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Contents Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4

Report from the Speak to the World consultation with children and young people

Executive summary: main findings and recommendations

Pages 2-10


Pages 11-14

indings from the survey of European F non-governmental organisations

Pages 15-23

nderstanding and awareness of European and U international decision-making processes

Pages 24-28

Section 5 Desire to be involved in European and international

Pages 29-33

decision-making processes

Section 6 Experiences of participation Section 7 The best European and international

Pages 34-37 Pages 38-41

participation processes

Section 8 Speak to the World project partners

Page 42

Terminology The term ‘children and young people’ is used throughout this report to refer to people aged 17 years and under, consistent with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

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