Chicago Weekend Citizen 2-28-2024

Page 1 w Week of February 28, 2024 FREE | VOL 55 | ISSUE 10 P2 P9 P5 BUSINESS P4 BLACK HISTORY MONTH C WEEKLY WEEKEND Building a more inclusive economy: Q&A with JPMorgan Chase’s Thelma Ferguson Coach Introduces “Find Your Courage” FLOWERS COMMUNICATIONS GROUP CONTINUES TO DISRUPT THE MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS INDUSTRY Flowers Communications Group Founder and CEO Michelle Flowers Welch (middle), Director of Marketing of Business Development Brinton Flowers (left) and Managing Director Jasmine Flowers Mazyck. PHOTO PROVIDED BY FLOWERS COMMUNICATIONS GROUP. Hampton House Museum and Cultural Center Preserves History in South Florida



Gambia, a picturesque West African nation renowned for its coastline and peanut exports, is poised to become a trailblazer in alternative education. Recognizing the transformative power of learning, in 2022 Zakat Foundation of America partnered with The Gambia Academy and its founder, Dr. Sona Jobarteh, a renowned singer, composer, educator, and activist, founder, in order to drive educational reform throughout Africa.

Mr. Halil Demir, Executive Director and Founder of the Zakat Foundation of America, traveled to Gambia for the February 2024 Summit for Peace and Prosperity in the Sahel and Across Africa. His aim was to strengthen the partnership with The Gambia Academy and emphasize the mission of educating Gambian children as future leaders. Representatives from UNESCO, including Dr. Lalla Aicha, Ben Barka, Dr. Ibrahima Abdoul Hayou Cisse, Dr. Adama Ouane, Dr. Moulaye Kone, and Ann Therese Ndong Jatta, witnessed the educational success achieved at the Academy and commended Zakat Foundation of America for organizing the event.

Experts spent 3 days discussing the success of The Gambia Academy and gathering practical solutions for positive change. They toured The Gambia Academy, attended a reception at the US Embassy with the Ambassador Sharon L. Cromer, conducted planning sessions, and were briefed on the healthcare and education of the students. The data and solutions from this summit will be shared with the US Embassy and stakeholders in the hopes that the success of Gambia Academy will be emulated in other communities across Africa.

ZFA has pledged additional support and funding for the Academy’s future, and all are enthusiastic about the next phase of curriculum development, creating an innovative African Heritage curriculum from scratch. By integrating Literacy and African Heritage coursework, the organization aims to empower the bright, young students of Gambia Academy.

A stellar example of the Academy’s success is Michael, who before joining the school faced economic instability and bullying, resulting in impaired mental health and well-being. Upon joining the Academy, he received a bicycle for an easier school commute and was given a renewed sense of support and purpose. Michael appreciates the Academy’s methods in which teachers patiently explain concepts, fostering deeper understanding and connection to lessons.


Olympia Fields, Ill. – The 2024 Chicago Southland Visitors Guide has been released so it’s time to dust off the calendars, gather your family/colleagues/friends and plan the perfect activity or getaway.

“Our marketing team and community partners have done another fantastic job in putting our Visitors Guide together,” said Jim Garrett, President/CEO of Visit Chicago Southland. “Everything that visitors and residents alike are looking for can be found in this guide, including the finest attractions and restaurants in all of Illinois.”

The 2024 Visitors Guide is the bureau’s thirtysixth edition and the most concentrated to date. The 82 colorful and glossy pages include sections of Things to See and Do, Arts & Culture, Accommodations, Dining, Shopping, Transportation and Golf in Chicago’s 60 south and southwest suburbs. Special articles include Chicago Southland Bucket List, Foodie Tour, Four Seasons Four Agendas, and Exploring Black History.

To order a hard copy of the Visitors Guide, call Visit Chicago Southland at 888-895-8233.

Visit Chicago Southland is the official destination management and marketing organization for Chicago’s 60 south and southwest suburbs. Visit Chicago Southland nationally markets and sells the Chicago Southland region as a destination for meetings and conventions, group tours, sports events and leisure travel. For more information, go to

Flowers Communications Group continues to disrupt the marketing and communications industry

Continued from page 1

Flowers Communications Group received 22 awards in 2023. The family-owned and operated integrated marketing communications agency believes the awards are the result of a commitment to multicultural storytelling.

Flowers Communications Group was founded by Michelle Flowers Welch in 1991 and the agency is entering its 33rd year. The awards the agency received in 2023 include being named PRNEWS Medium Sized Agency of the Year, ‘Best Use of Social Media’ for American Honda Battle of Bands, ‘Community Relations’ and ‘Best Visual Storytelling Campaign’ for FCG’s work with the Black McDonald’s Operators Association, as well as recognition from the Poetry Foundation, ComEd and the Illinois State Lottery.

Flowers Communications Group Managing Director Jasmine Flowers Mazyck believes the recognition the company has received says that it has remained true to its mission, which is to reach and respect diverse audiences. The company has a core set of values, called the Sacred Seven, as well as its brand promise, FLOW. The Sacred Seven includes promoting collaborative individualism, a dedication to outstanding client services and fostering an inclusive work environment.

“All of those (core set of values), together is foundationally how we run our agency and it keeps us rooted in everything we do. This really comes from who we hire, all the way to the work that we do,” Flowers Mazyck said, adding that the people on the team is what makes the agency really special.

Flowers Communications Group Marketing and Sales Director Brinton Flowers said the agency is appreciative of every award it receives, and they were meaningful because it is a testament to its talent. One standout campaign the agency did this year was the Famous Amos Ingredients for Success. That campaign was recognized within the marketing and communications industry for five categories, which included Multicultural Campaigns, Multicultural Marketing and Corporate Social Responsibility.

Another standout campaign is the Democratic National

Convention video collaboration that garnered recognitions for ‘General Government Relations’ and ‘Best Use of Broadcast/Film/ Video.’ In that campaign Flowers Communications Group worked in collaboration with top Illinois Democrats to create a video to tell the story of Chicago and show the world why Chicago is a Global city.

Flowers Communications Group’s vision is to be the Nation’s top multicultural integrated marketing and communications firm. The plan for 2024 is to keep its momentum to deliver on its brand promise, FLOW: Fresh ideas, Leadership, Optimal engagement and Winning outcomes.

“We’re going to continue focusing and leveraging our brand promise, but also, tying that to our strategic goals that we have related to really ensuring that we have a strong infrastructure -- systems and processes in place that really support our growth and enable us to provide best in class client services,” Flowers Mazyck said.

Flowers Communications Group has hired leaders and talented creatives that strengthen and expand its in-house capabilities and help continue to expand its national length. They also want to continue to disrupt the industry, with culturally competent communications, forward thinking strategies and new depths of creativity.

Brinton Flowers and Jasmine Flowers Mazyck’s expertise complement each other. Flowers Mazyck’s background is in management consulting bringing business strategies, operations and development expertise to the firm. Flowers’ background is in media and radio, with marketing and on-air experience. He transitioned to PR, focused on media relations, working with publications. Now, he is building relationships with various industry leaders and managing the FCG brand.

Michelle Flowers is CEO and Chairman of Flowers Communications Group, and she tapped Flowers and Flowers Mazyck to continue the legacy of the firm and lead the business into the next generation.

For more information about Flowers Communications Group, visit

Auditorium Theatre announces return of ALVIN AILEY AMERICAN DANCE THEATER

CHICAGO – World renowned ambassadors of Dance and Culture, the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater returns to its Chicago home – the landmark Auditorium Theatre at 50 E. Ida B. Wells Drive – for its 55th engagement here, with six dynamic performances, April 17-21. Celebrating its 65th Anniversary season in 2023-24, the company will perform three distinct programs certain to appeal to both longtime Ailey fans and new audiences discovering this joyous company for the first time: AUDIENCE FAVORITES, ALL-NEW, and AILEY CLASSICS. Tickets, starting at $40, are now on sale at Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater | Auditorium Theatre.

In 1958, Alvin Ailey and a small group of young Black modern dancers took the stage in New York City and forever changed the perception of American dance and culture. One of the country’s groundbreaking greats, Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater is recognized by US Congressional resolution as a vital American “Cultural Ambassador to the World”, promoting the uniqueness of the African American cultural experience and the preservation and enrichment of American modern dance in a universal celebration of the human spirit.

Led by Associate Artistic Director Matthew Rushing, the acclaimed Ailey dancers will showcase their passionate spirit and extraordinary technique in three specially themed programs. AUDIENCE FAVORITES features Kyle Abraham’s critically applauded Are You In Your Feelings? and a new production of Ronald K. Brown’s tribute to Judith Jamison’s profound influence Dancing Spirit, along with the Company’s traditional program closer, Alvin Ailey’s beloved must-see masterpiece Revelations. ALL-NEW presents a pair of exciting new works commissioned especially for Ailey: Amy Hall Garner’s rousing, high spirited tribute to her grandfather, CENTURY; and Elizabeth Roxas-Dobrish’s dreamlike duet reminiscence of romance, Me, Myself and You; in addition to updated productions of the audacious Following the Subtle

Current Upstream by Alonzo King and the tour de force Solo by Hans van Manen. AILEY CLASSICS offers a newly curated twoact program sampling a variety of classic works by Alvin Ailey culminating with his signature Revelations.

“Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater’s annual engagement at the Auditorium Theatre is a recognized highlight of the Spring arts season, and we’re pleased to be able to announce the exceptional program lineup so far in advance to help the Company’s legion of Midwest fans plan their schedules,” said Auditorium Theatre CEO Rich Regan. “We look forward to welcoming back the Company led by Matthew Rushing, with whom we’ve had the pleasure to work for much of his 30 years with Ailey, with a diverse program for Chicago audiences.”

“We’re excited to return to our Chicago home with Ailey’s 65th Anniversary season featuring new works by exciting choreographic voices, along with a special program of classics by our legendary founder Alvin Ailey,” said Associate Artistic Director Matthew Rushing. “I share the audience’s excitement in watching the Company’s extraordinary dancers, some of whom hail from the area, share their artistry on the Auditorium stage to carry on a cherished legacy of inspiration.”

AUDIENCE FAVORITES will be performed Opening Night, Wednesday, April 17, at 7:30pm, and Saturday evening, April 20, at 7:30pm.

ALL-NEW will be performed Friday, April 19, at 7:30pm, and Saturday, April 20, at 1pm.

AILEY CLASSICS will be performed Thursday, April 18, at 7:30pm, and Sunday, April 21 at 3pm.

Performance Schedule and Tickets

Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater performs at the Auditorium Theatre: Wednesday, April 17 at 7:30pm; Thursday and

NEWS Weekend | Week of February 28, 2024 2 C
briefly WEEKEND C Continue to page 3

CHICAGO – Recently released research shows that among large urban school districts, Chicago Public Schools (CPS) 3rd-8th grade students ranked first in post-pandemic reading gains and in the top third in math gains, cementing CPS as a national leader in academic recovery outcomes and validating the District’s post-pandemic academic recovery strategies and investments.

While CPS and other school districts have never been adequately funded, the influx of federal pandemic relief dollars, which is now phasing out, helped the District to implement its comprehensive and strategic approach to supporting students and teachers. The independent project from the Center for Education Policy Research from Harvard University and the Educational Opportunity Project at Stanford University, showed how more fully funding education can make a difference.

“Simply put, our intentional strategies to raise the teaching and learning conditions at all schools -- and to double down efforts at our most under-resourced

schools - worked and we are showing a great return on investment,” said CPS CEO Pedro Martinez.

The landmark Education Recovery Scorecard project and subsequent analysis shows that CPS students not only led large urban districts in pandemic recovery reading gains, but outpaced the state of Illinois as a whole, and far outpaced similar Districts in the state. When math gains are factored in, CPS performed thirdbest among large city school Districts in combined reading and math growth from 2022-2023. The independent research confirms the District is on the right track with an emphasis on core instruction and support for both teachers and students.

While there is still much work to be done to improve opportunities, equity and outcomes for all students, the research shows CPS is on the right track. When compared to other large urban school districts in The Council of Great City Schools (CGCS), here are some of the most promising findings:

to Spring 2022 and from Spring 2022 to Spring 2023. For Illinois, the study relied on the results of the Illinois Assessment of Readiness or IAR, which measures performance in Reading and Math among students in Grades 3 through 8. Findings were presented in terms of grade-level equivalent (GLE) improvement— how many grade levels (GLE 1= 1 grade levels) above or below the national average students scored. From there, the Council of Great City Schools gathered scores from large urban Districts within the 30 states included in the Education Recovery Scorecard for the purposes of comparing performance between large districts.


Supporting Veterans Living with Dementia: Understanding Risks and Providing Care

As we honor the brave men and women who have served our country, it’s crucial to recognize the unique challenges some veterans face even after returning home. One such challenge is the increased risk of developing dementia or Alzheimer’s, particularly for those living with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or traumatic brain injury (TBI).

Dementia is a condition characterized by a decline in memory, thinking abilities, and daily functioning. While age and genetics play significant roles in dementia risk, veterans are exposed to additional factors such as PTSD and TBI, which can further elevate their susceptibility.

CPS ranked No. 1 - posting the greatest growth in reading from 2022 to 2023 and the greatest net growth in reading from 2019-2023 - among large school districts in the U.S.

CPS’ combined 2022-23 growth in reading and math ranked as the third highest among large city districts

The District’s Black students led large city districts in reading improvement

The District’s LatinX students also led large city districts in reading improvement; in fact, CPS was the only district where LatinX students demonstrated overall growth in reading from 2019 to 2023

CPS was one of just four large urban districts where students’ reading proficiency scores were better than before the pandemic

CPS students outpaced the state as a whole and was in the top third among large urban districts in terms of gains in math from 2019-2023

Out of 43 large city Districts analyzed, CPS ranked 13th in terms of growth in math

Black students at CPS were also in the top third among large urban districts for growth in math from 2019-2023

LatinX students at CPS were also in the top third among large urban districts for growth in math from 2019-2023

Methodology and Metrics: Grade-Level Equivalent (GLE)

The Education Recovery Scorecard project used test score results from roughly 8,000 school districts in 30 states to measure the extent to which test scores changed from Spring 2019

The Education Recovery Scorecard found that CPS demonstrated the most growth — .68 GLEs — in reading from 2022 -2023 among the 40 participating large urban Districts from the Council of Great City Schools (CGCS). This analysis also showed that CPS saw the most net growth — .44 GLEs — from 2019 to 2023, meaning CPS students emerged from the pandemic almost a half-year ahead of where they were in reading before the pandemic.

According to the Scorecard, the District’s .68 GLEs gains for 2022 -2023 were .16 GLEs or 1.3 times greater than the progress of other educational systems in Illinois and .19 GLEs or 1.4 times greater than similar districts in Illinois.

Black students saw incredible growth of .88 GLEs from 2022-23 and an overall net gain of .67 from 2019-2023. In other words — Black students emerged from the pandemic two-thirds of a year ahead of where they were in reading than before the pandemic. This was the greatest improvement in performance among Black students in all large U.S. urban Districts.

The District’s LatinX students saw the second-highest increase among large city Districts of .53 GLEs from 2022-23, but led large city districts in overall gains from 2019-23 with .16 GLE growth. CPS was the only large urban district where LatinX students demonstrated overall growth in reading from 2019 to 2023.

Chicago Public Schools (CPS) is dedicated to providing a high-quality education to all students, beginning with the District’s free full-day preschool programming for four-year-old scholars and continuing through neighborhood, magnet and selective-enrollment elementary schools that provide a rigorous K-8 education with schools that specialize in the fine arts, world language and culture, dual language, STEM, International Baccalaureate (IB), classical programs, and more.

PTSD, often stemming from traumatic experiences during service, is more prevalent among veterans and has been linked to nearly double the risk of dementia compared to their nonaffected counterparts. Moreover, PTSD is closely associated with frontotemporal dementia (FTD), a group of disorders affecting specific regions of the brain responsible for various cognitive functions.

Similarly, TBI, whether resulting from direct impact or indirect forces such as explosions, poses a significant risk factor for dementia. Even mild concussions can lead to long-term consequences, with moderate to severe injuries further amplifying the risk. Recognizing signs of TBI, such as confusion or difficulty in remembering events, is crucial for early detection and management.

For veterans and their caregivers, understanding these risks is the first step towards proactive management. Seeking medical attention upon noticing any changes in cognitive function is imperative. An early diagnosis not only facilitates access to treatment but also enables individuals to participate in clinical trials and make necessary lifestyle adjustments.

Caregivers play a vital role in supporting veterans living with dementia. As symptoms progress, behaviors such as anxiety, depression, or aggression may manifest, necessitating tailored care strategies. Creating a safe environment, free of potential hazards, and providing emotional support are essential components of caregiving.

By fostering awareness and providing resources, the Alzheimer’s Association aim to empower veterans and their caregivers in navigating the complexities of dementia. From educational materials to practical caregiving tips, these resources offer invaluable support throughout the journey.

As a community, let us stand in solidarity with our veterans, honoring their sacrifices by ensuring they receive the care and support they deserve. Together, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of those affected by dementia, guiding them towards a future of dignity, compassion, and understanding.

The Alzheimer’s Association is available with information and support for families as they navigate the disease and related research. For more information, visit or call the 24/7 Helpline at 800.272.3900.

Alzheimer’s Association Illinois Chapter Media Contact: Lionell Martin,, 773.593.4211

NEWS Weekend | Week of February 28, 2024 3 C WEEKEND C CHATHAM-SOUTHEAST Chatham, Avalon Park, Park Manor,GreaterGrand Crossing, Burnside,Chesterfield, West Chersterfield, South Shore,and Calumet Heitghts. SOUTH END Washington Heights,Roseland,Rosemoor, Englewood,West Englewood, Auburn-Gresham, Morgan Park, Maple Park, Mt. Vernon, Fernwood, Bellevue, Beverly, Pullman, West Pullman, West Pullman,Riverdale, Jeffrey Manor and Hegewisch. SOUTH SUBURBAN Serves communities in Harvey, Markham, Phoenix, Robbins, Dixmoor, Calumet Park, Blue Island,SouthHolland,and Dolton. Shopping- their favorite pastime! HYDE PARK Lake Meadows, Oakland, Prairie Shores,Douglas, Grand Boulevard, Kenwood, Woodland,South Shore and Hyde Park. CHICAGO WEEKEND Chicago Westside Communities, Austin and Garfield Park SUBURBAN TIMES WEEKLY BloomTownship, Chicago Heights, Flossmoor,FordHeights, Glenwood, Homewood, Lansing ,Lynwood, Olympia Fileds, Park Forest,Sauk Village,South Chicago and Steger Citizen Newspaper Group Inc., (CNGII), Publisher of the ChathamSoutheast,South End, ChicagoWeekend,South Suburban and Hyde Park Citizen and Citizen Suburban Times Weekly. Our weekly publications are published on Wednesday’s (publishing 52 issues annually). Written permission is required to reproduce contents in whole or in part from the publisher. Citizen Newspaper Group, Inc. does not assume the responsibility for nor are we able to return unsolicited materials, therefore they become property of the newspaper and can or will be discarded or used at the newspapers disgratation. Deadlines for advertising is every Friday at noon. Deadlines for press releases are Thursdays at 10 am prior to the next week’s edition. Please send press release information to: For more information on subscriptions or advertising, call us at (773) 7831251 or fax (872) 208-8793. Our offices are located at 8741 South Greenwood Suite# 107, Chicago, Illinois 60619. ELIZABETH “LIZZIE G” ELIE LICENSED REALTOR Chicago Public Schools Ranked First in Post-Pandemic Reading Gains Among Large Urban Districts Auditorium Theatre...Continued from page 2 WEEKEND C Friday, April 18-19 at 7:30pm; Saturday, April 20 at 1pm and 7:30pm; and Sunday, April 21 at 3pm. Tickets start at $40 and are now available at AuditoriumTheatre. org, by calling 312-341-2300, or at the Box Office at 50 E Ida B Wells Drive in Chicago, IL. Click here for phone and in-person hours. Discounted tickets for groups of 10 or more people are available. The Auditorium Theatre offers $20 student rush tickets to full-time college students and a Student Savings Club for both college and high school students.

Building a more inclusive economy:

Q&A with JPMorgan Chase’s Thelma Ferguson

Sponsored by JPMORGAN CHASE &

All communities should have the resources they need to strengthen their economic futures. This Black History Month, JPMorgan Chase is affirming their commitment to breaking down barriers -- including the racial wealth gap -- and promoting opportunity for all.

In recognition of Black History Month, we connected with Thelma Ferguson, Global Head of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion and Vice Chair, Commercial Banking at JPMorgan Chase, to get her insights on how she’s celebrating Black History Month, how JPMorgan Chase is advancing equity and inclusion and what she hopes to achieve in the year ahead.

1Tell us a little about yourself and your role at JPMorgan Chase?

The majority of my 25-year tenure at JPMorgan Chase has been in Commercial Banking, providing clients with the financial solutions they need to grow their businesses. Yet, no matter what my role was, I have always been focused on driving inclusion and equity.

Today, as the Global Head of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, I’m proud to look after our leading strategies to uplift employees, clients and the communities we serve as the bank for all. I also continue to serve as Vice Chair for Commercial Banking, building and managing key client relationships from coast to coast.

2What does Black History Month mean to you and how are you celebrating?

Black History Month is an important opportunity to reflect on the achievements and struggles of our Black communities. To me, this means honoring the immense reach, depth and richness of Black communities’ global history, in addition to its connection and intersection with other communities. At JPMorgan Chase, we organize events and activities to honor the designation, highlight Black history and culture, and enable impactful conversations and opportunities to continue our commitment to help create more equitable pathways for all.

the communities we serve and the economies they support. We also understand that our company can play a role in helping communities grow, driving local economies, and helping people build their prosperity.

We’re helping to power economic growth by breaking down barriers and creating opportunities in communities across the globe. We do that through a focus on advancing diversity, equity and inclusion within our own workforce, as well as through business and community investments and policy advocacy.

4How has your company’s Diversity, Equity & Inclusion strategy evolved over the past couple of years as the spotlight has been put on the country’s lingering racial inequality and social injustice issues?

underserved neighborhoods. Our goal is to help close the racial wealth gap and ensure all members of communities – including our own employees – can access the resources they need to strengthen their economic futures.

5How should other companies and individuals be thinking about diversity, equity and inclusion as it relates to the growth of their business?

Inequity stifles economic growth. If you start with that fact, it becomes clear how engaging more communities and helping to create more equitable opportunities is just smart business. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion are not buzzwords. Their tenets should be core ingredients in the design and execution of your business strategies and run with the same commitment and rigor as other parts of your business.

6What are your goals for this year and what are you looking forward to in 2024?

3How is JPMorgan Chase working to advance a more inclusive economy?

We believe that we are only as strong as

We’re working to address inequities, including the racial wealth gap, in a meaningful way. Our efforts to support inclusive growth dates back decades. One more recent example is our $30 billion, fiveyear Racial Equity Commitment (REC) focused on advancing sustainable homeownership, driving small business growth, bolstering financial health and expanding access to banking. Through this commitment, we’re helping to create greater access to affordable home loans, low-cost checking accounts and financial health education workshops in the communities we serve and particularly in historically

This year, my goals include deepening our culture of inclusion for our 300,000 employees, across all backgrounds and geographies and perspectives. I’m also focused on further embedding inclusive practices and solutions within JPMorgan Chase to inform our business, gain efficiencies and deepen impact. I am optimistic about the road ahead and continued progress in helping to lift all.


NEW YORK, PRNewswire -- Employees around the world say having a diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace is important to them and they want their leaders to be vocal about the steps they’re taking to get there.

A new survey of 6,800 employees in 11 countries reveals that 93% are calling for organizations to candidly detail to their teams how they are creating more equitable workplaces. And how leaders and organizations talk about their diversity efforts has a direct impact on employees.

Conducted by Catalyst, a global nonprofit promoting gender equity and workplace inclusion, the survey also finds that three-quarters (76%) of employees agree that organizations should be actively engaged in efforts to create a diverse and equitable workplace. The findings are detailed in a just-published report, How to Talk About Diversity With Employees to Achieve Your Company’s Objectives.

equitable workplaces are under attack, it’s significant that employees want to see proactive steps from leadership, along with clear communication regarding the actions being taken to create a diverse workplace where all employees can belong, contribute, and succeed,” said Emily Shaffer, a senior director of research at Catalyst and lead author of the report. “Workplace inclusion is not a game with winners and losers; it’s a universal win, fueling creativity, elevating performance, and creating workplaces where all talent can thrive.”

The Catalyst survey also looks at how organizations make the case for an equitable workplace. It finds the vast majority (76%) discuss both the business case, meaning how it affects the bottom line, together with what is sometimes called the fairness case, explaining why these efforts are the right thing to do.

tions as meritocratic and fair, to experience inclusion, and to intend to stay at their organizations.

The report also provides practical suggestions on how organizations can clearly discuss their diversity, equity, and inclusion practices with their employees.

“These first steps are simple but significant,” stated Shaffer. “Organizations should start by making sure their diversity, equity, and inclusion practices align with their culture and core values; by examining if their messaging to employees clearly reflects why they’re engaging in DEI practices; and by understanding their audiences. Going back to the basics allows companies to demonstrate their commitment in a way that resonates with employees, leaders, and stakeholders.”

“In this polarizing moment when efforts to build

Importantly, the survey shows that when the right thing to do is emphasized over the business’s bottom line, employees are more likely to see their organiza-

Catalyst is a global nonprofit supported by many of the world’s most powerful CEOs and leading companies to help build workplaces that work for women. Founded in 1962, Catalyst drives change with preeminent thought leadership, actionable solutions, and a galvanized community of multinational corporations to accelerate and advance women into leadership— because progress for women is progress for everyone.

This page is sponsored by C Weekend | Week of February 28, 2024 4 BUSINESS
Thelma Ferguson PRNewsfoto/Catalyst


NEW YORK, Feb. 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/

-- Coach today unveiled “Find Your Courage,” a campaign featuring virtual human, model and digital creator imma and Coach Family Lil Nas X, Camila Mendes, Youngji Lee, Kōki, and Wu Jinyan. Set in a virtual universe, the campaign introduces the Coach Spring collection within a story about finding the courage to discover what it means to be real in your own way.

The newest exploration of “The Courage to Be Real,” Coach’s purpose is grounded in inspiring people to express the many sides of who they are, “Find Your Courage” takes place between physical and virtual worlds, blurring the lines along the way. The campaign is inspired by the way today’s younger generations are redefining what it means to be “real” through the lens of many concepts of self— and the courage it takes to navigate and embrace the complex layers of identity.

Unveiled recently with the first chapter starring Lil Nas X, the campaign follows imma as she goes on a journey to find her courage, visiting each ambassador in their own unique virtual world. With each visit, imma learns each individual’s “superpower”—a lesson that will help her discover what makes her real in her own way. Lil Nas X shows her the courage to change the game by writing your own rules instead of following someone else’s rulebook. In future chapters to be released in March, April and May, Wu Jinyan shows imma the courage to take risks, where she learns to overcome uncertainty by taking a bold leap forward. With Youngji Lee, she discovers the courage to break the mold by subverting expectations with humor. In the final chapters, she meets with Camila Mendes, where she learns to keep evolving and love every version of herself, followed by Kōki, where she finds the courage to explore new possibilities—in a luminous world that connects all prior chapters of the film and opens more doors to new paths.

for creative expression. It also introduces pieces from the Coach Spring 2024 collection, inspired by Creative Director Stuart Vevers’ vision of youthful interpretations of Coach’s American design language, including new quilted explorations of its Tabby shoulder bag. The campaign also features tailored silhouettes and ready-to-wear essentials in heritage leather and denim, romantic sheer slip dresses, and playful charms inspired by the attitude of today’s generation.

“Envisioning Spring, I was inspired to explore the archetypes of American style and the codes that define Coach’s legacy through the point-ofview of today’s generation,” said Vevers. “’Find Your Courage’ expresses the feeling I wanted for the collection, where our heritage is the foundation for exciting new possibilities for self-expression.”

“’Find Your Courage’ is meant to inspire our consumers to seek out all possibilities for who they can be, despite the tensions and expectations in life they might feel,” said Coach Global Chief Marketing Officer and North America President Sandeep Seth. “For us, imma is the perfect ambassador to tell this story because she is challenging the notion of what we consider ‘real’ today. Her journey in our campaign takes us into a new world that pushes the boundaries of self-expression and inspires us along the way.”

Coach will additionally bring “Find Your Courage” to life with new collaborations with gaming platforms where users can dress their avatars in the Coach Spring collection as well as a new multi-sensory iteration of The Coach Tabby Shop, inspired by this season’s Quilted Tabby shoulder bag.

Plant Powered & All Natural Hair Care Brand, BLAQ Luxury Hair, Unveils All New Papaya Paradise Collection to Revolutionize Haircare

ORLANDO, Fla., PRNewswire -- BLAQ Luxury Hair, the Black-owned and woman founded plant powered all natural hair care line born from the need to create a solution to the adverse effects of PCOS - a hormone imbalance, is thrilled to announce the launch of their highly anticipated Papaya Paradise Collection today. This exciting expansion brings forth seven innovative products that are set to transform the hair care experience for all those with thick, curly, Type 4 hair.

Drawing inspiration from founder Cherice Williams’ Jamaican heritage, this new collection incorporates natural ingredients like papaya seed oil and murumuru butter; chosen for their ability to deeply nourish and moisturize hair strands. Although tailored for those with Type 4 hair, it’s important to note that these products are versatile and suitable for all hair types coil and curl types, delivering exceptional results in achieving defined and nourished strands.

Directed by Vallée Duhamel and photographed by Charlie Engman, “Find Your Courage” is inspired by A.I. and created using CGI, underscoring the campaign’s message of embracing new frontiers

Coach is a global fashion house founded in New York in 1941. Inspired by the vision of Creative Director Stuart Vevers and the inclusive and courageous spirit of its hometown, the brand makes beautiful things, crafted to last—for you to be yourself in.

Coach is a Tapestry, Inc. brand. Tapestry is publicly listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker TPR.

“BLAQ beauty has always been about embracing natural products to endorse happier, healthier scalps,” said Founder, Cherice Williams “We are so excited to introduce the Papaya Paradise Collection that features a range of products for those with densely packed hair. This new collection celebrates their curls and coils and is a nod towards my own roots and Jamaican heritage.”

The brand that has been steadily disrupting the category for textured hair offers a diverse range of over 15 high-quality haircare products. The Papaya Paradise Collection represents the latest milestone in their commitment to providing top-tier solutions for hair health and beauty. The seven new products in this collection cater to a comprehensive haircare routine, including shampoo ($12.99), conditioner ($12.99), leave-in conditioner ($12.99), curl milk ($12.99), curling custard ($12.99), butter creme twister ($12.99), and edge glaze ($6.99).

BLAQ Luxury’s products are available for purchase online at, on Amazon, and in local Beauty Supply Stores across the United States, Caribbean and the United Kingdom. Store locator on the website can be found here https://blaqluxuryhair. com/pages/beauty-supply-store-list.

For more information about BLAQ Luxury Hair and their Papaya Paradise Collection, please visit https://

BLAQ Luxury Hair Products is the next generation of Black-owned beauty across the online and retail markets. One hundred percent Black-owned and Jamaican-founded, the brand’s collection of quality products can be found online and in select beauty supply stores nationwide. BLAQ Luxury Hair Products incorporate indigenous oils and other ingredients grown in Founder and CEO, Cherice Williams’ native home of Jamaica. Since its launch in 2019, the brand has grown to include 20+ products supporting both men and women in enhancing their natural crowns’ health, shine, and growth.

Weekend | Week of February 28, 2024 5 C FASHION WEEKEND C

Simmons talks over impact of proposed state-level child tax credit with single moms in the 7th District

CHICAGO – State Senator Mike Simmons reconvened his People’s Legislative Council for Single Moms, bringing together moms and caregivers to hear from them how a permanent child tax credit in Illinois would benefit their daily lives.

“A child tax credit in Illinois would make a major difference in the livelihoods of 7th District families,” said Simmons (D-Chicago). “Hearing firsthand from local mothers on how this would help provide them economic relief and financial security makes it even more pressing to enact a permanent state-level child tax credit.”

With the cost of living on the rise across the country, children are often the most affected. Mothers on the People’s Legislative Council for Single Moms shared that they used funds from the Federal American Rescue Plan in 2021 to cover childcare, diapers, clothes for their children, therapy costs, and to counter the rising costs of food, rent and other basic needs.

As a fierce supporter and legislative leader of creating a child tax credit since taking office in February 2021, Simmons has been to the White House twice in the last year to advocate for a permanent child tax credit in Illinois, promoting the beneficial impact it would have on families across the state and the state’s economy. Because of his own experience growing up in a single parent household where his mom struggled to make ends meet while raising him and his sister, this was one of the first bills he filed as a state senator. Simmons has since worked tenaciously to garner support to finally get it done.

“Households all across Illinois are making painful choices to pay for necessities like food and rent, while scrimping on other basic needs like keeping the lights on and paying for prescriptions,” said Simmons. “No Illinois family should ever have to make choices like these, and no child in Illinois should have to see their parents struggle like that.”

Simmons’ legislation, Senate Bill 1444, would create a $700 state-level child tax credit for eligible low- and middle-income families beginning in the tax year 2025. If enacted, Illinois would become the 15th state to enact a state-level child tax credit.

Senate Bill 1444 awaits discussion in the spring legislative session.

6 | Weekend | Week of February 28, 2024 WEEKEND TRANSIT
US Chicagoland’s transit system adds over $17.2 billion every year to the region. But to continue driving our economy, we must change how transit is funded. Learn more at RTA-TITA-Flight2-PrintTemplates-CTA-ChathamSoutheastCitizen-240205-1-vb.indd 1 2/13/24 1:20 PM
If your business accepted Visa and/or Mastercard between 2004 - 2019, you’re now eligible to claim your share of a $5.5 billion Settlement. Claim your share now.

Merchants (business owners) who accepted Visa and/or Mastercard at any time from January 1, 2004, to January 25, 2019, are eligible to claim their share of a $5.5 billion Settlement.

Visa and Mastercard and their issuing banks (the “Defendants”) are alleged to have violated the law because they wrongfully inflated Interchange Fees. Defendants say they have done nothing wrong. They claim their business practices are legal.

After years of appeals, the Settlement is now final, and Claim Forms are now being accepted. If you do not file a claim, you will not receive a Settlement Payment.

Claim Forms are now being mailed to more than 15 million merchants. Even if you do not receive a Claim Form in the mail, you may still be eligible, and you should visit to get more information about the Settlement. The deadline to file a claim is May 31, 2024. You can file your claim online at the website. Or, if you prefer, you can get a paper Claim Form at the website or by calling 1-800-625-6440. Assistance with preparing your claim is available at no cost to you from the Class Administrator and Class Counsel.

Submitting your claim online can take less than five minutes.

STEP ONE: Scan the QR code to go to

Do you need additional help or information?

STEP TWO: Provide the information requested about your business.

STEP THREE: Submit your claim! Your claim process is now complete.

please visit

WEEKEND Weekend | Week of February 28, 2024 | 7
To get a Claim Form in Spanish , Russian , Korean , Vietnamese , Japanese , Chinese , or Thai ,
Visit Online: Email: Call: 1-800-625-6440


Announces Multi-Hyphenate Award-Winning Actress

Anika Noni Rose as the 2024 Legendary Women SuperStars Honoree

ATLANTA, PRNewswire -- BronzeLens Women SuperStars Honors launches the festival’s Fifteenth Anniversary by celebrating the accomplishments of women of color who work in the entertainment industry in front of and behind the lens on March 2. Award-winning film, screen, and stage actress Anika Noni Rose is the 2024 Legendary SuperStar.

Rose most recently headlined Showtime series, Let The Right One In, and Netflix’s most-watched limited series to date, Maid. Rose starred as ‘Lorell Robinson’ in Dreamgirls and voiced ‘Princess Tiana’ in Disney’s The Princess and The Frog as the first ‘African American Disney ‘Princess.’ The film received three Oscar nominations and Rose became the youngest inductee to ever be honored as a Disney Legend. Among her other film credits are For Colored Girls; Half of A Yellow Sun; Everything, Everything; and Assassination Nation. Additional television credits include Them, Little Fires Everywhere, The Quad, Power, The Good Wife, The Simpsons, the miniseries Roots, and The No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency for HBO.

Leading actress KJ Smith (Andi Barnes on Tyler Perry’s BET Networks Sistas, Palomar in

Power Book III: Raising Kanan on STARZ, Issa Rae’s Giants, The Available Wife, Netflix’s Fatal Affair, Tyler Perry’s A Madea Family Funeral) is the 2024 Emerging BronzeLens Women SuperStar.

Dr. Holly Carter is the Behind the Lens SuperStar. Carter is President and CEO of Relevé Entertainment, a premier management, development, and production company for faith-inspired family content, artists, and brands. A Mother’s Intuition, Kingdom Business, Song and Story: Amazing Grace, The Clark Sisters: First Ladies of Gospel, Revival, and Fix My Choir, are part of her vast array of production credits which she has served as producer and executive producer.

Producer, Director, Animator, Writer, and 2018 BronzeLens Women SuperStar Ayoka Chenzira will moderate a panel ‘In Conversation’ with all the 2024 honorees. Actor Timon Kyle Durrett is the host for the 2024 BronzeLens Women SuperStar Honors and Atlanta’s historic Rialto Center for the Arts is the event venue location. For more information regarding the BronzeLens Film Festival, visit

“Dive into a Saucy Adventure” with New Gullah-Inspired Products from Chef Carlos Brown

DALLAS, PRNewswire -- Acclaimed “Lowcountry Cuisine King” and television personality Chef Carlos Brown brings a taste of the Gullah Geechee culture of the Carolinas and Georgia to kitchens across the country with the launch of his brandnew line of signature sauces, marinades, and dressings this February. Inspired by the rich culinary traditions of his ancestors, Chef Brown’s “Gullah Gourmet” collection infuses bold, authentic flavors with a modern twist, promising to tantalize taste buds and transport diners to the sundrenched shores of the coastal South.

“This ain’t your mama’s steak sauce,” declares Chef Brown with his signature infectious grin.

“These flavors that simmered in my mama’s kitchen, the ones that woke you up on a Sunday morning and chased away the chill on a Lowcountry winter night. We’re talking about generations of love, laughter, and good old-fashioned soul poured into every bottle. And best of all, it’s so versatile, it brings flavor to everything you mix it with!”

nature condiments, each crafted with fresh, high-quality ingredients and bursting with unique flavor profiles. The sauce collection includes:

Gourmet Steak Sauce: Bold and savory blend of tomatoes, spices, and vinegar, perfect for enhancing grilled steak, burgers, or roasted vegetables.

The new signature line, Gullah Gourmet by Chef Carlos Brown, boasts a range of rich, sig-

Gourmet Wing Sauce: Tangy, spicy, and often sweet concoction ideal for coating and baking chicken wings, drumsticks, or tofu bites.

Gourmet Strawberry Vinaigrette: Sweet and slightly tart dressing with fresh strawberries, ideal for topping leafy greens, grilled chicken, and quinoa salad.

Gourmet Basil Citrus Vinaigrette: Herbaceous and refreshing with citrus zest and chopped basil, great for summer salads, seafood, or grilled vegetables.

Gourmet Onion Citrus: Savory and bright with caramelized onions and citrus juice, excellent for drizzling on roasted chicken, salmon, or grilled shrimp.

“These sauces are more than just condiments,” emphasizes Chef Brown. “They’re a gateway to a whole new way of experiencing southern cuisine. They’re about sharing stories, connecting with

loved ones, and celebrating the vibrant heritage of the Gullah Geechee people.”

Chef Brown’s gourmet collection is available online at and soon at select retailers across the United States. To celebrate the launch, Chef Brown will be hosting a series of live cooking demonstrations and guest cooking at multiple events across the U.S. offering fans a chance to learn his culinary secrets and experience the magic of Gullah cooking firsthand.

Considered “a leading influencer in the culinary arts,” Chef Carlos Brown is a Southern Chef, CEO of C3 Culinary Group, and Founder of Gullah Gourmet. Growing up in the South, his innovative approach featuring “Gullah” cuisine (a uniquely blended heritage of African, French, European, and Native Indigenous American influences found on the Carolinas and Georgia coast), has touched everything from the red carpet to the NFL football field to the Smithsonian African-American Museum in Washington, D.C., where his Shrimp and Grits recipe is recognized. Now Chef Carlos is excited to bring his unique flavors to the dining table with Gullah Gourmet, his signature line of dressings, marinades, and sauces.

For more information on Chef Carlos Brown and his new signature collection, visit or follow him on social media at @ ChefCarlosBrown.

ENTERTAINMENT Weekend | Week of February 28, 2024 8 C
Chef Carlos Brown. PRNewsFoto


Hampton House Museum and Cultural Center Preserves History in South Florida

The film “One Night in Miami” depicts Cassius Clay, before he became Muhammad Ali, Malcolm X, Jim Brown and Sam Cooke and the night their lives converge after Clay’s Miami fight with Sonny Liston. The hotel depicted in the movie, and also the stage play, is the Hampton House.

During its heyday, the Hampton House was the place where notable Black figures would stay when they were in Miami. The likes of Muhammad Ali, Malcolm X, The Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. and others spent time there.

Now, the Historic Hampton House Museum and Cultural Center is open for tours. It operates as a museum to tell the rich history of people and groups who have stayed there. It has once again become a staple to the community. The goal is to preserve that history in a fairly young city like Miami.

In 1976, the hotel closed and in 2000, it was on the verge of being torn down. The elements of South Florida, hurricanes and hot humid weather took a toll on the space. At some point, there was a full-grown tree coming out of the pool at one time. It was in really bad shape. It took 15 years to renovate the Green Book era hotel.

People fought really hard to save the building and bring it back to its former glory. The process took a long time and a group emerged with the goal of saving the Hampton House. One of those people were Dr. Enid Pinkney, who the team at Hampton House recognize as singlehandedly saving the building from being torn down. Pickney is now in her 70s and is very

active. Luis Penelas, a lawyer, and Audrey Edmonson, also played a role in saving the building.

On May 8, 2015, Hampton House opened as the Historic Hampton House Museum and Cultural Center. People can see the rooms where Ali and King stayed. They can also see the pool, where there is a large sculpture of Louis Armstrong. Pictures line the walls of the rooms and take visitors back in time. Tour guides provide little-known tidbits about the people who stayed there.

In December 2023, the Historic Hampton House was the site of art exhibitions for Art Basel, titled Gimme Shelter. It featured the work of 25 artists including Terry Adkins, Howardena Pindell, Carrie Mae Weems, and Nick Cave. The work of Brazilian Artist Eduardo Kobra was on display in an exhibition

titled, Bridge Over Walls.” KOBRA’s exhibition includes pieces that depict Colin Kaepernick, Tupac, Marvin Gaye, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Jimi Hendrix and Muhammad Ali. More than 1,000 people visited the cultural center during the week to see the art and visit the space.

Edwin Sheppard, Brand Manager at the Historic Hampton House, called the historic site and cultural center “The Jewel of Miami.”

“It means a lot to the community because back in the 50’s and 60’s, there were 15 Green Book places in Miami, and the Hampton House is the only building that is still standing, everything else has been torn down,” he said.

Sheppard said it is important for places like the Hampton House to exist and to be preserved because that history needs to be there for children who live in Miami and who visit Miami to tell that story. He said people’s eyes light up when they find out The Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. and Muhammad Ali stayed there.

“They light up to know these greats, that we see documentaries and films about, were here in South Florida,” he said.

Sheppard added that a lot of people pass the cultural center, but might not be aware of the gem that sits in that community. Events where the cultural center is open to the public bring people in the space and give the staff an opportunity to share the history of the space.

There are plans for a permanent exhibition with a virtual experience, with visitors travelling from Detroit to Florida using the Green Book to navigate safely.

The Historic Hampton House Museum and Cultural Center is located at 4240 NW 27th Avenue. For more information, visit or call 305-638-5800.

WEEKEND Week of February 28, 2024 | 9

Celebrating Black History Month

Changing the Game: Bally’s Jasmine Simmons, A Culinary Journey

Enter Jasmine Simmons, a culinary enthusiast eager to contribute her expertise to the Medinah Bistro, one of three restaurants housed within the

Medinah Temple, the home of Bally’s Casino. Originally from the Bermuda Islands and California, Simmons made Chicago her home in 2007. With seven years of culinary experience in the gaming industry, she eagerly embraced the opportunity at Bally’s, drawn in by the swift response to her application on

For Simmons, the allure of the gaming industry goes beyond her passion for cooking; it’s a family affair. Many of her family members also find fulfillment within the gaming sector, adding a familial connection to her professional journey.

The Culinary Canvas at Medinah Bistro

In her role as a Sous Chef, Simmons wears multiple hats – not just as a cook but as an unofficial counselor, striving to enhance patrons' dining experiences. Medinah Bistro and the other main restaurant, Kitchen 888, inspired by Chinatown’s Moon Palace, operate daily until 1 am. The 24-hour Medinah Café complements its offerings with convenient to-go items like sandwiches, coffee, and pastries.

She says, “My favorite thing to make on the menu at Bally’s is the fried chicken.” Simmons sheds light on the rigorous training regime at Bally’s, emphasizing menu comprehension and recipe mastery. The culinary team prides itself on maintaining consistency while fostering creativity in its dishes, providing patrons with a memorable and evolving dining experience.

Community Engagement

Simmons commutes daily from Auburn Gresham, bringing her culinary talents to downtown Chicago. Bally’s stand out for her is the workplace and the casino's commitment to community engagement. Actively participating in volunteering initiatives, Bally’s collaborates with homeless shelters, ensuring they give back to the surrounding communities.

“I think it’s important for companies to give back to their communities because it gives them a chance to be personable. In my experience, we worked with the homeless shelters feeding people over the holidays. I have done multiple things in the past to give back, including helping with an animal shelter,” said Simmons.

Beyond Business: A Friendly and Fun Workplace

In Simmons' eyes, the vibrant and friendly atmosphere sets Bally apart from her previous workplaces. The casino isn’t just a place of business; it's a community that values each member, fostering a positive and enjoyable work environment.

As Bally’s continues to establish itself as a cornerstone in Chicago's gaming landscape, the stories of individuals like Jasmine Simmons highlight not only the professional growth opportunities within the casino but also its dedication to community, creating a workplace that goes beyond the ordinary.

What makes Bally’s different? Simmons says, “It’s a friendly and fun place to work.

” Curated by: APS and Associates




Rev. Dr. Haynes, national civil rights leader and successor to Rev. Jesse Jackson, addressed a diverse coalition of Section 14 Survivors, descendants, supporters, and community members at The Church of St. Paul in the Desert during prayer vigil in honor of Black History Month.

On Sunday, February 18, Rev. Dr. Frederick Douglass Haynes III of Friendship-West Baptist Church and the Rainbow PUSH Coalition, one of America’s leading civil rights organizations, joined the Palm Springs Section 14 Survivors and descendants, local clergy members, and supporters as an honored guest at The Church of St. Paul in the Desert in Palm Springs.

The gathering of more than 100 people brought together Palm Springs residents from across faiths, backgrounds, sexual orientations, and ages in unity to honor Black History Month – including the history of the Black community of Palm Springs. Participants at the event prayed for justice and healing for the Survivors of Section 14 and their descendants, and clarity for city leaders.

“What is occurring right now in Palm Springs is a beautiful show of unity across faiths, backgrounds, races, sexual orientations, age, and beyond. This city has an opportunity to be a leader, and to show the rest of the country how much good can come from standing together and doing the right thing for each other. It’s as simple as that,” said Rev. Dr. Frederick Douglass Haynes III, President & CEO of the Rainbow PUSH Coalition.

“The survivors of Palm Springs Section 14 have “The survivors of Palm Springs Section 14 have waited too long for justice. Today, we lift our hearts and hands in prayer for the leaders of this beautiful city to seek a


path forward that honors the past and allows justice to be realized here.”

Rev. Dr. Haynes, renowned national civil rights leader, prophetic pastor, and advocate for racial justice, was recently appointed by Rev. Jesse Jackson to succeed him as the President of the international human and civil rights organization, the Rainbow PUSH Coalition. The Rainbow PUSH Coalition was founded by Rev. Jesse Jackson in the 1970s, and for the first time in more than 50 years, has a new leader in Rev. Dr. Haynes.

“Black history is American history – and that means speaking candidly about the past, even if it creates discomfort,” said Areva Martin, Esq., lead counsel for the Section 14 Survivors. “The sixties and fifties weren’t that long ago, but for my clients, the destruction of their homes, possessions, and community sixty years ago has deeply impacted their lives to the present day. With strong allies across the region and state – now, with Rev. Dr. Haynes, a national civil rights leader joining us – we are building a powerful coalition of supporters and allies, and our movement is being recognized by leadership here in Palm Springs and beyond. We are grateful for the support we have received, and for the prayers of everyone across this city and region. Hopefully by this time next year, we will honor Black History Month in Palm Springs with a celebration of justice achieved.”

The prayer vigil took place at The Church of St. Paul in the Desert, where a diverse group of clergy joined Reverend Jessie Thompson and Reverend Dan Kline to continue lifting up prayers for healing and justice.

“We are truly grateful to Rev. Dr. Haynes, Rev. Kline, Rev. Thompson, and community organizations like


Brothers of the Desert and the Stonewall Democrats for standing beside us on our mission to make our families whole again,” said Pearl Devers, Founder and President of the Palm Springs Section 14 Survivors. “For those of us who remember the destruction of our neighborhood, it wasn’t some land far away or some time long ago. We are living Black history, and we are committed to keeping the memories of our families alive as we continue to pursue justice for what happened to us just down the street.”

“Black history and LGBTQ history isn’t in the past, it’s being created now and we all have a responsibility to improve our communities so that the choices of the past are not repeated,” said David Weiner, Chair of the Stonewall Democrats of the Desert. “Today’s gathering in prayer, leading with hope and unity, is a powerful reminder that only light can overcome darkness, and no matter who you are, who you love or where you are from, every human deserves to be treated with dignity and if harmed, deserves restitution. It’s time for the city to make it right.”

“As we all commemorate Black History Month, it is a time to reflect on how far we’ve progressed and how much more we have left to do,” said Tim Vincent, President of the Brothers of the Desert. “As Black men and members of the LGBTQ community, we are all too familiar with the fight to be treated with decency, respect, and to push for justice when harmed. Palm Springs is a progressive, welcoming community, and the Palm Springs Section 14 Survivors share that love for the city. But the survivors of Palm Springs Section 14 have waited too long for justice, and it is up to all of us to support their cause.” Learn more at or

10 | Hyde Park | Week of February 28, 2024 HYDE PARK
Photo credit: Raul Juarez/The Demeter Media Bally’s Casino emerged victorious in securing the bid to launch a temporary casino, marking a significant milestone in May 2022. The subsequent task was building a dynamic team to deliver a distinctive gaming experience to Chicago. With its soft opening in September 2023, Bally’s employs 600 individuals from diverse backgrounds across the Chicago region.

(StatePoint) With the cost of most goods and services on the rise, straining many household budgets, families are likely looking for ways to cut expenses. But it’s important to make wise decisions before cutting, as some

Life insurance is one example. While often viewed as just a cost, life insurance is actually an investment in your family’s well-being. Unfortunately, too many people don’t have any life insurance or don’t have enough because they don’t have all the facts. That’s why Erie Insurance is working to debunk some of the more common myths that prevent families from having sufficient coverage.

#1: It’s too expensive Many people believe life insurance is a monthly payment comparable to a car or house payment. In reality, the average cost of life insurance (depending on individual situations) is $14 a month, according to Erie Insurance. Giving up one restaurant meal a month can help set your family up for financial stability for years. To roughly calculate how much life insurance would cost to cover your family’s needs, check out Erie Insurance’s Life Insurance Coverage Calculator.

#2: Stay-at-home and single parents don’t need it If you’re a stay-at-home or single parent, life insurance might seem like an unnecessary expense. Yet, if you or your spouse are gone, someone will need to provide childcare and cover other expenses for your children. Life insurance could take away the burden of figuring out how to afford childcare as you or someone else adjusts and assimilates to a huge life change.

#3: It is only beneficial after you die Although life insurance is typically used for after-death support, some policies allow you to tap into your benefits for certain reasons while you are alive. For example, with some terminal or chronic illnesses, your policy may pay out a certain amount to support medical expenses. With some policies, you can also use your life insurance to support long-term care. To learn more about pre-death life insurance benefits, contact your insurance agent.

#4: My employer already covers me, so I’m set Even though many employers offer life insurance plans, those plans tend to be limited in their coverage and options. Also, most employer-sponsored coverage disappears after you leave that job. Adding an additional policy allows you to have more security in the event you were to pass away. To calculate how much life insurance you need to sufficiently cover your loved ones, visit

#5: I’m too young to worry about life insurance

When you are young, the last thing you want to do is think about death and dying. However, life insurance premiums tend to be cheaper the younger you are. Plus, having life insurance while paying off debts – especially if you have a cosigner – gives extra security to your cosigner in the unfortunate event you were to pass away. Life insurance is designed to support your loved ones should something happen to you. Show them you really care about their longterm welfare. Talk to your agent today about adding a policy that fits your needs.

Why Financial Planning Is a Great Career Option for Women

(StatePoint) Financial planning was once thought of as a male-dominated industry, but that’s quickly changing. The number of women getting their CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ certification is growing year over year — and for good reason: The benefits of entering this field as a woman are numerous. Below are a few to consider.

• It’s lucrative. Financial planners are in high demand and are well-compensated for their expertise. A financial advisor can pull in a generous salary right out of the gate, and earning the right credentials can boost compensation significantly. The median income for those with CFP® certification and less than 5 years of experience is $100,000 — and that median figure grows to $206,000 with 10 or more years of experience. In general, financial advisors with CFP® certification earn 12% more than those without.

• Being a CFP® professional offers good work-life balance. With the potential to work remotely and create one’s own schedule, financial planning is a career path well-suited to those looking for flexibility and a desirable work-life balance.

• Financial planning can be personally fulfilling. Providing competent, ethical financial advice that helps others achieve their life goals — from sending their children to college to securing a comfortable retirement — can be extremely gratifying. Research also finds that female CFP® professionals have a unique dedication to providing holistic financial planning. Working as a financial planner provides opportunities to uplift and empower other women, as well as members of groups historically given fewer opportunities to accumulate wealth.

• Women who aspire to become CFP® professionals will find support in many places. CFP Board, for example, has implemented initiatives to recruit women and advance their careers. Some firms subsidize the cost of CFP® certification and give employees time away from work to study for the CFP® exam. Additionally, women’s networks and business councils can help build leadership skills and professional confidence, and many firms are even paying their employees’ membership fees.

CFP Board also administers scholarships for individuals underrepresented in the field, along with a mentoring program. To learn more and get started today on your path to becoming a CFP® professional, visit With demand for personal financial advisors expected to grow significantly in the coming years, and the industry making way for more women professionals, it’s worth exploring this rewarding career path.

Weekend | Week of February 28, 2024 11 C classified Classifieds Hyd Park, Chgo Weekend AND SOUTH SUBURBAN Classified Notice is hereby given, pursuant to "An Act in relation to the use of an Assumed Business Name in the conduct or transaction of Business in the State," as amended, that a certification was registered by the undersigned with the County Clerk of Cook County. Registration Number: Y24011480 on FEBRUARY 21, 2024 Under the Assumed Business Name of DH DESIGNS with the business located at: 16405 OXFORD DR, MARKHAM, ILLINOIS 60428. The true and real full name(s) and residence address of the owner(s)/partner(s) is: Owner/Partner Full Name HEATHER MOORE Complete Address 16405 OXFORD DR., MARKHAM, ILLINOIS 60428.
expenses are
more than they cost and can provide a
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ELIZABETH “LIZZIE G” ELIE LICENSED REALTOR 773.543.1783 2447 N. Ashland Chicago, IL 60614 @SoldbyLizzieG
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12 | Weekend | Week of February 28, 2024 WEEKEND

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