Week 11 AutoCAD

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Ana Silvia Hernandez Balcazar


ACAD WEEK 11 Isometric and Axonometric Drawings: Let’s assume you have an object, and you want to make an elevation of it in axonometric and isometric view. Let’s start with the isometric. Isometric: This is the image you want to make an elevation drawing from. Now select your image.

Ana Silvia Hernandez Balcazar

1 1) Now, once you have selected your image, you the shortcut “RO” on your keyboard, will type the option to rotate your object. which is 2) Once you’ve done that now you select the where you want to rotate. point from ove your cursor to the way you want to 3) The m and type 30, or -­‐30, depending on rotate it which o ne works for you, but remember it has to be at 30 degrees for the object to be isometric.




Do straight vertical lines from each corner. Remember all of them have to be the same height, in this case 400 mm.

Ana Silvia Hernandez Balcazar To finish it, all you have to do is use the “trim tool” so you can get rid of all those lines you don’t want and have a final object like this.


Now connect the points so have an object like this.

Ana Silvia Hernandez Balcazar


Axonometric: 1 1) Now, o nce you have selected your image, you will type the shortcut “RO” on your keyboard, which is t he option to rotate your object. 2) Once y ou’ve done that now you select the point from where you want to rotate. 3) The move your cursor to the way you want to rotate it a nd type 45, or -­‐45, depending on which one works for you, but remember it has to be at 3 0 degrees for the object to be axonometric.

Now select your image.



Ana Silvia Hernandez Balcazar


Do straight vertical lines from each corner. Remember all of them have to be the same height, in this case 400 mm.

Now connect the points so have an object like this.

To finish it, all you have to do is use the “trim tool” so you can get rid of all those lines you don’t want and have a final object like this.

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