Child Magazine | Durban September 2010

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SEPTEMBER 2010 Issue 37 Circulation 40 028

D U R B A N ’ s

b e s t

g u i d e

f o r

p ar e n t s

spring-clean & donate

charities that need those things you don’t

planet fun ecofriendly projects for your children

creative parenting building connection through family rituals

spring into action health



We have just moved house,


As many of you’ll agree, moving is not for the faint-hearted. But the upside is that it gives you the opportunity to re-organise your belongings, which can, in effect, re-define your life. Deep thoughts, perhaps, for one who’s somewhat sleep deprived and still surrounded by a mountain of cardboard. Looking at all the boxes I can’t help wondering what it is that I really need – more cupboard space or fewer summer dresses, swimming towels and soccer balls? I’ve lived without much of what still needs to be unpacked for a year now – it’s all been in storage – so why can’t I simply carry on without these things? Which is why I so love this month’s resource: spring-clean and donate (see page 24). I will be keeping it handy as I follow my organiser’s tips and empty the boxes into Keep, Throw and Donate piles. It feels good to be simplifying my life and enhancing someone else’s. Give it a try, and see if you discover, like I have: that spring-cleaning is as good for your soul as it is for your home!

Hunter House P U B L IS H I N G

Publisher Lisa Mc Namara •

Editorial Managing Editor Marina Zietsman • Features Editor Elaine Eksteen • Resource Editor Tamlyn Vincent • Editorial Assistant Lucille Kemp •

monthly circulation Cape Town’s ChildTM 45 228 Joburg’s ChildTM 45 418 Durban’s ChildTM 40 028

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All our magazines are printed on recycled paper.

Free requested Apr 10 – Jun 10

Durban’s Child TM is published monthly by Hunter House Publishing, PO Box 12002, Mill Street, 8010. Office address: 1st Floor, MB House, 641 Ridge Road, Overport, 4091. Tel: 031 209 2200, fax: 031 207 3429, email: durban @ Annual subscriptions (for 11 issues) cost R165, including VAT and postage inside SA. Printed by Paarl Web. Copyright subsists in all work published in Durban’s Child TM . We welcome submissions but retain the unrestricted right to change any received copy. We are under no obligation to return unsolicited copy. The magazine, or part thereof, may not be reproduced or adapted without the prior written permission of the publisher. We take care to ensure our articles are accurate and balanced but cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage that may arise from reading them.

September 2010


september 2010


upfront 3

a note from lisa


ver to you o readers respond

features 12 gimme more racy Ellis on the challenge of raising T children not sold out to materialism

11 s neezing season Marina Zietsman explains how to treat hay fever

16 c ollect, create and cultivate! ecofriendly projects for children. By Chareen Boake


18 page turners t ips for getting our children to love reading. By Elaine Eksteen 20 creating traditions onna Cobban discusses the D value in family rituals




pfront with paul u Paul Kerton wonders why we struggle to communicate in the 21st century

22 o ff to camp, minus mom or dad questions to ask before booking your child into a holiday camp. By Glynis Horning

22 health 10 drool school Donna Cobban on easing your baby’s teething woes


20 24 r esource: spring-clean and donate Tracy Ellis looks at organisations that will benefit from your pre-loved goods 28 what’s on in september 38 l ast laugh Sam Wilson plans to use her brain less and her feet more

classified ads 30 family marketplace 37 it’s party time

this month’s cover images are supplied by:

Mini A Ture from

September 2010

Malou Barre from



September 2010


giveawaysin september

funky furniture Think of the most comfortable chair you’ve ever sat in – then try out a FatSak. This combination of beanbag and couch is both fun and unbelievably comfortable because it’s filled with foam (not beans or polystyrene balls). There are four sizes of FatSak to choose from, and the covers are removable and machine washable – so no need to worry about grubby fingers. Fabric to choose from includes corduroy, suede and faux fur. To order online or find a retailer in your area, contact 0861 999 122 or visit One reader of Durban’s Child stands a chance to win a medium FatSak valued at R3 650. To enter, go to the website,, click on ‘Win a FatSak’ and enter your details before 30 September 2010.

soothe the pain Baltic amber necklaces are made for your baby to wear when he is teething. Allopathic medicine recognises Baltic amber for its antiinflammatory and therapeutic qualities, which ease pain and calm a baby – the active ingredient is released when the amber is warmed by the skin. For more information contact Nicky: 083 650 0279, or visit One reader of Durban’s Child stands to win Baltic Amber Raw Nugget Beads valued at R220 including postage. To enter, email your details to with ‘Lovebug DBN win’ in the subject line or post your entry to Lovebug DBN win, PO Box 12002, Mill Street, 8010 before 30 September 2010. Only one entry per reader.

chime after chime parenting guide Toddler Sense is a must-have guide for negotiating the tricky toddler years. Toddler Sense holds countrywide seminars to equip parents for managing the toddler years, including topics such as nutrition, potty training, sleep and discipline. The seminars are hosted by baby and toddler expert Sister Ann Richardson, the best selling author of Toddler Sense and co-author of Baby Sense and Sleep Sense. For more information visit

Mexican Bolas rest on your pregnant tummy and provide soothing sounds that comfort and relax your baby. The bolas make a special chime as you move and can be heard by your baby from about 20 weeks. For more information visit Four readers of Durban’s Child stand a chance to win a Mexican Bola worth R300. To enter, email your details to with ‘Mexican Bola DBN win’ in the subject line or post your entry to Mexican Bola DBN win, PO Box 12002, Mill Street, 8010 before 30 September 2010. Only one entry per reader.

congratulations to our June/July winners Sanyukta Bhyro Deyal, Ashona Balgobind and Sandra Baumgarten who each win a NewU Fitness First Mind Body game and Liesl Bertasso, Selvie Naidoo and Bridget Aaron who each win a Zakumi from Build-A-Bear.

September 2010



One reader of Durban’s Child stands a chance to win the Toddler Sense book valued at R150 and a ticket to a Toddler Sense workshop valued at R290. To enter, email your details to with ‘Toddler Sense DBN win’ in the subject line or post your entry to Toddler Sense DBN win, PO Box 12002, Mill Street, 8010 before 30 September 2010. Only one entry per reader.


September 2010


over to you


eczema relief

the itch you can’t scratch

Thanks for running the article “the itch you can’t scratch” in the August


issue of Child Magazine. I

LUCILLE KEM P looks at ecz ema in babies.

czema starts out as an itchy skin irritation that when maintenance scratched becom plan a rash. When es A child’s eczem scratching contin a may be trigge ues or the inflammation red by anything from is exacerbated soaps, moist by external urisers, sweat factors such as and allergens allergens, the such as dust area will flare mites, washing up into a red powder and cow’s and burning milk to scratc rash, that can hy clothing then become and dry, winte scaly. When r weather. Paren infected, it will ts appear as pus-fi shoul d try to control the lled blisters that child’s enviro may ooze nment where or become crusty possible and . Eczema mostly alleviate the symp appears toms. on children’s Scratching can cheeks and scalps cause more , the joints of their arms issues (such as infect and legs, necks ion) than the , back of the eczema itself arms, the inside so help your child of elbows, the understand that front of the legs and although scratching may torso. This is feel good mome called atopic allergic eczem or ntarily, it will make things a and “is the worse in the long most common dermatologic run. Also, keep your child’s condition in childre nails short and clean n,” says Dr Denga Makh . For babies you may ado, a Johan consi nesbu der rg-based placing mitten dermatologist. on their hands s “The gene that . An antihistami causes atopic ne can be eczema is also effective for relievi responsible for ng itchiness. asthma and allergies,” she Use a perfu explains. Bloem me-free, sooth fontei n-bas dermatologist ed ing and intense moist Dr Deon Raute uriser to wash nbach also your says, “Most baby instead of soap, eczema cases and apply the , however, are mild and don’t cream before putting warrant medic them to bed. al treatment, On this note, just moisturising. Kara says: “Be ” wary of expen sive cosmetic creams – they cost a fortun e and do burning issue little more than cheap emollient If your child creams.” Keep your has severe eczem child’s body a, you’ll at a lower know that the temperature big issue is with loose-fittin treatment. Steroid therap g cotton clothing; use y is an accep a dust-mite-pro table treatment of mattress but overuse and wash clothe of corticostero s using non-biologi id cream can cause stunte washing powd cal d growth in er. infants. A good clinician Some exper will always consi ts believe it der the benefits of treatin helps to breastfeed your g eczema versu baby for at s the risks relating least the first six month to corticostero s of their lives, ids. Durba based paedi and delay nthe introduction atrician Dr of solids. If Yatish Kara says: “I presc you are breastfeeding, ribe a mild food allergies one-percent hydrocortisone may be responsible for for short period your child’s flare s of time.” However, this ups so steer away is as a last line from cow’s of defence. milk, peanuts, “I try emollient eggs, soy, wheat and creams first, citrus fruits. If as eczema often improves you aren’t breastfeedi with skin hydra ng and your child tion. Also, the bacteria in doesn’t have a cow’s eczema secre -milk allergy, te a toxin that you could use irritates skin and a hypoallerge aggravates eczem nic, partially a, so I hydrolysed suggest an antiba formula. Then, cterial cream.” of course, it is advised For steroid-war that you protec y parents, Raute t your child from nbach and Kara recom tobacco exposure to preve mend immunosup nt allergic condi pressant topical medic tions. The good news ation (calcineurin is that, accor inhibitors), which don’t conta ding to Makhado, “mos in steroids but t children will have anti-inflammatory an outgrow eczema and effect and relieve the symptoms itching. becom e less and less as they grow older.” Cape Tow n’s

have a 19-month-old son who was first exposed to corticosteroid creams

at just three months of age. He would break

out in eczema leaving his little face inflamed and

it also affected his inner elbows, which he would scratch continuously, until the skin bled. It broke my heart watching him suffer like this. I tried many

treatments, which would help for two to three THINKSTOCKPH


hours, then the eczema would flare up again. PHOTOGRAPH:

Two months ago, when I was at the brink of giving up, I decided to try homeopathic medication. I found a cream from Spain, which

consists of aloe vera and lavender extracts. CT Excema 2.indd


It has worked miracles and is safe to use on infants. With just two applications my baby’s skin started to heal. It leaves his skin moisturised and hydrated and, unlike cortisones, can be used frequently, day or night. There is a cure out there with no side effects. Shabnam Sahib

September 2010

Child Magazine the best

directions, please

I am a first time mom to a 16-month-old boy. Your magazine is excellent and I can’t wait to get hold of my copy each month – I sit down with a cup of tea and read it from cover to cover. Your topics are well researched and easy to read and understand. Sam Wilson and Paul Kerton are writers of a different calibre and they make reading your magazine more enjoyable. I lend the magazine to family each month and they enjoy it as much as I do. Keep up the great work and I look forward to many more Child Magazines in the future. Fathima Vaid

Could someone please advise schools that offer to nurture our children into cultured, mature, independent thinkers to consider including their whereabouts in their adverts, as it is fairly crucial to be able to get the children there in the mornings! For us moms who are slightly technologically challenged and do not whip onto google earth on our cellphones the minute we see an advert, the written word would be appreciated. I will just have to stick to the school my children currently attend, since at least I know where to find it. Slightly deranged mother about to do another few hours of VAT recons!

write to us

thank you Augu st 2010


A hearty thank you to Child Magazine and Le Creuset for the super Le Creuset roasting pan I received as my prize. I was thrilled to be a winner. It made my day! I have already tested it and will enjoy it for years to come. Please also pass on my thanks to Berco Express, who delivered the prize (with a smile) right to my door – fantastic! Thank you too for a terrific and informative magazine. Marina Muhlberg 7/16/10 4:28:21 PM

We would like to know what’s on your mind. Send your letters to: or PO Box 12002, Mill Street, 8010. We reserve the right to edit and shorten submitted letters. The opinions reflected here are those of our readers and are not necessarily held by Hunter House Publishing.


upfront with paul

did you hear a word I said?



n the legendary movie Cool Hand Luke, in which Paul Newman keeps escaping from high security prison, the prison governor calls through a megaphone to a trapped, exhausted Luke: “What we have here is a failure to communicate”. Today, despite drowning in convenient means of communication – landline, fax, email, Skype, cellphone, MMS, SMS – and perhaps because we’re drowning, we are all guilty of failing to communicate properly. For my sins, I am in the communications business: publishing, marketing, advertising, writing. This means I am used to taking information, chopping it up and presenting it as digestible titbits to many different audiences. My CV says I am an expert. Unfortunately, with children, experts come unstuck. Especially if you try talking to them while they are watching Hannah Montana or the Jonas Brothers. You may, like a prison governor, have to use a


megaphone or stand directly in front of the TV before you get any response. Even then, the reply you get will be scrambled since you are interrupting, what for them is (hopefully), rare viewing time. Even in their most receptive moments, children only hear what they want to hear. Say “get in the bath, now” from a distance of one metre and they will not hear. “What did you say?” they will murmur, stalling like mad in an effort to steal one more minute on the computer. But whisper “chocolate” to sibling one while the other is four kilometres away and sibling two, who has suddenly developed the radar of a bat, will be there like a shot. “Did someone mention chocolate?”

crossed lines Even when they actively listen and seemingly digest what you are saying, their hearing is selective and instructions soon forgotten.

When you’ve got children life seems riddled with communication failure, says PAUL KERTON. Survival rules repeatedly etched into their brains, like “don’t run into the road”, go AWOL when an excited friend holding a puppy calls them from across the street. Plus children automatically assume that parents know what they know; and that they don’t have to tell us anything or explain any crucial information they may be holding, as in “I have to take R200 to school tomorrow for the trip.” They daydream that they have told us things and fantasise about conversations that never happened. Parents do a grown-up version of this during our snatched conversations as we pass in the corridors of life: the I-told-youabout–it-ages-ago routine. “I did,” she says. “No you didn’t.” But she genuinely thinks she did. What happens is the brain circumvents reality. She wanted to tell you and knew she

Paul, Sabina and Saskia

needed to tell you, but forgot, and her brain, conveniently covered for her. My brain often covers for me too. It’s the reason writers should never be the only ones to proofread their work. Why? Because if you miss a word out your brain cheats and while you are reading it back, it knows the word that should be there and jumps over it. But on paper the word is still missing. Basically, our own body miscommunicates with us, continually. Paul Kerton is the author of Fab Dad: A Man’s Guide to Fathering.

September 2010


drool school DONNA COBBAN talks teething in babies and toddlers.


September 2010

Comparing your child’s teething to another’s is futile – it’s an “unquantifiable” equation. Sister Liesel Turnbull at the Bedfordview Mother and Baby Centre says there’s no scientific evidence available to tell us why some babies and toddlers sail through teething while others seem to suffer terribly. Turnbull says that the disrupted sleep caused by teething is a huge thing, as it can disturb the whole family. “It stands to reason,” she says, “that even as adults, pain feels so much worse when everything is dark and quiet, and we are all alone. So it must be much more intense for little ones.” When I ask Dr Murray Rushmere, a Cape Townbased GP and homeopath about supposed secondary teething symptoms, such as runny tummies and fevers, he says: “It is important to be aware that teething may temporarily compromise the immune system, so you may be looking at a secondary complicating illness, such as an ear infection.” He adds that parents should be aware that it may take a little longer for children to recover from whatever they have while still teething.

teething tips Here’s what to do with too much drool • Keep on a cotton absorbent bib or you will be changing shirts all day. • When your baby sleeps try putting an old-style cloth nappy under his mouth – to prevent the pillow soaking through and to keep the area as dry as possible. Ideas for natural relief for the teething toddler • Freeze a face cloth and give it to your toddler to chew on. • Ask the pharmacist for a homeopathic powder to rub on the gums. • Try an amber necklace (some people swear by them). • Freeze large chunks of fruit for your baby to suck on. Thick slices of banana or celery work well (they must be large enough so your baby won’t choke). • Fill a dummy with water and pop it in the freezer for an hour and give it to your baby to suck on.




ifty years ago teething babies might have had a little rum rubbed along their gums to ease the pain – and that would be that. In recent years, teething has spawned an empire of associated experts and products: rings to chew on, necklaces to wear and over-the-counter lotions and potions. It’s no small wonder, therefore, that the eruption of a baby’s teeth can leave parents floundering in a sea of choices and conflicting opinions, while their baby flounders in extreme discomfort. We are all born with teeth. The unfortunate aspect, for everyone (except the breastfeeding mother), is that these teeth lie just below the surface of the gums and emerge at unpredictable intervals, from birth (although around 4 to 6 months is the norm) through to adulthood, when wisdom teeth finally push through. Most of the time parents can’t miss a teething baby, although the extremes of discomfort can vary widely – some drool excessively, others may tug at their ears (leading you to suspect an ear infection, which if the agitation continues should not be ruled out). The eruption of molars may be preceded by swelling along the gum line.


sneezing season Hay fever can be a highly irritating, and sometimes debilitating,



condition – so how can you help your child? By MARINA ZIETSMAN

ccording to the Allergy Society of South Africa (ALLSA) allergic rhinitis (the correct term for hay fever) affects almost two in 10 South Africans. “The basis of nasal allergic problems results from the interaction of common inhaled allergens with specialised cells in the nasal mucous membrane. This reaction results in the release of powerful chemical agents of which histamine is the best known,” says ALLSA. These substances cause severe swelling of the mucous membrane lining the nasal passages, intense itching of the eyes, throat and palate, sneezing and the production of copious amounts of watery mucous. Dr Sarah Karabus, a Cape Town-based paediatrician says, “Allergic rhinitis can be seasonal – often due to various pollens that are present in the air at different times of the year – or it can be persistent, due to allergen triggers that are present year-round such as dogs, cats, birds, dust mites, moulds, fungal spores and cockroaches.” Karabus adds


that dust-mite triggers are more common in small children, while pollen allergies usually develop in the older child. Other factors that influence the occurrence of allergic rhinitis are cigarette smoke and genetics. Children have a 30 to 60 percent chance of developing allergic rhinitis if one of their parents is affected and a 50 to 70 percent chance if both parents have allergic rhinitis. Dr Ahmed Ismail Manjra, of the Paediatric Allergy and Asthma Centre at Westville Hospital in Durban, says, “Avoid indoor smoking. It not only worsens the allergy, but is also a cause and risk factor for asthma in children.” The best advice in treating allergic rhinitis is to avoid the triggers, but it’s not always possible to do this. The treatment for allergic rhinitis differs from that of the common cold, though the symptoms can be very similar. “The common cold is caused by a virus, which can lead to a fever, a sore throat and a runny nose,” says Manjra, “but allergic rhinitis does not cause a fever.” A cold can last up to

10 days, while the allergy symptoms can be present continuously, says Karabus. Other than those already mentioned, “symptoms include a permanent stuffy or running nose, constant nose wiggling, wiping or pushing of the nose (called the ‘allergic salute’), red watery eyes, dark rings under the eyes, snoring and mouth breathing”. Karabus adds that if your child suffers from food allergies or eczema he could be more prone to allergic rhinitis. If you are not sure about the triggers, you can get your child tested by an allergy specialist. This will help you know what to try and avoid: such as staying indoors on hot windy days when pollen levels peak; or avoiding pets, though Karabus admits this is often difficult to do and impractical. “Getting rid of the family pet, for example, may not help immediately – it can take up to a year for the dander, the microscopic protein that causes the allergy, levels to drop.” Both Karabus and Manjra say that not treating allergic rhinitis, can be detrimental

to your child’s health. It can worsen asthma, cause dental problems, sinusitis and a post-nasal drip. “It can also affect a child’s sleep, reducing ability to concentrate, and thus leading to problems at school,” concludes Karabus. “In general, treatment for toddlers and babies is the same as for adults, though certain medication cannot be taken by children,” says Karabus, who suggests using a saline spray to wash pollens out of the eyes and nose. Medical treatment includes antihistamines (oral) or nasal spray. Allergy immunotherapy (vaccination) can also be done at specialised centres. “Speak to your health-care practitioner about what is best for your child,” advises Karabus.

September 2010



gimme more TRACY ELLIS looks at how materialism affects children.


September 2010

can’t buy me love On a recent shopping trip to purchase birthday gifts for my husband, my sevenyear-old son spotted a toy and asked if I would buy it for him. When I explained that this trip was about Dad, and that we were not buying anything for ourselves, he frowned and asked, “But don’t you love me too?” Needless to say we stopped right in the middle of the mall, and had a heart to heart about our love for one another having nothing to do with material possessions. Sadly I can’t remember a shopping trip with my children that didn’t include a request for me to buy them something




an money really buy happiness? Some people would like to convince you it can. Dozens of adverts on billboards, television, radio and the Internet, and in newspapers and magazines, promise greater happiness and fulfilment if we just reach into our pockets and succumb to the latest and greatest purchase. With debt at an alltime high, the lines between needs and wants are blurring as we fall into the trap of measuring ourselves by the things we own and wear, perhaps even placing more value on possessions and brands than people and experiences.

– and I know I’m not alone. Our children are trained consumers, and parents these days have a hard job trying to teach them to go without things that in their young minds seem completely necessary for survival. It doesn’t seem as though any harm could come from giving our children everything we can afford to give them. Some parents strive to provide more for their children than they had when they were growing up. But how much is too much, and what are the side effects that are starting to emerge among this generation? Materialism is affecting our children in many ways,” says Durban-based


psychologist Francois Grobler. “They believe that possessions are the key to happiness and grow up envious of, and obsessed by, what other people have. They begin to judge others by what they own and not who they are. Ultimately, what they don’t own ends up owning them.” Johannesburg-based educational psychologist Wendy Wentzel, who consults to a private school, sees how the problems manifest. “Parents feel the need to keep up with the Joneses and children grow up with a sense of entitlement. They never have to work very hard to get what they want and unfortunately I see this spilling

When I explained that this trip was about Dad, he frowned and asked, “But don’t you love me too?” over into their achievement and progress at school. They become apathetic, lacking self-motivation and a sense of personal responsibility, believing someone else will always come to their rescue.”

role models What we model as parents is always key to our parenting. Ask yourself how content

you really are with what you have? Are you always commenting on other people’s possessions and complaining about not having enough? Children are remarkably perceptive and our attitudes to money, status, fame and wealth rub off on them. Julie, a mom of two girls, aged four and two, believes her parents got it right. “My parents could have given me

September 2010



everything my heart desired but they didn’t. At the time it upset me but I am so grateful for that now.” She values having grown up to be non-materialistic, and believes charity is a good way to teach children to be this way too. “When I buy new clothes, I give away old ones and my four-year-old helps me pack them into a bag and comes with me to give them to a needy organisation. I am not scared to teach her about real poverty. Many parents are afraid of upsetting their children by exposing them to poverty, but children need to know what is really going on outside of their schools and shopping malls. It keeps them grounded.”

that some adults are not even aware of the tactics employed by advertisers and supermarkets to lure consumers into buying their products. “When it comes to shopping, my children gravitate to items with pictures of popular characters on them. I have to explain that this is a marketing tactic.” Many parents find themselves giving in to branded items, from vitamins to shoes. I remember a friend of mine sticking Barbie stickers on no-name-brand yoghurts because her daughter would not eat anything without a character on it. We have to teach our children to be happy with less than the best.

They begin to judge others by what they own. Ultimately, what they don’t own ends up owning them. Teaching children the value of people and relationships over possessions is a good start to countering materialism. When you see your children fighting with each other over a toy, step in and remind them that treating their brother and sister with respect is more important than having the toy they want. Consumer journalist and mom-of-two Lyse Comins agrees: “I recently watched Toy Story 3 with my children, but I felt I needed to explain to them that toys do not have feelings whereas people and animals do. Children can’t always tell the difference between fantasy and reality and I worry that movies like this encourage them to value their possessions on a level that is not healthy.” Lyse is also passionate about teaching her toddlers how to be savvy consumers. She believes marketers start targeting children at an early age and


September 2010

needs, wants and time Can children differentiate between needs and wants? I quizzed my seven-year-old to see if he knew the difference and he had no problem explaining to me that besides food, a house and a family, everything else was a want. Wendy Wentzel believes that time plays a key role. “Children want more time with their parents. Many parents are travelling more and working longer hours to support their lifestyles. Lots of them come home with gifts or treats for their children to ease their guilt over the time spent away from home. But buying more for our children only fuels their wants and gives them the message that they do not have enough,” she says. She believes a better solution is to reward them with time. “Reward systems are great but those rewards are almost always monetary.” How about getting to durban’s

play another game of cricket in the garden with Dad? Teaching our children financial responsibility and value for money is another great lesson. Pocket money may be the answer here, but there is a lot of debate surrounding paying children for good behaviour or doing chores around the house. Some feel that pocket money is an unrealistic model of the real world, where no-one pays us to look after ourselves, our pets and our belongings, while others feel that the earlier we teach children to manage their own money the better prepared they will be for life. The balance lies somewhere in the middle. Wendy suggests that chores that teach personal responsibility – such as making beds, tidying up toys and feeding pets – should not be done for reward, whereas washing mom’s car or sorting the Tupperware cupboard can be rewarded. In this way children begin to understand the link between hard work, money and possessions.

Craig Zeeman, a single dad of three teenage girls living in Johannesburg, adds: “I introduced pocket money at eight years old. I also opened bank accounts for the girls and taught them how to save for more expensive items. Now when they go to the mall they use their own bank cards to pay for movies and luxuries. They seem to spend less when the money is theirs. It teaches them responsibility and the value of money.”

back to basics Neil Madgwick and his wife Jo have chosen to live a frugal life in the Midlands durban’s

25 kilometres from Pietermaritzburg, where they home-school their five children and share their experiences on a family blog in the hopes of inspiring other families. Jo says: “Seven years ago when Neil was teaching in Cape Town he turned the discussion to brand-name clothing. He told the class he had bought a pair of genuine Levi’s jeans for only R100 because the red Levi’s label had been cut out. They were amazed, not because he had picked up a bargain, but because they didn’t see the point in wearing the jeans if the label was missing. That’s when alarm bells started ringing for us. Now we live a simple life and focus more on family and traditions. We raise chickens, grow vegetables and make gifts for each other. We talk to our children all the time about money and how to use it wisely. With five children we buy most things in bulk and just can’t justify spending money on expensive items.” While we can’t all get away from our fast-paced lifestyle, we can slow down enough to take moments with our children – a walk to the park, a game of frisbee or time to chat. These happy moments that don’t cost anything can’t be bought, but will be remembered long after the next big purchase is gathering dust somewhere.

recommended reading If you’re going to be getting out your wallet, these books offer food for thought. • Affluenza by Oliver James • Consuming Kids by Susan Linn • Born to Buy by Juliet Schor • The High Price of Materialism by Tim Kasser

September 2010


how to

collect, create and cultivate! Nine fun ecofriendly projects using household junk, garden goodies and lots of imagination. By CHAREEN BOAKE

eggshell herb people What you need: empty eggshells, with the tops removed • egg box • koki pens • potting soil • seeds such as watercress or wheatgrass What to do: Carefully remove the tops and inside from the hard-boiled eggs, leaving an opening big enough to spoon the soil into the shell. Stand the shells in the egg box and draw faces on them. Fill each with a few teaspoons of soil and then sprinkle seeds into each shell. Cover lightly with a little more soil. Water gently. When the seeds start to sprout your eggshell people will look like they’re growing hair. When the herbs grow too big, just crumble the eggshell and plant your herbs in a bigger container or in the garden.

age 4–10

A terrarium is a closed environment that allows you to create your own little ecosystem – rain forest or desert, whichever you prefer. What you need: empty two-litre plastic cold drink bottle with lid • small plants (miniature ferns, African violets and small palms work well) • potting soil

age 6–13 16

What to do: Remove the label from the bottle, and clean the inside and cap well. Cut the bottle near the bottom (where the label used to be). Fill the base with soil and plant your plants. Place the cap on the bottle and wedge the upper half of the bottle onto the base (you may have to play around a bit to get it to fit). Place your terrarium in a sunny spot and water your plants as regularly as they require it. You might like to place coloured glass, rocks, dinosaurs or fairies inside your bottle before sealing it and watch your terrarium turn into a mini wonderland as your plants grow.

September 2010

shoebox Zen garden

age 3– 8

The Zen garden originated in Japan where they’re made with sand or gravel, which is raked into beautiful patterns. The shoebox version is a great way to display special holiday treasures such as shells and pebbles. What you need: shoebox lid • fine sand (such as sandpit sand) • pebbles, small rocks, shells • plastic fork What to do: Fill the shoebox lid with sand. Arrange the pebbles and shells in the lid. Now use the plastic fork to rake patterns in the sand.

age 4–8 portable mini-golf course Mini golf is also called putt-putt, crazy golf, goofy golf or adventure golf. Whatever you call it, you’re sure to have loads of fun creating and mastering your very own miniature course. What you need: 9 x two-litre plastic cold drink bottles • coloured electrical tape • permanent marker What to do: Remove the labels and cut off the bottom of the bottles. Cut an arched hole at the base of each bottle (approximately 8cm x 8cm). Use coloured tape and permanent markers to decorate and number the bottles from one to nine. Place the bottles in the garden and use your imagination to create a great mini-golf course, right in your own garden, by using logs, rocks or pot plants. durban’s


miniature garden

compost bin

age 7–12

Your children will need your help with the drilling. What you need: 20–25 litre plastic storage box with lid • craft paint • power drill • clear varnish • soil What to do: Drill one-centimetre holes along both long edges of the bin (holes should be about 3cm apart). Cut holes in two opposite corners at the bottom of the bin (1cm wide x 3cm). Decorate your compost bin. Paint bright flowers and leaves, or paint the word compost as a daisy chain. You can also create fingerprint insects like ladybirds. Once you’ve finished decorating your bin, spray the varnish onto the bin. Allow it to dry and then give it two more coats. When your bin is finished, line the inside with a layer of soil and some dry leaves and you’re ready to start composting. Vegetable peels and fruit scraps are best for making compost.

solar oven Most of the earth’s energy comes from the sun. You can use this energy to create your own solar oven, which can heat up to 200˚C on a sunny day.

age 6 –13

What you need: empty pizza box • tin foil • plastic cling wrap • thick black cardboard • stick or dowel What to do: Make a flap in the lid of the pizza box by cutting along three sides, leave a 2cm rim between the flap and the edge of the box. Fold the flap over so that it stands up when the box lid is closed. Cover the inside of the flap with tin foil (shiny side up) so that it can reflect the sun’s rays. Open the box and tape a double layer of cling wrap securely over the opening you cut for the flap. Make sure that it’s airtight. Line the bottom of the box with tin foil (shiny side up) and cover it with thick black cardboard. Take your oven to a sunny spot and adjust the flap so that it reflects lots of sunlight through the plastic window. Use your stick or dowel to prop your flap open at a right angle. Try melting some cheese on toast. Get creative by adding tomatoes, fresh herbs or even pineapple and mushrooms.

age 4 –10

junk yard vegetable garden What you need: old containers such as yoghurt pots, mugs with broken handles, old buckets, colanders, even old tyres or a wheelbarrow • vegetable seeds (onions, lettuce, carrots and tomatoes grow well from seeds) • old wooden spoons • craft paint and koki pens • potting soil • compost What to do: Decorate your wooden spoons and write on the name of the vegetables. Place potting soil and compost in your containers. Sprinkle the seeds on top and then cover lightly with soil. Plant your wooden spoons in the containers and then arrange the containers to form a pleasing configuration. Remember to water your seeds and wait patiently for your vegetables to start growing.

pinhole camera

age 4 –11

The first camera was invented over 2 000 years ago. It was a very simple device using a box, a pinhole and light to create an image. What you need: a cardboard tube (like the kind crisps come in) • wax paper • an elastic band • a drawing pin • tin foil or thick black cardboard What to do: Make a hole in the centre bottom of the tube using the drawing pin. Cut a piece of wax paper big enough to cover the opening of the container. Wrap the wax paper over the top of the tube and stretch the elastic band around the opening of the container to secure the wax paper in place. Wrap a sheet of tin foil or thick black cardboard around the camera to keep the light out. Stand in a dark room and point the bottom of the container out of the window, making sure that it’s pointing at a brightly lit object. When you look at the wax paper, the scene reflected through the pinhole will appear upside down.

growing cards

age 4–11

Plant these cards in the ground and watch them turn into flowers. What you need: 1,5 cups of newspaper torn into 2,5 centimetre strips • bowl of warm water • masking tape • baking tray • piece of fine wire mesh (window mesh works well; make sure that the piece is slightly smaller than your baking tray) • seeds such as marigold or lobelia • towel What to do: Place the strips of newspaper in the bowl of warm water and soak them overnight. Fold strips of masking tape around the edges of the wire mesh to make it easier to handle. Mix the mushy paper well, gradually adding fresh water until the mixture looks like a creamy soup (you can use a blender if you like). Add water to the baking tray until it’s a quarter full, then pour in your paper mixture. Add the flower seeds and mix well with your hands. Slip the screen into the pan so that it slides under the pulp and seeds. Lift the screen gently and make sure that you catch the pulp mixture in an even layer on top and allow the water to drain off. Lay the screen on a towel and let your paper dry for at least 24 hours. When your paper is completely dry, gently remove it from the screen. You can add a drop of food colouring to the mixture to make different coloured paper. Write a message on the cards and you have a note and a gift all rolled into one.


September 2010




his is the house that Jack built. This is the malt that lay in the house that Jack built. This is the rat that ate the malt. That lay in the house that Jack built… Outdated nursery rhyme, you may think. Not according to Cape Town librarian and early literacy expert Sharon Geffen. A rhyme like this “teaches sequencing, while others teach counting skills”. After chatting to Sharon I’m off home to dig out my childhood collection of nursery rhymes so I can start reading them to my 20-month-old son. According to Geffen, nursery rhymes help children learn the skill of retaining info, which assists with both contents


September 2010

subjects and languages. And she knows what she’s talking about. She’s been running baby and toddler story time groups for the past 16 years. Her “pilot group” just finished high school – “this little girl matriculated with seven As, and so did this one,” she says, pointing out their photos in an article published about her story hour, when the children were still in preschool. Although she won’t take credit for their success, she is certain a culture of reading has played an important role. “The skill of reading is the heart of all learning,” says Dr Louis Naudé, a Cape Town-based cognitive and remedial consultant. “In learning to love reading and improving one’s ability to read, competency is built in understanding the written word and in doing so children become more competent scholars.” Developing pre-reading skills, however, doesn’t need to be all about work – especially not for the child. “Listening to stories, rhymes and ‘playing’ with sounds and words form the foundation for learning how to read, which is

Great ideas for encouraging your children to love reading. By ELAINE EKSTEEN

associating letters with sound,” says Naudé. “The more exposure to reading a child gets, especially if it is done in a playful and fun way, the more familiar he or she will become with the skill of reading. Plus it will be associated with their natural development of language, a process that starts at birth and is something children love.” And that’s what we’re aiming for: engendering a love for reading in our young ones, a connection with words and other worlds that will, hopefully, help them at school, but as importantly, will set them on a journey of discovery. “Reading is a world like no other. You can taste riches, go anywhere, it takes you places,” says Geffen.

breeding bookworms So how can we introduce our children to reading in such a way as to ignite in them a passion and love for reading? “Start early, right from birth, by reading aloud to your child,” says Naudé. “Reading for children should be seen as fun, not a chore,” Naudé continues, but just how can we make it such? “Delight them,” says Geffen, “don’t just fill



page turners

them with facts. Change your tone of voice often and use different voices for the different characters.” Stories reflect emotions and attitudes, as we narrate stories we can use our voices to dramatise these. So throw off your inhibitions – and welcome audience participation. Make reading a part of your day every day, “especially at bedtime,” suggests Naudé. Or build in a cuddle and story with Mom during the early morning bottle. How about a Dad’s-just-back-from-the-office story each evening? Create an enjoyable and affectionate interaction, and your toddler “will grow up associating these good memories with reading,” says Geffen. Most importantly, says Naudé, “let your child see you read. Share your love of books with them.” Introduce a reading hour for the whole family once a week at the same time and talk to each other about what you are reading, suggests Naudé. Always have books around the house that your child can pick up and page through, suggests Tandi Erasmus of The Story Club, a Durban-based “book club” for children aged three to six. This doesn’t need to cost you a fortune: visit your local library, check out the children’s shelf at your second-hand bookstore or swap books with friends. It’s easier to encourage reading when children are excited by the topic. “Learn what excites your child and select books according to these interests,” says Naudé. “My oldest son loved dinosaur books, whereas the younger


one has always enjoyed trains and fell in love with the Thomas The Tank Engine series,“ says Erasmus. Choose age-appropriate books. Babies, for instance, need books that “are durable, in bright colours, with minimal text and with pictures of concrete, recognisable things (such as animals or household objects)”. Geffen suggests not reading fairy tales to children younger than four years of age. Sensible advice if I think of how I, at

Reading is a world like no other. You can taste riches, go anywhere, it takes you places. nearly double that age, would remove the Town Magicians of Bremen from my bookshelf and push it out into the passage, so did the folk tale haunt me. “A good book for two-year-olds?” I ask. “The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle,” she suggests, “or Virginia Miller’s Bartholomew Bear: Five Toddler Tales.” If a younger child wants to hear their favourite book over and over again, bear with them, cheerfully and animatedly, of course. The repetition “is reassuring, and they’ll move on to the next book when they are ready,” says Erasmus. “Give books as gifts and ask relatives to do the same,” says Naudé. Involve your child in selecting the book. Go to story time at your library or bookshop, or take them

to “meet an author at a book launch; talking with other children about books may inspire them,” says Naudé. “If you have a child who seems to be uninterested in listening to stories try buying good children’s magazines – they are sure to find an article that captures their attention,” says Erasmus. Consider having a weekly television-free evening, let each child choose a book and spend the time reading. “Even my oldest daughter, who’s 13, participates happily,” says Erasmus. “If your child has readers from school try ‘buddy’ reading: they read a page and then you read a page – this can make reading homework more fun. Always praise and encourage your child as they learn to read and never compare them to siblings or friends,” says Erasmus. Both Erasmus and Geffen suggest choosing some of the children’s classics and enjoying them with your children: try “Robinson Crusoe, Little Women, Treasure Island, Oliver Twist and The Lost World,” says Erasmus. “The Wind in the Willows, Alice in Wonderland, and The Wizard of Oz shouldn’t be missed out on either,” adds Geffen, who suggests reading these to children from the age of six. “The Magic Faraway Tree is great from the age of four,” she says. Don’t lose heart. “As your child grows and enters their teen years their interests change and there may be a period that they seem to read less. I believe, though, that once they are readers they will always be readers,” says Erasmus.

September 2010



creating traditions DONNA COBBAN looks at rituals as a means of building family.

to achieve at the time. On the contrary, their purpose was a cold gin and tonic along with a good roast, mixed and cooked by anyone but themselves. (Such are the basic desires of many parents with small children.) Nevertheless, the ritual was created, because that’s what we did, every Sunday, week after week, year after year. It’s an experience I hold onto dearly; it adds continuity and form to my life.

that was then… Now, years on and far from the smell of wild grasses, I find myself, a single mom, acutely aware of the need for rituals – rituals that, in the absence of nearby family, need to be created myself. Thus far we are not doing too badly… This past winter, every Friday night has been pancake night – we work together to mix the batter and cook up delectable savoury pancakes for our supper. Come summer, this might morph into beach pizzas or lounge picnics – weather dependent. As a working mom, this gives the weekend ahead a special significance and helps my toddler to ground himself and grasp where in the week we are. As Robin Barker, author of The Mighty Toddler, puts it: “Rituals are calming and reassuring and give order to a toddler’s life at a time when his inner world tends to be somewhat chaotic and uncertain.” When I cast around for stories of treasured family rituals, they come pouring in. Tales of rituals from people’s childhood that are so full of colour and so infused with meaning that the very telling of them is a rich reminder to me of the enormity of childhood, and how the smallest things really matter! Meike tells me how her dad had a bedtime ritual where, instead of reading a story from a book, would read “a story from the hand”. “We could,” she says, “just


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show him our hand, and he would have a very close look at it and then start telling the story he would ‘see’ in our hand. My dad is the best storyteller in the entire world, and this ritual also allowed him to tell us a story when, for example, there wasn’t a book close by, like on long trips in an aeroplane or on the train. My brother does it with his children and whenever I hear: ‘Dad, one more story from the hand’, it reminds me to try and do this for my son.” While stories evoke rich memories, so too do days spent in bed, too sick to go to school. Kate tells me that she can still remember the colours and pattern on the pillowcase that they were allowed when sick. The ill one would also get freshly squeezed orange juice. “The pillowcase and the orange juice were not enough to mean that we feigned being ill but it certainly was a special treat for the sick one,” she says. Rob Parsons, author of The Sixty Minute Family and The Sixty Minute Father talks about rituals giving us a “sense of connectedness”. In his books, he tells of his own family tradition where once a month everyone would drag their mattresses into the living room, the fire would be lit, chocolate devoured, and stories told. Traditions like these are certainly worth the effort. As Parsons points out: “Whether they are simple or profound, in our family or in our nation, traditions say to us: ‘You belong here – these are your roots’.”

connection makers Some ritual ideas gathered from far and wide: • Bedtime story – every single night. • Weekend breakfasts – pancakes, eggs, bacon, muffins, French toast – cooked and eaten in a leisurely fashion. • Slow weekend mornings – children climb into the parents’ bed and there’s no rush to get going. • Family meals out, to mark the passing of age and/or grades. • Regular holidays – younger children love returning to familiar places with the same mountain pools, trees to climb, and the predictable sense of adventure. • Let each child choose the family meal on an allocated day of the week – cook, rejoice and eat, no matter the meal. • Let each child choose a weekly game or activity in which the whole family participates – no excuses. • Before eating, say gratitude prayers, where everyone has a chance to be glad for the good things that happened that day. • Treat all family birthdays the same way – flowers and sweets and presents round the birthday person’s breakfast bowl, tea in bed with presents, a special story, the options are endless. • Create scenarios where children know the outcome – examples might include doing a huge puzzle together as a family, and from the start the youngest child gets to hide and then place the final piece – make it up as you go. • Spring-cleaning rituals make room for space and giving – take the children to the same charity (see page 24 for ideas) every year to give them a sense of continuity and to assure them that parting with once-treasured goods really does make a difference. • Turn things such as taking out the rubbish, making your bed or washing the dishes into a ritual rather than a chore – resistance to these may soon vanish as children see their role as a vital cog in the family wheel.




very Sunday, shortly after breakfast, my father would load up the cooler bag, while my mother packed a few items she’d ordered from the “country”. We then bundled Heidi, our beloved Staffie, into the back of the open bakkie, and my sister and I followed suit. Heidi would lean out over the wheel hub, her ears taking flight in the side wind as her small nose took in all it could smell. For 30 kilometres we travelled like this, on our way to my grandparents’ smallholding. I can still smell the wild grasses, feel the weight of the uphills and the thrill of the downhills. Five hundred metres from the gate, Heidi would launch herself from her wheel-hub seat and race us to it. Today, over 30 years on, whenever I feel disconnected with myself, the world, or life in general, I take myself back to the bakkie, to the wind, the smells and the sunshine, to a place of safety (before the obligatory safety of the car chair was conceived). Such is the nature of positive rituals: they tend to ground you, give your existence credence, and allow you to take stock and know that all is okay. This certainly was not something my parents were trying


September 2010



off to


minus mom or dad

Holiday camps are catching on in South Africa. If you’re considering one for the December break, here’s what you need to know. By GLYNIS HORNING


he closest most South African parents have come to summer camp is watching American comedies like Meatballs or nostalgic reruns of Dirty Dancing. “The US has had a camp culture for 100 years,” says Zoë Ellender, director of Sugar Bay, north of Durban. “Generations of family members have made it a tradition.” By contrast, nine years after it first opened, Sugar Bay remains the only permanent dedicated holiday camp in this country. But a growing number of temporary camps are being run at camping sites, on farms or at guesthouses over school holidays.

new activities,” she says. “They provide a great opportunity to socialise with different children and adults.” “Children learn to relate to others, to be responsible for themselves, and to make their own decisions about things like what they’re going to do next,” adds Ellender. “Here they can choose from over 100 different activities, and often end up trying and loving things they and their parents wouldn’t have dreamed they’d tackle. Having a stranger say ‘Good going, climbing that wall!’ is more powerful than hearing it from a parent, who children

With many parents working, there should be a large market for camps, but most South Africans still keep their children home with a domestic worker, or send them to daycare or to grandparents, says Tanyan Gradwell, director of Metamorphic Adventures Holiday Camps, held at various sites in the Western Cape. “Cost may be a factor, but parents here have been slow to appreciate the advantages camps can give children.” Holiday camps, say Gradwell and Ellender, are not simply about keeping children safely occupied and having fun – they’re a growth experience. Durban psychologist Rakhi Beekrum agrees. “For many children, camps are their first taste or test of independence and an introduction to


September 2010

know will always tell them they’re great. It’s affirming and confidence-building.” Even “problem” children benefit, she says. “At camp they can make a fresh start, and we keep loud children or potential bullies busy, give them responsibilities, and ensure they exercise and eat well, so they do well.” Most South African camps take children from ages seven to 17, but camp-readiness is less about age than maturity. If a child can sleep away from home and handle staying up to around 9pm, they are generally ready. But talk to them about things like “uncomfortable touch” and the importance of saying “no,” suggests Beekrum. Good camps include talks on this. durban’s


Children learn to relate to others, be responsible and make decisions.

Parents often ask if a child should bring a sibling or friend, but it’s not necessary. “Children find they want to do different things and explore new friendships, and can feel tied down,” says Ellender. “They tend to come alone the next time.”

choosing a camp Unlike in the US, there is no Camping Association in South Africa, providing a comprehensive list of camps of a certain standard, and our Tourism Grading Council has no category for them. You need to shop around online or review websites and brochures with your child to find a camp that fits their interests (arts, sports, leadership, religion), then contact the director. Ask for references (other parents, camp counsellors), and ask questions: What is the director’s background? Ellender, for example, is an attorney, and a scuba-diving, first-aid and life-guard instructor; Gradwell has worked in earlychild development and the travel and tourism industry, and her husband, codirector Marcel Gradwell, is an accredited sports coach and outrigger canoeing instructor who did Salvation Army camps and counselling in the US.


Which organisations do they belong to, or which endorse them? Ellender has joined the American Camping Association and the Southern African Tourism Services Association and follows their guidelines, although they have no inspectors to accredit camps here. Gradwell, who also runs school camps, works with the Departments of Education, Health and Social Development in running her camps, and suggests contacting the nearest provincial department to ask about any camp you are considering.


How is homesickness handled? Good camps allow little ones to bring a familiar toy or blanket, and find out what they enjoy doing and distract them, dealing with each camper differently.



How is discipline handled? Does this fit with your values?

How full is the programme? There can be scheduled down-time for reading, resting and board games (generally an hour after lunch), but if children have long stretches of open time they may be bored and little better off than at home.


What contact is there with parents? Calling children can make them homesick, but you should be given times when you can call camp managers for an update. Cellphones and other electronic equipment are generally not allowed, but children should be able to ask to call home.


How safe is the camp? Is it fully fenced and protected from outside influences? Is safety equipment used for all risky ventures, especially climbing, skateboarding, BMXing, horse-riding and paintball? Are all activities supervised by adults qualified in first aid? Do trained lifeguards supervise water sports? Are there fire drills and plans for emergency procedures? How far is the nearest doctor and hospital?


Are counsellors given thorough background checks? Top camps insist on police clearance and an agreement by counsellors to undergo random drug and alcohol tests. Are counsellors given proper training in child behaviour and safety, not just a quick chat the day children arrive, and are they continually evaluated?


What is the counsellor-child ratio? This should be around one to seven, and counsellors should sleep in the same cabin or tent as the children to provide 24-hour supervision, but have their own section and ablutions.


How old are the counsellors? They should be young (18 to 25) so they have energy to participate fully with children and can be role models, and they should have youth-development experience as coaches at schools or youth organisations.



How much does it cost, and does this include all extras? Top camps charge from R3 500 to R4 000 a week fully inclusive, with discounts for extra children and repeats. Other camps charge half that, and some considerably less, but also give less – find out what you will be getting, from facilities and transport to meals (ask to see some menus).


Finally, what percentage of campers come back? Around 40 to 60 percent is good. “We have some children who’ve been more than 20 times,” says Ellender. “They become like family.”


September 2010




and donate

Tackle one room at a time and decide what to donate. Use our guide to decide where your goods will best be used. Scan our list for the item you want to give away, read up on the charities listed and choose one to receive your donation. By TRACY ELLIS

Appliances (small) Appliances (large) Art, craft and hobby supplies

Baby clothes

Baby cots, camp cots, cot mattresses and bedding

Baby supplies (bottles, slings, cups etc)

Baby formula and powdered milk

Baby prams, highchairs and car seats

Bicycles and tricycles Blankets

Books and magazines Building materials CDs, records and DVDs Clothing (adult)

Clothing (child)

Fabric Food (non-perishable)


Garden tools Kitchenware Linen and curtains

Office equipment Plants and seeds Shoes Toiletries (new)

Toys and children’s books

Wedding dresses and matric dance dresses


September 2010


Bridges of Hope is a community development project consisting of a low-cost housing village, a soup kitchen, an educare centre and a cluster foster scheme. Plans are in place for the development of a drop-in centre for vulnerable children. Donations are distributed within the project according to need. Lidgetton, KwaZuluNatal. Contact: 078 887 0337 or visit Childhood Cancer Foundation South Africa (CHOC) is an organisation that raises funds to benefit children with cancer, their families, and those involved in the treatment of childhood cancer. They provide support, education, accommodation and advocation, as well as financial aid and food parcels. Nkosi Albert Luthuli Tertiary Hospital, Cato Manor. Contact: 086 111 2182 or visit Childline KwaZulu-Natal is a provincial organisation that provides essential preventative, educative, therapeutic and rehabilitative services to children and their families. It is an independent service, affiliated to Childline South Africa. Aside from 24-hour crisis counselling, Childline offers counsellor training and therapy services for victims and rehabilitation services for offenders. Donations are used within their various programmes and at their play-therapy centre located in Durban. Donations welcome Monday–Friday, 8am–4pm. 123 durban’s

Percy Osborne Rd, Morningside. Contact: 031 312 0904 or visit Child Welfare Durban and District is committed to protecting the rights of children, families and communities through its educare centres and various care programmes. Donations of used goods are placed according to needs within its community homes for babies and children and its educare centres. 20 Clarence Rd, Greyville, Durban. Contact: 031 312 9313 or visit Cotlands is a national organisation working in various HIV/Aids affected communities. It currently services the community of Hlabisa in KwaZuluNatal through outreach programmes that include home-based care, orphan care, food gardens, support groups and income-generation initiatives. Donations are distributed to these various projects. Call to arrange collection or to schedule a time to drop off your donation. Contact: 035 838 1948 or visit Durban Children’s Home provides children, youth and their families from the Ethekweni metropolitan communities with childcare programmes designed to meet their individual developmental needs. Programmes include a residential-care facility, a health centre, a substance-abuse centre and a child-headed-household support programme. Donations are used where September 2010



most needed within the programmes. Drop off your donation Monday–Friday, 7:30am–4pm. 222 Lena Ahrens Rd (Manning Rd), Glenwood. Contact: 031 201 1301 or visit Feed the Babies Fund provides meals and other essential items to local orphans and vulnerable children with a focus on babies and toddlers under the age of seven. Donations can be dropped off at their offices Monday–Thursday, 8am–4pm; Friday, 8am–1pm. 23 York Ave, Glenwood. Contact: 031 201 4682 or visit Haven of Rest in the impoverished rural part of Tongaat has a children’s home for orphans infected and affected by HIV/Aids. The Haven of Rest School on the premises accommodates children from Grade 0 to Grade 4. There is also an old age home and a successful rehabilitation programme for substance abusers. They are in the process of building a library and upgrading their crafts room. Donations can be dropped off Monday–Saturday between 8:30am–4pm. 83 Break Dr, Breakvillage, Tongaat. Contact: 032 944 6364 or visit Highway Hospice Association provides terminally ill patients with quality care. Donations are sold in one of its four charity shops to profit the organisation. Contributions can be dropped off at its depot or collection can be arranged by phone. 8 Ivy Rd, Pinetown. Contact: 031 709 2647, or visit Hillcrest Aids Centre Trust aims to address the impact of the HIV/ Aids pandemic in a practical and holistic way. Donations are used for its various programmes that include home-based


September 2010

and respite care, awareness, counselling, a feeding scheme, craft-income initiatives, horticulture and a school-fee fund. Donations can be dropped off Monday–Friday, 8am– 4pm. 26 Old Main Rd, Hillcrest. Contact: 031 765 5866 or visit Horizon Farm Trust is a farm offering long-term accommodation and occupation for intellectually impaired adults, outdoor and adventure activities for children with disabilities and at-risk youth, and a respite centre for families of children with disabilities. A7 Milky Way Rd, Shongweni. Contact: 031 769 1463 or visit iCare works to fulfill the physical, emotional, spiritual and mental needs of children living on the streets with a focus on reuniting them with their families. Those unable to be reunited are housed in one of three homes and schooled through the ACE education system. Donations can be collected or dropped off on weekdays between 8am–4pm and Saturday, 8am– 1pm. 57 Hambridge Ave, Somerset Park. Contact: 031 572 6870 or visit KZN Society for the Blind Cares for visually impaired people. The focus is on providing employment and rehabilitation. It also runs an early childhood development centre. Donations can be dropped off Monday–Friday, 8am–4pm. 194 Umbilo Rd, Durban. Contact: 031 202 7277 or visit Lungisani Indlela works within the community of Amaoti, an informal settlement ravaged by HIV/Aids and high unemployment. It runs various programmes including a back-to-school project, feeding scheme, crèche development project and children’s village. Staff also train unemployed adults in woodwork, sewing and beading

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. – Aesop and assist entrepreneurs. 126 Cardham Dr, Phoenix. Contact: 031 505 8811, 082 211 0481 or visit Mother of Peace strives to meet the needs of the area of Illovo through initiatives that include caring for abandoned children, providing a home for orphans and palliative care to the terminally ill. Its poultry and vegetablegarden projects provide a source of food for the children. Donations are used within the organisation. Call to arrange delivery of your donations. Contact: 031 916 2299 or visit

Operation Bobbi Bear works with sexually abused children to help them towards wholeness while upholding their rights, minimising their risk of HIV infection and assisting them through the investigation and prosecution procedures. Donations are distributed at its tree clinic and are used in their rape bags, which are given to young victims while they wait for their examination. They include essential toiletries, underwear, stationery, sanitary products and treats. Donations can be dropped off Monday–Friday, 8am–5pm. 122 Umdoni Rd, Amanzimtoti. Contact: 031 903 2424 or visit


Sahara Shelter for Abused Women provides short-term accommodation for women and children escaping from abusive homes and needing support and time to make decisions about their future. Those arriving at the shelter are often without any personal belongings so donations of toiletries and baby products are most needed. Call ahead if you have items to drop off, because the address is protected. Contact: 031 500 3671 or Shepherd’s Keep Promise House is a home for abandoned babies from new-born to six months old. Babies are cared for until they are successfully matched with adoptive parents. Hospice care is provided for terminally ill babies. The Hands of Mercy ministry provides education and counselling to caregivers from underprivileged communities. Donations are used in the home for the babies’ welfare. Drop off your donation any day of the week between 9am– 4pm. 1195 Bluff Rd, Marlborough Park, Durban. Contact: 031 466 1045 or visit Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) rescues abused and neglected domestic, farm and wild animals and provides shelter for strays. Some branches offer education in pet ownership and a veterinary service for pet owners on lower incomes. The Kloof and Durban branches run charity shops where second-hand items in good condition are sold to profit the organisation. Donations can be collected or dropped off. Contact: Kloof & Highway SPCA: Village Rd, Kloof, 031 764 1212/3 or kloofspca.; Durban & Coast SPCA: Willowfield Cres, Springfield Park, 031 579 6500 or visit


A little madness in the spring is wholesome even for the king. – Emily Dickinson

donated to Granny’s Attic, TAFTA’s charity shop, are sold to fund its programmes. Items can be dropped off Monday–Friday, 8am–4pm or collection can be arranged. 80 Samora Machel St (city centre). Contact: 031 332 3721 or visit

St Clements works within the community of Clermont to feed and care for the poorest of the poor, support Aids orphans, families affected by Aids and people dying of Aids. Staff also run Aids-awareness programmes within the community. Donations of any type and in any condition can be put to use within the organisation. Call for directions or to arrange collection. Clermont, Pinetown. Contact: 031 707 3031, 082 350 9894 or

The Footprint Foundation was started by a group of cyclists who wanted to make a difference in the lives of others. They are primarily involved in working in underprivileged crèches and daycare centres and are currently assisting Phindevuye development in Mariannhill where 50–100 children are fed each day and a crèche is being established. Donations go towards the needs of the children. Their application form for an NPO number is being processed. Call ahead to arrange a time to drop off your donation. 2 Impunzi Place, Kloof. Contact: 083 324 8341 or visit

St Philomena’s Community Development Centre provides opportunities for personal and group empowerment. This is achieved through social service projects that respond to poverty, skills deficiency, educational challenges, unemployment, abuse and dysfunctional families. St Philomena’s has projects with special emphasis on children, youth, adults and families from various socio-economic backgrounds. Call to arrange a time to drop off your donation. 92 Rippon Rd, Sydenham. Contact: 031 208 4187 or visit

The Princess Project accepts donations of wedding dresses, matric dance dresses, ball gowns and eveningwear. The dresses are matched up with underprivileged brides-to-be and matriculants who would otherwise miss out on their big day or special occasion due to lack of resources. It has representatives throughout the country and collection can be arranged. This organisation is still in the process of registering as an NPO. Contact: 082 260 2725, or visit

The Association for the Aged (TAFTA) is dedicated to assisting the aged and improving their welfare and happiness through services that include a meals-on-wheels programme, a laundry scheme, respite care, social worker visits, home care and advisory clinics. Used goods

The Robin Hood Foundation supports local disadvantaged communities through their Gogo Bag and Love the Babies Bag projects. The bags are filled with essential items and distributed to grandparent and orphan-headed households and new moms without access

to essential supplies. Donations are used to make up the bags and can be dropped off at Studentemps in Westville, Wool ’n Weave in Hillcrest, Meoli & Baby in Hillcrest or Broadway Pharmacy in Durban North. Contact: 082 416 0660, or visit The Salvation Army is working in the greater Durban community through various crèches, a retirement centre, church, frail-care centre and a family-care centre, which houses destitute families and abused women. Donations are used where needed and anything which cannot be used is sold through its thrift store to generate funds. Call to arrange collection or delivery. 26 Mitchell Crescent, Greyville. Contact: 031 309 5300 or visit The Ubuntu Community Chest raises and distributes funds to organisations that meet the welfare needs of the community. Contributions help children’s homes, the disabled, alcohol and drug-rehabilitation centres, HIV/Aids initiatives, the mentally impaired and the elderly. Donations can be dropped off on Monday–Friday, 8:30am–4:30pm. 146 Florida Rd, Durban. Contact: 031 303 3890, 086 110 1133 or visit Vukukanye works in underprivileged communities by supporting and uplifting residents through its food parcel project, foster home, domestic violence and abuse centre and extracurricular sports project. Donations are used in the home and centre or distributed to needy community members. Suite 17B Westville Centre, 52 Norfolk Terrace, Westville. Contact: 031 266 2288, 083 233 2924 or visit

September 2010



what’s on in september Things to do, places to go, ways to give back, talks and exhibitions plus loads of fun for the whole family. compiled by Tamlyn vincent


special events


FUN for children


only for parents


bump, baby & tot in tow


how to help



White Mountain Music Festival Acoustic performances and activities for the whole family.

Above: White Mountain Music Festival. Top right: Ard Matthews. Bottom right: Vusi Mahlasela




bump, baby & tot in tow

how to help

Just Imagine Mosaics Art classes with a difference – guaranteed fun for all ages.

Brutal Tunes Head to the Stirling Theatre for this macabre tale of murder, mirth and mayhem.

Baby Sense workshop Baby care experts aim to help you develop a healthy, happy family life.

Santa Shoebox Project Donate a personalised gift for a child in need this Christmas.

September 2010





September 2010



“McCulley’s Workshop” song that shares its name with the show, traditional Irish number “Whisky In the Jar”, “Don’t Stop Till You Get Enough”, “Ready to Run” and sailor jigs aplenty. The Buccaneers doesn’t follow the traditional supper theatre format, allowing for plenty of ad-libbing and audience participation. On arrival, guests can choose one item of pirate apparel. This family show ends 4 September. Time: 6pm. Venue: Upper Deck, uShaka Marine World. Cost: R169, including buffet dinner. Contact: 031 328 8107 or book through Computicket: visit

2 thursday Eye Care Awareness Month 20 September–17 October. Educate yourself about healthy vision and the technology available to maintain healthy sight and that assist in eye care ailments. For more info: visit

Notes Nocturnal Bring your own picnic to this song-and-dance show. A portion of proceeds go to charity. Charities wanting to book an evening, call to enquire. Ends 13 September. Time: 7pm, Saturday matinée 2pm. Venue: Westville Civic Centre. Cost: R60. Contact: 083 259 4768


ADHD Awareness Day ADHASA invites learners with ADHD in various age categories to take part in the ADHASA Essay Competition and stand the chance to win a laptop. Children must relate how ADHD can be to their advantage and help them in their ordinary life or as a superhero. Entrance fee is R20. Essays can be written in English, Afrikaans, Sotho or Zulu and must be posted to PO Box 3704, Randburg, 2125, faxed to 086 604 7124 or emailed to adhasa@telkomsa. net. Please include the name of the child, age, email address, telephone number, and which school they attend. Closing date is 31 August. ADHASA also appeals to schools to hold a civvies day, allowing learners to wear at least one item of blue or green clothing on the day, and confirm their participation with ADHASA. If your school is holding a civvies day please make a donation to ADHASA of R5 per child. For more info: 011 888 7655, adhasa@telkomsa. net or visit

1 wednesday JOMBA! Contemporary Dance Experience A celebration of local and international dance. The programme also includes an open Fringe programme, a Youth Fringe day plus dance master classes and workshops. A special event this year is Red Eye Jomba!, a partnership project with the Durban Art Gallery on 3 September. Ends 12 September. Time: 7:30pm. Venue: Elizabeth Sneddon Theatre, Howard College Campus, UKZN. Cost: tbc. Contact: 031 260 2506 or visit Secretary’s Day Be the boss for a day, with great entertainment and prizes. Time: noon–4pm. Venue: Phantom Ship, uShaka Marine World. Cost: tbc. Contact Thresa: 031 328 8008, mkt@ushakamarineworld. or visit Buccaneers of Upper Deck The Buccaneers is a ship shape, lighthearted musical and interactive dinner experience featuring musical gems like the

3 September – Casual Day

3 friday Casual day Dress for Laughs Wear something funny with your Casual Day sticker to support those with disabilities. Stickers are R10 and can be found online or at participating outlets; see website for details. Other Casual Day merchandise also available. Contact: 012 663 8181, casualday@ or visit Durban School for the Hearing Impaired creates awareness through a mini-concert of choral verses and Zulu dance. Casual Day stickers on sale. Time: tbc. Venue: Galleria Mall, Amanzimtoti. Cost: free. Contact: 031 903 7253 or dshi@

6 September – National Book Week

14 tue

4 saturday Baby Sense workshop Baby care experts address the concerns of new and expectant parents to help them develop a healthy, happy family life. Time: morning session 8am, afternoon session 1pm. Venue: Riverside Hotel. Cost: one session R230, both sessions R420. Contact: 0861 114 891, seminars@ or visit Boot Camp 99-day challenge Fitness challenge for adults and teenagers. Ends 11 December. Time: tbc. Venue: Giba Valley, Westmead. Cost: R600. Contact: Brendon: 031 701 7282, 082 455 6986, bootcamp@ or visit or Brutal Tunes Musical tale of murder and madness, with a good dose of humour. Also 5, 11 and 12 September. Time: Saturday 8pm, Sunday 7pm. Venue: Stirling Theatre, Fairway, Durban North. Cost: R80. Contact: 082 970 0002 or Clifton School founder’s weekend Sport, games, craft market and food stalls. Time: 8am. Venue: 102 Lambert Rd, Morningside. Cost: free entry. Contact: 031 312 2147, or visit

family marketplace


September 2010


KTV Market Day showcases creative ideas as children participate in a flea market. Prizes for best product, best sales team, most innovative idea and more. Children between the ages of six and 15 can enter. Time: 10am–2pm. Venue: Arena 5, uShaka Marine World. Cost: free entry. Contact Vera: 031 505 1743, 084 505 1743, m-link@ or enter online at Sensory Strategies parent seminar on reducing sensory overload and meeting your child’s sensory needs. Time: 8am–3:30pm. Venue: Mt Edgecombe Country Club, Umhlanga Rocks. Cost: R995. Contact: 084 369 3667 or tori@ The Browns’ School fête Fun day for the family with activities, food and stalls. Time: 9am–2pm. Venue: Dorfner Rd entrance, Caversham Glen, Pinetown. Cost: free entry, R5 parking. Contact Jane: 031 700 6065, or visit

Trauma release workshop Level 1 training for treatment of trauma and stress. Ends 7 September. Time: 9:30am–4:30pm. Venue: Elangeni Hotel, Durban. Cost: R4 800. Contact Brigitte: 031 705 1792, 084 548 5277, or visit

6 monday National Book Week works towards spreading the seeds of reading, encouraging a love of books, and showcasing South African literature, especially in disadvantaged areas. Ends 13 September. For events in your area: visit

8 wednesday Backstory presents an epic tale of evolution through physical drama, intrigue and humour. Time: 7:30pm. Venue: The Theatre, St Anne’s Diocesan College, Pietermaritzburg. Cost: concessions R50, adults R70. Contact: 033 343 6100

12 sunday Dharma for Kids aims to teach your child love, compassion and wisdom. For children 5–12 years and their parents. Time: 10am– 11am. Venue: Mahasiddha Buddhist Centre, 2 Hollings Rd, Malvern. Cost: R10. Contact: 031 464 0984, info@meditateindurban. org or visit

19 sun


Equal Zeal Seminar aims at helping families lead a healthy lifestyle plus opportunities to assist exhibiting charities. Time: tbc. Venue: Breakers Resort, Umhlanga. Cost: adults R295, teenagers R95. Contact: 073 143 2463, or visit

17 friday Barnyard evening Fundraiser initiative for Little Treasures Playschool, featuring dance performances and musical entertainment. Time: 6:30pm. Venue: Gateway Church, 201 Golf Course Dr, Mount Edgecombe. Cost: R100. Contact: 031 539 5079, 083 973 2930 or Drama for Life festival discusses the theme Sex Actually by exploring HIV/Aids and other sex-related issues. Ends 18 September, also in Pietermaritzburg 15–16 September. Time: tbc. Venue: varies. Cost: tbc. Contact Lonwabo: 072 906 0155 or lonwabo.mavuso@wits. or Levinia: 083 745 8859 or levinia. Glenwood Community Festival with a performance by the KZN Philharmonic Orchestra. Take a picnic and chairs. Time:

24 September – Sunday Tribune Garden & Leisure show

gates open 4pm, concert starts 6:30pm. Venue: Glenwood Preparatory School, Bath Rd. Cost: R70. Contact Jolene: 031 201 5165 or The Witness Hilton Arts Festival A showcase of South African theatre featuring drama, comedy, dance and music plus art, crafts and food. Ends 19 September. Time: varies. Venue: Hilton College. Cost: free entry, show prices vary. Contact: 033 383 0126/7, tickets@hiltoncollege. com or visit

The Karate Kid premieres Twelve-yearold Dre Parker (played by Will Smith’s son Jaden) could have been the most popular child in Detroit, but his mother’s latest career move has landed him in China. With no friends in a strange land, Dre is bullied and turns to maintenance man Mr Han (Jackie Chan), who is secretly a master of kung fu, for help. As Han teaches Dre that kung fu is not about punches and parries, but maturity and calm, Dre realises that facing down the bullies will be the fight of his life. Showing at all major cinemas.

18 saturday

22 September – Preschool art auction

Lasting Impressions toddler educational seminar covers nutrition, safety and more. Time: 8am–noon. The pregnancy educational seminar includes topics such as breastfeeding and exercise. Time: 2pm–5pm. Venue: 35 Caefron Ave, Westville. Cost: individual R60, couple R100. Contact: 031 267 0435 or lasting. Sister Lilian workshop Learn how to bring up healthy, happy babies. Time: 9am–noon. Venue: Southern Sun Garden Court, Umhlanga. Cost: R150. Book through Computicket: 083 915 8000 or visit

September 2010



30 September– 4 October – A Scent of Light

White Mountain Music Festival Acoustic performances, outdoor activities, including a scavenger hunt for children, helicopter flips, horse riding and a foefie slide. For the less adventurous there are art and crafts stalls, food and beer markets and bird watching. Acts included are Ard Matthews, the Jack Mantis Band, Redhand Blues Band and the legendary Vusi Mahlasela. Ends 26 September. Time: tbc. Venue: White Mountain Lodge. Cost: Computicket R450, at the gate R550. Contact: 082 892 6176 or visit

24 friday

19 sunday Old Mutual Music at the Lake featuring Theuns Jordaan Time: 2:30pm. Venue: Durban Botanic Gardens. Cost: early birds R80, on concert day R100, children 6–12 years R20. Contact: 031 202 5819, visit durbanbotanicgardens. or book through Sunflower Fund Bandana Day Join a 5km fun run along the bandana Rope of Hope, followed by prizegiving and entertainment. Bandana Day is on 12 October this year. Time: 9am. Venue: Suncoast Casino. Cost: entry fee R30. Contact: 031 328 3000, 078 207 9041, za or visit

Glenridge Pre-primary 60th birthday celebrations include a concert and entertainment for children. Time: 11am– 5pm. Venue: 10 Rif Rd, Manor Gardens. Cost: adults R30, children R20. Contact: 031 261 7272, or visit Sunday Tribune Garden & Leisure Show exhibits indigenous and exotic plant life, innovative design features and landscaping techniques. Ends 26 September. Time: 9am–6pm. Venue: Royal Showgrounds, Pietermaritzburg. Cost: adults R35, children under 12 R20. Contact: 033 345 6274, or visit royalshow.

26 sunday Horizon Farm Trust charity race day Watch the races and enjoy a buffet lunch. Time: 11:30am–5pm. Venue: Greyville Race Course. Cost: R275, table of 10 R2 500. Contact Michaella: 031 769 1463 or

Dangerous Creatures

22 wednesday

27 monday

We Friends Preschool art auction View and bid on children’s art while enjoying a finger supper and soft drinks. Time: 6:30pm. Venue: Glenridge Church, 65 Masabalala Yengwa Ave. Cost: R30. Contact: 031 303 1787 or wefriends@

David & Goliath Musical narration with sing-alongs, dancing and crafts for children. Ends 2 October. Time: 11am and 2:30pm daily. Venue: Rhumbelow Theatre, Umbilo. Cost: R50. Contact: 031 205 7602, 082 499 8636, or visit Theatrix Drama Workshops explores theatre craft through dynamic drama and movement. For ages 5–15 years. Ends 29 September. Time: 8:30am–2:30pm. Venue: Eden College, Glenmore. Cost: one day R200, three days R500. Contact: 082 560 7185

23 thursday Familia Flamenco Linda Vargas Flamenco Dance Company presents guitarist Demi Fernandez. Ends 3 October. Time: 7:30pm, Sunday matinée 3pm. Venue: Catalina Theatre. Cost: R80, matinée and block bookings R60. Contact: 031 305 6889 Highway Hospice Charity Race Evening with dinner and complimentary wine. Time: 5pm. Venue: Greyville Race Course, Avondale. Cost: R200. Contact Lynn: 031 208 6110, or visit


September 2010

Duck and Deck animal farm

Maputoland Challenge Run 182 km for this fundraising initiative to raise money for five charities. Two to five members per team. Ends 29 September. Time: 2pm. Venue: Hluhluwe Hotel, Zululand. Cost: individual R1 000, school team R2 500, corporate team R5 000. Contact Highbury School: 031 765 9800 or

FUN FOR CHILDREN art, culture and science artSPACE Exhibitors explore life’s journey and the experiences of living in South Africa. Time: Monday–Friday 10am–4pm, Saturday and public holidays 10am–1pm. Venue: artSPACE, 3 Millar Rd, Durban. Cost: free entry. Contact: 031 312 0793 or visit A Scent of Light exhibition featuring three South African artists. 30 September–4 October. Time: opening night 6pm. Venue: The Green Gallery, Shop 19 Flanders Mall, Flanders Drive, Mount Edgecombe. Cost: free. Contact: 031 502 2757 or info@ Phezulu Village Experience Zulu culture with the Gasa clan. Entry includes crocodile and snake park visits. Open daily 8am– 4:30pm. Dancing at 10am, 11:30am, 2pm and 3:30pm. Venue: Old Main Rd, Botha’s Hill. Cost: R90, optional game drive every hour R120. Contact: 031 777 1000, or visit

classes, talks and workshops E-Learner and study skills courses Get IT certification or improve your child’s ability to study. Time: varies. Venue: 125 Ridgeton Towers, 6 Aurora Dr, Umhlanga Ridge. Cost: E-Learner R1 800, study skills­­­­­ R2 855. Contact: 031 566 1110, 082 042 2556, umhlanga@computers4kids. or visit Holistic Healing for Kids focuses on mindnastics, building self-esteem and goal-setting for children 6–13 years. Every Saturday. Time: 2pm–5pm. Venue: North Beach, Durban. Cost: R200. Contact: 031 332 9724 or Just Imagine Mosaics Mosaic art classes for all ages. Time: Tuesday 8:30am– 11:30am, Wednesday 6pm–9pm, on Saturday groups by arrangement. Venue: 50 Haygarth Rd, Kloof. Cost: R75. Contact: 031 764 6454, or visit New Daisy Arts Studio Drawing skills, painting and sculpture lessons for anyone 6 years and older. Time: Saturday 9am–11am, Wednesday 10am–noon; evenings 5:30pm–7:30pm. Venue: 65 Ethelbert Rd, Malvern. Cost: 6–8 year olds R225, 9 years and older R250. Contact: 073 540 9210 or daniella. Roxy Learn to Surf Group or individual lessons for ages 7 and older. All surfboards, rash vests and wetsuits provided. Every Tuesday. Time: noon–5pm. Venue: Suncoast beach. Cost: R150 per hour. Contact Alan: 076 877 5143

28 tuesday Children’s Theatre with Adi Paxton Enviro-drama with storytelling and puppets. Ends 2 October. Time: 10am– 11am. Venue: Durban Botanic Gardens. Cost: children R25, adults R35. Contact: 083 725 0925

Tots n Pots durban’s

Tots n Pots celebrates spring in the kitchen. Every Wednesday. Time: 2:30pm. Venue: Crawford Pre-Primary, La Lucia. Cost: R70. Contact Karen: 073 631 2299 or Yoga for Children develops core strength and flexibility while improving concentration. Every Tuesday. Time: 2:30pm. Venue: Centre for Well Being, 16 Canberra Ave, Durban North. Cost: R40. Contact Angela: 076 410 1410 or angela@

family outings @tap coffee corner Beetles, bugs and bees is the theme this spring. Savour the coffee while your children enjoy the playground. Time: Tuesday–Friday 9am– 4pm, Saturday 8am–2pm. Venue: 20 MacKeurtan Ave, Durban North. Contact: 031 563 2678 or 031 563 0882 Books2You Fair Find popular titles by your favourite authors at affordable prices. Date: 1–2 September. Time: 10am–3pm and 7:30am–2pm. Venue: Berea Primary media centre. Also at various venues throughout September. Cost: free entry. Contact: 082 907 1577, or visit Horseback beach adventures Ride along the beach or go on a moonlit evening ride. They also do bush trails, 30km endurance beach rides, pony camps and horsemastership courses. Tempest the pony is perfect for smaller children. Time: varies. Venue: Isipingo, directions sent on booking confirmation. Cost: varies. Contact: 084 467 0752 or horsebackbeachadventures@gmail. com or visit horsebackbeachadventures. Hybrid Living Parents can browse in the shops or have a meal while children play in the Grubby Knees garden. Time: 8am–4pm. Venue: 1 Old Fort Rd, Umhlali (exit 214 from highway). Contact: 032 525 5115 or visit Moses Mabhida Stadium offers fun activities including the Big Swing, SkyCar or a tour of the stadium. Time: 9am–6pm. Venue: Masabalala Yengwa Ave, Stamford Hill. Cost: SkyCar adults R50, children 6–12 years R25, Big Swing R595, guided tour R75, general tour adults R20, children 6–12 years R15. Contact: 031 582 8242 or visit Rayz Kids World Spend the day visiting Crabby Beach, Black Skulls Treasure Cave and Rayz Gold Diggers. For children 2–10 years. Tiny tots and parents also catered for. Time: 9am–6pm. Venue: uShaka Marine World. Cost: R35. Contact: 031 328 8000 or visit

Horseback beach adventure

reptiles including the king cobra, black mamba, poison dart frogs, false water cobra (of which there is only one in the country) and Gila monster lizards. Time: 10am–5pm daily. Venue: uShaka Marine World. Cost: R25. Contact: 031 328 8000 or visit Duck and Deck animal farm A chance for children to touch, feel and interact with animals. Closed Mondays. Time: 9:30am– 4pm. Venue: 3 Willow Way, Assagay. Cost: R15. For more info: 031 768 1029 or visit KwaZulu-Natal Sharks Board Enjoy an audiovisual presentation and shark dissection, plus lifelike replicas of sharks, fish and rays. Time: Tuesday–Thursday 9am and 2pm, Sunday 2pm. Venue: 1A Herrwood Dr, Umhlanga. Cost: adults R30, children R15. Contact: 031 566 0499 or visit

finding nature and outdoor play CROW Gain insight into the rehabilitation of wildlife. Open the last Sunday of every month. Time: gates open 10:30am, tour starts 11am. Venue: 2 Coedmore Ave, Yellowwood Park. Cost: R20. Contact: 031 462 1127, or Dangerous Creatures Face some of the world’s fastest and most poisonous durban’s

The Animal Farmyard

The Animal Farmyard offers daily milking demonstrations, the chance to bottlefeed newborn animals, pony rides and a foefie slide. Time: open daily 9am–4:30pm,

milking 10:30am and 3:30pm. Venue: 3 Lello Rd, Botha’s Hill. Cost: entry R10, rides R4. Contact: 031 765 2240 or visit Treasure Beach Explore the shoreline with a trained guide while learning about ecosystems. Time: varies. Venue: 835 Marine Dr, Bluff. Cost: adults R35, children R20. Contact Verlin: 031 467 8507 or

Pennington Community Centre Market Offers kitchenware, handcrafted goods and more. Time: Monday– Friday 9am–2:30pm. Venue: Pennington Community Centre Shongweni Farmer’s and Craft Market Gourmet food, organic and local produce and crafts. Every Saturday. Time: 6:30am– 10am. Venue: cnr Kassier and Alverstone Rds, Assagay. Contact: 083 777 1674 or The Aliwal Craft Market takes place at the Scottburgh River Mouth in Scottburgh, every first Sunday of the month and offers doll-making, pottery, woodwork, food and much more. Contact: 039 973 0084 or Helen: 039 973 0823 The food market for locally produced coffee, cheese, pâté, breads, a children’s corner, mini flower market and tea garden. 18 September. Time: 8am–2pm. Venue: The Hellenic Community Centre, Durban North. Contact: 083 777 5633 or visit The Litchi Orchard Farmers’ Market Covered market featuring live music and a children’s playground. First and third Saturday of each month. Time: 9am–1pm. Venue: Seaforth Ave, Foxhill. Contact: 084 205 6151 or

markets Essenwood Market Fresh food, children’s activities and a range of stalls. Every Saturday. Time: 9am–2pm. Venue: Essenwood Rd. Contact: 031 208 1264 or visit Farmer’s Market Non-refrigerated fresh produce. Time: 10am–1pm. Venue: Jimmy Bellows Sports Field, Westville (Thursday); Autumn Drive, Umhlanga (Wednesday); Amanzimtoti Sports Club (Tuesday). Contact Rob: 082 413 1887 Fever Tree Market Stroll under the yellowwood trees while shopping at a variety of stalls. 12 September. Time: 9am– 2pm. Venue: Claremont Farm, Salt Rock. Contact: 082 775 3998 or 082 336 3222 Golden Hours Family Market Fundraising initiative of Golden Hours Special School. They offer an adventure playground, breakfasts and roast lunches. Every Sunday. Time: 10:30am–3:30pm. Venue: Uitsig Rd, Durban North. Cost: free. Contact Lyn: 083 262 3693 i heart market Food and design market showcasing locally produced crafts, food and fresh veggies. 4 September. Time: 8:30am–1pm. Venue: DLI Hall, 5 DLI Ave, Greyville. Contact: 079 496 4788 or Karkloof Farmer’s Market with stalls, music and children’s activities. Third birthday celebrations, 4 September. Time: 7am–11am. Evening market, 27 September. Time: 5:30pm–9pm. Venue: off the D507, along the Karkloof Rd. Cost: free entry. Contact Andrea: 082 820 8986 or visit

A day at the market

on stage and screen Backstory An epic tale of evolution. 8 September. Time: 7:30pm. Venue: The Theatre, St Anne’s College, Pietermaritzburg. Cost: concessions R50, adults R70. Contact: 033 343 6100 Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam is the sequel to the hit musical Camp Rock, and features the Jonas Brothers as rock band Connect 3. Premiers 18 September on Disney Channel, DStv channel 303. Time: 9am. David & Goliath A musical narration with sing-alongs, dancing and crafts. 27 September–2 October. Time: 11am and 2:30pm daily. Venue: Rhumbelow Theatre, Umbilo. Cost: R50. Contact: 031 205 7602, 082 499 8636, or visit The Karate Kid premieres on 17 September at all major cinemas. Notes Nocturnal Song and dance show. 2–13 September. Time: 7pm, Saturday September 2010



Unplugged originals and covers by Barry Thompson and Andy Turrell. Dinner theatre. 31 August–19 September. Time: Tuesday–Saturday 7pm, Sunday 12:30pm. Venue: Heritage Theatre, Hillcrest. Cost: Wednesday–Saturday R190, Tuesday and Sunday R165. Contact: 031 765 4197 or visit Durban Ice Rink

playtime and story time Books and Books children’s story time Every Saturday. Time: 10am. Venue: Shop 42, Kensington Square, 53 Kensington Dr, Durban North. Cost: free. Contact: 031 563 6288 or Children’s story time A story followed by a craft or activity for children aged Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam

matinée 2pm. Venue: Westville Civic Centre. Cost: R60. Contact: 083 259 4768, book at 031 266 5239 Old Mutual Music at the Lake featuring Theuns Jordaan 19 September. Time: 2:30pm. Venue: Durban Botanic Gardens. Cost: early birds R80, on concert day R100, children 6–12 years R20. Contact: 031 202 5819, visit durbanbotanicgardens. or book through The Big 5 showcases the talents and hits of the mega-stars Elton John, Tina Turner, Stevie Wonder, Michael Jackson and Madonna. 31 August–17 October.


September 2010

Time: Tuesday–Saturday 8pm, Sunday 2pm. Venue: The Barnyard Theatre, Gateway Theatre of Shopping. Cost: Wednesday–Saturday R120, Tuesday night and matinée R85. Contact: 031 566 3045, or visit The Witness Hilton Arts Festival A showcase of South African theatre for adults and children. 17–19 September. Time: varies. Venue: Hilton College. Cost: free entry; show prices vary. Contact: 033 383 0126/7, tickets@hiltoncollege. com or visit

3–8 years. Every Saturday. Time: 10am. Venue: 26 Rockview Rd, Amanzimtoti. Cost: free. Contact: 031 903 6692 or Steam train rides on a miniature steam engine. Second and fourth Sunday every month. Playground and tea/coffee are available. Time: 11am–4pm. Venue: 4 Hinton Grove, Virginia. Cost: R5 per ride. Contact: 083 284 6469

sport and physical activities

Story time at the library

Boot Camp 99-day challenge 4 September–11 December. Time: tbc. Venue: Giba Valley, Westmead. Cost: R600. Contact: Brendon: 082 455 6986, 031 701 7282, or visit or Durban Ice Rink Open seven days a week, with five skate sessions daily. Take socks along. Time: varies. Venue: 81 Somtseu Rd, Durban. Cost: R40, includes skate hire. Contact: 031 332 4597 or visit


Trauma release workshop Level 1 training for treatment of trauma and stress. 4–7 September. Time: tbc. Venue: Elangeni Hotel, Durban. Cost: R4 800. Contact Brigitte: 031 705 1792, 084 548 5277 or visit

on stage and screen only for parents classes, talks and workshops Childcare First Aid Workshop Emergency procedures for childminders. Last Saturday of every month. Time: 9am–3pm. Venue: New Era House, 6 Joseph Ave, Glen Anil. Cost R500. Contact Kate: 083 271 5127 or Edu-Maid childcare and child stimulation courses for domestics. Time: varies. Venue: Sunningdale. Cost: R350. Contact Eleanor: 031 572 4313 or 084 821 6668 Meryl’s School of Cooking offers a variety of courses. Contact Meryl: 031 764 6577, or visit Sensory Strategies parent seminar on reducing sensory overload and meeting your child’s sensory needs. 4 September. Time: 8am–3:30pm. Venue: Mount Edgecombe Country Club. Cost: R995. Contact Tori: 084 369 3667 or tori@


Brutal Tunes A musical tale of murder and madness, with a good dose of humour. 4, 5, 11 and 12 September. Time: Saturday 8pm, Sunday 7pm. Venue: Stirling Theatre, Durban North. Cost: R80. Contact: 082 970 0002 or bookings@ Meryl’s School of Cooking

Drama for Life festival explores the theme Sex Actually. Pietermaritzburg 15– 16 September, Durban 17–18 September. Time: tbc. Venue: varies. Cost: tbc. Contact Lonwabo: 072 906 0155 or lonwabo. or Levinia: 083 745 8859 or Familia Flamenco 23 September–3 October. Time: 7:30pm; Sunday matinée 3pm. Venue: Catalina Theatre, Wilson’s Wharf. Cost: R80; matinée and block bookings R60. Contact: 031 305 6889 or visit

support groups ADHASA Support Groups for adults and children with ADHD. Meetings are irregular, so phone in advance. Contact Stuart: 031 298 8896 or Robin: 082 499 1344 for details on ADHASA, meeting times and for support. CANSA Support Durban North for survivors, relatives and friends. Second Tuesday every month. Venue: Durban North Methodist Church Hall. Contact: 031 564 2510 (for CANSA support groups in other areas call 031 205 9525) Childhood Cancer Foundation parent support group CHOC schedules regular meetings. Contact Gill: 084 831 3683 or visit Childline offers counselling to abuse victims and educate them on their rights. Contact: 0800 055 555 or visit

Compassionate Friends

Compassionate Friends support group for family and friends who have lost a loved one. Fourth Sunday every month. Venue: ABSA premises, 20 Hunter St, Durban CBD. Time: 3pm–5pm. Contact: 031 335 0463 or 082 458 3663 Depression and Anxiety South Africa for depression, trauma, bipolar disorder, and other mood and anxiety disorders. Call the national helpline on 0800 20 51 21 for referral to the relevant support group.

September 2010



Heights. Time: 9am–noon. Cost: adults R30, children R20. Contact Marinda: 084 245 0462

support groups

The South African Multiple Birth Association

Down Syndrome Association KZN Intuthuko support group meeting for those with Down Syndrome and their families. Third Saturday each month. Venue: Anglican Church Hall, Umbilo Rd. Contact: 076 978 9811 FAMSA offers family and relationship counselling, parenting guidance, conflict resolution and more. Contact: 031 202 8987 or visit 30 Bulwer Rd, Glenwood Hi Hopes offers support and information to families of babies with hearing loss. Contact: 082 447 1142 or Reach for Recovery breast cancer support group gets together for bringand-share morning teas, often with guest speakers. Contact: 072 248 0008 or 03l 205 9525 Speak Easy is a support group for those who stutter, their families and friends. Contact Imraan: 082 786 3718 or visit

bump, baby & Tot in tow

classes, talks and workshops Baby Sense workshop Time: 8am and 1pm. Venue: Riverside Hotel. Cost: morning/afternoon session R230, both R420. Contact: 0861 114 891, seminars@ or visit Lasting Impressions toddler educational seminar on nutrition, safety and more. 18 September. Time: 8am–noon. Pregnancy educational seminar looks at nutrition, breastfeeding, exercise and more. 18 September. Time: 2pm–5pm. Venue: 35 Caefron Ave, Westville. Cost: individual R60, couple R100. Contact: 031 267 0435 or Pregnancy yoga teaches beneficial postures and relaxation and breathing techniques for pregnancy. Time: Wednesday 3pm, Saturday 10am. Venue: Centre for Wellbeing, 16 Canberra Ave, Durban North. Cost: R170. Contact Angela: 076 410 1410 or Sister Lilian workshop Bring up healthy, happy babies with well-known parenting expert. 18 September. Time: 9am–noon. Venue: Southern Sun Garden Court, Umhlanga. Cost: R150. Book through Computicket: 083 915 8000 or visit

La Leche is a worldwide breastfeeding support organisation. There are currently no meetings in KwaZulu-Natal, but for breastfeeding support and questions contact Jane: 031 309 1801 or visit llli. org/southafrica Moms and Babes support group meets monthly for a talk – this month looks at immunisations. Date: 14 September. Time: 9am–10:30am. Venue: Alberlito Hospital, Ballito. Cost: free. Contact: 032 946 6956 or 032 946 1826 Post-natal Depression Support Association of South Africa No support groups are meeting currently. Call the National Helpline on 082 882 0072 or visit The South African Multiple Birth Association Join other families with multiples at a spring picnic. 4 September. Time: 10am–noon. Venue: Tecoma Preprimary, Winklespruit. Contact: 082 338 2625, or visit

Meditation classes for moms Learn to be peaceful and positive. Every




8:30am–9:30am. Venue: Hillcrest Library, 22 Delamore Rd. Cost: R25. Contact: 031 765 2162, or

how to help Kitten Action Open your heart and volunteer your time by adopting a kitten or a mother cat. Donations also welcome. Contact: 031 764 3845, info@kittenaction. or visit KwaZulu-Natal Society for the Blind is looking for volunteers to sell raffle tickets for great prizes to be won. Tickets cost R5 as a donation. The draw will take place 25 February 2011. To offer your time contact Bobby: 031 202 7277 or visit Santa Shoebox Project Get your children to experience the gift of giving this Christmas by registering to donate a personalised gift to a vulnerable or disadvantaged child in one of many crèches, homes and Educare centres. Select


a child on the website, pledge to him or her and donate a present. Registration starts 1 September; gifts delivered from 27 October. You can also volunteer. For more info: visit Volunteer for CHOC at the Childhood Haematology Oncology Clinics. Choose from three volunteer programmes: Tuesday at the clinic 9am–11am for 0–18 year olds; Wednesday in the ward at 9am–11am for 0–12 year olds; CHOC interactive play in the ward, Tuesday– Friday 1:15pm–3:30pm for 0–12 year olds. Venue: apply at CHOC, Inkosi Albert Luthuli Hospital. Contact Agie: 031 240 2917, or visit

playtime and story time

Kitten Action


September 2010

Moms and Tots and Moms and Babes workshops Interactive programmes designed to build relationships through play and fun activities. Time: varies. Venue: branches in Umhlanga, Durban North, Highway area and Glenwood. Cost: tbc. Contact: info@momsandtots. or visit or Story time at La Lucia Library Join other moms and tots for a children’s story and the chance to relax. Time: 1pm every Wednesday and Friday. Venue: 1 Library Lane, behind La Lucia Mall. Cost: free. Contact: 031 572 2986 Tea @ Toptots Tea garden where moms can take their young ones, relax and enjoy a cuppa. Second Tuesday every month. Venue: 2 Gwyneth Place, Carrington

Santa Shoebox Project

don’t miss out! For a free listing, email your event to or fax it to 031 209 2200. Information must be received by 2 September for the October issue and must include all relevant details. No guarantee can be given that it will be published.



party time


September 2010


last laugh

exercise for head folk SAM WILSON hopes her family will learn to live a little less in their brains…


September 2010

about in the waves, we’ll be the ones with a net, collecting specimens from rock pools, distracting ourselves with new thoughts as opposed to resolving the ones we already have with a good jolt of endorphins. Being head folk, has its upsides. Both our children like reading, for example. I don’t think they really had much option. One of our favourite activities is to squish all four of us into our bed and read away a Saturday morning, preferably with a few English muffins to hand. We also play a lot of board games and do a lot of recreational Wiki’ing, as all good nerdbased life forms should. But what’s beginning to worry me, is how this is all affecting the boys’ sense of physical self. Because, of course, the children of couch potatoes rarely grow up to be marathon runners. And, while I don’t have any urge to try and shoehorn my nice gentle sons into a life of competitive sport, it would be fabulous if one day they

could turn to me and say, “I don’t know. I’m going to go for a long surf and sort my head out.” Because, that’s how all the nice people I know have got over being overly worried – by balancing out their thinking with a whole lot of doing. And those are just the mental benefits. I haven’t even touched on the physical ones. Dreas and I were discussing these the other night. “You know what we are going to have to do, don’t you?” said Andreas, over the top of his book. “What?” I said, hoicking my novel into a defensive position. “The same thing one always has to do when parenting reveals a personality weakness. Fix it at the core.” I tried to make a feeble joke, but the truth is he’s right. If Dreas and I are going to teach our children to live in their entire bodies, not just their heads, we are going to have to start by example.

Joe, Sam and Benj

So. We’ve bought bicycles and helmets, not just for the boys, but for us as well. (I have never really learned how to ride a bike, so it’s a bit of an eye-opener.) And we’re trading Saturday Classic Movie Festivals for mountain walks. And who knows? Maybe this time next year, we’ll be sporty folk! Okay, let’s not aim too high. I’ll be content if I learn to think with my feet a little bit. Sam Wilson is the Editor-in-Chief of, and Food24. com. She sprung for the more expensive cycling helmets, for obvious reasons.




don’t think Andreas and I are really chronically lazy. I prefer to think of us as people who live in our heads. Have you seen that Ted talk by Sir Ken Robinson about educating people out of their bodies and into their heads, and then slightly to the one side? He talks about those who have bought so into the idea of classical education that they begin to see the body as some form of transport for one’s head, like an elaborate bookstand, as opposed to part of one’s self. (If you haven’t seen this fabulous eye-opener on nurturing creativity in children, it’s available at Well, that’s what happened to Dreas and me. At some point during our education, we stopped thinking with our bodies and started conducting all our thinking in our brains, which is a very dangerous way to live. So, rather than washing away the day’s woes with a nice walk, we’ll bury ourselves in books or the TV. Rather than splashing

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