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Stracey’s Fish & Chips look for a manager/fryer to join and grow their family business
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Stracey’s Fish & Chips are looking for a manager/ fryer to join and grow our family business.
Situated on the outskirts of the picturesque Dorset town of Weymouth, our shop has been in the current ownership for the last 12 years, although under the previous family ownership, fish and chips have been sold at the premises since the 1970’s.
We have a 5-star food standards agency rating which we have maintained since the beginning together with a good reputation for quality fish and chips.
Being situated in a popular holiday destination, we benefit from a very busy holiday season and look forward to a wellearned quiet period as the winter season approaches. During the summer period, the majority of our customers are holiday makers from all over the country who may visit us three or four times during a week’s stay but unlike many ‘village’ shops who enjoy the same customers on the same day at the same time and often having the same meal, our customer base comes thick and fast which provides a number of challenges. With the vast menu that even a simple fish and chip shop now has to offer, multi-tasking is essential and managing a steady status quo throughout the shift ensuring both customers and staff are happy as well as maintaining a high standard is a skill in itself and one which cannot be done by social media!
Our aim is simple; to provide great fish and chips that our customers will remember. In order to achieve this, using good quality produce and the right equipment is simply not enough as it always comes down to the passion behind the range.
We are not just looking for a manager who can cook but someone who will join the business and work together to grow and prosper whilst maintaining high standards.
In return, a good package with accommodation and a business share incentive scheme will be available to the right candidate.
If you are interested and would like more information, please contact Glenn Stracey via email. straceyschips@hotmail.com

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