smartXchange by chiligallei

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Christian Chili Gallei • grown up in a sawmill • electrical engineer (Federal Higher Technical Institute)

• academic marketing & sales manager (Vienna University of Economics and Business)

• owner of Intermedia Gallei (since 1987)

• art director of the Rabenhof Theater (since 2003)

• instructor at Fachhochschule St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences (2006)

• communicator of the year 2010 (named by the Austrian Public Relations Society)

• head on innovations living and working in • Manila, Philippines • Vienna, Austria








U r b a n population doubles untill 2050 In 2007 for the first time in history more people lived in cities than in rural areas. The proportion of urban population is expected to rise by 2030 to over 60% and reach 70% in 2050. In absolute terms, this represents a doubling of the urban population between 2005 and 2050 by about three to over six billion people. Daily thousands of people are attracted to cities, causing both more Mega-Cities (more than 10 million inhabitants) and growing secondary cities (250,000 to 5 million inhabitants). Cities are growing faster than the administration is able to respond with needed infrastructure and social services requirements. Urban complexity has to be managed: housing, transport, health, education, open space, water supply, sanitation, waste disposal, environmental challenges, leisure facilities etc. ... Worldwide people and organizations, are constantly looking for solutions and visions, industry, politicians, conferences and task forces seek ideas, new strategies and innovative technologies in order to better manage cities. The slogan of " SMART CITIES" is used for it. In any case technological approaches alone can not keep up with the speed of the changed conditions. Cities are therefore only cities because people stay and live in it - many people in a limited space. A city is an organism made out of all Citizens.

A city is an organism m

Different histories, cultures, mentalities and social development stages characterize cities worldwide. Each urban organism is different. But no matter where people live together they found and / or developed their own specific "smart" solutions of coexistence. These solutions can be both surprisingly simple, or characterized by a complex combination of social adaptation and tradition , but with one commonality across all regions and cultures : THEY DO WORK! ... often for centuries, or as reaction to meet new or changing situations and conditions.

S m a r t solutions do work.

made out of all citizens.

A City


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The people in each city have developed their own local smart solutions already - have needed to develop such in order to survive. Thus, each city has plenty of such Smart Solutions . These solutions are real, down to earth, manageable, simple attributes that are lacking or are hard to find in many global approaches discussed. The problem of this global "top-down" approach is that too many experts, consultants, controlling systems and political institutions are involved, thereby naturally the number of papers produced are high and inversely proportional to the output. Local Smart Crowd Solutions work, mostly undocumented and often even in the neighbouring town no one knows about it now. This is where my project starts: Collect and visually document local-based solutions and make them universally accessible! SMART CITIES BY SMART CROWD SOLUTIONS.


Smart Cities Smart Crowd


Think global be smart local

l o c a l creatives And NO! I do not like to do all the work by myself. I believe in the power of local creatives. The smartXchange project aims to invite the artists and creatives to identify and documenting the Smart Solutions in their city. This documentation of the individual Smart Solutions should be found each on one sheet of page - as a graphic (which is told to replaced more than 1000 words). In addition a 20sec video clip may be given as a supplement. For this reason, we rely more on the creatives rather than the eloquent skills of administration and politicians. The vision is to make the Smart Solutions globally "readable" in any language as well as replicable and adoptable in different culture. It does not matter whether it is a very simple solution or a complex technical application.

one page

global read able




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50 thousend inhabitants

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social media

YES, of course, it's just one more "social media" idea. But here the word “social” we taken literally. Goal is to demonstrate and document the actual existing solutions and thereby provide the possibility for others to adapt these smart solutions for solving their problems.

But the idea of smartXchange goes even further: By uploading the graphic (and video) on the smartXchange platform also author and time are documented and apparent to all. The spread, re-use and adaptation of this Smart Solutions are indeed our goal, but under fair conditions, respecting copyrights.


The download of graphics (and videos) is just possible in low(screen) resolution. Higher resolutions, or rights for publications are supplied on request and with the consent of the author. This also is a starting point for out and up scaling of solutions and business opportunities (monetization). The stated goal of the smartXchange project is to establish this platform as a central point for all Smart City solutions.

"What solutions have other cities and how can they be "What solutions adapted forhave my city?” other cities and how can they be adapted for my city?”

In turn this stimulates the incentive for each city to present “their” solutions visually – and so hire local creative to prepare Smart Solution graphics for the smartXchange platform.

jobs for creatives




why me ? As a freelance graphic designer and video artist I get hired by different companies and organization. For more than a decade, projects around the theme ’Urban Development’ have become more and more significant. Österreichischer Städtbund (Austrian Towns Association), Austria TINA VIENNA, Urban Technologies & Strategies, Vienna Kapsch TrafficCom, provider of intelligent transportation systems, Austria International Strategy Department of the City of Vienna, Austria CDIA, Cities Development Initiative for Asia, Manila, Philippines ADB, Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines ... are among my clients. Therefore, I’m developing creative concepts and visualization on urban development for over 15 years.

Since May 2012 I live and work in Manila and recognize that the "Smart City" vocabulary nationally and globally used is the same and that the PowerPoint slides of most lecturers are equally bad and always crammed with text, lists and pie charts.

C r owd Solutions How different the people of Vienna and Manila manage to stay alive by crossing a road intersection has really impressed me. And both models are appropriate, because they do work - and you can find this street made solutions in every city. That was my trigger to think on Smart City Solutions ‌ and how they really could make a change in urban coexistence globally through their documentation and presentation – and adaptation and use.

Smart Cities SMART



CHANGE You can also see my current portfolio as pdf: or as eBook with embedded videos: Here is a selection of videos a have made about this topic:

The development of a Smart City is a journey and not an overnight transformation! Vision: Think global. Act smart local. Goal: Enhance the international access to smart solutions for better interaction and smart local activities. Outcome: unique visual sharing and learning platform for all citizens, academia, public and private sector, providing ideas for social innovation as well as business opportunities Output: Graphics, videos, jobs, smarter solutions

Š Chili Gallei, 2013

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