2 minute read
Cut above the Rest
How FleXicut Technology Helps Us Help You! H ere at Collins Seafoods we pride ourselves on being able to offer our customers the finest, sustainably caught products available on the Frozen at Sea market. Which is why we’re so excited to introduce you to the new FleXicut technology!
Created by Marel, FleXicut is an innovative and intelligent piece of machinery which is being installed onto our new vessels. This fantastic new system still allows for all processing to be done onboard, however this is now done with increased accuracy and quality control. The impressive FleXicut system can be found on newer vessels, including the brand new Kirkella and Berlin. The magnificent Kirkella is one of the newest vessels in our fleet, costing an estimated €35,000,000 to build in 2018. Its sister vessel, Berlin, was built in 2017.
Both the Kirkella and Berlin have FleXicut technology built into the lower decks of the vessel. This enables all processing to be done onboard efficiently and accurately, ensuring there is

consistent quality control and traceability with every box of fish produced.
So how does the FleXicut system work? As the catch is brought onboard, it is loaded into the FleXicut machinery. As it begins to pass through the system it is weighed, graded and registered, improving the traceability of each fish. Once the fish has been graded, it then passes to the next stage of the machine to be de-boned and filleted. Each piece of fish is 3D scanned to locate the pin bone which is then removed using a highpressure water jet with an accuracy of 0.2mm.
The same machinery can then portion the fish according to the pre-determined fillet size, separating the fillet from the loin, belly flap and tail. Each piece of fish is then individually graded and quality checked before being packaged and labelled, ready to be moved to the purpose built cold store on board. When the vessel docks into port, the fish is transferred to cold stores where it is held until the fish is ready to send to the UK. To find out more about how the FleXicut technology works, head to Marel’s website https://marel.com/ products-solutions/flexicut/
Contact Collins Seafoods North East Unit 2, Park 2000, Millennium Way, Heighington Lane Business Park, Newton Aycliffe, DL5 6AR Tel: 01325 315544 Email: sales@collinsseafoods.co.uk Web: www.collinsseafoods.co.uk
Collins Seafoods Yorkshire Unit 2, Felnex Crescent, Cross Green Industrial Estate, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS9 0SN Tel: 0113 249 8832 Email: sales@wraggsseafoods.co.uk Web: www.wraggsseafoods.co.uk

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