Andrew Sensenig is an American Actor most known for his roles as The Sampler in Upstream Color and Triphammer in the Sony Playstation Network original series POWERS. He has a huge body of work in TV and film and we were lucky enough to get an interview with him. CM: So you play Harley Cohen, AKA Triphammer, a man who battles among powers using his custom made bionic limbs. Can you tell us a bit about your character and how you get prepared before stepping on set? AS: Absol ut el y. The writ ing t eam want ed t o make a major change f rom Triphammer in t he comics. Original l y, Triphammer was somewhat of a met aphor f or Ironman, back when Ironman was a secondary charact er. Wit h t he series, t hey had t he great idea t o make Triphammer a doubl e amput ee, a t rue wounded warrior who never gives up. His abil it y t o adapt t o every sit uat ion and bounce back st ronger t han bef ore is a t est ament t o anyone wit h physical or ment al disabil it ies. Personal l y, I f ind t his one of t he most excit ing at t ribut es of my charact er. I am humbl ed t o pl ay a man who represent s such honor and courage. Personal l y, I didn't do a great deal of work on t he rol e prior t o st epping on set . I knew we were not moving in t he same direct ion as t he comic, so I want ed t o bring my own sense of 'humanness" t o him, if you wil l . It f el t bet t er t o be honest on set and simpl y react t o t he ot her charact ers in t he moment . Triphammer knows he is t he smart est one in t he room, and has no probl em t el l ing everyone t hat f act . And, he al so knows t hat wit hout him, t he worl d is not a saf e pl ace t o l if e. CM: How does it feel being on a show that has somewhat broken a new barrier in entertainment, as it is the first original series produced by Sony's Playstation Network? Do you think POWERS may just be the starting point? AS: It f eel s great ! Primaril y because t he creat ive t eam is so happy t hat t hey are not st uck in a box wit h l imit at ions. Pl aySt at ion gives t hem compl et e f reedom t o do anyt hing t hey l ike which is probabl y t he most f reeing f eel ing f or a writ er or showrunner possibl e. Being part of Sony's newest , and hopef ul l y, great est advent ure is so excit ing. The ent ire t eam at Circl e of Conf usion (t he product ion company) and Sony (t he net work) have been so wel coming and cont inue t o encourage our work dail y. This is most def init el y just t he beginning. As I've got t en t o become very good f riends wit h decision-makers in al l t he dif f erent areas; t his is not a one and done game; t his is a game changer!
EXCLUSIVE WITH ANDREW SENSENIG Copyright Sony Pictures Television
CM: POWERS is based on the comic book series by the same name and with that said I'm curious if you yourself are a comic book fan. If so, what are some of your favorites series and/ or heroes? AS: I woul d say comic book nerd, not just a f an! To be honest , I wasn't f amil iar wit h POWERS as a comic prior t o joining t he show; however, I did do my research when t he cal l came in, and l oved every vol ume. And I'd be l ying if I didn't say t hat t he opport unit y t o port ray a superhero, and in part icul ar, Triphammer, is a dream come t rue; I have t o pinch mysel f cont inuousl y. As f ar as ot her series or heroes, I just real l y l ike everyt hing out t here. One f un part of being invol ved wit h t his series is t hat I've been sent t ons of comics f rom writ ers around t he gl obe. They seem t o l ike my version of Triphammer so much, and t hey just l ove connect ing and t al king comics, so I have st acks of books t o choose f rom; one of t he best perks of t he show, ha! I've been reading "Enormous" f rom Tim Daniel and his t eam, "Sinergy" f rom Taki Soma and Michael Oeming, "Sex Crimnal s" f rom Mat t Fract ion and Chip Zdarsky, just t o name a f ew. Ot her f ant ast ic writ ers and art ist s l ike Al ex Kot , David Wal ker, and Gordon Purcel l just bl ow me away. Of course, I can't l eave out anyt hing f rom Brian Michael Bendis and Michael Oeming; I'd admit t hat anyt hing t hey do becomes my f avorit e comic of t he day. CM: So POWERS has been renewed for a second season! With that said, what would you like to see from Triphammer next season? AS: What woul d I l ike t o see f or Triphammer? There is so much I st il l want t o expl ore wit hin his heart and his drive. He is such an anomal y in t his space; a superhero t hat has no real
super power; but yet represent s heroes everywhere. I'd l ike t o see Triphammer cont inue invent ing machines and arms/ l egs t hat hel p t o cont rol t he evil powers, and in part icul ar, highl ight his disabil it ies. Triphammer is def ined by his heart and persist ent drive, not by his physical chal l enges. CM: Outside of POWERS, can you tell us a bit about some of the other recent projects you've been a part of? AS: I've been ext remel y f ort unat e t o have worked on over 150 f il m, t v, voice over, and commercial project s f rom t he t ime I ret urned t o t he ent ert ainment indust ry seven years ago. It 's real l y hard t o choose my f avorit es, but I wil l have t o say t hat t he response worl dwide t o my rol e as The Sampl er in Upstream Color has been mind-boggl ing. I have t hree f il ms hit t ing t heat ers and VOD as we speak, Sorrow, We Are Still Here, and Don't Look in the Basement 2. And, I do have t o singl e out t he short f il m (wel l , 38 minut es) "Anomal y". You can wat ch it on Vimeo and I highl y recommend. Honest l y, it is easil y t he most beaut if ul , powerf ul , and st unning short f il m I've ever seen.
deal ing wit h comedy, serious drama, superheroes, and anywhere in bet ween, if I can make a writ er smil e when he or she sees t he charact er come t o l if e, I've done my job. And t hen, if an audience can be moved t o discussion, debat e, l aught er, t ears, and change, it 's al l icing on t he cake. CM: You're acting work definitely varies a bit in terms of genre leaving me asking what is your favorite genre to work with? Do you enjoy the more horror and gore driven projects or the more action and sci-fi driven projects? AS: The best answer might be, ref er t o quest ion number t wo. I have been very f ort unat e t o be invit ed t o port ray rol es over t he ent ire range; and I'm t hankf ul f or each and every one. This job has not hing t o be about f ame or money t o me, which I know sounds l ike a cl iche, but it 's absol ut el y t rue. My l if e has been f il l ed wit h many dif f erent journeys, and none has been more rewarding t han hel ping ot hers t o t el l st ories t hat have t he opport unit y t o change l ives. I can onl y hope t he ride cont inues f or many many years.
CM: Is there any character, or kind of character, which you've always dreamed of having a chance to bring to life on screen? AS: I wish I coul d have a bet t er answer f or you; but I'm just honored and humbl ed t o be working so much, and wit h such amazing creat ive t al ent s. My job as an act or is t o hel p a writ er, direct or, and producer bring t heir st ory f rom t he page t o t he screen. This is an incredibl e bl essing and responsibil it y, one which I t ake very seriousl y. Whet her we're