TT0 PAR PPARENTS ENTS Dear Parents I hope you have had a very happy Christmas and I hope all Chigwell families have a healthy, successful, and peaceful New Year.
Contents Page 1
Westminster Abbey
Page 2
Calendars Holiday Work Bad Weather Physics Olympiad Staff News
Page 3
Sixth Form Induction Day David Morrison Start of Lent Term
Westminster Abbey
The Chigwell Chapel Choir was stunning and the Rector commented that the status of the Church is such that they enjoy world class visiting musicians. This means that it is rare for a school choir to sing in the Church, but the Chapel Choir was outstanding.
Shortly before Christmas, the Chapel Choir performed at St Margaret’s Church, Westminster Abbey, in the Christmas Inspire Carol Service. The congregation of over seven hundred was made up of Chigwell families and friends, families supported by Kids Inspire, guests from Salvation Army hostels and from the Red Cross. The service was conducted by The Venerable Andrew Tremlett, Sub Dean of Westminster Abbey and Rector of St Margaret’s, and the Regent Hall Salvation Army Band helped lead the carols. Amongst those who read were Mrs Eleanor Laing MP, composer John Altman, actors Ruthie Henshaw and Oliver Jochim, Chantal-Aimée Doerries, Chairman-Elect, the Bar Council, author David Walliams, and The Right Honourable James Brokenshire MP.
The service raised some £8,000 for Kids Inspire which supports vulnerable young people and their families in Essex.
Physics Olympiad
As usual, calendars will be distributed via Houses and there will also be spare copies at Reception. Please do encourage your sons and daughters to take advantage of and contribute to the broad extra-curricular programme, particularly if you sense they are less involved than they might be. There is a great deal on offer here.
Last year, Bianca Andrei represented Great Britain in the International Physics Olympiad competition a year young. Just before Christmas we learnt that once again she has been placed in the top 50 of all A level physics students who competed in the U.K. first round and, therefore, she qualifies for the next round. We wish Bianca every success.
Staff News
Holiday Work
This term we are welcoming a number of new colleagues.
Extensive work to up-grade the electrical services in the oldest part of the School was carried out over the holidays. In addition, you will have seen that good progress has been made on the Sixth Form Centre and, as I write, the steel work is being lifted into place.
Mr Andrew Bruce joins us as Head of Football, taking over from Mr Creag Lawrence who left last term
Miss Celeste Cassell joins us as a teacher of chemistry and Miss Rosie Pettingill takes over from Dr Tracey Martin who retired at the end of last term as Head of Chemistry
Miss Jessica Froome is taking over from Miss Laura Wallis as a teaching assistant in the Senior School
Miss Jane Mitchell will be helping to cover Miss Charlotte Nairac’s maternity leave
Bad Weather As I said in my last letter, in the event of heavy snow or ice please consult the school website here for confirmation of arrangements for the school day. We would always be very reluctant to close the School, but are mindful of the safety of pupils and staff.
We hope that all new members of staff will be very happy here.
Sixth Form Induction Day This will take place on Tuesday 5th July
given a taste of work that will be
and we ask that all members of the
covered in their chosen AS subjects and
Upper Fifth who are staying on for the
they will be issued with AS work to be
Sixth Form plan to attend. They will be
completed over the summer holidays.
Mr David Morrison The Bursar, Mr David Morrison, retired at the end of December. David joined Chigwell in 1974 as a history teacher and had a variety of responsibilities including Master i/c Football, Master i/c Cricket, Housemaster of Grange Court and Director of Boarding before becoming Bursar in 2006. David has been a loyal member of the School and Old Chigwellian community and his contribution to the School has been outstanding over more than four decades. We will miss David but wish him and his wife Loredana every happiness for their retirement.
Start of Lent Term Please can I remind pupils that Lent term begins tomorrow as Thursday, Week B. And finally, I look forward to seeing many of you over the coming weeks. The Lent term is always particularly busy because it is a short term, but as always I anticipate that Chigwellians will generously share their talents with us at the many events that are due to take place. With best wishes Yours sincerely
Michael Punt
Term Dates Half term: Saturday Feb 13th to Sunday Feb 21st Term ends: Wednesday March 23rd Trinity Term First day: Monday April 18th Half term: Saturday May 28th to Monday June 6th Term ends: Wednesday July 13th