About you
RETURN TO: Children’s Rights Alliance for England, 94 White Lion Street, London N1 9PF. Fax 020 7278 9552
Your name
Your date of birth
Your contact details Address: Post code: Telephone: Mobile: Email:
When and how long you were in custody I am in custody now
I was in custody for
years / months when I was aged
Please explain why you want to help end violence against children and young people in custody
Your signature:
If you are aged under 16, please ask your parent/guardian to countersign here Parent/guardian signature:
Data protection CRAE will not share any of your personal details with other organisations without your consent.
The ‘End violence against children and young people in custody’ project started in February 2011. It is managed by the Children’s Rights Alliance for England and funded by the European Commission’s Daphne III programme. Project partners are: the International Juvenile Justice Observatory (Belgium), DCI-the Netherlands, the Commissioner for Children’s Rights in Cyprus, the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Human Rights (Austria) and Save the Children Romania.
Do yo u help want to en again d violenc e st chi l and y d oung ren p in cus tody eople ?* *‘Custody’ refers to locked institutions where children and young people are held after being charged, convicted or sentenced of a criminal offence. In England, this includes young offender institutions, secure training centres and secure children’s homes.