Like our Facebook page at and follow @chicagomaroon on Instagram and Twitter to get the latest updates on campus news. GREY: The Fourteen Last Clinics PAGE 16 LETTER FROM THE EDITOR: The Maroon’s Silent History ARTS: The Worst First Date Spots on Campus PAGE 34PAGE 2 VIEWPOINTS: Carpe Fraternitatem: Seize the Frat Party PAGE 22 EvaMccord

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time.All of us—second, third, and fourth-years—we’ve all experienced the clusterfuck that is first year. We are intimately familiar with that first-year feeling of being lost at sea. That’s why finding communities on and around campus is so important. There are tons of other students who want to help you feel at home—you just have to be brave enough to reach
GageBest, Gramlick, editor-in-chief Yiwen Lu, managing editor
The best advice we can give you? Throw your hands up and enjoy the rollercoaster. Join the RSO. Go to the party. Be the wide-eyed and bushy-tailed first-year we all make fun of and love. Because nothing can replace time. No house activi ty or frat or fair will bridge your old home to your new one. Only time will make you feel comfortable here. And O-Week is not enough time. So knowing that you’re going to feel un comfortable and out of place no mat ter what—at least for a while—why not take advantage? Do something you never would have done in high school. Push the boundaries of who you thought you were. Regardless of the results, you’re still going to be a hot mess. And that’s fine! You have
CROSSWORD Henry Josephson, head editor Pravan Chakravarthy, associate editor Cooper Komatsu, associate editor Siyanda Mohutsiwa, associate editor
Reorienting The Maroon and Remembering Silent Histories LETTER FROM THE EDITOR CONTINUED ON PG. 3
Matthew Chang Chief Production Officer Astrid Weinberg & Dylan Zhang, Chief Financial Officers
VIEWPOINTS Kelly Hui, head editor Ketan Sengupta, associate editor Irene Qi, associate editor
will be published on The Maroon website under the history page.
The following O-Issue is a cul mination of work by our journalists who are excited to meet you and who want you to feel welcomed. While we can’t promise that this issue will bring you up to speed on everything
uating class, we lose a cache of informa tion, histories, and wisdom. While this phenomenon presents challenges each
GREY CITY Laura Gersony, editor Milutin Gjaja, editor Solana Adedokun, editor Rachel Liu, editor
And we’ve recently made some significant changes to make The Maroon more accessible, inclusive, and equitable. Not only did we set up a new website and app (which you can read about later in this issue), but we’ve also rewritten our consti tution and bylaws. Our new consti tution and bylaws clearly lay out our values and subsequent journalistic standards. We’ve given constitution al power to our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) committee in order to help The Maroon foster an en vironment in which all students are safe and feel welcome. Additionally, we’ve added several transparen
Gage Gramlick, Editor-in-Chief Yiwen Lu, Managing Editor
ARTS Angélique Alexos, head editor Natalie Manley, head editor Dawn Heatherly, deputy editor and social media editor
COPY Skyler Lorenty, copy chief Michael McClure, copy chief Arianne Nguyen, copy chief Caitlin Lozada, copy chief Tejas Narayan, copy chief Kayla Rubenstein, copy chief
Dear Reader,
DESIGN Allison Ho, production editor Elena Jochum, design editor Anu Vashist, design editor
recent past up until the present. News papers like The Maroon, student news papers, forget the past even more readily than other publications. With each grad
you need to know about life at UChi cago or make you feel at home, we know it’s a good place to start. We hope to see you soon.
The Maroon Editorial Board consists of the editors-in-chief and editors of The Maroon
PODCAST Gregory Caesar, chief editor Miki Yang, editor Jake Zucker, editor
We need to apologize to you. Orientation Week, this Orientation Issue, and all the other orientation events you’ll attend in the coming weeks—they all gaslight you, make you believe that a quick speech, a speedy presentation, or a few articles will bring you up to speed, make you feel at home, orient you. The truth is: The first quarter of first year dis orients everyone. From navigating a new social environment to acclimat ing to your absurdly sadistic academ ic workload to trying to understand why your roommate does whatever weird thing your roommate will in evitably do, first quarter takes you for a ride and leaves you whiplashed, gasping for air.
NEWS Kate Mabus, editor
WEB Firat Ciftci, lead developer
BUSINESS RJ Czajkowski, director of development Michael Cheng, director of marketing Graham Frazier, director of strategy
Editor-in-Chief: Newsroom Phone (312) 918-8023 Business Phone: (408) 806-8381

out.That leads us to our unabashed plug: The Maroon, UChicago’s in dependent, student-run newspaper, is one of the places where you can find community. We run the gamut. From news, arts, sports, longform, and opinion writing; to photography, video, design, copy, and illustrations; to business management, commu nity engagement, marketing, opera tions, and ad sales; The Maroon has something for everyone.
Circulation: 2,500 © 2022 The Chicago Maroon Ida Noyes Hall / 1212 East 59th Street Chicago, IL 60637
PHOTO Han Jiang, editor Angelina Torre, editor Emma-Victoria Banos, editor
The following story
SPORTS Finn Hartnett, editor Eva McCord, editor Kayla Rubenstein, editor
Newspapers—by virtue of the fact that their primary purpose is to report the news—tend to focus on the now, the narrow space of time that occupies the
A Welcome Letter From the Editors of The ChiC ago Maroon
Nikhil Jaiswal, editor Tess Chang, editor Anushka Harve, editor Jinna Lee, editor Rachel Wan, editor Michael McClure, editor
VIDEO Lukian Kling, editor Chloe Yin, editor
cy measures, including requiring the identities of the editorial board members to be published as well as requiring our policies to be accessi ble to all readers.

Despite the immense struggles The Maroon faced, the women in charge transformed the paper from a sports rag into an essential source of news about the war. Articles that made it to print updat ed readers about students, professors, and South Siders out at war.
While UChicago has been co-ed since its opening in 1892, the gender debate nevertheless persisted. In its debut ed itorial, The Daily Maroon wrote, “…the proposed separation of men and women students in the Junior College is without a doubt much the most important.” With the stage set, the editorial board then an alyzes how various student demographics feel about the proposed change (though they fail to cite any data). They admit
We are responsible for reporting the news, but in order to do so, we must recognize that our history is not erased with every passing year. The Maroon is a palimpsest. Our history—the good and the bad—is present even today. Respon sible reporting requires us to examine our past, to publish it, and to critically analyze how it affects our current work.
In 1997, The Maroon published its first article online. Since then, The Ma roon has maintained an online pres
From the 1950s to the late 20th cen tury, The Maroon took a sharp turn towards the political. Many UChicago students used the paper as a way to speak

time a new group of students has to re learn how to go to print, gain access to bank accounts, and generally keep the paper afloat, our short-term memory carries with it a much more insidious di mension: the illusion that each new year signifies a new start, a new canvas.
This article aims to trace The Ma roon ’s history, making the contours of our past permanently accessible. It’s es sential to note, however, that this article is an on-going project. Our history is far too long to fully capture it in one go, and history is constantly being made. Thus, it is essential that future Maroon editors add to this article as they read through the archives and discover more hidden histories.
ing increasingly clear that readers had a hunger for a daily publication. Herbert Fleming and Byron Moon—both students in the College—recognized this demand and came up with a solution: They pro posed a merger between The Daily and The Weekly, which President William Rainey Harper agreed to as long as the resulting paper remained financially in dependent from the University.
The Weekly was the only paper that found consistent success, anoth er publication—The Daily Maroon continued attempting to break into the spotlight, though with little success. The Weekly, which was supported by the Uni versity, consistently outperformed The Daily, leaving it in a state of constant struggle. By 1902, however, it was becom
The Maroon is 130 years old. We predate six U.S. states, both World Wars, and many civil rights. Our history winds through the histories of the South Side, Chicago, and the United States.
The alumni association funded the new paper, allowing The Daily Maroon now merged with The Weekly—to begin printing October 1, 1902. The new paper was owned “by the entire student body” and relied on advertisement income to fundForoperations.40years,
The Maroon has a long history of sexism, racism, and abuse of South Sid ers. This history is visible in the very first editorial printed in The Daily Maroon
ence. The website has undergone many changes in the last three decades. In 2019, editor-in-chief Euirim Choi de signed a bespoke website for the paper. In August 2022, The Maroon migrated to a new framework and created a mobile application, both hosted by SNO.
This jovial—albeit far from hard-hit ting—energy persisted until World War II. In 1942, The Daily Maroon was forced to slow printing due to a dramatic loss of staff, changing its name to The Maroon. The draft meant that the paper was run mostly by women and men too young to serve. While The Maroon tried to print at least once per week, the staff struggled to keep the paper afloat, and there were consequently many weeks The Maroon failed to go to print.
A General History
In 1892—22 years after the Old Uni versity of Chicago burned to the ground— the Rockefeller-funded UChicago of to day rose from its ashes. And with it, The U of C Weekly—today known as The Ma roon— began. Founded by graduate stu dents Emory Forster and Jack Durno in 1892, The Weekly printed short updates on sporting events, campus news, and studentWhileopinions.
The Daily thrived as the premier UChicago newspaper, cov ering the University’s meteoric rise in the Big 10 Conference, its expansion into the South Side, and other campus news. Readers who brave the Maroon archives—which begin with the first is sue of The Daily, October 1, 1902—will notice that while the paper does cover some news, the content is overwhelm ingly centered around sports. In fact, The Daily dedicated page upon page to cheers, editorials and letters bashing other teams, and odes to the Maroons.
out against the war in Vietnam, critique President Ronald Reagan, and support communism. In fact, The Maroon be came so leftist that editor-in-chief John Scalzi decided to create a separate, con servative publication called The Fourth Estate in 1989. The new publication ex isted under The Maroon brand but was focused on publishing conservative articles. Also during this period of hy perpolitism, The Grey City Journal was founded. It aimed to print liberal opin ions and long-form reporting in a month ly, magazine-style format. Both The Fourth Estate and The Grey City Journal shut down operations in the late ’90s due to a lack of funding. However, Grey City saw occasional reprises throughout the years, and in 2018, soon-to-be managing editor Caroline Kubzansky resurrected Grey City as an integrated, long-form sec tion of the paper.
“We are responsible for reporting the news, but in order to do so, we must recognize that our history is not erased with every passing year.”
Printing Prejudice
It’s important to note that The Dai ly Maroon leadership, at this point, was composed completely of men. The mast head had a designated section for “wom en editors,” who were responsible for editing content by women but not man aging the paper. The two women editors at the time— “Miss Cornelia Smith and Miss Julia Hobbs”—were not part of the editorial board.

This history is visible in the very first editorial printed in The Daily Maroon.”
history. Women struggled for decades to secure a seat at the proverbial Maroon table. By the second World War, however, women were—by and large—running the paper.During this same period, the racism baked into the paper began to surface al most daily. While covering the war, The Maroon routinely published articles us ing a common slur to refer to Japan and Japanese people. Writers and editors helped fuel the national hatefire used to justify Japanese internment camps.
“The Maroon has a long history of sexism, racism, and abuse of South Siders.
College, writing that, “Many a girl in the halls has listened almost with envy to another tell of a year at a woman’s col lege, and the delights of the college life of college girls together.”
concludes that University administration ought to go forward with segregating the Junior College. Luckily, the University never chose to follow our advice to separate the Junior College by gender. Nevertheless, this first editorial set the stage for our checkered moral
For men, segregation promises “the virile life which comes from the cama raderie of manly men together, and the girls that charm and character from daily life with live, womanly young women….” While the grammar of this sentence is dizzying, the message is clear: The men of UChicago want their cake and to eat it too. A segregated College would allow men to experience the academically “vir ile” life of the College without having to give up their beloved “womanly young
in a University building. Other members of The Maroon immediately called for the removal of the photo, arguing that, “The Maroon did a lot of damage—it opened up a young person and his fam ily to harmful exposure, at no benefit to anyone
that most women seem to be against the change, arguing that they will lose out on the high-quality education they are guar anteed by being in the same classrooms as their male counterparts. With regards to how men feel about the change, the board writes, “In a general way a major ity of men seem to favor the change. But in a jocose manner they say seriously: ‘If they don’t take the girls away from the University it will be all right [sic].’”
Whileelse.”the photo was eventually re moved, its publication sent a clear mes sage to our readers: The Maroon still publishes prejudice and has a lot of work to do to earn the trust of its readers. Pub lishing the photo demonstrated a com plete disregard for the individuals we cover. We leveraged a horrible moment in a young Black person’s life for clicks. We recognize that this aggression was not a simple aberration but the product of many institutional shortcomings, in cluding a failure to create space for Black students on the paper, especially in lead ership.Ofcourse, for all of the hate The Ma roon has perpetuated, many writers, artists, and editors throughout its his tory have worked to transform the pa
The editorial goes on to argue that women, despite their worries, actually stand to gain from a segregated Junior
In 2019, Maroon editors decided to publish a picture of Black minor arrested
Acquiring this information, unfor tunately, didn’t require a deep dive into the archives; up until early 2022, two is sues from the war hung prominently on a Maroon office wall, the slur displayed for all staffers to see. While the posters have since been removed, it’s clear that, even today, The Maroon struggles to cultivate an inclusive and equitable envi ronment. This racism has been especially damaging for the Black and Brown South Side residents we cover.

By CASEY KIM | Senior News Reporter
Black, White, and RED All Over: Communism, Espionage, and The Maroon
stitution; after all, we’re the home of the Chicago Boys, Milton Friedman, and, more recently, Dorian Abbot. While the University undeniably produces influ ential, conservative thinkers, UChicago also boasts an equally leftist history— much of which, though underempha sized, is woven into the pages of The
International Students Returning From Military Service Share Their Thoughts About Adjusting to School
Along with ousting Kimmel, Stro zier demanded that The Maroon cease production until a new editor could be elected. In a statement to the Board of Trustees, Strozier explained his deci sion to muzzle The Maroon: “Maroon management had drifted into the hands of a small self-perpetuating clique who, during the past two years, had used the paper as a means of expressing their po litical ideologies without regard to their responsibility to report the news compe tently and Editorsimpartially.”subsequently voted 18–0 to continue printing despite the adminis tration’s orders. They raised $200 in ads to fund the now-underground paper.
“I was going to go to the military any ways, either after my first year or after my second year,” Kim said. “But after my fall quarter in 2020, I really thought that the in-person experiences are the integral part
The FOIA later confirmed that the FBI had in fact been surveilling Rubin.
decade ago, former Grey City editor James Hughes requested a doc ument release from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Thanks to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), the request resulted in over 2000 unsealed pages that confirmed that the FBI had “monitored the campus through infor mants at many levels of the administra tion and within the student body since at leastDuring1944.”this epoch of federal in trigue—likely fueled by the Red Scare— Maroon editor-in-chief Alan Kimmel attended a Communist Youth festival in
Every year, international students re turn from the military to continue their edu cation. As a male South Korean citizen, Kim is required to perform around two years of compulsory military service between the ages of 18 and 35.
The University of Chicago is often thought of as conservative-leaning in
Gage Gramlick is the editor-in-chief of The Maroon
per into an equitable platform, one that serves its communities, rather than tears them down. “Printing Prejudice” is not meant to undermine these peoples’ work or minimize the success they’ve had; in stead, this section is meant to ensure that our failures are not forgotten.
As a dual citizen, Youn had a choice to serve in either country. Upon graduating
Charly Youn, a dual citizen of South Ko rea and the United States, also shared his nerves and excitement about starting college in Chicago.“Ijustwant to test myself academically and make connections outside,” Youn said. “I feel a little nervous because I feel like I can get closer to veterans [more quickly], com pared to just normal people, because we’re dependent [on one another] out there.”
It’s also essential to note that, while these vignettes of prejudice are un doubtedly exhausting, they are far from exhaustive. A mere hour perusing the Maroon archives will bring with it countless examples of racism and sexism. If you feel that a particular case of preju dice is missing from this section—which many surely are—please reach out, and we’ll do our best to document it.
the federal, anti-communist pressures at play. Former Maroon editor Jay Green berg wrote an article about a decade after the Kimmel ordeal in which he details be ing tailed by the FBI. Danny Rubin, the Communist Party’s then-head of Youth affairs, had just given a speech at UChica go. Greenberg, who was driving Rubin to the El, noticed four unmarked cars, each filled with men holding two-way radios. The cars followed Rubin and Green berg, but Greenberg “...led the agents on a convoluted chase through Hyde Park, circling in front of Harper Library and racing through the quads. Eventually he trapped the agents in an alley and con fronted them. They refused to acknowl edge their intentions.”
As a result of the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, Brian Kim had to return home to South Korea only a year into his college ex perience. After completing the first quarter of second year on his iPad, Kim knew it was time: He was ready to take his leave of ab sence from the University in order to fulfill his compulsory military service.
talk with them as much as possible to catch up with where I left off,” he said.
In the military, Kim participated in boot-camp training, then was deployed to a secondary boot camp that focused on com munications and signaling. There, he was
East Berlin. On October 4, 1951, Dean of Students Robert Strozier removed Kim mel from his position as editor, arguing that his attendance at the festival demon strated his lack of “qualification to edit a free and independent newspaper.”
The Maroon was largely aware of
in charge of organizing the library and was able to catch up with studying during his own time. In fact, his time in the military helped him solidify his future career plans and further his studies in computer science and artificial Resumingintelligence.hiseducation as a second-year this fall, Kim said he was initially concerned about readjusting to school, as most of his friends are now fourth-years. However, he now also recognizes the positives of having “senior” friends, who export wisdoms from their own “They’reexperience.givingme so much good advice, academically and career-wise. I’m trying to
“We recognize that this aggression was not a simple aberration but the product of many institutional shortcomings, including a failure to create space for Black students on the paper, especially in leadership.”
of the experience that comes from the Uni versity.” Therefore, he decided to move up his timeline and enlist.
“I had to get used to remote learning first of all, but also stuff like writing an essay,” Hahn said. “I remember in Hum, the very first paper was a bit confusing for me be cause I didn’t remember the basic structure of writing. But it only took about a month or two to get used to those academic things, while remote learning took a bit longer.”
In an interview with The Maroon on July 15, UCPD Chief Kyle Bowman discussed his motivations and goals for his tenure. He succeeded Mike Kwiatkowski as the Chief of Police for the University of Chicago Police Department (UCPD) on April 4. As chief,
mental health episode; and the 2018 shoot ing of University student Charles Thomas, who, also while experiencing a mental health episode, was seen breaking windows with a metal pipe and charging an officer.
“You will definitely find your group of friends,” Hahn said. “It’s definitely a bit de taching to not be around people of your age, or to see your high school friends graduate when you’re still in school…but just focus on the long-term, and see that whatever decision you’re going to make is going to be better than it would have been two years ago without serving in the military.”
Uncommon Interview: UCPD Chief Kyle Bowman Outlines His Non-Enforcement Policy
Bowman oversees UCPD law enforcement on the University and UC Medicine cam puses, and within the extended patrol area of local communities. Since its formal estab lishment in the 1960s, UCPD is now staffed by approximately 100 officers according to
the University’s Department of Safety and Security.UCPD has faced controversies in the past few years including allegations of sexual misconduct by UCPD officer Alfred Olson this May; the January shooting of commu nity member Rhysheen Wilson when he fired a gun at officers while experiencing a
Brian Kim (left), John Hahn (middle), Charly Youn (right) — donning uniforms at their respective base camps, Kim, Hahn, and Youn have all served in the military before resuming their academic careers. printed with permission of subjects
Both incoming Youn and returning Kim said they are excited to start a new chapter in Chicago this year. Youn hopes to major
from high school in 2016, Youn served in the U.S. Army in Kansas.
In the Army, Youn learned to manage aircraft parts as an automated logistics spe cialist, served at a base in Kansas for three years, and was deployed to Lithuania and South Korea for nine months each. Final ly, at 24, he is ready to start his first year of college.Similar to South Korea, Singapore man dates every male citizen and permanent res ident to undertake National Service upon turning 18. John Hahn, a third-year from Singapore, said that being in the military offered him the right mindset for college.
By ERIC FANG | Deputy News Editor
in economics and expand his knowledge in business to further develop his non-fungi ble token project in South Korea with his friends. Kim said he is most excited about returning to campus and continuing his research with Assistant Professor of Com puter Science Rana Hanocka, a job he has done“Iremotely.missedthe whole campus vibe,” Kim said. “It’s been so long since I’ve had that… and I really look forward to having that in-person experience of doing research in the lab itself.”
But there were other challenges when it came to returning to school: The same time when Kim had decided to take his leave of
To these students and all other incoming
“You will definitely find your group of friends.”
“Being in the military made me realize that high school and college is very much a bubble,” he said. “I remember in high school, the goal was to climb the social ladder, but looking from the outside in, it doesn’t mean much. In the end, after you graduate high school, no one really fixates on that, so I kind of saw college as the same thing. There are a lot of aspects in college that I probably would have caved into if I didn’t go to the military.”
This interview has been slightly edited and
students from the military, Hahn advised them to be open to making new friends and to appreciate their academic journey.
absence in the midst of the pandemic, Hahn had to adjust to Zoom classes, in addition to general academic life, after his service.
In 2018, Hahn joined the Singaporean military as a high school graduate. After undergoing basic military training and nine months of officer cadet school, Hahn led an artillery unit of six men for the remainder of his 22 months of service.

“I chose the U.S. [military] even though it’s a longer contract because they really give you a purpose in life,” Youn said. “Back in high school, I had very low self-esteem, so I wanted to find a solution. And I thought the U.S. Army could help me do that.”

Kyle Bowman: Thanks. I really enjoy the opportunity to talk about it. I think you probably know a little bit about my back ground. [For] 27 years, I was at the Michi gan State Police as a deputy director. When
guidelines in terms of overall University policy; making the budget available to the general public is not going to be a call made at my seat.
Chicago Maroon: My first question for you, Chief Bowman, is: Why did you de cide to take on this role as UCPD Chief, and what goals do you have for your tenure?
I saw the posting for this job, one, to be frank, I just really like the city of Chicago. It’s al ways been a fun city for me to come to. So that attracted me to just take a look at what this University was about and what it had to offer. As I took a look at it and understood the University as a whole, and then as I’m going through some of the [University’s] interview questions, I understood what appeared to me to be their focus, which was, how do you create a safe environment without feeling over-policed. That really fit with who I was
KB: So I’m being told that it was taken seriously before, let me say that at first. As we are going through hiring practices now, we certainly take the opportunity to try to identify if there’s a concern, a safety concern, or a mental health concern for someone that comes in that may cause a risk, or cause that person to be more of a threat to public safe ty than a help for public safety. So for actu al specific changes, I would say, aside from asking questions to understand a person’s behavior, which is part of our interviewing process, we ask questions that are designed. You know, for example, tell us about a time you had a disagreement with a coworker?
CM: In light of incidents like the officer fired for sexual assault last May has UCPD reviewed or modified its hiring practices at all or plan to review or modify its hiring practices in the future?
Finding ways to reduce crime, prevent ing people from having to commit crimes, better partnership with mental health ser vices, better partnership with the education al institutions that allow people to grow on their own—I saw a lot of that here with the University of Chicago, just on a smaller scale. At Michigan State Police, I had 83 counties [and] countless municipalities. Here, it’s a much smaller area, which really was going, I thought, to allow me to really wrap my hands around some true problem-solving issues.
KB: I haven’t had any conversations about that. When you talk about transparen cy, I would say, I’m definitely committed to being as transparent as I possibly can. What I will follow up with saying is that because of the nature of the job that we do, we do have to be cautious about what that compromises in terms of the objectives, to the goal. So I haven’t had any direct conversations about its specific budget. I do have to follow the
I talk a lot about law enforcement or pub lic safety being the end of the social safety net. What I liked about what I saw with this department was that there was already a focus on crisis intervention training to help people who are dealing with a critical inci dent in their lives—a mental health situation. So the officers were better prepared. I liked the fact that there already were opportu nities for their officers to get out of a patrol car or bicycles, for example, I liked the fact that there was proactive engagement with students as well as the surrounding commu nity, to hear what their concerns were, and to try to provide engagement. Seeing a police officer walking a foot beat on 53rd Street is amazing to me. And so those were some of the things that really drew to my passions that I wanted to be able to build on. And that’s exactly what I intend to do.
How did you handle that? Those are the types of questions that we ask in order to understand a person’s behavior. When we conduct background interviews, we also can ask specific questions. Are you aware of this person being involved in any harassment type of activity? Any racial intimidation type activity? Any sexism or stuff like that? We can still ask those questions. The reality is, we’re dependent on people being honest and giving us fair answers. Sometimes we just don’t get the information that we need.
“Ideally, I would like the criminal element to think, hey, that’s that area that UCPD is in, we don’t want to go in that area at all, because it’s not comfortable for us to commit a crime.”
of chicago
CM: Is UCPD making any efforts to be more transparent regarding its budget?
as a public safety leader at the Michigan State Police. All of my initiatives and programs there as a Lieutenant Colonel were really about resolving problems and preventing crime from happening: how can law en forcement members actually have less law enforcement to do.
I do think that even though that hap pened prior to me coming, the fact that as soon as they became aware of what act he had committed, taking him off of the rota tion and suspending him was the appropri ate step. They did it as soon as they became aware of it; I don’t know if they could have moved any faster. But to your specific ques tion about trying to be able to screen out, there’s always a balance between being an equal opportunity employer and giving someone a fair shot at a position that they may be qualified for. We try to find that bal ance that we’re within legal compliance of
THE CHICAGO MAROON — SEPTEMBER 22, 2022 7 redacted for clarity.
Kyle Bowman succeeded Mike Kwiatkowski as UCPD chief in April. courtesy of the university

is we’re operating in a way that’s preventing people from becoming victims, and I’m very specific about prevent ing people from becoming victims because it’s really about understanding our role to who we serve. And if we’re working a case, it’s always something good for when a police chief gets up and talks about how they were able to apprehend somebody, right? You’ve seen those national stories, that’s great. My goal would be not to have that. Now, the re ality is, I’m never gonna get to a point in my lifetime, it’s just the way that nature is for people, that we will never have cases.
KB: I think it’s good. I think there’s always an opportunity for improvement; I think there are some misconceptions about what we’re trying to do sometimes. And I think part of that is, at times, I think our officers may not communicate enough. It’s not necessarily the responsibility of our officers to explain everything they’re doing right at the time, so say they’re dealing with a situation and someone wants to know what’s going on; I think there’s an opportunity for
But our focus is finding people that are
motivated to be proactive enough that our interactions with the public are more about non-enforcement activity than enforcement activity. And so I tell my officers, “Hey, if you work your shift and you haven’t really arrest ed that many people, but you reduce the calls for service.” So just an example, if they’re as signed to an area, and typically they get five calls for service for an hour. And they go on shift and they’re down to two, three calls of service for an hour, but they end up still not really arresting anybody. That’s a success. We don’t want to have to arrest anybody. We want to prevent people from commit ting crimes, whether or not we help them through a mental health crisis, or connect them to some other social services because there’s that type of criminal element.
KB: I think every law enforcement agen cy across the country is struggling with staff ing, trying to recruit and trying to market ourselves in a way that allows us to select the best candidate, and that’s going to be defined differently from agency to agency. So for us how we’re defined is that we want someone that is interested in service. When I say we’re interested in someone that wants to be involved in service, a successful day for an officer isn’t about how many people they arrest or how many tickets they write. In fact, we don’t even promote writing tickets or taking people to jail. And I’ve specifically gone to each roll call and told them that’s not my Myexpectation.expectation
CM: As a new face in the community, how have you built relationships with stake holders? What stakeholders have you found most receptive and helpful so far?
that to be discussed later on. That’s what our community engagement section is about. But the interactions that I’ve had have been positive. I’ve gone to a couple of community groups, they’ve all been positive, they usual ly want to know about my background, what my philosophy is, and then usually there may be one or two questions that I may get, and a lot of times the questions are about, you know, will you hire more officers? I get the response that they appreciate our response time for a call. And they appreciate the way our officers treat people. And although I hear that more from when I go to the community meetings, and because of probably the time that I came in, I didn’t get a lot of the oneon-one student interactions. And so I haven’t been able to get as much feedback directly one-on-one from students. So there’s always a difference between what I get from inter actions versus what’s being passed on to me from others. But from what I understand, our student interactions were well-received.
our hiring practices.
Then there’s the other type of criminal element, which is, quite frankly, there’s some evil people out there that will take advantage of people where they can and that’s their model. Those are the ones we want to focus in on. And so it’s about recruiting people that understand that, and that’s part of the chal lenge. Some people that want to be police officers may not be cut out for being police because of what we want to do and how we want to serve. So it’s really about service. Criminal justice majors we’ll take, but I’m looking for that person in social sciences; I’m looking for that person in humanities. I’m looking for that person that is really inter ested in having a positive impact on people’s lives and likes interacting with people.
KB: I pretty much walk everywhere on campus that I have to go, to the dismay of some of my colleagues because I have to build in a little bit extra time sometimes if I’m getting to a meeting on 53rd Street. But I walk a lot because I feel that’s really the way to feel the environment. I make a point of go ing into the Medical Center for lunch, just to kind of feel the environment. And then I have formal meetings, and I’ve done a lot of community events. I’ve met with several of the aldermen and I met with some of the community groups. I just met with one this week at the Midway ice rink to talk to them about our policing philosophy. I went to the Woodlawn safety summit a couple of weeks ago. I had some direct one-on-one conversa tions with some people, and then just trying to get around in general to talk to various groups and engage with them.
The fact that the driver has food in the car from a food pantry tells you that if the car’s towed, she’s not going to afford to even get that car out of the tow yard. We know if we write her a ticket for the child safety re straints, which Michigan State Police had a zero-tolerance policy for, she’s not gonna be able to afford that. So we know that’s a warrant six months down the line because she’s not going to take care of that ticket. So what we did was we made arrangements to get someone to come over and help trans port everyone else. We grabbed child seats from the [station] because we had them at our location. We installed those. The point is identifying things for our officers here at UCPD so that when they come across a situa tion, it can be resolved and not have to create a greaterAnotherissue.quick example is: during a do mestic violence assault, how do we get that victim and potentially that suspect the help that they need? If the suspect has committed a crime, but we know they’re committing a crime because of other issues that they have, social issues. Can we get them into facilities that help them fix those problems, so that they no longer are committing domestic violence?
KB: Yeah, so it’s a challenge, right? Be cause it’s very different from how policing has evolved. And I view policing differently than public safety. I like to say public safety, because that’s what I really want to go for. Policing is really about the enforcement aspect of it, and so in Michigan, we really started partnering with the Department of Mental Health and Human Service to iden tify resources, so that when our officers did come across something that initially would be an enforcement role—what I’m trying to do is make sure that the tools that our of ficers have access to go beyond the things that we typically think of from policing, in terms of handcuffs or a weapon; I want them to have access to [resources to] resolve the situation at the lowest level possible.
“We don’t want to have to arrest anybody.”
here is to expand access to resources. So one of the things that I’ve asked the victim services director to do is identify, at the state, county, and city level, what sort of so cial services are available in this area, which ones are available to citizens as a whole, and which ones are available specifically to the University.Usinga simple example that is a real scenario that I went through once [in Mich igan]: During a traffic stop for a vehicle that was stopped for a smashed windshield, the trooper noticed that the children in the back seat did not have a child seat. The brake lights weren’t working. And the person’s ex cuse was they were just making a quick run to the local pantry. The trooper is stuck with trying to decide what to do. Because the car’s not safe, the kids aren’t safe, and the driver shouldn’t be driving. So he should be towing the car based on standard protocol. At that time I was a commander, and I happened to be in the area so I stopped by. The goal here is to create a safe environment. So he didn’t have access to a lot of things.
CM: Going off that, is the department facing many challenges from a staffing per spective?
CM: What do you see as the depart ment’s biggest challenges going forward?
And so, one of the things that we did in Michigan that I’m hoping to be able to do
CM: What is your current assessment of the relationship between students and the department and the relationship between the wider community and the department?
I got here in April and pretty much this has been in my time just trying to under stand the dynamics of what I have and the administration of it, but even simple things like attending some of the sporting events and seeing how those go and seeing how peo ple are taking that and enjoying it, to see how we can better serve as part of it. So it’s every thing from the informal interactions, walk ing around attending functions and events, to the formal meetings, or seminars that may be put on at the Rubenstein [Forum]. I have gone to one or two of those. Talking to faculty members and students as those op portunities are presented. I have also ridden a bike patrol twice with my officers.
CM: Can you expand on non-enforce ment?
I don’t want to see crime at all. I don’t want to see strong-armed robberies. I don’t want to see shootings. I don’t want someone having their car stolen. Ideally, I would like the criminal element to think, hey, that’s that area that UCPD is in, we don’t want to
KB: This is always an interesting ques tion for me. So I’m gonna split hairs on ter minology. One, I don’t like to use the word surveillance at all. Surveillance is a very specific aspect of a criminal law enforce ment component, where we’re actually ac tively working a criminal investigation, and therefore we’ll do surveillance. I think what you’re asking about is that overall, casual
The use and the value of it is, in a cam pus-type environment, you usually have fixed locations that you actually can moni tor and probably for me, in my current seat, the most value is when we have students on campus, I want them to feel comfortable, and it’s a challenge in this area. I want them to feel comfortable 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to be able to walk around campus, inside and outside. I want them to be able to decide: I’m going to the library at 12 o’clock at night, and it’s okay for me to do that be cause UCPD and public safety have created a safe environment. I can’t do that solely with bodies. Cameras have to be a component of that. And so creating a safe environment by using cameras, if we can do that, then I would 100 percent support that. It has to be done in a way that really supports the people that are out so they feel safe. If it gets to the point where they don’t feel safe because of the cameras, there either is a breakdown in communication, or there’s something else that I have to work through with the public.
When asked how the University will han dle monkeypox-positive and COVID-posi tive students in the same residence hall, spokesperson Gerald McSwiggan said: “Be cause these are two very different diseases, their means of spreading are also very dif
Mostadvice.precautionary measures outlined in the announcement are similar to the Uni
ferent. Students will be housed in separate apartments within Stony Island according to whether they have COVID-19 or mon keypox, and staff members will take rec ommended precautions against the spread of eachMonkeypoxdisease.”can spread through contact with exposed surfaces, such as bedsheets or mattresses. McSwiggan said that Stony Is land “staff members will take recommended
So let’s just say, for example, high thefts of motor vehicles. I don’t like the numbers that I see in the surrounding area, and in our area. They aren’t that bad for our extended patrol areas, but I still don’t like the numbers that I see. When you get outside of our ex tended patrol area, they are far worse. What I want to try and do is figure out what vehi
cles are being stolen, and then, what we can do to tackle that issue that doesn’t require us to arrest more people, but instead allows us to be proactive enough to prevent those from happening first.
CM: And beyond those two things, staff ing and being more proactive. Do you foresee any other challenges going forward for the department?
CM: Have you interfaced at all with the officers’ union? And how has that relation ship developed over time?
KB: I interact with them on a regular ba sis. Matter of fact, the two times I went on bike patrol, both of them were with union leaders that also happened to be field train ing officers. My relationship with the [union] president is strong. I’ve been in other envi ronments where it has not been as strong. This one I feel is solid. They obviously have their perspective. And we certainly can have some disagreement, but we so far have been able to find common ground on just about all the issues that we’ve had to discuss.
KB: I think I have a hard time coming up [with] a lot of challenges, because I actu ally think our officers are great. I think our sergeants are great. I think they’re looking for the opportunities for growth and devel opment, which we can move forward. So I think there are some, not challenges, but some opportunities for us to grow and ex pand our resource and knowledge. I don’t want to make it sound like there’s nothing for me to work towards. There definitely are things we’re going to work on, but I gotta be honest with you. I mean, I’ve looked at agen cies all over the state of Michigan. And in the short time that I’ve been here, I think we’re far ahead of a lot of other agencies because of the work ethic of most of the people here. So I think the overall challenge is really just identifying our key strength, and how do we grow on it to reduce the amount of crime.
KB: So it’s a couple of things and I’m still doing some of my assessment. But one, it’s about getting our staffing levels where we need to be at. As I already mentioned, it’s about marketing to get the right people. You can have a person that’s gone through school, and they’re a 4.0 and a criminal justice de gree, but that doesn’t mean they are suited to serve. So that’s part of defining who we are as a department in what we’re looking for.
News Editor
CONTINUED FROM PG. 8 CONTINUED ON PG. 10 UChicago Medicine Offers Monkeypox Testing; Infected Students to Isolate in Stony Island
In addition, the same University team will conduct contact tracing of both monkey pox and COVID-19 cases. Students should email to report
As we’re watching the national uptick in violence, that’s always a struggle: because a default for a law enforcement agency when crime goes up is to arrest more people. And that’s the traditional default of all police agencies, because that’s what we’re mea suring. Usually, the pressure comes from the community saying, “you need to help do something about getting these people off the streets,” which is to arrest people. What I’m trying to do here, which I think has been well-received so far from the officers, is to shift to finding more proactive ways to reduce the amount of crime. Find ways to increase our non-enforcement contact over our enforcement contact.
CM: What are your thoughts on com munity surveillance in the form of deploying cameras, shot spotters, and other technology as a way of combating crime?
monitoring. For me, the value is, if you’re going to have cameras, people are expect ing someone to be watching. The reality is, for the majority of the cameras, there isn’t someone watching that camera at all times. So when sometimes I hear stuff from the public about, hey, we don’t want to be in a police state, we don’t want to be surveilled, the reality is only a small percentage of those cameras are actually being monitored at any given time, just based on staffing alone.
versity’s response to COVID-19. On-campus students who are infected with monkeypox will isolate in Stony Island Residence Hall, which will also continue to house students who test positive for COVID-19.
UChicago Medicine is offering monkey pox testing to individuals showing rashes or lesions, according to a University an nouncement on August 24. Students with symptoms or concerns about monkeypox should contact Student Wellness for treat ment
“I want them to feel comfortable 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to be able to walk around campus, inside and outside.”
monkeypox cases. To maintain the confi dentiality of infected individuals, contact tracers will not send wide notifications and will only contact exposed individuals with high risks of infection.
go in that area at all, because it’s not com fortable for us to commit a crime. But I don’t want to do that by creating a police environ ment where it’s because you’re always being stopped by the police or you’re always being dragged into handcuffs, right. That’s not the environment that I want to create.
One of fourth-year Elly Choi’s favorite restaurants in Hyde Park is Ascione Bis tro, an Italian-focused restaurant. With a full bar and patio, Ascione offers breakfast, brunch, lunch, and dinner menus.
Although anyone can become infected with monkeypox, many of the current out break’s first cases were reported among men
By CASEY KIM | Senior News Reporter
Emma Van Lieshout (’22) and her friends from her days at International House (I-House) have frequented Noodles Etc. Despite now living separately, they still keep their tradition and convene at Noodles Etc. to catch up.
Piccolo Mondo Restaurant & Bakery 1642 East 56th Street #1, Chicago, IL 60637
The Italian restaurant and bakery has been in the same location since 1985. Much of the menu is focused on Argentinian ingre dients or dishes—Ben Whittaker (’22) enjoys and recommends the wide selection of Ar gentinian finger foods and pastries.
1500 East 55th Street, Chicago, IL 60615
“Iidentification.can’tdenythe appeal of trying to snag the table with Obama’s face on it,” Van Lieshout said.
in Harper Court, “Deep Purpl is always crowded with students from the University and Kenwood Academy High School,” Deep Purpl employee Aanicia Sut tonSutton,said. a student at Chicago State Uni versity, has made smoothies and acai bowls at Deep Purpl for about four months. “It’s a really good dish, and I like to take some when I leave after my shift as well,” Sutton
Valois’s ability to attract an eclectic crowd also adds to its charm, Stacek said.
“We have international students from Hong Kong to locals who have been here for generations, bringing their kids to this restaurant, and college professors or pri vate equity CEOs who stop by to come here and eat,” Stacek said. “It’s just an incredibly
tives to protect against disease transmis sion, McSwiggan pointed to the University’s Monkeypox FAQ page. “In addition to indi vidualized care through UChicago Student Wellness and resources available through the Chicago Department of Public Health, including recommendations for vaccination and for lowering the risk of MPV transmis sion through sex, the LGBTQ Student Life and Center for Identity + Inclusion teams are always available to provide support and make connections. We want everyone at UChicago to be confident in seeking care.”
1333 East 57th Street #1724, Chicago, IL 60637
Whittaker has been going to Salonica since his first year at the University. For him and his friends, Salonica is “the spot.” The diner serves American comfort food, such as pancakes and burgers, as well as some Greek dishes like gyro and spanakopita.
Open from 6 a.m. to 3 p.m. and serving American comfort food, Valois has been a popular breakfast and lunch hotspot for many UChicago students. A favorite of Pres ident Barack Obama, the signature Hyde Park edifice has been part of the neighbor hood since 1921.
Argentinian food, and they have really good empanadas,” Whittaker said. “In fact, they’re the only empanadas I think you can get in Hyde Park. It is part of my heritage, and it was such a pleasant surprise to find that in Hyde Park. I thought coming to Chi cago, I’d have to really venture far away…but it’s super close by, and the people are super friendly there.”
“When I lived in I-House my first and second year, my friends and I went to Noo dles Etc. a lot just because we didn’t want to walk all the way to Cathey sometimes,” Van Lieshout said. “I always get the Panang Curry.”Van Lieshout said she will miss Noo dles Etc. after graduating as it holds the most memories of her time with her closest friends.
“Eligible students can seek out the city’s vaccination sites.”
Valois accepts cash only and offers a ten percent student discount to those with stu dent
Among the 947 cases in Chicago as of September 15, 92 percent were from men. Case numbers in the city appear to be drop ping, with 49 new cases reported in the last week, compared to 80 and 112 cases the prior two weeks, respectively.
In response to The Maroon’s inquiry about new sexual health education initia
Ascione Bistro
“The night before a bunch of us had to leave when the campus was shutting down because of COVID, we had one last hurrah that night before people were flying out and we made sure to have dinner at Salonica,” Whittaker said. “It’s a place that holds a lot of sentimental value, and the vibes are just great.”Lorenzo Orders (’22) also has a similar tradition with his friends, as they make sure to visit at the end of every school year.
Noodles Etc.
Salonica Restaurant 1440 East 57th Street, Chicago, IL 60637
“You sort of come into a place that is sort of frozen in time.… The menu, the prices seem to have stopped in time completely, and that’s really unique,” Stacek said. “You can’t get that experience at other places.”
precautions against the spread of each dis ease. This includes many of the CDC’s rec ommendations for isolating at home.”
“I have fond memories of intimate oneon-one catch-ups, birthday parties, brunch es with parents, and more,” Choi said. “The food is delicious, the ambiance is welcoming, and the staff is so kind. I will definitely miss Ascione when I graduate.”
According to Allison Arwady, Commis sioner of the Chicago Department of Public Health, North Side neighborhoods like Lake View, Uptown, and Edgewater have had the highest number of cases; however, cases of the virus have been reported in 65 of Chi cago’s 77 community areas, including Hyde Park.Arwady noted that vaccination rates re main highest in areas with the highest case numbers. “I would like to see some more vac cination happening, especially on the South Side,” Arwady said.
The Class of 2022’s Guide to the Gems of Hyde Park
Deep Purpl – Acai Bowls 5229 South Harper Court, Chicago IL 60615
who have sex with other men. Chicago’s city government advises gay, bisexual, and other men who have multiple or anonymous sex ual partners to be aware of their increased risk for contracting the virus.
said. “We’re almost at a year. Deep Purpl is owned by a family from Brazil, which is where açaí comes from. It originates from Brazil. And that’s the aim, to bring it to Chi cago and America.”
“I am Latin American, so I really love
Paul Stacek, who will be graduating in fall 2022, appreciates the history preserved inside the beloved Hyde Park institution. As co-founder and president of the UChicago Real Estate Investment Group, Stacek has brought every single new member to Valois for coffee or lunch.
“I’m a big fan,” Orders said. “It’s nice and comforting. You know what you’re getting. It’s very lowkey, which is amazing, especially at the end of the school year.”
Eligible students can seek out the city’s vaccination sites. In Chicago, vaccines are currently only available to those identified as high-risk: any close contacts, and “sexually active bisexual, gay and other men who have sex with men, and transgender persons.”
Orders and his friends plan to visit Salo nica once more before graduating.
Valois Restaurant 1518 East 53rd Street, Chicago, IL 60615
Booth School of Business student and College graduate (A.B. ’20) Hayton Oei had his first açaí bowl at Deep Purpl last August, and he has visited every day since. “My goto order is the 20 ounce, which is the largest size. It’s 660 calories. It has strawberries, kiwi, bananas, blueberries, granola, goji berry, cacao nibs, and honey. Same order everyLocatedday.”
“I always take people to Valois when they come to visit me,” Van Lieshout said. “Great pancakes. My mom swears she can’t find any other pancakes that are better than Valois.”
In an interview with The Maroon, In gram shared the Polsky Exchange’s vision for the return of in-person programming.
“We really want to make sure that we
Located next to Insomnia Cookies and Te’amo Boba Bar, Southspace is an art gal lery created and founded by Residential Heads at Campus North, Christian and Clara Clarke.
around and you’re like, ‘Oh, this looks so cool,’ and you flip it over and you look at the price and it’s like, ‘Oh, even better.’”
Polsky Exchange Reopens With New Programming and Opportunities for Local Entrepreneurs
Whittaker highly recommends Hair Design International for those looking to be well-groomed—the business offers a variety
Abigail Ingram, the founder of the Wom en in Entrepreneurship Institute (WEI) at DePaul University, now serves as the ex ecutive director for the Polsky Exchange. Ingram received both her J.D. and M.A. in English from DePaul. While at DePaul’s Driehaus College of Business, Ingram acted as the inaugural director of WEI and taught courses on entrepreneurship law, strategy, and female leadership.
Hyde Park is a hotspot of fantastic local businesses. This list is not exhaustive. Go out, explore, and support South Side busi nesses.
So these personal, one-on-one connections are incredibly beneficial for people who are launching ventures and scaling ventures.”
The Polsky Exchange offers more than 15 programs to advance projects and ventures past the initial planning stage. Polsky mem bers also have access to the Polsky Fab Lab at the Polsky Exchange South location at 1463 East 53rd Street, where they are provided ac cess to 3-D printing, fabrication workshops, and expert staff support so that prototypes can be developed and advanced.
The reopening of the Polsky Exchange will allow for the summer accelerators, in cluding the Build and Launch tracks, to con tinue. The Launch Accelerator is a fundrais ing program to help new student ventures gain momentum. The Build Accelerator will enable students and recent graduates to build up key elements of their venture through access to funding, coaching, and other resources at the Exchange.
“A real gem that I found my first year was Powell’s,” Orders said. “It was absolutely amazing that I went there with some friends from my House because we did a bookstore crawl—we went to a bunch of them. I was shocked at how cheap the books were.”
Powell’s Books
Hair Design International 1309 East 57th Street, Chicago, IL 60637
A favorite of Maroon staff, Tacos El Pastor will distract many a weary editor from the pains of production. Maroon eaters were first introduced to this tasty taquería by former managing editor Ady ant Kanakamedala, now known by most as a hero. Vivacious vegans, voracious carni vores, and celiac clowns will all find sanctu ary in the sweet, smokey—and don’t forget: spicy—salsa of El Pastor.
“I think a lot of people are really anxious to get back to the in-person meetings. Plenty can happen via Zoom, but there’s so much, especially when we talk about workshops and really digging into programs like the summer accelerator that will happen at the Polsky Exchange,” Ingram said. “We’ll also be welcoming mentors back to the exchange.
“The expertise at our fabrication lab is, I have to say, even more valuable than access to 3-D printers and laser cutters and an elec
The Polsky Exchange is undergoing a soft reopening after being closed for sev eral months because of the pandemic. The Polsky Exchange, which aims to serve UChi cago and the South Side through entrepre neurship programs and research, has been made accessible to student entrepreneurs and community business members since JunePolsky,14. originally named the Chicago Innovation Exchange, was established at the Graduate School of Business in 1998 through a $1 million donation from the Kaufman Foundation, which “ together with communities in education and entrepre neurship to take risks, own success, and be uncommon.” In 2014, the University opened a Polsky Exchange office on East 53rd Street and South Harper Avenue. The site features a 34,000-square-foot coworking and incu bation space.
“I can’t deny the appeal of trying to snag the table with Obama’s face on it.”
Orders has often gotten Christmas gifts from the store for his friends and family.
“My friends have always joked with me that I can never seem to get a good haircut except when I go there,” Whittaker said. “I’ve had this barber ever since I was little, and you feel kind of bad when you cheat on your barber, so to speak, by going to someone else. But it wasn’t until I came to UChicago that I had a valid excuse to get my haircut from someone that wasn’t him.”
By GUSTAVO DELGADO | Senior News Reporter
1314 East 53rd Street, Chicago, IL 60615
“Our goal is to find students and student groups who want to run their own events and art shows, tutoring, and workshops,” Clarke said. “That’s our main goal: to provide more opportunities for students and people in the community to use the space to keep it open more often.”
Stacek likes to get his dry-cleaning done at Green Collar Cleaners, where they pro mote eco-friendliness by avoiding certain chemicals that are harmful to the environ ment.“If you bring them the metal wire hang ers, like a bag of them, they will let you spin the wheel and win an award,” Stacek said. “It’s funny, but they do it because they want to recycle those and not have those go to waste.”
Green Collar Cleaners
“I wanted a place to exhibit student work and local artists, and some of my art is in there right now too,” Oei said.
1501 East 57th Street, Chicago, IL 60637
“It’s just so cool,” Orders said. “You walk
Southspace Art Gallery
1109 East 55th Street, Chicago, IL 60615
Tacos El Pastor 53
Orders’s favorite Hyde Park business is Powell’s Books, a used-book emporium.
The requirements for membership in the Polsky Exchange have changed since the pandemic. The Polsky Exchange used to require members who were not UChica go staff or students to pay a $50 membership fee each month. Now, the only active mem bership requirement is the submission of quarterly reports on the venture in which members are involved.
unique place where all these different groups of people come together and sort of live and eat in harmony and peace.”
are having an economic impact and that we are supporting the companies that we work with, so in order to do that, every quarter, we’ll be asking questions about revenue and hiring and all of those things,” Ingram said.
“That tells us not only about the growth of the businesses that we’re working with but what their needs might be and what pro grams we should be launching in order to support them.”
5319 South Hyde Park Boulevard, Chicago, IL 60615
of hair services, including trims, coloring, perms, waxing, and treatments.
Christian Clarke said that Southspace was originally meant to be used as an art studio, but due to its large space, their goals expanded. They hope to “turn it into a gal lery and also a community learning center for art and technology experiential learn ing,” he Southspacesaid. is currently open for events, but Clarke hopes to have more students and community members become involved and use the space.
Class of 1972 Alums Discuss Jane Collective, Future of Abortion Access
The Janes originally met Avruch with trepidation in 1971 given that abortion was illegal at the time. However, she continued to attend the underground meetings and even tually won over their trust. Once an official member, Avruch served as a counselor.
“We sometimes joke that UPS is the biggest abortion provider in the country,” Fishbach said.
“It’s important for people to understand that the Janes paved the way. They showed courage,” said Christine Malcolm, a mem ber of the Class of 1972 who assisted in or ganizing the panel, in an interview with The Maroon. “We need to pay attention to the fact that the world is different now but also
gan Chase’s nationwide initiative to provide assistance and opportunities to businesses owned by minorities, women, and veterans in major metropolitan areas. The students providing businesses with advice and sup port will be supervised by Chicago Booth adjunct professor of marketing Craig Terrill.
The event was planned before the Su preme Court opinion to overturn Roe v. Wade was leaked, but the news was at the center of the proceedings.
Ingram emphasized her passion for the grant opportunities that Polsky offers for businesses to grow. One such grant is the Ascend program, which is a part of JPMor
emphasized that pregnant people today have more options for receiving abortions than they did when the Janes were active. Abortion pills, available to order online, are a common and less invasive form.
“I wasn’t as surprised as I probably should have been to learn that the doctor was not licensed. I think I sort of had figured it out,” Avruch said. “I got interested in , and I wanted to learn how to do it.”
Howard continued the legal discussion and emphasized that abortion rights have larger implications for women’s rights and human rights in general. He encouraged the audience to get involved politically and pri oritize pro-choice candidates.
Avruch concluded her reflection on her time as a Jane by acknowledging the current climate surrounding abortion and parallels of then versus now. “I think, very soon, wom en could have fewer rights than they did in 1971,” she Fishbach,said.the next panelist, expanded on modern attitudes toward abortions. She
The Polsky Exchange will also feature a financial fundamentals program that will enable businesses to dig into their profit and loss statements and understand finan cial reporting even better. Polsky will also help set up financial projections to advise the businesses on their futures.
To close the panel, Klafeta built off Howard’s push for political activism and underscored the need to avoid complacen cy in places like Illinois, where Governor J. B. Pritzker claims that abortion will be safe. She highlighted that the Illinois Supreme Court is two votes away from a conservative majority.Malcolm stressed that despite the un certain outcome of abortion rights, an en couraging message underlay the event. “If we all work together, we can sustain access for women to the reproductive services they deserve.”
The discussion was part of a series of Alumni Weekend activities and served as a follow-up to a showing of The Janes, a documentary to be released on HBO this June. For the Class of 1972’s 50th reunion, Avruch and many of the Janes returned to speak about their activism and the state of reproductive rights today.
“I would walk through what the experi ence of the abortion was going to be like so that it wouldn’t be so frightening, what had happened,” she said. “I felt young and some what inexperienced compared to some of the women I was counseling because they often were older than me and had children and just had a lot of life experience.”
The Polsky Center began offering stu dents access on June 14 which will continue to be granted as long as they comply with the quarterly reporting requirements via email. Students are encouraged to reach out to if they have questions.
The site features a 34,000-square-foot coworking and incubation space.
“For those who want to at least explore entrepreneurship as a career path, I’m excit ed to welcome everyone back,” Ingram said.
let people know about the Janes and what they were able to do.”
Reproductive rights activists convened in the Logan Center on May 21 to discuss the past, present, and future of abortion. Alum Sheila Smith Avruch spoke about the Jane Collective, colloquially referred to as “the Janes,” an underground abortion ring in Hyde Park during the late 1960s and early 1970s. Moderated by human rights profes sor Susan Gzesh (A.B. ’72), the panel also included Shira Fishbach (A.B. ’17, M.D. ’22), an incoming obstetrics and gynecology res ident at the University of Michigan; Bryan Howard, president of Planned Parenthood Arizona; and Ameri Klafeta, director of the Women’s and Reproductive Rights Proj ect for the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Illinois.
“I wanted to get involved with the issue that affected women’s rights. So it was at the back of my mind , but I really didn’t know how to get in touch with the group,” Avruch said in an interview with The Maroon
“With this program, we’re looking at tak ing businesses that are in the six-figure range and helping them vault that and get into the million-dollar mark,” Ingram said. “It’s a
tronics bench and woodshop and all those things that we have because these people can help you determine what are the best materi als, what is the best way to go about actually creating this product, and again, bringing it into the world,” Ingram said.
In 1965, a friend of civil rights activist Heather Booth asked for help finding an abortion for his sister. From then on, Booth, who graduated from the College in 1967, became a resource for people seeking an abortion. In 1969, she formally established the Janes, officially known as the Abortion Counseling Service of Women’s Liberation. Avruch discovered the Janes a year later, during her junior year at the College.
By KAYLA RUBENSTEIN | Deputy News Editor
On the day of the abortion, women would meet at an apartment, often of a UChicago student, called “The Front,” where they waited for a driver to take the woman getting the abortion to “The Place.” At this apart
On May 4, 1972, Avruch stood in The Front, about to assist with her first Jane-per formed abortion, when heavy knocking on the front door rattled the apartment. Just before the police raided the place, Avruch and six other Janes tossed their medical in struments out the window of the high-rise. They were each charged with 11 counts of abortion and conspiracy to commit abor tion, which carried a 10-year sentence per count. Luckily for Avruch and the other in dicted Janes, Roe was ruled a year later, and their charges were dropped.
ment, the still-anonymous doctor would perform the procedure as described in the counseling
really exciting program because it involves M.B.A. students providing consulting ser vices and really creating bespoke solutions for issues that occur in every business.”
She predicted that if Roe is overturned, it will be difficult to even learn how to perform abortions, legally or otherwise. “One of the challenges for medical students and physi cians is going to be training, especially in certain states with trigger laws,” she said. If Roe is overturned, 13 states across the Unit ed States have laws banning abortion that would immediately come into effect.
However,session.in1971, the Janes learned that the doctor was not, as he previously claimed, a licensed practitioner. This served as a crossroad for the Janes: Half of the group decided to leave while the remaining Janes chose to learn how to perform the abortions themselves. This moment served as a sign that the Janes, even as college-aged women, could make a much larger impact.
THE CHICAGO MAROON — SEPTEMBER 29, 2022 13 We'’ll miss you in London but wish you 4 amazing years at Daddy,UChicago!Love,Mommy, Gabi, and Michael <3

We can't be prouder of you.We share in your joy and are so happy that you are exactly where you wanted to be. Savor every moment of this experience!

Mommy, Daddy & Gabrielle
We love you!
Maya Juanita Garrett

THE CHICAGO MAROON — SEPTEMBER 29, 2022 15 SEPTEMBER 22, 2022 – JANUARY 8, 2023 SMART MUSEUM OF ART THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO SMARTMUSEUM.UCHICAGO.EDU ADMISSION IS ALWAYS FREE ALL ARE WELCOME O-Issue goes to print September 21 Issue 1 print plan due October 5 Issue October1 5 Issue 2 print plan due October 19 Issue October2 19 Issue 3 print plan due November 2 Issue November3 2 Issue 4 print plan due November 16 Issue November4 23 Issue 5 print plan due November 30 Skip forDecemberThanksgiving7Issue5 *For print plans: Section editors submit a ranked list of articles that they want to put in the next print issue. These must have relatively stable word counts and have been sub mitted to Copy. Photos and illustrations, including space allocated, are alsosubmitted.October5Issue1October5Issue 2 print plan due October 19 Issue October2 19 Issue 3 print plan due November 2 Issue November3 2 Issue 4 print plan due November 16 Issue November4 23 Issue 5 print plan due November 30 Skip forDecemberThanksgiving7Issue5 *For print plans: Section editors submit a ranked list of articles that they want to put in the next print issue. These must have relatively stable word counts and have been sub mitted to Copy. Photos and illustrations, including space allocated, are also printlist*ForSkipIssueIssueIssueIssueIssueO-IssueSeptembersubmitted.21goestoprintSeptember211printplandueOctober5Issue1October52printplandueOctober19Issue2October193printplandueNovember2Issue3November24printplandueNovember16Issue4November235printplandueNovember30forThanksgivingDecember7Issue5printplans:Sectioneditorssubmitarankedofarticlesthattheywanttoputinthenextissue.ThesemusthaverelativelystablewordcountsandhavebeensubmittedtoCopy.Photosandillustrations,includingspaceallocated,arealsosubmitted.Print Schedule September 21 O-Issue goes to print September 21 Issue 1 print plan due October 5 Issue October1 5 Issue 2 print plan due October 19 Issue October2 19 Issue 3 print plan due November 2 Issue November3 2 Issue 4 print plan due November 16 Issue November4 23 Issue 5 print plan due November 30 Skip forDecemberThanksgiving7Issue5 *For print plans: Section editors submit a ranked list of articles that they want to put in the next print issue. These must have relatively stable word counts and have been sub mitted to Copy. Photos and illustrations, including Print Schedule September 21 O-Issue goes to print September 21 Issue 1 print plan due October 5 Issue October1 5 Issue 2 print plan due October 19 Issue October2 19 Issue 3 print plan due November 2 Issue November3 2 Issue 4 print plan due November 16 Issue November4 23 Issue 5 print plan due November 30 Skip forDecemberThanksgiving7Issue5 *For print plans: Section editors submit a ranked list of articles that they October 19 Issue October2 19 Issue 3 print plan due November 2 Issue November3 2 Issue 4 print plan due November 16 Issue November4 23 Issue 5 print plan due November 30 Skip forDecemberThanksgiving7Issue5 *For print plans: Section editors submit a ranked list of articles that they want to put in the next print issue. These must have relatively stable word counts and have been sub mitted to Copy. Photos and illustrations, including space allocated, are also submitted.

“A $4 increase for every $1,000 you cur rently pay in property taxes is equivalent to the price of one latte,” the pamphlet reads, advertising the newest initiative to hit the ballot between rows of cartoon coffee cups. “Say yes to mental health!”
There is reason to believe the measure is popular: the Coalition’s straw polling suggests that almost 90 percent of voters support the premise behind the referen dum.“Chicagoans can’t even agree what the weather is on any given day,” said fourthyear Melia Allan, an intern with Southside Together Organizing for Power (STOP). “But they agree and have a huge desire for mental health care.”
for the reopening of the clinics lost over time. Their longer-term goal is a shift towards non-police response models to mental health crises. Generally speak ing, the non-police response model is de signed such that instead of having police officers arrive at the scene, officers will be replaced by social workers, mental health professionals, and those who possess the necessary training to calm and properly aid those in crisis, according to the Center for American Non-policeProgress.responder models have al ready been instituted across the country in places like Eugene and Springfield, Oregon, according to the Justice Teams Network, by Oregon’s CAHOOTS (Crisis Assistance Helping Out On The Streets), which pro vides initial contact and transport for those who are in the midst of mental health crises by way of a mobile intervention team. Ac cording to the Eugene Police Department, each van is staffed with an experienced cri sis worker, along with a nurse or an EMT. In CAHOOTS’s 2021 Program Analysis, CAHOOTS’ divert rate (the rate of calls diverted from the police to CAHOOTS’s personnel) has ranged from 3 to 8 percent since its establishment in 1989. Similar programs have also been established in California and the United Kingdom.
Now, only five of these public centers remain. Today, the Coalition advocates
ters in West Town and Southeast Chicago that would provide free-of-charge mental health services to residents living in Wood lawn, South Shore, Kenwood, and Hyde Park, STOP’s long-term plan for Chicago’s future with mental health depends on the Treatment Not Trauma proposal. The pro posal has two components. First, to reopen all of the closed public mental health cen ters within the city of Chicago. Second, to promote a non-police crisis response for mental health emergencies.
According to the Coalition’s website, the Coalition spearheaded what they term a “reenvisioning” of community mental services through the 2004 development of the EMHSP model. EMHSPs, or Expanded Mental Health Services Programs, sought to restore services outside of the then 12 city-run clinics, culminating in the 2011 passage of the Community Expanded Mental Health Services Act. According to
While the referendum up for voting in November explicitly focuses on establish ing new community mental health cen
New ballot initiative seeks to expand mental health service accessibility for Southeast Chicago communities, reinforcing non-police crisis response model
“Even under challenging conditions, the City remains committed to investing in the future of our residents…and more than $18.6 million in new investments are included in the 2021 budget…[including] an additional $5.25 million in funding for community-based violence prevention and reduction efforts,” the Office of the Mayor wrote in a press release announcing Mayor Lightfoot’s 2021 Budget Proposal. “These resources will…provide funding for highrisk youth and launch of the co-respond er model pilot that would involve trained mental health professionals, community paramedics and Crisis Intervention Teamtrained police officers co-responding to certain 911 calls.”
By EVA MCCORD | Grey City Reporter

“Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s 2020 propos al was oriented around the “co-responder model,” which brings police officers along
On November 8, Chicagoans will vote on a binding referendum, a type of vote in which the ballot results must be acted upon by the overseeing governing bodies, that would expand mental health services across the Southeast side by way of a 0.025 percent property tax increase. If approved, the funds will provide free mental health services for in-need residents by establish ing a new community mental health center. Additionally, the approved referendum will restore vital mental health services includ ing outreach in local school communities, veteran-specific care, and family counsel ing.For the Coalition to Save Our Mental Health Centers, a group of activist orga nizations pushing the ballot initiative, the current measure is just one more stone cast in the decades-long fight to defend and protect Chicago’s low-income and under insured residents. The Coalition was born in opposition to former Mayor Richard M. Daley’s 1991 plan to close the 19 com munity health centers erected over the course of the 1960s and 1970s. Beyond the formation of the Coalition, these measures have been met with fierce instances of local resistance: according to the Chicago Tri bune, in 2012, 23 individuals were arrested after barricading themselves inside of the Woodlawn Mental Health Clinic in the South Side in protest of its closing.
The Fourteen Lost Clinics
the Illinois General Assembly, this act al lows for any Chicago community to create a community initiated, funded, and ap proved mental health center (or EMHSP), expanding and extending mental health services for mentally ill residents who need the assistance of their communities in overcoming or coping with mental or emotional disorders.
The group advocates for a 24-hour emergency mental health hotline that would work directly with the five remain ing clinics. To supplement this hotline, the CCW hopes to also see social workers and paramedics working in tandem to respond effectively and efficiently to mental health crises as they occur, with the ultimate goal of connecting patients with clinics to sup port sustainable and long-term recovery.
STOP organizes mental health patients and providers in the name of reopening the closed clinics and improving the cur rent standing public mental health crisis response and care system, according to STOP’s website. It works in collaboration with the Collaborative for Community Wellness (CCW), which connects mental health professionals, community-based organizations, and community residents to address and combat the lack of mental health service access in Chicago. According to the CCW, police involvement is one piece of the problems facing Chicago’s victims of mental health crises. In Chicago, police are the primary responders to mental health crises. CCW argues that their presence is an escalation to tense situations that may exacerbate violent incidents and trauma, rather than initiate and promote healing.
“These not-for-profit organizations are being publicly funded, but are not accessi ble to everyone in the city,” Allan said. “For example, if you are undocumented, you might not be able to get service at all of these clinics. Or, on the other hand, people have reported that there is often a co-pay of $20. This might not seem like a lot, but if you’re seeing a therapist once a week, that’s $80 a month. That’s a bill.”
“We will remain in this fight until there is a free public mental health center in ev ery ward of Chicago!” STOP’s Public Health Organizer Cheryl Miller wrote the day af ter the reversal in STOP’s press release.
“Of course we should reopen the clin ics,” Lightfoot said at a campaign forum in 2019. “But we have to go much further than that. We have to focus on building mental health infrastructure here in the city. There’s lots of different service provid ers that frankly…do a better job delivering services…than the clinics did.”
“There are no magic wands to wave,” Lightfoot said during the 2021 City Budget address proposal, during which she first in troduced the co-responder model. “What ever course we take must be tested on the streets of Chicago and must be built to ad dress our urban realities, and not those of some other city that does not reflect our di versity, our history, or our current reality.”
Lightfoot also pledged to spend $25 million to restore the lost clinics during the 2019 mayoral campaign, yet as of June 2022, has instead opted to invest in 12 non-profit mental health organizations.
Advocates say they hope the referen dum will help turn the tide in the way the city addresses mental health.
“We definitely do see some opposition. Of course, some people don’t hear out the full question or initiative, or are simply like, ‘Oh, I’m not mentally ill, so I don’t re ally need that,’” Allan said. “Some people are also hesitant regarding the funding, but the answer is that there’s actually already money available from the state, and the city just needs to apply for a grant. But inevita bly, there may be a taxpayer increase, and people can be nervous about that.”
ment Not Trauma proposal. Additionally, during Allan’s time with STOP, they have heard grievances from police officers themselves, who largely feel unprepared and unqualified to de-escalate mental health
well as how and to whom—based on resident needs, STOP and its coalitions are equal ly invested in supporting the longevity of the existing clinics. On October 27, 2021, STOP—alongside the CCW and the Chica go Budget Coalition—celebrated the City Council’s approval of over $2 million to expand public mental health services: the first reversal of city policy and increase in funding for Chicago’s public mental health in 10 years. The investments were allocated to increase staffing at the public clinics by 72 percent and the hiring of 10 more clini cians, along with five new school outreach positions; these positions were created with the ultimate goal of providing Chica go public school students with more readily available mental health care.
“Quitecrises.afew police officers who we have spoken to have said, ‘Yeah, police of ficers aren’t social workers. I’m not really trained for this,’” Allan said. “At the same time, mental health-related calls take sig nificantly longer to answer than a routine police call, which has police officers calling for change such that calls that genuinely re quire police presence can be prioritized.”
According to a 2015 report by the Treatment Advocacy Center, having a mental illness increases one’s chance of being killed in a police encounter 16-fold. The report urges lawmakers to restore the public mental health system, arguing that this will prevent mental health crises from
CONTINUED FROM PG. 16 Caption Do great things! We’re with you.

“Insaid.terms of the topic of police re sponse, we’ve gotten some people who are generally supportive about opening up the closed mental health clinics but are a little bit more on the fence about the non-police crisis response because they would prefer to have a police officer on the scene,” Allan said. They added that, anecdotally, many voters confuse the Coalition’s efforts with the mayor’s—and assume that the proposal is already in place.
Critics also point to the accessibility issues of private rather than public ser vices. The CCW’s 2021 Citywide Mental Health Needs Survey, which surveyed 378 residents across Chicago representing 45 of Chicago’s 50 wards between August 2020 to March 2021, found that two-thirds of respondents reported cost as a barrier to mental health services.
While the EMHSPs are a productive and powerful tool, promoting ownership and autonomy to communities regarding just exactly what services are provided—as
with professional crisis counselors and EMTs during active mental health crisis situations. According to Lightfoot, the pro posal was prompted by the need for crisis responses to be delegated to professionals beyond the police, ensuring that mental health-related calls do not take time away from crises that would most benefit from the police’s presence.
Today, while community members are on board with continuing further invest ment in mental health, shifting away from police response has been a harder sell, Al lan
However, the CCW openly rejected Lightfoot’s push for the co-responder mod
Lightfoot has made massive invest ments in mental health, capped by an $8 million appropriation in 2020. But the mayor’s strategy of funding private non profits, rather than reopen closed public mental health centers, has garnered crit icism from progressive alderpeople. 33rd Ward Alderman Rossana Rodriguez San chez has argued that the resulting care from private nonprofits will not be high quality, and that more investment is need ed in the Chicago Department of Public Health.“We continue to fight for the care we all deserve,” Rodriguez Sanchez told WTTW of the 2020 plan. “For the jobs that clini cians deserve. This neoliberal model ain’t it.”
“According to the CCW, police involvement is one piece of the problems facing Chicago’s victims of mental health crises.”
In tandem with these improvements to our print services, The Maroon has partnered with Student Newspa pers Online (SNO) to host our new website. While The Maroon was previously hosted on a site built by Euirim Choi (A.B. ’19), we decid
and decreasing appetite for print. We have used various print schedules throughout our history, starting as a weekly publi cation in 1892, then pivoting to daily in 1902, then back to weekly during World War II. Print has always been a part of our mission. Recently, The Maroon re-eval uated the state of our readership. Much to our surprise, our print readership re mains strong, with 60 percent of print issues picked up consistently.
In response to the changing needs of readers and the community, The Maroon has revised its print schedule and updated its digital services. come
Based on this continued demand for print and digital content, we are revising our bilateral publishing approach. Start ing this fall, The Maroon will publish print issues every other week instead of every week. Additionally, The Maroon, as of August 18, 2022, added thechicago to its Domain Name System (DNS) and launched a mobile app on Col lege News ReducingSource.ourprint frequency will al low The Maroon to invest fully in a dig ital-first approach. We believe that print no longer serves as the medium through which people receive breaking news. Even with weekly printing, our readers already knew about major news from the website days before it appeared in print. Thus,
Letter From the Editors
We are incredibly excited about what the future holds for The Maroon, its staffers, and its readers.
GageBest, Gramlick, editor-in-chief Yiwen Lu, managing editor
Additionally, SNO allows readers to access Maroon content through the Col lege News Source app, available on both the Apple App Store and Google Play. Through the app, readers can access all published articles, videos, and podcasts; follow their favorite writers; and receive push notifications for breaking news.

print will now focus on providing longform reporting. Readers can expect to find articles that enrich their understanding of relevant news, long-form stories that dive into complex issues, opinion pieces that challenge perspectives, arts pieces that showcase amazing work by students and community members, sports pieces that report the latest on UChicago and Chicagoland athletes, and crosswords that challenge and captivate. Print will be a place for depth, reflection, and en tertainment.Inorderto optimize our readers’ print experience, we have updated and expand ed our distribution route. Readers will soon be able to find a map of Maroon newsstands online and on various post ers throughout Hyde Park.
In 2019, The Maroon shifted its printing schedule from a twice-a-week print schedule to weekly in order to adapt to the increasing appetite for digital news
It’s no secret that the news industry is at a crossroads. For more than two de cades, newspapers have struggled to adapt to the internet and to strike a balance be tween print and digital. The opportuni ties and challenges presented by digital news coverage—along with a cacophony of other pressures—have challenged local newsrooms, with 2,500 newspapers shut ting down since 2005—a rate that seems unlikely to slow.
The best is yet to
Bella Hayes! We love you! Mom, Dad, Lola and Luke Downloa D the M aroon ’ s new app! scan for our linktree

As young journalists, we know the importance of strong local newspapers. We see daily the irreplaceable role that on-the-ground, community-based jour nalism plays in local politics, civic engage ment, and social justice. Luckily, The Ma roon has avoided much of the heartache other newsrooms have faced over the last two decades. As an editorially and finan cially independent, student-run newspa per, we were fortunate to have access to fantastic advisors who helped us get on line in 1997. Since then, we’ve maintained a strong print and virtual presence.
ed to migrate to SNO in order to expand our digital presence. Readers can now lis ten to podcasts directly in their browsers and play games on the website itself, along with many other features.
19 Alex Hope you have a great year as you continue to challenge yourself and follow your Chnistian,Mom,Love,dreams.Dad,Grandma,andZippo!

Liv, Wishing you all the best as you embark on this next exciting phase... You got this!

Love you so much!
Mom, Dad and Fabian
Alexander, you are going to rock these next few years in Chitown! Stay focused on your goals and don’t let temporary distractions sway you from your destiny! Your future looks so bright!

All our love, Mum, Dad and Becky x
Congratulations Adan, we are so proud of you! Believe in yourself, you got this! You deserve every bit of your success.
Wishing Catherine Redmayne the very best of luck as she begins her studies at the University of Chicago



Lots of Love Always, Mom, Dad, Meghan, Grant, Teddy & Sebastian

case up on my desk. I sometimes wonder if I’m overly sentimental—I still have a lot left ahead of me, but this piece of paper reminds me of what I’ve been through in the past few years. I’ve struggled, but the short time I’ve been in Chicago and the University has irrevocably changedMaybeme.most
A departing graduate student reflects on their time at the University and advises incoming first-years beginning their time here.

It’s been two months in Col orado. In my time here, I’ve seen some of the most beautiful sights of my life here: the Milky Way, the Rockies, rivers, and the views of a lifetime…but somehow, I still find myself reminiscing about the shores of Lake Michigan that kept me sane. Maybe the air is thinner up here, but I think I have a great er perspective on what this degree, this school, what it all means to me.
obviously, I know more about physics than I did be fore. In our field, imposter syn drome runs rampant. I don’t think I’ve ever talked to someone who feels confident about where they’re
When You Leave Chicago
will take you. In those first years, there were times I felt lost. I’d sit and read old students’ theses for a literature review, unable to imag ine how I’d ever write my own. There were days when my only comfort was sitting by the lake. I hold the Lakefront Trail very dear to me—it’s one of my favorite plac es. Along the 19-mile stretch of the trail, jagged and ugly cinder blocks jut out into the water. But when you sit on top of one on a clear day, you can see the entire city skyline. The lake stretches out as far as the eye can see. With the city at my back, I’d sit and imagine the lake to be a boundless ocean, like I was at the edge of the world. On the days I felt the worst, I loved to go to the lake the most. Those days are not long gone, but I thank God things have gotten better. Still, I felt a lin gering undercurrent of sadness to life in Chicago. In those last weeks, friends graduated and moved out of Chicago, and we agreed on one thing: we were looking forward to a change of scenery.
backpack. I slept fitfully that night, dreaming of better times ahead.
I’ve propped the little diploma
On one of those last Saturdays, I returned from a walk around campus to pick up a package. As soon as I got it, I rushed upstairs to tear it open. Inside was some thing I’d been looking forward to for years—my master’s degree. In all caps my full name is written: George Maged William Iskander. Maged is my dad; William was my grandfather. With all three of us on my diploma, I felt happy: a fitting milestone to mark the end of one era in my life and the start of an other that loomed close. The day before the move, I packed my bags and stuffed the diploma into my
at in the field. Sadly, it’s a common trend in physics and the sciences as a whole. Even the most hardwork ing people I know, the people I look up to and admire, tell me they think they could be doing more. To a point, you can never stop learning or becoming a better researcher. But when I stop and think about how much I know now relative to where I started, I see more clearly my growth. I could barely read a research paper when I started, and now I can claim several papers as
In July, I left Chicago to spend the summer in Colorado doing research for my Ph.D. During my last few weeks in the city, I spent my time floating in the fleeting weirdness, the liminality, of sitting in a place and knowing that you’ll be leaving it soon, reflecting on the past and wondering what my fu ture would bring. For my degree, all that’s left is my dissertation. To that end, it looks like the next however-many years will be split between Chicago and Colorado. Who doesn’t look forward to some thing new? I knew I’d miss what I have here. This city feels like home. I’ve found people after my own heart: people with the same music taste, friends who’ve encouraged me to do what I love, and a lovely Egyptian and Arab community. My adviser, my group, my cohort—I couldn’t think of a bad thing to say if I tried.Inspite of all the love I have, the past two years have been the most difficult in my life. I moved to Chicago in the middle of 2020, started grad school not knowing anyone, and felt without purpose. People will tell you countless times before you start a Ph.D. to “know what you’re getting yourself into,” that it will be a hard experience, but I’ve been hardheaded for as long as I can remember, and I didn’t think I’d struggle or feel deterred. But imagining yourself doing something is different than doing it. Doing a Ph.D. comes with a lot of uncertainty, like how long it will take or where your career
Embrace the challenge, and you may find in due time you’ll miss not only it, but the city that came with it.
minded, too socially awkward, even too obviously queer, and I was certain it showed on my face. But that night, with carpe fraterni tatem echoing in my ears, I stood by my friend with the confidence of someone who was certain that they belonged there. And they let me in.
That night lives in my mem ory as a blindingly bright spot of my life—I danced, I laughed, I made new friends, and I even kissed a pretty girl. It was every thing I didn’t get out of my first frat in autumn quarter, and it was incredible. Just by deciding that I was going to have a good time and committing myself to the experi ence fully, I completely changed the nature of the night.
Take advantage of new opportunities with confidence, openness, and a little dash of carpe fraternitatem.
was going to go to a frat party. To my surprise, I managed to achieve this goal in O-Week, when I met two girls at MSI night who lived in my building and who, in the truly magical spirit of O-Week, invited me to go with them to Phi Gamma Delta, or “Fiji.” I hated every second of it. The music was too loud, everyone was drunk and boisterous, and I stayed for an hour, stone-cold sober, before I let one of the girls know that I was walking back to the dorm to shower and go to bed. I was proud of myself for giving it a shot, but I decided that ultimately, frat parties were not my scene.
Here’s the thing about carpe fraternitatem—it’s not really about the frat party. In my mission to
but there’s a reason the mascot is a phoenix—as parts of you change, you have the power to mold them into what you want to be. In my past two years, I’ve learned that our greatest ability is our capacity to grow around what presses down and oppresses us. The quarter sys tem, exams, homework, grades, it can be overwhelming. I don’t think anybody relishes deadlines and staying up until 2 a.m. doing work. With so little time to slow down and reflect, it may feel like you’re going nowhere at all, academically or personally, because you’re just going through the motions, maybe even just doing the bare minimum. But I guarantee you are growing, even if you don’t see it. So, meet the
I asked a close friend if she wouldn’t mind taking me with her the next time she went out to the frats, and one fateful night in win ter quarter, she told me she was go ing with a group to Alpha Delt. That night, I blocked out two hours to pick an outfit, do my makeup, and
my own. Why doubt myself when I see how much I’ve studied, learned, and mastered? That’s been obvious the entire time; it just took way too long for me to realize it. I should have had this attitude in mind the whole time. If I’d approached each quarter thinking, “I can’t wait to see where I’ll be in three months’ time,” I think I’d have welcomed the difficulty much more easily.
At the entrance of almost any frat party, there’s usually some frat guy outside the door who for what ever reason has to make it difficult for you to get in. This was the big gest reason I hadn’t tried going out to a frat party again after O-Week— after the disaster at Fiji, I didn’t feel like I was the kind of person who was allowed to go to frat parties. I thought I was too academically
Carpe Fraternitatem: Seize the Frat Party
Here’s my advice to you, the incoming first-years: Chicago, this University—your time here won’t be easy. Probably a lot of the time it will not be. Fun comes to die here,
Despite my convictions, though, I began to suspect that I hadn’t quite gotten the proper “frat experience.” In the next few weeks, I met dozens of other first-years
I love Chicago. I’m enjoying my time in Colorado, but I know on the drive back, once I take that exit to Lake Shore Drive, I’m going to grin the entire way back.
Euphoria and Booksmart. At the time, I attributed this to the fact that I went to a Nerd School, but by the time graduation rolled around, I had to admit to myself: these par ties were happening, and for what ever reason, I was never invited. I wasn’t even hearing about them. So, in a move right out of a com ing-of-age movie, I made myself a promise: When I got to college, I
George Iskander is a graduate student in the Physical Sciences Di vision.
“You’ll miss not only it, but the city that came with it.”
and soon realized that, while frats may not be for everyone, those who actually wanted to go usually had a good time. And I wanted to go. Be side wanting to venture outside of the box I had created for myself in high school, I wanted to taste that feeling of confidence and freedom that my peers seemed to find at frat parties. So, in another attempt at creating a classic college experi ence, I decided that, come winter quarter, I was going to try another frat party—and this time, I was go ing to do it right.
in complete silence with strang ers. I love going to Café 53 and chatting with the owner in Arabic. I’ve grown to cherish the friends I’ve made and to try to find new ones wherever I go. Having seen life with and without community, I’ve seen how much that love can change your life. Leaving Chicago, I saw that all in stark clarity.
make a game plan, which I retroac tively named Carpe Fraternitatem: Seize the Frat Party. The best way to figure out if frat parties were really for me, I determined, was to ensure that I immersed myself in a pure, classic frat experience. And to do that, I would follow my friend’s lead, stand with confi dence, and say “yes” to anything that didn’t immediately make me nauseous with terror.
challenge with open arms because when you do get to catch a break, you’ll be surprised looking back and seeing who you were then… and who you are now. Be intention al with burgeoning friendships, and seek community in every nook and cranny. And maybe make a lit tle time to go to the lake.
But this degree has done more than teach more about physics, and it represents more than just the classes I took. It brought me to Chicago, and beyond the halls of the Department of Physics, this city has left an impact on who I am. Many times in my life, I never
had to think about making a com munity. Being born in the heart of the Egyptian diaspora (Jersey City represent!), that came with the package. Everyone knew each other, and everyone was friends with my family. I didn’t go to col lege too far from home, so even during my undergrad experience, I didn’t have to think about meet ing and forming connections with people. When I came to Chica go, I had to find that community instead of taking it for granted. Putting yourself out there, being intentional with friends…that was new. Community can be in almost every place you look, and it can be so beautifully simple: I love going to Doc Films and watching a film
I did not go to a single party in high school. I’m not talking about birthday parties, Hallow een parties, or group hangouts, of course. I’m talking about the Hollywood-style, alcohol-lad en, drug-riddled, bass-blasting, head-pounding, thishow-are-your-parents-okay-with-Jesus-Christ-ragersfeaturedinthelikesof
students survive—and, eventually, thrive!—at UChicago. For this col umn, I’ve also reached out to—and compiled advice oftionstieslow-income-identifyingfrom—UChicago’scommunioncampussothatthesuggessharedaren’tsolelyreflectivemyownexperience.
After spending a summer in terning in and exploring Chicago, I’m mortified by how little I used my ArtsPass during my first year. While you’ve probably heard about
congratulations on embarking on your own version of a centu ries-old epic: journeying through the twists and turns of your first year at WhileUChicago.Icertainly hope you ha ven’t been held captive by a lonely nymph for seven years prior to stepping foot on campus (though I’m sure many of us would liken high school to Ogygia…), nor would describe yourself as a war-dis placed hero presumed dead by those who love you, you may still be curious to know what the voy age ahead holds. Is arriving at UChicago the end of your quest or
BOOK I: The Practical Things
familiarize themselves with the heavily discounted personal and professional development oppor tunities UChicago offers all stu dents. Odysseus, after all, would’ve likely never made it home to Itha ca were it not for his galley and his crew; acquainting yourself with the resources UChicago offers its students might better equip you to navigate your own odyssey.
Tell me, O Phoenix, of the stu dent of many devices, who wandered full many ways after they had sacked the sacred citadel of the Common Application. Many were the univer sities whose campuses they saw and whose essay prompts they learned, aye, and many the woes they suf fered in their heart upon the wait leading up to Decision Day, seeking to win their own spot in UChicago’s newest class and the return of their sanity.
the beginning of another? Do you have to fight a band of suitors and reinstate your rightful place as rul er of Ithaca to get a date? (Spoiler: no bloodshed, but it can definitely feel that difficult.) Did you even read The Odyssey in high school?
breaks, starting new courses, Ca reer Advancement events, and even office hours with professors. College can be seen as, for all in tents and purposes, one giant frat party, with all the ups and downs that come with it. There will be times when you’re on top of the world (or the table) living your best life, and there will be times when you’re crying in the bathroom. But at the end of the night, the most important thing will be whether or not you enjoyed yourself and did what made you happy. So seize that frat party and seize the innu merable opportunities that will come with entering college. The only thing that truly matters is that your college experience is one that you can be proud of. Are you real ly going to let the frat guy outside the door stop you from making the most of it?
fulfill what I thought was the ideal college experience, I gained some thing much more valuable: an at titude that I could and still use as my guiding principle for college life. Carpe fraternitatem is about knowing what you want and going for it. It’s about deciding that you deserve to be in a space and mov ing with the confidence that comes with that realization. It’s about grabbing new experiences by the horns, about seizing opportunities, because when it comes down to it, life is all that we have, and I’d rath er spend mine trying new things I might end up hating than wonder ing what could have been.
I’ve been to several frats since that night at Alpha Delt (including Fiji again!), and I can confirm that carpe fraternitatem wasn’t just a one-hit wonder—getting into that say-yes, have-fun, I-belong-here mindset makes a massive differ ence in my enjoyment of both frat parties and other events—coffee
“Carpe fraternitatem is about knowing what you want and going for it.”

As incoming Odyssey Scholars and FGLI students embark on their journey at UChicago, a lowincome student offers advice, guidance, and a few choice words of wisdom. Welcome Home(r)
Katherine Weaver is a sec ond-year in the College
Odyssey Scholars and low-in come-identifying students alike,
Before diving into heavier topics pertaining to income, dis cussions of wealth on campus, and the idea of “taking up space,” I would strongly encourage both FGLI and non-FGLI students to
As a low-income Odyssey Scholar at UChicago, I’ve faced my fair share of shark-toothed Scyllas and thrashing Charybdises. While I wrote an entirely separate col umn on my own experience as a FGLI first-year last spring, I’ve found a lot of joy in “paying it for ward” and helping the next class of high-achieving low-income
In a sense, this topic was really the inciting topic that inspired me to write this column and is most likely one of the more nerve-wrack ing stressors for incoming FGLI students. Given how viscerally uncomfortable people generally are when talking about money, you may find some solace in me saying that I’ve never personally been vic timized, or even been given one of those looks, for being a low-income student. Rest assured, we’re pretty
hardly unfounded. My first year of college, mired as it was in the throes of the pandemic, was also the worst academic performance of my life. I limped through near ly all of my classes, quarter after quarter, and the learning curve that promises to even out never did. I switched majors, from bi ology to biochemistry, and then dramatically to economics, but
When your friends are on their third Insomnia Cookies run of the week, you’ll feel it. When your friends are seconds away from calling the next Lyft or Uber down town, you’ll feel it. When you hear some jokes, you’ll feel it, either as a lump in your throat or as a punch to the gut. But, in the interest of being optimistic, it doesn’t have to; chief ly, you don’t owe anyone an expla nation of your finances. As much as I love that one-stall bathroom in Harper, I don’t ask my wealthier friends to cover my coffee, so you shouldn’t feel obligated to explain why you can or cannot spend mon ey on certain things.
On the more professional side of things, get familiar with the Career Advancement website. Specialized career cohorts, weeklong career treks, and the Odyssey Summer Match Program are just a handful of ways UChicago is com mitted to helping students of any background achieve their profes sional goals. That said, you need to stay on top of deadlines, and I would advise you all not to wait for your advisors to tell you when things are due—the initiative is rightfully on you! Career Advance ment’s programming is as helpful as you let it be; the more you put in,
“Do not push yourself to prove ‘your place’ on this campus to make-believe men behind the curtain, or to real-life, in-your-face peers whose envy and jealousy will demand you jump through hoops and obstacle courses of their own design.”
past Disney Channel-esque bully ing over what clothes you can or cannot wear, where your parents do or do not work, and so on.
this perk as a small aside in an ad missions session from days past, having free and discounted admis sion to arts and culture exhibi tions, performances, and events is something nobody should pass up. Ranging from the on-campus Smart Museum and Court Theater to the countless museums, orches tras, and studios across Hyde Park and Chicago, your ArtsPass is sim ply a great way to escape the books.
While there is a time for mak ing speeches and a time for going to bed (or, honestly, a time for stay
However, the most jarring se ries of encounters I experienced were those in which income man ifests in casual, implicit conver sation and socialization alike. It’s important for me to emphasize that the problem isn’t unique to UChicago by any means—you can find a plethora of columns on this single topic from the newspapers of campuses across the nation—but, for low-income folks, familiarity really does breed contempt regard ing this issue. Your socioeconomic background will impact your abili ty toButsocialize.towhat extent? I guess the best way to illustrate it is by way of example. Every time I have a con versation with my family about being first-generation medicine, I think back to when a peer in Advanced Biology turned to me, shrugged, and said, “This P-set isn’t too bad—I have 26 doctors in my family, so I can always call
As it turns out, this fear was
Picture me, around this time two years ago. I am freshly 18 and naively tender-hearted, facing an unthinkable open road of indepen dence, distance, and expectation. The start of college represents the beginning of my uncertain future, and I, unable to really cope with all that this entails, sit among my un
BOOK III: On Being Nobody
Squashed amid every single piece of clothing I have owned that I now must pour into two suitcases of new life—away from the house I grew up in, away from the only town I have ever truly known—this
idea of change, of reaching the fi nal point of childhood, is almost too much to bear. At the core of my anxiety is a vibrant and bitter fear that I will squander this grand opportunity that has been placed in front of me, that the University of Chicago will chew me up and spit me out, and I will have nothing to show for it.
even now, my scores are hardly anything to write home about. The math is hard, the concepts do not immediately elucidate themselves to me, and I still feel woefully out matched by my peers.
Incoming students to UChicago should keep in mind that the only way out is through.
BOOK II: How Income Emerges on Campus
What has changed, though, is my interest level. Suddenly, the squeamishness at dissections and the fogginess at quantum
Pride and Persistence
ing up to work on that problem set you put off until the last minute), it’s important to understand that you can simultaneously be proud of your FGLI identity and be under no obligation to serve as the spokes person or mascot of all low-income students. Do not push yourself to prove “your place” on this campus to make-believe men behind the curtain, or to real-life, in-your-face peers whose envy and jealousy will demand you jump through hoops and obstacle courses of their own design.You were not welcomed to UChicago because you are a low-in comeYoustudent.werewelcomed to UChi cago because you had to work any where from twice to ten times as hard as the next person to achieve, to earn, and to create yourself in order to get here. You are meant, more than anyone else, to be here. You are not Nobody. You are a UChicago student. Welcome home, and kalí týchi (good luck)!
(Psst. Finally, some RSOs start holding meetings week two and more often than not have free food and merch for all attendees.)
the more you get out. I was a part of the Us in STEM Cohort my first year and was matched to my cur rent lab through the Odyssey Sum mer Match Program; both of these opportunities helped me land my upcoming research position with Snap Inc. There’s also free resume drop and cover letter drop services alike, for those just starting out!
them.”Every time I’m getting to know a new person, be it in class or at an RSO meeting or at a party, I think back to when a friend told me their parents sent them to UChicago to “have rich friends.”
packed bags and watch Lady Bird When the main character stands in her new college city and calls her mother, the camera zooms in close on her face, and I start crying.
For me, switching from biology to economics proffered the right fit. It was my discovery moment, my opportunity to separate who I wanted to be from who I thought I was. In sticking by economics, even when my grades and spirits dipped lower than ever before, I truly and firmly cemented a direction for
I attend more office hours, I join study groups, I give myself grace. Through the rest of my first year, through second year into now, I stumble, I get back up, I tack on new things to my course planner, and I learn to accept failure as not a stop sign, but a bump in the road.
while I would agree that these are important comforts, I’m not certain they are always con structive. Of course, it is okay to be unsure about the exact course and direction you want your life to take—fundamentally, college is a period of discovery—but I encour age you not to dismiss the years of experience you have with yourself.
In other words, I want you, the fresh-faced first-year that you are, to not be so wary of your own po tential for failure, to understand that the circumstances, course ma terial, and assignments being more difficult than before is not indica tive of your inability to eventually master it. A part of that oft-touted “time to grow and learn” is derived from struggling through difficulty. To learn what you really enjoy, you have to be willing to separate the actual experience from your fear of misfiring. It is absolutely a nat ural thing to be unsure of yourself and where you stand, unsure of how you will make use of what you have been given and what you have earned, but it is vital that you do make use of it.
In many ways, this experience marks what is to be expected from college entrants. You will change your major, you will investigate what you are meant to do, you will be amazed and astonished at the direction your life takes. Hardly ever in these assurances are you told that, even after finding the pieces of your pursuit, you may still struggle to gather solid footing. When—not if—that happens, I urge you, perhaps feeling just as fright ened and intimidated and keen as I was then, to keep at it. Although it is disheartening to fall short of where you feel you should be, in
Even at the very start of your higher academic career, it is very easy to worry about who you will be in three years’ time. Will you be proud, successful, and accom plished, or a fourth-year think ing dreadfully that you are stuck with the mistakes you made at age 18? Will you have risen above the storm of insecurity and fear, or will it pursue you through and beyond Hyde Park? It is paralyz ing to realize that this entry into the “real world” has such massive stakes when weeks ago, high school administrators dictated the length and frequency of your bathroom breaks. Understandably, then, the most obvious and common advice given to new college entrants is to slow down, to be cautious, to con vince yourself that it is not imme diately necessary to know exactly who and what you are meant to be. At the very least, these words give you breathing room and time to
myself. To uncover that takes ded ication to what you have already accomplished to attend UChica go, and strength in your belief that you will know when a path is not right for you. Above all, it requires a faith in yourself to survive even the worst of Attendingupsets.the University of Chicago is as enormous a respon sibility as it is a privilege. You are here because you demonstrated a passion for thinking brilliantly— outside, around, and over the box. You are here because you care, not only to succeed, but to learn as you do. In service to that mission, the expiration of your perfectionism is a necessary casualty. To do your self justice, you must see the plans for your one wild and beautiful life through, despite what monsters— and horrible P-sets—threaten to get you down.
I’m surrounded by the realities of my friends, who’ve attended elite private schools domestical ly and internationally. Some of their parents may manage cor porations that exploit people all over the world. Their parents are professors, doctors, law yers from schools like UChica go, Georgetown, and Harvard, with accolades that I can’t fath om. As a result, my friends ex perience intellectual insecurity,
We all occupy this space, which is infamous for a certain intellectual prowess that ele vates our reputation amongst other elite institutions. People never assume that my parents donated a building, or that I’m rich. I was chosen by UChicago because I’m intelligent. That’s the underlying assumption, yet I don’t think it’s entirely accurate.
frustration, possessing little confidence in my essays. Then, that fateful day, I was greeted with the satisfying culmination of that hard work. My father and I jumped in each other’s arms, screaming and crying, followed by our proud, quiet embrace. But I wasn’t prepared to confront my intellectual inferiority at the time. The adrenaline eventual ly died down, and I was forced to reckon with the weight of
Annie Dhal is a third-year in the College.
mechanics have been replaced with questions about Euler. It still doesn’t come easy to me, but for the first time, I care truly and deeply enough to work past that.
If you have a love for biology or economics or English, nurture it. Take the classes that sound inter esting to you, that feed your pas sions and strike your fancy. Then, even more importantly, stick by them. It is too easy to extrapolate struggling in a class in a subject that used to come easy to you as a failure or a sign that you should move on. It is too easy to let expec tation make a body of us, skin and bones and the weight of everything you should be doing. However, if college is to be the launching pad for your future, you need to be will
the intelligence associated with UChicago’s reputation.
coming college students should keep in mind that persistence is just as vital as inquiry when searching for where they really belong, academically or otherwise.
On a sluggish afternoon in February of 2021, I groggily emerged from my nap to find that my UChicago admissions decision had arrived. I want ed to sleep past the inevitable rejection, but as it turns out, I didn’t need to. I spent so many hours alone in my room, scram bling through the FAFSA and CSS. I cried many nights from
For every inch that college is a new start, it is also an opportunity for you to build on what you have al ready developed.
Instead of crumbling under the expectations of our self-proclaimed nerd stereotype, we need to prioritize authenticity in our relationships in order to confront these expectations of intelligence. Confronting Intellectual Inferiority (or Superiority)
For every inch that college is a new start, it is also an opportunity for you to build on what you have already developed.
ing to be let down, even by yourself.
especially as they’re forced to follow the footsteps of these ac complishments. They’re just as surprised when confronted with the presence of someone like me. This revelation mounts onto the laughable turmoil I have with myself: I never considered my self intelligent. I definitely never thought I was intelligent enough to fit in with the reputation of other UChicago admittees.
Onefor.look at your skin, your struggles, your clothes, and people automatically lump stu
“I’ve come to realize that my insecurity was a shared experience amongst my friends with simi lar struggles in poverty and racially segregated communities.”
Maybe you’ll experience the same confrontation with your intelligence as I did. The only difference is that I imagine you don’t feel like the smartest per son in a room anymore. In Sosc class, you’ll realize that your teachers are less than impressed with your attempts to disman tle Rousseau’s views on the so cial contract. You can’t suggest a single counterpoint to discredit an argument. But maybe you occupy a similar space as I do. I was already struggling with my intelligence when I came to cam pus, overwhelmed with societal conceptions of my potential on the basis of my background.
On the Filipina side, my Lola was a seasoned street vendor in Long Beach, California. Now, she’s re tired and helps my aunt sell fake luxury brand items. We lived paycheck-to-paycheck, below poverty, through homelessness, trudging through the stigma as sociated with refugees and our way of life.
Danielle Lopez is a sec ond-year in the College.
I fulfill the stereotype of the “inner-city kid” almost too neatly. When I missed school, my teachers assumed I was just being lazy. People never real ized that I was living in some stranger’s house that was an hour away from our school, taking care of my special-needs sister. They never realized that I was waking up at 3 a.m. every morning, packing our neces sities, then preparing to take the long drive between differ ent homes. I didn’t always take Honors classes—I had to repeat regular Algebra multiple times. It became normal for people to ask, “Is your family illegal?” or “Do they even speak English?” I think the most hurtful comment came in high school, from some one who took care of me and my sister. “Oh, great. She has a boy friend now. She’s going to end up pregnant at 16, on welfare, and my tax money goes to hundreds of teenagers just like her!”
It’s flattering to be elevated to such a level. However, the dag ger of internalized insecurity dug itself deeper the more I felt like my intelligence was a mask.
dents like me into categories, dismissed as just lazy or stu pid. People didn’t take the time to understand who I was. I felt confined by labels thrown onto me over the years: Glass Child, Low-Income, independentownrace,(class,conditionsies.learnthisortelligence,fulfillingaroundtheple?happenintellectualingfootthattheingsmartestWemoney,nessalymanygiveintellectualinstitutiontheoverthisandunderstandingseemsindividualareotypes.underplifyratherambitionsanjustPOC,Indigenous-Asian,First-Generation,MixedBIandTwo-Spirit.Iwould’vepreferredifsomeonetookinterestinmyindividualandlifeexperiences,thanattempttooversimadiversityofexperiencesadditionalprecarioussteIlearnedthathavinggenuineinterestinsomeone’scharacteralwaystoholdmoreweightintheirpassionintelligence,ratherthanpursuitofidentitypoliticsone’scircumstances.Atsametime,welooktoourastheshiningstarofinquiry,thoughwelittlecharitytotheideathatstudentsmightnotactualbethatintelligent.Rather,it’scombinationoffortunatebusiconnections,abundanceofpersonalidentity,etc.prideourselvesonbeingthewithoutgivingafightchanceforthemajorityofpopulation.AmIimplyingit’seasierforthosewithainthedoor?Sure.AmItrytodiminishyourfeelingsofinferiorityifyoudotobeoneofthosepeoNotnecessarily.Self-awareness,alongwithimmersionofperspectivesyou,helpsdevelopaviewofyourowninwhetherpersonallyprofessionally.WeexerciseabilityasweconverseandfromoutsideourboundarYoucanexamineimportantofyourupbringinglivingsituation,wealth,etc.)todetermineyourviewofintelligencethatisfromschooland
Now, imagine my confusion when those remarks changed over the span of a week, “You were accepted to UChicago?! You must be really smart!”
societal expectations. Our up bringings play a substantial role in shaping the intellectu al inferiority (or superiority) that we’ve championed over the years, forcing most of us to adopt a mask during intellectual discourse. When that mask be gins to crumble, I imagine many UChicago students experience an immediate fall from what lit tle worth we believed we had at the start. As you anticipate your first year on campus, you’ll wit ness the same breakdowns as I did: students blurting out their intellectual insecurities, crying over a failed exam, or admitting to spurting out hogwash in sem inar.From my own experiences, I think I’m a lot more honest now about the way I view myself in respect to my place at this Uni versity. I have always loved to learn, and the University has only heightened my opportuni ties to continue my education. However, my love for learning has always existed outside of UChicago. It exists within the relationships I’ve prioritized before and during college, even if they’re vastly different from the perspectives I share. My friends in college have a mutual understanding of how UChica go’s identity, so predicated on intellectualism, is harmful. It allows me to truly embrace the people around me for who they are. That’s not to say I glorify my friends, but more often than not, I find that I am no longer confined to the occasional con versation about academics—I am more aware of my need to con nect with people. I can express my personal stakes into the subjects I care about, and I can communicate to people more effectively as to why I organize, why I care, why I came to estab lish my purpose. By being at this school, you’re tasked with these di
lemmas. You’ll be challenged to confront your own views of intelligence with the lofty ex pectations of UChicago’s repu tation. Yet I have no doubt you will find people that can hold passionate, personal conversa tions with you. They might be drastically different from you. I urge you to reflect on the im portance of their character, values, and morals. I hope that you and your friends establish a strong connection between each other that otherwise isn’t present in purely intellectual conversations. You’ll learn to appreciate others, but most im portantly, yourself. Otherwise, I don’t think my self-esteem would reach its current peak. I feel less confined by the weight of stereotypes from my circum stances and even less need to proclaim my intelligence in ev ery situation. I can confidently say who supports and appreci ates me. I know my purpose in life. I carry my experiences with immense gratitude and pride. Most importantly, I still carry my love for learning in all my relationships, learning from the shared vulnerabilities that you never hear in a seminar class. My intelligence involves not just the stimuli I receive from intense theological debates, but also the emotional attributes of my human nature. Both of these qualities don’t need to contra dict with each other, contrary to our expectations as UChicago students.I’dbe more than thankful if my advice helps you along your college journey too. If you ever wanted to talk more on campus, you can always find me around, somewhere.
I grew up in Las Vegas, the product of my Honduran and Filipina family before me. On my Honduran side there’s my Grampu, who works as an Uber driver, and my dad, who is a technician in customer service.
I’ve come to realize that my insecurity was a shared experi ence amongst my friends with similar struggles in poverty and racially segregated com munities. I still received excel lent marks while taking care of my special-needs sister full time, with a half night’s worth of sleep, and an abundance of absences from school. I spent days in my room, isolated from my loved ones, in an effort to focus more on assignments and projects. This was all while I dealt with constant abuse, questioned my worthiness, and watched my peers’ parents give them their wildest dreams—all while I was coping with the ab sence of my own parents. Now, I’m a research intern at the In dian Health Service and U.S. Department of Health. I use data analysis tools and demographic research to further explore the health and social disparities for Indigenous people in Central America. I eventually made it here, despite having to sacrifice more than people will ever give credit
Now, I’ve come to terms with my unique perspective.
0.6$$ miles (10 namesesweetgluten-free.whetheranscallions,toppedtwicerestrictions;menusprovidesteamedducktoruseforcookedwhichBowlI’llmemorableaestheticvorspot,Asian/’suniqueflacombinationsandfunkychoicesmakeforadiningexperience.swearbythePicadilloRiceandAsianPaella,bothoffeatureexcellentslow-meat.Ifyou’relookingsomethingmoreunique,petheir“bacos”(bao+taco)getanythingfromfivespicedtopanangcurrytofuonabaobun.Theyalsowell-roundedmodifiedforpatronswithdietarythetostones—friedgreenplantainswithpineapplesalsa,andmojosauce—areabsolutemustregardlessofyou’reveganand/orWashitdownwithhibiscusteaorrichVietcoffee.
Vegan Pick: B’Gabs Vegan Scratch Kitchen
Dressed to Impress: As cione (20 whatevernerandbooths,thereservationareofsoask,’snewbistroisfancyenoughto“stillorsparkling,”butnothigh-endthattwoforkfulsmeatandasprigofgarnishtreatedlikeameal.Makeatonabseatingonpatioandenjoythevelvetshimmerycandlelight,excellentservice.Fordinguests,thegnoccheria—i.e.,creative,gnocchi-re
1$$mile (20 issatileplacelightramenworthcampus,Stringsstringsramenhydepark.comminutes)isabitfaroutfrombutitisultimatelyitforsomeofthebestinChicago.Withdimanddigitalmenus,theisclassy-adjacent—verinthewayOliveGardenwithoutbeing,y’know, Ol ive Garden . All in all, a great spot for a date or tête-à-tête. You’ll find good appetizers in the gyoza and edamame, and while all the main dishes are solid, the tonkotsu ramen, cat rice sashimi bowl, and hell ra men are respectively favored by most, beloved by some, and famous among masochists. My own favorite, the unagi with egg and rice, is technically a holiday special, but you can get it yearround if you ask nicely; there’s no better reprieve from the Chi cago winters than warm sticky rice or steaming broth. Oh, and if you’ve stopped in and feel like this one might become a go-to, ask for a punch card: 10 visits = one free meal.
A mid-morning trip to Roux Diner is the perfect treat to get you out of bed and ready to greet the day. Wouldn’t hurt your In stagram, either; regulars praise the chic decor and cozy atmo sphere. Step up to the counter and pick from quality brunch options like brisket hash, fried green tomato tartine, and a spin on avocado toast that even boomers can’t scoff at. And if you’ve got a sweet tooth—no judgment here—you’re more than covered. Among a sizable selection of pastries, they serve warm cinnamon rolls dripping with glaze and fluffy beignets doused in powdered sugar. Split one dessert order after a heart ier meal, or just pair the pastry with coffee and enjoy a decid edly sweet morning.
0.5$$ miles (10’sclasses?
Hog Wild: Saucy Porka
A Break from Bartlett’s Breakfast: Roux
1.2$ miles (24 Valoisvaloisrestaurant.comminutes)isafavoriteof none other than Barack Obama—a fact the restaurant’s fans at UChicago and the restaurant itself take justifiable pride in. After all, who’d want to miss the opportunity to sit at “the presidential table” and choose an item off of his list of top picks? But even if you don’t care for a POTUS endorsement, the American comfort food at excellent prices is enough of a draw. Come in for break
fast and enjoy juicy NY steak served with hashbrowns or three French toast heaped with blueberries. Alternatively, join them for lunch and dig into hot turkey with mashed potatoes and gravy or a southwest chick en wrap. With their made-toorder, proud “See Your Food” policy, Valois is greasy, cheap, and fantastic. Bring some bills, though, because they’ve long been cash-only. It’s a bit of a pain, but then again, Obama ; I’m surprised we haven’t made a visit a Core requirement yet.
Because—no matter how much you’ll complain about not having time for it you’re going to need to eat.
Over the past several years, it’s become a bit of an O-Issue tradition to include a list of the very best Hyde Park’s food scene has to offer. (Lamentably, the dining halls never merit in clusion, which makes this list all the more important. Manda tory reading, really, for anyone who eats food at all.) I’ve com piled a couple of restaurants, corner shops, greasy spoons, holes-in-the-wall, and every thing in between—sourced both from a personal list of favorites and other students’ impassioned testimonials—for your gustatory pleasure.
0.2$ miles (3 minutes)
0.6$$ miles (10 itemsblesquare.sitebgabsgoodies-100666.min)B’Gabsisasmallspotnotaforcraftingflavorfulmenuthatare intended to be vegan, rather than off-color im itations of popular food. Their bowls get plenty of praise, as do their smoothies and coldpressed juices. Personally, I’m impressed with the “huevos rancheros,” which subs the “huevos” out for a liberally-sea soned chickpea scramble. The desserts are also markedly healthy, incorporating nuts, dates, and agave; I’ve never felt so good about myself after eating a brownie. Order ahead for quick service, and, if it’s a slow day, stop to chat with the owner—she’s got an easy smile and thorough knowledge of her craft. Note that vegans will also find a wealth of options at Native Foods (casual vegan fare ft. believable plant-based meat substitutes) and The Nile
Uber Convenient: Food Trucks
Nostalgia Americana: Valois
An Epicurean’s Guide to the Windy City
Oodles of Noodles: Strings Ramen
lated inspiration strikes the chef that day—consistently gets stellar reviews, as does the “Fiorentina” steak and the lob ster risotto. Among the many notable sides, grilled octopus stands out; this is an altogeth er great restaurant if your party is craving seafood that’s done right . Also consider stopping by Bonjour Cafe, a French bak ery located in the same plaza, if your dorm’s pantry could use some pastries and a comically large baguette.
I’m convinced mankind’s greatest innovation was putting food on wheels. In case you’re about as observant as I am and managed to miss them, we’ve got food trucks! On weekdays starting 11 a.m., you’ll find six to eight brightly colored vehicles parked on Ellis Avenue between 57th and 59th Streets (right by the UChicago Bookstore). Fol low @uchiNOMgo on Twitter for the specifics of what, when, and where. Among the lot, I’m partial to Aztec Dave’s shrimp tacos and Lunchbox’s Korean BBQ rice box, but it’s hard to go wrong with any of them. These are just the ticket if you want to squeeze lunch into a busy schedule without braving the dining halls or plan to share a meal with some friends on the quad.
0.8$ miles (18 salad,whilelyandpairedupHarold’sentrycomharoldschickendowntown.minutes)Skippedrightoverthatlastwhenyousaw“Vegan”?hasyoucovered.Fillontenders,fish,andshrimpwithanarrayofsaucessides,eachmoredeliciousgreasythanthenext.Butthepizzapuffs,potatoandpopcornshrimpare
It’s Clucking Good: Har old’s Chicken
are spot-on, and the mac and cheese is still well-remembered among UChicago graduates.
The Most Important Meal of the Day: Salonica

(classy dine-in and a well-craft ed Mediterranean menu), among others.
“Valois is a favorite of none other than Barack Obama—a fact the restaurant’s fans at UChicago and the restaurant itself take justifiable pride in.”
0.6$$ mile (10 venueplatters.servingandPark.favoritebreakfasterrant/,Salonicaismy“hiddengem”ofHydeTheatmosphereiscleancomfy,withfriendlystaffupsizablehomestyleI’doptforadifferentifyou’relookingfora
Family-owned Rajun Ca jun has been planted in Hyde Park since 1993, serving up a combination of traditional In dian dishes and Southern soul food. If you don’t know where to start, the Tandoori chick en combo meal offers a good sampler of north Indian foods, including heavenly samosas. There’s plenty to try, so don’t be afraid to broaden your hori zons past butter chicken. There is also a wealth of vegetarian options—you can’t go wrong with chana masala curry or alu gobi—and all meat used is halal. And my god, the soul food; the portions of fried chicken are generous, the sweet potatoes
plenty hearty, Harold’s Chick en is ultimately what it says on the tin, and they do it well; I’m reliably informed that the fried chicken wings hold up against that famed Southern scrutiny. There’s also ample praise for Harold’s hot sauce—of which you can purchase a bottle—and the generous portions, should you opt for a bucket. Bring a small army, and don’t forget your student ID for a discount.
The Crossover We Didn’t Know We Needed: Rajun Ca jun
1$ mile (20 rajuncajunhp.comminutes)
burger, but the breakfast menu is excellent; as someone who adores “breakfast for dinner”— and encourages anyone who wrinkles their nose at the idea to please work on their person ality—I went straight for their omelets and wasn’t disappoint ed. Their golden waffles and potatoes were just as hearty and pair well with creamy hot chocolate. While I’m no expert on Greek food, I think the sou vlaki and pastitsio’s “special ty” designation is apt, and the chef seems to genuinely enjoy whipping them up. All in all, absolutely worth a visit; I’d make the trip again just for the fresh-squeezed orange juice.
An unassuming corner diner that specializes in Greek and breakfast food, Salonica is my favorite “hidden gem” of Hyde Park. The atmosphere is clean and comfy, with friendly staff serving up sizable homestyle platters. I’d opt for a different venue if you’re looking for a burger, but the breakfast menu is excellent; as someone who adores “breakfast for dinner”— and encourages anyone who wrinkles their nose at the idea to please work on their person ality—I went straight for their omelets and wasn’t disappoint ed. Their golden waffles and potatoes were just as hearty and pair well with creamy hot chocolate. While I’m no expert on Greek food, I think the sou vlaki and pastitsio’s “specialty” designation is apt, and the chef seems to genuinely enjoy whip ping them up. All in all, abso lutely worth a visit; I’d make the trip again just for the freshsqueezed orange juice.
Jordy, you have grown into such an amazing and beautiful young lady. Words cannot describe how so very proud of you we are! As you go along this journey always remember to keep God first, always do your best, don’t let others discourage you and don’t doubt yourself. While you’re at it remember to take time to enjoy the scenery!

Love mommy, daddy and Jay!


Piping Hot Takes: A Review of UChicago’s Student Cafés (and Some Honorable Mentions)
Every quarter, I spend all of my Ma roon Dollars on tea and coffee. Seriously. I actually switched my dining plan from “Unlimited” to “Phoenix” my second year just to get 50 extra Maroon Dollars to spend at UChicago’s student cafés. (Sidenote: If you’re like me and only really eat two meals from the dining hall every day and would rather have extra meals from Hutch includ ed in your dining plan instead of paying ex tra for them, I highly recommend the Phoe nix Plan—it’s the same price as unlimited. The only downside is that it’s not available to first-years.)Mywacktastical spending habits aside, there’s a reason I put all of my Maroon Dol lars towards student cafés: they’re won derful. A quintessential part of UChicago’s campus experience, student cafés have something for everyone: whether you’re hoping to catch up with some friends over a cup of joe while “working” on a P-set (let’s be honest, nobody really gets anything done on the first floor of the Reg), start your day amongst grad students and a bunch of reli gious art and memorabilia, or unwind after class with a game of pool, an iced chai, and an immaculate selection of music, you can’t really go wrong with any of the cafés on (or off)
Instagram: @realharpercafe
Don’tcampus.know where to start? Here’s my take on the greatest (and not so great) stu dent cafés that UChicago has to offer:
LibraryInstagram: @exlibriscafe
There’s a latte to love about the cafés on and around campus, but a few stand out above the rest.
Harper Café *
Rating: 4/5
* Takes Maroon Dollars.
By NATALIE MANLEY | Head Arts Editor
Cobb Coffee Shop *
Location: Basement of the Divinity SchoolInstagram: @groundsofbeing
the ceiling decor dangling over my head. All that being said, Cobb isn’t all bad. They have a large offering of pre-made meals from lo cal Hyde Park businesses (such as Rajun Cajun and Cedars) thanks to the café’s large food storage area in the corner of the shop, which means they (allegedly) get quite busy around lunch time. They also have a secret menu, which features the “Cobb Mocha” (drip coffee + hot chocolate mix), and oc casionally host events in conjunction with the campus radio station, WHPK. Even if Cobb doesn’t sound like your cup of tea, it’s an unspoken campus rite of passage to wander down there at least once before you graduate.
Grounds of Being
Rating: 4.5/5
Oh Cobb. To be perfectly honest, I went to this self-proclaimed “gas station chic” café once and never again. Let’s just say it was…an experience. As a religious latte drinker, discovering Cobb’s lack of espres so drinks was rather devastating, but after settling on a tea I sat down at one of the gas station-esque cafeteria-style tables and remained the only person in the establish ment (besides the barista) for at least 20 minutes (keep in mind, it was around 10 a.m. on a Tuesday). I tried to get some work done but couldn’t shake the feeling that I was in a dream and kept getting distracted by the film Fantasia (you know, the wizard Mickey Mouse one), which was playing si lently on a VHS tape next to my table, and
I must say, out of all of the student run cafes at UChicago, Harper Café has the safest, coziest vibes. There’s nothing quite like grabbing a latte and a THICK slice of fo caccia before class after chatting it up with
Location: First Floor of the Regenstein
Location: Basement of Cobb Hall
one of the wonderful baristas (who all wear fun hats, by the way). Or perhaps snagging a table or a cozy chair around lunchtime and sipping a cup of tea as the sun streams in from the old Hogwartsy glass windows is more your forte. Or, for all of those night owls out there, maybe you’ll find yourself getting a quick caffeine fix (and free pastries if there are any left over at the end of the night) before heading to meet a core tutor in the Arley D. Cathey Learning Center. Re gardless of what time of day you find your self there, Harper just hits different. It falls one coffee cup short of perfection because it’s sometimes tricky to get a table or a seat and you’re not allowed to bring any food or drinks into the library next door (which is my personal favorite library on campus), but in general you can’t really go wrong with Harper.
I would like to begin by saying I think I dislike Ex Lib more than most. Something about how gray everything is, the complete lack of decor and music, and the way my or der somehow always comes out wrong just doesn’t really do it for me. Then again, the Reg doesn’t really do it for me either (I made it my personal mission last quarter to not set foot in the Reg unless I absolutely had to for a meeting or something… and succeed ed). My personal bias aside, there are many reasons why people love Ex. It’s the perfect place to go “do work” only to end up bump ing into a few friends and accomplishing nothing at all. It’s usually lively and is con veniently located in the center of campus, making it easy to grab a drink in between classes. You’re also bound to have at least one friend that works there (their staff is MASSIVE), so there will always be a friend ly face to wave to behind the counter. And for the more experimental coffee drinkers, Ex’s weekly rotation of new and inventive drinks is also quite fun. If you ever find yourself stuck in the Reg late at night, you can catch a glimpse of the creative process behind these drinks: Ex hosts quarterly Ex After Dark events during which the baris tas invent themed drinks and desserts past midnight.
Rating: 1/5
Rating: 2/5
Instagram: ??? (Like much else about Cobb, it’s a mystery.)
The saying at Grounds is that it’s “Where God Drinks Coffee.” Honestly, they’re probably right. The coffee is SO GOOD. The drip coffee is the cheapest on campus (even cheaper if you bring your own mug), and delicious (I don’t even like drip coffee, so that’s saying something). Their espresso is perfectly strong with earthy undertones and pairs delightfully with oat milk in an iced latte. Everything comes in fun decorated cups. The walls are covered in all sorts of religious art and memora bilia, and somehow there’s always enough space at one of the long tables to find a seat amongst the grad students and professors that frequent the spot. Grounds also opens earlier than the rest of the cafés on campus, which makes it great for early risers like myself (I know, it’s crazy, but I swear we exist). Hungry around lunch time? Grounds
Location: Harper Library, next to the Arley D. Cathey Learning Center
Ex Libris *
Rating: 4.5/5
In addition to UChicago’s on-campus offerings, make sure to check out off-cam pus spots as well. There are plenty of coffee shops all over Hyde Park and Woodlawn, but here are my favorites:
Location: 58th and Woodlawn Rating:
Location: 1323 E. 57th Street
has you covered. Like Cobb, they also offer a wide selection of meals from local Hyde Park restaurants with plenty of vegetarian and vegan options, as well as pastries and bagels (that come with free butter or cream cheese and access to the most glorious toaster on all of campus). Be sure to grab lunch early though, because the pre-made meals tend to sell out before 12:30. And, if you love Grounds as much as I do, you can also become the proud owner of a Grounds of Being mug or T-shirt. The only downside of the place is that it closes around 3 p.m. and doesn’t take card or Maroon Dollars. But honestly, with a sign that says, “In God We Trust, All Others Pay Cash,” I can’t even be mad about it.
Location: Crerar Library, next to the MADD
Location: Campus North Residential CommonsRating:
selection of tea, coffee and matcha, yummy breakfast food and a cute, bright space. It is a little on the pricier side (and doesn’t take Maroon Dollars), but the coffee is definitely worth it at least once in a while. I’m espe cially a fan of the iced oat milk latte on tap. Other on-campus cafés include Café Logan * (3/5), which is located on the ground floor of the Logan Center for the Arts and has decent falafel sandwiches; the Starbucks * in the campus bookstore (2/5), which often burns their coffee beans but has good bagels; and the Starbucks * in Saieh Hall (3/5), which opens extra early on weekdays and offers all of your regular Star bucks fare. You can also get your coffee fix at both Midway Market * (1/5) and Maroon Market * (2/5), located near Bartlett and Cathey Dining Commons, respectively, as well as at the Law School Café * (located in the Law School), Harris Café (located in the Harris School of Public Policy in the Keller Center), Quantum Café * (located in Eckhardt Hall), Gordon Café (located in the Gordon Center for Integrative Science) and Tiffin Café * (located in International House), all of which I have yet to try.
Location: 61st and Blackstone, The Ex perimental Station
Rating: 3.5/5
Location: 63rd and Woodlawn Rating: 4/5
place for CS majors, the coffee and food here is really not spectac ular, but I’ve got to give Peach’s props for being right next to the MADD center. After taking a short certification class, UChicago students can use the 3-D printers, sewing machines, VR sets and other cool gadgets in this space for FREE! I highly recommend checking it out if you’re looking to grab a cup of coffee and pick up a new hobby in the process.
Café 53
“ I went to this self-proclaimed “gas station chic” café once and never again.”
Rating: 4.5/5
Location: 1369 E. 53rd St
A spring and summertime favorite of mine, TrueNorth is open-air in the warmer months and has great iced drinks, smooth ies, and sandwiches. It’s nice to be in the fresh air and do some work while enjoying a hand-made sandwich.
Whew! That was a latte! You now have enough recommendations to go to a differ ent place to get your caffeine fix every day for three weeks. Be sure to follow all of the student cafés on social media, and don’t for get to explore off-campus options as well. Happy caffeinating!
opened its doors in the same space that once housed Dollop on March 29, 2022. The newest addition to UChicago’s coffee scene boasts a premium
Location: First Floor of the Reynolds ClubRating:Reliability3/5
TrueNorth Café
Cafe 53 has the best sandwiches in town (with loads of vegan and vegetarian options) and an awesome selection of organic coffee and tea. The tiny shop may not look like much from the outside, but I can assure you it’s worth the trip to 53rd Street.
lovely French food, and top-notch pastries…what more could you want? Nestled between Frank Lloyd Wright’s famous Robie House and the Seminary Co-op Bookstore, Plein Air is the perfect choice for the lover of espressos and brunch. They also have a great outdoor seating setup that’s delightful in the fall and spring.
Plein Air
Build Coffee
Peach’s at University *
Hallowed Grounds *
It doesn’t get much better than a trip to Build Coffee and the 61st Street Farmers Market on a Saturday morning. Striving to be more than just a coffee shop, Build dou bles as a bookstore and offers a nice selec tion of books, zines, art, and more. They also have a number of tasty sandwiches and salads. If you find yourself there on a Satur day, you could grab ice cream, pastries, or fresh fruits and veggies from the 61st Street Farmers Market next door.
and ready-to-eat meals are the name of the game at Pret. The coffee sucks, but the food is good, and the milk al ternatives are offered at no additional cost, which makes an iced chai with oat milk taste all that much better (if you want good coffee though, you can grab some upstairs at Hallowed). Besides the cost-effective milk alternatives, I think the best part about Pret is that it’s like an old friend—there for you when no one else is. There have been many times I’ve shown up on a Sunday morning because it’s the only place on campus that opens before 9 a.m. on the weekends, or at 8:30 p.m. on a weeknight after realizing I’d forgotten to eat dinner before the dining halls closed. Pret may not be a standout star, but it’s a UChicago staple.
and sandwich items. This vintage-themed gem is the perfect place to grab a drink or bite to eat with a friend on the weekend. Additionally, you can sit and study at one of their many back tables. Robust also attracts plenty of Hyde Park locals, including those who set up some pretty lively chess games in the back room. Think you’ve got what it takes? Stop by and join in to test your skills.
Robust Coffee
Pret A Manger *
Last of the student cafés, but certainly not least, is Hallowed Grounds. Though it’s tied as my favorite coffee shop on campus with Grounds of Being, it has the com plete opposite vibe: Hallowed is open late at night (until 10 or 11 p.m. on most days) and gets progressively more lively and full of pool-playing undergrads as the day goes on. The baristas always have the coolest outfits on and have pretty immaculate music taste (seriously, 90 percent of my Shazam use happens in Hallowed). The iced chai lattes here are top-notch, and playing pool is free (they just hold your student IDs hostage for a bit to make sure you return everything). Hallowed is espe cially cozy in the fall and wintertime and is conveniently located right on top of Hutch, Pret a Manger, and the McCormick Lounge (which is often open for students to use as a study space). You could easily spend all day in the building without having to venture out into the cold for food, coffee, or a quiet spot. As an added bonus, Hallowed hosts all kinds of events throughout the year for different student-run organizations such as Midwave Radio (an online student-run radio/talk show site) and the Organization of Black Students. Like other cafés, Hal lowed falls short of perfection because it’s a bit tricky to grab a table (like I said, people tend to camp out there for the whole day),
Though they’re not student-run (and I tend to frequent them less often than the student cafés), there are a few other coffee spots on campus that deserve a shoutout:
Location: Second Floor of the Reynolds ClubInstagram: @hallowed_grounds
but there are plenty of comfy chairs and benches to sit on as well.
Fairgrounds Craft Coffee and Tea
Rating: 4.5/5
Just a few blocks away from Woodlawn Residential Commons, Robust Coffee of fers the most delicious smoothies in town (I recommend the Sunrise or the Green Machine), as well as large (and well-priced!) cups of coffee and scrumptious breakfast
Publications Uplifting Marginalized Voices
Politics and Policy Publications
Founded in 2012, The Chicago Journal of Foreign Policy aims to provide a forum for students to explore various perspectives and strategies surrounding U.S.-international affairs by publishing articles that discuss “historical, economic, political, and cultur al developments” in foreign nations. The Journal is printed biannually, but content is uploaded regularly online.
among students of all backgrounds.
past several years, the UChicago Careers in Journalism and Creative Writing program has hosted conversations with Michael Klingensmith, CEO and board member of the Star Tribune; journalist Sarah Koenig of Serial; author Samuel Freedman; and poet and journalist Ted Genoways. If interested, you can visit the UChicago Career Advance ment website and sign up for the program’s listhost.
While Exploring Race focuses more on firsthand stories and nonfiction, Blacklight Magazine, a literary and arts publication associated with the University’s Organiza tion of Black Students (OBS), spotlights the work of underrepresented student writers and artists as well as other minority voices in the broader Chicago area.
Economics and Finance Publications
This article has been adapted from a previ ous version published September 2021.
Arts Publications
By NATALIE MANLEY | Head Arts Editor
Additionally, for those interested in jour nalism and writing, the University Office of Career Advancement offers a special pro gram geared toward helping students polish résumés, connect with employers in the in dustry, and find out in advance about intern ship or job opportunities in the field. In the
Perhaps you’re less interested in break ing news and more interested in breaking boundaries and writing creatively. Fortu nately, UChicago has several publications that feature students’ creative essays, sto ries, poetry, and more. Founded in 2007, Sliced Bread Magazine features “a slice of the stuff of life, the crumbs of our meander ing existence”—in other words, visual art, photography, poetry, short fiction, and “all other forms of two-dimensional art.” Issues are published once per quarter, while indi vidual pieces are released regularly online. Any student at the University of Chicago is welcome to submit work with the option of remainingAlternatively,anonymous.UChicago’s Euphony Jour nal is a semiannual student-run literary journal that features the poetry and prose of University students and accomplished outside writers alike. Formal issues are re leased in the winter and spring, while online content is published all year round.
Student publications at the University of Chicago are about as old as the University itself. What began with the creation of The Chicago Maroon in 1892 (the University was founded in 1890) has since ballooned into a long list of both archived and active publications on subjects ranging from mu sic to politics to humor. Though not all great publications last—some honorable mentions from over the years include Whoopsilon (1921), a Delta Upsilon fraternity newsletter; Wild Onions (1974–75), a poetry magazine; and a collection of essays titled Man-hater (1897)—new publications are established every year and are eager for new writers and members. All history aside, whether you are looking for a creative outlet, an op portunity to write academically, or anything in between, here is a categorized list of the active student publications UChicago has to offer this fall.
The Chicago Maroon (what you’re reading right now!) is UChicago’s indepen dent student-run newspaper and oldest pub lication. With articles published online daily and in print every other week, The Maroon is the University’s one-stop shop for on-cam pus and local South Side news, student opeds, long-form feature pieces, arts reviews, and sports updates. Students interested in writing for The Maroon can contribute to any one (or more!) of the newspaper’s five written sections: News, Viewpoints (opin ion pieces), Sports, Arts (the best section, in our humble opinion), and Grey City (its “features” or magazine-like section). Not so keen on writing? The Maroon also has its own production, business, copyediting, photo, video, podcast, and crossword teams.
Exploring Race is an online publication that features personal accounts written by students of color about their experiences as members of marginalized groups on cam pus. In doing so, the publication hopes to shed light on these experiences for those who may not be aware of their existence and promote widespread dialogue about them
If you are interested in focusing solely on politics or policy, The Gate, The Chicago Journal of Foreign Policy, or the Paul Douglas Institute may be more your style.
Although UChicago’s student publica tions are open to all students regardless of their race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and gender identity, certain students’ voices, par ticularly those in traditionally marginalized groups, have been historically underrepre sented. Exploring Race and Blacklight Mag azine are two publications that aim to count er this underrepresentation by providing a media platform for UChicago students who have felt their voices have been overlooked by other publications or who wish to explic itly write about race or racial issues.
Creative Writing Publications
If The Maroon Arts section piqued your interest, you might also want to check out UChicago’s more niche art publications.
The Intercollegiate Finance Journal and Promontory Investment Research are for those who find economics and finance to be more up their alley. Originally launched
Finally, if you somehow miraculously don’t wear clothes or listen to music, you must eat in order to survive; therefore, you might be interested in Bite Bite is a quarterly print culinary magazine and online blog that features recipes, cooking tips, food photog raphy, local and on-campus restaurant re views, student spotlights, and more!
More into music than fashion? Launched in 2021, Firebird Magazine is an online pub lication that features all things music. From interviews to must-listen lists to album re views, Firebird is for anyone with a fiery pas sion for music and an eagerness to write (or podcast) about it.
Finally, Memoryhouse is a student-run literary magazine that features first-person narratives in all forms from University un dergraduates, graduates, faculty, and staff. The only requirement for submissions is that they are written in first-person voice and “present a concrete narrative”; all liter ary genres, as well as art and photography, are welcome. Memoryhouse releases two to three issues per academic year in addition to posting regular content on its website.
The “Write” Way to Get Involved on Campus insider guide to UChicago’s diverse array of student publications
Lastly, though less of a formal publica tion, the Paul Douglas Institute (PDI) is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit student-run think tank that, in addition to offering re search services for outside organizations, publishes student-written policy reports. In order to write for PDI, you must apply to be a researcher in the spring or fall.
Interested in fashion? Recognized in 2013 by Teen Vogue as one of the best college fashion magazines in the country, MODA Magazine is a student-run, student-modeled, student-photographed, and student-written publication within the greater Registered Student Organization (RSO) MODA, which also boasts an online blog and a student-de signed and student-modeled fashion show. Since its recent revamp, MODA Magazine has published one 60–70 page issue each quarter featuring articles and images that explore the world of fashion in a socially conscious and deeply personal way.
Newspaper/Journalism Publications
Like The Maroon, The Gate is an under graduate student-run news publication, al beit one that specifically covers politics and policy on the local, national, and interna tional level. In order to encourage individu als from all corners of the political spectrum to broaden their political knowledge and debate their opinions in an informed man ner, The Gate publishes nonpartisan news articles as well as student-written opinion pieces. In addition, The Gate also runs the Cook County Jail Program, in which UChi cago Students run journalism and creative writing workshops for local detainees.
By ANGÉLIQUE ALEXOS | Head Arts Editor
Other (Uncategorizable) Publications
The locations available to students are vast and range from exhibits and activities on campus all the way to Lincoln Park on the North Side of Chicago. Additionally, the number of exhibits, activities, and events themselves are numerous and cover all types of arts- and culture-related activities happening in Chicago throughout the year. To use your ArtsPass, take your UCID to the
Promontory Investment Research, on the other hand, has a mission “to democra tize knowledge about investment research, to promote an intellectual approach for in vesting, and to equip members with a strong analytical toolkit.” The group publishes eq uity reports once per quarter.
Feel Like a VIP With ArtsPass
No, the title of this article is not an ex aggeration. Once you learn about all the accessible opportunities available through UChicago’s ArtsPass program, you may feel as though you’ve scored a spot on the red carpet and suddenly find yourself booking tickets and preparing for your first of many excursions to explore arts and culture in Chicago.What is the ArtsPass, you may ask? In short, ArtsPass is a program available to UChicago students that provides them ac cess to free and discounted arts and culture events throughout the city through organi zations that have partnered with the Univer sity (listed on the ArtsPass website). All you need is your UCID!
UChicago “quirky” fashion, there are a few publications too unique to categorize:
first in-person play since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic: The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice. He also interviewed Abby Henkin, the production’s assistant director and dramaturg associate, about the develop ment of the production, her role, and how the cast and crew worked on the show during the pandemic. Court also won the 2022 Region al Theatre Tony Award. Heather Hitchens, president and CEO of the American Theatre Wing, and Charlotte St. Martin, president of The Broadway League, said, “[Court’s] dedi cation to fostering local talent, artistry, and theatre within their community and their impact on a national scale makes it a true honor to highlight their work.”
Why don’t we move off campus, where
at Brown University in 2013, The Intercolle giate Finance Journal is now a multi-college publication run by students from Brown University; the University of California; Berkeley; the University of Chicago; and the University of Pennsylvania. The publication features “fun” (for econ people at least) ar ticles meant to educate the undergraduate community in various topics related to eco nomics, business, politics, and finance.
en essays from undergraduates around the world. In addition to student work, UCPR also publishes interviews and lectures that feature famous professors and philosophical thinkers.Looking for something even more “clas sic” than the work of ancient philosophers (if that’s even possible)? Look no further than Animus, an undergraduate journal that publishes what its members consider to be exceptional written work in the field of clas sics. In addition to academic papers, Animus also regularly shares translations, creative works, and visual art in its journal and on its online blog. The publication hopes to help “create a dialogue between traditional and reception-based approaches to scholarship on ancient cultures and the Classical world.”
A new student publication, Expositions Magazine, was launched just last year by University of Chicago students studying ur ban journalism with Dr. Evan Carver. The magazine, which aims to highlight environ mental and urban issues in a creative way, accepts a wide variety of prose and visual art styles that fall under the genre of “creative nonfiction” and combine themes of “envi ronment” and “city.” Expositions accepts submissions from all students year round, so long as they fit the theme and genre of the magazine.Ifyou’re interested in Kant, Socrates, Plato, or any other famous philosophers, or perhaps you fancy yourself philosophically inclined, check out the University of Chica go Philosophy Review (UCPR), which posts biannual collections of philosophically driv
The Shady Dealer, is for you. The Dealer puts out three issues per quarter (nine each year) filled to the brim with satire and social com mentary. Sometimes, The Dealer will also re lease special projects, perform stunts, and publish online-only content.
organization you’d like to visit or check the organization’s website to view the discounts and options available. Some tickets can also be pre-reserved through the ArtsPass web site.If
Finally, The Triple Helix, UChicago’s science publication group, showcases stu dent-written articles and research reports on interdisciplinary topics in the natural, physical, and social sciences. The Triple He lix publishes two print journals—the Science in Society Review and Scientia— biannually, in addition to its quarterly online blog, The Spectrum.
Beginning with organizations on cam pus, if you’d prefer to find places nearby, UChicago hosts a wide variety of activities. For theater aficionados, there’s no better place than Court Theatre, which is located near Campus North. Court has shown a number of productions since returning to in-person theater just this past year, and their plays planned for the upcoming year span a wide variety of genres. Arts contrib utor Charlie Kolodziej reviewed Court’s
The Maroon also has its own production, business, copyediting, photo, video, podcast, and crossword teams.
Interested in one or more of these publi cations? Be sure to visit their websites or find them on Blueprint to learn more about how you can get involved!
For those with a sense of humor (or who think they have a sense of humor), UChica go’s only “intentional” humor publication,
hoom wrote, “This House is Mine is a collec tion of Bob Thompson’s greatest works. It is an awe-inspiring sight, especially since it is Chicago’s first survey of Thompson’s art in over 20 years.” Associate Arts Editor Kina Takahashi reviewed another exhibit at the Smart called Unsettled Ground: Art and Envi ronment from the Smart Museum Collection, which was curated by undergraduate and graduate students from a seminar taught by Katerina Korola (Ph.D. ’21). Noting how the design of the exhibit impacted the viewer’s experience, Takahashi said, “As if some force of nature is in conversation with the exhibi tion, the attic light shines brightly upon all of the artworks in their different mediums… illuminating distinct narratives around en vironmental determinism.” Be sure to check out our comprehensive list of places to find visual art on campus, which includes more details about the Smart as well as the Ori ental Institute, the Frank Lloyd Wright–de signed Robie House, the Arts + Public Life initiative, and the Renaissance Society—all of which are on the ArtsPass list.
If visual arts and museums are better aligned with your interests, say no more! From well-known museums to hidden gems, there are also a number of museums and galleries that boast impressive collec tions of both ancient and modern art. The Smart Museum, for example, is known for creating exhibits that showcase the work of a variety of artists. This spring, Arts reporter Belle Nahoom covered the Smart’s exhibit of works by acclaimed artist Bob Thompson, titled This House is Mine. Of the exhibit, Na
you’re anything like me, you may find yourself overwhelmed by the amount of options to choose from. Where does one start? To help with the planning process, I’ve turned to our resident experts: the Maroon Arts section’s reporters, editors, and con tributors who have covered events at various locations on the ArtsPass’s Partner Organi zations list and may provide you with some recommendations of at least where to start.
Feel like a VIP yet?
Last, but certainly not least, in true
Finally, for a few final recommenda tions located right across from each other on Michigan Avenue, there’re no better places to explore than the Art Institute or
O-Week introduces the freshman class to the UChicago community and its long standing traditions through events and activities that foster new bonds, memories, and of course, situationships. Lucky for you, UChicago is widely known for its neo-Goth ic architecture, sprawling quadrangles, and duck-inhabited Botany Pond that meld into an oasis perfect for a picturesque first date. Yet there are also spots that are, well, not so picturesque. Take your crush to the next lev el by NOT planning a date at these cringe and cliché campus spots: then maybe you can be the first O-Week situationship to last longer than two weeks.
Further details about the ArtsPass can be found on the UChicago ArtsPass website.
The Worst First Date Spots on Campus
“Quick lunch at the dining hall”
Let’s start with the outer appearance. Some might say it gives Max Palevsky a run for its money for the title of “ugliest build
From the moment you each tap your ID card against the plexiglass-protected sensor, you are just two UChicago students grabbing a quick bite before you rush off to your Prin ciples of Microeconomics class, not O-Week crushes on a cute first date.
I actually quite enjoy dining hall food. Bartlett’s zesty guacamole-topped Chipotle bowls; Baker’s buttery, cheese-infused pasta bar; and Cathey’s endless assortment of rich, sugary desserts make for some pretty solid meals—and they’re “free” too. But that’s the issue: it doesn’t seem like an actual date.
“Reg study sesh”
the Chicago Symphony Orchestra (CSO). On one hand, fans of live music can enjoy an evening at the CSO. Noah Glasgow gives an overview of his experience attending the CSO with ArtsPass-discounted tickets (they’re only $15!). Even if you don’t think you’re a classical music fan, Glasgow ob serves, “Classical music—especially that performed by a symphony as prestigious as the CSO—is rarely boring.” On the other hand, weekend afternoons can be spent at the Art Institute, which holds a wide range of arts exhibits. While I highly recommend vis iting the intricate Thorne Miniature Rooms, the Art Institute is also known for holding a myriad of temporary exhibits throughout
This article has been adapted and updated from a previous version published in February 2022.
there are even more opportunities to ex plore? If you didn’t get your theater fix at Court, there are a number of theaters that can be accessed with the ArtsPass. One location located in Lincoln Park is the world-renowned Steppenwolf Theatre Company, which produces a wide range of performances each year. Over the last year, Associate Arts Editor Noah Glasgow covered two of Steppenwolf’s productions, Bug and King James. Glasgow not only raved about the Company’s focus on character develop ment and commentary on topical issues but also spoke about Steppenwolf’s strong pres ence within the Lincoln Park neighborhood.
It’s not just the bill either, it’s the whole atmosphere. UChicago’s inescapable black letter font embellished on maroon sweat shirts and sweatpants everywhere you turn. Bursts of laughter and the latest sorority gossip heard a mile away. Roommates and friends “discreetly” stalking your date and sending photos to you of yourself from three tables over. Don’t even get me started on the narrow wooden tables and musty gym vibes of Bartlett or the long community tables at Woodlawn that scream elementary school cafeteria. Dining hall meals are great for cou ples who are already dating, but that doesn’t mean it counts as an actual date—especially not a first date. Please, just take them some where nicer.
ing on campus.” Honestly, I don’t think it’s that ugly, it’s just…eerie looking. The cold, colorless stone coated with what looks like black mold and the lack of windows gives off prison vibes—not exactly what I would picture for a cute post-O-Week date. You might be thinking: “It’s a great way to get to know each other better while also getting some work done.” But there is also simply no place you could go inside that would make it a fun, get-to-know-each other type of date. We are UChicago students. We are literally known for studying hard, and a date in the Reg would probably just feel unproductive and tragically prove that UChicago is in fact where “fun goes to die.”
There you have it! From theater to visual art to music (and of course so much more), your ArtsPass gives you access to all types of activities, so what are you waiting for?
Take your O-Week crush to these places on campus…but only if you want to ruin your chances of scoring a second date.
the year. Arts reporter Noor Zalt wrote a short meditation on the Art Institute’s re cent temporary exhibit, which featured the works of contemporary American artist Bar bara Kruger, an artist who Zalt comments “is so integral to popular culture that odds are you have interacted with it as ‘a style’ rather than the signature of a specific artist.”
But let’s say you make the trek up to the tables on the fourth floor under the impres sion that you will both get some work done. Silence. That is how your date will go. Well, unless you would rather whisper loudly to each other about your favorite color and then end up getting blasted on the UChicago Se crets Facebook page. Alternatively, you could stay downstairs and enjoy the romantic rush of excitement from students cramming for their fourth midterm and chugging Ex Lib coffee. Or, you could even get a little fancy and book a study room so that you can sit in even more awkward silence while students
Another type of theatrical performance is the well-known Blue Man Group, whose performances are known for their creative approaches to music, light, and color. Last year, Arts contributor Jordan Goodwin saw the group and attended a post-show Q&A to find out just what makes them so popular (it turns out it’s a combination of upbeat mu sic, theatrical facial expressions, and a bass drum full of glow-in-the-dark paint, all of which create a positive experience enjoyed by people of all ages).
All you need is your UCID!
“Partner workout at Ratner”
Let’s be honest, Ratner is a breeding ground for insecurities (and germs). Floor to ceiling mirrors capture your every move, “gym bros” slam their massive weights down as if mocking your puny dumbbells, and the machines dare you to figure out their unnec essarily complicated instructions, though you know full-well you probably never will. Society has conditioned us to think that it is embarrassing if we can’t lift a lot or don’t know how to perform an exercise properly. Going on a “workout date” may only height en those insecurities, especially because you might feel as if your date is judging you de spite trying to impress them. You and your partner having different workout plans and experience levels will only contribute to the stress, as one of you may strain your body while trying to keep up while the other feels
pass by and peer through the window every five minutes to check if the room is open. Point is, study sessions together are great, but maybe get to know each other first so that it isn’t awkward and you can actually be productive together. Oh, and for the love of Joseph Regenstein, please don’t make out in the stacks.
By SABRINA CHANG | Arts Reporter
stant mosh pit the whole night. Plus, the po lice scare and resulting chaos and shoving in the coat room (which, beware, becomes a free lost and found) doesn’t strike me as particularly fun either. On the bright side, at least you get to keep the sentimental sou venir of spilled beer in your hair and sweat that isn’t yours all over your body.
Starting in September, an exhibit called Monochrome Multitudes, which explores the myriad of directions artists have tak en the practice of monochromatic art (also known as “the monochrome”), will be on display. The Smart will also have a small er exhibit titled Museum as Classroom, which aims to support four fall courses (Art and Feminism, Power, Identity, and Resistance, Media Aesthetics, and Seeing Through Drawing) with art that relates to the classes’ assignments and discussions. Both exhibits will be on display until Jan uary 8, and more details about visiting the Smart can be found on the museum’s website.Inaddition, the Smart Museum boasts its famous Art to Live With program, which allows students to borrow original works from the museum’s collection to display in their dorm rooms. This program will begin with an Art-B-Q on Thursday, September 29, and will last until Sunday, October 2, when students will be able to select a work during the Art Match session. Doors open at 8 a.m. on October 2, so be sure to set your alarms (or even camp out and sleep over the night before) if you want
like they must decrease their intensity. Much like the idea of a Reg study date, it’s ineffec tive and Plus,awkward.exercising is “you time”; it’s when you work on your physical health, but it also serves as a mental escape from the clutter of life’s endeavors. Working out with a part ner, especially on what is labeled as a “date,” will likely steer your focus away from your self and take away the refreshing aspect of working out. It may also feel pretty un comfortable, as working out can be a pretty intimate experience and you and your date
An overview of what to see and where to see it, UChicago art edition
Pablo Picasso once (allegedly) said, “Art washes from the soul the dust of everyday life.” So, on days when you’re feeling a little “dusty,” why not heed these words and go see some art! Fortunately, there’s no need to travel downtown to the Art Institute. UChicago offers a wide variety of places for you to both explore and create art right on campus.Interested in looking at art by Picasso himself? Look no further than the north end of campus. Nestled between Campus North Residential Commons and Court Theatre is the Smart Museum of Art, the main art museum on campus. The Smart contains a variety of works from different time periods and artistic movements, in cluding everything from Japanese prints that date back to the 17th and 18th centu ries to modern and contemporary pieces by Edgar Degas and Andy Warhol from the 20th century. Though temporarily closed this summer for renovations, the Smart will reopen on Thursday, Septem ber 22 with new study rooms and exhibits.
By ANGÉLIQUE ALEXOS | Head Arts Editor
are probably not at that stage yet (and Rat ner’s not exactly the ideal place for a game of 20 questions). Verdict? Save the date for a restaurant, not the weight room.
“Invite-only frat party”
This article has been adapted and up dated from a previous version published in September 2021.
“Chill in my dorm”
Save the date for a restaurant, not the weight room.

“It’s invite-only…but I can get you in.” Ah yes, just what every girl wants to hear. Sure, there will be music and free drinks, but that’s about where the appeal ends. Imagine trying to initiate small talk at a frat party, especial ly during O-Week, when it gets so crowded that there are more people stuck outside than in the actual house. I imagine it going
Last and certainly least…just don’t.
Whether You’re in a Museum, Café, or Dorm, Art is Everywhere at UChicago
something like this: “So what’s your major?” “What?” “What’s your major?” “What?” “What’s your—” “You wanna get drinks?” The number of times this exact conversa tion has happened is probably much higher than you think. Trying to scream in your partner’s ear in the midst of an earthquake of heavy bass music and dirt-streaked Air Forces is basically impossible. There is sim ply no space for actual talking; in fact, there’s just no space at all. Sure, you can try to dance with your partner, but with the sheer num ber of bodies less than an inch away from you, you are practically just stuck in a con
Inlevel.addition to student groups, there are also many art-related activities and events that are held on campus year-round. One exciting student-run, collaborative event is the Festival of the Arts (FOTA), which is a campus-wide tradition celebrating art and artists in all forms. This week-long event includes all types of artistic expres sion from live performances to interactive activities, such as workshops and open mic nights. While dates for this year have yet to be determined, check the FOTA website or Facebook page for updates.
Of course, there are always new places to find art on campus.
If you’re up for a bit farther of a walk, the Arts Incubator on Garfield Boulevard and Prairie Avenue is a great space to find not only exhibitions, but talks, artist resi dencies, and community-based activities as well. It is also the center of the Art + Public Life (APL) initiative. APL works to
A short walk out of the Main Quad on Woodlawn and E. 58th Street, and you’ll find yourself at the Booth School of Business. Surprised? Booth actually has a large collection of modern art pieces, in cluding works by German photographer Wolfgang Tillmans and Swiss artist Oliv ier Mosset. On your way to Booth, take a look (or a tour, if you wish) at the adjacent building, Frank Lloyd Wright’s Frederick
If all this talk of art has you wondering how you can further participate, why not join one of the many art RSOs or publica tions on campus! From drawing to writing, there’s a plethora of student groups that
If works such as these are too recent for you, you might be interested in pieces that are a bit older. How about 4,000 years old er. Such pieces can be found at the Oriental Institute (OI), which sits at the end of the Main Quad on S. University Avenue. From clay tablets inscribed with cuneiform to a human-headed winged bull (Lamassu), the museum holds ancient artifacts from places such as Egypt, Mesopotamia, and Syria. From September 15 to March 12, the OI will display a special exhibit titled Making Sense of Marbles, which explores the place of archeological context and history through the display of the OI’s Roman sculpture collection. Though the OI is known for their pieces from ancient history, they also have a few contemporary art exhibits on display with installations that show the connection between ancient and contemporary art. More details about visiting the museum can be found on the OI’s
In the mood to create some art? A hop, skip, and a jump across the Midway and a wander down 60th Street, and you’ll be at the Logan Center for the Arts. Located on 60th Street and Drexel Avenue, this may be the place where you’re taking your art Core class, but it’s also a great place to create some art of your own. The Logan Center has many great places to work and create art, including practice rooms, the DelGiorno Terrace, and the Central Courtyard. Café Logan also offers a great spot to study and relax. Of course, the Lo gan Center is also home to art of its own, including a wide variety of student piec es created by various arts-related RSOs. From installations to concerts, it’s one of the best places to be when it comes to view ing new, exciting art. Current and upcom ing exhibits and events include the event All That Light: A Ten-Year Retrospective of the Artists-in-Residence Program (20122022), which will feature a performance showcase on Friday, September 9, and the exhibit Passing Through: Artists from DoVA 2012–2021 (October 7–December 11). Be sure to also attend Humanities Day on October 15, which features lectures, exhib its, and performances all devoted to differ ent aspects of arts, literature, philosophy, music, linguistics, and language.
Thewebsite.Main Quad is also the place to find some other hidden gems including the Renaissance Society—or “The Ren” as it is more commonly known—which is located on the fourth floor of Cobb Hall. Founded in 1915 by a group of UChicago faculty, The Ren showcases experimental works that engage with new, innovative ideas and thoughts in the world of art and culture. The Ren not only has art exhib its, but it also hosts artist talks, lectures, screenings, and concerts, among other events. An upcoming exhibit opening Sep tember 10 (and running until November 6) titled Fear of Property looks at the different ways artists have conceptualized the idea of property and the many ways it has been used throughout history. Open Wednes day through Sunday, the Ren’s exhibitions are free, and more details can be found on the gallery website.
Of course, there are always new places to find art on campus. For example, an other surprising arts location across the Midway is the new David Rubenstein Fo rum, whose art program, Art at the David Rubenstein Forum, showcases a small collection of historical documents and art. You can schedule a tour of these pieces on the Rubenstein Forum’s website. Also, be sure to check out the new independent art gallery in Campus North. Once an empty storefront, this space, called Southspace, has been transformed by resident heads Clara and Christian Clarke and will be holding its third show, a photography ex hibit titled Belarus: Faces of Resistance, since it opened in October 2021.
C. Robie House. Wright’s well-known ar chitectural style—known as Prairie style— was inspired by the American Midwest.
Farther north along Woodlawn you’ll find the Neubauer Collegium for Culture and Society, which also holds exhibitions in its gallery. The current featured exhibit, which is open until October 7, is titled Slavs and Tatars: MERCZbau. This exhibit, an installation composed of a range of mer chandise created by a Berlin-based artist collective, focuses on concepts such as migration and the connected histories of the cities Lviv, Ukraine and Wroclaw, Po land. The Neubauer Collegium also hosts a number of events and talks throughout the year. The Neubauer Collegium’s gallery is open by appointment, and more details can be found online.
will allow you to pursue any and every ar tistic interest or passion no matter your skill
When the stress of day-to-day todos has you in a rut, take a walk around campus and engross yourself in some art. Whatever era or style you’re interested in, the many exhibits, museums, and yearround student activities are sure to wash away any accumulating dust.
Delivery and Online Ordering Available. See our

strengthen ties between the University and South Side communities through the arts, artistic programs, and arts education, among other programs.
to be the proud temporary owner of a Pi casso or Matisse.
THE CHICAGO MAROON — SEPTEMBER 22, 2022 37 Quinn - We love you and miss you already! We know you are going to thrive in Hyde Park and can’t wait to see you soon! Much Love, Dad, Mom, Cricket, Avanti, and Pronto Quinn Dur Class of 2026 Congratulations!!! Olivia Brett-Major + UChicago Freshman Class

Men’s and Women’s Soccer Look to Go All the Way
Both teams continue to be ranked highly coming into the upcoming sea son—the men and women are currently No. 1 and No. 2, respectively. This makes both sides a compelling watch for Uni versity sports fans come February. It’s not every day that UChicago is among the favorites to win it all.
UChicago’s sports teams, then, are in an exciting place this coming academic year. One doubts that athletics at this school will ever rise back to the point when the football team were deemed “Monsters of the Midway,” or when Stagg Field held 55,000. But do we even want to return to those precarious heights? UChicago looked upon their mighty sta diums and forsook them in favor of librar ies, and that makes the teams we possess now even more beautiful, in a sense. Be sides: DIII or not, UChicago athletics are on a distinctly upward trajectory. The men’s tennis team took home UChicago’s first-ever NCAA DIII team championship in March with a victory over Case West ern. Five swimmers and divers also won individual championships in 2022. More titles will hopefully reach Hyde Park this coming season. And if they don’t—well, at least we can still brag about how we had the first Heisman winner, or whatever.
The Maroon women, ranked No. 16 in 2021–22, reached the national quar terfinals before their season ended with a close 2–1 defeat to No. 5 Christopher Newport University. The season was still considered a success for the Maroons; they overperformed their modest ranking to the tune of a 15–3–4 record, and were the only team to score against Christo pher Newport as the Captains cruised to their first-ever DIII title. With this in mind, women’s soccer is in a good place this season to challenge for the national title themselves. After the loss of 12 se niors, however, new recruits will be relied on heavily to perform.
Currently ranked No. 3 and No. 13 in the country respectively, the UChi cago Men’s and Women’s Soccer teams both enjoyed typically strong seasons in 2021–22, and now look to take things
UChicago’s newest varsity sport was only in its fourth year of existence in 2022, but the team made the 2021–22 sea son one to remember. Finishing the year with a 18–2 record, the Maroons qualified for the postseason for the second time in their history and set new University re cords for winning percentage (.900), goals (350), assists (186), and points.
Men’s Tennis Is Out for a Repeat; Women’s Tennis Is Out for Revenge
just a bit further this fall. The men’s side made it to the national semifinals last season before a golden goal smashed in by Amherst midfielder Ignacio Cubeddu rudely spoiled hopes of a championship. This summer, the team has brought in eight new recruits—including two players who have played for MLS academy sides in Alex Lee and Patrick Lin—in order to bolster their roster. Second-year fullback Jack Leuker is one to watch this year, as his whipped crosses never failed to wreak havoc on opposition defenses last season.
By FINN HARTNETT | Head Sports Editor
What to Watch This Year in University Sports
The women were almost able to follow suit the same day, facing Clare mont-Mudd-Scripps in their own nation al final. But No. 1 UChicago was eventual ly undone by No. 4 CMS, who took home important victories in doubles and singles play. However, UChicago women’s tennis still enjoyed the most accomplished sea son in program history in 2021–22. Be sides reaching the national finals, the side won the ITA Indoor National Champion ships, won their UAA conference for the first time in seven years, and was ranked No. 1 nationally for the first time.
Besides club rugby, all sports mentioned can be watched live through the NCAA website, as well as the University of Chica go Athletics Twitter (@uchicagoath).
The side was unlucky to draw No. 2 ranked Middlebury in the second round of the playoffs, as the Panthers squashed the Maroons’ championship hopes with a 22–4 win, and eventually went on to win
UChicago’s sports teams are in an uncommonly strong place this coming season. Below are a few of the most exciting teams and storylines to follow.
Both the men’s and women’s tennis enjoyed seasons to remember in 2021–22. The men’s side became DIII national champions for the first time ever in dra matic fashion, with a walk-off ace against Case Western Reserve University in May. The video of the winning point is a beauti ful watch; rising senior Christian Alshon whacks a serve to James Hopper’s fore hand, and the Case Western player can only watch as the ball flashes by him. Alshon’s hands are in the air before the ball can bounce a second time, and he’s quickly mobbed by teammates.
Women’s Lacrosse Aims to Surprise
the tournament themselves. Still, UChi cago’s regular-season record surprised many, and they will look to take their newfound playoff experience into next season. Rachel Keefe, a first-year goalie who led the defense to the seventh-few est goals conceded last year (6.55 goals per game), is one to watch out for. So too, is one of the more impressive ongoing streaks in DIII sports: UChicago women’s lacrosse is 31-0 at Stagg Field.
During the 2021–22 academic year, as UChicago students nervously scrolled through COVID update emails and won dered why that one Divvy bike had been parked at the Point for so long, the school was quietly posting one of its best athletic seasons of all time. UChicago placed sev enth in the NCAA’s end-of-season DIII ranking competition, the Learfield Di rectors’ Cup. This was UChicago’s highest finish in the Cup, which ranks universi ties based on their finishes in up to 18 dif ferent NCAA sports competitions, since it first began tracking DIII schools in 1995.
The Club Rugby Team Levels Up UChicago Men’s Rugby rose from the ashes in 2022 to finish in first place in the National Collegiate Rugby DIII Small College conference and win promotion to the DII Great Midwest conference. The student-run club struggled to organize at all throughout the coronavirus pandem ic; last fall quarter, however, a few upper classmen were able to assemble enough interested students to enroll UChicago back into their usual division. The team lost their first game of the season to the University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point. From there, they reeled off six straight wins to win the conference and qualify for the Midwest regional championships. This last win was particularly sweet for UChicago; it came against the same No. 2 Wisconsin side who had beaten the Maroons in the opening game of the sea son. Though the side lost the first game of regionals to Wayne State College, they went further in the fall than most had expected.During spring quarter, the team kept in shape by playing friendlies. The Ma roons won all four they played, including a dominant 38–15 victory against DI Uni versity of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. The team will face tougher competition in their new DII conference, such as school rival Northwestern, whom they beat not once but twice in spring friendlies.
47. 50.48.DolesReleaseWindyCity
Across “I’ll be there!” They have a dedicated lounge in Alumni counterpart Prepared to pounce Time for some rough lunch plans agency Thunder, in the ’90s ___ of reality Beehive state native Fivers or Twelvers, vis-a-vis Shia Islam Happen again Thinks House of the Dragon? “This thing’s good to go” Hired muscle Beloved Hyde Park birds Email folder Woman’’s name that comes from the for “wisdom” Artist with the highest-grossing concert tour ever Arterial insert airport code Name hidden in “Total Eclipse of the as a bill Middle step for translation and final step transcription, in bio Red-hot chili pepper Cleans Common scale on which to rate things Crime statistic Small floral design Not nearly as much Down A compass for Safari, e.g. It’’s an inverse snow globe during Winter
17. 18.Pleasure-seekerCryptographicgov’t

29. Thor and Loki, in Marvel Comics
Welcome to Chicago! (O-Week Themeless)
34. One who (by definition) is no longer a 35.criminal“What’re you ___?”

55. Concerning, in a memo
37. Something with which to “kill ’em,” per a 38.proverbCouldn’t stand?
49. Key part in many a 62-Across 52. Star Wars’s Boba or Jango
25. People you def didn’t invite to your apart ment party
31. A+ or B-, e.g.
36. Manhattan garnishes
26. “No, that dress doesn’t make you look fat,” e.g.
15. It’s black, white, and (a shade of) red all 20.overLepidopterist’s need
7. A UChicago prof. won the Nobel Prize for measuring its charge Discord VIPs Spanish “that” Create a 3D image
44. Goddess and queen of the witches in 45.“Macbeth”~,,or !, in logic
27. Intuits
13.12.Feather-headednessIt’smadeofcellsManyastudentover the summer
Quarter storms 3. #1 Cardinals, on a scoreboard Randy who set the NFL record for receiv ing touchdowns in a season (23) Community spirit
23. She sings that “the cold never bothered [her] anyway”
59. Dre and J, e.g.
57. IL legalized it in 2020
41. Key for “Spring” in Vivaldi’s “The Four 42.Seasons”Franklin ___ Roosevelt
43. Stone pillars
53. Grim
September 28, 7:30 p.m. in Harper 140
October 2, 2 p.m. in Harper 140
Friendless? Love the smell of fresh ink? The Maroon has your back.
September 29, 8:30 p.m. in Stuart 105
For more information, visit or join us at one of ourinformation “hustling” sessions: