3 minute read
Flav-Oil Helping to make Fish & Chips the Healthier Option


FlavOil High Oleic Cooking oil has made great strides in the Fish & Chip trade since it was introduced in 2016. Up until that time the trade has relied on a small group of familiar oils and fats many based on solid Palm. Many of these solid fats do indeed perform well in deep frying but they are saturated fats and they can open up the trade to the familiar and overused claim that fish & chips is an unhealthy meal.
Modern medical advice is very clear that saturated fats can be unhealthy to eat. By using oil richer in monounsaturated fats and especially very low in saturated fat, fish & chips becomes a healthier option. After all the frying medium is absorbed into the dish and becomes a part of the meal. It therefore stands to reason that a healthier oil will produce a healthier meal.
After all the effort of selecting premium quality British potatoes, which are surely the best in the world, and preparing them carefully, to fry with free range ocean harvested fish we believe it is unwise to fry these lavish ingredients in the cheapest fat you can lay your hands on.
FlavOil have travelled far and wide, all over the UK and in many other countries to spread this message. In Dubai, the world’s largest kitchen, the huge Emirates Flight Catering operation in Dubai uses FlavOil High Oleic Oil in preparing over 220,000 meals By Martin McHugh – Flavoil
every day! This impressive operation wanted to use the best oil they could preparing meals for over 160 other international airlines. Other institutions such as international hotel chains and schools are adopting this trend as this is an effective way to fight obesity and too improve the quality of fried food, which will always be popular.
High Oleic oils are not only a healthy option but they are robust in use, certainly a match for solid saturated fats and vastly superior to cheap vegetable oils. This robustness is due to the large percentage (75-80%) of monounsaturated fats in the oil. These fats react slowly with oxygen and so delay breakdown considerably. This can be tested by trialling the oil and checking the TPMs (microscopic debris in the oil) with a device such as a Testo 270. The effect is even more dramatic when best practices are followed such as temperature guidelines and even the use of the Vito filtration devices.
FlavOil introduced High Oleic oils to the UK quick service restaurant trade and other suppliers have introduced their own versions. Soon there will be a new version HOLL based on rapeseed oil and versions of High Oleic oils such as Groundnut and Soya are in the pipeline. One thing is certain, High Oleic Frying oil is here to stay.

FlavOil is available in the British Isles from Hannah Foods, Friars Pride, Middletons C&C and other selected distributors. For a distributor in your area please call Fiolla on 0207 1381 077.
www.flavoil.co.uk. Follow us on FB or Instagram.
FlavOil High Oleic Sunflower Cooking Oil
Henningan’s Top Shop Changes to Flavoil David Hennigan owner of award winning fish and chip shop Hennigan’s Top Shop has recently changed to Flavoil. He said “ We have been using it now for a few months and its the best oil we have ever used. “ Flavoil is a natural oil high in healthy fats, strong against oxidation, and is better for you. If you would like to try Flavoil’s High Olieic Sunflower Oil call Robin on 0207 1381 077 or visit www.flavoil.co.uk