May-August 2016 Chicago Gallery News

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IN THIS ISSUE • How Art Fairs are Changing Galleries • Collectors Nancy and Robert Mollers • Artist Profile: Andrew Holmquist • Kerry James Marshall at the MCA


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Diasporal rhythms annual collectors’ home tour october 8, 2016 tickets go on sale august 1st

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History, Art, Music in Motion The Tempel Lipizzans 2016 Summer Performances

$5 off Anytime Tickets purchased online Code: Artofthehorse

T he Secret Birds M ay 1 2 - A u g u s t 2 1 , 2 0 1 6

D e P a u l A r t M u s e u m • 9 3 5 W. F u l l e r t o n • m u s e u m s . d e p a u l . e d u t o ny f i t z p a t r i c k . c o m • t o ny f i t z p a t r i c k . wo rd p re s s . c o m

Winter Martins (A Dervish of Violet), 2016


Calling All Artists! Calling artists of all media! Your work can be seen by hundreds at the 15th Annual Catholic Charities Gala of the Arts!


Friday, September 9, 2016 Navy Pier, Chicago

• Have your work seen by and sold to more than 500 of Chicago’s philanthropic, civic, and community leaders gathered in the Grand Ballroom at Navy Pier. • Enjoy an elegant evening of art, great food and fabulous entertainment. • Retain 50 percent of the proceeds, 50 percent donated back to Catholic Charities Emergency Assistance Department. • Submit artwork for jury selection by June 13, 2016.

For more information contact Janie Garb at (312) 655-7912 or or visit


May-August 2016

gallery news


Openings, Gallery Receptions


What’s Happening:

Publisher’s Letter: Summer 2016

Kerry James Marshall at the MCA


Gallery Specialties


News and Interviews

Dealer Profile: Carl Hammer

How Art Fairs Change Galleries

Collectors Nancy and Bob Mollers

Laurie Tennent’s Large Scale

Magazines are available by subscription. Complimentary copies are also available in all listed galleries, in area art centers, at the Chicago Cultural Center, in local museums, and at hotel concierge desks throughout Chicago and the suburbs.

Flowers, Chicago Botanic Garden

Q & A with Artist Suzette Bross

Summer Art Tips

Artist Profile: Andrew Holmquist

Van Dyke’s Portraits at AIC


Pull-out Gallery Maps,

Guide to Monthly Art Walks

Founded in 1983 Chicago Gallery News is the central source for information about the area’s art galleries, museums, events, and resources. CGN aims to be a clear, accessible guide to the region’s creative world, as well as an advocate on behalf of the local art community.

The Galleries


River North


West Side: West Loop / Fulton Market


Private Dealers


Michigan Ave. / Loop /

South Loop / Gold Coast


South Side: Hyde Park /

Pilsen / Pilsen East /Bridgeport


North Side: Wicker Park / Bucktown /

Ravenswood / Lincoln Park / Lakeview


Suburbs / Midwestern Galleries

Published 3 times annually: January / May / September ©2016 Chicago Gallery News, Inc. Publisher + Executive Editor Virginia B. Van Alyea Managing Editor + Business Manager Alison Reilly Contributing Writers Franck Mercurio Kevin Nance Interns Isobel Van Alyea Thomas Van Alyea Chicago Gallery News 213 W. Institute Pl., Ste. 309 Chicago, IL 60610

Art Services, Resources and Directory of Art Centers


Art Businesses, Services and Resources


Art Centers, Collectives and Artist Studios


Gallery Index

Pictured above from the top: • Laurie Tennent, Calliandra, showing at the Chicago Botanic Garden. • Student visitors to the collection of Nancy and Bob Mollers - wearing a Van Lieshout security helmet and standing in a Franz Erhard Walther sculpture • Image from The Imaginative World of Dalí, an exhibition of works by Salvador Dalí from the collection of Pierre Argillet, on view at Zygman Voss Gallery in River North


Tel 312-649-0064 May-August 2016 Vol. 31, No. 2 © 2016 ISSN #1046-6185

ON THE COVER: DEBORAH BUTTERFIELD On May 13, 2016 Zolla/Lieberman Gallery will present the work of artist Deborah Butterfield. The show is the gallery’s 15th solo exhibition for the sculptor. It also marks four decades of Butterfield and the gallery working together. Of the enduring collaboration, William Lieberman, gallery director and son of founder Roberta Lieberman, says, “I am honored to recognize Deborah’s forty year association with Zolla/Lieberman. She has remained true to her art, investing her sculptures with unique skill and breathtaking presence.” In 1965, Roberta Lieberman and Bob Zolla first opened their gallery in a coach house in Chicago’s South Shore neighborhood, with the goal of showing important abstract artists. Friend and art critic Harry Bouras (also known as “Hairy Who?”) introduced Roberta and Bob to art colleagues who had acccess to the work Above: Deborah Butterfield, Lemon Drop, 2014, found steel, 38” x 44” x 16.5” of New York abstract artists Franz Kline, Philip Guston and On the Cover: Big Piney, 2015, wood to be cast in bronze, 94” x 102” x 43.5” many others. In 1975 Roberta and Bob travelled to New York where they befriended renowned SoHo art dealer Leo Castelli. Back in Chicago, Roberta and Bob rented space at 368 W. Huron – a loft building in a desolate industrial district almost a mile west of Michigan Avenue. In March 1976 Zolla/Lieberman opened with an inaugural exhibition featuring work from Castelli’s gallery, which included major New York School artists such as Frank Stella, Donald Judd and Robert Morris. To this day, William can recall the exact placement of what would now be a multi-million dollar Andy Warhol painting. However, nothing sold. When the James Rosenquist show that followed fared no better, Roberta and Bob had to face a hard fact: serious Chicago art collectors still went to New York to purchase works by these prominent artists. With the realization that local collectors were not coming to the gallery to buy New York School artists, they decided, boldly, to pursue their own vision and seek out emerging talent. They travelled to Roberta’s alma mater, the University of Wisconsin, where they visited the studio of Deborah Butterfield, an art instructor at the university and a promising sculptor. By the time they had finished lunch plans were set for a July 1976 exhibition of Butterfield’s life-sized mudand-stick horses. These works would have an immediate national impact. Zolla/Lieberman and Butterfield built on this success with three annual exhibitions of Butterfield sculptures. The gallery began representing other young artists, such as Michelle Stewart, Deborah Remington and John Buck. Fostering the careers of emerging, midcareer, and established artists – an equal mix of women and men – became Zolla/Lieberman’s guiding principle. Zolla/Lieberman was the first art gallery in Chicago to open so far off the beaten path. It did not take long until other art galleries understood the benefits of the available, empty space. River North was born, and the energy of a vital art community blossomed. Enjoying success from their hard work, Zolla/Lieberman made the decision in 1980 to move to a 10,000-square foot loft in the Adler-Sullivan building next door at 356 W. Huron. That year Zolla/ Lieberman exhibited Butterfield and other artists at the very first “Art Chicago,” an event that drew dealers, collectors, curators and critics from around the world. Though Chicago’s international art exhibition has since undergone several iterations, Zolla/Lieberman’s booth has always had a Butterfield work on display. On April 15, 1989 the gallery was dealt a devastating blow after a fire swept through the Adler-Sullivan building, ravaging not only Zolla/Lieberman but the building’s many other galleries as well. Butterfield’s unique copper and bronze sculpture, Louis, awaiting shipment to collectors John and Mary Pappajohn in Des Moines, melted. Despite the enormous setback, Zolla/Lieberman reopened six months later at 230 West Huron. In 1991 the gallery moved to its current location at 325 West Huron. Four years later the gallery was grateful for the unique support of the building’s owners, Jerry Meyer and Buzz Ruttenberg, who helped to keep the gallery’s rent affordable during another challenging period. Zolla/Lieberman Gallery has made West Huron Street its own, spanning four decades and four different addresses (368, 356, 230, and 325). Six months after Roberta passed away in 2004, Chicago’s City Council voted to name the corner of Huron and Franklin “Honorary Roberta Lieberman Way.” This intersection, and Zolla/Lieberman Gallery, continue to be landmarks in Chicago’s contemporary art scene. Zolla/Lieberman Gallery | 325 W Huron, Chicago, IL 60654 | 312.944.1990 | | Deborah Butterfield runs May 13-Aug 20 7

GALLERY OPENING RECEPTIONS This summer there is so much art to see all around town, in the suburbs and beyond. Nearly every weekend between May-August there are gallery openings and events taking place. Many districts offer free monthly 1st, 2nd and 3rd Fridays as well as Saturday events or tours. The schedule is constantly being updated. Visit for the up-to-date list. We’ll see you in the galleries! DISTRICTS • River North • West Loop + West Side • Pilsen + Pilsen East, Bridgeport + Hyde Park • North Side + Bucktown + Wicker Park • Michigan Ave., Loop + S. Loop • Suburbs + Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin

GALLERY NIGHTS • 1st Friday May 6 June 3 July 1 August 5

• 2nd Friday May 13 June 10 July 8 August 12

• 3rd Friday May 20 June 17 July 15 August 12 Opening receptions take place every 6-8 weeks on the first night of a new exhibition, usually between 5-9pm, unless otherwise noted. Artists are often present, and the public is welcome. A pull-out map to guide you can be found on page 33.

MAY Su, May 1 Komechak Gallery at Benedictine University (2-4) W, May 4 Christopher Gallery at Prairie State College (11-1) Th, May 5 Weinberg/Newton F, May 6 Catherine Edelman Hilton | Asmus Rangefinder Ken Saunders Linda Warren Logan Center Lakeside Arts Park Fermilab Sa, May 7 Vertical Perspective Th, May 13 Tony Fitzpatrick/DePaul F, May 13 Zolla / Lieberman Chicago Arts District Sa, May 14 Zygman Voss Carrie Secrist Gallery Seven F, May 20 Carl Hammer Printworks Galerie Waterton Bridgeport Art Center Yale Factor Aron Packer Projects Zhou B Art Center Cornelia Arts Building Art Center Highland Park Brauer Museum

F, May 27 ARC

JUNE F, June 3 Jean Albano Echt Gruen Galleries Hilton | Asmus Ann Nathan Rangefinder Schneider Vale Craft Chicago Artists Coalition Pagoda Red Gallery19 Lakeside Arts Park Sa, June 4 Vertical Cultivate Urban Rainforest Perspective F, June 10 Chicago Arts District Sa, June 11 Gallery Seven Su, June 12 South Shore Arts (1-3) Th, June 16 Christopher Gallery at Prairie State College (4:30-7) F, June 17 McCormick Bridgeport Art Center Yale Factor Zhou B Art Center South Shore Arts Tall Grass Arts

Opening for Suzanne Doremus at Zolla/Lieberman Gallery, April 2016

JULY F, July 1 Galerie Waterton Rangefinder Ken Saunders Sa, July 2 Carrie Secrist Vertical F, July 8 Addington Catherine Edelman Carl Hammer Printworks Chicago Arts District Sa, July 9 Perspective Th, July 14 Richard Gray F, July 15 Bridgeport Art Center Yale Factor Zhou B Art Center

F, June 24 ARC Firecat Sa, June 25 Linda Warren Sa, June 30 Hilton | Asmus 8

F, July 22 ARC Fermilab

F, July 29 Firecat Sa, July 30 Gallery Seven

AUGUST F, August 5 Rangefinder Lakeside Arts Park Sa, August 6 Vertical Perspective F, August 12 Chicago Arts District F, August 19 Bridgeport Art Center Yale Factor Zhou B Art Center Sa, August 20 Chicago Printmakers Collaborative F, August 26 Firecat


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NEWS – WHAT’S HAPPENING Publisher’s Letter : An Invitation to Go Out Well, for galleries, museums and artists this is a problem. Art is made to be seen and experienced. You can visit websites and facebook pages. You can scroll Instagram feeds. But when we reach the point where we only view art through a third party, or you’re only seeking out the hits you’ve seen on social media, we forget what it’s like to see works of art in person or at full Art buying has been slow to move online compared to many other purchas- scale. We have dismissed the power of the physical in favor of an illuminated es, perhaps because art is visual and physical, and therefore best appreciat- screen and a high rate of likes and ed, and purchased, in person. However, favorites. We may have even forgotten, in our ditigal age when nothing truly the internet age moves along rapidly, and so many of us have become accus- goes away online and things can go viral, that a work of art may be unique tomed to buying things online that we previously wouldn’t have, art included. and that the viewing experience can We now choose speed and convenience be entirely individual. You can’t go to a gallery opening from your couch. in many cases. We try just to keep up with all there is to see and consume. After the sluggishness of the past few months and a bumpy start to spring, There have been rumbles in Chicago about a slow winter and a subsequently Chicago is starting to blossom. There are many reasons to go out. Whether sluggish spring in the galleries. you travel or stay close to home, hopeI recently read a New York Times fully this summer you have a chance article (on my phone, at 4am) titled or two to read a book or page through Is Staying In the New Going Out? This a newspaper or magazine. Take some While it’s easier than ever to have your wasn’t about staycations, or taking a questions answered, to stay up to date, break after a busy week; it argued that time to visit a museum, learn from a dealer in their gallery or meet an artist there is so much to do online at home and to feel widely connected to the world, it is also universally exhausting. - streaming, socially, even romantically, in their studio. The experience will stay with you longer than a retweet. that people figure, why go out? There are days when I long to read a

When I was in college my father advised me to try to do two things every day: drink milk, and read a major newspaper. At the time, the newspaper reading was the easier of the two tasks. CGN Publisher Ginny Van Alyea Fifteen years later Photo: Jessica Tampas the news landscape has gotten a great deal more crowded, while at the same time it is much less connected to the printed page. Now I read headlines on my iPhone in the dark when I’m up early with a baby. I try to put my hands on a hardcopy front section over breakfast, and by the time I’m at my desk I’ve scanned a more few stories in the car via email and social media. The advice my father gave me was wise, but in 2016, when I I have a lot more than two things to try to do each day, it seems like I could spend all day just trying to keep up with all the news out there.

book without worrying I’m missing out on something important happening in the world. I wonder if I could take a digital vacation? The pressure of being overwhelmed permeates many areas of our lives, and I have recently started to wonder about how it’s affecting the art world in particular.

road trip to summer art by car, train, bus, bike or on foot, keep an eye out for art on your travels this summer

grand rapids

kansas city


Pictured clockwise from top left: Moonlight tours of Mies van der Rohe’s Farnsworth House take place two nights a month in Plano, IL; Claes Oldenburg and Coosje van Bruggen’s Shuttlecock, 1994 at the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, MO; Jean Arp, Torso of a Knight, 1959, Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park, Grand Rapids, MI; White Ghost by Yoshitomo Nara, 2010 in the Pappajohn Sculpture Park at the Des Moines Art Center; Hopes and Dreams mosaic installation by Juan Angel Chávez and Corinne Peterson at the CTA’s Roosevelt station; Frank Stella Prints: A Retrospective thru May 22, Madison Musuem of Contemporary Art, WI

des moines


chicago 10

Kerry James Marshall: “Mastry” at the MCA

Vertical Gallery urban | contemporar y | street

Kerry James Marshall, Bang, 1994. The Progressive Corporation. Photo courtesy of the Progressive Corporation.

By ALISON REILLY In a 2012 interview with curator Dieter Roelstraete, Kerry James Marshall recalled that his kindergarten teacher rewarded well-behaved students with the opportunity to look through her scrapbook full of photos, cartoons, and cards. Marshall noted that decades later he had amassed his own archive of thousands of images, which continue to inspire his paintings, collage and photography. The interview was published in a catalogue accompanying Marshall’s exhibition Painting and Other Stuff, which toured four European institutions. Four years later, Marshall is sharing his impressive oeuvre, spanning 35 years, with American audiences. The retrospective, Kerry James Marshall: Mastry, now on view at the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago (MCA), will travel to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City and the Museum of Contemporary Art Los Angeles.

Collin van der Sluijs

May 7 - 28 | Collin van der Sluijs | Luctor Et Emergo Debut USA solo show from the captivating Dutch urban artist June 4 - 25 | Ella and Pitr | Le silence des pantoufles après la pluie (the silence of slippers after the rain). Debut USA solo show from the French storytelling artist duo July 2 - 30 | Hera of Herakut, Jasmin Siddiqui | Where do we go from Hera? The world-famous street artist brings an introspective solo show to Chicago August 6 - 27 | “Head Hand Heart” curated by Ephameron An international group exhibition curated by the Belgian illustrator & author

Mastry, which focuses primarily on painting, reaches back to Marshall’s beginnings as a recent graduate from the Otis Institute of Art in Los Angeles. There he began exploring issues of identity and visibility as black male artist. Marshall grew up in Birmingham, Alabama and moved to Los Angeles in 1963, just before the Watts riots. An avid drawer as a child, Marshall was encouraged to attend the Otis Institute by a high school teacher, who introduced him to his future mentor and close friend, social-realist painter Charles White. Marshall, a devoted technical master in his own right, confronts the Western art historical canon with large-scale portraits, landscapes and interiors that depict the complex vibrancy of black middle-class life. Using both narratives from African American history and his deep understanding of the history of art, Marshall questions aspirations of the middle-class and complicates aesthetic and social interpretations of blackness. The exhibition also includes a wall installation, commissioned by the MCA, featuring characters from Marshall’s comic Rythm Mastr.

Ella and Pitr

Opening receptions are 6 - 10 pm the first night of the exhibition.

1016 N. Western Avenue, Chicago, IL 60622 773-697-3846

Kerry James Marshall: Mastry at the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago thru September 25, 2016. 11

Gallery Specialties Abstract Expressionism Fortunate Discoveries McCormick Abstraction Addington Jean Albano Art Center Highland Park Art Post ARTSPACE 8 Chicago Art Source KM Fine Arts Leigh McCormick Richard Norton Zygman Voss African or African American Douglas Dawson Mongerson Ann Nathan Antiques Golden Triangle Pagoda Red Antiquities and Artifacts Douglas Dawson Artists’ Books Chicago Printmakers Collaborative Printworks SUTRA Zygman Voss Asian Andrew Bae Douglas Dawson Golden Triangle NIU Art Museum Pagoda Red SUTRA Galerie Waterton Audubon Prints Joel Oppenheimer British Hildt Ceramics Art Center Highland Park Bridgeport Art Center Douglas Dawson Leigh Vale Craft

Fine Prints Contemporary, Cont. Galerie F R.S. Johnson KM Fine Arts McMahon NIU Art Museum Printworks Prospectus Vertical Zygman Voss

Work by Mario Castillo, part of Chicago Artists Interpret Shakespeare, Part Two at Addington Gallery, spring 2016

Chicago Scenes Art De Triumph Art Post Chicago Printmakers Collaborative Fortunate Discoveries Hildt McMahon Mongerson Ann Nathan

Emerging, Cont. Fortunate Discoveries Jackson Junge Kruger Lakeside Arts Park Prospectus Schneider Carrie Secrist Vertical Galerie Waterton Zolla / Lieberman

Contemporary Gallery 400 Addington ARTSPACE 8 Andrew Bae Carl Hammer Rhona Hoffman Kruger SUTRA Linda Warren Galerie Waterton Weinberg/Newton

Fiber Arts / Textiles Douglas Dawson Fortunate Discoveries SUTRA Vale Craft

Crafts Vale Craft Gallery Early 20th Century Acquisitions of Fine Art R.S. Johnson McCormick Galleries Maurice Sternberg Zygman Voss Emerging Addington ARC Bridgeport Art Center Chicago Art Source Chicago Printmakers Catherine Edelman

Figurative Addington Art Center Highland Park ARTSPACE 8 Ann Nathan Zygman Voss Fine Painting & Prints 18th & 19th Century Acquisitions of Fine Art Hildt R.S. Johnson Galleries Maurice Sternberg Fine Prints Contemporary Art Post Andrew Bae Chicago Art Source Chicago Printmakers

Folk / Outsider Art Center Highland Park Carl Hammer Vale Craft Furniture & Decorative Arts Douglas Dawson Golden Triangle Ann Nathan Pagoda Red Glass Echt Leigh Ken Saunders Vale Craft Impressionism Art De Triumph Hildt Richard Norton Galleries Maurice Sternberg Zygman Voss Installations Gallery 400 Bridgeport Art Center Chicago Arts District Lakeside Arts Park Weinberg/Newton Jewelry Bridgeport Art Center Fortunate Discoveries Leigh Vale Craft Landscape Art Post Catherine Edelman Yale Factor Lakeside Arts Park Zygman Voss 12

Latin American Prospectus Minimalism Rhona Hoffman Modern Contemporary Masters Acquisitions of Fine Art Richard Gray KM Fine Arts Richard Norton Prospectus Modernism Rhona Hoffman KM Fine Arts McCormick Mongerson Multi-Media/Video Chicago Arts District Catherine Edelman Hilton | Asmus Weinberg/Newton Old Masters Acquisitions of Fine Art R.S. Johnson KM Fine Arts Galleries Maurice Sternberg Zygman Voss Photography Art Center Highland Park Andrew Bae Chicago Art Source Catherine Edelman Carl Hammer Hilton | Asmus Rhona Hoffman Jackson Junge Ann Nathan Perspective Printworks Prospectus Rangefinder Schneider SUTRA Weinberg/Newton Plein-air Art Center Highland Park Art De Triumph Pop Galerie F Vertical

Portraiture Catherine Edelman Yale Factor Posters / Lithography Galerie F Regionalism Art De Triumph Mongerson Sculpture Acquisitions of Fine Art Addington Gallery ARTSPACE 8 Andrew Bae Bridgeport Art Center Echt Richard Gray Carl Hammer Hildt Rhona Hoffman Jackson Junge KM Fine Arts Krasl Art Center Lakeside Arts Park Leigh Ken Saunders Weinberg/Newton Zolla / Lieberman Street Art Galerie F Vertical Surrealism Jackson Junge Zygman Voss Western Mongerson Wildlife / Nature Joel Oppenheimer Works on Paper Art Post ARTSPACE 8 Chicago Printmakers Galerie F Firecat Projects Hilton | Asmus Rhona Hoffman McMahon Printworks Vertical Zygman Voss

Carl Hammer: 37 Years an Outsider Carl Hammer has been in the art business for nearly 40 years, but his journey to being one of the most wellrespected dealers in Chicago started when he was an Evanston High School English teacher during a tumultous time in the nation’s history. Today, Hammer runs a gallery program from a historic building on North Wells Street in the heart of River North. Exhibitions feature work that alternates between that of noted Outsider artists like Lee Godie and Henry Darger, and contemporary art by Michael Hernandez de Luna, an artist who cleverly works with stamps, and graphic novelist Chris Ware. Hammer sees himself as a bit of an outsider, since he never had any formal art training, and it’s his inherent curiosity and self-awareness that continues to guide his explorations and discoveries. CGN: Tell us a little about how you got into the art business, and how did you come to focus on Outsider art? As a high school English teacher in Evanston during the ‘60s and ‘70s, I, along with my wife, decided that we should begin collecting art. Due to the political and civil rights upheaval the country was experiencing, we decided to collect “grass roots” art, a term that one commonly used during that period, based on a concept of how one should live. Without fully understanding what grass roots art might be, I knew I wanted our collecting to fully integrate the ethnicity and politics of inclusiveness. Teaching at Evanston High School provided the incentive for me to do just that. During school vacations, we traveled around the country by car and looked for our interpretation of “grass roots” art and artists. As we did we began discovering the world of the self-taught artist. These were people who often lived in out of the way places, where they were compelled to invent and discover ways to express who they were and what they thought, without being trained nor realizing that they were creating art. The term “Outsider” hadn’t been invented yet. Vernacular art, folk art, art brut, selftaught art was used in its place. In 1972 Roger Cardinale, a professor at the University of Kent, coined the phrase Outsider Art as a synonym of art brut, or art created outside the established scene, much as Dubuffet did in finding work which helped to

Carl Hammer in his gallery, in front of Mary Lou Zelazny’s The Eyed Tree #4, 2015 Acrylic, collage, oil on canvas, 48” x 60”

establish his well known art aesthetic. The Chicago Imagists were also major and instinctive collectors/foragers of this kind of art, and it figured greatly in the creation of their own style/ genre of creating art. The business of selling art followed suit with our interest in collecting it and doing something within the art world that was somewhat unique, yet kept within the parameters of our own idealism at that time. CGN: You’re known for keeping up with emerging talent. What’s your approach to finding new artists? I have let the same principles of discovering outsiders guide me in finding emerging talent. I travel a lot to see work by different up and coming artists. I visit all of the graduate thesis shows that I can. Not having been instructed in art making or criticism, I’ve been somewhat freer to look beyond the prescribed components one should be looking for in creating art or in becoming an artist. CGN: What do you think about the ever-growing business of art fairs and its impact on galleries? Carl Hammer Gallery became known early on because we were, in our second year, invited to participate in Chicago’s Art Expo. My first time at Expo I wall-papered my booth with work by the newly discovered Bill Traylor. We nearly sold everything. Traylor went on to become a super star with galleries and collectors 13

throughout the world. It was a remarkable phenomenon back then. But the proliferation of art fairs today seems to have become competitive with the old notion that clients establish loyal relationships with galleries and purchase work because they identify with the aesthetic of a particular gallery. Now, collectors seem to align themselves with the art fairs as a way to build art collections. CGN: What are the most striking changes you have experienced in the local as well as national art scenes? My gallery’s 37 years of existence have been a tremendous experience, due to connections with people and, especially, in the discovery process of finding new ideas expressing the essential components of our being human. I don’t know what’s in store for us as collectors/gallerists here in Chicago, our nation and world-wide. Certainly, today’s average person is more engaged than ever in the pursuit of finding meaning in life through art, and our acquisition of it and appreciation for art in our daily lives. Regarding the future of the River North art district, I do not like to think of a time when it eventually meets with its demise. On the other hand, River North itself was the reincarnation of a decades old art district once thriving at North Michigan Ave. and Ohio St. Perhaps, like the proverbial Phoenix rising from the ashes, there will be a rebirth of a similar River North elsewhere.

As Fairs Dominate, the Gallery Changes By FRANCK MERCURIO

During the run of the 2016 Armory Show, Meloche tried a new approach. Instead of participating in the fair itself, she rented a storefront for seven days on Rivington Street around the corner from the New Museum. The popup gallery featured the works of Sanford Biggers and Ebony G. Patterson. This experiment proved to be a lessexpensive alternative to a booth at the Armory Show, yet it still brought in capacity crowds and made sales—and allowed the artwork to be presented in a more curatorial atmosphere, apart from the blatant commodification of the fair.

Like all commercial ventures, the buying and selling of art has its risks. Economic flux, changing tastes, and new ways of doing business—such as Internet marketing and sales— present challenges and opportunities for art dealers. Perhaps the greatest challenge in recent years has been the rise of the international art fair. With more gallery owners compelled to participate in an increasing number of fairs, the relevancy of the traditional art gallery model is being questioned. Some gallery owners have opted to trade“It worked for us in their physical because for the last spaces for private four years we were “by appointment in New York [during only” consultancies. the Armory Show] (Russell Bowman, with a booth,” Kasia Kay, and Aron explained Meloche. Packer provide some “This year, people recent examples in looked for us in a Chicago.) Yet other different place. The gallerists have found Lower East Side, innovative ways of as a location, was keeping their gallery really convenient spaces active, for people to visit.” despite the financial pressures of art fairs Newer galleries in and the sometimes Chicago are also Monique Meloche’s installation at 2 Rivington Street during the Armory Show, March 2016 attendance-killing finding innovative effects of online marketing and social media. ways to participate in major art fairs. In 2015, The Mission teamed up with Andrew Rafacz Gallery to share a booth at In interviewing a number of past and present gallery EXPO Chicago. The partnership not only reduced expenses, owners, one sentiment is universal: the art fairs are but it also provided a kind of synergy between the two important for generating business, but they often strain programs. finances. The entry fees can be prohibitive, especially for the big fairs, such as New York’s Armory Show, Art Basel “We’ve been collaborating with Andrew Rafacz [at EXPO] Miami, and EXPO Chicago. But to compete in a global art for the past two years; and that’s been really successful,” market, participation in fairs is essential, if for no other said Sebastian Campos, owner and principal of The reason than to capture the attention of collectors. Mission. “Our programs align well. We’ve discussed venturing out to do some regional fairs together and seeing “All the fairs are expensive, but it’s an expense that we how that works.” build into our budgets because they are necessary,” explained Monique Meloche, owner of Founded in 2010 and located in a storefront previously Monique Meloche Gallery in Wicker Park. occupied by Shane Campbell in West Town, The Mission contains two exhibition spaces on its first floor and a third Meloche founded her gallery in 2000, and since then she in the basement. On it’s website, the gallery bills The has participated in many art fairs, both in the United Sub-Mission as “an alternative installation project space States and abroad. Her background as a curator at the dedicated to the development of artists living and working Museum of Contemporary Art informs her curatorial in Chicago.” approach to both gallery exhibitions and the gallery’s presence at art fairs. “Using the basement space as a non-commercial space was probably the smartest thing we’ve done for the “It’s important to do what we do at the gallery, and it’s gallery,” explains Campos. “We bring in artists that we important to do what we do at the fairs,” said Meloche. probably would not have known about otherwise.” “I treat [the art fair booths] as exhibitions, and ask ‘how is this going to be strategic for the artist?’” A committee of local arts professionals selects the artists and projects that appear in The Sub-Mission. 14

(Currently, Samantha Bittman, Eric May, Matt Morris, and Teresa Silva serve on the committee.) The program allows for unconventional and experimental work to be displayed in the gallery, often in dialogue with the more commercial work exhibited on the first floor. “The amount of diversity that we display there echoes what we do in the main space,” said Campos. “It’s also a way of giving back to the art community; it provides another outlet for artists who are living and working in Chicago.” The Sub-Mission is just one example of how gallerists are thinking creatively about how to bring more people into their spaces. But even gallery owners who are now without physical spaces are exhibiting work in unexpected ways. Both Aron Packer and Kasia Kay closed their respective galleries in 2015 for different personal and professional reasons; but both saw the need for “changing up” their businesses and exploring new ways of engaging with the art market through a combination of consulting, private sales, and special projects. “I did shows for 14 years straight with a two or three week break each August like everybody else,” said Packer, the previous owner of Packer Schopf Gallery. “So part of the reason—stopping after 14 years running my space—is, I think you need to change things to stay fresh.” Since closing his gallery, Packer has embarked on Aron Packer Projects, consulting for Lillstreet Art Center. He also organizes pop-up exhibitions featuring his artists at venues such as Evanston’s Space 900 and Co-Prosperity Sphere in Bridgeport. These shows are a new way of keeping his artists in the public eye.


the original

Similarly, Kay, the owner and founder of Kasia Kay Art Projects, still sees the relevance of displaying artwork in public spaces, despite closing her own gallery space, Kasia Kay Gallery, in 2015. She’s experimenting with pop-up exhibitions in established retail spaces, including high-end boutiques like élu in Lincoln Park. “I’m very selective in where I show the work,” said Kay. “It has to be somewhere sleek and very modern, where I can envision similar clientele.” The advantage of partnerships with like-minded venues is that Kay can collaborate on cross-marketing and cross-promotion. It also allows her to introduce artists to new audiences. “I’ve always enjoyed promoting young, upcoming artists,” said Kay. “I’m looking for new ways that I can promote again. I’m going back to ‘art project mode’ where I started.” The art market is always evolving. The frenzied art fair landscape, along with a fluctuating economy and a changing collector base continue to motivate both gallery owners and private dealers to create new ways of displaying artwork, promoting artists, and bringing art to the public. Franck Mercurio is a writer and curator based in Chicago



and JUNE 11 12 6 2016 10 am to

main gate





Nancy and Bob Mollers: Down-to-Earth Collectors By KEVIN NANCE There’s a widely held perception that to build a significant art collection, you have to be rich. But Nancy and Bob Mollers, down-to-earth Chicago natives who describe themselves as of relatively modest means compared to the highflying collectors who snap up blue-chip pieces at Sotheby’s, have spent most of their life together demonstrating that you don’t have to be wealthy to collect art. What’s required instead is commitment, discernment and, most of all, lots of time. For nearly half a century, Bob, now a retired teacher and ceramic artist, and Nancy, a retired risk-management executive, have spent much of their time and resources looking at, studying and acquiring art—almost all of it by emerging artists. Today, the couple’s 2,300-square-foot West Loop condo is a destination of choice for art students, museum curators and other collectors who want to see what’s achievable on what Bob Mollers calls “a shoestring budget.” The answer: plenty. The Mollers apartment fairly bulges with art, much of it bearing testament to their good taste and deep knowledge of the contemporary art world. The highlight of the 300-piece collection, displayed in and near a hallway shielded from direct sunlight, is a fine group of works on paper by Jim Nutt, John Currin, Nicole Eisenman, Sol LeWit and several others. Displayed elsewhere are works by Mel Bochner, Adam Pendleton, Kehinde Wiley, Damien Hirst, Wolfgang Tillmans, Erik Parker, Tony Tasset, Thomas Hirschhorn, Nan Goldin, Dan Peterman, Jeanne Dunning, Spencer Finch, William J. O’Brien, Ruth Duckworth, Joyce Pensato, Stanley Whitney and Roger Brown, among many others. The late Chicago Imagist Ed Paschke has a special place in the Mollers’ collection in that an early work, Jointed Heel, was one of their first acquisitions in 1971; Nance, a Paschke portrait of Nancy Mollers, followed in 1975. Chicago Gallery News recently toured the Mollers collection and sat down for a chat. Here’s an edited transcript.

Nancy Mollers seated in front of Ed Paschke’s portrait of her, Nance. Photo by Kevin Nance.

CGN: How did you meet? Bob: We met 50 years ago on the Kedzie bus, going to North Park University. Nancy: I sat down next to him on the bus. I knew he was also going to North Park, so I decided to go for it, and started a conversation, which was very atypical for me. (Laughs.) CGN: And the rest was history. When did you start collecting together? Bob: We’ve been asked that a million times, and basically I always say we didn’t “start” collecting. That is something that evolves slowly. It isn’t like we decided one day, “Let’s starting collecting art.” It was a natural, slow process for us. We didn’t have much money—we still don’t—so we always bought things on a tight budget. 16

Nancy: And neither of us had an art background or families interested in art. So it was a pursuit we developed together since we began dating. Bob: We just liked going to galleries in the Chicago area, looking at art a lot, and now and then we’d stretch and buy something. We focused on young artists, mostly because it was more affordable. After about a year of this, we decided, “Let’s collect only living artists.” We’ve stuck to that ever since. Nancy: That’s our only rule. Bob: Nancy and I would be doing this even if nobody else was doing it. By which I mean, we’re not into collecting because of social interaction with other collectors or whatnot. We do it because we just love it. It stimulates the intellect. It’s visually interesting.

And it keeps you young. There’s always something new and intriguing going on in the contemporary art world. CGN: A lot of people start collecting figurative art and then transition to more abstract work. Has that been the case with you? Nancy: I think it was a mix all along. Bob: When we started in the early 70s, we collected a lot of the Imagists, who were mostly figurative. The Bay Area Funk movement, which we also collected, was largely figurative. But we also collected abstract art early on. Of course we don’t still own some of that early work; we’ve donated about 100 pieces to museums already. After about 15 years of our marriage, Nancy made a professional move to Houston, so we were in that community also, and we placed a lot of our Chicago artists into Texas museum collections. More recently we’ve donated several works on paper to the Art Institute of Chicago. But good art is good art, whether it’s figurative, abstract, conceptual, whatever. It’s true that we don’t get into video. Nancy: We don’t have a place for it. Bob: And of course we don’t collect things that are too big. We like to be comfortable with what we live with. CGN: Has where you’ve lived influenced your collecting? Bob: For her work in Houston, Nancy traveled to Europe fairly often, and I would go with her and we’d look at art. But it’s also true that Art Chicago was a great thing for us, in that it would bring in art from galleries around the world that we knew nothing about. It was like a crash course in contemporary art. I have never missed a single one of the art fairs, and Nancy saw most of them. CGN: How do you go about acquiring pieces? I know you rarely do auctions. Bob: Most of the time we find works we really like through galleries. You walk in and see things you like or you ask about other works by that artist. Nancy: We don’t necessarily discover artists at art galleries.

Bob: Sometimes we do. And nowadays we use the computer a lot. Galleries send us their openings, or they’ll send a list of things they’re bringing to the art fairs. It’s totally different from the way we started, when you had none of that. Now I can see a show online anywhere in the world. If I have a question, I can get a response quickly. Years ago, if you were inquiring about something in Italy, you never even knew if the letter got there. Two months later, you might get a reply, but the image might be a terrible photograph. CGN: Are there certain galleries you work with more often than others? Bob: In the beginning, we worked with local galleries basically, although many of those galleries no longer exist. Some, like Zolla/Lieberman and Rhona Hoffman, are still around. Certainly we never stayed with just one gallery anywhere. As time has gone on, we’ve gotten to enjoy the program at Rhona’s, Corbett vs. Dempsey and Shane Campbell. There’s a new gallery in town, Patron, that I think has great potential. But we’re not captive to any particular gallery. CGN: Do you use an art advisor? Nancy: No. We like doing our own thing. Bob: And now basically the entire collection is in trust to various museums. The curators come and select the works they want every few years. Sometimes there are three or four museums that want the same piece, so you have to make that selection. But our intent is that after we both pass away, our trust funds will continue to do what we love doing, which is acquiring works by living artists. We’ve got that set up. Nancy: Any remaining assets that we have will be in an endowment fund that the Art Institute’s Prints and Drawings Department can use to purchase additional works for years to come. CGN: You often open your collection to art classes. What’s that like? Bob: They’re generally very attentive, extremely interested. It’s very exciting for them, I think, to see a collection like this outside of a museum. Oftentimes they ask— 17

Nancy: “What’s your favorite work?” Bob: And we tell them there isn’t a favorite. If there was a fire, there isn’t one piece that we’d run out with. Nancy: It’s like asking who’s your favorite child. Bob: Sometimes it’s the latest piece you’ve acquired, or the piece that you’re trying to acquire. If I were to walk into a collection and wanted to get an idea of how it developed, I would ask to be shown the earliest piece and the latest piece. That would show me the evolution. CGN: In any case, it must be a treat for the students, coming here. Bob: I hope so. We allow them to photograph the collection, which many collectors don’t allow. One student contacted me recently and said she wants to write her thesis on our collection. I said, “We’ll help you out as much as possible.” I love having the opportunity to meet young people who enjoy what we enjoy. The fact that they’re able to be in what I call an upper-middle-class home that has spent 40-plus years acquiring art by generally younger artists—they understand the significance and the beauty of that. CGN: It’s interesting, Bob, given your background as a ceramic artist, that the collection doesn’t include many pieces in that medium. Bob: We used to have a lot more pieces, but their fragility became an issue. And there was somebody we knew who was building a massive ceramic collection, and so our pieces ended up in his collection. CGN: There’s a sort of diaspora of your collection. Bob: That’s right. We do place art in a few friends’ homes. There’s one friend in the suburbs who has about 40 of our pieces. We also give art, just outright, to friends. It keeps on going. Kevin Nance is a Chicago-based freelance writer. His work appears in the Chicago Tribune, the Washington Post, USA Today, Poets & Writers Magazine and other publications. Follow him on Twitter @KevinNance1

The Artistic Intimacy of Flowers By FRANCK MERCURIO Seeing Laurie Tennent’s botanic photographs in person is a completely different experience than viewing them online. Nothing quite prepares you for the scale of the artist’s physical works, some of which extend eight feet in length. Approaching these images of flowering plants up close, the viewer becomes immersed within the intriguing world of plant anatomy. “I’m very interested in the architecture and design that is in nature,” said Tennent. “The intricacies of [plant] structures are amazing to me.” More than 20 of Tennent’s largescale works can be seen in Botanicals: Intimate Portraits at the Chicago Botanic Garden through September 25. Digital technology enables the Michigan-based artist to enlarge her photos of small, flowering plants to a monumental size. She fuses the images onto aluminum substrates, which allows the works to be displayed indoors or outdoors without need of protective glazing. “With photography, works are usually 15 by 20 inches, behind glass, matted and framed,” said Tennent. “I was always striving to get out of that mold and have the surface become more like a painting.” And, indeed, Tennent’s images reflect the stylistic conventions of 17thcentury Dutch still life paintings. Dramatically lit and set against black backgrounds, these works by the “Old Masters” captured the vibrancy and decay of nature’s bounty: the food and flowers found inside prosperous Dutch homes. To achieve a similar visual effect, Tennent photographs individual plant specimens set against dark backgrounds inside her studio. She uses a shallow depth of field where only the first plane of the object is lit and in focus. “I’m really accentuating the foreground,” explained Tennent about her photographic technique.

Laurie Tennent, Deppea Splendens

“The black background really makes the structure come out and brings [the viewer] into the image.” Her resulting images recall the works of the great botanic illustrators of the 18th and 19th centuries, some of whom were women. Artists such as Barbara Regina Dietzsch (German, 1706–1783) and Mary Delany (English, 1700–1788) rendered plant specimens in vibrant color—and accurate scientific detail—set against stark black backgrounds. It was one of the few artistic fields where women could flourish alongside their male counterparts; the subjects (flowering plants and other botanicals) were considered appropriately feminine. But as Tennent points out, there are dualities in flowering plants that can be read as both male and female. “I really love the masculine/feminine qualities that flowers and other botanic structures have,” said Tennent. “There’s the strength of the [plant] architecture and the delicacy of the petals—I love that duality.” Tennent’s exhibition at the Chicago Botanic Garden is part of a larger project, one that the artist hopes will create greater appreciation for a variety of plants, as well as raising awareness of endangered species. “My plan is to travel to different 18

botanic gardens and create portfolios that are site specific,” said Tennent. “Every garden has certain species that they grow that are important or unique to their collection.” The conservation of plants is a major research focus at the Chicago Botanic Garden. In an effort to fight plant extinction, the Garden’s scientific staff is studying and propagating many species that are endangered, such as the golden fuchsia (Deppea splendens). Native to Chiapas, Mexico, this flowering plant is thought to be extinct in the wild and is now only grown in greenhouses. It is one of the subjects of Tennent’s photography and featured in the exhibition alongside other plants from the Garden’s expansive collections. “Tennent’s work is spectacular,” said Exhibitions and Programs Production Manager Gabriel Hutchison of the Chicago Botanic Garden. “And it’s incredible to see the flowers on such a grand scale.” You can experience the immersive qualities of Tennent’s large-scale photographic images. Botanicals: Intimate Portraits is on display through September 25 in the Garden’s Krehbiel Gallery located in the Regenstein Center. For hours and admission, visit

Suzette Bross: On the Fly By GINNY VAN ALYEA

a summer of art

GV: Tell me a little about your Chicago Artists Coalition BOLT residency. SB: The 2015-2016 BOLT residency has been a wonderful experience, and I was thrilled to be accepted. The residency is a year-long assignment for 10 artists who work in a variety of mediums. We have monthly meetings and meet different curators from various organizations, which is such a gift. We have a group show and then a final solo show. Recently, Michael Darling, Chief Curator at the MCA, came to visit our studios, which was amazing. GV: For your residency exhibition this summer you’re showing portraiture, a classic subject, using somewhat outdated equipment. What role does technology play in your work?

Suzette Bross, Portrait No. 2, Suzette, Archival Pigment Print, 2015

Family Day at the Smart Museum of Art happens (for free!) the first Saturday of each month. Above: Pinata-Rama on June 4

SB: I am making portraits without a camera. I use a scanner like an old fashioned box camera. Each image takes at least two minutes and has a section that is hyper sharp and then other sections with a shallow depth of field. The images reference various aspects of the history of and truths in photography and also speak to our close and complicated relationship with technology.

Manifest Urban Arts Festival happens May 13 around the city as part of Columbia College’s annual arts celebration

GV: Does your new series continue or depart from themes in previous work? SB: Both. For over a decade I have been looking at various aspects of our landscape with and through various new technologies – first, digital cameras and printers, and then camera phones – the cameras most of us use. My last body of work, the Walk series, featured landscapes that almost became self portraits. The photographs are comprised of 100 steps in various walks I took over the course of two years. The images are performative and time-based. These issues are also in my current portrait series. The images are not instantaneous; they take about two minutes to complete. Movement occurs while the sitter is scanned. No image can be replicated because of this. The subjects work with me to create their images. They are almost self portraits, but not quite selfies. GV: How do you fit art into your already very busy life? You truly are one of the busiest people I know.

Elmhurst Art Museum offers 4 day art camps all summer long for kids 5-7 and 8-12 . City field trip included!

SB: On the fly and in between! GV: What will you explore next?

The Lakefront Festival of Art at the Milwaukee Art Museum takes place June 17-19

SB: I am really excited to start my next project. It is broadly about homelessness in Chicago, and I have been lucky enough to work with Heartland Alliance and Streetwise.

Suzette Bross, Walk 2/7/14 Brooklyn Museum, New York (2:01:03-2:02:00pm)

Suzette Bross is a Chicago-based photographer. Her work is in the permanent collections of The Art Institute of Chicago; The National Gallery of Art; Cleveland Museum of Art; Museum of Contemporary Photography, Chicago; the Block Museum; and more. For the Glass opens June 3, 6-9pm at the Chicago Artists Coalition, 217 N Carpenter (60607). 19

Summer is a great time to enjoy the MCA’s Tuesdays on the Terrace each week for food, live jazz, and of course art.

Andrew Holmquist: Theatrical Abstractions

Andrew Holmquist, Stage Left, Installation view, Carrie Secrist Gallery, Chicago, January 29 – March 12, 2016, Photo: Robert Chase Heishman

By ALISON REILLY In 2014, Andrew Holmquist presented a video titled Painting, Time and Space at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC)’s MFA Show. In the video, he translates painting to a three-dimensional space and reveals the process of constructing a complex composition. Ribbons of color unfold across the screen and layer on top of each other. As the camera moves backwards in space, more stage props – a cart here, a ladder there – come into view. At the time, Holmquist was working for the facilities management department at SAIC, so he had access to a collection of objects that assisted him in creating the final product.

frequently in the paintings, and plucking them out and plopping them into the three-dimensional space to see what that actually does and what it’s like to actually be able to walk around to the backside of something rather than just imagine it.” For the exhibition, Holmquist situated the sculptures on pedestals of varying heights and arranged them on a large plinth. He said, “It seemed like an elaborate stage, a Broadway stage setup or back to [Hollywood film director and musical choreographer] Busby Berkeley–these figures emerging from water. Their grand entrance!” The monochromatic sculptures reiterate much of the aesthetic vocabulary found in his paintings. In one sculpture a ribbon (or is it a red carpet?) cascades over a ribbed cylindrical form. In another sculpture a pair of four pale pink legs are poised, ready to descend a staircase.

In his recent exhibition at Carrie Secrist Gallery, Holmquist experimented with many of the same themes that Painting, Time and Space brings forward. The show, STAGE LEFT featured a series of new paintings – Holmquist is known primarily as a painter – but in the latest iteration of his work, he moved more confidently into film and sculpture. He noted, “In the past I’ve had shows that have a sculpture in them in addition to paintings, or I’ve shown the comic books independent of the paintings, but I thought this would be a good opportunity to present these works as pieces of the same whole.”

Like the sculptures, Holmquist’s paintings move fluidly between the worlds of abstraction and figuration. He layers bodies and perspectives on top of each other to create a tense space full of sideways glances and hints at eroticism. In Suit of Armor, a yellow hand emerges from a chaotic tumble of black brushstrokes as if to ground the viewer in space. Holmquist insists that the use of hands in his paintings allows, “the audience pivot backwards into the painting. The audience can recognize a part and spin themselves into this world that I’m presenting.”

Accompanying the paintings in STAGE LEFT was a collection of small-scale ceramic sculptures that Holmquist made with the help of his parents who run a pottery business in northern Minnesota. “The sculptures,” Holmquist said, “they initially started off as action figures from the paintings, or taking specific gestures or moves that appear 20

He continues, “These hands waving you on in, they’re friendly waving, ‘Hello! Come on!’ but then this yellow one – it’s waving hello but also blocking you from entering. Because that’s the experience of looking at painting - you can imagine these spaces in these paintings opening up but clearly you can’t ever go in them. That’s fun because if you could it’d probably be disappointing anyways - this kind of half imagined world is better than the full story.” Growing up, Holmquist participated in small-town theater productions, but he never studied the discipline formally. Nonetheless, the idea of a staged production – a space that exists at a particular time and for a particular audience continues to inform his work. “These places that I depict,” he said, “they go back only a handful of feet rather than miles.” David Hockney, Holmquist said, is a major influence on his work, because “he uses that same idea of the stage in his paintings.” In particular, he appreciates Hockney’s painting at the Art Institute of Chicago, American Collectors (Fred and Marcia Weisman). “The painting uses this isometric perspective that doesn’t exist in reality. It’s really tangible – it’s threedimensional but it’s not realistic threedimensions, it’s a pictorial depiction of three dimensions. And the space of that painting specifically, that blue sky, which is infinite space in reality, it reads more like a tarp or a plastic scrim that’s behind these characters and these stage sets than an actual infinite space.” Holmquist follows in this notion: he experiments with multiple perspectives, creating spaces that look somewhat familiar but could not exist in reality. As an artist, Holmquist benefits from what he calls “low-tech magic,” meaning that he can pull off “pretty dazzling special effects” within the four corners of a canvas. Recently, he extended his philosophy to film. He collaborated with filmmaker Alexander Stewart to create Magic Hands, a 16mm film that, like his paintings and sculptures, fluctuates between figuration and abstraction. Holmquist had previously created video works but chose film in this case because of the high stakes of the medium. “You

can’t do a reshoot because it’s too expensive. You get one shot at it. And that’s the same way with painting. You can certainly wipe something off but with this kind of painting it’s these fresh, seemingly spontaneous gestures that need to hit their mark. I like that drama.” Holmquist was also attracted to the potential of color with 16mm film. A few years ago at the Gene Siskel Film Center, he saw a rare print of Hitchcock’s Vertigo and was overwhelmed. “It was the most colorific experience I’ve ever had. [The film] was so vivid, the emerald greens and the purples were traumatic, they’re so, so intense.” The final component of Holmquist’s exhibition at Carrie Secrist Gallery was an impressive publication flooded with warm yellows, shades of teal, and rich pinks. Part comic book, part catalogue, the publication weaves together pieces of Holmquist’s paintings, sculptures, and film to create an absurdist narrative about a group of superheroes who transform from casually sunbathing at the beach to performing the greatest rendition of Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers’ “Islands in the Stream.” For Holmquist, the publication was one of 21

Works by Andrew Holmquist pictured on this page, Top: Locker Room, 2015, oil, acrylic, spray enamel on canvas, 72” x 84”; Bottom: Suit of Armor, 2015, oil and acrylic on canvas, 60” x 50”

many ways viewers could interpret the work in STAGE LEFT. “It gives people permission to concoct their own strange narrative.” Looking forward, Holmquist is excited to be included in the group exhibition, Drama Queer, curated by art historian Jonathan D. Katz. The exhibition is part of the Queer Arts Festival opening June 2016 in Vancouver, BC.

A New Contemporary Art Gallery opened in Chicago’s vibrant West Loop Neighbourhood. Currently exhibiting the nature photography of Laurel Feldman & steel and stone sculptures of Jeffrey Breslow.

1015 W. Fulton Market Chicago IL 60607 (312) 526 3700

Almost Perpetual

78” x 36” x 50”H | 360 lbs. Kinetic Piece, Stainless Steel Tubing, Granite & Serpentine Stones, Serpentine Parallelogram Slab, Steel Legs and Frame.


Anthony Van Dyke: Radical Portrait Artist

“Chicago’s Steakhouse”

Anthony van Dyck. Lucas Vorsterman, 1630/33. Clarence Buckingham Collection.

Winner of the “Award of Excellence” from Distinguished Restaurants of North America

By GINNY VAN ALYEA To anyone with at least a basic knowledge of European art history, the works of Flemish artist Anthony van Dyck will be familiar; they may also strike one as traditional in style. Most of us do not know just how radical and definitive van Dyck’s artistic visions were at the time. Today many blue chip portraits on the contemporary market have roots in 17th century Europe, thanks in large part to Van Dyck’s depictions, which influenced his contemporaries as well as future generations. An exhibition on view at the Art Institute of Chicago, Van Dyck, Rembrandt, and the Portrait Print, offers an opportunity to learn about the work of this artist and his significant role in the history of fine art portraiture. Known primarily as a painter, Van Dyck also worked in etching and printmaking. In the last decade of his life the artist personally produced 15 etchings that would become part of a more than 100-piece key portrait series known as the Iconography. These etchings, some of which boldly depict artists in the same manner as, and even alongside, top members of the court and society, are on view for the first time in nearly 90 years. Together with works by various artists from the 16th through the 20th century, they help explain Van Dyck’s lasting influence on the evolution of the portrait print and its significance as a distinct genre. It was Van Dyck’s novel manner of faithfully depicting faces and their unique features and expressions that led to portraits as we know them today. Visitors to the show are presented with approximately 140 works spanning five centuries. Featured are artists who preceded Van Dyck, such as Albrecht Dürer, as well those who followed soon after—Rembrandt van Rijn—and then centuries later, from Francisco de Goya, Edgar Degas, and Käthe Kollwitz to Chuck Close.

Tony + Marion Durpetti – Proprietors 500 North Franklin St. (312) 527-3718





Lake County Fairgrounds 1060 E Peterson Rd, Grayslake, IL 60030



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WHEATON, IL • 715-526-9769



State Street Gallery Spring Art SALE!

Donated work by alumni, faculty, staff and professional artists. Proceeds to benefit the RMU Scholarship Fund. April 11 - May 12, 2016

Van Dyck, Rembrandt, and the Portrait Print runs thru August 7 at the Art Institute of Chicago. Exhibition curated by Victoria Sancho Lobis, Prince Trust Assoc. Curator, Dept. of Prints and Drawings, Art Institute of Chicago


• Boone County Fairgrounds •

Bridging Realms

Contemporary Buddhist Art May 28 - June 30, 2016

Reception May 28 • 2:00 - 4:00 pm

401 South State Street, Chicago, IL Mon - Thur 10:00 am - 6:00 pm | FREE and Open to the Public


Our gallery listings are organized geographically, so you can easily look up galleries in your area and plan a visit. Beyond your neighborhood, you can always find spaces in surprising spots - use new discoveries as inspiration for drives or adventures to explore new territory. These listings show what exhibitions are taking place this season and which artists are exhibiting now. Visit our online calendar of events for a guide to artist talks, lectures and special happenings in the galleries. A pull-out map is on page 33. Chicago Gallery News is the only resource of its kind. To be included please contact us: 312-649-0064 or

Art is everywhere this season – look around to find the familiar as well as the new. Picasso sculpture image via @ChiGalleryNews on Instagram. 2016

Addington Gallery

River North Dozens of galleries radiate from the intersection of Superior and Franklin streets, making up the River North gallery district. The area is the city’s densest gallery center, and it is also close to the Merchandise Mart and many area design stores.

704 N. Wells (60654) Tel 312-664-3406 Tu-Sa 11-6

July 8 • Augustina Droze: Organic Still Life • Carl Linstrum: New Mixed Media Paintings Reception, Friday July 8, 5-8pm

Thru June ColorSpace: New Work by Julia Katz, Kathleen Waterloo, Rebecca Crowell, Howard Hersh, Michael Hoffman.


River North Events • June 3 and July 8 openings • Free Saturday Gallery Tours, 11-12:30 Dining in the district Boarding House, Kiki’s Bistro, Club Lago; Gene & Georgetti; Coco Pazzo; PROSECCO, Farmhouse; Green Door, Tall Boy Tacos; Nacional 27 24

Kathleen Waterloo Airport/ Guangzhou Encaustic on panel 24” x 24”

Jean Albano Gallery

Andrew Bae Gallery

215 W. Superior (60654) Tel 312-440-0770 Tu-F 10:30-5:30; Sa 11-5 and by appt.

300 W. Superior (60654) Tel 312-335-8601 Tu-Sa 10-6 Contemporary Asian art, primarily with ties to Korea and Japan.

Contemporary paintings, drawings and constructions.

Permanent gallery artists include Kwang Jean Park, Young June Lew, Yongjin Han, Tetsuya Noda, Keysook Geum, Jungjin Lee, Jae Ko, Leeah Joo, Gapchul Lee Please contact gallery or visit website for exhibition information and upcoming opening dates. MEMBER CHICAGO ART DEALERS ASSOCIATION

Please contact gallery or visit website for additional exhibition and opening details. Thru May 1 Guys and Dolls featuring Donna Rosenthal With selected artists: Claudia DeMonte, Jules Feiffer, William Harrison, Angelina Keating, Bonnie Lautenberg June 3 Margaret Wharton Opening reception: June 3, 5:30-7:30 Contact the gallery for additional information Leeah Joo Pojagi Fancy 2015 Oil on canvas 30 x 30”

Margaret Wharton, Essence of Chippendale, 1985, chair parts, applied pigment, 64 x 38 x 1 1/2”

Echt Gallery

Catherine Edelman Gallery

222 W. Superior (60654) Tel 312-440-0288 Tu-Sa 11-5 or by appt.

300 W. Superior (60654) Tel 312-266-2350 Tu-Sa 10-5:30

Specializing in the finest contemporary sculpture.

Contemporary photography and mixed media photo-based art.

Artists represented include: Oben Abright, Martin Blank, Dale Chihuly, Daniel Clayman, Pearl Dick, Gregory Grenon, Philip Baldwin and Monica Guggisberg, Shayna Leib, Mira Maylor, Clifford Rainey, Joseph Rossano, Marek Zyga, Toots Zynsky and others.

May 6-July 1 Francesco Pergolesi: Heroes Opening reception with the artist: May 6, 5-7pm

The Golden Triangle

July 8-September 2 • Michael Kenna: Forms of Japan • Still Moving: Video works by Jan Kaesbach, Kasumi, Jonna Kina, Guillaume Martial, Kevin O. Mooney and Tim Tate Opening reception with the artists: July 8, 5-7:30pm MEMBER CHICAGO ART DEALERS ASSOCIATION MEMBER ASSOCIATION OF INTERNATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY ART DEALERS (AIPAD)

For a complete listing of artists and exhibitions please visit our website. June 3 Group Show: Gallery Artists

330 N. Clark (60654) Tel 312-755-1266 M-F 10-6, Sa 10-5 What originally started with imported collectables from Thailand, The Golden Triangle has since grown to an 18,000 square foot design destination. Assembled in curated vignettes, the eclectic mix of Asian and European antiques, artifacts, lighting, and other accessories prove there are no boundaries or limitations in decorating. The Golden Triangle hosts exhibitions and cultural events throughout the year. Please visit for updates on our special events. May 20-June 30 Journey to Nagaland Featuring furniture, art and jewelry made by the tribes of the region.


Michael Kenna, Biwa Lake Tree, Study 4, Omi, Honshu, Japan, 2003


River North Gruen Galleries 226 W. Superior (60654) Tel 312-337-6262 M-Sa 10-6; Su 11-5 Dir. Lisa Boron Event Dir. Michael Gerber In the heart of River North, within 20,000 sq. ft. we house a large collection of contemporary American and European painting and sculpture. We also showcase tribal African artifacts.

Carl Hammer Gallery 740 N. Wells (60654) Tel 312-266-8512 Tu-F 11-6; Sa 11-5

Opening receptions 6-8pm on first date of scheduled exhibitions. Thru May 14 Michael Hernandez De Luna: Philatelic Adventures

Representing American and international contemporary artists, and specializing in artists’ works from the “Outsider” genre.

May 20-June 30 Sarp Kerem Yavuz: SARP! Projections July 8-August 20: Summer Group Show MEMBER CHICAGO ART DEALERS ASSOCIATION

Gallery available for special events. June 3 Tom Matucci, figures Mixed media on canvas

Left: Sarp Kerem Yavuz, Hilal, 2015, digital projections on fabric and paper Right: Michael Hernandez de Luna, Psycho, 2015, perforated digital prints and vintage envelope with machine cancelation

Tom Matucci, Figurato 9604, mixed media on canvas, 48 x 60”

Hilton | Asmus Contemporary

Moberg Gallery at deAurora

Alan Koppel Gallery

716 N. Wells (60654) Tel 312-475-1788 Tu-Sa 12-6 or by appt.

806 N. Dearborn (60610) Tel 312-640-0730 Dir. Laura Ellsworth

Modern and contemporary paintings, limited edition graphics, glass art, sculpture and photography.

Please contact gallery for exhibition information.

222 Merchandise Mart Plaza Ste. 1499 (60654) Tel 312-644-4430

Contemporary painting and sculpture from established artists across the nation in a wide variety of media paired with the finest quality furnishings and accessories. Our current exhibit can be viewed online at

Thru May 12 Inner Perceptions, Outer Reflections: Sculpture by Blake Ward May 6 5-8pm, Book Signing John Perkins The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man May 19 6-8pm, Artist Talk Susan Aurinko and Jyl Bonaguro Inspired by Antiquity Finale June 3-24 Peter Sorel New Works, Photographs Opening Reception, June 3, 6-8pm June 30-August 12 La Femme: Beauty & Form, Photographs Terry O’Neill, Douglas Kirkland, Jack Perno, Susan Aurinko, Gail Mancuso, Peter Sorel Opening Reception, June 30, 5:30-8pm John Hull, Conservation, acrylic on canvas, 48” x 72” 26

River North Ann Nathan Gallery 212 W. Superior (60654) Tel 312-664-6622 Tu-F 10-5:30; Sa 11-5 For over thirty years, Ann Nathan Gallery has represented the work of established and emerging artists with a focus on contemporary realism in all formats paintings, sculpture and artist-made studio furniture.

The Rangefinder Gallery

The African Tribal art collection should not be missed. June 3 Art Shay: Photographs Opening Friday, June 3, 5-8pm

works from the legendary


300 West Superior, Second Floor Monday-Friday 9-5:30 - Saturday 10-2 312 642-2255


First Fridays in River North Opening receptions every month of 2016 ! Friday, May 6

55 Years Behind the Leica Alan Weinschel

Friday, June 3

R-365 A Year’s Worth of the Unwanted

Sarah Filipi

Art Shay, Muddy Waters with his wife, Geneva, 1951, silver gelatin print, 20 x 16 inches

Richard Norton Gallery 612 Merchandise Mart Plaza (60654) Tel 312-644-8855 M-F 9-5 Richard P. Norton Dir. Susan Klein Bagdade Notable American + European Impressionist + Modern paintings, drawings + sculpture from the 19th + early 20th Centuries. Offering a wide range of services, including consultation, appraisal, consignment + purchase of artwork. Artists include: Gertrude Abercrombie, Adam Albright, George Aldrich, Morris Barazani, Claude Bentley, Roger Brown, Karl Buehr, Francis Chapin, Serge Chermayeff, Georges Maurice Cloud, Alexander Corazzo, Werner Drewes, Edward T. Grigware, Hananiah Harari, Harold Haydon, Carl Holty, Richard Hunt, George Josimovich, Richard Koppe, Albert Krehbiel, Jan Matulka, Edgar Miller, Gregory Orloff, Frank Peyraud, William S. Schwartz, Gerrit Sinclair, Clyde Singer, John Storrs, Frederic Tellander, Morris Topchevsky, R. LeRoy Turner, Clayton Whitehill, among others.


Friday, July 1

Hidden Shadows Kirill Polevoy

Friday, August 5

Paris, Nothing New Olivier Meyer

First Fridays in River North Participating Galleries

311 W. Superior (60654) Tel 312-664-9407 Tu-Sa 11-5 and by appt. Dir. Bob Hiebert

Addington Galler y Catherine Edelman Galler y Stephen Daiter Galler y Josef Glimer Galler y Hilton | Asmus Contemporar y Alan Koppel Galler y Ann Nathan Galler y Jennifer Norback Fine Ar t Perimeter Galler y Printworks Galler y The Rangefinder Galler y Ken Saunders Galler y Schneider Galler y Vale Craft Galler y Weinberg | Newton Galler y Zg Galler y Zolla | Lieberman Galler y

Printworks is a works on paper gallery specializing in contemporary prints, drawings, photographs and artists’ books. Opening receptions 5:30-7:30 on first date of scheduled exhibition. Thru May 14 Eleanor Spiess-Ferris: Inevitable Anyway New works on paper May 20-July 2 Riva Lehrer: New Drawings July 8-August 20 Summer Group Show: Selected Artists



River North The Rangefinder Gallery at Tamarkin Camera 300 W. Superior (60654) Tel 312-642-2255 M-F 9-5:30; Sa 10-2 Dan Tamarkin Featuring un-retouched digital and film photographs made with the legendary Leica M camera. Opening receptions on the first Friday of every month, the first date of scheduled exhibitions, 6-9pm.

Ken Saunders Gallery

May 6-31 Alan Weinschel: 55 Years Behind the Leica

230 W. Superior (60654) Tel 312-573-1400 Tu-Sa 10:30-5:30 Ken Saunders

June 3-25 Sarah Filipi: R-365 - A Year’s Worth of the Unwanted

Exhibiting the world’s most prominent and innovative artists creating glass sculpture.

July 1-30 Kirill Polevoy: Hidden Shadows

May 6-June 30 Design(ed) in Glass Intentional design can bring order to chaos and elevate the human experience. Our deepest senses relate to hand crafted objects and there is a feeling of connectedness when we see traces of the craftsperson’s effort in their work. The artists in this exhibition blur the boundary between designer and maker and create objects that resonate for their utility as well as for their sculptural beauty. Featuring Julie Conway, Mark Hursty, Yosuke Miyao and Kathryn Wightman.

August 5-27 Olivier Meyer: Paris, Nothing New

July 1-31 Original Voices: The Gallery’s annual survey of talented, new, underexposed and young artists MEMBER CHICAGO ART DEALERS ASSOCIATION

Olivier Meyer, Paris, Nothing New, opening August 5

Schneider Gallery

Vale Craft Gallery

Galerie Waterton

770 N. LaSalle, Ste. 401 (60654) Tel 312-988-4033 Tu-Sa 11-5 Dir. Martha Schneider

230 W. Superior (60654) Tel 312-337-3525 Tu-F 10:30-5:30; Sa 11-5 Dir. Peter Vale

With 25 years of experience, Schneider is dedicated to the exhibition of contemporary photography.

An eclectic mix of affordable, contemporary American fine craft. Ongoing display of ceramics, decorative fiber art, glass objects, metal sculpture, functional art + unique jewelry.

We are proud to represent established and emerging artists from around the world, featuring photographers from: Argentina, Guatemala, Africa, China, Germany, and Japan, among others.

311 W. Superior (60654) Tel 312-351-0838 M-W by appt; Th-Sa 11-5:30 *Gallery is closed in August Dir. Francois Grossas, Laurence Lignel Featuring paintings by both emerging and established contemporary artists from Southeast Asia. May 20-July 30 Blossoms: Malaysian artist Janiz Chan Opening Friday, May 20, 5-8pm

Opening receptions on first day of new exhibitions from 5-8pm and for First Fridays until 8pm.

Opening receptions on the first Friday of the exhibition, 5-7:30pm.

Thru May 28 Figuratively Speaking

Thru May 31 Frances F. Denny: Let Virtue Be Your Guide

June 3-September 3 Summer Group Show

June 3-July 30 Schneider Gallery’s Artist Showcase MEMBER CHICAGO ART DEALERS ASSOCIATION

Doug DeLind, Hannah, 2015, ceramic, 16” x 23”


Weinberg/Newton Gallery 300 W. Superior (60654) Tel 312-529-5090 M-Sa 10-5 Committed to educating and informing the public about issues of social justice, our gallery aims to provide an engaging environment for discourse on critical contemporary matters that concern the Chicago community and beyond. Joining artists and organizations in support and solidarity of their cause, we consider ourselves a veritable soapbox for our partners as we all work together to inspire change and cultivate a culture of consciousness. We see our gallery as a hub for initiatives committed to community and educational development by way of programming that is uniquely integral to each exhibition, including panel discussions, film screenings and more. The gallery is free and open to the public. Thru June 9 Your body is a battleground - An exhibition focused on the many ways art and artists have moved the pro-choice and feminist movements forward. Featuring sculpture, photography, painting, drawing, and mixed media. Curated in partnership with Personal PAC.

Janiz Chan, Retro 3, oil on canvas, 15” x 22”


Zolla / Lieberman Gallery 325 W. Huron (60654) Tel 312-944-1990 Tu-F 10-5:30; Sa 11-5:30 Opening receptions are held on the first night of the exhibition, 5-8pm.

Thru May 7 Susanne Doremus May 13-August 20 Deborah Butterfield 40th Anniversary Celebration Opening reception with the artist on Friday, May 13 MEMBER CHICAGO ART DEALERS ASSOCIATION

Art Shay, Marlon Brando At His Family Home, 1950, silver gelatin print, 16” x 20”

ANN NATHAN GALLERY J une 2016 212 W. Superior, Chicago 312.664.6622

Deborah Butterfield, Makana, 2015, cast bronze with patina, 40” x 44” x 12”

Zygman Voss Gallery 222 W. Superior (60654) Tel 312-787-3300 Tu-Sa 10-5; Su-M by appt.

Additionally, Zygman Voss represents contemporary artists Leonardo Nierman, Aliza Nahor, Ramon Vilanova, Jeong Han Yun & Choon Hyang Yun, and Errol Jacobson.

Zygman Voss Gallery specializes in showcasing museum quality 17th to 20th century masters such as Picasso, Rembrandt, and Renoir.

May 14 The Imaginative World of Dalí An exhibition of works by Salvador Dalí from the collection of Pierre Argillet, a collector and publisher who worked with Dalí for almost 30 years. The show centers around a selection of artwork from Argillet’s Parisian château, once planned to be a Dalí museum, and includes tapestries, one-of-a-kind mixed media originals, etchings, and the public premiere of a rare sculpture that was handmodeled by the artist.

Dali’s Mustache, Photo by Philippe Halsman

NEHA VEDPATHAK Plucked paper wall installation and sculpture exhibition

July 11 – August 31, 2016 Featuring multidisciplinary artist Neha Vedpathak


Jeffrey Breslow Gallery

West Loop, Fulton Market, West Side

1015 W. Fulton Market (60607) Tel 312-526-3700 Hours by appt. Dir. Megan Mak

West Loop + West Town Dining Many West Loop restaurants make great post-gallery spots: Publican, Next, the Aviary, Blackbird, Avec, Girl and the Goat, Maude’s Liquor Bar, Piccolo Sogno, Nellcôte, Au Cheval, Soho House, Monteverde, Green Zebra, BellyQ and many, many more.

A new contemporary art gallery located in Chicago’s vibrant West Loop neighborhood. Currently exhibiting a unique collaboration of bold brushstrokes and intricate line work from Meg Frazier and Morgan Winter, as well as the steel and stone sculptures of Jeffrey Breslow.

The Jeffrey Breslow Gallery aims to inspire an appreciation for art to individuals of all ages. By creating an exciting venue to exhibit the work of Jeffrey Breslow, as well as other artists, the gallery invites conversations on the boundaries of art and the relationship between surface and density.

Design + Culture The West side is filled with design and vintage sources where you can find antiques, bargain furniture or high-end design at: Strand Design, Wright, Leslie Hindman Auctioneers, Morlen Sinoway and Randolph Street Market.

Jeffrey Breslow, Over the Top, painted steel tubing, marble boulder and granite stones, 73” x 28” x 45”, 785 lbs.

Chicago Artists Coalition (CAC) 217 N. Carpenter (60607) Tel 312-491-8888 M-F 9-5; Sa 12-6 pm Closed major holidays and for some events May 27-June 16 • BOLT Exhibition: Suzette Bross (special opening reception June 3) • HATCH 3: Artists Barbara Diener, Carla Fisher Schwartz, and Leander Knust; curated by Sharmyn Cruz Rivera. June 24-July 14 • BOLT Exhibition: CAC Dialogues Series • HATCH 4: Artists Soheila Azadi, Jeremiah Jones, and Hilary Wiedemann; curated by George William Price. July 22-August 11 • BOLT Exhibition: Aram Han Sifuentes • HATCH 5: Artists Austen Brown, Angela Davis Fegan, and Alex Calhoun; curated by Kate Pollasch. August 19-September 8 • BOLT Exhibition: Jaclyn Jacunski • HATCH 6: Cassandra Stadnicki, Jon Chambers, and Yaloo; curated by Brett Swinney.

Gallery 400

Rhona Hoffman Gallery

400 S. Peoria (60607) Tel 312-996-6114 Tu-F 10-6; Sa 12-6 and by appt.

118 N. Peoria (60607) Tel 312-455-1990 Tu-F 10-5:30; Sa 11-5:30 Dir. Cara Lewis

Gallery 400’s mission is to present and support the leading edge of contemporary art, architecture, and design through compelling exhibitions, dynamic programs, and multifaceted support for arts practitioners. An integral part of both the University of Illinois at Chicago’s and the city of Chicago’s vibrant contemporary arts scene, Gallery 400 is uniquely poised to offer innovative programming that connects the art of today to scholarship and debate.

Specializes in international contemporary art in all media, and art that is conceptually, formally, or socio-politically based. Founded 1983. Represented artists: Derrick Adams, Todd Chilton, Spencer Finch, Julia Fish, Natalie Frank, Chris Garofalo, Luis Gispert, Jacob Hashimoto, Susan Hefuna, Robert Heinecken, Deana Lawson, Judy Ledgerwood, Sol LeWitt, Nathanial Mary Quinn, Michael Rakowitz, Richard Rezac, Fred Sandback, Nancy Spero, Siebren Versteeg, Anne Wilson.

Gallery 400 has presented more than 1,000 artists in its exhibitions and programs since its founding in 1983. In so doing, we strive to make complex works and ideas accessible to a broad spectrum of the public, advance and cultivate a variety of cultural and intellectual perspectives, and foster an interdisciplinary understanding of the visual arts.

Mars Gallery 1139 W. Fulton Market (60607) Tel 312-226-7808 W 12-6; Th 12-7; F 12-6; Sa 11-5; and by appt. Dir. Barbara Gazdik Specializing in contemporary fine, fun and sophisticated artwork. Original paintings and limited edition prints. Since 1988 Mars has been a must-see hot spot of Chicago’s West Loop art scene. Celebrating over 25 years. For additional show schedule please consult the gallery website.

May 19 Michael Rakowitz July 8 RHG Summer Show

Thru June 11 our duty to fight Organized by Black Lives Matter Chicago



Karen Parisian, Take In or Soak Up, original painting on canvas, 30” x 60”

McCormick Gallery 835 W. Washington (60607) Tel 312-226-6800 Tu-F 10-5; Sa 11-5 McCormick Gallery features both Modern and Contemporary art, focusing primarily on painting, works on paper and sculpture.

Pagoda Red We represent the estates of numerous mid-century American painters, with an emphasis on abstract expressionism.

400 N. Morgan (60642) Tel 773-235-1188 M-Sa 10-6

The gallery also shows both established and emerging contemporary artists.

Pagoda red is the design destination for people who love the art, history, style and spirit of Asian and modern objects. Soulful spaces are made of stories. Stop by for a cup of tea in our garden.

June 17-August 13 How Much Land, Opening reception June 17, 5-7pm MEMBER CHICAGO ART DEALERS ASSOCIATION

See suburban CGN listing for more information about the Winnetka gallery and visit for updates about exhibitions and special events. June 3-July 21 Toyoharu Kii: Contemporary Japanese Mosaics Opening reception: Friday, June 3, 6:30-9:30pm

Anna Kunz, Untitled, gouache on Sakamoto paper, 2016, 13 x 14 1/2”, signed and dated verso

Carrie Secrist Gallery 835 W. Washington (60607) Tel 312-491-0917 Tu-F 10:30-6; Sa 11-5 Dir. Britton Bertran Established and emerging contemporary artists in all media. Please contact the gallery for exhibition information. May 14-June 25 Whitney Bedford Opening reception May 14, 5-8pm July 2-August 13 Min Song Opening reception July 2, 5-8pm

Linda Warren Projects

threewalls Mailing: PO Box 3970 (60654)

327 N. Aberdeen (60607) Tel 312-432-9500 Tu-Sa 11-5 or by appt. Owner Linda Warren Dir. Natalia Ferreyra

Threewalls is a 501(c)3 organization dedicated to increasing Chicago’s cultural capital by cultivating contemporary art practice and discourse. Through a range of exhibition and public programs, including symposiums, lectures, performances and publications, Threewalls creates a locus of exchange between local, national and international contemporary art communities.

Openings first day of exhibition, 6-9pm Emerging and mid-career contemporary artists in all media.

Additional focus on corporate collections and consulting. May 6-June 18 Emmett Kerrigan June 25-August 13 Gallery X: William Eckhardt Kohler Gallery Y: Joseph Noderer MEMBER CHICAGO ART DEALERS ASSOCIATION

VIsit webiste for information on exhibitions taking place in various locations.


Emmett Kerrigan

Art Advisory, Ltd.

Private Dealers and Art Consultants Private dealers offer a range of personalized services to clients, while art advisors also work with individuals and corporate groups looking to learn about art and build or manage a collection.

Tel 773-671-8624 By appt. only Susan Blackman

2440 N. Lakeview (60614) Tel 312-751-9500 By appt. only

Enrich Life, Collect Art.

Russell Bowman Art Advisory focuses on private sales of modern and contemporary art with an emphasis on Chicago Imagists and self-taught masters.

Contact Susan to schedule a consultation.

The advisory also provides complete collection development and management services for private collections and corporations. Services include collection planning and acquisitions, coordination of appraisals, conservation, framing and installation, private sales and donations to institutions.

The advisers, dealers and consultants listed are all available by appointment.

Over 35 years of museum and gallery experience. Featured artists include: Roger Brown, Philip Guston, Lucian Freud, Jasper Johns, Elizabeth Murray, Jim Nutt, Philip Pearlstein, Joseph Yoakum, Ray Yoshida and others.

Tina Tahir, The Impossible Alignment of two Fragments in close Approximation, Arsenale, Venice, 2016. Courtesy Kasia Kay Projects

Chicago Art Source 1871 N. Clybourn (60614) Tel 773-248-3100 M-F 10-6; Sa 10-5; and by appt. Felice Davis consulting@ Chicago Art Source offers a full range of corporate art services, including acquisition, consultation, custom framing, installation and complete project management. Our experts have fostered relationships with a diverse group of artists across a broad range of media, ensuring clients have access to a vast inventory, first-class sourcing and special commissions. As part of the country’s largest art and picture framing company, your entire project is handled in-house.

Russell Bowman Art Advisory

Joy Horwich Gallery + 2

Kasia Kay Art Projects

3180 N. Lake Shore Dr. (60657) Tel 773-327-3366

Tel 312-944-0408 By appt. Kasia Kay

Joy Horwich Gallery +2 is a full service art consulting group.

Services include site-specific commissions, art consulting, custom and contract framing, consignment programs and To The Trade pricing.

We work with clients to help them with all their art needs. We pride ourselves in making the process as smooth as possible from acquisition to installation. We have a wide range of artists specializing in different mediums including paintings, drawings, photography, prints and sculpture. We have access to artwork that accommodates all budgets. Call or email to make an appointment for consultation.

From original paintings, sculptures and prints by international artists, we can help to achieve the perfect art selection for major collectors and buyers of art, as well as for corporate collections.

Aron Packer Projects

7445 N. Campbell (60645) Tel 773-458-3150 By appt. Dir. Aron Packer

Please look at our website and click on “Artists” on the sidebar to see all the great and unusal artists we work with. Call or email to make an appointment for a consultation.

With more than 20 years and over 200 shows in the Chicago art scene, Aron Packer continues his legacy now as a private dealer.

May 20-29 Resurrection: Aron Packer Projects @ Co-Prosperity Sphere

His most recent space, Packer Schopf Gallery, was a mustsee for collectors and artists and was often a destination for many travelers in from abroad. With a focused yet offbeat vision, shows at the gallery were always anticipated. We continue to work with the artists we have always represented, and have access to small and large-scale work in all media.

Whether you have a single room or an entire facility in need of artwork, Chicago Art Source consultants work with clients, interior designers, architects and facilities managers to help them meet their business objectives and budget. View resources, details and job portfolios 32

Exhibition location: 3129 S. Morgan (60608) Artists’ reception: Friday, May 20, 6-10pm Open Saturdays and Sundays, May 21-22, 28-29, 12-5pm This large-scale show is Aron Packer’s first pop up in Chicago since he closed his doors in 2015. Artists TBA.

Free Saturday Gallery Tours



At Carrie Secrist Gallery in the West Loop

in print, online, on your tablet and phone, cgn features a variety of art insights, news, events and more to help you be an art insider

Art Walks 1st Friday

3rd Friday

Lakeside Legacy Arts Park 5–8pm • Free/donations 401 Country Club Rd., Crystal Lake, IL

Zhou B Art Center/ Bridgeport Art Walk 7–10pm • Free 1029 W. 35th St.

Flat Iron First Fridays Wicker Park / Bucktown 5–10pm • Free 1579 N. Milwaukee

2nd Saturday

River North First Fridays 6–8/9pm • Free Near Franklin/Superior

The Lost Artists Show Art Colony Studio Building 5–10pm • Free 2630 W. Fletcher

Free Saturday Tours 2nd Friday Chicago Arts District 6–10pm • Free S. Halsted + 18th St. (Pilsen East) Fine Arts Building Open Studios 5–9pm • Free 410 S. Michigan

3rd Friday Bridgeport Art Center 7–10pm • Free 1200 W. 35th St. Bronzeville Trolley Tour May–September • Contact Gallery Guichard for details: 773-791-7003

River North: 11am–12:30pm Starbucks: 750 N. Franklin. Tours run weekly, year-round, except major holidays. For details and participating galleries call 312-649-0064 or visit

Other Events

taBlet and issuu.coM

Prime Time at the MCA Close Friday, May 6, 7-11pm A late night series taking place three times a year. Live music, performance art, film, food and drink and more. 21+ Tickets


Gallery Night and Day Milwaukee, WI – Third Ward July 22 and 23 F 5–9 and Sa 10–4

apple newsstand

Oak Park Arts District (OPAD) 6–10pm • Free On Harrison St. 33


Michigan Avenue, Gold Coast, Streeterville, The Loop, South Loop

900 N Michigan (60611) 3rd and 4th floors Tel 312-241-1607 M-Sa 10-7; Su 12-6

There are many galleries along the Magnificent Mile, from Oak Street to the Chicago River, south near Millennium Park and down past Congress Parkway. Galleries occupy spaces steps from Michigan Ave., as well as in some of Chicago’s most iconic skyscrapers.

ARTSPACE 8 specializes in contemporary paintings, works on paper, and sculpture by local and international artists showcased in an impressive 14,000 square foot space. Thru May 9 Silvio Porzionato & Fidel Rodriguez: E La Vita / Es La Vida (It’s Life) Featuring Silvio Porzionato’s figurative paintings and Fidel Rodriguez’s abstract paintings

The area includes the Art Institute of Chicago, the Museum of Contemporary Art (MCA), Loyola University Museum of Art (LUMA), and the Museum of Contemporary Photography (MoCP), among others.

Douglas Dawson Gallery 224 S. Michigan, Ste. 266 (60604) Tel 312-226-7975 Tu-Sa 10-5:30 and by appt. Specializing in ancient and historic tribal art since 1983. Over the past 30 years the gallery has placed important ethnographic art in most major American museums and in many private collections in the greater Chicago area and around the nation. The gallery has mounted numerous thematic exhibitions of textiles, ceramics, metal work and sculpture representing traditional nonWestern cultures from pre-Columbian America, Asia and Africa. The gallery welcomes enthusiasts new to the world of ethnographic art as well as museum curators and collectors already familiar with the rich and varied world of traditional tribal art. The gallery is located downtown in Chicago’s historic south Loop, directly across the street from the Art Institute of Chicago and is open to the public.

EXPO CHICAGO in September and SOFA CHICAGO in November both take place in Navy Pier’s Festival Hall.

Please contact the gallery about upcoming exhibitions. MEMBER CHICAGO ART DEALERS ASSOCIATION

Richard H. Driehaus Museum

Richard Gray Gallery

Bert Green Fine Art

40 E. Erie (60611) Nickerson Mansion Tel 312-482-8933 Tu-Su 10-5

875 N. Michigan, Ste. 3800 John Hancock Center (60611) Tel 312-642-8877 M-F 10-5:30; Sa by appt.

8 S. Michigan (60603) Tel 312-434-7544 F-Sa, 12-5pm; By appt. M-Sa Dir. Bert Green

The Museum is open for self-guided visitation during regular hours of operation. Guided tours of Driehaus Museum highlights are offered four times daily. Advance reservations are not required.

Founded in 1963, Richard Gray Gallery is one of the leading dealers in modern and contemporary American and European art with locations in both Chicago and New York.

Emerging and mid-career contemporary artists in various media.

The Richard H. Driehaus Museum immerses visitors in one of the grandest residential buildings of 19th-century Chicago, the Gilded Age home of banker Samuel Mayo Nickerson. Chicago philanthropist Richard H. Driehaus founded the museum on April 1, 2003 with a vision to influence today’s built environment by preserving and promoting architecture and design of the past. Thru May 29 Dressing Downton: Changing Fashion for Changing Times June 25, 2016-January 8, 2017 With a Wink and a Nod: Cartoonists of the Gilded Age

Please visit website for full exhibition schedule.

The gallery offers exceptional works by masters such as Picasso, Matisse and Miró and also represents some of the most exciting artists working today, including Jaume Plensa, David Hockney, Jim Dine, and Alex Katz. Please contact gallery for up to date exhibition information. Thru July 1 Magdalena Abakanowicz July 14-September 10 John Santoro Opening reception Thursday, July 14, 6-8pm MEMBER ART DEALERS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA MEMBER CHICAGO ART DEALERS ASSOCIATION


Hildt Galleries 140 E. Walton (60611) Tel 312-255-0005 M-Sa 11-5:30 Hildt Galleries showcases fine original 19th and 20th Century British, European and American oil paintings and watercolors. Artists include: Antoine Bouvard Montague Dawson Constantin Kluge Evert Pieters Bernard Pothast EJ Paprocki Alan Wolton

R.S. Johnson Fine Art

Chicago - Los Angeles

645 N. Michigan (60611) Tel 312-943-1661 M-Sa 9-5:30

43 E. Oak (60611) Tel 312-255-1202 T-W 11-6; Th-Sa 11-7; Su 1-5

Established in 1955, R.S. Johnson Fine Art specializes in museum quality works of art ranging from Old Master works on paper to 19th and 20th Century paintings, drawings, prints and sculpture.

With locations in Chicago and Los Angeles KM Fine Arts has specialized in Modern, Abstract Expressionism and Post War and Contemporary Art.

Our clients include more than 50 museums worldwide. Featured artists: Dürer, Rembrandt, Piranesi, Goya, Degas, Cassatt, Guillaumin, Raoul Dufy, ToulouseLautrec, Matisse, Gleizes, Villon, Masson, De Chirico and Picasso. MEMBER INTERNATIONAL FINE PRINT DEALERS ASSOCIATION

Mongerson Gallery

KM Fine Arts

In addition to our contemporary roster, the gallery program includes works by Georg Baselitz, Norman Bluhm, Fernando Botero, James Brooks, Alexander Calder, John Chamberlain, Eric Fischl, Michael Goldberg, Keith Haring, Hans Hofmann, Robert Indiana, Wolf Kahn, John Marin, Julie Mehretu, Pablo Picasso, Robert Rauschenberg, Kenny Scharf, and Andy Warhol among others.

875 N. Michigan John Hancock Center (60611) Tel 312-943-2354 M-F 9-5; Sa by appt. Pres. Tyler Mongerson Dir. Margot Mache Mongerson Gallery specializes in 19th & 20th century American art, particularly paintings and sculpture from the United States’ Westward Expansion. In particular the artists Frederic Remington, Charles Marion Russell and Harry Jackson. The gallery also exhibits notable Early Modern, Regionalist, Contemporary and African American works. Please inquire for further information.

401 S. State (60605) Tel 312-935-4088 M-Th 10-6 The State Street Gallery at Robert Morris University is an outlet for art education + cultural enrichment. It exists to maintain and promote exposure to the fine arts for the University’s students, employees and extended RMU community. Free and open to the public.

Columbia College Chicago 600 S. Michigan (60605) Tel 312-663-5554 M-W 10-5; Th 10-8; F-Sa 10-5; Su 12-5 Founded by Columbia College Chicago in 1984 as the successor to the 1976 Chicago Center for Contemporary Photography, the museum collaborated with artists, photographers, communities, and institutions locally, nationally, and internationally. As the leading photography museum in the Midwest, presenting projects and exhibitions and acquiring works that embrace a wide range of contemporary aesthetics and technologies, the museum offers students, educators, research specialists, and general audiences an intimate and comprehensive visual study center. Thru July 10 • Burnt Generation: Contemporary Iranian Photography • Midwest Photographers Project: Hossein Fatemi

State Street Gallery at Robert Morris

Museum of Contemporary Photography (MoCP)

S. Rog Gallery

Joel Oppenheimer, Inc. 410 N. Michigan (60611) Tel 312-642-5300 M-Sa 10-6 The nation’s premier gallery of art from the Golden Age of Exploration for four decades. Located in the historic Wrigley Building, the gallery specializes in rare antique natural history art and limited-edition fine art prints, with particular emphasis on the works of John James Audubon.

739 S. Clark (60605) Tel 312-884-1457 Tu-Sa 10-5 Carmela D’Agostino Located in the Palmer Printing building in Chicago’s historic Printer’s Row. S. Rog Gallery features contemporary abstract works of emerging artists. Free parking on Saturdays.

Galleries Maurice Sternberg 100 E. Bellevue (60611) Tel 312-642-1700 By appt. A fine art dealer in Chicago since 1945, the galleries offer “Sternberg Traditional,” 19th/early 20th Century American and European paintings, and “Sternberg Contemporary,” which features the work of a distinguished list of contemporary artists from around the world. Please contact the gallery for exhibition schedule.

The gallery also is home to a wide variety of works by other notable Natural History Artists such as Pierre-Joseph Redouté, John Gould and Basilius Besler. In addition to being an incredible art resource, the gallery provides custom archival framing and nationally recognized conservation and restoration services for works of art on paper, paintings on canvas and photographic materials. The facility services museums, collectors and dealers throughout the nation.



South Side: Bridgeport, Hyde Park and Pilsen


South of the city center, gallery and artist communities may be found in Pilsen along 18th St., in the Chicago Arts District along Halsted, as well as in area artist studios. In Bridgeport you’ll find the Zhou B Art Center and Bridgeport Art Center. In Hyde Park there are several University of Chicago affiliated museums, including: the Smart Museum of Art, the Renaissance Society and the Logan Center. Also neaby:  South Side Community Art Center and Hyde Park Art Center. Special ongoing district events • 2nd Friday, Chicago Arts District • 3rd Friday, Zhou B Art Center and Bridgeport Art Center

Yale Factor, Side Show, oils on canvas

Yale Factor Gallery Zhou B Art Center

Dining in the district • Nana’s, Acadia, A10, Medici on 57th, Three Aces, Moon Palace, Dusek’s, Simone’s

1029 W. 35th Street, #309, Chicago, IL 60609 • 815-762-5243

Chicago Arts District

Bridgeport Art Center (BAC) 1200 W. 35th St. (60609) Tel 773-843-9000 M–Sa 8-6; Su 8–12 Established in 2001, the Bridgeport Art Center is a visually breathtaking creative home for artists, designers, and professionals. Located in the former Spiegel Catalog Warehouse, this 500,000 square foot building boasts high ceilings with wood beams, exposed brick, and large windows with incredible city views. Bridgeport Art Center is a focal point of the emerging and evolving Chicago area art scene. Since inaugurating its Gallery Program in 2012, Bridgeport Art Center has presented over 30 exhibitions, showcasing more than 400 artists. The growing demand for exhibition space led to the creation of the newly constructed 3rd Floor Gallery. With 5,000 sq ft, this gallery features 500 linear ft of wall space, new hanging partition walls, and exceptional gallery lighting. Contact for more information and pricing. Thru June 3 The Artist Behind the Education: 2nd Annual Art Educator Show This juried exhibition supports and celebrates the artistic practice of city and suburban area art educators. In collaboration with the Illinois Art Education Association, this diverse

and exciting selection of more than 100 works will compete for more than $1,000 in cash prizes and awards.

1945 S. Halsted (60608) Tel 312-738-8000 x108

June 17–August 5 Dialogue Chicago: Full Force Opening Reception: June 17, 7–10 PM Guest Curator Sarah Krepp has organized an exhibition celebrating the upcoming 15 year anniversary for this evolving interdisciplinary critique / seminar group of painters, sculptures, print-makers, photographers, and mixed-media artists.

Since the late 1960s, Halsted St. near 18th Street has been home to a large number of artists living and working in the mixed-use artists’ community known as the Chicago Arts District. Over the last 30 years, the cluster of street-level art galleries and studios put the Pilsen neighborhood on the map as a go-to art destination.

August 19–September 30 Hard to Believe: Visual Illusions of Reality This exhibition of hyper realism showcases paintings and drawings that are so skillfully representational that it is difficult to distinguish them from photographs. The exhibit raises questions about the effect of photography on fine art, the definition of “realism” in art, and why it’s so popular. Opening: August 19, 7–10 PM

Innovative spaces abound, and on the second Friday evening of the month 25 artists open their studio doors to the public for 2nd Fridays Gallery Night 6-10pm, which features interpretive dance, installation, music, sculpture, both visual and performance art. Outside of 2nd Fridays, most studios have weekend hours or are available by appointment.

Ongoing Open Studios Join us every third Friday of the month from 7–10 PM when painters, sculptors, photographers, fashion designers, woodworkers, and mixed media artists open up their studios with interactive demonstrations and special events. Explore four art galleries and enjoy complimentary wine and refreshments at this free event.

See our website for additional information Second Fridays: May 13, June 10, July 8, August 12 Held monthly, 6-10pm


Diasporal Rhythms 4301 S. Ellis, Ste 207 (60653) Diasporal Rhythms seeks to build a passionate group of collectors engaged in actively collecting visual art created by contemporary artists of the African Diaspora as well as to expand the appreciation of those artists’ work. October 8 Diasporal Rhythms Collectors Home Tour, Promise of peace Home Tour Youth Art; Tours at 9am and 1pm

Hyde Park Art Center (HPAC) 5020 S. Cornell (60615) Tel 773-324-5520 M-Th 9-8; F-Sa 9-5; Su 12-5 Hyde Park Art Center is a unique resource that advances contemporary visual art in Chicago by connecting artists and communities in unexpected ways. As an open forum for exploring the artistic process, the Art Center fosters creativity through making, learning about, seeing, and discussing art—all under one roof.

Yale Factor Gallery 1029 W. 35th St. (60609) Tel 815-762-5243 3rd Fridays 7-10pm, or by appt. Contemporary narrative still life paintings, landscapes and prints. Third Fridays: May 20, June 17, July 15, August 19 Visit the Zhou B Art Center for Third Fridays. Held monthly, 7-10pm

LALUZ Gallery 1545 W. 18th St. (60608) Tel 312-401-6344 Sa-Su 12-5 and by appt Dir. Susan Attea LALUZ Gallery is a new art gallery located at 1545 W 18th St in the culturally exciting Pilsen neighborhood. We are not limited to any one type of art, but are diverse in our artistic offerings. We encourage visitors to come out and see our exhibits of established, emerging and limitless artists!

2nd Fridays Gallery Night 20 Galleries. One night. One neighborhood. 6-10pm at 18th and Halsted The Chicago Arts District comes to life every 2nd Friday from 6-10pm! More than 20 galleries surrounding South Halsted and 18th Streets showcase cutting edge art from Chicago and beyond! This unique art community opens its doors, free of charge, and lets you get up close and personal with the art and artists! Pick up a map at 1821 S Halsted and explore the city’s most vibrant art community, the Chicago Arts District! Yale Factor, Ruminations of a Curious Mind

Logan Center Gallery 915 E. 60th St. (60637) Tel 773-702-2787 Tu-Sa 9-8; Su 11-8; closed M Free contemporary art programming at the Logan Center Gallery and throughout the Reva and David Logan Center for the Arts at the University of Chicago. May 6-June 12 AND NO ONE FISH IN THE MIDDLE Taking place at Logan Center Gallery and other locations

Prospectus Gallery

The Renaissance Society 1 ChicagoArtsDistrict.May14QUARTER.indd

1210 W. 18th St. (60608) Tel 312-733-6132 Dir. Israel Hernandez

Zhou B Art Center


Showcasing Latin American and other contemporary Art.

University of Chicago 5811 S. Ellis (60637) Tel 773-702-8670 Tu-F 10-5; Sa-Su 12-5

1029 W. 35th (60609) Tel 773-523-0200 M-Sa 10-5 Ursula Andreeff

Representing: Montserrat Alsina, Tim Arroyo, Hector Barron, Roberto Ferreyra, Jeff Abbey Maldonado, Alfredo Martinez, Antonio Martinez, Mark Nelson, Eufemio Pulido.

Thru June 26 Between the Ticks of the Watch: Kevin Beasley, Peter Downsbrough, Goutam Ghosh, Falke Pisano, Martha Wilson

Experience art up close and personal at the Zhou B Art Center 3rd Fridays.

Smart Museum of Art

The University of Chicago’s Department of Visual Arts and Logan Center Exhibitions present the 2016 MFA Thesis Exhibition, featuring works by Joshua Backus, Brit Barton, Elisabeth Hogeman, Jayson Kellogg, Devin Mays, Gabriel Moreno, Anna Showers-Cruser, and Morganne Wakefield.

University of Chicago 5550 S. Greenwood (60637) Tel 773-702-0200 Tu, W, F, Sa, Su 10-5; Th 10-8

Presented by Logan Center Exhibitions and DoVA.

Thru June 12 Monster Roster: Existentialist Art in Postwar Chicago - The group of postwar artists nicknamed the Monster Roster established the first unique Chicago style. Spearheaded by Leon Golub and united by a shared interest in the figure during a period often seen as dominated by abstraction, the group created deeply psychological works that drew on classical mythology and ancient art.

Opening reception Friday, May 6, 6-8pm


Third Fridays: May 20, June 17, July 15, August 19 Our Third Friday openings are eclectic and enthusiastic events featuring Asian Fusion food and beverages at our Eat Art Pavillions, gallery openings and open studios of all of our artists in residence, a vibrant mix of local, national, and international talent. 7-10pm Thru May 14 Freak Out Artists: Cesar Santos, Michelle Doll, Daniel Maidman, Victoria Selbach, Dorielle Caimi, Adrian Cox, Suzy Smith, Daliah Ammar, Jaime Valero, Dirk Dzimirsky, Nick Ward, Erica Elan Ciganek, Micahel Van Zeyl, Kip Omolade, Nadine Robbins, Mike Selbach, Mary Jones Easley, Angela Swan, Sharon Pomales, Jeff Bess, Shana Levenson, Jaime Valero, Reuben Negron, Matthew Cherry, Angela Hardy, Diego Quiros, Jennifer Moore, and more


North Side

4839 N. Damen (60625) Tel 773-420-8071 W-Su 11-5 Dietrich Klevorn, Owner/Manager Tommy Reyes, Owner/Director

The city’s North Side is broadly comprised of a number of areas, including Lincoln Park, Old Town, Lincoln Square, Bucktown, Wicker Park, Ukrainian Village, Lakeview, Andersonville, Ravenswood and Rogers Park. Special art events, hosted by neighborhood groups, such as I Am Logan Square, Ravenswood ArtWalk, Lillstreet Art Center, and the Flat Iron Artists Association (FIAA), take place on certain weekends during the year, since many artists live and work in studios on this side of the city.

Painting, photography, drawing, etching, ceramics. Modern, Post-Modern, and Contemporary aesthetic. Representing artists whose technical skills are evident in every piece they create, all of whom aspire, simply, to make great art.

Thru May 29 Woodn’t Be the First Time Participating Artists: Jacob van Loon, Robert Porazinski, Max Sansing June 3-August 28 Women We Love Participating Artists: Gallery19 favorites, including, but not limited to: Corinna Button, Linda Adele Goodine, Kathleen Hawkes, Brigitte Wolf, Ana Zanic

Check out neighborhood gems like Intuit: The Center for Intuitive and Outsider Art,and the Cornelia Arts Building. Also explore galleries, alternative spaces and collectives popping up throughout Ukrainian Village, Humboldt Park and beyond. • Cornelia Arts Building: regular open houses take place during the year. • Intuit: the Center for Outsider Art hosts regular events and workshops all year. Visit for information. Robert Porazinski, Gold Hybrid

AdventureLand Gallery 1513 N. Western (60622) Tel 312-617-5168 W-Sa 12-4 or by appt. Perry Casalino AdventureLand Gallery is a Chicago exhibition space that seeks to celebrate young talent and act as a service to artists in the Chicago area. The gallery will help emerging, young, and upcoming artists by providing a location to display their work and a network by which they can connect to the art patrons of Chicago. Recognizing the difficulties young artists face, renowned local artist Tony Fitzpatrick has helped create this new gallery in conjunction with Firecat Projects to help artists sell their work with minimal fees.

ARC Gallery

Alibi Fine Art

2156 N. Damen (60647) Tel 773-252-2232 W-Sa 12-6; Su 12-4

4426 N. Ravenswood (60640) Tel 773-454-1512 F-Sa 12-5; and by appt. Lisa Janes

Thru May 21 • Iris Goldstein, plaster, relief sculptures • Pamela Hobbs, photography • Ralitza Vladimirova & Antonia Duende

Alibi Fine Art is a contemporary gallery in the Ravenswood / Lincoln Square area.

May 25-June 18 • Diana Simon • Amy Zucker, installation Opening Friday, May 27, 6-9pm

Our goal is to promote new, overlooked and mid-career artists. The gallery’s primary focus is on photography, with other media represented as well.

June 22-July 16 • It Figures: The Body in Art (juried exhibit) • Jack Nixon, drawing Opening Friday, June 24, 6-9pm

Please visit website for exhibition details.

July 20-August 13 • Rochelle Weiner, oil and cold wax • We the People (Open Call Exhibition) Opening Friday, July 22, 6-9pm

Visit the website for exhibition information and opening dates.

Corinna Button, Path Sweepers

ArtDeTriumph + Artful Framer Studios 2938 N. Clark (60657) Tel 773-832-4038 M-F 11-7; Sa 10-6; Su 12-5 Nancie King Mertz Celebrating 13 years on Clark Street in Chicago’s Lakeview East neighborhood, and 36 years of expert on-site framing. The top framing favorite on Yelp. Original oil and pastel paintings of Chicago and the world by award winning artist Nancie King Mertz. Giclee prints on canvas and paper are available of her sold work, sized to your specifications and printed in-house by Ron Mertz. Fine art cards and gifts are numerous in the double-storefront, which includes design services. Painting commissions are welcome. Much of the artwork featured in Chicago-based television dramas is created by Nancie King Mertz. In 2014, she received the coveted “Master” signature status of the Pastel Society of America, International Association of Pastel Societies, and Pastel Painters of Chicago.

Iris Goldstein, Bits and Pieces, 2016


Check out Nancie’s new Plein Air work of Cuba!

Chicago Art Source Gallery

Chicago Printmakers Collaborative

1871 N. Clybourn (60614) Tel 773-248-3100 M-F 10-6; Sa 10-5; and by appt. Jackie Pernot

View their vast inventory of contemporary art online at Visit for current and upcoming shows.

4912 N. Western (60625) Tel 773-293-2070 F-Sa 12-5 and by appt. Dir. Deborah Maris Lader

Situated in the heart of the Clybourn Corridor, the Chicago Art Source Gallery offers a diverse collection of artwork, changing calendar of shows, knowledgeable staff and welcoming environment for both first-time buyers and seasoned collectors.

Thru June 18 Ebb and Flow Featuring new work by Bassmi Ibrahim and Allison Svoboda

Affordable fine art prints and works-onpaper by local and international artists. Located in Chicago’s longest-running fine art printmaking workshop. Gallery visitors mingle with print artists on the presses.

June 24-August 31 New Works by Gallery Artists

Artists include: Hiroshi Ariyama, Christine Gendre-Bergere, Sanya Glisic, Kathryn Polk, Teresa James, Jaco Putker, Artemio Rodriguez, Matt Bodett, Michael Goro, Dan Grzeca, Eric Hoffman, Ryan Kapp, Amos Kennedy Jr., Carrie Lingscheit, Deborah Maris Lader, David Driesbach, Ray Maseman, Starshaped Press, Jillian Nickell, Dennis O’Malley, Sage Perrott, Kim Laurel, Jay Ryan, Megan Sterling, Scott Westgard, Nele Zirnite and others.

Cornelia Arts Building Where art works 1800 W. Cornelia (60657) Established in 1986, the Cornelia Arts Building is one of the largest all-artiststudio buildings on Chicago’s Northside. We have multiple open studio events throughout the year. Join over 40 resident artists in their studios, hallway guest artist exhibitions, and food from a local food truck in the parking lot! Events are FREE and open to the public. Please visit our website for more information: May 20 Spring Open Studios, 6-10pm

May 1-June 25 - New Work By Gallery Artists: Carrie Lingscheit, Teresa James, Hiroshi Ariyama, Damon Kowarsky, others July 15-August 31 CUTS: An Exhibit of Relief Prints Artemio Rodriguez, Joel Dugan, Duffy O’Connor, Eric Hoffman, and others TBA Opening reception August 20 August 20 - DRUM ROLL PLEASE: Steamroller Printing of Large Scale Woodcuts. Free Outdoor Demo open house

Bassmi Ibrahim, Isness 87, mixed media on panel, 48” x 32”

Galerie F

2381 N. Milwaukee (60647) Tel 773-819-9200 Tu-Su 11-6. Openings held from 6-10 on first night of new exhibitions Owner Billy Craven; Dir. Laura Arnold The gallery seeks to contextualize printmaking and street art in the contemporary art scene while promoting local and international artists. Exhibitions change monthly. Voted Best Established Gallery and Best Gallery Exhibit by the Chicago Reader. May 13-June 15 Bring Out Your Dead AJ Masthay & Richard Biffle

Firecat Projects

Fortunate Discoveries

2124 N. Damen (60647) Tel 773-342-5381 M-Sa 10-5 Stan Klein

1022 W. Armitage (60614) Tel 773-472-2220 Tu-F 11-7; Sa 11-6; Su 11-5 Cindy Hutchinson

Opening receptions for the artist take place from 7-10pm on the first night of the exhibition.

Celebrating our fourth anniversary this April 1, Fortunate Discoveries, located in the heart of Lincoln Park, specializes in featuring local artists and designers.

June 24 Yard Dog Gallery (Austin, Texas)

We represent fashions designers, jewelry designers, fine artists, home decor, and accessories. Many of our artists and designers have been honored with awards at various art fairs.

July 29 Kurt Herrmann (Pennsylvania) August 26 Tom Torluemke

Fortunate Discoveries hosts First Thursdays, trunk shows, and special events throughout the year. Please visit for updates under events.

June 10-19 Cities: Nate Otto and other artists explore theme of cities, near and far.

Randi Russo, Industrial Pastures of the Present, mixed media on canvas 58”x78”

Intuit: The Center for Intuitive and Outsider Art 756 N. Milwaukee (60642) Tel 312-243-9088 Tu-Sa 11-6; Th 11-7:30; Su 12-5 Established in 1991, Intuit is the only U.S. nonprofit organization that is solely dedicated to presenting outsider and self-taught art. Thru May 29 Zinzinnati Ohio USA: The Maps of Courttney Cooper Thru July 5 Lee Godie: Self-Portraits Curated by Karen Patterson of the John Michael Kohler Arts Center

June 23-24 Jim Pollock, retrospective exhibition July 1-10 Sentrock, local Chicago street artist July 15-July 31 JC Rivera & Jake Merten Galerie F’s 4th Anniversary August 5-14 Photo Show curated by Vince DeSantiago 39

Lee Godie, Untitled, n.d.; gelatin silver print; 5 x 3 3/4 in. Collection of John and Teenuh Foster, Saint Louis, MO.

North Side Jackson Junge Gallery 1389 N. Milwaukee (60622) Tel 773-227-7900 M-Sa 11-8; Su 12-5 Exhibiting artists: David Mayhew, Laura Lee Junge, M. Jackson, Audry Cramlit Paintings, sculpture and photography. Original art, limited edition reproductions, and Giclées.

The Leigh Gallery

Kruger Gallery Chicago 3709 N. Southport (60613) Tel 312-995-0776 Tu-Sa 12-6; Opening reception 6-8 on exhibition start dates

Located on the Southport Corridor, our Chicago gallery represents mainly emerging artists working in a variety of media and design. Kruger Gallery Marfa focuses on more non-commercial practices of art including performance, video, installation, and sound.

Kruger Gallery Chicago, IL and Marfa, TX, is dedicated to an avant garde ideal that art can be an agent for political and social change.

Kruger Gallery Chicago: Thru May 14 Zohra Opoku: Draped Encounters / Beyond Visage

Custom framing on site.

3306 N. Halsted (60657) Tel 773-472-1865 Open daily 11-6, closed Tu Jean Leigh Set in the heart of Lakeview/Wrigleyville/ Boystown for 11 years. Innovative original artwork in all media at reasonable prices. Oil, acrylic, watercolor, etching, pastel, sculpture, bronze, glass, jewelry, pottery, wood, marquetry, photography, digital, encaustic and more.

Kruger Gallery Marfa: May 27-September 24 Monique van Genderen and Margo Victor: Viscosity

M Jackson, The Powers that B, C, D & E, acrylic/resin on board, 48” x 60”

Jeffly Molina

Robin Rios, Power of 3: Present, digital

Morpho Gallery

Line Dot Editions 1023 N. Western (60622) Tel 773-219-0968 Tu-Sa 11-6, or by appt. Specializing in contemporary editions and multiples, Line Dot showcases emerging and established artists whose work explores and defies the boundaries between traditional fine art and streetbased artistic practices.

As a joint venture with Oliver Hild of Maxwell Colette and Patrick Hull of Vertical Gallery, Line Dot will feature an ever-changing series of work on display and a diverse collection accessible online and in the gallery space. The extensive roster of renowned local and international artists includes Pure Evil, Swoon, Miss Van, Shepard Fairey, Barbara Kruger, Banksy, Dot Dot Dot, Bäst, Hush, Paul Insect, Hayden Kays, Hellbent and CANTSTOPGOODBOY.

5216 N. Damen (60625) Tel 773-878-4255 F-Sa 1-6pm; All other days by appt.

2250 W. Ohio (60612) Tel 312-487-1850 By appt. only

Morpho Gallery features a variety of mediums, including photography, jewelry, glass, mixed media and painting. We specialize in lithography, etchings and works on paper from Chicago-based artists.

Maintaining a contemporary vision, Stuart & Co. Gallery strives to represent emerging and mid-career artists at the forefront of expression.

Please contact gallery or check website for exhibition information.


Stuart & Co. Gallery

Since its inception in 2012, Stuart & Co. has been home to innovative, pioneering exhibitions across a multitude of media and genres. The gallery embraces multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and cross-genre art forms in addition to traditional practices.

North Side Ukrainian Institute of Modern Art 2320 W. Chicago (60622) Tel 773-227-5522 W-Su 12-4 Robin Dluzen, Exhibitions and Operations Manager The Ukrainian Institute of Modern Art (UIMA) preserves and promotes contemporary art as a shared expression of the Ukrainian and American experience. UIMA develops, utilizes and encourages artistic talent through exhibitions, concerts, readings, lectures and films to serve the cultural needs of our community and city, and thereby strengthen cultural understanding and diversity.

APRIL 8-JULY 5, 2016 Karolina Kowalczyk, Untitled, 2015, Ink and charcoal on layered paper, 19” x 19” x 3” in. From Chornobyl: Impact & Beyond.



Vertical Gallery 1016 N. Western (60622) Tel 773-697-3846 Tu-Sa 11-6; Su-M by appt.; Opening receptions held first date of scheduled exhibitions, 6-10pm Dir. Patrick Hull Vertical Gallery is committed to exhibiting and promoting urban, contemporary and street art. Established in 2013 in Chicago’s Ukrainian Village neighborhood, the gallery focuses on work influenced by urban environments, street art, pop culture, graphic design and illustration. New monthly exhibits highlight local, national and international artists.

July 2-30 WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERA? – show by Hera of Herakut and Jasmin Siddiqui. A very special solo exhibition from HERA. Opening reception with artist: Sa, Jul 2, 6-10pm August 6-27 Head Hand Heart. A group show curated by Belgian artist Ephameron. Featuring: Aidan Koch, Atelier Bingo, Ephameron, Louis Reith, Matthew Hoffman, Nigel Peake, and Riikka Sormunen. Opening reception: Sa, Aug 6, 6-10pm

May 7-28 Collin van der Sluijs, Luctor Et Emergo. Debut USA solo show from the Dutch artist. Opening reception with artist: Sat, May 7, 6-10pm June 4-25 Ella and Pitr, Le silence des pantoufles après la pluie (the silence of slippers after the rain). The debut USA solo show from the French art duo. Opening reception with artists: Sa, June 4, 6-10pm

Contemporary Multiples and Editions 1023 N Western Ave. | Tues-Sat 11a-6p | 773.219.0968 artwork by Collin van der Sluijs


The Art Center-Highland Park

Suburbs + Surrounding

(Highland Park)

Beyond the city limits Chicago’s vibrant art scene extends in all directions. Destinations exist not just in bustling suburban communities and university towns, but throughout the region, in Indiana, Michigan and Wisconsin. The Midwest is home to a rich art scene, and we are in the heart of it all.

1957 Sheridan Rd. Highland Park (60035) Tel 847-432-1888 M-Sa 9-5; Su by appt. Dir. Gabrielle Rousso Offering classes and workshops in the visual arts, and presenting fine art exhibitions with special events and performances.

Evanston, home to Northwestern University, is just 5 miles from downtown Chicago. Take the El west to Oak Park to check out the galleries on Harrison St. or tour the Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio. South of the city you’ll find many arts non-profits as well as renowned sculpture parks. Many short trips within Illinois offer chances to explore the state, including Batavia, Joliet, Champaign, and beyond.

May 5-July 5 • The Art of Expression Featuring Vidvuds Zviedris, Michael Hedges, Darrell Roberts, Art Brenner, Melville Price, Ezio Martinelli, Lisa Nankivil, and Kyle Surges. All artists in this exhibition are represented by McCormick Gallery, Chicago. • Chicago Anew: Joy Horwich +2 Featuring Robert Appel, Carl Kock, Allison Svoboda. Opening reception: Friday, May 20, 6:30-9pm July 15-August 20 Ragdale at the Art Center-Highland Park

Area vacation destinations in Indiana and Michigan are inspiring destinations for artists to spend their time and exhibit their work. North of the border, Wisconsin offers a range of museums, art centers and galleries.



Art Post Gallery (Northbrook) 984 Willow Rd. Northbrook (60062) Tel 847-272-7659 M-F 10:30-5:30; Sa 10:30-5; Su 1-4 This lovely and upscale gallery features the largest inventory of original art on Chicago’s North Shore. In our 36th year. 125+ national and international artists. All original oils and acrylics (traditional, transitional and contemporary). Fine framing. Art restoration (oils and acrylics). Thru May 29 SPRING SHOW: New Beginnings June P.T. Tiersky: Assembling a Puzzle July Catherine Colsher: Etchings August Carlyn Janus: Landscape Abstractions

Allison Svoboda, Gihon Mandala, 2015, ink on handmade mulberry paper, collage, 66” x 72”

Brauer Museum of Art

Acquisitions of Fine Art

(Valparaiso, IN)


10 E. Hinsdale Ave. Hinsdale (60521) Tel 630-908-7227 Sheryl Srivastava M-Sa 10-6; Su 10-4

Valparaiso University 1709 Chapel Dr. Valparaiso, IN (46383) Tel 219-464-5365 Tu-Su, 12-5 Dir. Gregg Hertzlieb

Welcome to our gallery in downtown Hinsdale. We’re conveniently located directly across from the Metra train station. Over time, we’ve had the pleasure of assisting our clients in acquiring valuable collections of fine art composed of original paintings, bronze sculptures, original etchings, signed lithographs, glass and more. Acquisitions of Fine Art is a gallery representing a diverse group of artists from Old Masters, Modern Masters, Art Deco, internationally renowned and locally inspired talents. Please call to schedule a private gallery viewing or inhome consultation. We look forward to helping you select and manage a unique and beautiful art collection.

The Museum aims to educate and inspire the campus and community with original works of American art and international religious art, and to bring distinction to Valparaiso University and Northwest IN through exhibitions of regional, national and international importance. Thru May 8 • Sacred Spaces and Objects, curated by George Pati, PhD • Paintings & Drawings by Kartik Trivedi • Valparaiso Univ. Department of Art Senior Seminar Exhibition • Valparaiso Univ. Art Student Exhibition • Valparaiso Univ. Art Faculty Exhibition May 17-August 7 • An Artist’s Journey: Works by the Area Artists Association of Michigan City • Paintings by Frank V. Dudley from the James Moeller Collection • New Acquisitions Opening reception: Friday, May 20, 7-8:30 pm; Gallery Talk with Area Artists Assoc. Members: Wednesday, July 20

Additional services include framing, fine art consignments, gallery rentals for corporate and private events and private home shows.


Cleve Carney Art Gallery McAninch Arts Center (Glen Ellyn) College of DuPage 425 Fawell Blvd. Glen Ellyn (60137) Tel 630-942 2321 M-Th 11-3, Th 6-8, Sa 11-3 Cleve Carney provided a significant legacy gift to establish the Cleve Carney Art Gallery, a one-story, 1,850-squarefoot addition on the west side of the McAninch Arts Center. He also donated artworks from his own extensive contemporary art collection, which will be prominently displayed throughout the College campus along with other pieces in the College’s Permanent Art Collection.

Christopher Art Gallery at Prairie State College

College of Lake County Robert T. Wright Gallery

Cultivate Urban Rainforest & Gallery

(Chicago Heights)



202 S. Halsted St. Chicago Heights (60411) Tel 708-709-7738 M-Th 9-3; Additional hours on W, Th 5-7 Dir. Beth Shadur Featuring five yearly exhibitions by artists working in all media, and three student shows per year. Artists have included nationally acclaimed and Midwestern renowned artists.

19351 W. Washington St. Grayslake (60030) Tel 847-543-2240 M-Th 8-9; F 8-4:30; Sa 9-4:30; Su 1-5 College break hours vary Established by the College of Lake County Foundation in 1981, the gallery is committed to displaying the works of Illinois artists and increasing the visibility of nationally known artists in Lake County.

May 2-25 Prairie State College Graduate Exhibition Graduate Exhibition featuring student art majors Opening reception Wednesday May 4, 11am-1pm

June 4-July 31 Noble Terraria: Living Art by Laura Mae Noble

Gallery Seven

Fermilab Art Gallery



1717 Central St. Evanston (60201) Tel 847-475-5300 M-Th 9-9; F 9-5; Sa-Su 9-4.

Kirk Rd & Pine St Batavia (60510) M-F 8-4:30

Gallery exhibitions are free and open to the public.

The Fermilab Art Gallery is located in Wilson Hall at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, America’s laboratory for particle physics and accelerator research.

Check our website for updated information and exhibition details.

Cultivate Urban Rainforest & Gallery features the work of renowned and local artists. You will find art in an lush setting filled with exotic plants and terrariums. Visit Cultivate where we showcase works in a wide range of mediums including fiber, ceramic, glass, stained glass, up-cycled metal, terrarium, and watercolor. Thru June 30 Larger than Life: Botanical Prints by Paul Whittaker

June 6-July 14 Aspects of Realism Featuring Winifred Godfrey, Armin Mersmann, Roland Kulla, Victoria Fuller and Jacqueline Moses Opening reception Thursday, June 16, 4:30-7pm

Evanston Art Center

704 Main St. Evanston (60202) Tel 847-418-1289 Tu-Sa 10-8; Su 11-6 Louise Rosenberg

116 N. Chicago St, Joliet (60432) Tel 815-483-4310 M-F 10-4; 1st Saturdays 10-noon

A partnership of local artists. Located next to Rialto Theater, downtown Joliet. May 9-June 4 Rita Rogan and John Bramblitt: En-Lightening: A Show of Color in the Dark Opening reception May 14, 6-8pm

Information on tours, events and other visitor programs at Fermilab is at

May 21 The Bash - Pre-Show before performance of “ARTRAGEOUS,” interactive art and music experience, Rialto Square Theatre

May 4-July 15 Stephen Cartwright: Human Trajectory Artist reception: Friday, May 6, 5-7pm Gallery talk: Wednesday, May 11, 12pm

June 4 - A Musical Color: John Bramblitt and John Moulder June 11-July 22 Open Lens VII: International Juried Photo Exhibition. Opening June 11, 6:30-9pm.

July 20-September 16 Ana Zanic: Fluidity Artist reception: Friday, July 22, 5-7pm Gallery talk: Wednesday, July 27, 12pm

July 27-August 24 Photographic Arts Society: A Celebration of Photography. Opening July 30, 6-9pm

Paul Whittaker

Benedictine University Komechak Art Gallery 5700 College Rd. Lisle (60532) Tel 630-829-6320 M-F 10-4; Sa 11-3 Teresa J. Parker, Curator The late Fr. Michael Komechak, O.S.B., spent his life collecting and celebrating the works of others. He amassed one of the finest art & sculpture collections in the Midwest. While a majority of the collection deals with religious themes, it also includes contemporary art and work by well-known artists, but consists mainly of works on paper and fine art prints. It also boasts a collection of ceramics, drawings, paintings, photography, textile, sculpture, mixed media, folk art and kitsch. Thru May 14 • Ben U Student Painting • St James the Apostle High School Student Exhibition Thru July 14 Chicago Alliance for Visual Artists: Annual Member’s Competition Opening reception Sunday, May 1, 2-4pm August 15-September 30 Eleanor Spiess-Ferris: Paintings and Drawings


Suburbs and Beyond Chicago Krasl Art Center

Lakeside Arts Park at the Dole

(St. Joseph/Benton Harbor, MI)

(Crystal Lake)

707 Lake Blvd. St. Joseph, MI (49085) Tel 269-983-0271 M-W, F, Sa 10-4; Th 10-9; Su 1-4 The Krasl Art Center is an art museum, regional art center and public art advocate. Find unique gifts in the Krasl Shop, register for a class or attend a free public program. Thru June 26 Harbor Study: An Urban Design Studio Project Architecture students from Andrews University are commissioned to envision a vibrant and walkable future for the Twin Cities Harbor.

Thru September 2017 2016 Biennial Sculpture Invitational • In the Galleries through June 26, 2016 • Outdoors through September 2017 25 contemporary sculptures showcased throughout Benton Harbor and St. Joseph, MI in community-wide exhibition series. Indoors, sculptural maquettes and drawings illustrate the participating artists’ practices and process.

401 Country Club Rd. Crystal Lake (60014) Tel 815-455-8000 M-F 9-5 Mary Telfer


May 6-25 First Friday 5/6 Exhibition featuring District 47 Middle Schools June 3-July 26 First Friday 6/3 • Pauline Parker: Watercolors and Narrative Quilts • Hossein Khandan: Photography

July 1-September 18 Views of the Inland: From Chicago to Detroit On loan from the Flint Institute of Arts, Views of the Inland highlights historical paintings from 1910-1960 representing the Great Lakes Basin. Selections by artists from Chicago to Detroit provide insight to the landscape and people of the Midwest over 50 years

August 5-24 First Friday 8/5 • The Art Cloth Network: Material View • Xiong Xuan: Pencil Drawings

Barbara Schneider, Golden Veins, Variation 5, 72” x 36”; Pauline Parker, Rugen’s (Glenview), 15” x 22” on heavy paper, 1956

William S. Schwartz, Mining in Illinois, ca. 1937

Anne Loucks Gallery

On the first Friday of each month from 5-8pm, enjoy an evening viewing art, mingling with artists and the opportunity to purchase original works. Free and open to the public.

Northern Illinois University (NIU) Art Museum

McMahon Studio & Gallery (Highwood)


309 Park Ave., Glencoe (60022) Tel 847-835-8500 Tu-Sa 11:30-5; or by appt. Anne Loucks

51 Highwood Ave., Highwood (60040) Tel 847-295-2604 W-Sa noon to early evenings; or by appt Mark McMahon

Northern Illinois University DeKalb (60115) Tel 815-753-1936 Tu-F 10-5; Sa 12-4; Group tours by appt. Dir. Jo Burke;

Anne Loucks Gallery specializes in contemporary American painting, photography and works on paper by established and emerging artists.

The gallery specializes in the varied artworks of the McMahon family.

Balancing contemporary with traditional art to examine visual culture.

Artists: Mark, Carolyn, Franklin, Meryl, Drew, and Elise McMahon

Thru May 20 Art Deco Exhibition Suite • Between the World Wars: Contrasts, Parallels, Shifts, and Patterns Features vintage selections from the Chicago Center for the Print, the Koehnline Museum of Art, and the Barbara Cole Peters Fashion Collection. • Beyond Gatsby: Common Luxury in American Art Deco Everyday objects from the interwar years. Curated by graduate students in the NIU Certificate in Museum Studies.

Celebrating our 15th year, we are proud to represent: Eric Abrecht, Tracey Adams, Victoria Adams, Sally Michel Avery, Chris Baer, Rodger Bechtold, Mark Bowles, Pegan Brooke, Carl Dahl, Madeline Denaro, Stephen Dinsmore, Kathleen Dunn, Douglass Freed, Lyle Gomes, Bernd Haussmann, Joshua Jensen-Nagle, Laurie Victor Kay, Richard Kooyman, Sara Maccullogh, Cheryl Maeder, John McCormick, Maggie Meiners, Eleanor Miller, Terry Miura, Tezh Modarressi, Mark Mulhern, Marshall Noice, Mary Jo O’Gara, Melanie Parke, Stephen Pentak, John Schuyler, James Shay, David Slonim, and Leslie Wu.

August 23 Kaleidoscope of Burma Celebrates 30 years of The Center for Burma Studies highlighting the most iconic pieces from the Burma Art Collection at NIU and featuring paintings produced in Myanmar within the past decade from the Thukhuma Collection. Top: Leonetto Cappiello, Cognac Monnet Poster, 1927, 79” x 51”, courtesy Chicago Center for the Print; Bottom: Kinnara (male mythical bird), Burma/Myanmar Mandalay Period, 19th Century. Carved gilded, lacquered wood with glass inlays, 55” x 22” x 26”, Gift of Konrad and Sarah Bekker, 1987


Suburbs and Beyond Chicago Pagoda Red

Perspective Group + Photography Gallery



911 Green Bay Rd., Winnetka (60093) Tel 847-784-8881 Tu-Sa 10-5 Pagoda Red is the design destination for people who love the art, history, style & spirit of Asian and modern objects. Soulful spaces are made of stories. See Chicago CGN listing for information about the Fulton Market gallery and visit for updates about exhibitions and special events.

(Rockford) May 5-29 Annual Chicagoland High School Student Show Opening reception Saturday, May 7, 5-8 pm

1310-1/2B Chicago Ave. Evanston (60201) Tel 224-200-1155 Th-Sa 12-6; Su 12-5

June 2-26 Bob Tanner and Faigie Tanner Opening reception Saturday, June 4, 5-8pm Artists’ talk Thursday, June 16, 7pm

A not-for-profit, community-oriented cooperative whose purpose is to promote fine art photography. In addition to ongoing member and featured artist exhibitions, the gallery sponsors LENS, an international, juried photography exhibition; Student Perspectives, a Chicagoland area High School show; and Perspectives on Photography, a special speaker series.

(Park Forest)

294 Main St. Park Forest (60466) Tel 708-833-5108 or 708-703-7806 T-W 10-4; Sa 10-4; F 1:30-4 Patricia Moore; Bev Szaton An artist’s co-operative that began 30 years ago with 20 professional exhibiting artists, featuring monthly exhibits. The Salon Artists Gallery prides itself on mentoring new artists as well as providing a co-operative stage for artisans featuring painters, potters, jewelers, woodworkers, photographers and glass artists. Please see online listing or visit our website for additional information and exhibitions.

711 N. Main St., Rockford (61103) Tel 815-968-2787 Open Daily 10–5 pm Adults | $7 Seniors and Students | $3 Members and Children under 12 | FREE Groups of 10 or more | $2 per person Free Day | every Tuesday, 10 am–5 pm

June 30-July 31 Juried Evanston Artist Show Opening Reception: July 9, 5-8pm Artists’ Talk: July 21, 7pm August 4-28 Verna Todd and Tony Iacuzzi Opening reception August 6, 5-8pm Artists’ talk August 18, 7pm

Please check the gallery website for special events and dates.

Salon Artists Gallery

Rockford Art Museum

Savour Gallery

South Shore Arts


(Munster, IN)

302 S Main St. Algonquin (60102) Tel 847-363-2424 Tu-W 11-5; Th-F 11-6; Sa 10-4; Su 11-2; Open by appointment in addition to standard hours Catherine Neuhalfen Savour Gallery is situated in Historic Downtown Algonquin. The concept of the gallery is to provide a unique venue, which can be used as a destination for shopping or an event location.

1040 Ridge Rd., Munster, IN (46321) Tel 219-836-1839 M-F 10-5; Sa 10-4; Su 12-4 Executive Dir. John Cain; Gallery Manager Bridget Earnshaw

Thru May 21 • Dwellings, Cathedrals, Shanties, and the Like: The Art of Time, Bruce and Jacqueline Moses • 42nd Annual Tri-County Jr/Sr High School Art Exhibition South Shore Arts Gallery, Munster

We champion the artistic identity of the South Shore.

Thru May 29 Visions/Revision An exhibit by the Area Artist Association of the Lubeznik Center for Arts in Michigan City, IN Atrium Gallery, Munster

More than 20 exhibitions fill four South Shore Arts’ galleries each year, showcasing regional, national and international artists and cultures. Exhibitions have included Andy Warhol, Norman Rockwell and artwork from Bilbao, Spain. Our annual Salon Show, a tradition since 1944, provides artists with $10,000 in prize money.

The artwork is from international and local artists and is original and one of a kind. Savour also offers lava fused glass with precious metal inlays, handmade Zulu wire baskets from Africa and hand turned wood bowls made from woods indigenous to Hawaii. We also offer wines, spirits, locally made chocolates, teas, candles and cigars.

The gallery Gift Shop is the largest national retailer of South Shore Posters, promoting the artistic identity of Lake Michigan’s South Shore.

Thru June 19 The Artful Garden of Sally Hughes Crown Point Branch Reception Friday, June 17, 5-8pm Thru June 25 Abstractions: Mirror of the Mind and Brain Paintings by Ginny Scott Substation No. 9, Hammond Branch June 12-August 21 Sand and Steel: Visions of Our Indiana Shore South Shore Arts Gallery, Munster Opening reception: Sunday, June 12, 1-3pm

Savour Gallery is available for private events such as Wedding Showers, Chamber Events, Graduations, Holiday Parties and Wine Tastings just to name a few.


Suburbs and Beyond Chicago SUTRA Gallery

Tall Grass Arts Association

(Ellison Bay, WI)

(Park Forest)

12044 State Hwy 42 Ellison Bay, WI 54210 Tel 920-854-2880 SUTRA is a Fine Art and Photo Gallery specializing in Indian Contemporary and Tribal art. We showcase emerging and established contemporary artists as well as renowned Bhil and Gond tribal artists from Madhya Pradesh.

We also feature handmade Indian textiles, using millennia old techniques of weaving, printing and dyeing, as well as our own line of handmade art books by “Kala Sutra | Fine Art Threads” the publishing arm of Sutra Gallery. Fine Art Photography by Sutra proprietor Abbey Box. July 16 2nd Annual Open House & Book Launch Saturday, 4-7pm

367 Artists Walk, Park Forest (60466) Tel 708-748-3377 Tu-Sa 11-4 Janet Muchnik

MISSION: To promote public education and appreciation of the arts; to encourage artists; to support high quality art through exhibitions, sales, classes and special programs available to the public of all ages.

Tall Grass Arts Association is located in downtown Park Forest Cultural Center. Visit our website for events, exhibitions, programs and artists.

Thru June 4 From Earth, curated by Claudia Craemer

Untitled, by contemporary artist Rahul Wagh, 2015, acrylic and pen on handmade paper, 15” x 19”

June 17-July 23 Neutral Ground: Between Black and White Curated by Mary Bookwalter and Gail Ottenman. Opening reception Friday, June 17, 7-9:30. Open House Saturday, June 18, 11-1

Iron Ritual Staff, Republic of Benin, Private collection

John Toomey Gallery

Union Street Gallery

(Oak Park)

(Chicago Heights)

818 North Blvd., Oak Park (60301) Tel 708-383-5234 M-F 10-5 The John Toomey Gallery of Oak Park, Illinois and the Treadway Gallery of Cincinnati, Ohio have collaborated for auctions since 1987 with their roots in the Arts & Crafts market, plus the addition of Mid-Century and Fine Art departments today.

June 4 20th Century Art & Design

1527 Otto Blvd. Chicago Heights (60411) Tel 708-754-2601 W, Th 12-5; F 12-6; Sa 11-4 Dir. Samantha Goss

August 13 A Passion for Collecting: Fine Timepieces, Erotica & Decorative Arts Part II from the Estate of Candice B. Groot

Union Street Gallery is a not-for-profit art center and contemporary gallery housed in a beautiful three story historical building in Chicago Heights, IL, with two floors of gallery space and art studios on the third floor and throughout the building. Gallery and studios are free and open to the public.

Ed Paschke, Menagerie, 1969, oil on canvas


Union Street Gallery hosts 10 exhibits per year, featuring both nationally recognized and local artists. The gallery also offers several classes and workshops throughout the year, as well as other art events such as artist lectures, demonstrations, and community art outreach activities. Studio Artists: Claudia Craemer, Pam Eberlin, Dorita Fuller, Linda Lane Haynes, Eve Jensen, Allison Kortokrax, Alexis Moulds, Renee Klyczek Nordstrom, Donna Radcliffe, Ginny Raftery, Jean Schuster, Marikay Peter Witlock.





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Art Services and Resources Auction Houses......................................48 Art Fairs and Expositions........................48 Appraisers..............................................49 Art Propery and Insurance......................49 Conservation / Art Restoration / Climate Control......................................50 Gallery Guides and Tours.......................50 For sale as part of Leslie Hindman Associates’ spring 2016 decorative arts auction: A Flemish Wool Tapestry 8 feet 7 inches x 12 feet 5 inches. Estimate: $20000 to $30000


Beyond the galleries, scores of professionals offer a variety of art-related services for a range of art needs: • Managing an existing collection • Selling art on the secondary market • Evaluating and insuring art • Find an art career or an artist residency • Touring galleries and visiting the art expositions • Packaging, transporting, framing or repairing art 47

Arts Marketing........................................51 Residency Programs...............................51 Art Supplies...........................................52 Transportation / Crating / Preparators...52 Imaging and Photography.......................52

Auction Houses Sotheby’s Chicago

Leslie Hindman Auctioneers 1338 W. Lake (60607) Tel 312-280-1212 M-F 9-5 Leslie S. Hindman, President, CEO Leslie Hindman Auctioneers is one of the largest full service auction houses in the nation and an industry leader with over 30 years of expertise and experience that has earned the auction house an international reputation for achieving record prices.

Public previews begin 2-4 days prior to each auction and are held in the West Loop gallery space. The firm offers complimentary auction estimates for single items or entire groups of property. We are still accepting consignments for many of the auctions listed below. For more information on selling or buying at auction and for information on upcoming auctions please call 312-280-1212

The firm is known as a key player in the global auction market; its team of professionals delivers over 60 sales a year and specializes in Post War and contemporary art; Old Master; 19th and 20th century American and European paintings, prints, drawings and sculpture; fine furniture and decorative arts; 20th century decorative arts; fine silver and objects de vertu; Asian works of art; art of the American west; fine jewelry and timepieces; vintage couture and accessories; fine books and manuscripts.

May 5: Fine Books and Manuscripts 6: Milwaukee Spring Auction 10: Property from the Palm Beach Residence of the Lord and Lady Jacobs 12: Modern Design 24: American and European Art 25: Fine Prints and Post War & Contemporary Art June 8-9: Marketplace 10: St. Louis Summer Auction 16: Mountain Décor July 18-19: Fine Furniture and Decorative Arts August 17: Marketplace

188 E. Walton (60611) Tel 312-475-7900 • Gary Metzner, Senior Vice President, Senior Specialist, Fine Arts • Cassie Spencer, Senior Vice President, Trust, Estates & Appraisals • Carrie Reyes, Associate Account Manager • Stacey Murrell, Senior Administrator • Helyn D. Goldenberg, Senior International Fine Arts Consultant • Cathy Busch, Associate

Sotheby’s Chicago operates as an extension of New York with an experienced and dedicated staff of specialists ready to facilitate consigning and purchasing needs of Midwest clients. The Chicago office evaluates property in a wide range of fine and decorative arts, as well as jewelry, for sale at Sotheby’s international auction centers and maintains a vigorous presence in the Midwest market through unique exhibitions, seasonal lectures, special events and community projects.

Sotheby’s, the world’s oldest international auction house, began as a book auction house in London in 1744 and today has 107 offices located in 41 countries, with principal salesrooms in New York and London.

Art Fairs and Expositions EXPO CHICAGO 600 E. Grand (60611) Leading international contemporary, modern and design galleries. Visit website for full exhibitor list as well as dates, times and ticket information. September 23-25 F and Sa 11-7; Su 11-6 September 22 Vernissage, 6-9pm Presented by the Women’s Board benefitting Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago.

Old Town Art Fair Historic Triangle District: Wisconsin, Lincoln Park West, Orleans and Menomonee streets

Randolph Street Market 1350 W Randolph St (60607) Sa 10-6; Su 10-5

Art, fashion, vintage treasures, June 11 and 12 food, live music, and more - all The 67th Annual Old Town Art Fair year long! 10–6 each day Your $10 donation provides not Visit website for additional dates only a great selection of fine + details. art, but you will also enjoy the sounds of rhythm and blues, Spring/Summer 2016 folk, and jazz music from our May 28-29 carefully selected entertainers, June 25-26 tour enchanting urban gardens July 30-31 August 27-28 and select from our many fine dining options. Children entering with a paying adult are free.

EXPO Art Week also takes place September 19-25 and is presented in conjunction with Choose Chicago, the city’s tourism and marketing organization, and Chicago’s Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events (DCASE). Visit website for full exhibitor list as well as dates, times and ticket information.

SOFA CHICAGO 600 E. Grand (60611) November 3-6 The Sculpture Objects Functional Art and Design (SOFA) Fair in Chicago is the premier gallerypresented art fair dedicated to three-dimensional art and design. On par with Art Basel and TEFAF Maastricht, SOFA is produced by Urban Expositions.

57th Street Art Fair Tel 773-234-3247 The 57th Street Art Fair is a two-day outdoor celebration of the visual arts held in Hyde Park, adjacent to the University of Chicago campus. Artists and art lovers reunite at Chicago’s oldest juried art fair in the Midwest, featuring the work of 200 exhibitors.

Critically acclaimed and continuously running since 1994, what distinguishes SOFA from other top art events is its focus on threedimensional artworks that cross the boundaries of fine art, decorative art and design.

The goal of the 57th Street Art Fair is to provide a venue for creators of quality fine art and fine craft to meet with the artbuying public. Whether you are looking for glass, jewelry, leather, photography, printmaking, painting, sculpture, digital arts, wood, ceramics or fiber — you SOFA is noted for its exceptional are sure to find something presentation, with an elite special at this one of a kind selection of international dealers event. presenting for sale one-of-akind masterworks in handsome, June 4 and 5 custom-designed gallery 69th Annual 57th Street Art Fair exhibits. Sa 11-7 and Su 10-5 FREE ADMISSION

Photo: Eric Clarke


Appraisers Bardo Consulting Group, Inc.

GB Fine Art Professional Fine Art Appraisals

StoneBridge Services, Inc. Tel 312-372-9216 Residential contents, fine and decorative arts appraising and consulting. Bardo Consulting Group is a national appraisal, personal property management and consulting firm founded in Chicago in 1980. Bardo Consulting Group, Inc. helps people to acquire, maintain and disperse valuables through a network of specialists in appraisal, estate planning, conservation, framing, finance, insurance, law, security and taxation. Its subsidiary company, StoneBridge Services, Inc. helps people when they are downsizing or moving into assisted living.

Pamela Pierrepont Bardo, ASA, AAA, founder and principal of the firm is accredited in eight disciplines including general residential contents, antiques, silver and fine arts, by two national appraisal societies. She has extensive courtroom and insurance claim experience and has served as an expert witness for many of the top law firms, bank and accounting firms in Chicago and nationwide. We provide appraisals and advice for insurance, estate planning, divorce, charitable donation and liquidation. Stonebridge Services, Inc. provides services when downsizing. Visit our website or call for a free consultation. Celebrating 36 Years as the Midwest’s Premier Appraisal Firm!

Gretchen Burch, AAA, Principal Tel 314-604-4175

New World Art Services Native American + Tribal Art Evaluation 1012 Timber Trail Drive Dixon (61021) Tel 815-652-4196 or 917-301-6840 Marianne Huber, AAA

Ms. Huber has been active in following new discoveries and new market events in preColumbian, African, Oceanic, and other areas included under Based in Chicago and serving the title, Tribal Arts. She will also the greater Midwest, GB Fine recommend experts who can Art provides expert fine art New World Art Service’s help you with evaluating other appraisal and advisory services expertise is in the areas types of art objects. Whatever from a Certified Member of frequently referred to as Tribal your needs or questions about the Appraisers Association of Art. Marianne Huber’s particular tribal art and textiles, call America. We prepare in-depth, interests are pre-Columbian Marianne Huber. customized appraisals for art, African art, and Oceanic insurance, estate planning, art, including objects from New Even if all you need is expert charitable donation and Guinea and Indonesia. She identification of an unfamiliar equitable, allowing you to make has also done extensive work work of art, Ms. Huber can help informed decisions about the in appraising and identifying you or refer you to someone future of your personal property. costumes and textiles. who can. Marianne Huber is Every appraisal conforms to the a member of the American guidelines put forth by Uniform She has appraised and Society of Appraisers, Chicago Standards for Professional consulted for fine private chapter, and a Certified Member Appraisal Practice. collectors and museums in the of the Appraisers’ Association of United States and Europe since America. We have extensive experience 1982. Her clear, accurate, and in everything from appraising carefully researched reports All of Ms. Hubers’ appraisal personal property and are fully accepted for any reports adhere to the 2013liquidating estates to cataloging legal situation, among them, 2014 edition of the Uniform large collections, researching IRS appraisals for charitable Standards of Appraisal Practice provenance, and authenticating donation, estate settlement, of the US Appraisal Foundation artwork. Independent of any market situations, and division and the code of ethics of the auction or dealer, we are an of assets. American Society of Appraisers. objective guide to the art market, providing advice and assistance with buying and selling.

Art and Property Insurance Chartwell Insurance Services

Willis Tower 233 S. Wacker, Ste. 2000 (60606) Tel 312-288-7297 Sandra R. Berlin, Senior Vice President “Collecting is an art. Protecting what you’ve collected is an even greater art.” - William Randolph Hearst 211 W. Wacker (60606) Tel 312-645-1200 Rebecca Korach Woan

Chartwell Insurance Services has extensive experience and respected expertise in insuring fine art, jewelry, antiques, and other collectibles. Whether the insured pieces consist of a few items of jewelry or an extensive and evolving schedule containing many and varied art forms, the insurance program should be designed to accommodate the owner’s lifestyle, usage, and purchase habits. We guide collectors on how to best catalog and appraise their collection, conserve and frame their most valuable works, and implement a disaster & recovery plan. Together with our network of professional service providers we work with our clients to safeguard their valuable possessions. In addition to working with private individuals, we also provide programs for galleries, dealers, art consultants, and art advisers.

Take a private

Willis Fine Art, Jewelry & Specie, Willis of New York, Inc.

Willis Fine Art, Jewelry & Specie division, Willis of New York, Inc. has a preeminent position in the insurance of fine art, jewelry + collectibles. Coverage + advice can be provided for auctioneers, fine art packers + shippers, dealers, galleries, private + corporate collections, museums + exhibitions.

Willis’ fine art specialists possess expertise needed for unique + often complex insurance demands covering everything from Han Dynasty terra cotta figures to late 20th century installation art; from Dutch Old Masters to paintings by Abstract Expressionists. Willis provides coverage for some of the largest private art + museum collections in the world. Each policy is especially designed to cover actual needs of clients, thus avoiding unnecessary expenditure of premium.

gallery tour • Small and large groups welcome • Special occasions as well as corporate + educational outings • Visit any district in town • Plan an after party or reception • Meet your favorite artist or discover new works

“Our expertise + level of commitment in the world of fine art is unrivaled anywhere in the insurance market.”


city is yours to enjoy!

Contact Chicago Gallery News to arrange for your next tour. 312.649.0064 49

Conservation/Art Restoration / Climate Control Art of Humidity

Broken Art Restoration, Inc.

1874 Johns Dr., Glenview (60025) Tel 800-486-0438 M-F 8-6; Sa by appt. Thomas Lund, President Is the humidity in your space at the proper level to maintain your fine art and antiques? According to Art Conservation & Design International, ideal humidification levels should be at 30%-50%. Art of Humidity is dedicated to achieving the optimal environment for art collectors, conservators and gallery owners with any size art collection. We have become the trusted, “Humidification Experts” for Chicago’s thriving art community. Art of Humidity manages excess condensation. Our solutions are customized for each residential and commercial space. One of our most popular products, CondensationControl, efficiently and effectively deters window and window frame condensation. This unique solution is installed in multiple units at Residences at Water Tower as well as other homes in Chicagoland.

The Conservation Center

Primary areas of expertise include: • Paintings • Works on Paper • Antique and Fine Furniture • Objects and Sculpture • Frames and Gilding • Photographs The Conservation Center is the • Textiles largest and most comprehensive • Rare Books private art conservation laboratory in the country, uniquely • Murals allowing us to treat diverse art Additional services include: collections, large or small. • Disaster Response • Framing and Display We have preserved fine art • Digital Restoration and antiques from some of • Shipping and Installation the country’s most prestigious • Fine Art Storage private collections, museums, galleries, insurance companies, • Collection Assessment and corporations since 1983. 400 N. Wolcott (60622) Tel 312-944-5401 M-F 9-5 by appt. Heather Becker, CEO

1841 W. Chicago (60622) Tel 312-226-8200 or 815-472-3900 By appt. Opened in 1980 by William and Michelle Marhoefer, Broken Art Restoration is Chicago’s oldest established studio specializing in the professional restoration of porcelain, pottery, ceramics, wood, metal, and stone art objects. Museum-quality invisible repair, missing parts replaced.

Joel Oppenheimer, Inc. The Wrigley Building 410 N. Michigan Ave., Ste. 1 (60611) Tel 312-642-5300 M-Sa 10-6 Restoration and conservation. See complete Michigan Avenue listing.

Please call to schedule your complimentary consultation.


Guides and Private Tours

Restoration Division

Chicago Architecture Foundation Tours

840 W. Castlewood Terr. (60640) Tel 773-754-6080 main line; 773-383-2401 after hours Please contact us for an appt. or to schedule a pickup Restoration Division, LLC has been providing fine art conservation services to the professional community since 2004. Our clients include museums, galleries, insurance companies, appraisers, and prominent collections. We are happy to extend our services to private collectors. We specialize in the conservation of both traditional and contemporary paintings, works on paper (including photographs and valuable documents), Asian screens and scrolls, sculptures, objects, antique frames, and textiles.

Our services also include complimentary pickup and delivery throughout the Chicagoland area, nationwide pickup and delivery, and expert installation. We offer complimentary examinations and detailed treatment proposals. Professional photography, as well as examination using microscopy, UV, near infrared, and X-ray imaging is available. Our average turnaround time is 10 business days. Challenging projects are welcome.

Free Saturday Gallery Tours

Joy Horwich / Joyus Jaunts Chicago, IL Tel 773-327-3366

224 S. Michigan (60604) Tel 312-922-3432

750 N. Franklin (60654) Tel 312-649-0064

Since 1966, CAF has served as a cultural ambassador— welcoming the world to Chicago and using its architecture to inspire millions. Each year our docents and educators share its story with more than half a million people. We accomplish this through tours, programs, exhibitions, field trips, curricula and online tools that are part of a dynamic learning journey for all ages. We are now one of Chicago’s top 10 cultural organizations and the world’s largest public architecture organization.

Free and open to the public Do you want an all-access pass weekend gallery tours organized to the best art collections in the by Chicago Gallery News. Chicago area?

Most popular tours include: Must See Chicago Tour; Historic Treasures of Culture and Commerce; and Architectural Highlights by Bus. Dates and times vary each month – visit our website for more information and to buy tickets. Chicago Architecture Foundation River Cruise Aboard Chicago’s First Lady Cruises begin on April 9. 50

A gallery representative leads a guided tour of 4 galleries. The gallery roster and tour leader change weekly and conversation centers on the exhibits and artists on view.

Do you want to take a peek inside some of the city’s best artists’ studios?

River North Tours Every Saturday 11am-12:30pm Meet at 750 N. Franklin, inside Chicago Ave. corner Starbucks.

Then don’t miss the opportunity to go on a Joyus Jaunt with Gallerist, Joy Horwich.

Tours run rain or shine every weekend of the year, except on major holiday weekends. No reservations are required. For private group or corporate tours, please call CGN at 312-649-0064

Do you want an inside look at exhibits around the city?

Check the Chicago Gallery News online for information on the most current Jaunt or email

Framing Artful Framer Studios + Art De Triumph 2938 N. Clark (60657) Tel 773-832-4038 Open 7 days a week. M-F 11-7; Sa 10-6; Su 12-5 Nancie King Mertz Celebrating 13 years on Clark Street in Chicago’s Lakeview East neighborhood, and 36 years of expert on-site framing & conservation. Creative design and attention to detail will make your project shine! The top framing favorite on Yelp.

Artists Frame Service 1867 N. Clybourn (60614) Tel 773-248-2800 M, Th 9-8; Tu, W, F 9-6; Sa 10-5; Su 11-5 Also in Highland Park: 225 Skokie Valley Road Crossroads Shopping Center Highland Park (60035) Tel 847-831-0003 M, Th 9-8; Tu, W, F 9-6; Sa 10-5; Su closed

Foursided Custom Framing Galleries 5061 N. Clark (60640) Tel 773-506-8300 M-W 11-7, Th-Sa 10-7, Su 11-5 Also: 2939 N. Broadway (60657) Tel 773-248-1960 ​M-W 11-7, Th-Sa 10-7, Su 11-5

Frame Factory’s Framing Design Center 1809 W. Webster (60614) Frame Factory in Lincolnwood Tel 773-862-1010 3924 W. Devon (60712) Tu-F 10:30-7; Sa 9-5:30; Su 12-5 Tel 773-427-1010 M-F 9-5:30

The Frame Factory on Webster, in West Lincoln Park, is your source for custom framing. Our friendly and knowledgeable framing associates are all Foursided has one of the largest experienced artists equipped moulding selections in Chicago, with the sensitivity and currently over 5,000 available. sensibility to guide you through our vast selection of frames. We Our professional consultants have the know-how to frame any share over 20 years of industry experience; many hold advanced project, and we’re always up for art degrees. Our services include a new challenge! the use of museum quality materials, acid-free mat boards, a variety of glass types, and the best mounting and hinging techniques to protect your valuable artwork.

As the largest picture frame store in the country, Artists Frame Service offers a breathtaking and unmatched selection of frame mouldings Giclee prints on canvas and from all around the world. paper are available of her We pioneered the one-week sold work, sized to your turnaround and operate specifications and printed inour own 40,000-square-foot house by Ron Mertz. manufacturing facility, giving us Foursided maintains a unparalleled control over framing creatively curated selection of Fine art cards and gifts are screenprints, prints, paintings quality and craftsmanship. numerous in the double(new and vintage), collage, storefront, which includes design Twice selected Chicago’s Best assemblage, photography, services. framed ephemera, and mixed Framer by Chicago magazine, media from local and national Artists Frame Service is proud to Painting commissions welcome. artists. The collection is be called a Chicago institution continuously changing as new and to count artists, designers, Much of the artwork featured in pieces are scouted and many are Chicago-based television dramas curators and galleries among created by owner Todd Mack and Foursided’s talented associates. is created by Nancie King Mertz. our long time customers. Original oil and pastel paintings of Chicago and the world by award winning artist Nancie King Mertz.

The Frame Factory in Lincolnwood houses our production facility. We take on your project from start to finish. Overseeing the entire process allows us to ensure that the final product is exactly as you imagined. With over 40 years of experience, our staff of artisans are there to help you create a perfectly framed piece. Both of our locations offer parking, pickup and delivery, and installation services. Incentives are available for designers, architects, artists, and galleries. MEMBER ASID


Arts Marketing

Artist Residency Programs

Seaberg Picture Framing, Inc.

Art is Not a Luxury

Fermilab Artist in Residence Program

Arts Marketing + PR 448 N. Halsted (60642) Tel 312-666-3880 M-F 8-5; Sat by appt. With nearly 40 years of experience serving the vibrant art community of Chicago and beyond, Seaberg has developed an unrivaled reputation for high quality craftsmanship, and customer service.

Understanding and utilizing the full range of mouldings, glazing and matting options, and museum-quality archival materials, our highly skilled custom framers have the experience, skill-set and know-how to best advise our customers on finishing, protecting and/or presenting their valuable artwork.

Tanja Baumann, Principal

Art Is Not A Luxury specializes in marketing and public relations for the arts. We craft tailored engagement strategies that boost our clients’ visibility and revenue. Whether you’re looking for a comprehensive marketing plan for a high-caliber exhibition Artists, galleries, curators and or new ideas to improve your designers consistently call on social media presence, we have us to meet their high standards the expertise, resourcefulness for custom fine art framing, and and creativity to move you we’re proud to have earned their forward. trust and business. With 15 years of experience, founder Tanja Baumann has helped a wide range of museums, galleries and public agencies increase their impact. We are new to Chicago and excited to be part of the city’s vibrant arts community. Email us to schedule a free consultation.


Kirk Rd and Pine St Batavia (60510) artist_in_residence/ Fermilab Artist in Residence Program for 2017 Fermilab is America’s national laboratory dedicated to particle physics research. To initiate and stimulate communication and interactions among scientists, artists and the public, the laboratory has created an Artist in Residence program and seeks applications for the 2017 cycle. The Fermilab artist in residence will interact with scientists at the laboratory, learn about their research, see how it connects to society, and then use this information to create a body of work, ideally leading to presentations in the local community and an exhibition of the artwork at Fermilab.

A small stipend will be provided by the Fermi Research Alliance. Currently no housing is available. Applications and questions for the 2017 Artist in Residence should be submitted to The application period opens May 23, 2016 closes August 23, 2016. Artists might be contacted for an interview and a presentation of examples of their portfolio. The next residency begins January 2017. Artists will be notified by September 30, 2016. For more information visit: artist_in_residence/

Art Supplies


BLICK Art Materials

Aaron’s Reliable Inc. Fine Art & Antique Movers Largest selection - Lowest prices Since 1911 Join our Preferred Customer Program and receive the best prices guaranteed with Web Match Rebate. The Preferred Card membership is free! *Exclusions apply. See store for details. OUR LOCATIONS Chicago Loop 42 S. State (corner of State & Monroe) Tel 312-920-0300 School of the Art Institute (SAIC) Campus Store 280 S. Columbus Dr. Tel 312-443-3923

Lincoln Park Custom Framing Design Center 1574 N. Kingsbury (Red Line North/Clybourn stop) Tel 312-573-0110

1500 S. Western (60608) Tel (312) 491-9322 Su-Sa, 8am-8pm

Evanston Custom Framing Design Center 1755 Maple Ave. (Purple Line Davis stop) Tel 847-425-9100

Aaron’s Reliable Inc. Fine Art & Antique Movers is Chicagoland’s premiere Moving and Art Handling Company. Our team of highly skilled project managers, art handlers and movers have been woking together with Schaumburg Collectors, Designers, Auction 1975 E. Golf Rd. Houses and Cultural Institutions (near Woodfield Mall Hwy 53) around the country in every Tel 847-619-1115 aspect of the Art Handling and Transportation process. Our Wheaton team of trained professionals 79 Danada Square East will happily assist you with the Shopping Center (near Naperville Butterfield Rds) packing, crating, moving and installation of entire estates, art Tel 630-653-0569 fairs, single pieces and complete collections. Our secured, temperature controlled storage facility is centrally located 10 minutes west of downtown Chicago. We offer short and long term storage options for single pieces to entire estates. For the convenience of our designer clients we have designed a 2500 sq ft viewing area in a gallery setting with a kitchen and restroom onsite.

The ICON Group, Inc. 2747 W. Taylor (60612) Tel 773-533-1800

U.S.Art Company, Inc.

4400 W. Ohio (60624) Tel 773-801-1811; Toll free: 844-274-2636 Chris Maravich Since 1980 The Icon Group has provided quality fine art services to museums, collectors, • Corporate Headquarters 66 Pacella Park Dr. galleries, artists and auction Randolph, MA 02368 houses. Tel 781-986-6500 “The Standard in Fine Art Service” Toll free 800-872-7826 ICON provides air-ride climatecontrol transportation serving Since 1978 Terry Dowd has been the Chicago, Midwest and U.S.Art is a fine art handling handling fine art, artifacts, and company specializing in Northeast regions; we offer a antiques; objects that are high in semi-monthly shuttle service museum quality transportation, value, fragile and irreplaceable. crating, installation, storage and to New York and points-inbetween, as well as exclusive use international customs services. Our crating methods have been We know that there are major transport to any destination. informed by research of the differences between art handling Canadian Conservation Institute; companies. With over 60 years The 92,000 square foot concrete in turn our standards have served of fine art handling experience, Icon storage facility features the as a guide for many institutions. U.S.Art has the expertise most sophisticated mechanical to handle all details in the and security systems: climate Our clients, including many coordination of your shipments and humidity control; closed of the most prestigious anywhere in the world. circuit television throughout; museums, private collectors state of the art security and and corporations in the world, Handling fine art is a major fire detection; central station contract us for the collection, responsibility. We are very monitoring 24/7; stand alone, crating, storage and transport of proud of our people and our single purpose facility with individual loans or entire exhibits. equipment. Our commitment to interior loading docks. An on-site quality service and excellence 1,400 square foot white gallery Full service facilities offer fully allows us to provide the best space functions as a viewing and art handling services available climate controlled storage with photography space. Collection state of the art security, a fleet anywhere in the world. management services available. of air-ride, climate controlled vehicles + a project management staff that make informed packing Other services include custom + installation decisions based on crating, packing and installation, rigging and freight forwarding. years of experience. 52 2233 S. Throop (60608) Tel 773-342-8686 Also: 4120 Brighton Blvd. B-09 Denver, CO (80216) Tel 303-297-8686

The viewing area is typically used to inspect goods prior to delivery to your client as well as for photographs.

P.O. Box 477029 (60647) Tel 773-278-1111 (Office) Tel 773-533-1111 (Studio)

Aaron’s Reliable understands and respects the fragility of the goods we handle. As a result, we use the best equipment and hire knowledgeable professionals with a caring “Can Do Attitude”.

Like us on Facebook: CallahanartandAssociates

Other services we offer are: • Art Installation • Art Fair Set Up • Packing/Unpacking • Full-Service Relocation • Custom Crating • Hoisting • Piano/Large Instrument & Sculpture Moving • Warehouse Receiving • Estate Distribution • Special Event Options • Storage

For more than three decades, Callahan art and Associates has been the only fine art resource in Chicago that provides all the services and products you need. It is with pleasure that we serve museums, galleries and collectors. • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Delivery Installation Rigging Packing Crating Shipping Storage Restoration Pedestals Mounts Art Rescue Collection Maintenance Appraisals Collection Catalogue Service

Imaging + Photography

Transportation/Crating Terry Dowd, LLC

Callahan art & Associates

Osio-Brown Editions 549 Spring Rd., Elmhurst (60126) Tel 630-461-4525 M-F 9-5; Sa by appt. Adam Brown Osio-Brown Editions is Chicagoland’s top art reproduction studio, specializing in the Giclée process. We are a group of artists who understand the time constraints, marketing challenges and costs other artists face in reproducing their work. Our state-of-the-art imaging equipment ensures the highest quality from capture to print and enables us to provide you with Giclée prints that will far exceed your expectations, with customer service and pricing that cannot be beat. • Artists Serving Artists • Museum Quality Archival Printing • High Resolution Image Capture • Highest Quality Film Scanning • Expert Color Matching • Excellent Customer Service and Pricing Call for additional information + to receive free work samples.

Seaberg Imaging 448 N. Halsted (60642) Tel 312-666-3880 M-F 9-5:30 and by appt. With nearly 40 years of experience serving the vibrant art community of Chicago and beyond, Seaberg has developed an unrivaled reputation for high quality craftsmanship, and customer service.

GALLERY INDEX Acquisitions of Fine Art.........42 Addington Gallery…………......24 AdventureLand Gallery……..…38 Jean Albano Gallery…..…….…25 Alibi Fine Art……………...........38 ARC Gallery………..........……...38 The Art CenterHighland Park....................42 Art Advisory, Ltd.……………....32 Art De Triumph & Artful Framer Studios…..…...38 Art Post Gallery…………….......42 ARTSPACE 8…………..........4, 34 Andrew Bae Gallery…………....25 Russell Bowman Art Advisory….............…………...32 Brauer Museum of Art at Valparaiso University………....42 Jeffrey Breslow Gallery.....22, 30 Bridgeport Art Center….….5, 36 Chicago Artists Coalition (CAC)............................22, 30 Chicago Art Source…………….32 Chicago Art Source Gallery….49 Chicago Arts District........36, 37 Chicago Printmakers Collaborative…………......…...39 Christopher Art Gallery at Prairie State College…....…..43 Cleve Carney Art Gallery/ McAninch Art Center)..........42 College of Lake County, Robert T. Wright Gallery…....43 Cornelia Arts Building…………39 Cultivate Urban Rainforest & Gallery.........................…..43 Diasporal Rhythms............2, 36 Douglas Dawson Gallery……...34 Richard H. Driehaus Museum...........................9, 34 Echt Gallery……..........………..25 Catherine Edelman Gallery…..25 Evanston Art Center…………...43 Yale Factor Gallery……………..37 Fermilab Art Gallery………..….43 Firecat Projects…………......….39 Fortunate Discoveries.............39 Galerie F…………….................39 Gallery19..............................38 Gallery 400...........................30 Gallery Seven……........…….….43 The Golden Triangle…….……..25 Richard Gray Gallery…………..34 Bert Green Fine Art…………....34 Gruen Galleries…………….......26 Carl Hammer Gallery…..……..26 Hildt Galleries….......…………..34 Hilton | Asmus Contemporary......................26 Hyde Park Art Center..............36 Rhona Hoffman Gallery..……..30 Joy Horwich Gallery + 2……...32 Intuit……………................39, 41 Jackson Junge Gallery………...40 R.S. Johnson Fine Art………....35 Kasia Kay Art Projects………...32 KM Fine Arts……………...........35 Komechak Art Gallery at Benedictine University………43

Alan Koppel Gallery………...….26 Krasl Art Center……………......44 Kruger Gallery Chicago……....40 Lakeside Arts Park at the Dole....................…….44 LALUZ Gallery........................37 The Leigh Gallery……………....40 Line Dot Editions.............40, 41 Logan Center Gallery at The University of Chicago...……….37 Anne Loucks Gallery..............44 Mars Gallery……………...........30 McCormick Gallery……….......31 McMahon Studio & Gallery.....44 Moberg Gallery at deAurora...26 Mongerson Gallery……………..35 Morpho Gallery…………….......40 Museum of Contemporary Photography........................35 Ann Nathan Gallery………....…27 Northern Illinois University (NIU) Art Museum…………….44 Richard Norton Gallery……....27 Joel Oppenheimer, Inc.………..35 Aron Packer Projects………...32 Pagoda Red……………......34, 45 Perspective Group + Photography Gallery, Ltd.…..45 Printworks……………..............27 Prospectus Art Gallery…….….37 Rangefinder Gallery at Tamarkin Camera……….27, 28 The Renaissance Society..…...37 Rockford Art Museum............45 S. Rog Gallery........................35 Salon Artists Gallery………..…45 Ken Saunders Gallery………....28 Savour Gallery……………........45 Schneider Gallery……………....28 Carrie Secrist Gallery………....31 Smart Museum of Art….........37 South Shore Arts……………....45 State Street Gallery at Robert Morris University......35 Galleries Maurice Sternberg...35 Stuart & Co. Gallery...............41 SUTRA Gallery...................5, 46 Tall Grass Arts Association…..46 John Toomey Gallery………..…46 threewalls..............................31 Ukrainian Institute of Modern Art..........................41 Union Street Gallery…………...46 Vale Craft Gallery……………....28 Vertical Gallery…………....11, 41 Linda Warren Projects………...31 Galerie Waterton…………….....28 Weinberg/Newton Gallery…….28 Zhou B Art Center……….........37 Zolla / Lieberman Gallery…...29 Zygman Voss Gallery…………..29

ART CENTERS, STUDIOS WEST LOOP / WEST SIDE Albany – Carroll Arts Building 319 N. Albany (60612)

Heaven Gallery 1550 N. Milwaukee (60622) 773-342-4597

Fulton Street Collective 1821 W. Hubbard (60612) 773-852-2481

Lillstreet Art Center 4401 N. Ravenswood (60640) 773-769-4226

Roots + Culture 1034 N. Milwaukee (60622) 773-580-0102

Uptown Arts Center 941 W. Lawrence

threewalls P.O. Box 3970

SOUTH SIDE / LOOP / PILSEN / HYDE PARK / BRIDGEPORT Beverly Arts Center 2407 W. 111th (60655) 773-445-3838

NORTH SIDE Anatomically Correct Art in Public Spaces The Art Colony Studio Building 2630 W. Fletcher • 773-368-9700 Art on Armitage 4125 W. Armitage (60639)

Chicago Art Department 1932 S. Halsted (60608) 312-725-4223

Center on Halsted Visual Arts Gallery 3656 N. Halsted (60613)

Chicago Arts District (office) 1945 S. Halsted (60608) 312-738-8000

Chicago Printmakers Collaborative 4912 N. Western (60625) 773-293-2070

Chicago Urban Art Society (CUAS) 3636 S. Iron (60609)

Cornelia Arts Building 1800 W. Cornelia

Co-Prosperity Sphere 3219-21 S. Morgan (60608) 773-655-6769

Flat Iron Arts Building 1579 N. Milwaukee (60622) 312-566-9800

Fine Arts Building (FAB) Studios 410 S. Michigan (60605) 312-566-9800

Friends of The Arts (FoTA) 1800 W. Cornelia (60657)

Mana Contemporary 2233 S. Throop (60608) 312-850-0555

Greenleaf Art Center 1806 W. Greenleaf (60626) 773-465-4652


Bridgeport Art Center 1200 W. 35th (60609) 773-247-3000

Zhou B Art Center 1029 W. 35th (60609) 773-523-0200

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