Headmaster's Letter - September 2022

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Headmaster’s Letter to Parents

And to those parents that are new to the community, welcome. I hope you are feeling as welcomed as I have been and I hope your children have settled well into the school. I have every sympathy for those that are still trying to find their feet in a new setting, but I am sure they will feel settled soon. I am certainly seeing lots of smiling faces from pupils around this week.

Best DamianwishesKing

It is a pleasure to be writing to you all in my role as Head of Chigwell School. My family and I have had a very warm welcome to the school and all our dealings have reinforced my first impressions, that the community of parents, pupils and staff are kind and the school is a happy place to be. Though I have met many of you already, I look forward to meeting more of you in the coming days and weeks.

Dear Parents

Damian King dking@chigwell-school.orgHead

Page 2 Public Exams Results

Page 5 Evensong at Canterbury Cathedral Douglas Harryman

Page 7 VikaPSHE(Middle Sixth) Calendars

Page 3Work Around the School Site

Page 6 Duke of Edinburgh Silver Award

Page 8 Staff News

Page 4Work Around the School Site

Page 9 Term Dates

Charlie (Upper Fifth)

PageContents1Service of thanks for Queen Elizabeth II

Service of thanks for Queen Elizabeth II


examples to successive generations along with the example she set of dedication and service which has been an enduring feature of her history-making reign. The school is continuing to reflect during this time of mourning with the community contributing to a book of condolence held in the chapel and a series of assemblies and presentations.

On Friday 9th September the school community gathered to mark the passing of a remarkable sovereign. As a community we extended our thoughts and prayers to her family and all those who share in the loss and profound sadness at the passing of a treasured and much-loved Monarch. We used the occasion to reflect on her inspirational leadership and immense personal integrity which remain

Roughly three quarters of pupils moved on to Russell Group universities, one going into a degree apprenticeship at JP Morgan and two going to universities overseas. However, with all those headline capturing figures, I was even more pleased to hear of those pupils that overcame adversity to achieve personal successes. Behind every grade is a story and those individual stories are as important to us as the overall grades. All this success is even more impressive given that it has been achieved during a period of disruption from lockdown learning, Covid restrictions in the classroom and the government bringing results back to 2019 levels. Pupils should feel very proud to have navigated those challenges so well.

I was pleased to be able to join the Lower 6th in celebrating their GCSE results over the summer holidays as my first event at the school. Not only were the results some of the best on record with 30% of pupils achieving grade 9s including 2 pupils who achieved a clean sweep of 9s, but also 57% of all grades were 8 or 9 with 10 pupils achieving all 8s or 9s. These excellent results followed on from an excellent set of A level results in which 26% of all grades were A* and 84% of all grades were A*-B. This translated to 42 pupils gaining 3 or more A grades and 13 pupils at least 4 A grades. These results enabled all pupils to make it into their higher education institution of choice with the most popular being Warwick (9 pupils), Nottingham (7) and Bristol (5).

Public Exam Results

Charlie (Upper Fifth)

We continue to be extremely impressed with Charlie’s achieving in golf. Over the summer he achieved a ‘clean sweep’ win with the under 18 England team at Home Internationals in Scotland. As a result of this, he has been invited to the 'Champion of Champions' at Woodhall Spa and we send our very best wishes to Charlie for this event.



As is always the case during the summer holiday, a huge amount of work has taken place around the site, not least in the construction of the new sports centre and the surrounding area. As you will notice, the way that vehicles and pedestrians move around the site has changed dramatically such that a one-way system will operate at the Junior School entrance during the drop-off and pick-up periods and the space between the Drama Centre and the Junior School will become pedestrianised during the day. Many thanks for your forbearance and understanding during this time of disruption. Of course these challenges will be over at the start of next year when we look to open the new sports centre, however in the meantime, your understanding is greatly appreciated.

Work Around the School Site


Our thoughts and prayers are with Doug’s wife, Gill, and all of their family, and friends.

Evensong at Canterbury Cathedral

At the weekend, we received the very sad news that Doug Harryman had passed away.


Douglas Harryman

I was pleased to be able to join the Chapel Choir for the Leavers' Evensong in Canterbury Cathedral on Thursday 1st September. The service which is a musical feast was broadcast live and can be found on the link below. It featured the premier in Canterbury Cathedral of Alexander L’strange’s Magnificat and Nunc dimittis, New College, Oxford Service; Humphrey Clucas’ Preces and Responses; and the anthem, Let the People Praise thee, O God by William Mathias. The sound created by our pupils in this performance was quite breath-taking, and described as “magnificent and electrifying". Our pupils make us so proud of what can be achieved here at school and is testament to their dedication and commitment. It is the first Leavers 'Evensong for three years and so celebrated the leavers of 20, 21 and uILxV6LSRfjOpw&start_radio=1https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_ZVF4EhhKY&list=RDCMUCL4_2pO--22.

Doug joined Chigwell School in 1972 as a teacher of mathematics. During his thirty-six years at the School he was Lambourne housemaster for a full 10 year term, leader of the Christian Union, sporting coach, and first aid trainer. He was a committed Christian and he will be remembered for his guitar playing and singing at Chapel services. He was also passionate about fitness and was often seen striding across school grounds in his weight belt and kit. In 1996 he became Examinations Officer guiding generations of pupils through GCSEs, iGSCEs, AS and A levels. Doug will be

remembered for being fair and patient, and although he retired in 2008, when he was needed he returned to teach Sixth Form maths.

The group of five girls departed for the South Downs last Monday morning and successfully demonstrated their campcraft and expedition skills to complete their silver expedition. We now await the spring to start expeditions for the new cohort of pupils.

Duke of Edinburgh Silver Award


The final group have completed their qualifying expedition over the last week, making this the last expedition of the 2021/22 season.

7 PHSEVika(Middle

As usual, pupils will be given a copy of the blue calendar with details of all events taking place this term. If you have not received a copy, please collect one from either of the three school receptions.

Fourth Form Self-esteem, mindfulness and the dangers of drugs and smoking


Third Form Healthy lifestyle, emotional wellbeing and resilience, puberty, the dangers of drugs, smoking and alcohol

Removes Social media and self-esteem, mental health, drugs and the law, county lines and excessive alcohol consumption

As you know, pupils across the school have PSHE lessons, the purpose of which is to help equip them to manage their lives, to stay safe and healthy, and to make the right choices now and in the future. The course covers a wide range of topics, some of which are revisited in greater depth, and it may well be that pupils discuss them with you at home. An overview of this term’s topics is listed below and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Lower Fifth Drug and alcohol addiction, RSE – pornography, consent and choices regarding sexual relationships, road safety

Upper Fifth British values – respect and tolerance of others, breast and testicular cancer, RSE – consent, healthy relationships and STIs, road safety

Sixth Form Study skills, post-18 options, driving, growing up abroad, personal & student finance, gambling


We send our congratulations to Vika who wrote an essay for the Homerton College, Cambridge sustainability essay programme. Vika was awarded “highly commended” for her essay, which linked the use of medicine and science in order to build a sustainable world. This is a fantastic achievement and she was invited to attend a three day student conference and residential. Also, her essay won the top prize for receiving the highest score!

Best DamianwishesKing

I look forward to contacting you with the next Head’s newsletter where I will be able to update you on the continued successes of pupils and other school news.

• Mr Patrick Caffrey will be a teacher of Classics having graduated from Cambridge and completing his training at Wellington College.

Over the summer break, Mr Richard Hume married Alpha, and Mr Robert Richardson and his wife Louise welcomed their new baby daughter, Lucy.

We also welcome two trainee teachers; Miss Bella Cavicchi will be joining the drama department and Miss Amelia Law will be joining MFL.

• Mrs Soraiya Ashbrook-Khan will be our new Deputy Learning Support Co-ordinator and she joins us from the Oasis Academy.

Staff News

• Miss Emma Thorogood will be joining the geography department having taught at Trinity School for the past three years.


• Miss Barbara Walsh joins the science department as a teacher of physics having previously taught at Woolwich Polytechnic School for boys.

We are delighted to welcome a number of new colleagues and we hope that they will all be very happy with us:

• Reverend David Wilson joins us from Radley College as our new Chaplain.

• Mr Asif Mushtaq will be teaching computer science; he was previously at Highams Park School.

• Having previously taught at the School, Mrs Mehreen Ali will be returning to teach biology.


Term ends:Friday 16th December

Half term:Saturday 27th May to Sunday 4th June INSET Day Monday 5th June


Lent Term 2023

Half term:Saturday 11th February to Sunday 19th February

Half term:Saturday 22nd October to Sunday 6th November

Staff meetings and INSET on Monday 9th January

Michaelmas Term 2022

First day:Tuesday 10th January

Term ends:Wednesday 29th March

Trinity Term 2023 (Easter Day is 9th April)

First day:Wednesday 19th April

Term ends:Wednesday 12th July

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