We ensure that pupils do not have unsupervised access to potentially dangerous areas, such as the swimming pool, the science laboratories, the design technology rooms, the Drama Centre, or the art studios. Doors to these areas are kept locked at all times when not in use. All flammables are kept securely locked in appropriate storage facilities. Pupils do not have access to the Maintenance, Catering and Caretaking areas of the School. They are advised to observe all safety warnings and follow all rules and procedures. Pupils must not wilfully misuse, neglect or damage anything provided for health and safety reasons. Essentially, pupils are responsible for their own personal safety but the School recognises that age, inexperience and competency are a factor and will manage pupils appropriately in accordance with school policy and departmental safety procedures. For safeguarding reasons, we have separate toilet facilities for adults and pupils during the school day. If you are in School during the day, please use one of the following facilities: • The visitors’ toilet in the main school building • Drama Centre • Any adult toilet with the express permission of staff
MEDICAL CARE/FIRST AID The School’s Medical Centre is staffed with qualified nurses between 8.00am and 5pm should medical care be needed due to an accident, an emergency or illness during the school day. Should your child become unwell at school and be deemed unfit to remain at school, you will be notified immediately and asked to collect him/her as soon as possible. If we are unable to contact either parent or the emergency contact person provided by you, your child will be looked after by a member of the school staff or by medical staff in the School’s Medical Centre. It is important for the School to have up to date information of home/mobile telephone numbers and two emergency contact names, addresses and telephone numbers. Senior School pupils should not telephone their parents before seeing the nurse if they feel unwell as this would be considered a breach of school rules. It is important that your child is fit and well when they come to school. If they have a high temperature, a very heavy cold, stomach upset or a contagious disease they should not be in school. Pupils who have diarrhoea and vomiting will be sent home and parents are asked to keep their child at home until they are eating and drinking normally and clear of symptoms. The Headmaster, Head of Junior School or Head of Pre Prep, may require that a child be absent from school for a period of time, if there is reason to believe that the child is suffering from a contagious or infectious illness or other condition, and it is not in the interests of that child or other pupils at the School for that child to attend school during such period. For any pupil with a medical concern and who requires long term medication for conditions such as severe allergies, diabetes and asthma an agreed Health Plan will be established between parents and the School. Pupils who have been diagnosed with asthma, should carry a “relief” inhaler in their blazer pocket and a spare inhaler in their sports bag. Lower One pupils may keep a named inhaler in the Junior School office. In the Pre Prep, pupils’ asthma inhalers are kept in the First Aid Room. Parents are asked to note the expiry date of inhalers.