J O B U R G ’ S
b e s t
gu i d e
f o r
p a r e n t s
health & wellness going barefoot when it’s ok to ditch the shoes
cotton on
check your
to the joy of natural fibres
bond with your baby through massage
being positive is all children need to succeed
how to choose the right school for your child’s
super salads & sides
spiritual needs
get into the kitchen
April 2014
great breakfast spots to try out with your family
Hunter House P U B L I S H IN G
They say “attitude is everything” and I believe them.
Publisher Lisa Mc Namara • lisa@childmag.co.za
Editorial Managing Editor Marina Zietsman • marina@childmag.co.za
Our attitude towards life defines us and impacts our children. In “check your attitude!” (pg 22) we look at why our approach towards our children’s learning is vital in encouraging their enthusiasm and development. It’s easy to lose sight of this when living at a crazy pace. It seems the higher one climbs Maslow’s pyramid, the more emphasis we place on physical excellence. Are we doing enough of the correct forms of exercise? Are we eating correctly to optimise our performance? Try having a lazy Sunday lunch without the Tim Noakes “diet” coming up. I also have to contend with various dietary issues in my home – my daughters are pescetarian; one is wheat, soy and dairy intolerant; my fatherin-law is diabetic; and my nephew can
Features Editor Cassandra Shaw • features@childmag.co.za Resource Editor Simone Jeffery • joburg@childmag.co.za Editorial Assistant Lucille Kemp • capetown@childmag.co.za Copy Editor Debbie Hathway
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empty my fridge in five minutes flat. As a result, Sunday lunches are not quite as spontaneous as they used to be. It’s all about striving for balance, which is why I love my job at Child mag where I’m exposed to much of the latest research and opinions around parenting. It’s our responsibility, and yours as a parent, to sift through all the information and choose a balanced path filled with a love of learning, good health and spiritual wellness (see pg 14). In this wonderful Health and Wellness issue we hope to inspire you and your family to live a more balanced, happy life.
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April 2014
contents april 2014
20 upfront
3 a note from lisa
8 upfront with paul Paul Kerton
6 over to you readers respond
points out the 10 lies children will tell
10 pregnancy news – matters of the heart Cassandra Shaw looks at
congenital heart defect and discusses treatment options
14 spirituality and school Lisa Lazarus looks at your child’s spiritual needs within the schooling context
11 best for baby – loving hands there are many benefits to massaging your baby, says Marina Zietsman
17 cotton on to natural fibres Vanessa Papas explains the benefits of using natural fibres in everyday life
18 when dogs bite parents and dog owners are responsible for preventing dog bites. By Tamlyn Vincent
20 happy feet there’s a time to go
barefoot and a time to wear shoes. Marc de Chazal explains
22 check your attitude! Parents’
attitudes towards learning can make or break a child’s success at it, says Caryn Edwards
24 salads and sides Karen Dudley
shares deliciously fresh recipes from her new book, Another Week in the Kitchen
12 dealing with difference – childhood depression Glynis Horning looks at the alarming rise of teenage suicide in South Africa
27 resource – brilliant breakfast spots Simone Jeffery gives you a diverse list of family-friendly eateries to kick-start your day
32 a good read for the whole family 34 what’s on in april 46 finishing touch Cassandra Shaw learns anew the power of imagination and creative play
classified ads
9 kidney care kidney deficiency can
41 family marketplace
be treated successfully if detected early, says Lucille Kemp
43 let’s party
this month’s cover images are supplied by:
April 2014
Cape Town
kbPhotography facebook.com/ kbphotography.co.za
Joli Jacqueline Photography facebook.com/ jolijacquelinephotography
Ackermans ackermans.co.za
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magazine joburg
April 2014
food for thought
a thought for the lefties
Children look up to their parents. They don’t think their parents have bad morals. As they grow, children will always emulate their parents’ way of life and learn from them. It is a shame when human nature reveals to children that their parents aren’t flawless. It could lead to the child walking the same path as the parent. As parents, we must be aware of what we do in front of our children. No matter what we do, we need to think twice, especially how our actions will reflect back home. Many parents often do illegal things, often in front of their children. Exposing our children to drugs, alcohol, prostitution, criminal acts or other immoral deeds destroys their future. There is an old proverb that states, “it takes a village to raise a child”. I quote the late Reggae icon, Joseph Hill, who said: “Unless relatives or community elders work together in moulding children as they grow, those with parents of bad morals hold a detrimental future.” Parents, let’s be exemplary to our children for the sake of their brighter future, and for that of our nation. Let’s not forget our sons and daughters are the leaders of tomorrow. Milton Jaure
Being a left-hander I found your article “left of centre” (March 2014) very interesting. I attended primary school in the 1950s and do not remember any special treatment. Those poor children were forced to change hands. Before that time the concern for left-handers was that they would not be able to work in a factory with machines designed for right-handed people. Having taught art for 30 years I can agree with the findings of Denise Pape that 25% of the classes are left-handed. Since the advent of left-handed scissors I always made them available and taught the children to put their paints on their left-hand side. Parents should be advised not to see their left-handed child as abnormal. Did you know that Leonardo da Vinci was left-handed? He certainly did not have any spatial perceptual difficulties. Liz Smith
great exposure in Child magazine I am so happy that your magazine’s advertising rates are affordable to small businesses like ours. Pinky, KDBS Solutions
over to you
I read recently that 23% of the youth in South Africa are not interested in voting in the upcoming elections. What astounded me most was the reason behind their lack of interest. Apparently the vast majority of respondents in this survey, said they feel nothing will change no matter who wins, or that there is no one worth voting for. Don’t we as parents have a responsibility to make our children aware of the importance of elections? It’s such a cliché, but doesn’t the statement, “if you don’t vote, you cannot complain” make a lot of sense? My children are too young to vote, but I’d like to think that I’m preparing them for participation in a democracy. Whoever they feel like voting for, I cannot shape that decision, as long as they know their voices count. Lynne Saga
letters or comments to marina@childmag.co.za or PO Box 12002, Mill Street, 8010.
comment on facebook
My three year old and I love visiting different play parks around our city. I am alarmed though at the obesity I notice in children. I understand that not all children are born lean and athletic, but I see four year olds too obese to climb onto play equipment. They can hardly run, without “huffing and puffing”. And then I see what their parents feed them for breakfast. Fast-food burgers and chips and carbonated cold drinks, all consumed before 9am! In my opinion fastfood outlets should not even be operational at that time of the morning. I know I can’t ban my child from having the odd sweet or piece of cake, but I do make an effort to feed him healthy, balanced meals; especially for breakfast – the most important meal of the day. A friend recently told me that she will give her 10-year-old son a healthy snack or a balanced meal before he gets dropped off at a birthday party. It works well, as he is not starved when he gets to the party, and doesn’t feel that he has to stuff himself with sweets or cake. It’s simple measures like these that help our children learn healthy eating habits. It’s not that difficult to implement. But if Mom, Dad and older siblings all indulge in fatty takeaways for breakfast, surely that’s not setting a good example for younger children. An overweight four year old struggling to play seems like child abuse to me. Mariette van Buren
I just paged through the March issue of Child mag and have to agree with Michele Engelberg’s letter regarding school uniforms. Uniforms definitely have a place in South Africa. Something needs to be done about the cost of them though. I don’t buy branded clothing for my children, yet am forced to pay as much for uniforms; however, the quality is often shocking. Suppliers know they have the upper hand and couldn’t be bothered to up their game. Suzy Oliveira
April 2014
election time
Let us know what’s on your mind. Send your
what we feed our children
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Thank you so much for putting our listing in Child magazine’s calendar. Everyone that came to the programme saw the insert in Child magazine, so yours must be the magazine that moms read. Kathryn Brett, Babes in the Woods
online feedback In reply to the online feature “Understanding Tourette’s Syndrome” My 11-year-old son has Tourette’s syndrome (TS). He is displaying vocal tics in the form of high pitched noises and swearing, and he has motor tics like spitting. I live in Cape Town, and it is very difficult finding any help here. Schooling is another nightmare. I love reading articles like this that are positive. It gives me hope. Glynnis Wow. Thank you for this wonderful article. We suspect that my son has TS. My heart really feels a bit better after reading this feature. Anonymous
Reply to online feature “Playing in dirt and mud builds a child’s immunity” I took both my children to Moms and Tots where they were encouraged to play and get messy at sensory play. It taught me to also put my hands in and not just point the finger; to dig in and get dirty with them. It was just as good for me as it was for them. I actually overcame some of my sensory issues doing that. Anonymous In reply to Cassandra’s online blog “He won’t swallow his meds!” My daughter was the same. When she was almost three she had to be admitted to hospital so she could have her antibiotics via a drip as she refused to take any medication and she got very sick. I felt like I was the worst mother in the world. When she was in hospital, I was there the whole time so she became a bit too comfortable. After that, I made it clear to her that if she has to go back to hospital for not taking medication, she has to go alone. Thankfully, she does not get sick often. Anonymous subscribe to our newsletter and win Our wins have moved online. Please subscribe to our newsletter and enter our weekly competitions. To subscribe, visit childmag.co.za
We reserve the right to edit and shorten submitted letters. The opinions reflected here are those of our readers and are not necessarily held by Hunter House Publishing.
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magazine joburg
April 2014
upfront with paul
10 lies children tell, in no particular order PAUL KERTON speaks honestly about the
“I’ll take them for walks and pick up their poos. Promise.” In a straw poll of at least 140 friends, this turned out to be the mother of all lies. Children will say absolutely anything to get a dog, cat, rabbit or anything cute. But when it’s time for the dirty work you won’t see them for dust. “Yes, I’ve brushed my teeth.” “Darling, your teeth are battleship grey. There’s a piece of chicken between them from last Sunday’s braai. Let me smell your breath... Oh My Gawd... you can’t go out like that; we’d need to alert the municipality. Go and brush them NOW!” “I’ll be staying at Tamsin’s tonight.” Always check with Tamsin’s parents: a) if it is okay that she stays, and b) she is indeed staying at their house. Teenagers
April 2014
have a habit of omitting key parts of a sentence as in, “I’ll be staying at Tamsin’s brother’s hot friend’s place tonight.” “Mom/Dad said I could.” The classic playing one parent off against the other – always when one parent is away on business in Hawaii, or out of the house. Who said children weren’t manipulative? “So, shall we call Mommy then...?” “I’m still hungry.” They are either bored or have just spotted those irresistible chocolate mouses (mice?) you brought back from the supermarket. You will offer them 20 different kinds of healthy food and they will say, “I don’t feel like that”, then you will say, “Would you like a chocolate mouse?” and they will bite your hand off.
“My arm (ear/leg/head) hurts.” This always occurs when they are supposed to be asleep and you and your partner are snuggling up. Obviously there is nothing wrong and they just want another dollop of attention. Greedy or what? “All my friends are wearing them/ have got them.” It is difficult not to concede to peer pressure, but first check and see what her friends are wearing and what they have got. This always boils down to some ridiculously skimpy piece of fashion or the latest iPhone. “Michael did it, not me.” The blame-game is a perennial challenge. Children don’t want to disappoint by being the culprit or the cause of any mayhem. And it isn’t until they get to age
30 that they will finally accept responsibility for their actions. Of course they did it. There was nobody else in the house. “I’ll be back before midnight.” This means they will think about coming home before midnight but will actually set off closer to 1am. Always add one hour, at least, to the promised home time. If you want them home at midnight, set their curfew at 11pm. “I didn’t touch any cigarettes/ drugs/alcohol, honest.” As children get older, their social consequences get slightly more serious. The short answer to this is: “Why are you crawling on all fours and think that the garage is your bedroom? Why is your top on, inside out? Thought I wouldn’t notice, eh?” Follow Paul on Twitter: @fabdad1
magazine joburg
stories often told by our children.
kidney care Your child could be suffering from kidney deficiency, but you can help them hugely by catching it in its early stages.
LUCILLE KEMP alerts you to the signs.
photograph: shutterstock.com
lthough the most common kidney diseases in children present at birth, leaving parents feeling helpless, Prof Kala of Wits University emphasises that there are also hugely preventative aspects of it. This disease is a problem that another Joburg-based paediatric nephrologist describes as, “devastating, but somehow not as front of mind as childhood cancer. Therefore, education about early detection and the treatment options should not be neglected.” A Joburg-based mother, who was very small during her pregnancy, took her three-week-old son to her local clinic with complaints that he had not gained weight, his tummy was swollen and he was passing urine with a poor stream. Her baby was referred to the provincial hospital and, after an abdominal ultrasound, it was found that the child had obstructed kidneys. “If there wasn’t a vigilant parent and capable attending medical personnel investigating, this infection would have been in kidney-failure zone within a couple of years,” says Kala.
why so important? Those two bean-shaped organs on either side of your spinal cord have a pivotal role to play in maintaining your body. They help to clean the blood by removing excess fluids, salts, and waste products. Kidneys also release hormones that help regulate blood pressure, create new red blood cells and maintain calcium levels for healthy bones. Kidneys are like the body’s rubbish collection and disposal system. Without healthy, functioning kidneys there would be fluid overload and electrolyte abnormalities, which can be life-threatening: severe anaemia, bone abnormalities and high blood pressure (which could lead to heart failure) and also a risk of bleeding into the head, causing a stroke.
magazine joburg
be on the lookout “In newborns and infants, where kidney disease is prevalent, a failure to thrive is usually evident – poor weight gain and appetite, vomiting, a miserable mood, low- or high-blood pressure and poor urine output,” says Kala. In older children, signs and symptoms of kidney problems vary and include fever, swelling around the eyes, face, feet and ankles, burning or pain during urination, a significant increase in the frequency of urination, difficulty controlling urination (in children who are mature enough to use the toilet), recurrence of night-time bedwetting (in children who have been dry for several months), blood in the urine and high-blood pressure. “It is a fallacy that children do not get hypertension,” says Kala.
help is at hand Treating the underlying condition that’s causing the kidney failure can sometimes help heal the kidneys. This, however, isn’t possible if the person has lost more than 15% of their kidney function, in which case a kidney transplant is needed. Kidney donation also allows you to have a living donor as one healthy kidney can still keep the donor’s body functioning well. If your child hasn’t found a living donor match, usually in the form of a close relative or friend, they will be on a waiting list to receive a kidney from a nonliving donor. So, in the interim your child will need to go on dialysis, which does the work of a kidney by cleaning the blood. The Organ Donor Foundation stresses the importance of becoming a donor through its Save Seven Lives campaign, which works on the premise that one person has seven life-saving organs: one heart, two lungs, one liver, one pancreas and two kidneys.
April 2014
pregnancy news
regnant mothers can do a lot to try and aid the health and safety of their unborn child through creating a healthy living environment, maintaining a well-balanced diet and regular exercise. However, in some instances, the mother’s lifestyle choices do little to prevent certain disorders, like congenital heart defect (CHD) from occurring. Sound medical assistance and early diagnosis are key.
chd defined CHDs are the most common type of birth defect and they affect about 1:100 children, says Dr Liesl Zühlke, a paediatric cardiologist and president of the Paediatric Cardiac Society of South Africa. Yet, “in countries where antenatal screening (using fetal ultrasound) is not universal, such as South Africa, with varying rates depending on public, private and rural settings, [she says] the number is more likely to be higher”. CHD occurs when the structure of the heart or its blood vessels have a defect. However, there are many different types that range in severity. Zühlke says some small lesions can resolve spontaneously
April 2014
matters of the heart whereas others can be more complex, requiring treatment in the form of multiple surgeries. “The most common types of CHD are commonly termed ‘a hole in the heart’ where there are defects in the walls between the chambers of the heart, however, even these are all different,” she adds. While some causes of CHD have been associated with genetics, most are still unknown. Zühlke stresses the importance of
paediatric cardiologist or foetal specialist for an individualised diagnosis. Due to early diagnosis and strides in the treatment of CHD, survival rates have increased universally above 95%. Zühlke explains that “in the US, more people are living with repaired congenital heart disease than are being born with it.” In South Africa, however, these rates are not quite as high, and although this country’s survival rates
CASSANDRA SHAW discusses congenital heart defect – the most common birth defect in children. understanding that “common things such as maternal diet during pregnancy, exercise or lack of exercise during pregnancy does not cause heart disease in the baby.”
spotting chd The heart develops very early in pregnancy and an incorrect formation should be detectable at the 16- and 20-week scans. If a defect is found, Zühlke says that your sonographer should refer you to a
within hospitals can be compared to those overseas, given the quality of our surgeons, Zühlke states that sometimes there is little hope for those who are diagnosed too late where surgery is no longer an option. For those not diagnosed in utero there are a number of signs to look out for and they may differ depending on age. At birth, however, although most babies are born with blue hands and feet, Zühlke says that a baby with a blue tongue or blue lips is an
important danger sign that should never be ignored. A fast heartbeat, fast breathing, cold hands and feet and a poor pulse are also symptoms to look out for initially.
being proactive Because of its link to genetics, there may be a chance that subsequent pregnancies or mothers who have had CHD, could pass it on genetically. Zühlke explains that “it is important to scan all subsequent pregnancies. Pregnant women with a heart disease should also have good antenatal care” as it can aid early diagnosis. It is also advisable that would-be parents with a family history of CHD should see a genetic counsellor before deciding to become pregnant.
helpful links for parents • c ontact: kidsheartSA@gmail.com or visit: pcssa.org • visit: africa.congenital.org • visit: chdsouthafrica.weebly.com • visit: heartskids.co.za • visit: hudsoninitiative.org
magazine joburg
best for baby
loving hands Baby massage has a number of beneficial elements and can also be
a good way to bond with your child, explains MARINA ZIETSMAN.
ell-known French obstetrician and author Frederick Leboyer writes in his book, Loving Hands: The Traditional Art of Baby Massage, “Being touched and caressed, being massaged, is food for the infant. Food as necessary as minerals, vitamins, and proteins.”
PHOTOGRAPH: shutterstock.com
what are the benefits? According to research sponsored by UNICEF and studies from the University of Miami’s Touch Research Institute, children and infants who were massaged showed improved sleeping patterns, diminished anxious behaviour and significantly reduced stress indicators. Premature babies who were regularly massaged gained weight faster, and performed better on developmental tasks. It benefitted their developing nervous systems, they acquired mental and motor skills earlier and were more relaxed than non-massaged babies. “Babies with Down’s syndrome, cerebral palsy, autism and other syndromes can benefit from loving touch and massage,” says Ronel Coetzee, vice-president of IAIM South Africa (International Association of Infant Massage). Certified infant massage instructor Sureida Pienaar, from Cape Town, says as all senses are used during massage, “It promotes bonding and a nurturing touch between the mom and the baby and improves verbal and
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nonverbal communication and pre-language communication skills.” Pienaar says massage also stimulates the circulatory, digestive, hormonal, immune, lymphatic, nervous and respiratory systems and it improves coordination and balance, learning abilities and muscular development and tone. “It also helps to relieve gas, colic, constipation, cramps and excess mucus, and helps with teething,” she adds. Coetzee says there are added benefits for parents too. “It helps parents feel more competent and confident in their role and gives them the opportunity for focused time together.” She says massage also enhances communication and builds mutual respect between a parent and a child, as well as the bond between parents and adopted children. It also provides special time for the father and the child.
ages and stages It’s advisable to massage babies when they are in a quiet and alert state, and because newborns are often asleep, it’s difficult to find the opportunity. “My advice would be to start massaging as soon as you feel comfortable, providing the baby weighs more than 2kg,” says Coetzee. She adds that the benefits of massage and loving touch never disappear. “It’s not necessary to ever stop massaging your child. Most of the same techniques can still be used on an older child.”
where and how Massage can happen anywhere, as long as both you and your baby feel safe and relaxed. Coetzee suggests home would be the most practical place, because it’s already an environment conducive to a relaxing atmosphere. Many parents follow a short course in baby massage. Pienaar says: “I demonstrate the massage movements on a doll and the parents practise on the baby in the class as well as at home. At week five, the parents hopefully know the movements. It’s up to the parents to continue this from then onwards.” Coetzee recommends a daily massage, but it’s not always practical. “Massage does not need to take long. A 5- to 10-minute massage is often adequate,” says Coetzee. “The baby is the boss here,” adds Pienaar. “We only do it when the baby is receptive to it.” If a baby has had enough massage, she will start showing disengagement cues, such as frowning, grimacing or crying. Coetzee says, “If the baby has a medical condition, is ill or hospitalised, massage should only be performed with the consent of the medical practitioner.”
April 2014
dealing with difference
childhood depression Depression and suicide are on the rise among children – are yours at risk? By GLYNIS HORNING
urban-based marketing assistant Lwazi* was delighted when her salary finally allowed her to move her 12-year-old daughter from a township school to one in the city and rent a flat nearby. But in the months that followed, her once bubbly child grew increasingly moody. She struggled to make friends and her grades dropped. “I kept telling her the move was to give her a better life, and she must just work harder,” says Lwazi. “I sacrificed, she must too.” Then in 2012, Lwazi returned from work to find her child unconscious, empty pill bottles and her school report beside her. “She’d failed three subjects, but I couldn’t believe a child would try to kill herself.” According to the South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG), the suicide rate for children aged 10 to 14 has more than doubled in the past 15 years. Of the 6 000 to 8 000 people that commit suicide every year, one in three patients admitted to hospitals are children or teens. Around 60% of those who commit suicide are estimated to suffer from depression, which affects at least two in every 100 children, and five in 100 teens. Until 1994 the incidence of depression and suicide was lower among black South Africans, says stress and suicide expert Prof Lourens Schlebusch, author of Mind Shift: Stress Management and Your Health (UKZN Press). Since then the stress of new expectations and the pressure from family and the community to succeed have seen “a huge increase”, he says.
function, it’s important to seek help, says Mpumi Mbhele, a Joburg clinical psychologist. “Untreated, it can result in poor self-esteem, and the child becoming demoralised and unmotivated.” It may also precede more serious mental illness later in life. Yet many parents are loath to accept that their children suffer from depression, says Linda Naidoo, director of Childline Durban. They fear the stigma is still linked to mental health problems, or believe it reflects on their parenting. “Depression is nothing to be ashamed of, but parents often blame themselves when children are diagnosed,” says Mbhele. “Even if they partly played a role through divorce, for example, there are always multiple contributing factors.” This became clear to Lwazi when her employer arranged counselling after her daughter had recovered in hospital. A change of school and home, fear of failure, and guilt at disappointing her mother all had a role in the child’s depression. “I see now that taking those pills was her shouting for help,” says Lwazi. “I wish I had known the danger earlier.”
realise the risks Risk factors for depression and suicide in children include break-ups with friends, bullying, illness, bereavement, neglect, physical or sexual abuse, fanatical belief systems, chaotic or conflicted family, a family history of depression or suicide, academic or mental problems and an imbalance in brain chemicals. “Peer pressure and the need to belong also play a significant part in shaping teens’ perceptions of themselves,” says Cape Town counselling psychologist Diane Mallaby. “Those who feel rejected by their peer group take it very seriously and as a personal rejection.” A recent UK study suggests that children whose mothers are depressed in pregnancy also run a small increased risk of depression later in life. The researchers advise that women who are depressed get treatment before becoming pregnant, and if they are already pregnant, find treatment urgently.
head off depression The surest way to protect your child from depression is to remind them that you love them and are there to support them. “Developing an open, honest, trusting relationship will encourage them to come to you when they’re in distress,” says Mbhele. If you are unable to assist, make sure your child has a trusted relative, teacher or counsellor to talk to. Teach them to see mistakes as a chance to learn and grow, and help them analyse what went wrong and what they can do in future. When disciplining them, focus on their behaviour, not their personality, and on finding solutions. “Understanding teen depression is key, and patience is required because often they are moody, defiant and irritable, and they can present differently to adult depression,” says Mallaby. “Parents need a support base, and if they’re not coping they need to get help. It’s not an individual treatment plan that works best, but rather a holistic intervention.”
find treatment
Occasional moodiness and sadness is normal, particularly with the hormone changes around puberty, which today can start at age nine or 10. But when these or other signs persist for more than a few weeks and affect your child’s ability to
Start with a school counsellor or doctor, who can rule out physical problems and direct you to other professionals, or go to SADAG. “Don’t delay getting help, and always follow your intuition as a parent,” says Mallaby. The most effective form is cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), which focuses on changing the child’s dysfunctional thoughts and beliefs, and gives them coping and problem-solving skills. “It’s important that parents are involved,” she says. “CBT combined with medication, exercise and a good support system is the best approach.”
know the signs If your child shows the following for more than a few weeks, get help: • low, flat mood, tearfulness; • tiredness, lack of energy; • loss of interest in things or people; • change in eating/sleeping patterns; • feelings of worthlessness, failure or guilt; • complaints of aches and pains that don’t improve; • drop in grades; • irritability, anger or aggression; • r egressive behaviour (bedwetting, thumb-sucking); and • increased risk-taking, use of alcohol or drugs and acting out in rebellious or sexual behaviour. Should your child talk, even indirectly, about dying or suicide, get help fast. Contact SADAG: 0800 567 567 (sms 31393) or Lifeline 0861 322 322
PHOTOGRAPH: shutterstock.com
spot the problem
Never tell your child to “snap out of it”. It’s not disrespect or laziness; they are unwell, says Mbhele. Tell them, “You look upset, is there something you’d like to tell me?” Then listen quietly. Unburdening can help them feel better and find their own solutions. Encourage them to follow their treatment and take any medication exactly as prescribed. Also encourage them to exercise regularly to release stress and feel-good endorphins, and to eat healthily. Also, control your own emotions – unburden with friends and don’t escape in drugs or alcohol. “A child will react better to life’s challenges with a positive role model,” says Mbhele. Lwazi’s daughter is today “a different child”. She now sees what someone at SADAG said to her: “Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.” *Name changed to protect identity
April 2014
magazine joburg
magazine joburg
April 2014
and school
What are the benefits of attending a religious school? LISA LAZARUS speaks about
education and your child’s spiritual needs.
hildren, claim the Journal of Child Health Care, tend to be more spiritually aware than many adults. That’s because children want to work out what the world is about, while lacking embarrassment about spiritual perceptions. “Religion doesn’t mean much to me... but I sure can stop and wonder about things... you look up at the sky and you wonder what’s up there,” says a child (quoted in the journal article) from an atheist background, whose cousin was killed in an accident. Given that children have a questing and spiritual dimension, should parents take this into consideration when thinking about schooling?
children’s spiritual needs Many schools focus on academics and sports. These activities “develop the mind and body, but don’t pay attention to spiritual disciplines,” says Susan Keegan, the director and administrator at The Vine School in Cape Town, which describes itself as “Bible-based and Christ-centred”. However, she adds, people are made up of body, mind and spirit and a holistic education should take all three aspects into account. The Vine School believes in nurturing a child’s “spiritual (or inner) life” while teaching the child how to practise spiritual disciplines, including prayer, Bible study, quiet thoughtfulness, service, simplicity and stewardship. Mehtab Razack, deputy principal of Islamia Primary in Cape Town, also draws a distinction between the inward and outward manifestations of spirituality. “Spirituality implies inwardly that we are sincere, honest, just and compassionate while outwardly, spirituality is manifested in good behaviour and positive relations.”
According to Clare Pretorius, the senior deputy principal of Randpark Ridge-based Trinityhouse High School, which has an overtly Christian ethos, spirituality cannot be taught. It is a quality that is innate to a person, she says, though all people have a bent toward the spiritual, or what Pretorius terms “a God-shaped hole”. Children can, however, be taught the theory of Christianity. The school teaches by way of “lifestyle evangelism”, or leading by example. In keeping with these ideas, the school has an assembly every day in which a message from the gospel is given by a staff member. Christian principles are followed and taught throughout the school in all activities, including Bible education lessons, which take place on a weekly basis. Andy Haefner, the principal of King David Yiddish Folk preprimary school, a traditional Jewish Orthodox establishment in Joburg, also believes that spirituality as well as organised religion should play a part in the school curriculum. For her, spiritual needs relate to the need to belong, both within the family and the greater community. “Every human being has an intrinsic need to feel part of something bigger than themselves and this is why people look to organised religion,” says Haefner. The preprimary phase is ideal for starting religious instruction, Haefner says, as young children are beginning to think more abstractly and form opinions about their existence. They are also open to learning about moral values through religion so that they grow up as menschen, a Yiddish word for “good, righteous people”. Sunil Singh, the principal of Westville Hindu Primary School in Durban, also emphasises how teaching spirituality is a way to impart “morals, values and discipline”.
April 2014
magazine joburg
Not all parents who decide to send their child to a school that has a religious component, whether mild or intense, are themselves religious.
Not all parents who decide to send their child to a school that has a religious component, whether mild or intense, are themselves religious. Geraldine Dahl defines herself as “more spiritual and open-minded”, whereas she chose the Anglican Bishops Diocesan College (Cape Town) for her seven-year-old son. She describes the school as “religious”, although she was anticipating more of a religious push from the school. Boys are expected to attend regular chapel services and meet with the school pastor. Geraldine feels that at her son’s young age, he needs “the groundwork laid first”, but she does find it a “fairly difficult line to straddle”. She explains that her son will eventually make his own decision about the extent to which he adopts formal religion into his life. However, Christianity is core to Western culture, she remarks, and because the Bible teachings are not part of his home life, he needs the tools provided by the school to make this important decision at a later stage. In addition, she is pleased to see the values of Christianity, such as “ethics, morals and the acceptance of others” being taught in the school rather than “Bible bashing”. The school includes boys from all faiths and she thinks they do a good job of blending religion and education. However, Dahl is quick to concede that she had no experience of a religiousbased school as, despite growing up in a strict religion, the school she attended had only one religious studies period a week, which she regularly bunked. Sometimes parents, who are not themselves religious, decide, for whatever reason, to send their child to a religious school. Haefner confirms this when she says that they have parents from across the spectrum: the very observant to the nominally traditional. Staff are mandated to enlighten the children on all aspects of Judaism, but no one is ever made to feel that they have to abide by the doctrines or practices in any way. When Keegan interviews prospective non-Christian families, she explains to them that they will be expected to respect the school’s faith commitment and that their children won’t be excused from religious activities such as chapel services. However, she suggests that parents honestly tell their children that they don’t believe all the same things as the school, and that they discuss the reasons for their choices when differences become evident.
different teaching approaches Besides the religious component, do these kinds of schools differ in any other significant ways? Razack explains that Islamia Primary offers both Arabic and Islamic Studies as subjects. This provides students with the opportunity to obtain secular and religious knowledge at the same institution as part of one learning experience. The curriculum of Westville Hindu Primary also goes beyond an academic and sports programme to include culture through music, dance and yoga, as well as meditation and simple Hawan, Hindi or Tamil lessons. Keegan believes that The Vine School’s Christian world-view has a radical effect on their teaching approach. She says that it affects everything they do. Keegan explains that because children are made in the image of a personal God, they are seen as “creative, relational beings with unlimited potential and eternal destiny”. With this perception in mind, she says it makes no sense to define expected outcomes and subject all children to the same standardised tests. This does not take their individuality into account. Therefore, the school does not support low-interest tasks magazine joburg
April 2014
like completing worksheets and other “busy work”, which just leads to boredom and inattention (and the proliferation of an ADHD diagnosis). “We also don’t believe in using ‘manipulative methods’ – like star charts, prizes, effusive praise, conditional love or even black marks or demerits – but prefer to awaken their curiosity through interesting and intellectually satisfying content.” Jimmy Khanyile, who works as a scientist manager for the Department of Environmental Affairs, decided to send his daughter, Rorisang, aged six, to The Vine School. Khanyile explains that when he and his wife, Ella, saw the advert for the school in the paper, he perceived it as an answer to his prayers. They were searching for a religious school that embodies Christian faith values, such as kindness, care and ethics. He says: “The philosophy of the school (based on the Ambleside curriculum) and its religious alignment is congruent, because it allows learning and growing of new habits while strengthening an individual’s emotional intelligence, not only for learners but also for parents.” Choosing the right school for your child can cause anxiety for many parents. This is partly because a school is selected before a child’s talents and personality are entirely known. Schools with a strong religious component might be worth considering if the fit is good with the family, the school is particularly appealing or the spiritual needs of your child are important to you.
other ways to teach your child spirituality outside the classroom Dr Laura Markham, a clinical psychologist and creator of the website ahaparenting.com, offers the following tips for encouraging nondenominational spirituality: • Develop your child’s sense of wonder Try and point out the miracle of life to your child – take time to look at a new flower that has sprouted, a snail making tracks across the garden or a gangly puppy. • Build trust Even if you don’t believe in a God, children need to feel that the universe is basically benevolent and not out to get them. • Answer the deep questions Children’s endless questions can become annoying, but they are trying to get to the heart of the matter. They need to understand that there are reasons why things happen, even if these reasons don’t always make sense. Even if an act of violence occurs, she advises that you say, “Sometimes people disagree with each other and they don’t use their words to work things out. They fight – with their hands or guns or bombs. Those things always create more pain and hurt. That’s why we always try to use words.” • Use reflection People benefit from shutting down the noise of technology
i’m an atheist or agnostic…
and quietly reflecting, whether this includes prayer or not. Take time to be
Richard Dawkins’ book The Magic of Reality examines, at a level suitable for young people, how science rather than the Bible can explain the world. It’s an alternative way for understanding why things happen the way they do and this resource might be a useful addition for parents who want to provide children with a variety of explanations.
together with your family. Go for walks in the forest or look up at the night sky.
April 2014
Spend the weekend unplugged from all electronic devices. • Teach gratitude Model aloud how wonderful it is to have certain things – a tasty meal, a warm bed at night, a fun play date; gratitude is about being aware of what has been received.
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cotton on to natural fibres Silkworms, goats, pineapple leaves and hemp are all used in the manufacturing of natural fibres,
explains Vanessa Papas.
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hen it comes to choosing your child’s sheets, linen, mattress protector, blankets, towels and clothing, the benefits of natural fibres far outweigh those of synthetics. Made from plant and animal sources, natural fibres take centre stage in terms of comfort, absorption, breathability and durability. Free of harsh chemicals, they are also less likely to cause skin irritations and allergies, and are extremely lightweight, while still providing softness, warmth and protection. “There are a number of natural options available but the most popular fibres used in bedding and clothing are cotton, sourced from the cotton plant, and linen, from the flax plant,” explains Jimmy Ferendinos, CEO of a company specialising in hypoallergenic bedding, pure cotton towelling, percale bedding and natural bedding. “Although linen is a more durable fibre, it’s very coarse and can be rough. Cotton, on the other hand, is still the undisputed ‘king’ when it comes to comfort and is ideal for delicate, sensitive skin. Not only does it not ‘cling’ to the body and absorb perspiration from the skin, preventing the ‘clammy’ feeling often experienced with synthetic fibres, but it’s hard-wearing and can withstand heavy usage, including continued laundering, giving you years of good service. It doesn’t pill and it’s hypoallergenic.” Cotton has also become particularly popular in the manufacturing of reusable nappies and liners because of its high fluid absorbency (a cotton nappy with a weight of 85g can absorb up to 100ml of fluid). Other natural plant fibres, like coir (coconut husk) have begun replacing standard polyurethane mattresses as they allow a constant circulation of air through the mattress, reducing the chances of your baby overheating and decreasing the chance of allergies (dust mites cannot live in organic coir). Another plant-derived fibre is hemp, which is both soft and extremely durable.
natural elements Products manufactured from animal fibres are ideal for children as they do not conduct heat, keeping them warm in winter and cool in summer. Wool, mohair and cashmere from sheep and goats, Angora wool from rabbits and silk from silkworms are the most popular. Pure wool can absorb up to a third of its own weight in moisture without feeling damp; mohair is flame- and crease-resistant; Angora wool is lightweight yet seven times warmer than wool; and cashmere is very soft. Silk is cool to touch, breathable, warm with superior insulating properties and naturally strong and durable. Raw silk also contains antimicrobial materials, which have healing and anti-inflammatory properties. Silk is very effective if your baby is susceptible to nappy rash. Placed directly on your baby’s skin, raw silk will reduce redness without any use of powder or cream. Just keep in mind, although biodegradable, natural fibres aren’t necessarily more gentle on the environment. Their cultivation can involve high usage of water and agricultural chemicals.
what does “thread count” mean? Thread count refers to the number of threads woven together in a square inch. If you prefer a crisp sheet, choose a percale weave (200 to 300 thread count) and for a soft, silky sheet, choose a sateen weave (500 to 600 thread count). Steer clear of polycotton sheets under 180 thread count as they tend to pill with wear and become scratchy to the skin.
natural fibre production videos • • • •
youtube.com/watch?v=okFKyD3CHYU nwga.co.za/media-gallery/video.html naturalfibres2009.org/en/fibres/videos.html youtube.com/watch?v=y6a8JKYnSxQ&noredir ect=1
April 2014
pet safety
when dogs bite Both parents and dog owners have a responsibility to ensure that dog bites
ne sunny day three-year-old Joshua was playing outside our house. Zoey, our resident dachshund, was lying on her bed in the sun. Joshua’s mom, Sarah, was enjoying lunch with family. Then a scream tore through the air. As Joshua ran inside, Sarah could see his face was bleeding. He had jumped onto Zoey’s bed, and she had bitten him. It wasn’t that bad. Sarah cleaned it, stuck a plaster on it, and Joshua carried on as if nothing had happened. Joshua was lucky. Research shows that children under the age of six are more likely to be bitten than any other age group, and these bites usually happen at home or at a friend’s house. Most often children are bitten on the face, head and neck. Zoey was a small dog, and bit Joshua more as a warning nip. If a bigger dog had bitten him, he may have had scarring on his face and needed plastic surgery, or worse.
April 2014
why dogs bite Serious dog bites aren’t common, says Knysna-based dog expert and trainer, Karis Nafte. What is common is dogs trying to discipline children by nipping them. Nafte sees numerous dogs who have shown aggression towards children, and says there are two main reasons why dogs bite. The first is that they may be in pain and frustrated, so they bite. If you notice a sudden change in behaviour in your dog, such as a friendly dog that becomes grumpy overnight, or if he growls at your touch, take him to the vet immediately. If the vet rules out medical problems, see a dog behaviourist. And secondly, dogs bite as a last resort; as a final way of getting their message across. Dogs may express themselves by growling. This isn’t necessarily a sign of aggression, says Nafte. It’s often a dog’s way of saying he feels uncomfortable and, because of this, owners shouldn’t punish their dogs for growling. A natural instinct for any parent faced with a dog growling at their child is to shout at or punish the dog.
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PHOTOGRAPHS: shutterstock.com
don’t happen. By Tamlyn Vincent
But Nafte explains that dogs who are continually punished for growling may eventually stop growling, which could be potentially far more dangerous because your dog has no way, other than biting, to create distance between himself and the child. So when a child hugs a dog, for example, and the dog growls because he finds this intimidating, the best reaction is to quietly take the child away. “Screaming is the worst thing you can do,” advises Nafte. It sounds like barking to the dog, who may think you’re barking at the child and take it as an invitation to attack.
advance warning Dogs don’t just bite out of the blue, notes Nafte. Growling is one warning sign, but there are others. The dog may avoid a child, or freeze when the child approaches. He might avoid eye contact. Or he may stare, not when the child’s eating a sarmie, but with what Nafte calls hard, glassy eyes or with the whites of the eyes showing. But, Nafte says, don’t ignore warning signs, regardless of the dog’s reason for growling. Rather deal with it by getting professional advice as soon as it starts. Dr Donald Leask, a Joburg vet, says dogs that bite or growl at children can be moved to a home without children, or to one where there is a strong alpha dog. When Sarah adopted a Cocker Spaniel her children were thrilled. But when the spaniel kept growling and behaving weirdly around the children, she had no choice but to give it away. The children weren’t thrilled, but Sarah did what she had to: prevent any future accidents.
do’s and don’ts Apart from paying attention to your dog’s behaviour, dog owners can take other precautions. Don’t leave your dog
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alone with children, says Leask. If children are visiting rather put your dog away, somewhere he’s comfortable and safe. If you’re walking your dog, ensure he’s on a leash, and that you’re the one in control. Nafte doesn’t recommend getting a puppy if you have small children. Leask agrees: “Getting a puppy with a two year old is a recipe for disaster, as one of them usually has very sharp teeth.” But if you do get a puppy, choose a breed that is more child-friendly, and take it to puppy school where it can be socialised and trained, and where you can both learn obedience basics. But the onus is not solely on dog owners. Whether you own dogs or not, your children are likely to come into contact with them, and teaching children how to behave around dogs could prevent bites. “Parents should teach their children to respect dogs,” says Claire Buisman, operations manager at the Durban and Coast SPCA. Teach them how to treat dogs, including not pulling their tails or interrupting a dog while he’s eating. Children should stay clear of the dog if they’re walking around with a snack in their hands, says Buisman. Stop your children from hugging dogs, advises Nafte, especially those they don’t know well. For dogs who are not very comfortable with children, this feels like an act of aggression as the child seems to be pinning him down. And parents, especially those with dogs at home, should educate children that not all dogs are friendly. Dog bites can happen in an instant and could change your child’s life forever. They can also change your dog’s life. Joshua was visiting my house, when my dog Zoey snapped at him. It was the first time it had happened, but I couldn’t help but think, “What if she does this again? How could I ever give my dog away?” Or worse.
stray alert Teach your children what to do if they encounter a stray dog: • Don’t shout or pick up anything with which to threaten the dog, causing them to attack. • Quietly look at the ground and slowly back away. • Don’t run, as dogs may give chase. If you are running, start walking. • If the dog is aggressive, hug a tree or lean flat against a wall. • If you do fall down, use your hands and arms to cover your face and neck. • When you are safely away, call the authorities.
golden rules Teach your children to never: • disturb dogs while they’re eating or sleeping; • take away dogs’ toys or possessions; • hug, kiss or put their faces near dogs’ faces; • try to tease, scare or hurt dogs; or • reach through a fence to pat dogs.
April 2014
happy feet Shoes or no shoes – MARC DE CHAZAL
eet are remarkable. Each foot contains 26 bones (together that’s 25% of all the bones in your body), 33 joints and more than 100 muscles, tendons and ligaments. Our feet are complex anatomical structures that enable us to move about efficiently, whether we’re walking, running or jumping. It’s no wonder, then, that we have invented all kinds of shoes to protect our feet from injury and to enhance our performance in various sports. But are shoes always a good thing? There is a growing movement of barefoot enthusiasts around the world, and those who endorse minimalist shoes for walking and running, who believe that barefoot is best. They argue that traditional footwear weakens our feet and prevents us from walking and running with a natural gait. They also point out that we rely on the feedback we get from the ground to maintain our balance and form, especially when running, which is impeded by overly cushioned shoes.
April 2014
How does this affect our children? Their feet are different to those of adults, because they’re still developing. Their growing feet are especially vulnerable to the elements and need protection from sharp objects such as glass and thorns when they start to walk; the flip side of this coin is that shoes may actually hamper the normal development of a young child’s foot. The bones in a baby’s foot are soft and will only harden around the five-year-old mark. You’d be hardpressed to find a podiatrist who will argue against the barefoot-is-best philosophy when talking about the novice walker. “I believe children should be barefoot as much as possible,” says Chris Delpierre, a podiatrist at the Sports Science Institute, who is also the father of one-year-old twins. “Going barefoot helps children to develop balance and good posture and is also best for the natural development of foot muscles.” magazine joburg
PHOTOGRAPH: shutterstock.com
explains the benefits of both.
baby steps
bigger steps
Delpierre advises parents to get their child’s first pair of shoes when they start to walk, not before. Bare feet or socks with rubber grips are adequate until your baby takes his first steps. “Your child’s first shoe should only be used to protect their feet from rough or wet surfaces,” says Delpierre. “When children are learning to walk, they should be barefoot as much as possible.” What should you look for in your toddler’s first shoe? Podiatrists tend to agree that a child’s first pair of shoes should be as light and soft as possible. Flexibility is crucial. Put the shoe to the test by bending it in half and twisting it. “The shoe should give the sole of the foot grip, but should in no way restrict the natural movement and growth of the foot,” Delpierre explains. “Try to get shoes made of leather or fabric that allows the foot to breathe naturally. As a child gets older,
When children start school, wearing shoes is usually compulsory. Kommetjie Primary School in the Western Cape does have a prescribed school uniform, but it has a relaxed policy about footwear. “We allow children to come to school barefoot,” says school secretary Dian Hanratty. “It generally gets very hot in the summer months and we find that going barefoot prevents the smelly feet problem. If children opt to wear shoes, the requirement is a white sport shoe for both girls and boys. Most of our learners come to school barefoot throughout the year, although we stress the importance of personal hygiene and neatness,” adds Hanratty. Their learners are required to wear appropriate shoes for sports such as tennis and cricket (primarily to protect their feet from injury), for school outings and for certain school functions.
Each foot contains 26 bones (together that’s 25% of all the bones in your body), 33 joints and more than 100 muscles, tendons and ligaments. takkies or trainers are a good idea. Those that fasten with Velcro make doing them up much easier for parents.” The Podiatry Association of South Africa stresses the importance of buying shoes that fit correctly. According to foot experts, no shoe should be “broken in”. This just means the shoe is either poorly designed or poorly fitting. You want your child to be as comfortable as possible wearing shoes. They also advise that you look for a shoe with a round toe box, as this gives the toes more room. And there should be a thumb’s width between the end of the shoe and the end of the longest toe. When their toe approaches the end, it’s time for a new pair. One of the most important things to remember when buying shoes, no matter the age of your child, is that feet naturally swell during the day, so the afternoon is a good time to go shoe shopping. It may be tempting to buy shoes with lots of growing room, but this is not ideal. “The shoe will be too big in the beginning, which causes unnatural foot function as the foot tries to grip the shoe,” says Delpierre.
There are some innovative “barefoot shoes” on the market for children, including some that are designed especially for learners who are required to wear black or brown shoes as part of their school uniform. The aim of these shoes is to give children the health benefits of going barefoot with the protection of normal shoes. Delpierre believes that children benefit most from being barefoot when they are playing or exercising. “Wearing shoes restricts the natural movement of the foot, which will cause a loss of balance and agility. Shoes also cause the foot to function differently, which will affect the development of muscles in the foot,” he says. “Shoes for specific sports can have a big impact on performance levels, but this is not a factor for young children. As they get older and participate in sports such as tennis, hockey, rugby, soccer or cricket, shoes become very important for protection and performance. But young children should be barefoot for sport.”
tips for parents • • • •
Inspect your child’s feet regularly. Allow your baby to kick freely so that normal development can occur. Do not force your child to walk – the average walking age is 10–18 months. Encourage barefoot walking on suitable surfaces (sand, grass, carpets) to stimulate muscle activity and development. • Shoe and sock sizes should be adjusted as their feet grow. • Any complaint should be taken seriously. Source: Podiatry Association of South Africa
magazine joburg
April 2014
check your attitude! CARYN EDWARDS explains how our attitudes to learning can affect our children’s aptitude.
make learning exciting and fun Joburg-based psychologist and play therapist Shannon Eggers believes a teacher’s role is vital in promoting the enjoyment of a subject. “A teacher’s positive attitude
April 2014
teacher is modelling to the learner how mathematics or history can be enjoyable. Shannon believes that this is a vital concept to grasp when assessing a child’s response to a particular subject. “If children are assisted to see learning as an adventure or exciting discovery, rather than hard work, learning comes alive and the content is retained for longer.”
encourage their passions
impacts on the tone, energy and mood of a classroom of children and will always have consequences related to the learning environment.” She understands that a teacher who is passionate about his subject will teach with energy and enthusiasm, which then makes for a more engaging and interesting experience for the learner. The teacher’s passion will enhance his teaching of a subject as he will be more determined to impart the engaging essence of the subject. In many instances, passion is tantamount to fun, and Shannon knows that children learn when there is a level of amusement. Subconsciously, a passionate
As a home-schooling mom of four, Nicole Maurel cannot rely on school teachers to instil passion in her daughters’ learning. Instead, Nicole has a responsibility to teach not only one subject, but all school subjects to her children, and has the task of revealing a sense of fervour in all learning areas, whether her own passion lies therein or not. In order to achieve this, Nicole spends time with each child individually, focusing on their own strengths and weaknesses and using their personal interest to guide her teaching. Her six-year-old daughter, Ryen, is interested in astronomy and geography, neither of which Nicole is particularly drawn to. To facilitate and encourage Ryen’s enjoyment of these subjects, Nicole ensures that they take trips to the planetarium, which enables her to spend time poring over maps and atlases. Because all four of her children are so different in their
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o you remember your favourite teacher at school? Did that teacher happen to teach your favourite subject? Likewise, were you best at the sports and disciplines for which you received the most support and encouragement? Were your least favourite subjects or sports the same disciplines your parents or grandparents didn’t excel in? Were you ever told you probably wouldn’t do well in a particular field because your parent had no ability in that field and that you don’t have the genes for excellence? If you recognise these scenarios, you are part of a large group of people whose passions and achievements are almost predetermined by words spoken over them at a young age. Unfortunately, because of the way you may have been encouraged or discouraged to enjoy particular subjects, you may be, unintentionally, projecting the same ideas onto your own children. The attitudes to learning of parents, teachers and any people that your children spend time with or respect, are vital in a child’s development.
capabilities and interests, their involvement in outings to places that might have been of little interest to them may encourage a fascination that can later be explored. Thalia Hansen, a high school teacher from Cape Town, also knows well how the passion of a teacher can influence learning. “Anyone can go into a classroom and recite a textbook; anyone can blurt out a prepared lesson. However, only a few can truly instil passion in their students.” Thalia believes that the key to learning is teaching with conviction: “If a teacher is passionate about a subject but speaks over the heads of the learners, the passion is useless. There is a critical balance between passion for the subject, and compassion for the student,” she reiterates. A teacher who dresses up to play a role, and uses music and other appealing approaches to learning, will not only engage the learner and encourage their learning, but will encourage a respect from the learners who realise that the teacher has their best interests at heart, and that is more important than an intact ego.
be a positive role model Shannon recognises that, unfortunately, not all children will experience a connection to a teacher or a subject, no matter the amount of effort a teacher may put into teaching it. This is where, she believes, parents’ roles are vital. “Parents are key role models for young children, and if they display enthusiasm for learning, this will go a long way in the encouragement of their child to develop an interest in learning, despite the subject matter.” Children need to have time management, organisational skills and revision
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exercises demonstrated to them by their parents so that they are equipped to learn and remember what they have been taught. Shannon continues, “Parents need to encourage and acknowledge perseverance and effort, and should avoid only the celebration of high marks. Perseverance is a far more useful life skill than the simple regurgitation of facts.”
If children are assisted to see learning as an adventure or exciting discovery, rather than hard work, learning comes alive and the content is retained for longer.
Moé, but startling to anyone who believed in the importance of IQ over self-belief – a vital fact in aiding the understanding of how important the attitudes of parents and teachers are when it comes to the education of children. The inclusion of the compulsory subject of Life Orientation in the South African curriculum is a step in the right direction towards creating a generation of learners with a high EQ: acknowledging, identifying and managing feelings should be taught from a very early age. This, combined with the setting of realistic goals, constant support, unending encouragement, and an attitude of passion and enjoyment for learning may be the steps we need to take in order to ensure engaged, inquisitive and emotionally intelligent children. Imagine if the instillation of positive self-belief existed in all classrooms, home schools, and indeed all homes. Surely this is desirable and achievable? And your children will have you to thank.
eq over iq In order to prove the importance of attitude, Italian psychologist Angelica Moé, conducted a study with more than 200 high school students. Before they began, the students were told that “intrinsic aptitude” – a phrase infamously coined by Harvard president Larry Summers – would account for the differences in the achievement levels of the men and women taking part in the study. Thus, the students were preconditioned to believe that the results would not be a reflection on their intelligence, but would rather be based on their gender, and their “intrinsic aptitude” for the particular subject. The results were expected by
how to ensure a positive attitude for learning • K eep an eye on your children’s role models – do they reflect an attitude you want your children to have? • Affirmations are powerful. They take the place of negative thoughts in children’s minds. • Be realistic, but always be positive. Genes are less important than a positive attitude.
April 2014
book extract
salads and sides Filled with a delicious variety of flavourful recipes, KAREN DUDLEY’s new book lets us spend Another Week in The Kitchen.
beetroot, fennel & fig salad | I love the sweet “meaty” bite of the dried figs in this salad, and how the fragrant fennel connects with the beetroot. ingredients • 1kg beetroot • 120g sliced dried figs • 30g dill, roughly chopped • 30g coriander, roughly chopped • 2 fennel bulbs, very finely sliced, some leaves reserved for garnish • 2½ tsp cumin seeds, toasted in a dry pan • ¼ cup of your favourite vinaigrette • 1 tsp ground sea salt • freshly ground black pepper
• 1 tsp ground nutmeg • 1½ tsp chilli powder • 1 large bunch coriander (about 40g), chopped • salt and black pepper • lemon wedges, as garnish
ingredients • 300g black-eyed beans, soaked overnight • 1kg Swiss chard, thoroughly washed • 1¾ cups vegetable stock • ½–¾ cup tahini • 4 leeks, washed, trimmed and chopped • olive oil, for cooking • 6 cloves garlic, sliced
method Cook the beans in plenty of boiling water for about 40 minutes or until tender, then drain them in a colander. While the beans are cooking, prepare the chard: separate the leaves and the stalks. Then chop the leaves roughly and the stalks more finely. Pour a little hot stock onto the tahini in a bowl, whisk thoroughly
and tip it back into the rest of the stock, and whisk again. Fry the leeks in olive oil for 3–4 minutes and add the garlic. Stir fry for a minute and then add the chard stalks. Cook for another 2 minutes and then add the chard leaves, spices and coriander. Stir well for a few moments and then add the cooked beans. Pour the tahini stock mixture over the beans and chard, season to taste and allow to bubble gently for about 4–5 minutes. If you find the sauce has thickened too much, you could add another ½ cup of boiling water to thin it to your liking. Serve with lemon wedges.
shepherd’s salad |
Serves 8
In the back yard of the house in Genadendal where my father grew up, grows a pomegranate tree. I stood wide-eyed the first time my father opened a pomegranate and I saw its jewels and outrageous coloured juice spilling onto the dusty ground. And as for the vegetables! My father uses his hands to demonstrate the monster size of vegetables from Genadendal: King Edward potatoes and Australian browns (onions). He and his father would bring them to market in Cape Town not far from where The Kitchen stands today. My favourite of the stories my father tells is how, when he would come April 2014
method Boil the beetroot in plenty of water until tender, about 40–50 minutes. Once cooked, drain and slip off the skins. Once cool enough to handle, grate the beetroot. Combine the beetroot, half of the sliced figs, herbs, cumin seeds and one of the sliced fennel bulbs in
a bowl together with the vinaigrette and lemon juice, and mix together gently with two wooden spoons. Season with salt and black pepper. You might want to add a little splash of flavoured vinegar at this point or a teaspoon of honey. Pile on a platter and scatter over the remaining sliced fennel bulb. If using, drizzle or blob the Greek yoghurt on top. Garnish with sumac, lemon rind, a few tendrilous fennel leaves and the remaining fig slices. If you can find beetroot sprouts, or micro leaves, these would be another fantastic garnish.
| Serves 8
This warm dish is an excellent way to eat both Swiss chard and blackeyed beans. It can be served with flat bread or fragrant rice and makes a great accompaniment to simple roast chicken or lamb.
• 5 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil • splash of flavoured vinegar (optional) • juice of 1 lemon and zest for garnishing • ½ cup Greek yoghurt (optional) • good pinch of sumac (optional)
home for lunch, his mother would give each of his brothers and sisters a packet of salt and send them back to school through the gardens to eat tomatoes on the way. Here is a salad using simple vegetable ingredients and pomegranates. ingredients • 2 yellow peppers, deseeded and diced • 2 cucumbers, cut into chunks • 1 green chilli, chopped • 4 tomatoes, cut into chunks • 1½ red onions, peeled and diced • 8 radishes, thinly sliced • 2 cups Italian parsley
• 5 tbsp dill, chopped • 1 cos lettuce, shredded • ½ cup pomegranate seeds dressing • juice of 1 lemon • 5 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil • sea salt and freshly ground black pepper • 2 tsp pomegranate molasses (or moskonfyt) • 1½ cups cooked barley (optional) method Toss together all ingredients, along with the dressing, and adjust the seasoning. Serve on a deep platter. magazine joburg
black-eyed beans with swiss chard & tahini
Serves 8
magazine joburg
April 2014
book extract
spinach & cheddar gözleme
| Serves 8
I stared, slack-jawed, at the sheets of filled savoury börek and gözleme pastries that sell by the kilo from shops in Istanbul. The shop assistant seemed appalled at the small amount I wanted to buy for our breakfast. Clearly, these are pastries that demand to be eaten in large amounts. ingredients • 2 tsp olive oil • 500g Swiss chard leaves, chopped • ½ bunch coriander, chopped • ½ red chilli, deseeded and finely chopped • 1 red onion, grated • 2 cloves garlic, crushed • 200g cheddar, grated • 2–3 sheets filo pastry • 6 tbsp butter, melted method Heat the olive oil in a large frying pan and sauté the chard, coriander, chilli, onion and garlic for 2–3 minutes until the leaves have wilted. Remove from the heat, drain and discard the cooking fluids. Cool in a bowl, then add the grated cheese.
April 2014
You will need to cover the filo with a damp cloth while you’re not working with it. Butter one sheet of filo thoroughly. Lay another layer of filo over the first. Cut the large sheet into 3 rectangles. Working with one piece at a time, spoon some of the chard-and-cheese filling into the middle of one half of the large rectangle. Brush the sides with melted butter. Fold the rectangle in half to enclose the filling. Fold over the sides to seal and brush with more butter. Brush the outside of the rectangles with melted butter and arrange the “envelopes” on a platter. Repeat until you have 6 filled pastry envelopes. Heat the remaining butter in a nonstick pan and sauté the gözleme for 2–3 minutes on each side, until brown. You can either keep the pastries well covered with a damp cloth until your guests arrive and fry them on the spot while they watch, wide-eyed, or you can fry them ahead of time and pop them into the oven on a roasting rack over a baking sheet to warm up briefly (3–5 minutes) in a hot oven. Slice into rough rectangles or triangles and serve immediately. These certainly do not last long.
about the book She’s done it again. After the success of A Week in the Kitchen, Karen Dudley has authored yet another book offering a number of delectable recipes to enjoy with family and friends. Whether you’re cooking at home or bringing a dish somewhere to share, you’ll find something nice, that’s sure to be a hit, in here. Another Week in the Kitchen is published by Jacana Media and can be found at all good book stores.
magazine joburg
brilliant breakfast spots Start the morning at one of these fun, family breakfast spots in and around Joburg. Compiled by SIMONE JEFFERY
canned olive clubhouse This is a family-owned restaurant sporting an awesome playground in the heart of the Greek Sporting Club. They serve breakfast, lunch and dinner and offer classic breakfast options with a Greek influence such as haloumi, pita bread and loukanika (pork sausage). Try their man-size Clubhouse Breakfast (not for the fainthearted), with two eggs, bacon, sausages, beans in tomato sauce, grilled tomato and toast; or you might prefer the Peasant’s Breakfast that offers two Cyprus-style sausages, two eggs, grilled haloumi and tomato, topped with feta and pita bread. They also offer a health breakfast.
magazine joburg
Canned Olive Clubhouse
additional treats There is a large enclosed play area, 1 600sq/m in size, where children age 0–10 years old can play on a big jungle gym in the shape of a pirate ship. Play assistants are on hand to look out for them. There is a reasonable entrance fee for the Canned Olive Happyland. They offer free Wi-Fi so you can catch up with emails, while sitting on the wooden deck that overlooks the sports fields. hours of operation 9am–7pm Monday– Friday, 8am–7pm Saturday and Sunday; breakfast is served until 2pm. find them 7 Civin Dr, Senderwood contact 011 027 3030, 082 411 6539 or visit cannedolive.com
April 2014
the parks farmers market and pizzeria This Italian restaurant offers authentic cuisine prepared with fresh ingredients from the farm. They serve breakfast and lunch. For breakfast they recommend The Parks Breakfast and the Buon Giorno Pizza, which comes with pancetta, mushrooms, boiled egg and mozzarella. additional treats There is a nine-hole putt-putt course, covered play area, scooter track and jungle gyms. Children can also get their hands dirty and make their own pizzas. There is fresh produce on sale every weekend, and gluten-free pizza is available. hours of operation 9am–5pm, every Wednesday–Sunday; breakfast is served all day. find them 168 Kenmuir St (Boundary Rd), Norton’s Home Estates, Benoni contact 072 356 7816, bookings@theparksfarm.co.za or visit theparksfarm.co.za
papachinos This Mediterranean restaurant has an extensive menu for the hungry, peckish, healthconscious and vegetarian eater. They serve breakfast, lunch and dinner and have a children’s menu. Try the Trio Omeletto as recommended by Papa George or, if you haven’t eaten a decent meal for a couple of days, the Tricolore with a 240g prime steak, two eggs, chips, tomatoes, sautéed onions, mushrooms and toast. Children can also “roll, make and bake” their own pizza from 10am when the pizza oven becomes hot enough. additional treats There are jungle gyms with various play equipment, a scooter track and attentive childminders to keep an eye on your children. There is a convenient children’s bathroom and baby-changing facilities situated next to the playground. hours of operation 8:30am–9pm Monday–Saturday, 8:30am–4:30pm Sunday and public holidays; breakfast is served all day. find them Clearwater: cnr Christian de Wet Rd and Erasmus Rd; Fourways: Sevens Decor Centre, cnr The Straight Rd and Witkoppen Rd, Pineslopes; Morningside: cnr Rivonia Rd and Cullinan Close; Midrand: 40 Whisken Ave, Crowthorne contact Clearwater: 011 475 2977; Fourways: 011 467 4460; Midrand: 011 702 1234; Morningside: 011 783 1090 or visit papachinos.co.za
April 2014
The Parks Farmers Market and Pizzeria
munch café bryanston This cafe is set within the Garden Shop in Bryanston. They serve the usual breakfasts, including their popular Eggs Benedict. You can complement your meal with their Spiced Chai Smoothie. additional treats From Munch you have a clear view of the jungle gyms so you can keep an eye on your little monkey. A metal jungle gym for smaller children is also available a little further from the tables. You can browse the Garden Shop for plants for your garden, and visit Reptilians to look at the exotic pets and let your children play with the bunnies and guinea pigs. hours of operation 8am–5pm Monday–Sunday; breakfast is served until 12pm. find them Inside Garden Shop Bryanston, cnr Halifax Rd and Main Rd, Bryanston contact 011 463 7056, bryanston@munchcafe.co.za or visit munchcafe.co.za
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river café sandton
Enjoy an alfresco dining experience in the Sandton Field and Study Centre. They serve breakfast, lunch and an early dinner in the summer months. There is a children’s menu with “grumbling tummy” pleasers. For breakfast, the French Toast is recommended. The children’s version is one slice, served with maple syrup and bacon, or you can try the slightly more decadent option: French Toast Mascarpone, served with mixed berries, mascarpone and raw honey. additional treats There is plenty of space for children to run and play, as well as jungle gyms, swings, slides, a jumping castle, a water slide in summer, and a giant sandpit with umbrellas. There is organic baby food, picnic blankets to play on and a baby-changing area in the bathroom. hours of operation 9am–5pm Tuesday–Sunday; breakfast is served until 11:30am. find them Sandton Field and Study Centre, cnr Louise Ave and 14th St, Parkmore, Sandton contact 011 783 2442, 083 625 2223, lorraine.rivercafe@gmail.com or visit rivercafesandton.co.za
This is a contemporary family-friendly restaurant just off 7th Ave in Melville. They serve breakfast, lunch and dinner. For breakfast, try the Sautéed Parmesan Mushrooms on Ciabatta and a pot of Moroccan Mint Tea. Children might prefer the under 12’s breakfast with an egg, bacon, sausage and tomato, and a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice. additional treats There is a supervised outdoor, covered play area with a four-storey jungle gym, sand art, dress-up area, mini nail bar and hair braiding station, and an Xbox, PlayStation and Wii room. The play area is for children 6 months–12 years old and has cordoned-off exits and entrances that are strictly monitored. You can make use of the free Wi-Fi, newspapers and magazines while your children play. hours of operation 9am–8pm Tuesday–Friday, 8am–9pm Saturday, Sunday and public holidays; breakfast is served until 11:30am. find them 85 4th Ave, Melville contact 011 482 2900, info@bambanani.biz or visit bambanani.biz
the silver birch restaurant
River Café Sandton
magazine joburg
This restaurant, situated within the Lifestyle Nursery, offers an à la carte menu for breakfast and lunch, as well as a selection of freshly baked cakes. For breakfast, consider trying a Vanilla Cappuccino and the Breakfast Stack: three corn fritters, layered with bacon and avocado and topped with cherry tomatoes. Children might like to make their own pizza for breakfast (the ovens are lit from about 9am) or try the Birch Bear: French toast in the shape of a teddy bear, served with sausage and syrup. There are vegetarian and health options. They also boast a tea gallery with a wide range of imported teas. additional benefits The children’s play area is monitored by CCTV cameras and displayed on a big-screen TV. There are also childminders on hand to look after your children while they are in the playground. hours of operation 7am–5pm Monday–Sunday; breakfast is served daily until 11:30am. find them Lifestyle Garden Centre, Beyers Naudé Dr, Randpark Ridge contact 011 792 5714 or visit thesilverbirch.co.za
April 2014
tres jolie This country restaurant offers a blend of Mediterranean and South African cuisine. Try the Breakfast Wrap with bacon, feta, mushrooms, peppers and scrambled egg. Children can enjoy a Babyccino (frothy milk) and pint-sized breakfasts or toasted sandwiches. additional treats Children can be kept occupied in the touch-and-feed farmyard, playground, pony or camel rides, and inflatables. If you haven’t brought your own carrots and lettuce you can buy a packet of feed from the restaurant and give the horses, donkeys, sheep, goats, chickens, ducks, geese, rabbits, guinea pig and even an emu a breakfast treat. hours of operation 9am–5pm Tuesday–Thursday and Sunday, 9am until late Friday and Saturday; breakfast is served until 11:30am. find them 22 Peter Rd, Ruimsig contact 011 026 0153, info@tresjolie.co.za or visit tresjolie.co.za
le sel @ the cradle This is a contemporary eatery with a wide veranda and a 180-degree view of the gamefilled valley below. The restaurant is set within a 3 000ha game reserve in The Cradle of Humankind. The lunch and dinner menu changes every few weeks, but you can tuck into genuine Belgian Waffles with fresh fruit and cream for breakfast, made by BelgianBurundian chef Coco Reinharz. additional treats You can book a 30-minute game walk with the reserve’s experienced ranger who will show you insects, toothbrush bushes and antelope. Children should bring a bottle of water, walking shoes and a sun hat. Adult bush walks and game drives are also available. hours of operation 8am–12pm Saturday for breakfast; lunch and dinner served until late; and 8am–3pm, Sunday for breakfast and lunch. find them Route T9, Kromdraai Road (R540), The Cradle of Humankind contact 011 659 1622 or visit thecradle.co.za
Le Sel @ The Cradle
lady marmalade’s tea garden A popular spot on the weekends because of the activities on the farm, this small tea garden serves breakfast and light lunches. If you are in the mood for “the works” try The Full Monty breakfast or if you’re not that hungry the Mini Breakfast might be more suited. It consists of one egg, two pieces of bacon, a sausage, tomato and toast. There is a children’s menu with options like Plain Eggs on Toast, Hotdogs and standard toasted sandwiches. additional treats The tea garden is situated close to a small jungle gym and sandpit, which is suitable for toddlers. If you have older children they might prefer to visit the picnic area where there is a large grassed section with a petting zoo, small carnival rides, jungle gyms, pony rides and tractor-cart rides. An entrance fee is charged to enter the picnic area. There are MTB tracks ranging from easy to technical that are suitable for children, but you will need to ride with them. hours of operation 8am–5pm daily; breakfast is served all day. find them Rietvlei Zoo Farm, Swartkoppies Rd (R554), between Alberton and Mulbarton contact 011 024 1511 or visit rietvleilifestylecentre.co.za
April 2014
magazine joburg
d’ouwe werf This beautiful Cape-Dutch restaurant serves breakfast and lunch while you sit in the garden or alongside the pond in the Broadacres Lifestyle Centre. They serve full English breakfst, and health and continental breakfasts. Children can try scrambled eggs, cheese grillers, fish fingers or chicken nuggets. additional treats There is a fenced off children’s play area with a jungle gym, a trampoline with a safety net, scooter track, and a small concrete maze. They also have a jumping castle just outside the fenced-off play area. Children can watch and feed the resident ducks. hours of operation 8am–5pm daily; breakfast is served all day except for Sunday when it is only served until 12pm. find them The Broadacres Lifestyle Centre, cnr Cedar Rd and Valley Rd, Broadacres, Fourways contact 011 540 1538
D’Ouwe Werf
café flamingo The café is situated at the entrance to the Montecasino Bird Gardens, overlooking the flamingo pond. They serve breakfast and lunch. The breakfast menu is small with only two offerings, the Flamingo, a full English breakfast with mushrooms and boerewors, or Sunrise, with two eggs, three pieces of bacon and toast. They also have tramezzinis, salads, burgers and wraps that you can order for breakfast. Children can have scrambled egg on toast or a Junior Breakfast consisting of an egg, two pieces of bacon and toast. There is a wooden jungle gym on soft sand and a small lawn next to the restaurant. additional treats You can see the beautiful birds take to the sky during the Flight of Fantasy bird show after breakfast. There is an entrance fee for the bird gardens. hours of operation 8:30am–5pm daily; breakfast is served until 11:30am. Flight of Fantasy takes place at 11am and 3pm Monday–Friday, and 11am, 1pm and 3pm Saturday and Sunday. find them Montecasino, cnr William Nicol Dr and Montecasino Boulevard, Fourways contact 011 511 1203 or visit montecasino.co.za
angelo’s kitchen in parktown north This Italian restaurant serves breakfast, lunch and dinner. Their servings are ample and they are willing to adjust the dish to suit the needs of your child. You can munch on a freshly baked croissant, plain or with a delicious filling, or try an Angelini that consists of various items served on thin folded focaccia, an omelette or health bread. There are gluten-free options. For something unique, children can make their own pizza or even enjoy a spaghetti bolognaise for breakfast. The pizza ovens take 30 minutes to heat up in the morning. additional treats There is a small, shaded playground on artificial turf that includes a jungle gym, chalk board and climbing wall. They don’t have their own parking, but you can park in the lot at the Parktown Quarter adjacent to the restaurant. hours of operation 9am–9pm daily; breakfast is served from 9am–12pm during the week, and from 8am–12pm on weekends. find them 32 7th Ave, Parktown Quarter, Parktown North contact 011 447 8001 or visit angeloskitchen.co.za
Angelo’s Kitchen
magazine joburg
April 2014
a good read boris is our hero
for toddlers
Boris Saves the Show By Carrie Weston and Tim Warnes (Published by Oxford University Press, R130) Miss Cluck has some exciting news for her class. There is going to be an end-of-term show. All the animals rehearse tirelessly and soon the day of the show arrives, but disaster strikes. Miss Webb and her nursery class, who should be coming to watch the show, are stuck in the mud. How will the show go on? Boris has an idea. He dashes out (in his superhero costume), saves the guests, and the curtain rises on a wonderfully entertaining show. And, of course, Boris is the hero of the story, both on and off the stage.
April 2014
for preschoolers
for early graders
Mister Sengi’s Very Big Friend and Activity Book By David du Plessis and Charles de Villiers
Wolf and Dog By Sylvia vanden Heede and Marije Tolman
(Published by Random House Struik, R72 and R50) This heart-warming bedtime story about an elephant-shrew, Mister Sengi, and his quest for greater stature, takes children on a magical moonlight tour through the bushveld. Encounters with animals carry the reader on to the fairy-tale ending. The activity book promotes recognition of shapes, patterns and sequences; develops hand-eye coordination; introduces numbers and letters; offers an assemble-it-yourself paper toy; imparts some basics on bushveld life, and generally fosters a high regard for nature.
(Published by Gecko Press, R222) The Dutch edition of this book, for children from the age of eight, won the prestigious Dutch Flag and Pennant Award. Dog is Wolf’s cousin. Wolf is Dog’s cousin. That’s strange because Wolf is wild and Dog is tame. Wolf lives in a forest on top of a hill. Dog doesn’t. Dog has a basket and a boss. These hilarious stories are about the important things in life – like food, family and fleas. The beautifully constructed stories foster a sense of humour and acceptance of difference, all told in fun rhyme.
Ev’s Adventures with Sleek Zeek and Fudge By Claudette Barnes (Published by Kids in Books, from R275) These personalised storybooks bring books to life for children. Stories take on a new meaning as younger children search the pages for his or her own name and discover pictures of themselves in the illustrated adventures. Every story is written with a special moral message. Also in the series is the My Very Own Reader storybooks. These innovative versions of the Kids in Books storybook range have been created especially for young children who are learning to read. The books are abridged versions of the traditional storybooks. The print style used closely matches that of a school child’s first reader. Visit their website to order and to see the range of stories and books available: kidsinbooks.co.za
magazine joburg
explore the city
for preteens and teens Lockwood & Co. – The Screaming Staircase By Jonathan Stroud
Treasure Hunting at the Company’s Garden By Donnaleen Coue (Published by TD Harry Advertising, R95 excl. postage) We first met our two friends in the book, The Magic of Kirstenbosch, and now Ami and Ziggy are spending a day at the Company’s Garden. They are on a treasure hunt in search of Isi Squirrel’s golden acorn. Their quest takes them on a space mission at the planetarium after the fish in the koi pond tell them they saw something bright in the sky. The Egyptian geese direct them to the museum, where Ami and her friends embark on a fossil hunt. And then a garden spider steers them to the National Gallery. In this book, the friends learn the importance of teamwork and the differences between right and wrong. To order the book, visit: amiandziggy.co.za
magazine joburg
(Published by Hyperion Books, R222) A sinister problem has occurred in London: all nature of ghosts, haunts, spirits and spectres are appearing throughout the city, and they aren’t exactly friendly. Only young people have the psychic abilities required to see and eradicate these supernatural foes. Many different psychic detection agencies have cropped up, and they are in fierce competition for business. The plucky and talented Lucy Carlyle teams up with Anthony Lockwood, the leader of Lockwood & Co, a small agency that runs independently of any adult supervision. Lucy, Anthony and their colleague, George, are forced to take part in the perilous investigation of Combe Carey Hall. The book is suitable for children from the age of nine to 12.
for us Captive: The Story of the Cleveland Abductions By Allan Hall (Published by Penguin, R105) This is the real story of one monster, three innocent girls and 10 years in captivity. On 22 August 2002, 21-year-old Michelle Knight disappears. On 21 April 2003, Amanda Berry goes missing the day before her 17th birthday. On 2 April 2004, 14-year-old Gina DeJesus fails to come home from school. For over a decade these girls remained undetected in a house just five kilometres from the block where they all went missing, held captive by a terrifying sexual predator; tortured, starved and raped, and kept in chains. Michelle, Amanda and Gina fell victim to the dark obsessions that drove Ariel Castro to kidnap and enslave them. Based on exclusive interviews with witnesses, psychologists, family and police, this is an unflinching record of a truly shocking crime in a very ordinary neighbourhood.
parenting book
you’re not alone
Reasons My Kid is Crying By Greg Pembroke (Published by Pan Macmillan, R157) The book of the smash-hit Tumblr blog, “Reasons My Son is Crying”, features toddlers from around the world in the midst of apocalyptic meltdowns. As author Greg Pembroke tells it, “this book started when I posted a few pictures online of my 21-month-old son, Charlie, in mid-tantrum.” Reasons My Kid is Crying features hilarious photographs of adorable children from around the world, having “a moment”, with a caption about the minor event that triggered it. For any burned-out parent who thinks that their child is the only one who loses it over the smallest of things, this book is also a reminder that not every toddler tantrum is a tragedy, and that it’s okay to laugh at the insanity of it all.
April 2014
what’s on in april
You can also access the calendar online at
Your guide for what to do, where to go and who to see. Compiled by SIMONE JEFFERY
27 sun
special events
FUN for children
only for parents
bump, baby & tot in tow
how to help
bump, baby & tot in tow
how to help
Dino Maize Maze This year’s maze is ready to befuddle you with its head-scratching, brain-teasing 10-station quiz.
Ching-Yun Hu Treat yourself to an evening of classical piano with this very talented Taiwanese pianist.
ClevaMe classes These classes incorporate all the senses and cover baby massage, strengthening exercises and music.
KidneyBeanz Trust They request donations of crayons, colouring-in books, puzzles, soft toys, playdough, books and more.
April 2014
magazine joburg
PHOTOGRAPHS: shutterstock.com
Montecasino Bird Gardens turns 13 Wish the Bird Gardens happy birthday and celebrate with all their fine feathered friends and Tango the Toucan, their mascot.
magazine joburg
April 2014
calendar chocolate are available. Pets are welcome. Time: 9:30am–11:30am. Venue: Verity Park, 6 Ave, Parkhurst. Cost: free. Contact: 082 889 5399 or visit parkhurstvillage.com
SPECIAL EVENTS 3 thursday Dainfern College open day See the school in action and meet the principals, staff and pupils. For parents of children from Grade 0–12. Time: 9am–10am. Venue: Dainfern College, Broadacres Dr, Dainfern. Cost: free. Contact: 011 469 0635 or visit dainferncollege.co.za Open day at Saraswati Principle Kindergarten and School Time: 2pm–5pm. Venue: 31 Elstree Ave, Glenvista. Cost: free. Contact: 011 432 8854, 084 511 0930 or visit tspschools.co.za St Andrew’s Netball Festival Watch 32 netball teams from across the country participate in this annual festival. Ends 6 April. Time: 9:45am–5pm Thursday and Friday, 8:30am–4:30pm Saturday, 8:30am–3:45pm Sunday. Venue: St Andrew’s Ave, Senderwood. Cost: free. Contact Daniella or Jessica: 011 453 9408 or visit standrews.co.za
5 saturday High Tea Mommy and Me baking Spend some quality time with your child making delicious high-tea eats to enjoy later at the garden picnic. Be sure to wear a pretty hat. Space is limited. Time: 9:30am–11:30am. Venue: The Taste Bud Cooking Studio, 3 Waterford Place Rd, Paulshof. Cost: R280 for mom and child. Contact: info@tastebudstudio.co.za Chocolate tasting with Maropeng Lunch is followed by a chocolate tasting and an informal chat on the history of chocolate. Booking essential. Time: 12pm. Venue: The Maropeng Hotel, Cradle of Humankind. Cost: R400, includes welcome drinks, lunch and chocolate tasting. Contact: 014 577 9000 or visit maropeng.co.za Gardens of the Golden City Explore the herb garden, charming buildings surrounded by small formal gardens and enjoy a picnic on the main lawns. The tea garden is open all day. Also 6 April. Time: 10am–5pm. Venue: The Moon and Sixpence, Beyers Naudé Ext, Zwartkops. Cost: R25, children under 12 free. Contact: 082 689 0930
17 thursday
9 April – Corobrik Architectural Student of the Year award
9 wednesday Corobrik Architectural Student of the Year award Time: view the contenders’ work 9:30am–12pm; awards 6:30pm. Venue: Maslow Hotel, 146 Rivonia Rd, Sandton. Cost: free entry. For more info: visit corobrik.co.za
11 friday Sweet and Snack Expo All things related to sweets, confectionary and snack industry are showcased through 280-plus exhibitors, interactive features and eateries. Ends 13 April. Time: 2pm–6pm Friday, 9am–6pm Saturday, 10am–5pm Sunday. Venue: CocaCola Dome, cnr Northumberland Rd and Olievenhout Ave, Northriding. Cost: R95, pensioners and children 6–12 years old R40. For more info: visit thesweetcandyfair.co.za
12 saturday Walk and picnic for a purpose Dress in blue to support autism awareness month and join the Ernie Els Centre for Autism for a fun 3km walk followed by a family picnic. Time: 10am–4pm. Venue: Rietvlei Lifestyle Centre, 101 Swartkoppies Rd, between Alberton and Mulbarton. Cost: adults R30, pensioners R10, children under 12 years R20, extra R10 to do the walk. Contact: 011 484 7254 or visit ernieels.com Walkerville Agricultural Show Enjoy exhibitions, a handcraft market, food stalls, show jumping, ox-wagon rides and more. Ends 13 April. Time: from 9am. Venue: Walkerville Showgrounds, R550, Walkerville. Cost: R30 per car. Contact: 082 627 3134 or visit walkervillesa.co.za The great chocolate chase Collect a treasure map and walk around Parkhurst scouring for chocolate treasures hidden in the verges and sidewalks. Coffee and hot
Rand Show Expect family-oriented entertainment and lifestyle-focused exhibits during 11 actionpacked days. Highlights for 2014 include Snow World, daily shows by the UK’s Naked Scientist, bird and reptile shows and SANDF exhibits and arena displays. Ends 28 April. Time: 9am–7pm. Venue: Johannesburg Expo Centre, Nasrec. Cost: varies. For more info: visit randshow.co.za
18 fri
St John’s College Easter rugby festival This annual rugby festival hosts night games on Thursday, followed by entertainment from Michael Ferguson. Entertainment is provided for younger children. Also 19 and 21 April. Time: 9am–6pm Thursday, 9am–4pm Saturday and Monday. Venue: St David Rd, Houghton. Cost: R35. Contact: 011 645 3111 or visit stjohnscollege.co.za Easter Beach Festival There is sunshine, sandcastles, beach games and ice cream during the day, and cocktails, seafood and Marimba beats at night for the adults. Ends 21 April. Time: tbc. Venue: Montecasino Piazza, Fourways. Cost: adults free, children R30. Contact: 011 510 7000 or visit montecasino.co.za
and a 5km and 10km trail run. There are bonfires, entertainment and food on sale. Time: 6pm. Venue: Heia Safari Ranch, 1747 Beyers Naudé Dr, Muldersdrift. Cost: MTB: R50–R120. Contact: 012 751 4130, 076 621 1807 or visit asgevents.co.za
18 friday
27 sunday
Kamers: Easter in Joburg A market with a focus on food, wine, coffee, music and original crafts. Ends 21 April. Time: 10am–8pm Friday–Sunday, 10am–5pm Monday. Venue: The Forum Campus, Sloane St, Bryanston. Cost: adults R75, pensioners and students R60, children under 18 free. For more info: visit kamersvol.com
Benoni Art Route Twenty artists have joined together to form an art route that meanders past the lakes on the last Sunday of every month. Time: 10am–4pm. Venue: various across Benoni. Cost: free. Contact: 084 581 6340 or visit benoniartroute.co.za Montecasino Bird Gardens turns 13 Join the bird garden in celebrating with face painters, stilt walkers, mime artists, jumping castles, sweets, treats and a visit from Tango, the Toucan. Time: 8:30am–6pm. Venue: Montecasino Bird Gardens, cnr William Nicol Dr and Montecasino Boulevard, Fourways. Cost: adults and children over 10 years R53, pensioners and children under 10 years R30. Contact: 011 511 1864 or visit montecasino.co.za 2014 Slow-Mag Marathon Runners can take part in an ultra (50km), full(42,2km), half-marathon (21,1km), 10km and a family fun run (5km). There is music and entertainment, a cash bar, food stalls and a variety of children’s activities. Preentries close 18 April. Time: 6:30am.
19 saturday WAM family talkabout Explore the current exhibition through a guided talk and participate in fun activities. For children 6–12 years old. Space is limited. Time: 12pm–1pm. Venue: WAM, University Corner, cnr Bertha St and Jorissen St, Braamfontein. Cost: free. Contact: 011 717 1365 or info.wam@wits.ac.za
20 sunday Easter at Garden World Children paint a pot and plant a seedling with Starkie, go on a tractor ride and an Easter egg hunt. Booking essential. Also 21 April. Time: 1:30pm. Venue: Garden World, Beyers Naudé Dr, Muldersdrift. Cost: R45. Contact: 011 957 2545 or visit gardenworld.co.za Wild Things Parties Easter egg hunt A family fun day that includes a picnic lunch, a farmyard and jumping castle, making bunny ears, face painting, Easter egg decorating and a treasure hunt. For children 3–12 years old. Time: 11am. Venue: Stornoway Lodge, R512 Pelindaba Rd, Lanseria. Cost: R600 per family. Contact: 082 459 1728 or paula@ wildthingsparties.co.za
21 monday Train trip with the Easter Bunny From the Pretoria CBD to Cullinan. Time: 8am–5:30pm. Venue: Hermanstad Railway Station, Daspoort. Cost: adults R200, pensioners R175, children 13–18 years old R150, children 7–12 years old R125, children 2–6 years old R100. Contact: 012 767 7913 or visit friendsoftherail.com
12 April – Walkerville Agricultural Show
Easter egg treasure hunt The day includes an Easter egg hunt, magic show, face painting, train rides, pony rides, tractor-cart rides, putt-putt and a farmyard. For children 3–10 years old. Time: 12pm–4:30pm. Venue: Rietvlei Zoo Farm, 101 Swartkoppies Rd, Joburg South. Cost: adults R30, pensioners R10, children R20. Contact: 011 867 0143 or visit rietvleifarm.co.za
13 sun
25 friday Jozi Night Rider A MTB and trail run with five distances on offer: 3km children’s MTB ride, 10km and 20km MTB ride,
April 2014
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magazine joburg
April 2014
calendar Venue: Benoni Northerns Sports Club, Albert Bekker Park, cnr O’Reilly Merry St and Brodigan St, Benoni. Cost: varies. Contact: 076 839 6800 or visit facebook. com/SlowMagSA
FUN FOR CHILDREN art, culture and science 2014 Mzansi Spelling Bee Applications for individuals and schools in Gauteng are open until 30 April. For children 9–14 years old. Cost: R100–R150. Contact: 011 616 3856 or visit mzansispellingbee.org Rise and Fall of Apartheid exhibition A pictorial overview of apartheid. 13 February–29 June. Time: 9am–5pm. Venue: Museum Africa, 121 Bree St, Newtown. Cost: free entry. For more info: visit riseandfallofapartheid.org
classes, talks and workshops Easter baking workshop Learn how to make delicious homemade gifts, mini meringues, pink velvet cupcakes, giant Easter egg cookies and more. Space is limited. For children 5–12 years old. 23–25 April. Time: 9am–11:30am. Venue: Taste Bud Cooking Studio, 3 Waterford Place Rd, Paulshof. Cost: R260 per child. Contact: info@tastebudstudio.co.za Pottery and fun mosaic Children of all ages can paint or mosaic a variety of ceramic figurines or wooden blanks.
April 2014
2014 Mzansi Spelling Bee
Booking essential. Time: 9am–4pm Monday–Friday, 9am–2pm Saturday. Venue: Pottery Junxion, 5 Glendower Place Shopping Centre, 99 Linksfield Rd, Dowerglen, Edenvale. Cost: R20 per hour, excluding materials. Contact: 011 453 2721 or visit potteryjunxion.co.za The Workshop Reading Centre Two workshops are designed to improve your child’s comprehension and creative writing skills. For children in Grade 6–7. Creative writing: 5 and 12 April; comprehension: 14 and 15 April. Time: 9am–11:30am. Venue: The Workshop Reading Centre, 9 Riley Close, Pineslopes. Cost: R800 each. Contact: 011 467 2193 or visit theworkshop.co.za
family outings Dino Maize Maze With 3,5km of pathways in a living, growing maize field
and a challenging 10-station quiz. Time: 10am–5pm Saturday and Sunday; last ticket sales 2:30pm. Venue: Honeydew Mazes, 82 Boland St (just off Beyers Naudé Dr), Honeydew. Cost: adults R120, children under 16 years old R90, family ticket (two adults and two children) R350. Contact: 073 795 2174 or visit honeydewmazes.co.za Joburg’s Red Bus Hop aboard the red double-decker, open-topped sightseeing bus and explore Joburg with its 11 stops in and around the CBD. Two children under 18 years can travel free of charge with any full-paying adult in possession of a valid GeePee card on Saturdays and during the school holidays. Time: 10:05am–4pm, daily. Venue: departs from Gold Reef City, Northern Park Way, Ormonde. Cost: adults R150, children R70, children under 5 free. Contact: 0861 733 287 or visit citysightseeing.co.za/joburg The Lipizzaner’s fundraising The performance by the Lipizzaner stallions raises funds for charity. You can feed carrots to the horses, chat to the riders and enjoy a picnic in the courtyard after the show. Picnic baskets can be preordered. 5 April: in aid of Happy Hooves Horse Haven; 12 April: in aid of Cansa. Time: 5 April: 2:30pm; 12 April: 11am. Venue: 1 Dahlia Rd, Kyalami. Cost: R150. Book through Computicket: 0861 915 8000 or visit computicket.com. To order picnic baskets: 082 457 2276
finding nature and outdoor play Canine cardio Bring your socialised dog on a leash for a brisk walk on the Melville Koppies. A reasonable level of fitness is required for this hike, so no puppies or old dogs. No booking required. 5 April. Time: 8am–9:30am. Venue: 3rd Ave, off Arundel Rd, Westdene. Cost: R25. Contact: 011 482 4797, fomk@mk.org.za or visit mk.org.za Trees Eco Fun Park A fun, safe, outdoor place where children can play, learn and get dirty. Time: 10am–6pm, daily. Venue: Totius Rd, Cloverdene, Benoni. Cost: R25, children under 2 free. Contact: 082 458 1504 or nicolette@words.co.za
holiday programmes Ace tennis clinic Coaches introduce your child to tennis or take their game to the next level. All ages. 21–25 April. Time: 9am–1pm. Venue: Parkhurst Tennis Club, cnr 12th St and 5th Ave, Parkhurst. Cost: R180 per day, R800 for five days. Contact: 083 271 3804 or annchapman@telkomsa.net Aragon Stables pony camp Spend two days horse riding and learning about ponies and their care. Other activities include treasure hunts, team games and ball games. For children 6–12 years old. 31 March and 1 April; 28 and 29 April. Time: 8:30am–5pm. Venue: 158 Mountainview Dr, Muldersdrift. Cost: R250 per day. Contact: 082 666 3728 or visit aragonstables.co.za
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Chartwell Stables pony camp For three days and two nights children can enjoy rides, learn stable management, create crafts, play games, and sing songs at the bonfire in the evenings. Children can also stay for the day. For children 6–14 years old. 1–3 April. Time: 8:30am–4pm. Venue: Chartwell Stables, 112 Runnymead St, Chartwell. Cost: R1 000 for three days, R400 per day. Contact: 083 500 0103, 073 952 8572 or visit chartwellstables.co.za Cricket clinic The Cricket School of Excellence is hosting a cricket clinic for children 4–14 years old. 31 March–3 April. Time: 9am–2pm. Venue: University of Johannesburg Absa Cricket Oval, Radnor St, Melville Ext 3. Cost: R600. Contact: 0861 123 273 or visit cricketschool.co.za Holiday club at Barnyard Theatre Drama Dynamics offers workshops in stage acting. Booking essential. For children 8–18
31 March–3 April – Cricket clinic
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Kings Sports There is a range of indoor and outdoor sports activities. They offer specialist programmes in cricket, dance and football. For children 4–17 years old. 21–24 April. Time: 8am–4pm. Venue: Kingsmead College, Oxford Rd, Melrose. Cost: R175 per day, R450 per week. Contact: 087 550 2910 or visit kingssports.co.za
years old. 2 and 3 April. Times: 9am–3pm. Venue: The Barnyard Theatre, East Rand Galleria, cnr Rietfontein Rd and Northrand Rd, Boksburg. Cost: R430. Contact: 083 609 9679, dramadynamics@gmail.com or visit dramadynamics.co.za Imagine your life holiday workshop A fun, creative workshop teaches children how to enjoy their journey through life. For children from 8 years old. 31 March– 3 April. Time: 8:30am–1pm. Venue: Chartwell. Cost: R350 per child, R600 for two siblings, includes lunch and refreshments. Contact: 082 928 7474 or imagine@milnet.co.za ITA Tennis clinic Beginners and intermediate players can join. They’ll be kept busy indoors if it rains. Booking essential. 21–25 April; 28 April–2 May. Time: 8:30am–1:30pm. Venues: Crawford Preparatory School, Sceales Rd, Lonehill; Craighall Park Tennis Club, 40 St Albans
21 mon
Ave, Craighall. Cost: mini tennis (3–6 year olds): R260 per clinic, R80 per day; half-day clinic (6–16 year olds): R800 per clinic, R200 per day; intermediate (11–14 year olds): R500 per clinic, R120 per day. Contact: 083 443 3391 or visit itatennis.co.za Joburg Zoo holiday programme Children can spend a few days helping, under supervision, with the zoo animals. Booking essential. For children 7–13 years old. 31 March–4 April, 22–25 April. Time: 9am–1pm. Venue: Joburg Zoo, Parkview. Cost: R75. Contact: 011 646 2000 ext 216 or visit jhbzoo.org.za Magic Blox 4 Life holiday course It equips children with the skills and tools to overcome challenges in live. For children 5–12 years old. 1–5, 22–26 April; 29 April– 3 May. Time: 9am–4pm. Venue: Northwold, Randburg. Cost: R2 650. Contact: 083 325 6076 or julie@magicblox.co.za
Serendipity’s holiday programme Children are kept busy with organised games, free play, baking and story time. 1–5 April; 16 April–6 May. Time: 9am–5pm Tuesday–Friday. Venue: Serendipity, 48 Keyes Ave, Rosebank. Cost: tbc. Contact: 011 447 7386 or visit serendipityplay.co.za Virgin Active holiday camp Fun, and hands-on activities designed for different stages of a child’s development. Booking essential. For children 3–13 years old. 31 March–4 April. Time: 9am-12pm, Monday-Friday. Venue: Virgin Active ClubVs. Cost: varies. Contact: 0860 200 911 or visit virginactive.co.za Weltevreden Park Library holiday programme They have story time and an Easter egg hunt followed by an Easter party. For children 3–13 years old. 2 April. Time: 10am–12pm. Venue: Fern St, Weltevreden Park. Cost: free. Contact: 011 679 3406 or gwynethp@joburg.org.za Wild Kids holiday programme Children spend time in nature during a three-hour programme with structured physical activity, a nature craft, snack time; and supervised free play. All classes are supervised by qualified teachers/therapists. Booking is essential. 22–30 April. Time: 9am-12pm, every Tuesday and Wednesday. Venue: Sandton Field and Study Centre, Louise Ave, Parkmore. Cost: R250 per child, includes all materials and a healthy snack. Contact: 082 379 2675, 083 457 4106 or visit wild-kids.co.za
April 2014
The Sound of Music
5 sat
This lavish production features an all-star South African cast to tell the story of the singing Von Trapp family who flees over the Alps. 5 April–8 June. Benefit show for The Grace Factory, Botshabelo Babies Home, TLC Children’s Home and Kids Haven: 13 April. Time: 8pm Tuesday–Saturday, 3pm Saturday, 2pm and 6pm Sunday; benefit show: 2pm. Venue: The Teatro at Montecasino, cnr William Nicol Dr and Witkoppen Rd, Fourways. Cost: R125–R425. Book through Computicket: 0861 915 8000 or visit computicket.com. For the benefit show contact: 011 706 7959 or fundraising@kidshaven.co.za
April 2014
Xstatic Dance Children learn various styles of dance, dance games, line dancing and perform a concert. For children 4–12 years old. 22 April–25 April. Time: 8:30am–12pm. Venue: Kyalami Estate, Main Rd, Kyalami (non-residents are welcome). Cost: R800. Contact: 079 497 2680, lindy@xstaticdance.co.za or visit xstaticdance.co.za
markets Blubird Wholefood Market Shop for food from around the globe. There is a Polish patisserie, Albanian cheese, designer cupcakes, homemade pies, spices, herbs, local honey and more. Time: 9am–2pm, every Sunday. Venue: Blubird Shopping Centre, Athol Oaklands Rd, off Corlett Dr, Birnam. Cost: free entry. Contact: 083 311 4768 or wholefoodmarket@gmail.com Books2You Book Fair Every book bought helps get free books for your school. 22 and 23 April. Time: 10am–3pm, Tuesday; 7:30am–1pm, Wednesday. Venue: Curro Aurora, Taurus Rd, Randburg. Cost: free entry. Contact: 031 705 7744 or orders@ books2you.co.za Favourite Things Market This outdoor market is set up along the river front, showcasing a treasure trove of collections. 5 April. Time: 9am–2pm. Venue: REEA Lawns, cnr Richmond and Marlborough Ave, Craighall Park. Cost: free entry. Contact: 072 207 8196 or danant@ telkomsa.net
Finders Keepers Market Shop for crafts, interesting bric-à-brac, antiques, original clothing and hand-made gifts. Time: 9am–4pm, every Sunday. Venue: The Mall of Rosebank, cnr Bath Ave and Baker St, Rosebank. Cost: free. Contact: 011 056 7257 or visit finderskeepersmarket.co.za Jozi Food Market Visit this outdoor farmers’ and artisans’ market. The focus is on offering fresh food and supporting local small businesses. There’s plenty of space for children and dogs to play. Time: 8:30am–1pm, every Saturday. Venue: Pirates Sports Club, 25 Braeside Rd. Cost: free entry. Contact: 083 532 2992 or whitespace@mweb.co.za
Stepping Stones Village Market Pop in to browse the stalls and enjoy refreshments at this country market. They are always looking for new products and stallholders. 5 April. Time: 9am–3pm. Venue: Stepping Stones Garden Village, 283 Honeydew Rd West, Northriding. Cost: free entry. Contact: 083 676 9449, 082 326 2714, grantcheryl@polka.co.za Urban Market @ Bryanston The market has a variety of artisan traders and entertainment for families. Time: 9am–4pm, every Friday. Venue: lower level, Bryanston Shopping Centre, cnr William Nicol Dr and Ballyclare. Cost: free entry. Contact: 011 706 3519 or visit bryanstoncentre.co.za
wed Da Vinci – The Genius This thought-provoking, interactive exhibition showcases the Renaissance giant’s talent, wisdom and ideas. The exhibition features full-scale models of his inventions, a replica of the Mona Lisa, and studies of his iconic art. 2 April–22 June. Time: 9am–7pm, last admission 5:30pm. Venue: The Amazing Place, Woodmead, Sandton. Cost: R80–R140. Tickets can be purchased at the door or book through Webtickets: 0861 22 5598 or visit webtickets.co.za
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on stage and screen Adventure in Storyland Help Goldilocks find her friend, and meet other characters from well-loved nursery rhymes and stories in this puppet show by Margaret Auerbach. For children 4 years and older. 5 April. Other shows also throughout the month. Time: 10am. Venue: Kinderspiel, 39 Greenhill Rd, Emmarentia. Cost: R50. Contact: 011 646 0870 or kinderspiel@telkomsa.net Disney’s Alice in Wonderland Join Alice’s madcap adventures in Wonderland. 3 March–21 April. Time: varies. Venue: Peoples Theatre, cnr Loveday St and Hoofd St, Joburg Theatre Complex, Braamfontein. Cost: Kid’s Club members R70, accompanying member R90, non-members R105. Contact: 011 403 1563 or visit peoplestheatre.co.za Rio 2 See the lovable, eccentric characters from the original film in an even more colourful adventure. 11 April. For more info: visit sterkinekor.com or numetro.co.za The Astounding Antics of Anthony Ant Join Anthony on his quest to save the ant colony from a mysterious poison. Booking essential. 17 March–4 May. Time: varies. Venue: National Children’s Theatre, 3 Junction Ave, Parktown. Cost: chairs R110, cushions R90. Contact: 011 484 1584/5 or visit nationalchildrenstheatre.org.za
playtime and story time Bumboarding at the Ski Deck Enjoy two hours of sliding down a slope on bumboards, and relax in the garden with a jungle gym,
roller log, zip line and trampoline. Booking essential. For children 2–12 years old. Time: 9am–4pm Monday–Friday. Venue: 74 Bond St, Ferndale, Randburg. Cost: R90. Contact: 011 781 6528 or visit ski.co.za Hedgerow maze at Chartwell Castle Spend your day in the countryside and find your way through a hedgerow maze. Take a picnic basket, drinks and a blanket to enjoy after your walk. Booking essential. Time: 9am–4pm, daily. Venue: Chartwell Castle and Guest House Maze, plot 1 cnr Hood Rd and Watercombe Rd, Chartwell West. Cost: adults R50, children R25. Contact: 010 227 0002 or info@chartwellcastle.co.za Open days at Drake’s Party Farmyard Relax over a cup of tea and cake while your little ones play in the farmyard, riding ponies and feeding the farmyard animals. Take a picnic basket. Time: 9am–5pm Monday and Wednesday. Venue: cnr Reid Rd and Beacon Ave, Linbro Park. Cost: R25, includes tea/ coffee and juice for children. Contact: 084 941 8219 or visit drakes.co.za Story time at Norwood Library For children 6–13 years old. Time: 10am–12pm, every Saturday. Venue: 94 Iris St, Norwood. Cost: free. Contact: 011 728 6207
sport and physical activities Biodanza Through play and dance, children improve coordination, motor skills and flexibility. They must be accompanied by an adult. For children 5–9 years old. 26 April. Time: 10am–12pm. Venue: St
Adult cardio tennis
Francis of Asissi Church Hall, 46 Tyrone Ave, Parkview. Cost: R60 per child. Contact: 082 441 8862 or zephne07@gmail.com Meditation class Children learn the Dharma tool of patience. They also listen to a story and play a game. For children 3–13 years old. 6 April. Time: 9am–10:45am. Venue: Vajrapani Kadampa Buddhist Centre, The Colony Shopping Centre, 345 Jan Smuts Ave, Craighall. Cost: adults free, children R15. Contact: 011 447 2746 or visit meditation.org.za Moms and tots yoga Master the yoga cat stretch, the salute to the sun and others while bonding with your children under the large oak tree. For children 3–12 years old. Time: 2–4 year olds 3pm–3:30pm, 4 years and older 3:45pm–4pm, every Tuesday. Venue: The Oak Leaf, 61 Rivonia Rd, Sandton. Cost: tbc. Contact: 083 299 6555 or visit theoakleaf.co.za
only for parents classes, talks and workshops Adult cardio tennis Improve your tennis while getting fit. Time: 5:30am–6:30am, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Venue: Parkhurst Tennis Club, 12th St, cnr 12th St and 5th Ave, Parkhurst. Cost: R100 per session. Contact: 083 271 3804 or annchapman@telkomsa.net Angelcare Breakfast Seminar Enjoy a continental breakfast as speakers tackle topics such as restless behaviour in babies, understanding your sexuality, the power of baby massage, kangaroo care and stimulation for infants (0–12 months). Booking essential. 11 April. Time: 8:30am–1pm. Venue: Randpark Golf Club, Setperk Rd, Randpark. Cost: R280. Contact: 076 128 7796 or visit angelcareseminars.co.za
family marketplace
magazine joburg
April 2014
calendar Dealing with divorce Understand how you and your child experience divorce, how you should tell your child about your divorce in the most effective way, how to identify and address potential problems, and lots more. Booking essential. 11 April. Time: 9am–11am. Venue: Psychmatters Family Therapy Centre, 9 Park St, Bedfordview. Cost: R400. Contact: 011 450 3576 or visit psychmatters.co.za DIY Divas workshop Take your choice of fabric and make your own upholstered storage ottoman. No experience is necessary. Booking essential. 5 April. Time: 9am–12pm. Venue: DIY Divas, 14 Jatinga Lodge, Kitaar St, Radiokop. Cost: R650. Contact: 078 231 2762 or visit diy-divas.co.za Easter baking workshops Create decorated biscuits, cupcakes and cake for Easter. Booking essential. Biscuit decorating: 4 and 5 April; cupcake decorating: 11 and 12 April; cake decorating: 14 April. Time: 9am–12:30pm. Venue: Tinybite, Dennis Rd, Athol, Sandton. Cost: biscuits and cupcake workshop: R350, cake workshop: R450. Contact: 082 927 9763 or visit tinybite.co.za Elementary cooking course Have your domestic worker trained on an accredited course that covers family favourites and healthy home-cooked meals. The course takes place over five weekly sessions. 9 April. Time: 8:30am–2pm. Venue: Domestic Bliss, 235 Jan Smuts Ave, Parktown North. Cost: R2 400. Contact: 011 447 5517 or visit domesticbliss.co.za Journeying towards a career Learners in Grade 11 and 12 and adults who are making career decisions can explore their talents and possible careers under the guidance of a registered psychologist. Space is limited. 5 and 12 April. Time: 9am–12:30pm. Venue: 23 Cabernet Crescent, Hurlingham Manor. Cost: R1 000 for both mornings. Contact: 011 326 2753 or marsay@global.co.za Respiratory-based therapy This is an informative talk for parents of children with cerebral palsy and autism. The talk discusses the link between breathing and the disruption of the developmental process in children with closed brain injuries. 14 April. Time: 6pm–8pm. Venue: Rivonia. Cost: free. Contact: scotsontechniquesa@ gmail.com or visit advancecentres.com WAM drop in drawing Join experienced art instructors for informal sketching fun. They can provide the basics or you can take your own supplies. 5 April. Time: 12pm.
4,5,11,12 and 14 April – Easter baking workshops
Venue: WAM, University Corner, cnr Bertha St and Jorissen St, Braamfontein. Cost: free, but donations are welcome. Contact: 011 717 1365
on stage and screen A Load of Bull A double act of sketches, songs and the occasional limerick explains the intricacies of rugby. 12 March–20 April. Time: 8:15pm Tuesday–Saturday, 5:15pm Saturday, 3:15pm Sunday. Venue: Studio Theatre at Montecasino, cnr William Nicol Dr and Witkoppen Rd, Fourways. Cost: R150. Book through Computicket: 0861 915 8000 or visit computicket.com Anthems of Democracy Celebrated musicians take to the stage this Freedom Week to perform songs and poems that became anthems for the fight for democracy. Acts include Joan Armatrading, Yvonne Chaka Chaka, Vicky Sampson and the Soweto Gospel Choir. 24–26 April. Time: 7:30pm Thursday–Saturday, 3pm Saturday. Venue: Joburg Theatre, 163 Civic Boulevard, Braamfontein. Cost: R160–R300. Book through the Joburg Theatre: 0861 670 670 or visit joburgtheatre.com Call Me Lee Jonathan Roxmouth traces the journey of the man who became Liberace. 2–27 April. Time: 8pm Tuesday– Saturday, 4pm Saturday, 2pm and 6pm Sunday. Venue: Pieter Toerien’s Montecasino Theatre, cnr William Nicol Dr and Witkoppen Rd, Fourways. Book through Computicket: 0861 915 8000 or visit computicket.com Daughters of the King This is a fresh retelling of the Easter story through the eyes of the women in Jesus’s life. 17–21 April. Time: 7:30pm Thursday–Monday, 2:30pm Sunday and Monday. Venue: Joburg Theatre, 163 Civic Boulevard,
Teddy Bear Clinic’s golf day
April 2014
Drive, chip and putt your way around the Eagle Canyon golf course in aid of The Teddy Bear Clinic, a nonprofit organisation that cares for 3 000 abused children by providing them with therapy, counselling, assistance, comfort and ongoing support. 1 April. Time: 12pm. Venue: Eagle Canyon Golf Estate, Blueberry Ave, Honeydew. Cost: R2 500 per four-ball. Contact: 011 484 4554 or visit ttbc.org.za
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it’s party time
Braamfontein. Cost: R150–R250. Book through the Joburg Theatre: 0861 670 670 or visit joburgtheatre.com Taiwanese pianist Ching-Yun Hu Spend an evening listening to the classical piano skills of Ching-Yun Hu, winner of the 2008 Arthur Rubinstein International Piano Competition. 12 April. Time: 8pm. Venue: Linder Auditorium, 27 St Andrew’s Rd, Parktown. Cost: R145–R170. Contact: 011 728 5492 or visit jms.org.za
out and about Behind the scenes at Walter Sisulu National Botanical Garden Learn from horticulturist and assistant curator Andrew Hankey how this garden is managed. 12 April. Time: 9am. Venue: WSNBG, Malcolm Rd, Poortview, Roodepoort. Cost: members: adults R30, children R15, children under 2 free; non-members: adults R60, children R30, children under 2 free. Contact: botsoc@sisulugarden.co.za or visit sanbi.org
support groups Mom Squad This support group is for new or expectant moms to share the joys and challenges of motherhood under the guidance of a doctor and mother of two. Time: 9am–11am, every Thursday. Venue: 4 Pafuri Rd, Emmarentia. Cost: R10 donation towards refreshments. Contact: 082 334 4029 or vandermerwekj@gmail.com
bump, baby & Tot in tow
classes, talks and workshops ClevaMe classes A class that covers baby massage, strengthening exercises and music. For parents with babies 4–24 months old. Time: 8:30am–9:30am, every Saturday. Venue: Babywise, 183 Ontdekkers Rd, Horizon. Cost R1 100 per term, R440 per month, R130 per class. Contact: 079 899 2456, marlize@clevame.co.za or visit clevame.co.za Snuggle Me classes Antenatal classes that address common fears, psychological changes in the family and the latest in pre- and perinatal psychology. Booking essential. Time: 6:30pm–8:30pm Wednesday, 10am–1pm Saturday. Venue: 3 Waterford Garden Office Park, Waterford Place, Paulshof. Cost: R250 per couple per class. Contact: 011 465 9802, 079 496 8562 or visit snuggleme.co.za Toptots term two Share in your little one’s development while having fun. For babies 3 months–4 years old. 5 April– 14 June. Time: varies. Venue: Bryanston/ Randburg branch. Cost: tbc. Contact: 082 459 5860 or visit toptots.co.za
playtime and story time Play days at The Yard Relax and enjoy a cup of coffee as your children run and play on the various play equipment in the partly
5 April–14 June – Toptots term two
shaded garden. For children 1–5 years old. Time: 2pm–5pm, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Venue: 11 Meadows End, Woodmead. Cost: R30 per child over 1 year (includes tea, coffee, or hot chocolate). Contact: 071 362 6796
For more help planning your child’s party visit
support groups Ask a Dietician Contact the Pick n Pay health line to speak to a registered dietician for guidance on planning balanced meals and managing your diabetes. Contact: 0800 11 22 88 or visit picknpay.co.za Autism South Africa Parents of children with autism spectrum disorders are able to get advice, guidance and support. Contact: 011 484 9909 or visit autismsouthafrica.org Postnatal Depression support group Speak openly among understanding mothers going through similar experiences. Time: 10am–12pm, every Wednesday. Venue: Northgate. Cost: free. Contact: 083 469 5454 The Family Life Centre Regular group meetings are held for parents to share their trials and tribulations, joys and accomplishments. Venue: 1 Cardigan Rd, Parkwood. Contact: 011 788 4784/5 or visit familylife.co.za
how to help KidneyBeanz Trust This non-profit organisation supports children with lifethreatening kidney disease through education, OT, physio, psychology and dietetics. They requests donations of crayons, colouring-in books, puzzles, soft toys, playdough, books and other items to keep them entertained. They are willing to collect or you can drop the items off at the Morningside Mediclinic, 4th floor, room 404. Contact: 076 300 0036 or visit kidneybeanz.co.za The Paige Project This organisation makes a difference in the lives of people suffering from and caring for those with cerebral palsy by supplying care facilities, equipment and training courses to families and social workers to help assist them in the child’s development. Contact: 082 808 1456 or visit thepaigeproject.co.za
don’t miss out! For a free listing, email your event to joburg@childmag.co.za or fax it to 011 234 4971. Information must be received by 4 April for the May issue, and must include all relevant details. No guarantee can be given that it will be published. To post an event online, visit childmag.co.za
magazine joburg
April 2014
it’s party time
April 2014
magazine joburg
magazine joburg
April 2014
finishing touch
is a wonderful thing Being a grown-up isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. CASSANDRA SHAW explains the importance of “play”.
eing an only child until the age of nine, I remember having to come up with all sorts of creative games to play with my stuffed animals, dolls and toys. My parents would try to play with me when they had the chance, but I clearly remember wondering why they didn’t want to “play” for as long, or as often, as I did. On a recent trip to Canada, we really noticed our son using his imagination a lot more than he normally does at home. He was in an unknown space, either in transit or in a different country, with unfamiliar surroundings and environments, new toys and for the most part a lot of adults. Naturally,
April 2014
he had to find some way of entertaining himself. Sometimes I would hear him asking a question, and I’d mistakenly think he was directing it at me, only to be shot down with a response like, “No Mom, I wasn’t talking to you… I was talking to my dinosaur.” It was also quite novel to see him play with some of my old toys that my mom had kept over the years. My Star Trek: The Next Generation action figures and shuttlecraft being his go-to favourites. (Yes, yes, I know). What I enjoyed most, was that he would be playing with these quite seriouslooking spacemen and women, but would also include a few of his cars, plastic
animals and some miniature figurines in his storyline. Occasionally he’d ask me to join in on the game but, in addition to a bit of stage fright, I was shocked to find that, despite my years of experience playing as a child, I was seriously lacking in the imagination department. So, I’d play for a few minutes before sheepishly getting up to do something a bit more “grown-up”. Looking at him coming up with innocent, yet creative, scenarios and having so much fun doing it, really made me envious. As an adult, I’d lost that drive to simply “play” 24/7 and I realised that when we grow up, we make a lot of necessary sacrifices when it comes to “play”. We
lose a bit of that energy and innocence; the idea that magic is all around us; the unwavering belief in beloved holiday figures like Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy or simply the notion that our stuffed animals really do have feelings. From now on, my goal is to sit down and try to play a lot more with my son. I need to practise how to “play” again. I’m a little bit rusty, and he clearly has a thing or two to teach me. And who better to spend my extra time with, and to learn from, than him? If only we hadn’t left my old action figures behind… Cassandra still freezes when it comes to making dolls speak, but luckily she’s a pro with building blocks and racing cars.
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Cassandra and her son