J O B U R G ’ S
b e s t
gu i d e
f o r
p a r e n t s
in this issue:
tastes of italy
a family culinary getaway
it’s just not cricket (a guide for moms)
are they safe for children?
spring into action www.childmag.co.za
September 2014
is the low carb, high fat diet for you? making recycling part of the school day family-friendly rides and runs common reasons for speech therapy
Hunter House P U B L I S H IN G
September is a great month to find the fun.
Publisher Lisa Mc Namara • lisa@childmag.co.za
Editorial Managing Editor Marina Zietsman • marina@childmag.co.za Features Editor Marc de Chazal • features@childmag.co.za Resource Editor Simone Jeffery • joburg@childmag.co.za
It comes easily to children, but adults seem to forget what it means to “go and play”. At a recent routine medical checkup, my doctor asked me what I do for fun. “Well, I go to Pilates twice a week, run on the treadmill every so often… um, walk the dogs.” With an annoyingly knowing look, she replied, “Let me ask you again, what do you do for fun?” And there it was – the sad state of my seriously fun-lacking life laid bare. What seemed to come so naturally to me as a child has been shelved, hidden by more important work, community and parenting pursuits. It wasn’t a conscious decision, but over the years the serious side of life
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has clouded the lighter side, leaving little room for spontaneity. Clearly, it’s time for a change, and this issue may be just what I need to put a spring in my step, thanks to our features editor. In “follow the crowd” (p 26), Marc has found the fun for me in the form of group fun runs and bike rides that encourage spontaneous exercise purely for the fun of it – and they’re free. Just what the doctor ordered. I hope you find loads of inspiration in this issue to get out there and enjoy yourself.
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South Africa’s best guide for parents
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September 2014
contents september 2014
26 health
9 little wonder drug antihistamines
3 a note from lisa 6 over to you readers respond
are still the safest, most effective option to relieve allergy symptoms. By Marina Zietsman
features 14 against the grain everyone is talking about the Banting diet. Lucille Kemp explains how it works
16 comfort objects Donna Cobban observes why some children form lingering attachments to lifeless objects
18 experiencing the tastes of italy Catherine Janse van Rensburg went on a gastronomic getaway to the home of pizza and pasta with her family
22 fabulous farm food winner of MasterChef Australia season five, Emma Dean, shares delicious, fresh recipes from her new book
25 rethink recycling Tamlyn Vincent shares tips on how schools can get in on the “going green” action
26 follow the crowd Marc de Chazal points you in the direction of fun, free group activities where you can get outdoors and get fit
28 a short guide to cricket the laws of the game can be intricate. Greg Castle explains them in layman’s terms
8 upfront with paul it can be quite a balancing act for parents to be fair in a home with more than one child, says Paul Kerton
10 pregnancy news – it’s raining love Tamlyn Vincent looks at the relevance of baby showers
11 best for baby – mind the gap Marina Zietsman discusses the procedures to fix so-called tongue-tie and lip-tie in babies
12 dealing with difference – words don’t come easy children may need speech therapy for a host of reasons. Marc de Chazal speaks to some experts
30 resource – to your door... consult these experts when things get out of hand at home. Compiled by Simone Jeffery
36 what’s on in september 46 finishing touch Cassandra Shaw’s household has learnt that early morning is great for bonding
47 a good read for the whole family
classified ads 43 family marketplace 44 let’s party
this month’s cover images are supplied by:
September 2014
Cape Town
Sarah-Jane Photography sarahjanephotography.co.za
Joli Jacqueline Photography facebook.com/ jolijacquelinephotography
Mr Price mrp.com
Tara Kelly Photography tarakelly.co.za
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September 2014
the other side of miscarriage
thanks for your support
what’s next?
In response to the article “living with loss” (August 2014), I would like to ask: what happens if the miscarriage is prevented? Most parents, including myself, when going through a miscarriage would beg the doctor to save the baby, and of course, everything is then done to stop the loss. But early in my career I became aware of what life is like for the little ones who are pushed to survive. I was a teacher at a special needs school for children who desperately struggled through life. I was shocked to discover that about 95% of the children’s mothers were threatened by a possible miscarriage. Modern medicine may have saved their babies from dying in the womb, but possibly not from a worse fate; often these children die at a young age. I’m not sure what the right or ethical thing is to do, but the doctor should at least warn a parent that by interfering with nature, they might be setting their child up for a life full of disability and hardship. Anonymous
Thank you for the invaluable contribution and assistance in The Sunflower Fund’s first children’s colouring-in competition and Miss Sunflower Beauty Pageant in association with N1 City Mall in Cape Town. Your support and commitment towards this campaign is greatly appreciated. All proceeds will be used to pay for potential donors to be included on the South African Bone Marrow Registry and will directly give more hope to children and young adults diagnosed with leukaemia. Thank you so much for being prepared to “Share a Little, Save a Life”. Janine le Roux and Rachel Kotu – The Sunflower Fund
I thought the article on “wireless hazards” (August 2014) was poorly written. Leaning away from science with fearmongering could deprive children of the magic of the internet. What is next? Vaccines cause autism? Stephen
also a wonder woman I read the blog in your August issue (“wonder women”) and could relate as I am one myself; with an added dimension: I work full time and, apart from balancing things on the home front, I still hold the fort as my husband travels extensively. I also have a loving, caring extended family and great friends, but they can’t relate. Phetsile
“how family pets can benefit your children” We just adopted a two-year-old Yorkshire terrier who is playful, lovable and fully house-trained. We wanted a pet for our seven-year-old foster child who is involved with social workers and attorneys during our difficult
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September 2014
objective balance when tackling a contentious topic, which we believe Glynis did in her article about the potential health risks of Wi-Fi to children – the jury is still out. Internet connectivity was never the issue, just doing so via Wi-Fi.
your voice on childmag.co.za Thank you so much for joining us in celebrating the life of Nelson Mandela on Friday 18 July. What a privilege it was for us to host you and tell you our story. And, a huge thank-you for the wonderful, generous donation of stationery, baby items and second-hand goods. Your donation will make a huge difference in the lives of the children and adults that we serve. And now our baby home is stocked with all sorts of useful items. It was so humbling to witness our community – individuals and companies alike – coming together, united in a good cause and giving so generously. To see our home filled at the end of the day was a wonderful sight and we are so grateful for the support. Michelle Hinrichsen, on behalf of Botshabelo
over to you “overcoming dyslexia” I am a parent of a nine-year-old girl. She has struggled since she started school. She attended OT, speech therapy, extra maths and English lessons, had her eyes and hearing tested, and eventually she had an educational assessment. She was then diagnosed as being dyslexic. I find it strange that her independent school with all those therapists could not pick this up, especially since she swapped her “b” and “d” and struggled to concentrate. We were advised to admit her to a remedial school. I put my foot down. She is not a slow learner and I just could not bear to take her away from her friends. Then we found a programme called Edublox, and this was an eye-opener. Why do schools and therapists point parents to the remedial route if programmes such as Edublox can help a child with dyslexia? Please try Edublox, as this may be the answer you are looking for. Samantha Ferreira
Childmag says We always try to strike an
“gaining with gaming” Games can be a wonderful tool – both educational and entertaining. We just need to ensure they are ageappropriate and don’t expose children to harmful content. Anonymous “dyspraxia: out of step” My nine-year-old son has dyspraxia. Professionals suspected it, but only as a symptom of ADD. As I did more research, I realised that he has dyspraxia with ADD as a symptom. Why don’t professionals recognise dyspraxia as a disorder? Now I know why ADD medication never worked and why he did not act like other ADD children. Amanda
Let us know what’s on your mind. Send your letters or comments to marina@childmag.co.za or PO Box 12002, Mill Street, 8010.
adoption case. He was having nightmares almost every night and would crawl into our bed. Since the dog joined our household, our little boy’s nightmares have lessened considerably and he has even stayed in his own bed for most nights. He continuously says, “I just love Teddy.” Anonymous “learning digitally” What an interesting, relevant article. The links mentioned in the feature are simply superb. Visit them at your own peril! You’ll get lost for a few hours as you take a digital stroll through the fascinating pockets of information. Juliet “why do people cheat?” My husband asked me to read this article. I had an affair more than eight years ago. I was 30, married for four years and we just had our first baby. My husband was a good husband and did not deserve what I did. The pain, hurt and betrayal I have caused him is indescribable. He is trying to forgive me and we, only through this process, have discovered how we lived passed each other for so many years. I have tried to explain my actions based on my needs not being met, but I made the wrong
decision. If there is anyone considering an affair, I plead with you not to do it. Speak to your partner. I wish I could turn back time. Anonymous “prepare for takeoff” On a recent long haul flight, we discovered there are two options for under two year olds: a seat with a five-point harness, which our toddler could not get comfortable in, and a glorified box, which was too small for her, but easier to cover with a blanket to reduce disturbance. We could not find any changing facilities, and the flight attendants all disappeared to sleep at night, so my advice is to ask for anything you may need in advance. Anonymous Childmag says We recommend that you always check that your chosen airline meets your family’s needs prior to booking. subscribe to our newsletter and win Our wins have moved online. Please subscribe to our newsletter and enter our weekly competitions. To subscribe, visit childmag.co.za
We reserve the right to edit and shorten submitted letters. The opinions reflected here are those of our readers and are not necessarily held by Hunter House Publishing.
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magazine joburg
September 2014
upfront with paul
spreading the love It’s not easy to be fair and even-handed in a family with more than one child
September 2014
responsibility for their own actions. An older daughter or son rightly gets peeved when the youngest is allowed a sleepover three years before the eldest was ever entrusted with the privilege; or when the six year old wants the same cellphone that the eldest had waited 12 years to get. The very fact that technology is moving at such a pace and is readily accessible means that younger children are copying elder siblings and becoming technologically savvy at a frighteningly early age.
What I found difficult to explain to my youngest is that just because we buy X a dress or a bike, doesn’t mean that Y has to get one at the same time. They may get one, but not right now. All children need more or less the same things, but at different stages. “Patience” and the concept of “your time will come” are alien concepts to a four year old seeking instant gratification. They want something NOW and trying to explain the concept of “fairness over time” is tough: “Saskia didn’t get anything last
weekend when you got new shoes, so now it is her turn.” Luckily younger children have no concept of value or worth so you can easily fob them off with something that is eminently cheaper than a new bike – such as a fairy cake – although this simple blackmailing technique loses its potency as they get older and begin to understand pricing and get better at maths. Failure to spread the love properly can capsize a well-balanced family unit if you allow it to get lopsided, so you need to be strong and consistent in your judgement and resolve. You can drive yourself nuts if you try and react to all their crazy demands and any accusations of favouritism. But in a world where “stuff” and “possessions” speak louder than emotions, it is easy to forget that above all the bikes, new dresses and fancy holidays, it is a hug and knowing that you love them and are there for them that really counts for something. Pull that off and you’ve cracked it. Follow Paul on Twitter: @fabdad1
magazine joburg
ne of the most difficult things as a parent of more than one child is spreading the love (and money, and time, and opportunities, and food, and things) evenly between the brood. It is a seemingly impossible task to be fair to everyone, certainly at the younger end, but this gets easier as they get older and are able to reason. My take is that provided you spread the love (and money) evenly between the two or more children over a prolonged time frame you are doing well. If you can look back over the year and think, “Well, X got a new bike and Y went to Switzerland on a school skiing trip, and Z got a bigger ‘designer’ bedroom,” then you have achieved a certain balance. Nobody – whether it’s the children themselves or friends, grandparents, ex-partners looking in – can complain, and you can sleep well. This is tricky when they are younger and have yet to develop that all-important reasoning faculty, and a sense of
in it, but we need to be consistent. By PAUL KERTON
wonder drug
Antihistamines help to alleviate allergy symptoms, but are they safe for children?
t any given time of the year, many South Africans suffer from severe allergies, specifically allergic rhinitis, when their nasal airways become inflamed. Whether caused by pollen, dust or certain animals, allergic rhinitis can be a debilitating condition, affecting the quality of life for sufferers. Because of the common occurrence of these allergy symptoms, many parents rely on antihistamines to relieve the symptoms. “They are recommended by physicians as the first line of therapy for childhood allergies, especially seasonal allergies,” says Dr Adrian Morris from the Allergy Clinic Cape Town and principal allergist at Surrey Allergy Clinic in the UK.
how they work The body produces histamines to attack allergens, but these histamines cause sneezing, watery eyes, itching and congestion. Antihistamines in turn counter the histamines that our bodies produce. They can be taken as tablets, syrups, nasal sprays or eye drops. Antihistamines are also divided into categories according to how long they’ve been on the market – first-, second- and third-generation antihistamines. “First-generation antihistamines are the older, sedating types of antihistamine that need frequent dosing throughout the day and can make children ‘bad tempered’,” says Morris. Second-generation antihistamines are less sedating, and according to Morris they are even safe to take during pregnancy and when breast-feeding. Morris’ first recommendation, however, is third-generation, non-sedating antihistamines.
how harmless are they? Morris says most antihistamines can be used by toddlers as young as one year old, and even babies can be administered a reduced dose, but he warns that apart from drowsiness, most first-generation antihistamines
magazine joburg
health can cause weight gain, a dry mouth, urine retention, headaches, muscle spasms and confusion in some children. “Third-generation antihistamines are well tolerated, and though there are no absolute contraindications to their use, they should be used with caution in children with severe heart disease, liver and kidney disease, epilepsy and porphyria.” Morris also points out that third-generation antihistamines can help to prevent allergies, not just treat symptoms. “Certain European clinical trials have shown that they slow the progression from eczema to asthma,” he says. “The Early Treatment of the Atopic Child (ETAC) group conducted a study that supports their recommendation for using antihistamines for 18 months from age six months to 2 years old on a daily basis to prevent allergies in highallergy-risk children.”
the bottom line There is nothing quite as effective as antihistamines for seasonal allergies. Inhaled steroid sprays work, says Morris, but need to be used continuously and may cause thrush. “Oral steroids should not be used for prolonged periods in children as they may stunt growth, cause cataracts, glaucoma and infections and even trigger stomach ulcers and diabetes,” he adds. “Homeopathy, herbal treatments and acupuncture seem less effective and results of international clinical studies have been disappointing.” He adds that antihistamines have a good safety profile, that they are almost all available over the counter without prescription and there are very good generics available in South Africa. “They should, however, only be used at the recommended dose and if prolonged use is needed (more than a few weeks), a doctor should review the symptoms to check that the antihistamine is the most appropriate treatment,” he concludes.
September 2014
pregnancy news
it’s raining love Whether you’re planning a trendy shower or a quiet sprinkle, baby showers should
he food and drinks table decor is pink and white. So are the food and drinks. My friend balances gifts on what little is left of her lap, opening each to a chorus of “oohs” and “aahs”. At my own baby shower – a fun but anxious event – I was terrible at guessing who gave what. Why do we need to guess, anyway? And do we really need all those clothes, gadgets and toys? Traditionally, baby showers were an opportunity to give advice and help new parents prepare, but with today’s parents often waiting until they can afford everything, is it still necessary?
taking account Baby showers can be expensive. Tarryn Livsey, an event and party organiser from Durban, says that showers can cost between R3 000 and R10 000. That price tag is for everything from invitations and favours to food and drinks, and the event planner, but baby shower presents can be valuable. One mom, Adele, says she received baby things that others had found useful. “I got goodies that lasted pretty much throughout my daughter’s first year,” adds Adele, commenting that her surprise shower made her feel special at a time when she felt uncomfortable. Knowing that your baby is loved and supported by friends and family is an invaluable gift for a new mom.
September 2014
top trends Livsey says baby showers are getting bigger as social circles expand and the traditional baby shower is being reinvented. “Themes are a big focus,” says Livsey, with novelty cakes and other decorative touches being added. Occasionally fathers-to-be have man-showers, a braai or drinks where mates bring nappies. An international trend is the sip-and-see, held after a baby is born, where friends and family meet the baby and drink champagne. For those who don’t believe in throwing baby showers before a child is born, this is one way to celebrate.
Gender reveal parties are also popular. Instead of telling you the gender, your doctor writes it on a piece of paper, which you give to your baker, who bakes a pink or blue cake accordingly, covered with neutral icing. The couple, close family and friends find out the gender together when they cut into the cake. Alys, a mom who found out this way, said she wanted it to be a surprise, and the gender reveal party became a special memory. They wanted a boy, so were thrilled to see a blue cake, but Alys would have been just as excited had it been pink. If you do have your heart set on a particular gender, however, you may want to find out privately. Showers for second or third children are on the rise, especially if you’re expecting a different gender, says Livsey. Fay, mom to a son and daughter, says it’s normal among her friends to have a meal and presents for second children. Most of her presents were clothes and all included something for her older child. If second- or thirdtime moms do have everything they need, but still want to celebrate, host a sprinkle – a smaller shower where guests aren’t expected to give as much. Baby showers can be tailored to suit a budget and the mom-to-be, whether it’s a themed shower or a quiet sip-andsee. Regardless of how you celebrate, the most value comes from celebrating the new arrival and in offering support.
magazine joburg
be about helping new moms prepare for the journey. By TAMLYN VINCENT
best for baby
mind the gap Babies who struggle with breast-feeding may require a common dental procedure to fix what is known as a tonguetie or lip-tie. MARINA ZIETSMAN takes a closer look.
grew up with a slightly long maxillary labial frenum (the tiny muscle in the mouth that attaches the lips to the gum). Inevitably this forced a gap between my two front teeth. In my early 20s, my wisdom teeth were removed, and as an added “bonus” so was this small obstacle. Recently I asked my mom why this procedure was not done years earlier, sparing me from “the gap”. Her nonchalant answer was that it was a nightmare to get me to the dentist, “and besides, people with a gap between their front teeth are considered lucky…” I’m waiting patiently for my ship to come in, but should something have been done about this when I was a baby?
big word, small problem “A frenum is a band of fibrous tissue situated in various sites of the mouth,”
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explains Dr Meenakshi Iyer, a Pretoria dentist with a special interest in paediatric dentistry. “The frenum in the upper lip and the frenum under the tongue are usually the ones causing problems,” says Iyer. “In the upper jaw it attaches the lips/cheek to the gums and the lingual frenum attaches the tongue to the floor of the mouth.” With an abnormal frenum the lip and tongue can have very limited mobility, depending on the severity of the attachment. Iyer says these conditions are sometimes referred to as a lip-tie and a tongue-tie.
teeth erupt, the upper incisors maintain a gap, or midline-diastema, because of the frenum’s attachment. It’s also difficult to brush teeth properly in these cases, so tooth decay can set in.” A severe tongue-tie can also be detrimental. “It has an effect on breastfeeding, as a baby with a tongue-tie cannot create a proper seal around the mother’s nipple, resulting in painful nipples for the mom and the baby’s failure to thrive. Depending on the severity, swallowing and speech are also affected. Some children even struggle to lick ice-cream,” says Iyer.
why it needs to be fixed Iyer says both are developmental abnormalities and are usually not associated with other developmental problems, “but a heavy lip-tie can result in speech impediment and difficulty smiling. Also, as a child grows and the permanent
the procedure An obstructive lingual frenum is usually “snipped” without any problems before the infant is four months old. With older children the frenum has developed and surgery becomes necessary (scalpel or laser). “The
healing time with the laser removal is quicker, but there is a certain recovery period and associated pain with both procedures.” Iyer says the final decision to remove the frenum depends on individual cases.
signs of lip- or tonguetie in your baby • reflux or colic • difficulty latching (breast or bottle) • gumming or chewing nipples (when breast-feeding) • gas • not gaining weight • excessive drooling • choking when drinking • releasing the breast or bottle to gasp for air
September 2014
dealing with difference
words don’t come easy Mastering speech and language is an important life skill, but many children require speech therapy to overcome stumbling blocks.
t can be rather endearing to hear a young child mispronounce a word or come up with a truly toddleresque way of saying something. After all, young children are still learning to express themselves. Eventually, if all goes well, they will master speech and language so they can effectively communicate with others. It’s a really important life skill, so it goes without saying that any developmental problems affecting your child’s speech should be checked out and appropriate therapy prescribed where necessary. Children with conditions such as autism or who have cognitive and other developmental delays often require speech therapy, but let’s focus our attention on the typically developing child to find out what potential problems may hide in the wings.
September 2014
Five-year-old Samantha* was referred to speech therapy by her class teacher because of her lisp and possible auditory processing difficulties, which is not unusual for typically developing children. A child with a lisp will often substitute “th” for “s” when articulating a word – they will say “yeth” rather than “yes”. Samantha’s mom, Wendy*, says her daughter went to speech therapy for a year and her lisp was fully remediated. There was also a marked improvement in Samantha’s ability to follow more complex verbal instructions, thanks to sensory integration occupational therapy and auditory processing therapy. According to Joburg-based speech and language therapist Mandy Skinner, many children like Samantha have difficulties other than special needs conditions that require her assistance. She explains that magazine joburg
MARC DE CHAZAL speaks to some experts.
some of the common difficulties children encounter include fluency difficulties (such as stuttering), and language delays (when a child develops speech and language skills slower than their peers). By the age of five or six years old, your child’s speech should be fluent, even if he occasionally reverses sounds or is still developing the “s”, “r” and “th” sounds. Children with auditory processing difficulties, on the other hand, find it difficult to understand speech in noisy environments, follow directions and discriminate between similar-sounding speech sounds, says Skinner.
elephant in the room It’s true that nowadays there is a greater awareness of speech and language development in our schools than in the past, but teachers and parents still overlook difficulties and their indicators or they are misdiagnosed. “The child is often labelled as lazy, naughty, hyperactive, rude or shy in these instances,” says Skinner. Cape Town-based speech and language therapist Catherine Barry agrees. “Children who have difficulties communicating are often very frustrated, and this can lead to challenging behaviour,” she adds. “In typically developing children, difficulties with social interaction and social skills, delayed play skills or poor listening skills are often not seen as areas that require intervention, or parents are just unsure how to develop these skills and where to find help. But they are essential building blocks for effective communication.” Your first port of call if your child is struggling in this area is to visit a qualified audiologist. Once any hearing problems have been ruled out, a speech therapist can begin to form a more comprehensive picture of what’s likely going on by means of interviews with the parents, standardised tests and consultations with any other professionals involved. “Once we have a clear profile of the child and have a baseline to measure progress, therapy begins,” explains Barry. “This usually takes place once or twice a week for half an hour at a time. Parents, grandparents, nannies and au pairs often sit in on the sessions so that the therapy targets and skills can be practised at home. The type of therapy depends on the age of the child and the nature and severity of the difficulties. Much of the time, therapy is based on play
with specific aims and activities planned for each session incorporated into play or games.”
how you can help There are a number of things you can do at home to help your child’s speech and language development. Nursery rhymes are important for developing auditory discrimination skills and lay the foundation for reading and spelling skills. “Sing nursery rhymes with your child. It’s important that he sings the words rather than makes them up,” says Barry. Reading with your child is an excellent way to develop listening and language skills. “Read books with a small amount of print and lots of pictures at first,” advises Barry. “Repetition is very helpful.” As they get older, progress to books with more print and start conversations around the book’s topic. Model listening behaviour by looking at your child when he speaks, listen actively and respond appropriately. Try to make time to focus on your child each day without the distractions of TV and household chores. “You can also develop sequencing and planning skills by talking your child through an everyday sequence such as making a sandwich,” explains Barry. Play empowers your child. “Communication skills overlap with play and social interaction skills,” points out Barry, “and play provides multiple and varied opportunities for learning. Through play a child will be able to observe, explore, reflect and discover, as well as work through certain emotions.” Provide enough stimulating resources appropriate to your child’s age and stage of development. Develop expressive language by encouraging your child to tell you rather than show you. Also, add to what your child says by repeating then expanding on it, says Barry. Child: “Mommy go shop.” Adult: “Mommy is going to the shop.” And remember that your child will need to hear a new word in various situations before they fully understand its meaning. Just don’t bombard your young child with too much language – give them time to process and respond. “When you take your child to the shops, talk about what you are seeing and doing so that they learn to make a connection between the word they hear and what they observe happening,” says Barry. *Names have been changed.
indicators that your child needs speech therapy • • • • •
Your child is saying fewer words, phrases or sentences than his/her peers. You cannot understand what your child is saying. Your child does not understand what you are saying. Your child has difficulty remembering things that you say. Your child has multiple, involuntary dysfluencies in their speech, such as sound and/or syllable repetitions (“l-l-like this”; “li-li-like this”); prolonged sounds (“llllllike this”); or blocks (“l---ike this”). Source: Mandy Skinner
magazine joburg
September 2014
a against
the grain
Prof Tim Noakes has been the passionate mouthpiece in South Africa for low-carb high-fat living, and garnered as much opposition as support. LUCILLE KEMP explains the eating plan.
September 2014
low-carb diet is nothing new. It first came into prominence in 1863 when William Banting wrote about his weight loss on a diet of mostly meat and greens that excluded sugar and starch. Renowned UCT professor of sport science and exercise Tim Noakes’ discovery of the Banting diet, or the low-carb, high-fat (LCHF) lifestyle, came from a personal need to improve his health. He specifically wanted to find an eating plan that would address his carbohydrate resistant needs and relieve his pre-diabetic symptoms. It worked for him and he has been researching the topic ever since, launching the Noakes Foundation to fund independent studies into low-carbohydrate nutrition. Not able to ignore the drastic improvement in his health and fitness thanks to a LCHF lifestyle, Noakes became outspoken on the topic as he came to believe that we really should not be consuming so many carbs. Dietician Rael Koping agrees saying, “Many people are not able to tolerate the level of carb intake that the modern diet advises, so their body overproduces insulin, which effectively locks the metabolism in the storage cycle.” This storage spells weight gain and compromised health.
what to expect Let’s face it, a diet that is low in carbs, moderate in protein, high in fat and considered healthy probably seems contradictory to most of us, but the way Swedish doctor Andreas Eenfeldt describes it, it doesn’t seem like such an outrageous notion. “You’ll eat meat, fish, eggs, vegetables growing above ground and natural fats such as butter, and you’ll avoid sugar and starchy foods; you’ll eat when you’re hungry until you are satisfied; you won’t count calories and you’ll forget about industrially produced low-fat products.” In Noakes’ book The Real Meal Revolution, pregnant women are also considered. “Particularly good LCHF
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PHOTOGRAPHS: shutterstock.com
foods to eat during pregnancy include liver, meat, fish, eggs, chicken, game and duck.” The LCHF foods are good quality, so you eat whole foods, never processed, prepacked or wrapped. This means for breakfast on-the-run, buy an apple not a cereal bar. Noakes calls the eating plan a lifestyle change in that your food preferences and eating patterns will be transformed. There’ll be no 3pm slumps or need for cheat days. Though you may feel it in the beginning as you wean yourself off carbs and sugary products, this eating plan won’t leave you feeling deprived. You’ll become a dab hand at reading food labels – glycaemic carbohydrate, total sugars and modified corn starch will all be under the spotlight, and you’ll be planning ahead skilfully, from making sure your fridge is always stocked with the right ingredients to packing rescue foods such as cheese, nuts, olives and biltong. This is especially necessary when you’re new to the diet and still used to quick fixing hunger with carbs.
how it works Quite simply, in the absence of carbs the body burns fat for fuel and you lose weight. Eenfeldt says LCHF works because when you avoid sugar and starch your bloodsugar stabilises and the levels of insulin, the fat storing hormone, drop. While many dieticians are reluctant to prescribe a LCHF lifestyle because it still needs to stand the test of a long-term trial, they do agree on reducing carbs. Paediatric dietician Claire McHugh says her hyperactive and overweight young patients are almost always found to be eating lots of refined carbohydrates. The high-fat part of the eating plan satisfies in a way that a low-fat diet doesn’t, says Noakes, making it sustainable. This is a huge plus for a family; the tasty menu makes it easier to train your children to replace pastries, sweets and processed foods with healthy options.
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the benefits
is it for your family?
South Africans have adopted this eating plan in their droves and describe it as the easiest way to lose weight because they don’t feel hungry. “Taking hunger away is a huge factor in weight loss,” says Noakes. Cape Town-based dad, Andy Milne, 41, decided to do a public 100-day test of the low-carb high-fat diet, with a team of doctors tracking his progress. At eight weeks his feedback included “significant weight loss with a body shape better than it’s been in 15 years.” If you have an overweight child and have tried everything with little success, LCHF would certainly be worth investigating with a dietician, especially as the low-carb high-fat principles already have their place among children through the Ketogenic diet, an effective treatment for autism and epilepsy. Dr Russell Thomson, who assesses LCHF eating, notes that it seems to benefit those who suffer from metabolic syndrome, diabetes and carb intolerance. The aspect of the diet that cuts out grains, such as wheat, has been a revelation for many. Dr William Davis, an American cardiologist and author of Wheat Belly, says when he asked his patients to eliminate wheat, including whole grains, which increases blood sugar more than most other foods, the results included weight loss, improved cholesterol values and reduced blood pressure. Low-carb eating during pregnancy protects against the risk of high blood pressure and gestational diabetes as long as, according to Noakes, “there is sufficient fluid and intake from protein, healthy fats and nutritious vegetables.” Many have adopted the LCHF lifestyle simply because they have sought more satisfying food to eat, my healthconscious friend being one. She reports running her fastest times ever and finally losing those “stubborn two kilos” – something years on a low-fat, somewhat bleached, diet couldn’t do.
Consult your GP and dietician first and consider each family member’s medical requirements before starting on the eating plan. Noakes explains that people digest carbs differently – the more carbohydrate resistant you are, the stricter you must be; if not, then the occasional sweet potato is allowed. Although there is more evidence that sugary and starchy foods are responsible for raising the cholesterol that may cause heart disease, there is still a fear that eating all the fat that a LCHF lifestyle requires can’t be good for you. However, while one of Noakes’ biggest opponents, Prof Lionel Opie of UCT’s Hatter Institute for Cardiovascular Research in Africa, can’t vouch for the long-term benefits of LCHF eating, he isn’t able to ignore how effective the diet is for weight loss and recommends going on the LCHF eating plan for a short period of time. Whatever LCHF eating lacks in proof it certainly makes up for in relevance – the testimonies of those who’ve experienced life-changing results on the eating plan can’t be passed up easily by those seeking the same change. The discerning parent in you requires you to assess the need for change in your home, research both sides of the LCHF debate, ask your healthcare practitioner probing questions, and, if you see it as a viable avenue, adopt a willingness to try.
you may be carbohydrate resistant if: • Y ou feel sleepy two hours or less after eating a sugary or starchy meal/snack • You tend to gain weight around your middle • You feel hungry when you don’t need more food • You get irritable, restless or anxious before dinner • You are very hungry first thing in the morning
September 2014
your child’s life
comfort objects
DONNA COBBAN explores the reasons why many children form lingering attachments to inanimate things, such as a beloved blanket
or a tattered stuffed animal.
obin was five when her granny took her on a road trip from Pietermaritzburg to Harare in a little grey Beetle, whose slow progress eventually met with success and they spent a happy week there. On the return journey they stopped off at Great Zimbabwe, a distance of some 250 kilometres from Harare. It was here that the young Robin discovered the alarming absence of her beloved blanket. Her grandmother, realising the gravity of the situation, swung that old Beetle right around and headed straight back to Harare, no questions asked and no convincing needed. Over 40 years have since passed, but Robin still feels a rush of gratitude towards her late grandmother for understanding, without question, just how important that blanket was to her. She remembers the emotional attachment as if it was yesterday. “I was totally inseparable from that little tartan blanket. I could not go to sleep without it. I loved the feel and smell of it. If I was sad, I went to my room and lay on my bed holding my blanket next to my face and everything in the world felt safer and better. I was totally beside myself if I had to sleep without it.”
While most of us grow out of the need to rub a softened piece of fabric against our face or to clutch a teddy bear tightly while we sleep, some of us do not easily move away from our object of affection. The day her grandmother returned to Harare to fetch the blanket was also the day the blanket was cut in half; one half was held in a safe place, while Robin kept the other half nearby. Robin goes on to explain that she only managed to detach herself from the extremely worn out half-bit of blanket when she was 14 years old – she believes this delayed ability to part with her comfort object was due to growing levels of internal anxiety that she eventually, in the absence of her blanket, treated with an ever-increasing alcohol dependency. Robin stresses that this is her own personal perspective on her early blanket attachment and later alcohol dependence. Others I speak to tell of fine fleecy blankets rubbed softly against noses, the enhanced awareness of which seems to make them more aware of their own children’s experiences. In the case of Emma, her eldest son ignored objects of replaceable affection, but her middle boy developed an obsession with the soft muslin cloths she used to wipe up daily spills. He refers to them as “munnies” and in times of tiredness and distress is easily comforted by the proximity of one.
There seems to be no telling pattern within families – one child will develop an attachment, another child won’t. Certainly the dogged determination in some children to remain attached has caused some consternation in adults over the years. Donald Winnicott, an English paediatrician and psychoanalyst working largely in the middle of the last century, is regarded as the expert voice on what he came to name “transitional objects”. He believed that there was a “space” within a person’s psychic and external reality, which he called the “transitional space”. He believed that in this space one could find the “transitional object”. Winnicott went on to describe these transitional objects as the infant’s first real possessions, which gave the infant warmth, texture or something that shows it has a vitality or reality of its own.
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magazine joburg
PHOTOGRAPH: shutterstock.com
attachment issues
Pauline Mawson, a Joburg-based clinical psychologist, says that “transitional objects are vitally important in the child’s psychological as well as mental and physical development.” She also points out that transitional objects are common in babies, toddlers and even older children. “They are generally considered a source of comfort when the primary caregiver is not available and teach the baby, toddler or child self-soothing and coping techniques,” says Mawson. I have often wondered why as a child I was firmly attached to my transitional object while my own son has never bothered with a similar devotion to any of his inanimate furry friends. “Some children carry their object around with them, others are happy to just use the object from time to time,” explains Mawson. This may depend on a variety of factors, some of which may include the type of relationship (or attachment) they have with their primary caregiver and what’s happening in the environment around them. Mawson says that exposure to trauma may also result in an increased attachment, but this is largely dependent on an individual’s coping mechanisms.
in transit While most of us grow out of the need to rub a softened piece of fabric against our face or to clutch a teddy bear tightly while we sleep, some of us, as Robin earlier conceded in her own case, do not easily move away from our object of affection. If your child is particularly fond of their transitional object and struggles to “grow out of it”, Mawson suggests that you explore what is keeping your child so attached to the object, as it can be traumatic to just take it away. Families may need the help of a professional to assist with this. Eventually, learning to cope without the transitional object is part of a normal developmental process, explains Mawson. While most children slowly grow out of their objects of deep affection, some have them removed suddenly. Perhaps a well-meaning adult has had enough of the filthy creature whose ears are eternally sodden and whose fur is stiffly matted. In my case a London cab took off with my transitional object still inside the vehicle – a small red and white rabbit of no real consequence to the finder, but the loss of which felt so severe that my childhood years were eternally wracked with the loss. I would remember him over Sunday lunch, at a friend’s birthday party, or while out walking in the bush with my grandmother. While I soon got used to the weight of his loss, his abrupt absence from my life informed many emotions to come. I wish to this day he had not been lost, but I am grateful for the emotional wherewithal learnt over the years… perhaps now making the comings and goings of life in adult years somewhat easier.
magazine joburg
September 2014
experiencing the
tastes of italy Stunning scenery, historic locations and, most of all, deliciously flavourful food – CATHERINE JANSE VAN RENSBURG
e left on a very long flight to Europe with our daughter, Nina. Being under two she didn’t pay for a ticket, something which worked considerably in our favour – along with the fact that her vocab and expression of her own opinion is still pretty limited. And so began our family adventure to Italy with my sister and her husband. We landed in Pisa, loaded up the bags in our rental car and headed straight for the Leaning Tower. I literally gasped as we rounded the corner and the tower came
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into view – a feeling of awe that I was to experience over and over again. Our first night was in Lucca – a beautiful, medieval walled town in Tuscany. Our first mission was to find pizza, wine and gelato. The next day’s mission was more challenging – a 15km hike with a toddler. We got up early and headed to La Spezia, where we boarded a train and were soon winding our way along the picturesque Italian Revere, to Cinque Terra, an area of rugged coastline between five remote seaside villages. My husband was
amazing and carried Nina in the backpack, which worked well. The walk was longer and harder than expected, but the views were breathtaking and we finished with a swim in the sparkling Mediterranean Sea. By now everyone was over pizza and we were ready for some real Tuscan cuisine and a change of pace. We rented a beautiful villa on a working farm, Podere Magione, near San Gimignano in Tuscany. Our farm-style kitchen with shutters and terracotta floors, bathed in late summer sun, was the perfect setting for all sorts of
culinary experiments. Peter (my brotherin-law, an avid chef in his spare time) treated us to homemade spinach and ricotta ravioli. He also made mushroom risotto from local chanterelle, porcini and oyster mushrooms and a really delicious carpaccio salad. We had tortellini (pasta stuffed with meat) one night and gnocchi another. Gnocchi are soft dumplings made from potato flour, which I covered with a rich tomato sauce and Parmesan shavings. I also made caprese salad for the first time, by layering slices of juicy vine tomatoes,
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describes her family’s culinary journey through Italy.
Opposite page: The farm-style kitchen in San Gimignano, Tuscany, bathed in late summer sun. This page, from left to right: Juicy caprese salad with local fare; Nina shares a gelato with Mom; the Leaning Tower of Pisa; Nina took part in culinary walks backpack-style; Nina was especially keen on pizza.
mozzarella, fresh basil pesto and olive oil. For lunch we always had a spread of warm Tuscan bread, which has a thin crust and soft centre, prosciutto, Parmesan cheese, basil pesto, salad greens, mozzarella balls and fresh figs. We lathered this with balsamic vinegar and olive oil – produce from the farm where we were staying. One of my favourite memories from our trip was eating in the garden overlooking the Tuscan countryside of sprawling hills, villas, vineyards and vegetable gardens. While we spent afternoons cooking or
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sprawled out on the lawn basking in the summer sun, Nina was happy with a big bowl of water and a collection of
My sister and I spent hours walking through the Tuscan farmlands. None of the farms have boundary fences and we felt
I literally gasped as we rounded the corner and the tower came into sight – a feeling of awe that I was to experience over and over again. containers and spoons – her own café on the grass, from which she served us copious cups of leaf tea and flower soups.
quite safe wandering along the footpaths and fields. Being the end of summer, the fruit trees were laden with fruit and
the vines were thick with bunches of red grapes, ready for harvest. I was totally charmed and inspired by the number of vegetable gardens, brimming with aubergines, tomatoes, artichokes, herbs and courgettes. I saw our neighbour harvesting a basketful of courgette flowers from her garden early one morning. I later discovered that these flowers make a popular starter – either stuffed or fried in batter. The local co-op was the best place to buy most food, as it offered a wide
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The medieval Tuscan town of San Gimignano and surrounding countryside
range of fresh food at reliable prices. One of my favourite things to do in a new country is check out the supermarkets. In Italy the fresh produce is similar to South Africa, as the climate is much the same. I was, however, intrigued by the choice of classic Italian foods such as mozzarella, pastas, Parma hams and pestos. Almonds are used in many of the biscuits and cakes, such as biscotti and panforte – a dense cake made with almonds, raisins, cinnamon and cloves. The range of completely different wine cultivars was also a novelty. We visited a few markets where farmers sell fresh fruit and vegetables, breads, cured meats, cheeses, baked goods and even seafood. Italians eat a lot of pork. They make thinly sliced, dry cured Parma ham from pigs that are fattened on the whey left over from making Parmesan cheese. Porchetta, or roasted pork, is also sliced and stuffed into fresh rolls, something we tried at one of these markets. The locals found my blueeyed, blonde haired daughter fascinating and all stopped to say “bella bambina” (pretty little girl) and give her bits of food, which she loved. She ate most of what we ate and was especially keen on the pizza. I always had snacks in my bag for when we ate late or the food wasn’t toddler-friendly. Popping into a corner shop for a banana and some yoghurt was a quick meal for Nina, when I was desperate.
We didn’t have to lug our camp cot to Italy as all three places we stayed at provided one (on request). We could use the extra baggage allowance to bring home a few bottles of Tuscan wine, which we are looking forward to sharing with our wine club. We went wine tasting at Tenuta Torciano. A delightfully flamboyant Italian character, Luigi, was the presenter. The last 13 generations of his family have been making wine at this farm for over 300 years. Having just had lunch at our villa, we were greeted with a four-course food-and-wine pairing. Luigi was very persuasive and we couldn’t say no to his mama’s lasagne – so we ate and drank on. The Tuscan region is known for its white wine, Vernaccia, and a red wine, Chianti, made from the Sangiovese grape. Interestingly, Chianti pairs well with tomato, which is used in many Italian dishes. We started with an antipasto of cheeses and cold meats. Next was ribollita – a Tuscan soup made from bread, beans and vegetables and then Luigi’s mama’s lasagne (say it with an accent). Dessert was a generous bowl of almond biscotti served with sweet wine, for dipping. Nina was remarkably well behaved. Perhaps the wine took the edge off my stress, but she was happy enough to sit in her high chair next to me, sip her water like a connoisseur, scribble all over my tasting notes and then explore my handbag and cellphone.
Our farm-style kitchen with shutters, terracotta floors, bathed in late summer sun, was the perfect setting for all sorts of culinary experiments.
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After rolling home from our wine tasting experience, Peter insisted we keep to our scheduled braai that evening and, given the menu, none of us could refuse. It was beef carpaccio with rocket and Parmesan salad for starters. We also braaied marinated pork ribs and made our own version of Italian braai broodjies with ciabatta, basil pesto, mozzarella and tomato. The dessert won my heart – a huge bowl of homemade tiramisu. My sister and I, with a craving for all things Italian, loads of enthusiasm, limited ingredients and absolutely no recipe, embarked on making it. We mixed 700g of mascarpone cheese and half a bottle of sweet wine with a little sugar. We then soaked a huge bag of boudoir biscuits in mugs of rich Italian coffee. We layered these mixtures with a slab of grated dark chocolate and coco powder and set it in the freezer. It was so completely delicious that my husband had two huge helpings and couldn’t face gelato in Siena the next day, which says a lot. Pizza was the most cost-effective way to eat on the go in the bigger towns. We had pizza in Pisa, Lucca, Siena, Florence and Rome. We would get takeaway pizza and treats from a bakery and then find a park or patch of grass to sit and eat, where Nina could run around and get rid of some energy.
We stayed at the Salvation Army Hotel in Rome, which was clean, central and by far the cheapest option. As travelling parents, we had to adjust and do some things differently from home. For instance, none of the accommodation had baths, so Nina bathed in basins. Toddler behaviour is not predictable, but we found that Nina was generally interested in all the activity going on around her. Although she was sometimes stretched in terms of her normal routine, I think the new experiences were good for her. Being on holiday we had more time and emotional energy for her, which she thrived on, and her vocab improved considerably over the two weeks. We made the most of our short stop in Rome, which has to be my favourite city in the world. In one day we saw Vatican City, St Peter’s Church, the Trevi Fountain, the Pantheon, the ancient ruins, and took the audio tour of the Colosseum, had a picnic lunch in a park and enjoyed dinner in a charming Italian pizzeria. Ironically, if it wasn’t for Nina we would never have seen the Sistine Chapel. Having her with us, we were allowed to skip the 900m queue, which would otherwise have taken hours. Thanks to our travelling toddler, we were able to see Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam, another highlight that I’ll remember forever. Travelling with little ones has its benefits.
Being on holiday we had more time and emotional energy for Nina, which she thrived on, and her vocab improved considerably over the two weeks.
magazine joburg
September 2014
book extract
fabulous farm food
Bring local produce to your table with these delicious, earthy recipes from EMMA DEAN’s A Homegrown Table.
baked farm eggs with wild mushrooms, spinach and parmesan
the most amazing bircher muesli ever serves 6 ingredients • 250g rolled oats • zest and juice of 1 orange • zest and juice of 1 lemon • 2 large Granny Smith apples, coarsely grated with skin on • 80g runny honey • 250ml thick Greek yoghurt • about half a cup each of fresh blueberries and poached pears or poached quince • toasted nuts, to garnish method Weigh your oats into a plastic container or stainless steel bowl and add water until the oats are just barely covered – when you push down on the oats a puddle of water
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ingredients • 2 knobs butter • 250g wild mushrooms • ½ bunch English spinach leaves • 1 clove garlic, to taste • salt and pepper, to taste • 150g thickened cream • 4 eggs • 4 large shaves parmesan (about 35g) • 4 tablespoons tomato kasundi (optional) should appear. Set aside for a minimum of one hour, or overnight, in the refrigerator. Combine all the other ingredients, except the nuts, and stir into the oats. Garnish with toasted nuts and serve. This will keep for five days in the refrigerator.
method 1. Preheat the oven to 190ºC. 2. In a deep frying pan, heat the butter and sauté the wild mushrooms with the spinach. Pierce the garlic clove with your fork and use the fork to stir in the mushrooms and
spinach together, to give a hint of garlic. Cook until wilted and season to taste. 3. Splash in the cream. 4. Pour the mixture into individual ovenproof pans or ramekins or across the bottom of one ovenproof dish. Crack the eggs on top. Bake for 10 minutes or until the egg white is cooked and the yolk is still runny. You may have to watch this carefully so it doesn’t overcook. 5. Once they are ready, remove the ramekins from the oven and add the parmesan shaves over each egg. Serve with a dollop of tomato kasundi on top.
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PHOTOGRAPHS: sue stubbs
serves 4
char-grilled vegetables with nettle pesto serves 4 ingredients • 1 cup tightly packed nettle leaves • ½ cup extra virgin olive oil • 1–2 garlic cloves • 60g parmesan cheese, grated • 30g pine nuts or almonds • ½–1 teaspoon salt • mixed slices of eggplant (aubergine), zucchini (courgette) and capsicum (bell pepper)
2. In a food processor, blend the nettles, garlic, cheese, pine nuts, remaining olive oil and salt. Place the mixture in a small bowl. 3. Slice the vegetables lengthways and brush with olive oil. Char-grill on a braai or grill pan. 4. To serve, season the grilled vegetables with salt and smear with the nettle pesto. Yumbo!
method 1. Wear gloves to pick the nettles off the stalks. Sauté the nettles, on a low heat in ¼ cup of the olive oil until wilted – about 2–4 minutes. After this time, the sting will be well and truly gone. Remove from the heat and allow to cool.
This also works well with basil, nasturtium or parsley. If using one of these to make a pesto, don’t sauté them first, just blend them raw with the rest of the pesto ingredients. It is best to eat pesto on the day it is made, although it does keep for about five days in the refrigerator.
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mussels my way serves 2 ingredients • 1 eschalot (shallot), peeled, sliced • 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped • 1 tablespoon olive oil • ½–1cm long red fresh chilli, deseeded and chopped • 1kg mussels • few handfuls of samphire, if you can find it • 1 cup white wine • 2 handfuls flat-leafed parsley, chopped • 2 tablespoons butter, to serve • 1 loaf freshly baked bread, to serve
method 1. Heat a wok or a wide pan over mediumlow heat. Sauté the eschalot and garlic in the olive oil. Add the chilli and sauté for a minute or two. 2. Add the mussels and samphire. Turn the heat up and add the white wine. Put a lid on and shake the pan while still on the heat. As soon as the mussels open, remove the pan from the heat – this should take only a few minutes. Take out all mussels that haven’t opened and discard. Toss in the parsley and butter and serve with freshly baked bread.
September 2014
book extract
honey thyme cake serves 10 ingredients • 90g butter, melted • 4 eggs • 185g caster (superfine) sugar • zest of 2 lemons • 60ml cream • 90g self-raising flour, sifted topping • 2 cups flaked almonds • 90g butter • 90g caster (superfine) sugar • 60ml cream • 2 tablespoons honey • 2 heaped teaspoons fresh thyme leaves method 1. Preheat the oven to 180ºC. Grease and line a deep 20cm round pan.
2. Beat the eggs and sugar in a large bowl until thick and pale. Using a spatula, fold in the lemon zest, butter and cream in batches. Fold in the flour. Pour into the prepared tin and bake for 40 minutes until firm in the centre. 3. When the cake is nearly ready, make the almond topping by combining all the ingredients in a saucepan. 4. Stir over a medium heat and bring to the boil. Turn off the heat and pour the hot mixture over the top of the cake. 5. Put the cake back in the oven for 10 minutes or until the topping turns golden. Remove from the oven and allow the cake to cool in the tin. 6. Once cool, remove the cake from the tin and place on a serving plate. This is fabulous with whipped cream.
about the book With over 80 nourishing recipes, Emma Dean combines the familiar with the unusual in A Homegrown Table (New Holland Publishers). This collection of recipes showcases different cuts of meat, heirloom vegetables and wild greens with her farm-to-table approach to food. Her book proves that seasonal produce, treated with love, will always be the most delicious. A Homegrown Table is available at all good bookstores for R330.
September 2014
magazine joburg
rethink recycling
TAMLYN VINCENT looks at how schools can do their bit for the environment.
eptember is all about getting people involved by making a difference to our environment. There’s Recycling Day, Arbor Week, coastal cleanups and many more initiatives for everyone to pitch in and help out. But how can schools get more involved and work to ensure recycling becomes part of their culture? make it easy Making recycling accessible means that children won’t have to go out of their way to do it. Place recycling bins outside the tuckshop, or put an e-waste bin in the computer room. If children bring in paper or plastic, get the recycling collected from the classroom once a week. turn it into a competition If it’s fun, chances are it will keep children interested. So, have inter-class or inter-grade competitions to see who can bring in the most recycling. It needn’t be the same every month either. Find out what local community projects need, such as plastic bottles, bottle tops or wire for crafts, and get children to bring these items to school. use it for fundraising Put your recycling to good use by having an upcycling market. Each class, or groups within each class, can make items from recycling and then sell them. The opportunities are endless: you can make birdfeeders from plastic bottles, mats from old T-shirts, baskets from paper or vases from cans. Children can also get creative and make art from junk. You may like to theme the exhibition to
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create awareness, such as a save-the-ocean theme, where children work with plastic bags and other items polluting the ocean. Once the class, grade or school has enough art, host an exhibition evening and ask visitors to make donations. make something useful Recycled items can be put to good use in and outside the classrooms. Upcycled cans become pencil holders or pots for plants. Plastic milk bottles can be turned into containers for stationery, old tyres can become chairs or swings, and there are plenty of creative ways to use recycling for storage. use it to help others Many community projects rely on donations of specific items, so that they can create usable products to sell. Charities such as Cotlands encourage people to make toys from recycled goods, and donate the toys to orphanages, crèches or other places in need. Turn this into a class project by getting children to make toys from recycling they’ve collected. For ideas on how to make these toys, visit cotlands.org.za/get-involved/
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the average number of minutes a plastic bag is used the number of years it can take for a plastic bag to disintegrate
initiatives, days and projects • Rethink the Bag encourages people to stop using plastic bags that are only going to be used once and then thrown away. Greyton in the Western Cape has embraced this philosophy and has become a bag-free town. Visit rethinkthebag.org • Recycling Day is dedicated to recycling: Visit recyclingday-sa.co.za • Beach, river or dam cleanups are a way for children to learn about nature, while helping to save it. You can join in an organised cleanup or take the class on an educational outing to an area that needs cleaning up. Visit cleanup-sa.co.za • Get involved in Arbor Day, Arbor Week and Arbor month by planting and maintaining indigenous trees in South Africa. Visit greenworks.co.za/ arborday.html
September 2014
how to
follow the
crowd Get out, get fit and have fun. MARC DE CHAZAL lists some spontaneous outdoor activities happening in your community.
getting started Social media and word of mouth are probably the best ways to find out about group activities that you can take part in with your child. Before you do, however, ask yourself what you’d like to get out of the activity. Do you want to connect with like-minded people? Do you want to get fit? Do you want to do something fun with your child in a non-competitive environment? There seems little point if you’re not having fun. Besides the fun factor, you should also consider the age-appropriateness of the activity; fitness levels required, especially if your child is running; and safety. If you’re cycling or skating, ensure everyone in your family always wears a helmet.
for runners Parkrun is a free, weekly 5km timed run that caters for people of every ability. It’s an easy, safe run you can do at your own pace with your child. There are currently 33 Parkrun locations around South Africa, including Bryanston in Joburg and the Voortrekker Monument in Pretoria. Because the runs are timed the organisers request that participants register once-off, and that parents or guardians register children if they would like them to receive a time. “We heard about Parkrun and I thought it would be something fun for us to do together,” says Chris Haynes, who regularly takes part in Parkruns with seven-year-old Sam. “My son enjoys the vibe and it’s not competitive at all – he can stop when he’s tired and walk. Sam ran his first one when he was five. At first he was the only child his age, but now some of his friends join us.” Jenna van der Merwe, a Durban-based biokineticist and one of the organisers of the North Beach Parkrun, says they are primarily a family fun walk or run. “Participants must remember that it’s not a race, but a fun event open to all. Children from six can participate, but with an adult at their side,” says Van der Merwe. Parkruns are for everyone, irrespective of speed, so you can walk the routes if you want to. They do permit moms and dads pushing children in buggies to run at the back of the pack.
ome things are a lot more fun to do in a group than to go it alone. There are a number of popup outdoor activities drawing thousands of enthusiasts around the country, which you can participate in with your child. The beauty of these informal events is that you don’t have to be an Olympic athlete to take part, they’re free and beginners are welcome. If you have a bicycle, running shoes, rollerblades or a longboard, you can join the happy masses of young and old as they peddle, jog or skate their way around your city.
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magazine joburg
Critical Mass
for cyclists
for pioneers
Critical Mass is aimed at enhancing bicycle usage and democratising our city streets. It takes place on the last Friday of every month. Like Moonlight Mass in Cape Town, it’s free and everyone is welcome. The pace is relaxed, so you can join the other cyclists as a family. There are Critical Mass events in Joburg and Pretoria. Check their website for times and routes.
If the times and days of these events don’t quite suit your family, why not start a group activity of your own? To get things going and to let people know about your activity, you can use social media; before long you’ll have friends asking if they can join you. If you keep the focus on the social connection and the sheer enjoyment of getting out and about, you can’t go wrong.
links • parkrun.co.za • criticalmass.co.za
sensory trails Children who are blind or wheelchair-bound can also get out and explore nature thanks to the various braille and sensory trails in wildlife reserves and parks around the country. These trails tend to be self-guided paths with guide rails and storyboards in large print and braille, which allow people to touch, feel and smell plants and trees. • The Sasol Sensory Trail in Joburg’s Delta Park is an accessible 103m trail. • Moreleta Kloof Discovery and Sensory Trail is a 2km long trail in a 100ha reserve in the eastern suburbs of Pretoria. If you’re travelling to Durban or Cape Town, check out these options: • Kirstenbosch National Botanical Gardens’ Fragrance Garden accommodates the sight-impaired. The plants are grown in raised beds within easy reach for touching, feeling and smelling. The Kirstenbosch Braille Trail is a short selfguided tour that starts and ends in the Fragrance Garden. • Durban Botanic Gardens’ Sensory Garden also offers sensory encounters with plants.
magazine joburg
September 2014
a short guide to cricket
/noun 1. An implement with a handle and a solid surface, typically of wood, used for hitting the ball in games such as cricket
Do you ever find yourself on the sidelines watching your child play, but you’re clueless about the intricacies of the game? Become an aficionado with the help of GREG CASTLE.
/noun 1. A solid or hollow spherical or eggshaped object that is kicked, thrown, or hit in a game: a cricket ball
September 2014
cricket myths To start with, let’s dispel a few cricketing myths: • A box is not something to wrap presents in, no matter how precious the package. • A slip is not a woman’s undergarment worn beneath a dress or skirt. • An extra cover is not a coat for your son to wear over his jersey. • You don’t need a magnificent figure to field at fine leg. • If your son is asked to field at backward point, that doesn’t mean he is in any way being chastised for making a silly point. • Deep mid-wicket is not an innovative name for a follow-up sequel to 50 Shades of Grey.
sideline savvy Now that we’ve got that out of the way, here are a few tips to help you appear extremely knowledgeable during idle chatter (but only between breaks in play), just enough to
magazine joburg
am one of the fortunate fathers privileged enough to have attended most of my sons’ sports games over the years. I’ve found myself mostly surrounded by moms on the sidelines (perhaps fortunate in and of itself), and even the odd youthful au pair. I usually get suckered into spending a great deal of the match as purveyor of the rules of the game (especially cricket and water polo). The expectation that I must automatically know the rules may be some elaborately sexist, stereotypically caring way of making me feel less conspicuous among the more intuitive sex. Nevertheless, I embrace the banter, as it inevitably drifts to far more intriguing “women’s talk” a few moments later. At least I’m contributing something to the social sidelines. Despite my generally boosted status and morale, I feel compelled to offer this short guide to cricket for moms (and au pairs). It’s no easy task, but I’ve selected a few things that pop up more frequently than others, with some useful tips to improve your cricketing prowess. (Note that I have refrained from including “…for dummies”.)
make your friends marvel and cricket-savvy dads treat you with a newfound level of sideline respect. There are three main types of cricket: Test cricket, limited overs cricket and 20/20 cricket. This knowledge alone will score you incredible points on the sidelines with impressed eyebrow lifting and nodding to boot. Test cricket is usually played over five days at professional level. However, at school level in order to teach the “proper” game to children with limited attention spans, “time or declaration” cricket is often played to emulate Test cricket instead. This is when there is a strong chance of a draw and when the first side to bat doesn’t have sufficient time left to bowl the other side out, no matter how few runs the latter side may have scored. Difficult to comprehend, but stay with me here. Limited overs or 50/50 cricket was introduced back in the 80s to offer those with limited attention spans a chance to enjoy the game and put bums on seats, as time and appreciation for the original form of the game had started to wane. Even the essential “whites” were replaced by some rather colourful gear. This form of the game creates much hype and opportunity for marketing, sideline distraction, TV coverage and most importantly, for many spectators. If the above form wasn’t enough to disgust true cricketing aficionados, T20 or 20/20 cricket most certainly was. As instant gratification became more prevalent among sport enthusiasts in the late 90s, and advertising revenue ruled the roost of professional
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sport, this form of cricket was introduced to offer sheer entertainment. Batsmen are enticed to take much greater risks in order to score big runs and there is as much entertainment off the field as on it. Scantily clad dancing girls gyrate after every boundary, jiving to the beat of a loud cacophony of music and pyrotechnics. To cricket snobs, this is “just not cricket!” But bums on seats is what counts, and this form of the game has made cricket far more accessible and a great day or night out for the entire family.
A box is not something to wrap presents in, no matter how precious the package.
Annoyed moms on the sidelines often want to know why their sons are not bowling or why they are batting lower down the order. The most likely reason is team strategy and tactics. Your son may be a great opening batsman, but not much good at scoring quick runs required in limited overs. Much like chess, cricket is a game requiring a great degree of strategic planning and tactical adaptation. Similarly, on any given day, your beloved son who is generally a marvellous little bowler may not be the most appropriate chap to bowl in this particular game.
You may feel that your son is a talented all-rounder, and that may be delightfully true, but genuine allrounders are rare commodities. It would be nice for your son to do a bit of everything (like Jacques Kallis or AB de Villiers), and in the junior age groups that should be encouraged. But as he moves up the prep or primary school ladder, it will become evident as to what he is most likely to excel at. Remember, less than 1% of our darlings will ever play professionally. Some people poo-poo cheering on the sidelines, but there are differences in etiquette in the various forms of the game. The stiffest rules apply to Test cricket. However, today shouting encouragement from the sidelines is no longer out of place, so long as you do so during breaks in play. “Bravo!” is a firm favourite as is “jolly good cricket all round, chaps”, but comments such as “take his head off” and “moer him!” are generally still frowned upon. Finally moms, a box is something your son should choose for himself. Although he is bound to choose one that’s way too big for his package, it’ll give him some sense of satisfaction even if he has to make readjustments after every shot.
Cricket is brilliantly character-building for those who persevere. My advice is: be brave, be very brave, as your sons have to be in order to enjoy this challenging, complex, yet extremely gratifying game. Howzat!?
September 2014
to your door… If things get a bit too hectic at home, contact one of these lifesavers to take care of daily chores and tasks. Compiled by SIMONE JEFFERY
Au Pair Plus Au pairs, tutors, drivers, domestic workers and gardeners are hand-picked. You pay a simple once-off fee and then interview as many candidates as it takes to find the perfect fit. You are given a three-month guarantee
period during which time you can change your mind and select a different candidate. All candidates have a matric certificate, a driver’s licence, a reliable car and do not have a criminal record. Contact: 084 302 9209, aupair.plus@yahoo.com or visit aupairplus.wix.com/aupairplus Call an Au Pair They assist in finding reliable part- or full-time au pairs, governesses, tutors, night nurses, lift services and assistants. Their candidates have a matric certificate or higher training, teaching or tutoring experience, and have a reliable car with a valid driver’s licence. Contact: 071 999 2945, info@callanaupair.co.za or visit callanaupair.co.za Little Sunshines Au Pair Agency For placing permanent and temporary au pairs, tutors and teachers. They assist you with selecting the ideal au pair that fits your specifications, fees, and matches your family values. Contact: 011 706 3647, info@littlesunshines.co.za or visit littlesunshines.co.za
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Tutor Box Tutor Box is an au pair placement agency that also provides qualified educators and private remedial teachers. Their au pairs are screened to ensure their suitability for childcare, and all have a matric (or the equivalent) and a driver’s licence. Many have or are working towards tertiary qualifications. The au pair’s duties and times can be tailored to suit your needs and can include fetching children from school, supervising homework, taking children to extramurals, preparing their meals, shopping and more. Their duties do not include housework. Contact: 011 450 4528, info@tutorbox.co.za or visit tutorbox.co.za Van Au Pairs They recruit and place responsible au pairs who work in union with the parents on a day-to-day basis, assisting with the children’s lifts, homework, meals and taking them on outings. Van Au Pairs can also assist families in need of a babysitter. Contact: 072 575 2523, keri@vanaupairs.co.za or visit vanaupairs.co.za
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PHOTOGRAPHS: shutterstock.com
au pairs
baby specialists Baby Love They specialise in routine and sleep guidance programmes geared towards pregnant couples and parents of babies two years and younger. A consultant will show you how to lovingly guide your baby towards healthy, age-appropriate daytime routines and healthy sleeping patterns, with the aim of teaching your baby to self-soothe, fall asleep unassisted and to link his sleep cycles. They also offer workshops and private consultations and, for those parents who can’t get to a consultant, Skype consultations. Contact: 082 851 2141, jacqui@baby-love.co.za or visit babylove.co.za or Facebook: Baby Love Babyproofessionals They will make your home safe for your curious toddlers, giving you peace of mind. They offer online estimations, home consultations and product installations. Home consultations involve an inspection by qualified consultants, who will look for potential dangers and listen to your concerns regarding your baby’s safety. They will then give you their professional advice and install your selected safety products, such as safety gates and cupboard and drawer locks. They also offer a basic first aid and CPR course. Contact: 083 254 8785, 083 273 0411, info@ babyproofessionals.co.za or visit babyproofessionals.co.za
assessing your situation and unique needs they will tailor-make a sleep plan that provides you with a stepby-step guide of the changes you will need to make. They also assist and support you through the process of making positive sleep changes for your family. They are affiliated with the Association of Professional Sleep Consultants (APSC), International Association of Child Sleep Consultants (IACSC), and the South African Society of Sleep Medicine (SASSM). They have representatives in Joburg, Pretoria, Port Elizabeth and Cape Town, and also assist clients nationally and internationally via Skype. Contact: 082 079 1382, 082 646 3991, info@ goodnightbaby.co.za or visit goodnightbaby.co.za My Midwife They offer support and practical advice for expectant parents. Their services include antenatal classes (group or one-on-one), hospital and home visits, breastfeeding advice, weigh-ins, immunisations and more. They operate in Sandton and the surrounding areas. Contact: 011 463 2186, 072 184 1396, pippa@ mymidwife.co.za or visit mymidwife.co.za
and concierge. They operate throughout the West Rand and the northern suburbs. Contact: 076 652 3693 or victoria.modise@ymail.com Sleep Matters They do sleep training for babies and toddlers, conducted in your home. Lee-Ann has years of experience and in-depth knowledge of sleep training and knows what works best for each age, starting with babies older than seven months. The intensive, handson training usually takes four to 10 days to break negative sleep associations and establish a routine. The sleep consultants are on call 24/7 to help parents apply the technique. Contact: 011 867 1644, 082 822 1327, leeann@ sleepmatters.co.za or visit sleepmatters.co.za
Paisley Baby Maternity Consulting An informative maternity consultant will guide you through your pregnancy and help you decide what the essentials are before your baby arrives. She is also a source of information to help you plan the rest of your parenting life, and is your personal educator, planner
Good Night Sleep consultants help parents teach their babies and children to sleep. They offer private consultations, stay overs and telephone/Skype consultations. After
magazine joburg
September 2014
catering and cooked meals Baby Tastes Exquisite Tastes has extended its services to nutritious, prepared meals for babies, toddlers and adults. The meals don’t include preservatives, additives or stabilisers. Baby Tastes is ideal for babies from about six months when they are being introduced to solids. The food is frozen in ice trays with 12 cubes per tray. The small quantities prevent wastage and allow you to combine the different flavours together to create interesting combinations. The food is textured and can stay frozen for up to two months. The 17 meals in the Toddler Tastes range are ideal for children from about 10 to 12 months up to the age of six years old. They are individually packaged meals that introduce your toddler to interesting flavours such as salmon, brown rice and maize pasta. Parents and older children are also catered for with the Exquisite Tastes range of prepared meals that consists of soups, curries, pasta, pies and casseroles. You can place your orders online or visit one of their outlets. They deliver to suburbs across Joburg, the East Rand, the West Rand, Pretoria, Secunda and Rustenburg. Contact: 011 466 3112 or visit exquisitetastes.co.za, babytastes.co.za or toddlertastes.co.za Chef Direct They offer an extensive range of ready-made meals, which are free from preservatives and additives, freshly made, vacuum sealed and delivered in a refrigerated truck ready to be enjoyed. You can also collect your orders from their coffee shop in North Riding. Their menu includes vegetarian options, portions for children, family favourites, meals approved by USN and more. You can register online, browse the menu and make your selection at your convenience. Orders can be made 30 days in advance so that you can plan for the month, or place your orders before 6am and you will receive them the following day (excluding Mondays). Deliveries and collections take place from Monday to Saturday. They deliver to greater Joburg, Pretoria and Hartbeespoort by appointment only. Contact: 011 796 5220, info@chefdirect.co.za or visit chefdirect.co.za Ginger Apple Delicious home-cooked meals are conveniently delivered to your door on a daily or weekly basis. The menu rotates weekly and changes seasonally. They cater to vegetarians and meat lovers, the health-conscious, those with a sweet tooth, children, and those following the Banting diet. They provide a daily delivery of Banting meals as well as all the snacks and extras. The order-to-freeze range is perfect for a weekly delivery and great to keep in the freezer and use when needed. They also offer private and corporate catering. They deliver weekly to most areas in Joburg, and daily in Pretoria and Midrand. They charge a delivery fee, which varies depending on your area. Contact: 082 377 7903, gingerapple@parfitt.co.za or visit gingerapple.co.za Morgan Meals They specialise in nutritious, freshly prepared home-cooked meals, as well as prepackaged lunch packs for all ages. Dishes range from delicious crab and coriander fishcakes with garlic potatoes, to family favourites such as spaghetti bolognaise and beef lasagne. Deliveries take place on Wednesdays and you need to place your orders 48 hours in advance. They operate across Joburg. The first two deliveries of the month are free; thereafter a fee of R110 applies. Contact Jade: 082 214 5271, jade@morganmeals.com or visit morganmeals.com
diy Entire Maintenance Solutions They provide a trusted maintenance service for residential clients. Their services include general home maintenance, electrical services, plumbing, small renovations, painting and flooring, carpentry and home automation. They also supply and fit electric fencing as well as gates and garage motors. They don’t charge a call-out fee. Services are in Joburg, Midrand, Centurion and the East Rand. Contact: 011 869 1620, info@emshome.co.za or visit emshome.co.za
September 2014
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garden services Crew Cut They offer weekly pool and garden maintenance to keep your property in tip-top shape. A team leader and two assistants will be assigned to maintain your garden, so you won’t have strangers wandering across your property. They will bring all the necessary equipment and leave with the garden refuse. They also build and renovate swimming pools and install irrigation systems. They operate in Midrand, Kyalami and selected northern suburbs. Contact: 011 312 1309, 082 877 7805, enquiries@crewcut.co.za or visit crewcut.co.za Hilltop Trading They provide a range of basic and specialised maintenance services to tend to your garden, pool and home needs. The services include mowing the lawn and trimming the edges, testing the pH level of your pool, pruning your fruit trees and roses, and even taking care of your electrical, plumbing, painting, tiling and paving needs. They are also able to design and install water features, ponds and irrigation systems, or review your existing garden and help you design one that suits your style and budget. They’re based in Paulshof. Contact: 073 432 0021 or visit hilltop215.co.za Over the Edge They will design an outdoor space to suit your needs, whether you’re in need of a garden makeover, a brand new garden, water features, irrigation or a deck. They also specialise in synthetic turf, which is suitable for multiple applications. They operate across all suburbs in Joburg, Midrand and Centurion. Contact: 082 375 1346, visit overtheedge.co.za or follow them on Twitter: @ overtheedge
home organisers Cloud 9 Organised These professional organisers for your home and office assist people to clear clutter and implement simple lifestyle- and paper-management systems with a focus on reducing stress, organising time and saving money. They will turn chaos into order, paper piles into filing systems, organise memorabilia, photos and collections, and supervise moves. They belong to the Professional Organiser Association Africa. Contact: 012 654 3058, 073 621 3316, heidi@cloud9organised. co.za or visit cloud9organised.co.za My Life Organised They offer a personal, tailor-made service that will simplify your life and save you time and money. An initial briefing session identifies your specific needs and, once signed-up, your “freelance PA” gets to work ticking off those items on your to-do list. Payment options include bundles of eight, 12 or 20 hours – or the service can be used on an ad hoc basis. MLO’s services include taking care of general household chores, running errands, shopping (from gifts to groceries), making holiday or travel arrangements, organising entertainment (birthday or dinner parties), decluttering your home and attending to your home/tenants while you’re away. Contact: 082 456 2865, 084 641 1290, nicky@mylifeorganised.co.za, ciska@mylifeorganised.co.za or visit mylifeorganised.co.za
magazine joburg
September 2014
nanny and first aid training
Contact: 083 504 4545, edubabe@edbubabe.co.za or visit edbubabe.co.za
ABC of CPR They conduct three-hour CPR and choking workshops that equip you with the skills required to assist adults, infants and children during an emergency. An hour-long course in first aid for children can be added on. Training takes place at the Dunvegan Baby Clinic and other venues in the northern suburbs, or if you have more than four participants they will come to your home, work or school. Workshops are held seven days a week. They are affiliated with the American Heart Association and the Resuscitation Council of Southern Africa. Contact: 076Â 829 3065, debbie@abc-of-cpr.co.za or visit abc-of-cpr.co.za
Help at Home They specialise in the training and placement of skilled nannies and domestic workers. The course teaches your nanny the basics in caring for your children, administering medicine, CPR, dealing with common childhood ailments, as well as emphasis on the development and stimulation of your children. They also offer DomestiCare, a health insurance package for domestic workers. Contact: 087 808 9433, 084 870 8544 or ruth@ helpathome.co.za
Domestic Bliss They offer skills training in household management, laundry, childcare, first aid and CPR, home-based care, elementary cooking, baking and advanced cooking courses. The training takes place at their centres or at your venue. The training is results orientated and learners may repeat the programmes until they are proficient. Courses are accredited through Services SETA (Sector Education and Training Authority) with three-star status. Contact: 011 447 5517, 083 525 4992, db@ domesticbliss.co.za or visit domesticbliss.co.za EduBabe EduBabe assists with the placement and training of domestic workers, housekeepers, childminders, nannies, au pairs and care workers. They also conduct parenting courses to give new parents practical skills.
September 2014
Med-X They offer a CPR and first aid course for domestic workers and childminders, as well as a course for adults and children 10 years and older. Their instructors will come to your venue for a minimum of six participants, or you can attend a course at their offices in Randburg. The courses are run in accordance with the standards of the Resuscitation Council of Southern Africa and the American Heart Association, and are accredited by the Discovery Vitality programme. Contact: 082 374 2804, rene@med-x.co.za or visit med-x.co.za Nannies in Training They are a recruitment and placement agency for domestic workers, maids, nannies and childminders. They offer baby and toddler care, first aid and CPR training, baby stimulation, home care cleaning courses and cooking courses. There is a separate how-to section focused on looking after babies. Their trainers speak several African
languages. The first aid and CPR course is accredited by the American Heart Association. Contact: 086 107 7777 or visit nanniesintraining.co.za Super Nannies They help you find the right nanny for your home, or train your nanny in childcare, child safety, first aid and CPR. The training material focuses on children from birth to three years old and covers hygiene and sterilisation, childsafety awareness, baby care and more. The CPR/first aid courses are for nannies, au pairs and parents. Their courses are accredited by the American Heart Association and the Resuscitation Council of Southern Africa. Contact: 0861 4 NANNY (0861 462 669), info@ supernannies.co.za or visit supernannies.co.za
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school lifts ABC Shuttle A door-to-door service that transports children to school and back, collects them from aftercare and extramurals, and takes them to sports practices and matches on weekends. They operate in Bryanston, Beverley Gardens, Douglasdale, Jukskei Park, Olivedale, North Riding, Magaliesig, Norscot, Lonehill, Fourways Gardens, Witkoppen, Craighavon and Fairfield. Contact: 082 779 2706, marisa@abcshuttle.co.za or visit abcshuttle.co.za Chicago Shuttles They provide door-to-door transfers for sporting events, day trips, holidays and airport transfers. Their vehicles are wheelchair accessible and have on-board DVDs, baby car seats and refreshments. All the drivers are in possession of a PrDP and police clearance. They operate in Centurion, Midrand, Pretoria and Joburg. Contact: 082 998 5133, 076 177 0604, lisa@chicagoshuttles.co.za or visit chicago-shuttles.co.za Kidos Cabbie They provide a permanent and temporary transport service for children by reliable female drivers. Parents can interview potential drivers. A backup driver is also assigned in case of emergencies or unforeseen events. Kidos Au Pair matches families with responsible permanent or temporary (babysitting) au pairs. All the drivers have a PrDP licence and do not have a criminal record. Contact: 074 621 6227, info@kidoscabbie.co.za or visit kidoscabbie.co.za
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Kids Courier and Au Pair Link Kids Courier provides safe, reliable transport to and from school, extramurals as well as ad hoc transport. Their sister company, Au Pair Link, will assist with the placement of au pairs, babysitters and homework supervision. They operate in Randpark Ridge, Northcliff and Little Falls. A Bryanston branch opens in 2015. Contact: 082 414 5879, info@kidscourier.co.za or visit kidscourier.co.za Rubix Transfers and Shuttles They offer school transport as well as corporate or social event transfers. As soon as your children arrive at their destination the driver will send you an SMS so that you know they are safely at school or at home. The vehicles are all equipped with satellite tracking systems to monitor the speed, location and route taken by the vehicle, and all the drivers are trained in CPR and first aid. Childminders accompany the drivers on some of the routes. They operate in the central and northern suburbs of Joburg, including Midrand. Boksburg South is opening soon. Contact: 082 893 7601, info@rubixtransfers.co.za or visit rubixtransfers.co.za
Soccermom A placement agency that will help you find a personal driver (plus vehicle) to transport your children safely from A to B, dropping and collecting from school. All the drivers are responsible and make use of their own reliable, roadworthy vehicles. They have been interviewed, and had their driver’s licences, references, roadworthy and criminal records checked (by request). They’re categorised according to their qualifications and age. Contact: Joburg main: 076 223 4062, jhb@soccermom. co.za; Joburg north: 082 562 5279, jhbnorth@ soccermom.co.za or visit soccermom.co.za Two Home Company This is an owner-driven school shuttle service for children of all ages. The safe, reliable vehicle has builtin toddler seats, air-conditioning and smash-and-grab protection. The driver has a PrDP licence and operates in Lonehill, Beverley and Pineslopes. Contact: 083 534 4374 or moira.mcfarlane@ hotmail.com
Shuttle U Around This is a safe and reliable transport service that caters for school lifts, airport transfers, door-to-door transport, sports events, concerts and more. All their vehicles are fitted with satellite tracking systems, checked daily and serviced frequently. All their drivers have PrDPs and undergo a routine driver training course. Contact: 082 514 1883, info@shuttleuaround.co.za or visit shuttleuaround.co.za
September 2014
what’s on in september
You can also access the calendar online at
Your guide for what to do, where to go and who to see. Compiled by SIMONE JEFFERY
Gardens of the Golden City Find inspiration in the beautiful gardens that are opening up this spring.
Are you kidding me? Enjoy date night at Parker’s Comedy Club with a host of stand-up comedians.
bump, baby & tot in tow – p43
how to help – p43
Johnson’s Baby Sense Seminar Get advice from the baby experts.
Read Educational Trust An NGO that promotes literacy throughout South Africa.
SPECIAL EVENTS – p37 Roald Dahl Day Exclusive Books will revisit some of Roald Dahl’s most popular books, and celebrate some of the best children’s fiction ever written.
September 2014
magazine joburg
PHOTOGRAPHS: shutterstock.com
SPECIAL EVENTS 1 monday National Skin Cancer Screening Day South Africa has the second highest incidence of skin cancer in the world. Be sun savvy this spring and encourage your children to learn sun safety habits. For more information on prevention advice and how you can inspect yourself and your family for early signs of skin cancer, visit: skincancerfoundation.org.za Spring day capoeira class Start spring off with a fun new activity by trying a Brazilian martial art form that combines rhythm, music, acrobatics and self-defence. Suitable for children and adults. Time: 7pm–8:30pm. Venue: Norscot Manor, 16B Penguin Dr, Fourways. Cost: free. Contact: 076 604 6811
4 thursday Hobby-X An expo for those with a passion for crafts and hobbies who are hungry for new ideas and gizmos. Ends 7 September. Time: 10am–5pm Thursday and Friday, 9am–5pm Saturday and Sunday. Venue: Gallagher Convention Centre, 19 Richards Dr, Midrand. Cost: adults R50, children 6–12 years old R20. For more info visit: hobby-x.co.za Old Crawfordian Alumni Society Did you matriculate from Crawford College? The Old Crawfordian Society is celebrating
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21 years of excellence with a massive gathering of the clan, an evening of entertainment where you can reconnect with old classmates and teachers and make new connections. Time: 6:30pm. Venue and costs: tbc. Contact: 0860 SCHOOL (724 665) or visit oldcrawfordians.com
Casual Day Buy your R10 sticker and dress differently for a day to help raise funds and awareness of people with disabilities. Stickers are available at Absa, Game stores, DionWired, Edgars, Red Square, Boardmans, CNA, Jet, JetMart and Legit stores. For more info: visit casualday.co.za
6 saturday Kids FUNdamentals MTB skills clinic Children 2–14 years old are taught bicycle safety and respect for the bike and how to control a bicycle. Booking essential. Time: 9am. Venue: Northern Farms, R114, Diepsloot. Cost: R250 pre-entry only. Contact: 083 326 6721 or visit like2bike.co.za Magical Medieval Fayre With a host of minstrels, sword fighting, archery, a weapons demo, craft beer, market stalls and a royal court. Dress to the theme. Time: from 3pm. Venue: Ball and All Driving Range, plot 126, cnr Malibongwe Dr and R114, Nooitgedacht. Cost: adults R20–R30, children R10–R15, parking R10. Book through Webtickets: 0861 225 598 or visit webtickets.co.za Morning Hill Country Club open day Find out what the club has on offer for children and families. Enjoy dancing and boxing classes, tennis games, a storyteller and craft activities. For 5–12 year olds. Time: 9am–1pm. Venue: 26 Hans Pirow Rd, Bruma. Cost: free. Contact: 084 547 7711 or visit morninghillcountryclub.co.za
The Face of Northgate Mall A beauty pageant for children from birth to 12 years old. Also 7 September for 13–28 year olds. Time: 10am–4pm. Venue: Northgate Mall, Northumberland Ave, North Riding. Cost: R50 for contestants, spectators free. Contact: 072 626 4042 or events2@telkomsa.net
7 sunday Ballet workshop with Joburg Ballet Put on your pointe shoes and dance with a Joburg ballet dancer. Time 11:30am–12:15pm. Venue: Killarney Mall, 60 Riviera Rd, Houghton. Cost: free. Contact: 011 646 4657 or visit killarneymall.co.za Eqstra Spring Classic Joburg’s oldest mountain bike race offers cyclists a 45km, 20km or 10km route. The race is suitable for any child or parent who can manage at least 10km on their mountain bike. Time: 7:30am–2pm. Venue: Avianto Clubhouse, Villa St, Muldersdrift. Cost: from R90. Contact: 083 600 1289 or visit springclassic.co.za
5 fri
Maragon Preprimary School open day An opportunity to view this private school that opens in 2015. Meet the directors and headmasters during tea served at 3pm. Time: 11am–3pm. Venue: Maragon Avianto, Pierre Rd, Muldersdrift. Cost: free. Contact: laura.barnard@maragon.co.za or visit Facebook: Maragon Private Schools Avianto Spring Wine Festival A family festival with entertainment for children while parents relax and enjoy the wines. Children’s entertainment includes a jumping castle, water slide, a snake display, sports activities, crab catching, and more. Time: 11am–3pm. Venue: Old Mill, Magaliesburg. Cost: adults R105–R120, children over 3 years old R10, designated drivers free. Book through Computicket: 0861 915 8000 or visit winefestival.co.za
12 friday Unity College open day Parents and children are invited to a “keyhole view” of a typical day at this special needs school that caters to learners who are mildly
September 2014
calendar to moderately intellectually challenged. Caters to learners 6–20 years old. Time: 10am–12:30pm. Venue: Unity College, 126 Cedar Rd, Witkoppen. Cost: free. Contact: 011 465 2422/3 or visit unity-college.org.za
13 saturday 94.7 Joburg Day Some of the country’s biggest musicians provide the soundtrack for a day spent picnicking. Take your own picnic baskets and chairs. Time: 9am–7pm. Venue: Crocodile Creek, Polo Club, Botasdal Farm, Lanseria. Cost: R280, children under 3 free. Book through TicketPro: 0861 008 277 or visit ticketpros.co.za Clivia Flower Show Members of the Joburg Clivia Club are displaying their brightest yellow, white or peach Clivia miniatas. There are a range of clivias on sale as well as related products (insecticides, fertiliser, potting soil and growing mixes). Also 14 September. Time: 8am–5pm Saturday, 8am–4pm Sunday. Venue: Garden World, Beyers Naudé Dr, Muldersdrift. Cost: R15, children under 12 free. Contact: 082 650 1463 or visit gardenworld.co.za Garden fun day Join Parkview Junior School for some wholesome family fun with a garden market, lots of crafts and activities as well as food trucks and a tea garden. Time: 10am–4pm, garden experts talk 11am and 2pm. Venue: Ennis Rd, Parkview. Cost: adults R20, children R10. Contact: 011 486 1690, 011 646 5542 or visit parkviewjunior.co.za
September 2014
Pebbles fun day Join the school for a day of fun and games. There are sports activities, food and game stalls, paintball, a jumping castle and more. Time: 10am–1pm. Venue: church garden next to Pebbles Nursery School, 43 Benard Rd East, Morninghill, Bedfordview. Cost: R10. Contact: 011 615 3721 or visit pebblesschool.co.za Roald Dahl Day Exclusive Books offers fun activities, readings and more. Dress up as your favourite Dahl character and stand a chance to win a prize. Time: 10am–11am and 11:30am–12:30pm. Venue: Exclusive Books, The Mall of Rosebank, off Oxford Rd, Rosebank. Cost: free. Contact: 011 798 0000 or visit exclusivebooks.co.za
14 sunday CHOC fun walk Show your support and help raise awareness for children with cancer. There is a 4km and 8km circuit.
14 September – Me-Nuts Like2Bike cycling series
Dogs are welcome. Time: registration 6am, 8km walk 8am, 4km walk 8:45am. Venue: Joburg Zoo, Parkview. Cost: R70– R80, children 5–12 years old R40, children under 5 years old and dogs free. Contact: 086 722 7006 or visit entrytime.com JYO Symphony concert Musicians from the Joburg Youth Orchestra present a full symphony concert featuring pianist Peter Cartwright. For 7 years and older. Time: 3pm–5pm. Venue: UJ Arts Centre Theatre, University of Johannesburg, Kingsway Campus, Auckland Park. Cost: R50. Contact: 011 484 1257 or visit jyoc.org.za Little Eden family fun day Join them for a fun day with a 5km walk, food and live music. Time: 10am–2pm. Venue: Elvira Rota Village, Bapsfontein. Cost: R30, children under 10 free. Contact: 011 609 7246 or visit littleeden.org.za Me-Nuts Like2Bike cycling series There’s a 2,5km and 10km cycle, as well as an XL course of 15km. This is race number five out of a series of six cycling events. For children 2–14 years old. Time: 9am. Venue: Northern Farms, R114, Diepsloot. Cost: R110 pre-entry, R120 on the day. Contact: 083 326 6721 or visit like2bike.co.za Viennese instrumental trio at Glenshiel The Vienna Symphony Virtuosi perform works by Austrian composers from the baroque era up to the 21st century. Time: 4pm–5:30pm. Venue: Glenshiel, 19 Woolston Rd, Westcliff. Cost: R150, includes refreshments. Contact: 083 414 0041
17 wednesday Curro Monaghan information session Find out more about this private school that caters to learners from 3 months–Grade 3 when it opens its doors in 2015. Time: 6:30pm–7:30pm. Venue: The Otherside Restaurant, Monaghan Farm. Cost: free. Contact: info.monaghan@curro.co.za or visit curro.co.za
18 thursday Nakekela Montessori open day A chance for you to find out more about this school that caters to 18 months–6 years old. Time: 8am–12pm. Venue: Nakekela Montessori, 2 Elizabeth Ave, Rivonia. Cost: free. Contact: 011 803 8116 or visit nakekelamontessori.co.za
20 saturday AFB Waterkloof’s air show Watch parachute drops, aerobatic and static displays from some of the biggest names in the aviation and defence industry. Ends 21 September. Time: 6am–5pm. Venue: Waterkloof Airforce Base, Centurion. Cost: R70. For more info: visit aadexpo.co.za Cycle for Charity Sign up for the cyclethon and get fit while giving back. Proceeds raised go to HospiceWits and The Smile Foundation. Time: hourly slots from 7am–4pm. Venue: Melrose Arch Piazza, cnr Corlett Dr and M1 Highway, Melrose. Cost: R160 per hour. Book though TicketPro: 0861 008 277 or visit ticketpros.co.za
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21 sun
Peace Starts concert Join a host of leading SA bands, artists and celebrities in showing your support for peace. Take umbrellas, blankets and chairs. You aren’t able to take food or drinks, but food vendors are on-site. Booking essential. Time: gates open 12pm; concert runs 1pm–5pm. Venue: Heia Safari Ranch, Muldersdrift. Cost: free. For more info: visit peacestarts.co.za
Doing Hair family festival A full day of family-orientated art events centred around the current exhibition, Doing hair: hair and art in Africa. The exhibition celebrates the creativity, individuality and innovation in hairstyling and art in South Africa and other parts of Africa. You are given an educational resource and art materials. Booking
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essential. For children 6–16 years old. Time: 10am–4pm, art activity 11am and 2pm. Venue: Wits Art Museum, cnr Bertha St and Jorissen St, Braamfontein. Cost: free, but donations are welcome. Contact: 011 717 1378 or info.wam@wits.ac.za Poplar Academy’s spring and sports festival The day includes a fun walk, sports demonstrations, a fun park and food stalls. Time: 9:30am–3pm. Venue: Poplar Academy, 39 Whisken Ave, Crowthorne, Midrand. Cost: fun park entrance fee: adults R10, children R5. Contact: 082 655 0723 or visit poplaracademy.co.za The cows are calling The Believe CHOC Cows MTB race offers a 55km, 25km, 5km and 1km route for riders of all ages. All proceeds go towards CHOC, the Childhood Cancer Foundation of South Africa. All ages. Time: 7am–4pm. Venue: Northern Farm, off the N14, Diepsloot. Cost: R100. Contact: 073 879 2151 or visit believeproject.co.za
24 wednesday Heritage hike Celebrate Heritage Day with a three-hour cross-koppie hike on Melville Koppies. Be sure to wear proper walking shoes and a hat, and take juice and a snack for the halfway stop. Suitable for children 6 years and older. Dogs aren’t permitted. Time: 8:30am. Venue: Marks Park Sports Club, Emmarentia. Cost: adults R40, children R20. Contact: 011 482 4797 or visit mk.org.za
National Braai Day Ball and All Driving Range is celebrating Heritage Day with a market of interesting bits and pieces, a jumping castle, pony rides and a braai master competition for teams of two. Teams must register by 15 September. Time: 10am. Venue: plot 126, cnr Malibongwe Dr and R114 (just opposite the Lion Park), Nooitgedacht. Cost: R100 per team. Contact: 071 876 8511 or visit Facebook: Ball And All
25 thursday Sunfoil Series The Bizhub Highveld Lions take on The Unlimited Titans during four days of action-packed cricket. Ends 28 September. Time: from 10am. Venue: Bidvest Wanderers Stadium, Illovo. Cost: free. Contact: 011 340 1500 or visit wanderers.co.za Taste of Joburg Twelve of Joburg’s best restaurants fashion special menus of starter-sized dishes to wow the palates of Joburg foodies. Ends 28 September. Time: 6:30pm–10:30pm Thursday–Friday, 1pm–5pm and 6:30pm–10:30pm Saturday, 12pm–5pm Sunday. Venue: Montecasino Outdoor Event Arena, cnr William Nicol Dr and Witkoppen Rd, Fourways. Cost: R40– R180. For more info: visit tasteofjoburg.com
27 saturday Dragon boat festival Join the Gauteng Dragon Boat Association for their spring festival, a day of boat races, a flea market
(Chinese and traditional), food stalls and entertainment, including a dragon dance. Also 28 September. Time: 9am–5pm. Venue: Florida Lake, off Albertina Sisulu Rd, Roodepoort. Cost: free. Contact: 082 488 4074 or visit gdba.org.za Global Diabetes Run/Walk Dogs are welcome to join you on the easy 5km route. The event includes a diverse wellness expo, which includes blood-glucose screening and a children’s area with a jumping castle and face painting. Time: registration from 7:30am, walk starts 9am. Venue: Walk Haven, plot 77 Zwartkop, Muldersdrift. Cost: tbc. For more info: visit diabetessa.co.za Gold fever Join historian Rod Kruger as he goes panning for gold in the Crocodile River. The river still contains traces of alluvial gold and it might be your lucky day. Booking essential. Time: 9am. Venue: Walter Sisulu National Botanical Garden, at the end of Malcolm Rd, Poortview, Roodepoort. Cost: R15–R60, children under 2 free. Contact: 083 793 3019 or botsocevents@gmail.com Miniature showcase Artisans showcase their work in the miniature world. Miniatures, dollhouse accessories and supplies are also available. Time: 9am–1pm. Venue: Parkhurst Recreation Centre, cnr 13th St and 5th Ave, Parkhurst. Cost: free, but donations to Cerebral Palsy SA are welcome. Contact: 011 787 2340 or miniatures@telkomsa.net
September 2014
calendar National Cupcake Day Pop into a participating mall and buy a cupcake for children with cancer or host a Party of Hope and help raise money for Cupcakes 4 Kids with Cancer. Time: 9am–3pm. Venues: East Rand Mall, Eastgate, Greenstone Mall, The Glen, Cresta, Clearwater Mall, Mall @ Carnival and Fourways Mall. Cost: from R5. Contact: 073 208 6757 or visit cupcakesofhope.org On the Night St John’s College hosts its annual fireworks spectacular. Pack your picnic basket or buy a few treats from the artisan food vendors. Time: gates open at 3pm until 7pm, event ends 10:30pm. Venue: St John’s College, St David Rd, Houghton. Cost: R195. Contact: 010 492 0314 or visit stjohnscollege.co.za
28 sunday Benoni Art Route Twenty artists have joined to form an art route that meanders past the lakes of Benoni. You can download the route from their website. Time: 10am–4pm. Venue: various across Benoni. Cost: free. Contact: 084 581 6340 or visit benoniartroute.co.za Old Mutual Music in the Gardens An afternoon with multi-platinum-selling Afrosoul vocalist, Lira. She is accompanied by Ester Rada. Tickets are available at the gate or through the Old Mutual Music in the Gardens Facebook page. Time: gates open at 11am. Venue: Walter Sisulu National Botanical Garden, Poortview, Roodepoort. Cost: R100–R120. For more info: visit dogreatthings.co.za/music Rock-a-Baby A curated mommy and baby fair that focuses on bump, baby and beyond. Time: 9am–4pm. Venue: 73 Juta St, Braamfontein (Neighbourgoods Market). Cost: R40. For more info: visit rockababy.co.za Spring breakfast ride Ride out into the Kyalami countryside and enjoy breakfast afterwards. All ages. Time: 9:30am–12pm. Venue: Farnham Riding School, 228 Galanthus Rd, Kyalami. Cost: R350, includes horse hire; R200 (own horse). Contact: 082 803 9903 or visit farnham.co.za
28 sun
Shake your hips Take part in a Guinness World Record attempt for the longest human chain to pass through a single Hula Hoop. The attempt highlights World Heart Day and encourages South Africans to stay fit and healthy. There are free health consultations and Hula Hooping classes. Hula Hoops are supplied. Time: 1pm–2pm. Venue: Zoo Lake, cnr Jan Smuts Ave and Westwold Way, Saxonwold. Cost: free. Contact: tba
September 2014
Western Ensemble They provide a light musical programme during the buffet lunch. Booking essential. Time: 12pm–2:30pm. Venue: Eagle’s Fare Restaurant, Walter Sisulu National Botanical Garden, Roodepoort. Cost: adults R130, children 6–12 years old R65, children 3–5 years old R30, children under 3 free. Contact: 082 671 8382/7 or visit eaglesfare.co.za
FUN FOR CHILDREN art, culture and science Baby steps to ballroom An exhibition of new works by Bonnie Walters. 30 August–7 September. Time: 9am–4pm. Venue: Upstairs @ Bamboo, cnr 9th St and Rustenburg Rd, Melville. Cost: free. Contact: 083 457 3259 or visit bambooonline.co.za Poplar Academy’s Readathon Readers 7 years and older can test their reading skills and stand a chance to win prizes. 15–19 September. Time: 9am–5pm. Venue: Poplar Academy, 39 Whisken Ave, Crowthorne, Midrand. Cost: R10. Contact: 082 655 0723 or visit poplaracademy.co.za
classes, talks and workshops Art classes Inclusive art classes for children 8 years and older. Time: 10:30am–12:30pm or 2pm–4pm every Saturday. Venue: Mandy’s Art, 23 Martha Rd, Robin Hills. Cost: R180 per class, includes materials and refreshments. Contact: 083 678 5605 or visit mandysart.co.za Buzzing into outer space Sing, dance and act along with Scotty the Spaceman. For 5–9 year olds. Time: 2:30pm or 3:30pm Monday–Thursday, 10am or 11:15am every Saturday. Venue: studios across Joburg. Cost: free trial class. Contact: 011 025 2525 or visit buzzdrama.com Children’s photography course Learn about your camera and how to take photos. Booking essential. For children 8–14 years old. 1–3 September. Time: 10am–1pm. Venue: tbc. Cost: R950, includes a trip to the zoo. Contact: 083 779 7005, colette@ cbphotos.co.za or visit cbphotos.co.za Junior Chefs Children aged 7–15 years old learn to make peanut noodles and polenta cake, or spicy lamb and feta meatballs and a berry and banana crumble. Booking essential. 30 August and 6 September. Time: 9am–11am. Venue: Little Cooks Club, 123 Ballyclare Dr, Morningside. Cost: R240, includes snacks and refreshments. Contact: 071 681 0977 or visit littlecooksclub.co.za King of the Hill Learn a new skill and sign up for rock climbing classes suitable for 5–18 year olds. Time: varies. Venue: Rockfit, 2 Commerce Place, Kramerville, Sandton. Cost: dependent on hours. Contact: 011 262 4292 or visit rockfit.co.za
family outings Gardens of the Golden City One of the gardens opens is Valvrede Eco Hotel. Take a picnic, but no alcohol. 21 September. Other open gardens are listed on their website. Time: 10am–5pm. Venue: Valvrede, Beyers Naudé Ext, Plot 5, Lammermoor. Cost: R20, children under 12 free. Contact: 082 689 0930 or visit gardensofthegoldencity.co.za magazine joburg
1–5 September – ITA Tennis clinic
finding nature and outdoor play Birding in spring Spring is a great time to go bird watching. Booking essential. 13 September. Time: 6am. Venue: Walter Sisulu National Botanical Garden, Poortview, Roodepoort. Cost: members R15–R30, nonmembers R30–R60, children under 2 years old free. Contact: 083 793 3019 or botsocevents@gmail.com Petrus’ fun day Spend the day riding, grooming and learning about horses, including activities and games. For 4–12 year olds. 7 September. Time: 9am–12:30pm/4pm. Venue: Farnham Riding School, 228 Galanthus Rd, Kyalami. Cost: R250 half-day, R500 full day. Contact: 082 803 9903 or visit farnham.co.za
holiday programmes Fantastic fun holiday programme A varied holiday programme for children 1–12 years old. Children 4 years and older can be dropped off, while those younger can join in if accompanied by an adult. 11 August– 5 September. Time: 9am–5pm. Venue: Yeesh! Fun for kids, Waterval Crescent, Woodmead. Cost: R75 entrance fee. Contact: 011 656 9669 or visit yeesh.co.za ITA Tennis clinic For beginner and intermediate players. Children 3–6 years old play mini tennis. Indoor activities when it rains. Booking essential. For 3–16 year olds. 1–5 September. Time: 8:30am–1:30pm. Venue: Craighall Park Tennis Club, 40 St Albans Ave, Craighall. Cost: varies. Contact: 083 443 3391 or visit itatennis.co.za Survival camp Learn how to make fire using only a flint, find food and water, build shelters, make bows and arrows, go fishing and more. For children 6–14 years old. 5–7 September. Time: Friday 4pm–3pm Sunday. Venue: Kareekloof Farm, Lanseria. Cost: R750, includes food. Contact: 076 429 6739 or visit key2comms. wix.com/cashane-rangers Taste Bud Studio holiday club Children learn how to make sweet and savoury dishes. Booking essential. 3 September: for children 8 years and older; 4 September: for children 5 years and older. Time: 9am–12pm. Venue: 3 Waterford Place Rd, Paulshof. Cost: R270. Contact: 082 331 9987 or visit tastebudstudio.co.za
markets Books2You Book Fair 18 and 19 September. Time: 10am–3pm Thursday, 7:30am–1pm Friday. Venue: Parkridge. Cost: free entry. Contact: 031 705 7744 or orders@books2you.co.za Moonlight Market Stalls sell a variety of food and items such as jewellery, pots and magazine joburg
plants. There are games for the little ones. 25 September. Time: 6pm–8pm. Venue: Unity College, 126 Cedar Rd, Witkoppen, Fourways. Cost: free entry, Contact: 011 465 2422/3 or visit unity-college.org.za Urban Market @ Bryanston A market with a variety of artisan traders and various entertainment. Time: 9am–4pm, every Friday. Venue: lower level in Bryanston Shopping Centre; cnr William Nicol Dr and Ballyclare Dr, Bryanston. Cost: free entry. Contact: 011 706 3519 or visit bryanstoncentre.co.za
on stage and screen Battle of the Sexes Male rock stars take on the divas in a rock and roll showdown. 2 September–12 October. Time: 8pm Tuesday–Saturday, 2pm Sunday. Venue: Barnyard Theatre, Emperors Palace, Kempton Park. Cost: R100–R155, children under 3 free. Contact: 011 928 1108 or visit barnyardtheatre.co.za Cirque Éloize iD An acrobatics, street dance and hip-hop extravaganza. No children under 3 years old. 19 August–14 September. Time: 8pm Tuesday–Saturday, 3pm Saturday, 2pm and 6pm Sunday. Venue: The Teatro at Montecasino, Fourways. Cost: R120–R400. Book through Computicket: visit computicket.com Great Expectations It is Charles Dickens’ story of Pip and his journey through life. No children under 10 years old. 29 September–19 October. Time: varies. Venue: National Children’s Theatre, 3 Junction Ave, Parktown. Cost: R70– R110. Contact: 011 484 1584/5 or visit nationalchildrenstheatre.org.za Planes: Fire and Rescue (3-D) A new comedy adventure in which Dusty joins forces with a dynamic crew of elite firefighting aircraft and learns what it takes to become a hero. Premieres 26 September in cinemas nationwide. For more info: visit sterkinekor.com or numetro.co.za Storybook Theatre presents Hans Christian Andersen An interactive adaptation of your favourite fairytales. Booking essential. 1 September–5 October. Time: varies. Venue: Peoples Theatre, cnr Loveday St and Hoofd St, Joburg Theatre Complex, Braamfontein. Cost: R70– R105. Contact: 011 403 1563 or visit peoplestheatre.co.za
playtime and story time Puppet shows at Kinderspiel Puppet shows for children 3 years and older. Shows include: 2 September: The Little Dinosaur and Fairy Wings; 6 and 23 September: Darin the Magician; 9 and 16 September: The Ugly Duckling and 30 September: Shadow Theatre. Time: 3:30pm every Tuesday, 10am every Saturday. Venue: Kinderspiel, 39A Greenhill Rd, Emmarentia. Cost: R50. Contact: 011 646 0870 or kinderspiel@telkomsa.net Story time at Norscot Manor For children 2–7 years old. Time: 3pm–3:30pm. Venue: the library at the Norscot Manor Recreation Centre, Pengiun Dr, Fourways. Cost: free. Contact: 011 705 3323 Wonderful world of words Story time at Norwood Library for children 6–13 years old. Time: 10am–12pm, every Saturday. Venue: 94 Iris St, Norwood. Cost: free. Contact: 011 728 6207 September 2014
sport and physical activities Abseiling and caving adventure For brave 8 year olds and older. Time: varies. Venue: Cradle of Humankind. Cost: adults R350, children R250. Contact: 011 956 6197, 082 486 2464 or visit wildcaves.co.za Cycle clinics at Avianto Learn how to get the most out of your mountain bike. Children under 12 need to be accompanied by an adult. Booking essential. 28 September. Time: beginners’ clinic 8am, intermediate clinic 9am, intermediate plus 10am. Venue: Avianto, Muldersdrift. Cost: R30. Contact: richard@ilumin8.co.za or visit ilumin8events.com SunFit exercise classes Suitable for all levels. Time: 5:30pm–6:30pm Monday–Friday, 8am–9am Saturday. Venue: Montecasino, cnr William Nicol Dr and Witkoppen Rd, Fourways. Cost: free. For more info visit Facebook: Stay in Shape With SUNfit
only for parents classes, talks and workshops Building bonds with your teenager This course offers practical ways to help parents interact with their teenagers. Booking essential. Starts 30 September. Time: 7pm–9pm every Tuesday for three weeks. Venue: The Family Life Centre, 1 Cardigan Rd, Parkwood. Cost: R1 200 for three sessions. Contact: training@familylife. co.za or visit familylife.co.za
September 2014
Building self-worth in your children Discover the top 10 rules for nurturing self-worth in your child. Booking essential. 27 September. Time: 9:30am–12:30pm. Venue: Parkhurst Recreation Centre, cnr 14th St and 5th Ave, Parkhurst. Cost: R250. Contact: 082 547 9224 or visit transformationalparenting.guru Courses with Domestic Bliss Booking essential. Start: childcare course 4, 11 or 18 September, elementary cooking 13 September, and the laundry course 5 or 12 September. Time: 8:30am–2pm. Venue: Domestic Bliss, 235 Jan Smuts Ave, Parktown North. Cost: childcare course R2 200 (five weekly sessions), laundry course R1 050 (two weekly sessions), elementary cooking course R2 400 (five weekly sessions). Contact: 011 447 5517, 083 525 4992 or visit domesticbliss.co.za Decor and design morning Learn about gardening, food and decor. Booking essential. 17 September. Time: 9am–2pm. Venue: Fairlawns Boutique Hotel and Spa, 1 Alma Rd, Sandton. Cost: R450. Contact: 011 298 8567 or visit jhbchildwelfare.org.za Immune-boosting lunchbox An interactive workshop by a qualified children’s nutritionist. Take home your own lunchbox sample and nutritionally complete menus with recipes. Booking essential. For parents of children 2–12 years old. 20 September. Time: 9am–11:30am. Venue: Bryanston. Cost: R150. Contact: 071 688 7326 or visit healthy-kids.co.za
on stage and screen Are you kidding me? An evening of laughs and giggles in aid of Joburg Child Welfare. The fundraiser features John Vlismas, Mark Banks, Bumi Morake and Mpho Popps. No under 18s. 23 September. Time: 6pm. Venue: Parker’s Comedy Club, Montecasino. Cost: R120. Contact: 011 298 8567, pr@jhbchildwelfare.org.za or visit jhbchildwelfare.org.za Constellations This elegant and playful production blends the everyday and the ethereal, revealing that every outcome may only be the first link in a chain of cosmic consequences. 8 August–28 September. Time: 8:15pm Wednesday–Saturday, 5:15pm Saturday, 3:15pm Sunday. Venue: Pieter Toerien Studio Theatre at Montecasino. Cost: R150. Book through Computicket: visit computicket.com The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared The film adaptation of Jonas Jonasson’s novel follows healthy 99-year-old Allan Karlsson who embarks on a hilarious and entirely unexpected journey just days before his 100th birthday. Premieres 26 September at cinemas nationwide. For more info: visit sterkinekor.com or numetro.co.za
out and about Arts Alive A 10-day arts festival that consists of theatre, music, poetry, comedy, visual arts and dance. 31 August–6 September. Time: varies. Venues: Joburg
Theatre, Theatre on the Square, Zoo Lake and venues in Newtown. Cost: varies. For more info: visit arts-alive.co.za Festival of Beer A selection of local and international beers to sample, with food stalls, children’s play areas, live entertainment, food-and-beer pairings, home-brewing demonstrations and beer tours. 27 and 28 September. Time: 12pm. Venue: Pirates Sports Club, 4th Ave, Randburg. Cost: R150, includes a glass of beer. For more info: visit joburgfestivalofbeer.co.za Pinotage on Tap For quality barrels of pinotage, a market of food stalls and treats, and live music. 13 September. Time: 12:30pm. Venue: Val Bonne, Modderfontein Reserve, Ardene Rd, Modderfontein. Cost: R370, includes a light lunch and dessert. Book through Computicket: 0861 915 8000 or visit computicket.com Sandton Craft Beer Fair Taste, learn and enjoy the beers and ciders on offer from 11 breweries across South Africa, as well as a delicious spread of food stalls. 20 and 21 September. Time: 10am–7pm. Venue: The Sands, Sandton. Cost: R120–R150 Saturday, R100 Sunday. For more info: visit thesands.nutickets.co.za/Beerfest2
support groups Dyspraxia SA Support Group Support for parents and/or caregivers who have children and young adults dealing with dyspraxia. Northern suburbs. For more info: visit dyspraxiasouthafrica.co.za
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iThemba Hope 4 U A centre that offers support to victims of violence and sexual trauma. Venue: cnr Woburn Ave and Kimbolton Ave, Benoni. Contact: 0861 HOPE 4 U (467 348), 011 422 4107 or visit traumasupport.org.za Mom Squad A support group for new or expectant moms to share the joys and challenges of motherhood. From newborn to 18 months old. 4 September. Time: 9:15am–11am, every Thursday. Venue: Linden. Cost: R10 donation towards refreshments. Contact: 082 334 4029 or vandermerwekj@gmail.com
25 thu
Standard Bank Joy of Jazz An annual jazz concert featuring local and international musicians. No under 18s. 25–27 September. Time: 7pm until late. Venue: Sandton Convention Centre, 161 Maude St, Sandton. Cost: R750. Book through Computicket: 0861 915 8000 or visit standardbankarts.com
bump, baby & Tot in tow
classes, talks and workshops Baby Ballerinas For 2–5 year olds. Six-yearold beginners welcome. Time: 8am–8:30am, every Saturday. Venue: Dance Café, cnr Main Rd and Witkoppen Rd, Bryanston. Cost: enrolment R100, R550 per term. Contact: 082 450 5187 or info@thebarre.co.za Johnson’s Baby Sense Seminar 2014 Get the parenting advice from baby experts Meg Faure (Baby Sense), Sister Ann Richardson (Toddler Sense), Tina Otte (midwife) and paediatrician Claudia Gray. 6 September. Time: baby seminar 8:30am–12pm, birth and newborn seminar 1:30pm–5pm, Johnson’s Baby massage workshop 12:15pm–1:15pm. Venue: Woodmead Country Club, Lincoln Rd, Sandton. Cost: R240 per seminar, massage workshop R80. Contact: 021 671 3245 or visit babysense.com Mothers birthing circle workshop A six-week workshop that focuses on motherhood. Booking essential. Starts 9 September. Time: 10am–12pm. Venue: Genesis Clinic, 5 Northwold Dr, Saxonwold. Cost: R900. Contact: 082 584 0666 or visit birthsupport.co.za Pregnancy yoga Time: 9:30am–11am Tuesday, 8:30am–10am Saturday. Venues: Atholl and Roosevelt Park. Cost: R100 per class, R450 for 5 classes, R850 for 10 classes. Contact: 083 229 3253 or visit consciousbirth.co.za
Preparing for the stork An informative antenatal course. 22 September–27 October. Time: 6pm. Venue: Bedfordview Mother and Baby Clinic, 32 Lucas Lane, Bedfordview. Cost: tbc. Contact: 011 450 0224 Toptots For children 8 weeks–4 years old. Time: varies. Venue: branches across Joburg. Cost: varies. Contact: 031 266 4910, 082 876 7791 or visit toptots.co.za
playtime and story time Play at Bambanani Children take part in pottery classes, watch a magic show, enjoy a movie or story time. Time: 2:30pm–3:30pm Tuesday–Thursday. Venue: Bambanani, 85 4th Ave, Melville. Cost: varies. Contact: 011 482 2900 or visit bambanani.biz
support groups Thirsty Tuesdays A breast-feeding support group for new moms. Time: 10am–12pm, every Tuesday. Venue: Ladybird Corner, 24 12th Ave, Linksfield Netcare Hospital, North Parking. Cost: R60. Contact: 011 485 3057 or 082 524 5611
how to help Barnyard Theatre fundraiser Join Quads 4 Quads for 80s Rewind at The Barnyard Theatre. Take picnic baskets or buy snacks at the venue. All ages. 6 September. Time: doors open 11:30am, show starts 1pm. Venue: Barnyard Theatre Rivonia, Paulshof.
Cost: R120. Contact: 011 979 1363, 083 314 2203 or visit familyadventures.co.za Comfort Pack Project Support the project and donate new toiletries, old matric dance dresses and handbags, teddy bears, knitting needles, wool and more. The comfort packs are given to survivors of rape and domestic abuse during the initial reporting phase at the police station. Drop donations off at the Lonehill Pick n Pay Pharmacy. For more info: visit epicfoundation.org.za Read Educational Trust An NGO that strives to develop a culture of reading in South Africa. You can assist by sponsoring a Red Reading Box for a child or by purchasing one. For more info: visit read.org.za World Prematurity Day Buy a purple bracelet and raise awareness of preterm birth on 17 November. Proceeds go to the Groote Schuur Hospital’s Newborn Trust Fund. Cost: R15–R30. Contact: 083 286 9582 or tanya.clarke@draeger.com
don’t miss out! For a free listing, email your event to joburg@childmag. co.za or fax it to 011 234 4971. Information must be received by 5 September for the October issue, and must include all relevant details. No guarantee can be given that it will be published. To post an event online, visit childmag.co.za
family marketplace
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September 2014
it’s party time For more help planning your child’s party visit
September 2014
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magazine joburg
September 2014
finishing touch
you snooze you lose CASSANDRA SHAW explains how waking up a bit earlier
September 2014
Cassandra and her son
after 5am and we were relying, a little too much, on early morning TV. After a while, we noticed a change in his behaviour – he was moody, uncooperative and bored – so we decided it best to try and spend some time with him during the early hours of the morning instead of letting the TV babysit him.
Instead of catching those extra few moments of shuteye, however needed they were, my husband “took one for the team” and started waking up super early to do the things he had always planned on doing with his son – teaching him the alphabet, how to write his name, playing games and doing crafts together. They even take their
tea together at our son’s desk in his room, which he calls his “office”. Now, after doing this for a month, our son seems happier in the mornings. When we are all running around the house trying to get him ready and ourselves out the door, he is chatty, cooperative and back to his real self again. A little bit of effort on my husband’s part seems to have made a real difference in our son’s life. That extra bit of time spent with him in the mornings has almost doubled the amount of quality time we are able to spend with him and, as a result, despite our busy schedules, we’ve managed to take part in the things we had always hoped to teach our child. Well, at least my husband has. I on the other hand am still currently working on waking up at 5am… Cassandra is seriously thinking about putting her alarm clock in another room to escape the ease of pressing snooze.
magazine joburg
s parents, we consistently have a lot on our plate. We wake up, get our loved ones ready for school, make breakfast, taxi everyone to school, go to work, sit in meetings, work with deadlines, commute home, make dinner, get our children ready for bed and then have about an hour left for ourselves before sleep overtakes us. It’s all pretty exhausting. I’m sure I’m not the only parent who wonders if I’m doing enough for my child at the end of it all. With all of the madness in the day, it leaves little time for parents to spend with their children doing all of the things they dreamed they would one day do together – sharing their favourite stories, teaching them how to write, how to play a particular sport, learning to sing and so on. Recently, my husband and I thought we weren’t spending enough time with our son. He regularly wakes up a little
has improved the lives of her husband and son.
a good read for preschoolers
for toddlers
for early graders
The Dark By Lemony Snicket and Jon Klassen (Published by Little Brown Books, R123) Laszlo is afraid of the dark. The dark lives in the same house as Laszlo. Mostly, though, the dark stays in the basement and doesn’t come into Lazslo’s room. But one night, it does. This is the story of how Laszlo stops being afraid of the dark. With emotional insight and poetic economy, two award-winning talents team up to conquer a universal childhood fear. This book should find a solid fan base in the five- to eight-year-old age group. The UK’s Sunday Times says: “The combination of text by Lemony Snicket and pictures by Jon Klassen makes this a picture book not to miss.”
the joy of reading
The Midnight Library By Kazuno Kohara (Published by Macmillan Children’s Books, R193) Once there was a library, which opened only at night. When we are fast asleep in bed, the Midnight Library opens its doors to all the night-time animals. The little librarian and her three assistant owls help each and every animal to find the perfect book. But tonight is very busy. Will the little librarian have enough time left for a cosy bedtime story with her assistants?
Jojo’s Wire Car By Veronica Lamond (Published by Random House Struik, R81) Beautifully illustrated and with a heart-warming story, this book with African flavour will appeal to a wide range of children. Jojo lives with his old granny in a shack. He has to help out with many chores after school, including selling fruit at the roadside to help make ends meet. A wire-toy-making competition offers him the chance of winning a big prize, but his packed schedule means he has less time than his friends to look for wire and other scraps. With its colourful, evocative drawings, this book will have young readers sharing in Jojo’s plight – and rejoicing in the happy ending.
for early graders Explorers: Insects and Minibeasts and Planet Earth By Jinny Johnson and Daniel Gilpin (Published by Kingfisher, R70 each) Explorers is designed to appeal to readers aged six to eight years old – those who are just starting to read alone and more confident readers who are beginning to exercise wider cross-referencing skills. Lively artwork scenes draw children into a subject, and each scene is followed by a photographic spread that gives extra detail. As a fun additional element, the reader can follow themed links to access information on related topics. In Planet Earth, young readers take a trip around the globe and examine the core subject of the earth. In Insects and Minibeasts, young readers get an up-close view of life in a variety of insect habitats.
for preteens and teens Mortality Doctrine: The Eye of Minds By James Dashner (Published by Doubleday, R251) The Eye of Minds is the first book in Mortality Doctrine, a series set in a world of hyperadvanced technology, cyber terrorists, and gaming beyond your wildest dreams – or your worst nightmares. For Michael and the other gamers, the VirtNet can make your fantasies become real. And the more hacking skills you have, the more fun ensues. Who wants to play by the rules anyway? But some rules were made for a reason. One gamer has been taking people hostage inside the VirtNet, with horrific consequences. The government needs Michael to track down the rogue gamer, but the risk is enormous and the line between game and reality could be blurred forever. This edge-of-your-seat adventure is recommended for children from the age of 12 years old.
One Day: Around the World in 24 Hours By Suma Din and Christiane Engel (Published by Bloomsbury, R248) One Day follows 15 different children from around the world through a 24-hour period. Not only will readers learn about their different lives and cultures, but they will also discover how time zones work, and what’s happening on one side of the world while the other sleeps. This is a fantastic and accessible introduction to the concept of time and time zones for a younger audience. It also contains extra material exploring how time is measured and why. The book includes cultures from the USA, Peru, Turkey, South Africa, China and Australia.
parenting book
for us healthy family fare
Annabel’s Family Cookbook By Annabel Karmel (Published by Random House Struik, R378) Bestselling children’s cookery writer and mom of three, Annabel knows how tricky it can be to find food the whole family can enjoy together. Too often, busy moms have to make one meal for the children and then another for adults. In her new cookbook, Annabel offers no-fuss, tasty recipes for all mealtimes that will get everyone around the table at the same time. She includes her favourite quick recipes, as well as easy-to-make light meals, snacks and lunchboxes. For families, she offers her foolproof prep ahead recipes, as well as her weekend dishes, which are ideal for leisurely brunches, big family lunches or a relaxed supper with friends.
Help! I’m a Dad By Nick Harper (Published by Michael O’Mara Books Limited, R204) This is an essential guide for all new fathers. The book covers everything you need to know, from what to buy to how to use it. This handy book includes clearly labelled, easy-to-navigate sections with practical lists and step-by-step instructions, making it useful for quick reference. It also contains sobering facts, such as the fact that you will get through nearly 3 000 nappies in the first year. It gives advice and true stories from moms and dads who have been there before. Told with Nick Harper’s ready wit, not to mention his years of experience, this book will show you how to be a confident and capable dad and, most of all, how to enjoy the experience.