CC Renn Portfolio

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April, 2018



Art & Design works 2014 - 2018


April, 2018



Art & Design works 2014 - 2018


任敬葭 RENN, Ching-Chia 16 / 09 / 1995

元智大學 藝術與設計學系 Bachelor of Art and Design department, Yuan Ze University (YZU), Taoyuan, Taiwan


亞東醫院產學合作計畫 | 應用設計


遠東新世紀導電布應用 | 應用設計

Taipei Maker Faire | 團隊參展

SKILL / 3D-printer Laser cutter CNC Sewing machine Carpentry


義大利波隆納大學Italian Design Summer School | 暑期課程 桃園地景藝術節MU孕育的秘境 | 團隊參展 元智藝術與設計學系首屆系展 | 參展 藝術與設計學系複合媒材期末展 -剎那間那些只有我知道的事也成了你不能言說的秘密 | 參展 藝術與設計學系Clab | 管理員 林楚卿教授所帶領的CKfablab團隊 | 成員 何理互動設計 | 工讀 組裝裝置

/ Rhinoceros Grasshopper AutoCAD Arduino

元智大學藝術、設計與工程創意整合學分學程 | 學程修畢 WhizRobot智能陪伴機器人設計 | 計畫參與 崙療養院失智高齡者互動科技產品設置計畫 | 計畫參與 元智大學社區藝術節發聲共鳴工作營 | 參與創作 基隆山海工作營 | 社區訪談

Photoshop Illustrator Premiere

觸動人心-感知物件與空間設計工作坊 | 參與創作


基隆山海工作營 | 計畫協助執行 北一女中-翻轉工作營 | 助教 元智大學校園公車亭改造計畫 | 參與創作 桃花工作營 | 參與創作

C E RT I F ICAT E Adobe Illustrator CC 2015

桃園燈節元智桃花林 | 參與創作

池上建築下鄉計畫 | 活動協助執行


凱達格蘭大道夢想嘉年華 | 花車製作 參與遊行


Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 Adobe Premiere CC 2015


1. 2.

關係椅 Relationship Chair 二十禮

Twenty-year-old Present

3. 4. 5.

脈脈工作室 My Mind Studio 秘密基地 The Secret Place 自走車

Self-propelled Cart

6. 7. 8.

簡支橋 Bridge 無動力車

Non-power Vehicle 發聲共鳴

Sounding Architecture Workshop


導電布系列 Conductive Cloth


Relationship Chair

關係椅,是一張說明人與人關係的椅子,而我製作的這張關係椅是說 明我與母親的關係。 Relationship Chair is a chair could explain the relationship in different type. In this case, I make a chair to show the relationship with my mom.

01 / 2016 Material | Wood, canvas(Beige / Aqua blue), buckles, lock Size | 66 × 86 × 106 cm (Beige / Mom), 51 × 86 × 106 cm (Aqua blue / me)

< 一絆一伴 > When you need me, I would always be with you. To my mom. 你一半我一半,我們是兩個平等的個體,但同時又是一個扣在一起的存在。這是 某種無法擺脫的牽絆,不過我願意接受,將它轉換為彼此的陪伴。

我與母親的關係我選擇以「包容」為主要概念發展, 在一個立方體木架的空間中,以條狀的布來做包覆呈 現,形成座位的樣子,並表現出包容的概念型態。 兩個框架間用金屬鎖連接,可分開亦可扣上,就好像 我們可分又分不開的關係。前後兩端各有兩個金屬鎖 ,鎖住兩張椅子,往前翻往後翻,怎麼繞怎麼轉,都 在身旁。 我們彼此依賴、信任並包容對方。 I chose "embrace" as the main concept from the relationship with my mother to develop. There are strip of cloth in the cubic wooden space to show covering space, and the formation of the seat show the concept of embrace. Two sets of frame are connected with a lock and you can also separate, as if the relationship that we can be divided and inseparable.

我和母親的三種關係 Three types of relationship with mom

Side by side / 包容 Embrace

Back to back / 信任 Trust

Face to face / 依賴 Rely


Twenty-year-old Present

給自己的二十歲禮物。 二十歲,代表自己已經不再是十幾歲的孩子了,該要更加堅強、更加 勇敢,且更加了解自己。 20 years old means that you are not child any more. Now, I'm 20 already. I hope that I could more bravely and more confidently to show myself.

11 / 2015 Material | Cotton, wool Size | 40 × 50 × 110 cm

< Dance of Wind 風之舞 > Swing in wing and showing self under blue sky.

以小雛菊的形象為概念。希望二十 歲的自己可以更加勇敢、自然、有 自信地在他人面前展現自己,就如 小雛菊給我那乾淨、大方的感受。 從觀察小雛菊的構造,歸納出三個 關鍵字 — 螺旋、密集、多層次放 射,然後用這些關鍵字來發想設計 之形式。 Daisy is a kind of flower that I feel it is not only brave and confident but also pure as always, and I look forward to becoming like that. In this design work, I catch three features — spiral, cluster, multilevel radial from Daisy to develop the concept and form.


My Mind Studio

設計出屬於自己的工作空間。 Design my own studio space, and this space would become me.

04 / 2016 Material | Wood, hemp rope, plants, hooks Size | 180 × 120 × 200 cm Design Element | Transparent / Line / Greening / Extend / Hanging

從主幹到分枝,延伸。擷取葉脈的脈發展而成整 體架構的脈絡。 用細木條建構出如網格的架構,就如同葉脈一般 ,擁有支撐起整體的力量;用繩子在木架構中做 纏繞與懸吊,製造出網絡的延伸感,搭配綠色植 物懸吊至框架中,希望呈現出有許多東西在這之 中迸發的感覺,一切都將脈動起來。 From the trunk to the branches, Extending. Capture the leaf veins to develop the overall structure by using the framework. Constructed as a grid structure with wood, like a veins have power to support leaves. The rope in the wood structure to create a extensive network, and do winding and hanging. With green plants hanging into the frame, hoping to show that everything burst out and pulsate.


The Secret Place

它是一個給人安全感的空間、是躲避現實的地方,它是我的祕密基地。 In this space, I would feel relax; I can escape pain; I can listen to the sound from my mind.

06 / 2016 Material | MDF Size | 209 × 202 × 123 cm

平面構件 Two different 2D components

立體單元 3D components 構件 1

構件 2 二構件1與二構件2組合為一單元,單元與單元間再組合為體。 Two 2D component 1 and two 2D component 2 would combine into a 3D component.

由Roelofs (2014)《立面化及星狀化》以及Haveman和Roelofs (2008)《結構感》去發想這件作品。從以上的兩個著作的研究 創作,我歸納出:他們都是由「平面單元」並利用有規則的排 列,去構建出一個幾何造型或者是結構,因此我由平面單元組 構為出發點的概念,來創造出一個空間。 It's inspired by Roelofs (2014) Elevations and Stellations and Haveman & Roelofs (2008) Structure Sensation. According to two researches, I conclude a rule of forming which is using unit of flat to construct shape or structure by using latch and the arrangement of combination. Therefore I follow this rule to build a space I want.


Self-propelled Cart

自走車是達文西的創作之一,為世界上第一個能夠自行行走的車子。 我將達文西的自走車,加入發光裝置,改造為我的燈籠魚自走車。 Leonardo's self-propelled cart is an invention designed by Leonardo da Vinci, considered the ancestor of the modern automobile. I add a glowing installation into Leonardo's self-propelled cart, and transform it into my Anglerfish self-propelled cart.

05 / 2016 Material | Wood, MDF, Acrylic stick, glowing installation Size | 52 × 55 × 46 cm

機構研究 Mechanism study

擒縱系統及傳動軸 Escapement system & Drive shaft

渦狀彈簧 Symmetric spring

利用本身的渦狀螺旋的彈性鋼發條反彈力,讓大齒輪牽動小齒輪,把 馬達裝置在小齒輪上,因為大齒輪的齒數多於小齒輪的,所以當大齒 輪轉一圈,小齒輪就可以轉好幾圈,這樣快速的旋轉之下,讓馬達轉 動產生電流,進而使燈泡發亮。 Using two symmetric springs to let gears drive pinions, and the motors are set on the opinions. The gear has more teeth than the pinion, when the gear rotates one turn that the pinion can make several turns. Under such rapid rotation, the motor would generate electric current, so that the led is bright.



橋本身具有連接分隔的兩地、象徵某種聯繫與跨越隔閡的意義,是從 一點「延伸」到另一點的概念,因此在這次的實作中,希望呈現在延 伸前聚集與收攏之「結」這個形象的感覺。 Bridge has a meaning of the connection between the two places which is a symbol of going across the barriers, is the concept of from one point to another point. In this project, we hope to show the feeling of convergence and curling up before extending, just like the appearance of “knot”.

01 / 2017 Material | Wood(南方松、柳安木), steel, rope Size | 4 × 15 × 5 m Team members | 陳虹諭 林千紅 陸亦恒 劉庭嘉 陳亮彤

<KNOT 結> Knot is a pose to burst out; extension is a process to proceed. 結,是伸展前的蓄勢待發;延伸,是不斷進行的過程。

前 Front / 交錯 聚攏 Knot

後 Back / 延伸 Extending


Non-power Vehicle

橋本身具有連接分隔的兩地、象徵某種聯繫與跨越隔閡的意義,是從 一點「延伸」到另一點的概念,因此希望呈現在延伸前聚集與收攏的 感覺。 Bridge has a meaning of the connection between the two places which is a symbol of going across the barriers, is the concept of from one point to another point. We hope to show the feeling of convergence and curling up before extending.

06 / 2017 Material | Steel, springs, wheels Size | 100 × 200 × 80 cm Team members | 王曉婷 林千紅 黃泓維 張壢 何昕 Mechanism | Tilting wheels assembly (側傾輔助系統)

<SWING> Like a fish roaming in water. 如魚在水中翺遊般。

體驗搭乘交通工具之歷程所帶給我們的 感受。 我們希望這台車跟乘坐的操控者關係就 如魚和魚尾的關係一般,操縱載具的感 受就像是自身操縱身體的延伸一樣輕鬆 自然。利用身體重心偏移控制方向,而 不只單純使用身體的某個部位。 Savoring the experience of travel on the transportation vehicle. We hope that the relation between the vehicle and the passenger is just like the relation between fish and its tail that means the vehicle is just as a part of your body and it's easy to control. Tilting your body to change the balance and then you will change the direction.

發聲共鳴工作坊 "Sounding Architecture: Is space and sound universal?" workshop

03 / 2017 Material | Wood, steel, rope, plastic bags Size | 420 × 160 × 100 cm Team members | 陳虹諭 林千紅 巫文寧 周昱廷 張家寶 InaWu

鞋 墊 Shoes

手 套 Gloves

鋼 琴 Piano

桌 遊 Table game


Conductive Fabric

10 / 2017 - 2018

導電布為遠東新世紀所開發。將它做為開關使用,由於人的行為介入,導致接觸與不接觸、導通與不導通,借 此感測受力區域並產生反應。 導電布軟開關的導通(/電)與否受到三個因素的影響:一、導電布的大小;二、隔離層的孔洞大小、分布、材質 ;三、外加電阻值(敏感度)。 Conductive fabric is developed by Far Eastern New Century. It is used as a switch. Because of human intervention, it can detect electronic contuction and sense the force area then generate a response. The conduction of the conductive fabric (soft switch) is affected by three factors: first, the size of the conductive fabric; second, the size, distribution, and material of the hole in the isolation layer; and third, the resistance value (sensitivity).

鞋 墊 Shoes

導電布 | 面積稍小、三個區塊、與外層布接合 隔離層 | 厚彈性布 → 不太厚、有彈性、軟 → 符合導區塊形狀 電阻 | 1KΩ → 導電布敏感、導電範圍中

上層布+導電布 Top cloth + Conductive fabric

隔離層 Isolation layer

下層布+導電布 Bottom cloth + Conductive fabric

手 套 Gloves


導電布 | 面積小、矩形、與隔離層接合 隔離層 | 棉布 → 薄、無彈性、軟 電阻 | 20KΩ → 導電布很敏感


This glove is designed for a hand rehabilitation patient.


We cooperated with Far Eastern Hospital. I hope the


gloves that can let the process of rehabilitation be more

給予回饋,鼓勵患者持續做復健。另外 手套也希望可以

interesting. If finger movements can be detected and


giving feedback, that can encourage patients to do


rehabilitation continuously. In addition, the gloves are also used as a teaching aid for learning sign language, through sign language is converted into speech.

三種不同模式 Three different mode: 1. 握拳復健計次 Make a fist count 2. 手指關結運動 Finger motion detect 3. 手語動作發聲 Speak sign Language


鋼 琴 Piano


外層布 | 酒袋布(下)、皮革(上) → 挺、無彈性 導電布 | 面積小、琴鍵形狀、與外層布接合 隔離層 | 厚彈性布 → 不太厚、有彈性、軟 電阻 | 220Ω → 導電布不敏感、導電範圍小

上層布+導電布 Top cloth + Conductive fabric

隔離層 Isolation layer

下層布+導電布 Bottom cloth + Conductive fabric

聲 音 桌 遊 Sound table game

外層布 | 牛仔布(下)、皮革(上) → 挺、無彈性 導電布 | 面積大、矩形、與外層布接合 隔離層 | 皮革 → 厚、無彈性、稍硬 電 阻 | 10KΩ → 導電布很敏感、導電範圍大

對象:視障者 Target client : Visually impaired 遊玩人數:2-4人 Player number : 2-4 People 遊戲規則: 每位玩家個別都有幾個不同重量的砝碼, 遊戲開始時,玩家須依序於遊戲盤中央區

上層布 Top cloth

塊放置砝碼,當中央區塊的重量超過設定 值就會有聲響,玩家要將手迅速向中央區 塊壓,最快者勝利。 Rule : Each player has several weights. At the beginning of the game, players must place weights in the central block of the game board in sequence. When the weight of the central block exceeds the value, there will be sound, and the player will have to press the central block rapidly, the fastest one wins.

3D-print board 導電布 Conductive fabric 隔離層 Isolation layer 下層布+導電布 Bottom cloth + Conductive fabric

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