june/july 2010 Issue 54 Circulation 45 160
bes t
gu i d e
f or
p aren t s
imagine nation
give your children the magic they need
Game on
activity boxes that’ll give boredom the boot
straight UP
from slouch to posture perfect
curtain raiser why a bit of drama is good for your children
y a d i l ho kick off
to have fun 131ways as a family in your city
the waiting is over, the day has dawned and, with tickets firmly in hand, I am ready!
My children are dressed in yellow and green from head to toe and are enthusiastically honing the “art” of trumpeting their vuvuzelas – with apologies to our longsuffering neighbours. If, like us, you are staying at home for the June/July school break, this month’s magazine will make all the difference. Firstly, we have banished boredom from your children’s vocabulary. See “mom, dad, I’m bored!” on page 46 for clever ideas for repackaging what you’ve got tucked away in your cupboards into exciting activity boxes. We’re certain these tips will make your life more pleasant! We’ve also scoured your city to bring you our pick of fabulous family fun. So, take some time out and enjoy Johannesburg as if you’re visiting it for the very first time. See “out & about” on page 54. And if you are welcoming visitors to your home and our country, we urge you to show your gees and try our managing editor Marina Zietsman’s regte, egte boerekos. Let’s light those fires, welcome the masses, get messy with our children and live a little! Laduuuummmmaaaaaa!
Hunter House P U B L I S H I N G
Publisher Lisa Mc Namara •
Editorial Managing Editor Marina Zietsman • Features Editor Elaine Eksteen • Calendar Editor Chareen Boake • Editorial Assistant Lucille Kemp •
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Joburg’s ChildTM is published monthly by Hunter House Publishing, PO Box 12002, Mill Street, 8010. Office address: Unit 5, First Floor, Bentley Office Park, cnr. Rivonia and Wessel Rd, Rivonia. Tel: 011 807 6449, fax: 011 234 4971, email: Annual subscriptions (for 11 issues) cost R165, including VAT and postage inside SA. Printed by Paarl Web. Copyright subsists in all work published in Joburg’s ChildTM. We welcome submissions but retain the unrestricted right to change any received copy. We are under no obligation to return unsolicited copy. The magazine, or part thereof, may not be reproduced or adapted without the prior written permission of the publisher. We take care to ensure our articles are accurate and balanced but cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage that may arise from reading them.
June 2010/July 2010
june / july 2010
upfront 3 a note from lisa 6 over to you readers respond
8 reader’s blog far from family, an ill mom rediscovers the value of friends. By Patrice Gopo
health 15 ear ouch Lucille Kemp looks into ear infections 16 reading the signals caution: cellphone in use. By Donna Cobban
49 inbetweenager in the house Leonora Found faces the challenges of raising an almost teen 50 don’t be a slouch Donna Cobban wants to preserve her son’s perfect posture
10 wins 14 upfront with paul children’s breakfast requests baffle Paul Kerton 18 dealing with difference understanding and helping the stuttering child. By Lucille Kemp
features 20 round of applause taking your children to the theatre is about more than just their entertainment, says Simone Gray 24 animal planet Sue Segar and her seven-year-old son explore Vic Falls 26 staying safe Tracy Ellis shares tips on making your child less vulnerable to harm 28 light the fires! side dishes for SA’s favourite pasttime, the braai. By Marina Zietsman 32 lost & found mother of two Megan Hjelm comes to terms with her dad’s death 36 give them some magic Roni Jay offers tips on encouraging creative play
54 resource: out & about Chareen Boake rounds up ideas for family fun in your city 60 a good read great new reads and soccer books for the whole family 68 what’s on in june and july 86 last laugh Sam Wilson has a new, extended list of hobbies
classified ads 74 family marketplace 81 it’s party time
this month’s cover image is supplied by:
40 twisting the truth a little white lie won’t hurt. Or will it? Tracy Ellis finds out 42 far from the madding crowds Donna Cobban travels to Nieuwoudtville in the Northern Cape 46 mom, dad, i’m bored! ideas for budget-friendly, keep-’em-occupied activity boxes. By Elaine Eksteen
June 2010/July 2010
Saheti School Photographer: Lisa Dell
June 2010/July 2010
over to you thanks, Sam Wilson
children and diet I was interested to read the article on “eating for sleeping” in the May issue of Child Magazine. However, I would like to point out that scientific research into the relationship between diet, or specific foods, and sleep patterns is limited. Factors that could have an impact are wide ranging, from exposure to sunlight in the morning to early iron deficiency. In light of the fact that no definitive information is available, parents with children who are not sleeping well should consider evaluating the child’s eating patterns overall, rather than individual foods. Children should eat regular, good, mixed meals, planned according to the four key guidelines for healthy eating for children: • starchy foods (such as pasta, rice, potatoes and bread) should form the basis of a child’s meal • include plenty of vegetables and fruit every day (aim for five portions) • milk needs to be consumed every day • chicken, fish, meat, eggs, beans, soya or
June 2010/July 2010
peanut butter should form part of their food intake. It is thought that certain additives, namely tartrazine (E102), sodium benzoate (E211), quinoline yellow (E104), sunset yellow (E110), carmoisine (E122), ponceau (E124) and allura red (E129) can increase activity levels in children, and these can be avoided, especially in the afternoons and at night. However it is not necessary to eliminate all additives, as many have useful functions in foods. Parents should not undertake an elimination diet for children unless advised to do so by a medical practitioner, and supervised by a registered dietitian. It is risky to do this as it introduces unbalanced eating plans, shortages of essential nutrients, and large amounts of stress. Should a parent have concerns about their child’s eating, they can seek advice from a registered dietitian. Deborah Hoepfl, PR Coordinator, Association for Dietitians in South Africa (Western Cape)
I just love Sam Wilson’s column. It’s painful to read too, though, because my own life has turned out so differently to hers. Firstly, my marriage ended. On the plus side, my sons’ dad is devoted to them and we have remained friends. But my oldest son is really angry. His drawings are full of skulls, blood and dismembered people and he’s extremely rude and confrontational. Having friends over can be torture. I would really like to know how to handle an extremely angry child. Divorce isn’t the only source of my son’s frustration. The relationships I’ve had with my children since their birth have been worlds apart. With the youngest I experienced instant understanding, yet with the oldest, despite my best intentions, it has always been a battle. We seem to rub each other up the wrong way. He doesn’t trust me and I feel utterly inadequate. The only time of peace between us is at the end of the day when we cuddle up for a story. When I read Sam’s column about what her children have taught her, it was at a time when I felt more clueless than ever, and I had to stop and think. I realised my children have taught me special things too. They have taught me a new vocabulary, like “pitta-pitta” for train, “duddi” for cockroach and “stiggidastaggid” for those times when you
need to say “stiggidastaggid”. They also taught me about eating carrots with peanut butter. At the end of the day they’ve taught me to love and let go of the rest – and how to really enjoy a bedtime hug. Anonymous
a happy SAH mom I had to giggle when I read Leonora Found’s blog “disengaging the mother ship” in your April issue. It is great to be reminded every so often that I’m not the only SAH (stay-at-home) mom trying to juggle everything. I am a 38-and-a-half (yes, lets not forget the half) year-old stayat-home mom to three children aged six to 12 years, and everything Leonora wrote had me in stitches – she was talking about my family! I joke with my husband that he goes to work purely to escape the constant madness in our home. And let’s not mention the “business trips” – how many times do those same roads and projects need to be checked up on? My husband has often offered to book me into a spa for a day, but unfortunately this is beyond our budget and, even if we could, I don’t know if I’d be able to relax. I’m one of those moms who actually doesn’t know what to do with herself when “the bratlings” aren’t around. What does one do for an entire day with no-one to run around after?
Even with all my complaints about the children, at the end of the day, I wouldn’t swap any of those big hugs, kisses, “love you moms”, and my husband’s “hey babe, how was your day?” when he gets home, for anything in the world. I am so fortunate to be able to spend this time with my children during their young years, and have to thank my husband for working so hard to provide me with this gift. Lianne Vinello-Lippert
the strength of words I remember when I was a child, my mom taught me the phrase “sticks and stones will break my bones, but names and words can’t harm me”. No matter how many times we chanted that phrase, it remained untrue. The bully at school could physically hurt me, and an unkind word could affect me emotionally. As a little girl, when I did something wrong, my Grandad used to say “My girl, I’m so disappointed in you”. For me, those words were far worse than a spanking or sending me to my room . I feel strongly that as much as we try and teach our children about physical safety, we as parents really need to equip our children with self-defence tools for dealing with emotional pain. Karen Meyer (mother of three and preschool teacher for 18 years)
support on Facebook Both my eight-year-old daughter and my friend’s 10-year-old daughter have dyspraxia. I would appreciate it if Child Magazine could run an article on this issue as not many people know about this motor learning disability. My friend and I wish to build a small community of parents who can support each other in the daily issues we face raising dyspraxic children. We’ve created a Facebook address for this purpose. It’s new and still in development, but if parents or caregivers are interested, the Facebook address is Dyspraxic Kids SA. Catherine
write to us We would like to know what’s on your mind. Send your letters to: or PO Box 12002, Mill Street, 8010. We reserve the right to edit and shorten submitted letters. The opinions reflected here are those of our readers and are not necessarily held by Hunter House Publishing.
June 2010/July 2010
sick days Sick, with a tiny baby in her care, PATRICE GOPO learns the value of allowing friends to be family.
June 2010/July 2010
Days like this serve to highlight just how far away our little family lives from our extended family, particularly, my mother and my husband’s mother. This means that when I’m sick there’s no-one who can come and watch my baby so I can sleep for a few hours. I know we have good reasons for currently living so far from our family. However, being sick makes me think that the most blessed people in life are those who live across the street from their mothers. I know friends can be a huge help. However, I find it difficult to ask a friend to enter the sick zone to care for my daughter. Whereas, you don’t even have to ask your mother: she’d show up with nourishing food and then clean your kitchen while watching the baby. Or perhaps that’s just wishful thinking? Perhaps, even if we lived closer to my family or my husband’s family, we would still be facing the question of what to do when I get sick. Both of our mothers work, so there is no guarantee either of them would be able to help, even if we did live next door.
calling out an SMS Last night my husband sent a text message to some close friends asking for prayers of encouragement for our little family, with me still sick and him having to travel for work today. Immediately a friend called to encourage him, and another called me to see if she could come and watch our little girl for a few hours so I can rest. The calls and offers of help have kept pouring in. I’ve learned a valuable lesson. Help doesn’t have to come in the form of your relatives. The friends around you can be just as much family to you, too. I simply need to learn to ask for help. My need for a couple of sick days has shown me the strength of our friendship circle in this place my husband and I now call home.
Readers, this is your column – it’s a space to air your views, share a valuable parenting lesson, vent your frustrations or celebrate your joys. Send your writing to
have been sick for over a week with a nasty bug that I caught from my adorable seven-month-old daughter. Her little body has thankfully healed, and her darling, inquisitive personality is back. Just in time for me to have the wind knocked out of my sails by some extreme version of whatever she had. The thing about pursuing motherhood as a full-time job is that along with no salary you also have no annual leave – and not a single sick day in sight. So, while my daughter’s health has been steadily improving, mine has been gradually declining – probably exacerbated by the responsibilities of caring for an energetic just-got-mycrawling-legs baby. My husband can only be described as a saint in the ways he has cared for my daughter, our home, and me during my out-of-commission phase. Steaming pots of chicken soup await me in the morning, as do cups of freshly brewed tea with lemon, ginger and honey – and that’s all before he departs for a busy day at the office. He is absolutely wonderful! But, he still has to work, which means I still do too.
June 2010/July 2010
in june & july
pop idol in the making Wired Sound Studios, which is based in Parktown North, is a modern sound-recording studio with state-of-the-art equipment. A live studio experience gets your children (or you) behind the microphone to sing their favourite songs. Your child receives a personalised CD of the recording – either with full backing tracks (where her voice replaces the original artist’s voice) or she can choose to sing with the artist (karaoke style). Wired Sound Studios also does supervised children’s parties that are best suited to groups of 20 to 25 children, with up to five children at a time taking their turn in the sound-recording booth. For more information contact 082 339 4733, info@wiredsoundstudios. or visit One Joburg’s Child reader stands a chance to win a two-hour Pop Idol themed party worth R2 500. To enter, email your contact details to with “Pop Idol Win” in the subject line or post your entry to Pop Idol Win, PO Box 12002, Mill Street, 8010. Only one entry per reader. By entering this competition you consent to your contact details being sent to Wired Sound Studios and you may receive marketing communication from them as a result.
breathe easy this winter Winter time often means restless nights from colds, flu and congestion. Karvol has been trusted for more than 40 years by moms and dads for its baby-friendly vapours. While helping your child breathe more easily, Karvol decongestant inhalation capsules, chest rub and room spray gently ease head colds, nasal congestion and bronchitis. For more information on Karvol products contact 0861 797 797 or Readers of Joburg’s Child stand a chance to win one of 10 Karvol hampers (including decongestant inhalation capsules and chest rub), valued at R400 each. To enter, email your details to with “Karvol Win” in the subject line or post your entry to Karvol Win, PO Box 12002, Mill Street, 8010. Only one entry per reader. By entering this competition you consent to your contact details being sent to Karvol and/or their agents and you may receive marketing communication from them, as a result.
mid-year break Jaci’s Safari Lodge provides a family-friendly bush break, situated in the malaria-free Madikwe Game Reserve, just a 3,5 hour drive from Johannesburg. Children of all ages are welcome at Jaci’s and there are specially focused activities such as the Jungle Drive, geared towards children under the age of four years. These take place between the morning and evening game drives. Parents are allowed to join, on condition that they behave like children. To book your place at Jaci’s Safari Lodge contact reservations on 083 700 2017, 083 447 7929 or One lucky reader of Joburg’s Child stands a chance to win a two-day midweek break valued at almost R22 000. The getaway is for two adults and two children under 12 years, including accommodation, meals, game drives and tea or coffee, and is valid until 15 December 2010. To enter, email your details with “Safari Lodges Win” in the subject line or post your entry to Safari Lodges Win, PO Box 12002, Mill Street, 8010. Only one entry per reader. Terms and conditions apply. By entering this competition you consent to your contact details being sent to Jaci’s Safari Lodges and/or their agents and you may receive marketing communication from them as a result.
June 2010/July 2010
June 2010/July 2010
giveaways continued... soccer fever Right on time for soccer fever, Build-ABear Workshop® has stocked up on the cutest and softest Zakumi mascots, soccer bears and cool soccer kits. Turn your bear into a soccer fan by kitting it out from head to paw in your favourite soccer team’s gear. Take your children to your nearest Build-ABear Workshop® store during the holidays to learn the special Diski Dance. Your child will have loads of fun learning the Build-ABear Workshop® war cries and can even have a soccer party. All children who learn the Diski Dance will receive their very own commemorative Diski Dance certificate. Build-ABear Workshop® stores are situated in Sandton City, Clearwater Mall, Eastrand Mall and Menlyn Park Shopping Centre. For more information email bearemy@ or visit Joburg’s Child readers stand a chance to win one of three fully-kitted out Zakumis, valued at R279 each. To enter, email your details to win@ with “Build-A-Bear JHB Win” in the subject line or post your entry to Build-A-Bear JHB Win, PO Box 12002, Mill Street, 8010 before 15 July. Only one entry per reader.
June 2010/July 2010
fun and fitness Ster Kinekor Entertainment presents the NewU Fitness First Mind Body workout, an interactive game dedicated to the core exercises of yoga and Pilates. Through a customisable programme of exercises, demonstrated by real personal trainers using video and audio voiceover, you can learn a range of yoga and Pilates breathing, exercise and relaxation techniques. The game can be played on a Nintendo Wii console. For more information contact Howard on 011 445 7992 or howardl@ Readers of Joburg’s Child stand a chance to win one of three NewU Fitness First Mind Body games valued at R399 each. To enter, email your details to with “Ster Kinekor JHB win” in the subject line or post your entry to Ster Kinekor JHB Win, PO Box 12002, Mill Street, 8010 before 31 July. Only one entry per reader.
congratulations to our April winners Elmarie Knapton, Ilsje van der Spuy, Beth Libby-Neale, Aneesa Goga, Romy Goralsky, Sophie Malao, Lisa Froneman, Sonja Greig, Charne Davis, Lindi Katzoff, Brenda Kganyago and Kobie van Es, who each win a Baby Sense hamper; Maria Markides, Miriam Sallie and Cindy Louw, who each win a High School Musical hamper from Ackermans; Carly Kent, Jacqui Sinek and Lauri Isserow, who each win a hamper of Little Lumps baby clothes; Tim Mitchell and Trish Kyte who each win a hamper of Happy Baby products from Baba Organics.
June 2010/July 2010
upfront with paul
what can I get you
for breakfast?
Paul, Sabina and Saskia
hat do you want for breakfast? Simple enough question, one would have thought. The options are quite limited: cereal, toast, yoghurt and fruit, pancakes, flapjacks, those “health” bars of dubious origin, eggs – any which way you like... We’re just trying to do what the experts say we ought to, namely get something substantial in junior’s tummy before school. In our house chocolate is a favourite request but, as we repeat on an almost daily basis, they need “real nutrients: protein, energy, vitamins and minerals” to help them through a day of hectic energy
June 2010/July 2010
expenditure that includes gymnastics, swimming, playtime and travel. So what is it to be, dear offspring? Blank faces. I was brought up on milk. At school I was always given a bottle of milk at playtime; and I loved cereal, still do. My brood hate milk, despite the promise of calcium, strong bones and healthy growth. Yes, I’ve got strong bones, but growth? I stopped growing at five-foot-eight. So milk maybe isn’t so great. I lump that false promise along with the many food myths that abounded in the ‘50s and ‘60s: spinach makes you strong (Popeye possibly); fish is good for the brain (not if it swam near Koeberg); and carrots help you see in the dark (so why do bunny rabbits keep getting caught by foxes?). Currently they love pancakes, but this is just another phase. Last month it was eggs,
and last year Saskia even loved Weet-Bix! Pancakes mean that Gran or myself have to remember to make a batch of mixture and put it in the fridge to “settle” overnight. When they are at friends’ houses they devour anything that they are given, more out of politeness than genuine enthusiasm. At home politeness goes straight out of the window. Then there is the great yoghurt debate. To me yoghurt is yoghurt, whether it has Barney, Rambo, Pooh Bear or Barbie on the packaging. Yoghurt is basically curdled cow’s milk with lashings of flavouring and sweetener, and the odd offcut of real fruit. Give the children a blind-tasting of six strawberry yoghurts and they would not be able to tell the difference; such is the power of branding – even at age two. You see children at the supermarket fridge driving their parents
insane: “Not that one, this one. Not this one, that one.” What children need is a lesson in appreciation. I once went on a serious mountain leadership course on the rugged and bleak Pyrenees where we had to catch, kill and cook our own food, as well as clamber up rock faces and sleep under a bivouac. When you are half way up a mountain after a 10-hour ordeal: cold, wet, exhausted and starving, believe me, you really don’t care whether it’s a Barbie yoghurt or a Pooh Bear yoghurt, rabbit, snail or pigeon. You don’t even care if the food has been cooked properly, whether it has bones in it, scales on it, or is speckled with dirt. You just want to get it down your throat. Now children, I repeat, what can I get you for breakfast? Paul Kerton is the author of Fab Dad: A Man’s Guide to Fathering.
Chocolate! I don’t think so, says PAUL KERTON.
ear ouch In winter colds are rife, making your baby more susceptible to ear infections. LUCILLE KEMP looks into how to fight them. n ear infection occurs when mucous collects in the nasal passage, blocking the Eustachian tube, which connects the middle ear to the back of the nose and throat. This blockage is a breeding ground for bacteria that normally live in the nose and throat. Ear infections can advance quickly, and can lead to glue ear, which is difficult to detect and treat and can cause impaired hearing. Another very painful end point of an ear infection is a ruptured eardrum. Ear infections are common among infants as their developing Eustachian tube is short and horizontal, making it easier for bacteria to migrate from the nose and throat up into the middle ear. Babies are more likely to get ear infections after a cold or sinus infection. Other factors that increase their risk are allergies, tobacco smoke in the home, infected or overgrown adenoids, and excess mucous and saliva that’s produced during teething or from using a dummy. To know that you are definitely dealing with an ear infection, look out for at least two of the following symptoms… Your child may be irritable and cry inconsolably from the pain, he may pull at his ears, wake up throughout the night or have diarrhoea (the bacteria responsible for ear infections can also attack the intestines). Look out for a fever three to five days after a cough or runny nose has developed. Sucking and swallowing can hurt, so your baby may
pull away from the breast or a bottle. Remember not to jump to conclusions based on just one symptom – an infant pulling at her ears, for instance, could just be teething. It’s important that you don’t try to medicate an ear infection yourself. However, if you need to manage things while you wait for an appointment with your GP, Allison Jordaan, resident pharmacist at Paulshof Pharmacy in Petervale, Johannesburg, suggests the following: “For babies, it is probably safest to go via the nose to decongest, ideally with baby saline nasal drops to dislodge the mucous backup and a pain suppository for immediate relief.” Be wary of giving your child cold and allergy medication if you suspect an ear infection. Doctors and pharmacists have found that certain popular decongestants may dry up a runny nose but can contribute to an ear infection. “Before medicating with antibiotics, your doctor may advise you to observe your child’s symptoms for a 24- to 48-hour period, while allowing their bodies time to fight the infection naturally,” says Dr Japie Roos, a paediatrician at Parklands Hospital in Durban. While observation is risky, our bodies are sometimes able to heal themselves. Your doctor will tell you whether it is a viable option for your child – comforting to know if antibiotics are not your preference.
prevention is better than cure Lifestyle changes that can help reduce your child’s risk of an ear infection: Breastfeeding. This lowers your child’s chances of getting ear infections by boosting his natural defences. Try to reduce your child’s chances of getting a cold. If your baby is on solids, make sure she is getting a balanced, nutritious diet. Possibly seek a smaller day-care setting. Investigate possible allergic reaction. Take action to lower the risk. Feed baby upright. Feeding your baby while he is lying down can cause the milk to irritate the Eustachian tube. Keep the nose clear. Use steam, saline nose drops and suctioning.
June 2010/July 2010
reading the signals Because we can’t be sure our cellphones aren’t damaging our health, it’s better to play it safe, says DONNA COBBAN.
very day my two-year-old reaches for my cellphone and just before he touches it he takes his hand away, looks at me sternly, wags his index finger in the direction of the phone and says “no, no, no”. It is something with which I have never let him play. When I first refused to give it to him I was not sure of my reasons. It had something to do with why I would not let him play next to an electricity substation and why I’d think twice before buying a house next to a cellphone mast. When others offer him their phones to play with, I gently pry the phone from his hands and return it graciously to the owner. Push me for my reasons and my answers would have been vague and uncertain. Maybe I am obsessing over nothing? Up until I had a child I never gave much thought as to how cellphones work. I worried a bit when masts started shooting up all over the show. Though, when they disguised the masts and made them look like live palm trees, I was impressed. As a parent, I feel differently and so I went in search of the facts. “Cellphones emit radio-frequency energy; this energy is a form of electromagnetic radiation,” is what I first read. The very word radiation sends out an air of alarm, but my fear is apparently unfounded as electromagnetic energy can be divided into two types: ionising and non-ionising. Ionising energy is what sends radiologists scurrying from the room
recent talk at CANSA: “The absence of evidence of any kind does not translate into proof of safety.” It would thus be prudent to apply what is known as the “precautionary principle” to the use of cellphones, particularly in children and teens. The European Commission
seconds before your x-ray fires (it has been proven that frequent exposure to this kind of radiation poses a cancer risk). But what about non-ionising energy – the kind emitted by a cellphone? These are the same waves used to cook a chicken in a microwave oven – albeit a cellphone uses a much lower frequency than a microwave. So while we wouldn’t stick our heads into a microwave oven, is it safe to have cellphones glued to our ears? No empirical evidence exists to say we shouldn’t. But as Devra Davies, a North American-based epidemiologist and writer stressed in a
June 2010/July 2010
Communication states that: “When an activity raises threats of harm to human health or the environment, precautionary measures should be taken even if some cause-and-effect relationships are not fully established scientifically.” Given the length of time it took to admit to a direct correlation between smoking and lung cancer, it seems somewhat absurd yet unsurprising that there are not yet any agreed-upon-by-all research results. Various groups point fingers at others – the sample groups used made only one call a week, different phones emitting different joburg’s
These are the same waves used to cook a chicken in a microwave oven – albeit a cellphone uses a much lower frequency.
radio-frequency (RF) levels were used, children were excluded, some subjects lived too near or too far from cellphone masts, and so on. It’s a measurable that resists measurement, but it is vital that research continues as cellphone usage is now a way of life. Thankfully some large-scale worldwide research is currently underway and this time children are being included, with one research undertaking, the Mobi-Kids project, dedicating itself exclusively to children. Davies believes that current research results, which claim that there is no risk are largely flawed as brain cancer can take several decades to develop, and so we need to wait for the results to arrive. Furthermore, she believes we should have learned from the tobacco saga and not use the existence of uncertainty as a reason to delay action. While the jury is out, we should perhaps be practising prudence.
playing it safe Several countries, including Russia, Germany, France, Israel, Finland and those in the United Kingdom, have issued warnings against children using cellphones, and in early March the state of Maine in
America put forward a proposal that could enforce cellphone manufacturers to apply a permanent, non-removable warning label to every unit sold there. The label would cover at least 30 percent of the plain area of the phone and caution users to hold the unit several inches away from their heads or to use earphone-and-speaker technology. While in France a proposed bill may result in a ban on advertising cellphones to children under 12, and a further ban on the sale of phones to be used by those under six, it could also become compulsory for all handsets to be sold with accompanying earphones. France has also stipulated that manufacturers bring onto the market a phone that only allows texting, thereby eradicating the need to place the unit near the head. And, finally, what of South Africa? I am heartened to see that Vodacom, in their brochure entitled A Parent’s Guide to Cell Phones states that: “Science can never provide a guarantee that a situation or a technology is completely safe. Because of this, and the fact that cellphones have only been in widespread use for a relatively short time, research continues to provide further understanding”.
how to reduce your risk According to CANSA, there is no conclusive evidence that cellphone use causes cancer but they are continuously monitoring the situation and recommend the following as precautionary measures: • Limit the number and duration of calls. • Use text messages when practical. • Switch sides of the head when the call is long. • Use a hands-free kit or the speakerphone mode to keep the phone at a distance from the head. • Instruct children and teenagers to limit calls to emergencies, as they are more vulnerable to long-term health effects. Other precautionary measures you might consider adopting include: • Do not sleep with a switched-on cellphone beside you. • Ensure children, especially teens, are not keeping and sleeping with the phone under their pillow to text friends after dark. • Do not use the cellphone if the signal bar is low as the signal will “try harder” to make contact. • Keep your phone out of trouser and breast pockets – spermcount problems, as well as cardiovascular problems, have been noted. • Some evidence suggests that the radiation levels are at their highest just as the connection is made, so waiting for the person to answer before putting your phone to your ear may significantly cut radiation levels. • Radiation-protection covers are likely to increase the RF signals, as the signal increases as it attempts to make contact.
June 2010/July 2010
dealing with difference
talking point LUCILLE KEMP looks into how parents can help children who stutter.
June 2010/July 2010
your child’s stuttering is something that needs addressing – if you are unsure, chat to your child’s paediatrician or teacher.
facts and findings Developmental stuttering is the most common form of stuttering in young children. This happens when a child’s developing speech and language abilities aren’t able to meet their verbal demands. According to The National Institute on Deafness and other Communication Disorders (NIDCD), developmental stuttering runs in families, and earlier this year it confirmed this link by isolating three genes said to be responsible for stuttering. In addition, stuttering has been thought to be associated with higher levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine. Late last year, Dr Gerald Maguire, the director of the Kirkup Centre for the Medical Treatment of Stuttering at the University of California, completed a nine-year study that conclusively made the connection. Whether due to genetics, dopamine or other factors, 10 percent of South African preschoolers will stutter. Of these, 60 percent will be boys and 40 percent girls, and one percent will be chronic, with the pathology persisting into the teenage years or even adulthood. However, early joburg’s
he time in your child’s life when she is most likely to stutter is precisely when she is developing language skills and growing her vocabulary. So, how then, do you know if you’re dealing with a routine stumbling over words, which will pass, or genuine, lasting stuttering? A preschooler, aged three to six years, who’s occasionally repeating words and sounds is most certainly not a cause for concern. “It can simply mean they’re stalling for time as they search for the right words,” says Arina Coetzee, a Cape Town-based speech therapist. This is a regular part of language development and one that’s generally outgrown by the age of seven. Also, stressful changes, such as the arrival of a new sibling, a change in school or a parent returning to work, could temporarily affect speech. However, if your child’s stuttering has been severe and constant for at least a month, it might be time to visit a speech therapist. In addition to your child repeating, blocking and omitting words and sounds, signs to look out for include tension in his shoulders, jaw or cheeks. Does she look away or clench her fists, blink repeatedly, or stamp her feet with frustration related to trying to get out the words? These signs of stress can be additional indicators that
intervention (before stuttering becomes established) is effective in helping many children achieve normal fluency. Research shows that the prognosis for recovery from chronic stuttering is good with 65 percent of preschoolers who stutter recovering in the first two years of stuttering and about 74 percent recovering by their early teens. In particular, girls seem to recover well.
based speech therapist affiliated with the organisation, Speak Easy, a stuttering support group. She says Cole’s recovery is a case of a job well done by both parent and therapist, and sees treatment as a 50:50 partnership between the two. The strength in Cole’s treatment lay in the ability of the therapist to equip and empower his parents to help him improve.
case in point
an overwhelming world
Shortly after three-year-old Cole Ryan started stuttering, his parents Clare and Linsley started taking him to a weekly onehour speech therapy session. “At these sessions, which lasted six months, the therapist did not interact with Cole. She observed the interaction between Cole and me, and at the end of each session she would give us an evaluation. We were given tasks to do with him at home. I also came up with my own tasks to help him,” says Clare. Within a year he had fully recovered from his stuttering. This style of therapy might seem strange and a little too hands-off on the part of the therapist, for some, but it’s commonly used in assisting stutterers. This indirect approach teaches parents about normal language and fluency development, stuttering, and the conditions that may worsen a child’s speech disfluencies. The parent is also taught how to make communication changes at home. The direct approach, on the other hand, teaches the child to produce more fluent speech, either through modelling easier speaking styles, or through feedback from the parent or speech therapist to your child about her fluency. Most therapists use a combination of the two techniques. “Family knowledge, involvement and input are critical factors for successful therapy,” says Dina Lillian, a Johannesburg-
But it’s not just the obvious speech-related issues that need addressing. “Children who stutter become embarrassed, frustrated and angry at themselves and others,” says Johannesburg-based child psychologist Cristine Scolari. This often comes with despondency, sadness, a sense of unfairness and an overwhelming feeling that something is wrong with them and won’t get better. Stuttering worsens when others tease stutterers about their speech impediment. As a result, says Cristine, children will often withdraw and become self-conscious so that social interactions – such as meeting new people, asking or answering questions or talking on the telephone – exacerbate their stuttering. Building self-confidence is thus an essential tool in the stuttering child’s recovery, which is why play therapy or psychotherapy can be beneficial. During psychotherapy, children are taught ways to express their feelings other than through verbalising. This also helps with peripheral issues such as developing social skills, learning how to deal with teasing, and working through their anger and frustration. Some also recommend adjusting a child’s diet. Try “cutting foods containing sugar, caffeine, colourants and preservatives,” says pharmacist Felicia Rubin, as stimulants can exacerbate stuttering.
recovery begins at home To some it’ll come as a relief to know that the experts put you, the parent, in charge of your child’s recovery. However, if you find this more daunting than comforting, take heart, there are a number of easy-to-implement things you can do to help your child improve. Don’t make a big issue out of the stuttering, unless your child broaches the 1 subject. If she does bring it up, speak in a casual and matter-of-fact way to avoid making her feel self-conscious. If your child brings up his stuttering in conversation, avoid using big words. 2 These include “stuttering”, “stammering” or “speech therapist”, which may frighten him and make him feel there’s something wrong with him. Instead, use words that are part of his vocabulary such as “stuck words”. Don’t instruct; lead by example. Children tend to mimic their parents, 3 so speak slowly, use short sentences and pause before answering their questions. Keep your voice soft and relaxed. All eyes on them. When your child speaks to you, make sure you look at her 4 and give her your full attention. If you are impatient, your preschooler will feel pressure to “get it out”, making her stuttering worse. Do not interrupt your child when he’s speaking. A child is more relaxed and 5 less likely to stutter if he knows he won’t be interrupted. Don’t pressure with questions. Let your child speak about what she wants to 6 talk about. Praise your child each time something is done well. This will increase 7 his confidence. Allow your child to express her frustration or embarrassment. Acknowledge 8 her feelings by saying “I understand how frustrating that must be for you”. Provide an atmosphere of acceptance of all types of speech, this includes 9 stuttered speech so your child will learn that she is okay.
June 2010/July 2010
round of
Taking your child to the theatre is good for a lot more
here’s nothing quite like live theatre. The shuffle as the audience takes their seats. The hushed tones as people chat, flip through programmes and munch on chocolate Whispers. Then there’s the thrill as the curtain is raised to unveil a new world and the fantastical characters that inhabit it. And, if you’ve managed to catch a show with your children, you’ll have enjoyed the added pleasure of hearing the performance punctuated by their gasps and giggles. Although most of us are used to observing the world on TV, the intimate joys of experiencing entertainment outside the box can be a real treat. In addition, there are a host of other benefits and
June 2010/July 2010
lessons that children take away from getting involved with the performance arts from a young age. Most obviously, if we expose our children to drama and theatre, they are likely to develop an appreciation for the arts. But there are emotional and psychological benefits too. Growing up has its challenges and a love of the arts (in any of its forms) can be a comforting release or offer a momentary escape. Heather Schiff, clinical psychologist, drama therapist and co-director of the Bonfire Theatre Company, explains why theatre and or participation in drama is so important, “Children instinctively use drama auto-therapeutically, with
than just their entertainment, says SIMONE GRAY.
theatre, or participating in drama, “isWatching an excellent means of creating empathy and
facilitating an understanding of others’ feelings. no outside direction or superimposed structure. Dramatic play is a child’s way of symbolically expressing and resolving internal conflict, releasing pentup feelings, exploring hopes, fears and wishes, and discovering new life roles and stances, which is central to any child’s development.” Theatre and drama enable children to recognise how to express themselves physically and emotionally in a healthy manner, help them understand underdeveloped parts of themselves, and assist them in putting things into perspective – all of which can go a long way to empowering them. Perhaps, though, it is the stretching within (and outside of) our comfort zones that reveals the most obvious social benefits of theatre. Through puppetry, acting or physical theatre we can expose
our children to tales of other cultures, historical events and traditions. We can teach our children to appreciate and respect another’s personality, experiences and talents, and create spaces for community dialogue to introduce our young citizens to many points of view. Heather believes this is particularly relevant for South Africa. “In terms of the South African situation and fostering connections between people,” she says, “watching theatre or participating in drama is an excellent means of creating empathy and facilitating an understanding of others’ feelings. While watching theatre we can be transported into the hearts, minds, bodies and stories of others in a way that can transcend race, class, gender and age. In this way, deeper levels of communication and understanding can be reached.”
In addition, performance arts, through the development of the imagination, promote creative thinking, a life skill that is beneficial in all spheres of our lives. Children who are able to think creatively will often become the entrepreneurs of the future and leaders in industry – as they have the ability to invent solutions and create something where yesterday there was nothing. Neuroscientists have established that for the brain to work efficiently, both hemispheres must be activated. Therefore, it is important to stimulate, develop and exercise the right brain (the creative and visual centre) as well as the left brain (where verbal, analytical
and logical functions are located) in all children (whether any creative aptitude is shown or not). By ensuring we provide a comprehensive education, we are in fact working more effectively to achieve optimum performance of the brain. And what an excellent way to increase vocabulary, improve communication and listening skills, assist in memory, self-discipline and concentration, and develop interpretation skills – outside of a classroom. One of the best things is that with live performance these educational benefits are all developed in an interesting, entertaining and fun environment, which doesn’t seem like learning at all.
June 2010/July 2010
Theatre and drama enable children to recognise how to express themselves physically and emotionally in a healthy manner.
showtime! If the prospect of trying to get your children to abide by theatre etiquette is putting you off, here are some tips that might help to keep the drama on stage rather than in the audience… • Choose the right show. The best place to start is by taking your child to an age-appropriate theatre production. While your little ones will still need a certain amount of self-discipline in order to get through the entire show, the theatre environment will joyfully embrace the unrestrained reactions of your children rather than frown upon it. You can be certain that child-friendly productions will have bright costumes and jolly jokes to engage and entertain young minds. You can “promote” young theatregoers as they grow and are able to appreciate and enjoy more challenging works. • Do your homework. Prepare your child in the days leading up to the show. Introduce them to the story and the characters they will meet; if there is a book about the play, read it together. Part of what makes these outings so special is the excitement and build up – so, work it. • Be clear about expected behaviour. Let your children know how they are expected to behave. It might help to explain that in order for the actors on stage to do their job, each audience member needs to remain still and quiet when it is time to do so, and join in when it is called for. • Plan for a quick getaway. If this is your child’s first time at the theatre, it might be a good idea to get an aisle seat so you can, if necessary, duck out without disrupting the audience.
June 2010/July 2010
• Cover all bases. On the day, make sure your child is well rested. The tired “niggles” can be tough at any time, never mind in a theatre. Make sure your child has eaten before the show. If you need to bring a snack, ensure it is a quiet one such as fruit roll, a biltong stick or home-made popcorn in a sandwich bag. Make sure all have had a toilet break before the start. • Get your timing right. A long wait before curtain call can derail a smooth operation. If unassigned seating means you need to arrive earlier to get a spot that suits your family, make sure you bring something quiet to amuse your little ones. If this fails, get somebody nearby to keep your seats and wander around the theatre complex or garden and burn off a little energy. Theatres are fascinating places so, if you have extra time, explore the environment. Chat about the sets if possible. Point out the lighting grid. As your child gets older, it might just be these inner workings that hook their interest. • Be prepared to leave. If something in the show – such as a monstrously mean witch or a particularly treacherous troll upsets your child, take him out into the lobby to console him. Explain that the characters are only actors doing their jobs well. Don’t force him to return to the show. • Talk about it. Intermission is a perfect opportunity to share thoughts about the show and ensure your children are following. Remember, they don’t have to like every show but make each trip worthwhile by getting them to discuss what it is they don’t like and articulate why.
taking to the stage Once an interest in theatre is established, drama classes might very well be the next step for your little ones. Here’s how they’ll benefit: “Drama classes are a fantastic means of developing confidence, self-esteem and essential communication skills,” says Duncan Rice of The Helen O’Grady Drama Academy, which has centres in all the major cities around the country. “Releasing a child’s creative and expressive potential through drama is one of the keys to healthy educational development.” “All sorts of children benefit,” adds Andrea Nel, director of the Rising Star Academy in Durban. “The extrovert gets a chance to act out and enjoy herself. The introvert learns to come out of his shell by participating in games and taking part as a group with less pressure. A child with ADHD, for instance, may also benefit as the environment allows children to be active and creative but at the same time teaches self-control.” So, while you may not want to encourage your children to emulate Hollywood’s many poor role models, taking part in a little dramatic expression might be just what they need to become more confidently themselves.
encore! Looking for a live performance for the family? Turn to page 77 of our “what’s on” pages for our pick of child-friendly shows this holiday season (see “on stage and on screen” in the “just for children” section). Here’s a handy cut-out-and-keep list of theatres that regularly put on live performances especially for children. Barnyard Theatres (Broadacres, Cresta, Menlyn), Globe Theatre (Gold Reef City), 011 248 5168, Joburg Theatre Complex (Braamfontein), 011 877 6800, Liberty Theatre on the Square (Sandton), 011 883 8606, Lyric Theatre (Gold Reef City), 011 248 5168, Market Theatre (Newtown), 011 832 1641, Montecasino Theatre and Studio (Fourways), 011 511 1988, National Children’s Theatre (Parktown), 011 484 1584, People’s Theatre at the Joburg Theatre Complex (Braamfontein), 011 403 1563/2340, Pro Musica Theatre (Roodepoort), 011 674 1357, South African State Theatre (Pretoria), 012 392 4000, The Alexander Theatre (Braamfontein), 082 699 6733, Theatre of Marcellus (Emperor’s Palace), 011 928 1937, Note: school holidays are particularly good times to find children’s theatre productions, with many theatres running special programmes.
June 2010/July 2010
animal planet SUE SEGAR treats her seven-year-old
homas and I are incredulous. And it’s not because we are soaked through from the spray of Victoria Falls. We are gobsmacked because we have just seen our first 50-trillion-dollar note. We are standing outside the Zambezi Blues River Café, a shady haven of a restaurant in the small town of Victoria Falls, having strolled up from the thundering waters. A very charming man is asking for R100 in exchange for a large wad of Zimbabwean dollar notes, which includes a couple of 50-trillion-dollar notes, a few 500-million-dollar notes and some 200-thousand-dollar bills. My favourite is the pretty purple 50-million-dollar note. “Will this money buy us a coke and a hamburger at the Wimpy?” I ask the man, thinking it’d be worth R100 just to be able to touch such large denominations. “Of course,” says Mr Charming and the deal is done.
June 2010/July 2010
enquiring minds I have come to Zimbabwe with Thomas, who is seven, because I wanted to be the one to show him the Victoria Falls, to instill in him a spirit of adventure, a passion for the African bush and an enquiring mind. “Will there be DStv in the room?” is the main concern of this soccer-mad boy. We will be spending three days seeing the Falls, taking in the majestic 2 700-kilometre-long Zambezi River, enjoying the wildlife and getting time to bond. Apart from a rather vociferous spat over the use of my camera next to the imposing statue of David Livingstone and an altercation over manners during dinner at our hotel, we have, so far, survived quite well together on our African adventure. I have fielded his questions about our trip to see one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World: “Why is it called Victoria Falls?”
“They are named after a queen of England.” “Oh, was her name Victoria Falls?” “I don’t think so.” “How do you know?” We are based at the gracious Stanley and Livingstone Hotel, where we spent our first day unwinding on our verandah and keeping a running list of all the game that come to drink at the water hole outside our room. So far we have seen baboons, warthogs, zebras, kudu and impala and an endless array of birds, from storks to hornbills to nightjars. We take our trillions of dollars and walk to the Vic Falls Wimpy. When I offer my 50-trillion-dollar note, the woman shakes her head. “We don’t use that money any more,” she says. “Only US dollars and South African rands.” The newspaper vendor won’t give me a copy of The
son to a bush adventure at Victoria Falls.
Herald. No, not even for 50-trillion dollars. The men selling nyamanyamas and tigers’ teeth don’t want it either. They are far more interested in our rands, or Thomas’s Arsenal cap. I realise we have been duped by Mr Charming. But aside from the cunning money swapper, we have experienced nothing but friendliness, humour and optimism from the local people we have met so far – the hotel staff, the guides from the adventure company, the traders at the markets. We have discovered, to Thomas’s delight, that Zimbabwean men are as crazy about soccer as he is. Tendai, the waiter at the Stanley and Livingstone might not be an Arsenal man like Thomas but, in between dishing out delicious bread rolls with silver tongs, he has Thomas riveted with his view on English soccer teams and a promise to kick a soccer ball in the hotel gardens.
bush banter We meet our guide Ben at Shearwater Adventures for our next activity – a night game drive in the 6 000-hectare Victoria Falls Private Game Reserve. We are part of an interesting group: a Japanese vet; a young couple, who work in banking in Harare; and a glamorous Zimbabwean
woman who works as a diplomat in an east-Asian country. Our driver Mike is a laugh a minute and full of bush anecdotes. Thomas joins Mike in the front seat of the vehicle and, before long, is acting like the main man, giggling helplessly at Mike’s banter.
Zebra, Mike tells us, are just donkeys in pyjamas. Zebras, Mike tells us, are just donkeys in pyjamas. When we see a warthog scuffling not far from a group of four buffalo, he says, “There you go, you’ve seen the Big Five”. He stops the vehicle in the dark and whispers, “There’s a lion on the road.” It turns out to be a telephone line. Thomas loves that. He tells us that elephants, which eat an enormous amount every day, can grow to a weight of 7 000 kilograms. Our jolly group erupts with joy when we drive past a group of elephants, which includes two babies. Mike tells us that elephant dung, mixed with water or burnt and inhaled, is a great pain reliever, especially for women in the throes of labour. “I used it when I gave
birth,” says the diplomat, from the back. “It was wonderful. I hardly felt any pain.” As it gets darker, Ben hands out some thick blanket jackets and we settle in to an evening in the bush. More warthogs, elephants, buffalo, baboons and zebras. In the middle of the reserve, we almost drive into two men with guns slung over their shoulders. “Poachers?” we gasp. “No, they are members of the anti-poaching unit,” says Mike. “When it comes to poachers, we shoot first and ask questions later,” he adds, and Thomas, enthralled, gives a macho shudder. The Victoria Falls Private Game Reserve is extremely proud and protective of its black rhino, particularly as they recently produced some babies. We are on high alert for the babies, but tonight we are out of luck. We stop at a simple camp, where a bush supper of kudu stew has been prepared for us. We sit down to dinner under the African moon, recounting our action-packed couple of days. Highlights include a morning spent spotting game from the backs of elephants, and an evening watching crocodiles cruise past our boat as the sun sets on the wild and beautiful Zambezi.
June 2010/July 2010
staying safe If child-snatching stories have left you wishing you could keep your little ones behind locked
he excitement about the soccer World Cup has been tempered, for many, by fears about the possible increase in child abduction and human trafficking. And, as scary tales of near abductions make the rounds, you may be feeling tempted to keep your children away from malls, stadiums and other busy places these holidays… While it’s unrealistic to think we can keep our children housebound, there are things we can do to keep them safe from potential dangers, both during the World Cup and long afterwards. As Carol Bews, assistant director at Johannesburg Child Welfare, says: “I think it’s important
June 2010/July 2010
for parents to be aware of their children’s safety at all times – not just specifically during the World Cup.” We chatted to a number of experts and have rounded up some basic reminders of ways we can be proactive and play a role in keeping our children safe: • Talk to your children about child safety and use teachable moments and real life opportunities to practise what-if scenarios. Speak in a calm reassuring way. The key is to equip your child and not to scare him. Have him practise saying “no” in a loud voice. • Never leave your children alone in a public place or
motor vehicle, even if its locked and switched off. If you need to run back up the aisle for that extra tin, take your child-in-trolley with you. Never allow children to use a public toilet alone. • Teach your child not to talk to anyone he doesn’t know, even if he is with you. He should not feel the need to be polite. Being safe is more important. • Teach young children how to identify somebody they can trust (perhaps a security guard or a mother with her own children) if they are separated from you in a public place.
doors these holidays, read on. By TRACY ELLIS
Teach young children
helpful numbers
this memory device
The following organisations are assisting in the fight against abduction and human trafficking: • Anti Human Trafficking Hotline 08000-RESCU (08000 73728), • Childline 0800 055 555, • Johannesburg Child Welfare 011 298 8500, • Molo Songololo 021 448 5421, • Red Light 2010 Campaign • SACMEC 012 393 2002, • The Guardian 031 582 7411, • The Open Door Crisis Care Centre, 031 709 2679, 082 11 305 (24-hour hotline),
for the emergency number 10111.
• Be aware of clothing, bags, personalised items or anything that carries your child’s name on it. A child is more likely to trust someone who knows her name. • Set boundaries when out in public and decide on a meeting place in case of separation in a crowd. Encourage your child to stay in groups and not to wander off alone. A younger child who loses sight of you should stay where he is and not walk around looking for you. • If your child is alone at home make sure he knows how to use the alarm system. Cancel home services (pool, plumbing, garden) if you can’t be there. Teach her never to open the door for anyone. • Some are recommending that it’s wise to keep a recent photograph of your child together with his fingerprints and a hair sample. (Do it yourself ID kits are available online.) • Teach your children how to dial 10111. A handy memory device for young children is by pointing your forefinger at the base of your thumb. Your thumb is the first 1, your forefinger makes a 0, and your last three fingers are the three 1s at the end.
• Make sure your child can recite his name, address and your cellphone number but teach him never to give this information to a stranger. If you are going to a busy place consider writing your cellphone number in permanent marker on his forearm in case you are separated. • Teach children that if a situation feels wrong, it probably is. Let them know they should trust their instincts, and that they can tell you anything. • A number of harnesses, child tracking devices and emergency bangles are available but there is no substitute for the watchful eye of a parent. • Have your teenager check in with you at regular intervals, upon reaching his destination or when his plans change. Make sure cellphones are always fully charged and have sufficient airtime. • Explain the dangers of hitchhiking to teenagers and advise them to stay alert in public, especially if they have a tendency to zone out with phones or MP3 players. Establish strict curfews for movies and parties.
Mr Price Safe Place 2010 Campaign From 1 June–12 July Mr Price Apparel, Home and Sport stores countrywide will become places of safety for children who have been separated from their parents or feel unsafe. Children who need help can go to the nearest Mr Price store where they will be kept safe until they are reconnected with their parents or admitted to an Open Door Crisis Centre.
June 2010/July 2010
light the
Having grown up in the Bushveld, where braaing four or five times a week is not unusual, MARINA ZIETSMAN knows a thing or two about this local obsession. Here she shares some trusted side dishes for a truly South African occasion.
on the grill
ready to serve
June 2010/July 2010
serves 8
savoury roly-poly bread I’ve tasted many takes on this delicious bread over the years – I guess it’s because you can literally use any of your favourite ingredients. Here’s a cheese, mushroom and green pepper version to get you started, but don’t be afraid to experiment… • 500g bread dough (I collect mine from the supermarket; just ask at the bakery. It’s not cheating, it’s just much less hassle.) • dash of olive oil • 1 pack diced bacon • 125g button mushrooms, sliced • ½ green pepper, diced • 2T mayonnaise • 1 cup grated cheddar cheese (or more to taste) 1. Place your dough in a bowl and cover with clingwrap or a tea towel, and leave in a warm place to rise to about double the size. (In winter, you can cover it with a blanket or put it near a heater). 2. In a saucepan, add the oil and fry the bacon, mushrooms and green pepper until cooked. Allow to cool. 2. Once the dough has risen, sprinkle some flour onto a working surface and roll the dough into a rectangle, about 30cm by 20cm. 3. Spread the surface of the dough with mayonnaise and sprinkle with the cheese. 4. Arrange the bacon mixture across the centre of the dough lengthwise, to cover about a third of the surface. 5. Roll up the dough across the width (as if making a Swiss roll) and cut into slices (about 3cm wide). On a greased baking tray or foil container, place the rolled-up slices face up next to each other. 6. Prepare an indirect fire (coals on the side), place the baking tray in the centre of the grid, and close the lid of the kettle braai. Leave for about 45 minutes to 1 hour until the bread is golden brown and the cheese starts to bubble out the top. Children love breaking off their own chunk of the roly-poly bread.
June 2010/July 2010
pearled whole-wheat and peach salad
Serves 8
My mom dishes up this salad at braais and it’s always enthusiastically received, and never flops. The ingredients are truly South African and with the changes she’s added (she doesn’t like spicy food), it’s mild enough for children. • 25ml olive oil • 1 cup finely chopped onion • 1 cup chopped green pepper • 75ml fruit chutney • 5ml mild curry powder • 5ml turmeric • 5ml salt • 25ml sugar
• 25ml vinegar • 1 tin peaches (chopped and drained; keep the syrup aside) • 75ml mayonnaise • 2 cups cooked pearled wholewheat (follow the instructions on the pack) • 1 small can peas (drained)
1. Heat the oil in a pan and sauté half the onion and half the green pepper until soft. 2. Turn the heat down to its lowest setting and add the chutney, curry powder, turmeric, salt, sugar, vinegar and 75ml of the syrup from the tinned peaches. Cook for about 2 minutes. Allow to cool completely. 3. In a salad bowl, mix the remaining raw onion, raw green pepper and mayonnaise with the cooked wheat grain. 4. Add the curried onion and green pepper mixture plus the peaches. Add peas for colour, and stir to mix. (You can also replace the peas with chunks of pineapple, if you prefer.) If covered, you can keep this salad in the fridge for up to two weeks. ready to serve
June 2010/July 2010
Serves 6
mielie soufflé Generously passed on by a granny at a platteland church bazaar, this recipe makes a great main course for those who don’t eat meat. • • • •
3 eggs, separated 15ml margarine, melted 5ml baking powder 1 tin sweet corn
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
• • • •
125ml sugar 30ml corn flour pinch salt 250ml milk
Preheat the oven to 180°C. Beat the egg whites until stiff. In a separate bowl, mix the remaining ingredients and then fold in the egg whites. Grease six small oven-proof dishes, then spoon in the mixture. Bake at 180˚C for 25 minutes (if you’re making one large soufflé then bake for about 45 minutes).
ready to serve
Serves 6
fried pineapple
Originally a Spanish dish, it’s been given a South African twist by replacing the rum with a lashing of brandy. Spoon the children’s dessert out of the pan before pouring over the alcohol. • • • • • • • •
on the grill
150g butter 10–12 pineapple rings (fresh or tinned) 5ml cinnamon 100g brown sugar 3ml vanilla essence 30ml brandy 1T macadamia nuts per pineapple ring vanilla ice cream, for serving
1. Prepare the fire. 2. Place a frying pan above the coals and add the butter. 3. When the butter has melted, add the pineapple rings in a single layer and fry until brown on both sides. 4. Sprinkle with ground cinnamon, sugar and vanilla essence, and remove sufficient rings for the children’s portions. 5. Add the brandy to the pan and allow to cook for a further two minutes. 6. Spoon pineapple rings onto plates, sprinkle with toasted macadamia nuts and serve with a scoop of ice cream. Looking for more great ideas for desserts cooked on the braai? Try fried bananas sprinkled with ground cinnamon, ground ginger and a few cloves. Serve with vanilla ice cream and chocolate sauce or whipped cream. You can also make fruit kebabs with chunks of banana, pear, kiwi fruit, strawberries and pineapple – toast lightly on the grid. For something more exotic, you can cook pears in foil pockets with chocolate and nutmeg – they’re delicious.
ready to serve
June 2010/July 2010
lost & found Megan Hjelm shares the pain of losing a parent (while mothering her two young girls) and the gifts
June 2010/July 2010
hat do I tell my friend, a mother of two small children, who has just lost her dad in the same week that I mark the one-year anniversary of my dad’s death? What do I say to someone embarking on this indescribable journey of losing a parent while being a parent to young children, when their needs often outweigh your own pain? Do I tell her about all the times when you
you can’t? Do I tell her about the fears her children may develop? Do I tell her about the tortured regrets she may have when grieving her father? Or should I tell her that she might find strange beauty in this unlikely place? That she may even find peace? A year ago I lost my dad. He was very precious to me; he was my wise protector and he’d always given me the gift of truly listening to me. He ensured that I
simply want to get back into bed and cry, but
survived our dysfunctional family life. He
she’s discovered in dealing with her grief.
I learned to let go of my own fear and watched Emma let go of hers, gracefully and miraculously. ensured that I grew strong and always felt loved. In July last year he was diagnosed with a benign brain tumour and needed immediate surgery. In shock, I left my two daughters (aged two and five) and my husband to be with him in Johannesburg. There was utter fear in my heart. The risks of this major surgery included the possibility that he might die. My dad survived the surgery, although he lost some movement and sensation in his right limbs. I left Johannesburg believing that rehabilitation and physiotherapy would bring him back to normal. Three days after I returned to my family, he died from a pulmonary embolism. It
was a Tuesday. My husband Ant phoned and asked me to meet him for coffee, something he never does as he works far away. I was excited. But Ant came to me so that he could hold me when he told me that my dad had died. I remember exactly how I felt, what ran through my mind. At first I was completely shocked and didn’t believe him. But then I looked at Ant, who was crying, and I knew. I crumpled in his arms begging for this not to be true. I was like this for a few moments and then something switched in my brain. What was the time? I needed to pick up Emma from school. I would need to tell her. Emma is my incredible, intelligent, enthusiastic eldest child who is sensitive
and intuitive beyond her years. She has questions her peers don’t, she has fears her peers don’t, she has night terrors, and she sees possibilities that others don’t. How would I tell her about this? The first “bad” thing that would happen to her; her first fear come true. How best to handle this? I wasn’t too worried about my younger daughter Jodie, as she was young enough to take this in her stride and her carefree nature would see her through. Looking back on this moment, I realise that this was how my grief was destined to unfold: extreme despair, tempered by my responsibilities to Emma. Over the next few months I was to experience horror and pain – and
recommended reading • Conversations with My Mother: Reflections on the Death of a Parent by Melville Gary Finkelstein (Authorhouse, 2000) • The Death of a Parent: Reflections for Adults Mourning the Loss of a Father or Mother by Delle Chatman and William Kenneally (ACTA Publications, 2003) • Losing a Parent: Practical Help for You and Other Family Members by Fiona Marshall (Da Capo Press, 2004) • Death of a Parent: Transition to a New Adult Identity by Debra Umberson and Allan Kellehear (Cambridge University Press, 2006) • Death Benefits: How Losing a Parent can Change an Adult’s Life – for the Better by Jeanne Safer (Basic Books, 2008)
June 2010/July 2010
witness horror and pain in my daughter. I saw fear in her that shook my world. I realised her world had also been shaken. In time I learned that the way I handled mothering and grief needed to be unique. It’s all very well reading that psychologists recommend your children see you grieve. Emma needed to see me cope. I am her stability and she needed to know her world would not move from under her; that we would be okay. Reassurances wouldn’t work. She needed to see me strong and calm. I couldn’t even fake it – she would know. So I embarked on a journey of great beauty. It was to be the ultimate lesson my dad taught me. I would need to live fully, to change my controlling tendencies bit by bit, and develop a taste for adventure, however modest. I learned to let go of my own fear and watched Emma let go of hers, gracefully and miraculously. I learned that we are connected in a way I cannot explain. She senses what goes on inside me and I needed to be constantly selfaware and honest.
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On the flip side, I knew that to avoid my grief would be self-destructive. I needed to feel my pain, and acknowledge my regrets, and my love for my dad. So, I learned to compartmentalise them. Thankfully, Emma was at school every morning and Jodie three mornings a week. So, three times a week for three hours I sat down to write. I wrote
tips for coping with your grief while mothering your own children • Writing or journalling can be incredibly therapeutic. It forces you to slow down and sit with your pain. You don’t need a lot of time for this, 15 minutes or half an hour when the children are in bed is sufficient. • Talk to a professional counsellor or psychologist. • Talk to a friend who has lost a parent. • Try to find the beauty in your life, whether appreciating your children, watching a sunrise, going
about my regrets, my last moments with my dad, my love for him, the complexity of that love, times when I didn’t treat him well and times when I did. I cried and I wrote. At the same time I saw a counsellor who helped me with his wisdom and insight. I sat alone and quiet with my grief each time I wrote, and truly got in touch
with it. I still do, and now I write every morning when both girls are at school. In this process of losing my dad, I have found peace and faith. I have also found my passion for writing. I feel privileged and blessed to have attained a new balance in my life. I am so grateful to my dad for his last gift to me.
camping with the family, smelling freshly cut flowers or watching your garden grow. • Plant a tree or plant in memory of your parent and tend to it as it grows. Involve your children. • Be kind to yourself. If you are able to, have a massage or go for a walk or have coffee with a friend. Nurture yourself during this vulnerable time. • Try to be mindful and live in the moment as much as possible. When you are with your children, focus on them and when you’re alone allow yourself to focus on your sorrow.
June 2010/July 2010
book extract
give them some
One of the most important things you can do for your children is to clear enough time and space to allow their imaginations to lead their play. By RONI JAY
flying cat. I said I’d be delighted, and they introduced me to a rather charming black and white cat that was dozing under a bush. I remarked that it didn’t seem to be flying at the moment. No, they explained, it never flew when anyone was looking. I asked how they had ever found out, in that case, that it could fly, and they said that they had never seen it themselves but they just knew. I’ve always remembered this because I had a disappointing number of friends who were in the habit of telling their children things like, “Cats can’t fly” or “Dragons aren’t real, you know”. When you’re very small, anything is possible. The moon is actually looking at you, you could grow up to be a superhero, your cat might really fly. As you get older, slowly the world starts to anchor into place around you. Your perceptions become fixed, and fixed into the same boring rut as everyone else’s. The moon can’t actually see, you can’t develop superpowers, and obviously your cat can’t fly. It’s a bit sad really. As the world gets weighed down, so does your imagination. It all gets boxed in. Along with your creativity and your ability to think laterally. So why inflict it on our children sooner than we have to? I was impressed with my friends for resisting the temptation to cast doubt on their amazing flying cat’s abilities, because that’s what children need: they need the magic to last as long as possible.
June 2010/July 2010
I’ve never understood how so many parents join in the Father Christmas conspiracy (well, you have to, or you’d be ostracised by all the other parents at school), but don’t provide their children with any other magic. And yet magic is what childhood is all about – freedom from tedious reality, freedom from the constraints of adult life. Over those 18 years we have our children for, we have to slowly feed in reality, responsibility and obligations, but we should be fighting to keep the magic alive as long as we can.
give them space The first and most basic requirement children have in order to enjoy the magic is a blank canvas. They can do magic all by themselves, they just need us to get out of the way. Small children can believe in all sorts of things we can’t. Their bedroom floor really is a battlefield in miniature, the back lawn becomes a gymkhana ring, those Lego bricks are truly a spaceship.
When you’re very small, anything is possible. The moon is actually looking at you, your cat might really fly. What’s more, children are free of the thoughts that can tarnish things for us. A small child can get blissfully covered in mud or paint without a thought for the scrubbing they’ll have to go through to get it off… so joburg’s
any years ago, before I had children of my own, I visited a friend who had two boys aged about six and eight. They asked me if I would like to meet their
long as we keep our mouths shut and don’t spoil it for them by pointing it out. The biggest inhibitor for many children is that they just don’t have enough time to do magic. They are ferried from ballet to soccer practice to clarinet lessons to drama. And traipsed around to half their brother’s or sister’s classes too. Now, lovely as it is to do ballet or drama, it’s no more important than doing nothing at all, which is pretty important itself. I should also add that there is a very rare type of child who needs to be constantly stimulated and finds it hard to play imaginatively.
landscape for creating games. Even the back garden – maybe with a few empty cardboard boxes supplied to kick-start their imagination – will give them long hours of fun.
That’s what children need: they need the magic to last as long as possible. And if you’re worried about them getting soaked or muddy, then get them kitted out in head-to-toe waterproofs. Be warned that if your children aren’t used to entertaining themselves, they might need a little time to get into the idea or require a bit of prompting or ideas from you to get them started.
computers kill magic
The less you do for them, the more your children’s minds will do for themselves. So rather than take them to a bowling alley or a ceramic-painting workshop, take them somewhere almost empty. That’s not to say you should never take them to the funfair or the movies, these things can feed their imaginations later, but never forget that the real magic is in wide beaches and open hills, country fields and grasslands. What your children will find there is real magic, and they’ll be free to create as much more of their own as they like. Best of all are the kind of open spaces where you can hide, or where the terrain is unusual. Sand dunes are another perfect
Not only do screens of any kind, including PlayStations and Xboxes and all the rest, eat time; they also destroy magic. It’s a scary thing, but if your child spends too long in front of a screen, they will forget how to play. So ration the time they spend in front of a screen. My experience is that children who spend all their time in front of a screen grow into adults who do the same thing. But children who have limited screen time until early teens may pig out on TV and computers for a few years, but in time they revert and become adults for whom TV is an occasional pleasure rather than an essential way of life.
magical times Your children will put a lot of magic into their lives by themselves if you just give them the space and the freedom to do it. But you can still contribute in all sorts of ways. Do you remember Christmas as a child? If you were lucky enough to have parents who made an effort, Christmas will have been that clichéd magical occasion that you see in books and films. That’s what your child needs. It’s not silly, it’s
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crucial to your child’s development. And it’s those safe, secure, loving times that will create a child with confidence and the selfassurance to cope in the big scary world when the time comes. So come on, what could you do to make Christmas even more magical? And once you’ve got Christmas sorted, what about Easter egg hunts? What about birthday parties with home-made cakes? Summer camping trips, and winter walks with flasks of hot chocolate? Or all snuggling up on the sofa under one blanket when the wind is howling and watching a favourite DVD as a treat? The traditions aren’t just an extra effort that no one appreciates. Even if the children don’t tell you now that it matters to them, it really does.
Lovely as it is to do ballet or drama, it’s no more important than doing nothing at all, which is pretty important itself. The best things of all for a child are the routine activities that they repeat every year, or even more often. It’s like asking for the same bedtime story night after night when they already know it by heart. Sometimes it seems pointless, but actually the fact they know it so well is the whole point. It makes it safe and predictable and secure, like a favourite teddy, or like eating your favourite comfort food when you feel down (probably the thing your mother or father used to give you as a child – interesting, that). The whole point is that you always get Mom’s chocolate cake on your birthday, or Granny and Grandad always turn up on Christmas Eve. Whatever cultural, religious or secular events you celebrate in your family, you can find ways to make them magical.
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I do realise that you have a life. You can’t spend your entire time carefully hiding chocolate eggs, or hanging out bunting. The best way to make these things magical and memorable for your children is to put a huge effort into two or three big events every year, rather than do all of them halfheartedly. Just pick the ones you know matter most to your children and think about how you can make them even more special. If you have two or more children, it can be more fun to have one huge magical party a year rather than two or three little ones. They can have a few friends for a cinema trip and a sleepover on their birthday, and then go all out with a huge joint bash once a year. It’s worth singling out bedtime as being probably the best of all opportunities for everyday magic, at least up to the age when your children insist on taking themselves off to bed on their own. A really good bedtime routine will give your child a feeling of magic, comfort and security they’ll spend the rest of their lives trying to recapture. You can’t beat the feeling of being snuggled up in your mother or father’s arms, listening to a story.
magical settings It’s not only events that can bring magic in your children’s lives. It’s also their surroundings. When your child is old enough, get together and redecorate their bedroom. Even on a limited budget you can still create a jungle, or an underwater scene, or a princess boudoir. This is exactly the kind of thing that helps your child feel special and safe. For some reason, there are few things that children enjoy more than making dens. I remember doing it as a child, outdoors with branches and rugs, and indoors with blankets and furniture. Children can construct their dens with huge creativity, and they often become a bear’s cave or a soldier’s dugout, as well as a safe space your child can call their own.
You can create a treehouse (if you’re lucky enough to have a suitable tree) or a playhouse for your children, which will get endless use, and you can give them the wherewithal to build their own, perhaps more temporary, structures. Don’t moan about the blankets getting covered in twigs – just find them a blanket you don’t care about so much and let them get on with it. Indoors, allow your children to fill up the corners of their bedrooms or playroom with bizarre arrangements of cushions and tablecloths and upside-down chairs. Okay, you may need them to tidy them away eventually, but let them have a good play first, and maybe even leave them up for a few days as a treat in the holidays.
get out of the way Once you’ve done the vital job of giving your children some magic, and some freedom to enjoy it, all you have to do now is let them get on with it. There’s no point doing all this great work if you’re not going to let them enjoy it. Don’t try to make them think like adults about boring grown-up things like tidying and mending. Give them playthings that you’re prepared to see muddied or damaged and then watch your children cover them in mud and accidentally tear them. That’s where cardboard boxes are so good. If you don’t want your child to get grass stains on their trousers, don’t stop them rolling in the grass. Just give them
a different pair of trousers. Don’t make them conscious of mess by telling them to change their clothes three times a day. Otherwise as they get older they’ll find it harder to enjoy themselves because they are worrying about whether they’re getting muddy or wet. Obviously if your child is really filthy you don’t want them bringing it into the house. A grass stain won’t come off on the furniture, but mud may, so it’s reasonable to get them to change out of clothes that are filthy. But don’t make a big deal of it – just make light of it and say, “Goodness, you’ve been having fun. Let’s just change those trousers before you get mud all over the house.”
more magic The things that add magic to your children’s lives are the ones that give them space and freedom to exercise their own imaginations. They already have quite enough that restricts and hems in their minds. When people say, “Childhood doesn’t last as long as it used to”, what they mean is, “The magic doesn’t last as long as it used to”. So here are some of the best things for helping your children keep the magic for as long as possible: • dressing up boxes, costumes, make-believe games • empty cardboard boxes, sticks, bits of string, and other assorted objects that can be endlessly adapted • picnics (jam sandwiches will do fine – the food doesn’t have to be important) • open spaces – woods, beaches, parks, hills • water – lakes, rivers, streams, the sea, or even just a hosepipe • myths and legends • surprises • trips to the theatre • fantasy movies (but only good ones) • holidays and day trips • exploring and little adventures • bedtime stories • stories you make up yourself.
about the book In The 10 most important things you can do for your children (Pearson), Roni Jay offers parents invaluable skills for navigating the years from toddler to teen. Easy to implement, the advice is given in an accessible, practical way that will motivate and help you as you seek to grow children and teens that are happy, independent and well adjusted. It’s available at leading book stores.
June 2010/July 2010
twisting the truth Could our little white lies be turning our children into expert fibbers? Tracy Ellis takes a look.
being clever or covering their tails As it turns out, my son’s skilful lying is a normal part of his development and not at all inappropriate for his age. And, according to new research, his well-crafted story could point to signs of advanced intelligence. Authors Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman believe lying is a more advanced skill than telling the truth. In their latest book, Nutureshock: Why Everything
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We Think About Raising Our Children Is Wrong, they claim: “A child who is going to lie must recognise the truth, intellectually conceive of an alternate reality, and be able to convincingly sell that new reality to someone else. Therefore, lying demands both advanced cognitive development and social skills that honesty simply doesn’t require.” Ken Resnick, a Johannesburg-based educational and child psychologist, offers another point of view. “Children are born subjective and very impulsive. Their instinct is that of self-protection and they are constantly seeking approval from those around them. They are scared of consequences and letting their parents down.” Resnick believes that children lie because they are unable to control their impulsivity and that as they mature and learn that lying is their choice, they will accept the consequences more easily.
leading by example I recently decided to keep a white-lie journal. My lies were not elaborate. I fibbed about the ice cream being finished when the children asked for some. I fibbed about loving a birthday gift I did not like. I lied about my day being fine to avoid talking about it. I told my son it wouldn’t hurt if I pulled out his wobbly tooth. (Boy, did that joburg’s
arents lie. We do it every day. We lie to our spouses, our friends, our colleagues and our children. Our lies may not hurt anyone; in some cases they may even serve to protect, but what effect are these (mostly) little white lies having on our offspring? Just what impression are we natural-born liars making on our children? Could we be teaching them to lie? My neighbour once gingerly enquired whether we had ever given any children up for adoption. It turned out my four-year-old son had told her he had a little brother who I didn’t want and had given away. She’d had her doubts about the story, but the amount of detail he offered, coupled with his matter-of-fact delivery, caused this 35-year-old schoolteacher and motherof-three to question her own ability to tell truth from fiction.
one backfire!) And, I learned that I told at least one white lie a day (including fibs by omission). I was not as honest as I thought I was. And I started to question what kind of role model I was. The phone rang. “I’m not here,” I instructed my husband. Did my children hear that? Yes. Did they understand that I was asking my husband to lie? Perhaps, says Resnick. “Children are very involved with what’s going on in their own world and are most likely not clued up about the white lies we are telling.” He does, however, believe we can teach them the value of honesty. According to the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry: “Parents are the most important role models for their children. When a child or adolescent lies, parents should take some time to have a serious talk with them and discuss the difference between make-believe and reality, lying and telling the truth, the importance of honesty at home and in the community, and alternatives to lying.” Experts agree that if your child catches you in a lie, you should admit to it. Explain why you lied and that what you did was wrong. Children can learn the difference between a hurtful lie and a pro-social lie, or one that protects another’s feelings.
Develop trust with your children by always keeping your word and offer an apology and explanation if for any reason you can’t. Use classic stories such as Pinocchio, The Emperor’s New Clothes and The Boy Who Cried Wolf as conversation openers with younger children. If children behave badly don’t force them to lie under interrogation. Children will sense they are in trouble and will be more likely to lie about what they have done to avoid disappointing you. Children will lie more often and become better at it when they fear the threat of punishment. Make it easy for them to tell the truth by using a calm tone and gentle approach. Verbally express appreciation when they tell you the truth, but don’t let them off the appropriate discipline when they come clean. And never use lying as a tool for parenting. Telling a thumb-sucker that she will get purple spots on her face may scare her into stopping but eventually she will wise up and you are ultimately undermining her sense of trust in you. So while The Tooth Fairy gets a free pass, the next time your child picks his nose, before you tell him that his face is going to cave in, sit him down and use the opportunity to be honest – with him and with yourself.
lying through the ages Ages 2–4: Young children are still learning to differentiate between reality and fantasy and will make up stories and tell tales, often believing their own lies and stories. Their lies are often obvious, for example, they may say they did not eat the chocolate cake when there’s evidence all over their face. Ages 5–8: By the time children are at school they understand that lying is wrong but may still label any false statement a lie. For instance, if (due to unforeseen circumstances) you have to go back on a deal you made with them, they might accuse you of lying. Children this age lie mostly out of fear of disappointing their parents, teachers and friends, or to avoid punishment. When given the opportunity they will almost always come clean. Ages 9–13: Preteens lie mostly to avoid responsibilities such as doing homework and to protect their friendships and their social status. At this age they may start keeping secrets from their parents. The isolated, age-appropriate lie is not cause for concern. So when should we seek help? “When little lies become big lies and the lying increases in frequency,” says Ken Resnick. “When lying is linked to socially inappropriate behaviour, such as stealing and truancy, and the consequences of the lies negatively affect people other than the liar.”
June 2010/July 2010
far from the
madding crowds DONNA COBBAN heads to the Northern Cape
a Papkuilsfontein in the searing summer’s heat
June 2010/July 2010
s we cross into the Northern Cape, my stepfather casts his eyes about the landscape. “It’s not for everyone,” he says. I couldn’t agree more. I have always favoured a Garden Route getaway over a trek into the interior. So why did I agree to head for these harsh climes where the temperature soars to 40°C? Most sane folk come this way for the August flowers, where after a day of marvelling over fields carpeted in colour, they light winter fires and catch up on some good reading. Why come this way in summer with the searing heat? With each passing kilometre, the pockets of well-irrigated vines and citrus
orchards gradually disappear as we leave the Clanwilliam area and climb through Van Rhyns Pass. We are headed towards Nieuwoudtville, where we will pass through the town and drive a further 23 kilometres down a dirt road to a farm called Papkuilsfontein. Windmills litter the skyline and scrappylooking sheep jostle one another for scrubland shade in windswept fields of monotone colour. I am yet to be convinced of the merits of this expedition. It’s early afternoon when we arrive. The farm’s landscape changes slightly, offering up interesting kopjes. Lone gum trees offer patches of shade and our stone
for a few days and resists having to return.
The sky produces a stargazer’s wonderland ...We sit for hours, transfixed, necks bent backwards in childlike wonder.
Papkuilsfontein’s Rondekraal cottage
Spring sees the landscape awash in colour
cottage provides sweet relief from the scorching sun. My son thinks nothing of the heat and heads off, scrambling over rocks in delight. We unload the car and he returns, pockets filled with dry dassie droppings and a look of delight that only intrepid explorers are privy to. That night – and every other after that – the sky produces a stargazer’s wonderland – no nearby city-light pollution interferes with this night sky. We sit for hours, transfixed, necks bent backwards in childlike wonder. Our days are spent languishing in rock pools, searching for dung beetles, dassies and other critters, or sitting still indoors waiting for Bibron’s Tubercled Gecko
to show itself. The days pass and the seclusion seeps into our beings. Doors are never locked, there is no TV, no radio, no cellphone reception, the lights are run off a solar panel, while the stove, fridge and hot water are gas driven. The beds are the kind that make you write down the name of the mattress and linen used and swear to buy some when you get home. Each morning the rubbish is collected, clean tea towels and fresh farm milk are delivered – you would be hard pushed to find another comfortable getaway as farflung as this. I leave reluctantly, vowing to head north again whenever city life threatens to engulf me.
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A farmstall near Citrusdal
Fields of spring flowers en route
family fun at Papkuilsfontein • Bring bikes – there are long jeep tracks to explore. • Ask the owners to show you where and how they get the farm-fresh bottle of milk they bring you daily. • Go rock climbing. • Dassies are a dime a dozen – you just need to keep still for 30 seconds to spot them. • Swim in the rock pools. For those with a 4x4 or high-clearance vehicle, drive there. For bigger children, it’s a rough 10km walk. Take a picnic, as road conditions may change in winter months. • Find out about the reptiles, rocks and history of the area in the easy-to-read files available in the cottage.
nieuwoudtville attractions Hantam National Botanical Garden is 4km outside of town on the Oorlogskloof Road. Open weekdays from 7:30am to 4:30pm (during flower season, it’s open over weekends). Entrance is R12 for adults and R6 for children from August to October, and free during the rest of the year. Waterfall Reserve is a breathtaking sight. The path to the falls is flat and easily manageable for prams and toddlers. In the flower season visitors can enjoy a freshly braaied roosterkoek with Hantam sausage or apricot jam. Quiver Tree Forest Head in the direction of Loeriesfontein. After about 23km of tarred road, turn right in the direction of Gannabos. Pass over two cattle-crossing grids and you’ll see the impressive aloes on the right. Oorlogskloof Reserve About 10km outside of town, set on the edge of the escarpment, the reserve offers circular hikes ranging from one to seven days.
Nieuwoudtville’s Quiver Tree Forest
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getting there Unless you’ve got lots of time, and children who don’t get antsy in their car seats, it’s probably best to fly to Cape Town, sleep over at friends and then head off to Nieuwoutdville from there. This Northern Cape gem is 349km from Cape Town, so you will need to stop for breaks… take you pick from our suggestions below.
0 km
Cape Town
54 km 147km
Engen 1-stop
129 km
Total Garage with a Spur next door
160 km After the top of Piekenierskloof Pass on the left is De Toll Farm Stall and Coffee Shop
Desert Rose Farm Stall
155km Kardoesie Coffee Shop on the right
161km One kilometre further is Hebron Coffee Shop and Farm Stall on the left
231km The last large supermarket in Clanwilliam
349km Nieuwoudtville
basic services Shopping There’s a bottle store and a small shop called Klas Neus that has basic supplies, and an Absa ATM next door. Further down the road is a butcher, where you’ll find good kudu biltong, karoo lamb and much-needed ice. They close for an hour and a half over lunch. Protea Motors is the only petrol station in town. On Sundays, opening hours are from 9am to 11am and from 4pm to 6pm. Step into the workshop to see a wonderful collection of vintage cars, motorbikes and a display cabinet filled with dinky cars. It’s an automobile-history tour that children (and adults) will relish.
contacts The Nieuwoudtville Information Centre 027 218 1336, or visit Papkuilsfontein Guest Farm 027 218 1246, or visit
June 2010/July 2010
mom, dad, i’m bored! Here’s how to banish this phrase from your
curate the bits and pieces you unearth into similarly categorised boxes. Your children are certain to find something they feel inspired about somewhere in these. Happy holidays! efore the school break kicks in, we suggest you prepare a couple of activity boxes to whip out whenever one of your offspring says they’re bored. The good news is that you won’t necessarily need to go out and buy anything. This keep-’em-occupied plan is about repackaging and recycling what you’ve got. It should take you less than an hour to round up most of what you need to keep your children entertained for hours – and that’s without leaving your house. Follow this up with a quick visit to your mother-in-law’s and a sniff through her handwork cupboard, and you’re very likely to have a craftactivity box near sorted. We’ve collated our fun-to-go into three groups – craft, sports, and card and board games – and suggest you
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crafty character Round up old cereal boxes and other cardboard packaging, some scrap paper, old magazines, wool, buttons, pipe cleaners, strong paper glue, beads, a pair of scissors, socks that have lost their partners, felt, needle with an eye big enough for threading wool, chunky knitting needles, glitter, paint, paint brushes, pencil crayons, khokis, newspaper, old wrapping paper, tissue paper, string, raffia, empty matchboxes, recycled foil and foil pie cases, masking tape, play dough, clay and bits of ribbon. With just a few items your children can get stuck into any one of these 20 boredom-busting activities (plus numerous others they might come up with themselves):
1. Cut paper dolls out of recycled paper. 2. Make pipe-cleaner people (dye the pipe cleaners in food colouring to make them interesting colours). 3. Try string weaving. For this activity you’ll need to make a loop of string (about 40 cm in length) and then reach back into your memory – if you’ve forgotten how to weave the Cat’s Cradle or Teacup and Saucer between your fingers, then take a look at book/chten_cats1105.htm so you can pass on this skill to your children. 4. Knit a scarf, or make squares and sew these together to make a baby or doll’s blanket. 5. Make hand puppets from old socks. Sew or glue on some wool for hair, stick on googly eyes and add a tongue of felt or fabric. 6. Create a cardboard and wool bangle. Cut strips of cardboard, long enough to create a circle that fits over the child’s fist onto her wrist. Glue these into a ring and
home these holidays. By ELAINE EKSTEEN
then wind different colour strands of wool around the width to create a bangle. 7. Finger-knit necklaces for granny and aunty. (If you need help with the finger-knitting technique, visit 8. Create beads out of strips of magazine paper. Tightly wrap long, narrow triangles of paper dipped in glue around a kebab stick. Apply a layer of clear nail polish when complete, carefully remove from the kebab stick and leave to dry. Thread onto wool or string to make a necklace. 9. Create a pair of sunglasses using pipe cleaners and cardboard. Decorate with glitter and paint. 10. Create pom-poms. You’ll need two “doughnut” shaped cardboard circles and wool. Forgotten how? Visit 11. Make a two-humped camel using egg boxes (for body) and pipe cleaners (for legs).
12. Use buttons and pipe cleaners (bend and twist to make legs, wings, feelers) to create fun creepy crawly creatures. 13. Convert cardboard toilet-paper inners into colourful racing cars by decorating the body with paint and then adding wheels (Liquorice Allsorts and toothpicks will work nicely). 14. Create clothing out of newspaper and hold a fashion show to show off the creations. 15. Make a coat-hanger mobile. Hang painted paper shapes on strings of different lengths from the hanger, then cover the hanger in a cardboard “hood” decorated to match the theme. 16. Try your hand at origami – swans, frogs, boxes… the sky’s the limit. Check out for ideas and instructions. 17. Make your own Little Town. Cover matchboxes in paper, add a cardboard roof and paint and decorate
June 2010/July 2010
to look like little houses, shops, and schools. Arrange on a large piece of cardboard; draw in roads. Position the odd tree (green pom-pom on toothpick weighed down by a blob of clay or play dough). Just add toy cars and away you go. 18. Have a funny hat competition. Children can use cardboard, foil, newspaper, pom-poms, and more to come up with their own weird and wonderful creations. 19. Build an air soccer pitch. Tape a sheet of newspaper or cardboard to the floor using masking tape. Mark the halfway line and create goals using two old shoe boxes. Glue these in place. Children can decorate a cardboard tube, which is their blower. A pingpong ball can be painted a bright colour to make things more fun. Let the game begin! 20. Create a 3D collage – think skyline, farm or street scene – using corrugated and other cardboard, paper clips, pie tins, and other bits and pieces. Add a touch of paint, some glitter and you’ve got a great birthday present for Dad or Grandpa.
June 2010/July 2010
be a sport
roll the dice
For fun that’s exercise too, gather together things such as: a skipping rope, old pairs of stockings tied into a three-metre loop for that ’80s playground game “stocking” or “elastic”, a dingbat, home four-square kit (tennis ball and masking tape to mark court on tiled or wooden floor, visit for rules), badminton rackets and shuttlecock, ping-pong balls and bats (children can play on your dining-room table – just mark the halfway line with masking tape or string and Prestik), home jukskei (tent peg and hardboard hoop), duster hockey set (newspaper rolled into a baton and secured with masking tape becomes the duster hockey stick, a pair of rolled up rugby socks the ball) and skittles (you can make these from plastic bottles filled with water or sand).
You’ll need to dig out all the board and card games that have been gathering dust in various cupboards in the house… Think Uno, Scrabble, Risk, Monopoly, Pictionary, dominoes, cards, Cluedo, 30 Seconds, puzzles the children haven’t done for a while, Pick Up Sticks, and so on. If you’ve forgotten the rules or lost the instructions, a book like Reader’s Digest The Treasury of Family Games by Jim Glenn and Carey Denton will help. It has easyto-follow instructions for dice games, board games, domino and card games, oldfashioned parlour games, word games and lots more. The section on children’s card games is particularly helpful.
inbetweenager in the house Parenting the almost teen can be a roller-coaster ride – only problem is the theme park’s never closed, says LEONORA FOUND.
ust when I thought life would be getting easier, I have discovered my 10-yearold has become an “inbetweenager” – no longer my baby-faced little girl in pink, but not yet a fully fledged teen. The ever so slight mood changes, the beginnings of some “attitude”, and the fact that she is on her way to becoming a woman have made me want to push an invisible emergency panic button and halt the roller-coaster ride, which is no doubt about to pick up speed. She has also started to ask questions of the sort I’d prefer to answer when she is 20. But, much as it’s tempting to fudge some sort of a cop-out reply and move quickly along, I can’t. The world is a hugely different place to what it was when I was 10 and the external pressure and influences are enormous. All of this was particularly brought home to me recently when, over a cup of tea the other
afternoon, she asked to see if there were any games on my new cellphone, which is much like a mini computer. And so, together we searched the various applications only to discover, to my horror, that the entertainment application, where we did find some games, also had direct links to some rather unsavoury pictures – free and available for any young inquiring mind. Then, this morning, my insinuation that she had spilled the sugar, led to a verbal explosion. Not appreciating this kind of behaviour at 7am, pre my caffeine fix, I made the error of questioning her once she had assured me that it had not been her. She then burst into tears, dashed to her room and slammed the door – thus far, a no-no in our home… Ladies and gentleman, the ride has begun… and it’s not for the faint hearted! Please keep your seat belts fastened…
note to self Above my computer, I have stuck up the following message to myself about parenting my “inbetweenager”: • Knowledge. We need as much of it as we can get. We need to support each other and keep up with the times. • Show love and extreme patience. This journey may be difficult for me as parent but I am sure it is harder for her. • Show understanding and a willingness to learn. Neither one of us is perfect. • Honesty. Avoid even a hint of distortion, and be committed to keeping communication channels open. • Establish boundaries. These are a means of offering her security as she makes the transition into adulthood. • I am sorry – the next best three words after “I love you”. (After realising that my “I don’t believe you” (in the sugar episode) had hurt her, the need for an “I
am sorry” became obvious. A genuine apology when we get it wrong – which we will – reinforces all the previous points, and is so important, even when we are spitting mad.)
fall-back plan But, if all else fails, then perhaps my husband could resign his job, we could buy a farm in the country, grow organic veggies and I could homeschool our three children. Our house would be free of internal doors that can be slammed and too far from a cellphone tower to pick up a signal… Problem solved, or not.
June 2010/July 2010
don’t be a
DONNA COBBAN looks at the age-old sit-up-straight rule and offers some tips on how to achieve a good posture.
movement model Although ergonomic children’s furniture is a growing (and essential) industry, we need to look at posture as an essential element of our overall wellbeing. The Chiropractic Association of South Africa (CASA) has partnered with a global initiative called Straighten
June 2010/July 2010
sit here today hunched over the keyboard. “Don’t slouch”; “Sit up straight”; “No elbows on the table”; “Shoulders back” – the wise words of my mother seem to have fallen on deaf ears. My shoulders are rounded in an unattractive position that can only be described as slouching. I hate the way I instinctively sit and am hoping my son maintains his ruler-straight back and out-turned shoulders well into adulthood. To help him achieve this, I buy him an expensive chair. It’s adjustable and can be used for many years, thus the expense spread over the years of usage render it a reasonable buy – but I still look at it as one notch short of a throne, given how much I paid! I am hoping that the “throne” is going to make all the difference, as new research shows that sitting up straight is physically impossible if your feet are not resting firmly on something. No small child whose legs are dangling above the ground is going to be able to sit straight, as feet need support. The throne comes replete with a foot-resting ledge and, for the most part, my son uses it as such. But when I am around the corner, it becomes a platform from which to launch himself onto the dining-room table. A few friends have raised one eyebrow at the sight of the throne and the other one at me. And, yes, they are probably right – a beer crate or a cooler box under the child’s chair would have done just as well.
Up and Move; they envision “a time when everyone performs a short enjoyable spinal exercise module daily, just as we brush our teeth”. I become determined to lead by example, particularly when I stumble across new research that says children of slouchers will become slouchers themselves – no matter the throne upon which they sit. I go to the Straighten Up UK website that has an easy-to-follow YouTube clip, and 10 minutes later I have completed my spine-strengthening exercises. I try it out again after supper. We look like butterflies, swans, eagles and owls as we twist and bend our arms shoulders, necks and heads. The exercises have names such as “Twisting and Twirling Stars”, “Humming Birds” and my personal favourite, “The Shakes”. My two-year-old makes every effort to copy me; I am delighted and vow to keep at it every day. Not so much for him, with his ruler-straight posture, but in order to improve my own posture, so that he may have, at the very least, a half-decent role model to emulate.
I become determined to lead by example, particularly when I stumble across new research that says children of slouchers will become slouchers themselves – no matter the throne upon which they sit. be seated Yet even with the best chair and daily exercises, you are apparently fighting a losing battle when your child starts school. According to research conducted on 10 000 Israeli school children in 2004, “…almost 15 percent of the first-graders and 20 percent of six-graders sat in chairs of ‘inappropriate height’”. Sue Merry, a UK-based Alexander-technique practitioner, firmly believes that school furniture can do great damage, as desks are made to be functional, chairs to be stackable, with little thought given to the varying sizes of growing children. Compare this to the corporate working environment where there are often mandatory chair and lighting level inspections, and where very few of us would not hesitate to pick up the phone to HR or facilities management to report any ergonomic discomfort we may be experiencing. Perhaps it is the threat of lower backache or sciaticnerve lawsuits, but generally somebody comes running to fix the situation. However, Sue points out that by adulthood the damage has already been done. “Badly designed and ill-fitting chairs and tables make it very difficult for a small child to maintain their natural poise and freedom from unnecessary tension. Eventually, most children stop trying and collapse into the chair, until sitting in this way quickly becomes habitual and feels right,” she says. So, the throne is only going to help up to a point, and refurnishing a school or even just a classroom is unlikely… But before I give up, I learn that strengthening core muscles is essential to a child’s long-term posture. Early sports such as gymnastics, karate and even horse riding are said to be beneficial and it goes without saying that after a morning spent slouched over ill-fitting furniture, an afternoon spent slouching on the sofa isn’t going to help. So, with the throne, daily spine exercises, and some sport thrown into the pot, my son may very well be the one telling me to sit up straight.
sit back and relax Research conducted by Woodend Hospital in Scotland in 2006 revealed that sitting up straight might not be so good for us, after all. The researchers measured spinal angles and spinal-disc movement in a variety of positions from sitting up straight, to slouching, to sitting back in your chair at a 135-degree angle. The 135-degree position won, but they did concede that this might cause a person to slide off their seat, so the acceptable position was adjusted to 120 degrees.
June 2010/July 2010
get moving Try these spinal exercises from the Straighten Up UK campaign. Visit to download pamphlets of straightening up exercises for both adults and children.
stand tall
Straighten up in the Stand Tall posture. Ears, shoulders, hips, knees and ankles should be in a straight line. Pull your belly button in towards your spine.
the eagle
In the Stand Tall posture, bring your arms out to your sides and gently draw your shoulder blades together. Breathe in as you slowly raise your arms, touching your hands together above your head. Slowly lower your arms to your sides as you breathe out. Perform three times.
the hummingbird
Next, make small backward circles with your hands and arms, drawing your shoulder blades together. Sway gently from side to side. Enjoy for 10 seconds.
the butterfly
Place your hands behind your head and gently draw your elbows backward. Slowly and gently press your head backwards and resist with your hands for a count of two, and release. Breathe freely. Perform three times. Then gently massage the back of your neck and head as you relax your stomach region with slow, easy breathing.
other ways to help encourage good posture • Wear a good pair of shoes with soft, flexible soles. • Avoid carrying heavy bags. • Perform regular exercise to strengthen core muscles. • Don’t sit for too long. • Practise regular shoulder shrugs and stretching. • Use both straps on a rucksack. • Limit extended game times. • Sleep on a good mattress. • Don’t sleep on your stomach. Adapted from the British Chiropractic Association
June 2010/July 2010
June 2010/July 2010
Soccer City Stadium
out & about Tired of repeating the same things every time you have a family day out? It’s time to gather the family and rediscover Johannesburg’s inner city and surrounds. CHAREEN BOAKE gives you ideas on how to become a tourist in your own city.
Constitution Hill Museum This is not only the site of the Constitutional Court, but also the Old Fort prison complex. In addition to learning about the history associated with its notorious past, children between the ages of three and 12 can experience a culture of human rights through the Constitution Kids programme. Children are taught about their rights to a name, nationality, identity, home, privacy and freedom of expression in a fun, interactive manner. Corner Kotze and Hospital Streets, Braamfontein. 011 274 5300 or visit Oriental Plaza Steeped in Indian culture, this shopping Mecca carries with it India’s merchant heritage. On arrival at the plaza, you’re greeted by fragrant collages of aromatic curries and exotic spices. The plaza is a colourful shopping experience with lots of beautiful fabrics, clothes,
incense, gadgets and food that’ll tempt you to haul out your wallet. Open Monday– Friday 8:30am–5pm (closed noon–2pm on Friday), Saturday 8:30am–3pm. Bree and Main Streets, Fordsburg. 011 838 6752 or visit Orlando Towers Undoubtedly Johannesburg’s biggest vertical adventure attraction, these multicoloured cooling towers stand 33 storeys high and are the canvas for South Africa’s largest mural, a collage of images depicting the history of Soweto. Adrenalin-junkies can bungee jump, swing, climb, abseil and rap jump from the towers, a whopping 100m off the ground. Under 18s must have parental consent and a minimum weight of 35kg applies. This attraction is sure to be buzzing during June and July so booking is essential. Dynamo Street, corner Old Potch Road, Orlando, Soweto. 071 674 4343, 012 345 5114 or visit
Scenic flights over Johannesburg See the city of gold from the sky in a classic Tiger Moth, a Cessna or, better yet, reserve a seat on the classic Dakota DC3. Johannesburg takes on a whole new life when viewed from above: see the CBD’s skyskrapers, the old mine dumps, the route of the new Gautrain – you might even be able to spot your school and house. This is the ultimate adventure for the whole family. Classique Aviation trips depart from Rand Airport. 011 827 4155, or visit or randairport. Victory Theatre Originally built as a cinema, the Victory Theatre is now a dinner theatre showcasing the best of South African talent and tastes. It is currently the home of Africa Umoja – The Spirit of Togetherness, a journey through South Africa’s rich musical heritage. The sound of African drums draws you into the show with its vibrant foot-stomping and hand-clapping energy. Get there early for a delicious set-menu dinner, including vetkoek, lamb masala and malva pudding. The atmosphere is cosmopolitan, vibrant and fun – your foreign visitors will love it too. Children from eight years and up will also enjoy the show. 105 Louis Botha Avenue, Houghton Estate. 011 728 9603 or visit
things to see and do
Orlando Towers
June 2010/July 2010
Absa Money and Banking Museum This museum is home to the largest collection of money used in the country’s past. There are also displays showing early forms of trading currency such as cowrie
shells, beads and gold coins recovered from sunken ships. 187 Fox Street, Johannesburg. 011 350 6889, or visit Joburg Theatre The Civic Theatre, which opened in 1962, has been rebranded as the Joburg Theatre. To celebrate the Fifa World Cup, and in keeping with the grand performances of days gone by, the theatre will be staging the powerful musical by Lord Andrew Lloyd Webber and comic genius Ben Elton’s The Boys in the Photograph until 31 July. Suitable for children 10 years and older. Loveday Street, Braamfontein. 011 877 6800 or visit MuseuMAfricA Housed in one of Johannesburg’s most beautiful old buildings, the museum has been lovingly restored to showcase a collection of artefacts focusing on indigenous African culture, archaeology, and the history of South Africa and the African continent. The Bushman rock paintings are one of the finest collections of San artwork in the world. 121 Bree Street, Newtown. 011 833 5624 joburg’s
PHOTOGRAPHS: REALBUZZ.COM, Chris Kirchhoff, Local Organising Committee/
don’t miss
June 2010/July 2010
Hector Pieterson Memorial
Sci-Bono Discovery Centre Young scientists and techno fundis from the age of three can take part in exciting, fun-filled maths, science and technology activities at this science centre. Courses in rocketry and robotics are just a few of the things to keep busy minds active. Don’t miss the Science of Soccer Exhibition (running until 31 July), which showcases a collection of 16 unique interactive exhibits defining the science and technology behind the game. Corner Miriam Makeba and President Streets, Newtown. 011 639 8400 or visit South African National Museum of Military History Children will love this outdoor military park with its tanks and armoured cars, as well as aircraft and naval hardware from as far back as the Anglo-Boer War. See things like a Molch – a one-man submarine used in the Second World War – and a Douglas C-47 aircraft, which serviced both the United States Army Air Force and the Royal Air Force during World War II. Erlswold Way, Saxonwold (adjacent to the Johannesburg Zoo). 011 646 5513
Soweto Tours A tour through Soweto will give you first-hand experience of the township’s culture and history. See historical landmarks like Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital, the brightly coloured Orlando Towers and Freedom Square. You’ll also stop at Mandela House, the historical landmark on Vilakazi Street, where the Mandela family lived from 1946 into the 1990s. The Hector Pieterson Memorial is a world-class museum with interactive and visual displays, located a few hundred metres from the spot where Hector Pieterson was killed in the 1976 Soweto riots. Thompsons Tours 0861 84 6677 or visit The Angel of the North Reminiscent of Rio de Janeiro’s Christ the Redeemer statue, the winged angel is a sparkling white twometre tall artwork standing aloft a threemetre pedestal. Created by artist Winston Luthuli, the angel overlooks Constitution Hill and is part of the Hillbrow, Berea and Yeoville public art programme. Corner Kotze and Hospital Streets, Braamfontein. 011 274 5300 or visit The National Children’s Theatre The performances will have children roaring with laughter as they sing along to their favourite classical stories. Be sure to see Dr Seuss’ The Cat in the Hat, which is on until 17 July. Cat, Horton and Jojo’s humorous antics will have your little ones giggling with glee. 3 Junction Road, Parktown. 011 484 1584 or visit
Sci-Bono Discovery Centre
June 2010/July 2010
The Origins Centre This is the only museum in the world that’s dedicated to exploring and celebrating the history of modern joburg’s
humankind. With the recent discovery of the latest hominid species in The Cradle of Humankind, children can learn even more about the origins of early man. Touch screens are just some of the fun, interactive aspects that add to the experience. The Wedge Complex, University of Witwatersrand, Corner Yale Road and Jorissen Street, Braamfontein. 011 717 4700 or visit Top of Africa The Carlton Centre is the tallest building in Africa standing 223m tall with 50 storeys. You can park in the safe, underground parking and take the lift to the enclosed viewing area to see a breathtaking 360-degree view across Johannesburg. See how big this city really is. 150 Commissioner Street, CBD. 011 308 1331
action packed Gold Reef City Theme Park There’s so much to experience at this theme park, from restaurants and shows to a 4D theatre and, of course, the variety of adrenalin-inducing rides. The funfair offers gentle rides on horses, shells and a Flintstones car for children under 10. Older children and teens will enjoy The Anaconda, Earthquake Tunnel and Miner’s Revenge as well as The Tower of Terror. For a more cultural experience there are heritage tours and an underground mine tour, where you can learn more about the precious metal that was at the core of this city’s beginnings. Northern Parkway, Ormonde. 011 248 6800 or visit Mystery Ghost bus tours You’ll have to leave the children at home for this ghoulish ghost tour of Johannesburg’s haunted sites. See some of the city’s legendary haunted destinations like The Woman’s Prison that housed Daisy de Melcker, Kensington Castle, Mike’s Kitchen in Parktown (with its resident ghost) and many more spine tingling destinations.
Melville Koppies
You’ll also stop at a few pubs en-route for some liquid refreshment. Visit
lazy days Emmarentia Dam and Botanical Gardens At almost any time of day, you’re sure to see a paddler making his way around the dam. The adjoining botanical gardens, home to over 4 500 varietals of roses, are a popular Sunday afternoon picnic spot, usually abuzz with games of soccer and volleyball, plus dogs, cyclists and children. This is a great way to get together with friends and family in a beautiful and tranquil outdoor setting. Olifants Road, Emmarentia Melville Koppies This is a nature reserve and heritage site that conserves the last of Johannesburg’s ridges as they were before the discovery of gold in 1886. Greenstone Rock, one of the oldest rocks on earth,
Gold Reef City joburg’s
June 2010/July 2010
is estimated to be 3 000-million years old, and can be seen at the top of the koppies. Enjoy a slow hike and see a variety of plants, birds, small mammals and snakes. Once you reach the top of the hill, you’ll be rewarded with a beautiful view across the Magaliesberg. Open most Saturday and Sunday mornings. Judith Road, Emmarentia. 011 482 4797 or visit Zoo Lake One of Johannesburg’s most popular outdoor parks, especially over weekends, Zoo Lake bustles with joggers, cyclists, skateboarders and dog-walkers.
Emmarentia Dam and Botanical Gardens
June 2010/July 2010
The open grounds, with lots of trees, are the perfect place for a picnic or a lunch at the local restaurant. The ducks are always ready for a treat so make sure you take floating pellets to feed them and, to end a perfect day, take a row around the lake. Corner Jan Smuts Avenue and Westwold Street, Saxonwold, Johannesburg
taste of joburg Bambanani Situated in the cultural, cosmopolitan and arty suburb of Melville, this restaurant is a place to relax and
enjoy delicious café-style food (mostly tapas and Mediterranean-style) while well-trained childminders are looking after the little ones in a nicely kitted out playzone. 85 4th Avenue, Melville. 011 482 2900 Gramadoelas Exotic African Restaurant This eatery, which has been run by the same owners, Brian and Eduan, since 1967, has played host to the likes of Nelson Mandela, Elton John and the Queen of England. The vibe is upmarket and cosmopolitan, and the menu suitably South African. If you or your children are keen to try Mopani worms, this is the spot for you. Hint: the oxtail and bobotie are to die for. Market Theatre, Bree Street, Newtown. 011 838 6960, or visit Moyo Zoo Lake Besides the warm hospitality, the diverse menu is mouthwatering. Particularly popular are the Vrystaat Burger with cheese, served on sweet potato and pumpkin bread and the Butternut Cheesecake with caramelised pumpkin. The children’s menu includes dishes like Izinkuku Ezincane (chicken strips) and Plaatkoekie Stack (buttermilk pancakes served with ice cream, honey and fruit). The novelty of having Africanstyle dots painted on your face appeals to
children and adults alike, leaving visitors branded with the memory of a uniquely African experience. 1 Prince of Wales Drive, Parkview. 011 646 0058, or visit
off to market 44 Stanley Probably Johannesburg’s best-kept shopping secret, what was a series of 1930s industrial buildings has been transformed into a chic, eclectic mix of 25 specialty boutiques, restaurants and studios. Exclusive fashion, designer jewellery and delicious food are on offer at this relaxed yet quintessentially Johannesburg venue. Open Monday– Saturday 9am–5pm. 44 Stanley Avenue, Milpark. 011 482 4444 or visit Jozi Food Market One way to enjoy Johannnesburg’s great weather is by shopping at an outdoor market. Pack a picnic, stock up at the market, and simply unwind. Jozi Food Market offers shoppers fantastic homegrown and natural products. You can buy goat’s cheese while meeting the generous goat that donated the milk. It’s a place to meet friends, enjoy a casual stroll, and sample and purchase
soccer season If you haven’t managed to get tickets to matches at Ellis Park or Soccer City Stadium, or are keen to get into the spirit on the days when matches are played elsewhere in the country, then one of the following options might be just what you’re looking for…
Jozi Food Market
delicious, decadent and wholesome food. Open every Saturday 8:30am–1:30pm. Parktown Quarter, corner 7 th and 3 rd Avenues, Parktown North. 072 739 8758, or visit The Rooftop Market With more than 600 stalls selling clothing, ceramics, art and crafts, antiques and collectables, the market is alive with the hustle and bustle of store owners, buskers and shoppers. Open on Sunday and public holidays 9am–5pm. Corner Cradock Avenue and Baker Street, Rosebank. 011 442 4488 or visit
Zasekhaya Market in Newtown This area is a vibrant mix of artistic, musical and theatrical talents. It’s also home to this bustling and truly South African market, which is open on the last Saturday of each month from 10am–4pm. Zasekhaya features an eclectic range of traditional gifts and only South African-made art and crafts – expect more than just your usual pavement-shopping variety of carved hippos and giraffes. You’ll also find everything from trendy fashion to mosaic mirrors and handmade paper. Bus Factory, corner Henry Nxumalo and President Streets, Newtown. 011 833 6323 or visit
Fan Fest Innes Free Park Situated in the heart of Sandton’s CBD is Johannesburg’s official Fifa Fan Fest site. It can accommodate 20 000 fans and will be open to the public throughout the World Cup. Entrance is free and there will be multiple food and beverage stores, an official shop and entertainment between the live games. Open 10am–late. Katherine Street, Strathavon, Sandton. or visit worldcup Public Viewing Areas Stonehaven-on-Vaal hosts a private fan-park with big screens, meals representative of the different teams playing, boat cruises and wine tasting. Children’s entertainment includes special soccer penalty-shoot out posts, bubble balls, soccer ball ornament making, soccer ball play dough for the young ones plus lots of fun with special soccer games on the PlayStations, fun in the tree houses,
jumping castles, trampoline and sand play areas. Booking essential. Stonehaven-on-Vaal, Baddrift Bridge, Sylviavale AH, Vaal River. 016 982 2951/2, or visit The International Football VIllage Entertainment such as a German Fan Mile, a Brazilian Caipi bar, a Bavarian beerhouse and an African shebeen – restaurants and pubs are open, and there will be regular live performances by music acts such as Jamali, Mean Mr Mustard and Loyiso. Ends 11 July. From 11am. Birchwood Hotel and OR Tambo Conference Centre. Cost: R100–R500. Book through Computicket: 083 915 8000 or visit MTN Fan Zone Watch live screenings of all the games on the giant outdoor screen as well as in other areas. Loads of entertainment and food also on offer. Time varies. Montecasino Outdoor Piazza, Fourways. Cost: R50. Book through Computicket: visit Sport as Art If you’re heading to Ellis Park to watch a match, be sure to look out for four cheerful football players in Sivewright Avenue, created by artist Winston Luthuli.
June 2010/July 2010
a good read for toddlers
No Babysitters Allowed By Amber Stewart and Laura Rankin
best bedtime story
(Bloomsbury Publishing, R97) Hopscotch is a very brave bunny – except when his parents go out and Mrs Honeybunch comes to babysit. She wants to play, but Hopscotch would much rather be alone in his special “no babysitters allowed” corner. That is until he hears Mrs Honeybunch reading his books all wrong. But is Hopscotch brave enough to help her read them correctly? This sweet funny story will provide ample reassurance to young children (and their worried parents) as they face babysitter night. Even though there’s quite a bit of text, Laura Rankin’s brightly coloured illustrations make it possible for toddlers to follow the story.
Blue Chameleon By Emily Gravett (Macmillan Children’s Books, R165) Most of Emily Gravett’s children’s books are great entertainment for adults too, and Blue Chameleon is no exception. The gorgeous images illustrate a lovely tale of a lonely blue chameleon – it’s a story your children will want to hear over and over again. The chameleon is feeling blue, so he heads off in search of his soul mate. On the way he meets a yellow banana, pink cockatoo, a swirly snail, striped sock, and each time he changes his colour to match his new friend. This is a very funny read with a beautiful ending.
A Busy, Busy Day in Tinga Tinga Created by Claudia Lloyd (Penguin Books, R122) The Tinga Tinga tales are inspired by the traditional animal stories of our continent and the Tinga Tinga artwork of Tanzania. Adapted from the original BBC Television programme, this book has loads of lift-theflap and pop-up fun. In this tale, it’s a very busy day in Tinga Tinga, so busy that none of the animals has time to help Elephant remember why everyone is so busy. With very bright and lively illustrations, a lovely surprise behind every flap and rhyming text, this is a great story for children.
Farmyard Friends By Emily Bolam
Tip Tap Went The Crab By Tim Hopgood
Jingle Jangle Jungle Illustrated by Axel Scheffler
(Macmillan Children’s Books, R165) When a curious little crab tip-taps sideways out of her rock pool to explore the big blue sea, she discovers a world full of wonderful creatures. But after she’s counted everything from one noisy seagull and two sleepy sea lions to nine silent sharks at the bottom of the sea, the little crab realises that her very own rock pool is the most amazing place of all. And so she tip-taps happily home… closely followed by her 10 baby crabs. While children between four and nine will enjoy counting the sea creatures in the book, the illustrations make it perfect for younger children too.
(Campbell Books, R130) Children can join in the Jingle Jangle Jungle song and count along with the animals in this delightful board book. There are also 28 colourful, doublesided dominoes – children can choose to match the animals or the numbers, ensuring they have twice the fun. This book helps develop manual dexterity and teaches first concepts, while providing fun and entertainment. Award-winning illustrator Axel Scheffler’s (best-known for his collaboration with Julia Donaldson on The Gruffalo series) sketches are vibrant and colourful, with loads of humour and detail.
June 2010/July 2010
(Campbell Books, R109) With plenty of pop-up scenes, pull tabs and a couple of sets of wheels, your toddler can join in the fun as their farmyard friends come alive. This carousel book encourages children to interact with the characters. They can open barn doors and see Mother hen and her chicks cosy up together. By pulling tabs pigs eat from the trough, dogs jump up, ducklings waddle towards the dam and kittens climb up ladders. This lovely book develops manual dexterity and stimulates the imagination.
Toddle Waddle By Julia Donaldson and Nick Sharratt (Macmillan Children’s Books, R90) There’s a hullabaloo at the seaside when a toddler takes his friends on a stroll to the end of the pier. Follow-my-leader has never been so much fun! With catchy rhymes and bright, bold pictures even the youngest child will love this simple, playful story. They will also have fun copying the noises: mom’s flops go “flip, flop”, the running dog “hurry and scurry”, the horse’s hooves “clip, clop” and the bicycle bell “ting-a-ling”. Award-winner Julia Donaldson is one of today’s most popular picture-book authors. joburg’s
June 2010/July 2010
for preschoolers The Circus Ship By Chris van Dusen
pick of the month
(Candlewick Press, R195) When a circus ship runs aground, the circus animals stagger to the shore of a small island. At first the townspeople view them with suspicion, but it’s not long before locals and animals are sharing the island in harmony. When the greedy circus owner returns, the towns folk and the circus refugees come up with a delightful way to outsmart him, exacting hilarious revenge in the process. With rhymed text and brilliant caricature illustrations, Chris van Dusen has crafted a stunning picture book for children four to eight years old.
The Nursery Alice By Lewis Carroll (Macmillan Children’s Books, R195) The Nursery Alice was the first colour edition of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland ever made and was especially adapted for younger readers by Lewis Carroll himself. Out of print for much of the twentieth century, this recently rediscovered treasure will bring a new generation to the magic and mayhem of Wonderland. With 20 rarely seen colour versions of Sir John Tenniel’s much-loved illustrations, this classic children’s book is perfect for the whole family.
Miko’s Magic Number – Count With The Magic Wheel By Ruth Brown (Walker Books, R194) Roll up! Roll up! Come to the circus and follow the trail of numbers to help Miko the mouse find the magic number! By choosing a number and turning the wheel, children learn to do simple addition and subtraction while being entertained by Miko and his friends at the circus. Peepholes and flaps maintain the suspense until the very end, when Miko’s special trick reveals the magic number. This book allows children to play and become familiar with numbers – and amaze the whole family.
June 2010/July 2010
for early graders
for preteens and teens
A Child’s Garden – a Story of Hope By Michael Foreman (Macmillan Children’s Books, R210) In a ruined village, torn apart by war, a barbed wire fence cuts off a little boy from the hills in which he loved to walk. But does a tiny green shoot spell hope? This is a beautifully illustrated tale of healing and renewal from a world-acclaimed children’s book creator Michael Foreman. A Child’s Garden pays tribute to the human spirit in a thoughtful story that you are almost certainly to be touched by as you share it with your children.
Princesses Are Not Perfect By Kate Lum and Sue Hellard (Bloomsbury Publishing, R97) Once there were three princesses, each with a flair for her own special hobby. Princess Allie loved to bake. Princess Mellie loved to garden and Princess Libby loved to build things. But one day Princess Mellie decides that she wants a change, so they swap jobs with each other. Can the princesses impress the housekeeper, Mrs Blue, when they try out new things and prepare the palace in time for the big Summer Party? This entertaining tale for children between five and eight is about using your talents wisely.
Sibo Thinks Positively and Sibo Tackles Trash By Ginny Stone (Lets Look Publishers, R49,50 each) Sibo is a bright and open-minded little girl, who shares her experiences with other young children. In Sibo Thinks Positively, she befriends a girl who has just moved into her neighbourhood whose brother is HIV positive. Find out how Sibo helps change her mother’s misguided beliefs. In Sibo Tackles Trash, children learn about recycling and how to keep our cities clean – all sparked by Sibo dropping her sweet wrapper on the floor.
Daniel Fox and the Jester’s Legacy (By Andy Petersen, R85) American born and Johannesburg-raised, Andy Petersen was only 16-years-old when this book was launched in South Africa. Daniel Fox is a normal teenage boy, growing up in New York City. He woke up one Monday morning, thinking it would be a day like any other. Little did he know that it was the day he would die. After being kidnapped from the museum of Ancient History, Daniel ends up in a “waiting room” that leads to the capital of the underworld. Join Daniel Fox on this non-stop adventure through a world where things are not always quite as simple as they seem.
June 2010/July 2010
for preteens and teens Rise Of The Rattler By Tim Walker (Faber and Faber, R106) It’s been months since Tom and Polly’s explosive quest to Dollar Island, but their fizzling adventures are far from over... With Shipley Manor harboured safe at home, Polly and Tom have been looking forward to helping Hopper Hawkins spread the Fizzle – a magic potion that brings happiness to all who experience it. Then they uncover a conspiracy that could plunge the world into chaos. Who’s behind it? And is the plot linked to the disappearance of their friend Scarlett? To discover the truth the crew of Shipley Manor sail to the Arctic, where they must do battle with ravenous polar bears, deadly avalanches and even the Fizzle, before facing their greatest foe – the evil Rattler.
The Silver Spoon for Children – Favourite Italian Recipes By Amanda Grant (Phaidon Press, R187) All the recipes in this book have been adapted from Italy’s best-selling cookbook, The Silver Spoon. Each fabulous dish has been tested by an expert in children’s nutrition. There are tips on cooking safely, which kitchen equipment to use, and how to make things as tasty as possible. Every step is explained and illustrated, making the recipes easy to follow. Your little chefs will soon be making their own pizza, ravioli napoletana, lasagne, risotto, focaccia and much more. With this book your children will turn your kitchen into a top-notch Italian eatery in no time!
June 2010/July 2010
the perfect gift
How To Surf By Miles Masterson (Penguin Books, R119) This is the comprehensive guide to learning to surf in South Africa. Packed with all you need to know about the local surfing lifestyle, this book gives you the knowledge and skills needed to achieve the ultimate freedom of riding the ocean’s waves. From understanding the weather and how waves are created and what conditions are best for beginners to how to execute a cutback and bottom turn – it’s all covered. There are detailed step-by-step illustrations and easy-to-follow instructions to the most basic manoeuvres, chapters on surfing history, types of surfboards, surf travel and the environment.
Outlaw – The Legend of Robin Hood By Tony Lee, Sam Hart and Artur Fujita (Walker Books, R128) This is the first book in a brand new Heroes and Heroines graphic novel series. Tony Lee, Sam Hart, and colourist Arthur Fujita combine their talents for fast-paced graphic storytelling in a stunning full-colour action-packed tale of the legendary hero, Robin Hood. When Robin of Loxley gets news of his father’s death, he abandons the bloody Crusade in Jerusalem and rides back to Sherwood Forest to discover that things are not as they should be. Robin soon raises an army to challenge the evil sheriff, who now rules the land, and fight for the good of the poor.
for us From Jo’burg to Jozi – Stories about Africa’s infamous city Edited by Heidi Holland and Adam Roberts
for parents great read
(Penguin Books, R104) The editors asked fellow journalists and writers – South Africans and foreigners who have lived in Johannesburg – to write about the city. Out of this emerged idiosyncratic reactions to Egoli, Jo’burg, Jozi and the City of Gold. This collection of writings has a vibrancy to entertain locals, as well as authenticity for those who want to know more about the metropolis that has become known as Africa’s infamous city.
In A Strange Room By Damon Galgut (Penguin Books, R152) A young man takes three journeys, through Greece, India and Africa. He travels lightly. To those who travel with him and those he meets on the way – including a handsome, enigmatic stranger, a group of careless backpackers and a woman on the edge – he is the Follower, the Lover and the Guardian. Yet, despite the man’s best intentions, each journey ends in disaster. Together, these three journeys will change his life. This is South African Damon Galgut’s seventh novel and has been pegged by literary reviewers to be one of the best books of 2010.
for grandparents
The Contented Baby with Toddler Book By Gina Ford
The Grandparents’ Book By Miriam Stoppard
(Random House Struik, R185) Introducing a toddler to their new baby brother or sister is an exciting moment. But alongside the joy of having two young children comes the challenge of balancing their different needs. Written in the same reassuring, accessible style as Ford’s best-selling The Contented Little Baby Book, it is full of practical tips and solutions to support busy parents. The easy to follow and adaptable routines are designed to help you structure your day to meet the demands of both your new baby and your toddler.
(Dorling Kindersley Limited, R127) The relationship between grandparent and grandchild is a very special one and can bring some of the happiest times of your life. In The Grandparents’ Book, you’ll discover how to build that unique closeness with wise and friendly advice from childcare expert Miriam Stoppard, a grandmother herself. With sensible guidelines on how to build a wonderful bond with your grandchildren, while respecting parents’ boundaries, this is the personal, practical, real-life guide to how to be the kind of grandparent every child could want.
June 2010/July 2010
for soccer-lovers
Africa United – How Football Explains Africa By Steve Bloomfield
The African Animal Football Cup By Immanuel Suttner, Guy Suttner and David Anderson (Quartz Press, R125,95) When the animals hear that the humans are having a soccer competition, they decide to have one too. They find out about it because a family of crested barbets, who had been happily nesting in a hole in a marula tree, suddenly find their home surrounded by bulldozers. Next thing, their tree is knocked over to make way for a stadium. So the barbets fly off to look for another home, and on the way they tell the hadedahs, who tell everyone else. The African Animal Football Cup is a charming safari into the heart of Africa. Parents and children can enjoy the story, while learning about some of South Africa’s fascinating animals.
(Canon Gate Books Ltd, R195) Steve Bloomfield was UK-based newspaper, The Independent’s Africa correspondent for more than two years, reporting from more than 20 countries in Africa. This book is a fascinating modern portrait of the divided continent, told through one of the few things that unite it. Bloomfield investigates Africa’s love of soccer, its increasing global influence, the build-up to the 2010 World Cup and the social and political backdrop to the greatest show on earth. Africa United is a fascinating read on the most beautiful game in Africa.
it’s game time
Our heroes, Soccer Africa!, Three of the best!, Super Soccer Skills and It’s a funny game By Sean Fraser and Hilton Sarukunda (Pearson Education South Africa, R49,95–R59,95) Well-respected author Sean Fraser and seasoned soccer journalist Hilton Sarukunda have put together this collection of books aimed at younger readers. Our Heroes is packed with facts about famous club teams, national teams and players from all over the world. Soccer Africa! is a tribute to all the great soccer legends and teams of the African continent. In Three of the Best! children can read about the childhood and rise to fame of soccer stars such as Lucas Radebe and Ronaldo. Super Soccer Skills includes practical tips for improving your game. It’s a funny game is an engaging read with stories that cover details of the soccer sports kit of 100 years ago and reveals where the television cameras are hidden at matches.
June 2010/July 2010
Football – The Ultimate Guide By Martin Cloake, Glenn Dakin, Mark Hillsdon, Adam Powley, Aidan Radnedge and Catherine Saunders (Doring Kindersley Limited, R180) This coffee table-style book, for young and old has a funky cover and features everything you ever wanted to know about the game and more. On pages filled with excellent photography and fact boxes, you can explore the world of soccer, both on and off the pitch. There are plenty of statistics and trivia to impress your friends. This book profiles the best players through the years, as well as the greatest teams and most memorable games. There is also information on every Fifa-affiliated country (there are 208 of them). This is a must-have book for every soccer-lover.
Match! – World Cup 2010! (Pan Macmillan, R125) This is a great guide for the World Cup from the UK’s best-selling soccer magazine. It profiles all 32 teams playing in the tournament, all the big stars, and the super strikers to watch. As an added bonus there are crazy World Cup-related stories, quizzes to test your knowledge and fun games to play. Colourful fullpage photos of players such as France’s Thierry Henry, Argentina’s Sergio Aguero, England’s John Terry and Ghana’s Michael Essien are included. This is not only a great guide to use during the tournament, but also a collector’s item.
June 2010/July 2010
what’s on in june and july Things to do, places to go, ways to give back, talks and exhibitions plus loads of fun for the whole family. compiled by Chareen boake
special events
FUN for children
only for parents
bump, baby & tot in tow
how to help
bump, baby & tot in tow
how to help
Singing or pottery workshops; soccer and star-gazing are just some of the fun activities that could put a smile on your children’s faces these holidays.
Things for you: from self-improvement workshops to support groups and a night at the theatre.
Pick a morning to have tea, attend a workshop or just get together with other parents or parents-to-be for support and conversation.
Make a small difference in somebody’s life by donating your old goods, time or money.
June 2010/July 2010
We have filled your winter days with a fabulous wine show, stunning stage productions, a Father’s Day picnic, fun family walks and a soccer kick-off concert.
June 2010/July 2010
Time: 8am. Venue: Johannesburg Zoo, Upper Park Dr, Forest Town. Cost: adults R60, children R30. Funds raised are donated to the World Food Programme. Contact Pravashini: 011 437 3300, marketingZA@
SPECIAL EVENTS 1 june Cinderella This classic rag-to-riches story is retold with a modern and humorous twist. Ends 7 August. Time: varies for school and private performances. Venue: People’s Theatre, cnr Loveday and Hoofd Streets, Braamfontein. Cost: adults R75, children R85. Contact: 011 403 1563/2340 or visit Reggie’s Rush Get your entry forms instore and enter to win a 30-second dash for toys. Entries close 14 June. Time: 9am–5pm. Venue: Reggie’s stores nationwide. Cost: free entry. For more info: visit
4 june The Wine Show Joburg 2010 Taste wine from popular estates and discover some new wines from boutique wineries. Ends 6 June. Time: Friday 5pm; Saturday–Sunday noon. Venue: The Coca-Cola Dome, Northgate. Cost: R90. Book through Computicket: 083 915 8000 or visit
5 june Cooper’s Cave Picnic Explore a 1,5million-year-old fossil site featuring several animal fossils, a fossil hunt and learn how to make tools like our ancestors did. Also 3 July. Time: 9am. Venue: Cooper’s Cave near Sterkfontein Caves, Maropeng. Cost: R350,
June 2010/July 2010
10 june 10 June – Jozi’s Winter Circus
includes picnic lunch. Online booking essential. Contact: 014 577 9000, info@ or visit
6 june Bushveld series young orienteers’ challenge Aided only by a map and compass, you can locate a number of features, marked in the terrain and on the map. Also 20 June. Time: 8:30am for 9:30am start. Venue: Laurentia Farm (Krugersdorp) and Magaliesburg (Maropeng). Cost: R60 per group. Contact Tania: 082 902 6097, or visit Walk the World 2010 Be one of thousands of people internationally to take to the streets to show your support for the United Nations World Food Programme.
Cinderella has a ball A hilarious and funfilled children’s pantomime adaptation of the classic fairy tale of Cinderella. Ends 12 June. Also showing at Broadacres, 16–19 June; Menlyn Park, 25–26 June; East Rand Mall, 3 July. Time: 11am and 3pm. Venue: Barnyard Theatre, Cresta Centre. Cost: R45. For more info: visit Fifa Kick-Off Celebration Concert Top local and international artists unite to celebrate the launch of the world’s biggest football event. Time: 4pm. Venue: Orlando Stadium, Soweto. Cost: R450–R1 400. Book through Computicket: 083 915 8000 or visit Jozi’s Winter Circus Action-packed show featuring acrobats, jugglers, clowns, contortionists and more. Ends 11 July. Time: 9:30am–5pm. Venue: Gold Reef City, Ormonde. Cost: R140; children under 1,2m R90. Contact: 011 248 5000, info@ or visit
12 june Highveld treasure hunt for the family Test your navigational skills at this fun
morning event. Reading maps and finding routes help you find the elusive treasure. Time: 9am–noon. Venue: Kloofendal Amphitheatre, Galena Ave, Kloofendal. Cost: adults R40, children R20. Booking essential. Contact Karin: 011 674 2980
12 june
Child Florist Competition Children aged 6–8 years are invited to enter the first Benmore Children’s Florist competition. Limited to first 20 entries so enter as soon as possible. Time: tbc. Venue: Benmore Florist, Benmore Shopping Centre. Cost: R50. Contact Jannie: 011 884 6905
18 june
27 june
Beautiful Creatures See how Imvubu, the happiest hippo, became so happy. He’ll be joined on stage by the other much-loved characters from the Beautiful Creatures music CD series. Ends 4 July. Time: noon and 2:30pm. Venue: The Teatro at Montecasino. Cost: R75. Book through Computicket: 083 915 8000 or visit
Shaka – The Musical The story of the legendary Zulu king, Shaka, is brought to the stage in musical form. Ends 18 July. Time: varies. Venue: Drama Theatre, South African State Theatre, Pretoria. Cost: R145–R295. Book through Computicket: 083 915 8000 or visit
Blairgowrie Collectors’ Toy Fair View or purchase collectable classics such as Meccano, model trains, Scalectrix and more. Time: 9am–2pm. Venue: Blairgowrie Recreation Centre, Park Lane, Blairgowrie. Cost: adults R10, pensioners and children under 12 enter free. Contact Don: 011 787 2696, 072 229 7977, don@ or visit
19 june
30 june
Swartkrans walking tours This walk is a rare opportunity to observe an active paleontological dig and be guided around the site by a scientist who is currently excavating the site. Strictly for adults. Also 10 July. Time: tbc. Venue: Maropeng, Cradle of Humankind, Magaliesburg. Cost: R350, includes picnic lunch. Booking essential. Contact: 014 577 9000 or visit
3 july
20 june Father’s Day Picnic Enjoy a picnic on the banks of the Jukskei River. You receive your own picnic basket that you can fill up with a wide choice of options. Horse rides for children. Time: 11am–3pm. Venue: Plot 35, Lion Park Rd, Chartwell. Cost: adults R125, children aged 6–12 R62,50, children under 6 free. Booking essential. Contact Nicky: 011 467 7900, nicky@cfc-caterers. or visit
The Twilight Saga – Eclipse The third instalment in the hugely successful Twilight series, starring Kirsten Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner. Time: varies. Venue: Nu Metro and Ster Kinekor cinemas nationwide. Cost: varies. For more info: visit and
26 june Johnny Clegg – Spirit is the Journey This well-known singer performs old favourites like “Cruel, Crazy Beautiful World”, “Crocodile Love” and “Take My Heart Away”. Also 27 June. Time: 5:30pm and 8pm. Venue: The Mandela at Joburg Theatre, Braamfontein. Cost: R191–R365. Book through Computicket: 083 915 8000
South African Teddy Bear show and creative awards A showcase of vintage and current teddy bears as well as a workshop by Canadian bear artist and author, Nancy Tilberg. Time: 9:30am–3:30pm. Venue: Shop 14a, Lifestyle Garden Home Centre, cnr Beyers Naudé and Ysterhout Rds. Cost: free entry. Contact Lynette Kennedy: 011 792 6166
9 july Andrea Bocelli and Friends Legendary Italian tenor Andrea Bocelli takes centre
stage at the Fifa-endorsed Celebrate Africa – The Grand Finale. He’ll be joined on stage by Canadian rocker, Bryan Adams, South Africa’s own soprano star Pretty Yende, the Johannesburg Festival Orchestra. Time: 8:30pm. Venue: Coca-Cola Dome, Northgate. Cost: R800–R3 500. Book through Computicket: 083 915 8000 or visit
15 july Le Grand Cirque Fantazie This Cirque du Soleil-type show, with its breathtaking stunts combined with trance-like music, features a cast of 50 world champion acrobats and performers from over 15 countries. Ends 25 July. Time: varies. Venue: The Mandela at Joburg Theatre, Braamfontein. Cost: R186–R335. Contact: 011 877 6800 or visit showbusiness. or book through Computicket: 083 915 8000 or visit
20 july The Sunflower Fund Charity Golf Day This fund aims to educate and recruit potential bone-marrow stem-cell donors in an effort to save the lives of those needing a transplant when suffering from life-threatening blood disorders. Time: first tee-off at 11am. Venue: Randpark Golf Club, Setperk St, Randpark. Cost: R2 500. Contact Lizelle: 011 469 4513 or visit
June 2010/July 2010
Scrapbook Emporium Scrapbooking lessons and craft workshops. Time: 9am– 5pm. Venue: Scrapbook Emporium, Shop 109, Level 1, Design Quarter, Fourways. Cost: free entry but workshops and materials are additional. Contact: 011 465 9349 or visit Smudge Indoor art and crafts studio suitable for children aged 3–13 years. Offers beading, painting, drawing as well as a music room, dress-up room and book lounge. Also a coffee bar. Time: Tuesday–Friday 10am–5pm; Saturday 10am–4pm; Sunday 10am–1pm. Venue: 21a Valley Centre, 396 Jan Smuts Ave, Craighall Park. Cost: R110 for the first hour, R55 for every hour thereafter. Includes all art materials. Contact: 011 501 0234 or visit
15 July – Le Grand Cirque Fantazie
25 july 702 Walk the Talk Participate in the 5km, 8km, 15km or 30km walk. Time: starting times from 6:30am–11am. Venue: Marks Park Sports Club, Judith Rd, Emmarentia. Cost: R50–R100. For more info: visit Domestique Family Duathlon Series A duathlon event for the whole family, from tots to serious competitors. Time: 9am. Venue: Kyalami grand prix circuit, Midrand. Cost: R80–R230. Entries close 22 July. Contact: 076 453 1129, 073 541 3815 or visit
FUN FOR CHILDREN art, culture and science A journey into space Children aged 2–8 years can spend a morning learning about stars, the moon and space. Time: 10:30am every Saturday. Venue: Johannesburg Planetarium, Empire Rd, Parktown. Cost: R18. Contact: 011 717 1390 or visit Artjamming Art studio for children and adults. Time: Monday–Friday 9am–5:30pm; Saturday 9am–4pm; Sunday 10am–3pm. Venue: Artjamming, Blubird Shopping Centre, cnr Athol-Oaklands Rd and Fort St. Cost: dependent on canvas size and materials. Contact Kayla: 083 379 2069, blubird@ or visit Polka Dot art and crafts This art studio caters for all types of art and crafts from painting and pottery to mosaic and papiermâché. Parents can relax in either the outdoor tea garden or an indoor venue. Time: 9am– 5pm. Venue: 13 4th Ave, Parkhurst. Cost: free entry. Contact: 011 447 9892 or visit Science of Soccer Exhibition This collection of interactive exhibits explains the science and technology behind the game of soccer. It explains concepts like inertia, centre of gravity, the Magnus effect (“Bend it like Beckham”), leverage, velocity and force. Time: Monday–Friday 9am–4:30pm; Saturday 9am–4pm. Venue: Sci-Bono Discovery Centre, cnr Miriam Makeba and President St, Newtown. Cost: adults R20, children R10. Contact: 011 639 8400, or visit
June 2010/July 2010
classes, talks and workshops Equal Zeal Personal development and empowerment programmes for children from 5–21 years. Venue: varies throughout Gauteng. Contact Zelda: 082 447 3343, or visit Little Cooks Club Programme for moms and children aged 2–15 years aimed at introducing children to cooking and healthy nutrition. Venue: Rivonia, Fourways, Fairland, Mondeor, Edenvale/Bedfordview, Pretoria. Contact Christine: 083 556 3434, or visit Public acting and singing workshop This one-day workshop is designed by young professionals who offer their extensive expertise to pre-teens and teens to deliver stronger acting performances. Date: 6–7 July. Time: tbc. Venue: Montecasino, Fourways. Cost: tbc. Booking essential. Contact Addi: Stress-Free Kids Research-based, stress management techniques for children designed to help them manage anxiety, stress and anger while promoting self-esteem and peaceful sleep. Venue: Highlands North. Contact Christa: 079 527 1008, info@ or visit
family outings Bambanani Restaurant A cosmopolitan and funky fusion atmosphere combined with a children’s play area with childminders. A variety of children’s entertainment every Wednesday. Time: Tuesday–Friday 10am– 10pm; Saturday 8am–11pm; Sunday 8am– 9pm. Venue: 85 4th Ave, Melville. Contact: 011 482 2900
Color Café is a ceramic studio where you can paint ceramics such as mugs, plates, teapots or bowls. Qualified staff members are on hand to assist. Time: 9am–5pm. Venue: Shop 14, Hyde Square Shopping Centre, cnr North Rd and Jan Smuts Ave. Cost: R95 per hour. Includes paint, firing and glazing. Ceramic items are charged separately. Contact: 011 341 0734 or visit
Goblin’s Cove Fantasy Restaurant Set in a forest with a lake, there is a coffee shop, playground with jungle gyms and sandpit, an aviary as well as the Fairywinkle fairy and goblin shop. Time: Wednesday–Saturday 8:30am–9:30pm; Sunday 8:30am–5pm. Venue: R24 Magaliesburg/Hekpoort. Cost: free entry. Contact: 014 576 2143, goblins@ or visit Irene Dairy You can see a fully functioning dairy, buy farm-fresh products or enjoy a meal at the country café. Children can play on the tractor and feed the cows. Time: 8am–5pm. Venue: 100 Nellmapius Dr, Irene. Cost: free entry. Contact: 012 667 4012, countrycafe@willoworld. com or visit Lifestyle Garden Centre Offers a play park and farmyard with free pony rides and a restaurant overlooking the play area. Time: 8am–5pm, daily. Venue: cnr Beyers Naudé Dr and Ysterhout Ave, Randpark Ridge. Cost: free entry. For more info: visit Lipizzaners White stallions perform amazing feats of precision and control in The Ballet of the White Stallion. Time: 10:30am. Every Sunday. Venue: Lipizzaner Centre, 1 Dahlia Rd, Kyalami. Cost: R105. For more info: visit or book through Computicket: Moyo lunch and creative children’s workshop Moms and dads can relax over lunch while children, aged 3–12 years, participate in free creative workshops. Time: every Saturday 10:30am–3:30pm. Venue: Moyo, Zoo Lake, Prince of Wales Dr, Parkview. Cost: free entry. Contact: 011 646 0058 or visit Sunday jazz lunch Enjoy the scenic views across the Magaliesberg as you relax to the sounds of acoustic guitar and marimba while enjoying a carvery lunch. Time: noon–3pm, every Sunday. Venue: Tumulus Restaurant, Maropeng Visitor’s Centre, Cradle of Humankind. Cost: adults R125. Children’s menu available. Booking essential. Contact: 014 577 9000 or visit
finding nature and outdoor play
Polka Dot art and crafts
Croc City Crocodile Farm An opportunity to view crocodiles and hatchlings at close range. Time: 9am–4:30pm. Daily. Venue: Old Pretoria Rd, Nietgedacht. Cost: adults R45, children R25. For more info: visit Footloose Trout Farm offers bass, trout, carp and barbel fishing. Jungle gym, picnic spots, braai facilities, an outside lapa bar and a restaurant available. Time: Tuesday– Sunday 7:30am–5pm. Venue: William
Nicol Dr, Fourways North. Cost: adults R50, children R40, rod-hire R30. Contact Kim: 011 466 9911 or visit Moonlight maze A unique opportunity to navigate your way through a series of mazes. Pack a picnic basket for a pre-walk dinner around the log fire. Date: varies. Time: 5:15pm. Venue: Honeydew Mazes, 82 Boland St (off Beyers Naudé Dr), Honeydew. Cost: adults R70, children R55. Contact Judy: 073 795 2174, enquiries@maizemaze. or visit Predator World Specialises in all types of predators and offers night tours, walking tours and game drives. Time: 9am–5pm. Venue: 6km from Sun City on the R556. Cost: adults R70, children R35. Contact: 014 552 6900, 076 817 6869 or visit Rhino and Lion Park Get up close to lions, rhinos, leopards and even see a gemsbok mom and baby. Time: 8:30am– 4pm, daily. Venue: Rhino and Lion Park, near Muldersdrift, see (website for map). Cost: adults R100, children R70. Contact: 011 957 0347, or visit Special tours at Melville Koppies during the Fifa World Cup Guided group walk through the reserve. Informative talks cover flora, fauna, geology and archaeology. This walk is not suitable for children under 6 years old. Time: 9am–11:30am. Venue: meet at Marks Park Sports Club, Judith Rd, Emmarentia. Cost: adults R50, children R25. Booking essential. Contact Wendy: 011 482 4797 or visit Stargazing at Maropeng Enjoy a relaxing dinner before an astronomer takes you on a journey through 100-billion stars. Date: 12 June; 3 and 24 July. Time: 5pm. Venue: Tumulus Restaurant, Maropeng, R400, Magaliesburg. Cost: adults R195, children R90. Accommodation specials also available. Booking essential. Contact: 014 577 9000, or visit Walter Sisulu National Botanical Garden Landscaped indigenous gardens, open veld areas and the Witpoortjie Waterfall are also home to a pair of breeding eagles. Bring your own picnic lunch or enjoy lunch at the Eagle’s Fare Restaurant. Time: 8am– 5pm, daily. Venue: Malcolm Rd, Poortview, Roodepoort. Cost: adults R23, children R7. For more info: visit Zoo snooze Camp out at the zoo at night, enjoy a guided walk through the zoo and laze around the bonfire. Time: from 5pm. Venue: Johannesburg Zoo, Forest Town. Cost: R130. Booking essential. Contact: 011 646 2000 or visit joburg’s
June 2010/July 2010
holiday activities
Abseiling and Caving Adventure Get dressed in overalls and mining helmets, abseil through the roof of a cave and discover the wonders of the world beneath our feet. Time: 11am. Every Sunday. Venue: Wild Cave Adventures, Cradle of Humankind. Cost: adults R220, children R180. Booking essential. Contact: 011 956 6197, 082 486 2464, info@wildcaves. or visit
Arabella’s Art Studio Three-day art workshops suitable for children aged 6–14 years. Date: 21, 23, 25, 28, 30 June and 1, 5, 7 and 9 July. Time: 10am–noon. Venue: Parktown North. Cost: R375. Booking essential. Contact Arabella: 082 822 1161 or Art of Play Over 50 creative craft workshops. Activities include movement, speech and writing, creating with science, nature, glass, wax, soap, beads, paper, fabric
aged 6–18 years. Includes the Beautiful Creatures show and workshop, teens advanced musical theatre course and demo singing course. Date: 21–25 June, 28 June– 2 July and 5–9 July. Time: varies. Venue: tbc. Cost: varies. Booking essential. Contact Vicky Friedman: 082 336 4424 or vicky@ Faraway Tree educational playgroup holiday club Exciting daily activities for children 18 months–3 years. Date: 14–25 June. Time: 8am–noon. Venue: 7 Condor Rd, Douglasdale. Cost: R100 per day. Booking essential. Contact Melanie: 011 467 6540 FasTrackids Holiday Camp Hands-on, fun educational programme for children aged 2–8 years. Topics include “Anatomy of Me”, “Explore the Galaxy”, “Travel the World” and “Take a Prehistoric Adventure as a Paleontologist”. Date: 14 June–9 July. Time: 9am–noon. Venue: Shop 7, Broadacres Shopping Centre, Cedar Rd, Broadacres. Cost: R855 per week. Booking essential. Contact Heloise: 011 467 0230 or Flip Flop Gymnastics Holiday Camp This strictly supervised four-day camp, run by former Fear Factor contestant Tanya Verster, is filled with lots of funfilled activities to keep children busy and active. Date: 9–13 June. Time: 3pm departure. Venue: Hartbeespoort Holiday Resort. Cost: R1 500. Booking essential. Contact Tanya: 072 238 7342 or visit
family marketplace
Active Lifestyle soccer camps Two of Switzerland’s top youth coaches offer children aged 5–12 years an opportunity to improve their soccer skills. Have fun through a mix of games and small-sided matches. Date: 14 June–2 July. Time: 5–7 years, 8am–noon; 8–12 years, 8am–3pm. Venue: George Lea Sports Club, Parkmore, Sandton. Cost: 5–7 years, R500 per week; 8–12 years, R800 per week. Lunch provided at an additional R200 per week. Booking essential. Contact Nicky: 076 319 6716 or Andy’s Action Parties Action and adventure holiday club suitable for children aged 7–13 years. Date: 14–18, 21–25 June; 28 June–2 July, 5–9 July. Time: 7 am–5:30pm. Venue: Brynevan School, Bryanston. Cost: tbc, includes lunch. Contact: 082 447 3613 or visit Animation Workshop Learn how to animate with clay, rice, sand, plastic insects, Lego and drawings. You’ll also learn about timing, spacing and animation script-writing. Date: 5–9 July. Time: 9am–1pm. Venue: The Ridge School Art Studio, 26 Woolston Rd, Westcliff. Cost: R1 200, includes all the materials and equipment used during the course (cameras, tripods, animation materials); a CD of all the animated movies made, a course pack and a light snack each day. Booking essential. Contact Richard: 082 815 3918, or visit
and other textiles as well as photography and cooking. Date: 14 June–10 July. Time: 10am and 2pm. Venue: Kyalami. Cost: from R60. Booking essential. Contact Anneke: 071 830 0918, or visit Assertiveness training for children holiday workshop This workshop, run by a professional psychologist, involves age-appropriate activities, games and role plays to promote the skills necessary to be assertive. Suitable for children aged 6–13 years. Date: 18 June–6 July. Time: Grade 0–Grade 3, 2:30pm–3:40pm; Grade 4 upwards, 3:50pm–5pm. Venue: 57 15th St, Parkhurst. Cost: R1 500. A percentage of the cost can be claimed back from your medical aid. Booking essential. Contact Jo: 011 486 2058 or Beading workshops Children can learn to bead while creating earrings, cellphone charms, keyrings and watches. Date: 9 June–12 July. Time: subject to bookings. Venue: Elements, Blairgowrie Plaza, Conrad Dr, Blairgowrie. Cost: from R75 depending on items made. Contact Michelle: 082 492 0562 Carlswald holiday fun club Dynamic teachers, creative activities, outside play, games, music and much more. Date: 10 June–9 July. Time: 8am–2pm. Venue: Poplar Primary Private School, Carlswald. Cost: R50 per day. Booking essential. Contact Pippa or Tania: 083 280 0477 or 072 670 2156 Fame Academy performing arts workshops Various workshops for children
June 2010/July 2010
Active Lifestyle soccer camps
Fun Factory holiday fun Children from four years old can choose from a variety of art activities such as decorating piggy banks, painting ceramic masks, creating their own puzzles, making pet bowls, creative sun hats and loads more. Date: 14 June–10 July. Time: Monday–Friday, 9am–noon and 1pm–4pm; Saturday, 10am–1pm. Venue: The Fun Factory, 54 6th St, Parkhurst. Cost: R150 per three-hour session or R250 per full-day. Contact Michelle: 011 022 9275 or 083 701 8830 Fusion Studio acting workshop This workshop for children aged 6–13 years
teaches them how to work with a camera and in a team, and have fun with stage acting, dressing up, make-up, props, mime and more. Date: 14–18 June and 5–9 July. Time: 8am–1:30pm. Venue: 3 Cross Place, Bryanston. Cost: R1 500, includes DVD and light daily snack. Booking essential. Contact Nicola or Lauren: 083 389 5680, 082 322 9416, or visit Golf clinic Boys and girls aged 7–13 years can learn or improve their golf skills. Suitable for novices and more experienced players. Date: 14–17 June. Time: 8:30am–1:30pm. Venue: driving range at Observatory Golf Course. Cost: R1 100. Booking essential. Contact Karl: 072 632 5206, or visit Holiday cooking school Cooking classes to introduce children aged 7–11 years to basic cooking and kitchen-safety skills. Children can explore their imagination and creativity in a safe, fun environment. Date: 14 June–9 July. Time: 9:30am–1:30pm. Venue: uShef Cooking School, 164 Church St, Johannesburg North. Cost: R185. Booking essential. Contact: 011 462 8964, or visit International Tennis Academy holiday clinic Mini, half-day and full-day clinics for children. Suitable for ages 3–16 years. Date: 14–18 June, 21–25 June, 28 June–2 July, 5–9 July. Time: mini tennis 3–6 years, 8:30am–9:30am; half-day 6–16 years, 9:30am–1pm; full-day 6–16 years, 9:30am– 5:30pm. Venue: Pirates Club, Lonehill or
Craighall. Cost: mini tennis R350; half-day R880; full-day R1 800 (includes lunch and a drink). Booking essential. Contact Michele: 083 443 3391, or visit Kidscape Adventure holiday camp Adventure camp for children 7–13 years. Activities include abseiling, paintball, zip-line, archery, bush walks, targetshooting and lots more. Date: 21–25 June. Venue: Camp Nelu, Magaliesburg. Cost: R1 000, includes transport. Booking essential. Contact Graeme: 083 457 7848, or visit Little Cooks holiday programme Children aged 7–15 years spend a morning cooking two dishes, making lemonade and crafts. Date: 10 June–9 July. Time: 8am–noon. Venue: Rivonia. Cost: R880.
Booking essential. Contact Christine: 083 556 3434, christine@littlecooksclub. or visit Little Eagle’s holiday crafts and fun Fulland half-day art and crafts fun for children aged 2–9 years. Activities include mosaic fun, “guess what’s in the jelly”, Mr Maker creative and treasure hunts. Care provided by qualified teachers and entertainers. Date: 10 June–12 July. Time: 6:30am–5:30pm. Venue: Little Eagles Nursery School, 31 Without St, Weltevreden Park. Cost: R650 per week, includes breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and juice. Booking essential. Contact Lelani: 083 399 9977 or visit kidzworld. Lory Park Zoo and Owl Sanctuary An exciting line-up of interactive fun days for children aged 8–16 years. They’ll learn about birds of prey, being a ranger and
Art of Living holiday workshops Suitable for children and teenagers aged 8–12 years and 13–18 years, these workshops are aimed at nurturing skills to empower and deal with negative emotions and stress, communicate effectively and increase confidence, mental focus and happiness. Date: 14– 18 June and 6–10 July. Time: 9am–1pm. Venue: Bryandale Primary, Bryanston. Cost: R450. Booking essential. Contact Donia: 083 268 4288 or donia@
June 2010/July 2010
how to look after predators and primates. Date: 14 June–7 July. Time: 7:30am–4pm. Venue: 181 Kruger Rd, Midrand. Cost: R130, includes lunch. Contact Marina: 011 315 7307, or visit Minimatics holiday fun Children aged 3–5 years can spend a stimulating morning learning maths skills through singing and play. Date: 10 June–12 July. Time: 8am– noon. Venue: Cedar Ave West, Fourways
Fourways Mall have a ball Football fun for children including X-Box, foosball, giant football dribbles and lots more. Date: 11– 27 June. Time: 10am–5pm. Venue: Fourways Mall, Junxion Court. Cost: free entry. Contact: 011 465 6095 or visit
June 2010/July 2010
area. Cost: R120 per day. Booking essential. Contact Kelly: 082 877 8348 Montecasino Bird Gardens Young animal-lovers can enjoy a morning of exciting activities including the bird show, fun, games, crafts and a delicious lunch. Date: 14 June–9 July. Time: 8am–2:30pm. Venue: Montecasino Bird Gardens, Montecasino, Fourways. Cost: R120. Contact Jenny: 011 511 1864, mbirds@ or visit Playball holiday clinic Fun-filled, themebased days incorporating some sport skills, art, crafts and fun games, suitable for children 2–6 years. Themes include funky hair day, movie madness, crazy camping and lots more. The workshop incorporates sensory, fine and gross motor activities. Date: 14–18, 21–25 June. Time: 8am– 12:30pm. Venue: cnr 2nd Ave and 236 Kessel St, Fairlands. Cost: R150 per day or R600 for five days. Contact Karen: 083 462 2357 or Pony camp Three-day camp for riders and beginners aged 5–16 years. Spend days riding, making crafts, playing games and learning how to manage a stable. Date: 22–24 June. Time: varies. Venue: Chartwell Stables, 112 Runnymead St, Chartwell. Cost: R900 for a three-day camp or R350 per day. Booking essential. Contact Lizette or Shirley: 073 952 8572, 083 500 0103, or visit Pottery Junxion holiday workshop Children can paint, decorate or mosaic a
wide variety of ceramic and wooden items. Date: 10 June–9 July. Time: Monday–Friday 9am–4pm; Saturday 9am–2pm. Venue: 5 Glendower Place, 99 Linksfield Rd, Dowerglen. Cost: hourly rates apply, dependent on chosen craft. Booking essential. Contact Rose: 011 453 272, paint@potteryjunxion. or visit Scrap Therapy Creative scrapbooking classes for children aged 8 years and older. Date: 5–28 June and 3–30 July. Time: varies, call to enquire. Venue: Shop 15, Riverside Shopping Centre, 317 Bryanston Dr, Bryanston. Cost: R120 per day, includes materials. Booking essential. Contact Lana: 011 463 8524, or visit Scuba Diving holiday programme Children 8 years and older are introduced to the world of scuba diving run by PADI dive professionals. Date: 14 June–7 July. Time: 10am–4pm. Venue: Urban Dive, 353 Beyers Naudé Dr, Northcliff. Cost: R1 945 (includes gear), R1 495 (excludes gear). Prices include lunch and refreshments. Booking essential. Contact: 011 476 5172, 082 330 2848 or Smudge Creative Play Centre Holiday activities include flag-painting, decorating vuvuzelas and football purses, sand art, balloon story-telling, puppet shows and music workshops. Date: 10 June–9 July. Time: Monday–Friday 10am–5pm, Saturday 10am–4pm, Sunday 10am–1pm. Venue: Valley Centre, 396 Jan Smuts Ave, Craighall Park. Cost: R110 per child for first hour,
R55 for every hour thereafter. Contact: 011 501 0234, or visit Soccer fever at Build-A-Bear Create your own Zakumi bear, personalise your bears in soccer gear and even learn the Diski Dance and bear war cries. All children who learn the Diski Dance receive a commemorative Diski Dance certificate which gives them 10 percent off any merchandise during the holiday. Time: 9am–5pm. Venue: Sandton City, Clearwater Mall, East Rand Mall, Menlyn Park. Cost: free entry. For more info: visit StarFire Soccer holiday camp Children are taught soccer fundamentals while they learn imaginative play and team work and improve their soccer abilities. Date: 14–20 June, 21–27 June, 28 June–4 July. Time: 9am– noon. Venue: Zoo Lake Sports Club. Cost:
Pony Camp
Scuba Diving holiday programme
one week, R500; two weeks, R900; three weeks, R1 300. Booking essential. Contact Alan: 072 501 5444, info@runninrebels. or visit Theatre Camp Suitable for children aged 5–11 years, this programme teaches children the skills to script, perform, produce, design and run a fully fledged show. The week ends with a production by the children. Date: 21–25 June, 28 June–1 July, 5–8 July. Time: day 1–3, 10am–3pm; last day, 10am–7pm. Venue: Kids Café, 1st Floor, The Square Shopping Centre, cnr Naivasha and Leeuwkop Rd, Sunninghill. Cost: R1 000, includes lunch. Booking essential. Contact Terri: 011 234 0448/9, info@dancecafe. or visit The South African Ballet Theatre’s Winter School Dancers aged 6–18 years can enjoy a week of daily ballet, repertoire, contemporary and national dance classes, stage craft lessons, Pilates and more. Date: 21–26 June. Time: junior group 8:30am– 1pm; senior group 8:30am–5pm. Venue: SABT Studios, Hoofd St, Braamfontein. Cost: junior group R1 500; senior group
R2 500. Booking essential. Contact Mr Moagi: 011 877 6898, or visit Tiny Tots Holiday Club A host of fun daily activities suitable for children 2½–5 years. Date: 10 June–12 July. Time: 7:30am–5pm. Venue: Bryanston Montessori, Kensington B. Cost: half-day until 1pm R60; full-day until 5pm R80. Booking essential. Contact Caroline or Lexi: 011 326 0367, bryanstonmontessori@ Tots n Pots holiday programme Children aged 3–14 years can learn valuable lessons while making delicious meals. Date: 14 June–12 July. Time: varies. Venue: Egoli Café and Kids Play area, 17a Terrace Rd, Edenvale. Cost: package deals available. Booking essential. Contact Bianca: 084 596 4839, or visit Winter School 2010 Suitable for children aged 10 and older. Crafts, art, cooking and dance fun as well as calligraphy and metal work. Date: 21–25 June and 28 June–2 July. Time: 9am–4pm. Venue: Michael Mount Waldorf School, Bryanston. Cost: R1 000 per week, includes lunch. Booking essential. Contact Lea: 076 812 9142 or
markets Bryanston Organic Market Organic clothing, children’s toys, art, coffees and food. Time: 9am–3pm. Every Thursday and Saturday. Venue: Culross Rd, off Main
Rd, Bryanston. Contact: 011 706 3671, or visit Craighall River Market Enjoy a wide variety of art, crafts and organic produce, deli and home-baked goodies or breakfast in the tea garden. Time: 8:30am–10:30am. Every second Saturday. Venue: Colourful Splendour Nursery (REEA), Craighall Park. Contact Roy: 011 465 3413 or jmsinek@ Gourmet Market Bread, nuts, organic vegetables, cheese, pickles and olives. Time: Tuesday–Sunday 9am–5pm. Venue: Lifestyle Garden Centre, cnr Beyers Naudé and Ysterhout Dr, Randpark Ridge. Cost: free entry. Contact: 011 792 5616 Irene Market Offers over 300 stalls of art and antiques, numerous food stalls and a licensed tea garden with a safe children’s entertainment area. Time: 9am–2pm. Second and last Saturday of each month. Venue: Smuts House Museum, Jan Smuts Ave, Irene. Contact: 012 667 1659 or visit Jozi Food Market The emphasis is on natural, homegrown and exotic foods ranging from baked goods, jams and vegetables to cheeses, olives and oysters. Time: 8:30am–1:30pm. Every Saturday. Venue: Parktown Corner, 7th and 3rd Ave, Parktown North. For more info: visit Market in the Park This popular monthly market is filled with crafts, jewellery, games, tasty treats and more. Time: 9am–2pm,
first Sunday of the month. Venue: River Café grounds, Field and Study Centre, Louise Ave, Parkmore. Contact Lorraine: 011 465 1281 or 083 655 8012 Melville Market Situated in the heart of Melville’s village community is a bargain hunter’s paradise. Time: Monday–Saturday 9am–5pm. Venue: Campus Square Shopping Centre, cnr Kingsway and University Roads, Auckland Park. Contact: 011 482 2118 or 011 442 4488 Mzansi Market You’ll find all things local and lekker from Mopani worms to Makarapas. Time: 9am–2pm. Every Saturday. Venue: Killarney Mall, Killarney. Contact Mahlatse: 011 646 4659 or United flavour of nations This fine-food market offers wholesome and delicious foods. Time: 9am–2pm. Every Sunday. Venue: Blubird Shopping Centre, Athol Oaklands Rd, Athol. Cost: free entry. Contact Robyn: 083 311 4768
on stage and screen Barnyard Theatres Casual dinnertheatre venue showcasing local talent. Children’s productions are staged during school holidays. Don’t miss the current production, Cinderella has a Ball. Time: varies. Venue: Broadacres, Cresta, Menlyn and East Rand Mall. For more info: visit National Youth Theatre Presents stage adaptations of classic, well-loved stories, contemporary plays and educational
June 2010/July 2010
playtime and story-time
Egoli Café and Kids Play area Monitored indoor and outdoor play area, climbing wall, jumping castles and jungle gym. Time: Friday noon–5pm; Saturday–Sunday 9am– 5pm. Venue: 17a Terrace Rd, Eastleigh, Edenvale. Cost: free entry. Contact: 011 609 4755 or visit
theatre. This holiday season’s production is Seussical based on the ever popular Dr Seuss’s The Cat in the Hat. Time: Monday– Saturday 10:30am and 2:30pm. Venue: 3 Junction Ave, Parktown. Cost: adults R80, children R70. Contact: 011 484 1584 or visit People’s Theatre Children’s theatre staging fun-filled and educational productions throughout the year. Currently staging Cinderella. Time: call to confirm times as they differ for school and private performances. Venue: Joburg Theatre Complex, cnr Loveday and Hoofd Str, Braamfontein. Cost: adults R75, children R85. Contact: 011 403 1563/ 2340 or visit Theatre on the Square Young actors aged 6–18 years can join Square One youth workshops during certain school holidays. Several classes, including drama, stage crafts, TV presentation and public speaking. Don’t miss The Magic Drum and Other Tales, colourful indigenous animal tales, songs and classic stories set to the music of the drum for a morning of festive fun. Date: 14 June–10 July. Time: tbc. Cost: tbc. Contact: 011 883 8606, theatreonthesquare@gmail. com or visit
Bedfordview Library Story-time for children aged 2–5 years. Time: 10am, every Thursday. Venue: 3 Hawley Rd, Bedfordview. Cost: free entry. Contact: 011 874 5013 Bryanston Library Story-time for children aged 2–6 years. Time: 2:30pm, every Wednesday. Venue: cnr New and Pyne Streets, Bryanston. Cost: free entry. Contact: 011 706 3518 Emmarentia Library Story-time for children aged 2–4 years. Time: varies Venue: Barry Hertzog and Greenhill Roads, Emmarentia. Cost: free entry. Contact: 011 646 5821 Grannies Garden Indoor and outdoor play venue with a coffee shop. Time: Monday– Friday 10am–5pm; Saturday–Sunday 8am– 6pm. Venue: 138 Barkston Dr, Blairgowrie. Cost: R30 per hour. Contact: 011 326 4265 or visit Hedgehog Lane Outdoor fairground with a ferris wheel, merry-go-round and miniature Hedgehog Express Train. Picnic baskets welcome. Time: 9am–5pm. Venue: Garden Shop, 278 Main Rd, Bryanston. Cost: adults free, children R18. For more info: visit Help Lego at Toys-R-Us Help Lego build a 66 000-piece fireman and stand a chance to win Lego sets. Stoneridge Mall: 10 June–1 July, 9am–5:30pm; Boksburg: 1 July–5 August, 9am–5pm. Contact Stoneridge: 011 452 7580 or Boksburg: 011 823 5111 or visit Linden Library story-time Suitable for children aged 3–8 years. Time: 3pm– 4pm, every Wednesday. Venue: Linden Library, cnr 4th Ave and 6th St, Linden. Cost: free admission. For more info: 011 888 5685 Love Books Different story-tellers relate everything from traditional African folk tales to fairy tales, the classics and new stories. Suitable for children 4–8 years. Time: 10am, every Saturday. Venue: Love Books, The Bamboo Centre, 53 Rustenburg Rd, Melville. Cost: free entry. Contact: 011 726 7408 or Norscot Manor Library Story-time for children aged 2–8 years. Time: 3pm–
Dirt Ryders Adventures Outdoor venue suitable for children 7 years and older. Offers go-karts, paintball,
outdoor play-area, restaurant and bar. Time: Wednesday–Sunday 10am–5pm. Venue: Farm ME, 12b Pelindaba Rd, Lanseria. Cost: varies. Contact Clive: 082 458 3634, 071 677 8673, clive@ or visit
June 2010/July 2010
3:30pm, every Wednesday. Venue: 16b Penguin Dr, Norscot Manor. Cost: free entry. Contact: 011 705 3323 Olivedale Library Story-time Story-time for children 3–6 years. Time: 10am–11am, every Friday. Venue: President Fouche Rd, Olivedale. Cost: free entry. Contact: 011 462 6285/6 Parkhurst Library Story-time for children from 3 years. Time: 3:30pm–4pm, every Monday. Venue: cnr 5th and 13th Str, Parkhurst. Cost: free entry. Contact: 011 788 4510 Parkview library Story-time for children 3–10 years. Time: 3:30pm–4:30pm, every Monday. Venue: Parkview Library, 51 Athlone Ave, Parkview. Cost: free entry. Contact: 011 646 3375 Piccinos Indoor soft-play area suitable for children aged 2–6 years with coffee shop for moms. Time: 9am–5pm. Venue: Norwood Mall, Hamlin Rd, Norwood. Cost: R40 per hour. Contact: 011 728 0928 Rivonia Library Story-time for children aged 3–12 years. Time: 3pm–3:30pm, every Tuesday and Thursday. Venue: cnr Rivonia Rd and 10th Ave, Rivonia. Cost: free entry. Contact: 011 803 1227 Rosebank Library Story-time for children aged 3–6 years. Time: 3pm–3:30pm, every Wednesday. Venue: 8 Keyes Ave, Rosebank. Cost: free entry. Contact: 011 442 8988 Sandringham Library Story-time for children aged 4–10 years. Time: 3pm, first Wednesday of each month. Venue: Athlone Ave, Sandringham. Cost: free entry. Contact: 011 640 5676 Sandton Library Story-time for children aged 3–8 years. Time: 3pm–4pm, every Wednesday. Venue: Sandton Square, cnr West St and Rivonia Rd. Cost: free entry. Contact: 011 881 6413 Serendipity Indoor and outdoor play and crafts venue with a small restaurant. Time: Tuesday–Friday 10am–5pm; Saturday– Sunday 8:30am–4pm. Venue: 48 Keyes Ave, Rosebank. Cost: free entry for adults, first child R40, second child R30, additional children R20. Contact: 011 447 7386 Struben’s Valley Library Story-time for children aged 2–10 years. Time: 3pm, every Thursday. Venue: Fredenharry Rd, Strubens Valley. Cost: free entry. Contact: 011 475 0569 Weltevreden Park Library Story-time for children aged 3–6 years. Time: 3:30pm, every Thursday. Venue: Fern St, Weltevreden Park. Cost: free. Contact: 011 679 3406 Yeesh! Fun for kids Supervised softplay indoor playgrounds with coffee bars. Time: Tuesday–Sunday 9am–5pm. Venue: Unit G6, Woodmead Commercial Park, Waterval Cres, Woodmead and 5 Main Rd, Bryanston. Cost: R40 per hour. Contact Woodmead: 083 923 2306; Bryanston: 073 230 6531 or visit
Storytime at the library
sport and physical activities Avalanche Ski slope and bum-boarding fun down a 25-metre slope. Time: Monday– Thursday 9am–5pm; Friday–Sunday 9am–9pm. Venue: Cedar Square, Cedar Rd, Fourways. Cost: R30–R100. Contact: 011 467 2426 or visit Battlezone Outdoor paintball adventure park. Time: Monday–Saturday 8:30am– 11:30am, 11:30am–2:30pm and 2:30pm– 5:30pm; Sunday 11:30am–2:30pm and 2:30pm–5pm. Venue: cnr Sloane St and Main Rd, Bryanston. Cost: R100, includes a marker, mask, jacket and 115 paintballs. Booking essential. Contact JJ: 082 818 0345, or visit Compu-Kart Raceway Indoor go-karting venue for children 10 and older. Time: 10am–9pm. Venue: Stoneridge Shopping Centre, cnr Modderfontein and Hereford Roads, Modderfontein. Cost: R50–R250, depending on number of laps. Contact: 0861 465 278 or visit Jozi-X Extreme fun park suitable for children aged four and older. Offers trapeze, a mountain bike track, mountain boarding, Krazy Ladders and more. Time: 10am– 5pm. Venue: cnr Main Rd and Sloane St, Bryanston. Cost: varies. Contact Marco: 082 456 2358, or visit Peugeot beginner’s golf clinic This course is for golfers that aren’t yet ready for an 18-hole golf course but still want to do an advanced beginner’s course. Time: 8:30am–1pm. Venue: Thatchfield Golf Academy near Kyalami. Cost: R230. Booking essential. Contact Kelly: 082 802 0855, or visit Randburg Raceway Indoor go-karting venue suitable for children 10 years and older. Time: Monday–Saturday 11am– 8pm; Sunday 11am–6pm. Venue: 272 Samantha St, Strijdom Park. Cost: R120 for 25–30 laps. Contact: 011 792 2660 or visit
June 2010/July 2010
Runnin Rebels Soccer Development soccer aimed at children 6–11 years. The clinic is grouped by age and skill level, ensuring children progress at their own pace. Time: varies. Venue: Bedfordview, Fairmount, Fourways, Parkmore, Zoo Lake. Cost: varies. Contact Alan: 011 646 5461, 072 501 5444, or visit The Ski Deck Bum-boarding snow fun down a 20m slope. Ski lessons are also available. Time: Monday–Friday 9am–5pm; Saturday 9am–2pm; Sunday 10am–1pm. Venue: The Ski Deck, 74 Bond St, Ferndale, Randburg. Cost: R60 per child for two hours of bum-boarding. Contact: 011 781 6528 or or visit Wonderwall Indoor climbing wall for beginners to advanced climbers. Dedicated staff to assist children. Time: Tuesday– Thursday 10am–10pm; Friday 10am–9pm; Saturday 9am–6pm. Venue: Unit 1, Kya Sands Industrial Village, 22 Elsecar St, Kya Sands. Cost: adults R60, children R40. Contact: 011 708 6467, info@wonderwall. or visit Yoga for children An educational and age-appropriate yoga curriculum which combines the exploration of the body, mind and self. Venue: Broadacres, Craighall Park, Atholl, Rivonia, Parkmore. Contact Yoga4kids: 083 299 6555, 084 341 2833, or visit Zoo trot A 5km or 10km walk or jog around the zoo. Time: 7am, second Sunday of every month. Venue: meet in the car park at Johannesburg Zoo, Forest Town. Cost: R30. For more info: 011 646 2000 or visit
only for parents classes, talks and workshops Bright Ideas Outfit Well-known parenting expert Nikki Bush runs The Big Kid, Beyond the Nappy Bag and Parenting on the Run workshops. They cover various topics for parents of preschool and schoolgoing children. Date: various dates in June and July. Time: varies. Venue: Miele Gallery of Fine Living, 63 Peter Place, Bryanston. Cost: R300–R350. Booking essential. Contact: or visit Creative and life empowering workshop Explore your creativity and see the value of your life experiences. Date: 1, 8, 15 and 22 June and 6, 13, 20 and 27 July. Time: 7pm–9pm. Venue: 4 Kingsway, Sandton Village, Paulshof Ext 2. Cost: R1 000, includes light snack and course material. Booking essential. Contact Karen: 083 453 4621, or visit Left-Hand Learning Regular workshops for educators and parents of left-handed children. Contact Denise: 083 243 2818, or visit
on stage and screen Barnyard Theatres Casual and interactive dinner theatres featuring local talent. Venue: Broadacres, Cresta, East Rand Mall, Menlyn. For more info: visit
June 2010/July 2010
Old Mutual Theatre on the Square Seating 200 people, the theatre showcases plays, musicals, lunch-hour performances and children’s theatre. Venue: Nelson Mandela Square, Sandton. Contact: 011 883 8606 or visit Theatre of Marcellus at Emperor’s Palace You can catch African Footprint, which returns home to celebrate its 10 th anniversary on African soil. Ends 20 June. Time: varies. Venue: Emperor’s Palace. Cost: R185–R225. Book through Computicket: 083 915 8000 or visit The Joburg Theatre Complex Previously the Civic Theatre, housing four theatres and showcasing world-class performances. Don’t miss the Boys in the Photograph in June and Le Grand Cirque Fantazie starting in July. For more info: visit The Lyric and The Globe Theatres Featuring comedy festivals, musicals and theatrical performances. Venue: Gold Reef City. For more info: visit The Teatro Features top musical, dance, drama and comedy entertainment. Grease The Musical is on stage until 13 June. Montecasino, Fourways. Contact: 011 510 7472 or visit
support groups ADHASA Attention deficit and hyperactivity support group. Contact: 011 888 7655, or visit CANSA The Cancer Association of South Africa offers emotional support, homebased care, information and advice for cancer sufferers and their families. Contact: 0800 226 622, or visit Compassionate Friends Support group for bereaved parents, siblings and grandparents. Contact: 011 440 6322 or visit National Responsible Gambling Problem-gambling counselling line. Contact: 0800 006 008 SANCA Provides for prevention and treatment of alcohol and other drug dependence. Contact: 011 781 6410, 0861 472 688 or visit South African depression and anxiety support group Highly trained counsellors operate the mental health counselling centre and the toll-free suicide crisis line. Contact: 011 262 6396 or 0800 567 567 Teddy Bear Clinic Provides therapy, counselling, assistance, love, comfort, safety and ongoing support to children who have been abused. Contact: 011 484 4554 The Family Life Centre Offers marriage, divorce and couple counselling, single parent and step-parent support groups, family counselling as well as play therapy, grief counselling and trauma debriefing. Venue: 1 Cardigan Rd, Parkwood. Contact: 011 788 4784/5, or visit Women and Men Against Child Abuse Medical, psychological and followup therapy and treatment to children and their non-offending family members or caregivers who have been sexually, physically and/or emotionally abused. Contact: 011 789 8815, or visit joburg’s
bump, baby & Tot in tow
classes, talks and workshops BabyGym Step-by-step stimulation programme for babies from birth to 2 years. Venue: branches throughout Gauteng. Contact: 011 888 5434, institute@ or visit Clamber Club baby and toddler classes Interactive mom-and-tot workshops aimed at developing sensory motor skills. Venue: branches throughout Gauteng. Contact: 011 325 2031 or visit Kindermusik Early childhood music and movement programme for children from birth to 7 years. Venue: several branches in Gauteng. Contact: 018 468 2380, ksa@ or visit Nanny and toddler workshops A morning of interactive play for toddlers aged 1–3 years. Date: 4 June–31 July. Time: tbc. Every Monday and Friday morning. Venue: Sandton Field and Study Recreation Centre, Parkmore. Cost: R90. Booking essential. Contact Kerry: 083 391 4921 or Pikanini Baby Academy Offers a holistic portfolio of workshops and courses to empower parents to deal with the challenges of parenting. Venue: Intercare Medical Centre, Kempton Park. Contact Karen: 011 922 5000, karen@pikanini. or visit Toddlers-in-Tune Music, singing and movement workshops suitable for children aged 1–3 years. Time: 10:45am–11:15am. Every second Friday. Venue: Smudge, Valley Centre, 396 Jan Smuts Ave, Craighall. Cost: R95. Includes 30-minutes play time. Contact: 011 501 0234 or visit Top Tots Workshops aimed at child development from birth to preschool. Time: varies. Venue: several venues in Gauteng. Cost: varies. Contact: 031 266 4910, 082 876 7791, info@ or visit
playtime and story-time Jimmy Jungles Indoor adventure playground with supervised, secure facilities for toddlers and children from 6 months up to a maximum height of 1,4m. Time: 9am–5pm. Venue: Shop 60, Stoneridge Centre, Modderfontein. Cost: R30 per hour. Contact: 011 452 2180 or visit Parkview Library story-time Suitable for children under 3 years. Time: 10am, every Monday. Venue: Parkview Library, 51 Athlone Ave, Parkview. Cost: free entry. Contact: 011 646 3375 Top Tots Honeydew open day Moms and children under 2 years can enjoy a morning of tea and educational fun. Date: 7 June. Time: 9am–11am. Venue: Top Tots, Honeydew. Cost: free entry but RSVP for catering. Contact Desiré: 082 552 5598, or visit
Toddlers in Tune
party time
support groups Adoption South Africa Offers support groups for adopters as well as extensive services in counselling and legal social work. For more info: visit Bedwetting Support Group Monday– Friday 8am–5pm. Contact: 083 289 6640. La Leche League Breast-feeding support group. For more info: visit Post-Natal Depression Support Association Assists families affected by post-natal depression. Contact: 011 786 8803, 082 429 2279, pndsa or visit SA Preemies For the parents and families of premature babies. Contact: 080 773 3643, or visit South African Multiple Birth Association Provides moral and practical support to parents or guardians of multiple births. Contact: 0861 432 432
how to help Kids’ Haven shoe appeal Rehabilitates children living and working on the streets and reintroduces them into society. They are appealing for shoes and clothes in all sizes. They’ll arrange a collection or you can drop off at the Bryanston collection depot, Unit a2, Riverside Shopping Centre, 317 Bryanston Dr. Contact: 011 706 7959 or visit Sandton Medi-Clinic blood drive Date: 23 June. Time: 9:30am–2:30pm. Venue: main reception, Sandton MediClinic, cnr Peter Place and Main Rd, Bryanston. Contact Liezl: 011 709 2206 or visit South African National Blood Service All South African citizens are asked to donate blood to increase supplies during the 2010 Fifa World Cup. Mobile clinics are at major shopping centres during the school holiday. For more info visit The Smile Foundation Helps impoverished and facially disfigured children. During National Smile Week (7–11 June), over 50 facially disfigured children are scheduled for operations nationally. Visit
don’t miss out! For a free listing, email your event to or fax it to 011 234 4971. Information must be received by 9 July for the August issue. Information submitted for the calendar must include all relevant details and no guarantee can be given that it will be published.
June 2010/July 2010
party time
June 2010/July 2010
June 2010/July 2010
party time continued...
June 2010/July 2010
June 2010/July 2010
last laugh
mommy’s hobbies What should moms do with their time off? SAM WILSON has a maternal crisis of activity.
t recently occurred to me that my major hobby has been, well, going out for a few drinks with the girls. Or the boys. Or a combination of both. I don’t think I’m that unusual. And if it’s not that often, I’m not driving, and it sends me back to my family recharged, that’s not such a bad thing, is it? I didn’t used to think so. But now, as my sons grow older, I’ve become concerned that they are going to think that the odd night on the town equates to Mommy’s only hobby. “Don’t be such a drama queen,” said Andreas, when I explained my theory to him. “Okay, then riddle me this, Mr Enabler,” I replied. (I overreact when people tell me I am overreacting.) “What are my hobbies?” ’Dreas did that quizzical side-to-side eye
June 2010/July 2010
thing that scientists do when an answer isn’t immediately apparent. This resulted in a rather laden pause, which was all I needed to fuel my mini-freak out. “See? See?” This was about a month ago. And I am happy to report that, just over four weeks later, I am positively awash with hobbies. The onset of winter has helped. I dug out my knitting needles and dragged the boys down to the wool shop to choose colours for striped V-neck sweaters. They were terribly, terribly sweet about it, even though every primary schooler much prefers a fleecy top to a mommy-made double knit. The only children who actually need knitwear are little girls who need ballet jerseys, and even my sweet boys won’t go that far to appease their mom’s new obsession.
Knitting is much more fun than I remember. Admittedly, I did learn to knit when I was a wee person at a strict convent school, so it took me a while to rid myself of the need to powder my palms before putting wool ’round needle and to exorcise the urge to raise my hand proudly every time I completed an error-free row. The secret of knitting, I have discovered, is that it makes sitting on the sofa watching TV feel positively industrious. Knitting is the new-millennium equivalent of spinning your own yarn – quaint, but cool, if you can do it. Next, I unearthed my yoga mat. This was also very rewarding, mostly because I can still do a pretty solid headstand, which impressed the children quite comprehensively. I may be slightly less
supple than when last the yoga mat and I met, but at least I am now more relaxed about calling 10 minutes of the Corpse Pose “exercise”. However, the pièce de résistance was reframing some of my household duties. Walking the dogs counts as a hobby. As does cooking dinner. And weirdly enough, both have become much more fun… thanks to this simple renaming. I am always surprised by how much a mere perspective change can make everything all right again. I might even drink to that thought. Sam Wilson is the Editor-in-chief of, and She has knitted her boss Deirdre a purple, brown and pink winter scarf. Deirdre is less than delighted.
Joe, Sam and Benj