NEWS: All Charges Dropped Against UCUP Sit-In Protestors
“Moongate” Brings Intrigue, Memes, and Controversy to a UChicago Core Class and Beyond By NIKHIL JAISWAL | Co-Editor-In-Chief and SABRINA CHANG | Deputy News Editor On November 30, the world stopped turning for the approximately 250 students of Earth as a Planet: Exploring Our Place in the Universe (PHSC 10800) when the professor, Fred Ciesla, sent an email titled “Important: Moon Journal Grades.” While on the surface Ciesla’s email and what prompted it seemed like a runof-the-mill academic integrity scandal, the uproar that ensued was anything but. A professor in the Department of the Geophysical Sciences, Ciesla created Earth as a Planet in 2015 and has taught it every autumn since. The class, which fulfills a physical sciences requirement in the Core for non-physics majors, has a reputation for being an “easy A,” but course reviews suggest otherwise. “This course was tougher than I thought, a lot more math on [the assign-
ments] than I expected,” one comment from autumn 2022 reads. “Harder than I expected, why do people say this class is easy,” another reads. Earth as a Planet is taught in a lecture format three times a week. Attendance is not recorded, nor is there a discussion or lab aspect to the course. Like many other Core classes, the syllabus includes weekly homework assignments, quizzes, and a final exam at the end of the quarter. But one assignment embodies Earth as a Planet’s controversial reputation better than any other: the moon journal. Throughout the quarter, students are expected to make 15 unique observations of the moon. Each observation needs to include a sketch or photograph of the moon and details such as the moon’s angle of elevation, its direction, and the location
of observation. The vast majority of course reviews praise the assignment for being a fun demonstration of the material learned in class or describe it as an easy element of the course. But despite its relatively simple nature, a number of students fabricate journal entries. “I’ve always known [using online resources instead of observations] is something that students have been doing. But, in the end, the goal is for them to be able to demonstrate that they understand why… we see the changes in the moon that we do see,” Ciesla told The Maroon in an interview. Ciesla began permitting data from online sources to substitute for moon journal observations during the COVID-19 pandemic, when some remote students complained that they were unable to make observations because of quarantine CONTINUED ON PG. 2
courtesy of uchicago sidechat.
University Presentation Reveals Severe Financial Pressures By ELENA EISENSTADT | News Reporter
University operations financial year 2023 in budget town hall presentation.
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The University finds itself grappling with ballooning costs and a dramatically increased budget deficit. These changes are causing severe financial pressures as UChicago has attempted to catapult itself into contention with universities that have far larger endowments over the past two decades. Provost Katherine Baicker and newly appointed chief financial officer Ivan Samstein provided details of the Univer-
sity’s finances to employees at an invitation-only budget town hall on December 7. In presentation materials reviewed by The Maroon, financial figures were exhibited alongside details of a long-term financial strategy that the University Budget Office is working to unveil in March. While UChicago’s investments have enabled it to punch above its weight for
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