Infocus Feb Mrt April 2016

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SANSPAR Proud distributors of the


range of products for over 44 years

UNI-FLO The Brand that lasts

Available from Samrand 012-397 6889 • Bellville 021-959 5420 Leading distributors of valves & fittings for Agriculture, Mining, Water & Waste-Water Industries. 2













2016 inFocus word deur Agrinet uitgegee AGRINET Sterlingweg/Road, Kosmosdal, Privaatsak/Private Bag X165 Centurion 0046 Tel: 012 657 2000 Faks/Fax: 086 529 4424 Inbelsentrum/Call Centre: 012 657 2222


Agrinet takes Gold 6


How to think your way through an economic storm 8


The solution to strained supplier relations 10

Agrinet Bellville: Posbus/P.O. Box 1300, Sanlamhof, 7532 Sacks sirkel/circle, Bellville Inbelsentrum/ Call Centre: 021 959 5420

Have some brew with Marius 12 Top 10 contractor�s choice 14


The Jooste Cylinder through the decades 16 The magic is in the durability 16 Kennis voeg waarde toe 20

inFocus verskyn 4 keer per jaar / inFocus appears 4 times per year Redaksie/Editorial staff: Jedrie Harmse, Nici Harmse Tel: 012 332 3833


Advertensiewerwing/Advertising: Anita Oosthuizen Tel: (012) 333 6965 Sel: 083 316 7529 e-pos:


Agrinet Limited and/or InFocus nor any of its officials, members, employees, agents, representatives, shareholders or directors shall be liable for any loss, damage or any liability of whatsoever nature which may arise to the reader as a consequence of this publication of any article or advertisement in this publication or as a result of the reader or any other person acting on the strength, accuracy or correctness of the content provided in this publication. InFocus makes no representation, furnish no warranty or guarantee, actual or implied or otherwise that the content, information or data in this publication are free from errors, omissions or inaccuracies. No information, ideas, opinions, views or other data available in this publication should be regarded as professional advice or the professional opinion of InFocus or any of its members, employees, agents, representatives, or shareholders and all readers are informed to obtain professional advice before taking any course of action relating to anything contained in this publication.

Thrive in style in 2016 5

No copper no theft 21 Springbok in a kilt 22 Be safe with Stanley 25


Power for the job at hand 32 Power up with a beach vacation to Mauritius 27 Nexus LEDs 28 So cool! 29

HARDWARE - garden HARDEWARE - tuin

Garden care during drought 30


A sharp knife is a safe knife 32


Kaufmann outdoor wins the critics 35

February/March/April 2016 | inFocus

VAN DIE REDAKSIE | FROM THE EDITORIAL STAFF Sou jy steeds springerig raak, kan opspring net so dodelik as afspring wees. Dit is nou eers tyd om jou kop reg te kry, doen eers die dinkwerk, want vanjaar is daar gewis ‘n paar uitdagings wat maar baie soos moeilikheid lyk. In die klein- en groothandel­ wêreld waarin ons beweeg is die ‘BASICS’ steeds produk, prys en diens en vanjaar is dit tyd om baie oor die ‘BASICS’ te dink. Die doemprofete sal sê: “wees versigtig, klein treetjies, moenie spandeer nie, trek die gordels stywer.” Hoewel dit onder sekere omstandighede wys kan wees om viermaal seker te maak, kan dit juis in ‘n jaar soos hi­ erdie wees waar die vroegste voëltjie nie noodwendig die wurmpie gaan vang nie, maar eerder die KREATIEFSTE voëltjie wat op ander plekke as gewoonlik gaan rondkrap en soek. Lees gerus op bladsye 8 en 9 Alichia du Plessis, bemar­

VOOR DIE STORM UIT It is February already, the year is well on it’s way and all new year’s resolutions have sorted themselves out by now – either canned or implemen­ ted. Nothing wrong with new year resolutions, it is part of a process to bolster your mindset for the new season ahead. To do this at the begin­ ning of a year, can provide a renewed sense of enthusiasm and determination to succeed and persevere. Make less, but more realistic resolutions and your chances of success will double.

Noudat ons nog net Januarie se rooiligte in die verte kan sien verdwyn en die jaar ‘n realiteit is, luister mens na die uitdagings waaroor mense praat. Daar is vele aspekte wat kommer wek, soos die ekono­ mie wêreldwyd, klimaat, nuwe virusse wat vrees aanjaag en selfs geestelike welstand. Iemand op kantoor praat van die “benoude katte wat benoude spronge maak”. In ‘n jaar waar dit lyk asof die onmiddellike toekoms vir jou gluur, is dit nog belangriker om nie daardie benoude spronge te maak nie.


kingsbestuurder by Agrinet, se insiggewende artikel oor hoe om die storm van die huidige ekonomiese klimaat te oorleef. Sy vra ook die vraag of veilig speel die korrekte ‘mind-set’ vir die oomblik is. Daar is ook nuus oor prestasies wat Agrinet behaal het – van ons produkte kry goeie blootstelling in gewilde tydskrifte. Op bladsy 10 raak ons ‘n bie­tjie prakties met ‘n artikel oor webgebasseerde sagteware wat die vloei van bestellings, produkte en fakture kan vergemaklik en die verhouding tussen verskaffers en kopers kan kalmeer. Ons hoop julle geniet die uitgawe en hoop veral dat jy hierdie storm van vanjaar nie net gaan oorleef nie, maar dat jy voor die storm sal kan uitvaar soos die voorblad dit illustreer. GROETE die REDAKTEUR


THRIVE IN STYLE IN I would like to open this issue of Infocus with a great quote that, as quotes should, got me thinking:


‘My mission in life is not merely to survive; but to thrive and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor and some style’ These words by Maya Angelou, the American author, poet, and civil rights activist, sum up the attitude people in our in­ dustry cultivate to direct the way in which the wholesale and retail fraternity handle challenges. This attitude will inspire enthusiasm in the way every storeowner and manager trade. It will instill eagerness in our suppliers and ignite my team’s passion. With this approach, we will all succeed. During challenging times one needs to return to basics, be relevant to your customers and understand who they truly are, become acutely aware of their needs and requirements. Plan your business accordingly and focus on delivering on your service promise. The year ahead will be filled with chal­ lenges and change. One of these challenges is the mayor shift in consumer buying patterns, says Walter Loeb on the Forbes website. Our traditional retailers will have to look at their cost structures and decide how to be lean and competitive in their pricing, staffing, and store count. We hope to keep you abreast of the latest innovations and market trends through the Infocus magazine and personal in­ teraction. The Infocus team has put together another bumper issue, covering a spectrum of topics from hunting knives to generators. As a team we will succeed. I am looking forward to taking on the challenges of 2016 with you….

Sean Bradshaw MD Agrinet


February/March/April 2016 | inFocus




On 19 November, suppliers to the hardware industry gathered at The Venue in Melrose Arch for the yearly DIY Trade News Awards. The annual DIY Trade News Awards, now in its fifth consecutive year, had seen more guests and awards than before. Around 60 guests were welcomed by editor Johann Gerber who gave a brief overview of the success of the magazine and the hardware indus­ try as a whole. Individuals could vote for nominated companies from within the hardware fraternity to win specific awards. Twelve gold and ten silver awards were handed out. Agrinet walked away with the gold award for Wholesaler of the Year. “To us here at Agrinet it is a great honor to receive this prestigious acknowledgement and I would like to thank our customers and partners, without whom we would not be where we are today. Our growth through collaboration and innovation will continue to ensure the success of Agrinet, our partners and all our customers. I would also like to thank the Agrinet team for their continued dedication and support,” said CEO, Sean Bradshaw. Wollie Wolmarans (left) and Marius Loubser proudly shows off the Gold Award from DIY Trade News, declaring Agrinet the Wholesaler of the Year.



MEAT-O-MATIC ECONO NEW EDITION • Equipped with a .55 kW 220 V motor •

A no. 22 cast iron mincer (tin plated)

Blade size: 1980 x 16 x 5T

Stainless steel worktop and sliding control

Cabinet, neck and top pulley cover made of mild steel which is sand blasted and powder coated

Ideal for meat cutting, mincing and boerewors sausage filling.

AN AFFORDABLE, QUALITY SOUTH AFRICAN MANUFACTURED PRODUCT SPARES AND SERVICES ALWAYS AVAILABLE MEAT PRIDE DELUXE 2875 INDUSTRIAL BANDSAW Equipped with a 1.5 kW 220 V motor and heavy duty bearing. Also available in 3-phase (1.1 kW 380 V motor)

MEAT-O-MATIC BANDSAW MOMS NO. 22 ELECTRICAL MINCER Equipped with a No. 22 malleable casting mincer and a .75 kW 220 V motor. Dual mincer mount point for fast & slow speed.

SPRINGBOK SUPER S234 BANDSAW STILL THE BEST QUALITY ON THE MARKET Equipped with a No. 22 malleable casting mincer and a .75 kW 220 V motor. Dual mincer mount point for fast & slow speed.


Equipped with a No. 10 malleable casting mincer and a .75 kW 220 V motor.


Samrand 012 657 2222 Bellville 021 959 5420 February/March/April 2016 | inFocus OPTIONAL 7





It’s no secret, business conditions are very tough at the moment. As sales decline, rates increase and consumer spend shrinks, sales survival has become the topic of discussion in many businesses and corporate boardrooms. Not only is South Africa experiencing a drought the likes of which we have not seen in over 100 years, robust businesses are being tested on many fronts due to current economic and political factors. Extraordinary trying times like these call for business owners and managers to do some serious introspection and develop innovative strategies to secure future growth.

Survival vs. Thrive mind-set:

Written by Alichia du Plessis

The point he poses is simple but provoking; if by definition conventional wisdom is what everyone agrees is the right thing to do, then this ‘wisdom’ is just the thinking of the aver­ age person. History shows us that average businesses shrink in a recession and a number are doomed to fail in a major recession. Why then would you want to be an average business and follow the herd? The reality is, spending will not cease because of our cur­ rent economic situation, but the way customers are spend­ ing is changing and it is up to retailers and suppliers alike to recognise those opportunities, adapt to the changing market

Conventional “wisdom” says that in times where there is instability and an economic down turn, the best thing to do is to sit tight, and ensure the sails are secured. The mission; to ride out the storm as long as possible until a safe harbour can be found again. But is this the right mind-set to have? Victor Cheng, author of The Recession-Proof Business calls for an unconventional, more “ballsy” approach: “Get out into the storm and start sell­ ing umbrellas!”


and get more aggressive to gain share of pocket. The crux of the challenge is to make the switch from a survival mind-set to a thrive mind-set. But what are the attributes of a thrive mind-set or culture? We unpack a few in more detail:

“In a recession, money does not disappear, it just gets spent differently.” – Victor Cheng



A thrive mind-set is agile It’s not rocket science. The ways you did business 20, 10, even 5 years ago is not going to take you forward in the fast-paced, technology fuelled world. Businesses that are able to quickly react to market condi­ tions, adopt new technologies, link into social phenomena (where appropriate) and con­ sumer’s changing needs will win and gain market share over the businesses that aren’t.

A thrive mind-set is innovative Simple definition of innova­ tion: a new idea, device, or method; the act or process of introducing new ideas, devices, or methods. Innovation can be big, it can be small and usually solves, or simplifies a difficult problem. There is always room to improve, be more efficient or provide a new and exciting offering to meet the needs of your consumers.

A thrive mind-set values the basics

A thrive mind-set goes the extra mile

Back to basics. It almost sounds like a cliché, but it is true no matter where you are or what you are doing. Focus on doing the basics great so your business has a stable foundation to explore innova­ tive ideas from. It never ceases to amaze how many times this simple fact is overlooked.

Being agile, always looking for opportunities and being innovative is most often not what you are doing in your day to day operations. It takes extra effort and passion to keep the fires to thrive going. Get your team on board. The more people in your business actively looking for opportu­ nities the better. Adopt an “always on” mentality in order to never miss an opportunity or insight.

A thrive mind-set sees opportunities where others do not – and capitalises on them

A thrive mind-set is consumer & service focused Where will the money come from? Our consumers. Under­ standing and getting close to consumers to understand their wants, needs, changing buy­ ing behaviour and pain points is paramount to implementing strategies that will result in increased sales. But attracting a consumer is only the first step. In a world where competitors are be­ coming increasingly less dif­ ferentiated, the only moment of truth you have to leverage in the buying journey, is the experience or ease of business the consumer has when deal­ ing with you.

Seeing opportunities where others don’t, is one of the key attributes and strengths of successful entrepreneurs. Opportunities are most easily spotted by evaluating your competitor’s shortfalls and addressing your customer’s pain points.



A thrive mind-set is long term First step, don’t panic. The worst thing that can happen is to make rash decisions only aimed at relief in the short term. Recessions come and go, so it is imperative to re­ main strategic and determine where do you see your sales or your organisation’s sales in a year, in three years and in five years from now? What must you do, that is within your control, to get there? In closing, it is important to remember that business is still to be done and money is still to be made for those that decide to change what they can (their mind-set) within ex­ ternal situations they cannot change or influence. Having the guts to choose to thrive when all signs point to NO, will take courage and grit and a strong believe in one’s own goals and aspirations. “In a recession, money does not disappear, it just gets spent differently. “ – Victor Cheng So maybe it’s time to dust off the windsurfer instead of securing that yacht.

February/March/April 2016 | inFocus



SUPPLIER RELATIONS Rejected orders and payment disputes can really put a strain on business relationships. Agrinet found that rejections and disputes were the most common result of pricing issues occuring when the price on the order and the invoice did not match. On further investigation Ag­ rinet has found that, in many cases, the pricing provided by suppliers to the customer’s buyers was being loaded late into the customer’s system or not loaded at all. When the new month starts the custom­ er will be placing orders on the previous month’s pricing, resulting in suppliers either rejecting orders or accepting them and then invoicing at a different price. Buyers are overwhelmed with the amount of infor­ mation they receive from suppliers as well as confused by the miriad ways in which it gets communicated. Some buyers have multiple suppliers with thousands of different product lines and prices that can change on a weekly basis. To add to their confusion and frustration they often receive the information a few days before month-end via various spread sheets, faxes, emails

or telephone calls. Factor into this, special pricing and seasonal promotions, and you understand why the correct pricing data do not get into the customer’s system before orders are executed. The problem is, orders are being placed on prices that had expired and either the supplier rejects the order or orders are being placed on prices that have expired. This causes loss of sales and rev­ enue or it ends up in lengthy admin disputes to resolve the inevitable queries on the invoices.

Product matching made easy on-line

Screenshot 1

THE SOLUTION In order to resolve this prob­ lem Agrinet is using a web portal by F4F Agriculture, developed as a Price and Product Manager solution (PPM). F4F Agriculture’s Ap­ plication Suite was developed in collaboration with a number of customers and suppliers. Hosted in the cloud, PPM is designed to provide a simple solution for buyers focus­ ing on pricing and product updates from suppliers. A number of easy channels are provided to suppliers to upload pricing. Changes to pricing or products are easily identified and highlighted. The correct pricing and product information can quickly and easily be loaded into the customer’s backend system, allowing orders to be placed at the correct price. See sreenshot 1

Screenshot 2

Screenshot 3

HOW DOES IT WORK? A secure web based portal allows authorised suppliers to upload price lists to the buy­ ers of their defined customers. This occurs either through an easy to use web interface, manual capture through the web or as a true Business­ 2Business integrated connec­ tion. Once the information is



loaded into the portal, any changes to the pricing (up or down) is quickly identifed and highlighted for the buyer at the customer. The supplier has a similar view on his screen and information for different customers is kept seperate. In order to make the process more manageable the buyer can set a tolerance when he or she wants to be alerted. Example: Show me only the products with prices that moved more than 5%. The buyer can be alerted through the PPM portal or via email. See sreenshot 2

The buyer is able to track the details of the price change as well as see any relevant motivation that might be pro­ vided by the supplier. Prices that have not changed, or that is tolerable can be automati­ cally accepted and loaded into the customer’s backend sys­ tem, ensuring that the order is placed at the right price. If the buyer is not satis­ fied with the price change a dispute can be logged on this product and a response can be sent back to the supplier with comments. A back and forth process can be under­ taken until both buyer and supplier are satisfied with the price and it can be released to be loaded into the customer’s backend system. See sreenshot 3

This process creates an au­

dit trail that can be referenced at a later stage in the case of any disputes. See sreenshot 4


PROMOTIONS & SPECIAL PRICING The solution has been extended to cater for promo­ tions management or special pricing, allowing a supplier to run a promotional price with a customer for a specific period. The system also allows a three day lead time for promo­ tions that are applicable to a specified buyer. In this case the PPM system will highlight these promotional prices reflecting this in the backend system of the customer. As with normal pricing, the promotional price can be set to be auto accepted. This gives the buyer the advantage to immediately download the promotional price into his system. See sreenshot 5

Sluit aan by die derduisende verbruikers land­ wyd wat CALCICLEAN reeds vir 27 jaar gebruik sonder advertensie, slegs deur verwysing! Die sukses van CALCILEAN is te wyte aan lo­ jale klante wie die produk ondersteun weens die standvastige pryse en omdat die produkreeks doen wat dit sê dit doen. Vir kalk in ketels en op glas gebruik Kettle Descaler en vir kalkvlekke in die wasbak, die bad, asook roesvlekke op staalkrane gebruik Stain Remover. Wasmasjiene gee probleme omdat die water­ pomp onklaar raak en meestal is kalkaanpaksel die oorsaak. Washing Macine Descaler speel veilig klaar met die aanpaksel deur slegs te sirkuleer soos die instruksies voorstel. Lewende organismes in rioolputte speel ‘n belangrike rol en daarom moet produkte waar­ mee toilette skoongemaak word, versigtig ge­ kies word. Toilet Cleaner is ‘n baie veilige produk hiervoor. Dit maak die kalk skoon sonder om die organismes te versteur. Lees die enkele voor­ waardes op die etiket. Aluminiumpotte ontwikkel oor tyd swart putjies wat onhigiënies is. Voorheen sou die toestand maar gelate aanvaar moes word. Nou skakel Aluminium Cleaner hierdie probleem heeltemal uit – trouens, hierdie produk sal ’n aluminiumpot vernuwe. Geblokte aflooppype is ‘n kopseer, Drain Cleaner gebruik egter ‘n boerseep­kookresep om die pype oop te maak. Vroeër jare is boer­ seep uit slagvet op ‘n oop vuur gekook en byt­ soda is bygevoeg. In dié proses het ‘n soliede skuimskil of loog gevorm waaruit die seep in blokke gesny is nadat dit afgekoel het. Meng bytsoda en ‘n teelepel water met aluminium­ skaafsels, die bytsoda en aluminiumskaafsels reageer en veroorsaak die vuur wat die vet in die aflooppyp smelt en laat uitloop! Stoomysters se gaatjies blok maklik weens kalk in die water, maar Steam Iron Decaler se etiket verduidelik presies hoe om dit gebruik. Kom sluit by CALCICLEAN se lojale verbrui­ kers van regoor Suid­Afrika aan. Baie dankie aan bestaande verbruikers vir die ondersteuning en lojaliteit!


The Adaptris PPM solution provides a number of key functions: - Notification page to highlight products requiring attention - Automated integration into ERPS - Automated acceptance of uploads - Promotion management to Customers ERP - Monthly, Quarterly or Yearly product pricing - Daily, Monthly or Promotional downloads in CSV or XML - Expired products and Superseded Product code management

Screenshot 5


February/March/April 2016 | inFocus



hile deciding on a theme for this article and realis­ ing that it would be rather easy to jump onto the bandwagon of gossip on everyone’s lips, I heard one of my all-time favourite bands on the radio, performing the song “The Show Must Go On”. As you all know, Queen is a British rock band that formed in London in 1970. The classic line-up was Fred­ die Mercury (lead vocals, piano), Brian May (guitar, vocals), Roger Taylor (drums, vocals), and John Dea­ con (bass guitar). “The show must go on” is a phrase used in show business, meaning that regardless of what hap­ pens, whatever show has been planned still has to be staged for the waiting patrons. In short, this is my message to all our valued customers and members at Agrinet – now more than ever we need to hit those drums and guitars and start performing like never before. Despite the current difficult trading environment, Agrinet is blessed in business, mainly due to the ongoing support of our loyal customers and the performance of our key product categories and vari­ ous brands. Having stood the test of time, Agrinet will con­ tinue to focus on improving service and value add to our customers and to remain the preferred supplier of choice. In November last year Ag­ rinet received the DIY Trade News award for ‘Wholesaler of the Year 2015” as voted by the industry. We are obviously very proud of the achieve­ ment and wish to thank each of the members that voted for us in this regard. I can assure you that this award inspires Agrinet to perform even at a higher level and improve on our efficiencies and service levels. I read Sam Walton’s quote: “There is only one Boss, The Customer, and he can fire anybody in the busi­ ness simply by spending his money elsewhere”. This quote is more applicable now than


THE SHOW MUST GO ON I trust that everyone got back into 2016 with a bang, ready to face this calendar year with all the crazy and challenging factors that it brought with it. Nevertheless, on behalf of Agrinet and all it’s staff we wish you all of the best for 2016. ever before. Whether we are wholesalers or retailers, the customer remains king. There is still money to be spent and we all need to ensure that we are the top-of-mind-business when our customers are out shopping. In tough times, as we are experiencing now, cus­ tomers buy smarter, they think twice where and what they buy – if you snooze you lose. The total value chain will be under huge pressure this coming year, especially with the drought’s effect on many areas in our country; a pos­ sible hike in electricity rates; the repo rate as well as higher personal and company tax brackets. Hence we are all in for a huge challenge, so much more reason to live closer to our business partners – suppli­ ers and customers. Strategic discussions, detailed project management and cost effec­ tive marketing campaigns will see us through during this period, keeping us in the race for that spendable income – “The Show Must Go On!” From a commercial per­ spective Agrinet is once again introducing some new and in­ novative products and ranges for 2016. We introduced the Stanley Tradesmen Power Tools range late last year. Adding to our existing range of Stanley hand tools, we are glad to introduce the Stanley range of padlocks, enhancing Agrinet’s offering of this wellknown brand. “What makes a lock worth more than the metal it’s made from? How does a security system deliver both protection

and peace of mind? What does it take to engineer a solution that stays ahead of the latest trends and technologies? The answer is visionary thinking. Careful design. Superior craftsmanship. It’s attention to all the little things that make a big difference when it comes to safeguarding the things that matter most. The answer is in the name—it’s Stanley Security Solutions – watch this space. The NEXUS range of LED lamps took the market by storm late last year and is a must to add to your existing range of NEXUS ELECTRICAL and NEXUS SOLAR and SECU­ RITY products. With the latest COB technology (Circuit On Board), aluminium housing, and very high lumen output of this range our customers are enjoying the revenue technol­ ogy brings. Add the newly arrived NEXUS EMERGENCY BACKUP LED LIGHTS and LANTERNS range and you have an of­ fering that can’t be matched in today’s retail market – all under one unique brand. The six products that compliments this range are manufactured using the latest SMD (Surface Mount Diod) LED technology with unique features such as an USB output to charge cell phones with (Item Code NXL0105). Please visit the Agrinet website ( or contact your sales repre­ sentative or the Agrinet Call Centre for more information regarding the above NEXUS products and ranges. Agrinet will launch the traditional Easter offering and


specials early in the year and this is by far the biggest op­ portunity for the first quarter of the calendar year, ensuring that we all make the most of the upcoming Easter spend. Agrinet is a leading supplier in the irrigation industry and there is increased demand for our irrigation pumps and motor products mainly repre­ sented by the Speroni, Stairs, Pascali, Nastec, KSB, ZEST and Jooste ranges, as well as our Orbit and Rainjet garden irrigation ranges. With the current drought and scarce water supply, our customers should be looking for solu­ tions that offer super efficient water usage. Agrinet can offer the leading international products and brands with a combination of technical sup­ port and back-up to make this possible. On this note I wish all our customers all of the best in the coming year, especially customers in the farming industry. We are all hopeful that the tide will turn for the agricultural sector. Let the closing lyrics of Queen’s song inspire us all – good luck and happy trading in 2016! The show must go on I’ll face it with a grin I’m never giving in On - with the show I’ll top the bill, I’ll overkill I have to find the will to carry on On with the On with the show The show must go on...



February/March/April 2016 | inFocus




At Agrinet, we realise that a large part of your best business depends on the continued support from contractors in your area.

Round Nose Shovel

Extension Reel



All shovels are hotformed from high carbon steel for maximum strength and durability. Round nose shov­ els are used in the building industry.

Good quality extension reel with 2 x 16A plugs, 1 x 5A Euro, on/off switch and built in surge protec­ tion. Metal frame for durability. Available in 15m 10A, 20m 16A and 25m 10A.

No Brass Garden Tap


Drill/Grinder Combo




Value for money PPR plastic garden tap, SABS approved. The tap has a clutch function prevent­ ing over tightening of the tap, damaging the washer. It also has a pressure release function that releases water at 23 bar pressure, also releasing when pipes are freezing. Theft is eliminated as there are no brass.

Powermaster Petrol welder/ generator combination. Electric start welder 180 amp @ 80% duty cycle.

720 W Hammer action drill. Durable metal gear housing. Adjustable vari­ able speed dial control with forward and reverse mode. High working efficiency due to excellent rotary and impact speed. Lock-on but­ ton for one hand control and user safety. Together with 710 W grinder with powerful motor. Spindle lock for quick and easy change of acces­ sories. Spiral bevel gears provide less vibration, lower noise level and longer life span. On/Off slide switch for one hand control and user safety.

Contractors need to keep abreast of new technology, techniques, materials and codes — especially with technology changing so rapidly. It will not only keep them up to date on what’s new in the industry and industry practices, but it also can help contractors and skilled laborers advance their careers. The retailer who see himself as a partner to the contractor can play a role in keeping them abreast of some of the latest technology and materials. The fol­ lowing products are only a guideline to stock your floor with and keep your end of this partnership.



Carbon Steel Pick Head LASHER PICK HEADS C & D 250 3.1KG HW1870300 Lasher picks and mat­ tocks are used in dif­ ficult digging operations in hard ground, clay, etc. Forged from carbon steel with hardened and tempered points with an anti-corrosive black finish. Sharp en flat points (Chisel and Diamond) for digging and breaking of ground.

Manhole Cover Waterpump POWERMASTER2” PETROL SUC/H:7 LM30 L/H:24 SR170F SRWP20 This water pump delivers a mighty 24 cubic meter water per hour. The engine delivers 4.2 kW at 3600 rpm and the pump can pump 30 m head.

POLYMER MANHOLE COVER+FRAME HD 600 X 400 M4A-AGS12-CF Polymer manhole cover and frame. Stronger than steel and weighs much less. No scrap value as there are no steel in the construction. Manufactured under high pressure and heat cured. SABS approved

LED Lamp

Pick Handle


HANDLE PICK POLY (TH) HW1890850 Good quality imported product for garden use. Used on pick heads.

Value for money pack of very efficient light­ ing.
240 Lumens.
Cool Daylight.
GU10 220V. 50 000 Hours. 5 Year guarantee.


February/March/April 2016 | inFocus



THROUGH THE DECADES The Jooste Cylinder and Pump Company was established in 1967 and has since then concentrated on improving the ordinary borehole cylinder. The cylinder on the market at the time was made of brass with leather cup washers, this caused frictional resistance between the leather cup washers and the casing (the leather washers wore out easily and required constant replacement which resulted in the continual removal of all the piping). Excess force was needed to pump water, especially in deep boreholes. The first Jooste cylinder (J-Model), for deep boreholes, operated telescopically (a cy­ lindrical tube sliding through a neoprene packing) and was manufactured from galvanized steel, with the internal housing and sealing surface made of brass, however the electro­ lytic corrosion caused the outer galvanized casing to rust rather quickly. To improve the cylinder, Mr Jooste replaced the brass internal housing with stain­ less steel while the sealing surface was still made of brass. The electrolytic corro­ sion was less, but still evident. He then decided to redesign the J-Model and made the top, bottom and inner tubes from stainless steel. The new cylinder became known as the JS-Model and was manufac­ tured in four different sizes, namely J2S, J2.5S, J3S and the J4S. It was the first time that stainless steel cylinders were

used in boreholes. As these cylinders were used only for deep boreholes and the mar­ ket was limited, it was time to develop a cylinder for the use in shallow boreholes that was more efficient than the brass cylinder with the leather cup washers. The AS-Cylinder was then designed with the tube made out of stainless steel, minimis­ ing electrolytic corrosion. Polyurethane rings were used instead of the leather washers. These changes increased the efficiency of the cylinder con­ siderably – the new cylinder required extremely light oper­ ating power and increased the delivery by 40% compared to the conventional cylinder. In time, the AS-RDS range replaced the JS-Model for use in deep boreholes. In the AS-RDS range the piston consists of two polyurethane rings instead of one as in the AS-range. This cylinder also

has a rod support and a rust retainer. In 1993 the Jooste Cylinder received the Cullinan Design Award as an example of good engineering design. Spare parts are now easily distinguishable using differ­ ent colours depending on their size. Other revolutionary

Jooste products include the Jooste Force Cylinder for sur­ face pumping and the Jooste Forcehead which is used to seal off water under great pressure, allowing the water to be pumped up to 180 m above the surface level with ease.

THE MAGIC IS IN THE DURABILITY The MagicDrive is a maintenance-free sprinkler not subject to any wear and tear. The special long term warranty therefore is no surprise. It is also patented worldwide by NAANDANJAIN. The MagicDrive can be used for: • irrigation and germination of vegetables and field crops, • corn and sugar cane irriga­ tion on high risers of 2 – 3 m due to its stable operation without vibration, • overhead cooling systems in orchards and plantations, and • low angle application in orchards, plantations and especially with bananas and table grapes with the special low angle version. The MagicDrive’s main features and advantages are: • Hermetically sealed silicone chamber protects from leakage.


• Silicone with magnets ensures constant rotation speed and prevents wear and tear. • Special synchronized dif­ fuser mechanism sectors ensure high resistance to wind and maintain excellent uniformity of water distribu­ tion in spacing up to 14 m. • Smooth operation without any vibration facilitates operation with high risers, especially in corn and sugar cane irrigation. • Available with three jet trajectories: 9° & 14° models (for irrigation under trees) and the 24° model (for irrigation in open fields and plantations). • Flow rate range: 310 – 730 lph.



February/March/April 2016 | inFocus




February/March/April 2016 | inFocus




Deel van Agrinet se menslike hulpbronbenadering is om werknemers met kennis te bemagtig deur hulle in die veld van hulle beroep verder te help kwalifiseer. Schalk Kruger, tegniese advi­ seur by Agrinet, het verlede jaar ‘n gevorderde kursus in besproeiingsontwerp (NQF5) gedoen. Met harde werk en deursettingsvermoë het hy die kursus by SABI (Suid-Afri­ kaanse Besproeiingsinstituut) suksesvol voltooi. Met dié kursus agter die rug kan Schalk nou ‘n hele besproeiingsontwerp hanteer, daarna die stelsel evalueer, skeduleer en monitor. Die kur­ sus sluit ook die volgende in: operasionele en onderhouds­ planne vir ‘n stelsel, ontwik­ keling van ‘n bemestingspro­ gram asook ‘n veiligheidsplan vir gifstowwe en bemesting op die plaas. Die kursus plaas baie klem

op waterbesparing en gebruik van tegnologie. Die doeltref­ fendheid van ‘n besproeiinstel­ sel is tans die grondslag van ‘n boerdery se sukses. Schalk vertel dat hy baie boeredae en kongresse bywoon waar hy sy kennis met boere deel. Hy glo ook dat ‘n bestaande stelsel noukeurig geëvalueer moet word voordat drastiese veranderinge aangebring word. “Klein veranderings op die regte plekke kan ‘n groot verskil maak,” vertel hy. Met die opleiding van mense soos Schalk kan Agrinet goeie deskundige adviseurs in die veld instuur om waarde tot kliënte en die eindverbruiker se onderne­ mings toe te voeg.

Hier is van die installasies wat Schalk Kruger, tegniese adviseur by Agrinet, gedoen het toe hy verlede jaar ‘n gevorderde kursus in besproeiingsontwerp (NQF5) bygewoon en geslaag het. Hy het nou die kennis om onder andere �n totale besproeiingsontwerp te hanteer, dit te evalueer, skeduleer en te monitor.


HARDEWARE loodgietery | HARDWARE plumbing


UNITWIST PUSH-FIT COMPRESSION FITTINGS We tend to think of copper theft as mainly affecting the telecommunications and electricity industry, with Telkom and Eskom cables being the primary target. However, all industries are being affected and according to the South African Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the problem is getting worse by the day.

In addition to copper telecom­ munications cables, pipes, wires, gutters and flashing are being torn from walls and buildings. Thieves target copper in vacant buildings or difficult to secure areas, often without power or communi­ cation lines. Theft of copper plumbing in vacant buildings and on building sites is a huge part of this problem.

The solution to this problem is Unitwist! Unitwist has no “street value” and therefore no theft incentive and less water wastage. The cost of installation, materials and time are noticeably lower than that of other systems. Unitwist fittings and pipes are made of a high quality PP-R, a high performance plastic that is internationally recognized and proven for use with hot water and high pressure. It is long lasting and durable.

Unitwist fittings are quick and easy to install, costefficient and reliable. They are suitable for underground, in-wall, in-floor and in-ceiling installations in residential, commercial, public and industrial buildings. Unitwist is suitable for hot and cold water, is designed to with­ stand high pressure and requires no specialized tools to install. Fittings are available in 15, 16, 20 and 22 mm sizes.






Cut the pipe at a 90° angle. This is easily done using a pipe cutter or any tool of your choice.

Mark the pipe 3.5 cm from the end, insert the pipe until it seats. The mark may be slightly visible.

Turn the nut anti-clockwise one full turn, this allows the grip ring to open and let the pipe into the fitting.

Tighten the nut.



February/March/April 2016 | inFocus


SPRINGBOK HEART IN A KILT New product manager at Agrinet, Dave Kelly, has been in the retail industry since 1987. “I’ve covered every aspect of this industry – I’ve been a supplier and a buyer.” Dave told inFocus that he’s been looking for this post for some time. “I just love the Agrinet culture and got used to it really fast. This is not just a job to me, it is a calling. I’ve only been with Agrinet for a short while, but it feels like I’ve been here for years.” Dave was also impressed by the professionalism he found right through the leadership ranks and the welcoming spirit of all the people at Agrinet. Speaking about the Agrinet culture, Dave said he adopted

a life philosophy many years ago of ‘adapt, adopt, and improve’. “You have to adapt to any new circumstances, then adopt the culture and then improve yourself as well as your surroundings.” For now, he will be the product manager for power tools, hand tools, hardware and gardening/pool and per­ sonal protective equipment (PPE). He is still scouting for growth opportunities, but feels confident that there will be many new initiatives soon. He wants to focus on Kauf­ mann hand tools, amongst other things, ‘as it needs some freshening up and probably a new look’. He would like to right size the range and add value propositions throughout the categories he is responsi­ ble for.

He will also look at value adding initiatives, customer service and after sales service. “You have to tick all the boxes in the retail triangle of con­ sumer, supplier and Agrinet – you have to keep everyone in this triangle happy.” Dave graduated as MBA from Henley College in U.K in 2005. He is from Scottish descent and sees himself as an outdoors family man. “I have five children and love the outdoors, especially playing golf. I am your typical South African – love a great braai, biltong, rugby and soccer.” He says that although he has travelled a lot he always loves to come back to SA. “I just love the place – with the Rugby World Cup I wore my kilt with my Springbok rugby jersey.”


“I needed a challenge and to me Agrinet is just the type of power­house I was looking for with lots of growth potential. There are a lot of things here that I can be doing.”



February/March/April 2016 | inFocus






The Stanley padlock range is now exclusive and available through Agrinet since mid February 2016. The STANLEY KWIKSET series on show here, offers reliable locks for every­ day use. The seven different types of locks in 43 models cover a wide scope of applica­ tion, ranging from the locker in your sports club to your garden shed. A twenty-year warranty is included. Shelf rails, consumer bro­ chures and information mate­

STANLEY PROFESSIONAL SECURITY 50 mm HW1837335 rial help customers quickly find the right product. All packaging features icons that explain the most important characteristics at a glance. It shows among other things, the materials used, the lock’s special features and for which field of application it is best suited – if there is a garden door icon, for example, it means that the lock is ideal to secure your garden gate.






February/March/April 2016 | inFocus


STANLEY, one of the world’s leading brands for hardware products has developed an excellent reputation as an expert for padlocks over the past 170 years, thanks to quality and maximum security.


POWER FOR THE JOB AT HAND Choose the generator that suits the job at hand with this visual selector.






Rotary Drill

550 W

1 320 W

Impact Drill

850 W

2 040W

Multi Sander



1 560 W

3 744 W /8 = 4,68 K.V.A.





620 W

1 488 W

Impact Drill

850 W

2 040 W

Angle Grinder

850 W

2 040 W

2 320 W

5 568 W /8 = 6,96 K.V.A.









Rotary Drill

550 W

1 320 W


620 W

1 488 W

Impact Drill

850 W

2 040 W

Multi Sander

166 W

384 W

Multi Sander

160 W

384 W

Impact Drill

850 W

2 040 W

Angele Grinder

850 W

2 4040 W

Angle Grinder

850 W

2 040 W

620 W

1 4 88 W

2 480 W

5 952 / 8 = 7, 44 KVA

3020 W

7 272 W/8 = 9,09 K.V.A.



he Power Master generator range offers portable sets that are easy to ma­ neuver on your construction site. When you need reliable power to get the job done, look no further. This table will help your customer make the correct purchas­ ing decision – it shows the type of machinery that can be powerd by four different generators.


The product selector tool is for information only to help you identify relevant products. No warranties are made as to accuracy, reliability or fitness for particular purpose. Wattage may vary on your personal appliances.


with customers


POWER UP WITH A BEACH VACATION TO MAURITIUS! The Power Master Mauritius Consumer and Store Competition is now in full swing. Agrinet has partnered with our customers to offer the exciting Win a trip to Mauritius Power Master Competition to endusers. Not only will one lucky winner be load shedding-ready when the next wave of blackouts hits, but also be able to escape and recharge with an idyllic beach holiday. The aim of the competition is to help promote sales among end-users in stores and create awareness of the comprehen足 sive Power Master range. Timing of the competition is planned so the inverter range can be promoted for the Easter holidays. The Win a trip to Mauritius Power Master Competition is open for participation to all retailers that stock the Power Master range. The consumer must buy any Power Master product, to qualify to enter the draw. The entry form/duplicate slip must be placed in the entry box provided by Agrinet. The draw will take place once the Agrinet representatives col足 lected all the boxes from the retailers. The draw will be done in May 2016. The competition runs until 30 April 2016. The winner has to provide proof of purchase in order to claim the prize. Visit the Agrinet website for the full terms and conditions.

at is in it for retailers?

Competitions are fun, but wh tion Agrinet also offers a competi s. iler reta g atin ticip par for the er The retailer with the best Pow tore in-s lay disp us Master/Mauriti stands a chance to win R 5 000 cash! Your Agrinet representative will visit your in-store beach to take into some pictures and enter you the draw. NOT YET A POW ER MA STE R? To participate in this competi

tion, contact your local Agrinet Call representative or the Agrinet com A 2. 222 657 012 Centre on will k pac le f-sa nt-o poi tion peti h be provided to the retailer. Eac 5x , ters Pos A3 2x s: pack include ry wobblers, 1x entry box, 1x ent form book. Power Master is exclusively distributed by Agrinet and is ice supported by a national serv network.

Flight hand cleaner, Spray Klean, M7 Degreaser available from the manufacturers of

Samrand 012-657 2222 NOW AVAILABLE February/March/April 2016 | inFocus 27 FROM Bellville 021-959 5420




It is not the WATTs, but the LUMENS that count

Helping customers make the correct purchasing decision when buying an LED will guarantee customer satisfaction and their return for more purchases. There are many factors to consider when deciding on the correct LED lamp. Following this quick guide will help you get it right 95% of the time. • The first thing to remember is that the WATT of the lamp is no indication of the light output. The light output is based on the LUMENS of the lamp – the higher the LUMENS, the BRIGHTER the light. Lamps of the same WATTAGE, can have different LUMEN output. Nexus LED lamps have a very high lumen per watt ratio to ensure customer satisfaction. • Ask the customer how bright they want the room and then guide the customer in terms of the LUMENS. Very bright and clear – Nexus COB 5W will be the perfect option. Traditional brightness – The Nexus 4W SMD is the solution. Ambient light­ ing – Nexus 3W SMD will give the desired ambience.

• The next point to consider is the COLOUR – where will the lamp be used? Bedroom/ Livingroom – Warm White will be the best option for the warmer, traditional light­ ing in these areas. Bathroom/Kitchen/ Corporate environnment – Cool Daylight will be the better option as cleaner crisper lighting is needed here. • Lastly the height of the ceiling also needs to be taken into consideration. Lower watt lamps will not work in double volume rooms and a globe with a small angle will not work on a low ceiling. Nexus LED’s have wide angles and almost eliminate the ceiling height problem. The high lumen models are also ideal for double volume ceilings. PS – smiling while showing off to your customer will definitely seal the deal!




SO COOL! Did you know: Nexus LED’s carry the CE stamp of approval and complies with the very high European standards. This means a superb quality product at an affordable price point.


“Nexus LED lamps use the latest Driver, LED Chipset and Colour rendering technology for superb light quality at an affordable price point. Nexus LED’s have replaced the old cool white chips with the latest cool daylight chipsets. As can be seen below, the cool daylight comes across as much more natural, enhances colour and is much softer on the eye. This is perfect for modern living rooms, office buildings, board rooms, kitchens, bathrooms, hospitals etc. Nexus has cool daylight available in the majority of the range. All Nexus LED’s carry a market leading 5 year exchange warrantee.”

NXL0002 LED COB 5W GU10 CDL Cool Daylight


Cool White

February/March/April 2016 | inFocus




with customers

While heat and drought take their toll on gardens and lawns we all need to do our part during this season’s extreme conditions to water more effectively and efficiently. Here are some tips for your customers on how to save those gardens and a few products that may sell this season.


Effective Waterering Rather water deeply and infre­ quently, than little and often. A lack of water sends young roots searching deep down into the soil, where they will find reserves of moisture and be more self-sufficient. Those watered often but not deeply will only ever send out shal­ low, surface roots that suffer in times of drought.

Use the watering can to water flowers and shrubs in small gardens or in pots.

HW1541692 GRUBBER GARDEN 2323 LASHER The fork on the Lasher garden weeder is designed to make your weeding easier. Two very sharp teeth easily plunge into the soil to grab the roots of the weed.

3620560 WEED KILLER SCATTERKILL For even more control of weeds use Scatterkill weed killer – this product is a broad spectrum herbicide that con­ trols a wide variety of weeds in lawn, turf and paving.

H7006 PISTOL SPRAYER METAL KAUFMANN A wide range of sprayers is also available at Agrinet. Measure rainfall and irrigation Stop Fertilizing Fertilizers (organic or synthet­ ic) encourage plant growth; the more a plant grows, the more moisture it needs – so it makes sense to stop fertilizing at the onset of a drought. If fertilizer salts build up in your soil because it is not natu­ rally leaching out with rain or irrigation, it can build up and burn plant roots, causing further damage. Pull Weeds It might not be fun at the best of times, but getting those weeds out of the garden is especially important during drought. The reason – weeds steal valuable moisture from the soil.


101501 SENSOR RAIN ORBIT HW2690020 RAIN GAUGE A rain gauge is an inexpensive way to track how much water your garden is actually receiv­ ing, so you know when and how much to water. The rule of thumb is that a vegetable garden needs about 17 ml of rainfall per week to thrive.

Rain gauges can help you with accurate measurements, but the easier option is to use the Orbit Rain sensor. It automati­ cally interrupts sprinkler time when it rains and freezes. Easy to mount, wireless commu­ nication with adjustable rain sensitivity. It transmits up to 60 m.



February/March/April 2016 | inFocus

BUITELEWE | OUTDOOR with customers




Keeping a sharp edge on your blade is important for your own safety. Compensating for a dull edge by applying additional force to finish a cut is where serious injuries can occur. If the knife blade is unexpectedly freed from what you are cutting, there is often an ongoing momentum that can slash you.


1. Place the whetstone on a cutting board or countertop, with the coarse grit face up. A wet paper towel underneath the stone can help keep it from sliding. 2. With one hand, grasp the knife by the handle and hold the edge against the stone, point-first, with the cutting edge meeting the stone at a 22½ degree angle. You can stabilize the blade with your other hand. 3. With moderate pressure, slide the blade forward and across the whetstone, covering the entire length of the blade and keeping the blade flush against the stone at a constant 22½-degree angle. 4. Repeat this 10 times, then flip the knife over and give the other side of the blade 10 strokes on the whetstone. 5. Now flip the whetstone over to the fine grit side and give each side of the blade 10 strokes. 6. Finish by using a sharpening steel to hone the blade, then rinse and wipe the blade dry to remove any metal particles.






The hardest part of sharpening a knife for the first time is find­ ing the right angle. Maintaining that angle isn’t so hard once you get used to it. Once you have some experience, you’ll be able to tell by the sound and feel of the edge sliding across the stone. If you place the knife at a shallower angle than the edge, and slowly tilt it to a steeper angle, you can see your oil or water squeeze out from under the edge and form a thin line along the edge just as you reach the correct angle. Another trick is to run a Sharpie or other permanent marker along the edge. As you remove material, keep checking to see if you’re removing all of the black from the sharpie from the edge. If there’s still some marker along the “blade side” of the edge, your angle is too steep. If there’s still some along the “air side” of the edge, your angle is too shallow. Born in Germany and made in Brazil, MUNDIAL offers the highest quality knives at the best prices. Every Mundial knife is fully forged from high carbon stainless steel and precisely balanced with traditional full-tang handles. Mundial guarantees each knife for life. V0300328 KNIFE UTILITY MUNDIAL






February/March/April 2016 | inFocus




KAUFMANN OUTDOOR WINS THE CRITICS The last 15 years, Kaufmann Outdoor has been focused on providing the agricultural retail sector with great quality outdoor products that inspired confidence with end-users. Over the last two years the brand team have been working hard to expose the brand to a wider audience, which started when the editors noticed the revamped Kaufmann stand at the Beeld Holi­ day Show early 2015. This last year Kaufmann prod­ ucts have been featured in no less than four Getaway and two Weg/ Go publications. The Kaufmann LayBack chair walked away with top honours in Getaway’s Best Value Bum Holders for under

R600 in the June edition, and very recently the new innovative Soft Cooler with built-in side-table also received a full page feature in Getaway’s cooler review. This is a testament and independent stamp of approval to the quality stand­ ards intrinsic to the Kaufmann brand philosophy. With the new-look branding, Kaufmann Outdoor will continue to work on and build the brand in the coming year. Watch this space!

Pages from the very popular outdoor magazine Getaway, displaying products from the Kaufmann range, (top) the LayBack chair and (bottom) the 15 litre coolerbag with built-in side-table.


February/March/April 2016 | inFocus



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