MAY 2015
Dear Parents Whilst the world outside Chigwell has had the excitement and uncertainty caused by the election, the first half of term at school has, for many, followed an all-too-familiar pattern: work, lots of extra-curricular activities, and exams. Hopefully, years of internal exams and the associated preparation helps to prepare students for the real thing – public exams. Nevertheless, we are all-too-aware of the anxiety that exams can cause and we do our very best to provide support, as do parents, but as always, if you have concerns please do contact us.
Contents Page 1
E-Safety Day Digital Leaders
Page 2
Page 3
Musician of the Year Competition
Page 4
Page 5
Drama Cricket and Netball courses Ladies Network Evening
Page 6
IAPS National Swimming Finals UCAS Evening The School Shop
Page 7
Netball Tournament Biology Challenge
Page 8
Hockey - Essex County Success Rebecca Howarth
Page 9
Chemical Reaction Challenge Sixth Form Induction Days
Page 10
Chigwell Election
Page 11
Careers Convention Barracudas
Page 12
Speech Day Charity Summer Ball And Finally
E-Safety Day We encourage pupils to use technology appropriately but we will always want them to spend their time on-line safely. In light of this, pupils from the Pre Prep, KS2 and KS3 experienced an exciting day of workshops on E-Safety by Mr Paul James from Barabarani Education. Pupils considered the potential hazards presented by the internet, the risk of approach
photographs could be misused. They were given the tools to safeguard themselves on-line.
Digital Leaders the
lifelong learning in the classroom, across the School and in the community. As part of our development we have invited Fourth Form pupils to undertake ICT training to become the school Digital Leaders. This leadership role will involve supporting other pupils and staff with
their ICT development. Our Digital Leaders
training and will trial new educational apps and packages. Twenty form pupils
We aim to place ICT at the core of the
have applied to take part in the training
School’s learning community, providing
to become Digital Leaders and will start
a range of technologies, capabilities and
their training shortly.
Cricket Firstly, thank you to all the Chigwell
In the top end of the Junior School the
ground staff for producing the fantastic
U13s have shown lots of promise,
pitches throughout the very wet
winning 90% of their matches and
conditions this season.
producing some very good individual performances with the bat and ball. It
Chigwell have had some very good
was great to see the U12s win their
performances in the senior school this
opening match in the Essex Cup against
term. The highlight of the season was
Barking Abbey without losing a wicket.
our double victory against Bancroft’s,
Chigwell are now waiting to play their
beating them in both the 1st XI and 2nd
second match in the competition,
XI matches. The Chigwell 1st XI scored
against either Helena Romanes or Hall
141 in 25 overs and defended the total
Mead. We were particularly pleased with
with some excellent individual bowling
the enthusiasm of the U11s as a year
performances, winning the game by
group; they have had a great work ethic
sixteen runs. The 2nd XI made easy
and the willingness to learn. Hopefully
work of chasing a large total of 166 in
all their hard work will rub off in their
twenty five overs, to which the Chigwell
Essex Cup Match against St Aubyn’s in
batsman climbed into the Bancroft’s
June. The U10s had a great start to the
bowling attack to score the runs in the
penultimate over of the game. We have
Aubyn’s, and Alleyn Court. Not only
been impressed with the commitment
have they produced 100% record, they
of many of the senior players who have
have also batted and bowled all their
given a hundred percent to their cricket
players in the matches they have
during the exam period. The U14s and
played. The energy the U9s have
U15s had a slow start to the season,
produced this term has been amazing.
although they did manage to recover.
They have worked hard during their
As a developing team the U15s have
games lessons and have also committed
been impressive, setting targets for
to after school training sessions on a
themselves during training sessions, so
Thursday to improve their technique
that they can execute their skills during
and understanding of the game.
match situations.
Musician of the Year Competition Thirty-eight Chigwell School musicians took part in this year’s Young Musician of the Year Competition. The competition ran throughout the day and the ten finalists, four junior students and six senior, performed in the finalists’ concert in the evening. The junior section was won by Lucas Abrami-Gill (voice) with Zachary Edwards (piano) highly commended. The senior section was won by Gopal Kambo (piano) with James Botcher (tenor) highly commended. The adjudicator for the event was Jeffery Wilson who is a composer, performer and teacher; he currently divides his teaching between the Royal Military School of Music, Cambridge University and the Junior Guildhall. Mr Howard Ebden commented that: “The musicians displayed some sheer brilliance at times, transcending, touching and engaging the listener through a beauty of lyrical lines and technical control. Sitting listening to these young musicians is the best job anyone can have.”
The first drama event of the term was a
Next the Lower Fifth performed a series
fundraising occasion in memory of
of devised, largely improvised, short
Dr Alison Lord’s late sister who was
hoping to publish a book of children’s
years, the students really rose to the
stories before she died. The funds raised
challenge of producing original work and
As has been found in previous
the five pieces presented covered social issues such as homelessness, psychological
and family tensions. Each presentation
will help to enable this to happen.
was a gala performance of a new play called “Rebounding Hail”, a delightful piece performed by East 15 group Disparat Theatre who are taking this show up to the Edinburgh Festival. The
made imaginative use of sound, music
play follows a young girl who finds
and lighting with some imaginative
herself mysteriously surrounded by
costuming and make-up.
unfinished books, in which the characters
Each group
impressed with the obvious teamwork
appear to come alive. The event was well
and individual focus required.
attended and raised nearly £200.
Cricket and Netball Courses
This year’s Middle School Play was a double bill – not one, but two 30-minute
The Andrew Flintoff
adaptations of Shakespearean comedies.
Cricket Academy and
First was “Much Ado About Nothing”, an
International Netball
often paradoxical comedy of conflict and
Roadshow are coming
deceit, that was given a real comic twist
to Chigwell School in
by casting most parts against gender!
May half term. The
This also worked for the second show of
three day coaching courses
the evening, “The Taming of the Shrew”.
children of all abilities and international
Both casts worked extremely well
netball and cricket stars will visit the
together and Mr Ben Wille and Mr Joe
course. For more information visit
Maingot both had a lot of fun working
www.activatesport.co.uk or call their
with them. It was great to see students
office on 01785 711572 for all childcare
having so much fun with Shakespeare.
voucher bookings.
are for
Ladies Networking Evening Once again, an Old Chigwellians networking evening for ladies will be held on Monday 29th June at 7.30pm in the Drama Centre. This is a really useful opportunity for girls from the Lower Fifth, Upper Fifth, Lower Sixth and Middle Sixth to meet with Old Chigwellian women to talk about life beyond school at university and into their careers. If anyone would like to come along please contact Mrs Sheila Bint by 10th June sbint@chigwellschool.org
IAPS National Swimming Finals Five pupils qualified for the Independent
Eleanor Ahern, swimming a PB in the
Association of Prep Schools National
U13 50m backstroke heat, was a reserve
Swimming Finals. The children travelled
for her final. Maddie swam PB's in both
to the K2 swimming centre in Crawley
the heats and the final of the U13 50m
for the event and the team performed
breaststroke with a best time of 40.33
to their very best, with each of the five
seconds which gave her a fifth place
pupils recording personal best times
finish in the final. Alex also swam PB's in
either in their heats or finals. Joseph
both the heats and the final of the U12
Ahern swam a new PB of 29.85 seconds
50m freestyle with a best time of 30.30
for the U13 50m free-style, missing out
seconds which gave her second place in
on a place in the final by 0.4 seconds.
the final winning a silver medal. Emily
Emily Iley, Maddie McCormack and Alex
followed this trend and swam a new PB
Bibby all qualified for their finals and
in the heat of the U11 50m backstroke with
seconds and then tied in a dead heat for first place in the final winning a gold medal and being crowned National Champion. Well done to all of our swimmers for performing so well at such a prestigious national competition.
UCAS Evening
The School Shop
As per the calendar, there will be a UCAS
The School Shop will be open during the
Evening for Lower Sixth students and
half term break from 10am to 3pm
their parents in the Drama Centre at
between Tuesday and Friday.
7.00pm on Tuesday 9th June. As always, this is a very important meeting.
Netball Tournament groups will be taking part on the day, with the opportunity to have some fun whilst playing and to also enjoy some refreshments with those involved.
We are running a netball tournament on Sunday 7th June between 10am and 2pm as part of the fundraiser for the Disney Netball Tour taking place in October 2016. Both adult and junior
If you would like to play on the day or help out please contact Miss Sam Dick sdick@chigwell-school.org. This tourna ment is open to everyone, friends and family, and those who are not part of the Chigwell community. It will be a fantastic event that we are all looking forward to and hope that you can attend.
Biology Challenge The Biology Challenge is an online quiz run by the Society of Biology for students in Years 9 and 10. Over 30,000 pupils took part in the competition this year including a team of twenty two from Chigwell. There were some very commendable performances, particularly from Poppy Bradley in the Removes and Ariana Lui in the Lower Fifth who both missed a Gold Medal by just one point. Overall, the team achieved eleven Silver Medals, six Bronze Medals, four Highly Commended and one Commended. Congratulations to all who took part.
Hockey – Essex County Success We send our congratulations to Charlotte James-Pajwani and Zoe Wright who were part of the Old Loughtonians team which won the U14 competition, and to Maisy Howson, Venetia Bailey, Chloe Stack and Stevie Southall on finishing runners up in the U15 competition. A marvellous achievement!
Rebecca Howarth Rebecca Howarth has been selected to join the National Youth Theatre. This is a prestigious youth theatre company which develops young actors within in a professional environment. She was one of 590 actors to be chosen out of the 4,100 who were auditioned and Rebecca is now due to take part in a summer course in Greenwich following which she can put herself forward for various theatre productions put on by the company.
Chemical Reaction Challenge Eleven Chigwell School pupils took part
took part from around the UK and all
in the Chemical Reaction Challenge
our pupils performed very well. The top
organised by the Royal Society of
three Chigwell pupils, who were singled
This on-line challenge
out by the competition organisers,
measured participating pupils’ speed
were Jasmine Iley ranked 127th, Poppy
and accuracy across a range of
Bradley ranked 35th and Justine Voong
chemistry topics. Nearly 4,000 pupils
ranked 10th.
Sixth Form Induction Days There will be two new Lower Sixth induction days as follows: •
Tuesday 30th June – Academic Induction (all day) Assembly, meeting with AS subject teachers and meetings in Houses Please wear uniform
Wednesday 2nd Sept – Team Building (all day) This is a non-uniform day
Chigwell Election All Chigwell pupils had a taste of
children all thoroughly enjoyed the
democracy on Election Day. Rather than
experience and it created much political
electing a new Government, those in the
debate amongst our young minds! For the record, the Conservatives won our election polling 62% of the vote. The Senior School conducted a mock general election for the ‘Harsnett’ constituency. Party candidates, drawn from the Middle Sixth, gave speeches in St.
clear victory for Georgia O’Connor,
were a whole day devoted to playing
representing the Conservatives.
games, a day of art and craft activities or
and compelling speeches to the Sixth
woods. Much debating took place at
Form pupils who made up the audience,
home and at school before votes were
significantly enriching pupils’ experience
The promise of making dens,
of the 2015 general election that has
making tiny homes for woodland fairies,
produced historic and seismic shifts in
a woodland fire and marshmallows was
the political landscape.
enough to persuade most children to vote for the woodland day. In the Junior School pupils held their own mock election. All the pupils were shown video manifestos of all the major parties as well as a short film about operation
Each pupil then had the
and every candidate delivered cogent
a day spent outdoors in the school’s
The outcome of the contest was a
choose for Activities Week. The options
Removes to Middle Sixth taking part.
three activity days they wanted to
commenced in Chapel Quad, with
Pre Prep were determining which of
opportunity to vote for their chosen party using individual ballot papers. The
Careers Convention Careers ranged from pilot to police, developer to doctor, trader to teacher, and over fifty Old Chigwellians, parents and friends gave up an evening to represent their area of work at the annual Chigwell Careers Convention. The event was well attended by pupils who enjoyed finding out about the various careers open to them and some managed to make contacts for further work experience. They also discussed subject choices and the additional skills necessary to be successful in the world beyond school. The evening was felt to be the best convention so far and we are very grateful to those who contributed to making it such a success.
Barracudas Barracudas, the organisation which
receive ÂŁ5 off per week if they quote code
provides multi-activity day camps for
HSCHIG at the time of booking.
children aged 4½ to 16 years will once
The camps run from 27th July to 28th
again be open at Chigwell School this
August 2015 www.barracudas.co.uk or
summer. There will be a huge variety of
call 0845 123 5299.
exciting activities including swimming, fencing, archery, aquaslide, motorsports, trampoline, football, dance and much more! Barracudas is Ofsted registered, there are high staff to child ratios, and parents of Chigwell School pupils will
Speech Day As I said in my last letter, the programme for Speech Day and its related activities will follow the usual format: Friday 3rd July
2.15pm Pre Prep, Lower I & Upper I Service in St Mary's Church 3.30pm Pre Prep Garden Party
Saturday 4th July 9.45am Junior School Service at St Mary's Church 11.30am Senior School Service at St Mary's Church 2.30pm Speeches and Prize Giving in the Marquee The Guest of Honour at Speech Day this year will be Michael Marshall Smith O.C. (19741983). Michael studied at King’s College Cambridge and became a writer and performer with the BBC. His first novel, ‘Only Forward’, won the August Derleth Award for best novel and his more recent novel ‘Intruders’ was made into a BBC series. Michael lives in America with his family and we look forward to welcoming him back to Chigwell. The preacher at the services on Saturday morning will be Father Tony Chantry O.C. (General Superior of the Mill Hill Missionaries). The preacher at the service on Friday afternoon is Professor David Hatch of the Woodford Wells Ecumenical Church.
Charity Over the half term break, Mrs Donna
Grace and our trust in India. If anyone
Bregman and Mrs Leonie Martin will be
would like to sponsor this, please leave
travelling up to Newcastle to begin a
donations for Smiles with Grace at
walk of Hadrian’s Wall, a total of
Reception clearly marked for Mrs
84 miles in all. They will be walking the
Bregman’s attention, or go to their Just
route East to West, starting at Wallsend,
Giving page here:
Tyne and Wear and finishing at Bowness-on-Solway, Cumbria.
charities they have chosen to support are the Stroke Association, Smiles with
Summer Ball
And Finally
A ticket order form and details of the Summer Ball to be held on the evening of Saturday 4th July have been sent out by e-mail. This is always a very popular event and tickets are selling fast!
I realise that pupils who are half way through public exams will be revising over half term, as will those with internal exams to come. However, I hope that all families get some time to re-charge their batteries before the frantic last half term of the school year.
Staff News
With best wishes
We send our congratulations to Mrs Stacey Wade and her husband Matthew on the arrival of their daughter Penelope.
Yours sincerely
Unusually, we are saying goodbye to Reverend Michael Bradley midway through the term. Michael has taught music at Chigwell since January 1986. Throughout his time with us, he has been a valued member of the whole community and he has been particularly involved in the pastoral life of the School including, for many years, boarding. Some years ago, Michael began training for ordination and recently he has been attached to the parish of St John’s, Loughton. His aim was always to take up a non-stipendiary position in the Church of England and he has recently been approached by the Bishop to take on the parish of St Francis of Assisi, Barkingside, as soon as possible. We will miss Michael and we wish him every success and happiness in his new role, and we hope that he will stay in touch.
Michael Punt
Chapel The following is a talk given by the Chaplain to
be hounded and reduced to poverty if I voted for
the Senior School following the General
the “wrong” party.
That is what life was like under Hitler, and, if he
It was great to see so many of you lining up to
had defeated Great Britain during “the Battle of
vote on Thursday. You produced a similar result
Britain”, that is what life would have been like
to the rest of the nation. I went to the voting
for you and me. The cost of my freedom to vote;
station, mine is in St. Mary’s Parish Church Hall
the cost of our freedom to debate, have
next door to the Church. I voted secretly in the
different viewpoints, the cost of our freedom to
voting booth, placed my ballot paper in the
be individuals with our own opinions is marked
metal box with its padlock and then walked
on the walls of the Chapel behind me. Six
home. I knew that my vote would count and that
Chigwellians killed in Sicily and Italy in the
there would be no repercussions, whoever I
desperate fight to liberate Italy from Mussolini
chose to vote for. Just like you did!
backed up by the might of the German Army.
The following day, on Friday, there was
Many more killed in the air war that stopped
celebration. Not of the Conservative win, which
Hitler’s invasion plans. Plans thwarted by the
you may or may not be celebrating - but the 70th
Battle of Britain pilots that stopped Hitler
Anniversary of VE Day. Victory in Europe Day
conquering the British Isles. We have much to
8th May 1945.
thank these brave Chigwellians. Following the D Day landings in June 1944 Kenneth Terry, 23 was
As the election results became clear on Friday
killed in France in August 1944. And Hamish
the Party leaders gathered at the Cenotaph in
Skelton-Smith, just 20 years old, killed in the
London to lay wreaths and remember the
liberation of Germany in April 1945 just weeks
moment when Europe was finally set free from tyranny.
before the end of the war in Europe.
Set free from Nazi tyranny where
during elections you could only vote for one
When you and I voted on Thursday we did
When I went to vote there were no
something wonderful, something magical. We
henchmen threatening me to check that I voted
demonstrated that, however messy our
for the “right” Party, the Nazi Party. There was
democracy is, whatever questions we have
no threat that if I chose to oppose the “right”
about the voting system – we have the freedom
Party I would be beaten up, imprisoned,
to choose and for that many Chigwellians gave
tortured and even killed. When I went to vote
their lives; and I for one am very thankful.
there was no threat that my family would have
Chapel On 8th May 1945 King George VIth addressed the nation with these words: “Today we give thanks to Almighty God for a great deliverance. Speaking from our Empire's oldest capital city, war-battered but never for one moment daunted or dismayed - speaking from London, I ask you to join with me in that act of thanksgiving. Germany, the enemy who drove all Europe into war, has been finally overcome. There is great comfort in the thought that the years of darkness and danger, in which the children of our country have grown up, are over and, please God, forever. We shall have failed and the blood of our dearest will have flowed in vain if the victory which they died to win does not lead to a lasting peace, founded on justice and good will. To that, then, let us turn our thoughts to this day of just triumph and proud sorrow, and then take up our work again, resolved as a people to do nothing unworthy of those who died for us, and to make the world such a world as they would have desired for their children and for ours.� To vote is to declare our freedom and our right to choose. It is a precious right that has been won over many generations. It is a right that in recent history individuals have been called upon to defend with their lives. Always treasure this right, use it wisely and remember that many died so that you can exercise this simple but profound act.
Father Simon
Term Dates Half term: Saturday 23rd May to Sunday 31st May (INSET day Monday 1st June) Term ends: Wednesday 8th July 2015 Michaelmas Term First day: Thursday 3rd September Half term: Saturday 17th October to Sunday 1st November Term ends: Wednesday 16th December 2016 Lent Term First day: Thursday January 7th Half term: Saturday Feb 13th to Sunday Feb 21st Term ends: Wednesday March 23rd 2016 Trinity Term First day: Monday April 18th Half term: Saturday May 28th to Monday June 6th Term ends: Wednesday July 13th