Child Magazine | Cape Town March 2011

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C a p e

To w n ’ s

b e s t

g u i d e

f o r

pa r e n t s

the great outdoors

tips for turning your brood into happy campers

laugh out loud

March 2011



encouraging humour in your family





that are fun for you and the children


As my children (and I) have grown older, we have come to share a love for travelling.

Hunter House PUB L IS H ING

Publisher Lisa Mc Namara •

I absolutely love jumping into the car and journeying vast distances to experience places and people very different from those in our home town. We have been to Hankey to pay tribute to Sarah Baartman’s grave, have been pulled by oxen through muddy roads in the Transkei and have visited Sutherland to ogle the stars. We have stopped over in Kimberley to peer into the Big Hole and have driven along scarily narrow roads from Cape Town to the Kalahari to see the most beautiful antelope on earth, the gemsbok. Just last week we spent 48 hours travelling to and from Bali – all for a three-day visit, and boy was it worth it. It seems such a precious gift to give one’s children: the joy of discovery, of family time, laughter and… tears – as someone takes the open seat next to you on the plane, which would have allowed your child to stretch her little legs, and sleep! Next on our agenda? Camping. So I’ll be reading “happy campers” on page 16 along with you this month and dreaming of our next family getaway… May March bring you many good memories.

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Lisa Mc Namara •

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Looking for somewhere to head to for the weekend? Visit Robyn and Lisa exploring Bali’s Tanah Lot Temple

Taryn Copeman • Lisa Waterloo •

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March 2011


march 2011


upfront 3

a note from lisa


ver to you o readers respond

features 12 h a ha plonk raising children with a sense of humour. By Tracy Ellis 16 h appy campers Marina Zietsman gives tips for the family keen to sleep under the stars

10 t hat’s got to hurt! Marina Zietsman unpacks the most common sports injuries

regulars 7



pfront with paul u Paul Kerton bans the f-word from his home

20 r esource – have a ball a roundup of local family-friendly festivals. By Chareen Boake


18 f inger snacking good advice from the experts on baby and toddler finger food. By Elaine Eksteen

24 a good read new books for the whole family 26 what’s on in march 42 l ast laugh Sam Wilson on those moments when life just couldn’t be better

health 9

creepy-crawlies Tamlyn Vincent looks at treatments for insect bites and stings


24 classified ads 34 family marketplace 39 it’s party time

this month’s cover images are supplied by:

March 2011


Cape Town


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magazine cape town

March 2011


over to you

read early I found your article on learning to read in the February issue very interesting. I have only one comment: children, even very young children, can and are reading before they start school. In fact, several of my friends are primary school teachers, in South Africa and in the United States, and all of them agree that their jobs would be much easier if the majority of children arrived at school already knowing how to read. I have no formal teaching background, but as a mother, I have sought out the best for my child. Thankfully I discovered an old copy of Teach Your Baby to Read by Glenn Doman in the library. I was sceptical at first and wondered if I would rob my son of his precious childhood by teaching him to read too soon. But I was surprised by how simple and how ultimately beneficial Doman’s approach is. I was even more surprised when my 18-month-old read “Mama” out of a title from the Reader’s Digest. Doman’s basics are: young children want to read, can read, and should read. Katie Schultz Coetzee

preschool guide In the past, Child magazine published a resource on preschools. It included a very comprehensive list of schools and I’m in desperate need of a copy. Helen Fava Our preschool guide is now available online. Visit Short cut link: preschool-guide

living with diabetes My middle daughter, Alex, was diagnosed at the age of 10 with type 1 diabetes. To say I was shocked, is an understatement. So many questions ran through my mind to which I had no answers. Through diabetic educators, doctors, family and friends we have learnt to live with diabetes. Our diet at home has changed considerably, all for the better. In Alex’s own words, “Mom, if I just eat healthily and exercise, I’ll be fine.” Alex plays first team sports, has an active life and is a healthy child. There

March 2011

have been mornings where we have been unable to wake her as a result of a severe “low” during the night. It’s on these days that I’ll phone a friend whose child also has diabetes. Through diabetes I have forged friendships with other moms of children with diabetes. These friends have brightened dark days, providing shoulders to lean on. I know I will always worry about my daughter, but isn’t that what being a mom is all about? Pam Heiberg To view our article on diabetes visit content/understanding-diabetes

a mother’s story I am the mother of a dyslexic child. I am also dyslexic. I have come a long way and have learnt so much – a lot of it through trial and error. My son is in a mainstream school, which comes with its own set of challenges. He was receiving remedial therapy from the school. It seemed like the perfect solution, but after a while I noticed his self-confidence was at a low and he was not progressing. The setup was not working. He was being taken out of his class for therapy three times a week and then having to catch up on the lessons he had missed, without much teacher instruction. He also felt isolated because everybody in his class knew he was having remedial lessons. I then decided to take him to an outside teacher at a remedial school. He receives remedial homework on top of his school homework – and is given work during the holidays. This takes huge commitment from you as a parent, as well as from a willing and motivated child. Over the years we have developed strategies to make learning less frustrating. A lot of repetition is needed for dyslexic children to grasp concepts. As a parent who is also dyslexic, I developed my own skills as a child, which I am able to use to help my child. We have adopted a multi-sensory approach to studying, which makes learning fun. This allows learning to be experience-based rather than by rote, which assists long-term memory. Building self-confidence, teaching planning skills, imagery and location strategies all help. You may find, however, that what works now may not in two years’ time, and you may have to re-evaluate your child’s needs. After-school sport also gives my son great pleasure and has improved his confidence. Knowing other mothers

who are in similar positions is a great help as you navigate your way through this challenging time – we are able to use our knowledge, resources and emotional support to help each other. Gill Kruger To view our article on dyslexia visit content/overcoming-dyslexia

very impressed Having spent 15 years in the magazine publishing industry, I am very critical of publications and tend to avoid most magazines because of that. However, my mother gave me a copy of your February 2011 issue and I was most impressed! The articles were informative and even the advertising was very interesting. I have a toddler and have recently switched careers to become a teacher, so this is all fascinating to me! Samantha Gibb

wonderful website I manage IT systems and from an IT perspective – well done on! The website is actually brilliant – professional, clean, crisp and coordinated. I’m especially impressed by the back-copy functionality. Wow! Very smart! Bernard Cook Hallelujah! I am so pleased to have found this site! At last I can print and save articles relevant to my teacher training course without having to cut and paste my Child mag. Pen

write to us We would like to know what’s on your mind. Send your letters to:

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or PO Box 12002, Mill Street, 8010. We reserve the right to edit and shorten submitted letters. The opinions reflected here are those of our readers and are not necessarily held by Hunter House Publishing.

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giveaways in march anyone game? Garden Route Game Lodge is safely situated in a malaria-free area on the Garden Route about 3.5 hours from Cape Town. The lodge focuses on the family: there are childminders on hand, children’s themed play areas, toy boxes in the family rooms and early meal times for breakfast and dinner. Families are welcome to enjoy their own game drive or accompany other families, giving young ones a chance to make new friends while on holiday. Children are kept entertained with the Kids Bushwise Activity programme, which includes their own game drive, a guided bush walk and insect walk or fishing at the nearby waterhole. All this means you’re free to relax in their heated or cool swimming pool. For more information, contact 028 735 1200, reservations@grgamelodge. or visit One reader of Cape Town’s Child stands a chance to win a two-night family stay at Garden Route Game Lodge valued at R9 850. To enter, email your details to with “Child magazine CT Win” in the subject line before 31 March 2011. Only one entry per reader.

right on track The nu•m8+ GPS child locator gives children a certain amount of freedom, while giving parents peace of mind. Concealed within a digital watch, nu•m8+ is the world’s first GPS/GSM locator device specifically designed to be worn by children. For more information, visit One reader of Cape Town’s Child stands a chance to win a nu•m8+ including AC USB charger and free subscription for the first three months. The prize is valued at R2 240. To enter, email your details to with “Child magazine CT Win” in the subject line before 31 March 2011. Only one entry per reader.

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functional gear Cape Union Mart stocks a wide range of outdoor gear and technical clothing. With the K-Way Kids range of technical gear catering for your child, your little campers will be kitted out for day and night. Classic K-Way Kids items include the Fozzie Beanie, Snugbug Sleeping Bag, Waldorf Crewneck Fleece and Rascal Day Pack. For more information contact 0860 034 000 or visit One reader of Cape Town’s Child stands a chance to win a R2 000 gift voucher to spend at any of their stores. To enter, email your details to with “Child magazine CT Win” in the subject line before 31 March 2011. Only one entry per reader.

congratulations to our December/January winners Emile Jansen, Melanie Scrooby, Hilary Lumb, Ronell Ryan and Denise Stoffberg who each win a Ceres hamper; Zaibu Arai, Veronica Whatney and Roxanne Portela who each win Huggies Gold nappies supplies; Chloe Arkcoll and Wardah Peck who each win a Nestlé Nestum hamper; Natalia Basson who wins a Bloc Liten Hertex Accord and sheet.

March 2011

upfront with paul

banning the f-word PAUL KERTON on outlawing this conversation killer from his home.


don’t quite know where they picked up this terrible habit, but both my dear children, in fact, everyone in the household, has suddenly started using the f-word with infuriating regularity. Shocking, I know. But wait, it’s not the f-word you’re thinking of (get out of that gutter right now, before the children notice). The f-word I am talking about is “fine”. “How was school today?” I ask cheerily, wanting reassurance that the school fees are reaping benefits in the grey-matter department. “Fine,” comes the instant, knee-jerk response. “What was the movie like?” I prod, expecting a very short, but well-crafted description delivered with a spot of enthusiasm and passion. “Fine.” What was your play date like with that new girl?” I dig, hoping to get a personal

March 2011

account of the environment in which my child has just spent five hours. “Fine.” Not quite the answers I was looking for. “Fine” tells me precisely nothing. It also kills off any further conversation unless you prod a little further and deeper and demand a more eloquent involvement. Saying “fine” is the easy way out. It is complete laziness; an answer from someone who can’t be bothered to think about what they are saying or make the required effort. But prior to sex, money, and texting, it was conversation that made the world go around. Conversation has become passive as we’ve taken on the roll of observers not doers, and we’ve bred a world of voyeurs. There was a report in the New York Times of a man who collapsed and died in Fifth

Avenue. He was surrounded by people, and nobody helped him. Every one of the 100 or so people watching were too busy texting and Twittering and Face-booking to their legion of “friends”: “Wow, I just saw this old guy collapse and die in front of my very eyes, and here’s the picture [click] to prove it. Awesome.” Couldn’t someone have used their Blackberry to call an ambulance? Communication has changed and it’s no longer face-to-face. But has conversation, with its injections of wit, sarcasm, irony, gossip, passages of great description, enlightenment and inspiration, become boring, or is it simply that there are too many passive distractions? When, in our house, we turned our TV off and banned the computer for

a week, guess what? We all talked. We really talked; about feelings, about fears, about fun things, sad things, hopes, memories… the whole tapestry of human existence came blurting out of our mouths and it was very surprising, entertaining and engaging. And, oddly rewarding. It takes courage to be funny and to voice an opinion, and you have to work hard to make language compelling and entertaining. Above all, you’ve got to make an effort and think. “You see, you can hold a conversation,” I applauded with only a hint of sarcasm. Which is why I have banned the f-word from our house, forever. Please don’t let on, but the TV is next. Paul Kerton is the author of Fab Dad: A Man’s Guide to Fathering.

magazine cape town


Saskia, Paul and Sabina


creepy-crawlies TAMLYN VINCENT explores what parents need to do for bites and stings.



here are over a million species of insects on earth, making it difficult to know how to treat the various bites and stings our children inevitably get. But bugs really fit into two categories: non-venomous and venomous. Nonvenomous insects, like mosquitoes, fleas and ticks, inject anticoagulant into the skin when biting, causing the skin to itch. Venomous bugs inject toxic venom into the skin as a defence mechanism, causing pain, swelling, redness, or even an allergic reaction. These would include bees, wasps, spiders and scorpions. Bites from non-venomous insects may cause discomfort, but won’t cause serious harm. Dr Adrian Morris of the Cape Town Allergy Clinic says that “insect bites usually cause a localised reaction”, which may last up to a week. Children may scratch bites, causing them to become inflamed and look worse, but they remain harmless. What parents need to look out for are bites that have become infected, or allergic reactions. Greg Grant, pharmacist at Sunningdale Pharmacy in Durban, says

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that a bite is serious when it becomes swollen, red, hard, produces pus or forms a boil. Allergic reactions are typically indicated by a more general reaction, notes Morris, such as the whole body swelling up, swelling of the lips or eyelids, difficulty breathing or a rash, suggesting an anaphylactic reaction. Children exhibiting these symptoms need to be taken to a doctor as soon as possible. Parents should also pay attention to spider and tick bites and scorpion stings. One small hole in the bite suggests an insect bite, while two small holes indicate a spider bite. Tick bites may also become serious. Warning signs of tick bite fever, says Grant, include “hot and cold fevers, migraines and night sweats” and the bite appears as a “red ring with a black crust in the middle”. All scorpions are poisonous, so scorpion stings should be treated as an emergency.

the rub Itchiness and discomfort can be soothed with lotions such as calamine or baking

soda paste. In the case of venomous bites, paracetamol can be given for pain. Grant explains that topical antihistamines are safe for using on children and syrup antihistamines can be used for more serious reactions, but use the newer nonsedating syrups. Parents can also use a mild steroid or cortisone cream on the bite. Morris suggests getting an overthe-counter one percent hydrocortisone cream to “dampen down the reaction”. However, if a child has a history of severe allergic reactions, parents should have an adrenaline auto-injector available. For spider and tick bites and scorpion stings, Grant recommends using an antiseptic cream. If the spider is poisonous, or if you are unsure, and if there are symptoms of tick bite fever, take the child to a doctor. For bees, it is important to remove the sting with a flat object. Morris explains that not all bee stings will result in a bad reaction, but once someone has been stung they may become sensitised to bee stings, and future stings may trigger an allergic reaction.

bugs at bay Some tips for preventing bites and stings: • Use a child-friendly insect repellent. Grant suggests using natural, homeopathic repellents for younger children, such as citronella. Older children can use stick repellents, but he suggests putting the repellent on the clothes rather than the skin. • For a natural repellent, Morris says to push 10 cloves into an orange and place nearby, or take Vitamin B and you will be “less likely to be bitten”. • Use mosquito nets, especially in malaria areas. • Check for ticks after walking through long grass or bush. • Keep pets clean and clear of ticks and fleas.

March 2011


that’s got to hurt! MARINA ZIETSMAN looks at the most common childhood sports injuries, and how to prevent and treat them.

Rugby is a physically demanding, full-contact sport, which carries a high risk of injury. “The most common injuries from lower level rugby games are soft-tissue injuries, where there is blunt force trauma to a muscle or joint (most often the knee),” says Neil Hopkins, Cape Town-based biokineticist and director of Athlete Management Solutions. More severe injuries like fractures or concussions need to be treated by a medical professional immediately. Even though soccer has less contact, it is still possible to sustain a concussion. “As in rugby the majority of injuries are soft tissue injuries, such as hamstring and groin strains,” says Hopkins. Ankle injuries are also very common. prevention “Children today are more sedentary than previous generations and they need different conditioning to children of yesteryear,” says Hopkins. “They need individualised conditioning. Basic strengthening exercises, using body weight, should be included over and above normal rugby practice,” says Hopkins.


March 2011

treatment Soft tissue injuries are relatively simple to recover from, and if not too serious can be treated conservatively with the Rice method (see box). However, Hopkins advises that if the pain persists you should seek medical advice from a doctor or physiotherapist.



The most common injuries in netball are finger and ankle sprains. The sudden stopping puts a lot of strain on ankles, and finger sprains occur when catching the ball. prevention Nikki Hyam, head of sport and netball coach at Grayston Preparatory in Johannesburg, says that most netball injuries can be prevented with a good warm-up session that includes adequate stretching exercises and, very importantly, through teaching children the correct techniques for catching, throwing and landing. “And good supportive shoes are a must,” says Hyam. treatment Sprains require strapping. An application of arnica is recommended as well as the regular application of ice.

Swimmers can occasionally suffer from back pain, but the most common injuries are to the shoulder. “Swimmers often have poor postures due to abnormal muscular development and tightness,” says Hopkins. “This predisposes them to abnormal biomechanics (or movement patterns), which in turn leads to over-use injuries.” Hopkins adds that rotator cuff impingement syndrome can be caused by abnormal biomechanics and repetitive strain from hours and hours of swimming. prevention A pre-habilitation programme should help to prevent overloading the shoulder. treatment When it comes to shoulder injuries a biokineticist should be consulted for an assessment.

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rugby and soccer


cricket Lower-back injuries, side-back strains, shoulder injuries, ankle strains, cracked ribs and bruises can be sustained. prevention Ryan Maron, director of the Cricket School of Excellence gives advice: “Players must make sure they wear an abdominal protector when batting, wicketkeeping or fielding close to batsmen.” Maron says that the core advice on injury prevention remains a good warm-up session before and a warm-down session after matches. Being alert in a game like cricket is crucial. “Always keep your eye on the action,” says Maron, who also advises coaches to keep cricketers of the same standard or age in one group when practicing. treatment Most muscle injuries need rest, time to stabilise and core exercises to strengthen the muscle (a physio or good coach can help with these). “Especially with sideback strains, the player must make a comeback slowly,” says Maron. “Shoulder injuries must generally be treated by a physiotherapist. Immediate medical treatment is needed if a player gets hit in the testicle or penis area.” For bruises, Maron advises the Rice treatment (see box).

such as running or jumping. In addition, they should do corrective exercises prescribed by a biokineticist.

hockey The most common injuries for junior hockey players are bumps and bruises caused by the hockey stick or ball. Pulling a muscle, especially hamstring and groin strains, or spraining an ankle are also common. prevention “The best way to guard against these bumps is through proper coaching,” says head of sport at Eden Schools in Durban, Michael Foster. “From a young age, players should be taught the correct techniques, such as how to avoid playing high back lifts plus how to avoid “bunching” of players and the clashing of sticks.” Protective gear in hockey is a must. Shin pads and gum guards are compulsory and protective hockey gloves provide a good grip on the stick.” In addition, as with most sports, muscle injuries can be prevented by proper warmups, warm-downs and stretching. treatment Treat sprains, pulled muscles and bruises with Rice (see box). And it’s important for the player to undergo a full recovery before returning to play.

athletics (running and jumping) A child’s body is not mature enough for long-distance running. In fact, children should not run 10 kilometres before they are 13 years old. “Because adolescent bones are weaker than adult bones, overuse results in traction injuries when running and jumping,” says Hopkins. The most common of these are Sever’s disease (which affects the heel) and Osgood-Schlatter disease (which affects the knee). “These injuries develop over time. However, painful acute symptoms usually present after a sudden increase in activity, such as at the start of athletics season,” Hopkins adds. treatment and prevention Hopkins says the athletes should rest traction injuries and avoid aggravating activity

magazine cape town

tennis The most common injury in tennis is a sprained ankle. Other injuries are tense or stiff back and shoulders, tearing the Achilles tendon, tearing or pulling a muscle, knee injuries and shin splints. prevention Using the right equipment (proper tennis shoes), warming up and cooling down properly and stretching before and after playing, all help to prevent tennis injuries. treatment Michele Joyce, owner of the International Tennis Academy (ITA) in Johannesburg, has coached the game for 23 years, and says: “For a sprained ankle

or twisting a tendon in the knee, the Rice treatment is advised.” The ankle also needs to be treated with muscle ointment that reduces swelling, inhibits inflammation and relieves pain. “Players usually suffer from stiff shoulders after lots of strenuous match play, especially if they are not match fit. The only treatment is rest. Heat packs and sport massages can help, but if the massage causes pain, stop,” says Joyce. When pulling or tearing a muscle or the Achilles tendon, Joyce advises that the player immediately see a doctor and physiotherapist. Players should take a break for “a minimum of three weeks when injured. Especially for shin splints, the only treatment is rest,” she says. Some final words of wisdom from Hopkins: “School sport, especially at younger levels should be about learning (skilldriven) not winning. It’s not about crushing the opposition and scoring goals.”

rice Use the following four first-aid measures to relieve pain, limit swelling and protect the injured tissues, all of which help speed healing. Rest – Rest the injured area. If moving the injured area causes pain, this is the body’s way of saying “stop”. Ice – Never use ice for more than 20 minutes. Compression – The application of pressure will reduce the effect of any internal bleeding or swelling that may result from the injury. Elevation – Elevate the injured area as much as possible above the level of your heart to minimise bleeding and swelling.

March 2011



ha ha plonk TRACY ELLIS looks at the benefits to encouraging our children to laugh their heads off. And some tips on

et my sister, aunts and cousins together in a room and it only takes a mildly funny situation or joke to get us crying. Our belly-rolling laughter is the perfect tribute to my late grandmother, Nana, who had the silliest sense of humour and kept us all in stitches at every family gathering. Most of the time we weren’t quite sure what we were laughing at, but once the laughter and tears had eased it only took a simple sideways glance or twitch of the mouth to trigger the next bout, each one more infectious and intense than


March 2011

the last. Even now, without Nana around, it always ends the same way: one of us cries out with a diaphragm pain and breathlessly pleads with the others to stop. You may think we’re crazy, but if you’ve never laughed until you thought you would die, you are missing out.

the best medicine Doctors agree that laughter is medicinal: by triggering the release of endorphins (the body’s natural feel-good chemicals), laughter can reduce pain and stress,

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just how to do this.


If you’ve never laughed until you thought you would die, you are missing out! thereby enhancing our immune systems and potentially adding years to our lives, all at no cost. Michele Perkins, a Durban-based counselling psychologist, believes a welldeveloped sense of humour is especially important for children as it can be used as an effective coping skill in difficult or stressful situations and can improve selfesteem. “Laughter can be useful to foster positive interpersonal relationships and has been identified as a protective factor in youth, helping to ‘stress-proof’ children,” she says. Johannesburg-based educational psychologist Jolene Knowles agrees. “A sense of humour is important for children as it enables them to see the funny side of things and cope with their difficulties. Children who are able to laugh at themselves and see things from different perspectives tend to have a higher self-esteem.” Experts agree that although children have an inherent sense of humour and

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clearly love to laugh, the ability to see and appreciate the humorous side of life is a quality that can be developed and nurtured and parents have a role to play when it comes to modelling a healthy sense of humour for their children and encouraging fun and laughter where appropriate. Essentially the best thing a parent can do to encourage a healthy sense of humour in their children is to have one themselves. Knowles comments, “Children learn through imitation and example. A parent who is able to see the funny side of things fosters the development of their child’s sense of humour. Parenting with humour creates joy.”

is important for parents to laugh with their children in appropriate ways,” says Knowles. “Laughing at others is inappropriate.” Perkins adds,” Emphasise to your children that a joke is when everyone is laughing together. When only one or two people are laughing, it may be at the expense of another. Racial slurs and teasing are a form of bullying and sarcasm can be a misuse of humour.”

humour at every age no laughing matter

0–2 years

Knowles and Perkins caution against modelling unhealthy humour such as sarcasm and racial jokes, and encourage parents to have humour boundaries. “It

Babies begin smiling in response to outside stimuli somewhere between six and eight weeks of age, with their first giggle following soon afterwards, usually

between the second and fourth month. A baby’s humour centres largely on her parent’s actions so she will take the biggest delight in the things that they do such as bouncing or tickling her, pulling funny faces or making silly sounds. Between six and 12 months, she will be laughing regularly at pretend behaviour such as dad acting like a monkey or mom sucking her dummy and will find repetition hilarious such as continually dropping her toy out of the pram for you to pick up. Between 12 and 24 months, as your toddler’s communication and physical skills improve, he will delight in being chased and in exaggerated language such as waving your hand under your

March 2011



nose and saying “Phew-eee” when you change his nappy as well as general silliness such as putting a facecloth on your head. Be aware that there is a fine line between humour and fear at this age so introduce new games carefully – loud sounds and funny faces can scare as often as they delight. laughter buttons: • Play traditional games such as Peekaboo, This little piggy and Round and round the garden. • Blow raspberries/zerberts on your baby’s tummy when changing her. • Have a tickle marathon with your toddler or imitate Jim Carrey’s “the Claw” (from the movie Liar Liar). • Walk on your knees and pretend to catch him and watch him squeal as he tries to out run (or waddle) you. • Read books with noises and flaps.

2–5 years As your toddler grows and goes to school, he will begin to enjoy more slapstick social humour and will take the sillies to new levels with increased vocabulary and intellect. Games such as tickling and catching still delight as he is physically stronger and able to anticipate the “moment” but he will find humour in general nonsensical behaviour, enjoying anything goofy, silly or absurd. By now you may find him chuckling to himself as he watches a silly TV show. Toddlers enjoy simple word games such as rhyming and alliteration. This age also sees the emergence of toilet humour, a normal part of childhood development, so you may find a phrase like “stinky winky” repeated daily between toddler siblings (Tip: just ignore this – it will soon get stale). Nonsensical words and stories stretch the growing imagination. Toddlers love to laugh at themselves and may find the simple act of accidentally slipping off their chair hilarious. These accidents are often purposefully repeated for further effect.


March 2011

With a better grip on language, toddlers will enjoy intentionally misusing language such as calling a hotdog a “hotfrog”. laughter buttons: • Read rhyming stories, such as One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish or Mr Brown Can Moo, Can You? by Dr Seuss, out loud to your children. Make sure to show the funny pictures to them. • Throw out the rule book and jump on the bed together. This is sure to delight your toddler. • Who can tell the silliest or most nonsensical story? In our family, we have “The ongoing adventures of the old lady who lived in a vinegar bottle” and we each get to describe her next adventure. She once met and married a magical breakdancing monkey. • Have an “Opposite Day” where everyone in the family wears their clothes inside out and back to front, you eat your dessert before your main course and say the exact opposite of what you mean, such as “Goodbye” when you mean “Hello”.

5–7 years Younger children will enjoy simple riddles such as “Why did the chicken cross the road?” and Knock Knock jokes as their language skills develop even further and they start to understand sequences and patterns, although at first they may not understand or catch the jokes they are telling. Physical humour such as acting out a silly scene or doing a crazy dance is common at this age. Children will use humour to win friends but this is the age to watch for sarcasm and teasing. Playing tricks on adults is another favourite. laughter buttons: • Teach them tongue twisters such as “She sells seashells on the seashore” or “Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. Where’s the peck...”. • Start a tradition: buy a Knock, Knock book or Google some age-appropriate magazine cape town

Parenting with humour creates joy.

jokes and include them in your daily routine, perhaps just before dinner. • Encourage your children to tell you jokes and laugh at their jokes even if they don’t come out right. Your reaction is more important to them than making sense. • Play charades. • Have a staring contest where the first one to laugh loses. Even adults can’t keep a straight face for long.

8–12 years As children mature it becomes more difficult to make them laugh easily as they are not as “silly” as toddlers and younger children. Eight-year-olds will enjoy complex riddles and jokes as their more expanded vocabularies allow them to understand double play on words. Ten-year-olds will start to appreciate real-life humour and will listen eagerly to anecdotes about your day. They will start to appreciate real-life comedy shows on television such as America’s Funniest Home Videos or Whose Line Is It Anyway? laughter buttons: • Share your most embarrassing moment (if it’s age appropriate). This will encourage them to see the humorous side of a humiliating real-life situation and will show them that you can laugh at yourself. • Watch funny TV shows and DVDs together to stay in touch with what your child finds funny. Ask your local video store to recommend some that are age appropriate.

• Visit the local library and ask them to recommend the five funniest books for your child’s age group.

13+ years Friendships and sexuality are big themes in the teenage years and humour can be a useful tool in winning and maintaining friendships, attracting friends of the opposite sex or as a defence mechanism to avoid social embarrassment. It is also used to explore sexuality in an indirect way. Intellectual or witty humour is more appreciated at this age and teenagers are capable of sitting through and appreciating a comedy skit at the local theatre. Teenagers are prone to sarcasm so make sure to set boundaries around this; playful sarcasm is okay but when it is hurtful it is inappropriate. laughter buttons: • Attend a stand-up comedy evening or comedy show at your local theatre. Do your research, though, as lots of comedians use bad language and extremely sexual humour in their routines. • In a social situation, if you hear laughter, move towards it. This simple exercise will encourage your children to seek out humour. • Laugh with your teenager as often as possible. You may feel worlds apart from your teenager but as Danish entertainer Victor Borge said, “Laughter is the shortest distance between two people.”

South African comedian couple Aaron McIlroy and Lisa Bobbert, parents of Kaylee (12), Declan (9) and Grace (5), share their favourite ways of making their children laugh: “When I act just like them they find it hilarious – they might say something juvenile and I just go with it and play the child for a while.” (Aaron) “I do a funny dance and sing at the top of my lungs. I also give them obviously bad advice for their not-so-serious problems to help diffuse them – humour is a great way to soften the blows of childhood.” (Lisa)

magazine cape town

March 2011



under canvas ready steady When choosing a family tent, opt for either a cabin-style or a dome-style model. Cabin-style tents offer easy access and the vertical walls create bigger living spaces. Some cabin-style tents have extra awnings, which can be used as “room dividers”. Dome-style tents tend to be sturdier in windy and stormy weather, but the rounded walls do reduce the living area inside. That said, your tent is essentially for sleeping in and hiding from unexpected bad weather. in the know Tent capacity is based on how many sleeping bags fit the tent’s floor space, with no provision for storage. It’s thus a good idea to select a tent that can sleep two more people than the size of your family. Practise pitching your tent before you leave for your destination; and plan to arrive well before sunset – you’ll want to choose the best spot, set everything up and be done before it’s time for sundowners. If you don’t like waking up


March 2011

at sparrow’s, pitch your tent so it’s in the shade at sunrise. Older children will love helping to put up the tent, but toddlers may need to be kept busy – so have toys and activities somewhere close at hand.

sleeping on air ready steady Mattresses are essential for a good night’s sleep. The roll-up variety will do fine but a blow-up mattress is a lot more comfortable. Some mattresses self-inflate, for others you’ll need a pump. Consider the time of year and the area’s climate to determine the appropriate weight for sleeping bags. Pack a couple of blankets and don’t forget the pillows. in the know Before pitching your tent, make sure the ground is free of sharp objects. Thorns can damage the under surface of your tent and work their way up into your mattress. Sweep the inside of the tent before you insert the mattresses. Pitching your tent on a groundsheet will also help.

of rookie campers tips on surviving a weekend in the great outdoors.

what’s on the menu? ready steady Invest in separate containers (plastic crates with handles work really well) for kitchenware, non-perishable food, toys, swimming gear, bedding, the tent, one for Dad’s toys (such as chargers, braai equipment, torches and the like) and a separate one for the cameras, binoculars and other valuables. Never leave home without your first-aid kit. (Visit childmag. for the essentials that should be included.) The best way to make sure you haven’t forgotten anything is to create a standard checklist. For kitchenware, your checklist might look something like this: • coffee mugs and glasses • plates and cereal bowls • spoons (big and small) • forks • knives (steak, bread, cutting, spreading) • pan and kettle • fire-proof pot • chopping board

• corkscrew • paper towels • refuse bags • pot holder or oven glove • food preparation tools (tongs, spatula, can opener, potato peeler, mixing bowl) • cleaning tools (scourer, dish cloth, drying rack, washing-up liquid, wet wipes) • tin foil Good non-perishable foods to have as standard in your camp “pantry”: • salt and pepper • herbs and spices • coffee, tea, sugar and hot chocolate • cooking oil • condiments (chutney, tomato sauce) • snacks (rusks, crisps) • spreads (peanut butter, jam, Marmite) • cereals • starch (rice, pasta) Work out a rough menu before you leave and make sure you pack the necessary ingredients. Keep recipes simple. You might like to invest in a portable gas cylinder plus

magazine cape town


happy campers

MARINA ZIETSMAN gives the family


ring burner. It’s easier for prepairing simple breakfast dishes, boiling the kettle and for making side dishes. Store perishable foods in a cool box or camp refrigerator. Pre-frozen ice packs or gel packs are a winner for keeping food cool for a few days. Remember to keep your cool box in the shade, drain it of excess water regularly and don’t open and close it unnecessarily. in the know When packing your vehicle, think of what you’re going to need first, and pack this last. Pitching a tent on a hot day can make you thirsty, so make sure Dad’s ice cold beer and some cold drinks are within easy reach.

light up your life ready steady Ideally, you’ll have just the moon and stars to light up the site but this means you’ll need your own lighting. Choose the option that works best for you: • Headlamps – perfect for tasks that require two hands and for children that need all their limbs free to have a good time. • Torches – they’re good for trips to the loo and night-time bug hunts. • Candle lanterns – they’re cheap and ecofriendly, but must be kept off the ground and out of the tent. • Solar-powered and rechargeable lanterns – a sometimes bulky but good ecofriendly option

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• Battery-powered lanterns – these can be used inside the tent, but chew batteries. • Gas-powered lanterns – especially useful for lighting up a large area but should not be carried around or used inside the tent. Don’t forget to pack the batteries. in the know The campfire is still your best friend: you can cook on it, spend time as a family around it and, when the children are asleep, dream a little dream with the fire as your companion. Remember to put in matches or a lighter, charcoal or briquettes, firelighters and wood. Most campsites sell wood; so don’t go felling your own tree. Some sites allow the gathering of dead wood on their premises. Safety is of utmost importance and children should be supervised at all times once that fire is lit.

in the know It’s sometimes wise to take a pair of slip-slops for each camper to wear to the ablution facilities.

child’s play ready steady Camping with children is great fun. It’s an opportunity for you to see the natural world through their eyes. Camping with a baby is not impossible, but it will need some planning. You may want to take cooled boiled water from home to use for bottles; and remember to put in sterilising liquid or tablets and a container to use for sterilising. You can use one of your crates as a baby bath. A baby carrier or rucksack can be a big help; a stroll in nature is the perfect way to calm an unhappy baby. Toddlers are always on the go so make sure there is

enough for them to do and always keep an eye on them. Teenagers can cry boredom quickly, but if you involve them in planning the trip and put them in charge of certain “departments” of the camp site, they should be fine. Stock the children’s toy crate with bats and balls, water toys, board games, cards and disposable cameras. in the know Become a child again. Explore with them. Braai marshmallows. Tell nottoo-scary ghost stories. Play rounders or cricket, throw a Frisbee, or go on a treasure hunt – and let them get dirty.

Visit -recipes for easy recipes and childmag. for tips on general campfire safety.

dressed for adventure ready steady Pack only the clothing you’ll need, making sure everyone has something warm and windproof. For summer, bathing suits, sunhats and sun block are a must. Pack shorts and loose-fitting long pants for hiking. Don’t forget socks and hiking boots or walking shoes. Tracksuit pants and sweatshirts with hoods are great for cooler evenings. Remember raincoats and towels – one for swimming and one for bathroom use. Only take the basic toiletries but pack sufficient toilet paper and insect repellent.

March 2011



finger snacking


ELAINE EKSTEEN asked a number of local baby and toddler experts for healthy finger food ideas. Here’s what they said.

finger snacks for six- to 11-month-olds enni Johnson, registered nurse and childcare J practitioner, The Baby Clinic, Berea, Durban Finger foods should be introduced from six months of age. I keep it simple initially with healthy biscuits in the first month and toast in bite-size pieces with butter and/or Bovril or Marmite in the seventh month. Offer this once a day and don’t expect your baby to eat all of it – it’s fine if there’s a lot of playing and squashing – a mess is good. I introduce finger foods at nine months as a lunchtime meal. This is your opportunity to try everything. A fruit, a carbohydrate, a protein and a portion of dairy can be happily explored, as well as other non-choking snacks. An example of a lunchtime meal is: • Three grapes, cut in half • A slice or two of beetroot – one of the best antioxidants • A slice of quiche, easy to eat even with no teeth and a nutritious way to offer cheese and egg • Five baked beans – an excellent source of protein Other ideas are an omelette with filling, cocktail sausages and feta. My belief is anything goes if it’s healthy and safe. Kath Megaw, clinical dietitian and co-author of Feeding Sense (Metz Press) Finger foods should be big enough for your baby to pick up easily and free of peels, pips, bones and so on. Don’t


March 2011

be fearful of choking, as long as you are always present when your child is eating and as long as food is soft and pieces are small, your child will learn to chew and navigate his way through his finger snacks. Remember practice makes perfect and if you never allow your baby to practise with new foods, including those that need to be chewed, then he won’t become an expert at chewing and will be a choking risk. So, relax, keep it simple and nutritious, and watch as your baby enjoys this new feeding experience. • Fruit and vegetables – these are full of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, which help to build strong immune systems. Try cubes, pieces or slices of pear, banana, mango and paw paw; dried fruits such as mango strips; small florets of broccoli or cauliflower; baby sweet corn and fingers of peeled cucumber. Boil, steam or blanch vegetables lightly to make them easier to eat but ensure they still have some crunch. • Starchy foods are a good source of energy, especially for fussy eaters. Try cooked pasta shells or shapes; balls made of cooked rice; small pieces of toast fingers and bread sticks. Rusks and dry breakfast cereals (ones that are easy to pick up with fingers) and date balls. Other options include rice cakes and mini sandwiches cut into triangles, fingers or squares and filled or topped with mashed banana, hummus, grated cheese, creamed cheese or mashed avocado. • The following foods are high in protein, which is important for your baby’s muscles and digestive system: try cubes of firm cooked fish; fish balls made with minced fish

and tiny meatballs made with minced chicken, turkey or lamb. The best meat to offer is soft white meat such as chicken and turkey. Also offer cubes or strips of hard cheese; cubes of tofu; slices or quarters of hard-boiled eggs or strips of well-cooked omelette. Lauren Ponting, clinical dietitian with a special interest in paediatrics, Claremont, Cape Town Infants learn new skills and progress through the stages of weaning as they are given the opportunities to learn. Some progress faster than others. Introduce a wide variety of tastes and textures – the frequency with which they are offered food, rather than the amount they eat, determines how quickly they will learn to like something. The more variety they have been offered by around 12 months the wider the range of foods they will be familiar with and accept before food neophobia begins in their second year. Vary the texture of foods, try chopping and grating. Make finger foods interesting and vary colours. Different foods provide different nutrients, so it’s good to have variety to ensure a balance of nutrients. Six- to nine-month-old babies should be given soft finger foods. You can then introduce hard finger foods between nine and 12 months. Try: • Sticks of lightly steamed vegetables such as carrots or courgettes • Grated apple, pear, cucumber or carrot for younger babies (helpful on the side of a plate for self-feeding) • Fresh fruit such as soft pear, chunks of banana, kiwi fruit or orange segments

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baby steps


• Cooked peas or sweet corn • Grated cheese for younger babies and then cheese slices from nine months • Individually wrapped cream-cheese wedges • Miniature meat or chicken balls • Fingers of toast or rusk equivalent to dip into vegetable purées. To make “rusks” cut thickly sliced bread into three fingers and toast in the oven at 180˚C for 15 minutes (store in an airtight container for a few days). Toast fingers don’t fall to pieces as readily as bread. • Pita bread strips with hummus • Trimmed celery stalks, chilled carrot or sweet melon – chewing on something cold and hard can relieve sore gums • A large mango pip to suck on • Dips for breads, vegetables and fruit. Try creamy avo dip (avo and cream cheese with a dash of lemon juice), raspberry-yoghurt dip (plain yoghurt mixed with puréed raspberries), butter-bean dip (puréed butter beans with a little garlic, cumin and olive oil). Cooled dips soothe gums made sore by teething. • Home-made salmon fish fingers. Cut a piece of fresh salmon into equal-sized fish fingers down the length, dust these in sifted flour, dip in beaten egg and coat evenly in breadcrumbs (they can be prepared in advance to this stage and stored in the fridge for 24 hours or frozen for three months). Drizzle olive oil on a large baking sheet and bake in the oven for 8–10 minutes, turning halfway through cooking, until crisp, golden and cooked through. Add various flavours by adding either parmesan cheese, grated lemon zest or finely chopped herbs to the bread crumbs before coating. Make a tomato and basil dip by puréeing tomato, basil and cream cheese together. In terms of nutritional value: • Breads and pasta supply energy, B vitamins, some iron, zinc and calcium. • Fruit and vegetables are good for vitamin C, phytochemicals (plant chemicals) and carotenes. • Cheese is a source of calcium, protein, iodine and riboflavin. • Meat, fish, butter beans and peanut butter supply iron, protein, zinc, magnesium, B vitamins, vitamin A and omega 3 from salmon.

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toddler titbits finger snacks for 12- to 24-month-olds Sister Ann Richardson, private nurse practitioner and parent coach, author of Toddler Sense and coauthor of Baby Sense, Lonehill, Johannesburg • Date balls are always a win as they are easy to make, last for ages in an airtight container in the fridge and are packed with fibre and protein • Whole-wheat cheese straws (make your own and roll them in sesame seeds, or powdered biltong when hot). Dipped into some mashed avo and banana (or any soft fruit), they are great for encouraging fine-motor skills and are also a valuable source of protein and vegetable oil • Cubes of, or a handful of, white cheese such as mozzarella – full of calcium and protein • Finely chopped game or beef biltong – protein • Small pieces of dried boerewors – protein (from about 18 months and older, must have molars to chew) • Toasted seed or rye bread, cut into fingers, spread with cream cheese or peanut butter – fibre, protein and calcium

• Seedless green grapes, cut in half – vitamin C and fibre • Baby tomatoes, cut in half – vitamin C • Hard-boiled egg, cut into cubes – protein • De-pitted green or kalamata olives – omega-6 vegetable oil and fibre • Organic butternut or beetroot chips – good source of vitamin C and fibre • Baby gherkins – vitamin C and fibre. Claire McHugh, specialist dietitian working exclusively in paediatrics, Durban • French toast fingers • Pita bread with hummus or guacamole • Boiled egg slices/quarters • Skinned sausage wheels • Processed- or cream-cheese triangles • Baked potato slices with melted cheese • Mini fruit muffin • Dried fruit strips such as mango • Frozen watermelon stars. Slice watermelon into 1cm thick slices, cut out stars with cookie cutter, insert lolly stick and place on a foil-lined baking sheet. Cover with a second layer of foil, freeze until firm. Serve frozen.

March 2011



have a ball! CHAREEN BOAKE rounds up some of the country’s most exciting, intriguing and unusual festivals – that will be fun for you and the children.

Albertinia Aloe Festival Situated between the beautiful Langeberg Mountains and the Indian Ocean, Albertinia is South Africa’s foremost producer of aloe products. To celebrate this natural resource, the little town comes alive with a weekend of festivities that include wine tasting, a potjiekos competition, music, adventure sports and lots more local and lekker fun. when 24–26 September where Albertinia, Western Cape


March 2011

child-friendly factor Entertainers provide lots of entertainment for children; other than that, families can spend time exploring the region with its many interesting nooks and crannies. find out more visit

Ballito Prawn & Jazz Festival On this winter’s weekend you’ll be spoilt for choice when it comes to prawns: have them grilled, fried, as part of a paella or in a cone.

Besides the delicious food, there’s a fun fair, a children’s area, an Xtreme arena, celebrity cook-offs and craft stalls selling educational products, furniture, wooden toys and more. when 8–10 July where Ballito, KwaZulu-Natal

their thing, they’re sure to find something that is. find out more visit

child-friendly factor The fairground rides will induce adrenaline-filled screams of fear and fun. There’s also a dedicated food area for children so if prawns aren’t

the Breede River Valley, the wine-producing region of Breedekloof (which includes Rawsonville, Slanghoek and Goudini) is a real family destination. Besides the

Breedekloof Outdoor & Wine Festival Nestling beneath the majestic mountains in

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Hermanus Whale Festival


opportunity to enjoy good food and fine wines, families can listen to live music, go on a helicopter flip, try their hand at archery, paintball, clay-pigeon shooting or a taggedfishing contest. One of the main features is the sporting events; the outdoor challenge, mountain bike ride and night run. when 7–9 October where Breedekloof, Western Cape child-friendly factor There’s lots of healthy, outdoor fun for children – they can enjoy pony rides, get their faces painted, pet farm animals and plenty more. find out more visit breedekloof. com/outdoor

Clanwilliam Wild Flower Show Once a year, after the winter rains, this small Karoo town is transformed into a floral fantasy of bright and beautiful wildflowers, many species of which grow nowhere else in the world. Why not join the tourists who flock to South Africa to see this spectacular display and enjoy the scenery on a self-drive tour through the region? The Cederberg area offers hiking trails plus there’s rock climbing, rock art, adventure activities, and 4x4 routes as well as many interesting little stops along the way. when 25 August–31 August where Clanwilliam, Western Cape child-friendly factor The best part of this festival is the opportunity to introduce your children to an awesome display of nature’s beauty. There are also activities such as art competitions and donkey cart rides. find out more visit

The Elvis Festival Africa

The Elvis Festival Africa

magazine cape town

Like something out of a movie, Elvis is everywhere. Elvis impersonators, Elvis fans and those wanting to see what the fuss is about flood the small village of Storms River once a year to celebrate all things Elvis. There’s entertainment organised by the Elvis Tribute Artists (ETA), a Miss Marilyn pageant, Cadillac boot sales, a talent show: Garden Route’s Got Talent – the Elvis way, big screens showing Elvis

movies all day long and stacks of Elvis memorabilia to view and purchase. when 29 April–2 May where Storms River Village, Tsitsikamma, Eastern Cape child-friendly factor Older children can get a kick out of seeing grown-ups playing dress up. There’s a children’s play area with jumping castles, sandpit and the usual array of fun entertainment. find out more visit

Ficksburg Cherry Festival Set on the banks of the Caledon River, this little town becomes a big deal when it’s cherry time. From early morning cherry picking to a late night beer garden, the festival offers three days of action-packed fun. They’ve also introduced a halfmarathon and mountain bike challenge. If you’ve been hiding your cherry-pip-spitting skills, there’s a competition just for you. Although there’s loads of entertainment for children, this is also a great festival where families can enjoy nature together. when 17–19 November where Ficksburg, Free State child-friendly factor Children can get their faces painted, watch stilt walkers or compete in mini-golf championships; there are also shows and activities throughout the day to keep children entertained. find out more visit

Ballito Prawn & Jazz Festival

March 2011



Hermanus Whale Festival Held annually when the Southern Right Whales make their way to the waters of Walker Bay, the Hermanus Whale Festival is the only enviro-arts festival in the country. The whales’ arrival is celebrated by musicians, craftsmen, environmentalists, sports celebrities and thousands of visitors who travel to Hermanus to see this amazing spectacle. Other than fantastic food and entertainment, wildlife experts deliver talks and presentations on fascinating topics such as shark tagging and whale and dolphin acoustics. Sports enthusiasts can take part in a half-marathon, mountain bike rides or a gold challenge. when 30 September–4 October where Hermanus, Western Cape child-friendly factor The amusement park offers lots to keep little ones entertained, plus there’s a daily programme of activities, which runs from morning to night. find out more visit

Karkloof Classic Mountain Bike Festival This mountain bike festival allows weekend warriors, pro athletes and families to compete in races ranging from 10km to 75km. There’s plenty on offer for the nonrider too. The Karkloof Canopy tour is an eco-experience that takes you through the stunning Karkloof indigenous forest, while the Midlands Meander offers more than 100 art, craft and refreshment stops on four different routes. There are several nature and wildlife reserves in the area. when 8–10 April where Karkloof, KwaZulu-Natal Midlands child-friendly factor The fully supervised children’s zone keeps them safe and entertained (think clowns, face painters and lots of fun activities) while mom, dad and siblings are riding. find out more visit

Kirkwood Wildlife Festival Kirkwood is situated in the heart of the Sundays River Valley, and its Wildlife Festival is one of the highlights on the Eastern Cape calendar. There’s a game auction (supported by some of the country’s top wildlife reserves) plus performances by well-known singers and bands, extreme 4x4 challenges, a wine garden, the opportunity to taste some delicious game dishes, potjiekos competitions, and for

the daring, even a koedoedrolspoeg (kudu dung spitting) competition. when 1–3 July where Kirkwood, Eastern Cape child-friendly factor The Kidz Zone is where children can enjoy hours of fun, including crafts (such as sandart and beading), magic shows, pony rides and movies. Expert childminders are on hand to look after your children. find out more visit

National Arts Festival The small Eastern Cape town of Grahamstown comes alive to the sound of beating drums, performing artists, poets and craftsmen. More than 50 000 people usually flock to this 11-day festival to watch theatre performances, enjoy music concerts, shop at flea markets or just simply soak up the vibe of this eclectic festival. It features everything from opera, drama and jazz to craft fairs, medieval banquets and carnivals. Remember to wrap up warmly for this one, winter in Grahamstown can be chilly. when 30 June–10 July where Grahamstown, Eastern Cape child-friendly factor This is probably not the best festival for very little ones but children aged 10 and older, particularly those with an interest in the arts, will enjoy the various performances, buskers and flea market. find out more visit

Parys Dome Adventure Festival Parys is a big adventure destination for those in Gauteng; paddlers can regularly be seen traversing through the Vaal River’s rapids while mountain bikers make their way through the surrounding rugged terrain. This festival pays tribute to sport and adventure and is a must for outdoor enthusiasts. The main focus is the activities and sports, which take place at various venues in and surrounding Parys. This village is also an artist’s haven so you can enjoy the art and crafts on display. Oh, and make sure you sample the delicious boerekos or milk tart at one of several quaint eateries. when 4–6 November where Parys, Free State child-friendly factor There’s a safe play area for children where they’re entertained by clowns, face painters, crafters and

Kirkwood Wildlife Festival


March 2011

magazine cape town

visitors an opportunity to indulge in local cuisine from braaivleis to pannekoek and, of course, the peach mampoer. The town’s donkey carts come out in all their glory to compete in the donkey-cart competition, always a firm favourite among the visitors. There’s also boeresport, live entertainment, a beer tent, food and craft stalls and demonstrations of birds of prey in action. when 23 April where Tonteldoos, Mpumalanga child-friendly factor The donkey carts, lamb pen and farm animal displays are a favourite with younger visitors. find out more contact André: 013 254 8902 or 082 565 3402

Up The Creek Music Festival National Arts Festival

childminders. Mom and dad can participate in adventure activities while the children are safely looked after. find out more visit

Pick n Pay Knysna Oyster Festival The extremely popular Oyster Festival is a celebration of good food, good wine, good music and good sport. The festival features things like oyster-shucking competitions, a wine mardi gras, a half-marathon and, of course, lots of delicious oysters – naked, cooked or garnished. when 1–10 July where Knysna, Western Cape child-friendly factor Parents can relax and enjoy the festivities while your little ones are taken care of at the Pick n Pay Young Oyster Festival, where supervised activities include cooking classes, creative art, craft classes and interactive entertainment. find out more visit

Situated on the banks of the Breede River, the Up the Creek campsite is transformed into a music-lovers haven. Head here for four days of unlimited music with some of the country’s top performers. The “anything that floats” competition is a real laugh; weird and wonderful contraptions take to the water to see who can stay afloat the longest. Good music, food, coffee and fun make this a really festive post-festive-season event. when 4–6 February (2012) where Breede River Valley, Swellendam, Western Cape child-friendly factor Supervised childfriendly activities are available in the designated children’s area as well as a jumping castle. There are also trained lifeguards on the river banks and well-kitted medical tents in case of any mishaps. find out more visit

Sedgefield Slow Festival If living in the fast lane is for you then you’ll have to speed past this one. Sedgefield is officially Africa’s Slow Town or Cittaslow: a town promoting a sustainable environment, local produce and healthy living. Leave your watch at home and head down the beautiful Garden Route for a weekend of all things s-l-o-w. Festivities kick off with games of backgammon and boules, chilled-out music and delicious food. You’ll be invited to slow down, kick back and enjoy, appreciate and savour the slower things in life. when 22–27 April where Sedgefield, Western Cape child-friendly factor Little ones aren’t too good at being slow so there’s lots to keep them busy. They can enjoy the Easter Bunny beach fling, create sand sculptures or even meet Citta, one of the largest tortoises in the world. find out more visit

Tonteldoos Country Festival This small Mpumalanga town, 20 kilometres from Dullstroom, is best known for its natural beauty, peach mampoer and donkey carts. This country festival allows Easter weekend magazine cape town

Up The Creek Music Festival

West Coast Lagoon Festival One of the highlights of this exciting weekend held at Club Mykonos in Langebaan is the popular Silver Falcons air show: an awesome display of breathtaking aerobatics. Other highlights include loads of delicious food and wine stalls, plenty of beach activities and cooking demonstrations. when 25–27 March where Langebaan, Western Cape child-friendly factor The festival features a children’s tent with activities, which include puppet shows, craft activities, face painting for the little ones, jumping castles, biscuit decorating and a mini Olympics. find out more visit March 2011



a good read for babies and toddlers

View our book blog at

for preschoolers

Fuzzy Bee and First Words book pack By Roger Priddy (Priddy Books, R55) This handy little book duo consists of a board book and a cloth book full of first words for your baby. The simple structure and bright photography of well-known objects in the board book make the pictures stand out and, with one image per page, it’s easier for your child to focus and understand. The touch-and-feel cloth book will interest babies of a few weeks old plus its padded covers are great for little hands to hold. It has cute animals in bright colours on each page, which makes it fun to look at.

Fluffy Chick and friends and Snowy Bear and friends book pack By Roger Priddy (Priddy Books, R120) With a soft-to-touch cloth book and colourful board book, this wonderful set is perfect for your baby. The books stimulate your baby’s senses, teach her new words and encourage imagination. Both books have simple stories written in rhyme and the cloth book’s rustling cover will entice your baby to explore what lies within. Both the cloth and board book have fun and colourful illustrations. Priddy Books is an educational and fun way to introduce very young children to the world of words and stories.

Magnetic Crazy Faces By Sam Lloyd

fun for babies

(Campbell Books, R110) With this magnetic playbook your child can put a pirate patch on a robot’s eye or a witch’s nose on a fairy. They can also match the magnets to the right faces. With 20 magnets to choose from, Magnetic Crazy Faces will ensure lots of laugh-out-loud fun. Apart from providing entertainment, it also encourages interaction and stimulates the imagination. Sam Lloyd is an award-winning illustrator whose stories are original and witty. Note: the magnets are small and pose a choking hazard for very young children.

The Troll By Julia Donaldson and David Roberts

classic tale

(Macmillan Children’s Books, R68) This is an original and witty version of two traditional tales and it cleverly shows what happens when two stories become blended into one. The troll longs for a goat, but has to make do with fish for supper instead. Meanwhile, Hank Chief and his pirate crew are digging for treasure, but it seems they keep sailing to the wrong island. The award-winning duo has brilliantly woven together this hilarious and inventive tale.

for early graders Alienography By Chris Riddell (Macmillan Children’s Books, R131) Young boys will be especially fascinated by all the weird aliens in this book, which is rich in comic details and very well illustrated. Packed with revolting aliens and impossible spaceships, it includes novelty elements such as five pull-out postcards, a mini “Who’s What and From Where” booklet and a “Bottom Trumps” card game, which you can play with your child. Fancy shaking hands with a Bubonic Strangler? How about unmasking a Zyglon Tentacle Beast in your wardrobe? No? Then you need this book!


March 2011

My First Book of Southern African Seashore Life and My First Book of Southern African Creepy-Crawlies By Roberta Griffiths and Charmaine Uys (Random House, R80 each) These books introduce young nature-lovers to spiders and other creepy crawlies, as well as creatures and plants found on the beaches along the southern African coastline. Each page features full-colour illustrations with simple text to teach children more about the creatures or plants found on our continent. The text is also translated into Afrikaans, isiZulu and isiXhosa.

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for preteens and teens

for us

The Kingfisher Nature Encyclopedia By David Burnie (Pan Macmillan, R283) There is an incredible diversity of life on earth, from microscopic, single-celled organisms to giant redwoods and blue whales. The Kingfisher Nature Encyclopedia is a beautifully illustrated guide to our world and its inhabitants – both flora and fauna – and will appeal to the whole family. It includes an introduction to the planet, its inhabitants and wildlife habitats, and explores every major plant and animal group on earth. With over 1 000 photographs and illustrations, special features that highlight particular species, their lifestyles and characteristics, this encyclopaedia is not only a pleasure to look at and to read, but also a great research tool.

Braai Masters of the Cape Winelands By Lindsaye McGregor

(Sunbird Publishers, R208) The book offers inspiring yet easy-to-follow braai recipes from local personalities in the Cape Winelands. Each recipe is complemented by expert wine-pairing suggestions. Enjoy Jan “Boland” Coetzee’s rack of yearling lamb paired with some elegant Pinot Noir. Tuck into Schalk Burger senior’s wild Cape boar braai along with a Pinotage-led red or Paul Cluver junior’s can-can chicken with a glass of crisp Chardonnay among others. With plenty of ideas for salads and side dishes, breads, cheese plates, preserves and desserts, this collection of unusual recipes is sure to provide inspiration for the best braais ever.

The Twins and the Antique Chest By DJ Turner

Whatever you Love By Louise Doughty

(Nightingale Books, R118) This is the first book in the Fables of Alphéga series by South African author DJ Turner. Toby Trotter is an ordinary boy living a mundane life in the suburb of Tweeds Downs. He is teased at school and has an annoying twin sister, Tara. One day, Toby’s life is transformed into something magical. Through an antique chest, which belongs to his grandmother, Toby is transported to the world of Alphéga, a far and distant planet. In this amazing world, Toby and Tara set out on an adventure with fairies, elves, horses, eagles and other interesting folk.

(Faber and Faber, R175) This is Doughty’s sixth novel, and as with her first work, she is not afraid to unsettle her readers. The book opens with two police officers knocking on Laura’s door. They tell her that her nine-year-old daughter, Betty, has been hit by a car and killed. When justice is slow, Laura decides to take her own revenge and begins to track down the man responsible. Throughout her search, Laura is also plagued by the past; by her passionate love for Betty’s father and his subsequent desertion of her for another woman.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid – The Ugly Truth By Jeff Kinney

best buy

(Puffin Books, R96) The Ugly Truth is the fifth book in the Wimpy Kid series; and it’s just as hilarious as its predecessors. Greg Heffley is growing up and suddenly he has to deal with the pressures of boy-girl parties, increased responsibility and other awkward changes. And after a big fight with his best friend Rowley, it looks like Greg is going to have to face the ugly truth all by himself… A live-action adaptation of the original Diary of a Wimpy Kid was turned into a movie last year. Suitable for children from age eight up.

magazine cape town

great outdoors

parenting book The Nanny Notebook By Julie Kemsley (Nanny Notebook, R150) Using this diary will result in a detailed record every day of your baby’s life over a three-month period. By making use of the notebook you guarantee that first-aid instructions and emergency contact information is at hand at all times. The book is divided into four main chapters: notes to and from the nanny, a routine chart, emergency information and baby first aid. Order it online at

March 2011



what’s on in march

You can also access the calendar online at

Things to do, places to go, ways to give back, talks and exhibitions plus loads of fun for the whole family. compiled by LUCILLE KEMP

23 wed

special events


FUN for children


only for parents


bump, baby & tot in tow


how to help




Barleycorn Music Festival The Barleycorn Music Club presents its annual music festival with a line-up of original, local music.


March 2011


André Rieu in concert Expect to see the audience jump to their feet and dance in the aisles to the sounds of this classical artist.

bump, baby & tot in tow

how to help

My nanny and me workshop Your childminder learns new and creative ways of spending time with your child.

Missing Children SA is looking for volunteers to assist with searches by distributing flyers, raising awareness at schools about campaigns and special events, organising fundraising events and counselling.

magazine cape town


Cirque du Soleil comes to town. With 50 high-calibre artists hailing from 20 countries you’re assured a spectacular spectacular.


magazine cape town

March 2011



SPECIAL EVENTS 1 tuesday Mummenschanz The members of this Swiss theatre troupe are masters of makebelieve and illusion. By using everyday objects and materials, such as cardboard boxes, rolls of toilet paper, masking tape and refuse bags, they create costumes and masks that transform into fascinating and funny creatures. Ends 19 March. Time: Tuesday–Saturday 8pm, Saturday 2:30pm and Sunday 3pm, schools’ performances 11am. Venue: Baxter Theatre. Cost: R149– R249. Book through Computicket: 083 915 8000 or visit

3 thursday The Grove Primary School open day Time: 9am. Venue: The Grove Primary School, Grove Ave, Claremont. Cost: free. Contact: 021 674 2077 or visit

5 saturday Cape Argus Pick n Pay Mountain Bike Challenge Test your mountain biking skills. Both seasoned mountain bikers and brave newcomers can look forward to a challenging ride. If dirt is not your thing, bring a blanket, relax on the lawns, taste some of the local estate wines and enjoy a great family day out. Distance: Saturday 13km and 25km and Sunday 32km and 52km. Also 6 March. Time: 5 March 25km: 7:30am, 13km: from 8:20am. 6 March 52km: 7:20am, 32km: 7:50am. Venue: Boschendal Wine Estate. Cost: R65–R140. For more info visit theevent.aspx Hout Bay sandcastle competition Building sandcastles is the order of the day but you and the family can also enjoy activities such as face painting, pony rides, balloon art, jumping castles, magic, food stalls and other entertainment. Time: registration for sandcastle building at 8:30am. Venue: Hout Bay beach. Cost: adults R30, children R15. For more info: 021 790 9911, or visit

11 friday Annual Micklefield Market Savour delicious homemade food and participate in lots of fun activities for the whole family.

1 March – Mummenschanz

Time: 4pm–8pm. Venue: Micklefield School, cnr Wood and Sandown Rd, Rondebosch. Cost: free entry. Contact Cheryl: 021 685 6494

12 saturday Cape Argus Pick n Pay Tricycle and Junior Tours The tricycle and junior tours take place the day before the Cape Argus Pick n Pay Cycle Tour, enabling out-of-town cycle tour participants to enter their children. Junior Tour: ages 6–12. Tricycle Tour: ages 2–6 years. Time: 7:30am. Venue: Youngsfield Military Base, Wetton Rd, Wynberg. Cost: R50. Contact Cycle Tour Events: 021 681 4300 or visit Parklands College open day Time: 10am–1:30pm. Venue: Parklands College, 91 Raats and 50 Wood Dr, Parklands. Contact: 021 521 2700 or visit St Joseph’s Marist College Montessori open morning Take your three-yearold along to the practical classroom and experience a Montessori Grade 1–3 and Grade 4–6 class in action. Time: 9:30am– 10:30am. Venue: Rondebosch. Cost: free. For more info: 021 685 6715

13 sunday Cape Argus Pick n Pay Cycle Tour On the second Sunday in March every year, 35 000 cyclists line up to participate in the 110km race, the world’s largest timed cycling event. Time: start times vary. Venue: Cape Peninsula. Cost: varies. For more info: visit

18 friday Cape Town Festival Some of the artists who perform at the festival include Judith Sephuma, Jesse Clegg, The Rockets, Vicky Sampson, Alistair Izobel, The Dirty Skirts and the Cape Town Philharmonic Youth Orchestra. Ends 21 March. Time: 12pm– 8pm daily. Venue: The Company’s Garden. For more info: or visit

19 saturday

11 March – Annual Micklefield Market


March 2011

Wellington Wine Harvest Festival offers live music, food pairings, a country market, a potjiekos competition, quad bike trails, trail running, grape stomping, a vineyard walk and tractor and pony rides. Ends 21 March. Time: varies. Venue: participating Wellington wine farms. Cost: R60, children under 13 years free. Festival armbands are available at all participating farms and the Wellington information office. Special Monday armbands available at R30. Contact: 021 873 4604, info@wellington. or visit magazine cape town

23 wednesday Cirque du Soleil With a cast of 50 highcalibre artists from 20 different countries, the highly acclaimed international entertainment group performs for the first time ever in South Africa. Ends 3 April. Time: 1pm, 4pm, 5pm, 8pm. Venue: Grand Arena, Grand West Casino. Cost: R272–R476. Book through Computicket: 083 915 8000

25 friday

25 fri

Wetpups fun night There are stalls, a beer tent for moms and dads, and a ghost house for those who dare. 25 March. Time: 3:30pm–10:30pm. Venue: Western Province Preparatory School, 49 Newlands Rd, Claremont: Cost: free entry. Contact: 021 761 8074

21 monday Feast of the Grape in Durbanville Hills Stretch out under the shady olive grove as you enjoy festive Italian music. The little ones are entertained with treasure hunts, grape stomping and Cannoneer Gerry will captivate them with the story of the 17th century canon, before firing it at noon. Meet their winemakers in a series of tastings throughout the day. Time: gates open at 10am. Venue: Durbanville Hills. Cost: entry is free but charges apply to wine tastings and winemaker presentations. Booking is essential for the latter. To book contact Simone: 021 558 1300 or SIBrown@

21 March – Feast of the Grape

National Water Week 22 March is World Water Day. The week of 21–28 March focuses on the importance of fresh water. South Africa is hosting the United Nations at the CTICC. For a list of educational and entertainment events and activities visit

The Getaway Show You’ll find more than 200 exhibits showcasing everything you need to plan your next adventure. Visit for food stalls, adventure activities, photography workshops, cheese and wine tastings, 4x4 demos and fun for the children. Ends 27 March. Time: Friday 11am–7pm, Saturday 9am–7pm, Sunday 9am–5pm. Venue: Lourensford Wine Estate, Somerset West. Cost: adults R50, pensioners and students R30, children under 12 years free. Contact Debbie: 021 530 3192 or visit Van Riebeeckstrand Primary Carnival Rides, craft market, extreme sports, food stalls, tea garden, dance, beer garden and more. Also 26 March. Time: Friday 2pm– 10pm, Saturday 9am–4pm. Venue: Van Riebeeckstrand Primary School, Dromedaris St, Melkbosstrand. Cost: free entry. Contact: 021 553 3409 or

26 saturday Support Earth Hour today by switching off your lights between 8:30pm and 9:30pm Nutwood Forest Montessori Preschool family fun day Loads of activities for the whole family including pony rides, jumping castle, games, food, a white-elephant stall, a silent auction and much more. 26 March. For families with children 1–8 years. Time: 10am–2:30pm. Venue: 3 Braemar Rd, Green Point. Cost: R15 for children under 12 years, free for adults and teens. Contact Megan: 021 439 4874 or nutwood.adm@ Red Affair A fun-filled family day with bargains and entertainment. Food is on sale and there are loads of games and activities for everyone. Time: 9am–4pm. Venue: Pinelands North Primary School, Richmond Rd, Pinelands. Cost: free entry. Contact Julie: 082 376 7367 or The Children’s Montessori Workshop family fun day includes pony rides, jumping castle, games, food, a whiteelephant stall, an auction and more. For families with children 1–6 years. Time: 10am–2:30pm. Venue: The Children’s Montessori Workshop. Cost: R15 entry. Contact Nicki: 021 671 7538 or childwork@

25 March – The Getaway Show

magazine cape town

March 2011


calendar including the predator exhibit, kelp forest, the river meander plus frogs and penguins. Time: Monday–Sunday 9:30am–6pm. Venue: Dock Rd, V&A Waterfront. Cost: entry for adults R96, children under 4 years free, 4–13 years R46 and 14–17 years R74. Contact: 021 418 3823, aquarium@ or visit

classes, talks and workshops

Pottery classes

Jan van Riebeeck primary school charity fun day In celebration of the school’s 90th birthday, the school is hosting its first fun run and 15km trail run. A market day follows with crafts stalls, a deli, chef demonstrations, beer tent, music and a safe children’s play area with entertainment from Zip Zap circus. Time: 5am–8pm. Venue: race starts at the sports field in De Hoop Street, Tamboerskloof. Cost: free entry. Contact Lize: 083 630 9661

FUN FOR CHILDREN art, culture and science Clay Café Take your children to this paint-your-own-pottery studio. Time: Monday–Sunday 9am–4pm. Venue: Old


March 2011

Dairy, Oakhurst Farm, Main Rd, Hout Bay. Cost: pay per item. Contact: 021 790 3318 or visit Mosaic art academy Take part in mosaic workshops and learn to design and decorate your own unique mosaic creations. 5 March. Time: 2pm–5pm. Venue: Hout Bay. Cost: adults R200, children R150 including stickon materials. Contact Elke: 072 372 1047 or visit Pottery classes Lissa teaches techniques such as wheel work, handwork, sculpting and glazing. Exciting projects are suggested. Time: Monday–Thursday 3:30pm–5pm. Venue: 26 Skaife St, Scott Estate, Hout Bay. Cost: R75. Contact: 021 790 7643, 082 781 8139 or Two Oceans Aquarium Take the children to see the various exhibits on display

Capsicum Cooking classes Venue: Unit G6, Foyer C, Sunrise Park, Prestige Drive, Pinelands. Contact: 086 111 CHEF (2433). For information on registering for a course: 021 531 6602 or enquiry@ Dads and little cooks sushi making class Time for dads to put on their aprons and join their little cooks. Clinical dietitian Kath is right for the job of encouraging fussy eaters to experiment with new tastes. Age 2–7. 12 March. Time: 9:30am–10:30am. Venue: Life Changers Church, cnr Echium and Raats Dr, Tableview. Cost: R120. Contact Kath: 021 554 4959, megawlk@ or visit Little Chefs cooking certificate course Your child develops food planning, preparation and serving skills. For children 7–14 years. Time: Tuesday and Friday 3pm–5pm. Venue: Life Changers Church, cnr Echium and Raats Drive. Cost: call to enquire. Contact Kath: 021 554 4959, or visit

Little Cooks Club Durbanville cooking classes Cooking programme course 2 for children 7–14 years. 4–25 March. Time: every Friday 2:30pm–4:30pm. Cost: R700 for the four-week course, which includes a folder for recipes. Little Cooks Club Saturday classes for children 2–7 years. 5 and 19 March. Time: 9:30am–10:30am. Cost: R90 per lesson. Venue: Little Cooks

Circus Show The show includes trapeze, contortionist, man in the bottle, acrobatics and a clown. Time: every Friday and Saturday 7:30pm– 9:45pm. Venue: 2 Willow Rd, Hartleyvale Stadium, Observatory. Cost: adults R30, children R20. Contact: 021 692 4287 or visit

magazine cape town

10am–11am. All ages 2–10 years every Saturday 10am–11am. Cost: R595 per term (7 weeks) or R90 per class if space available. Contact Chene: 083 649 7405, chene@ or visit

family outings

Tots n Pots

Club Northern Suburbs: 3 Vlei St, Aurora, Durbanville. Contact Lisa: 073 227 3404 or Short Chefs Saturday cooking classes for children. 5 and 26 March. Time and cost: 9am–10am (Wiggly Whisks class 2–3 years) R90; 11am–12:30pm (Swirly Spoons class 4–7 years) R120. Venue: 179 Circle Rd, Tableview. Contact: 072 430 8813, 083 378 6470 or Tots n Pots Constantia Week of 1 March: Banana Peanut Butter Muffins. Week of 7 March: Avo Feta Bites. Week of 14 March: Pumpkin Choc Chip Muffins. Little Chefs 3–6 years every Wednesday and Thursday 3pm– 4pm. Tiny Tots 2–3 years every Thursday

magazine cape town

Barleycorn Music Festival 2011 The Barleycorn Music Club presents its annual music festival with a line-up of local, original music. Musicians include The Louise Day Band, The Jack Mantis Band, The Stremes, Meri Kenaz, Jasper Dick, The Bone Collectors, Matthew Roux, Mother City Mojo and The Derek Leisegang Band. Food and drinks on sale (or bring a picnic) plus there are activities for the children, including a jumping castle and face painting. 5 March. Time: 2pm–10pm. Venue: Maynardville Amphitheatre, Church St, Wynberg. Cost: adults R60, students R30, under 12s free. Contact Martin: 082 493 1564, or visit Family bring-and-braai There are activities for children and parents as well as a sleepover for the children. For children 2 years and older. 18 March. Time: 4pm– 7pm; sleepover ends at 8am the following morning. Venue: Gordons Sports Centre, Hill Park Lane, Mowbray. Cost: sleepover is R85. Contact: 021 686 9213, info@ or visit Hout Bay sandcastle competition 5 March. Time: registration for sandcastle

building is 8:30am. Venue: Hout Bay Beach. Cost: adults R30, children R15 to enter the competition. For more info: 021 790 9911, or visit Noordhoek Farm Village Activities are held every Saturday. 5 March “Crazy cookie making”, 12 March “Recycable crafts”, 19 March “Puppet mania” and 26 March “Games”. Time: 10:30am–12:30pm. Venue: The Bandstand, Noordhoek Farm Village. Cost: free. Contact: 021 789 2812 or visit Paul Cluver Forest Amphitheatre concert South African favourites, Freshlyground, is performing. 12 March. Time: gates open at 5pm. Venue: Paul Cluver Amphitheatre, N2 Kromco turn off, Grabouw. Cost: R295 for entry only or

R405 for entry and picnic basket. Contact: 021 844 0605 or visit

finding nature and outdoor play Butterfly World Free-flying exotic butterflies feel right at home here. Time: Monday–Sunday 9am–5pm. Venue: Route 44, near Klapmuts. Cost: adults R43, children over 3 years R25, families (two adults, two children) R111. Contact: 021 875 5628 or visit Giraffe House Spy on vervet monkey, giraffe, zebra, Nile crocodile, ostrich and Eqyptian geese. Time: Monday–Sunday 9am–5pm. Venue: The Giraffe House Wildlife Awareness Centre, cnr R304 and R101. Cost: adults R45, children 2–15 years R25. For more info: visit

5 March – Hout Bay sandcastle competition

March 2011



Book Lounge story time Every Saturday. 5, 12, 19, 26 March. Time: 11am. Venue: 71 Roeland St, Cape Town. Cost: free. Contact: 021 462 2425, or visit

Hanepoot picking Pick deliciously sweet Hanepoot grapes until 12 March. Time: Monday–Saturday 8am–4pm. Venue: De Krans Wine Cellar, Calitzdorp. Cost: call to enquire. Contact: 044 213 3314 or Intaka Island Nature Reserve A 16hectare wetland and bird sanctuary in the middle of Century City. Take a leisurely ferry ride on the Grand Canal. Time: Monday– Sunday 7:30am–5pm. Ferry-ride time: 10am–4pm. Venue: cnr Summer Greens Rd and Century Boulevard, Century City. Cost: adults R8, children 3–12 years R4, family ticket (two adults, three children) R20. Ferry-ride cost: adults R20, children 3–12 years R10. Contact: 021 552 6889

markets Annual Micklefield Market 11 March. Time: 4pm–8pm. Venue: Micklefield School, cnr Wood and Sandown Rd, Rondebosch. Cost: free entry. Contact Cheryl: 021 685 6494 Ceramics SA Potters Market Mugs, jugs, plates, bowls and many other functional and decorative items are on display and for sale. Potters from many parts of the Cape Peninsula and Boland converge on the park to set up stalls offering their wares. There is a food zone and an area for children to play with clay. 19 March. Time: 8am–3pm. Venue: Rondebosch Park, cnr Sandown and Campground Rds, Rondebosch. Contact Iris: 021 715 5530 or Holistic Lifestyle Fair First Sunday of the month. A popular monthly showcase featuring 120-plus holistic, natural, esoteric, ecofriendly, healthy and

alternative exhibitors. Time: 10am–4pm. Venue: Observatory Community and Recreation Centre, corners of Station, Lower Main, Collingwood and Drake Str, Observatory. Cost: adults R10, under 12 years free. Contact: 083 332 9785 or Nitida Farmers’ Market Ready-to-eat or takeaway food with the accompaniment of award-winning Nitida wines. Pancakes and handmade chocolates are on the dessert menu. This and more is available from 45 specially selected stalls. 25 and 26 March. Time: Friday 5pm–9:30pm and Saturday 8am–12:30pm. Venue: Nitida Cellars, M13, Durbanville. Cost: free entry. Contact Getha: 083 651 0699, or visit The Quadrant Market Open every Saturday. Time: 10am–2pm. Venue: Library Square, Wilderness Rd, Claremont. Contact Tanya: 076 252 4333 or Tanya@

on stage and screen Buzz & Tell premieres Perfect for preschoolers, Buzz & Tell is a fun and entertaining question-and-answer show that sees a team of puppet contestants battle it out to win points, overseen by a walrus quiz master. Time: 8:10am and 2:35pm on CBeebies (channel 306 on DStv). Children’s Afrikaans and English theatre 6 March: Little Red Riding Hood, 13 March: Raponsie, 20 March: Adolph Wolf and the three little pigs, 27 March: Hansie en Grietjie. Time: every Sunday 12pm. Venue: Delvera, cnr Muldersvlei and R44, Stellenbosch. Cost: R40. Contact: 021 884 4353 Mummenschanz 1–19 March.Time: Tuesday– Saturday 8pm, Saturday 2:30pm and Sunday 3pm, schools’ performances 11am. Venue: Baxter Theatre. Cost: R149–R249. Book through Computicket: 083 915 8000 or visit

playtime and story time

The Quadrant Market


March 2011

Bizzy Bodies Time: Monday– Saturday 10am–5pm. Venue: Bizzy Bodies, 23 Bell Crescent, Westlake Business Park, Tokai. magazine cape town

Ceramics SA Potters Market

Cost: R40 for one hour. Contact: 021 702 0505, or visit Bloubergstrand Library story time Certain Mondays and Wednesdays for 10–15 minutes. Call to enquire. Ideal for 8- and 9year-olds but the library does accommodate older children. Time: from 3pm. Venue: Andrew Foster Rd, Bloubergstrand. Cost: free. Contact: 021 554 1641 Brackenfell Library story time Every Wednesday, excluding school holidays. Activities included. For children 3 years and older but can accept younger children. Time: 10:30am–11:30am. Venue: Paradys St. Cost: free. Contact: 021 980 1261 Bugz Family Playpark Time: Monday– Sunday 9am–5pm. Venue: Bugz Playpark, Kraaifontein. Cost: R20, babies that can’t yet walk and pensioners get free entry. Contact: 021 988 8836 or bugzparty@ Durbanville Library story time First Thursday of the month. Time: 10:30am– 11am. Venue: Oxford Rd. Cost: free. Contact: 021 970 3094 Eikendal Library story time Every Tuesday and Thursday. Time: 10:30am–11:30am. Venue: Van Riebeeck Way, Kraaifontein. Cost: free. Contact: 021 980 6160 Fish Hoek Library story time Also a craft hour every Friday morning at 11am for preschoolers. Venue: Civic Centre, Recreation Rd, Fish Hoek. Contact for library: 021 784 2030 Folio Books story time Suitable for ages 3–9 years. 5 March. Time: 10:30am. Venue: Folio Books, 207 Main Rd, Newlands, opposite Westerford High. Cost: free. Contact: 021 685 7190 or foliobooks@ Hip-hop and funky T-shirt making workshop Get a taste of how to do hiphop and then paint your own T-shirt to match your new moves. For 6–12 years. 5 March. Time: 10am–12pm. Schedule: 10am–11am hip-hop demonstration and class, 11am–12pm painting of funky Tshirts. Venue: Me-time Centre, 55 Somerset Rd, Somerset Square, Green Point. Cost: R120 (includes T-shirt and light snack). Contact: 021 418 1573, 082 491 0389, or visit Hout Bay Library story time Every Friday for children 2–5 years. A movie is usually magazine cape town

screened after the story. Time: 10am– 11am. Venue: Melkhout Crescent. Cost: free. Contact: 021 790 2150 Jimmy Jungles Indoor Adventure Playground Time: Monday–Sunday 9am. Venue: Bellville and Claremont. Cost: from R35. Contact: 021 914 1705 or info@ Kidz Discovery Club Age-appropriate, professional baby-and-toddler and motherand-child groups. Art and tactile exploration, language, fine- and gross-motor development, visual motor play, funky experiments and fabulous fun learning for children 3 months to 4,5 years. Time and cost: call to enquire. Venue: The Drive, Camps Bay. Contact Kathy: 083 654 2494, info@kidzdiscovery. or visit Kloof Street Library story hour Monday 3pm–3:30pm (ages 2 and older) with a little Afrikaans thrown in. Contact: 021 424 3308 Kraaifontein Library Afrikaans and English story time for children 2–10 years. Call Nelia to enquire beforehand. Time: Wednesday 10am. Venue: Brighton Rd. Contact: 021 980 6209 Little Birdy Bookshop story time Every Saturday and Sunday. Time: 12:30pm. Venue: Main Rd, Greyton. Cost: free. Contact: 079 350 9658 Rondebosch Library story time Every Wednesday and Friday for preschoolers from 3–5 years. Time: 10am. Venue: St Andrews Rd. Contact: 021 689 1100 Somerset West Library For more info contact children’s librarian Paige: 021 850 4458 or 021 850 4526/7 Supakids creative art and craft workshops Activities include different painting techniques from finger painting, sponge printing, easels, drawing, colouring, play dough, clay work, sticking and cutting, and craft activities. Each class ends with a drink, snack and free playtime. Time: 3pm–5pm on Wednesday for 2–3 years, Thursday for 4–5 years and Friday for 6–7 years. Venue: Supakids, Supafun, Paddocks Shopping Centre, Milnerton. Cost: R95 per class. Contact Sherree: 021 552 4776, or visit

sport and physical activities Action paintball Go down to Imhoff Farm for a fun-filled day. Time: Monday–Sunday 9:15am–12:45pm or 1:15pm–4:45pm. Venue: Tokai Forest. Cost: call to enquire. Contact: 021 790 7603, info@actionpursuit. or visit Cape Argus Pick n Pay Cycle Tour 13 March. Time: start times vary. Venue: Cape Peninsula. Cost: R275. PPA members get a R30 discount. For more info: visit

Nitida Farmers’ Market March 2011



Cape Argus Pick n Pay Tricycle and Junior Tours Junior Tour: 6–12 years. Tricycle Tour: 2–6 years. 12 March. Time: 7:30am. Venue:




Wetton Rd, Wynberg. Cost: R50. Contact Cycle Tour Events: 021 681 4300 or visit

Cape Argus Pick n Pay Mountain Bike Challenge Distance: Saturday 13km and 25km and Sunday 32km and 52km. Time: 5 March 25km: 7:30am, 13km: from 8:20am. 6 March 52km: 7:20am, 32km: 7:50am. Venue: Boschendal Wine Estate. Cost: R65–R140. For more info: visit Children’s capoeira An Afro-Brazilian martial art for children; combining dance, music, acrobatics and culture. Age 5 years and older. Time: every Saturday 10am–11am. Venue: 53 Castle St. Cost: R300 per month. Contact Sofia: 071 107 0973, or visit

City Rock Time: Monday–Thursday 9am–9pm, Friday 9am–6pm, Saturday and Sunday 10am–6pm. Venue: cnr Collingwood and Anson Rd, Observatory. Cost: adults from R80, children from R55. Contact: 021 447 1326 Full moon hike Enjoy the sunset over Table Mountain with views of the winelands on top of Klapmutskoppie. Walk this marked hiking trail through the Renosterveld Conservancy with friends and family. 19 March. Time: arrive at Trail Centre by 5pm. Venue: Dirtopia Trail Centre, Delvera Farm, R44 between Stellenbosch and Klapmuts. Cost: adults R50, children under 10 years R20. Contact: 021 884 4752, or visit Gary’s Surf School Time: 9am, 11am, 2pm. Venue: Surfer’s Corner, 34 Balmoral Building, Beach Rd, Muizenberg. Cost: adults R500, children R400, with full-day equipment rental. Contact: 021 788 9839,

083 324 5110, or visit Modern dance classes The classes are run by Primary Dance every Tuesday afternoon. Time: 5–7 years 3pm–4pm; 8–10 years 3:30pm–4:30pm; 11–13 years 4pm–5pm. Venue: 3 Wherry Rd, Muizenberg. Cost: R320 per term or R50 for a once-off session. Contact: 021 788 3070 or visit Ask about mom’s day off and toddler play dates on Tuesday and Thursday. Roxy Surf School An all-girls surf school. Time: call to enquire. Venue: Green building, Surfer’s Corner, Muizenberg beachfront. Cost: tbc. Contact Robin: 021 788 8687, or visit Rugby Tots Rugby instruction classes for children 2–7 years. For time, venue and cost contact: 079 972 1641, jp@rugbytots. or visit South African National Circus School Children’s classes. Time: every Wednesday 3pm–4:30pm. Venue: Hartleyvale Stadium,

Action Paintball

Observatory. Cost: R30. Contact: 021 692 4287 or visit The Ice Station Time: varies. Venue: GrandWest Casino. Cost: R25–R38, spectators R10. For more info: visit

only for parents classes, talks and workshops Adult scrapbooking classes 1, 3, 7, 8, 10, 14, 15, 19, 22, 28, 31 March. Time: 9:30am–12:30pm or 6pm–9pm. 19 March is an all-nighter: 8pm–8am. Venue: The Scrapbook, Shop 6 Belvedere Square, Belvedere Rd, Claremont. Cost: call to enquire. Contact: 021 674 6425 or CPR and first-aid training courses Accredited course for adults, children and infants. Time: selected Wednesdays and Saturdays, call to enquire. Venues: Cape Town Medi-Clinic, Hof St, Oranjezicht and Intercare Medical Centre, Parklands. Cost: R250. Contact: 021 300 0661, or for more info visit Itz Van Allez crafting workshops 25 and 26 March. Time: 7:15am–5:15pm. Venue: AGS Church, Voortrekker Rd, Belville. Cost: R495 per day. Contact: 021 911 0962, 082 452 4524, surika@mweb. or visit Kundalini yoga classes A style of yoga that includes yoga and meditation. For

family marketplace


March 2011

magazine cape town

Children’s capoeira

16 years and older. Time: every Saturday 12pm–1:30pm. Venue: St. Joseph’s Marist College, 21 Belmont Rd, Rondebosch. Cost: R175 for four classes. Contact Jai: 021 685 1257 or visit Modern Mom Meet-up Group Tableview Meet fellow moms with children up to 12 years. The gatherings offer play dates, outings, family fun days and support from other moms. Time: every Wednesday 11am–12pm. Venue: varies. Cost: free. Contact: 073 216 2717 Nanny training for au pairs and caregivers. Each attendee must complete four sessions. Time: tbc Tuesday and

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Thursday mornings. Venue: Cape Town Medi-Clinic and Intercare Medical Centre, Parklands. Cost: R1 480. Individual tuition can be arranged at the employer’s home at an additional cost. Contact: 021 300 0661, or visit Nice Touch domestics cooking classes 22 March: basic domestic classes start. 23 March: advanced domestic classes start. Time: every Tuesday and Wednesday for four weeks 9am–12:30pm. Venue: St James Church Hall, St James Rd, Sea Point. Cost: R1 250 for four weeks. Contact Janis: 021 434 1721, 082 319 9215, or visit Sugar and Spice nanny training The course empowers your domestic worker with all the essential skills and knowledge she needs to care for your baby and young children. Content includes first aid, understanding routines, hygiene, nutrition, games and activities. 2 March: course starts in Claremont, for four Wednesday afternoons. 8 March: course starts in Panorama, for four Tuesday afternoons. Contact Caithe: 071 366 4725, or visit The Five Love Languages of Children Understanding your child’s love language and how it can be nurtured. 22 March. Time: 7pm–8pm. Venue: Urban Edge, Durbanville. Cost: free, RSVP by 16 March. Contact Angelique: 021 553

5858, Enquire about the ‘Sibling Success Workshop’ on 5 March.

on stage and screen André Rieu in concert Expect to see the audience jump to their feet and dance in the aisles to the sounds of this classical artist. 11–13 March. Time: 11 March 8pm, 12 March 8pm and 13 March 6pm. Venue: Grand Arena, Grand West Casino. Cost: R400–R1 050. Book through Computicket: 083 915 8000 or for more info visit Carmen Bizet’s eternally popular homage to Spanish music, women and passion returns in a grandly traditional staging by Michael Williams. For opera fans 10 years and older. 9, 12, 15, 17, 19 March.

Time: 7:30pm. Venue: Artscape Opera House. Cost: R100–R350. Contact: 021 410 9807, or visit Jeremy Taylor in concert He returns to Cape Town for a series of 18 concerts. “Ag pleez daddy” go and see him. 2–20 March. Time: Wednesday–Sunday 8:30pm. Saturday matinees 2:30pm, Sunday 7:30pm. Venue: Kalk Bay Theatre, 52 Main Rd, Kalk Bay. Cost: R125. Contact: 073 220 5430

out and about Album launch CrossOva by Yolanda Yawa Former vocalist with Coda launches her first solo album on 31 March. Time: 7pm. Venue: Cape Quarter Square, Green Point. Cost: free. Contact Linet: linet@

Kundalini yoga classes

March 2011



Jeremy Taylor in concert

Book launch of Mettle by Rupert Smith 3 March. Time: 5:30pm. Venue: Bay Bookshop, Cape Quarter, Green Point. Contact Linet: 021 557 0246 or linet@ Moms’ morning This pampering day includes insightful equine-assisted growth and learning activities (no horse riding). The day also includes reflexology, massages and quantum wellness. 5 March. Time: 9am–12pm. Venue: Clara Anna Fontein, Durbanville. Cost: R250, snacks included. RSVP by 28 February. Contact: 021 553 4348 or Naked Lunch A solo exhibition by Roelof Louw, an artist of international prominence. He initially began making screen prints as a complement to his 2006 exhibition of neon works, Who the Villains. 15 March–23 April. Time: varies. Venue: 34FineArt, Buchanan Square, Woodstock. Cost: free. Contact: 021 461 1863 or visit Super Plants Garden Talk 2 March: Autumn splendour leafy colour, 9 March: Creating that talking point, 16 March: Shade cover and colour, 23 March: Transition annuals, 30 March: Conifer health. Time: every Wednesday 10am. Venue: Bothasig. Cost: free. Contact: 021 558 0190

support groups Autism Action Cape Town Contact: 078 578 7958, or visit Autism South Africa 021 557 3573, or visit Cancer Care support group Held on the first Tuesday of every month. Time: 5:30pm. Venue: Panorama Medi-Clinic. Cost: free. Contact Emerentia: 021 930 4245 or


March 2011

CANSA Support for those with cancer and their family members. Contact: 0800 226 622 (toll-free) or 021 689 5381 (8am– 4:30pm weekdays), or visit Childhood Cancer Foundation of South Africa (CHOC) Helps parents to meet other parents and survivors. For more info: visit Compassionate Friends of Cape Town meetings for bereaved parents, grandparents and siblings 2 March: Milnerton Medi-Clinic 8pm, 14 March: Constantiaberg Medi-Clinic 8pm, 16 March: Red Cross Hospital 3pm, 22 March: Bellville Library 6:30pm. Contact: 0861 CARING 084 568 8402, support@tcfcape. or visit Down Syndrome SA 0861 369 672, or visit LGBT parents support group For gay and lesbian parents and parents-to-be there are regular meetings to exchange ideas and experiences. Contact the Triangle Project: 021 448 3812, Healht2@triangle. or visit Little People of South Africa – Cape Town supports those with dwarfism as well as their families. Time: 2pm every third Saturday of the month. Venue: Bethany Fellowship, 225 Lansdowne Rd, Claremont. Cost: free. Contact Rachelle: 082 366 8074 or Safe Schools call centre Educators, learners and parents can call the toll-free number to report violence, sexual abuse, alcohol and drug abuse, vandalism and/or to report corruption in schools. The call centre also provides information on HIV/ Aids, racism and pregnancy. Operators can assist callers in Afrikaans, English and isiXhosa. Time: Monday–Friday 8am– 7:30pm. Contact: 0800 454 647 Selective Mutism support group For individuals or families who are experiencing anxiety or who have a child or relative with selective mutism or other anxiety disorder. For more info: supportgroup@ South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG) For counselling queries contact: To contact a counsellor Monday–Sunday 8am–8pm: 011 262 6396. For a suicidal emergency contact: 0800 567 567

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Speak Easy stuttering support groups Contact Heather: or visit SpiritedKidZ LearnsPace Committed to those with learning differences and physical challenges. Contact: 082 854 1300, info@ or visit Tourette’s syndrome support Nicolette (Durbanville) 083 292 5481 and Chuki (Somerset West) 082 924 4909 provide telephonic support and advice to parents of children with Tourette’s syndrome on where to go for professional help. Western Cape Bipolar Support Association (northern suburbs) The group meets on the first Tuesday of every month. Time: 7:30pm. Venue: Claro Clinic, Douglas St, N1 City. Contact Jay: 072 424 1812 or Michelle: 082 412 4448, info@ or visit Western Cape Bipolar Support Association (southern suburbs) The group meets on the third Tuesday of every month. Time: 7:30pm. Venue: Crescent Clinic, 269 Main Rd, Kenilworth. Contact Jay: 072 424 1812 or Michelle: 082 412 4448 or

Reach for Recovery breast cancer support group Fourth Thursday of every month excluding December. 24 March. Time: 10am. Cancer Association, 37A Main Rd, Mowbray. Cost: free. Contact Anne: 078 342 6979,

bump, baby & Tot in tow

or visit

classes, talks and workshops Baby Hands parent workshop Ideal for babies 5–30 months. 15 March. Time: 9:30am–11:30am. Venue: Protea Valley, Bellville. Cost: R560, including DVD with 160 SA signs and a workshop manual. Contact Clea: 021 913 8662, 084 207 6900, clea@ or visit Me-a-Mama antenatal classes Starts first Saturday of each month and runs for four weeks. Midwife Emma Numanoglu prepares you for whatever labour option you choose as well as for the early days at home with your baby. Time: Saturday 10am–12pm. Venue: Rondebosch. Cost: R1 200. Contact: antenatal@meamama. or visit Mommy and Me Offers developmental workshops to mothers with babies or toddlers. Each session focuses on fineand gross-motor development, music and movement, language enrichment, and sensory integration through age-appropriate and creative activity. 5 months–3 years. Time: varies. Venue: 36 Avenue Normandie, Fresnaye. Cost: R950–R1 000 for eight classes. Contact Leila: 083 969 2625 Musisize classes for babies and toddlers Music and movement for children 6 months to 3 years through action songs, singing, movement, nursery rhymes, playing instruments, hand puppets and bubbles. The classes develop a sense of rhythm and timing, aid movement and coordination, help with social skills and build vocabulary. Time: call to enquire. Venue: 1 Mount Nelson Rd, Sea Point. Cost: R350 per month. Contact: 084 409 1683, or visit Paediatric first-aid training for parents, grandparents, preschool teachers and caregivers. Time: every Saturday 10am– 4pm. Venue: varies in the Cape Peninsula. Cost: R220; includes certificate, handbook magazine cape town

and emergency key ring. Contact Vicky or Oliver: 021 761 6166, or visit Parent Centre moms-to-be and moms-and-babies group meets every Thursday. Time: 10am–12pm. Venue: Kingsbury Maternity Hospital, 2nd floor, Wilderness Rd, Claremont. Cost: R40; includes refreshments. Contact: 021 762 0116 or Postnatal programme includes the partner’s role, creating and adapting a new lifestyle with baby, emotions and more issues. Time: Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Venue: Intercare Medical Centre, Parklands or at a venue of your choice. Cost: R350 per couple. Contact: 021 300 0661, or visit The Mama Bamba Way weekend workshop Birth-preparation classes for creating an empowering, transformative birth experience for women, their partners and their babies. The course consists of 15 hours of group instruction. Maximum six couples per class. 19 and 20 March. Time: 10am–5pm daily. Venue: Mama Bamba, 101 St James Place, 39 St James St, Vredehoek. Cost: R1 800 per couple. Contact Robyn: 021 461 8257 or visit

playtime and story time My nanny and me workshop Your au pair, childminder or nanny learns new and creative ways of spending time with your child from 18 months. Nannies and children work together and learn new techniques of play that assist your child’s creative development. 10 March. Time: 9am–12pm. Venue: Me-time Centre, 55 Somerset Rd, Somerset Square, Green Point. Cost: R300 for childminder and child; includes light snacks and a book. Contact: 021 418 1573, or visit March 2011


calendar Bizzy Bodies Children under 15 months enter free if parents use the coffee shop. Time: 10am–5pm. Venue: Bizzy Bodies, 23 Bell Crescent, Westlake Business Park, Tokai.

children. They also need financial support mainly for salaries and also for printing and communication (faxes, telephones and internet). Contact: office 021 950 1546,

Contact: 021 702 0505, info@bizzybodies. or visit Clamber Club These toddler groups are divided into three age groups for children between 9 months and 3 years. The baby group are for babies between 2 and 12 months. Activities focus on movement. Branches in the City Bowl, Somerset, Blouberg and Paarl. For more info: visit Jimmy Jungles Secure facilities for toddlers and children from 6 months of age. Branches in Claremont and Tyger Valley. Contact head office: 021 914 1705 or Kloof Street Library toddler story time Tuesday 9:30am–10am (0–2 years) with a little Afrikaans thrown in. Contact: 021 424 3308 Observatory Library story time Every Wednesday for children 1–4 years. Time: 11am–11:30am. Venue: Station Rd. Cost: free. Contact: 021 447 9017 Planet Kids baby play date for moms and dads with 6- to 12-month-olds to socialise together. Time: Friday mornings 10am–12pm. As they only charge from 10 months old the younger babies and their parents can come in for free. Venue: 3 Wherry Rd, Muizenberg. Cost: 6–9 months free, 10- to 12-month-olds charged R20– R22 for a once-off session (depending on their age) or R67–R86 for a monthly card of four two-hour sessions. Contact: 021 788 3070 or visit Plinka Plonka Play Indoor play area. Time: summer weekdays 9am–5:30pm, weekends 9am–1pm. Venue: 171 Buitenkant St, Gardens. Cost: children under one year enter free, one year and older pay R40 for the first hour. Contact: 021 465 0503, playatplinkaplonka@gmail. com or visit Sea Point Library story time Every Wednesday 10am–11am for preschoolers and younger. Contact: 021 439 7440/1 The Playshed Features a baby coupé where they can crawl and roll as well as a special place for children under 3. Contact: 021 801 0141/2 or playshed@

general enquiries 072 705 2407 Monte Christo Ministries (MCM) is a Paarl-based NGO, which focuses on community upliftment projects such as feeding schemes, HIV/Aids programmes, orphanages and youth sports ministries. In order to reach financial sustainability and to support Monte Christo Ministries, the Trust operates a farm and is looking to expand its current hospitality facilities. They need funding for their agricultural development, potential investors in fractured ownership chalets and donations. Contact: 022 931 2846, or visit South African Riding for the Disabled Association (SARDA) Calls for cyclists who are already registered with the Cape Argus Cycle Tour on 13 March to cycle for charity in the SARDA cycle shirt. The SARDA cycle shirts are manufactured by Second Skins. The first 100 shirts are free. Contact Henrietta: 021 794 6191 or Sarda is also calling volunteers of all ages to volunteer time during the school term to assist with horse riding lessons for the disabled. For more info contact Andrea: 021 794 4393 or The TygerBear Foundation for traumatised children and families helps victims of sexual, physical and emotional abuse, terminal illnesses and chronic diseases, HIV/Aids, nutritional diseases, neglect, poisoning, abandonment, violence, suicide attempts, substance abuse, and vehicle and pedestrian accidents. They are in constant need of clothes, toiletries and food for those they assist. Contact: 021 931 6702 or if you would like to contribute a parcel with clothes, toiletries and other necessities, visit


March 2011

Appeal for the Red Affair

support groups Adoption Support Group Contact Jean: 084 685 4839 or Cleft lip and palate support For telephonic, professional advice and referral from a speech therapist with years of experience in cleft lip and palate. Contact Ros: 021 404 6459 Cleft Friends Support parents with babies born with cleft lips and palates. Contact: Hi Hopes Programme offers families of deaf babies home-based, family-centered support and information. Contact Renee: 021 938 6066, 076 891 8188 or devilliers. La Leche League’s breastfeeding support groups For dates call to enquire. Panorama, contact Carol: 021 558 5319 or Irma: 084 258 8203. Durbanville, contact Trudy: 021 913 2816 or Tiffany: 021 913 3586. Parow, contact Dilshaad: 021 930 2475. Time: 10am. Cost: free entry. Pregnant and nursing mothers are welcome to attend. Little Miracles Is a new support group for parents of premature babies (previously SA Preemies). Contact: 0861 LITTLE, 0861 548 853, 012 333 5359, or visit Postnatal Depression Support Association The organisation offers help for moms, help for family and help in pregnancy. You can also join the chat group. Contact the national help-line: sms ‘help’ and your name to 082 882 0072 and they will contact you, or help@pndsa. Head office: 021 797 4498 or visit

how to help Appeal for the Red Affair Are you planning to clean out your cupboards and do some de-cluttering? Pinelands North Primary School holds their Red-a-Fair on 26 March and is looking for donations of bric-a-brac, books and old clothes. Contact Julie: 082 376 7367 or to arrange collection. HOKISA Cares for children infected with or affected by HIV/Aids who cannot be looked after by their family. While at HOKISA, children receive educational, nutritional and medical care as well as counselling where possible. Regular holidays and outings are arranged and children are encouraged to participate in sports, art and cultural activities. Monetary donations are needed: R200 sponsors a child’s birthday present, R250 sponsors school transport for a week while R6 192 feeds a family for a year. For more info: visit Missing Children SA Needs volunteers. Register on the mailing list to assist with searches by distributing flyers when a child goes missing, raising awareness at schools about campaigns and special events, organising fundraising events, administration, counselling for parents or

don’t miss out! For a free listing, email your event to or fax it to 021 462 2680. Information must be received by 2 March for the April issue, and must include all relevant details. No guarantee can be given that it will be published. To post an event online, visit

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it’s party time For more help planning your child’s party visit

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March 2011


it’s party




March 2011

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magazine cape town

March 2011


last laugh

bliss pockets SAM WILSON savours those bubbles of time when it feels as if life just couldn’t be better.


March 2011

fantastic 11-year-old Joe who brought me back down to earth with an Om. “I like life best when you can actually feel the little pockets of bliss that string it together,” he said to me a while back, in that companionable voice children use when gobsmacking you. “What do you mean, Joe?” I asked. “Well, take this moment,” he said. “We’re lying on the couch in a pool of sunlight all snuggled together, reading books we like. If you think about it, it’s a bubble of bliss, isn’t it? And earlier when we took the dogs for that nice walk in the forest...” “Before or after Odie Rocketboots rolled in that other dog’s poo?” I asked, a bit sceptical. “Oh definitely only before,” said Joe, with a straight face. “Before the poo moment,

when we were walking up the stream hunting tadpoles, that was a bliss pocket.” Readers, how lovely is that notion? I think it’s fantastic. Not only does it light up all the important bits, but the idea of stringing them together into a life that resembles Christmas lights all year around is deeply appealing to me. As you know, at dinner every night we try to play Best and Worst, where each family member shares the highest and lowest moments of their day. While this game has served us well for years – or at least until Benj figured out he could say, “My best is that I have no worsts” – I prefer the new habit of drawing attention to Bliss Pockets. And it’s catching on in our family. The other day we were playing a boisterous game of Cluedo (or as we like to call it J’accuse!) and Benj, while brandishing Col

Mustard indignantly in the air (“I didn’t! I couldn’t wield a dagger in the kitchen! I am a Mild-Mannered Mustard!”), suddenly fell back on his cushion and roared, “Bliss pocket!” At which point, we all tickled him in agreement. Isn’t it funny how the best bits of life are the most transient? I think that’s why I love the bliss-pocket idea so much – it not only recognises and reinforces that, but it acknowledges that it’s getting a fair number of them in that makes all the hurly-burly worth it. No matter how fast life flies by. Here’s to gathering bliss pockets, while we may. Sam Wilson is the Editor-in-Chief of Parent24, Women24 and Food24. Secretly, she has always been this mushy.

magazine cape town



ow that 2011 has worked up a little momentum, Andreas and I are struggling to hold on to the sense that we are doing any more than simply, well, holding on. First it’s March, then it’s June... and then 21-yearold Joey’s apologising for having pranged the car during a midnight joyride. It’s all just going too fast. If I didn’t know it would end so badly, I’d be tempted to find an all-white hospital room where, like Sylvia Plath, I could just lie still outside of time for a bit, sneering occasionally at tulips. But while I have been trying my best to fix the problem proactively – buying more time by finally kicking my social-smoking habit (hold thumbs that it’s still true by the time this goes to print) and slowing time down by trying to meditate – it was the still

Joe, Sam and Benj

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