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ReSPOnsible Frywhite
The Q Partnership; Friars Pride, Henry Colbeck & V A Whitley, members of RSPO – Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil support working to achieve 100% sustainable palm oil in the UK
Moving away from Palm Oil is Not the Answer There are many mixed messages regarding palm oil in the media, and many over-shadowing the voices of reason. RSPO – Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil and many conservation organisations, like Chester Zoo, continue to advise not moving away from using palm oil. This is not the solution, in fact moving away from palm oil will have the opposite impact, the results will be negative.

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Palm Oil is Vital Experts are coming forward to confirm palm oil should continue to be used for food production and frying. Their message is united and powerful; the solution is not to stop using palm oil. Other crops cannot pick up the short fall and many alternatives often have a far greater impact on the natural world. The welfare and protection of people, animals and the natural environment will not improve through stopping purchases. The solution is to move forward using only 100% certified sustainable palm oil.
People & Communities The story of the plight of the orangutan and the loss of rainforest through deforestation is what we read about and see all over social media. The plight of people, especially forced child labour and low or unpaid wages to the communities that support the growth, harvest and production is ignored. It is only through working with plantations and growers, supporting them and helping them that sustainable palm oil is achievable. If we all walk away, the situation will become worse. Worse for the environment, wildlife and people.
FriWite - Friars Pride, Henry Colbeck & V A Whitley - The Q Partnership – RSPO members Friars Pride, Henry Colbeck & V A Whitley have been leading the way moving towards 100% certified sustainable palm oil for over 3 years. We are at the forefront as distributors in the UK. We are fully audited RSPO members, we are committed to the drive to support the palm oil industry to evolve and achieve its goals. FriWite is RSPO audited 100% certified sustainable palm oil.

FriWite – 100% Certified Sustainable Palm Oil You can help and continue to use palm oil. When you choose FriWite, you are purchasing palm oil with a clear conscience. You can be confident that we audit the supply chain and you can tell your customers that you are frying in palm oil that is helping ensure the protection of the rainforest, the habitats of many species including the orangutans. Importantly, you are safe guarding children and communities involved in the production of palm oil, giving them a better future.
To try FriWite or for free information and point of sale to explain FriWite and RSPO to your customers, phone your supplier. V A Whitley Ltd www.vawhitley.co.uk 01706 364211
FriWite is exclusive to Friars Pride, Henry Colbeck and V A Whitley. For more information, please make contact with your supplier.
Friars Pride on 01733 316400 Henry Colbeck on 0191 482 4242
V A Whitley on 01706 364211
Fry ReSPOnsibly with

FriWite ® is produced using only RSPO certified sustainable palm oil.

What does this mean for you?
When you use FriWite you can be assured that the
utmost is being done to protect wildlife, people and the environment. This makes FriWite a winning combination with its pure and light fry, extended frying life and no hydrogenated fat.
To find out more about FriWite and our RSPO membership go to:
friwite.com rspo.org

This means we are R e SPO nsible towards: • Wildlife • People • The Environment 100% Palm Oil Contains no hydrogenated fat We Fry R e SPO nsibly with FriWite ® , RSPO certifi ed sustainable palm oil Premium Quality 2-0638-16-000-00 So we are R e SPO nsible towards: • Wildlife • People • The Environment friwite.com R S P O : R o u n d t a b l e o n S u s t a i n a b l e P a l m O i l T o f i n d o u t m o r e g o t o w w w . r s p o . o r g