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Wel c omet oour2012 T es tMa r k et i ngPor t f ol i o Pl ea s eha v eapenc i l a ndpa perha ndyt owr i t edown y our2Per s ona l a nd2Bus i nes ss el ec t i ons wi t hei t hermes s a gesAorB. Att heendoft hebook , ouwi l l bedi r ec t edt oat humbna i l pa ge y wher ey ouwi l l s c r ol l a ndma k ey ours el ec t i ons , s ubmi ty ourv ot e , mes s a gec hoi c es , ema i l a ndc omment s . I fy oupr ef ert ogodi r ec t l y t ot het humbna i l pa ge r s tc l i c kher e . Pl ea s ec a s ty ourv ot eby2/ 16/ 2012.

F eel f r eet of or wa r dt hi st of r i endsa ndf a mi l y a nddon’ tf or gett obec omeourf a nonf a c ebooka t www. f a c ebook . c om/ MDAnder s onChi l dr ens Ar t Pr oj ec t


A Have a Merry, Merry Christmas! B May your Christmas be decorated with joy!


A Christmas is filled with special moments and happy memories! B Share the delight of Christmas!


A Wishing you all the joys of the season! B . . .and best wishes for a Happy New Year!


A . . . and a joyful New Year! B . . .and Happy New Year!


A Wishing holiday happiness to you and those you love! B 'Tis the season to believe!


A Celebrate the Season! B Frost your Christmas merry and bright!


A Have a holly, jolly Christmas! B Believe in the magic of Christmas


A Greetings from the North Pole B Special Delivery for you...Merry Christmas!


A Wishing you a Christmas of cherished moments B Best wishes for a Merry Christmas!


A Wishing you a Christmas filled with His awe and wonder B Christ is born, Hallelujah!


A . . .behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy. . . . ~Luke 2:10~ B Rejoice!


A Sending love to warm your heart, and hope to guide your way. B Joy to the World!


A The Lord bless thee and keep thee. . .and give thee peace. ~Numbers 6:24~ B Celebrate His birth!


A And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. ~Luke 2:12~ B Celebrate His birth!


A . . .and lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was. ~Matthew 2:9~ B Two thousand years have passed, yet wise men still follow His star.


A May the joy of the holy season be with you always B A special Christmas prayer that God will bless you.


A May peace come to the hearts of people everywhere B Peace...may it fill our world


A Peace. . .Hope. . .Joy B Let peace encircle the world


A Joy to you and yours B Peace and good fortune today and always


A Happy Holidays B Season’s Greetings


A Merry Christmas B Merry Christmas and best wishes for the New Year


A Happy Holidays to you B …and all good wishes for a happy new year


A Let the light of the holiday season glow all year B Warm wishes for a Happy Holiday Season


A Wishing you simple pleasures to light your holidays B May your season be bright, beautiful, and prosperous.


A Love, togetherness, good cheer‌.sent to you this holiday season B Wishing you the best this season


A Season’s Greetings B Best wishes for your holiday season!


A Have a boot-scootin' Christmas! B Merry Christmas, Y'all!


A . . .may it fill your heart this Christmas! B Sweet wishes this Christmas!


A Merry Christmas with all the trimmings B Merry Christmas!


A Jingle all the way! B Have a Jolly Christmas!


A Wishing you a shower of holiday cheer! B Gifts of love and joy are coming your way!


A Sending three wishes your way for Christmas: love, joy and peace. B Wishing you a sweet Christmas!


A Hope your holidays sparkle with delight! B Merry everything — happy always!


A Sleigh bells jingle to the rhythm of the season! B Toys bring Christmas wishes to all!


A Ring in a Happy Holiday and a prosperous New Year! B Season's Greetings


A Health * Happiness * Peace B . . . and best wishes for the coming year!


A In the still of the night, may your holidays shine bright. B Wishing you the quiet beauty of a peaceful holiday season.


A . . .and Happy New Year! B . . .and best wishes as you glide into the New Year.


A Wishing you a very happy holiday season B Wishing you the best in the year to come


A Wishing you a wonderland of joy this Christmas! B Holiday Greetings from our house to yours!


A A sleigh full of wishes are coming your way! B May your holidays be happy days!


A May your Christmas be cozy and bright! B Enjoy the wonder of the holidays!


A Wishing you all the magic of the holidays! B Reindeer on the rooftop, children tucked in beds— It's the season to be jolly, with good wishes to be read!


A Have a purr-fect holiday! B Merry Christmas!


A Merry wishes are coming your way! B Gather and share the gifts of the season.


A Sending you the warm glow of family and friends this Christmas B Tails are a waggin’ about the Merry Christmas that’s being wished for you!


A May the magic of the season bring you joy! B May the Christmas holidays lead the way to a great New Year!


A Leap into the holidays with glee! B Celebrate the wonder of the season!


A May your holidays sparkle with laughter and good cheer B Spread holiday cheer!


A Wishing you all the wonders of the season B Happy Holidays


A Hope your holidays are happy days! B Merry Christmas!


A . . .and a Happy New Year! B . . .and best wishes for a prosperous New Year!


A Season’s Greetings and Best Wishes for the coming year! B Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


A Wishing you all the joys Hanukkah’s bright lights! B May each candle you light make your Hanukkah bright!

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