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50 IDEAS FOR The National Express
National Fish and Chip Day June 2nd, 2023
By Austen Dack
Hot on the heels of an amazing NFFF National Fish & Chip Awards the biggest day on the fish and chip calendar is back! National Fish and Chip Day 2022 will return for the seventh year on Friday 2nd June!

Bought to you by NEODA and industry partners including Friar’s Pride, H Colbeck, VA Whitley, Middleton Foods, Seafood from Norway and Blakeman’s sausages, the event gets hundreds of shops involved promoting our national dish.

The event has gone from strength to strength since its launch in 2015 and despite the restrictions, nearly 50 million people would have seen, heard, or read about the awareness day last year. National TV, radio and newspapers featured stories as did the regional media. Social media was awash with fish and chip stories with our hashtag #nationalfishandchipday with Neoda saying “We were number 1 on Twitter from 8 a.m. and stayed there all day long!”
So, let’s make National Fish and Chip Day 2023 the best yet as NEODA brings together everyone involved in creating this iconic British dish; from the Fish & Chip shops, suppliers to the fishermen and farmers who provide the sustainable and natural ingredients needed to create this family favourite.

Merchandise for the day can be ordered online at the National Fish and Chip Day website www.nationalfishandchipday.org. uk. Also on the website are downloadable posters to print and display, plus logos, social media headers, a press release template for you to add details to and circulate to your local press and a Campaign Toolkit packed full of ideas and hints and tips for getting the most from National Fish and Chip Day 2023.
Here at Chippy Chat in 2022 we celebrated the day by giving away over 400 portions of fish and chips. National Fish & Chip Award winner Pimp my Fish was the mobile chippy who joined us on the day.
Over the next 14 pages we are going to highlight how many shops got involved last year. It will give you over 50 ideas for the big day itself. Many of them don’t need you to spend vast sums of money but give you an idea of what can be done to join in on the day. Shout on your social media pages, decorate your shops, let’s join together to celebrate team fish & chips. Please let me know what you are doing for NF&CD in 2023 by emailing me at austen@chippychat.co.uk