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The Royal Treatment - Mimosa Royale

The Royal Treatment


Sunday Brunch will never be the same. The folks at Mimosa Royale want bartenders to know that RTDs are here only to make their lives easier.

As a disrupter in the flavored wine RTD category, owner and CEO of Mimosa Royale Michel Rantissi Jr. set out to create the World’s First Ready to Drink Mimosa—a phrase the company had trademarked. “We’ve won so many awards that we were able to trademark the saying, ‘World’s Most Awarded Flavored Wine,’ too,” says Rantissi Jr. To be sure, the brand did earn high scores from our bartenders during this year’s Chilled 100 Spirits Awards, 2022.

As the story goes, Mimosa Royale started many years ago when Rantissi’s future wife and coowner, Jody Stafford, only drank Mimosas. Seeking a convenient solution to carrying O.J. and a bottle of champagne everywhere, the duo set out on an R&D mission to find the perfect Ready-to-Drink Mimosa formula. “As any Mimosa drinker would know, mixing the correct type of champagne with the correct type of orange juice is tricky,” shares Rantissi Jr. “There were so many different juices to choose from. They range from sweet to sour, pulp or no pulp, fresh or concentrate, and so on. So, although our research and development was fun, it did take a long time.”

Through years and many changes, the perfect mix of fresh juice and proprietary California premium wine was finally achieved. With 8% ABV and four flavor profiles, including orange, apple, berry, and mango, Mimosa Royale has entered every worldwide international wine and spirit competitions in the industry and is medaled every time.

“The best reason why bartenders love Mimosa Royale is how much time is saved by avoiding the mixing, especially at locations that offer different flavor flights,” says Rantissi Jr. “Each flight is timeconsuming to put together and can be cumbersome during busy times such as Sunday brunch. With Mimosa Royale, it’s just open and serve.”

Rantissi Jr. also stresses the financial benefits for bar owners plus added sustainability by generating less waste from open juices or sparkling wines going bad. Lastly, the oneof-a-kind, modern-day take on the classic Mimosa is made with 100% natural juice. “At first, everyone was buying these over carbonated and underflavored seltzers,” adds Rantissi Jr. “But as my wife likes to point out if you drink too many seltzers, those calories will add up. And not only do they add up, but you have the negative effects of the high CO2. With Mimosa Royale, you get double the flavor and alcohol of those seltzers, without the bloating and belching.”

The folks at Mimosa Royale predict Americans will continue to reach for RTDs for years to come. “We are a society of convenience,” says Rantissi Jr. “For a person to be able to grab and go makes a big difference. I would suspect almost every mixed drink possible will turn into an RTD sooner or later. That’s just the American way, to make everything easier, faster, and better. That’s how our company started. We wanted the drink we drank daily to be easier to make, using better tasting, quality ingredients.”