InFocus Sept/Oct 2014

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Water from the sun

irrigation goes solar -p23

Trade Show bigger and better -p6

WINNING STRATEGIES in peak season Summer is here and the silly season is speeding towards us. Retailers should get ready for the big catch.

















inFocus word uitgegee deur Agrinet Agrinet Sterlingweg/Road, Kosmosdal, Privaatsak/Private Bag X165 Centurion 0046 Tel: 012 657 2000 Faks/Fax: 086 529 4424 Inbelsentrum/Call Centre: 012 657 2222


Agrinet Bellville: Posbus/P.O. Box 1300, Sanlamhof, 7532 Sacks sirkel/circle, Bellville Inbelsentrum/ Call Centre: 021 959 5420


inFocus verskyn 6 keer per jaar / inFocus appears 6 times per year


Redaksie/Editorial staff: Jedrie Harmse, Nici Harmse Tel: 012 332 3833 Advertensiewerwing/Advertising: Anita Oosthuizen Tel: (012) 333 6965 Sel: 083 316 7529 e-pos: Agrinet Limited and/or InFocus nor any of its officials, members, employees, agents, representatives, shareholders or directors shall be liable for any loss, damage or any liability of whatsoever nature which may arise to the reader as a consequence of this publication of any article or advertisement in this publication or as a result of the reader or any other person acting on the strength, accuracy or correctness of the content provided in this publication. InFocus makes no representation, furnish no warranty or guarantee, actual or implied or otherwise that the content, information or data in this publication are free from errors, omissions or inaccuracies. No information, ideas, opinions, views or other data available in this publication should be regarded as professional advice or the professional opinion of InFocus or any of its members, employees, agents, representatives, or shareholders and all readers are informed to obtain professional advice before taking any course of action relating to anything contained in this publication.

HARDWARE - garden HARDEWARE - tuin

As jy wil wen, moenie fokus op die wen nie 5

Trade show getting better all the time 6 The fish are swimming 10 Winning strategies – how to make your net bigger 10 Showcase your star products 14 Top tips for tiptop displays 15 It can happen in a small box 17 Coffee with Marius 18 Kliëntediens begin al met die eerste onderhoud 20 Water from the sun 23 Koue kan ’n Mamba bars 24 Submersibles ready for renewable energy 25 Orbit bring tegnologie na jou tuin 26 Quality pumps only from Agrinet 27 Summer time and the living's easy 28 Beste uit 10 29 Spring clean the sparkle back into your pool 30

HARDWARE - plumbing HARDEWARE - loodgietery

Unbreakable 31 Made for pros' priced for DIY 31


Chill out 34 Sitting pretty on a Kaufmann 34 The great crate 35 Power your campsite 35



Ooreenkoms sit al die ligte aan 36 Sekuriteit uit die son se krag 37 Black & Decker simple start 38

September/Oktober 2014 | inFocus



At the heart of the start HAWKINS has been the South African leader in developing and manufacturing battery chargers for the domestic, leisure, professional and industrial markets since 1961.

Available from



If you want to win, don’t focus on winning


t might sound as if I contradict myself when I say that you can win more (in sport, life or business) by focusing less on winning, but it’s true. Let me explain. Coach Bill Walsh (named by ESPN as the second best coach in the history of NFL football), complimented and celebrated every game - or part thereof - that was well executed, whether it lead to a goal or a win or not. To him it didn’t matter whether the game’s outcome was unsuccessful, but it mattered that the execution was successful. Because of his genuine love and respect for the game of football, Walsh focused on and taught his team to play with precision. On the other hand, he criticized and corrected a sloppy movement even if it resulted in a ‘successful’ outcome. It is the same in business. The more we focus on winning, the more stressful the environment becomes and the less productive people are. Focusing less on winning will not lower the standards. What we want to achieve is to create an environment in which the strategy (process) can be executed in a disciplined manner where each person can focus on that which he or she can control. This leads to less conflict and accusations between team members, creating a more productive environment. All members of the team are not necessarily highly disciplined in the execution of their tasks and each member of the team possibly does not do what they are supposed to do. It requires good leadership to develop team members. It demands a culture that focuses on the long-term goals without getting stressed about the short-term goals. To focus all your attention on the desired outcome, could however, create a negative en-

vironment. Team members will be too scared to admit mistakes when the intended results are not realised. Knowing that you have made a mistake is one thing. However, it is a recipe for failure and burnout if you start thinking YOU are the mistake. The more people focus on the results, the more they panic. Before you blame your sales team for the loss of a sale, rather focus on improving their knowledge and techniques so that their winning behaviour can grow. Without self confidence, sales staff will not perform and no one will feel free to propose new ideas. People following this new approach of focusing on the process, will begin to experience success and start winning. It also nurtures integrity. The team members will feel respected and valued - creating a team committed to the common goal.

Jaco Kriel, Managing Director Agrinet

STRATEGY We reviewed Agrinet’s strategy over the past year, which was shared with the staff during the previous month. In short, the strategy entails that Agrinet obtains greater control over the supply chain. The company must establish itself as a sustainable, profitable business focusing on brands and offering complete solutions. This will provide our customers with a competitive edge. This requires a more focused brand strategy where certain product lines/ranges will be discontinued and replaced with new exciting product ranges. At the same time the focus is to operate the business more effectively and efficiently, which means that the business activities would be run at a lower cost and nonprofitable activities will be terminated or scaled down. We are excited about the new strategy and the value it will unlock for all our stakeholders.

TRADE SHOW 2014 Our trade show this year was the best ever and a big win for Agrinet. To put together a trade show like this requires good planning and teamwork between all departments within Agrinet to succeed. Between the marketing department and product management a ‘warehouse or brands’ was literally created. We created a retail store layout on the floor to stimulate our clients’ imaginations. We have changed the concept of the show this year and hopefully improved the show experience for our customers. Agrinet focused on new products and brands and invited many new customers to the show to expose them to our products. Too bad for those who missed out - hopefully we will see you next year.


The company must establish itself as a sustainable, profitable business focusing on brands and offering complete solutions. This will provide our customers with a competitive edge. SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2014

Winning strategies for peak season For this issue the editorial team had their spies snooping around the 2014 Trade Show, making sure we got all the info on the best products that Agrinet has on their shelves. For our readers who were not able to join us at the TRADE SHOW, don’t fear, we will keep you in the loop. With the products on display on the pages of this issue you can be on top form when the tide of peak season hits. We have some great advice on how to get your outlet ready for THE SEASON. Enjoy – Ed.

Jaco Kriel Managing Director Agrinet


September/Oktober 2014 | inFocus


TRADE SHOW GETTING BETTER ALL THE TIME The Agrinet Trade show keeps on growing. Customers who visited the show this year were impressed with the changes that were implemented.


t was SHOW TIME from 21 to 23 July in Samrand at the 5th Annual Trade Show. Our goal this year was to create an event that would encourage current and potential clients to interact with the “world of Agrinet” in a more engaging way. We did this by focusing on what is important to our customers: making it easy to view our ranges, launching new and unique products, showcasing range and merchandising solutions, encouraging educational demonstrations through quality face-time with our sales staff, product managers, suppliers and senior team. The show was also reformatted – for the first time Agrinet created open concept areas for Outdoor, Garden, Hardware and Irrigation where we set-up ‘shop’ and ‘showcase’ areas. Visitors could see our ranges and solutions in “real life” and were able to visualise these ranges in-store.

Trade Show facts: • Agrinet hosted 740 new and existing clients from both hardware retail and agriculture groups • There were 56 local and international suppliers exhibiting from various categories, alongside Agrinet’s exclusive brands such as U-Part (new mechanisation parts and autoshop products), Pascali (new water pumps), Power Master (new power products), Kaufmann Hardware and Outdoor as well as exclusive international brands such as Speroni and Orbit.

PICTURE TOP LEFT: Live exhibitions demonstrating practical applications of products made the Trade Show a lot more interesting and informative. The Mamba range of fire fighters are being demonstrated here.

PHOTO RIGHT: The open concept areas illustrated real life solutions for displaying products.

continued on p 9




September/Oktober 2014 | inFocus




“Te oordeel aan die samedromming in die eettent, was dié byvoeging nodig en ‘n groot sukses. Kliënte het ook waardering uitgespreek vir die spesiale aanbiedinge wat tydens die skou beskikbaar was en dit was vir ons aangenaam om hierdie geleentheid te bied. Ons probeer voortdurend om vars te dink en in die dae wat ons span rondom die ‘drawing board’ deurgebring het, het ons ons strategie aangepas om kliënte te verras met reekse produkte wat hulle weer die vermoë gee om ‘n eenstopdiens te bied,” het Jaco Kriel, besturende direkteur van Agrinet gesê.

KLIëNTE se reaksie Annemarie Joubert – Bestuurder aankope van Overberg Agri op Caledon is sedert die ‘90s al betrokke by Agrinet. “Die skou is vanjaar baie meer interaktief en die uitleg van die stalletjies is vars. Dit was die moeite werd om te kom – die interaksie met produkbestuurders was vir my baie waardevol,” het sy gesê.

Demonstrasies van verskeie uiteenlopende produkte het vermaak, maar ook inligting aan besoekers verskaf. Links word ‘n druktoets op koppelstukke gedoen. Middel ‘n kookdemonstrasie met ysterpotte en regs word ’n staalsnyer gedemonstreer.

We have the muscle to protect your vehicles

Jan duvenhage – Bestuurder Landmark by Hartbeespoortdam, is al vir 16 jaar betrokke by Agrinet. “Ons tak begin nou fokus op tuinbenodigdhede en buiteleweprodukte. Visvang is ‘n gewilde aktiwiteit om die Hartbeespoortdam. Kaufmann se reeks voldoen aan baie van my vereistes en ek kry baie goeie terugvoer van my kliënte af.”

TYRE FIX 340 ml


Spanjaard Tyre Fix seals punctures and re-inflates car and motorcycle tubes and tyres. Suitable for tubed or tubeless tyres. This is a puncture repair kit that allows you to get going quickly without a wheel change. One can is enough for one tyre. Spanjaard Tyre Fix is not suitable for large holes, rim leaks or side-wall damage.

BRIAN NAIDOO – Merchandising Executive from Legendary Retail Brands, buys across all categories, apart from agriculture. “I was impressed by the full ranges of products. We are moving into peak season now and I gained good insight into various goods from different suppliers. The show was really valuable as I connected with local and international suppliers. The range of LED-floodlights really blew my mind,” he said.



Spanjaard Quick Start is an aerosol spray for instant starting of Petrol and Diesel engines, including outboard motors. Spray directly into air intake for 2-3 seconds then start engine normally. Spanjaard Quick Start contains upper cylinder lubricant.

Lubricants • Greases • Additives • Aerosols


September/Oktober 2014 | inFocus




are swimming

how big is your net? The retail tide comes in during the months from August to the first of March and retailers should be geared up and ready to fill the nets while the proverbial fish are plentiful. These seven months represent the largest and busiest season in South African retail.

Winning strategies for peak season


t the first signs of spring people usually start itching for summer, they are more positive and want to be more active. They have more energy and are ready to burst out of winter’s trappedindoor state.

Get your house in order This is the peak renovation season in South Africa, starting in September to November for inland areas and December to January for the coastal regions. In preparation for the summer, consumers will start purchasing summer



How to make your net bigger Make the most of the opportunities presented to you by applying the following strategies:

items. Therefore the retail emphasis should be on all DIY projects, outdoor activities, gardening and maintenance on caravans, trailers, pools etc. As these products are in high demand retailers should concentrate their marketing efforts on all relevant mer-

Offer the most competitive pricing on *KVI’s Wollie Wolmarans, sales manager at Agrinet, says: “Know the Known Value Items (KVI’s)* for your market and make sure that your prices on the KVI’s are the most competitive in your region. Rather make your money on the rest of the range. Customers are willing to pay more of a premium for unique and innovative products.” Partly due to the electronic media, consumers are well aware of the price of items and access to technology makes it easy to compare prices – even when they are


Article: Nici Harmse Graphics: Nellouise van Staden chandise. Retailers can take advantage of the spring fever by offering early bird incentives on these purchases. South Africa has a double advantage over their northern hemisphere counterparts in that our longest holiday coincides with the Christmas season. Customers will be buying products for the long summer holiday in December. It is normally also the time of year when most people receive annual bonuses and spendable income increases. People also have more time on their hands to do things in and around the house than during the rest of the year. January sees a change in spending on two levels: Firstly, people start spending less after the December holiday when they concentrated on holiday-related products such as gifts, outdoor activity products and house and garden maintenance. Secondly, contractors open their businesses after they were closed for almost three weeks during December. They start buying more in January and retailers should capitalise on this.

in your shop. Retailers must be aware of the prices of competitors. Watch stock levels Achieving the right stock levels has a simple objective – to ensure the right products are in the right place, at the right time, to profitably service customer demand at the point of service. Have the right level of stock to satisfy customer needs, and identify excess or old stock. Don’t run your stocks too low, but remember that if you have too much stock, continued on p 13

*Known Value Items (KVI’s) are goods with a market price consumers are familiar with.



September/Oktober 2014 | inFocus




Winning strategies it can cost you money. The estimated cost of holding stock is ten to thirty percent of the stock’s value, according to Business Victoria, an online resource site designed to help you start, run and grow your business. This cost includes storage, insurance, keeping accurate tracking records and controlling stock to avoid theft. Prepare in advance 
 The way to maintain sales volume is to be ready for the next selling season. Phase in your new seasonal items for early shoppers while your other product line sales are winding down. You can keep the momentum going in your store and your income if you plan accordingly.

 Don’t wait until the holiday is upon you to get your products lined up and ready to go. You should begin pushing your promotions two to three months ahead of time. The advantage of having your products ready several months before a specific season is that you capture the early bird buyers – you’d be amazed how many people shop months in advance of the so-called silly season. You don’t necessarily have to change your entire product line every season. Evaluate your current product line and see what can be promoted as a seasonal item. Use your imagination — create unique gift baskets and kits. Shoppers are pressed for time and are looking for solutions, so put together product bundles to solve their needs. 

 Introduce new ranges Existing customers are used to your product range – introduce new ranges that are innovative and exciting. Your wholesaler should be able to assist you in expanding your product range. Attend trade shows to see what is available. Agrinet annually hosts a three-day trade show where

from p 10

retailers can interact with the exhibitors and get to know the suppliers. Make your products visible Create an attractive display with seasonal products in at least one area of your shop. If your space allows, create a second display. Ensure that the displays are done with care and taste, creating a professional look. Rather spend some money on professionally designed and printed posters,

speciality store to be in, because it’s next to impossible to compete on price with the big box retailers and national chains, given their huge buying power and economies of scale.” Well-trained staff should: • Know the products - staff must know what they are selling in order to be effective sales people. They should know the features and benefits of all the products sold in

and CEO of Toronto-based and Retailmakeover Web Services.)

At the Trade Show Agrinet created this excellent example of an innovative and exciting basket of products, bundled together for holiday makers going to a beach resort.

Visible pricing Few things are as irritating and frustrating to consumers as not being able to locate the price of a product. Customers make purchase decisions inter alia by comparing product quality and price. If the price of the product is not clearly visible, you could loose the sale. Make sure that all your products are priced and priced in a similar manner. The image of your shop also extends to the design of your price tags. Price tags could display the store’s logo. Should you offer special promotional prices, show the customer how much he/ she saves by purchasing the product on offer.

your store. Mix this knowledge with enthusiasm about the product and a desire to help people and you will have a winning combination. • Know how to sell effectively – train your staff to be able to really assist customers. They should be able to determine customer needs by asking the correct questions, how to overcome customer objections, how to use scarcity and uniqueness as selling points and how to create add-on sales by recommending products that complement other items. Role-playing and mentoring staff is an excellent way to give them the right guidance. (Barbara Crowhurst is a retail consultant, business coach

Adjust your website 
and electronic communication Your website and electronic communication tools, such as e-newsletters and e-mailers, should reflect the season-feature items that work well for the approaching holiday. Put a seasonal spin on your ads and listings. Evaluate what you’re selling and how you want to position it — freshen up the look of your site. You’ve got a whole new group of buyers coming in with each new season, so you want to be ready for them. A benefit of early marketing is that it provides lead time for the search engines to pick up the pages for your holiday specials. Include the season or holiday name in your titles, because people are searching for those terms.

banners and attention grabbers than printing them yourself on your desktop printer. Avoid handwritten posters and pieces of paper stuck with prestik to merchandise. (See note box with essential tips on floor displays on p 15.) Be ready for the rush Barbara Crowhurst, an internationally recognised retail consultant, says properly trained retail staff deliver better results for the retailer. “Unless your staff is better trained than the competition, armed with more product knowledge and strategies to solve customer problems, your retail operation will be competing primarily on price. That’s not a good position for a retail


September/Oktober 2014 | inFocus


Winning strategies

from p 13

Showcase your star products WE took a comprehensive look on the impact certain seasons can have on your bottom line. Still, that is only the start to a successful improvement in sales. One of the most important aspects that often gets left behind, is the way you display your products.

The art and science of merchandise display is something that is written about and debated widely. As more and more different mediums become available, your options increase. Customers are bombarded with visual images - of which digital visual stimulation is the most common, it is all around them and always available. This is typically everything you see on television, tablets, mobile phones and computers. The average consumer becomes more and more visually literate and expect images to not only inform, but also entertain. As such, the challenge is to display merchandise in such a way as to attract attention,

Displays can vary from the most simple ideas like the post-it notes on display above, to intricately designed and manufactured artworks – in the end it is the way it attracts attention to the merchandise that defines it.


Formulated for protecting interior and exterior steel surfaces with exceptionally high gloss for long lasting finish e.g, steel cabinets, shelves, tools and garden sets.


Formulated for the priming of interior and exterior steel surfaces when used in conjunction with Dulux Quick-Dry Enamel.



An acrylic waterproofing paint developed to be used with a mesh membrane. This product can be used on flashing, roof joint, roof screws, parapets and chimney cappings. Dulux waterproofing is not suitable for areas of long term ponding.

Colours of the WorldTM is an interior, low sheen and low odour washable paint for walls in unique colours – the colour collection was inspired by the world’s most beautiful landscapes • • • • •

Available in 25 Ready-Mixed Colours 5 Globally-inspired easy-to-use Colour Ranges Quality interior low odour washable paint Lighter shades in 5 litre packs Darker shades in 2.5 litre packs


OOMBLIK VAN WAARHEID | MOMENT OF TRUTH enticing the customer to really stop and look at your products on offer. The most effective way is by way of poignant merchandise displays. The key is to be creative in your display. This entails the choice of display material, the products you choose to display together and the overall message you want to portray. Any display

should grab attention and persuade the customer to make a purchase. A striking, innovative and creative in-store display is a powerful tool for drawing and focusing attention on your merchandise. The most effective displays stand out, is visually appealing, while inviting the customer to consider the merchandise.

Top tips for tiptop

displays We share our top tips for creative retail design for in-store displays. Keep it changing

Changing your displays frequently will keep it fresh and exciting, drawing customers to the range of merchandise you sell. Aim to have at least six different displays throughout the year, rather than just changing the display with each turn of the season. The less predictable in-store as well as window displays are, the more engaged your customers will be.

Make a statement

Creative retail design aims to make a statement that will set your in-store displays apart from all the other retailers. Always have one main focus point in your display – any good design first grabs the attention, keeps it and then persuades the viewer to take action. Making a visually bold and original statement is the first step to attracting interest in your merchandise.

A bit of lateral thinking resulted in this inexpensive, but effective display.

First impressions count

Before a potential customer even notices your in-store display, the first thing they will see is your storefront. A poorly kept shop will drive customers away before you’ve even had the chance to win them over with your merchandise and displays. Ensure all paintwork is immaculate and your signage is present and intact. Take a critical look at your storefront and do repairs and make improvements immediately.

Make creative choices

The merchandise you choose to display is just as important as the display itself. Although your merchandise may not change from season to season, it is important not to simply re-create an old display. Instead, find new and interesting ways to showcase your products. Different people will find different displays appealing and the more people you can reel in, the larger your customer base will be. Displays do not have to hold one type of product. By incorporating merchandise from several sections or departments in your store, you can show customers what you have to offer in a limited space. This is particularly useful for stores that have a wide range of products on sale.

Some of the great displays that were built at the Agrinet Trade Show – above, the Eurolux stand and below, totally different, but as effective, the Speroni display.

Light up

Lighting can make or break a display. The way your merchandise is lit, is an important factor in whether it will attract a customer’s attention or not. Not all displays need the same type of lighting. Spotlights in different colours can be used to focus attention on featured products. (Make sure the display doesn’t look like a disco.) Creative retail design is all about making the most of your space and resources. Instead of using standard shop lighting for every display, experiment with different light sources such as lamps and floor lights to create unique effects that will really make your merchandise stand out.


September/Oktober 2014 | inFocus




It can happen in a

small box Retailers share advice for operating varying-sized stores in rural and urban settings. An American based independent hardware retailer made headlines recently for using the phrase the ‘small-box movement’. Ace Hardware owner John Venhuizen, viewed his opinion on the all-present ‘competition’ independent retailers experience from the big stores. “Although we can never compete in terms of volume, we can offer a different shopping experience. We are a service-based, high-touch, local business,” John said. “The shop-local trend is one that has served us well.” It served other independent retailers relatively well too. Here are the opinions of a few smaller retailers on the benefits of operating stores of their size and what they would suggest to other retailers looking for operating ideas. Understand your customer base – Susan Tauber operates Glen Park Hardware, a 1,000-square-foot urban hardware store in San Francisco, with her husband, Harold. The store has seen a shift toward a younger clientele in recent years, but the key to serving customers has remained the same. “I think that listening to your customer is really important,” she said. “And it seems that certain things are in their headlights at certain times.” Part of this also involves understanding the nature of the area you are serving. All retailers could benefit by offering niche products to help differentiate the store from big-box locations down the road. Strike the right balance between variety and abundance In addition to knowing what your customers want, it’s also important to make sure you order the right products for your store. Bracken True Value in Utah, USA, a 9,000-square-foot

country store, proclaims on its website: “You will find a country store with a fascinating mix of store inventory with affordable prices, quality products, and a very friendly personable staff.” “Keeping the store stocked requires a fair amount of inventory to make a visit worth customers’ time,” says Bracken. “You have to take real care and caution in not overstocking inventory. And that’s tricky because you have to have pretty much a full department to entice people to come in and shop. You can’t carry eight products and expect people to come in.” Follow product trends – “The DIY crowd is popular among hardware retailers. In addition to being able to pay close attention to customers, it’s also helpful to have strong product knowledge — especially when it comes to trends,” says Alichia du Plessis, marketing manager at Agrinet. “There are always trends. For instance - with paint there are certain colours that seem popular, and then disappear just as soon,” she observes, adding that magazines could help a retailer stay on top of these changing interests and fads. DIY customers can also be impulsive buyers and are priceconscious. Retailers should focus on creating well-stocked end caps with attractive pricing. “Ultimately, you have to have a mix and a pricing strategy that’s competitive,” Alichia notes. “Even if you don’t have any big-box stores in your area, they’re abundant in less than an hour’s drive. So you can’t just assume that your local market will support you blindly.” A strong marketing presence and robust rewards program could get people into your store.


September/Oktober 2014 | inFocus



“WHAT HAPPENED TO THE EARLY WORM?” Agrinet’s National Sales Manager, Marius Loubser, has a few things on his mind in this column. He will leave no ‘tjop’ unturned and spare no cow as he shares his insight in the industry, from the foam on top right down to the ground at the bottom.

We are all familiar with the old saying ‘the early bird catches the worm’….but are you familiar with the saying ‘the early worm gets eaten’…..? Yes, it’s spring time (at long last!) and it’s back to reality. So, what is the reality … very simple, time to stock up your shelves and ensure that you don’t miss out on the first-time seasonal customers ... you are either the worm or the bird! In the article on page 10 there is an in-depth discussion regarding winning retail strategies (a must read). Personally, I wish to emphasize two key facts from this article that ensure a happy customer, a) availability of the right products and b) a new unique offering in terms of product and display. These are two key focus points in Agrinet’s own offering, and part of our value-add to our customers. The recent Agrinet annual trade show was the proof of the pudding and a tremendous success. Those who attended were pretty excited about the various new product ranges. One could sense the excitement of our customers to introduce the various new product ranges to their retail outlets and customers ...

and that should be the spirit, join in the flow of natural energy and grab the opportunities that the upcoming season affords us all! So what is new at Agrinet? Quite a lot, unfortunately there are not enough pages here to show it all. Therefore, I will highlight only some of these great new ranges to you. Please ensure that you receive the 2014 “Ranges @ Agrinet catalogue” from your representative. It includes all the current and new product ranges available.

shop and increase the average amount spend by your customers – great initiative, Wollie! Pumps and motors Agrinet is a leading role player within the irrigation pumps and motor market and has been for many years. We’ve taken it one step further with the launch of our new PASCALI booster pump range at the trade show. With water pressure becoming more and more of a problem these days, this is the ideal product especially for the residential market. It is, however, also suitable for the agricultural and various other markets as well, offering a combination of good quality and value for money. “Goodbye darkness, my old friend” – Agrinet recently obtained the sole distribution agency to the agricultural market for the well known Eurolux range of lights. It is also available to most of our customers in principal. The Eurolux range was a huge attraction at the trade show, with most of our customers already signed up for the concept currently available. Eurolux has a full range of lamps, suited for any application, providing energy saving solutions – a simple switch will save you money.

Irrigation Even though the Orbit garden irrigation range is a well established brand, and familiar to most of our customers, I need to mention that our Sales Manager – Groups, Wollie Wolmarans, has taken this range to the next level in terms of being the core range within the new garden irrigation concept, nicknamed the “Wollie Concept”. This concept, designed by Wollie, is a complete offering, especially to our hardware and DIY clients. It aims to provide a one-stop-shop concept catering for your customer’s irrigation needs in the garden, especially in urban areas. This range consists of the following, the Orbit garden irrigation range (pop-ups, timers etc.), Rainjet micro sprinklers, full flow and insert fittings, clamps, garden hose and hose fittings, plastic pipe etc. Don’t forget to order the Orbit tap timers which are unique and only available in the Orbit range, a must-have for every home owner (Agrinet codes 101011 & 101015). You’ll be pleasantly surprised by the sales and profit you will generate by stocking this six-stand range, making you the local destination for the neighbourhood’s garden irrigation requirements. You will draw more feet to your

Plumbing Our recently appointed plumbing manager, Henk Kruger, with 16 years experience in the hardware industry and 10 years experience in the plumbing industry, introduced a number of new ranges to Agrinet’s plumbing basket. These were also launched at the trade show. These products include the Manholes4­ Africa range, a heavy and light duty drain rod set, Gluedevil PVC cement range and last but surely not the least, the unique Wirquin range consist-


ing of various flushing units, inlet valves, connectors etc – basically a one stand solution. Contact your Agrinet representative for an appointment to introduce these new ranges and very important, to benchmark our copper pipe and fittings prices against those of your current supplier – you’ll be pleasantly surprised in this regard – watch this space! Mechanisation Yes, ladies, believe it or not, we even cater for your needs – the new Black & Decker Automotive range of products is ideal and a must have for every lady travelling in this day and age. This range consists of battery chargers, power inverters, a Cooler freezer and warmer and many more, all charged through the lighter socket in your vehicle. A really unique product, is the compact battery charger which charges your battery from inside your vehicle through the lighter socket. So, come rain or hail or finding yourself in a dangerous area


with a flat battery, there is no need to exit your vehicle – it’s basically plug and charge from within your vehicle and off you go – if there is fuel in your tank, obviously – sorry ladies! Outdoor There’s no better way to start the day than with a nice cup of coffee at the campsite, prepared in the new Kaufmann whistling kettle – just another great product in this exclusive range of outdoor products. The latest additions to this quality range are the Padded Sofa, Streamline and Lounger camping chairs – first come first served! Please ensure that you visit the Kaufmann

Outdoor website at to view the complete outdoor range. As you can see, the list of new products is really comprehensive and a must-have to offer to your customers – remember what happened to that early worm! On behalf of Agrinet I wish all our valued customers all of the best for the coming season. May you print money and thank you for your loyal support – ”Nou gaan ons braai” – Until the next cup, happy selling – cheers!


September/Oktober 2014 | inFocus


Kliëntediens dit begin al met die eerste onderhoud As ‘n mens die term Menslike Hulpbronne hoor, is jou eerste gedagte waarskynlik dat dit die afdeling is waar jou bonus bereken word, waar jy jou verlofvorm ingee en waarheen jy jou bydrae vir die koffie- en koekklub stuur. Hierdie is egter lankal nie meer die funksies van hierdie uiters belangrike afdeling in ‘n maatskappy nie.

Agrinet se Menslike Hulpbronnespan van links Dikeledi Shabangu, Hettie Kriel, Carla Pretorius en Erik Wessels


m die beste kliënte­ diens te verskaf, begin Agrinet reeds by die werwingsproses van poten­ siële werknemers om te verseker dat die regte persoon in die regte pos aangestel word. Dit is die eerste stap in die Agrinet-strategie om ‘n goed-gestruktureerde en opgeleide personeelkorps tot die beskikking van kliënte te stel. Carla Pretorius, Menslike Hulpbronnebestuurder by Agrinet, glo onwrikbaar in die woorde van Confucius: “Die kern van kennis is om te weet hoe om dit te gebruik”. “My visie is om Agrinet se werknemers en bestuurders te bemagtig sodat hulle ‘n bydrae kan maak om van Agrinet ‘n hoë werkverrigtingsmaatskappy te maak,” sê Carla. “Dit is moontlik as personeel die regte ondersteuning, opleiding

en bemagtiging van Menslike Hulpbronne ontvang. En hierdie proses begin reeds by die aanstelling van potensiële werknemers.” “Om die regte persone te werf is nie altyd so maklik nie omdat sommige poste hier hoogs gespesialiseerde vaardighede vereis. ‘n Evalueringsproses wat korrekte psigometriese, kennisgebaseerde en tegniese assessering behels, word gevolg om te verseker dat die regte persoon in die regte pos aangestel word.” Agrinet se Menslike Hulpbronne-span het onlangs die internasionaal-bekende ‘Organisational Human Factor Benchmark’ (OHFB) gedoen. Dit is ‘n wetenskaplik-gebaseerde organisatoriese diagnostiese reeks maatstawwe wat sedert 1998 ontwikkel is en bestaan uit wetenskap­


teorie en psigometriese norms en maatstawwe. Heelwat plaaslike sowel as internasionale maatskappye implementeer die OHFB. Agrinet het dit in Februarie 2014 uitgerol. Die Menslike Hulpbronnespan fokus tans op prestasiebestuur, kommunikasie en spesifieke interne prosesse om waarde toe te voeg tot Agrinet se besigheid. Die afdeling was in die verlede grootliks betrokke by salarisse en verwante sake, maar beweeg nou van ‘n suiwer administratiewe funksie na ‘n rolspeler in die strategiese en operasionele beplanning van die maatskappy. In lyn met Agrinet se stra­te­giese en operasionele plan is elke posisieprofiel so saamgestel dat dit tot die voordeel van die werknemer sowel as die maatskappy strek.


spanwerk is die kruks

Posisieprofiele bestaan uit: • doel van die pos • sleutel-prestasieareas • bevoegdhede (vaardig­ hede, kennis en persoonlikheidsvaardighede) Spandinamika verbeter Die bestuurspan van Agrinet is die afgelope paar maande druk besig met ‘n proses waar die dinamika tussen bestuur en hulle spanne bepaal word deur die gebruik van Strength

Finder 2.0TM. Die doel van die meetinstrument is om mense se talente te identifiseer en dit in sterkpunte te ontwikkel. Die volgende aspekte is aangeraak: • Hoekom reageer ek op ‘n spesifieke manier? • Hoekom reageer mense in my span op ‘n sekere manier? • Waaruit put ek energie en wat tap my energie? • As ek myself en ander mense beter verstaan,

vertrou ek hulle meer. Wat is vertroue? • Hoe lyk my span en hoe lyk die dinamika van die span? • Waaruit is my span saamgestel? Denkers, mense wat verhoudings bou, mense wat take uitvoer of mense wat ander beïn­vloed. Oor die laaste paar maande het meer as 140 Agrinetpersoneellede verskillende opleidingskursusse bygewoon om hulle toe te rus om die kliënt beter te bedien en waarde toe te voeg tot die maatskappy deur die verbetering van selfkennis en potensiaal. Agrinet het die laaste tyd daarop gefokus om werknemers te ondersteun sodat hulle verandering kan hanteer.


Hulle is bygestaan om weg te beweeg van angstigheid, vrees en woede na hoop, aanvaarding en om te groei en vorentoe te beweeg. Die doel van prestasiebestuur • Skep ‘n omgewing waarbinne elke werknemer bemagtig word om na die beste van hulle vermoë te presteer. • Verbeter samewerking tussen werknemers en bestuurders deur ‘n kommunikasieproses. • Bestuurders hou hulleself aanspreeklik vir werksverrigting en bemagtig personeel om hulleself ook aanspreeklik te hou. • Skep ‘n platvorm vir ‘n hoë prestasie-kultuur.

September/Oktober 2014 | inFocus




Choose from the products that the IRRIGATION team had on offer at the Trade Show to bowl your clients over during the PEAK season this year.

WYNAND UECKERMANN speaks from the Trade Show: “We have combined all the irrigation exhibitions into one exhibition area to make it more convenient for our clients. We are really excited about all the new products and equipment we have on display. First and foremost is, off course, the new Pascali pump range. After extensive market research and sourcing of the best fit of components and products from various worldwide suppliers, we are confident that we have found a solution to the need of the market in SA. The Pascali pumps are cost-effective, trustworthy and an excellent alternative for affordable quality in this current market. Big excitement was also created with the alternative energy pump solutions on display. The cost effective efficiency and capabilities of the pumps performing here astounded many a visitor. It is ideal for remote

Photovoltaic energy applied to pumping systems

water from

the sun areas where electricity is not readily available, or where theft is a huge problem. The new 6 inch Submersible pumps with Noryl (plastic) impellers complete the Speroni range perfectly. These pumps, with plastic impellers, save cost without compromising efficiency. We also offer a wide range of water meters for the agricultural and municipal markets. The meters for municipal use are SABS approved. Our established range of bulk or irrigation meters are now complimented by technologically advanced meters that we could not supply previously,� Wynand said.

VASCO Solar inverters power traditional pumping systems using photovoltaic energy. This product allows existing pump installations to be converted to solar powered installations. The VASCO SOLAR inverter is capable of converting DC wattage, coming from photovoltaic panels, into AC power, powering most threephase asynchronous motors. Pump speed is constantly adapted to the available solar radiation, thus maximizing the amount of pumped water and making operation possible even in low radiation conditions, while offering complete pump protection against over-voltage, over-current and dry running. VASCO Solar is entirely manufactured of aluminium, ensuring maximum cooling and durability. All metal parts are made of AISI 304 stainless steel, making it resistant to corrosion. The IP65 protection makes outdoor installation possible. Two independent external fans and an internal fan provide perfect cooling. Fan operation is adjusted according to actual thermal conditions, extending life expectancy.


The membrane keyboardcover protects the display from UV rays. A pressure or flow sensor can be connected to the VASCO Solar to control the pump or motor performance with great accuracy. A history of the motors performance and operating conditions is recorded and stored for future reference, as well as a diagnostic menu that displays the recorded inverter and motor running hours, operational statistics and the last eight alarms that occurred.

For information on the VASCO solar inverter, send an e-mail to:

September/Oktober 2014 | inFocus


koue kan ’n mamba bars



Agrinet se tegniese adviseur in die Kaap, AJ de Klerk, laat weet van ‘n kliënt naby Sutherland wat ontstoke was oor sy Mamba-vuur­vegter wat hom in die steek gelaat het. “Die kliënt gebruik die vuurvegters vir brandbestryding in die somer en in die winter gebruik hy dit as ’n hoëdruk spuit om sy trekkers en bakkies skoon te spuit. Sy pro­bleem is dat die pomp en die handspuit bars na die gebruik van die

vuurvegter en dit het nou ’n tweede keer gebeur en hy is

glad nie ’n ‘happy chappie’ nie,” sê AJ. Na ’n lang en ’n baie koue ondersoek in Sutherland het hulle bevind dat die kliënt nie die water in die pomp, pyp en handspuit heeltemal laat uitloop nie en in die koue vries die water en laat alles bars. Die produk staan binne-in sy stoor op ’n waentjie en nie op die grond nie. Hy is omgekrap, want niemand het vir hom gesê hy moet al die water laat uitloop nie. AJ herinner sy kollegas daaraan dat as hulle met kliënte onderhandel of wanneer hulle navrae oor die

produk het, moet hulle noem dat alle water uit die pomp en sisteem moet wees na gebruik, veral op die hoëdruk vuurvegter en veral wanneer hulle dit gaan stoor vir die winter. Dit is raadsaam om die sneller op die spuitstuk ingedruk te hou tydens ber­ ging om soortgelyke insidente


te help voorkom. Dit is veral belangrik in die koue dele van die land soos in die Karoo en Noordkaap. AJ vertel dat hy eers ’n week nadat hy van Sutherland af terug is, begin ontdooi het.



READY FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY Take a look at our 4” submersible pumps with integrated electronics, powered by renewable energy sources. These 4HS Multi Power pumps have built-in inverters allowing for easy installation. The helical rotor pump The 4HS “H” pumps are equipped with a helical (worm) rotor that moves within a double helix rubber stator. The flow rate is directly proportional to pump speed, which is determined by the available Wattage, while the pressure supplied is kept virtually constant. In this way, unlike a centrifugal pump, the helical rotor pump can provide high heads even at low rpm, ensuring water to the surface even with very low available power or low radiation from the sun.

In addition, the helical rotor pumps feature higher hydraulic efficiency than centrifugal pumps of the same flow. This saves on the number of PV panels necessary for the application. Permanent magnets motor The 4HS MP pumps are equipped with AC permanent magnets motors. High motor efficiency and high starting torque ensures pump operation even under low light conditions. 4HS MP pumps can be connected to solar panels, batteries, wind turbines and diesel generators. The integrated inverter module converts DC energy into useful electrical energy

to drive the motor efficiently and, at the same time, adjust the pump speed in relation to available radiation. Protection against overcurrent, over-heating and lack of water are integrated on-board. MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) maximizes the input power for various intensities of radiation and temperature, ensuring the best possible power usage. When radiation increases, the pump increases the rotation speed as well as the water flow. When radiation decreases (presence of clouds or different hours of the day), the pump reduces speed and thus the water flow, but still provides water until the radiation falls below the minimum value to ensure operation.


4HS pumps are entirely made of stainless steel AISI 304, ensuring these components a long life. Pump, motor and hydraulic components are also easy to disassemble for simple maintenance and replacement operations.

Integrated on-board protection Protections against overvoltage, overload and dry running are standard and integrated into the pump electronic circuit. The protection against dry running eliminates the need of run dry probes.

September/Oktober 2014 | inFocus


ORBIT bring tegnologie na jou tuin

Besoek om jou plan te begin.

“By Agrinet se handelskou kon mense weer sien hoekom Orbit tans die nommer EEN besproeiingshandelsmerk in Amerika is en baie vinnig ook hier in Suid-Afrika dié posisie gaan inneem,” het Kobus Landman, produkbestuurder by Agrinet, gesê.

Orbit se visie is om huiseienaars te bemagtig en te inspireer met innoverende produkte wat maklik is om te gebruik en van ongeëwenaarde gehalte is. Dit is vir Agrinet ‘n voorreg om die alleenverspreider van die Orbit-reeks in Suid-Afrika te wees. Orbit se reeks “timers”, sproeiers en hulle “mistingreeks” is die mees volledigste reekse in hulle klas in SuidAfrika. Tydens die skou is die “Orbit sprinkler design program” geloods. Die rekenaarprogram is ontwerp om jou tuin se besproeiingsontwerp te


vergemaklik. Sodra die ontwerp klaar gedoen is op die rekenaar, word die tuinuitleg uitgedruk met die stappe wat gevolg moet word om die besproeiingstelsel suksesvol te installeer. Dit sluit in die onderdele wat benodig word, sowel as die proses van installering asook die programmering van die ‘timer’. Hierdie rekenaarprogram het groot belangstelling van die besoekers gelok wat dit ook in hulle winkels wil aanhou. Agrinet se bekwame tegniese verteenwoordigers bied graag opleiding in die program. Hierdie unieke

ontwerpprogram plus Orbit se innoverende produkte sal verseker dat verkope styg. Nog ‘n innoverende konsep van Orbit is ’n toep (app) wat aan die einde van 2014 vir selfone beskikbaar sal wees. Dié toep sal ‘n wye reeks video’s bevat wat wys hoe Orbit-produkte werk en hoe dit aangewend moet word. Binnekort sal inligting beskikbaar wees sodat ’n QR-kode met ‘n selfoon geskandeer kan word om die toep af te laai. Hou Agrinet se webtuiste dop om te sien wanneer hierdie toep geloods word.



The range of Pascali pumps are exclusive to Agrinet and is described by our Product manager, Wynand Ueckerman, as a range that was chosen from the best available in the market. Pascali pumps are affordable, high quality and designed for domestic applications.



*Make sure the

quality to go

Self priming jet pump with 24 l pressure control, for domestic and garden irrigation use. Thermal overload protection, 100% copper winding and brass impeller.



Self priming jet pump with flow control, for domestic and garden irrigation use. Thermal overload protection, 100% copper winding and brass impeller.

buyer knows his home needs a pressure valve for the save operation of the high pressure pumps.



Stainless steel jet pump with flow control, for domestic and garden irrigation use. Thermal overload protection, 100% copper winding and POM impeller.

Self priming Peripheral pump with flow control, for domestic and garden irrigation use. Thermal overload protection, 100% copper winding and brass impeller with stainless steel insert preventing rust.


Stainless steel jet pump with 24 l SS pressure tank, for domestic and garden irrigation use. Thermal overload protection, 100% copper winding and POM impeller.


Self priming Peripheral pump with 24 l pressure control system, for domestic and garden irrigation use. Thermal overload protection, 100% copper winding and brass impeller with stainless steel insert preventing rust.

Pascali’s new pump packaging is fresh, modern and informative. The high gloss printing on the packaging reflects the brand’s quality and performance attributes. It also has selling points on the side that act as an in-store silent salesman.



September/Oktober 2014 | inFocus


SUMMER TIME and the living’s easy only if you have the right tools


ummer time is here and as the lyrics from the song ‘Summer Time’, a composition by George Gershwin reminds us, the living should be easy. Fingers are itching to turn the warm summer soil, but without the appropriate tools, the summer time could turn into ‘frustration’ time. To prevent this, inFocus asked the Gardening team to compile a list of their top ten most popular gardening tools. See the list opposite on p 27. Remind your customers to be water wise – here are some tips on how to use water sparingly. If you can, water in the morning. If you water while it’s (relatively) cool outside, water can soak in before it evaporates on the surface. And if you

do it in the morning, that helps the plant to take up the water during the day. Watering at dusk or even during early evening is OK, but you run the risk of fungus formation, because these organisms love dark and damp places. Mulch is great for holding in moisture and keeping the base of plants cool. However, a thick layer of mulch can also form a crust that prevents water from soaking in. Break up crusted mulch with a rake to allow water in. With your lawn and perennials, it’s better to give larger amounts of water at longer intervals than it is to apply small amounts of water frequently. That’s because shallow watering encourages shallow rooting. In very hot weather, a ballpark range for watering is every other day for perennials and every three to four days for shrubs.


Below is the gardening exhibition at this year's Trade Show. The large area gave the exhibit a spacious garden-like atmosphere.


inFocus caught up with the Gardening product manager at the Trade Show. He was really excited about the garden exhibition: “We kept all the gardening products in one area in an open, spacious display that drew attention. “The products that I am particularly excited about is the DIY irrigation kit (AA025-15) combined with the Buddy timer (101011) from Orbit. The Rainjet micro irrigation equipment and the Kaufmann DIY garden range should also draw attention.



beste uit Hier is die Tuinmaakspan se 10 mees gewilde stukke tuingereedskap.


HW0600700 SKÊR SNOEI STAR 4 Algemene snoei van tuine en boorde. Lewer ‘n skoon, netjiese snit terwyl die ergonomiese ontwerp moegheid teenwerk en langer snoeityd tot gevolg kan hê. Alle onderdele is vervangbaar en geredelik beskikbaar.

HW1541151 HARK STAAL 16 TAND (TH) Goeie kwaliteit ingevoerde produk vir tuin gebruik.

HW1880550 GRAAF SPIT (TH) Goeie kwaliteit ingevoerde produk vir tuin gebruik.

HW1890150 VURK 4 TAND GESWEIS Vurke gevorm van koolstofstaal, is verhard en getemper om maksimum sterkte en duursaamheid te verseker. Binnetand is aangesweis.

HW1541269 TUINGEREEDSKAPSTEL X3 2332 LASHER Klein tuingereedskap polipropileen handvatsel. Ideaal vir huiseienaars of professionele tuinbou­ kundiges. Word in ‘n duursame plastieksak verpak.

HW1912348 SAAG KAMP 530MM 50/11016 LASHER Swaardiens epoksie bedekte raamwerk. 35A Lem ingesluit. Veral geskik vir die snoei van bome en struike. Die pentandlem is perfek vir die saag van gevestigde bome en algemene saagwerk. Gebruik lem HW1921169

HW1921886 SAAG SNOEI DUBBELKANT 410MM 1885 LASHER Polipropileen handvatsel, vorm gegote eenheid met 400mm lem. Vir huishoudelike snoeiwerk.

101015 Buddy 2 outomatiese tuinbenattingseenheid Skakel jou tuinkraan om in 'n besproeingstelsel. Koppel aan 'n standaard 20 mm tuin­ slangkraan met BSP skroefdraad. Het twee uitlate en benattings­ programme. Besoek vir ’n tipiese besproeiings­ uitleg.

HW1971010 SPUIT RUGSAK KAUFMANN Verstelbare geelkoper spuitstuk. Skouerbande ingesluit. Word gebruik om gifstowwe, water en kunsmis toe te dien. Metaal hefboom wat verstel vir links- of regshandig. Siffie keer vuilgoed by opening. Hoë gehalte plastiek buigbare pyp met metaal handkontrole pyp. Onderdele beskikbaar.

810187 SWEMBAD SKIM Toestel word opgekoppel by die swembad­ inlaat en vang alle drywende blare en vullis op.


September/Oktober 2014 | inFocus


Spring clean the sparkle

back into your pool Springtime! It is the perfect During full time to spring clean in and summer you around your swimming have better pool to get the sparkle things to do than back into your life. to do battle with



efore you get stuck into cleaning the pool itself, clear leaves and any other debris from around the pool. • Switch off the pool pump and filter, let all residue sink to the bottom before you switch on to let the automatic pool cleaner do it’s job.

• • Fill the pool up to the middle of the weir if the water level is too low. • Remove all leaves and other dirt from the weir and the pool basket. • Make sure the pump, filter and other equipment work properly. Replace all damaged parts. • Check and correct the pH of the water to between


• • •

7.2 – 7.6. This should be checked and corrected, if necessary, on a weekly basis. - Shock treat the pool by adding three times the normal amount of HTH® Classic Granular Chlorine – this will get rid of all algae and bacteria. Next ensure that the Total Alkalinity is between 80 – 120ppm. This should be done at the start of the summer season and checked and corrected a few times during summer. Backwash the filter – don’t forget to rinse to recompact the sand. Backwash the filter every two weeks or when the automatic pool cleaner becomes sluggish. Change the filtration cycle to run continuously for 12 hours a day from now on. Brush pool walls and floor weekly. Clean out leaf and weir baskets every week. Never allow the stabiliser

level to exceed 50ppm – high levels of stabiliser may result in insufficient free chlorine and harmful bacteria in your pool water. You should now be ready to spring into action! Your pool should be looking great and you should be looking forward to the days of relaxing or entertaining that lie ahead!

Scan any of the QR codes with your smart phone to download the HTH Free Pool Water Testing APP


HARDEWARE loodgietery | HARDWARE plumbing


Made for pros’

priced for DIY


anholes 4 Africa is a manufacturer and supplier of the highest quality reinforced polymer based manhole covers, gully’s and gratings. The products are made from a highly complex compound, and are manufactured using compression moulding procedures resulting in durable, strong manholes which are reliable and eco friendly. Manholes 4 Africa started by experimenting and designing alternates to the building and civil engineering uses of concrete and cement manhole covers and frames. What they have ultimately developed are manholes that not only meet the current requirements and regulations, but far exceed any of the limitations set out when they initially started. They have developed products that have a zero carbon footprint, contributing towards the eco-friendly green initiative. They managed this by replacing steel with fibre reinforcing bar, and no use of cement as a binding agent. Reinforcing All the products are reinforced with Rebar FIReP (Fibre Reinforced Polymer) FIReP has double the strength of normal steel, but weight

Visitors to the Trade Show were challenged to break the manhole covers made by Manholes4Africa – a few strongmen gave the product their best – to no avail! These covers took all the punches that was handed out.

For more on our new products go to is only a quarter of steel, it is corrosion resistant and just about any shape or form can be manufactured. Benefits These products have numerous benefits: High corrosion resistance, cuttability, continuous threaded profile, high tensile strength, flexibility, low weight, anti-magnetic, high thermal isolation and no electrical conductivity.

Wirquin is a range of intelligent, efficient and reliable sanitary equipment and related products, for use by professionals, priced for the DIY market and now available at Agrinet. The Wirquin Group is based in France and has an international footprint with a factory in South Africa. Their product range is sold in over 60 countries. Wirquin is constantly busy with product development and allocates 5% of their turnover towards that. In this process three key areas are prominent, technology, quality and service. The product range varies from complete cisterns, cistern mechanisms and filler valves, these mechanisms are compatible with all current systems and are user friendly and easy to install. The flush mechanisms has the dual flush function resulting in huge wa-


Bath waste and trap 34550111

ter savings. The filler vales has a pressure range of 1 bar up to 16 bar and sizes vary from 3/8” to ½”, the float assembly is very compact and eradicates the bulky float arm and ball system. All replacement parts and seals are also readily available. Continue on p 33

September/Oktober 2014 | inFocus


HARDEWARE loodgietery | HARDWARE plumbing

Below: the Wirquin exhibition at the Trade Show attracted a whole lot of attention with the versatile products on display.

The range of up-market soft closing toilet seat systems also come in various colours. Soft closing toilet seat 20900003

Wirquin also boasts a range of toilet seats in various colours from economy systems to up-market soft closing systems. A range of flexible pan connectors as well as flush fit connectors are available, the unique fin seal system eradicates the use of putty and other sealants during installation. Wirquin also have a range of innovative waste and trap solutions designed with efficiency and easy installation in mind. Most of the trap applications are adjustable and accommodates various sizes of waste pipe. The shower waste systems have unique self-cleaning properties that prevents clogging as well as a waterproofing flange that prevents forming of damp in floors and walls over the long-term. The bath traps incorporate waste fitting and is space saving and multi directional, which makes installation very easy. A comprehensive range of bottle traps, ranging from

In addition to this, Wirquin also has a range of flexible waste connectors, universal plugs and adaptors for almost any application.

Universal bottle trap 39998005

The impressive range of waste and trap solutions are easy to install. economic universal traps to the stylish brass and chrome plated systems. Wirquin has a unique and revolutionary sink trap that is both space saving and extremely functional, having auxiliary connections for dish washers and washing machines.

Sink waste 39998033


September/Oktober 2014 | inFocus


Chill out


Peter’s tips on how to survive WITH ICE

ne of the challenges of camping in the South African heat is keeping your ice cold and thus keeping your food and beverages cold and edible. How can you preserve your ice so it doesn’t melt so quickly? How can you keep your food from getting soggy in the melted ice? How can you keep a cooler cold for 5 to 10 days if ice is not available for purchase nearby? These are some of the most common questions asked by campers. Right type of cooler There are many types of coolers to choose from, including metal, plastic, Styrofoam, soft-sided nylon and hardsided plastic. The soft-sided nylon coolers and Styrofoam coolers are suitable for day trips. If you are camping overnight or going on a longer trip, it is very important to get a durable cooler that can keep your food and beverages cold over a period of time. Metal coolers hold heat longer when left in the sun, so plastic coolers are the most popular choice for campers. One brand of plastic cooler mentioned numerous times in reviews, in blogs, and in articles, is the Kaufmann Römer cooler. With a wall thickness of 50 mm “Green” polyurethane injection and a silicon rubber seal on the lid, the Römer can keep ice frozen for up to six days in 30°C heat. It’s available in 40l (V0333064 and V0333066) and 60l (V0333060 and V0333062) sizes. When selecting a plastic

Freeze meat, and any other food that can be frozen, to help keep the food cold and fresh. Freeze bread and other food items that don’t require refrigeration, and store these items in a dry cooler without ice to keep food fresh and dry. You can even throw a wet towel over the outside of your cooler to further insulate it. The air and wind will form a cool shield over the cooler.

Peter's choice of cooler box, if he has to be in the bush for a long period, would be the Römer – and not because you can actually park your Jeep on it, it'll keep ice cold for six days.

or hard-sided cooler, choose a cooler that has an insulated lid with a tight seal. Make sure your cooler has a plug on the bottom for water drainage. Preparation Pre-chill your drinks and food before placing the items in the cooler. You’ll extend the life of your ice by pre-chilling all items. You can also pre-chill your cooler by filling it with ice to chill the interior, prior to packing it with food and beverages. Freeze plastic bottles of water or canned drinks that are not carbonated. The frozen drinks will act as ice and will keep the other items in your cooler colder. You can also freeze water or other non-carbonated beverages in milk or juice jugs, and can be consumed when the liquid inside melts.

Packing your cooler Pack items in your cooler in chronological order based on when you plan to use or consume the items. Put the items you will use last on the bottom of the cooler, and those you will need access to first, on top. Cold air travels down, so pack the items in the cooler first and then pack either crushed ice or block ice on top. Make sure you pack your cooler tight as air pockets can increase the temperature inside. Pack perishables such as meat or dairy products directly on the ice. Put food in zip-lock plastic bags or in plastic containers to keep it dry as the ice melts. For longer trips it’s a good idea to keep your beverages in a separate cooler that can be opened more frequently. Put all of your food in another cooler and open it less often. The Ice What type of ice should you use? Crushed ice cools items faster, but ice blocks last longer. Block ice is recommended for trips that are more than one or two days.


PETER NIEUWENHUIZEN Product manager, outdoors, was very confident about the outdoor ranges he had on show at the Trade Show. “We are king in the area of coolers and chairs with our Kaufmann range.” Six new models of chairs were launched this year. “Our clients will also find the new display crate we have available an extremely helpful POS tool. “The Kaufmann range cannot be beaten in terms of quality and price and therefore we want to establish it as the leading outdoor brand,” Peter said.

During your trip Once you arrive at your camping location be sure to keep your coolers in the shade. You can put an old sleeping bag over them for further insulation. Ice will last twice as long when your cooler is placed in the shade. Only open your coolers when necessary and when you do open the cooler, close it right away. Don’t drain the cold water from freshly melted ice out of the cooler, as the cold water helps keeps the items in the cooler cold. Drain the water only when necessary to create more space in the cooler or when adding more ice.


sitting pretty on a kaufmann These are the latest additions to the quality range of Kaufmann chairs available from Agrinet.







The great crate On display at the Trade Show was a concept display crate which can be used to stack chairs neatly. This great new display tool will soon be available from Agrinet.








V0402701 V0402703

1.5L 1.2L

V0402062 V0402073 V0402074

power your campsite There is probably nothing more irritating when camping than having a neighbour disturb the quiet outdoors by starting a generator in the evening. Luckily those days are over, with the new range of portable inverters available anyone can have the comfort of electricity around the campsite, but without the noise. Portable power inverters are ideal for use in trucks, RVs, while camping or at home. It converts 12V battery’s available power to AC current. Giving you the power to run various household electrical appliances, computers, lights and small power tools anywhere. The following three series inverters are available from Agrinet.

1L 500ML 700ML



High quality flask, with unique double walled vacuum barrier for optimum insulation, keeps your drinks hot or cold for up to 24 hours. Polished stainless steel inner allows for easy cleaning. Easy pour stopper with extra wide mouth function. Includes folding comfy handle for easy handling. Five year guarantee.

High quality flask, with unique double walled vacuum barrier for optimum insulation, keeps your drinks hot or cold for up to 18 hours. Slim design fits most of the bottle cup holders. Stainless steel inner allows for easy cleaning. Dent resistant body. Five year guarantee.

Low Frequency Pure Sine Wave Inverter Plus Intelligent Charger V0601000 V0609998 V0609999


High Frequency Pure Sine Wave Inverter V0601027

Power Inverter Modified Sine Wave V0601005 V0601006

September/Oktober 2014 | inFocus



Product manager, electrical, just cannot be kept in the dark. He had lights for any and all lighting requirements at the Trade Show. The LED range available includes a variety of intensities, shapes and colours, with a range of solar powered options. But lights were not all, one of the exciting products on display was the power inverter. Available in a 1000Va and an 2000Va option, these inverters are an ideal option for our unreliable power supply. Whether needed for a small office or other domestic purposes, the silent operation feature with no need for fuel will be hugely popular amongst consumers.

ooreenkoms sit al die ligte aan Eurolux en Agrinet het op 1 Augustus vanjaar ’n besigheidsvennootskap gesluit. So bekom Agrinet die alleenverspreidingregte om Eurolux se reeks gloeilampe en ligte aan die landboumaatskappye in Sub-Sahara Afrika beskikbaar te stel. Dié vennootskap gee aan Agrinet ’n sterk handelsmerk in sy stal met ’n volledige aanbieding van topgehalte gloeilampe en ligkoppelstukke. Die transaksie sluit ook aan by Agrinet se strategie om handelsmerke te besit of om saam met kern handelsmerke in strategiese ooreenkomste te tree. Agrinet-klante kan dus die volledige Eurolux aanbieding

by Agrinet bestel sonder enige minimum bestelhoeveelheid of minimum bestelwaarde. Agrinet het ook uit ’n kategoriebestuursoogpunt gaan kyk na die reeks produkte. Daar is beluit om die produkte in klein, medium en groot konsepte aan te bied. Indien ‘n kliënt die volledige konsep bestel, sal Agrinet gratis staanders verskaf sowel as die rakversorging van die reeks laat doen sonder enige addisionele koste. Kontak gerus jou Agrinetverteenwoordiger om hierdie konsepte met jou te bespreek of stuur ’n epos aan vir meer inligting. ’n Voorbeeld van die innoverende produkte wat, na die besigheidsooreenkoms met Eurolux, aan Agrinet-kliënte beskikbaar gestel kan word.

More than just nets

FEATURES OF PLUSNET SHADE NET: • ISO 9001/2008 Quality Accredited • Process: Rachel knitted • 8 Year UV warrantee • Standard reinforced eyelids or bugle tubes on 20% -40% • 3 Meters or 6 meters material width on 20% -40% • Roll lengths: standard 50 meters or custom made to customer specifications AVAILABLE AT AGRINET > CALL OUR CALL CENTRE AT 012 657 2222



Sekuriteit uit die son se krag Agrinet het tydens die Handelsskou ’n nuwe reeks sonkrag sekuriteitspreiligte ten toon gestel. Dié reeks ligte is van topgehalte en is werklik funksioneel deurdat dit ‘n baie hoë lumens-uitset het sowel as ‘n baie goeie litium-ion-battery. Die li-on battery kan baie meer laaisiklusse hanteer. Dit verdubbel bykans die lewensduur van die battery teenoor dié van standaard loodsuurbatterye. Die battery hou ook sy lading baie langer wat beteken dat die ligte 10-12 ure sal brand na een volle laaisiklus. Die ligte is van aluminium vervaardig en het vlekvrye staalskroewe wat dit baie duursaam en roeswerend maak. Dit kan dus met gemak by die kus aangebring word. Die produk is ideaal vir sekuriteitaanwendings rondom die huis, sowel as vir gebruik by kampterreine waar daar nie krag beskikbaar is nie. Die produk is ten volle DIY en kan met gemak tuis installeer word. Die produkte het ‘n eenjaar waarborg teen foutiewe vakmanskap en ekstra batterye sal ook beskikbaar wees.


September/Oktober 2014 | inFocus



Product manager, mechanisation, had a few aces up his sleeve at the Trade Show. It was in particular the new and innovative automotive range of Black & Decker that caught the eye of visitors. The range not only boasts the simple start technology products, but also a few handy travelling products that will make life on the road much easier. “There are also a lot of new products available to our agricultural clients – new ploughshares, chisel heads, gearboxes for slashers and fertiliser spreaders and other applications. We also have a special product for the smaller dealers who don’t have a dedicated parts department. We pre-stock branded shelves with the most popular parts and these are available to our smaller clients,” Lourens said.

The Black & Decker automotive range offers exciting products which brings solutions to everyday motoring challenges. The range consists of battery chargers, power inverters, a cooler/freezer and warmer and much more. What makes it so convenient is that all these applications are charged through the lighter socket in your vehicle. The really unique, compact battery charger which can charge the battery from inside your vehicle through the lighter socket, will be very popular.

SIMPLE START This very innovative product is unique in its approach to boosting your car’s battery. The unique way in which it works, allows the user to remain securely locked inside their car while they wait to boost their battery. This is an incredible personal safety feature, and also ensures that the driver need not get dirty while working under the bonnet of their car. How it works: The unit is charged at home and is then stored in the car. If the car battery has died, the user simply plugs the 12V DC chord into the car’s cigarette lighter and waits for a period of approximately 10 15 minutes while the Simple Start unit transfers energy to the car’s battery. When the battery is at a level where a successful ignition can be made, the unit sounds a series of beeps and flashing LED lights, which indicates to the user that their car may be started. While 15 minutes isn’t instant, it is a small


price to pay for ensuring safety within the locked vehicle in a case of emergency or breakdown.

FEATURES • Built-in 12 V DC charging port for charging cell phones • Built-in, ultra-bright LED light for night time emergency roadside assistance • Compactly designed for storage; fits in most glove compartments • No jumper cables required, charges & starts vehicle in minutes • Rechargeable from any 12 V DC vehicle outlet or 120 V AC household charger




HAMMER DRILL 710W HW0721060 HAMMER DRILL 1000W HW0721065

500 Amp Jump Starter/Compressor/ Power Station

Simple battery starters Black & Decker Simple Battery Chargers: High frequency process charges 12V batteries quickly and efficiently to prolong battery life. Simple selector dial for easy operation; dial into a function and the charger does the rest. Fully automatic process charges up to 50% faster than conventional chargers. 90 Second engine start delivers 80 amps to start engine quickly. Reverse polarity alarm warns against improper connections to battery. Scrolling LCD screen displays battery voltage, charge rate and battery diagnostics. Alternator check provides alternator diagnostics. Cord/cable wrap and clamp storage allows unit to store safely and compactly. Durable design with heavy-duty cables and clamps for increased durability in charging environment. This is an incredibly fast and efficient battery charger that is easy to use and has the added benefit of providing alternator and battery diagnostics.

This Jump Starter provides an instant start upon connecting the clamps to the battery terminals. If you happen to place the clamps on the incorrect terminals, the reverse polarity alarm will sound to inform you to switch the clamps around, to allow for safe jump starting. In this way, the unit ensures that the internal electronics of your vehicle are protected. The unit comes with a charge indicator which allows the user to determine if the unit needs to be recharged. The unit is strong and robust and modern in design. Also built into the unit is a 120 PSI compressor which can be used in an emergency to inflate flat tyres. The inflator tube tucks away neatly into a compartment for convenient storage. The unit also has a back-lit air


pressure gauge for use during inflation. The unit also contains a Power Station which allows for running or charging appliances up to 200 Watts, via USB, 12V DC Port and 230V Plug Socket.

September/Oktober 2014 | inFocus


“Innovative polymer solutions” MANUFACTURERS OF Access covers Valve meter boxes Splays and inlet curbs Gully gratings and frames Stormwater catchpit covers Manhole covers and frames Customised products: Design and manufacture




M4A has developed and perfected an innovative polymer formulation that, combined with the most advanced moulding techniques and equipment, guarantees consistent production and quality. No steel or cement is utilised in this process.

• Precision moulding ensures identical products • High tensile, flexural and compressive strengths (specific density 2.2) • Attractive finish • No expansion and contraction • Non-porous • Non-corrosive • No electrical conductivity • Anti-magnetic • High volume output • Local raw material sourcing and manufacture/job creation • UV stabilised • Eco-friendly with low carbon footprint • No resale value, therefore no scrap value • 2 year product replacement guarantee * * (t’s & c’s apply)


M4A-G5-M25 M4A-G6-M38 M4A-G12-M50

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