Week 4 SketchUp 8

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Ana Silvia Hernandez Balcazar


SketchUp Week 4 Making a Pagoda Roof:

We will start by making the grass where the house is going to stand, make it a group.

Create the base of your house, and remember to delete all the lines you don’t want and to make it a group.

Copy your figure on top of the other so you can make your roof from that piece.

Ana Silvia Hernandez Balcazar Use the offset tool to make the interior, now use the rectangle tool to make your windows and also the circle tool. At last use the push up tool to make a hole through them.


Enter the group and use the push up tool to make the walls of your house.

Now go inside your roof group. On top of your roof part you will make a rectangle like this, be aware you do it in the right axis.

Ana Silvia Hernandez Balcazar


Here is where your pagoda will take form. Like we did on the chessboard, use de arch tool “A” to try and make the figure like the picture.

Now delete all what you don’t want so you can have this final object. Select the base roof, then select the follow me tool and press on the pagoda shape.

You will end up with something like this.

Move your roof down, so it intersects with the rest of the house so you can have something like this.

Ana Silvia Hernandez Balcazar

As a final result you could have something like this. Remember you can add colours an textures with the paint bucket tool “B”.


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