2016 China Red Star Design Award Yearbook

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至尊金奖 Best of the Gold Prize



Best of the Gold Prize


时速 350 公里中国标准动车组 China Standard 350 km/h EMU 设计 Design

中国中车青岛四方机车车辆股份有限公司 CRRC Qingdao Sifang Co.,Ltd.

生产 Manufacture

中国中车青岛四方机车车辆股份有限公司 CRRC Qingdao Sifang Co.,Ltd.

该动车组采用 3360 宽车体设计,充分利用内部空间。时速可达到 350 公里,动 力学裕量充足,承载结构安全可靠,制动容量大,防火设计覆盖国际标准,体现 了技术与艺术的紧密结合,商业效益和用户体验的高度统一。和以往动车相比, 该新型动车组在车头造型细节,内饰色彩,乘客私密性、舒适性上都更加成熟、 稳重。最大限度利用再生制动(能量回馈电网),降低基础制动闸片磨耗。采用 真空集便系统,废水污物零排放。整车配件高度模块化,安装、维护操作性强。 外观采用白色车身、黑色盲窗色带和青花蓝的配色方案,符合现代审美观。作为 中国自主研发、不断完善的大型公共交通系统,该产品的价值不仅仅体现在产品 本身的技术、工程和艺术性,也远超出了个体消费者从中获得的交通便利。



The EMU adopts 3360 wide body design, making full use of interior space. Its speed reaches 350km per hour; it is adequate in margin dynamics, and the carrying structure is safe and reliable, high-capacity brake, fire design covers international standards, reflecting intimate combination of technology and art, and high unification of commercial interests and user experience. Compared with previous EMUs, this new-type EMUs is more mature and stable in terms of head modeling details, interior color, passenger privacy and comfortableness. Maximized use of regenerative braking (regenerative power grids), reduces the wearing of the base braking pad. The vacuum toilet system realizes zero discharge of wastewater contaminants. Its accessories are highly modularized, being of strong operability in respect of their installation and maintenance. Its body is in white, and black window, blind blue ribbon and blue color scheme of are in line with modern aesthetics. As a large-scale public transportation system which China developed by oneself and is being continuously improved, its value lies not only in its own technology, engineering and artistry, for it far exceeds the convenient transportation individual consumer enjoyed.

Best of the Gold Prize


金奖 Gold Prize



Gold Prize


奥迪 TTS 四座跑车 Audi TTS Coupé

传祺 GA8 Trumpchi GA8

设计 Design

奥迪设计团队 Audi Design Team

设计 Design

广州汽车集团股份有限公司汽车工程研究院 Guangzhou Automobile Group Co., Ltd. Automotive Engineering Institute

生产 Manufacture

奥迪汽车 Audi Ag

生产 Manufacture

广州汽车集团乘用车有限公司 Guangzhou Automobile Group Motor Co., Ltd.

该产品作为顶级型号,底部装配了不同于普通 TT 的梁状运动件。采用长途驾驶 辅助定位、主动式车道保持辅助系统、驻车辅助系统。发动机的自动启停系统让 低耗油和低排放双管齐下,进一步提高燃油使用效率。搭配灵活的设计结构、资 源节约型工艺,可共同组成完整的轻量化方案。产品搭载的 MLED 前大灯和光带 设计,纵使暗夜独行也能心无所碍。结构虽然不十分紧凑,但却非常结实。同时, 该产品拥有一些非常明显的奥迪设计语言元素,保留了 199S 的原始概念精神。 车身线条尖锐而准确,内部配置一流,具有非常鲜明的创新特点,包括将空调的 控制按钮整合到出风口中。 The product, of top model, is equipped at the bottom with beam-like movement parts unlike ordinary TT. It adopts long-distance driving assisted positioning, active lane keeping assistant system and parking assistant system. Automatic on/off system of the engine realizes both low fuel consumption and low emissions, which further improves fuel efficiency. With a flexible design structure and resource-saving technology, it can form a complete lightweight solution. The product carries MLED headlights and adopts light-band design, enabling you to drive at ease even at night. Meanwhile, It has some very distinctive elements of Audi Design language like the side window and still preserve the spirit of the original concept of the 199S. The lines are very sharp and precise and enhance the perceived quality. The interior is superb. Very light visually and clearly focusing on the driver. It shows innovative features like the AC commands integrated in the air outlets.



该产品经典而不失优雅,近 3 米的轴距确保了其拥有同级别最大后排乘坐空间。 内饰全面选用 VOC 高品质环保材料,相比其他本地产品,它的质量更高;空调 过滤系统采用活性炭复合滤布,带来健康的呼吸感受。它可能不会让人联想到动 态和运动,但会受到那些喜爱哲思和优雅的人士的喜爱。严格的噪声震动与声振 粗燥度(NVH)工程,怠速噪音低至 35.6 分贝,车内 0 振感,媲美合资行政豪 车静音水平。外型表达出庄严流畅的动态和生机旺盛的气势,展现了中国传统重 旋律重感情的“线的艺术”。该款车给人非常平衡和丰富的整体感觉。 The product shows a very classic and elegant approach, and its nearly 3 meters wheelbase ensures maximum rear space as with ones of the same grade. Its interior decoration is full made of VOC quality and environmentally friendly materials, which is good compared with other local products; and its air conditioning filtration system uses activated carbon composite fabric, bringing healthy breathing experience. Maybe it does not excite people to admire its dynamism and sportiness, but it can be fond of for its sophistication and elegance. The stringent NVH engineering reduces idle noise as low as 35.6dB, without any vibration sense internally, and it is comparable to executive luxury car of joint venture in terms of silence level. Its appearance expresses the solemn & smooth dynamics and the sense of strong vitality, spreading out the "Art of Line" of Chinese tradition which emphasizes on melody and emotion.

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Gold Prize


舒乐驰 HS61 Solus HS61



心脏介入磁导航系统 Cardiac Interventional Magnetic Navigation System

设计 Design

锦湖轮胎花纹开发部 Kumho Tire Pattern Development Team

设计 Design

北京上品极致产品设计有限公司 Beijing Top Industrial Design Co., Ltd.

生产 Manufacture

锦湖轮胎 Kumho Tire

生产 Manufacture

乐普医疗器械股份有限公司 Lepu Medical Devices Co., Ltd.

该产品融合世界高新设备与先进设计技术,通过计算机程序模拟产品,达到最佳 性能。该产品融合合成和天然橡胶,采用二氧化硅进行填充,使用寿命更长。华 夫格形状的浅凹槽特殊设计,确保横向花纹沟体积,加强排水性能。胎面特殊花 纹设计,使区域循环应力加强,减少滚动阻力。胎面图案有利于排水、改善刹车 性能和高速转向控制。此轮胎设计还可降低噪声。轮胎磨损更少既有利于环境保 护,也能够降低能源消耗。上市至今,全规格总计销售 30 万条,销售额达到 1.2 亿元人民币,长期以来与中国一汽、吉利汽车、通用五菱、一汽大众等大型汽车 公司合作配套轮胎。

心脏介入磁导航系统是运用当前医学领域顶尖技术研发的一款大型医疗设备。可 消除心脏穿孔等并发症,实现跨省市远程操作和同步开展多台手术。只需切一个 小口子,同时借助其他介入设备将导管插入动脉中,可将微创心脏治疗的损伤降 至最低。产品全程计算机操控,提高工作效率。机身外壳使用可回收医疗级塑料, 治疗全程无细菌污染。许多种心脏治疗方式都是在外部磁性引导下通过双平面成 像和三维受控运动进行监控的。磁性遥控操作可降低发生并发症的风险。造型上, 提取磁信号传播方式“波浪线”贯穿产品,圆润感带来安全特性。合理的功能区 划分和医疗白色彩体现专业性。

The product combines worldly high-tech equipment and advanced technology design, and it achieves best performance by goods simulation with computer program. Innovative blend of synthetic and natural rubber filled with SiO 2 [Silica] for longer usabillity. Special pattern design on the tread enhances regional cyclic stress and reduces rolling resistance. And it is good for water discharge, improvement of braking performance and high-speed steering control, as well as reduction of noise. Less wear of tire means also better environment friendliness along with reduced energy consumption. 300,000 of full-specification have been sold since it went on the market, with sales revenue amounting to 120 million yuan, and it has a long-term cooperation with China FAW, Geely Automobile, GM-Wuling, FAW Volkswagen and other major car companies.

Cardiac interventional magnetic navigation system is a large-scale medical device developed using currently leading technology in the field of medicine. It can eliminate complications such as cardiac perforation, and realizes cross-province/municipality remote operation and synchronous development of multiple surgeries. It is controlled by computer all throughout, for which its working efficiency is improved. Its case is made recyclable medical-class plastics, having no bacteria pollution during the treatment process. A wide variety of cardiac treatments are monitored by bi-planar imaging and 3-dimensionally controlled motion through magnetic, external guidance. In respect of modeling, "Wave line', extracted from magnetic signal transmission mode, penetrated through the whole product, and the round & mellow sense brings out safe feature. Reasonable division of functional zone and white color of medical treatment represent its professionalism.

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Gold Prize


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高端智能测温型红外热像仪 Thermographic Camera

坚果智能移动影院 P2 JMGO P2

设计 Design

武汉高德红外股份有限公司 Wuhan Guide Infrared Co., Ltd.

设计 Design

深圳市火乐科技发展有限公司 Shenzhen Holatek Co., Ltd.

生产 Manufacture

武汉高德红外股份有限公司 Wuhan Guide Infrared Co., Ltd.

生产 Manufacture

深圳市火乐科技发展有限公司 Shenzhen Holatek Co., Ltd.

该产品是全球首款智能测温型红外热成像仪,基于“热立方”智能操作系统,配 以 5 英寸电容式触控屏,操作简单。镜头和屏幕可自由旋转和停止,方便使用。 产品通过非接触式测温、快速故障检测和热场分析,可用于安全防爆、事故救援、 体温排查等。产品采用优质 PC 材料,具有良好色泽及机理表现能力。整体深灰 磨砂配以炭黑镜面,稳重大气并带有科技感。设计语言非常符合专业设备的特点, 可翻转的镜头和 LED 屏幕让各种使用场景都可自如应付。产品的包装也精心考 虑了野外作业的需要。

坚果 P2 是一款采用极简管式设计的便携式智能三维投影仪。体型轻巧,随时提 供用户影音娱乐体验。磁性支架使其可以任意旋转且能朝任意方向投影。作为影 音一体的多媒体产品,坚果 P2 可投射 180 英寸画面,内置立体声蓝牙音响,用 户可连接网络获得丰富内容。集成式扬声器及其小尺寸让您拥有更高的灵活性。 产品材料采用阳极氧化铝,巧妙保护机身与镜头,提高使用安全度。高质量的材 料和细部处理让产品拥有非凡气质。外包装使用可回收材料,绿色环保。产品形 态以卷轴画为灵感,加之现代造型设计,集中体现古典与时尚结合之美。

This is the first intelligent smart temperature-measuring type infrared thermal imaging system, and it's based on "Thermal-cube" intelligent operation system, which, accompanied with 5-inch capacitive touch screen, is easy to operate. Its lens and screen can be freely rotated and stopped, being easy to use. It measures temperature in a noncontacting manner, conducts quick failure detection and thermal field analysis, which can be used in safety & explosion-proof, accident rescue, body temperature investigation and so on. It is made of quality PC material, being of good color & luster and texture representation ability. Its overall dark grey matting accompanied with carbon black mirror is stable, elegant and of sense of science and technology. Its design language conforms to the characteristics of professional devices to a great extent, and reversible lens and LED screen make it competent in all scenarios. Also, field operation needs are carefully consider in its package.

JMGO P2 is a portable intelligent three-dimensional projector. It is cute in form, and can provide audio-video & entertainment experience at any time. its magnesically fixed stand allows you to rotate it and to project in event direction. As an integrated audio-video multimedia product, JMGO P2 can project 180-inch image, and it has built-in stereo Bluetooth sound, whereby user can get rich contents by connecting the network. The integrated loud speakers and the small dimensions give you a high degree of flexibility. The product is made of anodic aluminum oxide, which cleverly protects its body and the camera lens, and increases its security. Its appearance is made of recyclable materials, which are green and environmentally friendly. The form of the product is inspired from scroll painting, which together with modern modeling design, presents the beauty of classics and modernity in a concentrated manner.

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Gold Prize


小米小钢炮蓝牙音箱 2 Xiaomi Bluetooth Speaker

华米 Amazfit 手环 Huami Amazfit Band

设计 Design

王涛、李宁宁 Wang Tao, Li Ningning

设计 Design

安徽华米信息科技有限公司 Anhui Huami Information Technology Co., Ltd.

生产 Manufacture

江苏紫米电子技术有限公司 Zimi Inc.

生产 Manufacture

安徽华米信息科技有限公司 Anhui Huami Information Technology Co., Ltd.

该产品采用单颗旋钮操作的方式,简化了操作过程。喇叭单元被置于旋钮环中心 位置,既节省空间又利于音质放送。采用蓝牙 4.1 版本,能够进行免提通话。内 置锂电池满足约 7 小时续航。音箱上部为铝合金旋钮,采用了阳极氧化处理等高 精度工艺,下部为塑胶套筒,并采用了防指纹涂料喷涂工艺。采用上下分段的圆 柱体造型,整体采用严谨的几何分割比例。另外,它秉承了小米设计一贯简洁洗 练的设计风格,并创新了一系列的交互方式,给人带来了一股清新雅致的气息, 受到年轻用户的喜爱。

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The product is operated through single knob, which simplifies the operation. Loudspeaker unit is placed at the center of the knob, which saves space and is advantageous for delivery of voice quality. It is of Bluetooth 4.1 version, being capable of hand-free calling. It has a built in lithium battery which can be used for 7 hours. On the upper side of the loudspeaker box, there is an aluminum-alloyed knob which adopts high precision processes like anodic oxidation treatment, while the plastic sleeve on the lower side anti-fingerprint coating spray process. The cylindrical modeling divided into upper and lower section adopts rigorous geometrical segmentation ratio. Besides, it follows its consistent simple and concise design style, and has created a series of interactive mode, bring a gust of fresh and elegant breath, and it's liked by young users.

该产品采用独特平安扣造型,在穿戴设备中引入医疗级纳米陶瓷材料。环形中空 造型设计打破传统手环产品定义,使用无线数据传输及无线充电,通体陶瓷使内 部元件完全封闭。该产品时尚百搭,内置运动计步、睡眠质量分析、智能闹钟、 来电提醒、连接智能家居、免密支付等功能。手环能在 1.5 小时内充满电,保证 10 天续航时间,具有防水功能。 The product adopts characteristic safe buckle design, and into wearable devices, medical grade nano ceramic materials were introduced. Its hollow annular modeling breaks definition of traditional bracelet products; it adopts wireless data transmission and wireless charging, and its ceramic body fully closes internal elements. The product is fashionable and easy matching, has built-in sport step counting, sleep quality analysis, intelligent clock, incoming call reminder, connecting smart home, secret payment and other functions. The bracelet can be fully charged within 1.5 hours, which ensures 10 days of endurance, and is waterproof.

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Gold Prize


银奖 Silver Prize



Silver Prize


塔尔加集成灶 Targa Integrated Oven

小米电视 3S Xiaomi TV 3S

设计 Design

设计 Design

王威皓 Wang Weihao

生产 Manufacture

北京小米电子产品有限公司 Beijing Xiaomi Electronics Co., Ltd.

绍兴市金帝电器有限公司、杭州九合形物工业设计有限公司 Shaoxing Kinde Electric Co.,Ltd. Hangzhou Johe Design Co.,Ltd.

生产 Manufacture



绍兴市金帝电器有限公司 Shaoxing Kinde Electric Co.,Ltd.

塔尔加是一个将抽油烟机、燃气灶、消毒柜融为一体的集成开放新式厨房,通过 “拢吸下排烟技术”的嵌入式集成化设计重新定义厨房。该产品以 15 度前倾式 环抱拢烟腔配合左右进烟口进行了有针对性的负压区设计,增强风压超强低空吸 排效应,油烟吸除率高达 99% 以上。冷凝网、拢烟腔表面采用特氟龙不粘油涂层, 玻璃表面采用仿生荷叶纳米涂层。下置静音风轮风道设计可有效解决噪声问题。 该产品使用方便,节省了空间和安装成本,特别适用于紧凑的厨房空间,为小户 型住宅提供了很好的解决方案。

该产品极致纤薄,65 寸大尺寸 4k 超薄曲面屏、薄至 5.9 厘米,画面更大更细腻。 分体式设计 , 提供了更大的声腔容积,得到高品质 soundbar 系统,进一步提升 了观影的整体沉浸感。以极低的成本进行产品的升级,减少废旧物品的产生,减 少更换产生的附带资源浪费。极致优雅、平衡美学,通过优化产品内部组件位置, 用空间的理念构建视觉的平衡美感。窄边的设计虽然已经是液晶电视的标配,但 该产品能在有限的空间体现高品质的细节设计和把控高品质制造。分离式的音箱 造型简洁易用,没有多余的细节和装饰,和电视设计的语言配适物超所值。

Targa integrated oven is an integrated open and new style kitchen incorporating range hoods, gas cooker and disinfection cabinet, which redefines kitchen through embedded integration design of "sucking and downside exhausting technology". The product makes targeted negative pressure zone design by 15° forward-inclining and embracing smoke sucking together with two smoke incoming inlets at the side, which enhances sucking & exhausting effect under strong wind pressure and at low elevation, with lampblack suction rate amounting as high as above 99%. Cold-condensation net and surface of the smoke-suction cavity are of Teflon non-stick oil coating, while the glass surface bionic lotus leaf nano coating. The design of mute wind-wheel and wind-channel down below can effectively solve the issue of noise. It saves space and installation cost, and it's specifically suitable for use in compact chicken space, offering a good solution to smallsized apartment.

The product is extremely thin, whose ultra-thin curved screen is 65 inches 4k, with the thinnest part being 5.9cm, and the image is larger and more exquisite. It adopts splittype design, providing larger voice cavity volume, which, combined with quality soundbar system, further improve the overall sense of immersion while watching movie. It upgrades with extremely low cost, which reduces the generation of waste, and resource waste appendent on replacement. It is extremely elegant and of balance aesthetics, and through position optimization of internal elements, it creates visual balancing beauty out of space. Its narrow edge design, though being the standard configuration of LCD TV, realizes quality detail design and control of quality product in limited space. Isolated loudspeaker box is simple and easy to use, without redundant detail or decoration, and matching design language of TV design makes it well worth its price.

Silver Prize


浪潮 Kanas 高端容错计算机 Inspur Kanas High-End Fault-tolerant Computer

高速并联分拣机器人 High Speed Parallel Sorting Robot

设计 Design

浪潮电子信息产业股份有限公司 Inspur Electronic Information Industry Co., Ltd.

设计 Design

刘峰 Liu Feng

生产 Manufacture

浪潮电子信息产业股份有限公司 Inspur Electronic Information Industry Co., Ltd.

生产 Manufacture

武汉与木造物工业设计有限公司 Wuhan Anywood Industrial Company

浪潮 Kanas 高端容错计算机是中国完全自主研发和设计的高端服务器,满足金融、 电信等关键行业核心业务需求,全面取代国外同类产品,保障国家信息战略安全。 为满足高端装备运行需求,设计师巧妙隐藏风道实现智能化散热管理,配备先进的 电磁解锁以及人性化的灯光和标识。通过可隐藏的 8 英寸高分辨率 LCD 触摸屏实 现时时监控。产品从传统工业设计角度把功能、造型乃至材料、色彩合理地结合在 一起,体现了工业设计师对产品附加价值提升的重要作用。同时,浪潮高端容错计 算机本身作为信息产业基础工程的一部分,通过设计提升整个国家在该领域的产品 竞争力,并最终作为消费者及国家信息安全重要基石。 Inspur Kanas High-End Fault-tolerant Computer is the high end server wholly independently developed and designed by our country, meeting core business demands of key industries like finance and telecommunication, and it fully takes the place of products of the same category produced by foreign countries, which guarantees national strategic security. In order to meet operation demands of high-end equipment, designers have cleverly hidden the air duct and realized intelligent heat-dissipation management, and it's equipped with advanced electromagnetic unlocking and humanistic lighting and symbols. Real-time monitoring is realized via high resolution LCD touch screen in 8 inches that can be hidden. It critically and reasonably combines function, model, material and color from the point of view of traditional industrial design, reflecting the critical role industrial designers have in increasing added value of products. Meanwhile, Inspur Kanas High-end Fault-tolerant Computer, as a part of the basic project of the information industry, improves product competitiveness of the whole nation in this field, and finally serves as an important basis for consumers and state information security.



本产品是一款高速并联分拣机器人,抓取动作精准,不易掉落。产品通过分开驾 驶单元和移动臂实现了创新和智能机械学,降低了自身的动态质量,具有高刚度、 高精度、高速度、高负载能力等特点,在食品、医药和电子等行业广泛应用。除 增加有效载荷外,它还实现了高灵活性、高硬度和极限精度。整体而言,此取放 系统的操作将非常经济。可根据需要使用不同数量机器人,提高效率。结构简单, 易维修保养。产品采用可回收金属材料,绿色环保。造型采用圆柱和三棱柱等立 体图形,几个三角形态高低错落,给人层次感,简洁稳定。 This is a high-speed parallel sorting robot, which is of accurate catching gesture and not likely to drop what's hold. It realizes innovative, intelligent mechanics by separating the drive units from the moveable arms, resulting in low dynamic masses, and it features high rigidity, high accuracy, high speed, high loading ability and so on. It is extensively used in industries like food, medicine and electronics. This again is increasing payload and achieving high agility along with high stiffness and ultimate precision. Overall the operations of this pick-and-place system will be very economic. Different number of robots can be used according to needs, thus increasing efficiency. It is simple in structure, and easy to be repaired and maintained. It is made of recyclable metal materials, being green and environmentally friendly. It is modeled in cylinder, triangular prism and other three-dimensional graphics, and several triangular shapes are high and low scattered, which, offering layered sense, is simple and stable.

Silver Prize


小米无人机 Mi Drone

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奇妙电路 Spark It Up

设计 Design

张磊、贺嘉 Zhang Lei, He Jia

设计 Design

上海葡萄纬度科技有限公司 Shanghai Putao Technology Co., Ltd.

生产 Manufacture

北京飞米科技有限公司 Beijing Fimi Technology Co., Ltd.

生产 Manufacture

苏州汉扬精密电子有限公司 Suzhou Mitac Precision Technology Co., Ltd.

小米无人机是一款消费级智能航拍四轴无人机。通过采用高能量密度电池、高效 率 ARAD 航空专用螺旋桨翼型和机身减重等精密设计,使其具备超长续航时间。 可折叠脚架以及快拆云台相机,使其具有极大的外带便携性。小米无人机的设计 简洁,做工精良,云台摇臂活动灵敏准确,遥控器和无人机的设计语言一致性高。 内置芯片可根据飞行姿态实时计算运动补偿,并驱动三轴无刷电机转动以保持相 机高精度平稳拍摄。各部件造型、用色遥相呼应,和谐统一。外观虽然大部分是 塑料材质,但却仍能体现高品质的完成度,实属不易,是难得的好设计。

奇妙电路将科技注入传统玩具,运用图像识别技术,将复杂抽象的电流变得清晰 可见。声、光、电、磁等趣味现象激发孩子学习电路等科学知识的兴趣,培养创 造思维。家长可与孩子一起搭建电路,锻炼动手能力,增加亲子互动。电子积木 采用阻燃的高强度材料,绝缘耐热,安全性高,不易损坏。外形为几何圆形,避 免伤害。产品色彩缤纷,赏心悦目。该产品还可在儿童成长的过程中灵活调整和 扩展知识范畴,有很好的成长性,可以获得更好的市场回答,是一款成功开发的 优秀设计作品。

Mi Drone is a consumption-class intelligent aerial photographing UAV of four axises. Through high energy & density battery, highly efficient ARAD aerial-specific propeller airfoil type, body weight-reduction and other precision designs, it is endowed with extremely long endurance. Foldable tripod and quick release PTZ camera make it of great portability. For built-in chips, movement compensation can be calculated in real time according to flying attitude, and three-axis brushless motor can be driven for keeping high precision and stable photographing of the camera. Modeling and coloring of each part echoes one another at a distance and are in harmony and unity. Though being mostly made of plastic materials externally, it can still reflect high completeness of high quality, which is hard to achieve and a rare good design.

Spark It Up incorporates science and technology into traditional tools, and makes complex and abstracted current become clearly visible via image recognition technology. Interested phenomenon of sound, light, electricity, magnet and so on stimulates children's interest in learning scientific knowledge of circuit, etc., and cultivates creative thinking. Parents can build the circuit together with children, which, while increasing practical ability, enhances intimate interaction. Electronic building block is made of combustion-retardant material of high strength, which is insulated and heat resistant, of high security, and not likely to be damaged. It's geometrically rounded in shaped, which avoids causing any harm. It is a colorful product, being pleasant to the eye. This product can flexibly adjust and expand the scope of knowledge as children grow up, being of good development character; it can get better market response, so it is a successfully developed excellent design product.

Silver Prize


座包 Seat Bag

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能量解冻板 Thawing Plate

设计 Design

杨晓燕 Yang Xiaoyan

设计 Design

深圳市凯旋创新品牌产品设计有限公司 Triumph Innovate Brand and Industrial Design Co., Ltd.

生产 Manufacture

北京品那创意设计有限公司 Pinar Design Platform

生产 Manufacture

深圳市智塔创新科技有限公司 Wisetop Innovation Technology Co., Ltd.

该产品是一款可以坐的背包。包身全新的折叠方式,具有座椅功能的同时不影响 携带物品。容量大,多个口袋分区。两侧边有可竖放水杯的口袋。台湾特制面料 防水耐脏。包的肩带结实,可以调整长度。座椅和背包间的转换灵活迅速。面料 环保水准达到欧标。生产过程中没有对环境造成破坏。产品车线整齐,结构清晰, 造型简洁,五金光泽度高。普通背包的设计具有多种功能,既可以作为背包,又 可以作为凳子,十分新奇大胆,构思巧妙,是日常用品中不可多得的优秀设计。 同时外观造型大方、美观,工艺精致。

该产品用铝合金制作,表面喷涂导热材料。它可对冰冻的食物进行快速解冻,解 冻一块牛排的时间小于 10 分钟。增加了烹饪效率,减少食物营养流失。作为家 居生活用品,它操作简单,适合不同冷冻食物。产品生产工艺简单,可靠性高, 适合大批量生产,具有高品质金属质感,符合国际环保标准。尽管没有太多的技 术创新,却唤醒了人们有关材料(铝)的古老知识,而创新就蕴藏在这一方法中。 它超越了设计与文化,更好地解决了解冻这一问题(耗时更短,营养价值损失更 少)。它可以用洗涤剂清洁,不会生锈。此外,该产品的包装质量好而且美观。

The product is a knapsack that can be sat on. Its brand new folding mode enables it to serve as a chair without compromising its function of carrying items. It is large in capacity, and is divided into several pockets. Pockets on the two sides can be used for carrying water cup vertically. Fabrics from Taiwan are waterproof and dirt-proof. Straps of the bag are solid, and whose length can be adjusted. It can be flexibly and quickly changed between a chair and a knapsack. The fabric reaches European standards in respect of waterproof feature. No damage is caused to the environment during its manufacturing process. Its stitching are orderly arranged, with clear structure, and it is simple in form, being of high metal gloss. A design of normal knapsack, which, by suddenly adding a function, can be used as stool besides knapsack; it, being extremely innovative, is boldly and smartly conceived, and is a rare excellent design of goods for daily use. Meanwhile, it's elegant and beautiful in appearance, being of exquisite workmanship.

The product is made of aluminum alloy, and its surface is sprayed with thermal conductive materials. It can conduct quick defrosting of food, for instance, it takes less than 10 mins to defrost a piece of steak. It increases cooking efficiency and reduces the loss of nutrients. As household product, it's simple to operate and suitable for frosting different food. Its manufacturing process is simple, highly reliable and suitable for mass production; it's of quality metal sense, conforming to international environmental protection standards. Although there is not much of a technology innovation, it awakes old knowledge of and about material, in this case, aluminium, thus the innovation lies in the method. It is more about design and culture, at the same time, solving the problem of thawing better (less time is needed, less nutrition values are lost). It is durable, recyclable and of long existence. It can be used as detergent and won't get rusted. In addition, the packaging is well done and aesthetically of high quality.

Silver Prize


汉仪欧楷 HYOuKai



蜜果儿童智能柔性体温计 Candy Fit

设计 Design

北京汉仪科印信息技术有限公司 Beijing Hanyi Keyin Information Technology Co.,Ltd.

设计 Design

马斯克(北京)科技有限公司 Musk(Beijing) Technology Co.,Ltd.

生产 Manufacture

北京汉仪科印信息技术有限公司 Beijing Hanyi Keyin Information Technology Co.,Ltd.

生产 Manufacture

马斯克(北京)科技有限公司 Musk(Beijing) Technology Co.,Ltd.

汉仪欧楷字体是由汉仪自主开发,通过科技手段还原古代经典碑帖进行再设计的 产品,将《九成宫醴泉铭》等部分资料整合重译,科技修复及再设计部分石碑残片, 笔画取拓片金石味道,对字形进行归纳总结,通过科技字库处理,形成欧楷字体, 为平面设计师提供了优秀的字体选择,适用于教材、标题等使用场合。汉仪欧楷 字体在唐代书法家欧阳询手书的基础上开发而成,可以看到字体完美地再现了欧 体“匀停”“平稳”的风格,并且精心调整中宫尺度,使之在单独成字和集体成 篇的情况下都有良好的书写感和阅读性。在细节上,字体保留了碑刻字体常有的 斧凿痕迹,令其有更丰富的审美愉悦性。

该产品是一款超薄、超柔软的儿童智能体温监测计,可以 7×24 小时持续实时监 测儿童体温变化,提供异常体温报警。深度挖掘体温与各种疾病之间的内在关系, 帮助了解和控制患者病情。产品厚度仅为 2.5 毫米,并且柔软可弯曲。不含有汞 等有害重金属。使用时仅需将产品贴于腋下,通过蓝牙连接手机即可。采用了圆 角矩形的外观,表面印有卡通图案。该产品简单、直观,不会给孩子造成创伤。 此种设计方法将鼓励其使用,因而增加了及早发现异常发烧的几率。颜色、材料 和图形的选择很符合预期的市场和用途。这是此项技术的一个非常具有创造性且 非常有价值的应用。

HYOuKai, independently developed by HANYI, is used for re-producing ancient classical calligraphy rubbings via means of science and technology; it integrates and re-translate some materials of the Inscription on the Sweet Spring at Chiu-cheng Palace, repairs some stone tablets with science and technology and has them re-designed: for strokes, the flavor of inscription on ancient bronzes and stone tablets is taken; for character form, summary and conclusion are made, and then through the treatment of science and technology font library, Ou & Kai font are formed, which provides excellent font choices for graphic designers, and is suitable for usage in textbook, title and so on. It's developed on the basis of handwriting of calligrapher of Tang Dynasty Ouyang Xun, and it's can seen, Ou style of "Moderate" and "Stable" is re-expressed perfectly, and in carefully adjusting the Trung cung scale, it realizes good writing feeling and readability whether for a single character or an article. In detail, it retains traces of pitching tools normally accompanied with inscription font, offering richer aesthetic pleasure.

The product is an ultra-thin and super-soft intelligent body temperature monitoring meter for children, which can monitor variation of body temperature in real time 7 days by 24 hours, providing alarm of abnormal body temperature. It delves into the internal relationship of body temperature and all sorts of diseases, helping to understand and control patients' diseases. It is only 2.5mm in thickness, and is soft and bendable. It does not contain harmful heavy metals like mercury. Users only need to stick it under the armpit and connect it to the mobile phone via Bluetooth. It is rectangle with rounded corners, and has cartoon images on its surface. The product is simple and intuitive to use and not invasive for the child. This approach to the design will encourage its use and thus the chance for early detection of fever on other abnormal condition. Choice of colors, material and graphics work well for the intended market & use. A very innovative and valuable application of this technology.

Silver Prize


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