HM Letter February 2019

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Dear Parents This has certainly been a very busy half term and I suspect that most pupils are ready for a break. A great deal has been achieved over the last six weeks and some of this is outlined in what follows.

Contents Page 1

Inspection Appraisal Chinese New Year E-books & Audio Books

Page 2

Girls’ Netball Charlotte James-Pajwani

Page 3

Girls’ Netball

Page 4

Boys’ Hockey

Page 5

Boys’ Hockey

Page 6


Page 7


Page 8

University News Kangaroo Maths Scouts

Page 9

Charity Gala Evening

Page 10

Holocaust Survivor Talk Oxford Debating Competition

Page 11

Cricket Course Meet the Future

Page 12

Festival of the Spoken Word Sixth Form Induction

Page 13

Bad Weather Staff News Physics Olympiad Careers Convention

Page 14

MFL Vertical Integration Williams Project

Page 15

Summer 2019 Public Exams And Finally


Message from the Chaplain


At very short notice in the second week of

huge amount of further work took place

regulatory compliance inspection. These

inspectors’ arrival. I hope we will have the

between the call from ISI and the

term, ISI inspectors came to carry out a

report soon after half term when I will

take place every three years and since we

share it with you.

were last inspected in March 2016, we were expecting a visit. Nevertheless, a


Thank you to all parents who provided feedback for my appraisal which was conducted in

January by Mr Stephen Roberts. It was particularly helpful of many of you to write

comments and these will (anonymously) form part of the final report. This will be used for my ongoing development and will be considered by Governors as we continue to move the School forwards.

Chinese New Year

E-books & Audio Books

excellent New Year celebration to mark

now have access to our e-book and audio

Chinese boarders and day students led an

Students in the Junior and Senior Schools

the start of the Year of the Pig.

book platforms, supplied by Wheelers. The link for students to access the books

is on Gateway and they just need to sign in via their school login. From there, they can also find details of the app which is

available to allow the system to work on tablets and phones.

If there are any queries, please contact

Mrs Sara Bloomfield ( in the Senior School or Mrs

Samantha Saynor ( in the Junior School


Girls’ Netball

The netball season has got off to a really

For the U15s in particular, their season is

and enthusiasm of the girls has been the

Cup match early on in the season against

really yet to get underway. They had a

positive and promising start. The numbers

Notting Hill and Ealing High School,

best it has ever been, meaning that

where they unfortunately lost in what was

participation and performance are at an

a very competitive match. Recently they

absolute high. In the Senior School we

have shown a good interest in training but

have in excess of fifty girls playing netball.

unfortunately, bad weather has meant

In the Junior School, the competition and

their last two games have been cancelled.

commitment to training and fixtures has

This group has some very talented

been better than ever, producing some

netballers, so we are sure there will be

excellent netball as a result.

some positive results soon.

The 1st VII have had a brilliant start to the season winning our annual Chigwell

The U14s have also started the season

strengthened by the Upper Fifth, have

campaign with a narrow loss to

well. The U14A team started their

Senior Tournament. The new team,

Haileybury (14-20) but won the next two

gelled really well and are playing some

matches against Felsted School and The

quality netball. Recently they have beaten

Stephen Perse. The U14B team also lost

Highgate 29-24 and Brentwood 33-14.

their opening match but won against

Their dedication to training has been

Felsted and narrowly lost to The Stephen

excellent and this will only continue to

Perse by two goals. The U14C team won

help them build momentum in their

against Felsted resulting in a convincing

season. In addition to the 1st VII, we have

performance from the age group against

had many successful 2nd, 3rd and 4th VII

our local competitor, something that is

fixtures, with the girls winning four out of

not often achieved.

five fixtures against Highgate and Brentwood. This strength and depth is so pleasing to see, and we have no doubt

The Junior School have continued where

senior netball seasons to date.

superb numbers training and available for

they left off in the hockey season with

that this will be one of the most successful


Girls’ Netball

Charlotte James-Pajwani

fixtures in the season and recorded a

for Southgate Hockey Club. Her team

fixtures. The U10 and U11s have had lots of

Congratulations to Charlotte who plays

mixed set of results. Nevertheless, they

became National Indoor Champions after

are enjoying their netball and developing

Charlotte scored the winning penalty

their skills and techniques.

flick in a dramatic final against Repton Hockey Club.

The U12 and U13 age groups have had

large numbers at training and are really keen to improve and develop. They have played




particularly in a recent tough fixture against Stephen Perse. With IAPS and

Kelsall tournaments to come, we are expecting some good performances from these age groups.


Boys’ Hockey

It has been a successful and enjoyable

pitch for both the UII and U10 age groups.

the weather proving challenging on

Woodford Green have been excellent and

Fixtures against New Hall, Bancroft’s, and

start to the boys’ hockey season. Despite

every pupil has had an opportunity to

occasions with both snow and ice, a great

represent the School in a competitive

deal of hockey has been played. In the

fixture to date.

Junior School, the sport continues to flourish with more opportunities than ever

In the Senior School, the 1st XI has made

for pupils to participate in both training

sound progress this term. Other than a

and fixtures. The now established KS2

narrow defeat to local rivals Forest in the

hockey club continues to grow with

HA Cup, the boys’ season has remained

significant numbers attending each week,

unblemished. The highlight to date being

which in turn has supported the significant

an incredible 11-10 sudden death penalty

skill development of the pupils. This has

stroke victory in the HA Plate over

been highlighted with the success on the

Bancroft’s at Old Loughtonians Hockey


Boys’ Hockey

Club. The 2nd XI is still unbeaten and has

progressed to the regional rounds of the

HA 2nd XI school tournament. It is trial year for the competition and the team

won the county round and travel to Bedford Hockey this week to play the best

2nd XIs in the region. The U15s have still yet to achieve their form from last season. Despite this, competing a year young in

the Essex U16 tournament, they have

gained valuable experience for the season

ahead. Finally, not to be outdone by the senior teams, the U14s have also qualified

for the regional rounds of the HA School competition




University after half term. The team finished runners-up to Coopers Coburn on goal difference at the county tournament

despite not conceding a single goal during their four matches. We wish them the best

of luck for their tournament after the half term break.



The New Year Concert provided a vivid

performance of Look at Me, from the

expertise. The dynamic sounds of the

Music Ensemble lightened the mood with

display of musical exuberance and

Witches of Eastwick, and the Modern

Symphonic Wind Band in the Finale of

a fun rendition of Santa Claus is Comin’ to

Year of the Dragon, the psychedelic

Town. The audience enjoyed the light

sounds of the Senior Drum Line, the vigour

baroque sound of the String Orchestra in

of Mr Ray’s Rock Band and the full weight

Vivaldi’s Concerto for Strings in D major

of the Big Band were beautifully

RV 121, Movement 1 Allegro, together

contrasted against solos from Terry Cheng

with the wind ensembles of both Flute and

on the piano performing Fantaisie –

Saxophone. The tuned colours from the

Impromptu in C♯ minor by Chopin, Lucas

Percussion Ensemble in Funkify and the

Abrami Gill also on the piano, playing

delicate, intricate patterns of clapping

Debussy’s Arabesque No. 2 and Connie

music complimented the variety of music

Duggan’s vocal performance of A


Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square by

It was a superb evening

enjoyed by a very appreciative audience.

Sherwin. The vocal trio gave a striking



In drama this half term, we began with a

visit to the Piccadilly Theatre to see the

celebrated Royal National Theatre’s production of “The Curious Incident of the

Dog in the Night-Time”, a multi-media

performance about a boy with autism. This was very much appreciated by the Upper Fifth GCSE drama students. Next, the Lower Fifth performed six 15 minute

devised pieces in week four, exploring a range of themes from domestic violence

to homosexuality in the 1950s. Students offered a range of skills from acting to set design, costume and make up, and light

and sound. Finally, just before half term,

the Middle Sixth A-level drama class

performed their scripted pieces to a visiting examiner. This was an evening in

two halves. Firstly, monologues and duologues and secondly an outstanding

performance of “Dissocia” by Anthony Neilson, a bizarre play that is a journey

into the troubled mind of the heroine of the story.


University News

Five students from the year group of eighty

have received offers to study at either

Oxford or Cambridge University. Given the tough competition for places, this is a

tremendous achievement. Offers from

Cambridge have been made to: Poppy Bradley (Natural Sciences at Emmanuel

College), Georgia Reid (Law at Homerton Wojtyna

offers until May, but already Chigwell

offers from Oxford have been made to Suli

overall, with over 80% of applicants holding




students are in a very healthy position

(Engineering at St. John’s College), while

offers from Russell Group universities at

Scatchard (Geography at Christ Church

this point. The range of courses applied to

College) and Aleksandra Bulira (Economics

is vast, extending from medicine and

and Management at Jesus College). The

engineering through economics and

array of subjects in which they have been

related disciplines to the performing arts.

successful is pleasingly wide, and they

Congratulations go to these students and

have all been rewarded for their talent,

to the teachers who have worked so hard to

their intellectual curiosity and their

support them.

diligence.Universities will continue to make

Kangaroo Maths


80,000 of the most able A-level maths

pupils who emerged shattered, muddy

The Kangaroo Maths Challenge is taken by

Congratulations to seventeen Chigwell

students from around the country. This

but triumphant after completing the Brass

year the top score was 80% and three of

Monkey Winter Challenge at Thriftwood

our students achieved that. Of the eleven

Camp. Before temperatures dropped to

students from Chigwell who participated,

-5C, they built shelters using only tarpaulin

six achieved a merit which placed them in

the top 25% of entrants.

and ropes and cooked over open fires.


Despite the event corresponding with the

particular congratulations go to Boyang

coldest night of the year, the pupils

Huang, Darie Ducu, Tzuyun Chang,

engaged very enthusiastically.

Adrianna Wojtyna, Aleksand Bulira and Jacek Podlaski.


Charity Gala Evening

Sixth form students organised an evening of highly polished performances which

was well supported in the Drama Centre

by family and friends. The evening raised funds for Smiles with Grace and Haven House Children's Hospice


Holocaust Survivor Talk Once again, pupils in the Removes and

towards persecution can lead to genocide.

Holocaust survivor Mr Chaim (Harry)

reflection on our attitude towards

His message of forgiveness, his plea for

above had the privilege of listening to

differences and his message that human

Olmer. Ahead of Holocaust Memorial

rights are universal all resonated deeply

Day, the anniversary of the liberation

with the pupils present. Their questions

of Auschwitz-Birkenau, his powerful

revealed a high level of compassion and a

testimony of survival, strength and dignity

need to comprehend the reasons for the

in the face of horror was a potent message

hate and violence to which Mr Olmer and

to all those present. Mr Olmer, born in

millions more Jews were subjected.

Poland in 1925, was a prisoner of several Nazi concentration camps and suffered

horrendously. After six years and close to

death, he was liberated by the British Army from the Terezinstadt camp, near Prague. He was taken to England to recover and this has been his home ever since.

Mr Olmer’s life and experiences in pre-war Poland and in Nazi-occupied Europe are

a painful reminder of how racism, hate,discrimination and indifference

Oxford Debating Competition This year’s East London round was held at

Brampton Manor Academy with at least twenty-four teams competing. Chigwell

School entered four teams and were delighted when the Chigwell A team, Christopher Collins and Julia Kotlarska, were

among the five teams selected for the Oxford

Finals Day on March 8th. This is the third time

in four years that Chigwell debaters have

made it to the national finals.


Cricket Course We are pleased to announce that a cricket

indoor facilities will be available for the

abilities will be held during the Easter

participants bring trainers and a sweater

duration of the course), it is essential that

coaching course for all age groups and


holiday. The course dates are as follows: Monday



Wednesday 17th April 2019.






equipment (named) including an initialled


tennis ball (full equipment for the School of

Excellence and Intermediate groups) although this is not essential.

The cost of the three day coaching course is £90 and fees must be paid in advance

(cash or cheque) and sent with the application and medical forms (available on our website). Attendance can also be

daily and the cost is £30 per day. Please

The course will consist of three morning

indicate on the application form which

sessions from 10am to 1pm and three

day/days you are requesting. Cheques

afternoon sessions from 2pm to 3.45pm.

should be made payable to “Chigwell Mitre

Participants on the courses should meet at

Enterprises Ltd”.

the Dining Hall by 9.45am each morning and it is expected that participants will

Please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Tina

will involve using outdoor facilities (no

5711 or email

Page for further information on 020 8501

bring packed lunches. As the programme

Meet the Future Careers talks have included sessions delivered by representatives from LSE, Dr Daniel Leff,

Reader in Breast Surgery and Honorary Consultant Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon at St Mary's

Hospital Paddington and Dr Sophie Strong (OB-GYN) Whipps Cross Hospital, Daniel and

Sophie are both OCs. We are trying to share a variety of information regarding different

careers, university and apprenticeship opportunities and have a new Chigwell Careers

Twitter feed. As always, if parents are able to offer work experience, we would be delighted

to hear from you.


Festival of the Spoken Word Unsurprisingly the quality of this year’s presentations rivalled that of earlier years. Starting with prepared readings,

won by Avantika Bharadwaj with “The

Identification”, the performances showed poise and real skill. It was hard for the adjudicators, Ms Elise Feeney and Mr

Roderick Lonsdale to distinguish between

the performers in this section, let alone in the monologues that followed. Immy Peck, though, distinguished herself as Lady

Macbeth in the famous sleepwalking scene

though monologues by Charlotte James-

Pajwani and Alexandra Scott were all very compelling. AJ Boateng and Tobi Beckley performed a dualogue most creditably too.

An undoubted highlight was the original

writing section, won by Suli Scatchard. In typical unconventional fashion Lucas

Jefcoate wowed the audience with a highly

entertaining song about keeping hydrated.

The final section of more than one had only

The other poems by Josh Mercer, Molly

two entries and it was impossible to decide

showed undoubted talent too.


Moloney, Ziyad Chaudhary and Zoe Wright

on a winner; both were polished and

Sixth Form Induction A reminder that Sixth Form induction day will be on Wednesday 19th June when students will be given a taste of the work that they will be covering in their chosen A level subjects.

This is an important day in itself but also the occasion when a unit of A level work is set to

be completed over the summer holidays. This work will then be reviewed with an initial

assessment early in September 2019.


Bad Weather

Careers Convention

I hope that this is the last time I will be

We are holding our annual Careers

but, as always, in the event of heavy

7pm to 9pm. The convention is primarily

including this item for a few months

Convention on Monday 25th March from

snow or ice please consult the school

aimed at our Year 11 pupils to help them

website ( for

make informed choices when choosing

confirmation of arrangements for the

their A level subjects and planning for

school day. We would always be very

university and a career beyond. However,

reluctant to close the School, but are

Sixth Form students are also strongly

mindful of the safety of pupils and staff.

encouraged to attend.

In these times of inclement/adverse

This event has been a great success in the

of the need for sensible footwear in order

volunteers so we can represent the

weather, parents and pupils are reminded

past but we are always keen to have new

to minimise the risk of slips or trips whilst

broadest range of expertise as possible. If

making their way to and from school. If

parents from any section of the School, or

your child is in any doubt of what would be

indeed contacts from outside, would be

deemed suitable, they should liaise with

interested in talking to our students about

their Tutor.

their area of work and career path, we

would love to hear from you. The evening

also provides a chance to showcase

Staff News

companies or organisations and network

We send our congratulations to Mr Andrew

with other professionals.

Bruce and his wife Helen on the arrival of their baby son Oakley.

Please contact Miss Roxanne Darkin at for more information volunteers.

Physics Olympiad Congratulations to the following students who all performed well in the Physics

Olympiad competition. Each achieved a medal: Aleksandra Bulira: Bronze, Vito

Yang: Silver, and Ryan Huang: Gold.






MFL Vertical Integration

Williams Project

French, German and Spanish A-level

WP sessions led by visiting speakers.

Once again, this term has seen a number of

students have been providing extra

These have included Dr Liz Gloyn with

support to Remove pupils at lunchtime.

‘Meeting Medusa. Why does the ancient

The department has been impressed with

Monster survive in the Modern World?’ and

the enthusiasm of both the student

‘The World of William Shakespeare’ with

teachers and their pupils and the aim is

author and lecturer Rosemary Swinfield.

that both parties benefit.

Please do encourage your sons and daughters to attend WP.


Summer 2019 Public Exams

Please can parents of pupils in the Upper Fifth and Middle Sixth check the current exam

timetable and exam entries for their child on Chigwell Gateway via the Pupil Profile. Any changes in the spelling of the name or date of birth need to be brought to our attention, as well as any other errors or omissions. Please do not worry about any exam clashes as these will be dealt with at a later date.

And Finally Hope you all have a good half term. Members of the Upper Fifth, Lower Sixth and Middle Sixth will want to spend time preparing for the exams which will take

place shortly after they return. We wish

those travelling on the trip to India and those participating in the Lower Fifth ski

trip to Austria a safe and memorable

experience, and we look forward to hearing about them on their return.

I look forward to seeing you all again next half term.

With best wishes Yours sincerely

Michael Punt


Message from the Chaplain

It never ceases to amaze me how the enthusiasm and commitment of our students is undented by the rigours of coursework, upcoming exams and gloomy weather. On Saturday 2nd February, Ziyad Chaudhary from Lower Sixth walked 50km across three European countries to raise awareness and much-needed funds for refugees in Greece. Zee spoke powerfully at a number of Chapel services and highlighted the plight of people fleeing the fighting in Syria and Afghanistan. He also drew attention to the conditions they are now enduring in Greek refugee camps. So far Zee and his friends have raised a remarkable £5,890 through the charity ‘Time to Help UK’ and our thanks go to all those from the Chigwell community who supported this cause.

has tea-lights available for anyone who spends time there and it is heartening when I close the Chapel at the end of the day to see how many candles have been lit, reflecting the staff and students who have been in and out through the day. As half term approaches, I know many of our families have plans for trips and activities over the February week. I hope you have a happy and restful (if that’s the plan) holiday and return refreshed for the second half of the Lent Term. With all blessings The Chaplain

The feast of Candlemas has just passed with the lighting of new candles in the school Chapel and at St Mary’s Church. Our Chapel is open daily and is now a warm and comfortable space for people who want to spend some quiet time away from the business of the school day. The candle stand in the sanctuary


TERM DATES 2019 Lent Term Half term: Saturday 16th February to Sunday 24th February Term ends: Wednesday 3rd April Trinity Term (Easter Day is 21st April) First day: Wednesday 24th April Half term: Saturday 25th May to Sunday 2nd June INSET Day Monday 3rd June Term ends: Wednesday 10th July

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