澳洲日报 Daily Chinese Herald 20230624

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DailyChineseHerald 澳洲日報 info@1688.com.au Tel:(02) 9281 2988 總號﹕68390 農曆癸卯年 五月初七﹑初八 Saturday,Sunday 24,25 June 2023 FirstPublished 1986 選擇安平匯兌 澳幣人民幣 雙向匯款之家 實現匯兌理想 安平匯 兌 安全 平價 網址﹕ap168.com.au 地址﹕1B/1AKerrPdeAuburnNSW 2144 電話﹕02-9643 8376 地址﹕Shop 9/6 ProgressAveEastwoodNSW 2122 電話﹕02-9858 1266 售價﹕$2 50 (含 GST)
澳洲日報 DailyChineseHerald AustralianNews 澳洲新聞 2 Saturday,Sunday 24,25 June 2023 www.1688.com.au 200JENNYS Jenny's 在豐富的、具有挑戰性、安全和支持性的 學習環境中提供優質的教育和照顧, 滿足每個孩子及其家庭的需求。 JENNY'S KINDERGARTEN www.jennyskindy.com.au Campsie 中心 現已開業 84 ClissoldPde,Campsie 電話: (02) 8077 4646 STANMORE 1-7 AlbanyRd,Stanmore 電話:(02) 9516 3192 HURSTVILLE 17 VineSt,Hurstville 電話:(02) 9553 7594 MORTLAKE 3-9 McDonaldSt,Mortlake 電話:(02) 8765 9783 RIVERWOOD 22 ThurlowSt,Riverwood 電話:(02) 9584 8853

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2023 年 6 月 24 日--25 日

幫助您和您的前配偶/伴侶雙方通過談判調解來公平快速地解決糾紛 繁雜冗長的法庭程序。




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地址:Level 11, 66 GoulburnStreetSydneyNSW 2000 (位於悉尼市中心 CivicTower)


DominicOliveri 大律師及著名華裔律師陳文清(WendyChen)。 奧利華律師行

在過去 27 年間為我們華人成功辦理大量大案,要案及疑難案件訴訟,有口皆碑,大量成功案例 備查 律師親自辦理所有案件 中西人律師多年合作經驗 成功率極高 特別擅長:新州高等法 院的各類訴訟(包括商業及合同糾紛,違約索賠,遺囑糾紛及任何不公平的交易和分配訴訟)。 法庭訴訟由陳文清律師主理案件材料準備由 DominicOliveri 律師最終文件審核並出庭

專業承辦:所有訴訟案件請致電陳文清律師 :0416 086 788

訴訟:刑事訴訟 離婚 家庭財產及小孩撫養權糾紛 各級法院商業訴訟等; 移民:移民仲裁庭及聯邦法院上訴、各類移民申請等; 其他:房地產/生意轉讓 國際公證 遺囑撰寫及遺產繼承等。

奧利華律師行同時也是新南威爾士州的註冊法律援助(LegalAid)律師事務所 詳情請來電諮詢:0421 279 298/ 0431 443 986 新州高院成功案例回顧:

• 合同糾紛案例 :澳洲公司與日本三菱公司的商業糾紛,案件極其複 雜,經過長達 51 天的新州最高法院聽證會,我們為澳洲公司贏得了 500 萬澳元的賠償; •違約索賠:夫妻 20 年前分居,分居之時為了孩子的將來共同購買了 物業並協議兩人各佔一半房產並共同償還貸款。由於物業產權證上沒有妻子的名字,丈夫 20 年後否認兩人之間有 過協議並將物業佔為己有。由於案件時間跨度較長且妻子缺乏有效的銀行轉賬記錄,取證非常困難。但是經過我們 長期的調查及走訪妻子的家人及朋友, 蒐集到了大量對妻子有利的證據 。最終我們代表妻子方在新州高院贏得官 司幫她奪回相應的房產份額;

• 遺囑糾紛 :兄弟兩在母親過世後因為母親生前所居住的一幢物業而鬧上新州高院。物業在母親和哥哥的名下,且 房貸以及各種市政雜費一直由哥哥在償還和支付。而另一方弟弟在母親過世前一直和母親居住在該物業裡。在母親 病重時弟弟安排律師起草了一分遺囑讓母親在醫院簽署。 除了弟弟外,包括哥哥在內的其他子女對該遺囑一無所 知。遺囑上母親同意把她所有財產轉給弟弟。 因此弟弟聲稱物業歸其所有, 並向新州高院申請房產過戶。在我們調 查取證之後,成功在高院聽證會上說服法官宣判遺囑中的關於房產部分無效,並幫助哥哥要回了屬於他的物業。

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澳洲日報 DailyChineseHerald AustralianNews 澳洲新聞 4 Saturday,Sunday 24,25 June 2023 www.1688.com.au 2 5 8 L C L A W 營業時間:週一至週五 9:00am 至 5:30pm 週六 日及公共假期預約 電話(02) 9282 9377 傳真(02) 9282 9771 地址:Suite 449,Level 5 311-315 CastlereaghSt,SydneyNSW 2000 網址:www.ilclaw.com.au 郵件地址:info@ilclaw.com.au
多位澳洲最高法院 新州高等法院權威律師 國際公證律師及出庭律師主理 包括前紐省法院 仲裁庭審判官
www.genesisedge.com.au info@genesisedge.com.au 電話:1300 559 888 0481 156 289 Law Group 民事訴訟 商法 財產法
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Saturday,Sunday 24,25 June 2023 www.1688.com.au


Year 4

Sunday, 23rd July 2023

Australian Selective Achievement Test for OC

This one-day trial test event is specifically designed to assist Year 4 students who require the final (D-4) round of test practice before their OC Placement Test on Thursday, 27th July 2023. This event allows students to familiarise themselves with the same test format and procedures, thereby boosting their confidence in the exam. Please refer to the event details listed below.

The 1st ASAT for OC Competition Schedule

> Eligible Students

Year 4 students who will sit the OC Placement Test on 27th July 2023

> Test Date

Sunday, 23rd July 2023

> Test Session

Students can choose 9:00am – 11:40am OR 1:00pm – 3:40pm session.

> Test format

Paper-based tests(All questions are multiple-choice.)

> Test Subjects

Reading, Mathematical reasoning & Thinking skills Tests

> Test Centre Location

• Strathfield area

• Pennant Hills area

> Registration Fee

$80 per applicant (non-refundable)

$ 70 discount price offer to students who enrolled in regular term (full-term) Pre-Uni New College courses in the 2023 Term 1 or Term 2.

> Test Centre Advice Letter

Parents will receive their test centre advice email on Tuesday, 19 July.

To ensure smooth delivery of our email, please ensure that you have provided the correct email address and added asat@newcollege.com.au to your contacts list.

> Test Outcome

Parents will receive their outcome email on Monday, 24th July - the next day of the test. This email will contain the download link for their child's test reports.

澳洲日報 DailyChineseHerald AustralianNews 澳洲新聞 6 Saturday,Sunday 24,25 June 2023 www.1688.com.au 9746 7000 9746 1400 0414 688 707 0411 023 408 9702 6996 9676 5111 0404 058 800 0499 195 741 8606 5313 9884 8888 0405 810 310 9868 7888 0419 220 051 0410 562 580 9987 1288 0435 727 419 0407 095 637 9687 8888 0430 926 534 0433 893 620 9662 2280 03 8838 2990 03 9563 0231 08 8346 3414 NSW Strathfield(Head Office) Strathfield Centre Ashfield Bankstown Baulkham Hills Blacktown Cabramatta Campsie Castle hill Chatswood Eastwood Epping Fairfield Gordon Hornsby Hurstville Liverpool Parramatta Pennant Hills Penrith Randwick VIC Burwood Oakleigh SA Adelaide
Disclaimer & Conditions of Registration •While we have made every effort to ensure an accurate testing experience, we do not provide any express or implied warranties, endorsements, or representations regarding the accuracy or suitability of this trial test for any specific purpose. •This test is independently produced by Pre-Uni New College and is not officially endorsed by the NSW Department of Education. •The discount price is available only to the students who enrolled in the 2023 Term 1 or Term 2 full-term WEMT, OCTTC or Writing course at Pre-Uni New College. •The test time and venue may be subject to change depending on the number of participants. •Students and parents cannot request to view any test questions. •NO REFUND and NO CREDIT for cancellation. Scan me Scan the below QR code to register Registration will close at any time without notice once all seats are fully booked out (Credit card surcharge applies.) https://asat.com.au/OC/Registration Register & pay at https://asat.com.au/OC/Registration
澳洲日報 DailyChineseHerald AustralianFinanceNews 澳洲財經 7 Saturday,Sunday 24,25 June 2023 www.1688.com.au
澳洲日報 DailyChineseHerald InternationalFinance 國際財經 8 Saturday,Sunday 24,25 June 2023 www.1688.com.au
澳洲日報 DailyChineseHerald Literature 繽紛 12 Saturday,Sunday 24,25 June 2023 www.1688.com.au
澳洲日報 DailyChineseHerald Health&Medical 健康醫療 13 Saturday,Sunday 24,25 June 2023 www.1688.com.au
澳洲日報 DailyChineseHerald LifeStyle 生活 14 Saturday,Sunday 24,25 June 2023 www.1688.com.au
澳洲日報 DailyChineseHerald ChinaNews 中國新聞 15 Saturday,Sunday 24,25 June 2023 www.1688.com.au
HongKongNews 香港新聞 16 Saturday,Sunday 24,25 June 2023 www.1688.com.au 澳洲日報 DailyChineseHerald
澳洲日報 DailyChineseHerald TaiwanNews 台灣新聞 17 Saturday,Sunday 24,25 June 2023 www.1688.com.au
澳洲日報 DailyChineseHerald InternationalNews 國際新聞 18 美國民間旅遊業者「海洋 坦號」( Titan ),本月 18日 1912 22 日)進入第 5 5 Saturday,Sunday 24,25 June 2023 www.1688.com.au
澳洲日報 DailyChineseHerald Comments&Opinions 百家爭鳴 19 Saturday,Sunday 24,25 June 2023 www.1688.com.au


澳洲日報 DailyChineseHerald Entertainment 影視娛樂 20
Saturday,Sunday 24,25 June 2023 www.1688.com.au

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