Child magazine | PTA July 2014

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P r e t o r i a’ s

b e s t

g u i d e

f o r

pa r e n t s

different, only to you raising children in a rainbow nation

children & the

creative arts exploring your child’s needs

dream getaways t ravel the world on a foodie adventure father & son share a safari in KZN


July 2014





a family holiday at a luxury resort in Mauritius worth over R100 000



Hunter House P UB L IS H ING

A change is as good as a holiday.

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I always look forward to the break in routine that school holidays bring, but they can be a real problem for working moms. I have a wonderful domestic helper, but her hands are full with the washing and ironing, so I often get home from work to find my youngest slumped in front of the TV. Last holiday, I got her off the couch by signing her up for a surfing camp. It was daunting for a first-timer, who didn’t know anyone else on the camp, but the crew were so welcoming that she ended up having the time of her life. She was hooked. The rest of us couldn’t help feeling a little envious of all the fun she was having, so we signed up for a family package

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and spent the next four Sunday mornings together in the surf. With a seven-year age gap between my daughters, it’s not easy to find something that everyone is keen to do – especially at 8am on a Sunday morning. Our surfing may not always look very pretty, but out there in the sea of beginner surfers, my family is having a whale of a time.

Find fun holiday activities for your family in our calendar section on page 29.

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July 2014


contents july 2014

20 upfront

10 pregnancy news – a healthy glow expectant moms can also indulge in certain beauty treatments. Tamlyn Vincent finds the safe ones

3 a note from lisa 6 over to you readers respond

11 best for baby – testing 1, 2, 3

features 14 shopping with children Anél Lewis gives you tips for victory when taking the children to the mall

16 joie de vivre children exposed to the creative arts develop important skills. Lucille Kemp explains

18 you can bank on it parents are

responsible for teaching their children about the value of money and saving, says Françoise Gallet

20 beat around the bush Angus Begg takes his four year old on a KZN safari and shares the experience

22 hearty winter fare these delicious recipes are the perfect treat for winter days. By Taffy Pfupajena and Ellen Brown

health 9 shoo flu Marc de Chazal points out the pros of getting the flu vaccine

Marina Zietsman explains what screening tests your newborn could undergo in hospital

12 dealing with difference – different... only to you the difficulty of raising children in communities where their racial group is in the minority. By Donna Cobban

24 resource – foodie adventures pack the family off on a cooking holiday. Child magazine offers a few global and local destinations

28 a good read for the whole family 29 what’s on in july 34 finishing touch Cassandra Shaw is reminded of the importance of cousins in a child’s life

35 win a trip to paradise one family can win a luxury trip to Mauritius


classified ads

8 upfront with paul despite being

33 let’s party

pampered, modern children still have lots to worry about, says Paul Kerton

33 family marketplace

this month’s cover images are supplied by:


July 2014


Cape Town





Hugatree Photography

Mr Price

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magazine pretoria

July 2014



over to you

another way to potty train I find your magazine very interesting – and I’m a senior citizen! I wonder if it would be wise to share my method of potty training – it’s very rare, of course. Having six children, I had to have a sure method. As soon as I heard that “urge” noise, I would take the nappy off (even from two months old), and hold the baby with my hands on her thighs over a potty on my lap. They would get so used to this “thing” under their bum, that it stopped being a foreign object for them. By the time they got to 12 months old, no more nappy! On several occasions I was even visiting somewhere where we needed to use the potty, and it was no problem. I simply put some newspaper on the floor and Bob’s your uncle. Jackie Biddlecombe

online response comment online to the feature “left of centre” I’m so pleased to see an article like this, which particularly highlights the need for teachers to understand and adapt their teaching to left-handers. I am left-handed and fortunately was not forced to write with my right hand, but

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July 2014

Let us know what’s on your mind. Send your letters or comments to or PO Box 12002, Mill Street, 8010.

I did grow up in an era where very little else was adapted for left-handers, such as scissors. So except for writing, I perform a number of other dominant hand tasks with my right hand as this is how I was taught – I cut with my right, knit with my right and play most racquet sports with my right hand, although later on I learnt to also play with my left hand. I have one daughter who is left-handed and the other who is right-handed, so I especially make sure that I show them how to do various things with their respective dominant hand, and ensure that my left-handed daughter has a pair of left-handed scissors. I didn’t know about some of the other tools, so thanks for this information and also the additional learning suggestions. Anonymous comment online to the feature “second-hand smoke” Thank you for your article on second-hand smoke’s effects on children.
While a lot of smoking parents are aware of the risks for their children, they still find it difficult to stop and give up cigarettes. Quitting smoking and becoming a non-smoker does not have to be difficult and painful.

good news is that hypnosis offers a great way to stop smoking with lasting results. Antje Swart online response to Cassandra Shaw’s column “negotiator extraordinaire” My four year old negotiates everything: from the amount of toys in the bath to the fact that he wants to give me away if I do not listen to him. I have become the master at pretending not to hear the lengthy conversations or arguments he has with me when he wants to negotiate his viewpoint. Sometimes, out of pure frustration, I just give in and hope and pray by the age of 10 we will have some agreement as to who is the mom and who is the child. Olivia subscribe to our newsletter and win Our wins have moved online. Please subscribe to our newsletter and enter our weekly competitions. To subscribe, visit

We reserve the right to edit and shorten submitted letters. The opinions reflected here are those of our readers and are not necessarily held by Hunter House Publishing.

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July 2014


upfront with paul

no worries, chicken curries Modern children may be mollycoddled, but they’re also


et’s face it, modern children – those fortunate enough to be born into a loving family – are mollycoddled to the nth degree. They are chauffeur-driven everywhere, they have a rich menu of nutritious meals presented to them, their hyper-fashionable clothes are washed and ironed, they get help with their schooling, and treats and entertainment are laid on, often at great expense. No wonder parenting experts refer to “our” crop of children as the “cotton-wool generation”. So, what do they need to worry about? Lots, actually. As a parent it’s quite easy to overlook the fact that children do worry, particularly when you have killed yourself to ensure that they are well looked after and provided for and are, to all intents and purposes, “happy”.


July 2014

But just as we stress about punctuality, promotions at work, social politics, relationships, bills, property, health and wider, bigger issues such as the economy, politics and war, children worry about their own burning issues. We have to get down to their level to see them. Ask them what they worry about and they will initially shrug it off, but if you dig you will find that they are concerned about a whole raft of things. This could be not scoring, not playing in the team or appearing in the school play, falling out with a best friend, being left out, being bullied, not getting on with the teacher, homework, health issues, body issues – especially with girls, but increasingly with boys too... Sometimes we are guilty of dismissing these as trivial, but they can be deeply troubling.

Being educated in the UK, I never really understood the importance of matric and the anxiety that surrounds it until I witnessed a friend’s daughter facing her matric year. Luckily she was eloquent enough to explain to me how unconfident she felt at not having received a good report the previous year. And that’s before all the matric-dress stuff that goes with it. Children pick up on big issues too as they are bombarded with grown-up concerns 24/7. I was at a friend’s house when her six-year-old son was playing happily with his toys on the carpet, half-heartedly watching TV. Then the programme switched to “Breaking News”. We all watched, bugeyed, mouths agape, as a tsunami wiped out an entire Japanese coastline and city. As houses were being demolished the

boy leapt up and instinctively grabbed his mother’s legs, watching through his fingers. We had to sit him down and explain that we don’t get tsunamis in Newlands, but the doubt was already planted in his mind. We have to be careful about concepts such as “global warming” and casual buzzwords such as “child trafficking” that litter the news. In a child’s mind global warming is somebody pouring petrol over the earth and setting fire to it. Terrorism is another global issue that children don’t really get, but images of extremists opening fire at a busy airport lounge on innocent passengers do not make the thought of the upcoming family holiday in Europe attractive. And we wonder why our children are anxious? Follow Paul on Twitter: @fabdad1

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burdened by grown-up concerns, says PAUL KERTON.



e shoo flu The flu vaccine will give your child a fighting chance against the influenza virus. MARC DE CHAZAL gives us the facts.

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very year, especially during the winter season, the influenza virus makes its infectious rounds. The virus infects the nose, throat and lungs, causing illness, hospitalisation and even death, so it’s not to be taken lightly. Young children, and those who have certain long-term health conditions such as asthma, are particularly at risk of getting serious flu complications. Having a strong immune system is a vital line of defence against the mutating virus, but health practitioners encourage parents to also have their children vaccinated with the latest influenza vaccine. The best time to do this is in March or April, but it’s never too late. The vaccine is recommended from six months old. “Each year, new vaccination formulations are developed based on the latest influenza strains,” explains Dr Neville Wellington, a GP in Cape Town. “The vaccination is made up of a chemically inactivated virus [parts of three different strains], which enables the body to get to know and store the ‘shape’ of the virus so that when you are exposed to the actual virus, your body is armed to fight it.” Lee Baker, a medicine information pharmacist from Joburg, explains that the vaccine is not live, so it cannot cause flu. But how effective is it in preventing flu? “This all depends on whether or not the strains circulating are those in the vaccine this year, as well as the age and health of the person being vaccinated,” says Baker. “A two-year study published in 2003 of children aged 6–24 months old

found that the vaccine was 66% effective in preventing laboratory-confirmed influenza in one year of the study.” The flu vaccine will only protect against the strains of flu in the vaccine, points out Baker, so you may still get sick if a different strain has been circulating. “And you may also get sick after being vaccinated if you were already incubating the flu virus at the time of being vaccinated,” Baker explains. According to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention in the US, it takes about two weeks after the vaccination for antibodies that protect against influenza virus infection to develop in the body, which is why it’s best to get vaccinated before the flu season. The side effects to the vaccine are generally mild, as is the case for most vaccines, and may include pain and redness at the injection site, as well as a headache and body ache within 24 hours after the vaccine is given. “But these are usually resolved within three days,” says Baker. You can get this year’s flu vaccine at pharmacies, your family doctor or hospitals. If you do happen to get flu, antibiotics are not advisable to treat the infection as they are only effective against bacteria. Wellington advises that you get enough rest at home to give your body the chance to fight the virus and also prevent spreading the virus at school or work. There are plenty of medications available to help relieve the symptoms and discomfort, but always consult with your child’s paediatrician first.

It takes about two weeks after the vaccination for antibodies to develop in the body.

July 2014


pregnancy news

a healthy glow Expecting moms may want to indulge in a little beauty therapy, but


our back aches, your feet are swollen, and you’ve pulled a muscle you didn’t know you had. So why not treat yourself to a facial or a day at the beauty spa? There are a great many treatments and products that women use every day, without a second thought, but these could be harmful to your unborn baby.

harmful, but if used over the whole body it is the equivalent of taking one or two aspirin. Rather use salt and oil scrubs for a body exfoliator. Sunscreens are safe, advises Martegoutte, but look for those containing titanium dioxide or zinc oxide. If you are uncertain about any products you wish to use, speak to your gynaecologist or dermatologist.

chemical hazards

beauty therapy

“There are commonly known facial products and medicines that are recommended for skin problems such as acne, rashes and wrinkles that can be harmful in pregnancy,” says Dr Mmaselemo Tsauri, a Joburg gynaecologist. Retinol or vitamin A products should be avoided, especially in the first trimester. Retinol can be found in acne products, pore minimisers and wrinkle creams, says Tsauri, and if taken from conception to 13 weeks, can cause birth defects. Rather use simple products such as tissue oils, says Kirsten Martegoutte, a craniosacral and massage therapist in Durban. Corticosteroids, often used topically to treat skin conditions such as eczema, are relatively safe if used in low doses for a short time, says Tsauri. But prolonged use can affect the skin’s appearance, and potent steroids can be absorbed into the bloodstream, causing growth suppression, adrenal suppression or cleft palate. Ammonia, added to some hair dyes, can cause growth restriction if large enough quantities are absorbed into


July 2014

names to look out for on the label Corticosteroids: hydrocortisone, cortisone Retinol: vitamin A, retinoids, retinoic acid, retin A, retinyl palmitate, retinol acetate Salicylic acid: beta hydroxy acid (BHA)

the bloodstream. You should also avoid Brazilian keratin treatment products that contain formaldehyde, which may be detrimental during pregnancy. Tsauri also recommends avoiding the antibiotic tetracycline, which may be used in small doses for acne or added to topical acne creams. It can affect the baby’s tooth enamel formation and bone growth, or cause liver damage to the mother, possibly causing premature labour. Salicylic acid is part of the aspirin family, says Martegoutte. In small doses, such as in cleansers and toners, it won’t be

Reflexology is something that should be avoided when you’re expecting, says Izelle Louw from Mommy Wellness Day Spa in Cape Town. Sauna and steam treatments are also not advisable as they raise body temperature, putting the developing baby at risk. Certain aromatherapy oils can be used, says Louw, but the therapist needs to be experienced in treating pregnant women. It is safe to receive massages during pregnancy to help with the pulls and strains that expectant women often experience, says Martegoutte, but go to a qualified practitioner who is comfortable working with pregnant women. For any treatment, Louw suggests you first speak to an experienced therapist. If you’re still in doubt, use a safe alternative such as natural henna instead of hair dye, or give it a miss until you’re finished breast-feeding. But just because you’re pregnant, it doesn’t mean you should miss out on spoiling yourself, or enjoying a soothing foot rub, even if you can’t see your feet.

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some products and treatments can be harmful. By TAMLYN VINCENT

best for baby

testing 1, 2, 3 Certain screening tests on newborns can save a life or prevent severe disabilities. MARINA ZIETSMAN explains what new moms can expect.


he arrival of a newborn baby can be quite overwhelming and any subsequent prodding and probing of your child can be alarming. But these procedures, including a screening test, are standard and necessary. Screening tests are carried out to identify the conditions that can affect a child’s long-term health or survival. Early detection, diagnosis and intervention can prevent death or disability. “Newborn screening helps identify illnesses that are treatable, that cannot be identified at birth, and where rapid treatment can result in protection of the vital functions of the body,” says Dr Yatish Kara, a Durban-based paediatrician.


what are they looking for? Apart from checking the vital signs – your baby’s appearance (skin colour), pulse, grimace (reflex), activity (muscle tone), and respiration, the medical staff or registered midwife or doula will also do a neonatal thyroid stimulating hormones (TSH) test. This is the only screening test done routinely at private hospitals on newborns in South Africa. It helps to identify newborns with congenital hypothyroidism, a condition that affects infants from birth and results from a partial or complete loss of thyroid function. “Failure to treat congenital hypothyroidism in the neonatal period can lead to permanent brain damage,” warns Kara, “but early treatment can allow normal life functioning.” This test is relatively inexpensive (under R400) and noninvasive and is done by a pinprick of blood taken from a baby’s heel, onto blotting paper. As this test is not mandatory, parents can refuse it, but this needs to be documented because medical staff cannot be held responsible if a child then develops hypothyroidism and suffers from subsequent developmental delays.

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other considerations Many other screening tests for various metabolic diseases are offered, but they are best reserved for families that fall into a high-risk category for these conditions – they may have a family history of the condition or there may have been previous infant deaths related to them. “We can send urine for metabolic screens for a variety of rare conditions,” says Kara, “and we can also do blood spot tests for numerous enzyme deficiencies. We can do gene studies to identify the risk of genetic disorders, and an increasing number of units do routine pulse oximetry, which means checking oxygen saturations on all limbs of a baby to identify congenital heart disease.” Screening tests are also offered for hearing impairment and are available in selected private hospitals. All these tests can be done at any time, but they are best done early. Hearing tests can be done at birth or in the first two months. Testing newborns for HIV can be reasonably excluded at six weeks, or even earlier, by testing for the presence of the HIV antigen, instead of the HIV antibody, in the baby. “This is called a HIV PCR test,” says Kara. “If antigens are present in the baby’s blood, it indicates that the baby is infected.”

it’s your call These tests do come at a price and many parents will probably balk at the cost. Medical practitioners and medical aids are also constantly in debate over the cost benefits of screening tests. “The question is whether it’s worthwhile to screen 100 000 children just to diagnose one child,” says Kara. The best advice is to speak to your medical practitioner before the delivery to determine which tests might benefit you and your baby.

July 2014


dealing with difference

different... only to you Some parents raising children in communities where their racial group is a minority are finding integration difficult. DONNA COBBAN investigates.


rainbow nation?

they admire the easy-care braids worn by her daughters. Kim is concerned that a six year old who hears daily hairstyle eulogies from strangers will slowly start to develop a strange relationship with her hair. “Well-meaning conversations can also be difficult,” says Kim, particularly when they are more often than not conducted in front of the children. A fellow mother recently told Kim how hard it must be to take care of the girls’ hair. Kim smiled politely and told her that it was just curly hair. Not paying any attention to this, the other mother went on to tell Kim that she has a friend with black children and they have to be really careful in case their hair catches on fire. Kim’s daughters listen in on the conversation, bemused perhaps, but no doubt very aware of the attention their “different” hair is creating.

From early on in life, the things that make your child different should be celebrated – differences should be seen in a positive light, as making the child special and unique.

South Africa, for all its beautifully colourful people, seems trapped in a bizarre need to categorise things according to skin colour – schools and suburbs seem to be particular targets. Some areas appear to have integrated more successfully than others, but wherever we find ourselves, here or elsewhere in the world, there will no doubt be people who are treated as out of place, based largely on their being “different”. Schools are often not just our “local schools”, but “former Model C schools”, “coloured schools”, “township schools” and “Indian schools”. The list could go on. Within these demarcations, change is often slow. For the children who form a minority racial group, their presence can be met with ignorance, idle curiosity and insensitivity. Clara*, mother to three primary school children, moved to Cape Town from Zimbabwe eight years ago. Comfortably attuned to a middle class suburban lifestyle, she and her South African husband chose to settle in Cape Town, ensuring that there were sufficient schools in their area to serve the needs of all their children. Clara is black, her husband would be described as coloured, while her children are similar shades to both parents. When their eldest daughter was recently invited to a birthday party Clara accepted readily and was delighted her daughter was making friends… but it cut like a knife when Clara discovered a few weeks after the party that on all the other girls’ invitations there was a small handwritten note stating that a black girl would also be attending the party. “Seriously?” Clara gasps. “In this day and age… in Africa?” Kim* is mother to three gregarious girls, whose brown skin makes them a minority in their school. It is not their skin colour, but their hair that seems to garner extra attention. “Their hair is a work of art,” comment some well-meaning mothers as


July 2014

standing tall

Along with swimming and hair, these mothers and others interviewed have been asked what their children eat culturally, they’ve been praised for their children’s ability to speak faultless English, and they are often quizzed as to whether their children are on a scholarship at the local school. It’s hard not to feel insulted and hurt by these comments. Sabrina, a young black journalist, has firm feelings about empowering children to stand up to inappropriate comments from strangers. “I think there is something wrong with simply being polite back. I think parents should find a way to have responses that children observe and can in turn feed from when they need to fend for themselves. Educate others and don’t be afraid to ruffle a few feathers,” says Sabrina. “Children need rebuttals, because simply walking away disempowers them.” Robynne Thomson, a Joburg-based psychologist, offers some essential insight into how to help children deal with being different to those around them. “From early on in life, the things that make your child different should be celebrated – differences should be seen in a positive light, making the child special and unique,” she suggests. She also points out that it is important to teach children that they cannot always control how other people think and that other people’s prejudices are not a measure of how special they are.” Samantha, a young Cape Town-based professional, is a living example of not letting prejudices have an impact on her being, though her upbringing has not always been easy. Samantha was born in Zambia and her mother moved the family back to South Africa towards the end of Sam’s primary schooling. Sam found herself thrust into the former Model C school structures. When she talks of the difficulty of trying to integrate herself into the school community, or her later ability to walk the hallowed halls of university undetected by her paler-skinned peers, she was aware of the constant feeling that she was carrying the entire population of black people on her shoulders. “I knew that if I ever behaved in a manner that was considered ‘not acceptable’ to my fellow nonblack students, it would have serious ramifications for the general perceptions of all black people in their eyes.” magazine pretoria


laire’s* brown-skinned daughter cuts through the water; her strokes are long, determined and focused. She wins her first primary school gala race with ease, leaving both boys and girls in her wake. Claire is beaming with pride as the mother standing near her leans in to congratulate the parents: “That’s really good, because they usually can’t swim that well.” Claire turns her head in disbelief... this is Cape Town, this is 2014, surely this should not be happening? Claire and her family are not alone. Michelle’s brown-skinned daughter is hesitant to immerse herself in the water when she encounters a new swimming teacher. Seeking to reassure Michelle the teacher says, “Not to worry, swimming doesn’t come naturally to them.” It takes Michelle a full 30 seconds to comprehend what this woman is implying. She has no ready response, and even if she did, she does not want to make her daughter aware of the meaning behind this thoughtless throwaway comment.

When I press Sam for further insight into why this is so, she suggests that questions around blackness stem from some level of curiosity. “And as any cognitive psychologist will tell you, our brains make use of prominent identity marks (such as race and ethnicity) to make sense of the world. However, the problem with many nonblacks is that they fail to contextualise this primitive curiosity within the oppressive history of ‘blackness’. So when nonblacks make these ridiculous statements about having difficulty pronouncing ‘traditional’ black names, about black women’s hair, and about black people who are able to swim, they are embodying a fundamental ignorance to race and ethnicity as a historical loci of oppression... and for me, this is where racism comes into play.” Samantha believes that parents who push for a narrative of “not standing out too much” are not only perpetuating the problem, but they are also creating fertile ground for their children to develop the very same complexes they are trying to prevent them from developing.

make an effort Despite daily frustrations with the way in which her children are often treated, Clara remains positive: “As parents we have a duty to our children to let them explore relationships with their peers without the apartheid baggage we all carry.” She goes on to stress that every parent owes it to their children to make an effort to make friends across races, cultures and religions. Sabrina has a unique perspective on being black in places where she is a minority. She recounts that during a recent year spent living in Gaza, an older woman approached her at

magazine pretoria

a party and announced in a friendly voice, “You’re cute... even if you are black.” Sabrina’s grace-filled internal response went like this: “Thank you South Africa, had I not spent many years living in a country where skin colour reigns supreme, I’d have been shocked. Therefore, thank you South Africa for preparing me for being a black woman anywhere in the world.” *Names have been changed

is your child being teased? • I n the event that your child is being teased about being different, it can be useful to empower your child to respond to the teasing by themselves. • Role-play appropriate responses that they might be able to make, but do so at home within a safe environment... give them the words to use. • Remember that their responses should always be respectful and should not descend into name-calling and lack of respect for the other person’s culture. • If the child tries several times to respond to the teasing and it does not stop, it might be useful to address the teasing at an adult level – either with the parents of the child who is teasing or with the school. • It is also important that schools have policies and values based on respect for each other’s differences and that schools can become involved in an appropriate manner should teasing be a problem. Provided by Robynne Thomson

July 2014



shopping with children Negotiating the grocery aisles with your children in tow requires


battlefield courage. ANÉL LEWIS helps you prepare for victory.

s a parent, I no longer consider shopping to be a relaxing or entertaining pastime. Instead, it’s become a tactical mission that requires military precision to organise and execute. My combatants are two toddlers and my war zone is the local supermarket. I’ve long since given up on clothes shopping with them. Conor, my 20-month-old, thinks it’s hilarious to play hide-and-seek in the underwear section, while three-year-old Erin takes it upon herself to greet each of the store mannequins as if she is welcoming members of parliament to the State of the Nation address. Who would have thought those plastic hands and arms come loose so easily? So, to make things simple, we’re sticking to grocery shopping for now.

But first we wipe them down with disinfectant wipes to keep them clean and teach the children good hygiene habits. We also remind them to avoid touching the sides of escalators and other surfaces where germs abound.

the trolley dash

colours and different food types. Erin loves her tomatoes, so she will usually open a punnet of these as well. The inside of the blue trolley is starting to look like the aftermath of a sunset concert picnic, but at least she’s quiet. When boredom sets in, it’s time for extreme measures. This is usually when you will find me singing “Annie Apple” or some other delightful ditty in the biscuit aisle. The promotional

The battle lines are drawn early as we approach the melange of trolleys. Erin wants a blue one. That’s fine, except that the trolley with the blue handle is third from the back. But, it’s too early in our mission to deal with histrionics, so I concede, much to the irritation of the customers standing behind me. My husband and I each take a trolley – divide and conquer, we reckon.

people handing out free samples of food are a godsend, as they keep curious young shoppers busy for a few precious minutes. It’s just a matter of time though before Conor realises that his grapes double as projectiles, and we will need to find something else to keep him entertained.

keep them busy The distractions are rolled out early. Both children are mad about pineapple pieces and grapes, so we get to those quickly. The fruit and veg section is a great place to teach the children about

enter at your own risk The toy aisle is a mixed blessing. It gives the children something to do for a few minutes, while Craig dashes to the home section in search of batteries and pool

It’s just a matter of time before Conor realises that his grapes double as projectiles. salt. But getting them to relinquish any of the toys they’ve picked up is like peeling old Prestik off a painted wall – difficult and messy. To cajole Erin into putting down the Superman figurine, I usually have to bribe her with bubbles or crayons. We don’t linger here too long. If you do happen to swing by the clothing section, be prepared for the barrage of branded items that will catch your children’s attention. Conor is

thankfully still oblivious, but Erin knows her Jake and the Neverland from her SpongeBob, and she will be very vocal about her preferences.

take your seats Shopping with hungry or tired children, of any age, is a big no-no. About halfway in, as energy levels are flagging, I offer water or a small juice to keep them hydrated. If you see your little one is taking strain, it may be time to wrap up your shopping. Last Christmas I made the mistake of ignoring Erin’s signs of fatigue, until she eventually nodded off in the trolley with her head resting on the front bars. Conor is the opposite. The more tired and bored he gets, the louder his screams. I once allowed him out, thinking he would walk beside me. It was a rookie mistake and I wasted valuable shopping time chasing after a feisty little boy determined to break land speed records.

the final countdown We are nearing the end, and there is just the gauntlet of sweets, or “temptation aisle”, at check-out to conquer. You have to be firm on this final stretch. I usually explain that I

from the trenches

Candice Whitehead of Joburg is mom to Ethan, 11, Cruz, three, and Kai, six months “Ethan is a big help as he can push the pram while I push the trolley. Cruz is the most challenging so it usually helps to give him his own trolley, which he sits in. We give him a mini shopping list of items from the master shopping list. This gets him excited and he feels involved. Sometimes we approach it as his treasure list. When he sees the item he eagerly lets us know so it can go in his trolley. Shops with those mini trolleys make this game even more fun. My husband’s strategy is to get Cruz a toy to play with while we shop. Then when we get to the tills he can swap the toy for any sweet. It also helps to take the iPad along or if I’m really desperate I let him play on our cellphones, which are fully loaded with games and movies.”


July 2014

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Nathalie Le Blond of Cape Town is mom to four-year-old Olivia “She is now old enough to really enjoy shopping and to behave well when we are in the shops. But in terms of making sure the wheels don’t come off, I always shop with a list. That way it’s quicker and way more efficient. I make sure I explain whether we are buying groceries, clothes or shoes so that she knows the purpose of the trip. But never do all three and make sure no trip is longer than about an hour.” Nathalie also involves Olivia by letting her put items into the trolley. “I actually love shopping with Olivia at this age. She is good fun to have in the shops and makes me laugh. She seems to enjoy it too – especially clothes shopping.”

have no more money for whatever item they choose. If this doesn’t work, I let Erin pick whatever she wants and put it in the trolley. Then, when she’s not looking, I put it back. Holidays, such as Christmas and Easter, add a whole new dimension to this stage of your expedition. I don’t know how many glitter stars and musical Father Christmases I have had to hurriedly stuff among the packets of jelly worms before reaching the front of the line. Craig and I have mastered this stage of our mission and he will unpack while I entertain our weary co-shoppers. If needs be, I may even let them ride on the mechanical bus at the exit. I’m not above a bit of bribery to get the shopping done, and usually promise: “If you sit still, we can ride on the bus later.” It works, except it tends to involve me also sitting on the darn thing, singing about wheels going round while bemused shoppers look on. This is also about the time when I swear to do my next shop online.

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shopping 101 with a baby • Make sure your baby is fed and hydrated. This applies to children of all ages. • Shop when it’s early and quiet. • Carry a stocked nappy bag in case you need to make a midshop change. • Bring toys to keep your baby entertained. • You may want to use a shopping cart cover to keep your baby clean and comfortable. • For a smaller baby, it’s best to use trolleys with built-in baby seats. with a toddler • I ask Erin what we need as we drive to the shops, so that she feels involved. • Pack wet wipes – to sanitise the trolley and also to clean up. • Make a toilet stop before the shops, otherwise you may have to abandon your full trolley to make a pitstop. • Park your trolley well away from aisles where little hands can pull off bottles and grab brightly-coloured packets. • If they have favourite products – such as a pasta packet with

a beloved cartoon character on it – let them hold these while you shop. Also let them touch different textured products, such as rough potatoes and prickly pineapples – anything to keep them entertained. • Make up games using words and numbers related to the groceries. • Use the opportunity to teach them about healthy food choices and the cost of things. with an older child • Ask them to help you write the grocery list. • Ask them to get products off the shelves, weigh fruit and vegetables and maybe even calculate how much the trolley or basket will cost. Shopping is a wonderful learning opportunity. safety tip: It’s easy to get distracted when you are shopping. You may turn your back for a second, or park your trolley with your child in it and quickly nip to another aisle to fetch something. Be mindful of safety, and keep your children in your sight at all times.

July 2014


your child’s life

joie de vivre Don’t forego getting your child involved in the creative arts – it will not

hen Picasso said that every child is an artist, I think of it as meaning that, much like the artist, every child is capable of creating other worlds with their mind, thanks to an insatiable curiosity and unbridled imagination. When you expose your child to the creative arts you are giving them a priceless opportunity to experience one of life’s great joys, which they will return to for a lifetime. They’ll appreciate the escape that only a moving play, mesmerising dance routine, expertly composed music score or interesting artwork can offer. Duncan Rice of Helen O’Grady Drama Academy, who has been working with children in the performing arts for over 30 years, believes that there is a serious deficit at school in exercising innovative, right-brain thinking, which the arts subjects encourage. “School-based learning is much of the time about the acquisition of knowledge rather than creative application. Yes, we need scientists, but scientists devoid of creative thinking skills will lack new imaginative ideas on the scale that we need,” he says. Developing an excitement for the arts from as early as possible will “not only produce great performers but also an enthusiastic and supportive audience, vital for the continuation of the arts in South Africa,” says Inge Mancktelow, who runs Dance Totz, a dance academy for children.

exposure is key “It’s amazing how open children are to experiences that we might expect would go over their heads,” notes Joanna Evans, a children’s theatre-maker who collaborated intensively with ASSITEJ SA, a theatre development organisation for children, to create Patchwork, a show especially for one to four year olds. During the school holidays, make yourself aware of the great variety of theatre performances on offer, including puppet shows and magic shows. Look into enrolling your child in programmes that teach artistic self-expression in a fun way. When they are a bit older, take them to watch choir performances and orchestral productions, which will help them to appreciate the skill required for a variety of musical instruments. Inge, being very hands-on with her four-year-old daughter in exposing her to the arts, shares a few simple ways to make these experiences more meaningful.


July 2014

Show them the orchestra pit at a stage performance. At a gallery, speak to them about the colours, shapes and different mediums the artists use. Show them statues and then allow them to make their own “sculptures” out of dough. “I have an art app on my tablet, which I use to show my daughter how art can be realistic or abstract. When we recently passed the Cape Town Film Studios, I pointed out the huge ships that have been built, explaining that those are sets, used for making movies,” she says. Laurika Steenkamp, who manages the Cape Town Philharmonic Youth Orchestra

a sense of humour and the ability to express themselves. A huge gain from involvement in the performing arts is confidence. One of Inge’s dance students watched from the side lines for an entire term before he had the confidence to join in. “I’m so glad that his mom had the foresight to allow him to take his time because now he has come into his own and participates enthusiastically,” she says. One of Duncan’s students, Laura, was enrolled in drama classes by her mom, Catherine, after she became uncharacteristically introverted in Grade 1.

A huge gain from involvement in the performing arts is confidence. and Youth Wind Ensemble, suggests when watching movies with your child, you “make them aware of the orchestra playing – many of the new children’s films have amazing scores”. Also, choose wisely – it’s not ideal to take a five year old to a symphony concert in the city hall and expect them to sit still for two hours.

all-rounders A recent study by Stanford University and the Carnegie Foundation found that involvement in the creative arts promotes academic achievement. Beyond that, Duncan has seen the effect that drama has had on children, developing life skills such as sharing, compromising, listening, discussing, negotiating, leading and cooperating as well as developing

“She has blossomed – the classes give her free range to express herself, her speech has improved and she is encouraged to be less constrained,” says a delighted Catherine.

pioneering ways For the not-so-artsy parents, there are many passionate people in your community whose work is to extend your child creatively. By following a few simple rules, they have successfully placed a child-friendly spin on everything from a symphony concert to an art exhibition, making it easier for parents to access many art forms with their child. The travelling exhibition Da Vinci – The Genius, which is currently in Joburg, has been on the money in attracting a younger audience thanks to the free-walking,

interactive format of the exhibition, the simple style of the audio guide commentary, and especially the fascinating facts offered through the exhibition’s touchscreens, and their Facebook page and website. “Children particularly love learning about the science behind the 240-million-pixel camera, which allowed engineer Pascal Cotte to discover never-before-known secrets about the world-famous Mona Lisa painting,” says Charlotte Damgaard, marketing director of Great World Exhibitions, the company responsible for bringing the exhibition to South Africa. The Cape Town Philharmonic Orchestra (CPO) runs a series of family-orientated concerts called Family Symphonic Fun, which has sold out for the past two years. “It introduces the very young to a theatre, symphony orchestra and classical music,” says Laurika. By using big screens at some of their Artscape Theatre productions and incorporating music the children know, such as “Entry of the Gladiators” from the movie Madagascar, the CPO has made itself relevant to the child’s world, which allows them to make an impact. Who would have thought that, while watching Barbie of Swan Lake, your child is being introduced to Tchaikovsky? Of the show Patchwork, Joanna found that “children as young as three months old were engaged, sitting patiently and fully stimulated for the whole show.” Such was their success in meeting their audience “eye-to-eye and mind-to-mind” that one group of German-speaking children later delightedly told their parents that the show had been in German. “This shows that, while we were speaking gibberish, they were so invested in what was happening that they invented their own meaning.” There are plans for Patchwork to return to the Baxter Theatre and hopefully also into schools. ASSITEJ SA has exciting plans under way for increasing awareness of, and access to, theatre for the very young. For more info, visit The Joburg leg of Da Vinci – The Genius exhibition has been extended to 27 July. For more info, visit

For performing arts academies and clubs in your city, visit childmag.

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only develop skills but also broaden their world view. By LUCILLE KEMP

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July 2014



you can bank on it Teaching your children about money is a crucial life skill and the experts are unanimous – it’s a parent’s job. FRANÇOISE GALLET asks financial experts for their advice.

spending is about prioritising Certified financial planner Debbie Netto-Jonker, says there is no need to wait until children develop numeracy skills before educating them about money. She suggests using a grocery store to show your children how you prioritise purchasing certain items over others and why. “Instead of saying, ‘We can’t afford it’, explain to your child that you haven’t budgeted for it,” she says. This introduces the concept of budgeting and doesn’t squash their desires and aspirations. It provides the opportunity to teach that if you budget effectively and save you can “realise what you want”.

the lifetime advantage “How and why to save,” advises Minton, “is perhaps the most important and fundamental skill we can teach our children. If they can see the benefit of saving, they will have a lifelong financial advantage.” This can begin as early as three years old with a piggy bank. “Encourage your children to save at least some of the money they receive in their money box,” says Minton. “And make sure they realise it’s their money. If they don’t see a tangible result, such as being able to buy something they want, then they won’t see any point in saving.”

making money requires effort Another concept that can be shared from early on is that of effort and earning, shares Vicky Dyason, a certified financial planner from Joburg. She explains how a simple star chart teaches children that effort is needed to get a reward or result. Realising that effort is required to achieve goals is part of understanding the value of money. So let your child experience wasting their hard-saved money on something. “Finding out the item they purchased wasn’t worth it instils a sense of the value of money,” says Dyason.

pocket money and entrepreneurship Once they’ve grasped the fundamentals of numeracy, use pocket money to teach saving. Dyason suggests showing them their bank statements with their growing balance and interest earned. Netto-Jonker cautions against using pocket money for discipline, as this could be a disincentive to save. Linda McClure of Junior Achievement South Africa proposes “little rewards” for reaching saving milestones and encourages parents to stick to a set amount each month.


July 2014

She also prompts parents to focus more on “teaching children that they can do things to earn money”. Minton says you should encourage entrepreneurship: “Encourage your children to think up ways to earn extra money. It could be babysitting, gardening, repairing computers or even making handmade jewellery to sell at the local craft market. Help them to set goals, plan their strategies and set up their own business plan. This will be of huge benefit to them in the future.”

give children financial responsibilities For the older teen, McClure advocates a degree of financial independence: “Make a distinction between what you as a parent are going to provide – feeding and clothing them for instance – and what they are financially responsible for – like their fancy clothes.” The older teen is also ripe for understanding the implications of credit. “Loan them some money and then charge them interest,” suggests Dyason. Teaching budgeting to an older child could entail involving them in lifestyle choices. Dyason describes how one of her clients repeatedly offered their girls choices that highlighted the family budget. “For example, the parents offered the choice between two differently-priced holiday destinations, the more expensive of which required that the girls make monetary sacrifices, such as giving up on other nice-to-haves during the year.”

delay gratification Children need to grasp the concept of delayed gratification – especially because ownership entails associated costs – cars need servicing, property requires maintenance. Dyason shares an example from her own family where an agreement to buy her teenage stepson a quad bike was predicated on him being able to clean and oil the chain on his father’s motorbike for six months. “It didn’t even take him a month of doing that before he decided he didn’t want a quad bike,” she says.

talk about your investments “We need to take the time to explain finances to our children, especially when it comes to the money we’re investing for their future. If you’re investing in unit trusts, explain which companies you’re investing in and why. If you have an endowment policy, explain what it involves,” advises Minton.

get financially fit McClure points out that the success of these lessons comes down to how we as parents manage our money: “If a parent doesn’t have a level of financial savvy or the ability to control how they spend money, then those are the lessons their children will be learning.”

“Finances become habit forming,” cautions Dyason. “Young adults who haven’t formed good habits because of how they have grown up are at a disadvantage. So many of our clients say they wish they had learnt these lessons earlier in life.”

teaching money across the ages ages two to five • You need money to buy things. • Spending is about prioritising – wisely. • You may have to wait and be patient before you can buy something. • Making money entails work. ages five to eight • Give them an allowance so that you can: - introduce the concept of saving; - let them see their money grow; - let them make their own choices about money; - let them experience what it is to waste money. • Introduce budgeting. • Talk about “value for money” – compare prices and shop around. ages nine to 12 • For every R100 earned, save R10. • Encourage entrepreneurship. • Talk about debt – let them borrow money from you and charge interest. ages 13 to 16 • Talk to them about saving for a tertiary education. • Explain to them and show them how your investments perform. • Encourage them to develop their own budget and financial goals. • Explore the cost of ownership. ages 17 to 20 • Don’t be a lifeline. • With guidance, let them pay their own cost-ofliving expenses. • Share with them what you are investing in and why. • Talk about taxes. • Explain the need for an emergency fund – they should save three-months’ worth of living expenses. • They need health insurance. • If they have a credit card, they must use it like a debit card.

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ur children should learn financial skills while they are young because they have the time to learn and experiment with money, says Joburgbased financial education consultant Iona Minton. “By teaching them the basic principles of finance, we’ll be giving them the freedom to lead financially secure lives.”

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July 2014



beat around the bush A father and son safari on a family-friendly game reserve in KwaZulu-Natal


first visited Phinda Resource Reserve in 1992 as a young radio journalist in love with nature. Wildlife and wilderness were my passion. In my youthful enthusiasm I was happy to see the world of wildlife and conservation as a place of relative innocence. I was there to cover the Phinda story with its version of commercial ecotourism that it believed could change the way rural communities relate to wildlife and game reserves – and thus work to protect and restore our natural heritage. Twenty-three years on, the reserve in KwaZulu-Natal has blossomed into one of South Africa’s most compelling wildlife destinations, with seven ecozones and wildlife viewing as varied and good as it gets: cheetah, rhino, lion, chameleons and birding specials. This was the world to which I took my four-year-old son, Fynn, on our second big safari adventure. It was a little over two years since we’d visited the lowveld, with its scary night sounds and leopards. His love for planes hadn’t dissipated since our last trip. In fact, we still have to run out of the house every time a helicopter or aeroplane is heard outside. “Quick, Daddy, c’mon!” he’ll say.


July 2014

adventure underway

new discoveries

The flight from Cape Town to Durban is always more interesting than the Joburg route, with a largely green and mountainous landscape replacing the brown of the Karoo and the Free State. But Fynn wasn’t bothered about such trivialities, as he could barely see out of the window let alone to the earth far below. He was just happy to be flying. Landing at King Shaka International Airport was made different to the Joburg flight by sheer virtue of its name. “OR Tambo” just didn’t compare to “Shaka” – the sound of the name rang with excitement. We met his aunt there who was coming along with us and set off in a rental car down the N2. We stopped for litchis, a KwaZulu-Natal classic, simply so he could experience them. This was a chance for variety, to let him loose on the diversity of tastes and flavours put before him. While Fynn’s initial reaction to “different” foods can well be the standard “I don’t like it” without having touched it, we have a loose understanding that he should at least try something new. If he doesn’t like it, then “patooey”, he can spit it out.

Phinda was brand new too and being familiar with the reserve and the quality game-viewing, I was eager to share it. With all the fine touches that go with a top lodge, I think his green-fingered aunt was a little in awe. The lush green vegetation, the umbrella thorn acacias and the nyala grazing among the bushes next to the pathways at Mountain Lodge present an almost typical introduction to Zululand. Fynn immediately focused on the details. The outside shower at the rear of our chalet took his fancy – in particular, the frog trying to burrow through the wall, desperate to avoid the looming, almost-four-year-old curiosity. The bushbuck browsing outside with that slightly on-edge gaze must have slotted somewhere between a cat and a dog in his little mind. That’s how quickly the curiosity faded – until we went to look together, and singled out the horns for discussion. But even that was fleeting. He preferred running from our chalet to peek-a-boo with his aunt in the adjoining chalet, thriving on the curiosity and everything new. I was thrilled at his enthusiasm; the sheer enjoyment of discovery.

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presents exciting discoveries for the intrepid pair. By ANGUS BEGG

His eagerness followed us onto the game drive. It was just us in the vehicle, and we didn’t look for the big game. We saw gorgeous butterflies, impala and a white rhino in the distance was as hairy as it got. That’s what JP, our guide, felt comfortable with, obviously directed by company policy. While that sort of term may sit awkwardly in “the bush”, all lodges have their own rules. Groupowned establishments are generally strict; owner-run establishments generally operate with more leeway, judging the responsibility of guests for themselves. While the butterflies kept us all attentive and Fynn asked about every bird we saw, the big winner for him was the puddles. Alex took him on a few “puddle” drives. Bevan, at the more exclusive Forest Lodge, also accommodated Fynn’s enthusiasm on a few puddle adventures, with water pouring over the bonnet, much to his boyish delight. Forest Lodge is built in a sand forest, one of seven ecosystems packed into Phinda’s relatively small size (it’s about 40km long), and with Zululand having been drenched by October rains, everything was soaked and green – a change from the mountain thornveld we’d just come from. The bigger the puddle the better, and the louder the roar from his little throat.

Once generally persona non grata at certain game lodges, economics catapulted children below 12 years old into bush royalty almost overnight. Seeing the playroom downstairs at Mountain Lodge, or watching a troop of toddlers baking cookies in the lodge kitchen, you could well believe it. But such “innovations” have been around for over a decade. One child-friendly establishment that immediately comes to mind is Jaci’s Safari Lodge, a pioneer of the little-ones-on-safari idea. Sanbona Game Reserve in the Little Karoo has also cottoned onto the family-friendly idea. One of its lodges, Gondwana, is a dedicated family establishment, the likes of which I’ve yet to come across. Children may not be allowed on game drives, but they can run relatively free in the dining room and lounge without having childless guests hissing like Egyptian geese.

I was seriously disappointed Fynn couldn’t join us on a drive, but the alternatives were appreciated. They have a functional playroom with a childminder and nannies.

homeward bound Back at Phinda, far north of the Karoo, I go on game drives with and without Fynn. I see black and white rhino, a big-maned lion, hippos and cheetah. Zebra and vultures on a long-dead giraffe are framed by the subtropical soundtrack of a thousand wet and happy birds. “There’s a monkey, Daddy!” Fynn shouts on our day of departure, making for the furry face on the other side of the window. The Forest Lodge chalets are built of glass into the leaf-covered sand floor, and the Vervet monkeys have come to see what’s on offer, when the guests go out on game drives. But we were packing to leave.

bush royalty The more pricey lodges today ensure that children are properly entertained. They are taught about the bush and animals through games and activities. Phinda does it well, following on from a trend that started post 9/11, when the global slump in air travel meant that every lodge in the bush or on the beach was desperate to attract guests.

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The standout highlight of Fynn’s bush experiences thus far has been the puddles (and instructing Bevan when to change gears).

Phinda guide Bevan Myers is brilliant with children.

July 2014


book extract


winter fare TAFFY PFUPAJENA shares one of her family’s favourite homemade soups and ELLEN BROWN makes gluten-free baking easy with her artisan loaf recipes in Gluten-Free Bread.

muesli bread makes 1 loaf

If you don’t have the time to sit down and eat a bowl of muesli, spread a toasted slice of this with cream cheese to gain some of the valuable nutrients in dairy. In addition to being a great breakfast bread, it works very well served with poultry and pork dishes.

serves 4

Winter gives the Pfupajenas a chance to indulge in a favourite pastime

method Rinse the oxtail and place it in a

without feeling guilty – eating meat.

casserole pot with onion, 4 garlic

Some soups are quite light and may

cloves and chilli. Cover with the stock

need to be followed by another meal.

and water. Bring to the boil, reduce the

Not so with this hearty soup, says

heat and simmer covered for 2,5 hours

Taffy, which will leave you ready for

or until meat is cooked, constantly

an afternoon nap. Serve in bowls with

removing any foam that rises to the

fresh parsley and crusty bread.

top in order to keep the stock clear. Remove pot from the heat and use


a slotted spoon to remove the

• 1kg oxtail, rinsed

oxtail from the liquid. Cut the meat from

• 1 x onion, peeled

the bones and throw away the bones

and chopped

and any fat. Set the meat aside. Strain

• 6 garlic cloves, crushed

the liquid and set aside to cool for at

• 1 x dried red chilli (optional)

least an hour so that the fat rises to the

• 1 litre beef stock

top. Skim off the fat and throw away.

• 500ml water • 5cm piece fresh ginger, peeled and finely chopped

Return the liquid to a clean casserole pot with the ginger, 2 cloves garlic, vegetables and barley

• 2 garlic cloves, crushed

and bring to the boil. Reduce the heat

• 500g mixed soup vegetables

and simmer until the vegetables are

(carrot, turnip, cabbage, celery),

soft and the barley is cooked – 20–30

grated or finely diced

minutes. Add the shredded meat and

• ½ cup pearl barley, well rinsed

cook until heated through, roughly a

• fresh parsley to serve

further 5–10 minutes.

You’ll find more delicious, child-friendly recipes by Taffy at


July 2014

about the book Gluten-free baking can have a steep learning curve for anyone who is accustomed to baking with conventional wheat flours. Author Ellen Brown makes it easy with this book of baking techniques plus 100 everyday bread recipes for brioche, sandwich bread, multi-grain varieties, quick breads and more. Now a hot slice of homemade bread is no longer off limits to the many people who have adopted a gluten-free diet. Gluten-Free Bread is published by Running Press and can be found at all good bookstores.

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taffy’s oxtail soup with pearl barley

ingredients • 2 tbsp ground chia seeds • 2¼ tsp active dry yeast • 2 tbsp granulated sugar • 1½ cups water, heated to 43ºC to 46ºC, divided • 1½ cups gluten-free oat flour • ½ cup tapioca flour • ½ cup potato starch • ¼ cup non-fat dried milk powder • 1 tsp unflavoured gelatin or agar powder • 1½ tsp xanthan gum • ½ tsp fine salt • 2 large eggs, at room temperature • 4 tbsp unsalted butter, melted and cooled • 1 cup gluten-free muesli cereal, divided

method Spray the inside of a 23cm x 11cm loaf pan with vegetable oil spray. Combine the chia seeds, yeast, sugar, and ¾ cup of the warm water in the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment and mix well. Set aside for about 10 minutes while the yeast proofs. Combine the oat flour, tapioca flour, potato starch, milk powder, gelatin, xanthan gum and salt in a deep mixing bowl and whisk well. When the yeast looks frothy add the remaining ¾ cup of warm water and the eggs and melted butter and mix well. Add the dry ingredients and ¾ cup of the muesli and beat at medium speed until combined. Increase the speed to high and beat the dough for 3 to 5 minutes, or until it has the consistency of a thick but still pourable cake batter. Scrape the dough into the prepared pan, smooth the top with a rubber spatula dipped in water, and cover the pan with a sheet of oiled plastic wrap or a damp tea towel. Allow the bread to rise in a warm place for 40 to 50 minutes, or until it reaches 1,25cm from the top of the pan. Sprinkle the top with the remaining ¼ cup of muesli. Preheat the oven to 190ºC toward the end of the rising time. Covering the loaf loosely with aluminium foil after 30 minutes, bake the bread for 50 to 55 minutes, or until the bread is golden brown, the top is firm, and it has reached an internal temperature of 93ºC on an instant-read thermometer. Remove the bread from the oven and allow it to cool for 30 minutes. Remove it from the loaf pan by running a spatula around the rim and invert it onto a cooling rack to cool completely.

magazine pretoria

July 2014



foodie adventures Fancy a global table adventure? Child magazine has compiled a list of culinary family holidays around the world, including some local gastronomic spots.

culinary tours in the big apple The Institute of Culinary Education (ICE) is located in the heart of Manhattan, New York City. They offer a wide selection of hands-on recreational cooking, baking and wine classes as well as culinary walking and offsite tours. The culinary tours take you to New York City’s finest restaurants, various markets, fishmongers, butcher shops and greengrocers in iconic neighbourhoods: Chinatown, Little Italy, Astoria and more. The instructors tell you all about the history of the area you’re in and explain the different ingredients and how you are going to use them in your dishes. After the walk, you head back to the school where the instructor lays out the items you bought, and everyone rolls up their sleeves and gets to work. Further foodie appeal They also have beginner to advanced instruction on worldly wines, the perfect meal pairings and the ultimate beer and cheese guide. For the children They have approximately 25 classes that parents and children can attend together, making everything from pizza to sweet treats. When to go May is springtime when the bulk of visitors have not yet arrived and there are loads of fairs around the city. Location: 50 West 23rd St, New York Contact: or visit

spice it up in the bahamas Bahamas Food Adventures, run by foodie Nia Keogh, offers various day and evening culinary adventures and private cooking classes that cater to families with children two years and older. During a private class you will create three dishes and take home recipe


July 2014

cards for each. Be sure to tell them of your dietary requirements (vegetarian, shellfish allergy, nut allergy) and they will do their best to accommodate you. Bahamian cuisine is known for being spicy, subtly and uniquely flavoured and often includes seafood. You might learn to make a conch salad, grouper, conch grits or traditional guava duff. Further foodie appeal They offer early morning and private classes on the beach. For the children All ages are welcome and included in most tours and activities. When to go Avoid the hurricane season, which runs from June to November. Location Nassau, Bahamas Contact or visit


experience authentic shanghai Together with the five-star hotel’s Chinese chef, you prepare authentic dishes from China. During the hands-on cooking lessons you are introduced to the exotic combination of ingredients and techniques that exemplify traditional Chinese cuisine. Some of the dishes you make include Sichuan-style braised Mandarin fish in a reduced spicy sauce, stir-fried shrimp with hairy crab meat, Xinjiang-style braised chicken with vegetables in spicy sauce, Madam Song’s hot and sour fish soup, lemon chicken with almond crust and pomelo fruit and razor clam stir-fried with ginger and spring onion. Itineraries are tailor-made to design a culinary holiday suited to each family’s taste and preference. Further foodie appeal The package allows you to encounter real city living in China: you’ll bargain like a local, visit markets, eat and cook with locals, and head off the beaten track for a real insider view of Shanghai.

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For the children As classes are private you can book for your family group and the Gourmet on Tour team create an itinerary for you of any duration. Babysitters can be arranged. When to go From March to May it’s spring time. Location In a newly renovated studio kitchen in a traditional Chinese house in central Shanghai, situated in the former French Concession Contact or visit


escape to provence Stay in a French château in the heart of Provence, nestled among olive trees, thyme and rosemary where you can indulge in a feast of local flavours. Fresh produce from the château’s organic gardens and local market delicacies is transformed into gourmet dishes. Cooking experiences are tailor-made and menus can be designed according to your preferences: Provençal cooking, spices, Mediterranean cuisine, healthy cooking or vegetarian. Further foodie appeal Meals are enjoyed on the terrace, in the shade of a pergola or in the dining room with its rustic charm. For the children There are large grounds, bikes, a pool, tennis and more at the château. Babysitting services can be arranged. When to go May and June are hot, but not uncomfortable. Location Between Nice and Marseille near Lorgues Contact or visit

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Escape to a château in Provence

July 2014



pasta and gelato holidays in italy These cooking tours are a favourite with families. Everyone participates in hands-on cooking, making pizza, pasta, gelato and other traditional foods, and then dine together, enjoying what they made in class. Vegetarian and special dietary requests can be accommodated. Children learn about the healthy Mediterranean diet, enjoy local regional cuisine and make new friends. Tours run in Positano, which include a boat trip to the Blue Grotto and Pompeii, and an excursion to Amalfi and Ravello; in Rome with a tour of the Vatican, the Colosseum and the Pantheon; and lastly to Florence in Tuscany, with visits to the Uffizi and Palazzo Vecchio, and with horseback riding. Further foodie appeal There are plenty of one-day classes, so you can combine several venues on your trip. For the children Family cooking tours place children into various age groups. Children are also grouped according to their level and food allergies. Childcare services are available. When to go April and May are popular and not too expensive. Location All over Italy Contact or visit

Location Odessa Farm, in the secluded valley of Tulbagh Contact 023 230 0480, 082 345 2258, or visit

culinary side of the karoo The cooking school has been kitted out with a new, well-equipped culinary hall within a restored heritage building. The property also has an olive orchard, vegetable and herb garden and swimming pool. Stay in individual cottages in town, which have been restored to maintain their charm and authenticity. The Art of Charcuterie with Richard Bosman is a set course offered throughout the year and African Relish also offers a plethora of courses that you can book any time. You work with local produce. Further foodie appeal Prince Albert offers wine tasting, a fig tour, cheese tasting and a Saturday market. There is also a five-day Gourmet Cycle Tour, which includes wine tasting, early morning cycles, cooking sessions, a village ramble, dinners, breakfast in the veld, a tour of the valley called The Hell, a visit to a morning market, an astronomy talk and stargazing. African Relish Recreational Cooking School also has a themed cuisine dining option where you enjoy a set menu in a casual, relaxed setting. Communal tables make for a welcoming atmosphere to make new friends.

south africa

among the olives Orchards Cooking School is situated on a farm, nestled in a beautiful olive grove, which is run by experienced restaurateur John Haddad. You can choose from a day, evening or weekend course, which is designed for any level of cooking ability. Each course involves a hands-on approach as well as practical tips and demonstrations. Choose from Italian, Middle Eastern, Lebanese, Mediterranean and more. They keep classes small, between six and 10 people, to allow for a more interactive experience. The spacious country house on the farm, which can be rented out for a minimum of two nights, is perfect for families to spend the weekend. As an extension, Tulbagh offers some wonderful horse trails, hiking and cycling routes, and the Ceres Zipslide is a short drive away. Further foodie appeal Tulbagh’s culinary activities include olive and wine tasting, and chocolate tasting. For the children They tailor-make cooking classes to suit the group. They can arrange a babysitter for you, and there is fishing, swimming in the dam and space to play and climb trees on the farm.


July 2014

Tantallon Guesthouse and Cookery Studio in the heart of the KZN Midlands

magazine pretoria

For the children Any of the courses can be adapted to work for families with children from six years old. Families can book separately and request to do private classes. Cooking aside, children can go on a ghost and botanical walk and rent bikes. Location 34 Church St, Prince Albert Contact 023 541 1381, 072 582 8749, or visit

bake and meander Cook with your children or leave them to cook, bake and have fun at Tantallon Guesthouse and Cookery Studio, while you relax or enjoy the meander. There are mother-and-daughter cooking classes, baking and cooking holiday programmes for children four to 13 years old and hands-on cooking experiences for adults. Cooking and baking classes are three hours long, but can be custom-made and children can be supervised. During the July holidays, children can join WESSA in the morning in Umgeni Valley Nature Reserve for an environmental holiday programme, followed by lunch and cooking. Further foodie appeal They can advise you on healthy eating and provide you with a tailor-made eating plan. For the children In the area you can also find the Karkloof Market, the Howick Falls Craft Market, Lions River Foodie Market and Karkloof Canopy Tours. Location Howick, KZN Midlands Contact 084 753 2125 or visit

For the children Shahrzad recommends that children 10 years and older, with an interest in cooking, can take part. Younger children can enjoy berry picking from December to March, take part in the festivities during the annual Kiwi Festival in May, and visit the nearby attractions that include canopy tours, horse riding, mountain bike trails and fishing. Location Houtbosdorp Rd, Magoebaskloof; approximately 5 hours from Joburg Contact 082 903 7593, or visit

mountain passes and ancient cultures

time out in the country

Kuhestan Organic Farm, with self-catering cottages, is situated on the crest of the majestic Magoebaskloof pass in the Limpopo province. They offer a one-day programme, including a vegan one-day programme, and weekend-long Persian cooking classes. Persian food, also generally classified as slow food, frequently make use of fresh green herbs, fruits such as plums, pomegranates, quince, prunes, apricots and raisins, and flavourings such as saffron, dried limes and cinnamon. Learn to cook morgh e-beryan (roast chicken with lime pickle), kuku-ye gol-e kalam (cauliflower soufflé) or khoresht-e fesenjan (pecan and pomegranate casserole with chicken). Weekend programmes include forest walks and trips to the nearby waterfall. Further foodie appeal During a class, Shahrzad Hone, who is Persian by birth, shares her experiences with this ancient culture and its cuisine.

Try your hand at country cooking in the Naauwpoort Valley at the foot of the Magaliesberg mountain range. Puschka Organic Farm offers one-day and weekend classes. Qualified chefs give you the low-down on the dishes you will be making and guide you every step of the way. You can join a group or book your own private class for a group of 10 people. During a weekend class, you can stay over in the Puschka Cottage or Puschka House. Further foodie appeal In winter, guests can relax in front of the wood-burning stove in the kitchen. In summer, laze on the stoep, enjoy a braai and cool down in the plunge pool. For the children Children 10 years and older are welcome, but if you’re attending a private class the children’s ages won’t matter. Location Off the R509, Magaliesburg; approximately 90 minutes from Joburg Contact 083 445 4710, 083 445 5058, or visit

magazine pretoria

Cook Persian at Kuhestan Organic Farm

July 2014



a good read for toddlers

for preschoolers

Sugarlump and the Unicorn By Julia Donaldson and Lydia Monks

The Day the Crayons Quit By Drew Daywalt and Oliver Jeffers

(Published by Macmillan Children’s Books, R136) When Sugarlump the rocking horse wishes to see the world, a magical unicorn turns him into a real horse. But after trotting around the farm, galloping around a racetrack and even dancing at the circus, Sugarlump learns to be careful what he wishes for and realises how much he misses the children he left behind. Luckily the unicorn has one more wish to grant. This is the sixth title from this bestselling team, with Julia Donaldson’s popular rhythmic verse and Lydia Monks’s bright, beautiful illustrations.

(Published by Harper Collins Children’s Books, R213) Drew Daywalt and Oliver Jeffers team up to create a colourful solution to a crayon-based crisis in this imaginative story that will have children from the age of three to seven years playing with their crayons in a whole new way. Duncan just wants to colour in, but when he opens his box of crayons, he only finds letters, all saying the same thing: We quit! Beige is tired of playing second fiddle to Brown, Blue needs a break from colouring in all that water, while Pink just wants to be used. Orange and Yellow are no longer speaking to each other. The battle lines have been drawn. What is Duncan to do?

for early graders

for preteens and teens

The Only Child Club By Anne Fine

Darcy Burdock By Laura Dockrill

(Published by Walker Books, R94) Ryan wants to start an Only Child Club. He knows that as an only child he doesn’t always have the same experiences as some of his classmates. He recruits two similarly deprived friends who join him in an experiment of constant bickering, fighting over who gets the free gift from the cereal box and spending a whole day making a model, only to have it destroyed. Having had a taste of what it’s like to have siblings, the club is happily disbanded and the trio realises that friends are nearly as good as having brothers and sisters – and often less annoying. This is a hilarious read for children from the age of five years old.

(Published by Random House, R113) Ten-year-old Darcy Burdock is one of life’s “noticers”. Curious, smartas-a-whip, funny and fiercely loyal, she sees the extraordinary in the everyday and the wonder in the world around her. In this first book, we are introduced to her family: Mom, Dad and little siblings Hector and Poppy. Plus there’s her non-bleating pet lamb, Lamb-Beth, and best friend, Will. Darcy learns that turning into an angrosaurus-rex just gets her into trouble; trying to run away from home with a reluctant lamb in tow leads to sore kneebows; it’s best not to throw a massive strop just before your surprise birthday party; and if she’s ever in a situation at home or at school where she’s not sure what to do, she should write a story around it and the truth will be illuminated by her imagination.

for us

parenting books


July 2014

Motoring’s Funny Bone By Sagie Moodley

From Courtrooms to Cupcakes By Niki Malherbe

(Published by Pan Macmillan, R136) From how to change a tyre to the pitfalls of car insurance and from buying your first car to knowing when you are being ripped off by a mechanic, Sagie Moodley shows you how to talk the talk and walk the walk when it comes to cars. Enjoy his hilarious outlook on women and cars, learn from the chapter on the Consumer Protection Act and read more about the unending debate of whether or not all mechanics are “the spawn of the devil”. This book talks all thing cars, from pimping your ride to belligerent taxi drivers, from buying a new car to being a self-confessed petrolhead.

(Published by Print on Demand, R120) When a lawyer gave birth to four children in the space of seven years, her expectations for adulthood came crashing down. She always considered herself a career-driven woman, inspired by her mother, the first female high court judge in Joburg. Can she feel complete, relevant and worthy as a mother without a career, or can she juggle both? As her one daughter observes, “It’s very tiring being a people, Mom.” Follow Niki Malherbe as she negotiates the terrain “from courtrooms to cupcakes” in her light-hearted yet insightful account of trying to fulfil her own expectations of what it means to be a good mother, but remaining true to herself. To order a copy of the book, email

magazine pretoria


what’s on in july

You can also access the calendar online at

Your guide for what to do, where to go and who to see. Compiled by SIMONE JEFFERY



special events


FUN for children


only for parents


bump, baby & tot in tow


how to help




Old Mutual Music in the Gardens Spend the afternoon with the legendary Johnny Clegg and Shortstraw.



bump, baby & tot in tow

how to help

Kamp Kwena Kids Club A daily programme of activities will entertain your children throughout the holidays.

Argentina’s tango virtuoso Rodolfo Mederos and his trio perform an exciting arrangement.

Classes at Empowering Mothers Spend quality time with your baby while taking part in stimulating classes.

Book drive for Mandela Day Drop your new or used books in the boxes at Irene Village Mall.

magazine pretoria

July 2014



SPECIAL EVENTS 2 wednesday Innibos Festival An art and music festival with concerts, theatre, children’s theatre, markets and art exhibitions. Ends 6 July. Time: from 10am Wednesday–Saturday, from 3pm Sunday. Venue: Bergvlam High School, Nelspruit. Cost: R92–R127, children under 12 free. Contact: 013 741 5294/5 or visit

3 thursday Arts, trains and crafts The theme park offers art and craft activities, animals, train rides, bicycles and pony cycles, a trampoline, peddle boats, a zipline and more. For children 2–10 years old. Also 10 July. Time: 10am–2pm. Venue: Cedar Junction, plot 404 Graham Rd, Zwavelpoort. Cost: R20 entry per person, R10 per train ride. Contact: 012 811 1183 or visit

Good Food and Wine Show A food, wine and lifestyle expo focusing on new sensations, foraging, sustainability and world food trends. Discover the latest trends and tips from the world of food, see celebrity chefs in action and meet Kitchen and Cake Boss, Buddy Valastro. Ends 3 August. Time: 10am–7pm Friday and Saturday, 10am–6pm Sunday. Venue: Coca-Cola Dome, Northriding. Cost: adults R125, children under 12 R50, children under 3 free. Contact: 011 794 5800 or visit


6 sunday Jacaranda Xplorer A steam train trip around Pretoria. Take a picnic basket or make use of the braai fires. Time: 2pm–4:30pm. Venue: Hermanstad Railway Station, 152 Miechaelson St, Daspoort. Cost: adults R175, pensioners R150, children 13–18 years old R125, children 7–12 years old R100, children 2–6 years old R75. Contact: 012 767 7913 or visit Old Mutual Music in the Gardens Take a picnic basket for an afternoon with Johnny Clegg and Shortstraw. Time: gates open 11am, concert starts 1pm, Kidz Zone 1:30pm–4:30pm. Venue: Pretoria National Botanical Garden Brummeria. Cost: R100– R120. Book through 078 665 8241 or visit

12 saturday Afriforum Springbok Vasbyt A 10km and 25km run will take you around the Voortrekker Monument. The 5km fun run takes place on tarred roads and is suitable for baby strollers and wheelchairs. No pets are allowed. Runners need to be 15 years and older for the 10km race, and 18 years or older for the 25km race. Time: 7:30am. Venue: Voortrekker Monument Heritage Site. Cost: R36–R92. Contact: 071 405 5588 or visit


July 2014


19 saturday Winter Wag a Walk A fundraising walk with or without your dogs for the Pretoria SPCA. There is a 1,5km, 3km and 5km route. Time: 7:30am–9am. Venue: Smuts House Museum, Jan Smuts Ave, Irene. Cost: R20 per person, R10 per dog; donations of dry dog food are welcome. Contact: 012 664 5644 or

24 thursday International Self-Care Day The ideal opportunity to give your medicine cabinet a health check. Visit the 24/7 Medicine Cabinet Checklist for a list of healthcare products that you need. For more info: visit

26 saturday Calm, Clarity and Connection A yoga workshop to learn postures and mindfulness through songs, stories and art. Booking essential. For adults and children 8 years and older. Time: 2pm. Venue: Yoga Harmony, Cape Connection, 59 Garsfontein Rd, Menlyn. Cost: R250–R300. Contact: 072 645 2984 or visit

magazine pretoria

Kids Fundamentals MTB skills clinic This clinic is aimed at entrenching safety, bicycle control and respect for the bike. For children 2–14 years old. Time: 10am. Venue: The Big Red Barn, cnr Nelson Rd and Glen Rd, Sunlawns, Olifantsfontein. Cost: R250; pre-entry only. Contact: 083 326 6721 or visit

27 sunday Me-Nuts Like2Bike cycling series Children can take part in a 2,5km or 12km cycle, or a duathlon consisting of a 0,5km run and a 6km or 12km cycle. This is the fourth event out of a series of six. For children 2–14 years old. Time: 10am. Venue: The Big Red Barn, cnr Nelson Rd and Glen Rd, Sunlawns, Olifantsfontein. Cost: R110 pre-entry, R120 on the day. Contact: 083 326 6721, kirsty@like2bike. or visit

FUN FOR CHILDREN art, culture and science Animation Generation competition 2014 Draw the latest alien to join the Ben 10 Omniverse. Children can submit their entries digitally on the Cartoon Network website or by post: HDI Youth Marketeers, Postnet Suite 331, Private Bag X51, Bryanston, 2021. For children 6–14 years old. Entries close 2 September. For more info: visit animationgeneration Days of the Dinosaur Walk among moving dinosaurs. The exhibition features more than 45 life-size dinosaurs and two skeletons, a 3-D cinema, excavation zone, Dino Ride and large interactive area for children. 20 June–20 July. Time: 9am–8pm Monday–Thursday, 9am–9pm Friday– Sunday. Venue: Sandton Convention Centre, 161 Maude St, Sandton. Cost: adults R140, children 1–18 years old R95, children under 1 free, family of four R395. Book through Computicket: 0861 915 8000 or visit

classes, talks and workshops Christmas in July Children make “choc stirs” filled with mini marshmallows. They also decorate a chocolate scroll and beautify a mini pizza with chocolate. 5, 12

magazine pretoria

and 25 July. For children 8–13 years old. Time: 2pm–4:30pm Friday, 9:30am–12pm Saturday. Venue: Snyman Sjokolateur, Waterkloof Ridge. Cost: R120; bring own drinks and salty treats. Contact: 012 347 8497 or visit Practical study method course Children in Grade 4–12 are taught practical study techniques. Courses for children with ADHD also available. Booking essential. Afrikaans: 7 and 12 July; English 8 and 19 July. Time: 7 and 8 July: 3pm–6pm; 12 and 19 July: 9am–12pm. Venue: plot 56-1 Achilles Way, Olympus. Cost: R800 per child, ADHD course R1 600 per child. Contact: 072 265 9639 or

family outings DStv Kids’ Xtravaganza Children can meet the DStv characters Mr Maker and Ben 10, and take part in activities, face painting and other games. Mr Maker and Ben 10 perform four shows daily. Ben 10: 28 June–1 July, Mr Maker: 2–6 July. Time: 9:30am–7pm. Venue: Vodaworld, Midrand. Cost: R135 for two hours. Book through Computicket: visit Mini golf pros A mini putt-putt course has been set up in the piazza for the school holidays. 28 June–20 July. Time: 10am–4pm, daily. Venue: Irene Village Mall, cnr of Nellmapius Dr and Van Ryneveld Ave, Irene. Cost: R10 for nine holes. Contact: 012 662 4446 or visit Picnic Sundays There are jungle gyms and scooters, jumping castles, table tennis, car-cycles and more. They provide braai facilities, benches, umbrellas and a tuck shop. Time: 11am–3pm, every Sunday. Venue: 300 Gouws St, cnr Gouws St and Ruimte Rd, Wierda Park, Centurion. Cost: R20. Contact: 079 563 6435 (between 10am–4pm), 082 677 3809 (after 3pm) or visit

holiday programmes Art and story yoga workshops With stories, art and movement. Booking essential. For children 8–12 years old. 3 and 10 July. Time: 2pm–4pm. Venue: Yoga Harmony, Cape Connection, 59 Garsfontein Rd, Menlyn. Cost: R180 per child, includes refreshments and use of art materials and yoga mats. Contact: 072 645 2984 or visit

July 2014




Fabulous Food Market

Capriole Stables pony camp For children 4 years and older. Half-day: 30 June–4 July, full day: 8–11 July. Time: half-day: 9am–1pm, full day: 9am–5pm. Venue: Capriole Stables, 46 Everfair Rd, Randjesfontein. Cost: halfday R150, full day R220. Contact: 082 573 4797 or visit Drama Dynamics Film and stage acting workshops for 8–18 year olds. Booking essential. 1 and 2, 8 and 9 or 15 and 16 July. Time: 9am–3pm. Venues: Barnyard Theatre Rivonia or Barnyard Theatre Parkview, Pretoria. Cost: R430. Contact: 083 609 9679 or visit Kamp Kwena Kids Club The programme keeps children entertained and stimulated with a supervised daily activity programme. Booking essential. For 4–12 year olds (2–3 year olds may join a morning session only). 28 June–20 July. Time: half-day: 9am–1pm or 2pm–5pm, full day: 9am–5pm. Venue: Sun City Resort, Kamp Kwena Facility, on the lawns of the Cabanas Hotel. Cost: halfday R95, full day, including lunch R240. Contact: 014 557 4136 or 014 557 5980 Little Gumboots Holiday Club Little ones enjoy activities, creative projects, jumping castles and more. Booking essential. For 1–6 year olds. 26 June– 14 July. Time: 7am–5:30pm. Venue: Little Gumboots Nursery School, 577 Blue Swallow Estate, Achilles Way, Zwavelpoort, Pretoria East. Cost: R130 per day. Contact: 074 185 2224 or visit Mazz Vaulting and Horse Riding Club Pony camp for children 5 years and older. 1–4 July. Time: 7:30am–5pm. Venue: 150 Tulip Rd, Mnandi Agricultural Holdings, Centurion. Cost: R300. Contact: 083 602 2713 or visit Sticky Fingers holiday craft workshop Children make crafts, night lights and pencil cases or hand print art and clay magnets. 1 and 2 or 15 and 16 July for 6–13 year olds; and 8 and 9 July for 3–7 year olds. Time: 10am–12:30pm. Venue: Sticky Fingers, Greenlyn Village Shopping Centre, Menlo Park. Cost: R400 per child for the two days, includes lunch. Contact: 082 936 1677 or visit The Buzz Zone holiday programme A variety of structured art and craft activities on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and free play on Tuesday and Thursday. For children 6 years and older. 26 June–14 July. Time: 7:20am–5:30pm Monday–Friday. Venue: The Buzz Zone Holiday Centre, 916 Saint Bernard Dr, Garsfontein. Cost: R100– R500. Contact: 012 993 0277, 071 569 5611 or visit Tots n Pots Children learn to cook and bake various healthy recipes and sweet foods. For 2–10 year olds. 30 June–4 July. Time: 10am–11:30am. Venue: Claudius, Pretoria West. Cost: R100 per class. Contact: 082 903 3367 or visit


July 2014

Brooklyn Design Fair A weekly fair featuring local food and contemporary design. Fan-fairy-tastic is there to entertain the children. Time: 2pm–9pm, every Friday. Venue: Brooklyn Square, level 2, cnr Veale St and Fehrsen St, New Muckleneuk. Cost: free entry. Contact: brooklyndesignfair@gmail. com or visit Elno Art Market For handmade crafts and food. 26 and 27 July. Time: 9am–4pm Saturday, 9am–2:30pm Sunday. Venue: 300 Gouws St, Wierda Park. Contact: 082 325 4296 or Fabulous Food Market An indoor and outdoor market with quality products and fresh produce. The market is pram- and wheelchair-friendly. Time: 9:30am–4pm, every Sunday. Venue: Chameleon Village, Hartbeespoort. Cost: free entry. Contact: 082 930 1799 or

on stage and screen Babalela 3 Babalela and his friends need to stop a giant bulldozer from tearing down their beloved forest. For 1–6 year olds. 10 July. Time: 11am. Venue: Centurion Theatre, 123 Amkor Rd, Lyttelton Manor. Cost: tbc. Contact: 012 664 7859, info@centurionteater. or visit Bieber and Buddies – Never Say Never Rock to songs such as “Boyfriend” by Justin Bieber and more. 5 July. Time: 2pm. Venue: Barnyard Theatre Parkview, Parkview Shopping Centre, cnr Garsfontein Rd and Netcare St, Moreleta Park. Cost: R90. Contact: 012 368 1555 or visit Disney on Ice Join Mickey, Minnie, Goofy and Pumbaa in celebrating 100 years of magic with a skating spectacular. 11–20 July. Time: varies. Venue: Coca-Cola Dome. Cost: R175–R500, family packages are available. Book through Computicket: visit The Emperor’s New Clothes A fun story about an emperor who will do anything for the latest fashion. 27 June–5 July. Time: 10am and 3pm Monday–Saturday, 6:30pm Friday and Saturday. Venue: Irene Village Theatre, 1 Pioneer Rd, Irene. Cost: R65–R85. Book through Computicket: 0861 915 8000 or through the theatre: 084 804 0490 or visit

sport and physical activities Children’s Yoga Classes Classes focus on breathing, exercising and relaxation. Mom or dad can join in. Time: 2pm–2:45pm, every Wednesday. Venue: Go With The Flow, 422 Trevor Gething St, Pretoria. Cost: R200 per month per child, R300 per month for parent and child. Contact: 082 602 7689 Little Kickers Children are introduced to soccer through fun games and activities.

Booking essential. For children 18 months– 8 years old. Time: 9am–11am, every Saturday. Venues: Club Sport Maritimo, cnr Richard St and Park St, Hatfield or Sport Park, cnr Kruger Ave and Sport Rd, Lyttleton, Centurion. Cost: free trial class. Contact: 072 222 4147 or visit

only for parents classes, talks and workshops Mothers, 366 Snowy Walker St, Garsfontein. Cost: baby massage R500 for four weekly classes; BabyGym R790 for five weekly classes; Mommy and Me R1 000 per term for 10 classes. Contact: 084 220 0548 or visit Mommy and baby yoga Time: 10:30am–11:30am, every Friday. Venue: Go With The Flow family yoga studio, 422 Trevor Gething St, Pretoria. Cost: R350 per month. Contact Caryn: 082 602 7689

on stage and screen

support groups

Argentina’s tango virtuoso Rodolfo Mederos and his trio perform with the New Skool Orchestra from Pretoria. The music is an eclectic fusion of Argentinian tango and African orchestral arrangements. Booking essential. 26 July. Time: tbc. Venue: Brooklyn Theatre, Greenlyn Village Centre, Menlo Park. Cost: free. Contact Christabel: Dinner and a show With Casa Toscana. 1 July: Bon Jovi tribute, 4 July: Cat Stevens tribute, 24 July: Mathys Roets, 31 July: Arno Jordaan. Time: 6pm–11pm. Venue: 5 Darlington Rd, Lynnwood Manor. Cost: from R290. Contact: 012 348 8820 or visit

Down syndrome support For parents of children with Down syndrome. Contact: 012 664 8871 or visit Famsa Pretoria Provides assistance to families and individuals in need of counselling. Contact: 012 460 0733/8, or visit Postnatal depression support A nonprofit association started by women who have recovered from postnatal depression who help women going through the same experience. Contact: 082 882 0072, help@ or visit

how to help

out and about Coffee tasting Learn about the history of coffee. Booking essential. 19 July. Time: tbc. Venue: Simo’s Coffee Roastery, Karoo Café, plot 141, Lynnwood Rd, The Willows. Cost: R250, includes a light lunch. Contact: 082 562 3121 or visit

support groups Alzheimer’s caregiver group Share information. 21 July. Time: 5:15pm–7pm. Venue: Princess Christian Home, 120 Middel St, Nieuw Muckleneuk. Cost: free. Contact: 082 401 9546 or visit Compassionate Friends Support group for bereaved parents. Contact: 012 654 1768 or visit Epilepsy SA Provides counselling and support. Contact: 0860 EPILEPSY (374537) or visit

bump, baby & Tot in tow

classes, talks and workshops

A meditation session with live sounds

Postnatal depression support group

Adult yoga classes For all levels. Time: 8am–9am every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 6pm–7pm every Monday; 5:30pm–6:30pm every Wednesday. Venue: Go With The Flow, 422 Trevor Gething St, Pretoria. Cost: R250–R350. Contact: 082 602 7689 Sonic meditation A calming meditation session, with live sounds and music. Booking essential. 6 July. Time: 9:30am–11:30am. Venue: Meerhof Lodge, 1 Dr Kolbe Lane, Hartbeespoort Dam. Cost: R150. Contact: 071 682 2548 or visit

Classes at Empowering Mothers BabyGym starts 4 July; Mommy and Me starts 5 July; Baby massage starts 25 July. Time: baby massage: 9am–10am every Friday; BabyGym: 10:30am–12pm every Friday; Mommy and Me: 9:30am–11am, every Saturday. Venue: Empowering

Book Drive for Mandela Day Irene Village Mall is collecting new or used books. You can deposit your donations in the drop boxes in the Woolworths, Pick n Pay and Truworths courts or the centre management offices. The books are delivered to children’s homes on 18 July. Venue: Irene Village Mall, cnr Nellmapius Dr and Van Ryneveld Ave. Contact: 012 662 4446 or visit The Topsy Foundation A registered NGO that cares for orphaned and vulnerable children in Mpumalanga. They are appealing for donations of stationery, educational toys, sports equipment and dress-up clothing. Deliver donations to: The Topsy Foundation offices, Ogilvy and Mather, 15 Sloane St, Bryanston or they will collect. Contact: 011 709 6806 or visit

don’t miss out! For a free listing, email your event to pretoria@childmag. or fax it to 011 234 4971. Information must be received by 4 July for the August issue, and must include all relevant details. No guarantee can be given that it will be published. To post an event online, visit

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it’s party time For more help planning your child’s party visit

family marketplace

magazine pretoria

July 2014


finishing touch

thick as thieves


iving away from home I’m very aware of how important family time is, and I’m keen that my son also comes to understand that – not only within his immediate family, but with his extended family members as well. Although there are bound to be conflicts from time to time, family friendships are special as there’s a bond that’ll always exist, no matter who stole whose toy or who pushed whom. It’s the next best thing to having a brother or sister. Growing up I was always very close to my cousins, especially since I was an only child until the age of nine. During this time, my cousins were essentially the closest thing I had to siblings. They were my best friends, my confidants, my number-one partners in crime. Most importantly, they were family. Luckily we were close in age too. We used to go on family vacations together, camping trips, sleepovers, and whenever there was a family get-together or a reunion with those living overseas, I always looked forward to our time shared together. To this day, we remain close.


July 2014

Cassandra and her son

Our son also loves to spend time with his cousins. They are inseparable. They act out stories, chase each other around, ride bikes and always have a blast. From the moment he leaves them until the time he sees them again, he’s either thinking of them or begging us to make a play date. They’re tight. So much so, that we see them almost every weekend. A few weeks ago we all went away for the weekend to Rooi Els. Our family from London were staying at their holiday house, so a few of us went to visit. It’s a

wonderful spot. It’s one of those places where children have visited over the years, and as a result you don’t feel the need to pad the place down or follow your little monsters around with a dustbuster. It’s very relaxed, and really is the perfect place for children and adults. While there, the children were busy playing in a new environment and let their imaginations run wild. They had their own space equipped with bunk beds and a closet filled with old, unfamiliar toys, games, and sport and beach equipment.

It’s amazing how a cupboard filled with new and exciting things, no matter how old, can entertain a child for a whole weekend or more. So, the adults got a chance to relax, partake in adult conversations that didn’t revolve around Barney, braai and play board games. We also were able to enjoy the surroundings: the constant sound of the ocean crashing against the rocky shoreline, the beautiful sunsets, and a few relaxing strolls along the beach, while the children preferred their games, cautiously running to and from the incoming waves, and splashing through the nearby river water. Although we weren’t there for long, we felt refreshed after the visit – craving just one more day before having to head home. Without question our son felt the same way, and was not ready to leave. But at least he had tons of fun filled with memories of time spent with his cousins, enough hopefully to create longlasting friendships. Cassandra loves watching her son get up to mischief with his cousins, and can’t wait to see what they do next.

magazine pretoria


A cousin can often be as close as a best friend or a sibling. CASSANDRA SHAW explains.

win a trip to paradise To celebrate Child magazine’s 10-year anniversary, LUX* Resorts & Hotels are offering you the chance to jet off on a family getaway to Mauritius to the value of R107 000. Enjoy breathtaking views of white beaches and the sparkling lagoon as you experience authentic island living at the five-star deluxe LUX* Belle Mare resort, perched on the exquisite east coast of Mauritius. The prize includes a day trip to Ile Des Deux Cocos, LUX* Resorts’ private island in the midst of Blue Bay Maritime National Park. Your fabulous prize: • six-night accommodation on a half-board basis – dinner, bed and breakfast – at LUX* Belle Mare for two adults and two children aged 0–11 years old (just before they turn 12) • return island transfers • 4 x economy class air tickets on Air Mauritius: Joburg / Mauritius / Joburg • one-day excursion to the private island of Ile Des Deux Cocos This prize is valid from 15 September 2014 to 1 March 2015. Prize excludes & T&Cs: • Airport taxes ex South Africa • Travel may not be during peak seasons and/or school holidays • Subject to availability at the time of booking

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