetna build healthier communities.

Aetna has awarded over $800,000 in community investments to support various Illinois based organizations that assist Medicaid members with access to healthy food, job development, housing support, maternal and child health and access to care.

Aetna Better Health of Illinois serves over 397,000 Medicaid members in 102 counties. The health plan offers value-added benefits and best practices that have proven positive results in utilization, health gap closures and member satisfaction. For more information about Aetna Better Health® of Illinois, visit our website, www.

Reproductive Rights and Abortion Access At The Center Of Election

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The goal of the discussion titled, “Freedom on the Ballot,” was to talk about what has been happening in states when it comes to reproductive rights and abortion access. A number of states have restricted abortion access due to Dobbs vs. Jackson Women’s Health Organization (2022), which overturned Roe v. Wade (1973), and concluded that the Constitution, does not protect a person’s right to an abortion. According to the Guttmacher Institute, Center for Reproductive Rights, in 10 states, abortions are banned with no exceptions for rape or incest; eight states abortion is legal with a gestational limit of 6 to18 weeks; in 10 states, abortions are legal until viability.

Garza Resnick said Personal PAC has been really successful in its mission to keep abortions safe, legal and accessible in Illinois, something the organization has been doing for more than 30 years. She said that in 2023, Illinois took in more than 37,000 people who were looking to receive compassionate abortion care. She added that abortion care is healthcare.


McGill Johnson said while abortion bans make pregnancy more dangerous, it is also raising awareness to the range of reproductive care that is under attack.

“People are incredibly outraged. Women are outraged, their families are outraged, communities are outraged. I think that is what the driver actually is,” McGill Johnson said is a reason why abortion rights is one of the most important issues during this election.

“2024 is the first presidential election since Dobbs. It is the first time that people get to express themselves in a presidential election about the diminishment of those rights and that is why I think so many of you showed up this morning, why so much of the discussion in the hall at the United Center is about this issue,” Pritzker said.

Hall said that while issues like climate change, the economy and inflation might seem abstract, there is nothing abstract about people needing healthcare. She said people understand they vote for a ballot initiative in November and the law changes in January. And, that personal relationship between a personal issue and the personal action is what makes change, which is unique in the political landscape and empowering to people who want to see change.

Garza Resnick was joined by Mini Timmaraju, President and CEO of Reproductive Freedom for All; Kelly Hall, Executive Director of the Fairness Project; Illinois Governor JB Pritzker, Founder of Think Big America; Alexis McGill Johnson, President and CEO of Planned Parenthood Action Fund to talk about abortion rights being a fundamental issue for the 2024 Election.

Timmaraju said that this is the first presidential election since the Dobbs decision. She said the reason why abortion continues to be such a salient issue is because the longer the bans go on, the more horror stories of women and their experiences continue. She said the stories women shared during the first night of the Democratic National Committee Convention were just the tip of the iceberg of what women have had to endure with abortion

Pritzker acknowledged that the Dobbs decision was a step backwards. He said he would never have imagined that rights would diminish, not expand in the United States. He said with this issue, that is so personal to people, he can’t believe that his daughter has less rights than his mother had.

“2024 is the first presidential election since Dobbs. It is the first time that people get to express themselves in a presidential election about the diminishment of those rights and that is why I think so many of you showed up this morning, why so much of the discussion in the hall at the United Center is about this issue,” Pritzker said.

The panel also talked about the equitable access to the rights people vote for. Panelists agreed that while support is good, sustained support ballot measures like abortion access, with collaboration between organizations like Planned Parenthood, Reproductive Freedom for All is even better. They also agreed that having governors and legislators that support abortion access helps forward the movement.

South Suburban College Foundation


Successful 3rd Annual Charity Golf Outing

South Holland, Ill. – The South Suburban College Foundation (SSCF) is delighted to announce the resounding success of its 3rd Annual Charity Golf Outing, held on Tuesday, Aug. 13, at the stunning Flossmoor Golf Club. The event brought together an impressive group of community leaders, donors, supporters, and longtime friends, all united by a shared commitment to advancing education in our community.

This year’s outing was an extraordinary day of golf, networking, and philanthropy, with participants enjoying the beautiful and challenging course at Flossmoor Golf Club. The sunny weather and the club’s pristine greens set the perfect stage for friendly competition and camaraderie among the guests.

“We are deeply grateful to all of our esteemed guests and attendees who made this event such a remarkable success,” said Susan Cox, President of the SSC Foundation. “Your continued support enables South Suburban College to provide quality education at an affordable cost, ensuring that our students have the resources they need to succeed.”

The funds raised from this year’s outing will directly benefit SSCF’s mission to support the Frank M. Zuccarelli scholarships, academic programs, and capital improvements at South Suburban College. The Foundation’s ongoing efforts help to ensure that students have access to the tools, resources, and opportunities necessary for a bright future.

SSCF extends a heartfelt thank you to our sponsors, volunteers, and everyone who participated in the event. Your generosity and dedication are invaluable to our continued success.

For more information about the South Suburban College Foundation and how you can support their mission, please visit

The South Suburban College Foundation is a 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing the

Cook County Commissioner Donna Miller Secures Millions in Funding for Local Communities

“These funds are going to those areas most in need that can provide the strongest return on investment, and I look forward to seeing these dollars put to good use.”

replacement. Additional CDBG funds are also going toward non-profit and social service organizations that cover the 6th District, including ANEW: Building Beyond Violence and Youth, which serves victims of domestic violence who are facing homelessness; Southland Development Authority, which provides industry, workforce, housing and community assistance to spur economic growth in the South Suburbs, as well as to The Boys and Girls Club, Chicago West Community Center, and the Homewood Science Center for additional youth programming.

Cook County, Ill. - Cook County Commissioner Donna Miller announced recently that she has secured funding to help improve our local communities. Earlier this Summer, the Cook County Board of Commissioners approved funding through the Invest in Cook Grant Program, Community Development Block Grant Program (CBDG), the Emergency Solution Grant Program, and the HOME Investments Partnerships Program to help further increase access to housing, expand employment opportunities, spur business growth and development, enhance infrastructure, and restore our community by supporting local nonprofits serving those in need.

5 Tips for Sandwich Caregivers on How to Balance Children and a Parent with Dementia

For many families, late summer ushers in the annual ritual known as “back to school.” Dreaded by kids and celebrated by parents, the return to school marks a time of transition to more rigid schedules after a few months of fun and flexibility.

But for sandwich generation caregivers – those who are raising a family while caring for a parent – the new school calendar and all the activities associated with it can add to an already hectic schedule.

National surveys have found there are about 11 million sandwich generation caregivers, with about 2.2 million caring for someone with Alzheimer’s. The number of sandwich generation caregivers is expected to grow as Baby Boomers increasingly move into retirement age and live longer lives.


Chatham, Avalon Park, Park Manor,GreaterGrand Crossing, Burnside,Chesterfield, West Chersterfield, South Shore,and Calumet Heitghts.


Washington Heights,Roseland,Rosemoor, Englewood,West Englewood, Auburn-Gresham, Morgan Park, Maple Park, Mt. Vernon, Fernwood, Bellevue, Beverly, Pullman, West Pullman, West Pullman,Riverdale, Jeffrey Manor and Hegewisch.


Serves communities in Harvey, Markham, Phoenix, Robbins, Dixmoor, Calumet Park, Blue Island,SouthHolland,and Dolton. Shopping- their favorite pastime!


Lake Meadows, Oakland, Prairie Shores,Douglas, Grand Boulevard, Kenwood, Woodland,South Shore and Hyde Park.

CHICAGO WEEKEND Chicago Westside Communities, Austin and Garfield Park


BloomTownship, Chicago Heights, Flossmoor,FordHeights, Glenwood, Homewood, Lansing ,Lynwood, Olympia Fileds, Park Forest,Sauk Village,South Chicago and Steger

“This crucial funding supports a variety of business, infrastructure, and community development activities primarily designed to benefit low and moderate income individuals. I’m proud to have secured funding for initiatives across the Southland to enhance our local businesses, improve our infrastructure, and support our great local nonprofits. These specifically targeted areas allocate resources to those in our community who need it the most,” said Cook County Commissioner Donna Miller. “These funds are going to those areas most in need that can provide the strongest return on investment, and I look forward to seeing these dollars put to good use.”

“This crucial funding supports a variety of business, infrastructure, and community development activities primarily designed to benefit low and moderate income individuals.

The Invest in Cook Program is allocating funding towards covering the cost of planning and feasibility studies, engineering, right-of-way acquisition, and construction associated with transportation improvements sponsored by local and regional governments and private partner.

With over $1 million going towards projects in the Sixth District. This Program includes funding for the Glenwood-Homewood Trail Connection, new construction on the Justice Northside Sidewalk Project, engineering grants for the Natalie Creek Trail Multi-Use Path in Midlothian, sidewalk extensions for Oak Forrest High School on Central Avenue, and road reconstruction on Forest Boulevard and Norwood Boulevard in Park Forest.

Because the toll of Alzheimer’s weighs heavily on caregivers who are also raising a family, finding a balance can require major sacrifices. Of the more than 11 million unpaid Alzheimer’s caregivers in the United States, with 314,00 here in Illinois, about one-third report their health has suffered due to caregiving, and over half report tardiness or absences at work. To compensate, caregivers often must leave their jobs or ask children to take on extra responsibilities.

Despite its many challenges, it is possible for sandwich generation caregivers to manage their responsibilities effectively while maintaining their overall health and wellbeing. The Alzheimer’s Association offers these tips:

● Take Care of Yourself – It can be easy to neglect your health while caring for others but making sure you are healthy can help you be a better caregiver to others. Try to eat well, exercise and get plenty of rest. Carving out just 30 minutes a day for yourself to do something you enjoy (exercise, reading or watching TV) can go a long way to reducing caregiver stress. The Alzheimer’s Association offers these specific tips for recognizing and relieving caregiver stress.

● Maintain Good Communication – A major stressor for sandwich generation caregivers is feelings of guilt when caregiving tasks detract from time spent with family. Help your spouse/partner and children understand the demands you’re facing and enlist their help and support. A 2017 Alzheimer’s Association survey found that 91 percent of Americans believe it “takes a village” to care for a person living with Alzheimer’s, but many caregivers fail to ask for help.

● Seek Support – Contact the Alzheimer’s Association or use our online Community Resource Finder to locate dementia care resources in your area. Adult day programs, in-home assistance, companions and meal delivery are just some of the services that can help you manage daily tasks. Visit the Alzheimer’s and Dementia Caregiver Center to learn more and access care training resources, including free online workshops.

This year, Commissioner Miller has secured a total of nearly $3 million through these grant programs, for some of the following local municipalities: Chicago Ridge, Glenwood, Matteson, Oak Lawn, and South Chicago Heights to execute capital improvements to their streets through resurfacing, sewer line, and water line

Over the coming months, Commissioner Miller will be meeting with community leaders to discuss how the funding will be deployed and the ways in which this funding will best serve our communities.

To learn more about the Sixth District projects and others across Cook County, visit https://

South Suburban ... Continued From page 2

mission of South Suburban College by providing financial support for scholarships, academic programs, and capital improvements. The

Foundation’s work ensures that students have access to affordable, high-quality education and the tools they need to succeed.

● Talk to Your Employer – A 2023 AARP report found that 45% of employed caregivers indicate their employers offered flexible work schedules. Some companies allow telecommuting. Discuss potential accommodations that can be made that will allow you to remain productive at work while balancing caregiver responsibilities at home.

Ï Know You’re Doing Your Best – Remember that the care you provide makes a difference and that you are doing the best you can. You may feel guilty because you can’t do more, but you are only one person. Identify priorities and focus on those tasks most essential. Delegate lesser responsibilities to others. For support and encouragement, join ALZConnected, our online caregiver community.

“Caregiving, particularly when you are caring for a loved one with dementia and children at home, can be overwhelming,” said Delia Jervier, Executive Director Alzheimer’s Association Illinois Chapter. “It is important to know that high levels of stress can be harmful to all family members. But there is support and resources that can help family members navigate through the journey.

Contact: Lionell Martin, Public Relations Manager, Alzheimer’s Association,, 773.593. 4211

About the Alzheimer’s Association®: The Alzheimer’s Association is the leading voluntary health organization in Alzheimer’s care, support and research. Our mission is to eliminate Alzheimer’s disease through the advancement of research; to provide and enhance care and support for all affected; and to reduce the risk of dementia through the promotion of brain health. Our vision is a world without Alzheimer’s®. Visit or call 800.272-3900.

How to make your credit card work for you

Credit cards can be an important tool toward building a healthy financial future. When used responsibly, credit cards can help you establish a solid credit history, making it easier to finance larger purchases – like a home or vehicle –in the future.

Even if you don’t have a strong credit history, you can still qualify for a credit card. Local JPMorgan Chase community manager Jared Evans explains how you can apply for a credit card, what to look for in a credit card and how credit cards can help you achieve your future financial goals.

How do I get started?

If you already have a checking or savings account in good standing, consider applying for a credit card at your current bank. You can apply online or visit a bank branch to work with a representative. Make sure to ask about all their credit card options.

You can also apply for a card online through any financial institution. Wherever you apply, you’ll usually need to provide your Social Security number or an individual taxpayer identification number, source(s) of income and evidence of monthly housing or rent.

What should I look for in a credit card?

You may find it helpful to find a card with no annual fee so you don’t have to pay money out of pocket just for carrying the card. You may want to make sure your credit card issuer reports to all three credit bureaus. This way, you can build credit history across the board and improve your chance of getting future credit cards and loans.

How can I use credit cards to build credit?

There are multiple ways to use credit cards to help establish credit and increase your credit score. Make your payments on time and avoid “maxing out” your card -- maintain a low balance by keeping your credit usage below 30% of your card’s limit.

Time is the best way to build credit history, so make sure you keep your credit card account open even if you don’t use the actual card much.

What if I don’t have a credit history?

While this likely won’t block you from getting a credit card completely, it can affect the types of cards and terms you’re approved for.

Card issuers consider factors like your credit score, income and employment. Your credit history heavily influences your credit score, so if you don’t have a credit history, your card may come with higher interest rates. You might also have a lower credit limit because you haven’t yet proven you can pay back money on time.

Eventually, you can build a strong credit history through on-time payments, which may make you eligible for lower interest rates and higher credit limits.

If you don’t qualify for a regular credit card, consider starter credit cards for those new to credit, including:

• Student credit cards. These cards are usually built for students who haven’t had a credit card before and are looking for helpful benefits, like no annual fees.

• Store credit cards. Retailers can approve applicants with little credit history for a card. Store cards usually carry a higher interest rate, but payments still become part of your credit profile. Remember to try to pay off the balance each month to help avoid raking up interest.

You can also ask to become an authorized user on someone else’s card. If the other person makes their payments on time, that will reflect on your credit report as well.

Get good credit with credit cards

Applying for and using a credit card responsibly can be a step toward building a solid financial future. As you establish your credit history, you can use tools like Chase Credit Journey to check and monitor your credit so you can stay on track towards your financial goals.

For informational/educational purposes only: Views and strategies described may not be appropriate for everyone and are not intended as specific advice/ recommendation for any individual. Information has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but JPMorgan Chase & Co. or its affiliates and/or subsidiaries do not warrant its completeness or accuracy.

Deposit products provided JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. Member FDIC © 2024 JPMorgan Chase & Co.

Thrivin’ in Color Podcast Uncovers the Beauty of Black Entrepreneurship

(Black PR Wire) Miami, FL – Thrivin’ in Color, a podcast dedicated to amplifying diverse voices and stories, continues its celebration of Black Business Month with a new episode featuring Gaby L. Longsworth, CEO and founder of Absolutely Everything Curly. Gaby shares how she is transforming the beauty industry with her innovative platform, using science to help individuals embrace their natural hair.

In this inspiring episode, Gaby discusses her journey as a Black entrepreneur in the beauty industry and how her passion for empowering individuals with curly hair led to the creation of a comprehensive, science-based resource platform. This platform provides education and community support, as well as research on various hair care products widely used today. “Gaby was so inspiring, and her platform is making a significant impact by helping so many people embrace their natural hair,” said host Camry Brown. “I hope listeners feel empowered and encouraged after hearing this episode.”

Gaby L. Longsworth is a mom, wife, Ph.D. scientist, and a biotech and pharmaceutical patent attorney who is deeply passionate about sharing her knowledge and research. Absolutely Everything Curly was created to help people discover and embrace their hair in its natural form while saving time and money in the process. The information Absolutely Everything Curly provides will help people learn about their hair’s characteristics, and the proper hair products and techniques that will enhance its authentic look and feel. Absolutely Everything Curly aspires to be the unbiased and science-backed go-to source for all people with curly, coily, and wavy hair.

Black PR Wire’s Thrivin’ in Color podcast provides Black and Brown leaders with an exclusive platform to share their stories and ignite the next generation of entrepreneurs. Tune in to Thrivin’ in Color on all major podcast platforms, including Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

Thrivin’ In Color is a podcast produced by Black PR Wire, featuring interviews with remarkable sistas and brothas from across the country who are doing extraordinary things in today’s society. Thrivin’ In Color takes us behind the scenes of their world, where we meet with them and pick up some golden nuggets for success. Thrivin’ In Color podcast is available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and all of your favorite podcast services.

Black PR Wire is the nation’s first and largest online Black newswire distribution company and is a powerful leader in effective news delivery services. With a comprehensive database and listing of over 1,200 Black (African American, Caribbean and Haitian) organizations and media, Black PR Wire posts and distributes print, audio, video, and creative news and information to Black media, influencers, faith-based groups and prominent community organizations throughout the U.S. and the Caribbean. For more information on Black PR Wire and Thrivin’ in Color, call 1-877-BLACKPR or visit the website at

evian® teams up with Pharrell Williams’ Humanrace to Launch Tennis-Inspired Apparel Collection


Advance of New York’s Largest Tennis Tournament

NEW YORK, PRNewswire -- evian® natural spring water, the official water of the US Open, creative powerhouse and cultural icon Pharrell Williams, and his design, innovation, and lifestyle product company, Humanrace announce the launch of an exclusive limited-edition tennis-inspired apparel collection. The capsule collection marks the first installment of a multifaceted partnership rooted in community, creativity, and the undeniable energy of living young. Whether you’re a passionate player or a devoted fan, the evian x Humanrace by Pharrell Williams collaboration celebrates the spirit of tennis while embracing the vibrant energy of the city that hosts the tournament and the people from all over the world who come to experience this moment.

For more than three decades, evian has proudly served as the official water of New York’s largest tennis tournament, the US Open, bringing its premium water to the court and helping to hydrate players and fans alike. Together, evian and Humanrace have developed an all-gender capsule that brings together the essence of tennis through Williams’ personal fashion sense rooted in his active lifestyle and focus on being well.

essentials like a Mock-Neck, drop shoulder T-Shirt, cap, and expandable carry-all bag designed to encourage individuals to embrace a healthy and hydrated lifestyle.

aligns with sportsmanship—both strive towards the daily commitment to being well and a dedication to excellence. Through design, we crafted a collection that honors the global community at the intersection of sport, style, and innovation.”

The evian x Humanrace by Pharrell Williams capsule will be available for purchase beginning August 24th exclusively at for a limited-time while supplies last. On the same day, those in New York City can stop by a one-day-only experience in Gansevoort Plaza to be among the first to purchase the collection, hydrate with evian natural spring water, and soak in the city’s vibrant energy. Featuring a stadium-inspired design, evian, Pharrell Williams, and Humanrace invites the community to gather and celebrate together.

Made from 100% natural fibers and manufactured in the United States, the capsule focuses on the functional simplicity of the everyday while drawing inspiration from sports and tech. As a nod to utilitarian living, the pieces are meant to adapt to and with your journey. From the Cropped French Terry Quarter Zip to a track-inspired swing Short, the unisex collection features contemporary

“Every piece in this line reflects my belief that being well is a lifestyle,” said Pharrell Williams. “Water’s the essence of life, right? We can’t live without it. So it’s only natural for Humanrace and evian to come together for this collaboration. It’s all about celebrating what keeps us connected, mindful, and moving.”

“When designing this collection, we applied the Humanrace lens to Pharrell’s imaginative playfulness and evian’s Live Young ethos,” explained Edward Robinson, Creative Director at Humanrace. “Humanrace naturally

“The collaboration between evian, Pharrell and Humanrace encapsulates the spirit of our ‘Live Young’ ethos,” said Leeni Hämäläinen, Marketing Director for evian in North America. “Whether sporting the sleek tenniscore collection around town, celebrating with the local community at the US Open or sipping on our natural spring water from the French Alps, we want to inspire people to embrace joy and wellbeing - both physically and emotionally.”

Celebrate the excitement of New York’s largest tennis tournament, and the vibrant energy of New York City as a fresh perspective is brought to the tennis lifestyle that is rooted in community, creativity, and the undeniable energy of living young. Follow along on @evianwater, @humanrace, and @pharrell social channels, and stay tuned for more exciting updates and announcements.


NEW YORK, PRNewswire -- Continuing its iconic revival, Donna Karan New York unveils its Fall 2024 Campaign, “Reflections on Women,” with a powerful message that celebrates the multi-faceted nature of modern women.

This past spring, Donna Karan New York relaunched the brand with the “In Women We Trust” campaign, breathing new life into its story and legacy. The campaign featured multiple generations of women as brand storytellers, resonating deeply with a broad audience and giving the brand immediate relevance. Building on its success this past spring, Donna Karan enhances its storytelling for Fall 2024 by embracing women’s dimensional nature—strong yet sensual, powerful, and passionate. This deep emotional connection has always been a brand strength, offering a unique opportunity for further distinction. From apparel to accessories, the line exudes glamour, elegance, and versatility in equal measure, and reflects an accessible luxury positioning that is in step with the needs of women today. Beyond its broader generational appeal, Donna Karan New York assumes a forward-leaning sensibility, recognizing how an empowered yet effortless style speaks clearly to our time.

The Fall 2024 Collection explores some of the defining characteristics of New York, an endless source of inspiration. The urban landscape emerges through various elements, whether the predominantly black and gray

palette punctuated with vibrant accents or the liquid satin emulating wet pavement. As the line-up shifts to a series of looks in olive green and gold, there is the sense of leaves changing color as the sun glows through the trees. Burnout fabrics, textured jacquards, supple leather and suede further emphasize the season. Architectural lines take shape in dresses with angles, and cutouts that contour and enhance the body. In this vision of New York after dark, expanses of black are illuminated by gleaming streaks of gold.

The campaign, “Reflections on Women,” introduces an iconic group of eight women who share a rich history with the brand and embody Donna Karan’s past, present and future: Christy Turlington, Amber Valletta, Alek Wek, Karen Elson, Imaan Hammam, Eva Herzigova, Edie Campbell, and Liu Wen. Set against modern reflec-

tive gold and mirrors, this group is captured in various combinations by photographer Mikael Jansson, each reflecting a different element of womanhood. Jansson, one of the world’s leading fashion image makers, has a 25+ year relationship with the brand and understands its DNA inherently.

“It’s an amazing group of women, and I love the throughline of Donna Karan in us all,” states Christy Turlington.

The Donna Karan New York campaign will roll out on all Donna Karan social channels today, highlighting this new group of iconic women sharing their individual stories. The campaign will be amplified with a 360-degree approach across North America through a diversified media mix of high-visibility digital, print, and premium outdoor. The Fall 2024 collection will be available in North America in select retailers on August 15, 2024 and on G-III Apparel Group, Ltd. (NasdaqGS: GIII), a global leader in fashion with expertise in design, sourcing and marketing, owns and licenses a portfolio of over 30 preeminent brands. The Company is differentiated across unique brand propositions, product categories and consumer touch points. G-III owns ten iconic brands including, DKNY, Karl Lagerfeld, Donna Karan and Vilebrequin, and licenses over 20 brands, including Calvin Klein, Tommy Hilfiger, Nautica, Halston and National Sports leagues, among others.

DONNA KARAN NEW YORK. Photographed by Mikael Jansson

The BOSS Network Celebrates Its 15th Anniversary

The Chicago-based Visionary Has Transformed the Lives of More Than 200,000 Black Women Business Owners through Unparalleled Access to Capital, Training, and Resources

CHICAGO, PRNewswire – August marks a momentous milestone for The BOSS Network, as it celebrates fifteen years of unwavering commitment to uplifting Black women entrepreneurs. Founded and led by the dynamic Dr. Cameka Smith, this organization has become a beacon of hope and empowerment, providing essential support to over 200,000 Black women business owners nationwide.

As the number of Black women entering the world of entrepreneurship continues to soar, access to capital remains a critical hurdle. The BOSS Network (which stands for “Bringing Out Successful Sisters”) has dedicated itself to dismantling these barriers through a robust array of initiatives designed to foster growth and success. Highlights of their remarkable journey include:

The BOSS Impact Fund: A groundbreak ing initiative focused on investing in Black women-led businesses and equipping these entrepreneurs to build scalable, high-growth companies. The fund aims to secure invest ment funding for 500 Black women entrepre neurs, driving economic empowerment and innovation.

Invest in Progress Grant: In collaboration with the Sage, this transformative program awarded $10,000 each and one year of busi ness training to 85 Black women entrepre neurs, providing crucial financial support to kickstart and expand their businesses.

“Voices of Strength” Report: This pio neering study, in partnership with Sage and Swoop, identifies the most prom inent challenges facing Black women founders in Atlanta, including a lack of access to funding through grants and government resources, mentorship and the ability to digitally scale their businesses for growth. The insights gained led to the creation of the “Pathways to Success” training and mentor program, designed to sup port 150 Black women entrepreneurs in Atlanta.

The Ladies That Lead Confer ence: This celebrated annual event honors extraordinary women who have made significant contributions to their fields. Past honorees include the Divine Nine Sorority Presidents, Michelle Williams, Tina Knowles, Beverly Johnson, and other luminaries. The virtual conference will be held Saturday, November 16th from 11am-2pm EST.

Reflecting on this remarkable jour ney, Dr. Smith shares, “I am overjoyed to celebrate The BOSS Network’s fifteenth

anniversary. Our mission has always been to empower and uplift Black women entrepreneurs, and seeing the tangible impact of our efforts is incredibly fulfilling. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to the Sage Foundation and our corporate partners, whose support has been instrumental in our success.”

Founded by Cameka Smith, BOSS™ is an acronym for “Bringing Out Successful Sisters,” and the network’s mission is to promote and encourage the small business spirit and career development of women. The BOSS Network is an online community of professional and entrepreneurial women who support each oth -

Climate Power Launches $10 Million Black Engagement Program Aimed at Mobilizing Black Voters Around Climate

(Black PR Wire) Washington, D.C. — Climate Power is announcing the launch of its Black Engagement Program, dedicated to advancing conversations about the disproportionate impacts of climate change on Black communities nationwide. A key part of the campaign will be educating Black voters about the stark contrast between Vice President Kamala Harris’ historic climate record that holds Big Oil accountable and Trump’s dangerous pro-polluter Big Oil agenda.

For the past four years, Climate Power has worked to lead the climate narrative, protect climate progress, and build the political will for more climate action. This work has meant reaching key groups most impacted by the climate crisis, like Black and Latino voters. Through timely research, polling, earned and paid media campaigns, Climate Power has paved the way to make the connection between climate change and its impact on communities of color.

Dr. Cameka Smith, CEO & Founder, The BOSS Network

With an investment of over $10 million, Climate Power’s Black Engagement Program is running a culturally competent and impactful earned and paid media political communications campaign that seeks to ensure climate change and clean energy issues become a key driver for Black voter mobilization in the upcoming 2024 election.

“Climate change extends beyond the environment and touches nearly every part of Black life in America,” said Markeya Thomas, Climate Power’s Senior Advisor for Black Engagement. “Black communities have long been the bearers of environmental degradation and climate impacts, and we know that Vice President Kamala Harris has a history of delivering on climate progress, from creating environmental justice taskforces to taking on Big Oil for polluting our communities, and casting the deciding vote for the Biden-Harris administration’s clean energy plan.

“We want to set the record straight. The only way we can protect the climate progress that’s cleaning our air and water and fighting the climate crisis is by stepping up. Another four years of Trump would be a disaster for our climate, especially for communities like ours.”

According to recent data, 62% of Black voters across battleground states consider climate change and clean energy to be important factors when voting for the next president. Recognizing the urgency of addressing these concerns, Climate Power is committed to amplifying the voices of Black communities and ensuring their priorities are at the forefront of the national conversation.

In addition to the Black Engagement Program, Climate Power launched Climate Power En Acción in 2023, an expansion of its political communications operation tailored specifically to Latinos. These initiatives reflect Climate Power’s unwavering dedication to building public support for strong climate policies and holding climate deniers and their oil and gas lobby allies account-


The Singer Will Be the First Afro-Latina To Appear on U.S. Currency

MIAMI, PRNewswire -- The Celia Cruz Estate and its executor, Omer Pardillo-Cid, announced that the coin dedicated to the immortal Cuban singer Celia Cruz, one of the most beloved and outstanding artists of the 20th century, has officially entered circulation. Cruz was chosen as one of five exceptional women to be celebrated by the United States Mint’s American Women Quarters Program™ in 2025. The so-called Queen of Salsa, who passed away in 2003, appears on the coin in relief, dressed in traditional Cuban garb next to her motto ¡Azúcar!

The year 2025 marks the centennial of the birth of the legendary singer and this is just one of the many events that celebrate this historic date. In June of this year, a commemorative album called Celia Cruz En Vivo: 100 Años de Azúcar (Celia Cruz Live: 100 Years of Azúcar) produced by Loud And Live Studios and distributed by InnerCat, was the first of these events. The album, which contained never-released live recordings of the singer in concert in the mid-eighties, was released digitally and as a specially packaged vinyl, and became an instant collector’s item.

According to Ventris C. Gibson, Director of the Mint, “All of the women honored have unique accomplishments that have significantly impacted the history of our nation”

cultural footprint is huge. In the two decades since her death, the fame and affection for this emblematic artist has grown and continues to grow daily. Celia Cruz has become the most idolized Hispanic singer in history. The iconic singer, who received countless awards and recognitions during her lifetime, including three GRAMMY®s and four Latin GRAMMY®s, was immortalized by the United States Postal Service with a postage stamp bearing her image as part of the Latin Music Legends Forever series and was chosen by the North American magazine Rolling Stone® as one of the 200 best singers in history (number 18). Recently, her image was preserved by the toy manufacturer Mattel® in a Barbie® doll as part of the Inspiring Women series.

The American Women Quarters is a fouryear program authorized by the Circulating Collectible Coin Redesign Act of 2020 (Public Law 116-330) to celebrate the achievements and positive contributions of women in this nation. This year, Celia Cruz was chosen alongside Patsy Takemoto Mink, Dr. Mary Edwards Walker, Pauli Murray and Zitkala-Ša. It is the first time that an Afro-Latina has been honored in this way.

“Celia received so many accolades during her lifetime that it was hard to expect a greater honor than those she had already accumulated during her legendary career. But to have been honored by the U.S. Mint in this way is something that would have surprised her greatly since she was a simple and humble woman,” said Omer Pardillo-Cid, Cruz’s last artistic representative and the executor of her estate. “The adjective ‘unique’ has been used a great deal, but I really can’t find another that is more correct to describe Celia Cruz. Unique and eternal.”

Celia Cruz was born in Havana, Cuba in 1925, and until her death in 2003, she took her music around the world spreading her distinctive flavor and joy in her wake. Her

“We are thrilled to partner with the Celia Cruz Estate to celebrate the legacy of Celia Cruz,” said Benjamin León, Jr., Chairman and Founder of Leon Medical Centers. “Celia’s music and spirit have been an inspiration to countless people, and this commemorative quarter and carrying case is a beautiful tribute to her incredible contributions to music and culture. As a Cuban exile, this project holds a special place in my heart, and I am honored to share this moment with our Leon community.”

The Celia Cruz Estate is responsible for the safeguarding, protection and maximizing the benefits accruable into and from all Celia Cruz intellectual property assets, including Celia Cruz copyrights, trademarks, URL, image rights, archives, performance rights, naming rights and together with Celia Cruz Legacy Project Archive and Research Center collects, safeguards and makes accessible materials, documents, photographs, video footage, stage dresses and pieces from Celia Cruz’s personal collection to keep the Legacy of Celia Cruz alive for generations to come. Visit for more information.

Congress created the United States Mint in 1792, and the Mint became part of the Department of the Treasury in 1873. As the Nation’s sole manufacturer of legal tender coinage, the Mint is responsible for producing circulating coinage for the Nation to conduct its trade and commerce. The Mint also produces numismatic products, including proof, uncirculated, and commemorative coins; Congressional Gold Medals; silver and bronze medals; and silver and gold bullion coins. Its numismatic programs are self-sustaining and operate at no cost to taxpayers.

King: A Life by Jonathan Eig Wins 2024 Edwards Book Award from the Rodel Institute

NEW YORK, PRNewswire -- The Rodel Institute is pleased to announce that Jonathan Eig’s biography King: A Life has won the 2024 Edwards Book Award. The prize will be conferred on September 26 at the University of Virginia’s Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy, which is co-hosting this year’s award ceremony with the Rodel Institute.

The Edwards Book Award is given annually to a book that contributes to the understanding and practice of democracy and American politics. Published by Farrar, Straus and Giroux, King: A Life provides a compelling account of Martin Luther King Jr.’s life-long fight for racial and economic justice in America.

The Rodel Institute’s Lizzy McCourt Noonan, Executive Director of the Edwards Book Award, said: “Dr. King’s writing has long been part of the Rodel Fellowship’s curriculum. We hope this award will help focus attention on our desperate need for principled and inspiring leadership in America today.”

Ian Solomon, Dean of the UVA Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy and a member of the Edwards Book Award Committee, stated: “Martin Luther King Jr.’s example of leadership to bridge divides offers valuable lessons for all of us working to build a more just, equal, and loving society. It is an honor to welcome biographer Jonathan Eig and the Rodel Institute to UVA Grounds to celebrate Dr. King’s life and Eig’s brilliant book.”

Jonathan Eig is an American journalist and biographer. Eig’s work has appeared in the Washington Post, New York Times, The New Yorker, and many other leading magazines and newspapers. His previous books include Ali: A Life (2017) and The Birth of the Pill: How Four Crusaders Reinvented Sex and Launched a Revolution (2014). In addition to winning the Edwards Books Award, King: A Life won the 2024 Pulitzer Prize for biography. Please visit for more information about the Edwards Book Award, its selection committee, and this year’s longlist and shortlist finalists.

The Rodel Institute seeks to strengthen democracy and public leadership in the United States. A nonpartisan center for leadership and intellectual growth, we help America’s most promising leaders deepen their commitment to democracy and the rule of law and work together to address some of our nation’s most important domestic and international challenges. For more information, visit

Founded in 2007, the University of Virginia’s Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy empowers leaders to solve complex policy problems in a diverse and divided world. With a multidisciplinary faculty of scholars and practitioners, the Batten School offers award-winning educational programs and develops knowledge and solutions for humanity’s most pressing challenges. For more information:

PRNewsfoto/Rodel Institute
Celia Cruz 2024 American Women Quarter US Mint. Loud and Live, Inc.
Celia Cruz Centennial. Loud and Live, Inc.

Congresswoman Robin Kelly Lead A DNC Delegates Toured To Rich Township's Historic Food Pantry And Local High School

Rich Township, IL - Dr. Johnnie Thomas- Superintendent of Rich Township High School District 227 (RTHS) - officially welcomed U.S. Congresswoman Robin Kelly and several DNC Delegates, and Executives from the Chicago Food Depository to Rich Township High School on Thursday, August 15th. The group toured the all new $1.5 Million Dollar Culinary Facility as well as the school’s renown full-service District food pantry.

Other DNC Delegates that took part in the tour included Illinois State Representative Debbie Meyers-Martin, Matteson Mayor Sheila Chalmers-Currin, and Cook County Commissioner Monica Gordon.

Rich Township High School proudly announced and presented the continued expansion and success of its Culinary Arts Program, distinguished by the introduction of a cutting-edge $1.4 million culinary kitchen, the launch of the Graystone Cafe, and the recent acquisition of a custom food truck designed to enrich student education in the culinary and business sectors of the food industry.

The students are excited to unveil its modern culinary kitchen, a state-of-the-art facility equipped with toptier professional appliances including an oven, grill top, griddle, bakery oven, steam tables, refrigeration units, and extensive prep space. The kitchen also features a new walk-in cooler and freezer, alongside a dedicated storage room, providing students with a professional environment to hone their culinary skills.

Following the construction of the kitchen, the school established the Graystone Cafe, a unique space within the school that serves students and staff for special occasions This initiative not only highlights the students' culinary talents but also enhances the school community's dining experience.

In a move to expand the program's reach and provide comprehensive learning opportunities, the district has also acquired a food truck. This addition allows students to gain hands-on experience in the business side of the culinary arts, from food preparation and service to managing operations and understanding the dynamics of mobile food service.

Elevating the program further, the district has welcomed Camerron Dangerfield, a 2X Food Network Champion and Rich Central alum, as the instructor for the food truck and business classes. Mr. Dangerfield brings a wealth of experience and passion to the program, offering students unparalleled insights into culinary excellence and entrepreneurship.

Dr. Johnnie Thomas, Superintendent of Rich Township High School District, states, "We are excited to welcome Congresswoman Kelly and Delegates from the DNC to our new additions. The expansion of our Culinary Arts Program reflects our commitment to providing students with innovative and practical learning opportunities. By investing in state-of-the-art facilities and bringing in experts like Mr. Dangerfield, we are preparing our students for successful careers in the culinary field."

The Rich Township High School Culinary Program is open to all students with an interest in culinary arts and business, offering a comprehensive curriculum that covers everything from basic cooking skills to advanced culinary techniques and business management. The program's unique blend of hands-on experience, expert instruction, and state-ofthe-art facilities positions students for success in the competitive culinary industry.

In another bold move, RTHS has partnered with the Chicago Food Depository to offer food to the thousands of RTHS related families and residents who are now experiencing challenges in purchasing food given the excessive cost of inflation and the enormous increase in grocery foods. RTHS Staff will also be welcomed to receive food as well. After witnessing an increase in hunger-related cases involving students over the past three years, Dr. Thomas and the full RTHS District School Board felt compelled to address this

Dr. Thomas and the full RTHS District School Board felt compelled to address this growing issue of growing issue of hunger that extends well beyond the scope of students, but to their respective parents, siblings, and other relatives throughout the district.

This is obviously a history-making moment for our institution. We pride ourselves on not just being an excellent educational institution, but also an extended arm of the community that offers many facets that foster an awesome working relationship with our regional neighbors." says RRTHS Superintendent Dr. Johnnie Thomas.

The Food Pantry offers fresh, frozen, and non-perishable food items. Families are not required to provide their income status. Online shopping is available, and recipients are allowed to choose what they desire to eat. They are required to order their specific items once per month. Items can be picked up at the Fine Arts Campus of RTHS. Donations are always welcomed.

RTHS School Board President Andrea Bonds adds, "We are thrilled to have the Congresswoman and select members of the DNC here to witness our students in this endeavor. This is such an extraordinary occasion for our entire student body. As much as we are surrounded by upper middle class to wealthy neighborhoods, there are still hundreds of RTHS families who were greatly challenged by the pandemic and subsequent rise in inflation. Hunger does not have a permanent face or tone of voice.


We have a moral and civic responsibility to address these matters."

RTHS will also proudly acknowledge the exemplary service of Betsy Williams, who has devoted over 30 years to elevating the district's food service department. From her initial role as Head Cook to her current position as Director—a position she’s held for 11 years—Williams has been instrumental in driving significant advancements.

Under her leadership, RTHS has transformed its menu in accordance with state and federal guidelines, but perhaps the most innovative change has been the introduction of a food court layout—a contemporary and engaging way to serve meals to students. Beyond these efforts, during the challenging times of the pandemic, Williams showcased her commitment and resilience by overseeing the packaging and distribution of more than one million meals to southland families. Williams' dedication extends beyond the regular school meal service.

One of Williams’ most notable achievements is imminent—the inauguration of the Rich Township High School Food Pantry in collaboration with the Greater Chicago Food Depository. This initiative reiterates the district's firm commitment to fighting hunger in the community.

Sweet Potato Bowl with Cilantro, Turmeric Ghee and Lime

2 large sweet potatoes, peeled and cubed 2 tablespoons 4th & Heart Turmeric Ghee, divided

1 teaspoon cumin powder

1 teaspoon smoked paprika salt, to taste pepper, to taste

1 cup quinoa

1 can black beans, drained and rinsed 1/4 cup red onion, finely diced 1/4 cup fresh cilantro, chopped, plus additional for garnish, divided 1 lime, juice only 1/4 cup crumbled feta or goat cheese (optional)

Preheat oven to 400 F.

In large bowl, toss cubed sweet potatoes with 1 tablespoon turmeric ghee, cumin powder and smoked paprika; add salt and pepper, to taste. Spread sweet potatoes evenly on baking sheet and roast 25-30 minutes, or until tender and slightly crispy on edges, turning halfway through. Cook quinoa according to package instructions. Once cooked, fluff with fork and set aside.

Shake Up Family Meals with a Versatile Superfood 5 benefits of cooking with ghee

(Family Features) It’s easy to fall into a dinnertime rut, cooking the same meals with the same ingredients time and again. When your family is in search of a delicious way to shake things up in the kitchen, consider new ways to cook favorite dishes without completely rethinking the menu.

Replacing tired ingredients is an easy solution when classic recipes become bland and boring, which is a perfect reason to try cooking with 4th & Heart Ghee. As a 1:1 substitute for butter or oil, its spreadable texture makes it easy to use in baked goods, grilled dishes and beyond.

This superfood can do all the things butter can do – like make toast taste awesome and trick your kids into eating broccoli – but with additional benefits. For example, it maintains its molecular integrity at high temperatures, can be digested by lactose intolerant people, supports weight loss, improves digestion and reduces inflammation.

Consider these benefits of choosing 4th & Heart Ghee instead of butter:

• Grass-fed and pasture-raised: It’s packed with naturally occurring fatty acids and CLA, which can improve gut health and biochemistry.

In medium bowl, mix cooked quinoa with black beans, red onion and 1/4 cup chopped cilantro. Drizzle half the lime juice over quinoa mixture and stir to combine. Add salt and pepper, to taste.

In large serving bowl, top quinoa mixture with roasted sweet potatoes. Drizzle remaining turmeric ghee over bowl. Squeeze remaining lime juice over top. Garnish with additional chopped cilantro and crumbled feta or goat cheese, if desired.

• Spreadable and shelf-stable: Ghee is shelf-stable for up to 12 months and is best kept in the pantry. This means you never have to scramble to bring butter to room temperature quickly when baking or risk mangling your toast with cold butter.

• High smoke point: When oil smokes, it becomes a trans fatty acid. With a smoke point of 485 F, ghee lets you cook away without worrying about high temperatures.

• Natural source of butyric acid: Butyric acid naturally occurs in your gut and in ghee, helping your body absorb nutrients from the foods you eat.

• Buttery taste: Ghee made in the traditional style provides a delicious, light and buttery taste, perfect for this Sweet Potato Bowl with Cilantro, Turmeric Ghee and Lime. It’s ideal for a light lunch or dinner as it’s bursting with vibrant flavors and wholesome ingredients.

To find more benefits of cooking with ghee, along with recipe inspiration, visit


Notice is hereby given, pursuant to ..An Act in relation to the use of an Assumed Business Name in the conduct or transaction of Business in the State, amended, that a certification was registered by the undersigned with the County Clerk of Cook County. Registration Number: G24000375 on August 9, 2024. Under the Assumed Business Name of PHILAMESSENGER with the business located at: 4932 N MENARD AVE, CHICAGO, IL 60630 The true and real full name(s) and residence address of the owner(s)/partner(s) is: Owner/Partner Full Name Complete Address


(StatePoint) Proper nutrition is critical to older adults’ overall vitality, providing energy, helping to control weight, and even preventing and managing some diseases.

Unfortunately, 10% of older people don’t eat enough, while one-third eat too much, according to, which is the Health in Aging Foundation’s online public education resource. Such nutritional imbalances may be due to the range of common obstacles some people face as they age, including changing tastes, dental problems and difficulty accessing healthy foods.

“Charles,” a Cigna Healthcare Medicare Advantage (MA) customer, had several health issues when he was introduced to a nutrition program available through his MA plan. Through the program, he worked with a registered dietitian, started working out, and lost nearly 50 pounds. These changes fueled him to tackle additional health goals, including getting mental health support and assistance improving his sleep.

MA plans, like those offered by Cigna Healthcare, include “extra benefits” not available through Original Medicare. The Cigna Healthcare MA nutrition program is one of those extras, and it primarily supports older adults with a body mass index below 22 or above 40, those with chronic diseases like diabetes and kidney disease, and those with low fruit and vegetable intake. Through the program, registered dietitians provide customers with dietary advice that can help them improve their health.

“We offer information, education and resources that are different for everybody and not restrictive,” explained Robin Neal, RD, one of the program’s dietitians. “The goal is to provide skills and tools so individuals can self-manage their diet after the program ends.”

Neal said results often include weight loss and improved blood sugar readings, such as those Charles experienced. Of course, program advice varies by individual and their unique nutritional needs, but some tips everyone can benefit from include the following:

Get your nutrients. According to the National Council on Aging, older adults should eat a variety of foods to get all the nutrients they need, including lean protein for muscle mass, as well as fruits and vegetables, whole grains and low-fat dairy. Choose foods with little to no added sugar,

saturated fats and sodium. For an example of what a healthy plate looks like, visit Stay hydrated. Drink water often to aid digestion. Limit beverages with lots of added sugars or salt.

Visit the dentist. If you’re having trouble chewing, visit your dentist. They may be able to help. For instance, if you have ill-fitting dentures, chewing can be improved and more comfortable with a better fit. Additionally, choosing softer foods, such as canned fruit, soups or tuna, may help. Dental visits are a covered benefit in many Medicare Advantage plans. Follow food safety guidelines. Food not prepared properly can make you sick. Because those with weakened immune systems are vulnerable to foodborne illnesses, it’s especially important for older adults to follow food safety guidelines. If you have any doubt about a food’s safety, throw it out. Limit salt. Too much sodium can increase the risk of high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke. To stay heart healthy, ask your doctor for guidance on recommended daily sodium limits based on your health status and check food labels for sodium content. Cook more meals at home using lower sodium ingredients and avoid processed foods. Flavor dishes with herbs and spices.

Seek assistance if needed. Take advantage of MA plan benefits that can help you secure healthy foods, like transportation or grocery cards. Additionally, there are local and national programs to help those on limited incomes with nutritious food costs, including the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). To learn about assistance available in your area, visit

To find MA plans offered in your area, visit For information on Cigna Healthcare plans, visit

“By devoting your time and attention to eating well, you’ll not only be able to maintain a healthy body weight, but you can also reduce your risk of chronic disease and maintain your overall vitality as you age,” said Neal. “And, of course, if you have any questions about your health, you should always talk to your doctor.

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