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At the Forefront of Medicine: My Summer Involuntary Hospitalization Content warning: The following article contains a personal narrative of involuntary hospitalization in a UChicago psychiatric facility, including detainment by campus police, detailed descriptions of medical procedures, and brief mention of previous sexual assault. Editor’s Note: This piece is a personal account of the author’s experience with UChicago Medicine. Maroon editors have verified key details of the account, including the University of Chicago Police Department (UCPD)’s intervention at the author’s address, the author’s stays in various psychiatric facilities, and that the author communicated with friends and family while hospitalized about their experience and with the University following their hospitalization.

ARTS: Reflecting on the magic of 100 Gecs PAGE 10

Our culture conditions us to keep quiet about mental health interventions and the trauma that can co-occur with those experiences. Due to both the stigma about people who receive mental health interventions and misconceptions about us, there is very little conversation around how the mental healthcare system itself can be traumatizing even as it claims to be a system of care. When survivors do speak up, we take a risk. There seems to be a drastic mismatch between the narrative that people have about what psychiatric interventions are like and the reality. There is very little visibility for psychiatric survivors, and as such, people have a narrow conception of who we are. This allows a narrative of medical benevolence to be upheld because people who have survived

VIEWPOINTS: Why UChicago students need to embrace loneliness

traumatic psychiatric intervention are dismissed by virtue of the stigma around their experience. In June 2021, I was committed to UChicago Medicine’s psychiatric ward against my will. As I discussed this experience with others—including those who work in the

STELLA BEVACQUA mental health field—I was often met with surprise. My experiences did not fit with their expectations because they assumed that psychiatric facilities help patients rather than hurt them. From the moment the UCPD came to my door, I knew that CONTINUED ON PG. 6

Amid Promotion Prospect, SALC Professor Accused of Sexual Assault Sues Alum for Defamation PAGE 2

SPORTS Women’s soccer charges on in quest to qualify for NCAA playoffs PAGE 5

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