Deadpool W/ Fabian Nicieza

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L O O P D A DE W/ Fabian Nic ieza So we all know who Deadpool is, and if you don't then that means you've probably been living somewhere under a rock. He's the merc with a mouth who's flooded your television screens with trailers and your social media with some of the best promotional marketing to date. Before this wise cracking merc was on the big screen, he was on the page and Steve Williamson was lucky enough to talk a bit with one of the men who put him there, Fabian Nicieza, at # LBCE16. SW: What was your opinion of the Deadpool character in the movie X-Men Origins: Wolverine? FN: I don't know what you're t al king about .

e v e r yone d n i m e r o t r e ! Ju s t e h l o o e t a l k i ng p d 'r u a o e y D t a DP: h w r a ct e r k now a h s c u t f o a h e W n o ? n d t ha t u nde r s t a n u o y o D . .. e v a bou t St e n t ha t . i 't n s a w I ? i n Wol v e r i ne SW: How do you feel about the character Deadpool from today? And how much does it differ from the one you created 25 years ago? FN: Wel l , t he charact er I creat ed 25 years ago had al ready evol ved al l t hrough t he 90s f rom Joe Kel l y's work and Gail Simone's work, he evol ved in

t he Cabl e/ Deadpool book t hat I wrot e in 2004 t o 2008, so it 's not l ike I haven't had a hand in part s of t hat evol ut ion. I do t hink t he charact er has no so much changed, but t hey have changed t he sit uat ions t hat t hey pl ace him int o in t he regul ar comics now. They made an edit orial decision several years ago t hat he was an out right comedy charact er, which is not how...


FN: ...we ever approached him. He was a charact er t hat had a l ot of comedy in it but it was grounded int o t he 'real worl d' of Marvel comics cont inuit y. Right now, he is a bit of a comedic, t rickst er charact er who is not real l y grounded in mainst ream Marvel universe cont inuit y. He act ual l y f l ips and f l oat s al l around it . So it 's a l it t l e more excessive t han I woul d pref er t o see him, but it 's compl et el y val id and a t ot al l y underst andabl e approach f or t hem t o t ake on t he mont hl y book. SW: So with the current rumor mill swirling that the final Wolverine solo movie might be shooting for an R-Rating, do you think that the Deadpool movie might have paved the way somewhat for a more adult centric comic movie universe? FN: Wel l I woul d compl et el y quest ion t he use of t he word adul t , because I t hink t hat being al l owed t o curse and show 'bl oody gore' and have naked boobies on movie doesn't make it adul t . I t hink Capt ain America: Wint er Sol dier was 10 t imes more of an 'adul t movie' t han Deadpool was. That doesn't mean Deadpool wasn't excel l ent . I quibbl e wit h f ans decision on what it is exact l y t hat makes somet hing wort h seeing. I t hink t hat Deadpool was an excel l ent movie because t he creat ors did it t he way t hey want ed t o do it . If t he creat ors had want ed t o make it a PG-13 movie, it woul d have probabl y been just as excel l ent a movie because t he creat ors want ed t o make it t hat way. You know what I mean? SW: Absolutely. FN: Typical Hol l ywood ment al it y is 'This succeeded so we have t o copy it .' They're rel at ive imbecil es in t hat t here's reasons why it succeeded and t hat 's what you shoul d be t rying t o copy, not t hinking t hat t he rat ing or t he use of cursing is t he reason f or t he success. I don't know what an R rat ed Wol verine is going t o incl ude ot her t han showing t he cl aws going t hrough someone's back and an arm get t ing cut of f . Al right f ine, if t hat 's what t hey want t o do, no probl ems, it s okay. It 's t ot al l y val id. I don't t hink t hat t his makes it a bet t er or worse Wol verine movie. SW: With all the characters that you've created or worked on, other than Deadpool, which one do you consider your favorite? FN: Hmm, t heres a l ot ! I mean I real l y l ike working on New Warriors, I real l y l iked working on Thunderbol t s, I real l y enjoyed writ ing Gambit . Growing up as a kid my f avorit e charact er was Robin, so get t ing a chance t o writ e Night wing and get t ing a chance t o writ e Tim Drake as Robin was a l ot of f un f or me and I real l y enjoyed t hat a l ot !

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