HM Letter to Parents July 2019

Page 1



Dear Parents The school year has ended with its usual multitude of activities and events, and we enjoyed seeing so many parents at these. Many were celebrated on Speech Day and, therefore, just some of the highlights are covered here.

Contents Page 1

Speech Day and Summer Ball

Page 2

Speech Day and Summer Ball

Page 3

Cricket v MCC

Page 4

Art and Design & Technology Exhibition

Page 5

Art and Design & Technology Exhibition

Page 6

Activities Week

Page 7

Into The Woods

Page 8

Examination Results Days

Page 9

Ben Copsey André Micallef

Page 10 Chigwell’s Feminism Reading Group Celebrates ‘Dalloway Day’ Page 11 Staff News Trips Over the Summer Break And Finally Page 12 Message from The Chair of the Friends of Chigwell

Speech Day and Summer Ball

Thank you to all parents who supported

honour was Dr Charlie Laderman OC.

events over the weekend. On Friday

the University of Nottingham and went

Charlie studied History and Politics at

the various elements of the Speech Day

on to complete a PhD at Sidney Sussex

afternoon, there was a service of

College, Cambridge. He was later a

celebration in St Mary’s Church led by

Research Fellow at Peterhouse College,

Chaplain Rev. Gary Scott for pupils in

Cambridge, and is currently a lecturer in

Reception to Year 4, and this was

International History at King’s College,

followed by a garden party in the Pre

London. His research focuses on the

Prep. Saturday morning saw two

United States and its relations with the

services for the remaining Juniors and

wider world. Later in the evening, the

Seniors, at which the preacher was Dr

annual Chigwell Ball took place for

Diana Lowry. Prize-giving itself took

Middle Sixth leavers and parents from

place in the marquee on Top Field on

across the School.

Saturday afternoon and the guest of


Speech Day and Summer Ball


Cricket v MCC

In the annual prestigious final fixture

of the season, Chigwell restricted the

MCC to 245 runs before they declared. Haaris Usman, Joseph Williams, Gaurav

Nair ,Thomas Johnson, Shayan Pithiya and Adi Singh bowled particularly well.

Following the quick loss of two wickets, Haaris





outstanding innings of 106 taking

Chigwell to a total of 164 before the

side was bowled out. Haaris was later awarded the Spirit of Cricket Award by the MCC captain for his wonderful allround achievements on the day.


Art and Design & Technology Exhibition

The 2019 Senior and Junior Art and Design & Technology exhibition opened last week showcasing a stunning selection of pupils’ work.


Art and Design & Technology Exhibition


Activities Week

Pupils took part in a wide variety of

activities during activities week. Some of these related to curriculum subjects while others were more physically challenging

experiences such as the Lower Sixth trip to the Lake District or the various Duke of

Edinburgh expeditions. There were also community-based activities and all in all the pupils gained a great deal from their experiences.


Into The Woods With expert direction from sixth formers Imogen Peck, Emma Jones and Rosie

Singha, and a stunning set, the musical Into The Woods has been performed this week in the Drama Centre. Thank you to

everyone who has worked so hard to make this such an overwhelming success.


Examination Results Days A Level - Thursday 15th August

The arrangements will be as follows

At 6.30am results will be sent electronically to students n

n n

From 7.00am onwards Mr Neil Saunders, Mr Simon Coppell, Dr Gillian Groszewski and I will be available in the Sixth Form Centre for advice or help

Between 10.00am and 10.30am, Middle Sixth students should come into school to collect hard copies of their results and accompanying letter The Middle Sixth photograph will be taken at 11.00am

Requests for Priority Re-marks, Access to Scripts and Re-marks can be made through Miss Roxanne Darkin. Please note that the School Bursary will need payment for Priority Re-marks, Access to Scripts and Re-marks prior to the application being submitted. It is vital for pupils who require Priority Re-marks that they have the means to pay on results day. GCSE - Thursday 22nd August

The arrangements will be as follows: n n n n

Between 10.00am and 10.30am the Upper Fifth should come to the sixth form centre to collect their results and accompanying letter – they will also need to confirm their A level subject choices

If, post results day, the student makes an agreed A level subject change following parental request to the Head of Sixth Form they must complete the summer work for this as well as their other A level subjects The Upper Fifth photograph will be taken at 11.00am

At 12 noon results will be published electronically to students and parents for those unable to come into school

Re-marks can be requested from 4th September through Miss Roxanne Darkin. If you would like to see a photocopied script before making a decision about a re-mark then this must be requested before Friday 30th August. Please note that the School Bursary will need payment for Access to Scripts and Re-marks prior to the application being submitted.


Ben Copsey

Congratulations to Ben who was selected

as a member of the National Fast Bowling Academy where he spent the winter

training. As a result of his performance he has been invited back for a second year, having bowled at over 70mph. We will watch his progress with great interest.

André Micallef

Congratulations to André who recently competed in the WUKF World Karate

Championship in Bratislava. Forty-three countries presented their best karate fighters and André managed to achieve a

Bronze medal in both solo kumite fighting as well as team fighting, despite being 3kg below the entry weight level. This was an

excellent performance for his debut on a worldwide competing level.


Chigwell’s Feminism Reading Group Celebrates ‘Dalloway Day’ Chigwell’s Feminism Reading Group was

Spalding as she conducted a walking tour

Form who wished to explore feminist

Spalding commentated on a range of

around key paintings in the gallery.

founded this year by members of the Sixth

paintings associated with major events

theory and contemporary debates about

such as the First World War and key figures

feminism in greater depth. Over the

in the life of Virginia Woolf including her

academic year, members of the reading

sister, Vanessa Bell, Duncan Grant and

group have discussed essays by Sara

other members of the Bloomsbury group of

Ahmed, Rebecca Solnit and Claudia

London intellectuals formed at the

Rankine, among others. Students also

beginning of the twentieth century. Later

undertook a weekly reading of Virginia

the same day, students attended a lecture

Woolf’s Mrs Dalloway, a book which details

by Professor Dame Gillian Beer at the

a day in the life of Clarissa Dalloway as she

British Library and heard her discuss the

moves about central London and prepares

themes of love and presence in the novel.

for an important evening function. On

The reading group is open to students from

Wednesday 19th of June, the approximate

Year 10 upwards. Students who would like

date on which the action of Mrs Dalloway

to participate should contact Dr Gillian

takes place, members of the reading group


made their way to the National Portrait Gallery to accompany art historian Frances


Staff News

Trips Over the Summer Break

As I mentioned at Speech Day, we are saying farewell to a few colleagues.

Over the summer, the Scouts will be

travelling to Kandersteg in Switzerland for

Mr Jochen Lukesch is retiring, having spent

their international camp, and Gold Duke of

the last twenty years working at Chigwell.

Edinburgh training will take place in

He will be remembered for the German

Scotland. We wish all pupils and staff a safe

Exchange trips that he arranged over

and memorable trip.

eighteen consecutive years and everything

he has contributed so enthusiastically in the MFL department. Mrs Lisa Barden also retires having been the Pre Prep Deputy

And Finally

miss them both and wish them a very

your ongoing support of pupils and the

Head since it opened six years ago. We will

At the end of another year, thank you for

happy retirement.

School. I hope you have a wonderful summer and I look forward to seeing most

Miss Rosie Pettingill, Head of Chemistry,

families again in September.

leaves us to move to Brentwood School

With best wishes

and Mr Andrew Lewis, Drama Centre

Manager and Technician, is moving on to

Yours sincerely

Sweyne Park School. We thank them for all

that they have done for the School and do hope that they will stay in touch.

Michael Punt

We also say goodbye to Mr Edward

Gamwells, KS2 teacher, and to Miss Sarah

Kimberley and Mrs Reena Patel, both teaching assistants in the Pre Prep. We

thank them all for their contribution to the School and we shall miss them.


Message from The Chair of the Friends of Chigwell The years just seem to fly by quicker and quicker as we see new starters and leavers at Chigwell School. 2018/2019 academic year has been the busiest that the FOC has ever had with the return of some firm favourites such as Film Nights, Pop Up Mother’s Day Shop, Quiz Night and Theatre Trips. The annual Pre Prep Easter Egg hunt is always a highlight as we see excited little faces search for the Bunny and the eggs he has left for them.

do keep them coming. Drop off points are at any of the school receptions with Mrs Kerry Horn in the Pre Prep, Mrs Kirstie Lee at the Junior School, Mrs Myrtle Scannell in the Senior School or into the old school shop where staff are happy to receive the donations. All sizes and ages are most welcome, good quality, clean and with any name badges removed please. This academic year to date the FOC have raised a staggering £14,097. None of this could have happened without the tireless support and hard work of the full FOC Committee; parents, teachers and grandparents alike. Early mornings, late nights, weekends, in the cold, wet and scorching sunshine. Tea-making to marquee setting up, Pre-loved Uniform washing and ironing to cake baking to huge shops at the cash & carry! Precious time is given freely and generously and for that, we are most grateful.

The weather held beautifully for Senior and Junior Sports Days, where hot and cold drinks, cakes, treats and BBQ were served. The very first Chigwell Family Funday on 29th June was a massive success; pop-up circus skills in the big top, inflatable fun, delicious food and retail stalls made the festival vibe alive and well. Our very own Mr Andrew Stubbs valiantly volunteered to man the stocks whilst pupils sponged him to raise funds. Joe Cole and Colebrook Royals hosted ‘Beat the Goal’ and ‘Football Skills’ and our own pupils performed a LAMDA showcase to friends and family alike.

New events and ideas continue to be discussed with the School all the time. Please let us know of any suggestions, we always welcome any new ideas and committee members – get in touch@ Everyone is most welcome.

Our Pre Loved Uniform Shop continues to go from strength to strength. Dates, locations and opening times will be posted via Chigwell Post parent mails, in the Chronicle and within the FOC pages of the Chigwell School website. The Pre Loved sales continue to be warmly received. We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has made a donation; please

With best wishes to you all for a wonderful summer break. We look forward to seeing you on 18th September for Headmasters Questions and the FOC AGM where a new committee will be voted in.


2019 TERM DATES 2019 Lent Term Staff meetings and INSET on Monday 7th January Term ends: Wednesday July First day: Tuesday 8th10th January Half term: Saturday 16th February to Sunday 24th February Michaelmas Term Term ends: Wednesday 3rd April Staff meetings and INSET on Monday 2nd and Tuesday 3rd September First day: Wednesday 4th September Trinity Term Half term: Saturday 19th October to Sunday 3rd November (Easter Day is 21st April) Term ends: Friday 13th December First day: Wednesday 24rd April Half term: Saturday 25th May to Sunday 2nd June INSET Day Monday 3rd June Term ends: Wednesday 10th July

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